2/3/23, 2:00 PM MLC Template FY2023

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White Paper Rubric FY23

The White Paper is assessed within the following areas and weighted as shown below: Introduction; Body Content (history, problem, position, and solution); Organization, Structure, and Transition; Evidence Supporting Discussion Point of View; Grammar, Spelling, and Style; Directly Quoted Material; and Conclusion. Your essay should be in Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced, using the current APA style STUDENT PAPER, NO RUNNING HEADS, NO ABSTRACT as found at Purdue OWL. Your paper must be 3 to 5 pages in length not including your title and reference page. It must be in MS Word format. IMPORTANT: IAW MLC Standards, any paper with a SafeAssign Text Matching Score exceeding 24% (not including Title and Reference pages) will be required to be rewritten/resubmitted due to lack of original material or deduct 31% from the Grade Total. "All learner work must be original in nature, and sources used to support student work must be properly cited IAW APA standard format" (MLC CMP).

Levels of Achievement

Criteria Does Not Meet Standard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard Far Exceeds


Introduction 10 % Does not convey topic. No introduction of main points. Assertion was unclear.

70 % Conveys topic, but not assertion key question(s). Assertion statement clearly tied to the topic.

80 % Meets Standard plus, clearly presents key questions connected to the assertion. Provides sufficient background information on the topic. Assertion clearly supports an answer to the question(s).

100 % Exceeds Standard plus, explains what is known about the problem. Describes previous attempt(s) to solve it. Assertion describes what will happen if nothing is done.

Body Content (history, problem, position, solution)

10 % Description does not show relevance. Does not provide examples. Major points do not support assertion. Description showed little to no analysis.

70 % Description makes the relevance clear. Some examples are vague in application. Major points partially support the assertion. Most of the analysis used research appropriate for the issue.

80 % Meets Standard plus, description provides meaningful data supporting the main idea. Examples directly support the main idea. Major points address implications or consequences. Analysis showed sound reasoning.

100 % Exceeds Standard plus, description contains sufficient detail using predictions from the data. Provides examples relevant to the audience. Major points address some of the key questions from the introduction. Analysis connects evidence to clearly support the issue.

Organization, Structure, and Transitions

10 % Did not use headings. Material is not organized. No transitions.

70 % Material mostly organized under headings. Most material organized by subtopics. Transitions are mostly evident

80 % Meets Standard plus, headings provide the general topic of subsequent material. Material organization supports the writer’s

100 % Exceeds Standard plus, headings contain the key point of subsequent material. Material organization presents a logical



Rubric Detail

Weight 10.00%

Weight 20.00%

Weight 10.00%

2/3/23, 2:00 PM MLC Template FY2023

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Levels of Achievement

Criteria Does Not Meet Standard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard Far Exceeds


between paragraphs and headings.

topic. Transitions are mostly evident and reader can easily follow the paper's flow.

flow of ideas. Transitions are clear and smoothly link paragraphs.

Evidence Supporting Discussion Point of View

10 % The paper cited less than three sources. Sources do not support writer’s point of view.

70 % This paper cited three relevant sources. Most sources used explain and support writer’s point of view. Material vaguely related to subtopic, main topic.

80 % The paper Meets Standard plus, some sources are scholarly in nature e.g. doctrine. Material clearly supported the subtopic, main topic.

100 % The paper Exceeds Standard plus, some sources are peer-reviewed research based. Material clearly supported the subtopic, main topic by providing pertinent evidence.

Grammar, Spelling, and Style

10 % The paper contains more than four grammatical/spelling errors per page that interfere with meaning. Word choice is not appropriate for topic and audience. Does not follow APA formatting guidelines for layout. Sentences are mostly passive voice.

70 % The paper contains no more than four grammatical/spelling errors per page that interfere with meaning. Word choice is mostly appropriate for topic and audience. Follows current APA formatting guidelines for layout. Sentences are mostly active voice.

80 % The paper contains no more than three grammatical/spelling errors per page interfere with meaning. Meets Standard plus, word choice is formal English. Sentences are mostly clear.

100 % The paper contains no more than two grammatical/spelling errors per page that interfere with meaning. Exceeds Standards plus, used concise and appropriate vocabulary. Sentences are mostly concise/to the point.

Directly Quoted Material

10 % 25% or more directly quoted material or a SafeAssign Text Matching Score of 25% or more.

70 % 24-17% directly quoted material or a SafeAssign Text Matching Score of 24-17%.

80 % 16-9% directly quoted material or a SafeAssign Text Matching Score of 16-9%.

100 % 8% or less directly quoted material or a SafeAssign Text Matching Score of 8% or less.

Conclusion 10 % No conclusion or does not support the assertion. Conclusion is disconnected from the rest of the paper or introduces new ideas.

70 % Restates the assertion. Does not introduce any new ideas.

80 % The section Meets Standard plus, summarizes the main aspects of the paper. Paraphrases the assertion.

100 % The section Exceeds Standard plus, includes relevant details from subtopics. Reinforces the assertion through concise explanation.

Weight 20.00%

Weight 5.00%

Weight 25.00%

Weight 10.00%

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3/27/24, 6:31 PM Assignment Information

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IHP 630 Module Five Project Preparation Guidelines and Rubric


In this module, you learned about the signi�cance of staf�ng in healthcare strategic planning initiatives and the revenue cycle. You also looked at the role of leadership to improve team

performance and the areas in the back-end revenue cycle.

To recap, the components in the back-end revenue cycle include (but are not limited to) the following areas:

Claims Production

Claims Submission

Determining Expected Reimbursement


Bene�ts Statements

Claims Reconciliation

Denial Management

In this assignment, you will create an analysis report on the staf�ng system of a healthcare organization based on the identi�ed areas of the back-end process of the revenue cycle.

This assignment will help you describe best practices for revenue-cycle staf�ng models and align staf�ng models with strategic planning initiatives. It will also enable you to demonstrate how

key leadership competencies improve revenue-cycle team performance. From a healthcare management perspective, this activity will help you understand how to set up and manage a robust

staf�ng process. This activity will help you prepare for sections 3 (Staf�ng Impact) and 5B (Work�ow Assessment Findings) in the course project.


Create an analysis report on the staf�ng requirements in the backend process of a healthcare organization.

If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Speci�cally, you must address the following rubric criteria:

1. Staf�ng Competencies: Describe the staf�ng competencies needed for hiring team members in the back-end revenue cycle. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

What competencies are needed for the back-end processes of the revenue cycle?

What makes this competency speci�c to the healthcare domain?

2. Revenue Integrity: Explain the importance of the back-end processes of the revenue cycle for preserving revenue integrity. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

How do organizations incorporate operational ef�ciency in the back-end processes?


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How is compliance to regulatory requirements built into the back-end processes?

3. Role of Leadership: Explain the role of leadership in ensuring staf�ng competencies. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

What skillsets or knowledge should a leader look for when recruiting somebody for the back-end process?

How would the leader keep the team updated in skillsets and knowledge?

4. Lapses and Prevention: Identify processes to prevent lapses and/or gaps in the staf�ng model. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

What kind of lapses and/or gaps are possible across the entire process?

What are the possible reasons behind these lapses and/or gaps?

5. Impact of Failure: Discuss the impact of any failure in the claims production and claims submission areas of the revenue cycle. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

What are some of the possible events of failure that could happen in the �rst two areas?

Who would be impacted by such events?

6. Financial Impact of Declined Claims: Discuss the �nancial impact of initially declined claims and delayed payments to healthcare organizations. Consider the following questions to guide

your response:

Do healthcare organizations face the same �nancial impact for governmental and private insurance claims?

What steps can be taken by the back-end processes staff and by leadership to ensure these delays do not happen?

All the claims in your deliverable should be evidence based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the textbook, or module resources) of credible

sources and be current within the last �ve years. You are required to cite between 3-5 resources, with a minimum of three sources, at least one which is not also one of your Project One

resources. Refer to the IHP 630 Library Guide located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support.

What to Submit

Submit your analysis report as a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA


Module Five Project Preparation Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Staf�ng Competencies Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Describes the staf�ng

competencies needed for hiring

team members in the back-end

revenue cycle

Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 10

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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Revenue Integrity Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Explains the importance of the

back-end processes of the

revenue cycle for preserving

revenue integrity

Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 10

Role of Leadership Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Explains the role of leadership

in ensuring staf�ng


Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 10

Lapses and Prevention Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Identi�es processes to prevent

lapses and/or gaps in the

staf�ng model

Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 15

Impact of Failure Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Discusses the impact of any

failure in the claims production

and claims submission areas of

the revenue cycle

Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 15

Financial Impact of Declined


Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner, using

industry-speci�c language

Discusses the �nancial impact

of initially declined claims and

delayed payments to

healthcare organizations

Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors or


Does not attempt criterion 15

Articulation of Response Exceeds pro�ciency in an

exceptionally clear and

insightful manner

Clearly conveys meaning with

correct grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling,

demonstrating an

understanding of audience and


Shows progress toward

pro�ciency, but with errors in

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, negatively

impacting readability

Submission has critical errors in

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, preventing

understanding of ideas


Scholarly and Professional


Incorporates more than two

scholarly, current (within the

last �ve years) sources, or use

of sources is exceptionally


Incorporates two scholarly,

current (within the last �ve

years) sources that support


Incorporates fewer than two

scholarly, current (within the

last �ve years) sources, or not

all sources support claims

Does not incorporate sources 10

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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

APA Style Formats in-text citations and

reference list according to APA

style with no errors

Formats in-text citations and

reference list according to APA

style with fewer than �ve


Formats in-text citations and

reference list according to APA

style with �ve or more errors

Does not format in-text

citations and reference list

according to APA style


Total: 100%

Working White Paper Title

Author’s Name

Author’s Organization

Master Leader Course Class 000-00

Facilitator’s Name

Assignment Due Date

Introduction (Level I Heading)

Introduction paragraph: You must type your introduction paragraph for your outline. This is the main point and guiding theme of the paper. This appears within the introduction paragraph as you construct your paper. Conveys topic clearly and presents key questions connected to the assertion. Provides sufficient background information on the topic and explains what is known about the problem. Describes previous attempt(s) to solve it. Multiple sections are acceptable within a Level 1 heading. New paragraphs are indented .5 inches. The U.S. Army writing style requires a single space between all sentences (Headquarters Department of the Army [HQDA], 2020). Assertion: The assertion is where you make a claim and/or clearly define the side you want to argue. The assertion statement is tied to the topic, clearly supports an answer to the question(s) and describes what will happen if nothing is done.

History: A Level II heading is required above your paper's first main topic.

This section, dedicated to the relevant history, will provide a backstory of information to develop an understanding of what led to the problem.

Supporting Idea 1: Type the first supporting idea here

Supporting Idea 2: Type the second supporting idea here

Problem: A Level II heading is required above your paper's first main topic.

The Problem section will develop the root cause of the problem presented in the introductory problem statement. Use this section to establish the main problem(s) identified. Sub-topics may identify additional problems and improve the organization of material presented to the reader.

Supporting Idea 1: Type the first supporting idea here

Supporting Idea 2: Type the second supporting idea here

Position: A Level II heading is required above your paper's first main topic.

The Position section will generate support on an issue. It describes the writer’s position on an issue and the rational for that position and, in the same way that a research paper incorporates supportive evidence, is based on facts that provide a solid foundation for the author’s argument.

Supporting Idea 1: Type the first supporting idea here

Supporting Idea 2: Type the second supporting idea here

Solution: A Level II heading is required above your paper's first main topic.

You will provide a solution(s) to the problem(s) presented in this WP. Provide a detailed outline of how to fix the problem(s). It must include a specific and detailed plan and approach significantly different from previous attempts to resolve the problem(s). Think creatively and apply critical analysis to implement a viable solution. Consider implications and anticipate counterarguments. Never allow the reader to ask who, what, where, when, or why. If the reader can present a question, then the topic is underdeveloped. Does your solution create any second or third-order effects? Are they addressed, and how will they be mitigated or resolved?

Supporting Idea 1: Type the first supporting idea here

Supporting Idea 2: Type the second supporting idea here

Conclusion: (Level I Heading)

Do not type your conclusion paragraph for your outline. Develop this as you construct your paper.

Conclusion instructions: The concluding paragraph summarizes what was in the paper and proceeds with the author's conclusion. The WP Rubric contains critical information on what is required in the concluding paragraph and the paper's entirety.

References: (Level I Heading)

You may list the references you plan on using here ( not required for the outline).

A reference list is required in all MLC writing assignments. The reference list is a dedicated page that presents all references that aided in the paper's development and is located on the final page of the paper. All external references used to assist in the development of the paper must have a citation in the main body of the paper and be present on the reference list. Visit Purdue OWL to develop further your knowledge of how to format a reference list and citations.


Headquarters Department of the Army. (2020). Preparing and managing correspondence (AR 25-50). https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/ARN36874-AR_25-50-004-WEB-7.pdf

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