Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Due: ______________



An annotated bibliography consists of a list of Works Cited entries, each followed by a paragraph of summary and a few sentences explaining how you plan to use that information in your speech. This is the best way to prepare to write a research-based speech because locating, reading, and annotating your sources early will help you to better understand the debate at hand, begin forming mini-summaries that you might be able to use in your essay, and select passages that you will quote in your final speech. An additional bonus of putting together an annotated bibliography is that when you are done, you will have a rough outline of your speech and a head start on your Works Cited page.

1. Find, read, and annotate three professional, academic, or scholarly articles written for peer-reviewed publications located using one of the approved MDC library databases.

2. Create Works Cited entries for each of the sources. The citations for each article should be typed, double-spaced, and arranged alphabetically by authors’ last names, according to MLA style guidelines. Use the Bedford Handbook to make sure that your Works Cited entries are accurate; do not blindly trust computer-generated Works Cited entries. Be sure to include the database information for each source that you found through the databases.

3. Following each citation, you should write a one-paragraph description of that work, beginning with a full signal phrase and one-sentence paraphrased summary, and indicating the thesis, conclusion, and any important details.

4. In your summary paragraph, quote at least one passage from each article using a signal phrase and parenthetical citation. Remember to provide in-text citations for specific paraphrased information as well.

5. Next, write a short paragraph (a couple sentences) describing how you intend to use that author’s ideas and connecting them to ideas from the other articles you have found, if possible. How will the source function in your paper? What role will it play? Decide which details or passages from the article will be most helpful for putting together your paper.

6. Double-space the Works Cited entries and single-space the annotations (the summary paragraphs that follow each entry).

See reverse for a sample Works Cited entry followed by sample annotation paragraphs.

Glassner, B. (2004). Narrative techniques of fear mongering. Social Research, 71(4), winter, 819-826. Retrieved May 5, 2017, from http://search.

In “Narrative Techniques of Fear Mongering,” Barry Glassner notes that the news media and politicians sell fear to the public in order to reap financial and political benefits. Fear mongers employ three main techniques for narrating and promoting fear. The first is repetition; by sheer volume, those who sell fear are able to bombard the public with scare stories that will make them consume products and vote in certain ways (Glassner, p. 820). The second technique is what Glassner calls “christening isolated incidents as trends” (p. 822). By claiming that a freak occurrence is a “trend,” the politicians and media are able to peddle their product of fear. The third technique that Glassner points out is “misdirection,” or highlighting a lesser danger in order to conceal more ominous ones (p. 823). Glassner’s main point is that our fears are being manipulated in the interests of those in positions of power.

For my purposes, Glassner’s ideas will work very well with my discussion of the narrative nature of the education system, as noted by Paulo Freire. Also, it seems that Glassner would agree with Freire that if our education system was based more on a communicative approach to learning, then we might not be as susceptible to these “narrative techniques.”

A successful Annotated Bibliography Assignment:

· Follows the instructions on this assignment sheet exactly

· Cites and annotates three academic, scholarly, peer-reviewed articles found through the MDC databases

· Includes a double-spaced APA-formatted Works Cited entry for each source, complete with database information from those sources found through the MDC library’s databases (three total)

· Alphabetizes entries by authors’ last names

· Includes one single-spaced paragraph that summarizes the main argument and any relevant details from each source (three total)

· Begins each summary paragraph with a full signal phrase and one-sentence paraphrase of the article’s overall main point (topic + stance + reasons)

· Includes one quote from each article, introduced with a short signal phrase and followed by a parenthetical citation if the source has page numbers

· Includes parenthetical citations for any specific paraphrased details

· Includes one single-spaced short paragraph explaining how the source’s information will be used in the final project and how it relates to the information in the other sources (three total)

· Uses formal academic English

The Titanic

I. Introduction

A. Attention Getter: An American writer named Morgan Robertson once wrote a book called The Wreck of the Titan. The book was about an “unsinkable” ship called the Titan that set sail from England to New York with many rich and famous passengers on board. On its journey, the Titan hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sunk. Many lives were lost because there were not enough lifeboats. So, what is so strange about this? Well, The Wreck of the Titan was written 14 years before the Titanic sank.

B. Reveal Topic Statement: From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic remains one of the most famous tragedies in history.

C. Credibility Statement: I have been fascinated by the history of the Titanic for as long as I can remember. Consequently, I own a collection of books about the Titanic, and for this speech, I have enjoyed doing more in-depth research on the topic.

D. Preview of Main Points: So for this speech I will be discussing 3 main points

1. First, I will discuss the details of the ship Titanic.

2. Second, I will discuss the sinking of the ship.

3. Finally, I will discuss the movie that was made about the Titanic.

Transition: From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic remains one of the most

famous tragedies in history.

II. Body

A. Details of the Ship

Transition: The Titanic was an amazing ship but unfortunately, its beauty was short-lived

B. The Titanic hit disaster head-on when it ran into an iceberg four days after its departure.

Transition: The actual sinking of the Titanic is embedded into American history, so much so that the movie "The Titanic" became the highest grossing film of its time.

C. A movie depicting the Titanic and a group of fictional characters was written, produced, and directed by James Cameron produced.

Transition: In conclusion, The Titanic was a ship to remember

III. Conclusion

A. Review of Main Points:

1. It was enormous, built for luxury and safety

2. The sinking of the great ship was a tragedy unlike none other

3. Finally, the movie "The Titanic "was very successful


Restate Thesis:

The tragedy and the movie about the Titanic will forever be embedded in our memory



In conclusion, remember The Wreck of the Titan, the story written fourteen years before the Titanic sank? It now seems as if it was an eerie prophecy, or a case of life

imitating art. Whatever the case, the loss of lives on the Titanic was tremendous, and it is something that should never be forgotten.

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