Analysis Memo Section #3
Shuli Wu
San Francisco State University
CAD 400: Community YouthDevelopment
Shamont Hussey
4 / 22 / 2022
Theme 1: Safety & Relationship
I chose the first theme is safety and relationships because they are important to children and youths’ development. Young people feel safe from physical and mental health, so safety will help young people to have good relationship with parents, peers and community. Now, From this society, many young people experience poor, war, disasters, hunger, etc., so they suffer many pressures, and their behaviors and mental health is challenged. Unsafe environment can affect young people’s relationship. Young people hope to get emotional support and care from others, so safety and relationship interact with each other.
According to Kanter (2001), she state, “The hour between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. on school days are peak hours for teens to commit crimes and engage in sexual activity; for innocent children to become crime victims; for 16 and 17- year- olds to be in or cause car accidents ( P.13). From here, juvenile delinquency is on the rise, and the surrounding environment has a great impact on them. There are many factors that make young people feel unsafe, so parents, schools, and communities need to know how to help the young people. Kanter said, “After school programs are a way to give children access to computers and technology, to offer them opportunities; and reinforce basic skills.” After school problems provide many opportunities to young people, so young people can choose and study extra classes in the problems. From here, a safe environment can affect children and young people’s abilities. From Kanter (2001), she states, “Focus group participants responded that after- school programs give them an opportunity to interact with friends whom they do not have time to see during the school day (p.16).” A safe learning environment can help to build good relationships with friends, and people will see the young people will improve their social, academic and communication.
Theme 2: Engaging Young People in Active Community Work
The second theme is engaging young people in active community work because it is a good opportunity to train young people, and community work can help youths to improve academic, mental health, etc. Before we search for the young programs, we know the community provides many programs to young people. Young people can join many programs to learn the community activity and programs, and they know how the community’s running. Community work can provide many opportunities and resources for learning, leadership and management to young people. Youths will meet unknown challenges, but challenges can help young people a lot.
According to Kirshner and Ginwright (2012), they state, “ Evidence about civic development is the strongest, with particular emphasis on participants’ growing sense of agency and capacity to accomplish complex political campaign goals (P. 290).” Youths, especially, African American youths can develop their civil development and develop their civic consciousness when they engage youth organizations because it will train their leadership abilities, and they can connect the community to help the unfair phenomenon. Kirshner and Ginwright (2012), Youth organizers self-reported changes in their academic engagement (P. 291).From here, we can see youths joining the youth organization have good change for their academics, and they have interest to face the challenges. When young people are in active community work, they can combine their knowledge and practice in the community work. Like I said before, youth organizations have many advantages for youths, and Kirshner and Ginwright talk about their future research, “Youth organizing has the potential to contribute to individual youth development, improved schools and community institutions, and civic renewal in the broader society.” Youth organizations can change many areas in the community, so youths can join them to gain knowledge from out of school. Youths know how to help the community and society better.
Theme 3: Safety and Support for LGBTQ and Gender Non-Conforming Youth
LGBT is lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. LGBT youths face different problems from family, schools and community. Some parents cannot accept LGBT children, and their relationship is broken. In some communities, some people ignore LGBT children and their family because some people think that they are abnormal. Some LGBT youths can not receive emotional and social support, so they feel unsafe and increase risk for physical and mental health. LGBT youths need people’s support and understanding because they are the same as others. This will have a positive impact on their future life.
According to Snapp, el at., they state “Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults who thought their parents did not provide emotional and social support after they disclosed their sexual orientation had higher odds of depression and substance use (P. 421).” Family support is very important to LGBT youths, and they feel safety and support in their mind. They cannot identity with themselves, so their behaviors and mental are greatly impact, such as Depress, illegal drugs, risky sexual behavior and other risky behaviors, etc. On the other hand, “Social support is an important protective factor for the well-being of LGBT youth (Snapp, el at, .).” Social support’s functions is same as family support because LGBT youths relate to oppression and discrimination, and society have many activities to celebrate in the society. Society support related to employment, medical, and other institutions, for example, “My biggest barrier (is) finding a job because this is where I experience the most discrimination I don’t even get a job interview .unless it’s at a queer organization ( Asakura, 2019).” This is another reason to state LGBT youths need to get the society support because they have different experiences of discrimination. The impact of internalized discrimination is in the social, so it can let youths feel unsafe and disappointed in the society.
Part 2: Fictional Analysis
Evan and his family are immigrants from China, and they feel very curious about LGBT because they don’t know LGBT in China, and they think LGBT is abnormal. Evan and his Chinese classmates don’t contact with LGBT students. This is one of LGBT challenges. Teachers need to notice these problems, teachers and students can talk about LGBT in the classroom, and teachers provide some resources to let students know what LGBT is, and let them know what can do and what cannot do to respect LGBT students. Many students’ thoughts are the same with Evan. Evan understands LGBT students are the same as them, and they begin to communicate and make friends with LGBT students after they get some resources. Evan also gives some LGBT resources to his family, and let them know LGBT people need to be respected.
I also mention Evan doesn’t join any community work, and he likes playing computer games at home. School social workers can cooperate with the community, and they can motivate youths to join the community work. I know it is hard to motivate Evan to join the community work, when his brain is full of games. With these factors to affect, Evan needs to reflect, “ Why should I join some community work? Why are my classmates like joining the community?” Evan thinks critically about his problems, and he needs to try to do community work with other youths. His creativity is very good, so he can make some suggestions for community work. Community works need youths’ ideas to be better because they can get different ideas. Through community work, he can make other ethnic youths to be friends.
Evan is living and studying in the safety community, and schools and communities provide a safe learning environment to let youths join the after school time. Students can
choose their interesting classes, and their parents are completely reassured their children are in the safe place to study. Evan is good at computer knowledge, so he can join the computer programs. He can improve his computer knowledge to choose his major as his future major in college and future career. Evan also can communicate with teachers and other school students to reflect their ideas, so they can build good relationships with each other.
Asakura. (2019). Extraordinary Acts to “Show Up”: Conceptualizing Resilience of LGBTQ Youth. Youth & Society, 51(2), 268–285.
de Kanter. (2001). After-School Programs for Adolescents. NASSP Bulletin, 85(626), 12–21.
Kirshner, & Ginwright, S. (2012). Youth Organizing as a Developmental Context for African American and Latino Adolescents. Child Development Perspectives, 6(3), 288–294.
Snapp, Watson, R. J., Russell, S. T., Diaz, R. M., & Ryan, C. (2015). Social Support Networks for LGBT Young Adults: Low Cost Strategies for Positive Adjustment. Family Relations, 64(3), 420–430.
Shuli Wu
CAD 400
4 / 8 / 2022
Potential youth Organization
1.In San Francisco, youths and their families live in different districts, and I know many Asians live in the Chinatown community. 3 youth programs- Youth for Community Engagement (YCE) in CYC program, Summer Camp and outdoor Program in YMCA and Huckleberry ACE Academy–Career Training & College Access.
2. Now, I will introduce this program, Youth for Community Engagement (YCE) in CYC. This is a very good program for youths. This program is connecting immigrant’s youths and seniors. As we know, immigrant’s senior feel difficult when they come to a new environment, and they feel lonely. New immigrant’s youths can use their experience to communicate and accompany seniors, so youths can develop their social skills and confidence. Teenagers can integrate into the mainstream culture, and they keep a positive attitude to face life. On the other hand, this program also helps to clean beach, community activities.
For Summer Camp and outdoor Program, youths are very interested in camp because they can live in the outdoor environment, and they can build relationships with nature. Now, youths spend too much time on screen time, and they ignore outdoor play when they have free time. In the camp, they can explore the beauty of nature because they live near the ocean, forest or mountain. Everything they need to do by themselves, so they increase hand on skills. Youths can make new friends, and youths can train their leadership to get confident.
For Huckleberry ACE Academy–Career Training & College Access, and this is a career and college program. In this program, it has an internship, SAT, parent education and support,etc. This program can help youths to enter college and receive higher education. Youth can meet many professors in many areas, so youths can understand their future career. Providing youths with the opportunity to practice by themselves, when they explore and solving practical problems as students and internships, they can improve their ability to apply theory to practice.
1. Community Youth Center (CYC)
• Population served: Youths, kids.
• Staff make-up: Jaynry W. Mak ( Chair), Hanson Wong (Vice Chair), Benjamin C.K. Lau (Secretary), etc.
• Hours of operation: Each office’s hours are different, and some of them open at 9:30 or 10:00 am, close at 5:30pm, and closed on weekends.
• Mission: Encourage a diverse population of high need young people to develop their full potential through academic, professional, family and community life.
• Values : We put our values into practice throughout our culture.
• History: It was founded in 1970, and it aims to solve the problem of juvenile delinquency and gang violence in San Francisco Chinatown. In the 1980s, CYC helped Asian Youth Abuse Program (AYSAP) to get Federal Office of Substance Abuse Prevention funds, and CYC handles community drug abuse. In the 1990s, it created youths’ career opportunity for youths. In 2000s, set up computer club.
• Funding sources: 93% for the government, 3% for corporation and foundations, 3% for others and 1% for private donors.
• Goals & Objectives: CYC aims to help new immigrant youths and families, and it promotes self-development, communication skills and positive attitudes. New immigrant youths need a sense of belonging and knowledge that they are doing something positive for themselves and others.
• Programs offered: Youth for Community Engagement (YCE), Young Adult Worklink (YAWL), District 7 Youth Council (D7YC), Construction On Ramp,etc.
• Contact information: 415-775-2636 or [email protected]
• Population served: Youths, kids, seniors
• Staff make-up: Jamie Bruning-Miles (President and Chief executive officer), Mittie S. Grigsby ( Chief Vice President and Chief Financial officer), Erin Clark ( Senior Vice President Of programs and operations), etc.
• Hours of operation:Each branch's opening hour is different, some of them are 6:00am, in Chinatown it is open at 10:00 am, and they close at 8:00 pm. Weekend is closed.
• Mission: YMCA mission is to build strong kids, strong families and strong communities by enriching the lives of all people in spirit, mind and body.
• Values: healthiest children in America will live in the Bay Area, building the skills and habits for a healthy life, being empowered to reach their highest potential.
• History: YMCA is one of the founding charities in the bay area, and YMCA SF was founded in a small suite of rooms on Portsmouth Square in Chinatown in 1853. With the development of time, YMCA opens in each SF district, such as Mission, Richmond, Embarcadero, etc.
• Funding sources: Government fund and personal donate
• Goals & Objectives: Building strong connections with youths and families, it achieve the healthy, confidence, connection and security.
• Programs offered: YMCA summer program, Teen outdoor leadership, Youth sports, etc.
• Contact info: [email protected] or 415-772-5500
3.Huckleberry Youth Programs
• Population served: Youths ( Middle school and high school students)
• Staff make-up: Douglas Styles (Executive Direction), Priscilla Miranda ( Director of Main Program), Denise Coleman ( Director of Youth Justice), Katie Reisinger ( Director of health and safety)
• Mission: Educate, motivate and support under served youth to develop healthy life choices, realize their potential and realize their dreams.
• Values: commitment to youth, inclusiveness, integrity, innovation, professionalism, and diversity.
• History: Since 1967, we have achieved this goal by caring for our peers and adults and providing service networks and opportunities for young people and their families in San Francisco and Marin.
• Funding sources: Accept the donation
• Goals & Objectives: This organization is mainly to help low-income families, Adolescence offers a unique opportunity to change themselves and make choices, which will lead to a good future. The organization strives to help young people to develop healthy relationships and promote their talents, ideas, leadership and health.
• Programs offered: Support for Sexually Exploited Youth, Health Care & Health Education in San Francisco, Huckleberry ACE Academy–Career Training & College Access, Juvenile Justice Diversion–CARC, etc.
• Contact info: 415.621.2929
Shuli Wu
CAD 400
03 / 11 / 22
Focus Youth Profile
Name : Evan
Gender identified: He/ Him/ Him
Age: 16
Race: Asian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Family system: He lives with his parents and younger sister. His father supports family expenses. They are immigrant family, and they live in SF about 2 years. He seldom joins the youth program in community.
Community: Chinatown
School: San Francisco Galileo high school
Group: He often communicated with Chinese students, but he seldom with other ethnic groups’ students.
Three strengths: 1. He is proficient in computer knowledge.
He creativity is very good, and he suggests many ideas when he have group project.
He has logical thinking
Three weakness: 1. He feels shy to communicate with other race students.
He doesn’t like join the community activity, and he likes staying at home.
Sometime he is procrastinate.

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