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CHS250 STEM in the Early Childhood Classroom
Unit 6/7 Science Learning Experience Plan, Key Assessment Assignment
Due: Sunday 11:59 pm EST of Unit 7
Points: 200
For this assignment, you will create a Learning Experience Plan (LEP) for a science activity for children between the ages of two years to eight.
1) View the sample LEP in this unit and use it to develop your original lesson. 2) Review the resources on science topics in the Readings and Resources section of Units 5 and 6. 3) Complete the LEP by using the LEP template in this unit. 4) Fully address each part of the eight components of the LEP as follows.
1. Title, Age Range and Goal:
• Title: (LEP): Provide a descriptive activity name • Age: Choose one age group (any age from two - eight years.) • Goal: The learning goal should describe what the children will learn, know, or do.
2. Objective and Learning Standard: • Objective: You must have at least two measurable objectives.
• Early Learning Standard: Identify one early learning standard (infants through 8 years) You may use the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards Strand D Science (CTELDS) or the Early Learning Standards from your home state.
3. Books and Content Knowledge: (NAEYC Standard 5a) • Provide the name /author of one non-fiction children’s book related to the science topic.
o Explain how you will use it to support the science topic of the LEP. • Provide the name /author of at least one fiction book related to the science topic.
o Explain how you will use it to support the science topic of the LEP. • Identify at least one resource you will use to build your content knowledge. Name the resource and publisher or provide a link to the online resource.
4. Vocabulary and Teaching Strategies: (NAEYC Standard 1c) • List 5 vocabulary words from your LEP that you will teach through the LEP and beyond. • Describe a DAP way that you will introduce the new words and reinforce the vocabulary.
5. Learning Experience A. Introduction and Prompt
• Describe how you will capture children’s attention. B. Body of the Lesson: (NAEYC Standard 4c)
• Write the step-by-step directions for the activity part of the LEP. • List the materials needed for the activity, including technology.
C. Differentiating Instruction and Play: (NAEYC Standard 4b) • Identify a learning need and explain how you would adapt the lesson.
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• Describe how you use play to enhance the lesson's objective. D. Wrap-Up:
• Describe the closure activity that would signal the end of the LEP. 6. Technology: (NAEYC Standard 6c)
• Describe one analog technology you would use to enhance the LEP. • Describe one digital technology you would use to enhance the LEP. • Describe how you would use technology to communicate about the science LEP with families and colleagues.
7. School-to-Home Connection: (NAEYC Standard 2b) • Describe how you would encourage families to extend learning at home.
o Worksheets and coloring sheets may not be used. o This continued activity should not cause any expense to the families.
8. Assessment: (NAEYC Standard 3c) o Describe the assessment you would use to document progress for individual students, such as data collection, checklists, videos, pictures, anecdotal records, samples, or peer reviews. o Explain why the assessment is appropriate to promote positive outcomes for each child.
• Use the LEP Template provided in the unit. • Address all components. • Submit the completed LEP document using the assignment link in Unit 7.
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
Learning Experience Plan, Science Assignment Rubric
Minimum Standard: The response is well-organized, accurate, and sufficiently detailed to show that the student has mastered course concepts.
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Exemplary Proficient Emerging Developing Or missing
NAEYC Standard 1a
Criteria 20 points 18 points 12 points 0 points
Understand the developmental period of early childhood from birth through age 8 across physical, cognitive, social- emotional, and linguistic domains, including bilingual/multiling ual development.
Title, Age Range, and Goal: The title is provided, and the age group is indicated from the range of ages 2-8. The stated goal is developmentally appropriate,
Includes all the elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Includes most elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Lacks many elements listed in the criteria or did not meet minimum standards.
Both incomplete AND insufficient -- OR the response is missing. .
NAEYC Standard 1a
Criteria 20 points 18 points 12 points 0 points
Understand the developmental period of early childhood from birth through age 8 across physical, cognitive, social- emotional, and linguistic domains, including bilingual/multiling ual development.
Objective and Learning Standard: Two measurable and developmentally appropriate objectives and one early learning standard are stated.
Includes all the elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Includes most elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Lacks many elements listed in the criteria or did not meet minimum standards.
Both incomplete AND insufficient -- OR the response is missing.
NAEYC Standard 5a
Criteria 20 points 18 points 12 points 0 points
Understand content knowledge— the central concepts, methods, tools of inquiry, and structure—and resources for the academic disciplines in an early childhood curriculum.
Books/ Content Knowledge: Includes nonfiction and fiction, explanations of how the books will support the lesson, and an instructor resource is identified correctly.
Includes all the elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Includes most elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Lacks many elements listed in the criteria or did not meet minimum standards.
Both incomplete AND insufficient -- OR the response is missing.
© 2023 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
NAEYC Standard 1c
Criteria 20 points 18 points 12 points 0 points
Understand how child development and the learning process occur in multiple contexts, including family, culture, language, community, and early learning settings, as well as in a larger societal context that includes structural inequities.
Vocabulary and Teaching Strategies: Five developmentally appropriate vocabulary words from at least three tier levels and a description of how to teach the words are identified.
Includes all the elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Includes most elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Lacks many elements listed in the criteria or did not meet minimum standards.
Both incomplete AND insufficient -- OR the response is missing.
NAEYC Standard 4c
Criteria 30 points 24 points 12 points 0 points
Use a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate, culturally, and linguistically relevant, anti-bias, evidence-based teaching skills and strategies that reflect the principles of universal design for learning.
Learning Experience: Includes engaging introduction, explicit step-by- step directions for the DAO activity, and materials list, including technology.
Includes all the elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Includes most elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Lacks many elements listed in the criteria or did not meet minimum standards.
Both incomplete AND insufficient -- OR the response is missing.
NAEYC Standard 4b
Criteria 20 points 18 points 12 points 0 points
Understand and use teaching skills that are responsive to the learning trajectories of young children and to the needs of each child, recognizing that differentiating
Learning Experience: Describes how to use play to create a joyful DAP environment that is supportive and sensitive to the needs of each child.
Includes all the elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Includes most elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Lacks many elements listed in the criteria or did not meet minimum standards.
Both incomplete AND insufficient -- OR the response is missing.
© 2023 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
instruction, incorporating play as a core teaching practice, and supporting the development of executive function skills critical for young children. NAEYC Standard 6c
Criteria 20 points 18 points 12 points 0 points
Use professional communication skills, including technology- mediated strategies, to effectively support young children’s learning and development and work with families and colleagues.
Technology: Includes a detailed description of one analog and one digital technology and how each could enhance the LEP.
Includes all the elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Includes most elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Lacks many elements listed in the criteria or did not meet minimum standards.
Both incomplete AND insufficient -- OR the response is missing.
NAEYC Standard 2b
Criteria 20 points 18 points 12 points 0 points
Collaborate as partners with families in young children’s development and learning through respectful, reciprocal relationships and engagement.
Home to School Connection: Includes an insightful and detailed description of how to involve families to support the learning objective for the activity.
Includes all the elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Includes most elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Lacks many elements listed in the criteria or did not meet minimum standards.
Both incomplete AND insufficient -- OR the response is missing.
NAEYC Standard 3a
Criteria 20 points 18 points 12 points 0 points
© 2023 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Understand that the primary purpose of assessments is to inform instruction and planning in early learning settings.
Assessment: Includes an insightful and detailed description of an appropriate assessment and an example of how it would inform instruction and planning.
Includes all the elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Includes most elements listed in the criteria at the minimum standard or higher.
Lacks many elements listed in the criteria or did not meet minimum standards.
Both incomplete AND insufficient -- OR the response is missing.
Criteria 10 points 8 points 6 points 0 points Clear and
Professional Writing and APA Format
Writing and format are profession al, APA compliant, and error- free.
Few errors that do not impede profession al presentatio n.
Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation.
Errors impede professional presentation, or work is significantly missing.
Interview Questions
Interview Questions
1. What is the main responsibility of a security manager?
2. What are the most essential skills and qualities needed to be a security manager?
3. What are the minimal qualifications needed to become a security manager?
4. What challenges does a security manager face?
5. What makes good security managers?
6. Why should a security manager cooperate effectively with law enforcement?
7. What is the process of conducting a security risk assessment?
8. Why is staying up-to-date with the latest security threats and trends essential for a security manager?
9. What is the role of cybersecurity in security management?
10. How can a security manager balance the need for security with upholding a welcoming environment for staff and visitors?
CHS250 STEM in the Early Childhood Classroom
Template: Science Learning Experience Plan
1. Title, Age Range, and Goal
· Title: Provide a descriptive name for the Science LEP.
· Age: Identify one age group for this lesson from the two – eight years range.
· Goal: The learning goal should describe what the children will learn, know, or do.
2. Objective and Learning Standard
· Objective: You must have at least two measurable objectives.
· Early Learning Standard : Identify one early learning standard (infants through 8 years)
· You may use the Early Learning Standards from Connecticut (CTELDS) or any state. The source must be included. The Connecticut Early Learning Standards Strand D Science
3. Books and Content Knowledge (NAEYC Standard 5a)
· Provide the name /author of one non-fiction children’s book related to the science topic.
· Explain how you will use it to support the science topic of the LEP.
· Provide the name /author of one fiction book related to the science topic.
· Explain how you will use it to support the science topic of the LEP.
· Identify at least one resource to build your content knowledge. Include citation or weblink.
4. Vocabulary and Teaching Strategies (NAEYC Standard 1c)
· List 5 vocabulary words from your LEP that you will teach through the LEP and beyond.
· Describe a DAP way that you will introduce the new words and reinforce the vocabulary.
5. Learning Experience
A. Introduction
· Describe how you will stimulate interest and prepare children for success.
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B. Body of the Lesson (NAEYC Standard 4c)
· Write the step-by-step directions for the activity part of the LEP.
· List the materials needed for the activity, including technology.
C. Play and Differentiating Instruction (NAEYC Standard 4b)
· Identify a learning need and explain how you would adapt the lesson.
· Describe how you use play to enhance the lesson's objective.
D. Wrap-Up:
· Describe the closure activity that would wrap up the lesson in a fun way.
6. Technology (NAEYC Standard 6c)
· Describe one analog technology you would use to enhance the LEP.
· Describe one digital technology you would use to enhance the LEP (i.e., requires a battery or plug).
7. Community Resources (NAEYC Standard 2c)
· Describe how you will involve families to support the learning objective.
8. Assessment (NAEYC Standard 3a)
· Describe in detail the assessment you would use to document progress for individual students, such as data collection, checklists, videos, pictures, anecdotal records, samples, or peer reviews.
· Explain why the assessment is appropriate to promote positive outcomes for each child.
© 2023 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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