Company Description and SWOT Analysis
First Name Last Name
Strayer University
BUS 599: Strategic Management
Professor Dr. Andrea Banto
January 15, 2021
Delete the instructions in red before submitting the assignment!
Due: Week 3, worth 125 points
Length: The assignment should be 3 to 5 pages, excluding title page and reference page
· Review the description of this assignment in the course guide or Blackboard and use the tips provided along with this template to help you in your writing.
· Be sure to review the guidelines provided: company of choice or snack-food company, as applicable.
· Use the textbook and review the recommended pages. Note that your textbook has sample plans at the end of each paper. They are great examples of content.
· Review the grading rubric before writing. Know what you are graded for. Always look at the “exemplary” section.
· Leave the text in black as it is. You are required to have a heading for each of the sections in your paper.
· Use SWS format. Your will respond to each question using indented paragraphs. The preferred font is Times New Roman, size 12.
· The references must be on a separate page at the end of the paper.
· Check your paper for grammar, spelling, and plagiarism in Grammarly before submitting to Blackboard. You should have 100% original content. See video below on how to use Grammarly.
Company Description and SWOT Analysis
Company Name and Product
· Describe the specific product or service your company will focus on.
· Provide a brief introduction of the company name.
· Explain the significance of the name of your company
· Be sure to check the feedback provided by the instructor as a reply to your week 1 discussion post in week 1 discussion thread and make changes as needed. Check the suggestions made by other students as well.
Mission Statement
· Write the mission statement (use quotation marks). You would have created this in week 1 discussion. Be sure to revise per the feedback provided as a reply to your week 1 discussion post. Use the Statement of Mission template on pages 72–73 of the course textbook, Successful Business Plan, to aid your development. The mission statement should include” who you are (as a company), what you do (focus on what you sell), and why you are in business (your purpose).
· Explain the components of the mission statement and the reasoning for their selection . In this section you will clarify why the information included in the mission statement is important and should be included there.
Trends in the industry
· Research, outline and describe the trends in the industry you are operating in (based on the type of company you selected). Try to be specific for your chosen category or product or service.
· Consider the size and growth rate for the industry overall and for the specific product or service you are focusing on.
· Search the Strayer Online Library, industry associations and reliable website for recent data.
Strategic position
· Choose one strategic position from the text (page 146-147) and discuss why you believe this would be the best position for your chosen company.
· Explain the approach you will use at your company to implement this strategic position to stand out from similar products and competition.
· Describe the company’s distribution channels. For example, will you sell your beverage in grocery stores, restaurants, or sports venues. Are you attempting to sell online or as a subscription?
· Provide the rationale for your chosen distribution method.
SWOT Analysis
· Insert the SWOT table/matrix (at least 4 bullets in each category). You created this in week 2 discussion. Be sure to read the feedback provided by the instructor as a reply to your post in week 2 discussion thread and adjust as needed.
· Summarize the key learnings from your matrix (the takeaways from this analysis) in a few paragraphs under the matrix . For example, you can explain your greatest strengths and how these can be used to pursue the opportunities you identified or to mitigate some of the threats. You can also discuss your plans to minimize some of the weaknesses, etc. Be specific and avoid generic information.
Strengths 1. 2. 3. 4. |
Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. 4. |
Opportunities 1. 2. 3. 4. |
Threats 1. 2. 3. 4. |
· Be sure to cite all your sources.
· Use SWS to format all the references.
· Wikipedia and other similar websites (blogs, opinions) do not quality as academic resources.
· You can use websites as long as the source is reliable (company websites, forbes.com, fda.com, census.com, etc.)
· For each reference you must have a corresponding in-text citation.
Below are examples of references (please delete and replace with yours).
1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2016. Causes of Climate Change. https://19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/climate-change-science/causes-climate- change_.html
2. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 2008. Graphic: The Relentless Rise of Carbon Dioxide. https://climate.nasa.gov/climate_resources/24/graphic-the- relentless-rise-of-carbon-dioxide/
3. Ellie Zolfagharifard. 2014. Tree Roots Act as 'Earth's Thermostat': Mountain Forest
Growth Has Stabilized the Earth's Climate for Millions of Years. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2552933/Tree-roots-act-Earths-
4. Ronnie Cummins. 2013. How Factory Farming Contributes to Global Warming. https://www.ecowatch.com/how-factory-farming-contributes-to-global-warming-
Sophia Pathways for College Credit – English Composition II SAMPLE TOUCHSTONE AND SCORING
Logan Stevens
English Composition II
December 20, 2016
Source Evaluation on “Salmon: Their Fight for Survival” by Anthony Netboy.
In my research paper I am arguing that there is a dire need for extra protection of wild
salmon and steelhead on the west coast; particularly in Washington, Oregon, and northern
California, where once very large wild fish stocks are dwindling near extinction. Hatcheries have
helped slow the decline of these fisheries, but are not a substitute for truly wild fish. In my
research I came across a book entitled “Salmon: Their Fight for Survival” by Anthony Netboy. I
found this to be an unreliable source for my essay due to its broadness, its tendency toward bias,
the inaccuracy in information, and its age.
Netboy’s book has several problems with it; the first of which being its broadness. I am
looking for information about fisheries of the pacific coast. This book gives information on
“[s]almon catches in Norway” (Netboy 152) and “[s]almon in Great Britain” (45) as well as
some tidbits about pacific salmon catches, and some information about dams on the Columbia
River, however it was mostly things that were not backed up by another source.
Another problem I saw in this source is some of the way it was worded made it feel
Commented [SL1]: Good thesis. It explains your stance on its credibility and the reasons why you believe it to be unreliable.
Commented [2]: See note below on organization.
Sophia Pathways for College Credit – English Composition II SAMPLE TOUCHSTONE AND SCORING
biased and opinionated rather than presenting straight hard facts. For example; in one section
they are talking about the decline of the California salmon fisheries. The language the author
uses seems biased in my eyes. I agree with his opinion, but I’m not looking for an opinion, I’m
looking for facts.
The fate of California’s salmon mirrors the state’s use and misuse of many of its
natural resources. In the last half of the century a serene land of indefinetly varied
landscapes… was invaded by hordes of people from the ends of America and
abroad seeking riches...In the process rivers and watersheds were turned topsy-
turvy, farmlands were bulldozed and covered with towns, cities, and Cyclopean
highways…Like other forms of aquatic life, many of the salmon became victims
of this unparalleled destruction. (Netboy 235)
The use of several words and phrases, such as “hordes” and “this unparalleled destruction” say to
me that he is using his own opinion and not fact, thereby making the source somewhat biased,
and not very useful.
Also, in some of this work, there are tables, showing salmon catches in different regions.
I noticed that the numbers are not matching up with some of my other research. I have records of
fish counts from the Bonnevelle Dam on the Columbia River. According to the book there were
384,780 chinook salmon that passed through Bonnevelle Dam in 1970 (Netboy 548). However
according to the records kept on the Columbia Basin Fisheires, only 314,032 chinook salmon
were counted. This may seem a small difference to some but when one thinks of all the rivers
and tributaries on the Columbia it adds up rather fast. 70,000 fish can be an entire river’s worth
of fish for a season. This discrepancy only goes to show this as an unreliable source.
Commented [3]: Excellent point!
Commented [4]: This is a good point. In order to be truly helpful, a source should be comprised of facts trends. When there is bias, it can skew the information that is being presented.
Commented [5]: The organization of your paper could have been enhanced if this paragraph was placed after your second paragraph. That one ended with the statement that not all of the facts in the book were backed up another source. Could have been a good lead-in!
Commented [6]: Good use of another source to check validity!
Sophia Pathways for College Credit – English Composition II SAMPLE TOUCHSTONE AND SCORING
The final problem with this source I found is the date of publication. It was originally
published in 1974 by Houghton Mifflin. This source is over 30 years old. There are many more
modern sources that have updated and more accurate information, along with research to back it
up. For example the book “[t]he Behavior and Ecology of Pacific Salmon and Trout” by Thomas
P. Quinn has many tables and years worth of research gathered by the author himself and
compared with other research that has been conducted. It was published in 2005, giving it a bit
more relevance due to modern scientific research.
In conclusion, I have deemed this source as unhelpful and unreliable. An effective source
should be relevant, recent, backed by research, and factual. This source has flaws with all four of
those things, not to mention with the vast amount of information about specific parts of the globe
that I am not arguing for in my argumentative essay. Although it contains some information that
might help build background information on my topic, it will not be useful to me with my thesis
statement in mind.
Commented [7]: Good concluding paragraph! Nice summary of your points from above.
Sophia Pathways for College Credit – English Composition II SAMPLE TOUCHSTONE AND SCORING
Works Cited
1. Columbia Basin Fisheries and Tribes. “Annual Adult Salmon Totals” (04/22/2008): web (02/10/2010).
2. Netboy, Antony. “The Salmon: Their Fight for Survival” Houghton Mifflin. (1974): 45, 152, 235, 548.
Reflection Questions:
1. What are some of the things you thought about when initially reading through this source? What types of questions do you ask yourself when it comes to evaluating the validity/reliability of a source?
I’ve learned that a good source to use for accurate research should be recent, reliable, and factual. Those are the main things that I considered throughout my analysis of the source.
2. How does this practice enhance your argumentative essay overall?
By making sure all of my sources are reliable, recent, and factual, I am able to strengthen my argument on this topic and back it up with factual evidence. An argument will be easy to debunk if it doesn’t have the data and facts to support it.
Sophia Pathways for College Credit – English Composition II SAMPLE TOUCHSTONE AND SCORING
Source Evaluation Essay Rubric and Feedback
Rubric Category
Feedback Score (acceptable, needs improvement etc.)
Thesis You have a great thesis here. It takes a clear stance on the issue and you are very clear about why.
Evidence and Analysis
You do an outstanding job of including points from the source that adequately support your analysis. I can see how you’ve done your research.
Organization A few elements of your organization could be tweaked to enhance the flow, but not to the point where it is hard to follow.
Style, Editing, and Proofreading
You have done a great job ensuring there are no major convention errors.
Citations and Formatting
You do a great job using APA format in your essay.
Think About Your Writing
You have provided thoughtful responses to the reflection questions. Well done.
Overall Score and Feedback: 48/50
I think you really know your stuff when it comes to this topic! It shows throughout your analysis of the source you chose. I think you do a bit more brainstorming when you are putting your essays together in the future. The organization of your information can take a good paper and make it a great paper.
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