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BT Post Test

This test is to be completed at the end of your BT training

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1. Applied Behavior Analysis can also be used in other areas such as animal

training, forensics, businesses, sports and safety.


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a. Provides direct therapy to learner

b. Collects data

c. Conducts parent debrief at the end of every session

d. Conduct assessments

a) True

b) False

a) True

b) False

a. Behavior Reduction Programs and Data collection

b. Skill Acquisition Programs, Behavior Reduction Programs, Replacement Behavior Programs and Data collection

c. Skill Acquisition programs and Data Collection

d. Skill Acquisition Programs and Behavior Reduction Programs

2. Which of the following is a BT/RBT not allowed to do? *

3. True or False: Children with ASD all share the same exact characteristics *

4. True or False: As an ABA therapist, you are required to collect data at every



5. Even though each child’s program will look different because all treatment

plans are individualized, ALL programs will have:


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a. Increase

b. Decrease

a. Always be calm

b. Antecedent/Behavior/Change

c. Antecedent/Behavior/Consequence

d. Applicability/Behavior/Consequence

a. When teaching new skills

b. While maintaining mastered skills

a. Problematic and observable

b. Observable and measurable

c. Problematic and measurable

6. Using proactive strategies will help __________the chances of challenging



7. What does ABC stand for? *

8. When would you provide continuous reinforcement? *

9. All behaviors must be  . . . *

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a. Singing

b. Being quiet

c. Hitting

D. Eating

a. Punishment

b. Discriminative Stimulus

c. Reinforcement

a. consequence

b. antecedent

c. setting event

a. DISC= Deprivation, Intermittent, Socially appropriate, Controlled

b. DISC=Deprivation, Immediacy, Size/Magnitude, Contingency/response effort

c. DISC = Discriminative, Immediacy, Satisfaction, Controlling operation

10. Which of the following is NOT behavior? *

11. ___________________increases the likelihood that a behavior will occur again

in the future


12. The event that occurs before the behavior is called the: *

13. What makes a reinforcer effective? *

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a. Variable Ratio

b. Fixed Ratio

c. Fixed Interval

d. Variable Interval

a. Fixed interval

b. Variable ratio

c. Fixed ratio

a. Giving your learner their favorite cookie while playing with pretend food

b. Pushing your learner on the swing while singing their favorite song

c. Playing next to your learner and prompting them to ask for the toy before you give it to them.

d. Waiting for your learner to show interest in a specific toy and then immediately handing it to the learner

14. A response is reinforced only after a specific set number of responses is



15. You are working with a child who earns tokens to exchange for playing with

a train set. Your learner receives a token for every 2 correct responses. This is

an example of what type of reinforcement schedule?


16. Which is not an example of pairing? *

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a. They are ready for skills training

b. You are not yet paired/not a conditioned reinforcer and need to keep pairing

a. Deprivation

b. Satiation

a. Satiation

b. Deprivation

a. Because you want to condition your voice with the delivery of reinforcers

b. Children who are first learning to communicate need to hear the adult form of the word while contacting reinforcement

c. None of the above

d. Both A & B

17. What does it mean if your client is constantly pushing you away and doesn’t

want to be around you?


18. Continued contact/consumption of a reinforcer that reduces the value and

effectiveness is called:


19. The absence or reduction of a reinforcer for a period of time (therefore

increasing the value and effectiveness of the reinforcer) is called:


20. Why is it important to say the name of the reinforcer while delivering it

during pairing?


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a. Adult bribes the learner

b. Adult avoids placing demands in fear of the learner’s reaction/response

c. Adult makes endless/empty threats

d. All of the above

a. You allow them to touch the items before presenting your instructions

b. You have control of all items that your learner likes; You are the one to deliver those items after a response is made

c. You have control of all items that your learner likes; You are the one to deliver those items before a response is made

a. Mand

b. Tact

c. Intraverbal

d. Echoic

21. Which of the following show situations that lack instructional control? *

22. What are the 2 main components to establish instructional control with

your learner?


23. What is the most important operant to teach first? *

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a. The learner is reaching for a goldfish and you prompt by saying “goldfish”

b. The learner looks at the goldfish cracker on the table and says “goldfish”

c. You are working in the living room and the goldfish crackers are in the kitchen. The learner is hungry and says “goldfish”

d. You ask the learner “what do you want” and they respond by saying “goldfish”

a. More, again, please

b. Open, up, help

c. All done, go, swing

a. Immediately take the item away and then bring it back so they can say it again

b. Try prompting the next word in the mand utterance to increase the length of communication

c. Block access to reinforcement

d. Immediately provide more reinforcement

24. Which one is the best example of a spontaneous mand (Manding solely

under the motivational operation)?


25. Which words should you NEVER teach as first words to communicate? *

26. What should you do if you are working with an early learner who emits a

spontaneous mand for the first time?


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a. I want bubbles

b. More please

c. Blow bubbles

d. I want bubbles please

a. Calmly tell the learner that it’s called a cookie and prompt the correct mand

b. Using a non-reactive tone of voice, tell the learner “no” and prompt the correct mand for cookie

c. Pause for 3 seconds, then prompt the mand “cookie”

d. Say “it’s not a cracker”; say “cookie”

a. Provide the cookie while saying “Good try”

b. Don’t provide the cookie yet

c. Provide the cookie while saying “Good job”

d. Provide the cookie while saying “Cookie”

27. Which mand shows the best utterance of words regarding the “quality” of



28. You have a learner who is motivated for cookies, but emits a mand error

and says “cracker”; How do you correct this?


29. You are conducting Mand Training with a 3-year-old learner who is just

starting to communicate in 1-word approximations. The learner has just

manded “cookah” (for cookie). You are shaping, so you immediately:


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a. Push me on the swing

b. Where are we going?

c. I want to play with the dinosaurs

d. I want information

a. Teaching must occur in the natural, everyday environment where motivation is strong (NET)

b. Make sure the learner has motivation for an item before prompting a mand

c. The learner must be vocal in order to mand

d. Capture and contrive as many opportunities to teach mands

a. Echoic

b. Intraverbal

c. Tact

d. Listener

30. Which of the following is a “mand for information”? *

31. Which ones is not a rule for Mand training? *

32. Labeling or “naming” something describes which operant: *

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a. Intraverbal

b. Listener response

c. Echoic

d. Motor Imitation

a. Listener responding by feature

b. Listener responding by class

c. Listener responding by function

d. None of the above

a. Tact

b. Listener Responding

c. Intraverbal

d. Echoic

33. _______________ is another word for vocal imitation *

34. Asking the learner to “find the one that is an animal” describes: *

35. When asking someone, “what is your name” and they respond correctly,

which operant is it?


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a. Tact

b. Listener Responding

c. Echoic

d. Motor Imitation

a. While playing with a preferred toy barn, you are instructing the learner to repeat various animal sounds (echoics)

b. While engaging in a preferred painting activity, you are instructing the learner to tact various colors

c. While singing their favorite song, “head, shoulders, knees and toes” you are having your learner point to their various body parts

d. While playing with a preferred play dough activity, you are asking the learner to answer “wh” questions about community helpers



36. If your client starts to jump after seeing another peer jumping, this is

describing which operant?


37. Which scenario is not an example of NET? *

38. True or False, the learner must be motivated in the activity/item in order to

conduct NET?


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a. Keeping the learner motivated

b. Analyzing constant changes in motivation

c. Running too many of the same operants consecutively

d. Interspersing all types of skills



a. True

b. False



39. Which of the following is a common mistake to avoid when doing NET? *

40. True or False, If your learner looks away from the activity during NET and

seems to no longer be interested, you should continue with the task.


41. Asking a child to “clap their hands” during a cooking activity is an example

of NET


42. True or False, Manding opportunities should be emphasized during NET. *

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a. Probe/Transfer/Distractor/Probe

b. Prompt/Transfer/Distractor/Probe

c. Prompt/Probe/Probe/Transfer

a. Immediately prompt with the correct answer

b. Represent the SD then prompt the correct answer

c. Say “no” and then give the correct answer

a. Therapist provides the instruction in written text

b. Therapist provides hand-over-hand assistance

c. Therapist demonstrates action for learner to imitate

d. Therapist gestures to correct answer

43. Which of the following describes the steps for Errorless Teaching? *

44. If your client makes an error during DTI (discrete trial instruction), and you

are implementing the Error Correction Procedure, which one is correct?


45. Which of the following describes a “Model” prompt? *

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a. Immediately/gently prompt their hands down, then say “touch your head” and place their hands onto their head

b. Immediately tell them, “that’s not your head” and restart the trial and provide an immediate prompt to touch their head

c. Immediately say “let’s try that again later”

a. Use a natural tone of voice

b. Maintain appropriate level of enthusiasm

c. Use a firm voice if learner is not responding

d. Use natural language that the learner will contact in the real world

a. Since you just gave the answer, now it’s time to ask again to see if the learner can do it on their own!

b. The learner must do everything 2 times to adhere to the methodology

c. You want to fade out prompts as quickly as possible

d. Both A & C

46. You are teaching a learner to identify body parts. You provide the

instruction “touch your head” and the learner immediately touches their

shoulders. What would be the best way to correct?


47. Which of the following is not a rule when delivering instructions? *

48. What is the “reason” for doing a “Transfer” trial during Errorless Teaching? *

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a. True

b. False

a. Always

b. Never

c. Only if it’s 5 minutes or less

d. Only during the first 5 minutes of the session

49. True or false, the distractor trials must be skills already mastered (in the

child’s repertoire)


50. It is okay to use your own personal email for work correspondence. *

51. Becoming Facebook friends with the parent of my client is allowed as long

as I don’t share or post pictures of the child


52. You are working with a client in their home and the mother pokes her head

in the therapy room and says “I’m just going next door; I’ll be back in 5 minutes”.

There is no one else in the home. When would this be acceptable?


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a. Medication changes

b. Changed schools

c. Parent deployed/family changes

d. All of the above





a. Accident report

b. Performance Plan

c. Incident Report

d. All of the above

53. What are some variables affecting the client that you would document? *

54. True of False, we only provide empirically validated (evidence-based



55. True of False: If you send clinical information using your personal email, you

are breaking HIPAA


56. If a child or therapist gets injured during therapy time, the therapist must

complete a:


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a. Being on time for work

b. Debriefing with parents

c. Changing the tone of your praise with the age of your learner

d. All of the above

a. Requesting for a break

b. Whining “play with me”

c. Tapping someone on the shoulder

d. Saying “up” to be picked up

a. Sensory, Escape, Deprivation, Tangible

b. Attention, Escape, Tangible, Automatic

c. Frustrated, Mad, Sad, Happy

d. Attention, Escape, Tangible, Sensory

a. True

b. False

57. Which of the following is an example of respecting client dignity? *

58. Which of the following is not a replacement behavior? *

59. Name the 4 functions of behavior: *

60. Tantrum behavior always functions as a way to get attention from others. *

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a. True

b. False

a. Frustrated

b. Has anxiety

c. Throwing toys

d. Upset

a. Use priming

b. Give choices to the learner

c. Provide promise rewards

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

61. Blocking is the only strategy for escape behavior *

62. Which of the following is considered a “behavior” that is specific,

observable, and measurable?


63.  Which of the following are proactive strategies to reduce the chances of

challenging behavior while teaching skills with your learner?


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a. True

b. False

a. Frequency

b. Duration

c. Latency

d. Momentary Time Sampling

a. The therapist begins recording at the onset (or beginning) of the behavior and stops recording at the offset (or end) of the behavior.

b. This type of data collection is used when your primary concern is the length of time the student engages in the behavior.

c. The target behavior must have a clear beginning and end.

d. All of the above

64. Always tell a learner what they SHOULD be doing rather than what they

SHOULDN’T be doing!


65. ____________is a method of data collection in which the amount of time for

which a behavior occurs is recorded.


66. The following must be true if using duration data: *

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a. Complete your session note and time sheet

b. Debrief with the parent on how the session went, providing examples of how you handled specific situations while explaining progress made

c. Have your session note and timesheet signed by the parent

d. All of the above



a. Select Session Summary

b. Graph all

c. Select Files Summary

d. Convert data



67. What should you do the last 5-10 minutes of your session? *

68. True or False: All session notes and timesheets must be converted through

Central Reach immediately after each session.


69. You must click on _______________ in order for your data to populate onto

your session note.


70. True or False: A converted session note will show your appointment with

“pinstripes” on your calendar


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