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FAMILIES MAY LEARN THEIR CHILD HAS A DISABILITY during pregnancy, at birth (as baby Ella’s parents did), or even later, when their child enters a child care program in a home or classroom setting. Although a family’s reac- tion to the news that their child has a special need may depend upon the child’s age, the severity of the disability, and the family’s cultural view of disabilities (Muscott 2002), researchers liken the experience to the grieving process that Kubler-Ross (1969) describes in her classic book, On Death and Dying. Reactions move from denial of the disabil- ity to anger at the diagnosis, to bargaining with the experts
involved in the diagnosis, depression, and to acceptance of the disability. Acceptance of the diagnosis can take years, as frequent reminders of the disability cause families to reexperience the grief. For example, one parent said, “Grief may hit you when you least expect it—during a Christmas shopping trip . . . when you buy baby toys for a 9-year-old” (Naseef 2001, 207).
Stages of adjustment
Some parents criticize this “grief” view of adjustment to a disability as being patronizing and not fi tting their experiences. Ulrich and Bauer (2003) propose instead that the adjustment experience occurs in four levels as parents gradually become aware of the impact of their child’s dis- ability. These levels include the following:
Julie A. Ray, Julia Pewitt-Kinder, and Suzanne George
Julie A. Ray, PhD, is an associate professor of education at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau. Julie has taught courses in family involvement for more than 13 years and is the coauthor of the textbook Home, School, and Community Collaboration: Culturally Responsive Family Involvement. [email protected] Julia Pewitt-Kinder, DO, is a board-certifi ed family practice phy- sician and writer in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Dr. Pewitt-Kinder speaks about Down syndrome to children in elementary schools and to students and professionals at colleges, hospitals, and conferences nationwide. As a volunteer for the Down Syndrome Association of St. Louis, she offers family support. [email protected] Suzanne George, PhD, is a professor of early childhood at Missouri State University in Springfi eld. She has been a special educator and teacher educator in early childhood and special education. [email protected] This article is available online at www.naeyc.org/yc.
Partnering with Families of Children
“There’s no good way to tell you. Your baby has Down syndrome,” said the pediatrician. My world instantly stopped, and I felt a black fog closing in. I couldn’t move or breathe or speak. The only sound I heard was my husband sobbing. My first thoughts were “No, I can’t do this. How do we go from expecting a perfectly healthy baby to receiv- ing a stranger?” Finding out that our daughter Ella had Down syndrome was like being told that the baby we dreamed of had died and now we had a child we knew absolutely nothing about.
—Baby Ella’s Mother (One of the Authors)
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1. The ostrich phase. Parents do not deny a disability but do not fully realize its impact. For example, a parent may say, “He’s all boy. He just doesn’t like to sit still and read a book.”
2. Special designation. Parents begin to realize that their child has a special need and seek help or ask for special services.
3. Normalization. Parents try to make the differences between their child and children without disabilities less apparent and may actually request a decrease in services and more regular classroom time.
4. Self-actualization. Parents do not view being different as better or worse, just different. They support their child in learning about his or her disability, including how to be a self-advocate.
As an educator, you may fi nd that it is not as important to classify families by stages of adjustment to the child’s disability as it is to understand that families have varied reactions and may work through their feelings in a different way and pace. It is helpful to realize that you and the family may not be operating at the same level or stage of under- standing about the child rather than to make comments like “That family is so demanding” or “If the dad would get over his anger, we would be able to work together better” (Ulrich & Bauer 2003, 20). Listening to families is key in working with them as partners in supporting the learning and development of their child with special needs. Unless you have a child with a disability, you cannot fully under- stand the experience. As you get to know the child and family, it is also impor- tant to learn about and participate in the development of the child’s Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP).
IFSP and IEP services
Some early childhood teachers may feel overwhelmed and unprepared to have a child with special needs in their care. However, it is imperative that they learn about the spe- cial education process so they can support families in the myriad decisions they will face about their child’s educa- tion. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 ensures early intervention, special education, and related services for more than 6.5 million infants, toddlers, children, and youths with special needs (U.S. Department of Education 2009). A child younger than age 3 can receive early intervention services in the home or child care setting through an Individualized Family Service Plan devel- oped specifi cally for the child by a team that may include therapists, early intervention specialists, teachers, caregivers, and parents. For children with special needs age 3 or older, the local school sys- tem develops and admin- isters an Individualized Education Program. Both the IFSP and the IEP state the goals and objectives for the child’s
with Special Needs
Listening to families is key in working with them as partners in supporting the learning and development of their child with special needs.
18 Young Children • September 2009
developmental and educational progress. This plan or program also specifi es who delivers the services, such as speech or occupational therapists, how the child’s progress is assessed, and if any special classroom placements are needed. The parents’ agreement with all the plans in an IFSP or IEP is required. Educators and families both benefi t in understanding the key differences between an IFSP and an IEP (see “ISFP and IEP Key Differences”). Although there are some common themes between the IFSP and the IEP, the dif- ferences focus on two main areas. In an IFSP, the concept of providing services in natural environments, such as the home or child care setting, is an important component. In an IEP, the school setting is typically where services are provided. Another major difference is the focus in an IFSP on the needs of not only the child, but also the family. IDEA legislation requires the coordina- tion of services from various agencies to avoid fragmented delivery of these services. In the child’s fi rst three years, a service coordinator assumes this responsibility, which may include any help needed for the family to function more effectively, such as food, shelter, health care, and educa- tion. When the child turns 3 and leaves the early interven- tion program, the service coordinator’s role concludes.
From age 3 through age 21, the local school district acts as coordinator. Teachers and caregivers are important partners with families in the implementation of an IFSP or IEP. Families should be a part of the IFSP and IEP planning processes; educators can make sure this happens. For example, Ella’s parents and all of Ella’s caregivers and specialists attended
and shared information during IFSP and IEP meetings, which gave a view of her development from several different per- spectives. Educators facilitate the day–to- day environment in which the child par- ticipates, so it is essential to communicate with the family and other service provid- ers, such as physical or developmental therapists, to know about and understand their recommendations for appropriate activities and materials to use with the child. For example, Ella’s occupational therapist showed her preschool teacher how to help Ella hold pouring utensils so
she didn’t soak herself at the classroom water table. As an educator, helping to implement objectives and obtain outcomes for the child with special needs is a major role for you, as well as reporting child outcomes to the IFSP and IEP teams. Also, asking family members questions to learn what you can about their child’s specifi c abilities and needs is appropriate and helpful throughout the process.
IFSP and IEP Key Differences
Sources: Bruder 2000; PACER Center 2000; Concord Special Education Parent Advisory Committee 2001; United Cerebral Palsy 2009.
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) Birth through age 2
Focuses on the family and parents’ role in supporting the child’s learning and development
Outcomes focus not only on the child, but on the family
Includes the concept of natural environments as places where learning occurs, such as at home, in child care, outdoors in parks, and so on (services may be provided in the home)
Involves many agencies in providing services because of the child’s age; the IFSP integrates the services
Names a service coordinator, who assists the family in car- rying out the plan
Involves an initial meeting with the family to offer information and resources and to defi ne the various agencies’ roles and fi nancial responsibility
Typically includes a meeting with the family every six months
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Ages 3 through 21 years
Focuses on the child
Outcomes focus on the child
Focuses on school and classroom environments, with ser- vices provided in the school setting
Assigns the local school district to manage the child’s services
Authorizes the local school district to coordinate the program
Involves a meeting with the family to develop long-term and short-term goals for the child, accommodations and modi- fi cations, services, and child placement
Typically includes a meeting once a year
Families should be a part of the IFSP and IEP planning processes; edu- cators can make sure this happens.
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Transition from the IFSP to the IEP
At age 3, children leave their state’s early intervention program and move into the public school system’s early childhood special education program. This transition from the natural home or infant/toddler child care setting to the typically more institutional classroom environment can be diffi cult and overwhelming for families, who must now learn about the IEP process and education laws, attend lengthy meetings, get acquainted with new therapists and school staff, and subject their child to new testing and evaluations.
As Ella’s parents, we experienced a range of new emotions in this transition from the IFSP to the IEP. We felt sad, tired, concerned, angry, and surprised—
“Overnight, our child went from a baby to a school girl!”
“The complexity of our schedule increased with meetings, paperwork, and travel to numerous therapy locations.”
“Our daughter would be exposed to illnesses in the class- room setting that she was protected from when receiv- ing services at home.”
“Strangers were telling us what they thought was best for our daughter based on a test score and a single meeting.”
“We did not know we would have to fight for our daugh- ter’s rights.”
Supportive caregivers and teachers can ease the stress of the transition from an IFSP to an IEP. Explaining families’ rights and the procedures in the special education process and encouraging families to learn about the process is one way to provide support. Preparing families for an IEP meet-
ing, typically once a year, by informing them of who will be there, what each person’s role is, and what will happen in the meeting is also helpful. Let families know that they can bring advocates with them to this meeting. Emphasize beforehand to the families their importance in the IEP meeting, and suggest they prepare and bring a list of their goals for their child. If needed, help them identify their concerns, family strengths, and priorities for their child. Encourage families to raise questions at the meeting about things they don’t understand to make sure they agree with the IEP before they sign it (North Bay Regional Center 2008; PACER Center n.d.).
Strategies for working with families of children with disabilities
Families of children with special needs often have ideas from their perspective as parents about other ways educators can show support. Some collected suggestions focus on under- standing family life, learning about disabilities, communicat- ing frequently, and working through challenges with families.
Understand family life
Appreciating and respecting the extra work it takes for families to care for and educate children with special needs is important. At the age of 3 months, Ella began a weekly schedule of six hours of physical, speech, developmental, music, and occupational therapies. She engaged in oral- motor exercises three times daily.
We taught all of Ella’s caregivers how to feed, carry, and play with her. To accomplish the innu- merable daily therapy goals, we kept lengthy, detailed checklists for separate caregivers. We asked caregivers to work on occupational ther- apy tasks such as having Ella pick up objects with clothespins and tongs or blow bubbles or suck drinks through thin straws to work on oral- motor (speech) therapy. All play activities were tailored to meet therapy objectives, as were the toys and books we purchased. Ella is now 5 years old, and our lives revolve around her therapies. Our family’s life is not unique in the strain that a child with special needs can place upon family time. Whether it is a therapy session, exercises, medical treatment done at home, or an unex- pected hospital stay, there are extra demands for families of children with special needs. For working parents who cannot rearrange their daily schedule to fit therapies or doctors’ appointments, difficult choices between their child’s care and workplace requirements cause additional stress.C
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20 Young Children • September 2009
Supportive teach- ers and caregivers help ease parents’ stress, whether it is implementing daily therapies or offer- ing a sympathetic listener’s ear. Some parents may not be aware of all the ser- vices needed to meet their child’s needs or be able to afford them. Thus, inform- ing families about resources in the community and how to access them is an important teacher contribution. For example, because of a mother’s limited literacy abilities, one early childhood teacher helped her fi ll out the paper- work necessary to get home medical equipment for her preschool child with severe disabilities.
Learn about the disability
As an educator, you may be familiar with a particular dis- ability diagnosis, such as Down syndrome, but there is wide variation in its manifestations among children. Therefore, it is crucial to learn as much as you can about the individual child. The child’s family may be the best resource for infor- mation, as well as the child’s other teachers, caregivers, pediatricians, and therapists. Borrow books and familiarize yourself with resources and free newsletters from national organizations. For example, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Division of Early Childhood (DEC) offers several publications and profes- sional development opportunities on the education and development of children with disabilities (www.dec-sped. org/About_DEC/Whats_New). Understanding a disability can help you better plan for the child’s learning. Some of the families you work with may not have resources or knowl-
edge about their child’s disability, beyond their per- sonal experience. Providing informa- tion that you’ve learned about the disability helps to support them.
Communicate frequently with families
As is true with families of all children, ongoing two-way commu- nication between teachers and families is key in working success- fully with families of children with disabilities. You can arrange a meeting
with the child’s parents prior to the child’s start in your program or school. To get to know each other, fi nd out as much as possible about the child and the family’s goals for their child’s learning and development, and tell parents how you design your program to meet individual children’s needs. Provide a simple questionnaire for the family to specify important information about the child’s likes, dis- likes, personality traits, skills, special health needs or medi- cations, and emergency contacts. As one father advised, “The fi rst thing is to listen to us . . . because we know our kids better than anybody” (Blue-Banning et al. 2004, 175). Continue to stay in regular contact through formal and informal conferences, phone calls, notes, and e-mails. Keep a record of all communication with family members, includ- ing dates and the content of the communication. Do not hesitate to ask the parents questions or request advice about learning or behavior issues that arise during the day and if they have experienced similar incidents at home. For example, after working cooperatively with a family, a kin- dergarten teacher determined that the reason their daugh- ter refused to come inside at the end of recess was because the ringing bell on the school wall was painful to hear, due to her sensory integration disorder. After the class lined up in a different location away from the bell, the child willingly joined her class in line. In your communications as an educator, include posi- tive comments about the child’s successes and express your respect for the parents’ efforts in helping their child
Informing families about resources in the community and how to access them is an important teacher contribution.
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Young Children • September 2009 21
develop as fully as possible. For non-English-speaking families, obtain translation services through your school, other family members, or the community. Use graphics or icons to convey information in your written communication (Al-Hassan & Gardner 2002). By using accurate terminology, educators gain the fam- ily’s trust. When you convey your knowledge, compassion, and respect, such as by saying “a child who is deaf” instead of “a deaf child,” you place the child as fi rst and most important over the sec- ondary concern, the disability. Avoid categorizing children in negative ways. Describing Marcus as a child who “has blue eyes, likes music, and has autism” frames the wholeness of the child in contrast to categorizing him as “an autistic kid.” It is disrespectful and trivializing to shorten the name of a disability by say- ing “a Downs child,” for example. Even “a child with Downs” sounds as absurd as “a child with Cerebral.” Educators should avoid making such references as “normal child” or “normal development” in discussions with families as well in professional dialogue. Such uses imply that children with special needs are abnormal; the correct terminology is a child with disabilities or a child with spe- cial needs and a child without disabilities. As an educator, you need to avoid making generalizations about children with disabilities. Saying that all children with Down syndrome “are developmen- tally delayed” or “mentally retarded” is not accurate. Due to individual differ- ences, improved health care, early inter- vention, and new methods of teaching, children with Down syndrome can meet the same developmental guidelines as children without disabilities. Although Ella has special needs in fi ne and gross motor development, she does not have a cognitive disability and at age 5 is ahead of her peers in some developmen- tal areas. It is important to learn about each child as an individual, beyond the label of “disability.” Children with disabilities may have a variety of teachers, from their daily child care provider or classroom teacher to a special educator, personal aide, or a speech, physical, or occupa- tional therapist. Families may need help
understanding how team teaching works (Salend 2006), being confused possibly about who is their child’s real teacher. Educators’ communication efforts can help fami- lies learn about the different services their child receives. When explaining early intervention and special education services, avoid educational jargon and acronyms like LD (learning disabled), BD (behavior disorder), EMH (educably mentally handicapped), OT (occupational therapy), and
PT (physical therapy), or the names of tests like DIAL-3 (Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning) or WISC-R (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children– Revised). These can be confusing to families and need to be fully explained.
Working with challenging situations
When working with families of children with special needs, you may encounter parents who appear angry, con- frontational, mistrustful, or questioning about your teaching methods. Do not take this personally! Historically, families have had to be their own advocates for an appropriate edu- cation for their children with disabilities, and some families you are working with may have had negative experiences with the system in the past. They may have had to fi ght their medical insurance company for needed therapies or may have disagreed with school professionals about testing results or the best classroom placement for their child. Strive to listen to families, understand their point of view, and be patient. Avoid creating another adversarial experi- ence for them, and work toward building a positive, collab- orative relationship.
In your efforts to partner with families in their child’s learning and development, you are the expert in child development and education, but they are the experts in their child and the child’s disability. Be a teammate with families, and do not try to work alone in educating their child. Together, you and the family can help their child reach his or her full potential. Finally, don’t fear or worry about having a child with special needs in your classroom, center, or school. See the whole child, not just the hearing impairment, the cerebral palsy, or the autism. Remember, they are just kids!
References Al-Hassan, S., & R. Gardner. 2002. Involving immigrant parents of stu-
dents with disabilities in the educational process. Teaching Excep- tional Children 34 (5): 52–58.
Blue-Banning, M., J.A. Summers, H.C. Frankland, L.L. Nelson, & G. Beegle. 2004. Dimensions of family and professional partnerships: Construc- tive guidelines for collaboration. Exceptional Children 70(2): 167–84.
Bruder, M.B. 2000. The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). www.kid needs.com/diagnostic_categories/articles/indivfamilyserviceplan.htm
Concord Special Education Parent Advisory Committee. 2001. What is an IEP? www.concordspedpac.org/WhatIEP.htm
Kubler-Ross, E. 1969. On death and dying. New York: Touchstone. Muscott, H.S. 2002. Exceptional partnerships: Listening to the voices of
families. Preventing School Failure 46 (2): 66–69. Naseef, R.A. 2001. The rudest awakening. In You will dream new dreams:
Inspiring personal stories by parents of children with disabilities, eds. S.D. Klein & K. Schive, 206–09. New York: Kensington Books.
North Bay Regional Center. 2008. What is the Individualized Family Service Plan? www.nbrc.net/plan.html
PACER Center. 2000. What is the difference between an ISFP and an IEP? Minneapolis, MN: Author.
PACER Center. n.d. Understanding the special education process. www.fape.org/pubs/FAPE-10.pdf
Salend, S.J. 2006. Explaining your inclusion program to families. Teach- ing Exceptional Children 38 (4): 6–11.
Ulrich, M.E., & A.M. Bauer. 2003. Levels of awareness: A closer look at communication between parents and professionals. Teaching Excep- tional Children 35 (6): 20–24.
United Cerebral Palsy. 2009. The difference between an IFSP and an IEP. www.mychildwithoutlimits.org/?page=ifsp-iep-comparison
U.S. Department of Education. 2009. Building the legacy of IDEA 2004. http://idea.ed.gov
Copyright © 2009 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. See Permissions and Reprints online at www.naeyc.org/yc/permissions.
In your communications as an educa- tor, include positive comments about the child’s successes and express your respect for the parents’ efforts in helping their child develop as fully as possible.
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EDUC6358: Strategies for Working with Diverse Children “Learning about Fairness: Varying Abilities”
Program Transcript
NARRATOR: Early childhood professionals can create environments in which children recognize and talk about what is fair and what is not fair. In this video, Eric Hoffman and ReGina Chavez discuss how to foster attitudes and interactions of fairness with regard to children who have varying abilities.
ERIC HOFFMAN: When children come into my classroom and they all have varying abilities and some of that is more obvious than others, my goal is to make sure that that child gets introduced to the classroom as a whole person. Because it's really easy for children and others to just focus on, you know, this person is in a wheelchair, or this person has this difference about them and that's all that children see. And of course when children, for example, a child coming in to the classroom with a wheelchair. Of course children are going to have questions about that. But still my focus is always, yes, here's something that's different about this person. And did you know that they love to build with blocks the same way you do? Can you show them where to go to do that in our classroom? I want to connect them on a human level.
And I want to follow the child's lead in talking about those differences. So I'm talking about one child, for example, who came in with a wheelchair, who did not want to talk about the equipment that she had. She had a number of things that she used for moving. And she didn't want to talk about it and I had to really defend her from the questions. No, she doesn't really want to talk about this, but she loves to talk about this, and this, and this, her gardening, and jewelry, the things she liked to play. The child came to me one day and said, I want to talk about my wheelchair at circle time. And so of course I threw out my circle time plan and let her talk. And it turned into a huge-- probably a month-long-- curriculum that we did about different ways that people move. Her place in the classroom hierarchy went way up. And she let people try her wheelchair. She let people check out, she had some braces that she used. She talked about being in the hospital. She would have never done that right at first. We had to get people to accept her as a whole, real person first.
One of the big questions that children start asking as preschoolers is what's fair and what's not fair, what's right and what's wrong, what's good and what's bad. Very interested in fairness, and of course they start out with a very immature idea of what that is. But by helping children discover differences and similarities, and also discover that some people are treated unfairly because of that, my experience is that children immediately jump to, well that's not fair, when they discover somebody being treated unfairly. And so that's my goal in the classroom. To set up activities and to set up conversations where children, on their own, will say wait a minute, there's something not fair about this. We have to take care of this. It's my job to take care of my friend and to stop them from being treated unfairly.
So that's what I'm trying to do with all kinds of different differences in the classrooms. And it comes up particularly around differences in physical abilities because they're so visible to people. How can we help a child gain access to all the classroom? I want to get everybody involved and thinking about that for their friend, for this person that they know.
REGINA CHAVEZ: So the challenge of working with children who have varying abilities, whether it's children with physical differences, or children with learning differences, or children with social emotional differences, the things that we need to know about these children is that typically,
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they're so smart. And that's when the relationship with the parents becomes really important because if we've done that work to partner with the parents then we can talk about these differences and feel safe enough to do so. Because the whole point of an early childhood education environment is to feel safe and supported and loved and to be able to work this stuff out.
And we can look at ourselves first, before we try and change the child's behavior. And I think that that's the most important thing is that-- the thing about anti-bias curriculum is that it's very self- reflective. We need to look at ourselves and figure out how might I be uncomfortable with children's varying abilities? How might I change the routine or the classroom, instead of being so rigid? Anti-bias curriculum really makes you be a little more flexible with your thinking. And so when we're trying to think clearly about children, we really need to do some work on ourselves.
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