MAR 4354 – Marketing Yourself – Instructions

A4: Professional Contribution Assignments

Assignment Overview

To demonstrate your ability to contribute to professional dialogue through your use of reflective

commentary, you will be required to comment on several assigned articles and/or videos that present

marketing-related material. Your task is to use your previously gained experiences as well as

knowledge acquired from your courses to add to the dialogue from the perspective of your industry,

your organization, your position, and/or your personal/professional experiences in order to contribute

to the discussion of various marketing yourself aspects of the presented material. You will do this via

both an original Comment (6 points) and a Reply to someone else’s comment or reply (4 points).

When writing your comments/replies, remember that you are representing your own

personal/professional brand and, in essence, marketing yourself. Portray yourself as a professional in

all interactions. Do NOT repeat the question prior to answering. Do NOT reference the course/class

or refer to an “instructor” or “professor” because this may cause other readers to discount your

expertise due to what will then be perceived as your “student” status. Remember that your brand is a

professional one. All comments and replies should be of a positive nature and should be thoughtful,

intelligent, and, when possible, incorporate concepts learned in the course. Disagreeing with the

author/presenter is fine, but do so amiably and always on a professional level.

If you decide to share the article/video via social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to

showcase your expert commentary, it would be best to share the article/video immediately after you

make your comment so that your particular comment(s) will be more accessible at the time of sharing

(rather than buried below other comments). You also might decide to use your comment on the

assigned article/video as a way to connect (professionally) with other individuals by making reference

to their articles, videos, websites, etc. You can do this by mentioning their name or username (as a

hyperlink in that platform) in hopes that they will be notified and thus see your comment, and/or you

can simply copy and paste your comment into an email message and let them know directly that you

mentioned them and felt compelled to promote their work. Previous students who have used this

technique have been able to connect with top corporate executives, authors, popular speakers, and even

some mid-level celebrities.

Your comments can be formal or casual, but use proper spelling and grammar as appropriate.

Remember that you are representing your own personal/professional brand.

Article/Video Topics

You will have to comment (and reply to a comment) for each of the following five short articles and

videos. You do not need to be an expert on any of the topics, but use your common sense and

personal/professional experiences to add to the professional dialogue.

 For PCA-1, view “Perception vs. Reality” on YouTube at http://bit.ly/mmPerception


 For PCA-2, view “Master the Art of Conversation: How to Disagree Respectfully” on YouTube at http://bit.ly/ToDisagree

 For PCA-3, read “Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg Says that You Don't Have a Personal Brand. Well, Do You?” on LinkedIn at http://bit.ly/NoBrand or view it on YouTube at


 For PCA-4, view “Using the Stages of Change (Transtheoretical) Model” on YouTube at http://bit.ly/Guess77

 For PCA-5, read “Customer Lifetime Value” on LinkedIn at http://bit.ly/GuessCLV

As you watch/read each video/article, consider how they could apply to your process of building and

managing your professional brand.

Specific Instructions Part One: The Comment

For each of the videos/articles, use your YouTube account (for videos) or LinkedIn account (for

articles) to provide professional commentary by writing two to four complete, compelling,

grammatically correct sentences, using one of the questions below as a guide (do NOT use the question

word-for-word, but only as a GUIDE). NOTE: for each video/article, you must use a different

question as the guide for your comment.

1. Which part of the video/article resonated most with you (or you most connected with) and how could you use that information or concept in your professional life?

2. What concept or idea from the video/article have you experienced in the past and what was your experience?

3. Which point of the video/article did you agree with the most, and why? 4. What is a “hidden gem” or something that few would notice in the video/article, that you find

to be noteworthy/critical/game-changing/enlightening/etc., and why?

5. What is an addition that you could offer to extend the concepts discussed in the video/article? 6. How does or could the material in this video/article (or some portion of it) apply to your

particular industry or field or job position?

7. How could the material presented in this video/article inspire or influence you or someone else to change your approach to marketing, sales, personal branding, or behavioral change?

8. What is an aspect of this video/article that gives you a different perspective on some aspect of marketing, sales, personal branding, and/or behavioral change?

9. Which point(s) of this video/article have you not considered before, and how could it change your thinking about the topic?

After you have made your comment, be sure to take a legible screenshot of the entire comment for

later submission in the Assignment Dropbox.


Specific Instructions Part Two: The Reply

For each of the videos/articles, you also will be required to reply to another person’s comment (or

another person’s reply to a comment) in a manner that furthers the professional contribution of the idea

or thread portrayed in the comment/reply. Remember, your replies also should be of a positive nature

and should be thoughtful, intelligent, and, when possible, incorporate concepts learned in the course

and from your experiences. Your goal should be to add to the professional dialogue. After you have

made your reply, be sure to take a legible screenshot of the entire reply for later submission in the

Assignment Dropbox.

Specific Instructions Part Three: Submit in Assignment Dropbox

Complete the following in a document and then save it as a single PDF:

1. Student Name 2. YouTube User Name 3. LinkedIn User Name 4. For each of the five PCAs, include the following:

a. Which guide question did you use while formulating your comment for this article or video? (Write the number and the text of the question, not just the number please.)

b. Screenshot of the entire comment. Import/embed the screenshot of the comment as an image in the document. Be sure that you size the screenshot large enough that the

comment can be read easily. c. Screenshot of reply (note that reply screenshot also must include the referenced

comment and/or reply for context in grading). Import/embed the screenshot of the reply

as an image in the document. Be sure that you size the screenshot large enough that

the reply can be read easily. d. Save the final document as PCA-YourName and then upload it to the appropriate

Assignment Dropbox link.

5. Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channels and connect with or follow the LinkedIn authors so that you can follow any dialogue that is inspired by your comments and replies.

Remember that this activity serves not only as an assignment, but as an opportunity to market your

expertise to your connections.

• • •

Introduction to Carew/CMU Partnership

MKT 340 Spring 2019


“A good institution should make sure students own their learning” (Chronical of Higher Education)

When someone says “salesperson,” what image comes to mind?

Let’s see if your perceptions change after we discuss the topics of personal selling

“Oh my boy tell our story” (https://youtu.be/onxjnq7l7vY )

We are all in Sales because we are moving people through “…persuading, convincing, and influencing to give up something they’ve got in exchange for what we’ve got” (To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth about Moving Others.)

Video Role Plays


A Little History…

Central Michigan University’s College of Business Administration and Carew International partner to develop sales curriculum

Professional Sales Concentration and Professional Sales Minor

First Professional Sales students (13) with Concentrations or Minors graduate Spring 2009 – Fall 2018 approx. 300+ students currently in program

90% career placement upon graduation & 100% within 3 months after graduation

Listed as a Top University Sales Program (Sales Education Foundation) since 2009

CMU's Professional Sales Program named a Top University Sales Program

Sales Education Foundation releases list of top U.S. university sales programs:

“The Sales Education Foundation has named Central Michigan University’s Professional Sales Program to its Top University Sales Programs list. The annual list recognizes programs for preparing and placing top talent in professional sales roles.”

New Selling of America


The Carew/CMU Partnership

Sales education

Business connected

Sales leadership

Sales skill development

Carew-Sponsored CMU Professional Sales Program Soars

Carew CEO Jeff Seeley is a CMU alumnus and was eager to support the university’s world-class sales program.  “Creating a nationally recognized sales program further elevates Carew’s position as a leader among all sales training companies.  Carew International’s content has proven successful with countless world-class sales teams and has now further proven its merit in the education of our newest sales professionals,” stated Seeley.    In addition to the competitive success of the program, CMU’s Professional Sales Program is providing a clear advantage in the job market, with students experiencing a 90 percent placement rate at graduation and a 100 percent placement rate for internships.      

Central Michigan University Professional Sales Program

Established in the fall of 2009

5 dedicated faculty members with over 40+ years of sales and training experience

Exclusive Sales Training Partnership with CMU www.carew.com

Exclusive Training Partnership

-Dimensions of Personal Selling (MKT 340)-Carew Certificate

-Advanced Positional Selling (MKT 420)-Carew Certificate

-Pathway to Negotiation (MKT 420)-Carew Certificate

-Sales Management (MKT 440)-NO Carew Certificate

-Enterprise Selling (MKT 460)-Carew Certificate

CMU Professional Sales Stats

90% placement at graduation

100% placement within 3 months

inside sales fastest growing area of B2B sales.

What recruiters say about the CMU Professional Sales program

“The students of CMU are prepared for the fast paced world of professional sales”

` Kathleen Hack

University Specialist ADP

ADP continues to hire CMU Professional Sales graduates

What recruiters say about the CMU Professional Sales program

“The sales program at CMU embodies what the future of sales is”

Global Manager

Organizational Effectiveness

Dow Corning

Dow Corning continues to hire CMU Professional Sales graduates and sales interns

What recruiters say about the CMU Professional Sales program

“Each CMU sales student has knowledge of the sales process, persistence, personable skills, and leadership potential.”

John Gehan

Marketing Manager

Federated Insurance

Federated continues to hire CMU Professional Sales graduates

What recruiters say about the CMU Professional Sales program

“It was fun and impressive to see their presentation yesterday. Reminds me of why we love to hire CMU grads!”

Rick Kursik Sales Recruiting Vice President of Sales

Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters continues to hire Professional Sales graduates

and sales interns




Carew Certification Courses

Advanced Selling


Enterprise Selling

MKT 340





Why does this class matter?

2 trillion

Number of sales transactions worldwide a day (The New Selling of America)*


Number of other jobs supported by salespeople (Futrell, 2013)*


of you will have a sales related job in your first five years out of CMU

* Reference

Futrell, C (2013). Fundamentals of selling. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

The new selling of America (2010) [DVD]. Pearson Education, Inc.

Why a Career In Sales?

Highest paying job in most companies

Front line of making commerce happen

Challenging position that determines a company’s success

Get to run your territory and sales team like your own business

Why does this class matter?

Proven sales methods (Carew International) used by several Fortune 500 companies

Sales consumes over 20% of a firm’s revenue (Futrell, 2013)*

Companies want trained salespeople


Futrell, C (2013). Fundamentals of selling. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

What Professional Sales Graduates say about the CMU Sales Program

“My sales classes are something I will take beyond the next level -beyond the next couple of years. I learned a lot of basic tools and stepping stones that are really going to guide me to be successful in my career. I learned a lot of processes that will help me with my client relationships.”

Leah Liinangi-AT&T Business Sales Account Executive-AT&T (Recent CMU Graduate)

What Professional Sales Graduates say about the CMU program

“I had a great experience with my sales classes. The emphasis on listening, communication and finding solutions really helped me with being successful in my sales internship and securing my job at Dow Corning.”

Sarah Brang-Commercial Development Sales Executive-Dow Corning (Recent CMU Graduate)


“When the Circle [the circle of safety] is strong and that feeling of belonging is ubiquitous, collaboration, trust, and innovation result” ( Sinek, 2017, p.29).

Sinek, S. (2017). Leaders eat last: Why some teams pull together and others don’t. New York, NY: Portfolio/Penguin

Phone Prospecting

CMU – MKT 340

Self Image




Self Image

SELF IMAGE What % of human communication is verbal?


There are two other components of communication. What are they?

There are two other components of communication. What are they? Answer: Tonality and Body Language (each make up 45%)

I love presenting to MKT 340 students

I love presenting to MKT 340 students

Amy Cuddy

Our nonverbals affect how others see and feel about us, but do they affect how we see and feel about ourselves?

Fake It, ‘til You Make It

Fake It, ‘til You Make It

Is this important to you?



Jeff Olson

“If it’s easy to do, it’s also easy not to do”


Jeff Olson

“If it’s easy to do, it’s also easy not to do”

Why is this important in prospecting?


No Magic Sales Words – Just Avoid the Mistakes (Mousetraps)

Common Mistakes

Lacking Enthusiasm/Confidence

Don’t Know Who You’re Talking To

Disingenuous Questions

Binary Questions

Did Not Qualify the Prospect


Phone Prospecting

What Do You Want to Sell Me?

Phone Prospecting Recap

Enthusiastic as Hell

Enthusiastic as Hell 2. No one has a land-line, the person who answers the phone is the prospect on the list. Know who you’re calling

Enthusiastic as Hell 2. Know who you’re calling 3. “How are you?” is Disingenuous.

Enthusiastic as Hell 2. Know who you’re calling 3. “How are you?” is Disingenuous. 4. Binary = Bad (Can I help you find anything?)

Enthusiastic as Hell 2. Know who you’re calling 3. “How are you?” is Disingenuous. 4. Binary = Bad 5. Qualify. Otherwise you’re just wasting your time

Shameless Plug

Thursday, 2-21-19

Grawn Atrium


Free Pizza

Shameless Plug

Thursday, 2-21-19

Grawn Atrium


Free Pizza



MKT 340

Dr. Hoyle

As it relates to selling - Position is your current status and degree of influence in the customer relationship



Position Progression Model

Preferred/Preferred Partner







Johari’s Window


The Selling Process

A consistent 8 step cycle

For Thursday read Module 2 BE READY FOR A QUIZ OVER MODULES 1 & 2



MKT 340

January 22,2019

MLK Assignment…

What comments do you have about the assignment or Dr. King?

Confidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOnEuWy0k8M

Let’s Practice


Come ready for final elevator pitches

Who Is this Guy?

Dr. Hoyle

MKT 340

January 18, 2019

My Professional Experiences

Morbark Industries-Marketing Specialist

Athletic Training Services, Inc.-Co-owner & Manager of Sales and Marketing

The Delfield Company-National Accounts Representative

Healthtrax-Director of Business Development

My Academic Experiences



Syllabus Stuff

What is Sales

Take a few minutes and think about Sales and your perception of salespeople.

How to you view the relationship between Dr. J & students?







Johari Window* (aka JADIK)











Known to Self Unknown to Self

Known to Others

Not Known

to Others

* Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham


Tell me your story (typed and due in class Thursday, 1/10)


Class (i.e. sophomore, junior, etc.)

What do you want out of this course.

S-T & L-T Goals

Think Differently


B2B Salesperson

“…two recent Harvard Business Review studies of sales professionals found that top performers are less gregarious than below-average ones and that the most sociable salespeople are often the poorest performers of all” (Pink, 2012, p.81).

Pink, D. (2012). To sell is human: The surprising truth about moving others. New York, NY: Riverhead Books.

What Excites You?

Then Do It!!!

MKT 340 Spring 2019

Sales Process


Evolution of Sales Eras

Producers vs Collectors

The Psychology of Selling published in 1925-selling techniques-F.A.B.

SPIN Selling- scientific analysis of complex sales

Purchasing Revolution

The Challenger vs. Relationship Sale


The Selling Process

A consistent 8 step cycle


The process of searching for and finding qualified customers for your product or service


A potential customer that may or may not be prove to be a valid prospect

Qualifying Leads:

The act performed by salespeople of searching out, collecting and analyzing information to determine the likelihood of the lead being a good candidate to make a sale.

Where do leads come from?

Response to marketing campaigns

Industry specific magazines

General business magazines/newspapers

Business channels-Cable business news

Where do leads come from?

Industry specific trade shows

Industry specific conferences

Industry specific networking events

Chamber of commerce events

Where do leads come from?

Lead databases

Industry blogs

Company websites

Social networks

Where do leads come from?

Existing customers


Friends, family, personal network



Potential clients you have identified as a strong candidate for buying your product.

A prospect is a MAD buyer

the Money to spend

the Authority to buy

the Desire to buy it

Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.



During Pre-Approach, the salesperson tries to learn everything she can about the account

Can take a significant amount of time


Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.


Pre-Approach- How do you research the company?

See finding leads section

Company websites (specifically press releases and annual reports)

Articles about new products being launched/interviews with key personnel

Hear a key target client speak at a conference, industry networking event

Pre-Approach How do you research your target company?

Search LinkedIn about a specific person/industry you are interested in.

Watch for key industry trends that affect your customers and their customers

Watch for key governmental policy changes


Approach: salesperson asks buyer to commit to a meeting

In person

On phone


Opening statement must get buyer’s attention


MKT 340 (Dr. Hoyle) Assignment 1 Spring 2019



1. (20 points)

What is position?

How can understanding the Position Progression Model (PPM) help you achieve the top status with your customer? Per Module 1 one thing PPM does is to help to understand your current business relationship. Explain the three other things that understanding the PPM can help you to advance or enhance your current position

2. (10 points) Describe the odds-are factor? Why is it important to you as a sales person?

3. (20 points) During a meeting with decision makers of Acme Manufacturing, a medium size plastics vacuum forming operation, it was shared that a current supplier, which is a competitor of yours, recently was missing delivery dates for critical items and negatively impacting Acme’s ability to meet its promises to its clients. Acme’s CFO, Sarah, was interested in having you submit a proposal for services that they have never sourced from you and your company. What is your current position and why? Briefly describe a strategy based on your answer to the first question?

4. (20 points) You are a recent graduate from CMU Professional Sales program and have been hired as a sales representative for the Top Solutions in Chicago, IL., which is a leader in consulting, analytics, digital solutions, engineering, and cyber with industries ranging from defense to health to energy to international development. Currently you have no book of business and have to start from scratch. You will be on salary of 50K for 6 months, during which time you will go through sales training with access to mentors within the company and shadow current sales reps, then begin transitioning to full commission.

As part of this process, you’re looking for a M.A.D. decision-makers. What does M.A.D. mean?

5. (10 points) Discuss the four (4) main components of the Anger Cycle depicted in the Carew text and how they relate to dealing and resolving the anger cycle.

6. (10 points)

What are the characteristics of a dependency-subordinate relationship versus an

interdependent relationship? Give an example of each. Which less-than-effective relationship do many sales professionals assume on initial sales calls?

7. (10 points)

Define perception. Distinguish between selective perception and objective perception.

Selective Perception

Objective Perception

8. (20 points) What does the Bonding Process (LAER) accomplish?




9. (20 points) Briefly describe the steps and the main purpose of each step in the Bonding Process, LAER? Give an example statement or nonverbal action for each step.





10. (20 points) Based on the results of your LAER-S style assessment what strengths and challenges are you now aware of and how will you use this as a professional salesperson?

11. (10 points) What % of human communication is verbal?

12. (10 points) There are two other components of communication. What are they and what % of human communication do each represent?

13. (10 points) What type of information/data about prospects would be critical to effective phone prospecting –e.g. conversion from prospects to leads?

14. (10 points) Name two of the five characteristics Josh discussed Thursday, October 4, 2018 in class presentation.



Extra Credit – must get all three to get the 5 points

(5 points) What does each leg of a three-legged stool represent – e.g. characteristics of good sales professionals?



Dimensions of Professional Selling® Trainer Certification Workshop ©Copyright J.H. Carew, Jr.

Miscellaneous - Handout DPSTCW-CR-0102



©Copyright Carew International, Inc. Dimensions of Professional Selling®



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