STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Competitiveness & Globalization
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STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Competitiveness & Globalization
Concepts and Cases 13e
Michael A. Hitt Texas A&M University
Texas Christian University
R. Duane Ireland Texas A&M University
Robert E. Hoskisson Rice University
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Strategic Management: Competitiveness
& Globalization: Concepts and Cases,
13th Edition
Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland,
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To Frankie:
You are my partner in life. I love you and look forward to our future
To Mary Ann:
We have reached that place we want to go and we will now walk in the
sun. I love you.
To Kathy:
You are the best and my love for you is eternal. Thanks for all the sup
port and love you've given me and our children throughout our life
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Brief Contents
Preface, xiv
About the Authors, xx
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
1. Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness, 2
2. The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis, 36
3. The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages, 74
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
4. Business-Level Strategy, 104
5. Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics, 142
6. Corporate-Level Strategy, 176
7. Merger and Acquisition Strategies, 208
8. International Strategy, 238
9. Cooperative Strategy, 278
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
10. Corporate Governance, 310
11. Organizational Structure and Controls, 344
12. Strategic Leadership, 382
13. Strategic Entrepreneurship, 416
Part 4: Case Studies
Name Index, 1-1
Company Index, 1-21
Subject Index, 1-24
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Contents ,
Preface xiv
About the Authors xx
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs 2
1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness 2 Opening Case: The Honest Co.: Can It Become an Iconic Global Brand? 3
Strategic Focus Competitive Advantage as a Source of Strategic Competitiveness 5
1-1 The Competitive Landscape 8
1-la The Global Economy 9
1-1 b Technology and Technological Changes 11
1-2 The 1/0 Model of Above-Average Returns 14
1-3 The Resource-Based Model of Above-Average Returns 16
1-4 Vision and Mission 18
1-4a Vision 18
1-4b Mission 18
1-5 Stakeholders 19
1-Sa Classifications of Stakeholders 20
1-6 Strategic Leaders 23
1-6a The Work of Effective Strategic Leaders 23
Strategic Focus Strategic Leaders' Decisions as a Path to Firms' Efforts to Deal
Successfully with Their Challenges 24
1-7 The Strategic Management Process 26
Summary 27 • Key Terms 28 • Review Questions 28 • Mini-Case 28 • Notes 30
2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis 36 Opening Case: Cracks in the Golden Arches and Mcdonald's New Glue 37
2-1 The General, Industry, and Competitor Environments 39
2-2 External Environmental Analysis 41
2-2a Scanning 41
2-2b Monitoring 42
2-2c Forecasting 42
2-2d Assessing 43
2-3 Segments of the General Environment 43
2-3a The Demographic Segment 43
2-3b The Economic Segment 46
2-3c The Political/Legal Segment 47
2-3d The Sociocultural Segment 48
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2-3e The Technological Segment 49
2-3f The Global Segment 50
2-3g The Sustainable Physical Environment Segment 51
Strategic Focus Target (Tar-zhey) Is Trying to Navigate in a New and Rapidly Changing
Competitive Landscape 52
2-4 Industry Environment Analysis 53
2-4a Threat of New Entrants 54
2-4b Bargaining Power of Suppliers 57
2-4c Bargaining Power of Buyers 58
2-4d Threat of Substitute Products 58
2-4e Intensity of Rivalry among Competitors 59
2-5 Interpreting Industry Analyses 61
2-6 Strategic Groups 61
Strategic Focus Toys 'R' Us Exemplifies the Apocalypse in the Retail Industries 62
2-7 Competitor Analysis 63
2-8 Ethical Considerations 65
Summary 66 • Key Terms 66 • Review Questions 66 • Mini-Case 67 • Notes 68
3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages 74 Opening Case: Large Pharmaceutical Companies, Big Data Analytics, Artificial
Intelligence and Core Competencies: A Brave New World 75
3-1 Analyzing the Internal Organization 77
3-1 a The Context of Internal Analysis 77
3-1 b Creating Value 78
3-lc The Challenge of Analyzing the Internal Organization 79
3-2 Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies 81
3-2a Resources 81
Strategic Focus Tangible and Intangible Resources as the Base for Core Competencies 83
3-2b Capabilities 85
3-2c Core Competencies 86
3-3 Building Core Competencies 87
3-3a The Four Criteria of Sustainable Competitive Advantage 87
3-3b Value Chain Analysis 90
3-4 Outsourcing 93
3-5 Competencies, Strengths, Weaknesses, and Strategic Decisions 94
Strategic Focus The Extreme Specialization of Outsourcing: Who Is Doing It and Who Is Not? 95
Summary 96 • Key Terms 96 • Review Questions 96 • Mini-Case 97 • Notes 98
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation 104
4: Business-Level Strategy 104 Opening Case: Digital: An Increasingly Important Aspect of Strategy Choice and
Strategy Implementation 105
4-1 Customers: Their Relationship with Business-Level Strategies 107
4-1 a Effectively Managing Relationships with Customers 108
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4-1 b Reach, Richness, and Affiliation 108
4-1 c Who: Determining the Customers to Serve 109
4-1 d What: Determining Which Customer Needs to Satisfy 110
4-1 e How: Determining Core Competencies Necessary to Satisfy Customer Needs 111
4-2 The Purpose of a Business-Level Strategy 112
4-3 Business Models and Their Relationship with Business
Level Strategies 113
4-4 Types of Business-Level Strategies 114
4-4a Cost Leadership Strategy 116
4-4b Differentiation Strategy 120
4-4c Focus Strategies 124
Strategic Focus The Differentiation Strategy-Can Macy's Again Find Ways
to Achieve Success by Implementing This Strategy? 7 25
Strategic Focus What Type of Hamburger Would You Like to Buy
and Eat Today? 728
4-4d Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy 130
Summary 133 • Key Terms 134 • Review Questions 134 • Mini-Case 135 • Notes 136
5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics 142 Opening Case: The Grocery Industry: Welcome to
a New Competitive Landscape 146
Strategic Focus The Emergence of Competitive Rivalry among Battery Manufacturers:
Who Will Establish the Most Attractive Market Position? 746
5-1 A Model of Competitive Rivalry 148
5-2 Competitor Analysis 149
5-2a Market Commonality 150
5-2b Resource Similarity 151
5-3 Drivers of Competitive Behavior 152
5-4 Competitive Rivalry 154
5-4a Strategic and Tactical Actions 154
5-5 Likelihood of Attack 155
5-5a First-Mover Benefits 155
5-5b Organizational Size 157
5-5c Quality 158
Likelihood of Response 159
5-6a Type of Competitive Action
5-6b Actor's Reputation 160
5-6c Market Dependence 160
5-7 Competitive Dynamics 161
5-7a Slow-Cycle Markets 161
Strategic Focus Swiss Watchmakers: The Eroding of a Long-Lasting Competitive Advantage
While Competing in a Slow-Cycle Market? 762
5-7b Fast-Cycle Markets 164
5-7c Standard-Cycle Markets 166
Summary 167 • Key Terms 168 • Review Questions 168 • Mini-Case 169 • Notes 170
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6: Corporate-Level Strategy 176 Opening Case: Amazon's Successful Growth through
Its Corporate Diversification Strategy 177
6-1 Levels of Diversification 179
6-1 a Low Levels of Diversification 180
6-1 b Moderate and High Levels of Diversification 181
Strategic Focus Caterpillar Uses the Related Constrained Diversification Strategy 182
6-2 Reasons for Diversification 183
6-3 Value-Creating Diversification: Related Constrained and Related Linked
Diversification 185
6-3a Operational Relatedness: Sharing Activities 185
6-3b Corporate Relatedness: Transferring of Core Competencies 186
6-3c Market Power 187
6-3d Simultaneous Operational Relatedness and Corporate Relatedness 189
6-4 Unrelated Diversification 190
6-4a Efficient Internal Capital Market Allocation 190
Strategic Focus Berkshire Hathaway and SoftBank Use Similar Unrelated Strategies 197
6-4b Restructuring of Assets 192
6-5 Value-Neutral Diversification: Incentives and Resources 193
6-5a Incentives to Diversify 193
6-5b Resources and Diversification 196
6-6 Value-Reducing Diversification: Managerial Motives to Diversify 198
Summary 200 • Key Terms 200 • Review Questions 200 • Mini-Case 201 • Notes 202
7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies 208 Opening Case: Cisco Systems: Strategic Acquisitions to Adapt
to a Changing Market 209
7-1 The Popularity of Merger and Acquisition Strategies 210
7-1 a Mergers, Acquisitions, and Takeovers: What Are the Differences? 211
7-2 Reasons for Acquisitions 212
7-2a Increased Market Power 212
Strategic Focus Broadcom's Failed Hostile Takeover Attempt of Qualcomm 213
7-2b Overcoming Entry Barriers 215
7-2c Cost of New Product Development and Increased Speed to Market 216
Strategic Focus Cross-Border Mega Mergers in the Agricultural Chemical and Technology Sectors 217
7-2d Lower Risk Compared to Developing New Products 218
7-2e Increased Diversification 218
7-2f Reshaping the Firm's Competitive Scope 219
7-29 Learning and Developing New Capabilities 219
7-3 Problems in Achieving Acquisition Success 219
7-3a Integration Difficulties 220
7-3b Inadequate Evaluation ofTarget 221
7-3c Large or Extraordinary Debt 222
7-3d Inability to Achieve Synergy 222
7-3e Too Much Diversification 223
7-3f Managers Overly Focused on Acquisitions 224
7-39 Too Large 224
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7-4 Effective Acquisitions 225
7-5 Restructuring 227
7-5a Downsizing 227
7-5b Downscoping 227
7-5c Leveraged Buyouts 228
7-5d Restructuring Outcomes 228
Summary 230 • Key Terms 230 • Review Questions 231 • Mini-Case 231 • Notes 232
8: International Strategy 238 Opening Case: Netflix Achieves Substantial Growth through International Expansion,
But Such Growth Also Is Attracting Significant Competition 239
8-1 Identifying International Opportunities 241
8-1 a Incentives to Use International Strategy 241
8-1 b Three Basic Benefits of International Strategy 243
8-2 International Strategies 245
8-2a International Business-Level Strategy 245
8-2b International Corporate-Level Strategy 248
Strategic Focus Ikea's Global Strategy in the Age of Digitalization and Urbanization 250
8-3 Environmental Trends 252
8-3a Liability of Foreignness 252
8-3b Regionalization 253
8-4 Choice of International Entry Mode 254
8-4a Exporting 255
8-4b Licensing 255
8-4c Strategic Alliances 256
8-4d Acquisitions 257
8-4e New Wholly Owned Subsidiary 258
8-4f Dynamics of Mode of Entry 259
8-5 Risks in an International Environment 260
8-5a Political Risks 260
8-5b Economic Risks 261
Strategic Focus The Global Delivery Services Industry: Economic Disruption
of Tariffs and Trade Wars 262
8-6 Strategic Competitiveness Outcomes 263
8-6a International Diversification and Returns 264
8-6b Enhanced Innovation 264
8-7 The Challenge of International Strategies 265
8-7a Complexity of Managing International Strategies 265
8-7b Limits to International Expansion 265
Summary 266 • Key Terms 267 • Review Questions 267 • Mini-Case 268 • Notes 270
9: Cooperative Strategy 278 Opening Case: Google's Diversified Alliance Portfolio: A Response to Competitors
and an Attempt to Be a Dominant Force 279
9-1 Strategic Alliances as a Primary Type of Cooperative Strategy 281
9-1 a Types of Major Strategic Alliances 281
9-1 b Reasons Firms Develop Strategic Alliances 283
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9-2 Business-Level Cooperative Strategy 286
9-2a Complementary Strategic Alliances 286
9-2b Competition Response Strategy 288
9-2c Uncertainty-Reducing Strategy 289
Strategic Focus Tesla Losing Critical Strategic Alliances and Experiencing Challenges Creating
Efficient Operations 290
9-2d Competition-Reducing Strategy 291
9-2e Assessing Business-Level Cooperative Strategies 292
9-3 Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategy 292
9-3a Diversifying Strategic Alliance 293
9-3b Synergistic Strategic Alliance 293
9-3c Franchising 293
9-3d Assessing Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategies 294
9-4 International Cooperative Strategy 294
Strategic Focus The Cross-Border Alliance between Ford and Mahindra: Developing the Automobile
of the Future 296
9-5 Network Cooperative Strategy 297
9-5a Alliance Network Types 297
9-6 Competitive Risks with Cooperative Strategies 298
9-7 Managing Cooperative Strategies 300
Summary 301 • Key Terms 302 • Review Questions 302 • Mini-Case 302 • Notes 304
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation 310
10: Corporate Governance 310 Opening Case: Shareholder Activists and Corporate Governance 311
10-1 Separation of Ownership and Managerial Control 314
10-1 a Agency Relationships 315
10-1 b Product Diversification as an Example of an Agency Problem 316
Strategic Focus General Electric's Complex Diversification Strategy Makes Evaluation Difficult
for Board Directors 318
10-1 c Agency Costs and Governance Mechanisms 319
10-2 Ownership Concentration 320
10-2a The Increasing Influence of Institutional Owners 321
10-3 Board of Directors 322
10-3a Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors 324
10-3b Executive Compensation 325
10-3c The Effectiveness of Executive Compensation 325
10-4 Market for Corporate Control 326
Strategic Focus Has More Governance Scrutiny Made Large CEO Compensation
Packages More Reasonable? 327
10-4a Managerial Defense Tactics 329
10-5 International Corporate Governance 330
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10-Sa Corporate Governance in Germany and Japan 331
10-Sb Corporate Governance in China 332
10-6 Governance Mechanisms and Ethical Behavior 333
Summary 334 • Key Terms 335 • Review Questions 335 • Mini-Case 335 • Notes 337
11: Organizational Structure and Controls 344 Opening Case: Changing McDonald's Organizational Structure and Controls:
A Path to Improved Performance 345
11-1 Organizational Structure and Controls 347
11-1 a Organizational Structure 347
11-1 b Organizational Controls 348
11-2 Relationships between Strategy and Structure 349
11-3 Evolutionary Patterns of Strategy and Organizational Structure 350
11-3a Simple Structure 350
11-3b Functional Structure 351
11-3c Multidivisional Structure 352
11-3d Matches between Business-Level Strategies and the Functional Structure 353
11-3e Matches between Corporate-Level Strategies and the Multidivisional Structure 356
Strategic Focus General Electric's Decline, New Strategy, and Reorganization 362
11-3f Matches between International Strategies and Worldwide Structure 363
11-39 Matches between Cooperative Strategies and Network Structures 367
11-4 Implementing Business-Level Cooperative Strategies 369
Strategic Focus Global Airline Alliances, Airline Joint Ventures, and Network Difficulties 370
11-5 Implementing Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategies 371
11-6 Implementing International Cooperative Strategies 371
Summary 372 • Key Terms 373 • Review Questions 373 • Mini-Case 374 • Notes 376
12: Strategic Leadership 382 Opening Case: Meg Whitman: A Pioneering Strategic Leader 383
12-1 Strategic Leadership and Style 386
Strategic Focus Cybersecurity Risk: A Significant and Expanding Challenge
for Strategic Leaders and Their Firms 387
12-2 The Role ofTop-Level Managers 388
12-2a Top ManagementTeams 390
12-3 Managerial Succession 393
12-4 Key Strategic Leadership Actions 396
12-4a Determining Strategic Direction 396
12-4b Effectively Managing the Firm's Resource Portfolio 398
12-4c Sustaining an Effective Organizational Culture 400
Strategic Focus Organizational Culture: Is It Really That Important? 401
12-4d Emphasizing Ethical Practices 403
12-4e Establishing Balanced Organizational Controls 404
Summary 407 • KeyTerms 408 • Review Questions 408 • Mini-Case 408 • Notes 410
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xii Contents
13: Strategic Entrepreneurship 416 Opening Case: Today It Is Gas and Diesel: Tomorrow It Is Likely to Be Electric Vehicles,
Plug-in Hybrids, and Driverless Cars and Trucks 417
13-1 Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Opportunities 419
13-2 Innovation 420
13-3 Entrepreneurs 421
13-4 International Entrepreneurship 422
13-5 Internal Innovation 423
13-Sa Incremental and Novel Innovation 424
13-Sb Autonomous Strategic Behavior 426
Strategic Focus Seeking Innovation through Autonomous Strategic Behavior at the Country Level 427
13-Sc Induced Strategic Behavior 428
13-6 Implementing Internal Innovations 428
13-6a Cross-Functional Product Development Teams 429
13-6b Facilitating Integration and Innovation 430
13-6c Creating Value from Internal Innovation 430
13-7 Innovation through Cooperative Strategies 431
13-8 Innovation through Acquisitions 432
Strategic Focus Will These Acquisitions Lead to Innovation Success or to Strategic Failure? 433
13-9 Creating Value through Strategic Entrepreneurship 434
Summary 437 • Key Terms 438 • Review Questions 438 • Mini-Case 438 • Notes 440
Part 4: Case Studies C-1
Preparing an Effective Case Analysis C-4
Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google C-13
Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution C-29
Case 3: Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW C-44
Case 4: An Examination of the Long-term Healthcare Industry in the USA C-58
Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads C-63
Case 6: New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation C-80
Case 7: Illinois Tool Works: Retooling for Continued Growth and Profitability C-95
Case 8: Ultra Rope: Crafting a Go-to-Market Strategy for Kane's Innovative 'Ultra Rope'
Hoisting Cable C-104
Case 9: MatchMove: Business Model Evolution C-113
Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond C-124
Case 11: Pacific Drilling: The Preferred Offshore Driller C-147
Case 12: Pfizer C-163
Case 13: Publix Supermarkets, Inc. C-175
Case 14: Driving Innovation and Growth at Starbucks: From Howard Schultz
to Kevin Johnson C-190
Case 15: Sturm, Ruger & Co. and the U.S. Firearms Industry C-198
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up? C-211
Case 17: The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal C-228
Case 18: The Wells Fargo Banking Scandal C-238
Case 19: ZF Friedrichshafen's Acquisition ofTRW Automotive: Making the Deal C-248
Case 20: The Rise and Fall of ZO Rooms C-259
Name Index 1-1
Company Index 1-21
Subject Index 1-24
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Preface ' •
Our goal in writing each edition of this book is to present a new, up-to-date standard for explaining the strategic management process. To reach this goal with the 13th edition of our market-leading text, we again present you with an intellectually rich yet thoroughly practical analysis of strategic management.
With each new edition, we work hard to achieve the goal of maintaining our stan dard of presenting strategic management knowledge in a readable style. To prepare for each new edition, we carefully study the most recent academic research to ensure that the content about strategic management we present to you is up to date and accu rate. In addition, we continuously read articles appearing in many different business publications (e.g., Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, Fortune, Financial Times, Fast Company, and Forbes, to name a few). We also study postings through social media (such as biogs) given their increasing use as channels of information distribution. By studying a wide array of sources, we are able to identify valuable examples of how companies across the world are using (or not using) the strategic management process. Though many of the hundreds of companies that we discuss in the book will be quite familiar, some will likely be new to you. One reason for this is that we use examples of companies from around the world to demonstrate the globalized nature of busi ness operations. Some of these firms are quite large and known to many while others are small and known primarily to the customers they serve. To maximize your oppor tunities to learn as you read and think about how actual companies use strategic management tools, techniques, and concepts (based on the most current research), we emphasize a lively and user-friendly writing style. To facilitate learning, we use an Analysis-Strategy-Performance framework; we explain this framework in Chapter 1 and reference it throughout the book.
Several characteristics of this 13th edition of our book are designed to enhance your learning experience:
■ First, we are pleased to note that this book presents you with the most comprehensive and thorough coverage of strategic management that is available in the market.
■ We draw the research used in this book from the "classics" as well as the most recent contributions to the strategic management literature. The historically significant "classic" research provides the foundation for much of what we know about strate gic management, while the most recent contributions reveal insights about how to use strategic management effectively in the complex, global business environment in which firms now compete. Our book also presents you with a large number of up-to-date examples of how firms use the strategic management tools, techniques, and con cepts that prominent researchers and business practitioners have developed. Indeed, although the relevant theory and current research are the foundation for this book, it also is strongly application oriented and presents you, our readers, with a large num ber of examples and applications of strategic management concepts, techniques, and tools. In this edition, for example, we examine more than 600 companies to describe
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the use of strategic management. Collectively, no other strategic management book presents you with the combination of useful and insightful research and applications in the variety of organizations as does this text.
Company examples you will find in this edition include large U.S.-based firms such as Apple, Amazon.com, McDonald's, FedEx, Starbucks, Walmart, Walt Disney, General Electric, Intel, American Express, Coca-Cola, Netflix, Google, Tesla, Target, UPS, Kellogg, 3M, DuPont, and Marriott. In addition, we examine firms based in countries other than the United States such as AXA, Airbus, Deutche Bank, LafargeHolcim, Sony, Softbank, Kering, Anbang Insurance, Teva, Chem China, Bayer, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Nestle, Mahindra, Air France-KLM, Toyota, Aldi, Honda, Ahold, Tata Consultancy, Alibaba, IKEA, Lenova, Volkswagen, and Samsung. As these lists suggest, the firms examined in this book compete in a wide range of industries and produce a diverse set of goods and services.
■ We use the ideas of many prominent scholars (e.g., Ron Adner, Rajshree Agarwal, Ruth Aguilera, Gautam Ahuja, Raffi Amit, Africa Arino, Jay Barney, Paul Beamish, Peter Buckley, Alfred Chandler, Ming-Jer Chen, Russ Coff, Brian Connelly, Rich D'Aveni, Kathy Eisenhardt, Nicolas Foss, Gerry George, Javier Gimeno, Luis Gomez Mejia, Melissa Graebner, Ranjay Gulati, Don Hambrick, Connie Helfat, Amy Hillman, Tomas Hult, Dave Ketchen, Ryan Krause, Dovev Lavie, Haiyang Li, Yadong Luo, Shige Makino, Costas Markides, Anita McGahan, Danny Miller, Will Mitchell, Margie Peteraf, Michael Porter, Nandini Rajagopalan, Jeff Reuer, Joan Ricart, Richard Rumelt, Wei Shi, David Sirmon, Ken Smith, Steve Tallman, David Teece, Rosalie Tung, Michael Tushman, Eero Vaara, Margarethe Wiersema, Oliver Williamson, Mike Wright, Anthea Zhang, Shaker Zahara, and Ed Zajac among others) to shape the discussion of what strategic management is. We describe the practices of prominent executives and practitioners (e.g., T homas Buberl, Tim Cook, Brian Cornell, James Dyson, Steve Easterbrook, Reed Hastings, Jan Jenisch, Jack Ma, Elon Musk, James Park, Chuck Robbins, Howard Schultz, Hock Tan, Meg Whitman, and many others) to help us describe how strategic management is used in many types of organizations.
The authors of this book are also active scholars. We conduct research on a number of strategic management topics. Our interest in doing so is to contribute to the strate gic management literature and to enhance our understanding of how to apply strategic management tools, techniques, and concepts effectively as a means of increasing organi zational performance. Thus, we integrate our own research in the appropriate chapters along with the research of numerous other scholars, some of whom we list above.
In addition to our book's characteristics, there are some specific features and revisions that we have made in this 13th edition that we are pleased to highlight for you:
■ New Opening Cases and Strategic Focus Segments We continue our tradition of providing virtually all-new Opening Cases and Strategic Focus segments! Almost all of these features are new to this edition; we updated completely the few remaining from the 12th edition because of their continuing relevance and importance. Many of these application-oriented features deal with companies located outside North America. In addition, all of the company-specific examples included in each chapter are either new or substantially updated. Through all of these venues, we present you with a wealth of examples of how actual organizations, most of which compete inter nationally as well as in their home markets, use the strategic management process for the purpose of outperforming rivals and increasing their performance.
■ Twenty Cases are included in this edition. Offering an effective mix of organizations headquartered or based in North America and a number of other countries as well, the cases deal with contemporary and highly important topics. Many of the cases have
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xvi Preface
full financial data (the analyses of which are in the Case Notes that are available to instructors). These timely cases present active learners with opportunities to apply the strategic management process and understand organizational conditions and contexts and to make appropriate recommendations to deal with critical concerns. These cases also appear in MindTap.
■ New Mini-Cases appear at the end of each chapter. In these cases, we describe how companies deal with major issues highlighted in the text. There are 13 of these cases, one for each chapter, although some of them can overlap with other chapter content. Students will like their conciseness, but they likewise provide rich content that can serve as a catalyst for individual or group analysis and class discussion. A set of ques tions, which guide analysis and discussion, follows each Mini-Case.
■ More than 1,200 new references from 2017 and 2018 appear in the chapters' end notes. We used the materials associated with these references to support new material added or current strategic management concepts that are included in this edition. In addition to demonstrating the classic and recent research from which we draw our material, the large number of references supporting the book's contents allow us to integrate cutting-edge research and thinking into a presentation of strategic manage ment tools, techniques, and concepts.
■ New content appears in several chapters. Examples include: (1) the discussion of digitalization and its link with the forming and execution of strategies in Chapter l; (2) a description of the changing competitive landscape due to new technology devel opment, changing government policies (political landscape), and global competition in Chapter 2; (3) the importance and use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence in Chapter 3; ( 4) the analysis of digital strategies in Chapter 4's Opening Case; (5) the description of business models and their relationship with business-level strategies in Chapter 4; and (6) our discussion and analysis of the emergence and competitive significance of Amazon's acquisition of Whole Foods in several chapters.
■ Updated information appears in several chapters. Examples include updates about the rapid pace of technology diffusion (Chapter 1), all new and current demo graphic data ( e.g., ethnic mix, geographic distribution) that describe the economic environment ( Chapter 2), the general partner strategies of private equity firms (Chapter 7), information from the World Economic Forum Competitiveness Report regarding political risks of international investments (Chapter 8), updates about corporate governance practices being used in different countries (Chapter 10), updated data about the number of internal and external CEO selections occurring in companies today (Chapter 12), a ranking of countries by the amount of their entrepreneurial activities (Chapter 13), and a ranking of companies on their total innovation output (Chapter 13).
■ An Exceptional Balance between current research and up-to-date applications of that research in actual organizations located throughout the world. The content has not only the best research documentation but also the largest number of effective real world examples to help active learners understand the different types of strategies organizations use to achieve their vision and mission and to outperform rivals.
Supplements to Accompany This Text
MindTap. MindTap is the digital learning solution that helps instructors engage stu dents and helps students become tomorrow's strategic leaders. All activities are designed to teach students to problem-solve and think like leaders. Through these activities and
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real-time course analytics, and an accessible reader, MindTap helps you turn cookie cutter into cutting edge, apathy into engagement, and memorizers into higher-level thinkers.
Customized to the specific needs of this course, activities are built to facilitate mastery of chapter content. We've addressed case analysis from cornerstone to capstone with a functional area diagnostic of prior knowledge, guided cases, branching activities, multi media presentations of real-world companies facing strategic decisions, and a collabora tive environment in which students can complete group case analysis projects together synchronously.
Instructor Website. Access important teaching resources on this companion website. For your convenience, you can download electronic versions of the instructor supplements from the password-protected section of the site, including Instructor's Resource Manual, Comprehensive Case Notes, Cognero Testing, and PowerPoint® slides. To access these additional course materials and companion resources, please visit www.cengage.com.
■ Instructor's Resource Manual. The Instructor's Resource Manual, organized around each chapter's knowledge objectives, includes teaching ideas for each chapter and how to reinforce essential principles with extra examples. This support product includes lecture outlines and detailed guides to integrating the MindTap activities into your course with instructions for using each chapter's experiential exercises, branching, and directed cases. Finally, we provide outlines and guidance to help you customize the collaborative work environment and case analysis project to incorporate your approach to case analysis, including creative ideas for using this feature throughout your course for the most powerful learning experience for your class.
■ Case Notes. These notes include directed assignments, financial analyses, and thor ough discussion and exposition of issues in the case. Select cases also have assessment rubrics tied to National Standards (AACSB outcomes) that can be used for grading each case. The Case Notes provide consistent and thorough support for instructors, following the method espoused by the author team for preparing an effective case analysis.
■ Cognero Test Bank. This program is easy-to-use test-creation software that is compatible with Microsoft Windows. Instructors can add or edit questions, instructions, and answers, and select questions by previewing them on the screen, selecting them randomly, or selecting them by number. Instructors can also create and administer quizzes online, whether over the Internet, a local area network (LAN), or a wide area network (WAN). Thoroughly revised and enhanced, test bank questions are linked to each chapter's knowledge objectives and are ranked by difficulty and question type. We provide an ample number of application ques tions throughout, and we have also retained scenario-based questions as a means of adding in-depth problem-solving questions. The questions are also tagged to National Standards (AACSB outcomes), Bloom's Taxonomy, and the Dierdorff/ Rubin metrics.
■ PowerPoints®. An updated PowerPoint presentation provides support for lectures, emphasizing key concepts, key terms, and instructive graphics.
Acknowledgments We express our appreciation for the excellent support received from our editorial and production team at Cengage Learning. We especially wish to thank Michael Giffen, Senior Product Manager; Bryan Gambrel, Product Director; Audrey Wyrick, Marketing
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xviii Preface
Manager; and Amanda W hite, our Content Manager. We are grateful for their dedication, commitment, and outstanding contributions to the development and publication of this book and its package of support materials.
We are highly indebted to all of the reviewers of past editions. T heir comments have provided a great deal of insight in the preparation of this current edition:
Jay Azriel York College of Pennsylvania
Lana Belousova Suffolk University
Ruben Boling North Georgia University
Matthias Bollmus Carroll University
Erich Brockmann University of New Orleans
David Cadden Quinnipiac University
Ken Chadwick Nicholls State University
Bruce H. Charnov Hofstra University
Jay Chok Keck Graduate Institute, Claremont Colleges
Peter Clement State University of New York-Delhi
Terry Coalter Northwest Missouri University
James Cordeiro SUNY Brockport
Deborah de Lange Suffolk University
Irem Demirkan Northeastern University
Dev Dutta University of New Hampshire
Scott Elston Iowa State University
Harold Fraser California State University-Fullerton
Robert Goldberg Northeastern University
Monica Gordillo Iowa State University
George Griffin Spring Arbor University
Susan Hansen University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Glenn Hoetker Arizona State University
James Hoyt Troy University
Miriam Huddleston Harford Community College
Carol Jacobson Purdue University
James Katzenstein California State University, Dominguez Hills
Robert Keidel Drexel University
Nancy E. Landrum University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Mina Lee Xavier University
Patrice Luoma Quinnipiac University
Mzamo Mangaliso University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Michele K. Masterfano Drexel University
James McClain California State University-Fullerton
Jean McGuire Louisiana State University
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John McIntyre Georgia Tech
Rick McPherson University of Washington
Karen Middleton Texas A&M-Corpus Christi
Raza Mir William Paterson University
Martina Musteen San Diego State University
Louise Nemanich Arizona State University
Frank Novakowski Davenport University
Consuelo M. Ramirez University of Texas at San Antonio
Barbara Ribbens Western Illinois University
Jason Ridge Clemson University
William Roering Michigan State University
Manjula S. Salimath University of North Texas
Deepak Sethi Old Dominion University
Manisha Singal Virginia Tech
Warren Stone University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Elisabeth Teal University of N. Georgia
Jill Thomas Jorgensen Lewis and Clark State College
Len J. Trevino Washington State University
Edward Ward Saint Cloud State University
Marta Szabo White Georgia State University
Michael L. Williams Michigan State University
Diana J. Wong-MingJi Eastern Michigan University
Patricia A. Worsham California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
William J. Worthington Baylor University
Wilson Zehr Concordia University
Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland
Robert E. Hoskisson
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About the Authors
Michael A. Hitt
Michael A. Hitt is a University Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M University and a Distinguished Research Fellow at Texas Christian University. Dr. Hitt received his Ph.D. from the University of Colorado. He has co-authored or co-edited 27 books and authored or co-authored many journal articles. A recent article listed him as one of the 10 most cited authors in management over a 25-year period. The Times Higher Education 2010 listed him among the top scholars in economics, finance, and manage ment based on the number of highly cited articles he has authored. A recent article in the Academy of Management Perspectives lists him as one of the top two management schol ars in terms of the combined impact of his work both inside (i.e., citations in scholarly journals) and outside of academia. And, a recent article in the Academy of Management Learning and Education lists him as the highest cited author in strategic management textbooks. He has served on the editorial review boards of multiple journals and is a for mer editor of the Academy of Management Journal and a former co-editor of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. He is a fellow in the Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, and the Academy of International Business. He has received hon orary doctorates (Doctor Honoris Causa) from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and from Jonkoping University. He is a former president of both the Academy of Management and the Strategic Management Society. He received awards for the best article published in the Academy of Management Executive (1999), Academy of Management Journal (2000), Journal of Management (2006), and Family Business Review (2012). In 2001, he received the Irwin Outstanding Educator Award and the Career Achievement Award for Distinguished Service from the Academy of Management. In 2004, Dr. Hitt was awarded the Best Paper Prize by the Strategic Management Society. In 2006, he received the Falcone Distinguished Entrepreneurship Scholar Award from Syracuse University. In 2017, he received the Career Achievement Award for Distinguished Educator from the Academy of Management. He received Distinguished Alumnus Awards from Texas Tech University and from the University of Colorado in 2018. In 2014-2018, Dr. Hitt was listed as a T homson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher (a listing of the world's most influential researchers).
R. Duane Ireland
R. Duane Ireland is a University Distinguished Professor, holder of the Benton Cocanougher Chair in Business, and the Executive Associate Dean in Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. Dr. Ireland teaches strategic management courses at all levels. He has more than 200 publications, including approximately 25 books. His research, which focuses on diversification, innovation, corporate entrepreneurship, strategic entrepreneurship, and the informal economy, appears in an array of journals. He has
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About the Authors
served as a member of multiple editorial review boards and is a former editor (and a for mer associate editor) of the Academy of Management Journal. He has been a guest editor for 12 special issues of journals. He is a past president of the Academy of Management. Dr. Ireland is a fellow of the Academy of Management, a fellow of the Strategic Management Society, and a research fellow in the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers. A recent article in the Academy of Management Learning and Education lists him as among the most highly cited authors in strategic management textbooks. He received awards for the best article published in Academy of Management Executive (1999), the Academy of Management Journal (2000), and the Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship (2010). He received an Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award for Research from Texas A&M University (2012). In 2014, 2015, and 2018, Thomson Reuters identified Dr. Ireland as a Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher (a listing of the world's most influential researchers). He received a Distinguished Service award from the Academy of Management in 2017 and a Distinguished Service award from the strategic management division of the Academy of Management in the same year. The Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University, chose him as a Distinguished Alumnus in 2018. In 2017, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award for Research and Scholarship from Mays Business School.
Robert E. Hoskisson
Robert E. Hoskisson is the George R. Brown Emeritus Chair of Strategic Management at the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University. Dr. Hoskisson received his Ph.D. from the University of California-Irvine. His research topics focus on corporate governance, acquisitions and divestitures, corporate and international diversification, and cooperative strategy. He teaches courses in corporate and international strategic man agement, cooperative strategy, and strategy consulting. He has co-authored 26 books, including recent books on business strategy and competitive advantage. Dr. Hoskisson has served on several editorial boards for such publications as the Strategic Management Journal (Associate Editor), Academy of Management Journal (Consulting Editor), Journal of International Business Studies (Consulting Editor), Journal of Management (Associate Editor), and Organization Science. His research has appeared in over 130 publications, including the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Perspective, Academy of Management Executive, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, California Management Review, and Journal of World Business. A recent article in the Academy of Management Learning and Education lists him among the most highly cited authors in strategic management textbooks. He is listed in the Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher list that catalogues the world's most influential research scholars. Dr. Hoskisson is a fellow of the Academy of Management and a charter member of the Academy of Management Journal's Hall of Fame. He is also a fellow of the Strategic Management Society and has received awards from the American Society for Competitiveness and the William G. Dyer Alumni award from the Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University. He completed three years of service as a Representative-at-Large on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Management. He also served as President of the Strategic Management Society, and served on the Executive Committee of its Board of Directors for six years.
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Social/ Manu- Consumer Food/ High Transportation/ International Ethical Industry
Case Title facturing Service Goods Retail Technology Internet Communication Perspective Issues Perspective
Alphabet •
(Google) • • • •
Baidu • • • • •
BMW • • • • •
CrossFit • • •
Industry • • •
Heise Medien • • • •
Illinois Tool •
Works •
Kone • • • •
Match Move • • • •
Exhibition • • •
Pacific Drilling • • • •
Pfizer • • • •
Publix • • • • •
Starbucks • • • •
Sturm, Ruger
and Co. • • •
Trivago • • • •
Volkswagen • • • •
Wells Fargo • •
ZF Fried-
richshafen • • • •
ZO-Rooms • • • • •
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Case Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 O 11 12 13
Alphabet (Google) • • • • •
Baidu • • • • •
BMW • • • • •
CrossFit • • • • • •
Healthcare Industry
(Long-Term) • • • •
Heise Medien • • •
Illinois Tool Works • • • • •
Kone • • •
Match Move • • • • •
Movie Exhibition • • • •
Pacific Drilling • • •
Pfizer • • • • • • • • •
Publix • • • • •
Starbucks • • • •
Sturm, Ruger and Co. • • • •
Trivago • • • •
Volkswagen • • •
Wells Fargo • • •
ZF Friedrichshafen • • • •
ZO-Rooms • • • • • • --
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Studying this chapter should provide
you with the strategic management knowledge needed to:
L 1 1 Define strategic competitiveness,
strategy, competitive advantage, above-average returns, and the strategic management process.
1-2 Describe the competitive landscape and explain how globalization and technological changes shape it.
1-3 Use the industrial organization (1/0) model to explain how firms can earn above-average returns.
1-4 Use the resource-based model to explain how firms can earn above- average returns.
1-5 Describe vision and mission and discuss their value.
1-6 Define stakeholders and describe their ability to influence organizations.
1-7 Describe the work of strategic leaders.
1-8 Explain the strategic management process.
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."ii '
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Launched on 2011, The Honest Co. is an eco-friendly consumer goods company co-founded by actress Jessica Alba. According to Alba, a desire as a parent to be able to purchase safe, effective products that perform as promised drove the decision to establish Honest. The firm says that it is a "wellness brand with values rooted in consciousness, community, transparency and design. We're on a mission to empower people to live happy, healthy lives:'
Over the years, Honest has offered consumers products in a number of categories including diapering, vitamins, feeding, personal care, and cleaning among others. Essentially, this firm's strategy calls for it to provide unique products to customers who value that uniqueness and are willing to pay for it in the form of prices that exceed those of "mainstream" products. Im plementing this strategy successfully would be the foundation for the firm achieving strategic competitiveness (we define strategy and strategic competitiveness in this chapter).
According to the firm's CEO, for the near future at least, Honest intends to concentrate on its baby and beauty products categories as a means of making progress to reach its objective of becoming an iconic global brand. Expansion into Europe in 2019 was an important strategic action taken to reach this objective. To avoid the highly competitive and low-margin diaper category, part of Honest's European expansion strategy includes its partnership with "German cosmetics and perfume chain Douglas to sell its beauty products in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, and Austria:'
The path to achieving strategic competitiveness has not been chal lenge- and error-free for The Honest Co. In terms of challenges, the firm has direct competitors such as Zulily (a firm offering always-fresh products for families with new babies includ- ing home decor items, clothing, gifts, ·�
-ffi etc.) and Giggle, a one-stop source .:;, -.••------•---••---•:for new parents seeking unique baby products. Additionally, large consum- Co-founder of The Honest Company Jessica Alba
er-goods companies such as Unilever at a special ribbon cutting ceremony in Beverly Hills, and Procter & Gamble offer products to California. consumers with some of the features associated with Honest's items, sometimes at a lower price. A series of lawsuits filed against The Honest Co. suggest mistakes made by the firm. In 2016, for example, a lawsuit alleged false labelling of some of the ingredients of the firm's cleaning products. Other allegations include one that the firm's sunscreen product does not work effectively. Honest also had to recall its organic baby powder for potential contamination and its baby wipes because of contamina tion with mold.
Recently, Honest received a $200 million dollar minority investment from L. Catterton, a private equity firm. The Honest Co. believes this investment provides the capital required to expand its supply chains and global reach. Honest thinks of L. Catterton as a perfect invest ment partner because of its expertise with global supply chains. The Honest Co. is the type of firm in which L. Catterton typically invests, as shown by its involvement with well-known American beauty product businesses such as Bliss, Elemis, and Tula.
Firms achieve strategic
competitiveness by
formulating and
implementing a value
creating strategy.
A strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of
commitments and actions
designed to exploit core
competencies and gain a
competitive advantage.
A firm has a competitive
advantage when by
implementing a chosen
strategy, it creates superior
value for customers and
when competitors are not
able to imitate the value the
firm's products create or find
it too expensive to attempt
Going forward, will The Honest Co. be able to use its resources to outcompete rivals as
a means of reaching its objective to become an iconic global brand by offering consumers eco-friendly and effective products? While committed to regaining consumers' trust and
confidence by producing products they want to buy, reaching this objective is challenging,
especially in light of the competition the firm faces. On the other hand, some analysts believe
Honest will succeed because the firm has three valuable capabilities (we define capabilities in
this chapter): "tremendous brand equity, innovative and quality products, and a loyal customer
following:'Time will tell ifThe Honest Co. will be able to execute with these capabilities in a
way that yields competitive success in the form of strategic competitiveness.
Sources: 2018, The Honest Co., About us, www.honest.com, August, 8; 2018, Jessica Alba's Honest Co. gets $200 million investment from L. Catterton, Fortune, www.fortune.com, June 6; A. Black, 2018, The right way for food companies to buy their way to growth, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, June 6; W. Colville, 2018, Jessica Alba's Honest Co. gets $200 million investment, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, June 6; A. Gasparro & J. Bunge, 2018, Food companies churn through CEOs, desperate for fresh ideas, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, May 29; A. Stych, 2018, Jessica Alba's Honest Company gets $200M investment, bizwomen, www.bizwomen.com, June 7; J. Valinsky, 2018, Jessica Alba's Honest Co. just got a $200 million lifeline, CNNMoney, www.cnnmoney.com, June 6; A. C. Wisch hover, 2018, Jessica Alba's Honest Company is relaunching products and trying to put bad PR drama behind it, Racked, www.racked.com, June 7.
A s we see from the Opening Case, achieving strategic competitiveness by implement ing a firm's chosen strategy successfully is challenging. Founded as a wellness brand
with a grounding in the values of consciousness, community, transparency, and design, Honest is struggling to reach its mission and the founders' desired level of competitive success. An eco-friendly consumer goods company, Honest seeks to provide customers with unique products for which they are willing to pay a higher price, compared to the prices for consumer goods products with relatively standard features and capabilities. Honest's top management team, including Jessica Alba, is using the strategic management process (see Figure 1.1) as the foundation for the commitments, decisions, and actions the team is taking to pursue strategic competitiveness and above-average returns. Given the firm's challenges, some of its decisions and actions going forward will likely differ from some made previously. In this book, we explain the strategic management process The Honest Co. and multiple other firms use to implement a chosen strategy successfully and to achieve strategic competitiveness by doing so. We introduce you to this process in the next few paragraphs.
Firms achieve strategic competitiveness by formulating and implementing a value creating strategy. A strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions designed to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage. When choosing a strategy, firms make choices among competing alternatives as the pathway for deciding how they will pursue strategic competitiveness. In this sense, the chosen strategy indicates what the firm will do as well as what the firm will not do.
A firm has a competitive advantage when by implementing a chosen strategy, it cre ates superior value for customers and when competitors are not able to imitate the value the firm's products create or find it too expensive to attempt imitation.1 An organization can be confident that its strategy yields a competitive advantage after competitors' efforts to duplicate it have ceased or failed. In addition, firms must understand that no compet itive advantage is permanent.2 The speed with which competitors are able to acquire the skills needed to duplicate the benefits of a firm's value-creating strategy determines how long the competitive advantage will last.3 The Honest Co. seeks to create a competitive advantage, as do all organizations. We discuss competitive advantages and provide a few firm-specific examples of them in the Strategic Focus.
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness 5
Competitive Advantage as a Source of Strategic Competitiveness
Possessing a competitive advantage, and understanding how to
use it effectively in marketplace competitions, is foundational to
all firms' efforts to achieve strategic competitiveness and outper
form rivals in the process of doing so. Strategic leaders influence
choices firms make to develop a competitive advantage. (We
define strategic leaders later in this chapter and discuss strategic
leadership in detail in Chapter 12.) In essence, a firm creates a
competitive advantage by being as different as possible from
competitors in ways that are important to customers and in ways
that competitors cannot duplicate. Important differences are
ones for which customers are willing to pay. Having and exploit
ing a competitive advantage successfully finds a firm creating
superior value for its customers and superior profits for itself.
The competitive advantages firms possess differ among
companies across and within industries. Drawing from Michael
Porter's work, we explain in Chapter 4 that firms have a
competitive advantage when they deliver the same value to
customers as competitors deliver but at a lower cost, or when
they deliver benefits for which customers are willing to pay
that exceed the benefits competitors offer. Facilitating a firm's
efforts to develop a competitive advantage is its ability to
make the value its products offers customers as clear, concise,
and easily recognizable as possible. In slightly different words,
firms must convey effectively the value of their products, rela
tive to competitors' offerings, to their customers. The larger is
the "gap" between the va lue a firm's products creates for cus
tomers and the value competitors' products bring to customers,
the more significant is a firm's competitive advantage.
The competitive dimensions on which firms are able to
establish a competitive advantage are virtually endless. In a
general sense, technological developments, which continue at a
rapid pace, may be a source of competitive advantage for firms
in multiple industries. Salesforce.com, the customer relationship
management (CRM) firm that uses cloud computing extensively,
recently"debuted a CRM solution that uses machine learning
to build comprehensive data-based customer profiles, identify
crucial touch points and uncover additional sales opportunities'.'
Adaptability and flexibility are additional potential sources of
competitive advantage for firms learning how to exploit newly
developing technologies quickly and successfully. Netflix is build
ing competitive advantages in terms of its original program
ming and its customer interface platform that creates unique
experiences for individual users. Some analysts feel that trust
is an important source of competitive advantage. In a recent
survey, a group reported that "Unlike other on line retailers, 67%
of Amazon customers trust the company to protect their privacy
and personal data'.'Home Depot officials cite the firm's culture
as a competitive advantage. The culture emphasizes "excellent
customer service, an entrepreneurial spirit, building strong rela
tionships, taking care of its people, and doing the right thing" In
today's globalized competitive environment, firms that learn how
to develop an effective balance among economic growth, eco
logical balance, and social growth may have a viable competitive
advantage. Finally, some argue that in the final analysis, a firm's
people are the most important source of competitive advantage.
The reason for this is that a firm's people think of ways to create
differences between their firm and competitors; a firm's people
then execute in ways that bring those differences to life.
We note in Chapter 4 that no competitive advantage is
sustainable permanently. In some instances, a firm's advantage
no longer creates value for which customers are willing to pay.
In other cases, competitors will learn how to create more value
for customers with respect to a valued competitive dimension
for which they are willing to pay. Thus, to achieve strategic
competitiveness across time, a firm must concentrate simulta
neously on exploiting the competitive advantage it possesses
today while contemplating decisions to make today to ensure
that it will possess a competitive advantage in the future.
Sources: A. Bylund. 2018, What is Netflix, lnc'.s competitive advantage? The Motley
Fool, www.fool.com, July 21; I. Hunkeler, 2018, How to turn digital disruption into a
competitive advantage, Small Business Daily, www.smallbizdaily.com, January 26;
L. Lent, 2018, Strategic sustainability focus delivers competitive advantages,
PHYS.ORG, www.phys.org, February 8; I. Linton, 2018, Strategic moves to build a
competitive advantage, Houston Chronicle, www.smallbusiness.chron.com, June 29;
G. Pickard-Whitehead, 2018, What is competitive advantage? Small Business Trends,
www.smallbiztrends.com, April 1 0; A. Rogers, 2018, Innovation case studies:
How companies use technology to solidify a competitive advantage, Forbes,
www.forbes.com, April 13; J. Silver, 2018, Culture as a competitive advantage, Hispanic
Executive, www.hispanicexecutive.com, May 1; G. Sterling, 2018, Survey: Consumer
trust rnay be Amazon's true competitive advantage, Search Engine Land, www
.searchengineland.com, June 7; R. Wartzman & L Crosby, 2018, A company's perfor
mance depends first of all on its people, Woll Street Journal, www.wsj.com, August 12.
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Above-average returns
are returns in excess of what
an investor expects to earn
from other investments with
a similar amount of risk.
Risk is an investor's
uncertainty about the
economic gains or losses that
will result from a particular
Average returns are returns
equal to those an investor
expects to earn from other
investments possessing a
similar amount of risk.
The strategic management
process is the full set of
commitments, decisions, and
actions firms take to achieve
strategic competitiveness and
earn above-average returns.
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Above-average returns are returns in excess of what an investor expects to earn from other investments with a similar amount of risk. Risk is an investor's uncertainty about the economic gains or losses that will result from a particular investment. The most successful companies learn how to manage risk effectively;4 doing so reduces investors' uncertainty about the outcomes of their investment.5 Firms often use accounting-based metrics, such as return on assets, return on equity, and return on sales to assess their performance. Alternatively, firms can assess their performance in terms of stock market returns, even monthly returns. (Monthly returns are the end-of-the-period stock price minus the beginning stock price divided by the beginning stock price, yielding a p e r centage return.) In smaller, new venture firms, returns are sometimes measured in terms of the amount and speed of growth (e.g., in annual sales) rather than more traditional profitability measures6 because new ventures require time to earn acceptable returns (in the form of return on assets and so forth) for investors.7
Understanding how to exploit a competitive advantage is important for firms seeking to earn above-average returns.8 Firms without a competitive advantage or those that do not compete in an attractive industry earn, at best, average returns. Average returns are returns equal to those an investor expects to earn from other investments possessing a similar amount of risk. Over time, an inability to earn at least average returns results first in decline and, eventually, failure.9 Failure occurs because investors withdraw their invest ments from those firms earning less-than-average returns.
As previously noted, there are no guarantees of permanent success. Companies suc ceeding at a point in time must not become overconfident. Research suggests that over confidence can lead to excessive risk taking.10 Used as an example several times in this book, Amazon.com today continues growing and increasing its sales revenue. This firm too though must avoid assuming that success today is a guarantee of success tomorrow. Using the strategic management process effectively facilitates firms' efforts to achieve success across time.
The strategic management process is the full set of commitments, decisions, and actions firms take to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns (see Figure 1.1).11 The process involves analysis, strategy, and performance (the A-S-P model-see Figure 1.1). The firm's first step in the process is to analyze its external envi ronment and internal organization to identify external opportunities and threats and to recognize its internal resources, capabilities, and core competencies. The results of these analyses influence the selection of the firm's strategy or strategies. The strategy portion of the model entails strategy formulation and strategy implementation.
With the information gained from external and internal analyses, the firm develops its vision and mission and formulates one or more strategies. To implement its strategies, the firm takes actions to enact each one with the intent of achieving strategic competi tiveness and above-average returns (performance). Effective actions that take place in the context of integrated strategy formulation and implementation efforts result in positive performance. Firms seek to maintain the quality of what is a dynamic strategic manage ment process as a means of dealing successfully with ever-changing markets and evolving internal conditions.12
In the remaining chapters of this book, we use the strategic management process to explain what firms do to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns. We demonstrate why some firms achieve competitive success consistently while others do not. Today, global competition is a critical part of the strategic management process and influences firms' performances.13 Indeed, learning how to compete in the globalized world is one of the most significant challenges firms face.14
We discuss several topics in this chapter. First, we describe the current competitive landscape. Several realities, including the emergence of a global economy, globalization
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Figure 1.1 The Strategic Management Process
Chapter 2 The External Environment
·.;; Vision 2:- ro Mission C
Chapter 3 The Internal Organization
Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation
Ol (1)
(1) u C ro
§ _g (1) a...
Chapter4 Business-Level
Chapter 7 Merger and Acquisition Strategies
Chapter 5 Competitive Rivalry and
Competitive Dynamics
Chapter 8 International
Chapter6 Corporate-
Level Strategy
Chapter 9 Cooperative
Strategic Competitiveness Above-Average
Chapter 10 Corporate
Chapter 12 Strategic
resulting from that economy, and rapid technological changes, influence this landscape. Next, we examine two models firms use to gather the information and knowledge required to choose and then effectively implement their strategies. The insights gained from these models also serve as the foundation for forming the firm's vision and mission. The fust model (industrial organization or 1/0) suggests that the external environment is the primary determinant of a firm's strategic actions. According to this model, identi fying and then operating effectively in an attractive (i.e., profitable) industry or segment of an industry are the keys to competitive success.15 The second model (resource-based) suggests that a firm's unique resources and capabilities are the critical link to strategic competitiveness.16 Thus, the first model is concerned primarily with the firm's external environment while the second model is concerned primarily with the firm's internal orga nization. After discussing vision and mission, direction-setting statements that influence the choice and use of strategies, we describe the stakeholders that organizations serve.
Chapter 11 Organizational Structure and
Chapter 13 Strategic
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Hypercompetition is a
condition where competitors
engage in intense rivalry,
markets change quickly and
often, and entry barriers are
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
The degree to which stakeholders' needs can be met increases when firms achieve stra tegic competitiveness and earn above-average returns. Closing the chapter are introduc tions to strategic leaders and the elements of the strategic management process.
1-1 The Competitive Landscape The fundamental nature of competition in many of the world's industries is changing. Digitalization, for example, which is the process of converting something to digital form, is a new competitive dimension that is affecting competition in multiple industries throughout the world. The Apple watch demonstrates "digitalization at its best where technology has taken an ordinary watch and introduced technology into it with phone capabilities, messaging, and even Internet capabilities:' 17
The full array of possibilities flowing from digitalization as a means of competition among companies remains unspecified. Recent evidence, though, suggests that firms understanding digitalization and its capabilities may be able to outperform their rivals. Headquartered in London, PricewaterhouseCoopers (doing business as PwC) is a multi national professional services firm. Based on a survey of 1,155 manufacturing executives located in 26 countries, PwC concluded that "Distinct from Industry 3.0, which involved the automation of single machines and processes, Industry 4.0 encompasses end-to-end digitization and data integration of the value chain: offering digital products and ser vices, operating connected physical and virtual assets, transforming and integrating all operations and internal activities, building partnerships, and optimizing customer-facing activities:' 18 An analysis of its survey results found PwC concluding that firms committed to becoming digital leaders are able to distinguish themselves from competitors by pro ducing innovative products that unique groups of customers value. Indeed, a significant benefit of digitalization is that it allows firms to identify specific customer groups and then serve their personalized and unique needs.19
The number of customers interested in digitalization as a source for product develop ment and subsequent use is huge and increasing. "There are two-and-a-half billion digital customers globally who are under 25 years of age. What characterizes this group is the fact that they are 'always on' and that they show a different usage behavior compared to that of the traditional 'analog' consumer:' 20 Thus, in today's competitive landscape, a chal lenge is for firms to understand the strategic implications associated with digitalization and to integrate digitalization effectively into their strategies.
Other characteristics of the current competitive landscape are notewor thy. Conventional sources of competitive advantage such as economies of scale and large advertising budgets are not as effective as they once were (e.g., because of social media advertising) in terms of helping firms earn above-average returns. Moreover, the tra ditional managerial mind-set is unlikely to lead a firm to strategic competitiveness. Managers must adopt a new mind-set that values flexibility, speed, innovation, integra tion, and the challenges flowing from constantly changing conditions.21 The conditions of the competitive landscape result in a perilous business world-a world in which the investments necessary to compete on a global scale are enormous and the consequences of failure are severe.22 Effective use of the strategic management process reduces the like lihood of failure for firms while competing against their rivals.
Hypercompetition is a condition where competitors engage in intense rivalry, markets change quickly and often, and entry barriers are low. In these environments, firms find it difficult to maintain a competitive advantage.23 Rivalry in hypercompetitive environments tends to occur among global competitors who innovate regularly and successfully.24 It is a condition of rapidly escalating competition based on price-quality positioning, compe tition to create new know-how and establish first-mover advantage, and competition to
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
protect or invade established product and/or geographic markets. In a hypercompetitive market, firms often challenge their competitors aggressively to strengthen their market position and ultimately, their performance.25 Specifically how firms challenge each other in hypercompetitive markets varies across time. Recently, for example, Internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. of China has become one of the world's largest technology inves tors. Between 2013 and mid-2018, the firm took stakes in 277 startups. Analysts believe this is a calculated strategy to crowd out rivals and to increase profits. 26
Several factors create hypercompetitive environments and influence the nature of the current competitive landscape. The emergence of a global economy and technology, specifically rapid technological change, are two primary drivers of hypercompetitive envi ronments and the nature of today's competitive landscape.
1-1a The Global Economy A global economy is one in which goods, services, people, skills, and ideas move freely across geographic borders. Relatively unfettered by artificial constraints, such as tariffs, the global economy significantly expands and complicates a firm's competitive environment. 27
The global economy, which changes rapidly and constantly,28 increases the scope of the competitive environment in which companies compete. Because of this, firms must study the global economy carefully as a foundation for learning how to position them selves successfully for competitive purposes.
The size of parts of the global economy is an important aspect of studying this com petitive arena. In 2018 for example, the United States was the world's largest economy at a value of $20.4 trillion. At that time, China was the world's second largest economy with a value of $14 trillion while Japan was the third largest at $5.1 trillion. Following Japan were three European countries (Germany at $4.2 trillion, United Kingdom at $2.94 trillion, and France at $2.93 trillion). In observing economies' values in 2018, the World Economic Forum noted that the size of the United States economy was "larger than the combined economies of numbers four to 10 on the list. Overall, the global economy (was) worth an estimated $79.98 trillion, meaning the United States accounts for more than one-quarter of the world total."29 Thus, companies scanning the global economy for opportunities in 2018 might conclude that markets in the United States, China, and Japan yield potentially significant opportunities for them. Of course, such an analysis also must consider entry barriers to various economies in the form of tar iffs. This type of analysis must also be forward looking in that in 2018, for example, the World Economic Forum estimated that China and India's economies would exceed the size of the U.S. economy by 2050 and that the economies of Germany, United Kingdom, and France would decline in size by this time as well. Companies should study carefully predictions such as these when determining the parts of the world in which growth opportunities as well as threats to their competitive global positions may exist in future years.
U.S.-based Netflix continues studying the global economy to identify opportunities in countries and regions in which it can grow. In mid-2018, the firm continued adding subscribers, reaching 125 million globally. At that time, analysts predicted the firm would have 360 million subscribers by 2030. International markets were to be the source of much of the growth in subscribers.30 Informing this prediction was the expectation that Netflix would achieve reasonable levels of market penetration internationally, including reaching penetration in 35 percent of all broadband households worldwide, excluding China.31 To fuel its international plans, Netflix offers some of its original movies in lan guages other than English. In 2018 alone, the firm allocated $8 billion to develop original programming, with some of those programs targeted to international customers.32
A global economy is one
in which goods, services,
people, skills, and ideas move
freely across geographic
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10 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
During the global recession of roughly 2007 and 2008, General Motors (GM) identified what it thought was a significant international opportunity in China. The fact that GM and its Chinese joint venture partners are now the leading manufactur ers in the world's largest automobile market seems to validate GM's assessment and the actions it took in light of it. GM and its partners' decision to launch the Baojun brand is foundational to the firm's success in China. With expectations of continuing growth, "Baojun is an entry-level brand targeted at consumers who live in (China's) smaller cities and rural areas:' 33 In recent times, the competitive actions GM is taking in China result in the firm outperforming its rival Ford Motor Co. in this key global market.34
The March of Globalization
Globalization is the increasing economic interdependence among countries and their organizations as reflected in the flow of products, financial capital, and knowledge across country borders.35 Globalization is a product of a large number of firms competing against one another in an increasing number of global economies.
In globalized markets and industries, firms might obtain financial capital in one national market and use it to buy raw materials in another. Firms might then use manu facturing equipment purchased in a third national market to produce and deliver prod ucts that it sells in a fourth market. Thus, globalization increases the range of opportuni ties for companies competing in the current competitive landscape.36
Firms operating globally must make culturally sensitive decisions when using the strategic management process, as is the case in Starbucks' operations in European countries (we discuss additional aspects of this firm's recent decisions and actions in this Chapter's Mini-Case). Additionally, highly globalized firms must anticipate ever-increasing complexity in their operations as goods, services, people, and so forth move freely across geographic borders and throughout different economies.
Overall, globalization has led to higher performance standards with respect to mul tiple competitive dimensions, including quality, cost, productivity, product introduc tion time, and operational efficiency. In addition to firms competing in the global economy, these standards affect firms competing on a domestic-only basis. Customers will choose to buy a global competitor's product when it creates superior value for them relative to the value created by the domestic firm's product. Workers now flow rather freely among global economies. This is important in that employees are a key source of competitive advantage.37 Firms must learn how to deal with the reality that in today's competitive landscape, only companies capable of meeting, if not exceeding, global standards typically earn above-average returns.
Although globalization offers potential benefits to firms, it is not without risks. "Liability of foreignness" is the term describing the risks of competing outside a firm's domestic markets. 38 The amount of time firms usually require to learn to compete in markets that are new to them is one risk of entering a global market. A firm's perfor mance can suffer until it gains the knowledge needed to compete successfully in a new global market.39 In addition, a firm's performance may suffer by entering too many global markets either simultaneously or too quickly. When this happens, the overall organization may lack the skills required to manage effectively all of its diversified global operations.40
The increasing opportunities available in emerging economies is a major driver of growth in the size of the global economy. Important emerging economies include the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China),41 the VISTA countries (Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey, and Argentina),42 as well as Mexico and Thailand.
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Demonstrating the growth in size of some of these economies is the 2018 prediction that by 2050, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, and Mexico will be the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh largest economies in the world by size. If this were to happen, by 2050, the size of these emerging economies would exceed those of Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France.43 Emerging economy firms now compete in global markets, some with increasing success.44 Indeed, the emergence of emerging-market multi national corporations (MNCs) in international markets forces large MNCs based in developed markets to enrich their own capabilities to compete effectively in global markets.45
Thus, entry into international markets, even for firms with substantial experience in the global economy, requires effective use of the strategic management process. Moreover, while global markets are an attractive strategic option for some companies, they are not the only source of strategic competitiveness. In fact, most companies, even those capable of competing successfully in global markets, should commit to remain ing competitive in their home market and in the international markets in which they choose to compete. Firms do this by remaining in tune with technological opportuni ties and potential disruptions innovations might create. As indicated in this chapter's Mini-Case, Starbucks is emphasizing both product innovation and international expan sion as means of growing profitably.
1-1 b Technology and Technological Changes
Increasingly, technology affects all aspects of how companies operate and as such, the strategies they choose to implement. Boston Consulting Group analy sts describe tech nology's impact as follows: "No company can afford to ignore the impact of technology on everything from supply chains to customer engagement, and the advent of even more advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things, portends more far-reaching change:'46
There are three categories of technology-related trends and conditions affecting today's firms: technology diffusion and disruptive technologies, the information age, and increasing knowledge intensity. As noted in the paragraph above, these categories have a significant effect on the nature of competition in many industries.
Technology Diffusion and Disruptive Technologies The rate of technology diffusion, which is the speed at which new technologies become available to firms and when firms choose to adopt them, is far greater than was the case a decade or two ago. Consider the following rates of technology diffusion:
It took the telephone 35 years to get into 25 percent of all homes in the United States. It took TV 26 years. It took radio 22 years. It took PCs 16 years. It took the Internet 7 years. 47
The impact of technological changes on individual firms and industries is broad and significant. For example, in the not-too-distant past, people rented movies on vid eotapes from retail stores such as Blockbuster. (Dish Network acquired Blockbuster in 2011.) Today, customers on a global basis use electronic means almost exclusively to rent movies and games. The publishing industry (books, journals, magazines, newspapers) is moving rapidly from hard copy to electronic format. Many firms in these industries, operating with a more traditional business model, are suffering. These changes are also affecting other industries, from trucking to mail services.
Perpetual innovation is a term used to describe how rapidly and consistently new, information-intensive technologies replace older ones. The shorter product life cycles
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12 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
resulting from these rapid diffusions of new technologies place a competitive premium on being able to introduce quickly new, innovative products into the marketplace.48
In fact, when products become hard to distinguish because of the widespread and rapid diffusion of technologies, speed to market with innovative products may be the primary source of competitive advantage (see Chapter 5).49 Indeed, some argue that continuous innovations occurring in the global economy drive much of today's rapid and substantial change. Not surprisingly, an understanding of global standards and of the expectations customers have regarding a product's functionality inform the nature of these innovations. Although some argue that large established firms may have trouble innovating, evidence suggests that today these firms are developing radically new technologies that transform old industries or create new ones.50 In 2018, for example, Boston Consulting Group identified the 50 most innovative companies in the world. The first five firms on this list are large companies-Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Samsung.51 Wireless AirPods, ARKit (the firm's augment ed-reality framework), and HomePod (an intelligent speaker) are some of the innova tive products Apple introduced recently and for which some recognize it as the most innovative company in the world.52
Another indicator of rapid technology diffusion is that commonly, firms gather infor mation quickly about their competitors' research and development (R&D) and product decisions, sometimes even within days.53 In this sense, the rate of technological diffusion has reduced the competitive benefits of patents.54 Today, patents may be an effective way of protecting proprietary technology in a small number of industries such as pharma ceuticals. Indeed, many firms competing in the electronics industry often do not apply for patents to prevent competitors from gaining access to the technological knowledge included in the patent application.
Disruptive technologies-technologies that destroy the value of an existing technol ogy and create new markets55-surface frequently in today's competitive markets. Think of the new markets created by the technologies underlying the development of prod ucts such as Wi-Fi, iPads, and the web browser and the markets advances in artificial intelligence will create. Some believe that these types of products represent radical or breakthrough innovations (we discuss radical innovations in Chapter 13).56 A disruptive or radical technology can create what is essentially a new industry or can harm indus try incumbents. However, some industry incumbents adapt to radical innovations from competitors based on their superior resources, experience, and ability to gain access to the new technology through multiple sources (e.g., alliances, acquisitions, and ongoing internal research).57
The Information Age Dramatic changes in information technology (IT) continue occurring in the global econ omy. Personal computers, cellular phones, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, massive databases ("big data"), data analytics, and multiple social networking sites are a few exam ples of how technological developments permit different uses of information. Data and information are vital to firms' efforts today to understand customers and their needs and to implement strategies in ways that satisfy those needs as well as the interests of all other stakeholders. For today's firms in virtually all industries, IT is an important capability that contributes positively to product innovation efforts58 and may be a source of competitive advantage as well. Firms failing to harness the power of data and information are disad vantaged compared to their competitors.59
Both the pace of change in IT and its diffusion continue increasing on a global scale. Consider that in 2018, 36 percent of the world's population owned a smartphone. With respect to personal computers, expectations are that the number of personal
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
computers sold annually will decline from 258.8 million in 2017 to 215.8 million in 2023. On the other hand, indications are that during the same time, technology inno vations such as touch-enabled PCs, ultra-slim and convertible laptops, and hybrid machines will stimulate revenue growth among technology companies.60 Technology based innovations also stimulate additional markets. For example, predictions are that the global video streaming market will reach $70 billion by 2021. Contributing to this market's growth is the fact that in 2018, the percentage of Internet and mobile audiences watching live video continued to expand.61 Trends such as these inform the work firms complete to select and implement their strategies in the global economy. The most successful firms envision information technology-derived innovations as opportunities to identify and serve new markets rather than as threats to the markets they serve currently.62
Increasing Knowledge Intensity Knowledge (information, intelligence, and expertise) is the basis of technology and its application. Today, knowledge is a critical organizational resource and an increasingly valuable source of competitive advantage.63 The shifting of the basis of competition being on tangible assets to intangible ones such as knowledge began in the early 1980s. For example, "Walmart transformed retailing through its proprietary approach to supply chain management and its information-rich relationships with customers and suppli ers:'64 Relationships with customers and suppliers, such as those characterizing Walmart, are an example of an intangible resource requiring managerial attention.65
Individuals acquire knowledge through experience, observation, and inference. Knowledge is an intangible resource (we describe tangible and intangible resources fully in Chapter 3). The value of firms' intangible resources, including knowledge, continues increasing as a proportion of total shareholder value.66 Some believe that "intangibles have grown from filling 20% of corporate balance sheets to 80%, due in large part to the expanding nature, and rising importance, of intangibles as represented by intel lectual capital vs. bricks-and-mortar, research and development vs. capital spending, services vs. manufacturing, and the list goes on:'67 Overall, U.S. firms may hold over $8 trillion in intangible assets on their balance sheets. This amount is roughly one-half of the market capitalization of companies comprising the S&P 500 index.68 Knowledge is a key intangible asset that when diffused quickly throughout a firm contributes to efforts to outperform rivals.69 Therefore, firms must develop (e.g., through training programs) and acquire (e.g., by hiring educated and experienced employees) knowledge, integrate it into the organization to create capabilities, and then apply it to gain a competitive advantage.70
A strong knowledge base is necessary to create innovations. In fact, firms lacking appropriate internal knowledge resources are less likely to allocate sufficient financial resources to R&D.71 Firms must continue to use learning to build their knowledge base because of the common occurrence of knowledge spillovers to competitors. Rival compa nies hiring personnel from a firm results in the knowledge from one firm spilling over to another company.72 Because of the potential for spillovers, firms must move quickly to use their knowledge productively. In addition, firms must find ways for knowledge to diffuse inside the organization such that it becomes available in all places where its use creates value.73 Strategic flexibility helps firms reach these objectives.
Strategic flexibility is a set of capabilities firms use to respond to various demands and opportunities existing in today's dynamic and uncertain competitive environment. Strategic flexibility involves coping with uncertainty and its accompanying risks.74
Firms should try to develop strategic flexibility in all areas of their operations. However, building strategic flexibility is not an easy task, largely because of inertia that can build
Strategic flexibility is
a set of capabilities firms
use to respond to various
demands and opportunities
existing in today's dynamic
and uncertain competitive
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14 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
over time. A firm's focus and past core competencies may actually slow change and strategic flexibility. 75
To be strategically flexible on a continuing basis and to gain the competitive benefits of such flexibility, a firm must develop the capacity to learn. Continuous learning pro vides the firm with new and up-to-date skill sets, which allow it to adapt to its environ ment as it encounters changes.76 Firms capable of applying quickly what they have learned exhibit the strategic flexibility and the capacity to change in ways that will increase the probability of dealing successfully with uncertain, hypercompetitive environments.
1-2 The 1/0 Model of Above-Average Returns
From the 1960s through the 1980s, those leading organizations believed that the external environment rather than the internal organization was the strongest influence on the choice of strategy.77 The industrial organization (I/0) model of above-average returns explains the external environment's dominant influence on the choice of strategy and the actions associated with it. The logic of the I/0 model is that a set of industry charac teristics, including economies of scale, barriers to market entry, diversification, product differentiation, the degree of concentration of firms in the industry, and market frictions, determine the profitability potential of an industry or a segment of it as well as the actions firms should take to operate profitably.78 We examine these industry characteristics and explain their influence in Chapter 2.
Grounded in economics, four underlying assumptions explain the I/0 model. First, the model assumes that the external environment imposes pressures and constraints that determine the strategies that would result in above-average returns. Second, most firms competing within an industry or within a segment of that industry are assumed to control similar strategically relevant resources and to pursue similar strategies in light of those resources. Third, firms assume that their resources are highly mobile, meaning that any resource differences that might develop between firms will be short-lived. Fourth, the model assumes that organizational decision makers are rational individuals who are committed to acting in the firm's best interests, as shown by their profit-maximizing behaviors.79
The I/0 model challenges firms to find the most attractive industry in which to com pete. An assumption supporting the need to find the most attractive industry is that firms possess the same types of resources with value and that these resources are mobile across companies. This means that a firm is able to increase its performance only when it competes in the industry with the highest profit potential and learns how to use its resources to implement the strategy required by the industry's structural characteristics. The competitive realities associated with the I/0 model find firms imitating each other's strategies and actions taken to implement them.80
The five forces model of competition is an analytical tool firms use to find the indus try that is the most attractive for them. The model (explained in Chapter 2) encompasses several variables and tries to capture the complexity of competition. The five forces model suggests that an industry's profitability (i.e., its rate of return on invested capital relative to its cost of capital) is a function of interactions among five forces: suppliers, buyers, com petitive rivalry among firms currently in the industry, product substitutes, and potential entrants to the industry.81
Firms use the five forces model to identify the attractiveness of an industry (as mea sured by its profitability potential) as well as the most advantageous position for the firm to take in that industry, given the industry's structural characteristics.82 The model
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
suggests that firms can earn above-average returns by producing either standardized products at costs below those of competitors (a cost leadership strategy) or by producing differentiated products for which customers are willing to pay a price premium (a differ entiation strategy). We discuss the cost leadership and product differentiation strategies fully in Chapter 4.
As shown in Figure 1.2, the I/O model suggests that firms earn above-average returns by studying the external environment effectively as the foundation for identifying an attractive industry and implementing an appropriate strategy in it. For example, in some industries, firms can reduce competitive rivalry and erect barriers to entry by form ing joint ventures. In turn, reduced rivalry increases the profitability potential of firms that are collaborating.83 Companies that develop or acquire the internal skills needed to implement strategies required by the external environment are likely to succeed, while those that do not are likely to fail.84 Hence, this model suggests that the characteristics
Figure 1.2 The 1/0 Model of Above-Average Returns
1. Study the external environment, especially the industry environment.
2. Locate an industry with high potential for above average returns.
3. Identify the strategy called for by the attractive industry to earn above average returns.
4. Develop or acquire assets and skills needed to implement the strategy.
5. Use the firm's strengths (its developed or acquired assets and skills) to implement the strategy.
The External Environment
• The general environment • The industry environment • The competitor environment
An Attractive Industry
• An industry whose structural characteristics suggest above- average returns
i Strategy Formulation
• Selection of a strategy linked with above-average returns in a particular industry
Assets and Skills • Assets and skills required to
implement a chosen strategy
t Strategy Implementation
• Selection of strategic actions linked with effective implementation of the chosen strategy
i Superior Returns • Earning of above-average
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Resources are inputs into a firm's production process,
such as capital equipment,
the skills of individual
employees, patents, finances,
and talented managers.
A capability is the capacity
for a set of resources to
perform a task or an activity in
an integrative manner.
Core competencies are
capabilities that serve as
a source of competitive
advantage for a firm over its
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
of the external environment influence returns more so than do a firm's unique internal resources and capabilities.
Research findings support the I/O model because the industry in which a firm com petes explains approximately 20 percent of its profitability. However, research also shows that the firm's resources and capabilities and the actions taken by using them accounts for 36 percent of the variance in firm profitability.85 Thus, managers' strategic actions affect the firm's performance as do the characteristics of the environment in which the firm competes.86 These findings suggest that the external environment and a firm's resources, capabilities, core competencies, and competitive advantages (see Chapter 3) influence the company's ability to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns.
As shown in Figure 1.2, the I/O model assumes that a firm's strategy is a set of com mitments and actions flowing from the characteristics of the industry in which the firm chose to compete. The resource-based model, discussed next, takes a different view of the major influences on a firm's choice of strategy.
1-3 The Resource-Based Model of Above-Average Returns
The resource-based model of above-average returns assumes that each organization is a collection of unique resources and capabilities. The uniqueness of resources and capabili ties is the basis of a firm's strategy and its ability to earn above-average returns.87
Resources are inputs into a firm's production process, such as capital equipment, the skills of individual employees, patents, finances, and talented managers. Firms use three categories to classify their resources: physical, human, and organizational capital. Described fully in Chapter 3, resources are either tangible or intangible in nature.
Individual resources alone may not yield a competitive advantage; resources have a greater likelihood of being a source of competitive advantage when integrated to form a capability. A capability is the capacity for a set of resources to perform a task or an activ ity in an integrative manner.88 Core competencies are capabilities that serve as a source of competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals.89 Core competencies are often visible in the form of organizational functions. For example, Apple's R&D function is one of its core competencies, as is its ability to produce innovative new products that create value for customers. Amazon's distribution function is a core competence while information technology is a core competence for Walmart.
According to the resource-based model, differences in firms' performances across time are due primarily to their unique resources and capabilities rather than the industry's structural characteristics. This model also assumes that firms acquire different resources and develop unique capabilities based on how they combine and use the resources; that resources and certainly capabilities are not highly mobile across firms; and that the dif ferences in resources and capabilities are the basis of competitive advantage.90 Through continued use, capabilities become stronger and more difficult for competitors to under stand and imitate. As a source of competitive advantage, a capability must not be easily imitated but also not too complex to understand and manage.91
We show the resource-based model of superior returns in Figure 1.3. This model sug gests that the strategy the firm chooses should allow it to use its competitive advantages in an attractive industry (firms use the I/O model to identify an attractive industry).
Not all of a firm's resources and capabilities have the potential to be the foundation for a competitive advantage. This potential is realized when resources and capabilities are valuable, rare, costly to imitate, and non-substitutable. 92 Resources are valuable when they allow a firm to take advantage of opportunities or neutralize threats in
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Figure 1.3 The Resource-Based Model of Above-Average Returns
1. Identify the firm's resources. Study its strengths and weaknesses compared with those of competitors.
2. Determine the firm's capabilities. What do the capabilities allow the firm to do better than its competitors?
3. Determine the potential of the firm's resources and capabilities in terms of a competitive advantage.
4. Locate an attractive industry.
5. Select a strategy that best allows the firm to utilize its resources and capabilities relative to opportunities in the external environment.
Resources • Inputs into a firm's production
! Capability • Capacity of an integrated set of
resources to integratively perform a task or activity
! �
Competitive Advantage • Ability of a firm to create superior value
for its customers
! An Attractive Industry • An industry with opportunities
that can be exploited by the firm's resources and capabilities
! Strategy Formulation and Implementation • Strategic actions taken to earn above-
average returns
! Superior Returns • Earning of above-average returns
its external environment. They are rare when possessed by few, if any, current and potential competitors. Resources are costly to imitate when other firms either cannot obtain them or are at a cost disadvantage in obtaining them compared with the firm that already possesses them. They are non-substitutable when they have no structural equivalents. Over time, competitors find ways to imitate value-creating resources or to create new resources that yield a different type of value that creates value for cus tomers. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage based on resources alone. Firms integrate individual resources to develop configurations of resources with the potential to build capabilities. Capabilities developed in this manner have a stronger likelihood of becoming a core competence and of leading to a source of competitive advantage.93
Previously, we noted that research shows that both the industry environment and a firm's internal assets affect its performance over time.94 Thus, to form a vision and mission, and subsequently to select one or more strategies and determine how to implement them,
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Vision is a picture of what
the firm wants to be and, in
broad terms, what it wants to
A mission specifies the
businesses in which the firm
intends to compete and the
customers it intends to serve.
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
firms use both the 1/0 and resource-based models. In fact, these models complement each other in that one (1/0) focuses outside the firm while the other (resource-based) focuses inside the firm. Next, we discuss the formation of a firm's vision and mission-actions taken after the firm understands the realities of its external environment (Chapter 2) and internal organization (Chapter 3).
1-4 Vision and Mission
After analyzing the external environment and the internal organization, the firm has the information required to form its vision and a mission (see Figure 1.1). Stakeholders (those who affect or are affected by a firm's performance, as explained later in the chapter) learn a great deal about a firm by studying its vision and mission. Indeed, a key purpose of vision and mission statements is to inform stakeholders of what the firm is, what it seeks to accomplish, and who it seeks to serve.
1-4a Vision
Vision is a picture of what the firm wants to be and, in broad terms, what it wants to achieve.95 Thus, a vision statement articulates the ideal description of an organization and gives shape to its intended future. In other words, a vision statement points the firm in the direction of where it would like to be in the years to come. An effective vision stretches and challenges people as well. In her book about Steve Jobs, Apple's former CEO, Carmine Gallo argues that Jobs's vision for the firm was a key reason for Apple's innovativeness during his tenure. She suggests that he thought bigger and differently than do most people. To be innovative, she explains that one has to think differently about the firm's products and customers-"sell dreams not products" -and differently about the story to "create great expectations:' 96
As a reflection of values and aspiration, firms hope that their vision statement will capture the heart and mind of each employee and, hopefully, other stakeholders as well. A firm's vision tends to be enduring while its mission can change with new environmental conditions. A vision statement tends to be relatively short and concise, making it easily remembered. Examples of vision statements include the following:
Our vision is to be the world's best quick service restaurant. (McDonald's)
To make the automobile accessible to every American. (Ford Motor Company's vision when established by Henry Ford)
Delivering happiness to customers, employees, and vendors. (Zappos.com)
As a firm's most important and prominent strategic leader, the CEO is responsible for working with others to form the firm's vision. Experience shows that the most effective vision statement results when the CEO involves a host of stakeholders (e.g., other top level managers, employees working in different parts of the organization, suppliers, and customers) to develop it.97 Conditions in the firm's external environment and internal organization influence the forming of a vision statement. Moreover, the decisions and actions of those involved with developing the vision, especially the CEO and the other top-level managers, must be consistent with it.
1-4b Mission
The vision is the foundation for the firm's mission. A mission specifies the busi nesses in which the firm intends to compete and the customers it intends to serve.98
The firm's mission is more concrete than its vision. However, similar to the vision,
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
a mission should establish a firm's individuality and should be inspiring and relevant to all stakeholders. Together, the vision and mission provide the foundation the firm needs to choose and implement one or more strategies. The probability of forming an effective mission increases when employees have a strong sense of the ethical standards that guide their behaviors as they work to help the firm reach its vision.99 Thus, busi ness ethics are a vital part of the firm's discussions to decide what it wants to become (its vision) as well as who it intends to serve and how it desires to serve those individ uals and groups (its mission).100
Even though the final responsibility for forming the firm's mission rests with the CEO, the CEO and other top-level managers often involve other people to develop the mission statement. The main reason for this is that the mission deals more directly with product markets and customers. Compared to a firm's senior-level leaders, middle- and first-level managers and other employees interact frequently with customers and the markets the firm serves. Examples of mission statements include the following:
Be the best employer for our people in each community around the world and deliver oper ational excellence to our customers in each of our restaurants. (McDonald's)
Provide the best customer service possible. Deliver WOW through service. (Zappos.com)
McDonald's mission statement flows from its vision of being the world's best quick service restaurant. Zappos.com's mission statement indicates that the firm will reach its vision of delivering happiness to different stakeholder groups by providing service that WOWs them.
Clearly, ineffectively developed vision and mission statements fail to provide the direction a firm needs to take appropriate strategic actions. This is undesirable in that as shown in Figure 1.1, a firm's vision and mission are critical aspects of the analysis and the base required to engage in strategic actions that help the firm achieve strategic compet itiveness and earn above-average returns. Therefore, firms must accept the challenge of forming effective vision and mission statements.
1-5 Stakeholders
Every organization involves a system of primary stakeholder groups with whom it estab lishes and manages relationships.101 Stakeholders are individuals, groups, and organi zations that can affect the firm's vision and mission, are affected by the strategic out comes achieved, and have enforceable claims on the firm's performance. 102 Their ability to withhold participation that is essential to the firm's survival, competitiveness, and profitability is the source of stakeholders' ability to enforce their claims against an orga nization. Stakeholders continue to support an organization when its performance meets or exceeds their expectations. Research suggests that firms managing relationships with their stakeholders effectively outperform those that do not.103 Stakeholder relationships and the firm's overall reputation among stakeholders can therefore be a source of com petitive advantage. 104
Although organizations have dependency relationships with their stakeholders, firms are not equally dependent on all stakeholders at all times. Unequal dependencies means that stakeholders possess different degrees of ability to influence an organization.105 The more critical and valued is a stakeholder's participation, the greater is a firm's dependency on that stakeholder. Greater dependence, in turn, gives the stakeholder more potential influence over a firm's commitments, decisions, and actions. Managers must find ways to either accommodate or insulate the organization from the demands of stakeholders controlling critical resources.106
Stakeholders are
individuals, groups, and
organizations that can affect
the firm's vision and mission,
are affected by the strategic
outcomes achieved, and have
enforceable claims on the
firm's performance.
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20 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
1-Sa Classifications of Stakeholders
Firms can separate the parties involved with their operations into at least three groups.107
As shown in Figure 1.4, these groups are the capital market stakeholders (sharehold ers and the major suppliers of a firm's capital), the product market stakeholders (the firm's primary customers, suppliers, host communities, and unions representing the workforce), and the organizational stakeholders (all of a firm's employees, including both non-managerial and managerial personnel).
Each stakeholder group expects those making strategic decisions in a firm to provide the leadership that will result in the reaching of its valued objectives.108 The objectives of stakeholder groups often differ from one another, sometimes placing those involved with a firm's strategic management process in situations where trade-offs have to be made. The most obvious stakeholders, at least in U.S. organizations, are shareholders-individuals and groups who have invested capital in a firm in the expectation of earning a positive return on their investments. Laws governing private property and private enterprise are the source of shareholders' rights.
In contrast to shareholders, another group of stakeholders-the firm's customers prefers that investors receive a minimum return on their investments. Customers could have their interests maximized when the quality and reliability of a firm's products are improved, but without high prices. High returns to customers, therefore, might come at the expense of lower returns for capital market stakeholders.
Because of potential conflicts, firms seek to manage stakeholders' expectations. First, a firm must identify and then seek to understand fully each stakeholder group's inter ests. Second, it must prioritize those interests in case it cannot satisfy all of them. Power
Figure 1.4 The Three Stakeholder Groups
People who are affected by a firm's performance and who have claims on its performance
Capital Market Stakeholders • Shareholders • Major suppliers of capital
(e.g., banks)
Product Market Stakeholders • Primary customers • S uppliers • Host communities • Unions
Organizational Stakeholders • Employees • Managers • Nonmanagers
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
is the most critical criterion in prioritizing stakeholders; that is to say, the stakeholder group with whom the firm has the great est dependence for its commitment has the greatest amount of power to influence the firm's actions.109
When earning above-average returns, the firm is in a better position to manage stakeholder relationships effectively. With the capability and flexibility provided by above-average returns, a firm can satisfy multiple stakeholders more easily. When the firm earns only average returns, it is unable to maximize the interests of all stakeholders. The objective then becomes that of satisfying each stakeholder group's minimal expectations.
Stakeholders receive different levels of attention in light of how dependent the firm is on their support at a point in time. For example, environmental groups may be very important to firms in the energy
As a firm formulates its strategy, it must consider all of its primary
stakeholders in the product and capital markets as well as
organizational shareholders.
industry but less important to professional service firms. A firm earning below-average returns lacks the capacity to satisfy the minimal expectations of all stakeholder groups. The managerial challenge in this case is to make trade-offs that minimize the amount of support lost from stakeholders. Societal values also influence the general weightings allocated among the three stakeholder groups shown in Figure 1.4; that is to say that cultural norms and institutional rules, regulations, and laws influence how firms inter act with stakeholders in different countries and regions of the world. Next, we present additional details about each of the three major stakeholder groups.
Capital Market Stakeholders Shareholders and lenders both expect a firm to preserve and enhance the wealth they have entrusted to it. The returns they expect are commensurate with the degree of risk they accept with those investments (i.e., lower returns are expected with low-risk invest ments while higher returns are expected with high-risk investments). Dissatisfied lenders may impose stricter covenants on subsequent borrowing of capital. Dissatisfied share holders may reflect their concerns through several means, including selling their stock. Institutional investors too (e.g., pension funds, mutual funds) may choose to sell their stock if the returns fail to meet their expectations.
Alternatively, as stakeholders, these investors might take actions to improve the firm's performance. Communicating clearly their expectations regarding performance to the firm's board of directors and top-level managers is an example of such actionsY0 Some institutions owning major shares of a firm's stock may have conflicting views of the actions needed, which can be challenging for the firm's managers. This is because some may want an increase in returns in the short-term while the others desire a focus on building long term competitiveness.111 In these instances, managers may need to balance their desires with those of other shareholders or prioritize the importance of the institutional owners with different goals. Clearly, shareholders who hold a large share of stock (sometimes referred to as blockholders, see Chapter 10) are influential, especially in determining the firm's capital structure (i.e., the amount of equity versus the amount of debt used). Large
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22 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
shareholders often prefer that the firm minimize its use of debt because of its risk, its cost, and the possibility that debt holders have first call on the firm's assets relative to share holders in case of default.112 Because of their importance in terms of supporting needs for capital, firms typically seek to find ways to better satisfy the expectations of capital market stakeholders.
Product Market Stakeholders Some might think that product market stakeholders (customers, suppliers, host com munities, and unions) share few common interests. However, these four groups can benefit as firms engage in competitive battles. For example, depending on product and industry characteristics, marketplace competition may result in lower product prices for a firm's customers and higher prices for its suppliers (the firm might be willing to pay higher supplier prices to ensure delivery of the products linked to its competitive success) .113
Customers, as stakeholders, seek reliable products at the lowest possible prices. Suppliers seek loyal customers who are willing to pay the highest sustainable prices for the products they receive. Although all product market stakeholders are important, without customers, the other product market stakeholders are of little value. Therefore, the firm must try to learn about and understand current and potential customers.
Host communities include the national (home and abroad), state/province, and local government entities with which the firm interacts. Governments want companies will ing to be long-term employers and providers of tax revenue without placing excessive demands on public support services. These stakeholders also influence the firm through laws and regulations. In fact, firms must deal with laws and regulations developed and enforced at the national, state, and local levels (the influence is polycentric-multiple levels of power and influence). This means that firms encounter influence attempts from multiple regulatory sources with power.114 The interests of unions include secure jobs and desirable working conditions for members.
In an overall sense, product market stakeholders are generally satisfied when a firm's profit margin reflects at least a balance between the returns to capital market stakeholders (i.e., the returns lenders and shareholders will accept and retain their interests in the firm) and the returns in which they share.
Organizational Stakeholders Employees-the firm's organizational stakeholders-expect the firm to provide a dynamic, stimulating, and rewarding work environment. Employees generally prefer to work for a company that is growing and in which they can develop their skills, especially those required to be effective team members and to meet or exceed global work standards. Workers who learn how to use new knowledge productively are critical to organizational success. In a collective sense, the education and skills of a firm's workforce are competitive weapons affecting strategy implementation and firm performance. 115
Those leading a firm bear responsibility for serving stakeholders' needs on a day-to-day basis. Using the firm's human capital successfully supports leaders' efforts to do this.116 International assignments facilitate efforts to help a firm's employees understand competition in the global competitive landscape. "Expats" is the title given to individuals engaged in an international assignment for their company. The process of managing expatriate employees so they develop knowledge while work ing internationally and understand how to bring that knowledge with them upon return has the potential to enhance the firm's performance at the domestic and inter national levels. m
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
1-6 Strategic Leaders Strategic leaders are people located in different areas and levels of the firm using the strategic management process to select actions that help the firm achieve its vision and fulfill its mission. Regardless of their location in the firm, successful strategic leaders are decisive, committed to nurturing those around them, and committed to help- ing the firm create value for all stakeholder groups.1'8 In this vein, research evidence sug-
gests that employees who perceive that their I f CEO is a visionary leader also believe that �
the CEO leads the firm to operate in ways ii §0that are consistent with the values of all a5
stakeholder groups rather than emphasiz- ing only maximizing profits for sharehold-
Gary Kelly, CEO of Southwest Airlines, is a recipient of the Tony Jannus
ers. In turn, visionary leadership motivates employees to expend extra effort, thereby helping to increase firm performance.
Award, which recognizes outstanding contributors to the growth and
improvement of the airline industry.
When identifying strategic leaders, most of us tend to think of CEOs and other top level managers. Clearly, these people are strategic leaders. In the final analysis, CEOs are responsible for making certain their firm uses the strategic management process success fully. The pressure on CEOs today to manage strategically is stronger than ever.119 However, many others help choose a firm's strategy and the actions to implement it.120 The reason for this is that the realities of twenty-first century competition mentioned earlier in this chap ter ( e.g., the global economy, globalization, rapid technological change, and the increasing importance of knowledge and people as sources of competitive advantage) create a need for those "closest to the action'' to play a role in choosing and implementing the firm's strategy. In fact, all managers (as strategic leaders) must think globally and act locally.121
Thus, the most effective CEOs and top-level managers understand how to delegate strate gic responsibilities to people throughout the firm who influence the use of organizational resources. Delegation also helps to avoid managerial hubris at the top and the problems it causes, especially in situations allowing significant managerial discretion.122
Organizational culture also affects strategic leaders and their work. In turn, strategic leaders' decisions and actions shape a firm's culture. Organizational culture refers to the complex set of ideologies, symbols, and core values that individuals throughout the firm share and that influence how the firm conducts business. Organizational culture is the social energy that drives-or fails to drive-the organization.123 For example, many believe that the culture at Southwest Airlines is unique and valuable. Its culture encour ages employees to work hard but also to have fun while doing so. Moreover, its culture entails respect for others-employees and customers alike. The firm also places a pre mium on service, as suggested by its commitment to provide POS (Positively Outrageous Service) to each customer.
1-6a The Work of Effective Strategic Leaders Perhaps not surprisingly, hard work, thorough analyses, a willingness to be brutally honest, a penchant for wanting the firm and its people to achieve success, and tenac ity are prerequisites to an individual's success as a strategic leader. Individuals become top-level leaders because of their capabilities (their accumulation of human capital and
Strategic leaders are
people located in different
areas and levels of the
firm using the strategic
management process to
select actions that help the
firm achieve its vision and
fulfill its mission.
Organizational culture
refers to the complex set
of ideologies, symbols, and
core value that individuals
throughout the firm share
and that influence how the
firm conducts business.
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24 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Strategic Leaders' Decisions as a Path to Firms' Efforts to Deal
Successfully with Their Challenges
The rapid pace of change facing companies and those leading
them in today's globalized business environment is a recurring
theme in our analysis of the strategic management process.
Stated simply, the pace of change organizations throughout
the world encounter today is rapid, while the nature of such
change induces complexity for firms as they seek strategic
competitiveness. Often, change comes to firms in the form of
different customer expectations. In the hotel industry for exam
ple, Hilton Worldwide Holdings, with 14 brands and more than
5,300 properties, believes that "one of its biggest challenges is
keeping up with changing tastes, especially among millennials,
who want high-tech amenities, bigger, hipper lobbies and a
cleaner, more minimal look:' For Hilton's strategic leaders, the
"biggest challenge continues to be the pace of change and the
rate at which, in the digital space, new capabilities get put in
front of consumers:'
To deal with changes such as these, top-level strategic
leaders typically help their firms form strategic actions and
strategic responses. For many of these strategic leaders, a
global mind-set and a passion for meeting people's needs
inform their decisions.
Defined and discussed in Chapter 5, strategic actions and
strategic responses find firms trying to outcompete rivals in
marketplace competitions. Strategic actions and responses
require significant commitments of organizational resources
and are decisions that are difficult for firms to reverse once
executed. The strategic actions Hilton is taking to respond to
changes include those of refreshing old brands and establish
ing new ones such as Tru, which emphasizes communal space
over room size.
Consumer-goods giant Procter & Gamble (P&G) is facing
fundamental challenges in its home U.S. market, including
shifts in consumer preferences, retailers pushing for lower
prices, and the availability of private label alternatives for
consumers. In response, P&G's top-level strategic leaders
decided recently to acquire the consumer health business
of Germany's Merck KGaA for $4.2 billion. This unit's product
portfolio includes an array of specialty dietary supplements as
well as a nasal decongestant. One reason for this acquisition is
declines in P&G's organic sales growth and in its all-important
Gillette razors. Encountering stalling revenue growth, Pfizer's
strategic leaders are considering several strategic actions
including those of spinning off its consumer-health busi-
ness, which sells products such as Advil pain pills, ChapStick
lip balm, and Centrum vitamins, to splitting the company.
Following successful stints with Volkswagen AG and Nissan
lnfiniti brand, Johan de Nysschen accepted the role of
president of Cadillac, a General Motors unit. An indication
that he intends to "mold Cadillac in the image of BMW and
other luxury brands" suggests the emergence of a string of
strategic actions. Global declines in beer consumption finds
Dutch brewer Heineken NV engaging in a number of strategic
actions. Acquiring a 20.67% stake in China's largest brewer,
China Resources Beer Holdings Co., and acquiring several craft
brewers are examples of decisions made to expand the firm's
customer base.
- -
-- -
-- -
-- -- --
Recently, the Drucker Institute, founded in 2007 to
advance managerial ideals as espoused by Peter Drucker,
identified the 250 most effectively managed U.S. compa
nies. Amazon held the top spot with Apple, Google parent
Alphabet, IBM, Microsoft, and Cisco rounding out the top
five. These firms' positive per formance relative to other com
panies in terms of five areas Drucker said are critical to cor
porate success-customer satisfaction, employee engage
ment and development, innovation, social responsibility, and
financial strength-earned them the top spots on the list.
One might argue that these firms' strategic leaders,
including the top-level leaders, rendered decisions regarding
strategic actions and responses that contributed to their
firms' excellence. In addition to the characteristics of strategic
leaders mentioned in this chapter's text, such as hard work, a
commitment to analyze situations thoroughly, and so forth,
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
those leading the top five firms as well as the others on the list
of 250 companies chosen by the Drucker Institute may have
additional qualities. For example, some believe that the success
of Sergio Marchionne, the leader credited with turning around
Fiat and Chrysler (who recently passed away), is a function of
an "unusual blend of vision, technical expertise, analytical rigor,
open-mindedness, and candor:' As with Steve Jobs, Apple's
former CEO, Marchionne's actions earned him a recognition as
being a bit of an eccentric, too. Regardless of their character
istics though, the decisions made by strategic leaders inform
how their firm will use the strategic management process.
Sources: A Back, 2018, P&G needs a workout, not vitamins, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, April 19; M. Colias, 2018, The 10-year plan to make Cadillac
cool again, Wall Street Journal, wwwwsj.com, October 25; K. Paul, 2018, What millennials want in hotel rooms, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, August 12;
J. D. Rockoff & W. Colville, 2018, Johnson & Johnson remakes top leadership, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, June 22; J. D . Rockoff & C. Lombardo, 2018, Pfizer revenue growth stalls as company mulls OTC unit's future, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, May 1; J. D. Rockoff & I. Moise, 2018, Johnson & Johnson raises
sales outlook, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, April 17; S. Terlap & A. Hufford, 2018, P&G slogs through 'difficult' markets for sales growth, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, April 19; S. Terlap & J. D. Rockoff, 2018, P&G to acquire Merck KGaA's consumer-health unit, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, April 19;
N. Trentmann, 2018, Heineken's strategy in a stagnate beer market, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, August 9; S. Walker, 2018, Why the future belongs to 'challenge-driven leaders; Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, August 11; S. Walker, 2018, The leader of the future: Why Sergio Marchionne fit the profile,
Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, August 11; V. Fuhrmans & Y. Koh, 2017, The 250 most effectively managed U.S. companies-and how they got that way, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, December 6.
skills over time). Effective top management teams (those with better human capital, management skills, and cognitive abilities) make better strategic decisions. 124 In addi tion, strategic leaders must have a strong strategic orientation while embracing change in today's dynamic competitive landscape.125 To deal with change effectively, strategic leaders must be innovative thinkers and promote innovation in their organization. 126
A top management team representing different types of expertise and leveraging rela tionships with external parties promotes firm innovation.127 Strategic leaders can best leverage partnerships with external parties and organizations when their organizations are ambidextrous; that is, when they are both innovative and skilled at execution. 128 In addition, strategic leaders need to have a global mind-set; some consider this mind-set as an ambicultural approach to management.129
Strategic leaders, regardless of their location in the organization, often work long hours, and ambiguous decision situations dominate the nature of their work. However, the opportunities afforded by this work are appealing and offer exciting chances to dream and to act. The following words, given as advice to the late Time Warner chair and co-CEO Steven J. Ross by his father, describe the opportunities in a strategic leader's work:
There are three categories of people-the person who goes into the office, puts his feet up on his desk, and dreams for 12 hours; the person who arrives at 5 a. m. and works for 16 hours, never once stopping to dream; and the person who puts his feet up, dreams for one hour, then does something about those dreams. 130
As a term, vision describes a dream that challenges and energizes a company. The most effective strategic leaders provide a vision as the foundation for the firm's mission and subsequent choice and use of one or more strategies.131
We describe the work of some strategic leaders in the Strategic Focus. While read ing this material, notice the relationship between the points mentioned in this part of the chapter about strategic leaders and the actions highlighted in the Strategic Focus. Strategic leaders work in all parts of an organization; however, in this Strategic Focus, top-level leaders are the focus of the discussion.
As you will see, the work of upper-level strategic leaders is indeed challenging, com plex, and ambiguous in nature. On the other hand, these individuals play a major role in the making of a firm's competitive decisions-the types of decisions that are a part of their use of the strategic management process.
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26 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
1-7 The Strategic Management Process As suggested by Figure 1.1, the strategic management process is a rational approach firms use to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns. Figure 1.1 also features the topics we examine in this book to present the strategic management process.
We divide this book into three parts-parts that align with the A-S-P process explained in the beginning of the chapter. In Part 1, we describe the analyses (A) firms use to develop strategies. Specifically, we explain how firms analyze their external environment (Chapter 2) and internal organization (Chapter 3). Firms complete these analyses to identify market place opportunities and threats in the external environment (Chapter 2) and to decide how to use the resources, capabilities, core competencies, and competitive advantages in their internal organization to pursue opportunities and overcome threats (Chapter 3). The analyses explained in Chapters 2 and 3 are the well-known SWOT analyses (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats).132 Firms use knowledge about their external environ ment and internal organization to formulate strategies in light of their vision and mission.
The firm's analyses (see Figure 1.1) provide the foundation for choosing one or more strat egies (S) and deciding which one( s) to implement. As suggested in Figure 1.1 by the horizontal arrow linking the two types of strategic actions, firms simultaneously integrate formulation and implementation as a basis for a successful strategic management process. Integration occurs as decision makers review implementation issues when choosing strategies and when considering potential adaptations to a strategy during the implementation process itself.
In Part 2, we discuss the different strategies firms may choose to use. First, we exam ine business-level strategies ( Chapter 4). A business-level strategy describes actions a firm takes to exploit its competitive advantage(s). A company competing in a single product market (e.g., a locally owned grocery store operating in only one location) has but one business-level strategy, while a diversified firm competing in multiple product markets (e.g., Siemens AG) forms a business-level strategy for each of its businesses. In Chapter 5, we describe the actions and reactions that occur among firms as they engage each other in competition. Competitors typically respond to and try to anticipate each other's actions. The dynamics of competition affect the strategies firms choose as well as how they intend to implement those strategies.133 For example, one year after Amazon acquired Whole Foods, some analysts felt that this strategic action was "prompting the food industry to retool how it sells fresh food to consumers:' 134 You will learn more about Amazon and Whole Foods in Chapter S's Opening Case.
Determining the businesses in which the company intends to compete as well as how it will manage those businesses is the focus of corporate-level strategy (Chapter 6). Companies competing in more than one business experience diversification in the form of products (Chapter 7) and/or geographic markets (Chapter 8). Other topics vital to strategy formulation, particularly in the diversified company, include acquiring other businesses and, as appropriate, restructuring the firm's portfolio of businesses ( Chapter 7) and selecting an international strategy (Chapter 8). With cooperative strategies (Chapter 9), firms form a partnership to share their resources and capabilities to develop a competitive advantage.
To examine actions firms take to implement strategies, we consider several topics in Part 3. First, we examine the different mechanisms companies use to govern them selves (Chapter 10). With different stakeholders (e.g., financial investors and board of directors' members) demanding improved corporate governance today, organizations seek to identify paths to follow to satisfy these demands. 135 In the last three chapters, we address the organizational structure and actions needed to control a firm's opera tions (Chapter 11), the patterns of strategic leadership appropriate for today's firms and competitive environments (Chapter 12), and strategic entrepreneurship (Chapter 13) as a path to continuous innovation.
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness 27
Because they deal with how a firm interacts with its stakeholders, strategic manage ment process decisions have ethical dimensions.136 Organizational culture reveals the firm's ethics; that is to say, a firm's core values, the ones most or all employees share, influence strongly their decisions. Especially in the global economy's turbulent and often ambiguous competitive landscape, those making decisions as a part of the strategic man agement process must understand how their decisions affect capital market, product market, and organizational stakeholders differently and regularly evaluate the ethical implications of their decisions.137 Decision makers failing to recognize these realities accept the risk of placing their firm at a competitive disadvantage.138
As you will discover, the strategic management process we present to you in this book calls for disciplined approaches to serve as the foundation for developing a competitive advantage. Therefore, the process has a major effect on the performance (P) of the firm.139
The firm's ability to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns reflects the quality of its performance. Mastery of this strategic management process contributes positively to a firm's efforts to outperform competitors and to create value for its stakeholders.
Firms use the strategic management process to achieve strategic
competitiveness and earn above-average returns. Firms analyze
the external environment and their internal organization, then
formulate and implement a strategy to achieve a desired level of
performance (A-S-P). The firm's level of strategic competitiveness
and the extent to which it earns above-average returns reflects
its performance. Firms achieve strategic competitiveness by
developing and implementing a value-creating strategy. Above
average returns (in excess of what investors expect to earn from
other investments with similar levels of risk) provide the founda
tion for satisfying all of a firm's stakeholders simultaneously.
The fundamental nature of competition is different in the cur
rent competitive landscape. As a result, those making strategic
decisions must adopt a different mind-set, one that allows
them to learn how to compete in highly turbulent and chaotic
environments that produce a great deal of uncertainty. The glo
balization of industries and their markets along with rapid and
significant technological changes are the two primary factors
contributing to the turbulence of the competitive landscape.
Firms use two major models to help develop their vision and
mission when choosing one or more strategies to pursue
strategic competitiveness and above-average returns. The
core assumption of the 1/0 model is that the firm's external
environment has a larger influence on the choice of strategies
than does its internal resources, capabilities, and core com
petencies. Thus, firms use the 1/0 model to understand the
effects an industry's characteristics can have on them when
selecting a strategy or strategies to use to compete against
rivals. The logic supporting the 1/0 model suggests that firms
earn above-average returns by locating an attractive industry
or part of an attractive industry and then implementing the
strategy dictated by that industry's characteristics successfully.
The core assumption of the resource-based model is that the
firm's unique resources, capabilities, and core competencies
have more of an influence on selecting and using strategies
than does the firm's external environment. When firms use
their valuable, rare, costly-to-imitate, and non-substitutable
resources and capabilities effectively when competing against
rivals in one or more industries, they earn above-average
returns. Evidence indicates that both models' insights help
firms as they select and implement strategies. Thus, firms want
to use their unique resources, capabilities, and core competen
cies as the foundation to engage in one or more strategies that
allow them to compete effectively against rivals.
The firm's vision and mission guide its selection of strategies
based on the information from analyses of its external environ
ment and internal organization. Vision is a picture of what the
firm wants to be and, in broad terms, what it wants to achieve
ultimately. Flowing from the vision, the mission specifies the
business or businesses in which the firm intends to compete
and the customers it intends to serve. Vision and mission
provide direction to the firm and signal important descriptive
information to stakeholders.
Stakeholders are those who can affect, and are affected by,
a firm's performance. Because a firm is dependent on the
continuing support of stakeholders (shareholders, custom-
ers, suppliers, employees, host communities, etc.), they have
enforceable claims on the company's performance. When earn
ing above-average returns, a firm generally has the resources
it needs to satisfy the interests of all stakeholders. However,
when earning only average returns, the firm must manage its
stakeholders carefully to retain their support. A firm earning
below-average returns must minimize the amount of support
it loses from unsatisfied stakeholders.
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Strategic leaders are people located in different areas and
levels of the firm using the strategic management process
to help the firm achieve its vision and fulfill its mission. In
general, CEOs are responsible for making certain that their
firms use the strategic management process properly. The
effectiveness of the strategic management process increases
when grounded in ethical intentions and behaviors. The
above-average returns 6
average returns 6
capability 16
competitive advantage 4
core competencies 16
global economy 9
hypercompetition 8
mission 18
organizational culture 23
1. What are strategic competitiveness, strategy, competitive
advantage, above-average returns, and the strategic manage
ment process?
2. What are the characteristics of the current competitive land
scape? What two factors are the primary drivers of this landscape?
3. According to the 1/0 model, what should a firm do to earn
above-average returns?
4. What does the resource-based model suggest a firm should do
to earn above-average returns?
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
strategic leader's work demands decision trade-offs, often
among attractive alternatives. It is important for all stra
tegic leaders, especially the CEO and other members of
the top management team, to conduct thorough analyses
of conditions facing the firm, be brutally and consistently
honest, and work collaboratively with others to select and
implement strategies.
resources 16
risk 6
stakeholders 19
strategic competitiveness 4
strategic flexibility 13
strategic leaders 23
strategic management process 6
strategy 4
vision 18
5. What are vision and mission? What is their value for the strate
gic management process?
6. What are stakeholders? How do the three primary stakeholder
groups influence organizations?
7. How would you describe the work of strategic leaders?
8. What are the elements of the strategic management process?
How are they interrelated?
Starbucks Is "Juicing" Its Earnings per Store through Technological Innovations
The choice of a CEO signals potential actions to stakeholders about a firm's potential actions. Howard Schultz served as Starbucks CEO for many years; the firm achieved multiple successes during his service. As of April 2017, Schulz became executive chairman of Starbucks's board while Kevin Johnson, a former CEO
of Juniper Networks and a 16 year veteran of Microsoft, assumed the CEO position for the coffee giant. Johnson's background may find him concentrating on the firm's digital operations, information technology practices and supply chain operations as a means of increasing Starbucks's effectiveness and efficiency.
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Many brick and mortar stores have experienced decreasing sales in the United States as online traffic has increased. Interestingly, 2014 Starbucks sales store operations increased 5 percent in the fourth quarter; this 5 percent uptick in revenue came from increased traf fic (2 percent from growth in sales and 3 percent in increased ticket size).
Additional and more sophisticated technology appli cations may be the driver of this increase in revenues. To stimulate sales, Starbucks is ramping up its digital tools such as mobile payment platforms. Customers now can place online orders and pick them up in about 150 Starbucks outlets in the Portland, OR area. Besides leadership and a focus on technology, Starbucks receives suggestions, ideas, and experimentation from its employees. Starbucks views its employees, called baristas, as partners who blend, steam, and brew the brand's specialty coffee in over 21,000 stores worldwide. Schultz credits the employees as a dominant force in helping it to build its revenue gains.
To incentivize employees further, Starbucks is among the first companies to provide comprehensive health ben efits and stock option ownership opportunities to part time employees. Currently, employees have received more than $1 billion worth of financial gain through the stock option program. An additional benefit for U.S. employ ees is the firm's program that pays 100 percent of work ers' tuition to finish their degrees through Arizona State University. To date, one thousand workers have enrolled in this program. In mid-2018, Walmart offered subsidized college tuition to its employees as a means of attracting and retaining talent in a tight labor market. Walmart's actions may demonstrate the value of Starbucks's approach to sup porting employees' efforts to earn a college degree.
When developing new storefront concepts, Starbucks innovates. For instance, it is testing smaller express stores in New York City that reduce client wait times. Today, Starbucks emphasizes online payments as a means of increasing the speed of customer transactions. It now gives Starbucks rewards for mobile payment applications to its
Case Discussion Questions
1. What competitive advantage or competitive advantages do
you believe Starbucks seeks to establish? What are the main
challenges the firm faces as it tries to maintain the advantage
or advantages you identified?
2 Identify three or four capabilities you believe Starbucks possesses.
Of these, are any a core competence? If so, explain your reasoning.
12 million active users. Interestingly, this puts it ahead of iTunes and American Express Serve with its Starbucks mobile payment app in terms of the number of users.
To put its innovation on display, Starbucks opened its first "Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room:' T his is a 15,000 square foot coffee roasting facility and a consumer retail outlet. According to Schultz, it is a retail theater where "you can watch beans being roasted, talk to master grinders, have your drink brewed in front of you in multiple ways, lounge in a coffee library, order a selection of gourmet brews and locally prepared foods:' Schultz calls this store in New York the "Willie Wonka Factory of coffee:' Based on this concept, Starbucks opened small "reserve" stores inspired by this flagship roastery concept across New York in 2015. To attract customers in the afternoon, the firm is "rolling out new cold coffee and tea drinks and is intro ducing happy hour promotions featuring cold beverages:'
T hese technological advances and different store offerings are also taking place internationally. For exam ple, Starbucks is expanding a new store concept in India in smaller towns and suburbs. T hese new outlets are about half the size of existing Starbucks cafes in India. In China, Starbucks is opening roughly one store daily and is rolling out its Roastery and Reserve brands to pene trate the country further.
Sources: D. B Klein, 2018, Here's how Starbucks plans to conquer China, The Motley Fool, www.fool.com, March 25; J. Jargon, 2018, Starbucks trying to woo afternoon customers, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, May 8; S. Nassauer, 2018, Walmart to pay certain college costs for U.S. store workers, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, May 30; I. Brat & T. Stynes, 2015, Earnings: Starbucks picks a president from technology industry, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 23; A . Adamczyk, 2014, The next big caffeine craze? Starbucks testing cold-brewed coffee, Forbes, www.forbes .com, August 18; R. Foroohr, 2014, Go inside Starbucks' wild new "Willie Wonka Factory of coffee·; Time, www.time.com, December 8; FRPT -Retail Snapshot, 2014, Starbucks' strategy of expansion with profitability: To debut in towns and suburbs with half the size of the new stores, FRPT Retail Snapshot, September 28, 9-10; L. Lorenzetti, 2014, Fortune's world most admired companies: Starbucks where innovation is always brewing, Fortune, www.fortune.com, October 30; P. Wahba, 2014, Starbucks to offer delivery in 2015 in some key markets, Fortune, www.fortune.com, November 4; V. Wong, 2014, Your boss will love the new Starbucks delivery service, Bloomberg Businessweek, www.businessweek.com, November 3.
3. Starbucks's mission is "To inspire and nurture the human
spirit-one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time:'
What actions do you recommend the firm take to reach this
4. As Starbucks's new chief executive officer and strategic leader,
what key challenges does Kevin Johnson and his firm face?
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30 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
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32 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
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34 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
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Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
2018, Reading the room: Leveraging popular
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Studying this chapter should provide L you with the strategic management
knowledge needed to:
2-1 Explain the importance of analyzing and understanding the firm's external environment.
2-2 Define and describe the general environment and the industry environment.
23 Discuss the four parts of the external environmental analysis process.
2-4 Name and describe the general environment's seven segments.
25 Identify the five competitive forces .
and explain how they determine an industry's profitability potential.
2-6 Define strategic groups and describe their influence on firms.
2-7 Describe what firms need to know about their competitors and different methods (including ethical standards) used to collect intelligence about them.
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McDonald's is the largest restaurant chain in the world. It has 14,155 restaurants in the United States, and 36,899 restaurants worldwide-in more than 100 countries. It employs 1.5 million people and serves approximately 69 million customers daily. It sells 9 million pounds of french fries daily and sells 550 million Big Macs annually. Over the years, McDonald's was a leader, not only in market share, but also with the introduction of new menu items to the fast food mar ket. For example, it first introduced breakfast items to this market, and its breakfast menu now accounts for about 25 percent of its sales. It successfully introduced Chicken McNuggets to this market, and also successfully introduced gourmet coffee products and began to compete against Starbucks. With all this success, what is the problem?
The problems revolve around competition and changing consumer tastes. Consumers have become more health-conscious, and competitors have been more attuned to customer desires. As a result, McDonald's suffered a decline in its total sales revenue of 18.9 percent from its high point in 2013 of $28. 1 billion to $22.8 billion in 2017. It seems that McDonald's did a poor job of analyz ing its environment and especially its customers and competitors. During this same time, some of McDonald's competitors flourished. For example, Sonic and Chipotle recorded significant increases in their annual �
J'. sales. Other specialty � burger restaurants, � such as Smashburger, � have stolen business � from McDonald's even though their burgers are priced higher. The quality of these competitors' products is perceived
� cc
Healthier choice options now available at McDonald's to satisfy the
more health-conscious consumer.
to be higher, and many are "made to order" and thus customized to the customer's desires. And, partly because the volume and complexity of the McDonald's menu items have grown, the time required to provide service has also increased.
Failing to understand the changing market and competitive landscape, McDonald's was unable to be proactive and thus tried to be reactive but without much success. Because of these problems, McDonald's hired a new CEO in 2015, hoping to overcome its woes. With a thorough analysis of its customers and competition and its products and services, McDonald's developed a strategy to achieve a multi-year turnaround. It is adding new products to its menu and has enhanced the healthiness of those products along with enhancing their quality. For example, McDonald's announced that it will now use only chickens raised without antibiotics to be sensitive to human health concerns. Changing vegetables in Happy Meals (e.g., adding baby carrots) and implementing new wraps that require additional (new) vegetables (such as cucumbers) are meant to enhance the healthiness of the McDonald's menu. It has also introduced signature sandwiches, Quarter Pounders cooked with fresh meat only (not frozen), new espresso-based drinks, and other quality items.
Other parts of its multi-year strategy include renovated restaurants, digital ordering, and new delivery services. McDonald's was once a leader, and now it is fighting regain its position, trying to stem the downturn. It is now responding to its external environment, especially its
customers and competitors. Sales began to pick up in the last part of 2017. Within the next few
years, we will know whether these changes succeed.
Sources: C. Smith, 2018, 40 Interesting McDonald's facts and statistics, DMR Business Statistics, https://expanded ramblings .com/index.php/mcdonalds-statistics/, February 19; J. Wohl, 2018, McDonald's makes happy meals (slightly) healthier, AdAge, http://adage.com, February 15; J. Wohl, 2018, McDonald's CMO bullish on tiered value menu amid competition, AdAge, http://adage.com, January 5; K. Taylor, 2017, McDonald's makes 6 major changes that totally turned business around, Business Insider, www.businessinsider.com, October 24; 5. Whitten, 2017, 4 ways McDonald's is about to change, CNBC, www.cnbc.com; A. Gasparro, 2015, McDonald's new chief plots counter attack, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, March 1; D. Shanker, 2015, Dear McDonald's new CEO: Happy first day. Here's some (unsolicited) advice, Fortune, www.Fortune.com, March 2; S. Strom, 2015, McDonald's seeks its fast-food soul, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, March 7; 5. Strom, 2015, McDonald's tests custom burgers and other new concepts as sales drop, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, January 23; 8. Kowitt, 2014, Fallen Arches, Fortune, December, 106-116.
A s suggested in the Opening Case and by research, the external environment (which includes the industry in which a firm competes as well as those against whom
it competes) affects the competitive actions and responses firms take to outperform competitors and earn above-average returns.' For example, McDonald's has been expe riencing a reduction in returns in recent times because of changing consumer tastes and enhanced competition. McDonald's is attempting to respond to the threats from its environment by changing its menu, revising the types of supplies it purchases, remod eling its restaurants, and implementing digital sales and home delivery of food orders. The sociocultural segment of the general environment (discussed in this chapter) is the driver of some of the changing values in society that are now placing greater emphasis on healthy food choices. As the Opening Case describes, McDonald's is responding to these changing values by, for example, using only antibiotic-free chicken and making its Happy Meals healthier.
As noted in Chapter 1, the characteristics of today's external environment dif fer from historical conditions. For example, technological changes and the continu ing growth of information gathering and processing capabilities increase the need for firms to develop effective competitive actions and responses on a timely basis.2
(We fully discuss competitive actions and responses in Chapter 5.) Additionally, the rapid sociological changes occurring in many countries affect labor practices and the nature of products that increasingly diverse consumers demand. Governmental policies and laws also affect where and how firms choose to compete.3 And, changes to several nations' financial regulatory systems were enacted after the financial crisis in 2008-2009 that increased the complexity of organizations' financial transactions.4
(However, in 2018 the Trump administration weakened or eliminated some of those regulations in the United States.)
Firms understand the external environment by acquiring information about com petitors, customers, and other stakeholders to build their own base of knowledge and capabilities.5 On the basis of the new information, firms take actions, such as building new capabilities and core competencies, in hopes of buffering themselves from any nega tive environmental effects and to pursue opportunities to better serve their stakeholders' needs.6
In summary, a firm's competitive actions and responses are influenced by the condi tions in the three parts (the general, industry, and competitor) of its external environment (see Figure 2.1) and its understanding of those conditions. Next, we fully describe each part of the firm's external environment.
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
Figure 2.1 The External Environment
Industry Environment
---�• Threat of New Entrants Power of Suppliers
Power of Buyers Product Substitutes Intensity of Rival ry
Competitor Environment
Sustainable Physical
2-1 The General, Industry, and Competitor Environments
The general environment is composed of dimensions in the broader society that influ ence an industry and the firms within it.7 We group these dimensions into seven envi ronmental segments: demographic, economic, political/legal, sociocultural, technological, global, and sustainable physical. Examples of elements analyzed in each of these segments are shown in Table 2.1.
Firms cannot directly control the general environment's segments. Accordingly, what a company seeks to do is recognize trends in each segment of the general envi ronment and then predict each trend's effect on it. For example, it has been predicted that over the next 10 to 20 years, millions of people living in emerging market countries will join the middle class. In fact, by 2030, it is predicted that two-thirds of the global middle class, about 525 million people, will live in the Asia-Pacific region of the world. 8
Of course, this is not surprising given that almost 60 percent of the world's population is located in Asia.9 No firm, including large multinationals, is able to control where growth in potential customers may take place in the next decade or two. Nonetheless, firms must study this anticipated trend as a foundation for predicting its effects on their ability to identify strategies to use that will allow them to remain successful as market conditions change.
The industry environment is the set of factors that directly influences a firm and its competitive actions and responses: the threat of new entrants, the power of suppli ers, the power of buyers, the threat of product substitutes, and the intensity of rivalry
The general environment is composed of dimensions
in the broader society that
influence an industry and the
firms within it.
The industry environment is the set of factors that
directly influences a firm
and its competitive actions
and responses: the threat
of new entrants, the power
of suppliers, the power of
buyers, the threat of product substitutes, and the intensity
of rivalry among competing
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40 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Table 2.1 The General Environment: Segments and Elements
Demographic segment
Economic segment
Political/Legal segment
Sociocultural segment
Technological segment
Global segment
Sustainable physical
environment segment
How companies gather and
interpret information about
their competitors is called
competitor analysis.
Population size
Age structure
Geographic distribution
Inflation rates
Interest rates
Trade deficits or surpluses
Budget deficits or surpluses
Antitrust laws
Taxation laws
Deregulation philosophies
Women in the workforce
Workforce diversity
Attitudes about the quality of work life
Product innovations
Applications of knowledge
Important political events
Critical global markets
Energy consumption
Practices used to develop energy sources
Renewable energy efforts
Minimizing a firm's environmental footprint
Ethnic mix
Income distribution
Personal savings rate
Business savings rates
Gross domestic product
Labor training laws
Educational philosophies and policies
Shifts in work and career preferences
Shifts in preferences regarding product and
service characteristics
Focus of private and government-supported
R&D expenditures
New communication technologies
Newly industrialized countries
Different cultural and institutional attributes
Availability of water as a resource
Producing environmentally friendly products
Reacting to natural or man-made disasters
among competing firms.10 In total, the interactions among these five factors determine an industry's profitability potential; in turn, the industry's profitability potential influences the choices each firm makes about its competitive actions and responses. The challenge for a firm is to locate a position within an industry where it can favorably influence the five factors or where it can successfully defend itself against their influence. The greater a firm's capacity to favorably influence its industry environment, the greater the likelihood it will earn above-average returns.
How companies gather and interpret information about their competitors is called competitor analysis. Understanding the firm's competitor environment complements the insights provided by studying the general and industry environments.11 This means, for example, that McDonald's needs to do a better job of analyzing and understanding its general and industry environments.
An analysis of the general environment focuses on environmental trends and their implications, an analysis of the industry environment focuses on the factors and condi tions influencing an industry's profitability potential, and an analysis of competitors is focused on predicting competitors' actions, responses, and intentions. In combination, the results of these three analyses influence the firm's vision, mission, choice of strat egies, and the competitive actions and responses it will take to implement those strat egies. Although we discuss each analysis separately, the firm can develop and imple ment a more effective strategy when it successfully integrates the insights provided by analyses of the general environment, the industry environment, and the competitor environment.
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
2-2 External Environmental Analysis Most firms face external environments that are turbulent, complex, and global conditions that make interpreting those environments difficult.12 To cope with often ambiguous and incomplete environmental data and to increase understanding of the general environment, firms complete an external environmental analysis. This analysis has four parts: scanning, monitoring, forecasting, and assessing (see Table 2.2).
Identifying opportunities and threats is an important objective of studying the general environment. An opportunity is a condition in the general environment that, if exploited effectively, helps a company reach strategic competitiveness. Most companies-and cer tainly large ones-continuously encounter multiple opportunities as well as threats.
In terms of possible opportunities, a combination of cultural, political, and economic factors is resulting in rapid retail growth in parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Accordingly, Walmart, the world's largest retailer, and the next three largest global giants (France's Carrefour, UK-based Tesco, and Germany's Metro) are expanding in these regions. Walmart is expanding its number of retail units in Chile ( 404 units), India (20 units), and South Africa (360 units). Interestingly, Carrefour exited India after four years and in the same year that Tesco opened stores in India. While Metro closed its operations in Egypt, it has stores in China, Russia, Japan, Vietnam, and India in addition to many eastern European countries.13
A threat is a condition in the general environment that may hinder a company's efforts to achieve strategic competitiveness.14 Intellectual property protection has become a significant issue not only within a country but also across country borders. For example, in 2018 President Trump placed tariffs on goods exported from China into the United States. The primary reason given for the tariffs was the theft of U.S. firms' intellectual property by Chinese firms. As is common in these cases, China responded by placing tariffs on a large number of U.S. products exported to China, sparking fears of a potential trade war between the two countries with the largest economies in the world. This type of threat obviously deals with the political/legal segment.
Firms use multiple sources to analyze the general environment through scanning, moni toring, forecasting, and assessing. Examples of these sources include a wide variety of printed materials (such as trade publications, newspapers, business publications, and the results of academic research and public polls), trade shows, and suppliers, customers, and employees of public-sector organizations. Of course, the information available from Internet sources is of increasing importance to a firm's efforts to study the general environment.
2-2a Scanning
Scanning entails the study of all segments in the general environment. Although chal lenging, scanning is critically important to the firms' efforts to understand trends in the
Table 2.2 Parts of the External Environment Analysis
Identifying early signals of environmental changes and trends
Detecting meaning through ongoing observations of environmental changes
and trends
Developing projections of anticipated outcomes based on monitored changes
and trends
Determining the timing and importance of environmental changes and trends
for firms' strategies and their management
An opportunity is a
condition in the general
environment that, if
exploited effectively, helps
a company reach strategic
A threat is a condition in
the general environment
that may hinder a company's
efforts to achieve strategic
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42 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
general environment and to predict their implications. This is particularly the case for companies competing in highly volatile environments.Is
Through scanning, firms identify early signals of potential changes in the general environment and detect changes that are already under way.I6 Scanning activities must be aligned with the organizational context; a scanning system designed for a volatile environment is inappropriate for a firm in a stable environment. I7 Scanning often reveals ambiguous, incomplete, or unconnected data and inf ormation that require careful analysis.
Many firms use special software to help them identify events that are taking place in the environment and that are announced in public sources. For example, news event detection uses information-based systems to categorize text and reduce the trade-off between an important missed event and false alarm rates. Increasingly, these systems are used to study social media outlets as sources of information.Is
Broadly speaking, the Internet provides a wealth of opportunities for scanning. Amazon.com, for example, records information about individuals visiting its website, particularly if a purchase is made. Amazon then welcomes these customers by name when they visit the website again. The firm sends messages to customers about spe cials and new products similar to those they purchased in previous visits. A number of other companies, such as Netflix, also collect demographic data about their customers in an attempt to identify their unique preferences (demographics is one of the segments in the general environment). Approximately 4 billion people use the Internet in some way, including more than 738 million in China and 287 million in the United States. So, the Internet represents a healthy opportunity to gather information on users.I9
2-2b Monitoring
When monitoring, analysts observe environmental changes to see if an important trend is emerging from among those spotted through scanning.2° Critical to successful mon itoring is the firm's ability to detect meaning in environmental events and trends. For example, those monitoring retirement trends in the United States learned that the median retirement savings of U.S. workers was only $5000. And for those who are aged 56-61, the median savings for retirement was only $17,000. For a reasonable retirement, Fidelity estimates that people should have saved 10 times their annual salary.2I Firms seeking to serve retirees' financial needs will continue monitoring workers' savings and investment patterns to see if a trend is developing. If, say, they identify that saving less for retirement (or other needs) is indeed a trend, these firms will seek to understand its competitive implications.
Effective monitoring requires the firm to identify important stakeholders and under stand its reputation among these stakeholders as the foundation for serving their unique needs.22 (Stakeholders' unique needs are described in Chapter 1.) One means of moni toring major stakeholders is by using directors that serve on other boards of directors (referred to as interlocking directorates). They facilitate information and knowledge transfer from external sources. 23 Scanning and monitoring are particularly important when a firm competes in an industry with high technological uncertainty. 24 Scanning and monitoring can provide the firm with information. These activities also serve as a means of importing knowledge about markets and about how to successfully commercialize the new technologies the firm has developed.25
2-2c Forecasting
Scanning and monitoring are concerned with events and trends in the general environ ment at a point in time. When forecasting, analysts develop feasible projections of what
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
might happen, and how quickly, as a result of the events and trends detected through scanning and monitoring.26 For example, analysts might forecast the time that will be required for a new technology to reach the marketplace, the length of time before different corporate training procedures are required to deal with anticipated changes in the composition of the workforce, or how much time will elapse before changes in governmental taxation policies affect consumers' purchasing patterns.
Forecasting events and outcomes accurately is challenging. Forecasting demand for new technological products is difficult because technology trends are contin ually shortening product life cycles. This is particularly difficult for a firm such as Intel, whose products go into many customers' technological products, which are frequently updated. Thus, having access to tools that allow better forecasting of electronic product demand is of value to Intel as the firm studies conditions in its external environment.27
2-2d Assessing
When assessing, the objective is to determine the timing and significance of the effects of environmental changes and trends that have been identified.28 Through scanning, monitoring, and forecasting, analysts are able to understand the general environment. Additionally, the intent of assessment is to specify the implications of that understanding. Without assessment, the firm has data that may be interesting but of unknown competi tive relevance. Even if formal assessment is inadequate, the appropriate interpretation of that information is important.
Accurately assessing the trends expected to take place in the segments of a firm's general environment is important. However, accurately interpreting the meaning of those trends is even more important. In slightly different words, although gathering and organizing information is important, appropriately interpreting that information to determine if an identified trend in the general environment is an opportunity or threat is critical.29
2-3 Segments of the General Environment The general environment is composed of segments that are external to the firm (see Table 2.1). Although the degree of impact varies, these environmental segments affect all industries and the firms competing in them. The challenge to each firm is to scan, monitor, forecast, and assess the elements in each segment to predict their effects on it. Effective scanning, monitoring, forecasting, and assessing are vital to the firm's efforts to recognize and evaluate opportunities and threats.
2-3a The Demographic Segment
The demographic segment is concerned with a population's size, age structure, geo graphic distribution, ethnic mix, and income distribution.30 Demographic segments are commonly analyzed on a global basis because of their potential effects across countries' borders and because many firms compete in global markets.
Population Size The world's population doubled (from 3 billion to 6 billion) between 1959 and 1999. Current projections suggest that population growth will continue in the twenty-first century, but at a slower pace. In 2018, the world's population was 7.6 billion, and it is projected to be 9.2 billion by 2040 and roughly 10 billion by 2055.31 In 2018, China was the world's largest country by population with slightly more than 1.4 billion people. By
The demographic
segment is concerned
with a population's size,
age structure, geographic
distribution, ethnic mix, and
income distribution.
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44 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
2050, however, India is expected to be the most populous nation in the world followed by China, the United States, Indonesia, and Pakistan.32 Firms seeking to find growing markets in which to sell their goods and services want to recognize the market potential that may exist for them in these five nations.
Firms also want to study changes occurring within the populations of different nations and regions of the world to assess their strategic implications. For example, 28 percent of Japan's citizens are 65 or older, while the figures for the United States and China are 15 percent and 11 percent, respectively. However, the population in both countries is aging rapidly and could match that in Japan by 2040.33 Aging populations are a significant problem for countries because of the need for workers and the burden of supporting retirement programs. In Japan and some other countries, employees are urged to work longer to overcome these problems.
Age Structure The most noteworthy aspect of this element of the demographic segment is that the world's population is rapidly aging, as noted above. For example, predictions are that the number of centenarians worldwide will double by 2023 and double again by 2035. Projections suggest life expectancy will surpass 100 in some industrialized countries by the second half of this century-roughly triple the lifespan of the population in earlier years.34 In the 1950s, Japan's population was one of the youngest in the world. However, 45 is now the median age in Japan, with the projection that it will be 55 by 2040. With a fertility rate that is below replacement value, another prediction is that by 2040 there will be almost as many Japanese people 100 years old or older as there are newborns.35 By 2050, almost 25 percent of the world's population will be aged 65 or older. These changes in the age of the population have significant implications for availability of qualified labor, health care, retirement policies, and business opportunities among others.36
This aging of the population threatens the ability of firms to hire and retain a workforce that meets their needs. Thus, firms are challenged to increase the productivity of their work ers and/or to establish additional operations in other nations in order to access the potential working age population. A potential opportunity is represented by delayed retirements; older workers with extended life expectancies may need to work longer in order to even tually afford retirement. Delayed retirements may help companies to retain experienced and knowledgeable workers. In this sense, "organizations now have a fresh opportunity to address the talent gap created by a shortage of critical skills in the marketplace as well as the experience gap created by multiple waves of downsizing over the past decade:' 37 Firms can also use their older, more experienced workers to transfer their knowledge to younger employees, helping them to quickly gain valuable skills. There is also an opportunity for firms to more effectively use the talent available in the workforce. For example, moving women into higher level professional and managerial jobs could offset the challenges created by decline in overall talent availability. And, based on research, it may even enhance overall outcomes.38
Geographic Distribution How a population is distributed within countries and regions is subject to change over time. For example, over the last few decades, the U.S. population has shifted from states in the Northeast and Great Lakes region to states in the West (California), South (Florida), and Southwest (Texas). Based on data in 2018, California's population has grown by approximately 2.3 million since 2010, while Texas's population has grown by 3.2 million in the same time period.39 These changes are characterized as moving from the "Frost
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
Belt" to the "Sun Belt:' Outcomes from these shifts include the fact that the gross domestic product (GDP) of California in 2017 was slightly more than $2.75 trillion, an amount that makes California the sixth-largest economy in the world. In this same year, at a value of $1.6 trillion, Texas' GDP was second to that of California.40
The least popular states are Illinois, Vermont, and West Virginia, which experienced population declines between 2010 and 2018. During the same time period, the population of Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island grew less than one percent. In the coming years, California, Florida and Texas are forecasted to have the largest gains in population.41
Firms want to carefully study the patterns of population distributions in countries and regions to identify opportunities and threats. Thus, in the United States, current patterns suggest the possibility of opportunities in states on the West Coast and some in the South and Southwest. In contrast, firms competing in the Northeast and Great Lakes areas may concentrate on identifying threats to their ability to operate profitably in those areas.
Of course, geographic distribution patterns differ throughout the world. For example, in past years, the majority of the population in China lived in rural areas; however, growth patterns have been shifting to urban communities such as Shanghai and Beijing. In fact, in 2006, there were 148.7 million more people living in rural areas than in urban areas in China. However, by 2016, 203.2 million more people lived in urban than in rural areas within China, a substantial shift in a only ten-year period.42 Recent shifts in Europe show small population gains for countries such as France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, while Greece experienced a small population decline. Overall, the geographic distribution patterns in Europe have been reasonably stable.43
Ethnic Mix
The ethnic mix of countries' populations continues to change, creating opportunities and threats for many companies as a result. For example, Hispanics have become the largest ethnic minority in the United States.44 In fact, the U.S. Hispanic market is the third largest "Latin American" economy behind Brazil and Mexico. Spanish is now the dominant language in parts of the United States such as Texas, California, Florida, and New Mexico. Given these facts, some firms might want to assess how their goods or services could be adapted to serve the unique needs of Hispanic con sumers. Interestingly, by 2020, more than 50 percent of children in the United States will be a member of a minority ethnic group, and the population in the United States is projected to have a majority of minority ethnic members by 2044. And, by 2060, whites are projected to compose approximately 44 percent of the U.S. population.45
The ethnic diversity of the population is important not only because of consumer needs but also because of the labor force composition. Interestingly, research has shown that firms with greater ethnic diversity in their managerial team are likely to enjoy higher performance. 46
Additional evidence is of interest to firms when examining this segment. For example, African countries are the most ethnically diverse in the world, with Uganda having the highest ethnic diversity rating and Liberia having the second highest. In contrast, Japan and the Koreas are the least ethnically diversified in their populations. European countries are largely ethnically homogeneous while the Americas are more diverse. "From the United States through Central America down to Brazil, the 'new world' countries, maybe in part because of their histories of relatively open immigra tion (and, in some cases, intermingling between natives and new arrivals) tend to be pretty diverse."47
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The economic
environment refers to the
nature and direction of the
economy in which a firm
competes or may compete.
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Income Distribution
Understanding how income is distributed within and across populations informs firms of different groups' purchasing power and discretionary income. Of particular interest to firms are the average incomes of households and individuals. For instance, the increase in dual-career couples has had a notable effect on average incomes. Although real income has been declining in general in some nations, the household income of dual-career couples has increased, especially in the United States. These figures yield strategically relevant information for firms. For instance, research indicates that whether an employee is part of a dual-career couple can strongly influence the willingness of the employee to accept an international assignment. Worldwide it is estimated that there were almost 57 million expatriates in 2017, with Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and the United States as the top three destinations.48
The growth of the economy in China has drawn many firms, not only for the low cost production, but also because of the large potential demand for products, given its large population base. However, in recent times, the amount of China's gross domestic product that makes up domestic consumption is the lowest of any major economy at less than one-third. In comparison, India's domestic consumption of consumer goods accounts for two-thirds of its economy, or twice China's level. For this reason, many western multinationals are interested in India as a consumption market as its middle class grows extensively; although India has poor infrastructure, its consumers are in a better position to spend. Because of situations such as this, paying attention to the differences between markets based on income distribution can be very important.49
These differences across nations suggest it is important for most firms to identify the economic systems that are most likely to produce the most income growth and market opportunities.50 Thus, the economic segment is a critically important focus of firms' environmental analysis.
2-3b The Economic Segment
The economic environment refers to the nature and direction of the economy in which a firm competes or may compete.5' In general, firms seek to compete in relatively stable economies with strong growth potential. Because nations are interconnected as a result of the global economy, firms must scan, monitor, forecast, and assess the health of their host nation as well as the health of the economies outside it.
It is challenging for firms studying the economic environment to predict economic trends that may occur and their effects on them. There are at least two reasons for this. First, the global recession of 2008 and 2009 created numerous problems for companies throughout the world, including problems of reduced consumer demand, increases in firms' inventory levels, development of additional governmental regulations, and a tight ening of access to financial resources. Second, the global recovery from the economic shock in 2008 and 2009 was persistently slow compared to previous recoveries. Firms must adjust to the economic shock and try to recover from it. And although the world economic prospects appear to be good in 2018, the recovery has been uneven across countries. For example, the economies in several European countries continue to strug gle (e.g., Greece, Spain). And, perhaps partly due to political uncertainties (e.g., in the United States), there continue to be concerns about economic uncertainty. And again, according to some research, "it is clear that (economic) uncertainty has increased in recent times:' 52 This current degree of economic uncertainty makes it challenging to develop effective strategies.
When facing economic uncertainty, firms especially want to study closely the eco nomic environment in multiple regions and countries throughout the world. Although
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis 47
economic growth remains relatively weak and economic uncertainty has been strong in Europe, economic growth has been bet ter in the United States in recent times. For example, the projected average annual economic growth in Europe for 2018-2020 is 1.75 percent, while in the United States it is 2.25 percent. Alternatively, the pro jected average annual economic growth for 2018-2020 is 6.3 percent in China, 7.45 percent in India, 2.25 percent in Brazil, and 2.45 percent in Mexico. These estimates highlight the anticipation of the continuing development of emerging economies.53 Ideally, firms will be able to pursue higher growth opportunities in regions and nations where they exist while avoiding the threats of slow growth periods in other settings.
A marijuana Budtender sorts strands of marijuana for sale at a retail
and medical cannabis dispensary in Boulder, Colorado.
2-3c The Political/Legal Segment
The political/legal segment is the arena in which organizations and interest groups compete for attention, resources, and a voice in overseeing the body of laws and regu lations guiding interactions among nations as well as between firms and various local governmental agencies.54 Essentially, this segment is concerned with how organizations try to influence governments and how they try to understand the influences ( cur rent and projected) of those governments on their competitive actions and responses. Commonly, firms develop a political strategy to specify how they will analyze and the political/legal to develop approaches they can take (such as lobbying efforts) to suc cessfully deal with opportunities and threats that surface within this segment of the environment. 55
Regulations formed in response to new national, regional, state, and/or local laws that are legislated often influence a firm's competitive actions and responses. 56 For example, the state of California in the United States recently legalized the retail selling of cannabis (also known as marijuana). This action follows similar laws legalizing the sale of cannabis in other states such as Colorado and Washington. The immediate con - cern is the risk that firms take to invest capital in this business, given that it is unknown whether the U.S. Department of Justice will allow the states to proceed without enforc ing federal law against the sale of this product. Thus, the relationship between national, regional, and local laws and regulations creates a highly complex environment within which businesses must navigate.57
For interactive, technology-based firms such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon, among others, the effort in Europe to adopt the world's strongest data protection law has significant challenges. Highly restrictive laws about consumer privacy could threaten how these firms conduct business in the European Union. Alternatively, firms must deal with quite different challenges when they operate in countries with weak formal institutions (e.g., weak legal protection of intellectual property). Laws and regulations provide struc ture to guide strategic and competitive actions; without such structure, it is difficult to identify the best strategic actions.58
The political/legal
segment is the arena in
which organizations and
interest groups compete
for attention, resources, and
a voice in overseeing the
body of laws and regulations
guiding interactions among
nations as well as between
firms and various local
governmental agencies.
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48 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
The sociocultural segment
is concerned with a society's
attitudes and cultural values.
2-3d The Sociocultural Segment
The sociocultural segment is concerned with a society's attitudes and cultural values. Because attitudes and values form the cornerstone of a society, they often drive demo graphic, economic, political/legal, and technological conditions and changes.
Individual societies' attitudes and cultural orientations are relatively stable, but they can and often do change over time. Thus, firms must carefully scan, monitor, forecast, and assess them to recognize and study associated opportunities and threats. Successful firms must also be aware of changes taking place in the societies and their associated cul tural values in which they are competing. Indeed, firms must identify changes in cultural values, norms, and attitudes in order to "adapt to stay ahead of their competitors and stay relevant in the minds of their consumers:'59 Research has shown that sociocultural factors influence the entry into new markets and the development of new firms in a country.60
Attitudes about and approaches to health care are being evaluated in nations and regions throughout the world. For Europe, the European Commission has developed a health care strategy for all of Europe that is oriented to preventing diseases while tackling lifestyle factors influencing health such as nutrition, working conditions, and physical activity. This Commission argues that promoting attitudes to take care of one's health is especially important in the context of an aging Europe, as shown by the projection that the proportion of people over 65 living in Europe and in most of the developed nations throughout the world will continue to grow.61 At issue for business firms is that attitudes and values about health care can affect them; accordingly, they must carefully examine trends regarding health care in order to anticipate the effects on their operations.
The U.S. labor force has evolved to become more diverse, with significantly more women and minorities from a variety of cultures entering the workplace. For example, women were 46.8 percent of the workforce in 2014, a number projected to grow to 47.2 percent by 2024. Hispanics are expected to be about 20 percent of the workforce by 2024. In 2005, the total U.S. workforce was slightly greater than 148 million, and it is predicted to grow to approximately 164 million by 2024.62
However, the rate of growth in the U.S.
Healthcare is becoming increasingly important as the proportion of
people older than 65 is growing larger in many nations throughout
the world.
labor force has declined over the past two decades largely because of slower growth of the nation's population and because of a downward trend in the labor force partici pation rate. More specifically, data show that the overall participation rate ( the proportion of the civilian non-institutional population in the labor force) peaked at an annual aver age of 67.1 percent in 2000. But the rate has declined since that time and is expected to fall to 58.5 percent by 2050. Other changes in the U.S. labor force between 2010 and 2050 are expected. During this time, Asian membership in the labor force is projected to more than double in size, while the growth in Caucasian members of the labor force is predicted to be much slower compared to other racial groups. In contrast, people of Hispanic origin are expected to account for roughly 80 percent of the total growth in the labor force.63
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
Greater diversity in the workforce creates challenges and opportunities, including combining the best of both men's and women's traditional leadership styles. Although diversity in the workforce has the potential to improve performance, research indi cates that diversity initiatives must be successfully managed to reap these organiza tional benefits.
Although the lifestyle and workforce changes referenced previously reflect the atti tudes and values of the U.S. population, each country is unique with respect to these sociocultural indicators. National cultural values affect behavior in organizations and thus also influence organizational outcomes such as differences in managerial styles. Likewise, the national culture influences a large portion of the internationalization strat egy that firms pursue relative to one's home country.64 Knowledge sharing is important for dispersing new knowledge in organizations and increasing the speed in implement ing innovations. Personal relationships are especially important in China; the concept of guanxi (personal relationships or good connections) is important in doing business within the country and for individuals to advance their careers in what is becoming a more open market society. Understanding the importance of guanxi is critical for foreign firms doing business in China.65
2-3e The Technological Segment
Pervasive and diversified in scope, technological changes affect many parts of societ ies. These effects occur primarily through new products, processes, and materials. The technological segment includes the institutions and activities involved in creating new knowledge and translating that knowledge into new outputs, products, processes, and materials.
Given the rapid pace of technological change and risk of disruption, it is vital for firms to thoroughly study the technological segment. 66 The importance of these efforts is shown by the fact that early adopters of new technology often achieve higher market shares and earn higher returns. Thus, both large and small firms should continuously scan the gen eral environment to identify potential substitutes for technologies that are in current use, as well as to identify newly emerging technologies from which their firm could derive competitive advantage.67
New technology and innovations are changing many industries.68 These changes are exemplified by the change to digital publishing (e.g., electronic books) and retail industries moving from brick and mortar stores to Internet sales. As such, firms in all industries must become more innovative in order to survive, and must develop new or at least comparable technology-and continuously improve it.69 In so doing, most firms must have a sophisticated information system to support their new product develop ment efforts.70 In fact, because the adoption and efficient use of new technology has become critical to global competitiveness in many or most industries, countries have begun to offer special forms of support, such as the development of technology business incubators, which provide several types of assistance to increase the success rate of new technology ventures.71
As a significant technological development, the Internet offers firms a remarkable capability in terms of their efforts to scan, monitor, forecast, and assess conditions in their general environment. Companies continue to study the Internet's capabilities to anticipate how it may allow them to create more value for customers and to anticipate future trends. Additionally, the Internet generates a significant number of opportunities and threats for firms across the world. As noted earlier, there are approximately 4 billion Internet users globally.
Despite the Internet's far-reaching effects and the opportunities and threats asso ciated with its potential, wireless communication technology has become a significant
The technological
segment includes the
institutions and activities
involved in creating new
knowledge and tr anslating
that knowledge into new
outputs, products, processes,
and materials.
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The global segment
includes relevant new global
markets and their critical
cultural and institutional
characteristics, existing
markets that are changing,
and important international
political events.
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
technological opportunity for companies. Handheld devices and other wireless commu nications equipment are used to access a variety of network-based services. The use of handheld computers (of many types) with wireless network connectivity has become the dominant form of communication and commerce, and additional functionalities and software applications are generating multiple opportunities-and potential threats-for companies of all types.
2-3f The Global Segment
The global segment includes relevant new global markets and their critical cultural and institutional characteristics, existing markets that are changing, and important international political events. 72 For example, firms competing in the automobile industry must study the global segment. The fact that consumers in multiple nations are willing to buy cars and trucks "from whatever area of the world"73 supports this position.
When studying the global segment, firms should recognize that globalization of busi ness markets may create opportunities to enter new markets, as well as threats that new competitors from other economies may also enter their market.74 In terms of an oppor tunity for automobile manufacturers, the possibility for these firms to sell their prod ucts outside of their home market would seem attractive. But what markets might firms choose to enter? Currently, automobile and truck sales are expected to increase in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Eastern Europe. In contrast, sales are expected to decline, at least in the near term, in the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. These markets, then, are the most and least attractive ones for automobile manufacturers desiring to sell outside their domestic market. At the same time, from the perspective of a threat, Japan, Germany, Korea, Spain, France, and the United States appear to have excess production capacity in the automobile manufacturing industry. In turn, overcapacity signals the pos sibility that companies based in markets where this is the case will simultaneously attempt to increase their exports as well as sales in their domestic market.75 Thus, global automo bile manufacturers should carefully examine the global segment to precisely identify all opportunities and threats.
In light of threats associated with participating in international markets, some firms choose to take a more cautious approach to globalization. For example, family business firms, even the larger ones, often take a conservative approach to entering international markets in a manner very similar to how they approach the develop ment and introduction of new technology. They try to manage their risk.76 These firms participate in what some refer to as globalfocusing. Globalfocusing often is used by firms with moderate levels of international operations who increase their inter nationalization by focusing on global niche markets.77 This approach allows firms to build onto and use their core competencies while limiting their risks within the niche market. Another way in which firms limit their risks in international markets is to focus their operations and sales in one region of the world.78 Success with these efforts finds a firm building relationships in and knowledge of its markets. As the firm builds these strengths, rivals find it more difficult to enter its markets and com pete successfully.
Firms competing in global markets should recognize each market's sociocultural and institutional attributes.79 For example, Korean ideology emphasizes communitar ianism, a characteristic of many Asian countries. Alternatively, the ideology in China calls for an emphasis on guanxi-personal connections-while in Japan, the focus is on wa-group harmony and social cohesion.80 The institutional context of China suggests a major emphasis on centralized planning by the government. The Chinese government
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
provides incentives to firms to develop alliances with foreign firms having sophisticated technology, in hopes of building knowledge and introducing new technologies to the Chinese markets over time.81 As such, it is important to analyze the strategic intent of foreign firms when pursuing alliances and joint ventures abroad, especially where the local partners are receiving technology that may in the long run reduce the foreign firms' advantages.82
Increasingly, the informal economy as it exists throughout the world is another aspect of the global segment requiring analysis. Growing in size, this economy has implications for firms' competitive actions and responses in that increasingly, firms competing in the formal economy will find that they are competing against informal economy companies as well.
2-3g The Sustainable Physical Environment Segment The sustainable physical environment segment refers to potential and actual changes in the physical environment and business practices that are intended to positively respond to those changes in order to create a sustainable environment.83
Concerned with trends oriented to sustaining the world's physical environment, firms recognize that ecological, social, and economic systems interactively influence what happens in this particular segment and that they are part of an interconnected global society. 84
Companies across the globe are concerned about the physical environment, and many record the actions they are taking in reports with names such as "Sustainability" and "Corporate Social Responsibility:' Moreover, and in a comprehensive sense, an increasing number of companies are investing in sustainable development.
There are many parts or attributes of the physical environment that firms con sider as they try to identify trends in the physical environment. 85 Because of the importance to firms of becoming sustainable, certification programs have been developed to help them understand how to be sustainable organizations. 86 As the world's largest retailer, Walmart's environmental footprint is huge, meaning that trends in the physical environment can significantly affect this firm and how it chooses to operate. Because of this, Walmart's goal is to produce zero waste and to use 100 percent renewable energy to power its operations.87 Environmental sustain ability is important to all societal citizens and because of its importance, customers react more positively to firms taking actions such as those by Walmart.88 To build and maintain sustainable operations in companies that directly service retail cus tomers requires sustainable supply chain management practices.89 Thus, top manag ers must focus on managing any of the firm's practices that have effects on the phys ical environment. In doing so, they not only contribute to a cleaner environment but also reap financial rewards from being an effective competitor due to positive customer responses. 90
As our discussion of the general environment shows, identifying anticipated changes and trends among segments and their elements is a key objective of analyzing this envi ronment. With a focus on the future, the analysis of the general environment allows firms to identify opportunities and threats. It is necessary to have a top management team with the experience, knowledge, and sensitivity required to effectively analyze the conditions in a firm's general environment-as well as other facets such as the industry environment and competitors.91 In fact, as you noted in the Strategic Focus on Target, the lack of a commitment to analyzing the environment in depth can have serious, company-wide ramifications.
The sustainable physical
environment segment
refers to potential and actual
changes in the physical environment and business
practices that are intended to
positively respond to those
changes in order to create a
sustainable environment.
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52 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Target (Tar-zhey) Is Trying to Navigate in a New and Rapidly Changing
Competitive Landscape
Target became known by consumers as Tar-zhey, the retailer of
cheaper but 'chic' products. The firm offered a step up in quality
goods at a slightly higher price than discount retailers such as
Walmart, but was targeted below major, first line retailers such
Macy's and Nordstrom. Additionally, it promoted its stores to
offer one-stop shopping with clothing, toys, health products, and
food goods, among other products. For many years, Tar-zhey"hit
the bullseye" and performed well serving this large niche in the
market. But the company took its eye off the target and began
losing market share (along with other poor strategic actions).
The first major crack in the ship appeared with the
announcement of a massive cyberattack on Target's computer
system that netted customers' personal information. Not only
was this a public relations disaster, it drew a focus on Target that
identified other problems. For example, careful analysis showed
that Target was losing customers to established competitors
and new rivals, especially Internet retailers (e.g., Amazon.com).
Target's marketing chief stated that "it's not that we became
insular. We were insula('This suggests that the firm was not
analyzing its environment. By allowing rivals, and especially
Internet competitors, to woo the company's customers, it lost
sales, market share, and profits. It obviously did not predict and
prepare for the significant competition from Internet rivals that
is now reshaping most all retail industries. Competitors were
offering better value to customers (perhaps more variety and
convenience through online sales). Thus, Target's reputation
and market share were simultaneously harmed.
Because of all the problems experienced, Target hired a
new CEO, Brian Cornell, in 2014. Cornell has made a number
of changes, but the continued revolution in the industry,
largely driven by Amazon, continued to gnaw away Target's
annual sales. Target's annual sales declined by approximately
5 percent in 2017 and its stock price suffered as a result. Target
was forced to develop a new strategy, which involves a major
rebranding. It launched four new brands late in 2017, includ
ing A New Day, a fashionable line of women's clothes, and
Goodfellow & Co, a modern line of menswear, with the intent
to make an emotional connection with customers. It also
plans to remodel 100 of its stores and change in-store displays
to improve customer experiences. It will add 30 small stores
that offer innovative designs and, to compete with Amazon, is
emphasizing its digital sales and delivery of products. Up to
now its digital strategy has not been highly successful, so it is
narrowing its focus to increase its effectiveness.
l1,1t1CI I .,.
Target plans to discontinue several major brands by 2019
and will continue to introduce new brands (12 in total are
planned). The intent is to increase the appeal ofTarget and its
products to millennials. These actions alone suggest the impor
tance of gathering and analyzing data on the market and
competitors' actions. The next few years will show the fruits of
all ofTarget's changes. If they are successful, Target will still face
substantial competition from Amazon and Wal mart; if they are
not successful, Target suffer the same fate of of many other
large and formerly successful retailers that no exist.
Sources: A. Pasquarelli, 2017, Our strategy is working: Target plows into the holidays,
AdAge, hnp//adage.com, October 19; 5. Heller, 2017, Target's biggest brands are about
to disappear from stores, The Insider, www.theinsider.com, July 6; 2017, Rebranding its
wheel: Target's new strategy, Seeking Alpha, hnp//seeking alpha.com, July 4;K. Safdar,
2017, Target's new online strategy: Less is more, Wall Streer Journal, www.wsj.com,
May 15; 2015, What your new CEO is reading: Smell ya later; Target's new CEO, C/0
Journal/Wall Srreet Journal, www.wsj.com/cio, March 6; J. Reingold, 2014, Can Target's
new CEO get the struggling retailer back on target? Fortune, www.fortune.com,
July 31; G. Smith, 2014, Target turns to PepsiCds Brian Cornell to restore its fortunes,
Fortune, www.fortune.com, July 31; f> Ziobro, M. Langley, & J. S. Lublin, 2014, Target's
problem: Tar-zhey isn't working. Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, May 5.
As described in the Strategic Focus, Target failed to maintain a good understanding of its industry and hence, lost market share to Internet company rivals and other more established competitors. We conclude that critical to a firm's choices of strategies and their associated competitive actions and responses is an understanding of its industry
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
environment, its competitors, and the general environment of the countries in which it operates.92 Next, we discuss the analyses firms complete to gain such an understanding.
2-4 Industry Environment Analysis An industry is a group of firms producing products that are close substitutes. In the course of competition, these firms influence one another. Typically, companies use a rich mix of different competitive strategies to pursue above-average returns when competing in a particular industry. An industry's structural characteristics influence a firm's choice of strategies. 93
Compared with the general environment, the industry environment (measured primarily in the form of its characteristics) has a more direct effect on the competitive actions and responses a firm takes to succeed.94 To study an industry, the firm examines five forces that affect the ability of all firms to operate profitably within a given industry. Shown in Figure 2.2, the five forces are: the threats posed by new entrants, the power of suppliers, the power of buyers, product substitutes, and the intensity of rivalry among competitors.
The five forces of competition model depicted in Figure 2.2 expands the scope of a firm's competitive analysis. Historically, when studying the competitive environment, firms concentrated on companies with which they directly competed. However, firms must search more broadly to recognize current and potential competitors by identifying potential customers as well as the firms serving them. For example, the communications industry is now broadly defined as encompassing media companies, telecoms, enter tainment companies, and companies producing devices such as smartphones. In such an environment, firms must study many other industries to identify companies with capabilities (especially technology-based capabilities) that might be the foundation for producing a good or a service that can compete against what they are producing.
Figure 2.2 The Five Forces of Competition Model
An industry is a group of
firms producing products that
a re close substitutes.
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54 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
When studying the industry environment, firms must also recognize that suppliers can become a firm's competitors (by integrating forward) as can buyers (by integrating backward). For example, several firms have integrated forward in the pharmaceutical industry by acquiring distributors or wholesalers. In addition, firms choosing to enter a new market and those producing products that are adequate substitutes for existing products can become a company's competitors.
Next, we examine the five forces the firm needs to analyze in order to understand the profitability potential within an industry (or a segment of an industry) in which it competes or may choose to compete.
2-4a Threat of New Entrants
Identifying new entrants is important because they can threaten the market share of existing competitors.95 One reason new entrants pose such a threat is that they bring additional production capacity. Unless the demand for a good or service is increasing, additional capacity holds consumers' costs down, resulting in less revenue and lower returns for competing firms. Often, new entrants have a keen interest in gaining a large market share. As a result, new competitors may force existing firms to be more efficient and to learn how to compete in new dimensions (e.g., using an Internet-based distribu tion channel).
The likelihood that firms will enter an industry is a function of two factors: bar riers to entry and the retaliation expected from current industry participants. Entry barriers make it difficult for new firms to enter an industry and often place them at a competitive disadvantage even when they can enter. As such, high entry barriers tend to increase the returns for existing firms in the industry and may allow some firms to dominate the industry.96 Thus, firms competing successfully in an industry want to maintain high entry barriers to discourage potential competitors from deciding to enter the industry.
Barriers to Entry Firms competing in an industry (and especially those earning above-average returns) try to develop entry barriers to thwart potential competitors. In general, more is known about entry barriers ( with respect to how they are developed as well as paths firms can pursue to overcome them) in industrialized countries such as those in North America and Western Europe. In contrast, relatively little is known about barriers to entry in the rapidly emerging markets such as those in China.
There are different kinds of barriers to entering a market to consider when examin ing an industry environment. Companies competing within a particular industry study these barriers to determine the degree to which their competitive position reduces the likelihood of new competitors being able to enter the industry to compete against them. Firms considering entering an industry study entry barriers to determine the likelihood of being able to identify an attractive competitive position within the industry. Next, we discuss several significant entry barriers that may discourage competitors from entering a market and that may facilitate a firm's ability to remain competitive in a market in which it currently competes.
Economies of Scale Economies of scale are derived from incremental efficiency improvements through experience as a firm grows larger. Therefore, the cost of pro ducing each unit declines as the quantity of a product produced during a given period increases. A new entrant is unlikely to quickly generate the level of demand for its product that in turn would allow it to develop economies of scale.
Economies of scale can be developed in most business functions, such as marketing, manufacturing, research and development, and purchasing.97 Firms sometimes form
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
strategic alliances or joint ventures to gain scale economies. And, other firms acquire rivals in order to build economies of scale in the operations and to increase their mar ket share as well.
Becoming more flexible in terms of being able to meet shifts in customer demand is another benefit for an industry incumbent and a possible entry barrier for the firms considering entering the industry. For example, a firm may choose to reduce its price with the intention of capturing a larger share of the market. Alternatively, it may keep its price constant to increase profits. In so doing, it likely will increase its free cash flow, which is very helpful during financially challenging times.
Some competitive conditions reduce the ability of economies of scale to create an entry barrier such as the use of scale free resources.98 Also, many companies now custom ize their products for large numbers of small customer groups. In these cases, customized products are not manufactured in the volumes necessary to achieve economies of scale. Customization is made possible by several factors, including flexible manufacturing sys tems. In fact, the new manufacturing technology facilitated by advanced information systems has allowed the development of mass customization in an increasing number of industries. Online ordering has enhanced customers' ability to buy customized products. Companies manufacturing customized products can respond quickly to customers' needs in lieu of developing scale economies.
Product Differentiation Over time, customers may come to believe that a firm's product is unique. This belief can result from the firm's service to the customer, effec tive advertising campaigns, or being the first to market a good or service.99 Greater levels of perceived product uniqueness create customers who consistently purchase a firm's products. To combat the perception of uniqueness, new entrants frequently offer products at lower prices. This decision, however, may result in lower profits or even losses.
The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo have established strong brands in the mar kets in which they compete, and these companies compete against each other in countries throughout the world. Because each of these competitors has allocated a significant amount of resources over many decades to build its brands, customer loyalty is strong for each firm. When considering entry into the soft drink market, a potential entrant would be well advised to pause and determine actions it would take to try to overcome the brand image and consumer loyalty each of these giants possesses.
Capital Requirements Competing in a new industry requires a firm to have resources to invest. In addition to physical facilities, capital is needed for inventories, marketing activities, and other critical business functions. Even when a new industry is attractive, the capital required for successful market entry may not be available to pursue the market opportunity. 10° For example, defense industries are difficult to enter because of the substantial resource investments required to be competitive. In addition, because of the high knowledge requirements of the defense industry, a firm might acquire an exist ing company as a means of entering this industry, but it must have access to the capital necessary to do this.
Switching Costs Switching costs are the one-time costs customers incur when they buy from a different supplier. The costs of buying new ancillary equipment and of retrain ing employees, and even the psychological costs of ending a relationship, may be incurred in switching to a new supplier. In some cases, switching costs are low, such as when the consumer switches to a different brand of soft drink. Switching costs can vary as a func tion of time, as shown by the fact that in terms of credit hours toward graduation, the cost to a student to transfer from one university to another as a freshman is much lower than it is when the student is entering the senior year.
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56 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Occasionally, a decision made by manufacturers to produce a new, innovative product creates high switching costs for customers. Customer loyalty programs, such as airlines' frequent flyer miles, are intended to increase the customer's switching costs. If switching costs are high, a new entrant must offer either a substantially lower price or a much better product to attract buyers. Usually, the more established the relationships between parties, the greater the switching costs.
Access to Distribution Channels Over time, industry participants commonly learn how to effectively distribute their products. After building a relationship with its distributors, a firm will nurture it, thus creating switching costs for the distribu tors. Access to distribution channels can be a strong entry barrier for new entrants, particularly in consumer nondurable goods industries ( e.g., in grocery stores where shelf space is limited) and in international markets.101 New entrants have to persuade distributors to carry their products, either in addition to or in place of those cur rently distributed. Price breaks and cooperative advertising allowances may be used for this purpose; however, those practices reduce the new entrant's profit potential. Interestingly, access to distribution is less of a barrier for products that can be sold on the Internet.
Cost Disadvantages Independent of Scale Sometimes, established competitors have cost advantages that new entrants cannot duplicate. Proprietary product tech nology, favorable access to raw materials, desirable locations, and government subsi dies are examples. Successful competition requires new entrants to reduce the strategic relevance of these factors. For example, delivering purchases directly to the buyer can counter the advantage of a desirable location; new food establishments in an unde sirable location often follow this practice. Spanish clothing company Zara is owned by Inditex, the largest fashion clothing retailer in the world.102 From the time of its launching, Zara relied on classy, well-tailored, and relatively inexpensive items that were produced and sold by adhering to ethical practices to successfully enter the highly competitive global clothing market and overcome that market's entry barriers. It is suc cessful because it has used a novel business model in the industry. It also sells quality merchandise for less, offers good stores and store locations, and is well positioned in the industry.103 Business model innovation may be the key to survival and success in current retail industries.104
Government Policy Through their decisions about issues such as the granting of licenses and permits, governments can also control entry into an industry. Liquor retailing, radio and TV broadcasting, banking, and trucking are examples of industries in which government decisions and actions affect entry possibilities. Also, govern ments often restrict entry into some industries because of the need to provide quality service or the desire to protect jobs. Alternatively, deregulating industries, such as the airline and utilities industries in the United States, generally results in additional firms choosing to enter and compete within an industry.105 It is not uncommon for govern ments to attempt to regulate the entry of foreign firms, especially in industries consid ered critical to the country's economy or important markets within it.106 Governmental decisions and policies regarding antitrust issues also affect entry barriers. For example, in the United States, the Antitrust Division of the Justice Department or the Federal Trade Commission will sometimes disallow a proposed merger because officials con clude that approving it would create a firm that is too dominant in an industry and would thus create unfair competition. For example, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a suit in 2017 to block the merger of AT&T and Time Warner with the trial initiated in March 2018. The actions of the Department of Justice were unsuccessful and in June 2018, the merger was approved and completed.107 Such a negative ruling would obviously be an entry barrier for an acquiring firm.
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
Expected Retaliation Companies seeking to enter an industry also anticipate the reactions of firms in the indus try. An expectation of swift and vigorous competitive responses reduces the likelihood of entry. Vigorous retaliation can be expected when the existing firm has a major stake in the industry ( e.g., it has fixed assets with few, if any, alternative uses), when it has substan tial resources, and when industry growth is slow or constrained.108 For example, any firm attempting to enter the airline industry can expect significant retaliation from existing competitors due to overcapacity.
Locating market niches not being served by incumbents allows the new entrant to avoid entry barriers. Small entrepreneurial firms are generally best suited for identify ing and serving neglected market segments. When Honda first entered the U.S. motorcy cle market, it concentrated on small-engine motorcycles, a market that firms such as Harley-Davidson ignored. By targeting this neglected niche, Honda initially avoided a significant amount of head-to-head com petition with well-established competitors. After consolidating its position, Honda used its strength to attack rivals by intro ducing larger motorcycles and competing in the broader market.
2-4b Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Increasing prices and reducing the quality of their products are potential means sup pliers use to exert power over firms com peting within an industry. If a firm is unable to recover cost increases by its suppliers through its own pricing structure, its profit ability is reduced by its suppliers' actions.109
A supplier group is powerful when:
Honda's entry into the large motorcycle market is changing the
competitive landscape especially for the traditional competitors in this
market such as Harley-Davidson.
■ It is dominated by a few large companies and is more concentrated than the industry to which it sells.
■ Satisfactory substitute products are not available to industry firms. ■ Industry firms are not a significant customer for the supplier group. ■ Suppliers' goods are critical to buyers' marketplace success. ■ The effectiveness of suppliers' products has created high switching costs for industry firms. ■ It poses a credible threat to integrate forward into the buyers' industry. Credibility is
enhanced when suppliers have substantial resources and provide a highly differenti ated product. no
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58 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Some buyers attempt to manage or reduce suppliers' power by developing a long term relationship with them. Although long-term arrangements reduce buyer power, they also increase the suppliers' incentive to be helpful and cooperative in appreciation of the longer-term relationship (guaranteed sales). This is especially true when the partners develop trust in one another.111
The airline industry is one in which suppliers' bargaining power is changing. Though the number of suppliers is low, the demand for major aircraft is also relatively low. Boeing and Airbus aggressively compete for orders of major aircraft, creating more power for buyers in the process. When a large airline signals that it might place a "significant" order for wide-body airliners that either Airbus or Boeing might produce, both companies are likely to battle for the business and include a financing arrangement, highlighting the buyer's power in the potential transaction. And, with China's entry into the large com mercial airliner industry, buyer power has increased.
2-4c Bargaining Power of Buyers Firms seek to maximize the return on their invested capital. Alternatively, buyers (cus tomers of an industry or a firm) want to buy products at the lowest possible price-the point at which the industry earns the lowest acceptable rate of return on its invested cap ital. To reduce their costs, buyers bargain for higher quality, greater levels of service, and lower prices.112 These outcomes are achieved by encouraging competitive battles among the industry's firms. Customers (buyer groups) are powerful when:
■ They purchase a large portion of an industry's total output. ■ The sales of the product being purchased account for a significant portion of the
seller's annual revenues. ■ They could switch to another product at little, if any, cost. ■ The industry's products are undifferentiated or standardized, and the buyers pose a
credible threat if they were to integrate backward into the sellers' industry.
Consumers armed with greater amounts of information about the manufacturer's costs and the power of the Internet as a shopping and distribution alternative have increased bargaining power in many industries.
2-4d Threat of Substitute Products Substitute products are goods or services from outside a given industry that perform sim ilar or the same functions as a product that the industry produces. For example, as a sugar substitute, NutraSweet (and other sugar substitutes) places an upper limit on sugar man ufacturers' prices-NutraSweet and sugar perform the same function, though with dif ferent characteristics. Other product substitutes include e-mail and fax machines instead of overnight deliveries, plastic containers rather than glass jars, and tea instead of coffee.
Newspaper firms have experienced significant circulation declines over the past 20 years. The declines are a result of the ready availability of substitute outlets for news including Internet sources and cable television news channels, along with e-mail and cell phone alerts. Likewise, satellite TV and cable and telecommunication companies provide substitute services for basic media services such as television, Internet, and phone. The many electronic devices that provide services overlapping with the personal computer (e.g., laptops) such as tablets, watches (iWatch), etc. are changing markets for PCs, with multiple niches in the market.
In general, product substitutes present a strong threat to a firm when customers face few if any switching costs and when the substitute product's price is lower or its quality and performance capabilities are equal to or greater than those of the competing product. Interestingly, some firms that produce substitutes have begun forming brand alliances, which research shows can be effective when the two products are of relatively equal quality.
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
If there is a differential in quality, the firm with the higher quality product will obtain lower returns from such an alliance.113 Differentiating a product along dimensions that are valuable to customers (such as quality, service after the sale, and location) reduces a substitute's attractiveness.
2-4e Intensity of Rivalry among Competitors Because an industry's firms are mutually dependent, actions taken by one company usu ally invite responses. Competitive rivalry intensifies when a firm is challenged by a com petitor's actions or when a company recognizes an opportunity to improve its market position.114
Firms within industries are rarely homogeneous; they differ in resources and capabilities and seek to differentiate themselves from competitors. Typically, firms seek to differentiate their products from competitors' offerings in ways that customers value and in which the firms have a competitive advantage. Common dimensions on which rivalry is based include price, service after the sale, and innovation. More recently, fums have begun to act quickly (speed a new product to the market) in order to gain a competitive advantage.115
Next, we discuss the most prominent factors that experience shows affect the intensity of rivalries among firms.
Numerous or Equally Balanced Competitors Intense rivalries are common in industries with many companies. With multiple com petitors, it is common for a few firms to believe they can act without eliciting a response. However, evidence suggests that other firms generally are aware of competitors' actions, often choosing to respond to them. At the other extreme, industries with only a few firms of equivalent size and power also tend to have strong rivalries. The large and often similar-sized resource bases of these firms permit vigorous actions and responses. The competitive battles between Airbus and Boeing and between Coca-Cola and PepsiCo exemplify intense rivalry between relatively equal competitors.
Slow Industry Growth When a market is growing, firms try to effectively use resources to serve an expanding customer base. Markets increasing in size reduce the pressure to take customers from competitors. However, rivalry in no-growth or slow-growth markets becomes more intense as firms battle to increase their market shares by attracting competitors' custom ers. Certainly, this has been the case in the fast-food industry as explained in the Opening Case about McDonald's. McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King use their resources, capa bilities, and core competencies to try to win each other's customers. The instability in the market that results from these competitive engagements may reduce the profitability for all firms engaging in such battles. As noted in the Opening Case, McDonald's has suffered from this competitive rivalry but is taking actions to rebuild its customer base and achieve a competitive advantage or at least competitive parity.
High Fixed Costs or High Storage Costs When fixed costs account for a large part of total costs, companies try to maximize the use of their productive capacity. Doing so allows the firm to spread costs across a larger volume of output. However, when many firms attempt to maximize their productive capacity, excess capacity is created on an industry-wide basis. To then reduce inventories, individual companies typically cut the price of their product and offer rebates and other special discounts to customers. However, doing this often intensifies competition. The pattern of excess capacity at the industry level followed by intense rivalry at the firm
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60 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
level is frequently observed in industries with high storage costs. Perishable products, for example, lose their value rapidly with the passage of time. As their inventories grow, producers of perishable goods often use pricing strategies to sell products quickly.
Lack of Differentiation or Low Switching Costs When buyers find a differentiated product that satisfies their needs, they frequently purchase the product loyally over time. Industries with many companies that have successfully differentiated their products have less rivalry, resulting in lower competi tion for individual firms. Firms that develop and sustain a differentiated product that cannot be easily imitated by competitors often earn higher returns. However, when buyers view products as commodities (i.e., as products with few differentiated features or capabilities), rivalry intensifies. In these instances, buyers' purchasing decisions are based primarily on price and, to a lesser degree, service. Personal computers are a commodity product, and the cost to switch from a computer manufactured by one firm to another is low. Thus, the rivalry among Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, and other computer manufacturers is strong as these companies consistently seek to find ways to differentiate their offerings.
High Strategic Stakes Competitive rivalry is likely to be high when it is important for several of the com petitors to perform well in the market. Competing in diverse businesses (such as pet rochemicals, fashion, medicine, and plant construction, among others), Samsung is a formidable foe for Apple in the global smartphone market. Samsung has committed a significant amount of resources to develop innovative products as the foundation for its efforts to try to outperform Apple in selling this particular product. Only a few years ago, Samsung held a sizable lead in market share. But in 2017, in the U.S. market, it was estimated that the iPhone achieved a holiday period market share of 31.3 percent while Samsung's Galaxy held 28.9 percent. Overall, these firms are in a virtual dead heat in the smartphone market.116 Because this market is extremely important to both firms, the smart-phone rivalry between them (and others) will likely remain quite intense.
High strategic stakes can also exist in terms of geographic locations. For example, sev eral automobile manufacturers have established manufacturing facilities in China, which has been the world's largest car market since 2009.117 Because of the high stakes involved in China for General Motors and other firms (including domestic Chinese automobile manufacturers) producing luxury cars (including Audi, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz), rivalry among them in this market is quite intense.
High Exit Barriers Sometimes companies continue competing in an industry even though the returns on their invested capital are low or even negative. Firms making this choice likely face high exit barriers, which include economic, strategic, and emotional factors causing them to remain in an industry when the profitability of doing so is questionable.
Common exit barriers that firms face include the following:
■ Specialized assets (assets with values linked to a business or location) ■ Fixed costs of exit (such as labor agreements) ■ Strategic interrelationships (relationships of mutual dependence, such as those
between one business and other parts of a company's operations, including shared facilities and access to financial markets)
■ Emotional barriers (aversion to economically justified business decisions because of fear for one's own career, loyalty to employees, and so forth)
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
■ Government and social restrictions ( often based on government concerns for job losses and regional economic effects; more common outside the United States)
Exit barriers are especially high in the airline industry. Fortunately, profitability has returned to the industry following the global financial crisis and is expected to reach its highest level in 2018. Industry consolidation and efficiency enhancements regarding airline alliances helped reduce airline companies' costs. This, combined with improving economic conditions in several countries, resulted in a greater demand for travel. This has helped eased the pressures on several firms that may have been contemplating leaving the airline travel industry.'18
2-5 Interpreting Industry Analyses Effective industry analyses are products of careful study and interpretation of data and information from multiple sources. A wealth of industry-specific data is available for firms to analyze to better understand an industry's competitive realities. Because of glo balization, international markets and rivalries must be included in the firm's analyses. And, because of the development of global markets, a country's borders no longer restrict industry structures. In fact, in general, entering international markets enhances the chances of success for new ventures as well as more established firms.'19
Analysis of the five forces within a given industry allows the firm to determine the industry's attractiveness in terms of the potential to earn average or above-average returns. In general, the stronger the competitive forces, the lower the potential for firms to generate profits by implementing their strategies. An unattractive industry has low entry barriers, suppliers and buyers with strong bargaining positions, strong competitive threats from product substitutes, and intense rivalry among competitors. These industry characteristics make it difficult for firms to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns. Alternatively, an attractive industry has high entry barriers, sup pliers and buyers with little bargaining power, few competitive threats from product sub stitutes, and relatively moderate rivalry.120 Next, we explain strategic groups as an aspect of industry competition.
2-6 Strategic Groups A set of firms emphasizing similar strategic dimensions and using a similar strategy is called a strategic group.121 The competition between firms within a strategic group is greater than the competition between a member of a strategic group and companies outside that strategic group. Therefore, intra-strategic group competition is more intense than is inter-strategic group competition. In fact, more heterogeneity is evident in the performance of firms within strategic groups than across the groups. The performance leaders within groups can follow strategies similar to those of other firms in the group and yet maintain strategic distinctiveness as a foundation for earning above-average returns. 122
The extent of technological leadership, product quality, pricing policies, distribu tion channels, and customer service are examples of strategic dimensions that firms in a strategic group may treat similarly. Thus, membership in a strategic group defines the essential characteristics of the firm's strategy.
The notion of strategic groups can be useful for analyzing an industry's compet itive structure. Such analyses can be helpful in diagnosing competition, positioning, and the profitability of firms competing within an industry. High mobility barriers, high rivalry, and low resources among the firms within an industry limit the formation of strategic groups.123 However, after strategic groups are formed, their membership
A set of firms emphasizing
similar strategic dimensions
and using a similar strategy is
called a strategic group.
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62 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Toys 'R' Us Exemplifies the Apocalypse in the Retail Industries
More than 10,000 stores closed in the United States in 2017.
The companies that have gone bankrupt or are in serious
financial trouble read like a list of Who's Who in retailing,
The ones that could default in the near term include Sears,
Neiman Marcus, Payless, J Crew, PetSmart, and Steak 'n Shake,
among others. But, perhaps the bankruptcy of Toys 'R' Us in
2018 caused the most angst among consumers because
they remember what it used to be and know what it could
have been.
Toys 'R' Us was a dominant retailer of toys that had devoted
customers and toy manufacturers. The stores had every con
ceivable toy and became a 'one-stop-shopping destination'for
most parents. It also reached out to and fostered the devel
opment of many small and medium sized toy manufacturers
who largely owed their existence to Toys 'R' Us. At one time it
was perhaps the most significant toy retailer in the world. As it
grew, many of its competitors went out of business. Yet, after
the founder stepped down from the CEO position, a succession
of CEOs became complacent Toys 'R' Us stopped analyzing its
competitors, didn't invest in and update its stores, and began
to lose the devotion of its customers. This made it vulnerable
to new competition. Essentially, by ignoring competition and
maintaining the status quo, it let competitors take advantage
by better serving its customer base.
Large retailers such as Walmart and Target began to grow
their toy sales and take market share away from Toys 'R' Us. And
then Internet sales began to take market share. To respond,
Toys 'R' Us signed an exclusive agreement to sell its toys over
the Internet with Amazon. The contract was expensive (about
$50 million annually), and Amazon did not only sell the toys
from Toys 'R' Us. In fact, Amazon created an Internet market
place selling multiple brands' and companies' toys. As such, Toy
'R' Us paid Amazon to become a substantial competitor.
At the height of these problems, Toys 'R' Us was sold to pri
vate equity investors who completed a leveraged buyout that
saddled the company with substantial debt With large debt
payments, fewer resources were available to invest in the stores
and to respond to competitors. Thus, in 2018 it filed for bank
ruptcy, closing all of its stores.
The exit ofToys 'R' Us leaves its two biggest competitors,
Wal mart and Amazon, now locked in a rivalr y of their own.
Sources: H. Peterson, 2018, Retailers are filing for bankruptcy at a staggering
rate-and these 19 companies could be the next to default. Business Insider,
www.msn.com, March 18; 2018, Toys R Us built a kingdom and the world's
biggest toy store. Then, they lost it, MSN, www.msn.com, March 17; 2018,
Nostalgic shoppers shed tears over Toys 'R' Us demise, (NBC, wwwcnbc.com,
March 1 S; M. Corkery, 2018, Toys 'R' Us case is test of pri vate equity in age of
Amazon, New York Times, nyti.ms/2DvabVS, March 1 S; M. Boyle, K. Bhasin &
L. Rupp, 2018, Walmart-Amazon battle takes to Manhattan with dueling
showcases, Bloomberg, Bloomberg.com, February 28; K Taylor, 2017, Here are
the 18 biggest bankruptcies of the 'retail apocalypse' of 2017, Business Insider,
www.businessinsider.com, December 20.
remains relatively stable over time. Using strategic groups to understand an industry's competitive structure requires the firm to plot companies' competitive actions and responses along strategic dimensions, such as pricing decisions, product quality, distribu tion channels, and so forth. This type of analysis shows the firm how certain companies are competing similarly in terms of how they use similar strategic dimensions.
Strategic groups have several implications. First, because firms within a group offer similar products to the same customers, the competitive rivalry among them can be intense. The more intense the rivalry, the greater the threat to each firm's profitability. Second, the strengths of the five forces differ across strategic groups. Third, the closer
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
the strategic groups are in terms of their strategies, the greater is the likelihood of rivalry between the groups.
As explained in the Strategic Focus, there is a massive 'train wreck' occurring in the retail industries. Former stalwarts such as Sears, Macy's, JCPenney, and Toys 'R' Us are all failing, largely because they ignored competition and it eventually caught up to them. Although other rivals began to erode their market share, the current problem revolves around the formidable Amazon. Amazon has been winning competitive battles against these weakened retailers, and even against other more formidable rivals Google and Walmart. Toys 'R' Us sowed the seeds of its demise a number of years ago by ignoring its competition. It was dominant in its industry, and then focused on growing its store base while paying little or no attention to what new competitors were doing. In fact, unknow ingly it helped Amazon become a major competitor. The lesson in this for Amazon is that even highly successful firms must continuously analyze and understand their competitors if they are to maintain their current market leading positions. If Amazon continues to effectively analyze its competition across industries, the question becomes, can any of its rivals beat it?124
2-7 Competitor Analysis The competitor environment is the final part of the external environment requiring study. Competitor analysis focuses on each company against which a firm competes directly. The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo, Home Depot and Lowe's, Carrefour SA and Tesco PLC, and Amazon and Google are examples of competitors that are keenly interested in understanding each other's objectives, strategies, assumptions, and capabilities. Indeed, intense rivalry creates a strong need to understand competitors.125 In a competitor analy sis, the firm seeks to understand the following:
■ What drives the competitor, as shown by its future objectives. ■ What the competitor is doing and can do, as revealed by its current strategy. ■ What the competitor believes about the industry, as shown by its assumptions. ■ What the competitor's capabilities are, as shown by its strengths and weaknesses. 126
Knowledge about these four dimensions helps the firm prepare an anticipated response profile for each competitor (see Figure 2.3). The results of an effective com petitor analysis help a firm understand, interpret, and predict its competitors' actions and responses. Understanding competitors' actions and responses clearly contributes to the firm's ability to compete successfully within the industry.127 Interestingly, research suggests that executives often fail to analyze competitors' possible reactions to competi tive actions their firm takes,128 placing their firm at a potential competitive disadvantage as a result.
Critical to an effective competitor analysis is gathering data and information that can help the firm understand its competitors' intentions and the strategic implica tions resulting from them.129 Useful data and information combine to form competitor intelligence, which is the set of data and information the firm gathers to better under stand and anticipate competitors' objectives, strategies, assumptions, and capabilities. In competitor analysis, the firm gathers intelligence not only about its competitors, but also regarding public policies in countries around the world. Such intelligence facilitates an understanding of the strategic posture of foreign competitors. Through effective competitive and public policy intelligence, the firm gains the insights needed to make effective strategic decisions regarding how to compete against rivals.
When asked to describe competitive intelligence, phrases such as "competitive spy ing" and "corporate espionage" come to mind for some. These phrases underscore the fact
Competitor intelligence
is the set of data and
information the firm gathers
to better understand and
anticipate competitors'
objectives, strategies,
assumptions, and capabilities.
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Figure 2.3 Competitor Analysis Components
Future Objectives • How do our goals compare with our
competitors' goals? • Where will emphasis be placed in the
future? • What is the attitude toward risk?
Current Strategy • How are we currently competing? • Does their strategy support changes
in the competitive structure?
Assumptions • Do we assume the future will be volatile? • Are we operating under a status quo? • What assumptions do our competitors
hold about the industry and themselves?
• What are our strengths and weaknesses? • How do we rate compared to our
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
• What will our competitors do in the. . . - . . . future?
• Where do we hold an advantage over- ..... . . - . . . -. - . ... . . . - . our competitors? . • How will this change our relationship
with our competitors?. . . - .
that competitive intelligence appears to involve trade-offs.130 The reason for this is that "what is ethical in one country is different from what is ethical in other countries:' This position implies that the rules of engagement to follow when gathering competitive intel ligence change in different contexts. 131 To avoid the possibility of legal entanglements and ethical quandaries, firms must govern their competitive intelligence gathering methods by a strict set of legal and ethical guidelines. 132 Ethical behavior and actions, as well as the mandates of relevant laws and regulations, should be the foundation on which a firm's competitive intelligence-gathering process is formed.
When gathering competitive intelligence, a firm must also pay attention to the com plementors of its products and strategy.133 Complementors are companies or networks of companies that sell complementary goods or services that are compatible with the focal firm's good or service. When a complementor's good or service contributes to the func tionality of a focal firm's good or service, it in turn creates additional value for that firm.
Complementors are companies or networks
There are many examples of firms whose good or service complements other compa nies' offerings. For example, fums manufacturing affordable home photo printers com plement other companies' efforts to sell digital cameras. Intel and Microsoft are perhaps the most widely recognized complementors. The two firms do not directly buy from or sell to each other, but their products are highly complementary.
of companies that sell complementary goods or services that are compatible with the focal firm's good or service.
Alliances among airline companies such as Oneworld and Star involve member companies sharing their route structures and customer loyalty programs as a means
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
of complementing each other's operations. (Alliances and other cooperative strategies are described in Chapter 9.) In this example, each of the two alliances is a network of complementors. American Airlines, British Airways, Finnair, Japan Airlines, and Royal Jordanian are among the airlines forming the Oneworld alliance. Air Canada, Brussels Airlines, Croatia Airlines, Lufthansa, and United Airlines are five of the members form ing the Star alliance. Both alliances constantly adjust their members and services offered to better meet customers' needs.
As our discussion shows, complementors expand the set of competitors that firms must evaluate when completing a competitor analysis. In this sense, American Airlines and United Airlines examine each other both as direct competitors on multiple routes but also as complementors that are members of different alliances (Oneworld for American and Star for United). In all cases though, ethical commitments and actions should be the foundation on which competitor analyses are developed.
2-8 Ethical Considerations
Firms must follow relevant laws and regulations as well as carefully articulated eth ical guidelines when gathering competitor intelligence. Industry associations often develop lists of these practices that firms can adopt. Practices considered both legal and ethical include:
1. Obtaining publicly available information (e.g., court records, competitors' help wanted advertisements, annual reports, financial reports of publicly held corpora tions, and Uniform Commercial Code filings)
2. Attending trade fairs and shows to obtain competitors' brochures, view their exhibits, and listen to discussions about their products
In contrast, certain practices (including blackmail, trespassing, eavesdropping, and stealing drawings, samples, or documents) are widely viewed as unethical and often are illegal as well.
Some competitive intelligence practices may be legal, but a firm must decide whether they are also ethical, given the image it desires as a corporate citizen. Especially with electronic transmissions, the line between legal and ethical practices can be difficult to determine. For example, a firm may develop website addresses that are like those of its competitors and thus occasionally receive e-mail transmissions that were intended for those competitors. The practice is an example of the challenges companies face in deciding how to gather intelligence about competitors while simul taneously determining how to prevent competitors from learning too much about them. To deal with these challenges, firms should establish principles and take actions that are consistent with them.
Professional associations are available to firms as sources of information regard ing competitive intelligence practices. For example, while pursuing its mission to help firms make "better decisions through competitive intelligence;' the Strategy and Competitive Intelligence Professionals association offers codes of professional practice and ethics to firms for their possible use when deciding how to gather competitive intelligence.134
Open discussions of intelligence-gathering techniques can help a firm ensure that employees, customers, suppliers, and even potential competitors understand its convic tions to follow ethical practices when gathering intelligence about its competitors. An appropriate guideline for competitor intelligence practices is to respect the principles of common morality and the right of competitors not to reveal certain information about their products, operations, and intentions.
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The firm's external environment is challenging and complex.
Because of its effect on performance, firms must develop the
skills required to identify opportunities and threats that are a
part of their external environment.
The external environment has three major parts:
1. The general environment (segments and elements in the
broader society that affect industries and the firms compet
ing in them}
2. The industry environment (factors that influence a firm, its
competitive actions and responses, and the industry's prof
itability potential)
3. The competitor environment (in which the firm analyzes
each major competitor's future objectives, current strate
gies, assumptions, and capabilities)
Scanning, monitoring, forecasting, and assessing are the four
parts of the external environmental analysis process. Effectively
using this process helps the firm in its efforts to identify oppor
tunities and threats.
The general environment has seven segments: demographic,
economic, political/legal, sociocultural, technological, global,
and sustainable physical. For each segment, firms have to
determine the strategic relevance of environmental changes
and trends.
competitor analysis 40
competitor intelligence 63
complementors 64
demographic segment 43
economic environment 46
general environment 39
global segment 50
industry 53
1. Why is it important for a firm to study and understand the
external environment?
2. What are the differences between the general environment
and the industry environment? Why are these differences
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Compared with the general environment, the industry envi
ronment has a more direct effect on firms' competitive actions
and responses. The five forces model of competition includes
the threat of entry, the power of suppliers, the power of buyers,
product substitutes, and the intensity of rivalry among competi
tors. By studying these forces, a firm can identify a position in an
industry where it can influence the forces in its favor or where it
can buffer itself from the power of the forces in order to achieve
strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns.
Industries are populated with different strategic groups. Astra
tegic group is a collection of firms following similar strategies
along similar dimensions. Competitive rivalry is greater within
a strategic group than between strategic groups.
Competitor analysis informs the firm about the future objec
tives, current strategies, assumptions, and capabilities of the
companies with which it competes directly. A thorough com
petitor analysis examines complementors that support form
ing and implementing rivals' strategies.
Different techniques are used to create competitor intelli
gence: the set of data, information, and knowledge that allow
the firm to better understand its competitors and thereby
predict their likely competitive actions and responses. Firms
absolutely should use only legal and ethical practices to gather
intelligence. The Internet enhances firms' ability to gather
insights about competitors and their strategic intentions.
industry environment 39
opportunity 41
political/legal segment 47
sociocultural segment 48
strategic group 61
sustainable physical environment segment 51
threat 41
technological segment 49
3. What is the external environmental analysis process (four parts)?
What does the firm want to learn when using this process?
4. What are the seven segments of the general environment?
Explain the differences among them.
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis 67
5. How do the five forces of competition in an industry affect its
profitability potential? Explain.
6. What is a strategic group? Of what value is knowledge of the
firm's strategic group in formulating that firm's strategy?
7. What is the importance of collecting and interpreting data and
information about competitors? What practices should a firm
use to gather competitor intelligence and why?
Watch Out All Retailers, Here Comes Amazon; Watch Out Amazon, Here Comes Other Competitors
Amazon's sales in 2014 were $88.99 billion, an increase of 19.4 percent over 2013. In fact, its sales in 2014 were a whopping 160 percent more than its sales in 2010, only four years prior. Amazon has been able to achieve remarkable gains in sales by providing high quality, rapid, and relatively inexpensive (relative to competitors) service. Amazon has taken on such formidable compet itors as Walmart, Google, and Barnes & Noble, among others, and has come out of it as a winner, particularly in the last 4-5 years.
Walmart has been emphasizing its online sales as well. In 2014, it grew online sales by about $3 billion, for a 30 percent increase. That seems like excellent prog ress, until one compares it to Amazon's sales increase in 2014 of about $14.5 billion. Much opportunity remains for both to improve as total 2014 online sales were $300 billion.
Google is clearly the giant search engine with 88 percent of the information search market. However, when consumers are shopping to purchase goods, Amazon is the leader. In the third quarter of 2014, 39 percent of online shoppers in the United States began their search on Amazon, compared to 11 per cent for Google. Interestingly, in 2009 the figures were 18 percent for Amazon and 24 percent for Google. So, Amazon appears to be winning this competitive battle with Google.
Barnes & Noble lost out to Google before by ignoring it as a threat. Today, B&N has re-established itself in market niches trying not to compete with Google. For example, its college division largely sells through college bookstores, which have a 'monopoly' location granted by the university. However, Amazon is now targeting the college market by developing agreements with universities to operate co-branded
websites to sell textbooks, university t-shirts, etc. Most of the students already shop on Amazon, mak ing the promotion easier to market to universities and to sell to students.
A few years ago, Amazon was referred to as the Walmart of the Internet. But, Amazon has diversified its product/service line much further than Walmart. For example, Amazon now competes against Netflix and other services providing video entertainment. In fact, Amazon won two Golden Globe Awards in 2015 for programs it produced. Amazon also markets high fashion clothing for men and women. Founder and CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, stated that Amazon's goal is to become a $200 billion company, and to do that, the firm must learn how to sell clothes and food.
It appears that Amazon is beating all competitors, even formidable ones such as Google and Walmart. But, Amazon still needs to carefully watch its compe tition. A new company, Jet.com, is targeting Amazon. Jet.com was founded by Marc Lore, who founded the highly successful Diaper.com and a former competitor of Amazon, Quidsi. Amazon hurt Quidsi in a major price war and eventually acquired the company for $550 million. Lore worked for Amazon for two years thereafter but eventually quit to found Jet.com. Jet.com plans to market 10 million products and guarantee the lowest price. Its annual membership will be $50 com pared to Amazon Prime's cost of $99. Competing with Amazon represents a major challenge. However, Jet. com has raised about $240 million in venture fund ing with capital from such players as Bain Capital Ventures, Google Ventures, Goldman Sachs, and Norwest Venture partners. Its current market value is estimated to be $600 million. The future competition between the two companies should be interesting.
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68 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Sources: G. Bensniger, 2015, Amazon makes a push on college campuses, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, February l; K . Bhasin & L. Sherman, 2015, Amazon Coutre: Jeff Bezos wants to sell fancy clothes, Bloomberg, www.bloomberg.com, February 18; L. Dormehl, 2015, Amazon and Netflix score big at the Golden Globe, Fast Company, www.fastcomany.com, January 12; S. Soper, 2015, Amazon.com rival Jet.com raises $140 million in
new funding, Bloomberg, www.bloomberg.com, February 11; B. Stone, 2015, Amazon bought this man's company. Now he is corning for him, Bloomberg, www.bloornberg.com, January 7; M. Kwatinetz, 2014, In online sales, could Walmart ever top Amazon? Fortune, www.fortune.com, October 23; R. Winkler & A. Barr, 2014, Google shopping to counter Amazon, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, December 15.
Mini-Case Questions
1. Can any firm beat Amazon in the marketplace? If not, why not? 3. What are Amazon's major strengths? Does it have any weak
nesses? Please explain.If so, how can they best do so?
2 How formidable a competitor is Google for Amazon? Please
4. Is Jet.com a potential concern for Amazon? Why or why not?
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Business Strategy, 36(1): 25-32. home appliance industry, 1960-1970 competitive advantage. In S. Wright (ed.),
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Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
Competitive Intelligence, Analysis and
Strategy: Creating Organisational Agility.
Abingdon: Routledge, 1-35; J. G. York,
2009, Pragmatic sustainability: Translating
environmental ethics into competitive
advantage, Journal of Business Ethics,
85: 97-109.
131. R. Huggins, 2010, Regional competitive
intelligence: Benchmarking and policy
making. Regional Studies, 44: 639-658.
132. L. T. Tuan, 2013, Leading to learning
and competitive intelligence, The
Leaming Organization, 20: 216-239;
K. A. Sawka, 2008, The ethics of
competitive intelligence, Kiplinger
Business Resource Center Online, www
.kiplinger.com, March.
133. R. B. Bouncken & S. Kraus, 2013, Innovation
in knowledge-intensive industries: The
double-edged sword of coopetition,
Journal of Business Research, 66: 2060-2070;
T. Mazzarol & S. Reboud, 2008, The role of
complementary actors in the development
of innovation in small firms, International
Journal of Innovation Management, 12:
223-253; A. Brandenburger & B. Nalebuff,
1996, Co-opetition, New York: Currency
134. 2018, SCIP Code of ethics for Cl
professionals, www.scip.org, March 30.
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Studying this chapter should provide L you with the strategic management
knowledge needed to:
3-1 Explain why firms need to study and understand their internal organization.
3-2 Define value and discuss its importance.
3-3 Describe the differences between tangible and intangible resources.
3-4 Define capabilities and discuss their development.
3-5 Describe four criteria used to determine if resources and capabilities are core competencies. .
3-6 Explain how firms analyze their value chain to determine where they are able to create value when using their resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
3-7 Define outsourcing and discuss reasons for its use.
3-8 Discuss the importance of identifying internal strengths and weaknesses.
39 Describe the importance of , avoiding core rigidities.
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To date, and perhaps surprisingly, the idea of using data strategically remains somewhat novel in some organizations. However, the reality of "big data" and "big data analytics" (which is "the process of examining big data to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, and other useful information that can be used to make better decisions") is becoming increasingly popular in business. Indeed, in the current competitive landscape, most businesses must use big data analytics (BDA) across all customer channels (mobile, Web, e-mail, and physical stores)
throughout their supply chain to help them become more innovative. This is the situation for large pharmaceutical companies (the firms often called "big
pharma") in that many have been working to develop a core competence in BDA. (We define and discuss core competencies in this chapter.) There are
several reasons they are doing this. In addition to the vast increases in the amounts of data that must be studied and interpreted for
competitive purposes, "health care reform and the changing landscape of health care delivery" systems throughout the world are influencing
these firms to think about developing BDA as a core competence.
Many benefits can accrue to big pharma firms that develop BDA
as a core competence. For example, having BDA as a core competence can help a firm quickly
Al can help analyze data on clinical trials, health records, genetic
profiles, and preclinical studies. China has a goal to become the world
leader in Al.
identify trial candidates and accelerate their recruitment, develop improved inclusion and exclusion criteria to use in clinical trials, and uncover unintended uses and indications for prod
ucts. In terms of customer functionality, superior products can be provided at a faster pace as a foundation for helping patients live better and healthier lives.
In developing their BDA capabilities, many of the big pharma companies are investing in ar tificial intelligence (Al). Al provides the capability to analyze many different sets of information. For example, Al can help analyze data on clinical trials, health records, genetic profiles, and preclinical studies. Al can analyze and integrate these data to identify patterns in the data and
suggest hypotheses about relationships. A new drug generally requires a decade of research and $2.6 billion of investment. And only about 5 percent of the drugs that enter experimental research make it to the market and are successful. Eventually, it is expected that the use of Al could reduce the early research development time from 4-6 years to 1 year, not only greatly reducing the time of development but also the costs.
As we discuss in this chapter, capabilities are the foundation for developing core com
petencies. There are several capabilities big pharma companies need for BDA to be a core competence. Supportive architecture, the proper mix of data scientists, and "technology that integrates and manages new types and sources of data flexibility and scalability while main taining the highest standards of data governance, data quality, and data security" are examples
of capabilities that big pharma need if they wish to develop BDA as a core competence. Of
course, using artificial intelligence provides strong support for the application of BDA.
Having a strong BDA competence could be critical for pharmaceutical firms in the future.
Most Chinese pharmaceutical firms are medium-sized and sell generic drugs and therapeutic
medicines, investing in R&D at only about 25% of the amount invested by big pharma in devel
oped countries. However, China has a plan to develop large, competitive pharmaceutical firms
by 2025. In 2017, for example, China's second largest class of investments was biopharma.
Interestingly, the largest Chinese investment that year was in information systems, including Al.
China has a goal to become the world leader in Al.
In recent years, big pharma has been earning mediocre returns of about 3 percent ROI,
down from 10 percent a decade earlier. Thus, big pharma executives feel pressure especially
with the initial costs of developing BDA and Al. Hopefully, they soon will be able to reduce
their costs and experience higher rates of success in the development of new drugs. Until
then, however, analysts are predicting record numbers of mergers and acquisitions in the
pharmaceutical industry, with big pharma acquiring successful medium-sized pharmaceuticals
and biotechnology firms.
Sources: S. Mukherjee, 2018, How big pharma is using Al to make better drugs, Fortune, fortune.com, March 19: Z. Torrey, 2018, China prepares for big pharma, thediplomat.com, March 14; E. Corbett, 2018, European mid-sized pharma companies-biotechs and big pharma? The Pharmaletter, www.thepharmaletter.com, March 9; M. Jewel, 2018, Signs that 2018 will be a record year for pharma M&A, ThePharmaletter, www.thepharmaletter.com, March1; 8. Nelson, 2018, Why big pharma and biotech are betting big on Al, NBC News, www.nbc.news, March 1; Big data analytics: What it is & why it matters, 201 S, SAS, www .sas.com, April 2; Big data for the pharmaceutical industry, Informatica, www.informatica.com, March 17; B. Atkins, 201 S, Big data and the board, Wall Street Journal Online, www.wsj.com, April 16; S. F. DeAngelis, 2014, Pharmaceutical big data analytics promises a healthier future, Enterrasolutions, www.enterrasolutions.com, June 5; T. Wolfram, 2014, Data analytics has big pharma rethinking its core competencies, Forbes Online, www.forbes.com, December 22.
A s discussed in the first two chapters, several factors in the global economy, including the rapid development of the Internet's capabilities and globalization in general, are
making it difficult for firms to develop competitive advantages.' Increasingly, innovation appears to be a vital path to efforts to develop competitive advantages, particularly sus tainable ones.2 Innovative actions are required by big pharma companies, and they need to develop new drugs more quickly and at lower costs while improving the success of the drugs that they develop. As the Opening Case shows, they are trying to use artificial intelligence to help develop capabilities in big data analytics that hopefully can become a core competence.
As is the case for big pharma companies, innovation is critical to most firms' suc cess. This means that many firms seek to develop innovation as a core competence. We define and discuss core competencies in this chapter and explain how firms use their resources and capabilities to form them. As a core competence, innovation has long been critical to Boeing's success, too. Today, however, the firm is focusing on incre mental innovations as well as developing new technologies that are linked to major innovations and the projects they spawn, such as the 787 Dreamliner. The first delivery of the 787-10 Dreamliner was made to Singapore Airlines on March 26, 2018. Boeing believes its incremental innovations enable the firm to deliver reliable products to cus tomers more quickly and at a lower cost.3 As we discuss in this chapter, firms and organizations-such as those we mention here-achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns by acquiring, bundling, and leveraging their resources for the purpose of taking advantage of opportunities in the external environment in ways that create value for customers.4
Even if the firm develops and manages resources in ways that create core compe tencies and competitive advantages, competitors will eventually learn how to duplicate the benefits of any firm's value-creating strategy; thus, all competitive advantages have
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages
a limited life.5 Because of this, the question of duplication of a competitive advantage is not if it will happen, but when. In general, a competitive advantage's sustainability is a function of three factors:
1. The rate of core competence obsolescence because of environmental changes 2. The availability of substitutes for the core competence 3. The imitability of the core competence6
For all firms, the challenge is to effectively manage current core competencies while simultaneously developing new ones.7 Only when firms are able to do this can they expect to achieve strategic competitiveness, earn above-average returns, and remain ahead of competitors in both the short and long term.
We studied the general, industry, and competitor environments in Chapter 2. Armed with knowledge about the realities and conditions of their external environment, firms have a better understanding of marketplace opportunities and the characteristics of the competitive environment in which those opportunities exist. In this chapter, we focus on the firm. By analyzing its internal organization, a firm determines what it can do. Matching what a firm can do (a function of its resources, capabilities, and core competen cies in the internal organization) with what it might do (a function of opportunities and threats in the external environment) yields insights for the firm to select strategies from among those we discuss in Chapters 4 through 9.
We begin this chapter by briefly describing conditions associated with analyzing the firm's internal organization. We then discuss the roles of resources and capabilities in developing core competencies, which are the sources of the firm's competitive advantages. Included in this discussion are the techniques firms use to identify and evaluate resources and capabilities and the criteria for identifying core competencies from among them. Resources alone typically do not provide competitive advantages. Instead, resources cre ate value when the firm uses them to form capabilities, some of which become core competencies, and hopefully competitive advantages. Because of the relationship among resources, capabilities, and core competencies, we also discuss the value chain and exam ine four criteria that firms use to determine if their capabilities are core competencies and, as such, sources of competitive advantage.8 The chapter closes with comments about outsourcing as well as the need for firms to prevent their core competencies from becom ing core rigidities. The existence of core rigidities indicates that the firm is too anchored to its past, a situation that prevents it from continuously developing new capabilities and core competencies.
3-1 Analyzing the Internal Organization
3-1 a The Context of Internal Analysis One of the conditions associated with analyzing a firm's internal organization is the real ity that in today's global economy, some of the resources that were traditionally crit ical to firms' efforts to produce, sell, and distribute their goods or services-such as labor costs, access to financial resources and raw materials, and protected or regulated markets-although still important, are now less likely to be the source of competitive advantages.9 An important reason for this is that an increasing number of firms are using their resources to form core competencies through which they successfully implement an international strategy (discussed in Chapter 8) as a means of overcoming the advantages created by more traditional resources.
Given the increasing importance of the global economy, those analyzing their firm's internal organization should use a global mind-set to do so. A global mind-set is the
A global mind-set is the
ability to analyze, understand,
and manage an internal
organization in ways that
are not dependent on the
assumptions of a single
country, culture, or context.
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Value is measured by a product's performance characteristics and by its attributes for which customers are willing to pay.
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
ability to analyze, understand, and manage an internal organization in ways that are not dependent on the assumptions of a single country, culture, or context.10 Because they are able to span artificial boundaries, those with a global mind-set recognize that their firms must possess resources and capabilities that allow understanding of and appropriate responses to competitive situations that are influenced by country-specific factors and unique cultures. Using a global mind-set to analyze the internal organization has the potential to significantly help the firm in its efforts to outperform rivals.11
Finally, analyzing the firm's internal organization requires that evaluators examine the firm's entire portfolio of resources and capabilities. This perspective suggests that individual firms possess at least some resources and capabilities that other companies do not-at least not in the same combination. Resources are the source of capabilities, some of which lead to the development of core competencies; in turn, some core competencies may lead to a competitive advantage for the firm.12 Understanding how to leverage the firm's unique bundle of resources and capabilities is a key outcome decision makers seek when analyzing the internal organization.13 Figure 3.1 illustrates the relationships among resources, capabilities, core competencies, and competitive advantages and shows how their integrated use can lead to strategic competitiveness. As we discuss next, firms use the resources in their internal organization to create value for customers.
3-1 b Creating Value
Firms use their resources as the foundation for producing goods or services that will create value for customers.14 Value is measured by a product's performance characteristics and by its attributes for which customers are willing to pay. Firms create value by innova tively bundling and leveraging their resources to form capabilities and core competencies.15 Firms with a competitive advantage create more value for customers than do competitors.16
Walmart uses its "every day low price" approach to doing business (an approach that is grounded in the firm's core competencies, such as information technology and distribution
Figure 3.1 Components of an Internal Analysis
Resources • Tangible • Intangible
Core Competencies
• Valuable • Rare • Costly to Imitate • Nonsubstitutable
• Outsource
Strategic Competi tiveness
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages
channels) to create value for those seeking to buy products at a low price compared to competitors' prices for those products. The stronger these firms' core competencies, the greater the amount of value they're able to create for their customers.17
Ultimately, creating value for customers is the source of above-average returns for a firm. What the firm intends regarding value creation affects its choice of business-level strategy (see Chapter 4) and its organizational structure (see Chapter 11).18 In Chapter 4's discussion of business-level strategies, we note that value is created by a product's low cost, by its highly differentiated features, or by a combination of low cost and high differ entiation compared to competitors' offerings. A business-level strategy is effective only when it is grounded in exploiting the firm's capabilities and core competencies. Thus, the successful firm continuously examines the effectiveness of current capabilities and core competencies while thinking about the capabilities and competencies it will require for future success.19
At one time, firms' efforts to create value were largely oriented toward understand ing the characteristics of the industry in which they competed and, in light of those characteristics, determining how they should be positioned relative to competitors. This emphasis on industry characteristics and competitive strategy underestimated the role of the firm's resources and capabilities in developing core competencies as the source of competitive advantages. In fact, core competencies, in combination with product-market positions, are the firm's most important sources of competitive advantage.20 A firm's core competencies, integrated with an understanding of the results of studying the condi tions in the external environment, should drive the selection of strategies.21 As Clayton Christensen noted, "successful strategists need to cultivate a deep understanding of the processes of competition and progress and of the factors that undergird each advantage. Only thus will they be able to see when old advantages are poised to disappear and how new advantages can be built in their stead:'22 By emphasizing core competencies when selecting and implementing strategies, companies learn to compete primarily on the basis of firm-specific differences. However, while doing so they must be simultaneously aware of changes in the firm's external environment.23
3-1 c The Challenge of Analyzing the Internal Organization The strategic decisions managers make about the internal organization are nonrou tine,24 have ethical implications,25 and significantly influence the firm's ability to earn above-average returns. 26 These decisions involve choices about the resources the firm needs to collect and how to best manage and leverage them.
Making decisions involving the firm's assets-identifying, developing, deploying, and protecting resources, capabilities, and core competencies-may appear to be rel atively easy. However, this task is as challenging and difficult as any other with which managers are involved; moreover, the task is increasingly internationalized. 27 Some believe that the pressure on managers to pursue only decisions that help the firm meet anticipated quarterly earnings makes it difficult to accurately examine the firm's inter nal organization. 28
The challenge and difficulty of making effective decisions are implied by preliminary evidence suggesting that one-half of organizational decisions fail.29 Sometimes, mistakes are made as the firm analyzes conditions in its internal organization.30 Managers might, for example, think a capability is a core competence when it is not. This may have been the case at Polaroid Corporation, as decision makers continued to believe that the capa bilities it used to build its instant film cameras were highly relevant at the time its com petitors were preparing to introduce digital cameras. In this instance, Polaroid's decision makers may have concluded that superior manufacturing was a core competence, as was the firm's ability to innovate in terms of creating value-adding features for its instant
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At one time, Polaroid's cameras created a
significant amount of value for customers.
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
cameras. If a mistake is made when analyzing and managing a firm's resources, decision makers must have the confidence to admit it and take corrective actions.JI
A firm can improve by studying its mistakes; in fact, the learning generated by making and correcting mistakes can be important in the creation of new capabilities and core com petencies.J2 One capability that can be learned from failure is when to quit. Polaroid should have obviously changed its strategy earlier than it did, so it could have been able to avoid demise. Another potential example concerns News Corp:s Amplify unit (founded 2011), which was created to change the way children are taught. As of mid-2015, the firm had invested over $1 billion in the unit, which makes tablets, sells online curricula, and offers testing services. In 2014, Amplify generated a $193 million loss, facing competition from well-established textbook publishers enhancing their own ability to sell similar digital products. In September 2015, News Corp. decided to sell Amplify to a team of managers and private investors, incurring a significant loss.JJ
� � As we discuss next, three conditions-uncertainty, com-
I plexity, and intraorganizational conflict-affect managers as
i they analyze the internal organization and make decisions
·� about resources (see Figure 3.2). iii
i When studying the internal organization, managers face C!J
uncertainty because of a number of issues, including those
Poor decisions may have contributed to the firm's
subsequent inability to create value and its initial
filing for bankruptcy in 2001.
of new proprietary technologies, rapidly changing economic and political trends, transformations in societal values, and shifts in customers' demands.J4 Environmental uncertainty increases the complexity and range of issues to examine when studying the internal environment_Js Consider how uncertainty affects the ways to use resources at coal com - panies such as Peabody Energy Corp. and Murray Energy
Corp. Coal companies have been suffering in the last decade or more with significant regulations and the competition from cleaner forms of energy such as natural gas. They have been aided some by the reduction of regulations by the Trump administration, but the competition from cleaner and cheaper forms of energy remains. Thus, they still have to deal with a complex and uncertain environment.
Figure 3.2 Conditions Affecting Managerial Decisions about Resources, Capabilities,
and Core Competencies
Uncertainty exists about the characteristics of
the firm's general and industry environments
and customers' needs.
Complexity results from the interrelationships
among conditions shaping a firm.
lntraorganizational Conflicts lntraorganizational conflicts may exist among
managers making decisions as well as among
those affected by the decisions.
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages
Biases regarding how to cope with uncertainty affect decisions made about how to manage the firm's resources and capabilities to form core competencies. 3 6
Additionally, intraorganizational conflict may surface when decisions are made about the core competencies a firm should develop and nurture. Conflict might surface in the energy companies mentioned above about the degree to which resources and capabilities should be used to form new core competencies to support newer "clean technologies:'
In making decisions affected by these three conditions, judgment is required. Judgment is the capability of making successful decisions when no obviously correct model or rule is available or when relevant data are unreliable or incomplete. In such situations, decision makers must be aware of possible cognitive biases, such as over confidence. Individuals who are too confident in the decisions they make about how to use the firm's resources may fail to fully evaluate contingencies that could affect those decisions.37
When exercising judgment, decision makers often take intelligent risks. In the current competitive landscape, executive judgment can become a valuable capability. One reason is that, over time, effective judgment that decision makers demonstrate allows a firm to build a strong reputation and retain the loyalty of stakeholders whose support is linked to above-average returns. 38
Finding individuals who can make the most successful decisions about using the organization's resources is challenging, and important. The quality of decisions regarding resources and their management affect a firm's ability to achieve strategic competitive ness. Individuals holding such key decision-making positions are called strategic leaders. Discussed fully in Chapter 12 and for our purposes in this chapter, we can think of strate gic leaders as individuals with an ability to examine the firm's resources, capabilities, and core competencies and make effective choices about their use.
Next, we consider the relationships among a firm's resources, capabilities, and core competencies. While reading these sections, keep in mind that organizations have more resources than capabilities and more capabilities than core competencies.
3-2 Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
Resources, capabilities, and core competencies are the foundation of competitive advan tage. Resources are bundled to create organizational capabilities. In turn, capabilities are the source of a firm's core competencies, which are the basis of establishing competitive advantages.39 We show these relationships in Figure 3.1 and discuss them next.
3-2a Resources
Broad in scope, resources cover a spectrum of individual, social, and organizational phe nomena. By themselves, resources do not allow firms to create value for customers as the foundation for earning above-average returns. Indeed, resources are combined to form capabilities. 4° For example, Subway links its fresh ingredients with several other resources, including the continuous training it provides to those running the firm's fast food restau rants, as the foundation for customer service as a capability; customer service is also a core competence for Subway.
As its sole distribution channel, the Internet is a resource for Amazon.com. The firm uses the Internet to sell goods at prices that typically are lower than those offered by competitors selling the same goods through more costly brick-and-mortar storefronts. By combining other resources (such as access to a wide product inventory), Amazon has
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Tangible resources are
assets that can be observed
and quantified.
Intangible resources
are assets that are rooted deeply in the firm's history,
accumulate over time, and
are relatively difficult for
competitors to analyze and
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
developed a reputation for excellent customer service. Amazon's capability in terms of customer service is a core competence as well in that the firm creates unique value for customers through the services it provides to them.
Some of a firm's resources (defined in Chapter 1 as inputs to the firm's production process) are tangible while others are intangible. Tangible resources are assets that can be observed and quantified. Production equipment, manufacturing facilities, dis tribution centers, and formal reporting structures are examples of tangible resources. For energy giant Kinder Morgan, its stock of oil and gas pipelines are a key tangible resource. Intangible resources are assets that are rooted deeply in the firm's history, accumulate over time, and are relatively difficult for competitors to analyze and imi tate. Because they are embedded in unique patterns of routines, intangible resources are difficult for competitors to analyze and imitate. Knowledge, trust between manag ers and employees, managerial capabilities, organizational routines (the unique ways people work together), scientific capabilities, the capacity for innovation, brand name, the firm's reputation for its goods or services and how it interacts with people (such as employees, customers, and suppliers), and organizational culture are intangible resources.41
Intangible resources require nurturing to maintain their ability to help firms engage in competitive battles. For example, brand has long been a valuable intangible resource for Coca-Cola Company. The same is true for"logo-laden British brand Superdry;' a case highlighted at the end of the chapter. As you will read, SuperGroup PLC, the owner of Superdry, encountered problems a few years ago in its efforts to maintain and enhance the value of the Superdry brand. New management and a new approach are attempting to renew the Superdry brand.42
As noted in the Strategic Focus, intangible resources may be even more important in the development of core competencies. Of course, three of the firms described in the Strategic Focus-Fainsbert Mase Brown & Susmann, Gen pact, and Document Security Systems-were service firms, which commonly base their core competencies on their human capital. However, even Hecla Mining Company, which has significant investments in specialized mining equipment, must also have valuable human capital for its core com petence in "high grade, narrow-vein underground mining:'
For each analysis, tangible and intangible resources are grouped into categories. The four primary categories of tangible resources are financial, organizational, physical, and technological (see Table 3.1). The three primary categories of intangible resources are human, innovation, and reputational (see Table 3.2).
Table 3.1 Tangible Resources
Financial Resources
Organizational Resources
Physical Resources
Technological Resources
The firm's capacity to borrow
The firm's ability to generate funds through internal operations
Formal reporting structures
The sophistication of a firm's plant and equipment and the
attractiveness of its location
Distribution facilities
Product inventory
Availability of technology-related resources such as copyrights,
patents, trademarks, and trade secrets
Sources: Adapted from J.B. Barney, 1991, Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, 17: 101;
R. M. Grant, 1991, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Cambridge: U.K.: Blackwell Business, 100-102.
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organizat ion: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages 83
Tangible and Intangible Resources as the Base for Core Competencies
While tangible resources are important, intangible resources
are perhaps even more important in the development of firms'
core competencies. Understandably, most professional service
firms have few tangible resources but can have high market
value primarily because of their intangible resources. For exam
ple, Fainsbert Mase Brown & Susmann, LLP is a premier law
firm located in Los Angeles, California. Obviously, its goal is to
provide superior legal services to its clients. Within this broad
frame, however, there is a core competence. The firm provides
legal advice and support on significant real estate, business,
and corporate transactions for large institutions, high net-worth
individuals, and privately owned businesses. For example,
in 2018 the firm provided the legal services to conclude the
negotiations for the Industrial Realty Group's purchase of the
3.1 million square foot IBM technology campus in Rochester,
Minnesota. This complex transaction required more than one
year to negotiate with a multi-level corporate legal team.
Likewise, other major service firms are heavily dependent
on their intangible assets. For example, Genpact requires
highly knowledgeable human capital for its core competence.
Genpact provides solutions to major process problems for
its clients. Genpact describes its competence as providing
"digital-led innovation and digitally enabled intelligent oper
ations" for clients. The firm solves clients' problems using data
analytics, helping its clients transform their operations. Another
technology-based service firm is Document Security Systems,
Inc. (DSS). DSS has a core competence in the development of
anti-counterfeit, authentication, and diversion software that
protects organizations against Internet fraud and theft. And it
tries to remain a leader in this field through continued invest
ment in research and new technology. In 2018, it announced
an agreement to partner with the Hong Kong R&D Center for
Logistics and Supply Chain to develop the next generation of
protection products using blockchain technology.
Firms with larger amounts of tangible resources also need
valuable intangible resources. For example, Hecla Mining
Company has a core competence in " high grade, narrow-vein
underground mining:'Obviously, the company has significant
investments in specialized mining equipment in order to
employ this core competence. But significant engineering and
mining knowledge and expertise is required to successfully
engage in this type of mining. This knowledge and expertise
resides in the human capital (intangible assets) within the firm.
It is important to note that firms' reputations are often
significant intangible assets. For example, professional
service firms must be considered not only highly knowl
edgeable in the areas in which they compete, but also
must be considered honest and highly trustworthy. In
meeting this challenge, Genpact was selected as one of the
"World's Most Ethical Companies" in 2018. Companies can
also enhance intangible assets, such as their reputation,
through use of their core competencies. For example, in the
aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Johnson & Johnson
provided medical supplies, FedEx provided logistical sup
port to provide bottled water, and Butterball provided
40,000 pounds of canned turkey to help citizens in the
recover y. Companies that are ethical and good corporate
citizens often are highly respected and are called on to
use their core competencies to serve an increasing number
of customers.
Sources: Document Security Systems, Inc., 2018, DSS Partners with Hong Kong
R&D Centre for logistics and supply chain management enabling technologies
for blockchain research, globenewswire.com, March 19; Streetlnsider, 2018, Hecla
Mining (HL) Announces $462 million Acquisition of Klondes Mines, Ltd. (K), www
.streetinsider.com, March 19; Businessfnsider, 2018, Gen pact named one of the 2018
world's most ethical companies by the Ethisphere Institute, markets.businessinsider
.com, March14; Cision PR Newswire, 2018, Fainsbert Mase Brown & Sussmann, LLP
completes acquisition closing on 3.1 million sq. ft. IBM campus in Minnesota,
www.prnewswire, February 23; P. N. Danziger, 2018, Fire, fioods, hurricanes: How
and why corporations must help, Forbes, www.forbes.com, October 20.
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Table 3.2 Intangible Resources
Human Resources
Innovation Resources
Reputational Resources
Abilities to collaborate with others
• Ideas
• Scientific capabilities
• Capacity to innovate
Brand name
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Perceptions of product quality, durability, and reliability
Positive reputation with stakeholders such as suppliers and customers
Sources: Adapted from R. Hall, 1992, The strategic analysis of intangible resources, Strategic Management Journal, 13: 136-139:
R. M. Grant, 1991, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Cambridge: U.K.: Blackwell Business, 101-104.
Tangible Resources As tangible resources, a firm's borrowing capacity and the status of its physical facilities are visible. The value of many tangible resources can be established through financial statements, but these statements do not account for the value of all of the firm's assets because they disregard some intangible resources.43 The value of tangible resources is also constrained because they are hard to leverage-it is difficult to derive additional business or value from a tangible resource. For example, an airplane is a tangible resource, but "you can't use the same airplane on five different routes at the same time. You can't put the same crew on five different routes at the same time. And the same goes for the financial investment you've made in the airplane:'44
Although production assets are tangible, many of the processes necessary to use them are intangible as in the case of Hecla Mining Company described in the Strategic Focus. Thus, the learning and potential proprietary processes associated with a tangible resource, such as manufacturing facilities, can have unique intangible attributes, such as quality control processes, unique manufacturing processes, and technologies that develop over time.45
Intangible Resources Compared to tangible resources, intangible resources are a superior source of capabilities and subsequently, core competencies.46 In fact, in the global economy, a firm's intellec tual capital often plays a more critical role in corporate success than do physical assets.47
Because of this, being able to effectively manage intellectual capital is an increasingly important skill for today's leaders to develop.48
Because intangible resources are less visible and more difficult for competitors to understand, purchase, imitate, or substitute for, firms prefer to rely on them rather than on tangible resources as the foundation for their capabilities. In fact, the more unob servable (i.e., intangible) a resource is, the more valuable that resource is to create capa bilities.49 Another benefit of intangible resources is that, unlike most tangible resources, their use can be leveraged. For instance, sharing knowledge among employees does not diminish its value for any one person. To the contrary, two people sharing their indi vidualized knowledge sets often can be leveraged to create additional knowledge that, although new to each individual, contributes potentially to performance improvements for the firm.
Reputational resources (see Table 3.2) are important sources of a firm's capabil ities and core competencies. Indeed, some argue that a positive reputation can even be a source of competitive advantage.50 Earned through the firm's actions as well as
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages
its words, a value-creating reputation is a product of years of superior marketplace competence as perceived by stakeholders.51 A reputation indicates the level of aware ness a firm has been able to develop among stakeholders and the degree to which they hold the firm in high esteem. 52
A well-known and highly valued brand name is a specific reputational resource.53 A continuing commitment to innovation and aggressive advertising facilitates firms' efforts ;to take advantage of the reputation associ-
i ated with their brands.54 Harley-Davidson ;:; has a reputation for producing and servic- j ing high-quality motorcycles with unique 1iqdesigns. Because of the desirability of its rep- utation, the company also produces a wide range of accessory items that it sells based on its reputation for offering unique products with high quality. Sunglasses, jewelry, belts, wallets, shirts, slacks, and hats are just a few of the large variety of accessories customers
Developing capabilities in specific functional areas can give
companies a competitive edge. The effective use of social media to
direct advertising to specific market segments has given some firms
an advantage over their rivals.
can purchase from a Harley-Davidson dealer or from its online store.55 Taking advantage of today 's technologies, some firms are using social media as a
means of influencing their reputation. Recognizing that thousands of conversations occur daily throughout the world and that what is being said can affect its reputation, Coca-Cola company encourages its employees to be a part of these social media-based discussions as a means of positively influencing the company's reputation. Driving the nature of these conversations is a set of social media principles that Coca-Cola employ ees use as a foundation for how they will engage with various social media. Being transparent and protecting consumers' privacy are examples of the commitments the firm established. 56
3-2b Capabilities
The firm combines individual tangible and intangible resources to create capabilities. In turn, capabilities are used to complete the organizational tasks required to produce, distribute, and service the goods or services the firm provides to customers for the pur pose of creating value for them. As a foundation for building core competencies and hopefully competitive advantages, capabilities are often based on developing, carrying, and exchanging information and knowledge through the firm's human capital.57 Hence, the value of human capital in developing and using capabilities and, ultimately, core com petencies cannot be overstated.58 In fact, it seems to be " well known that human capital makes or breaks companies:' 59 At pizza-maker Domino's, human capital is critical to the firm's efforts to change how it competes. Describing this, CEO Patrick Doyle says that, in many ways, Domino's is becoming "a technology company ... that has adapted the art of pizza-making to the digital age:' 60
As illustrated in Table 3.3, capabilities are often developed in specific functional areas (such as manufacturing, R&D, and marketing) or in a part of a functional area (e.g., advertising). Table 3.3 shows a grouping of organizational functions and the capa bilities that some companies are thought to possess in terms of all or parts of those functions.
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86 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Table 3.3 Example of Firms' Capabilities
Functional Areas Capabilities Examples of Firms
Human Resources
Management Information
Research & Development
Effective use of logistics management techniques
Motivating, empowering, and retaining employees
Effective and efficient control of inventories through point
of-purchase data collection methods
Effective promotion of brand-name products
Effective customer service
Innovative merchandising
• Ability to envision the future of clothing
Design and production skills yielding reliable products
Product and design quality
Miniaturization of components and products
Innovative technology
Development of sophisticated elevator control solutions
Rapid transformation of technology into new products and
Digital technology
3-2c Core Competencies
Procter & Gamble
• Ralph Lauren Corp.
• McKinsey & Co.
• Nordstrom Inc.
• Crate & Barrel
Hugo Boss
• Komatsu
Witt Gas Technology
Otis Elevator Co.
Chaparral Steel
Thomson Consumer Electronics
Defined in Chapter 1, core competencies are capabilities that serve as a source of com petitive advantage for a firm over its rivals. Core competencies distinguish a company competitively and reflect its personality. Core competencies emerge over time through an organizational process of accumulating and learning how to deploy different resources and capabilities.61 As the capacity to take action, core competencies are the "crown jewels of a company;' the activities the company performs especially well compared to compet itors and through which the furn adds unique value to the goods or services it sells to customers.62 Thus, if a big pharma company (such as Pfizer) developed big data analytics as a core competence, one could conclude that the firm had formed capabilities through which it was able to analyze and effectively use huge amounts of data in a competitively superior manner.
Innovation is thought to be a core competence at Apple. As a capability, R&D activi ties are the source of this core competence. More specifically, the way Apple has combined some of its tangible (e.g., financial resources and research laboratories) and intangible (e.g., scientists and engineers and organizational routines) resources to complete research and development tasks creates a capability in R&D. By emphasizing its R&D capability, Apple can innovate in ways that create unique value for customers in the form of the products it sells, suggesting that innovation is a core competence for Apple.
Excellent customer service in its retail stores is another of Apple's core competen cies. In this instance, unique and contemporary store designs (a tangible resource) are combined with knowledgeable and skilled employees (an intangible resource) to provide superior service to customers. A number of carefully developed training and development procedures are capabilities on which Apple's core competence of excellent customer service is based. The procedures that are capabilities include specification of how employees are to interact with customers, carefully written training manuals to
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages
describe on-site tech support that is to be provided to customers, and deep thinking about every aspect of the store's design including music that is played. Apple has a spe cial training program designed to build associates' knowledge of Apple products and how to sell them.63
3-3 Building Core Competencies Two tools help firms identify their core competencies. The first consists of four specific criteria of sustainable competitive advantage that can be used to determine which capa bilities are core competencies. Because the capabilities shown in Table 3.3 have satisfied these four criteria, they are core competencies. T he second tool is the value chain analysis. Firms use this tool to select the value-creating competencies that should be maintained, upgraded, or developed and those that should be outsourced.
3-3a The Four Criteria of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Capabilities that are valuable, rare, costly to imitate, and nonsubstitutable are core competencies (see Table 3.4). In turn, core competencies help firms to gain competitive advantages over their rivals. Capabilities failing to satisfy the four criteria are not core competencies, meaning that although every core competence is a capability, not every capability is a core competence. In slightly different words, for a capability to be a core competence, it must be valuable and unique from a customer's point of view. For a core competence to be a potential source of competitive advantage, it must be inimi table and nonsubstitutable by competitors.64
A sustainable competitive advantage exists only when competitors are unable to duplicate the benefits of a firm's strategy or when they lack the resources to attempt imitation. For some period of time, the firm may have a core competence by using capabilities that are valuable and rare, but imitable. For example, some firms are trying to develop a core competence and potentially, a competitive advantage by out-greening their competitors. (Interestingly, developing a "green" core competence can contribute to the firm's efforts to earn above-average returns while benefitting the broader society.) For many years, Walmart has been committed to using its resources in ways that sup port environmental sustainability while pursuing a competitive advantage in the pro cess. In this regard, Walmart has three major end goals: to create zero waste, operate with 100 percent renewable energy, and sell products that sustain our resources and the environment. To facilitate these efforts, Walmart recently labeled over 10,000 products on its e-commerce site as products that are "Made by a Sustainability Leader:' Initially, these items were batched into roughly 80 product categories. In addition to seeking
Table 3.4 The Four Criteria of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Valuable Capabilities
Rare Capabilities
Costly-to-Imitate Capabilities
Nonsubstitutable Capabilities
Help a firm neutralize threats or exploit opportunities
Are not possessed by many others
Historical: A unique and a valuable organizational culture or
brand name
Ambiguous cause: The causes and uses of a competence are
Social complexity: Interpersonal relationships, trust, and
friendship among managers, suppliers, and customers
No strategic equivalent
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Valuable capabilities
allow the firm to exploit
opportunities or neutralize
threats in its external
Rare capabilities are
capabilities that few, if any,
competitors possess.
capabilities are capabilities
that other firms cannot easily
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
a competitive advantage through these actions, Walmart hoped to make it easier for customers to make "sustainable choices" when purchasing products. Walmart is also working to lead the industry in deploying clean technologies as a means of reducing fuel consumption and air pollution.65 Of course, Walmart competitors such as Target are engaging in similar actions. Time will reveal the degree to which Walmart's green practices can be imitated.
The length of time a firm can expect to create value by using its core competencies is a function of how quickly competitors can successfully imitate a good, service, or process. Value-creating core competencies may last for a relatively long period of time only when all four of the criteria we discuss next are satisfied. T hus, Walmart would know that it has a core competence and possibly, a competitive advantage in terms of green practices if the ways the firm uses its resources to complete these practices satisfy the four criteria.
Valuable Valuable capabilities allow the firm to exploit opportunities or neutralize threats in its external environment. By effectively using capabilities to exploit opportunities or neu tralize threats, a firm creates value for customers.66 For example, Groupon created the "daily deal" marketing space; the firm reached $1 billion in revenue faster than any other company in history. In essence, the opportunity Groupon's founders pursued was to cre ate a marketplace through which businesses could introduce their goods or services to customers who would be able to experience them at a discounted price. Restaurants, hair and nail salons, and hotels are examples of the types of companies making frequent use of Groupon's services. Young, urban professionals desiring to affordably experience the cities in which they live are the firm's target customers. But, Groupon's financial per formance has been lower than desired by investors primarily because of competition.67
W hile offering value to customers, the capabilities to offer its services can be imitated and its initial success invited rivals to enter the market. Competing daily-deal websites such as LivingSocial quickly surfaced and offered similar and often less expensive deals. In fact, many competitors have entered the market, to include Yipit, Woot, RetailMeNot, Tanga, and Ebate in addition to LivingSocial. 68
Rare Rare capabilities are capabilities that few, if any, competitors possess. A key question to be answered when evaluating this criterion is "how many rival firms possess these valuable capabilities?" Capabilities possessed by many rivals are unlikely to become core competencies for any of the involved firms. Instead, valuable but common (i.e., not rare) capabilities are sources of competitive parity.69 Competitive advantage results only when firms develop and exploit valuable capabilities that become core compe tencies and that differ from those shared with competitors. The central problem for Groupon is that its capabilities to produce the "daily deal" reached competitive parity quickly. Similarly, Walmart has developed valuable capabilities that it uses to engage in green practices; but, as mentioned previously, Target seeks to develop sustainability capabilities through which it can duplicate Walmart's green practices. Target's suc cess in doing so, if this happens, suggests that Walmart's green practices are valuable but not rare.
Costly to Imitate Costly-to-imitate capabilities are capabilities that other firms cannot easily develop. Capabilities that are costly to imitate are created because of one reason or a com bination of three reasons (see Table 3.4). First, a firm sometimes is able to develop
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages
capabilities because of unique historical conditions. As firms evolve, they often acquire or develop capabilities that are unique to them. 70 A firm with a unique and valuable organizational cul ture that emerged in the early stages of the com pany's history "may have an imperfectly imitable advantage over firms founded in another historical period;' 71 one in which less valuable or less competitively useful values and beliefs strongly influenced the development of the firm's culture. Briefly discussed in Chapter l, organizational cul ture is a set of values that are shared by members in the organization. An organi zational culture is a source of advantage when employees are held together tightly by their belief in it and the leaders who helped to create it.72 Historically, empha sizing cleanliness, consistency, and service and the training that reinforces the value of these characteristics created a culture at
Southwest Airlines crew hold puppies who became homeless after
Hurricane Maria damaged the island of Puerto Rico. The flight,
which was donated by Southwest Airlines, carried 14,000 pounds
of supplies.
McDonald's that some thought was a core competence and a competitive advantage for the firm. However, as explained in Chapter 2's Opening Case, McDonald's has experi enced problems with a number of strategic actions taken by competitors. McDonald's hired a new CEO in 2015 and is now making a number of menu changes to make its food offerings healthier and more attractive overall to customers.73 McDonald's hopes these changes along with others will help it to reinvigorate its historically unique cul ture as a core competence.
A second condition of being costly to imitate occurs when the link between the firm's core competencies and its competitive advantage is causally ambiguous.74 In these instances, competitors can't clearly understand how a firm uses its capabilities that are core competencies as the foundation for competitive advantage. As a result, firms are uncertain about the capabilities they should develop to duplicate the benefits of a compet itor's value-creating strategy. For years, firms tried to imitate Southwest Airlines' low-cost strategy, but most have been unable to do so, primarily because they can't duplicate this firm's unique culture.
Social complexity is the third reason that capabilities can be costly to imitate. Social complexity means that at least some, and frequently many, of the firm's capabilities are the product of complex social phenomena. Interpersonal relationships, trust, friend ships among managers and between managers and employees, and a firm's reputation with suppliers and customers are examples of socially complex capabilities.75 Southwest Airlines is careful to hire people who fit with its culture. This complex interrelationship between the culture and human capital adds value in ways that other airlines cannot, such as jokes on flights by the flight attendants or the cooperation between gate per sonnel and pilots.
Nonsubstitutable capabilities are capabilities that do not have strategic equivalents. This final criterion "is that there must be no strategically equivalent valuable resources that are themselves either not rare or imitable. Two valuable firm resources ( or two bundles
capabilities are capabilities
that do not have strategic
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90 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Table 3.5 Outcomes from Combinations of the Criteria for Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Is the Capability Is the Capability Is the Capability Is the Capability Competitive Performance Valuable? Rare? Costly to Imitate? Nonsubstitutable? Consequences Implications
No No
Yes No
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
No No . Competitive Below-average
disadvantage returns
No Yes/no Competitive parity Average returns
No Yes/no . Temporary Average returns
competitive to above-average
advantage returns
Yes Yes/no Sustainable com- Above-average
petitive advantage returns
of firm resources) are strategically equivalent when they each can be separately exploited to implement the same strategies:'76 In general, the strategic value of capabilities increases as they become more difficult to substitute. The more intangible, and hence invisible, capabilities are, the more difficult it is for firms to find substitutes and the greater the challenge is to competitors trying to imitate a firm's value-creating strategy. Firm-specific knowledge and trust-based working relationships between managers and nonmanagerial personnel, such as has existed for years at Southwest Airlines, are examples of cap a - bilities that are difficult to identify and for which finding a substitute is challenging. However, causal ambiguity may make it difficult for the firm to learn and may stifle progress because the firm may not know how to improve processes that are not easily codified and thus are ambiguous.77
In summary, only using valuable, rare, costly-to-imitate, and nonsubstitutable capabilities has the potential for the firm to create sustainable competitive advantages. Table 3.5 shows the competitive consequences and performance implications resulting from combinations of the four criteria of sustainability. The analysis suggested by the table helps managers determine the strategic value of a firm's capabilities. The firm should not emphasize capabilities that fit the criteria described in the first row in the table (i.e., resources and capabilities that are neither valuable nor rare and that are imitable and for which strategic substitutes exist). Capabilities yielding competitive parity and either temporary or sustainable competitive advantage, however, should be supported. Some competitors such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo and Boeing and Airbus may have capabilities that result in competitive parity. In such cases, the firms will nurture these capabilities while simultaneously trying to develop capabilities that can yield either a temporary or sustainable competitive advantage.78
3-3b Value Chain Analysis Value chain analysis allows the firm to understand the parts of its operations that cre ate value and those that do not.79 Understanding these issues is important because the firm earns above-average returns only when the value it creates is greater than the costs incurred to create that value.80
The value chain is a template that firms use to analyze their cost position and to identify the multiple means that can be used to facilitate implementation of a chosen strategy.81 Today's competitive landscape demands that firms examine their value chains in a global rather than a domestic-only context.82 In particular, activities associated with supply chains should be studied within a global context.83
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages
Figure 3.3 A Model of the Value Chain
Support Functions
I Human Resources I
Management Information Systems
Supply-Chain ______.._ -----.,.. Operations Management
Value Chain Activities
--+ Distribution --+ Marketing (Including
We show a model of the value chain in Figure 3.3. As depicted in the model, a firm's value chain is segmented into value chain activities and support functions. Value chain activities are activities or tasks the firm completes in order to produce products and then sell, distribute, and service those products in ways that create value for customers. Support functions include the activities or tasks the firm completes in order to support the work being done to produce, sell, distribute, and service the products the firm is producing. A firm can develop a capability and/or a core competence in any of the value chain activities and in any of the support functions. When it does so, it has established an ability to create value for customers. In fact, as shown in Figure 3.3, customers are the ones firms seek to serve when using value chain analysis to identify their capabilities and core competencies. When using their unique core competencies to create unique value for customers that competitors cannot duplicate, firms have established one or more competitive advantages.84 Deutsche Bank believes that its application development and information security technologies are proprietary core competencies that are a source of competitive differentiation for the firm.85 As explained in a Strategic Focus about out sourcing later in the chapter, Deutsche Bank will not outsource these two technologies given that the firm concentrates on them as a means of creating value for customers.
The activities associated with each part of the value chain are shown in Figure 3.4, while the activities that are part of the tasks firms complete when dealing with support functions appear in Figure 3.5. All items in both figures should be evaluated relative to competitors' capabilities and core competencies. To become a core competence and a source of competitive advantage, a capability must allow the firm to either:
1. Perform an activity in a manner that provides value superior to that provided by competitors, or
2. Perform a value-creating activity that competitors cannot perform.
Only under these conditions does a firm create value for customers and have oppor tunities to capture that value.
Customer Value
Follow-Up Service
Value chain activities
are activities or tasks the
firm completes in order to produce products and then sell, distribute, and service those products in ways that create value for customers.
Support functions include the activities or tasks the firm completes in order to support the work being done to produce, sell, distribute, and service the products the firm is producing.
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92 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
Figure 3.4 Creating Value through Value Chain Activities
Supply•Chain Management Follow-up Service
Activities including sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management that are necessary for the firm to receive raw materials and convert them into final products.
Activities taken to increase a produ ct's value for customers. Surveys to receive feedback about the customer's satisfaction, offering technical support after the sale, and fully complying with a product's warranty are examples of these activities.
Activities related to getting the final product to the customer. Efficiently handling customers' orders, choosing the optimal delivery channel, and working with the finance support function to arrange for customers' payments for delivered goods are examples of these activities.
Activities taken for the purpose of segmenting target customers on the basis of their unique needs, satisfying customers' needs, reta ining customers, and locating additional customers. Advertising campaigns, developing and managing product brands, determining appropriate pricing strategies, and training and supporting a sales force are specific examples of these
Activities necessary to efficiently change raw materials into finished products. Developing employees' work schedules, design ing producti on processes and physical layout of the operations' facil ities, determ ining production capacity needs, and selecting and ma inta ining producti on equipment are examples of specific operations activ ities.
Creating value for customers by completing activities that are part of the value chain often requires building effective alliances with suppliers (and sometimes others to which the firm outsources activities, as discussed in the next section) and devel oping strong positive relationships with customers. When firms have strong positive relationships with suppliers and customers, they are said to have social capital.B6 The relationships themselves have value because they lead to transfers of knowledge as well as to access to resources that a firm may not hold internally.B7 To build social capital whereby resources such as knowledge are transferred across organizations requires trust between partners. Indeed, partners must trust each other to allow their resources to be used in such a way that both parties will benefit over time while neither party will take advantage of the other.BB
Evaluating a firm's capability to execute its value chain activities and support func tions is challenging. Earlier in the chapter, we noted that identifying and assessing the value of a firm's resources and capabilities requires judgment. Judgment is equally nec essary when using value chain analysis, because no obviously correct model or rule is universally available to help in the process.
What should a firm do about value chain activities and support functions in which its resources and capabilities are not a source of core competence? Outsourcing is one solution to consider.
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages
Figure 3.5 Creating Value through Support Functions
Activities associated with effectively acquring and managing financial resources. Securing adequate financial capital, investing in organizational functions in ways that will support the firm's efforts to produce and distribute its products in the short and long term, and managing relationships with those providing financial capital to the firm are specific examples of these activities.
Human Resources
Activities associated with managing the firm's human capital. Selecting, training, retaining, and compensating human resources in ways that create a capability and hopefully a core competence are specific examples of these activities.
Management Information Systems
Activities taken to obtain and manage information and knowledge throughout the firm. Identifying and uti lizing sophisticated technologies, determining optimal ways to collect and distribute knowledge, and linking relevant information and knowledge to organizational functions are activities associated with this support function.
Concerned with how components, finished goods, or services will be obtained, outsourcing is the purchase of a value-creating activity or a support function activity from an external supplier. Not-for-profit agencies as well as for-profit organizations actively engage in outsourcing.89 Firms engaging in effective outsourcing increase their flexibility, mitigate risks, and reduce their capital investments.90 Moreover, in some industries virtually all firms seek the value that can be captured through effective out sourcing. However, as is the case with other strategic management process decisions, careful analysis is required before the firm decides to outsource.91 And if outsourcing is to be used, firms must recognize that only activities where they cannot create value or where they are at a substantial disadvantage compared to competitors should be outsourced.92 Experience suggests that virtually any activity associated with the value chain functions or the support functions may fall into this category. We discuss differ ent activities that some firms outsource in the Strategic Focus. We also consider core competencies that firms to whom others outsource activities may try to develop to satisfy customers' future outsourcing needs.
Outsourcing can be effective because few, if any, organizations possess the resources and capabilities required to achieve competitive superiority in each value chain activity and support function. For example, research suggests that few companies can afford to internally develop all the technologies that might lead to competitive advantage.93 By
Outsourcing is the purchase
of a value-creating activity or
a support function activity
from an external supplier.
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94 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
nurturing a smaller number of capabilities, a firm increases the probability of developing core competencies and achieving a competitive advantage because it does not become overextended. In addition, by outsourcing activities in which it lacks competence, the firm can fully concentrate on those areas in which it has the potential to create value.
There are concerns associated with outsourcing.94 Two significant ones are the poten tial loss in a firm's ability to innovate and the loss of jobs within the focal firm. W hen evaluating the possibility of outsourcing, firms should anticipate possible effects on their ability to innovate in the future as well as the impact of losing some of their human capital. On the other hand, firms are sometimes able to enhance their own innovation capabilities by studying how the companies to which they've outsourced complete those activities.95 Because a focal firm likely knows less about a foreign company to which it chooses to outsource, concerns about potential negative outsourcing effects in these cases may be particularly acute, requiring careful study and analysis as a result.96 Deciding to outsource to a foreign supplier is commonly called offshoring.
3-5 Competencies, Strengths, Weaknesses, and Strategic Decisions
By analyzing the internal organization, firms identify their strengths and weaknesses as reflected by their resources, capabilities, and core competencies. If a firm has weak capabilities or does not have core competencies in areas required to achieve a compet itive advantage, it must acquire those resources and build the needed capabilities and competencies.
As noted in the Strategic Focus, some firms decide to outsource a function or activity where it is weak in order to improve its ability to use its remaining resources to create value. Many financial institutions are outsourcing functions that support cashless trans action because their IT systems cannot handle these activities efficiently. Some govern ments are outsourcing services to increase the quality and efficiency with which the ser vices are delivered (e.g., U.K. outsourcing some surgeries to French healthcare providers). Outsourcing decisions must be made carefully, considering all of the options. However, when done effectively, outsourcing can provide access to needed resources.
In considering the results of examining the firm's internal organization, managers should understand that having a significant quantity of resources is not the same as hav ing the "right" resources. The "right" resources are those with the potential to be formed into core competencies as the foundation for creating value for customers and developing competitive advantages because of doing so. Interestingly, decision makers sometimes become more focused and productive when seeking to find the right resources when the firm's total set of resources is constrained.97
Tools such as outsourcing help the firm focus on its core competencies as the source of its competitive advantages. However, evidence shows that the value-creating ability of core competencies should never be taken for granted. Moreover, the ability of a core compe tence to be a permanent competitive advantage can't be assumed. The reason for these cau tions is that all core competencies have the potential to become core rigidities.98 Typically, events occurring in the firm's external environment create conditions through which core competencies can become core rigidities, generate inertia, and stifle innovation.99
After studying its external environment to determine what it might choose to do (as explained in Chapter 2) and its internal organization to understand what it can do (as explained in this chapter), the firm has the information required to select a business-level strategy that it will use to compete against rivals. We describe different business-level strategies in the next chapter.
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Chapter 3: The Internal Organizat ion: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages 95
The Extreme Specialization of Outsourcing: Who Is Doing It and Who Is Not?
Outsourcing activities and functions has been growing dramat
ically over the last decade. With the election of Donald Trump,
companies in some industries-particularly manufacturing
have reduced their outsourcing outside of the United States for
fear of government actions against them. However, outsourc
ing remains strong in other sectors of the economy.
As we discussed in the Opening Case, big pharma com
panies are using some of their resources and capabilities to
develop "big data analytics" as a core competence because of
the value of these analytics to these firms. In contrast, these
same firms are outsourcing drug safety processes and proce
dures to other firms, many of which are located in India or have
offices located there. In fact, monitoring drug safety is "one of
outsourcing's newest frontiers, and the now $2 billion busi
ness is booming as regulators require closer tracking of rare
side effects and interactions between medicines'.' Accenture,
Cognizant, and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. are some of
the firms to which big pharma companies AstraZeneca PLC,
Nova rtis AG, and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. are outsourcing the
monitoring of drug safety. Thus, the big pharma firms have
decided that data analytics processes are an activity in which
they can capture value while monitoring drug safety is not.
Similar examples exist within firms competing in other indus
tries. Deutsche Bank has outsourced some data center services
to Hewlett-Packard; however, it is retaining control over certain
technology application areas it believes are proprietary and, as
such, are core competencies through which the firm creates value.
In fact, outsourcing information technology activities has been
growing in banking and the financial sector. This is due to the
rapid move to cashless transaction and mobile banking. Many of
the banks have "legacy" information technology systems that are
difficult to change over to handle these new functions. As such,
they are outsourcing many activities such as commercial credit
card payments to what is referred to as fintech firms. The number
of these specialized fintech firms is growing dramatically because
of the increasing amount of cashless transactions and the need for
help by banks and other financial institutions such as credit unions.
Interestingly, government has become a major outsourcer.
Governments are trying to outsource the provision of services
from government agencies to private and non-profit organizations
who can perform the services more efficiently and with higher
quality. In fact, even the British Health Service is outsourcing
some health services (e.g., surgeries) to healthcare organizations
in other European countries (e.g., France), trying to manage its
own backlog of requests for healthcare services.
Wipro and Infosys have historically been successful as firms
to whom others outsource activities. However, this success
has been largely a product of being able to employ relatively
inexpensive programmers to complete tasks lacking significant
amounts of complexity. The technology service needs have
become more sophisticated and challenging. And, with the
reductions of outsourcing in some sectors, some of these firms
are struggling. For example, Infosys and Cognizant have laid
off many employees in India and Infosys is trying to establish
operations in the United States.
Therefore, the nature of outsourcing is changing and firms
are becoming more specialized. Additionally, some industries are
outsourcing less (e.g., manufacturing) and others are outsourcing
more (financial institutions). Nevertheless, outsourcing remains a
critical means for firms to gain access to valuable resources that
they need to seize and maintain a competitive advantage.
Sources: R. Koczkar, 2018, Governmental outsourcing a boon for service providers,
The Australian, www.australian.com, March 22; K. Ferguson, 201 8, Why outsourcing
can leave a lasting mark on the US banking industry, Payments Journal, payments
journal.com, March 23; A. Frazzetto, 2018, Outsourcing in the new normal: Three
trends reshaping the global industry, Forbes, www.forbes.com, March 21; K. de
Freytas-Tamura, 2018, U.K., Land of'brexit; quietly outsources some surgeries to
France, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, March 17; A. Jain, 2018, This global fin
tech enabler has a strategy to enter India's crowded payment space, Entrepreneur,
www.entrepreneur.com, March 9; L. Joyce, 2018, Six Strategic keys to becoming
a mobile-centric bank, The Financial Brand, thefinancialbrand.com, March 6; 2015,
Deutsche Bank, H-P divide IT responsibility in cloud deal, Waif Street Journal Online,
www.wsj.com, February 25; D. A. Thoppil, 2015, Indian outsourcers struggle to
evolve as growth slows, Waif Street Journal Online, www.wsj.com, February 22; S
McLa in, 2015, Big Pharma farms out drug safety to India, Waif Street Journal Online,
www.wsj.com, February 2; S. McLain, 2015, New outsourcing frontier in India:
Monitoring drug safety, Waif Street Journal Online, www.wsj.com, February 1.
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In the current competitive landscape, the most effective
organizations recognize that strategic competitiveness and
above-average returns result only when core competencies
(identified by studying the firm's internal organization) are
matched with opportunities (determined by studying the firm's
external environment).
No competitive advantage lasts forever. Over time, rivals use
their own unique resources, capabilities, and core compe
tencies to form different value-creating propositions that
duplicate the focal firm's ability to create value for customers.
Because competitive advantages are not permanently sustain
able, firms must exploit their current advantages while simul
taneously using their resources and capabilities to form new
advantages that can lead to future competitive success.
Effectively managing core competencies requires careful anal
ysis of the firm's resources (inputs to the production process)
and capabilities (resources that have been purposely inte
grated to achieve a specific task or set of tasks). The knowledge
the firm's human capital possesses is among the most signifi
cant of an organization's capabilities and ultimately provides
the base for most competitive advantages. The firm must
create an organizational culture that allows people to integrate
their individual knowledge with that held by others so that,
collectively, the firm has a significant amount of value-creating
organizational knowledge.
Capabilities are a more likely source of core competence and
subsequently of competitive advantages than are individual
resources. How a firm nurtures and supports its capabilities
costly-to-imitate capabilities 88
global mind-set 77
intangible resources 82
nonsubstitutable capabilities 89
outsourcing 93
rare capabilities 88
1. Why is it important for a firm to study and understand its inter
nal organization?
2. What is value? Why is it critical for the firm to create value?
How does it do so?
3. What are the differences between tangible and intangi
ble resources? Why is it important for decision makers
Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
to become core competencies is less visible to rivals, making
efforts to understand and imitate the focal firm's capabilities
Only when a capability is valuable, rare, costly to imitate, and
nonsubstitutable is it a core competence and a source of com
petitive advantage. Over time, core competencies must be
supported, but they cannot be allowed to become core rigidi
ties. Core competencies are a source of competitive advantage
only when they allow the firm to create value by exploiting
opportunities in its external environment. When this is no lon
ger possible, the company shifts its attention to forming other
capabilities that satisfy the four criteria of sustainable compet
itive advantage.
Value chain analysis is used to identify and evaluate the com
petitive potential of resources and capabilities. By studying
their skills relative to those associated with value chain activ
ities and support functions, firms can understand their cost
structure and identify the activities through which they are
able to create value.
When the firm cannot create value in either a value chain
activity or a support function, outsourcing is considered. Used
commonly in the global economy, outsourcing is the purchase
of a value-creating activity from an external supplier. The firm
should outsource only to companies possessing a competitive
advantage in terms of the particular value chain activity or
support function under consideration. In addition, the firm
must continuously verify that it is not outsourcing activities
through which it could create value.
support functions 91
tangible resources 82
valuable capabilities 88
value 78
value chain activities 91
to understand these differences? Are tangible resources
more valuable for creating capabilities than are intangible
resources, or is the reverse true? Why?
4. What are capabilities? How do firms create capabilities?
5. What four criteria must capabilities satisfy for them to
become core competencies? Why is it important for firms to
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Chapter 3:The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages 97
use these criteria to evaluate their capabilities' value-creating
6. What is value chain analysis? What does the firm gain by
successfully using this tool?
7. What is outsourcing? Why do firms outsource?
8. How do firms identify internal strengths and weaknesses? Why
is it vital that managers have a clear understanding of their
firm's strengths and weaknesses?
9. What are core rigidities? What does it mean to say that each
core competence could become a core rigidity?
Is Strengthening the Superdry Brand a Foundation to Strategic Success?
British-based SuperGroup, owner of Superdry and its carefully banded product lines, is taking actions to deal with recent performance problems. These problems manifested themselves in various ways, including the need for the firm to issue three profit warnings in one six-month period and a 34 percent decline in the price of its stock in 2014 compared to 2013.
Founded in 1985, the firm is recognized as a dis tinctive, branded fashion retailer selling quality cloth ing and accessories. In fact, the firm says that "the Superdry brand is at the heart of the business." The brand is targeted to discerning customers who seek to purchase "stylish clothing that is uniquely designed and well made." In this sense, the company believes that its men's and women's products have "wide appeal, capturing elements of 'urban' and 'streetwear' designs with subtle combinations of vintage Americana, Japanese imagery, and British tailoring, all with strong attention to detail." Thus, the firm's brand is criti cal to the image it conveys with its historical target customer-teens and those in their early twenties. Those leading SuperGroup believe that customers love the Superdry products as well as the "theatre and per sonality" of the stores in which they are sold. These outcomes are important given the company's intention of providing customers with "personalized shopping experiences that enhance the brand rather than just selling clothes:'
As noted above, problems have affected the firm's performance. What the firm wants to do, of course, is correct the problems before the Superdry brand is damaged. Management turmoil is one of the firm's problems. In January of 2015, the CEO abruptly left. Almost simultaneously, the CFO was suspended for fil ing for personal bankruptcy, and the Chief Operating
Officer left to explore other options. Some analysts believe that the firm's growth had been ill-conceived, signaling the possibility of ineffective strategic deci sions on the part of the firm's upper-level leaders. As one analyst said: "The issue with SuperGroup is that they've expanded too quickly, without the supporting infrastructure:'
Efforts are now underway to address these problems. In particular, those now leading SuperGroup intend to better control the firm as a means of protecting the value of its brand. A new CEO has been appointed who believes that "the business is very much more in control" today than has been the case recently. A well-regarded interim CFO has been appointed, and the firm's board has been strengthened by added experienced individu als. Commenting about these changes, an observer said that SuperGroup has "moved from an owner-entrepre neurial style of management to a more professional and experienced type of management. The key thing is, it is much better now than it was:'
Direct actions are also being taken to enhance the Superdry brand. The appointment of Idris Elba, actor from The Wire, is seen as a major attempt to reig nite the brand's image. In fact, SuperGroup says that Elba epitomizes what the Superdry brand is-British, grounded, and cool. The thinking here, too, is that Elba, who at the time of his selection was 42, would appeal to the customer who was "growing up" with the Superdry brand. For these customers, who are 25 and older, SuperGroup is developing Superdry products with less dramatic presentations of the brand's well known large logos. Additional lines of clothing, for ski ing and rugby for example, are being developed for the more mature Superdry customer. After correcting the recently encountered problems, SuperGroup intends
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98 Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
to expand into additional markets, including China. In every instance though, the firm will protect the brand when entering new competitive arenas and will rely on it as the foundation for intended success.
problems, Wall Street Journal Online, www.wsj.com, April 15; S. Chaudhuri, 2015, Superdry looks to U.S. to drive growth, Wall Street Journal Online, www.wsj.com, March 26; H. Mann, 2015, SuperGroup strategy oozes Hollywood glamour, Interactive Investor, www.iii.co.uk, March 26; A. Monaghan & S. Butler, 2015, Superdry signs up Idris
Sources: About SuperGroup, 2015, SuperGroupPLC.com, www.supergroup . co.uk, April 5; S. Chaudhuri, 2015, Superdry brand works to iron out
Elba, The Guardian Online, www.theguardian.com, March 26; A. Petroff, 2015, Is this the worst CFO ever? CNNMoney, www.money.cnn.com, February 25 .
Case Discussion Questions
1. What influences from the external environment over the next
several years do you think might affect SuperDry's ability to
3. Will the actions that Superdry is taking solve its problems?
Why or why not?
4. What value does Superdry create for its customers?
2. Does Superdry have one or more capabilities that are valuable,
rare, costly to imitate, and nonsubstitutable? If so, what are
they? If not, on which criteria do they fall short?
5. What actions would you recommend the management of
Superdry take to resolve its problems and turn around the
performance of the firm?
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92. J. Pia-Barber, E. Linares, & P. N. Ghauri,
2018, The choice of offshoring operation
mode: A behavioural perspective, Journal
of Business Research, in press; Jain &
R . -A. Thietart, 2014, Capabilities as shift
parameters for the outsourcing decision,
Strategic Management Journal, 35: 1881-
1890; J. Li, 2012, The alignment between
organizational control mechanisms and
outsourcing strategies: A commentary
essay, Journal of Business Research,
65: 1384-1386.
93. K.-J. Wu, M.-L. Tseng, A. S. F. Chiu, &
M. K. Lim, 2017, Achieving competitive
advantage through supply chain agility
under uncertainty: A novel multi-criteria
decision-making structure, International
Journal of Production Economics, 190:
96-107; R. Kapoor & N. R. Furr, 2015,
Complementarities and competition:
Unpacking the drivers of entrants'
technology choices in the solar photovoltaic
industry, Strategic Management Journal,
36: 416-436; N. Raassens, S. Wuyts, &
I. Geyskens, 2012, The market valuation of
outsourcing new product development,
Journal of Marketing Research, 49: 682-695.
94. S. Holloway & A. Parmigiani, 2016, Friends
and profits don't mix: The performance
implications of repeated partnerships,
Academy of Management Journal, 59:
460-478; A. Ari no, J. J. Reuer, K. J. Mayer, &
J. Jane, 2014, Contracts, negotiation, and
learning: An examination of termination
provisions, Journal of Management
Studies, 51: 379-405; A. Martinez-Noya,
E. Garcia-Canal, & M. F. Guillen, 2013, R&D
outsourcing and the effectiveness of
intangible investments: Is proprietary
core knowledge walking out of the door?
Journal of Management Studies, 50: 67-91.
95. J. Alcacer & J. Oxley, 2014, Learning by
supplying, Strategic Management Journal,
35: 204-223; S. Sonenshein, 2013, How
organizations foster the creative use of
resources, Academy of Management Journal,
57: 814-848; C. Grimpe & U. Kaiser, 2010,
Balancing internal and external knowledge
acquisition: The gains and pains from
R&D outsourcing, Journal of Management
Studies, 47: 1483-1509.
96. B. Kim, K. S. Park, S.-Y. Jung, & S. H. Park,
2018, Offshoring and outsourcing in a
global supply chain: Impact of the arm's
length regulation on transfer pricing,
European Journal of Operational Research,
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creation and value capture under moral
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of buyer-supplier relationships, Strategic
Management Journal, 36: 1146-1163;
S. M. Handley, 2012, The perilous effects
of capability loss on outsourcing
management and performance, Journal
of Operations Management, 30: 152-165.
97. L. P. K. Ade, A. Mufutau, & A. I. Tu bosun, 2017,
The influence of marketing intelligence
on business competitive advantage (A
study of Diamond Bank PLC), Journal of
Competitiveness, 9: 51-71; M. Taussig &
A. Delios, 2015, Unbundling the effects
of institutions on firm resources: The
contingent value of being local in
emerging economy private equity, Strategic
Management Journal, 36: 1845-1865;
0. Baumann & N. Stieglitz, 2014, Rewarding
value-creating ideas in organizations: The
power of low-powered incentives, Strategic
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98. U. Stettner & D. Lavie, 2014, Ambidexterity
under scrutiny: Exploration and
exploitation via internal organization,
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E. Rawley, 2010, Diversification,
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rigidity: Evidence from microdata, Strategic
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99. A. Schneider, C. Wickert, & E. Marti,
2017, Reducing complexity by creating
complexity: A systems theory perspective
on how organizations respond to their
environments, Journal of Management
Studies, 54: 182-208; D. L. Barton, 1995,
Wellsprings of Knowledge: Building and
Sustaining the Sources of Innovation, Boston:
Harvard Business School Press, 30-31.
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Studying this chapter should provide you with the strategic management
knowledge needed to:
Discuss the relationship between customers and business-level strategies in terms of who, what, and how.
4-2 Explain the purpose of forming and implementing a business-level strategy.
4-3 Describe business models and explain their relationship with business-level strategies.
4-4 Explain the differences among five types of business-level strategies.
Use the five forces of competition model to explain how firms can earn above-average returns when using each business-level strategy.
Discuss the risks associated with using each of the business-level strategies.
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"The pace of change is faster and more relentless, the level of uncertainty higher and the degree of complexity greater than it has even been:' In the first three chapters and in other parts of the book as well, we discuss the influence of these realities on today's firms and their stakeholders. These realities challenge each type of strategy (business-level, corporate-level, merger and acquisition, international, and cooperative) a firm may choose to implement.
Each type of strategy a firm chooses to implement helps it deal with the competitive reali ties mentioned above. Defined in Chapter 1 as an integrated and coordinated set of commit ments and actions designed to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage, strategy helps companies in their efforts to change quickly and effectively and reduce the levels of uncertainty and complexity in their external environment (see Chapter 2) and internal environment (see Chapter 3). In this sense, when involved with strategy, leaders and those with whom they work seek to set a firm's direction, sequence how the firm will allocate and as necessary reallocate resources, and commit to creating a cer- tain type of value for a certain type of customer. Business-level strategy, this chapter's topic, finds a firm choosing a strategy to use to gain a competitive ad vantage by exploiting its core competencies within one or � more specific product markets. o:
f � Innovation is a key part o -, firms' efforts to achieve success [ with their strategies. In turn,
}information and technologies "' play vital roles in innovation- B related projects and activities. This means that firms need to have a digital strategy as part of what they do to implement each type of business-level strategy. Those committed to
Netflix uses data analytics to identify behavioral patterns
among its customers. This data gives Netflix the ability to
recommend shows and movies tailored to each individual
users' preferences.
having a digital strategy believe that the world's competitive environments are increasingly information intensive and interconnected.
In essence, a digital strategy"is the application of information and technology to raise hu man performance:' Increasing human performance is important in that, as noted in Chapters 1 and 3, human capital is one of the most significant competitive advantages a firm can develop. Thus, a digital strategy has the potential to help the firm develop a competitive advantage human capital-as it seeks to implement its business-level strategy. People engaged with dig ital activities within a company help the firm become more agile and more capable of dealing with competitive challenges more quickly and effectively.
Digital principles-principles that redefine company imperatives around customers, growth, efficiency, and innovation-are the basis of an effective digital strategy. Using digitally based technologies and tools such as data analytics (which is the gathering and interpreting of data to identify behavioral patterns among customers for the purpose of serving customers' needs better during future transactions), a firm's digital strategy finds it (1) concentrating on outcomes customers repeatedly notice, value, and choose; (2) using information and technologies to de rive more output from each unit of input; and (3) seeking to learn how to do new things in new ways as a means of enhancing the functionality of products it creates for customers.
Leaders committed to the importance of developing a digital strategy are foundational to a firm's efforts to develop such a strategy. Working with others, these leaders make choices about
A business-level
strategy is an integrated
and coordinated set of
commitments and actions
the firm uses to gain a
competitive advantage by
exploiting core competencies
in a specific product market.
how to form an effective data analytics function, determine the degree to which cloud computing
(which is the sharing of resources, software, and information via an Internet-based network) ben
efits the firm's digital strategy, and predict the future with the type of clarity that allows the firm
to recognize what could be a viable competitive position for it in the years to come.
Sources: 2018, 5 key technology trends for 2018, Cincinnati Business Courier, www.bizjournals.com, March 7; 2018, Data analytics, Techopedia, www.techopedia.com, March 9; J. Ferguson & N. Anderson, 2018, How to build a digital strategy, World Economic Forum, www.weforum.org, January 1 O; K. Tama-Rutgliano, 2018, Mapping out your digital marketing strategy for 2018, Forbes, www.forbes.com, January 2; A. Bollard, E. Larrea, A. Singla, & R. Sood, 2017, The next-generation operating model for the digital world, McKinsey & Company, www.mckinsey.com, March; T. Oliveria, M. Alhinho, R. Rita, & G. Dhillon, 2017, Modelling and testing consumer trust dimensions in e-commerce, Computers in Human Behavior, 71: 153-164; M. McDonald, 2016, Becoming a truly digital organization, Accenture, www.accenture.com, March 31; M. McDonald, 201 5, What is digital strategy? Accenture, www.accenture.com, March 3.
I ncreasingly important to firm success, strategy is concerned with making choices among two or more alternatives.' We noted in Chapter 1 that the choice of a strategy indicates a
firm's decision to pursue one course of action instead of others. Opportunities and threats in the external environment influence the choices the firm makes2 (see Chapter 2) as do the nature and quality of the resources, capabilities, and core competencies in the firm's internal organization3 (see Chapter 3).
As discussed in the Opening Case, information and the technologies available to gather and analyze it are at the core of a firm's effort to form a digital strategy. Used to facilitate the selection and implementation of the firm's strategy or strategies, a digital strategy helps a firm concentrate on understanding its customers and their needs with greater clarity as a foundation for being able to develop innovations that create more value for those customers.4 Integrating information and technologies has the potential to help employees increase their effectiveness and efficiency, possibly resulting in a compet itive advantage for the firm in the form of its human capital. Astute firms recognize that information and technologies to manage it can inform determining what customers the firm will seek to serve as well as the strategy it will use to do so.
In previous chapters, we described how firms study conditions in their external envi ronment and the resources, capabilities, and core competencies that are part of their internal environment. Studying these environments is the first step in the strategic man agement process.
This chapter is the first one to deal with "strategy" directly, which is the second part of the strategic management process as explained in Chapter 1. By selecting and implement ing one or more strategies (see Figure 1.1), firms seek to gain strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns.5 Strategies are purposeful, develop before firms engage rivals in marketplace competitions, and demonstrate a shared understanding of the firm's vision and mission.6 A strategy that is consistent with the conditions and realities of a firm's external and internal environments marshals, integrates, and allocates available resources, capabilities, and competencies to align them properly with opportunities in the external environment. When effective, a strategy also rationalizes the firm's vision and mission along with the actions taken to achieve them. In the final analysis, sound strate gic choices that reduce uncertainty regarding outcomes are the foundation for building successful strategies.
Business-level strategy, this chapter's focus, indicates the choices the firm has made about how it intends to compete in individual product markets. Business-level strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions the firm uses to gain a competitive advantage by exploiting core competencies in a specific product market.7
The choices are important because the firm's strategies influence its performance, cer tainly its long-term performance. Given the complexity of competing successfully in
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
the global economy, the choices about how the firm will compete are challenging. As explained later in a Strategic Focus, this is the case for Macy's as it seeks to find ways to implement its business-level strategy of differentiation with greater effectiveness.
Every firm must develop and implement a business-level strategy. However, some firms may not use all the strategies-corporate-level, merger and acquisition, interna tional, and cooperative-we examine in Chapters 6 through 9. A firm competing in a single-product market in a single geographic location does not need a corporate-level strategy regarding product diversity or an international strategy to deal with geographic diversity. In contrast, a diversified firm will use one of the corporate-level strategies as well as a separate business-level strategy for each product market in which it competes. Every firm-ranging from the local dry cleaner to the multinational corporation-must develop and use at least one business-level strategy. Thus, business-level strategy is the core strategy-the strategy that the firm forms to describe how it intends to compete against rivals on a day-to-day basis in its chosen product market.8
We discuss several topics to examine business-level strategies. Customers are the foundation of successful business-level strategies; firms must continue creating value for their customers if they are to retain them. 9 Because of this reality, we present information about customers that is relevant to business-level strategies. In terms of customers, when selecting a business-level strategy, the firm determines
1. who will be served, 2. what needs those target customers have that it will satisfy, and 3. how those needs will be satisfied.
Selecting customers and deciding which of their needs the firm will try to satisfy, as well as how it will do so, are challenging tasks. Competition across the globe cre ates attractive options for customers. Because of this, individual firms must identify and implement a specific strategy that will best meet their target customers' needs.10 Effective global competitors have become adept at identifying the needs of customers in different cultures and geographic regions as well as learning how to respond to changes in their needs.
Prior to describing the purpose of business-level strategies, and of the five business level strategies, we define business models and explain their relationship with strate gies, particularly business-level strategies. The five business-level strategies we then consider are generic in nature in that any organization competing in any industry can use any of them.11 Our analysis describes how effective use of each strategy allows the firm to position itself favorably relative to an industry's five competitive forces (see Chapter 2). In addition, we use the value chain (see Chapter 3) to present exam ples of the primary and support activities that are necessary to implement specific business-level strategies. Because no strategy is risk-free,12 we describe the different risks the firm may encounter when using these strategies. In Chapter 11, we explain the organizational structures and controls linked with the successful use of each business-level strategy.
4-1 Customers: Their Relationship with Business-Level Strategies
Strategic competitiveness results only when the firm satisfies a group of customers by using its competitive advantages as the basis for competing in individual product mar kets.13 A key reason firms must satisfy customers with their business-level strategy is that returns earned from relationships with customers are the lifeblood of all organizations.14
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108 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
The most successful companies try to find new ways to satisfy current customers and/ or to meet the needs of new customers. Being able to do this can be even more difficult when firms and consumers face challenging economic conditions. During such times, firms may decide to reduce their workforce to control costs. This can lead to problems, however, because having fewer employees makes it more difficult for companies to meet individual customers' needs and expectations. In these instances, firms can follow several possible courses of action, such as paying extra attention to their best customers and developing a flexible workforce by cross- training employees so they can undertake a variety of responsibilities on their jobs.
4-1 a Effectively Managing Relationships with Customers Firms strengthen their relationships with customers by delivering superior value to them. Strong interactive relationships with customers often provide the foundation for the firm to earn profits because of how well they serve customers' unique needs.
Importantly, delivering superior value often results in increased customer satisfac tion. In turn, customer satisfaction has a positive relationship with profitability because satisfied customers are more likely to be repeat customers. However, a wide variety of choices and easily accessible information about the functionality of firms' products create increasingly sophisticated and knowledgeable customers, making it difficult for com panies to earn their loyalty. As such, many firms interact regularly with customers to co-create value that, in turn, results in satisfied customers.15
A number of companies have become skilled at the art of managing all aspects of their relationship with their customers.16 For example, competitors and others admire Amazon for the quality of information it maintains about its customers, the services it renders, and its ability to anticipate customers' needs. Using the information it has, Amazon tries to serve what it believes are the unique needs of each customer. To date, the firm has maintained a strong reputation for being able to do this.17
Next, we discuss three dimensions that characterize firms' relationships with custom ers. Successful companies understand these dimensions and manage their relationships with customers in light of them.
4-1 b Reach, Richness, and Affiliation The reach dimension of relationships with customers revolves around the firm's access and connection to customers. In general, firms seek to extend their reach, adding cus tomers in the process of doing so.
Reach is an especially critical dimension for social networking sites such as Facebook in that the value these firms create for users is to connect them with others. The number of Facebook users is increasing dramatically; access to a large number of users influences a social networking site's efforts to be successful. As of the end of January of 2018, there were close to 1.9 billion monthly active users, making Facebook the world's most popular social networking site.18 Obviously, Facebook's reach increases opportunities for the firm to create value for those using its site.
Reach is also important to Netflix Inc. The firm acquired two million subscribers more than Wall Street analysts anticipated during the final three months of 2017. These results drove Netflix's market capitalization to more than $100 billion for the first time.19
Overall, 2017 was a year in which the firm's international "subscriber base increased at a rapid pace once again, while domestic subscriber base growth stabilized in the low double
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
digits:' 20 Analysts and firm personnel expected subscriber growth in both domestic and international markets for Netflix in 2018 and beyond, suggesting that Netflix would gain all-important access to still additional customers.
Richness, the second dimension of firms' relationships with customers, con cerns the depth and detail of the two-way flow of information between the firm and customers. The potential of the richness dimension to help the firm establish a competitive advantage in its relationship with customers leads many firms to offer online services as a means of superior management of information exchanges with them. Broader and deeper information-based exchanges allow firms to improve their understanding of customers and their needs. Such exchanges also enable customers to become more knowledgeable about how the firm can satisfy them. Internet tech nology and e-commerce transactions, which are part of a firm's digital strategy, have substantially reduced the costs of meaningful information exchanges with current and potential customers.
As we have noted, Amazon is a leader in using the Internet to build relationships with customers. In fact, Amazon's mission is "to be the Earth's most customer-centric company."21 Operationally, this means that Amazon seeks "to build a place where peo ple can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy."22 Amazon and other firms committed to the importance of richness use information from customers to help them develop innovative new products that provide superior satisfaction of customers' needs. 23
Affiliation, the third dimension, is concerned with facilitating useful interactions with customers. Viewing the world through the customer's eyes and constantly seeking ways to create more value for the customer have positive effects in terms of affiliation. This approach enhances customer satisfaction and has the potential to result in fewer customer complaints. This is important in that for services, for example, customers often do not complain when dissatisfied; instead, they simply go to competitors for their service needs, although a firm's strong brand can mitigate the switching. 24 To enhance their affiliation with customers, some companies now have a position called "Chief Customer Officer:' Those appointed to this position previously carried the title of "Chief Marketing Officer." This is the case for Tesco, the largest retail grocer in the United Kingdom. To further interact with some of its customers, Walmart now delivers groceries to those who order items online and then come to the store to receive their items from an employee who brings them to their vehicle. The firm is also testing deliv ering food to customers' refrigerators. Demonstrating potentially positive outcomes from further affiliation with customers is the view of Walmart officials who believe that "the 'high touch' approach of online grocery ordering is improving people's opinion of the shopping experience at its stores, making them more likely to purchase general merchandise in addition to food:' 25 Likewise, because of data available through digiti zation, firms have a tremendous amount of individual customer data.26 Analyzing data about customers allows firms to find additional ways to affiliate with them through value-creating interactions.
As we discuss next, managing customer relationships effectively (along the dimen sions of reach, richness, and affiliation) helps the firm answer questions related to the issues of who, what, and how.
4-1 c Who: Determining the Customers to Serve
Deciding who the target customer is that the firm intends to serve with its business-level strategy is an important decision. 27 Companies divide customers into groups based on
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Market segmentation
is the process of dividing
customers into groups based
on their needs.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
differences in customers' needs (needs are discussed further in the next section) to make this decision. Market segmentation is the process of dividing customers into groups based on their needs.28 Market segmentation is a process used to cluster customers with similar needs into individual and identifiable groups. In the animal food products busi ness, for example, the food-product needs of owners of companion pets (e.g., dogs and cats) differ from the needs for food and health-related products of those owning pro duction animals (e.g., livestock). Hill's Pet Nutrition, which is a subsidiary of Colgate Palmolive Company, sells food products for pets. The firm's vision is to "make nutrition a cornerstone of veterinary medicine" while its mission is "to help enrich and lengthen the special relationships between people and their pets:' 29 Hill's categorizes its food products for cats as pets into four market segments: kitten, adult (one year-plus), mature (seven years plus), and senior (11 years plus). The food products the firm produces and sells dif fer based on the veterinary-determined needs of each segment of pet cats.
Firms can use almost any identifiable human or organizational characteristic to subdivide a market into segments that differ from one another on a given characteristic. In Table 4.1, we show common characteristics on which customers' needs vary.
4-1 d What: Determining Which Customer Needs to Satisfy After the firm decides who it will serve, it must identify the targeted customer group's needs that its products can satisfy. In a general sense, needs (what) are related to a prod uct's benefits and features. Successful firms learn how to deliver to customers what they want, when they want it. For example, a number of global automobile manufacturers are attempting to build an affordable electric car for consumers in emerging economies.30 In general, emerging markets are ones in which customers have little money to spend to buy a vehicle; in addition, the vehicle must be able to navigate roads that are part of underde veloped infrastructures.
In the case of these automobile manufacturers-and for all firms competing in all industries-having close and frequent interactions with both current and potential customers helps them identify individuals' and groups' current and future needs. For example, knowledge gained about purchasing practices is facilitating efforts by Kroger, the largest grocery store chain in the United States, to enhance its understanding of customers' needs. Using data analytics, Kroger relies on current purchases to support
Table 4.1 Basis for Customer Segmentation
Consumer Markets
1. Demographic factors (age, income, sex, etc.)
2. Socioeconomic factors (social class, stage in the family life cycle)
3. Geographic factors (cultural, regional, and national differences)
4. Psychological factors (lifestyle, personality traits)
5. Consumption patterns (heavy, moderate, and light users)
6. Perceptual factors (benefit segmentation, perceptual mapping)
Industrial Markets
1. End-use segments (identified by Standard Industrial Classification [SIC) code)
2. Product segments (based on technological differences or production economics)
3. Geographic segments (defined by boundaries between countries or by regional differences
within them)
4. Common buying factor segments (cut across product market and geographic segments)
5. Customer size segments
Source: Based on information in S. C. Jain, 2009, Marketing Planning and Strategy, Mason, OH: South-Western (engage
Custom Publishing.
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
related sales. "If a customer is buying baby food regularly, a coupon may be generated (for the customer) for baby diapers or other baby products:' In this manner, Kroger is simulta neously able to satisfy customers' needs better and increase its sales revenues. Essentially then, the firm's digital strategy finds it using information and technology to develop its promotion and marketing strategies.31 From a strategic perspective, a basic need of all customers is to buy products that create value for them. The generalized forms of value that products provide are either low cost with acceptable features or highly differentiated features with acceptable cost. The most effective firms strive continuously to anticipate changes in customers' needs. The firm that fails to anticipate and certainly to recognize changes in its customers' needs may lose them to competitors whose products provide more value. Successful firms recognize that consumer needs change. For example, recent trends suggest that additional numbers of consumers desire to have an experience instead of simply purchasing a product. Starbucks is an example of a firm seeking to provide cus tomers with an experience, not just a cup of coffee or a food item. Customers also prefer to buy customized products. Again, Starbucks has been doing this for some time, allowing customers to design their own drinks from a multitude of choices.
4-1 e How: Determining Core Competencies Necessary to Satisfy Customer Needs
After deciding who the firm will serve and the specific needs those customers have, the firm is prepared to determine how to use its resources, capabilities, and competencies to develop products that can satisfy its target customers' needs. As explained in Chapters 1 and 3, core competencies are resources and capabilities that serve as a source of compet itive advantage for the firm over its rivals. Firms use core competencies (how) to imple ment value-creating strategies, thereby satisfying customers' needs. Only those firms with the capacity to improve consistently, innovate, and upgrade their competencies can meet and exceed customers' expectations across time.32 By continuously upgrading their competencies, firms are able to maintain an advantage over their rivals by provid ing customers with products that create value that exceeds the value created for them by competitors' offerings. 33
Companies draw from a wide range of core competencies to produce products that satisfy customers' needs. In today's competitive environment and across industries, devel oping a core competence in the R&D function is critical. Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google recognize this reality and invest significant resources to deal with it. Recently, for example, Apple increased its spending on R&D by 30 percent, bringing that total to 5 percent of sales revenue. At the same time, Facebook was allocating 13.4 percent of rev enue to R&D, Google spent 16.6 of its revenue on R&D, and Amazon increased its R&D expenditure by 28 percent. These commitments to R&D are in part to shape that function so that it is a core competence for each firm and a path through which the companies can produce and sell innovative products.34
SAS Institute Inc. is the world's largest privately owned software company and is the leader in business intelligence and analytics. Customers use SAS programs for data warehousing, data mining, and decision support purposes. SAS's mission is to "deliver proven solutions that drive innovation and improve performance:' Thus, this firm seeks to help its customers in their efforts to innovate and improve their performance as a result. To reach its mission, SAS itself must be innovative as it develops new products. Supporting SAS's commitment to innovation is its allocation of 26 percent of its sales revenue to R&D in 2017 (up from 23 percent just a few years ago). The firm's reach is extensive in that 96 of the top 100 companies on the 2017 Fortune Global 500 list were SAS customers. The firm's total customer base includes over 83,000 businesses, univer sities, and governmental agencies.35
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112 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Our discussion about customers shows that all organizations must use their capabil ities and core competencies (the how) to satisfy the needs (the what) of the target group of customers ( the who) the firm has chosen to serve.
4-2 The Purpose of a Business-Level Strategy
The purpose of a business-level strategy is to create differences between the firm's posi tion and those of its competitors.36 To position itself differently from competitors, a firm must decide if it intends to perform activities differently or if it will perform different activities. Strategy defines the path that provides the direction of actions organizational leaders take to help their firm achieve success.37 In fact, "choosing to perform activities differently or to perform different activities than rivals" is the essence of a business-level strategy.38 Thus, the firm's business-level strategy is a deliberate choice about how it will perform the value chain's primary and support activities to create unique value. Indeed, in the current complex competitive landscape, successful use of a business-level strategy results from the firm learning how to integrate the activities it performs in ways that cre ate superior value for customers.
The manner in which Southwest Airlines Co. has integrated its activities is the foun dation for the firm's ability to use the cost leadership strategy successfully (we discuss this strategy later in the chapter). However, as required by the cost leadership strat egy, Southwest Airlines also provides customers with a set of features they find to be acceptable along with a low cost for its services. The tight integration among Southwest's activities is a key source of the firm's ability, historically, to operate more profitably than do its primary competitors. Today, Southwest flies more passengers in the United States than any other airline.39
Southwest Airlines has configured the activities it performs into six areas of strategic intent-limited passenger service; frequent, reliable departures; lean, highly productive ground and gate crews; high aircraft utilization with few aircraft models; very low ticket prices; and short-haul, point-to-point routes between mid-sized cities and secondary air ports. Individual clusters of tightly linked activities enhance the likelihood the firm will execute its cost leadership strategy successfully. For example, no meals, no seat assign ments, and no baggage transfers form a cluster of individual activities that support the objective of offering limited passenger service.
Southwest's tightly integrated activities make it difficult for competitors to imitate the firm's cost leadership strategy. The firm's unique culture and customer service are sources of competitive advantage that rivals have been unable to imitate, although some tried and failed (e.g., US Airways' MetroJet subsidiary, United Airlines' Shuttle by United, Delta's Song, and Continental Airlines' Continental Lite). Hindsight shows that these competi tors offered low prices to customers, but weren't able to operate at costs close to those of Southwest or to provide customers with any notable sources of differentiation, such as a unique experience while in the air. The key to Southwest's success has been its ability to maintain low costs across time while providing customers with acceptable levels of differentiation such as an engaging culture. Firms using the cost leadership strategy must understand that in terms of sources of differentiation accompanying the cost leader's product, the customer defines acceptable. Fit among activities is a key to the sustainability of competitive advantage for all firms, including Southwest Airlines. Strategic fit among the many activities is critical for competitive advantage. It is more difficult for a compet itor to match a configuration of integrated activities than to imitate a particular activity such as sales promotion, or a process technology.40
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
Next, we discuss business models, which are part of a comprehensive business-level strategy.41 W hile business models inform the development and use of the other types of strategies a firm may choose to implement, their primary use is with business-level strategies. The reason for this is that as noted previously in this chapter, a business-level strategy is the firm's core strategy-the one the firm forms to describe how it intends to compete against rivals on a day-to-day basis in its chosen product market. As part of a firm's business-level strategy, the chosen business model influences the implementa tion of strategy, especially in terms of the interdependent processes the firm uses during implementation.42 Developing and integrating a business model and a business-level strategy increases the likelihood of company success.43 We use a discussion of business models and their relationship with strategy as a foundation for then describing five types of business-level strategies firms may choose to implement.
4-3 Business Models and their Relationship with Business-Level Strategies
As is the case with strategy, there are multiple definitions of a business model.44 The consensus across these definitions is that a business model describes what a firm does to create, deliver, and capture value for its stakeholders.45 As explained in Chapter 1, stakeholders value related yet different outcomes. For example, for shareholders, the firm captures and distributes value to them in the form of a return on their investment. For customers, the firm creates and delivers value in the form of a product featuring the combination of price and features for which they are willing to pay. For employees, the firm creates and delivers value in the form of a job about which they are passionate as well as through which they have opportunities to develop their skills by participating in continuous learning experiences. In a sense then, a business model is a framework for how the firm will create, deliver, and capture value while a business-level strategy is the set of commitments and actions that yields the path a firm intends to follow to gain a competitive advantage by exploiting its core competencies in a specific product market. Understanding customers in terms of who, what, and how is foundational to developing and using successfully both a business model and a business-level strategy. 46
Regardless of the business model chosen, those leading a company should view that selection as one that will require adjustment in response to conditions that change from time to time in the firm's external environment (e.g., an opportunity to enter a new region surfaces) and its internal environment (e.g., the development of new capabilities).47
Particularly because it is involved primarily with implementing a business-level strategy, the operational mechanics of a business model should change given the realities a firm encounters while engaging rivals in marketplace competitions.
There is an array of different business models, from which firms select one to use.48
A franchise business model, for example, finds a firm licensing its trademark and the processes it follows to create and deliver a product to franchisees. In this instance, the firm franchising its trademark and processes captures value by receiving fees and royalty payments from its franchisees.
McDonald's and Panera Bread both use the franchise business model. McDonald's uses the model as part of its cost leadership strategy while Panera Bread uses it to imple ment a differentiation strategy (we discuss both strategies in detail in the next major section). McDonald's' cost leadership strategy finds it using processes detailed in its fran chise business model to deliver food items to its customers that are offered at a low price but with acceptable levels of differentiation. Customers receive acceptable levels of differ entiation in terms of taste quality, service quality, the cleanliness of the firm's units, and
A business model describes
what a firm does to create,
deliver, and capture value for
its stakeholders.
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114 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
the value the customers believe they receive when buying McDonald's food.49 (Additional information about McDonald's and its cost leadership strategy appear later in the chapter in a Strategic Focus.)
Panera Bread also uses a franchise business model, but its model differs from the McDonald's franchise business model. One difference is that a person can purchase a single McDonald's unit. This is not the case for Panera Bread: "Panera Bread does not sell single-unit franchises, so it is not possible to open just one bakery-cafe. Rather, we have chosen to develop by selling market areas which require the franchise developer to open a number of units, typically 15 bakery-cafes in a period of 6 years:' 50 Operating in the fast-casual part of the restaurant industry (McDonald's operates in the fast food part of the industry), Panera implements the differentiation strategy to provide customers "with good food ( that) they can feel good about:' 51 Through the differentiation strategy, Pan era uses a carefully designed set of processes to offer differentiated food items in a differen tiated setting to provide customers with value for which they are willing to pay and at a cost that is acceptable to them. Thus, while McDonald's and Panera Bread use the same business model, the franchising business model these firms use differ in actions the firms take to implement different business-level strategies.
As mentioned, there are multiple kinds of business models, such as the subscription model. In this instance, the business model finds a firm offering a product to customers on a regular basis such as once-per-month, once-per-year, or upon demand. Netflix uses a subscription business model as does Blue Apron, a firm founded on the belief that the way food is grown and distributed is complicated, making it difficult for families to make "good" choices about what they eat. Blue Apron delivers food directly to cons um - ers, eliminating the "middleman" by doing so. The firm partners with farmers who are committed to sustainable production processes "to raise the highest-quality ingredients:' Thus, Blue Apron combines the differentiation strategy with a subscription model to create, deliver, and capture value for the stakeholders (e.g., customers, suppliers, employees, and local communities) with whom the firm interacts while implementing its business-level strategy. 52 Other business models that also support the use of any of the five generic busi ness-level strategies we discuss next include the following: (1) a freemium model (here the firm provides a basic product to customers for free and earns revenues and profits by selling a premium version of the service-examples include Drop box and Mail Chimp); (2) an advertising model (where for a fee, firms provide advertisers with high-quality access to their target customers-Google and Pinterest are examples of firms using this business model); and (3) a peer-to-peer model (where a business matches those wanting a particular service with those providing that service-two examples are Task Rabbit and Airbnb).
4-4 Types of Business-Level Strategies Firms choose between five business-level strategies to establish and defend their desired strategic position against competitors: cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leader ship, focused differentiation, and integrated cost leadership/differentiation (see Figure 4.1). Each business-level strategy can help the firm establish and exploit a competitive advantage (either lowest cost or distinctiveness) as the basis for how it will create value for customers within a particular competitive scope (broad market or narrow market). How firms inte grate the activities they complete within each business level strategy demonstrates how they differ from one another. 53 For example, firms have different activity maps, and thus, a Southwest Airlines activity map differs from those of competitors JetBlue, United Airlines, American Airlines, and so forth. Superior integration of activities increases the
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
Figure 4.1 Five Business-Level Strategies
Target Market
Broad Market
Narrow Market
Basis for Customer Value
Lowest Cost
Cost Leadership
Focused Cost Leadership
Focused Differentiation
Source: Based on M. E. Porter, 1998, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, New York: The Free Press;
D. G. Sirmon, M.A. Hitt, & R. D. Ireland, 2007, Managing firm resources in dynamic environments to create value: Looking inside
the black box, Academy of Management Review, 32: 273-292; D. G. Sirmon, M.A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland, & B. A. Gilbert, 2011, Resource
orchestration to create competitive advantage: Breadth, depth and life cycles effects, Journal of Management, 37: 1390-1412.
likelihood a firm will develop an advantage relative to competitors as a path to earning above-average returns.
When selecting a business-level strategy, firms evaluate two types of potential com petitive advantages: "lower cost than rivals or the ability to differentiate and command a premium price that exceeds the extra cost of doing so:' 54 Lower costs result from the firm's ability to perform activities differently than rivals; being able to differentiate indicates the firm's capacity to perform different (and valuable) activities. Thus, based on the nature and quality of its internal resources, capabilities, and core competencies, a firm seeks to form either a cost competitive advantage or a distinctiveness competitive advantage as the basis for implementing its business-level strategy.55
Two types of target markets are broad market and narrow market segment(s) (see Figure 4.1). Firms serving a broad market seek to use their capabilities to create value for customers on an industry-wide basis. A narrow market segment means that the firm intends to serve the needs of a narrow customer group. With focus strategies, the firm "selects a segment or group of segments in the industry and tailors its strategy to serving them to the exclusion of others."56 Buyers with special needs and buyers located in specific geographic regions are examples of narrow customer groups. As shown in Figure 4.1, a firm could also strive to develop a combined low cost/distinctiveness value creation approach as the foundation for serving a target customer group that is larger than a narrow market segment but not as comprehensive as a broad (or industry-wide) customer group. In this instance, the firm uses the integrated cost leadership/differen tiation strategy.
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The cost leadership
strategy is an integrated set
of actions taken to produce
products with features that
are acceptable to customers
at the lowest cost, relative to
that of competitors.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
None of the five business-level strategies shown in Figure 4.1 is inherently or uni versally superior to the others. The effectiveness of each strategy is contingent on the opportunities and threats in a firm's external environment and the strengths and weak nesses derived from its resource portfolio. It is critical, therefore, for the firm to select a business-level strategy that represents an effective match between the opportunities and threats in its external environment and the strengths of its internal organization based on its core competencies. After the firm chooses its strategy, it should consistently emphasize actions that are required to implement it successfully.
4-4a Cost Leadership Strategy The cost leadership strategy is an integrated set of actions taken to produce products with features that are acceptable to customers at the lowest cost, relative to that of com petitors.57 Firms using the cost leadership strategy commonly sell standardized goods or services, but with competitive levels of differentiation, to the industry's most typical customers. Process innovations, which are newly designed production and distribution methods and techniques that allow the firm to operate more efficiently, are critical to a firm's efforts to use the cost leadership strategy successfully. Commonly, firms using the cost leadership strategy scour the world to find low-cost producers to which they out source various functions (e.g., manufacturing goods) as a means of keeping their costs low relative to competitors' costs.58
As we have noted, firms implementing the cost leadership strategy strive con stantly to drive their costs lower and lower relative to competitors so they can sell their products to customers at a low and perhaps the lowest cost. Charles Schwab competes against low-cost competitor Vanguard Group (and others) to sell an array of financial products. Both firms offer numerous "passively managed" rather than "actively man aged" funds to customers. Recently, Schwab claimed that the costs of its market cap index mutual funds were " lower than comparable competitor funds with the lowest investment minimums:' 59 To offer a source of differentiation that customers wanting to buy low-cost products with acceptable levels of differentiation would find interesting, Schwab announced in January of 2018 that the expense ratio it would charge for three new equity index funds would be zero until June 30, 2018. At that time, the expense ratios for the three new funds would increase from zero to .04 or .05 percent.60 Along with Vanguard and other competitors such as Fidelity, Schwab also offers commis sion-free ETF (exchange-traded funds) trades for a number of its ETFs. As an example of a source of differentiation, waiving Schwab's standard trade commission of $4.95 per transaction for a number of ETFs allows customers to save money when buying the firm's products. Now the fifth largest U.S. ETF sponsor, analysts suggest that "one of the primary reasons Schwab has been able to ascend to the upper echelon of ETF issuers in terms of size is the provider's willingness to compete with and in many cases beat rival sponsors when it comes to low fees:' 61
As primary activities, inbound logistics (e.g., materials handling, warehousing, and inventory control) and outbound logistics (e.g., collecting, storing, and distributing prod ucts to customers) often account for significant portions of the total cost to produce some products. Research suggests that having a competitive advantage in logistics creates more value with a cost leadership strategy than with a differentiation strategy.62
Thus, cost leaders seeking competitively valuable ways to reduce costs may want to concentrate on the primary activities of inbound logistics and outbound logistics. An example of this is the decision by a number of low-cost producers to outsource their manufacturing operations to low-cost firms with low-wage employees (e.g., China).63
However, outsourcing also makes the firm more dependent on suppliers over which they may have little control. Because of this, firms analyze outsourcing possibilities
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
carefully prior to committing to any of them. Outsourcing creates interdependencies between the outsourcing firm and the suppliers. If dependencies become too great, supplier power may result in higher costs for the outsourcing firm. Such actions could harm the cost leader's ability to maintain a low-cost competitive advantage.64 Cost leaders also examine all support activities to find additional potential cost reductions. Developing new systems for finding the optimal combination of low cost and acceptable levels of differentiation in the raw materials required to produce the firm's products is an example of how the procurement support activity can help when implementing the cost leadership strategy.
As described in Chapter 3, firms use value-chain analysis to identify the parts of the company's operations that create value and those that do not. Figure 4.2 demonstrates the value-chain activities and support functions that allow a firm to create value when implementing the cost leadership strategy. Companies lacking the ability to integrate the activities and functions shown in this figure typically lack the core competencies needed to use the cost leadership strategy successfully.
Effective use of the cost leadership strategy allows a firm to earn above-average returns in spite of the presence of strong competitive forces (see Chapter 2). The next sections ( one for each of the five forces) explain how firms seek to earn above-average returns by implementing the cost leadership strategy.
Figure 4.2 Examples of Value-Creating Activities Associated with the Cost Leadership Strategy
Manage financial resources to ensure positive cash flow and low debt costs.
Support Functions
Supply-Chain Management
Effective Value Chain relationships
Activities with suppliers to maintain efficient flow of goods (supplies) for operations
Human Resources
Develop policies to ensure efficient hiring and retention to keep costs low. Implement training to ensure high employee efficiency.
Management Information Systems
Develop and maintain cost-effective MIS operations.
Build ___. economies
of scale and efficient operations (e.g., production processes)
Use of low- cost modes of transporting goods and delivery times that produce lowest costs
Marketing (Including
Targeted i---. advertising
and low prices for high sales volumes
Follow-up Service
Efficient follow-up to reduce returns
Source: Based on M. E. Porter, 1998, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, New York: The Free Press; D. G. Sirmon, M.A. Hitt, & R. D. Ireland, 2007, Managing firm resources in dynamic environments to create value: Looking inside the black box, Academy of Management Review, 32: 273-292; D. G. Sirmon, M.A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland, & B. A. Gilbert, 2011, Resource orchestration to create competitive advantage: Breadth, depth and life cycles effects, Journal of Management, 37: 1390-1412.
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118 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Rivalry with Existing Competitors Having the low-cost position is valuable when dealing with rivals. Because of the cost leader's advantageous position, rivals hesitate to compete on the price variable, espe cially before evaluating the potential outcomes of such competition. 65 Walmart and Dollar General use the cost leadership strategy. Successfully executing their strategies causes competitors to avoid focusing on the price variable as a means-and certainly as the pri mary means-of competing against Walmart and Dollar General.
A number of factors influence the degree of rivalry that firms encounter when imple menting the cost leadership strategy. Examples of these factors include organizational size, resources possessed by rivals, a firm's dependence on a particular market, location and prior competitive interactions between firms, and a firm's reach, richness, and affilia tion with its customers.66 Walmart's size deters some competitors from competing against this firm. The richness and affiliation Amazon has with its customers create competitive challenges for competitors, even Walmart as it ramps up its effort through Walmart.com to challenge Amazon's superiority in online sales.
Those using the cost leadership strategy may also try to reduce the amount of rivalry they experience from competitors. Firms may decide to form collaborations, such as joint ventures and strategic alliances (see Chapter 9), to reduce rivalry. 67 In other instances, cost leaders try to develop strong and mutually supportive relationships with stakeholders (e.g., important government officials, suppliers, and customers) to reduce rivalry and lower their cost as a result. As noted in Chapter 2, guanxi is the name used to describe relationships that Chinese firms develop with others to reduce rivalry.68
Bargaining Power of Buyers (Customers) Powerful customers (e.g., those purchasing a significant amount of the focal firm's out put) can force a cost leader to reduce its prices. However, prices will not be reduced below the level at which the cost leader's next-most-efficient industry competitor can earn average returns. Although powerful customers might be able to force the cost leader to reduce prices below this level, they probably would not choose to do so. Prices that are low enough to prevent the next-most-efficient competitor from earning average returns would force that firm to exit the market, leaving the cost leader with less competition and an even stronger bargaining position. When customers are able to purchase only from a single firm operating in an industry lacking rivals, they pay more for products. In some cases, rather than forcing firms to reduce their prices, powerful customers may pressure firms to provide innovative products and services.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers The cost leader generally operates with margins greater than the margins earned by its competitors. Commonly, the cost leader maintains a strong commitment to reducing its costs further as a means of increasing its margins. Among other benefits, higher gross margins relative to those of competitors make it possible for the cost leader to absorb its suppliers' price increases. When an industry faces substantial increases in the cost of its supplies, only the cost leader may be able to pay the higher prices and continue to earn either average or above average returns. Alternatively, a powerful cost leader may be able to force its suppliers to hold down their prices, which would reduce the suppliers' margins in the process.
Walmart is the largest retailer in North America. Because of this, Walmart is some times able to use its power to force suppliers to reduce the price of products it buys from them. Walmart is the largest supermarket operator in the United States, and its Sam's Club division is the second largest warehouse club in the United States. Its sales revenue of $495.76 billion in 2018 makes the firm an attractive outlet for suppliers to place their
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
products. Because of its size (recently, there were 11,695 Walmart stores and 665 Sam's Club units located in 28 countries) and reach with customers (approximately 260 million customers shop at Walmart's stores weekly),69 Walmart historically has been able to bar gain for low prices from its suppliers. However, in light of increasing competition with Amazon in terms of online sales and because of the possibility of Amazon establishing storefronts, Walmart may find in the future that it has less bargaining power with suppli ers than has been the case historically.70
To reduce costs, some firms may outsource an entire function such as manufacturing to a single or a small number of suppliers.71 Outsourcing may take place in response to earnings pressure as expressed by shareholders, particularly institutional investors.72 In the face of earnings pressure, a firm's decision-makers may conclude that outsourcing will be less expensive, allowing it to reduce its products' prices as a result.73 This is not a risk free decision though. For example, some businesspeople believe that "outsourcing can create new costs, as suppliers and partners demand a larger share of the value created:' 74
This possibility highlights how important it is for the firm to select the most appropriate company to engage in outsourcing and then to manage its relationship with that com pany. Through effective management of the relationship between a firm and the one to which it outsources an activity, trust can develop. In turn, trust may be the foundation on which a firm might choose to integrate an outsourcing firm into its value chain to find ways to reduce its costs further.75
Potential Entrants Through continuous efforts to reduce costs to levels that are lower than those against whom it competes, a cost leader becomes highly efficient. Increasing levels of effi ciency (e.g., economies of scale) enhance profit margins. In turn, attractive profit margins create an entry barrier to potential competitors.76 New entrants must be willing to accept less than average returns until they gain the experience required to approach the cost leader's efficiency. To earn even average returns, new entrants must have the competencies required to match the cost levels of competitors other than the cost leader. The low profit margins (relative to margins earned by firms implementing the differentiation strategy) make it necessary for the cost leader to sell large volumes of its product to earn above-average returns. However, firms striving to be the cost leader must avoid pricing their products so low that they cannot operate profitably, even though volume increases.
Product Substitutes Compared with its industry rivals, the cost leader also holds an attractive position rela tive to product substitutes. A product substitute becomes a concern for the cost leader when its features and characteristics, in terms of cost and levels of differentiation that are acceptable to customers, are potentially attractive to the firm's customers. When faced with possible substitutes, the cost leader has more flexibility than do its competitors. To retain customers, it often can reduce its product's price. With still lower prices and com - petitive levels of differentiation, the cost leader increases the probability that customers will continue to prefer its product rather than a substitute.
Competitive Risks of the Cost Leadership Strategy The cost leadership strategy is not risk-free. One risk is that the processes used by the cost leader to produce and distribute its product could become obsolete because of com petitors' innovations.77 These innovations may allow rivals to produce products at costs lower than those of the original cost leader, or to provide additional differentiated features without increasing the product's price to customers.
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The differentiation
strategy is an integrated set
of actions taken to produce
products (at an acceptable
cost) that customers perceive
as being different in ways that
are important to them.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
A second risk is that too much focus by the cost leader on cost reductions may occur at the expense of trying to understand customers' perceptions of "competitive levels of differentiation:' Some believe, for example, that Walmart often has too few salespeople available to help customers and too few individuals at checkout registers. These com plaints suggest that there might be a discrepancy between how Walmart's customers define "minimal acceptable levels of service" and the firm's attempts to drive its costs increasingly lower.
Imitation is a final risk of the cost leadership strategy. Using their own core com - petencies, competitors sometimes learn how to imitate the cost leader's strategy. When this happens, the cost leader must increase the value its product provides to customers. Commonly, the cost leader increases the value it creates by selling the current product at an even lower price or by adding differentiated features that create value for customers while maintaining price.
4-4b Differentiation Strategy The differentiation strategy is an integrated set of actions taken to produce products (at an acceptable cost) that customers perceive as being different in ways that are important to them.7s While cost leaders serve a typical customer in an industry, differentiators target customers for whom the firm creates value because of the manner in which its products differ from those produced and marketed by competitors. Product innovation, which is "the result of bringing to life a new way to solve the customer's problem-through a new product or service development-that benefits both the customer and the sponsoring company;' 79 is critical to successful use of the differentiation strategy.so
Firms must be able to provide customers with differentiated products at competitive costs to reduce upward pressure on the price they pay. When a firm produces differen tiated features for its products at non-competitive costs, the price for the product may exceed what target customers are willing to pay. If firms have a thorough understanding of the value its target customers seek, the relative importance they attach to the satisfac tion of different needs and for what they are willing to pay a premium, the differentia tion strategy can be effective in helping them earn above-average returns. Of course, to achieve these returns, the firm must apply its knowledge capital (knowledge held by its employees and managers) to provide customers with a differentiated product that pro vides them with value for which they are willing to pay.s1
Through the differentiation strategy, the firm produces distinctive products for cus tomers who value differentiated features more than low cost. For example, superior prod uct reliability, durability, and high-performance sound systems are among the differen tiated features of Toyota Motor Corporation's Lexus products. (Nevertheless, Lexus does offer its vehicles to customers at a competitive purchase price relative to other luxury automobiles.)
As with Lexus products, a product's unique attributes, rather than its purchase price, provide the value for which customers are willing to pay. Now the second-largest luxury brand by revenue behind only Louis Vuitton, Gucci relies today on innovative and unique product designs from Alessandro Michele. These new designs "mix colorful streetwear, historical references and garish animal prints:'s2 The firm believes that these unique designs, for which customers are willing to pay, will help it defy what is typically a boom - bust cycle with fashion-based products.
To maintain success by implementing the differentiation strategy, the firm must con sistently upgrade differentiated features that customers value and/or create new valuable features (i.e., innovate) without significant cost increases.s3 This approach requires firms to change their product lines frequently.s4 These firms may also offer a portfolio of prod ucts that complement each other, thereby enriching the differentiation for the customer
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
and perhaps satisfying a portfolio of consumer needs. Because a differentiated product satis- fies customers' unique needs, firms following the differentiation strategy are able to charge premium prices. The ability to sell a product at a price that substantially exceeds the cost of creating its differentiated features allows the firm to outperform rivals and earn above average returns. Rather than costs, a firm using the differentiation strategy primarily concen trates on investing in and developing features that differentiate a product in ways that cre- ate value for customers.85 Overall, a firm using the differentiation strategy seeks to be differ- ent from its competitors in as many dimen sions as possible. The less similarity between a firm's goods or services and those of its com petitors, the more buffered it is from rivals' actions. Still, customers must view the prices they are paying for the differentiated products they buy from a firm as acceptable to them in g
�order for this strategy to succeed. Commonly !recognized differentiated goods include those a,
offered by Gucci and Louis Vuitton, men's { suits tailored by Brioni, Caterpillar's heavy- !
2' duty earth-moving equipment, and the dif- .£ ferentiated consulting services McKinsey & �
�Co. offers clients. - �Many dimensions are available to firms -E �seeking to differentiate their products from �competitors' offerings. Unusual features, �>
responsive customer service, rapid product E innovations, technological leadership, per- :!'! ceived prestige and status, different tastes, and engineering design and performance are exam ples of approaches to differentiation.86 While the number of ways to reduce costs may be
A runway model wearing creations by Alessandro Michele, Gucci's
Creative Director.
finite, virtually anything a firm can do to create real or perceived value in consumers' eyes is a basis for differentiation. Consider product design as a case in point. Because it can create a positive experience for customers, design is an important source of differen tiation (even for cost leaders seeking to find ways to add functionalities to their low-cost products as a way of differentiating their products from competitors) and, hopefully for firms emphasizing it, of competitive advantage.87 Examples of other competitive dimen sions firms use to differentiate their products include Halliburton's (an oil-field services company) focus on superior execution of projects88 and Subaru's focus on product lon gevity and durability.89
Firms use the value chain to determine if they are able to link the activities required to create value by using the differentiation strategy. In Figure 4.3, we show examples of value chain activities and support functions that firms use commonly to differentiate a product. Companies without the skills needed to link these activities cannot expect to use the differentiation strategy successfully.
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122 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Figure 4.3 Examples of Value-Creating Activities Associated with the Differentiation Strategy
Support Functions
Make long -term investments in the development of new technology and innovative products, in marketing and advertising, and in an ability to provide exceptional service.
Human Resources
Recruit highly qualified employees and invest in training that provides them with the latest technological knowledge and the capabilities to provide breakthrough services.
Management Information Systems
Acquire and develop excellent information systems that provide up-to-date market intelligence and real-time information in all areas relevant for strategic and major operational decisions.
_______________________________________ ..,. Customers
Value Chain Activities
Supply-Chain Management
Develop and maintain positive relations with major suppliers. __. Ensure the receipt of high quality supplies (raw materials and other goods).
Operations Distribution
Manufacture Provide high-quality accurate and goods. timely delivery Develop --. of goods to flexible systems customers. that allow rapid word responses to customers' changing needs.
Marketing Follow-up (Including Service
Sales) Build strong Have positive a specially relationships trained unit to
--. with customers. --. provide after- Invest in an sales service. effective Ensure high promotion and customer advertising satisfaction. program.
Source: Based on information from M. E. Porter, 1998, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, New York: The Free Press; D. G. Sirmon, M.A. Hitt, & R. D. Ireland, 2007, Managing firm resources in dynamic environments to create value: Looking inside the black box, Academy of Management Review, 32: 273-292; D. G. Sirmon, M.A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland, & B. A. Gilbert, 2011, Resource orchestration to create competitive advantage: Breadth, depth and life cycles effects, Journal of Management, 37: 1390-1412.
Next, we explain how firms using the differentiation strategy can successfully posi tion themselves in terms of the five forces of competition (see Chapter 2) to earn above average returns.
Rivalry with Existing Competitors Customers tend to be loyal purchasers of products differentiated in ways that are mean ingful to them. As their loyalty to a brand increases, customers become less sensitive to price increases. The relationship between brand loyalty and price sensitivity insulates a firm from competitive rivalry. Thus, positive reputations with customers sustain the competitive advantage of firms using a differentiation strategy.90 Nonetheless, firms using a differentiation strategy must be aware of imitation efforts by rivals and aware of any resulting successes. This is the case between Samsung and Apple as Samsung seeks to improve on Apple's products, potentially creating value for customers when doing so. In the context of competitive rivalry (see Chapter 5), Apple must respond to imitation efforts to improve the value its products create for customers. Simultaneously, as a firm using the differentiation strategy, Apple must develop new and novel products to maintain its
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
reputation for producing and selling innovative and stylish products that target customers find valuable.91
Bargaining Power of Buyers (Customers) The distinctiveness of differentiated products reduces customers' sensitivity to price increases. Customers are willing to accept a price increase when a product still satisfies their unique needs better than does a competitor's offering. Thus, the golfer whose needs are met by the Ping G Stretch series of clubs or Piretti Putters will likely continue buying those products even when encountering price increases. Purchasers of brand-name food items (e.g., Heinz ketchup, Sir Kensington's ketchup, and Kleenex tissues) accept price increases in those products as long as they continue to perceive that they satisfy their distinctive needs at an acceptable cost. In all of these cases, customers are relatively insen sitive to price increases because they do not think an acceptable product alternative exists.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers Because the firm using the differentiation strategy charges a premium price for its prod ucts, suppliers must provide high-quality components, driving up the differentiator's costs. However, the high margins the firm earns in these cases partially insulate it from suppliers' influence. The reason for this is that higher margins make it possible for the firm to absorb potentially higher costs from its suppliers.92 On the other hand, because of buyers' relative insensitivity to price increases, the firm implementing a differentia tion strategy might choose to pass the additional cost of supplies on to the customer by increasing the price of its unique product. However, when buyer firms outsource an entire function or large portions of it to a supplier, especially R&D for a firm following a differ entiation strategy, they can become dependent on and thus vulnerable to that supplier.93
Potential Entrants Customer loyalty and the need to overcome the uniqueness of a differentiated prod uct create substantial barriers to potential entrants. Entering an industry under these conditions typically demands significant investments of resources and patience while seeking customers' loyalty. In these cases, some potential entrants decide to make smaller investments to see if they can gain a "foothold" ( or a relatively secure position through which competitive progress is possible) in the market. In these cases, the firm's loss if it fails to develop a foothold is minimal while the gain from developing a foothold could be substantial.94
Product Substitutes Firms selling brand-name products to loyal customers hold an attractive position relative to product substitutes. In contrast, companies without brand loyalty face a higher proba bility of customers switching either to products that offer differentiated features that serve the same function (particularly if the substitute has a lower price) or to products that offer more features and perform functions that create more value. In these instances, firms may be vulnerable to innovations from outside the industry that provide superior satisfaction in terms of customers' needs (e.g., Amazon's Alexa in the music industry).95
Competitive Risks of the Differentiation Strategy One risk of the differentiation strategy is that customers may decide that the price dif ferential between the differentiator's product and the cost leader's product is too large. In this instance, a firm may be offering differentiated features that exceed target customers' needs. The firm then becomes vulnerable to competitors that are able to offer customers a combination of features and price that is more consistent with their needs.
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The focus strategy is an
integrated set of actions
taken to produce products
that serve the needs of
a particular segment of
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Another risk of the differentiation strategy is that a firm's means of differentiation may cease to provide value for which customers are willing to pay or that how the firm seeks to differentiate its offerings is unclear to target customers. A differentiated product becomes less valuable if imitation by rivals causes customers to perceive that competitors offer essen tially the same product, but at a lower price. For example, does buying and using an iPhone create value that exceeds the costs and features of some competitors' offerings?
A third risk of the differentiation strategy is that experience can narrow customers' perceptions of the value of a product's differentiated features. For example, customers having positive experiences with generic tissues may decide that the differentiated fea tures of the Kleenex product are not worth the extra cost. To counter this risk, firms must continue to differentiate their product (e.g., through innovation) for customers at a price they are willing to pay.96
Counterfeiting is the differentiation strategy's fourth risk. Counterfeits have a trade mark or logo that is identical to or indistinguishable from a legal logo owned by another party, thus infringing the rights of the legal owner. When a consumer purchases such a product and discovers the deception, regret creates distrust of the branded product and reduces differentiation. 97 Because of this, firms take actions to prevent counterfeiters from imitating their products.
Failing to provide crisp and identifiable differentiation to customers in the form of a firm's products (goods and services) is a fifth risk of the differentiation strategy. When this is the case, the firm does not meet customers' expectations through its efforts to implement the differentiation strategy. Another way of viewing this is to say that firms sometimes fail to create differentiation for which the customer is willing to pay. As explained in the Strategic Focus, this may be the case for Macy's department stores. For the past few years, this firm's efforts fell short in terms of satisfying stakeholders including shareholders (who have seen the value of their ownership positions decline) and customers (who are not frequenting Macy's stores to shop). We describe actions Macy's is taking to reverse its fortunes and to become successful again by implementing the differentiation strategy.
4-4c Focus Strategies
The focus strategy is an integrated set of actions taken to produce products that serve the needs of a particular segment of customers. Thus, firms implementing a focus strategy utilize their core competencies to serve the needs of a particular industry segment or niche to the exclusion of others. Market segments firms may choose to serve by imple menting a focus strategy include the following:
1. a particular buyer group (e.g., youth or senior citizens), 2. a different segment of a product line (e.g., products for professional painters or the
do-it-yourself group), or 3. a different geographic market (e.g., northern or southern Italy).98
Firms can serve many types of customer needs when using a focus strategy. For exam ple, founded in 1936 by Don Prudencio Unanue and his wife Carolina, Goya Foods, Inc. is the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the United States. Segmenting the Hispanic market into unique groups, Goya offers more than 2,500 "high-quality and affordable food products from the Caribbean, Mexico, Spain, Central and South America:' 99 The firm is a leading authority on Hispanic food and seeks to be a premier source for those desiring to purchase authentic Latin cuisine. By successfully using a focus strategy, firms such as Goya gain a competitive advantage in specific market niches or segments, even though they do not possess an industry-wide competitive advantage.
Although the breadth of a target is clearly a matter of degree, the essence of the focus strategy "is the exploitation of a narrow target's differences from the balance of
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy 125
The Differentiation Strategy-Can Macy's Again Find Ways to
Achieve Success by Implementing this Strategy?
Rowland Hussey Macy established the firm known today as
Macy's Inc. in 1858 at the corner of 14th Street and 6th Avenue
in New York City (sales on the day the store opened totaled
$11.06). R.H. Macy, the firm's original name, contributed a
number of innovations to retailing. Known for its creative
merchandising approaches, Macy's was the first department
store to offer bath towels in an array of colors and was the
first retailer in New York City to hold a liquor license. Macy's
also "pioneered such revolutionary business practices as the
one-price system, in which the same item was sold to every
customer at one price, and quoting specific prices for goods in
newspaper advertising"
At the time of its founding and on a going-forward basis,
Macy's chose to implement the differentiation strategy as a
means of succeeding with customers and other stakehold
ers. Historically, Macy's differentiated itself from competitors
on several dimensions including offering private label
brands, providing unique service, stocking trendier prod
ucts, using specially trained experts to staff its perfume and
make-up counters, and organizing the layout of its stores to
promote easy access to products for customers during their
shopping experience.
For many decades, Macy's was a successful department
store retailer as it implemented its differentiation strategy.
Times have changed for retailers such as Macy's though. Today,
for example, 70 percent of merchandise found in department
stores like Macy's is available from Amazon and other online
vendors as well. The lack of differentiation between the inven
tory of a storefront retailer such as Macy's and the inventory
of online retailers "is the single biggest challenge department
stores face:' Because of the lack of clear differentiation between
what Macy's and competitors such as retail discounters (e.g.,
T.J. Maxx), nimble and focused firms (e.g., Ulta Beauty), and
online vendors offer, it seems that Macy's is failing to meet
customers' expectations regarding sharp differentiation for
which they are willing to pay. Evidence for the firm's lack of
success in recent times includes multiple consecutive quarters
of sales declines and the decision to sell a number of stores to
generate cash. Facing this type of situation, analysts believe
that "the best opportunity department stores (including
Macy's) have is to create products that set them apart, to give
customers a reason to go:' How is Macy's responding to this
situation7 What is the firm doing to address the challenge of
finding ways to implement its differentiation strategy with
greater degrees of success7 As we discuss next, the firm is
taking several actions, many of which return it to its commit
ment to innovation.
Macy's North Star Strategy is a set of commitments and
actions the firm is taking to improve its execution in terms
of the differentiation strategy. The North Star Strategy has
five components: (1) from familiar to favorite-the interest
here is to anticipate customers' needs and respond to them
NICOPANDA, known for its edgy and playful looks, launched
an exclusive apparel collect1on with Macy's ,n 2018.
quickly and effectively by offering desirable products and
enjoyable shopping experiences; (2) must be Macy's-the firm
is again emphasizing its private brands (such as 1.N.C. apparel,
Hotel Collection and Impulse beauty items) as a way to offer
value-creating products and services that are exclusive
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126 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
to Macy's; (3) every experience matters-the firm believes including part-time workers. Through this plan, all employees
benefit when sales exceed internal benchmarks. For customers,
Macy's established its Star Rewards loyalty program recently. A
three-tier program, the benefits fiowing to customers increase
as they spend more with the firm. Collectively, those leading
Macy's and its stakeholders hope that the innovations the
that its "competitive advantage is the ability to combine the
human touch in our physical stores with cutting-edge tech
nology" (including mobile apps and the "Buy Online Pickup in
Stores" program); (4) funding our future-to have the financial
resources needed to reinvest in innovations that will create
valuable differentiation for customers, Macy's is reinvesting in
innovation, reducing expenses that do not serve the customer
directly, and creating value by selling units in its vast real estate
portfolio; and (S) what's new, what's next-this commitment
and actions resulting from it "explores how we innovate to turn
consumer and technology trends to our advantage and drive
growth'.' As we see, part of Macy's efforts to implement its dif
ferentiation strategy with greater degrees of success is to form
a digital strategy through which it uses technology to interpret
information as a means of creating more value for customers.
Overall, Macy's is trying to set itself apart from compet
itors in ways that create value for customers. In addition to
emphasizing its private label brands, the firm established
mobile checkout capabilities to speed up ser vice to customers.
It also introduced an incentive plan to its 130,000 employees,
firm is establishing and on which it is executing will be the
foundation through which the differentiation strategy leads to
company success.
Sources: 2018, Bluemercury, Macy's Homepage, www.macy's.com, March 9; 2018,
Company history, Macy's Homepage, www.macys.com, March 9; S. Kapner & A.
Prang, 2018, Holiday sales rebound at Macy's and JCPenney, Wall Streer Journal,
www.wsj.com, January 4; A. Levine-Weinberg, 2018, Macy's, Inc. real estate sales
will continue in 2018, The Motley Fool, www.fool.com, January 16;W. Loeb, 2018,
Macy's makes progress under Gennett, but much remains to be done, Forbes,
www.forbes.com, February 28; Z. Meyer & C. Jones, 2018, Macy's buoyed by brisk
sales, popular new loyalty program, USA Today, www.usatoday.com, February 27;
E. Winkler, 2018, Macy's has a spring in its step, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com,
February 27; C. Jones, 2017, Why Wal mart is soaring while Macy's f lounders, USA
Today, www.usatoday.com, February 22; P. Wahba, 2017, How Macy's is turning
beauty store Bluemercury into its secret weapon, Fortune, www.fortune.com,
October 4; P. Wahba, 2017, How Macy's new CEO plans to stop the b leeding,
Forrune, www.fortune.com, March 22; G. Petro, 2016, Macy's, JCPenney, and Sears:
Where's the differentiation? Forbes, www.forbes.com, June 22.
the industrY:'10° Firms using the focus strategy intend to serve a particular customer seg ment of an industry more effectively than can industry-wide competitors. Entrepreneurial firms and certainly entrepreneurial start-ups commonly serve a specific market niche or segment, partly because they do not have the knowledge or resources to serve the broader market.101 Firms implementing a focus strategy generally prefer to operate "below the radar" of larger and more resource rich firms that serve the broader market. The focus strategy leads to success when the firm serves a segment well whose unique needs are so specialized that broad-based competitors choose not to serve that segment or when they create value for a segment that exceeds the value created by industry-wide competitors.
Firms can create value for customers in specific and unique market segments by using the focused cost leadership strategy or the focused differentiation strategy.
Focused Cost Leadership Strategy Based in Sweden, IKEA, a global furniture retailer with 403 store locations in 49 markets and sales revenue of 38.3 billion euros in 2017,102 uses the focused cost leadership strategy. Germany, the United States, France, Britain, and China are the firm's largest markets.103
Using the focused cost leadership strategy, IKEA hosted 936 million store visits and 2.3 billion website visits from customers in 2017. The company's founder, Ingvar Kamprad, died recently at the age of 91.
Demonstrating the low cost part of the firm's strategy is its commitment to strive constantly "to reduce costs without compromising qualitY:'104 When customers see a "new lower price" announcement, IKEA says that it means that the firm has discovered a way to offer good quality, function, and better prices on its products. Highlighting the focus part of IKEA's focused cost leadership strategy is the firm's target market: young buyers desiring style at a low cost.
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
Design is critical to the firm's ability to provide style at a low cost to customers. Regarding design, the firm notes the following: "We feel that good design combines form, function, quality, and sustainability at a low price. We call it 'Democratic Design' because we believe good home furnishing is for everyone:'ws For these customers, the firm offers home furnishings that combine good design, function, and acceptable quality with low prices. According to the firm, it seeks "to offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them:'
IKEA emphasizes several activities to keep its costs low. For example, instead of rely ing primarily on third-party manufacturers, the firm's engineers design low-cost, mod ular furniture that is ready for customers to assemble. To eliminate the need for sales associates or decorators, IKEA positions the products in its stores so that customers can view different living combinations (complete with sofas, chairs, tables, etc.) in a sin gle room-like setting. The room-specific settings help customers imagine how furniture would look in their home. Historically, not offering delivery services was a third practice that supported efforts to keep the firm's costs low. To be more competitive though, IKEA recently offered a delivery option to customers. In the company's words: "Delivery starts at $29! Prices range from $29 to $59. The prices vary based on demand and distance from the closet IKEA retail store to your shipping address:'w6
Although the firm emphasizes low costs, IKEA offers some differentiated features that appeal to or are acceptable to its target customers. Unique furniture designs, in-store playrooms for children, wheelchairs for customer use, and extended hours are examples of the differentiated features IKEA customers like in addition to the low cost of the firm's products.
Focused Differentiation Strategy Other firms implement the focused differentiation strategy. As noted earlier, firms can differentiate their products along many dimensions. For example, some of the new gen - eration of food trucks populating cities such as Los Angeles use the focused differentia tion strategy, serving, for example, organic food that often trained chefs and well-known restaurateurs prepare.
Headquartered in Los Angeles and in light of its mission to "heal our planet, one meal at a time;' Green Truck "serves an all organic menu sourced from local organic farms:'w7 To reach as many customers as possible, Green Truck uses Twitter and Facebook to inform customers of its locations as it moves from point to point in Los Angeles_ws
With a focus strategy, firms must be able to complete various primary value-chain activities and support functions in a competitively superior manner to develop and sus tain a competitive advantage and earn above-average returns. The activities required to use the focused cost leadership strategy are virtually identical to those of the industry wide cost leadership strategy (see Figure 4.2); activities required to use the focused dif ferentiation strategy are largely identical to those of the industry-wide differentiation strategy (see Figure 4.3). Similarly, the manner in which each of the two focus strategies allows a firm to deal successfully with the five competitive forces parallels those of the two broad strategies. The only difference is in the firm's choice of target market-that is, its competitive scope (see Figure 4.1). W ith a focus strategy, the firm chooses to focus on a narrow market segment. Thus, Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3 and the text describing the five competitive forces also explain the relationship between each of the two focus strategies and competitive advantage.
In the Strategic Focus, we use a single product-hamburgers-as offered by different firms to present specific examples of the focused cost leadership and the focused differ entiation strategies. For comparison purposes, we also mention firms using either the cost
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128 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
What Type of Hamburger Would You Like to Buy and Eat Today?
Hamburgers are popular in many parts of the world. Merriam
Webster offers the following definition of a hamburger: "ground
beef; a patty of ground beef; a sandwich consisting of a patty
of hamburger in a split typically round bun'.'This informative
definition seems straightforward. However, as those who
consume this food product know, there are multiple varieties
of hamburgers available for customers to purchase. In this
Strategic Focus, we describe how firms use four of the five
generic business-level strategies to make and sell hamburgers
(we do not use the integrated cost leadership/differentiation
strategy here).
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the number of dimen
sions on which firms can differentiate products is virtually
endless. Essentially, any product attribute that customers value
and for which they are willing to pay is a potential source of
differentiation. Companies using a focused differentiation strat
egy to produce and sell hamburgers seek to present a narrow
or specific group of customers with a product that is distinctive
in ways that are important to them.
Located in Bryan, TX, and with a geographic focus as well
as a product focus, Proudest Monkey uses the focused differ
entiation strategy. This firm's owners say that their restaurant
is "all about good times and good company'.' One differentiator
of this firm is its location, which is a part of a downtown area
that the community seeks to revitalize. Another differentiator is
the fact that a historic building houses the firm. In constructing
their restaurant, the owners were careful to maintain the build
ing's integrity. Known among customers as "The Monkey," the
firm differentiates its hamburgers in addition to offering cus
tomers an opportunity to dine in an establishment housed in
a way that is consistent with a region's history. Quality is a key
differentiator. To offer consistent quality to customers, the firm's
unique menu is "simple" and "fresh" Each morning, employees
make fresh patties, sauces, and toppings. An extended list of
Texas crah beers is available to customers as well as are "unique
to the Monkey" Ice Cream Martinis with names such as Arnold
Palmer, Chocolate Covered Strawberry, and Mint Chocolate
Chip. Prices for the firm's unique burgers (examples are the
Willie Norris and the Yard Bird) range from $6.95 to $8.35. The
restaurant also offers unique french fries that are prepared as
"dirty" (salt, pepper, & sugar) or as "yuppie" (olive oil, salt, pepper,
garlic powder, and parmesan cheese).
Instead of focusing on a narrow group of customers,
Smash burger, founded in Colorado in 2007, uses the
differentiation strategy to target a "broad market" of customers
with what the firm believes are unique food items. With over
350 units located in 32 U.S. states and 5 countries, this firm dif
ferentiates its hamburgers in ways that a large set of customers
finds appealing. Smash burger 's mission is to "put burgers back
into people's lives. We want to change the way people think
about burgers and the way they feel when they have a burger'.'
The firm's hamburgers "are always made-to-order, never frozen,
smashed and seared to perfection on our grill'.'The fresh meat
used to make a Smashburger is literally smashed on a grill
using a specialized tool the firm developed. Using this process,
which the firm contends increases the desirability of its meat
patties, Smashburger makes hamburgers such as the Classic
Smash, the BBQ, Bacon & Cheddar, the Avocado Club, and the
Bacon Cheeseburger. Prices for a Smashburger range from
roughly $6.59 to $7.79. Customers can order Smashfries (with
rosemary and garlic integrated into the cooking of the fries) to
accompany their Smashburger if so inclined.
Founded in 1923 in Flint, Ml, Kewpee Hamburgers is the
second known hamburger chain in the United States. Now
headquartered in Lima, OH where three of the firm's five
remaining units are located (the other two are in Lansing, Ml
and Racine, WI), this firm uses geography and low prices as the
basis of its focused cost leadership strategy. Interestingly, the
first Kewpee storefront built in Lima, OH is a national historic
site. Kewpee serves low-cost food items to a narrow segment
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy 129
of people located in three Midwestern states. Using locally
raised beef, Kewpee makes hamburgers that are basic and
that appeal to a local population wanting a basic hamburger
with minimal differentiators. The firm's slogan-"Hamburger
pickle on top, makes your heart go flippity-flop!" captures the
standardized and non-differentiated aspect of Kewpee ham
burgers. With its basic food products offered in undifferentiated
buildings, the hamburgers' prices are inexpensive compared
In contrast to Kewpee, McDonald's uses the cost leadership
strategy to serve a broad market of customers. As of January
2018, there were more than 36,000 McDonald's restaurants
to the prices of hamburgers offered by Proudest Monkey,
Smashburger, and other hamburger establishments following
the focused differentiation or the differentiation strategy. The
regular Kewpee hamburger is $2.20 while the special ham
burger (including Miracle Whip, lettuce, and tomato) is $2.40. If
not in the mood for a hamburger, Kewpee offers customers a
cheese sandwich for $1.90. A double-large soft drink is $1.00.
As a means of providing some differentiation when imple
menting its focused cost leadership strategy, Kewpee provides
different slices of pie at special prices for each month of the
year. February sees customers having access to Februcherry
while Marchocolate is available in March.
in the world. The company's 1.9 million workers serve over
69 million people daily. Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's,
wanted to build a restaurant system that would result in cus
tomers being able to buy products of consistent quality at all
of the firm's locations. Focusing on "quality, service, cleanliness
and value;' McDonald's offers an array of food products at lower
costs that appeal to a large number of customers throughout
the world. The "dollar menu" is an important part of this firm's
cost leadership strategy, as is the case for other hamburger
chains, such as Burger King, using the same strategy.
Sources: 2018, About us-monkey eat, monkey drink, Proudest Monkey
Homepage, www.proudestmonkey.com, March 9; 2018, Our mission, About
us, McDonald's Homepage, www.mcdonalds.com, March 9; 2018, Definition of
hamburger, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com, March 9; 2018, About
us, Kewpee Homepage, www.kewpeehamburgers.com, March 9; 2018, Our story,
Smashburger Homepage, www.smashburger.com, March 9; M. Rosenberg, 2018,
Number of McDonald's restaurants worldwide, ThoughtCo., www.thoughtco.com,
February 11.
leadership or the differentiation strategy on an industry-wide basis to sell hamburgers. As this Strategic Focus demonstrates, firms can use any of these four generic business-level strategies to achieve success when making and selling hamburgers.
Competitive Risks of Focus Strategies With either focus strategy, the firm faces the same set of general risks the company using the cost leadership or the differentiation strategy on an industry-wide basis faces. However, because of a narrow target market, focus strategies have three additional risks.
First, a competitor may be able to focus on a more narrowly defined competitive seg ment and thereby "out-focus" the focuser. This could be a competitive challenge for IKEA if another firm found a way to offer IKEA's customers (young buyers interested in stylish furniture at a low cost) additional sources of differentiation while charging the same price or to provide the same service with the same sources of differentiation at a lower price. Harley Davidson's recent decision to produce electric motorcycles may challenge Zero Motorcycles, a much smaller company producing only electric motorcycles.109 Potentially enhancing the significance of this competitive challenge for Zero Motorcycles is Harley's decision to invest in Alta Motors, an electric bike start-up. Harley made this investment to "accelerate its electrification effort:' 110
A second risk is that a company competing on an industry-wide basis may decide that the market segment served by the firm using a focus strategy is attractive and wor thy of competitive pursuit.111 For example, a major restaurant in Los Angeles that serves multiple types of offerings to a range of customers might decide that serving organic foods through its own food truck is an attractive market. With capabilities to prepare a larger set of food items compared to the food offerings provided by a firm such as Green Truck (located in Los Angeles and mentioned earlier), the major restaurant might be able to prepare and sell organic foods that exceed the combination of quality and price that Green Truck is able to offer.
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The integrated cost
strategy finds a firm
engaging simultaneously in
primary value-chain activities
and support functions
to achieve a low cost
position with some product
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
The third risk associated with using a focus strategy is that the needs of customers within a narrow competitive segment may become more similar to those of industry -wide customers as a whole over time. When this happens, the firm implementing a focus strategy no longer provides unique value to its target customers. This may be what hap pened to RadioShack in that the unique demand of do-it-yourself electronic dabblers that RadioShack traditionally focused on dissipated over time. Big-box-retailers such as Best Buy started carrying a number of the "specialty" items RadioShack stocked historically. In response, RadioShack executives struggled over many years to find the right focus and made too many strategic changes over time, which ultimately led to the firm's bankruptcy.
4-4d Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy Most consumers have high expectations when purchasing products. In general, it seems that most consumers want to pay a low price for products that possess somewhat highly differentiated features. Because of these expectations, a number of firms engage in pri mary value-chain activities and support functions that allow them to pursue low cost and differentiation simultaneously.
The integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy finds a firm engaging simul taneously in primary value-chain activities and support functions to achieve a low cost position with some product differentiation. When using this strategy, firms seek to pro duce products at a relatively low cost that have some differentiated features that their customers value. Efficient production is the source of maintaining low costs, while dif ferentiation is the source of creating unique value. Firms that use the integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy successfully usually adapt quickly to new technologies and rapid changes in their external environments. Concentrating jointly on developing two sources of competitive advantage (cost and differentiation) increases the number of primary value-chain activities and support functions in which the firm becomes compe tent. In these cases, firms often have strong networks with external parties that perform some of the value-chain activities and/or support functions.112 In turn, having skills in a larger number of activities and functions increases a firm's flexibility and its adaptability.
Concentrating on the needs of its core customer group (e.g., higher-income, fashion conscious discount shoppers), Target implements an integrated cost leadership/ differentiation strategy. The firm informs customers of this strategy through its "Expect More. Pay Less:' brand promise. The firm essentially describes this strategy with the following statement: "Target Corporation is an upscale discount retailer that provides high-quality, on-trend merchandise at attractive prices in clean, spacious and guest friendly stores:'113 In addition to a relatively low price for its somewhat differentiated products, Target creates some differentiation for customers by providing them with a quick check-out experience and a dedicated team providing more personalized service.
Historically, most firms competing in emerging markets chose the cost leadership strategy to guide their actions. Influencing this strategy choice are the relatively low labor costs and other supply costs firms competing in emerging economies experience (com pared to the labor and supply costs for firms competing in developed economies). The choice of strategy for emerging economy firms may soon change however, given their interest in producing capabilities through which they can develop innovations. In the short run, the newly developed innovation capabilities in emerging economy firms will likely lag innovation capabilities in developed economy firms. Combining newly devel oped innovation capabilities with the ability to deliver products at a lower cost may soon find a number of emerging economy firms implementing the integrated cost leadership/ differentiation strategy.114
Flexibility is required for firms to complete primary value-chain activities and support functions in ways that allow them to use the integrated cost leadership/ differentiation
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
strategy successfully. A number of Chinese firms, including some in the automobile man ufacturing sector, have developed a flexible architecture system through which they pro duce differentiated car designs at relatively low costs. 115 For firms seeking to balance cost reductions with sources of differentiation, flexible manufacturing systems, information networks, and total quality management systems are three sources of flexibility that help them implement the integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy successfully.
Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using a flexible manufacturing system (FMS), firms integrate human, physical, and information resources to create somewhat differentiated products and to sell them to consumers at a relatively low price. A significant technological advance, an FMS is a computer-controlled process that firms use to produce a variety of products in moderate, flexible quantities with a minimum of manual intervention.116 ''A flexible manufacturing system gives manufacturing firms an advantage to quickly change a manufacturing envi ronment to improve process efficiency and thus lower production cost:' 117
Automobile manufacturing processes that take place in the Ford-Changan joint ven ture located in Chongqing, China show the clear benefits of flexible production. This joint venture, with each firm owning 50 percent of it, manufactures Ford brand passenger cars for the Chinese market.118 Comments from Yuan Fleng Xin, the manufacturing engineering manager for the Ford-Changan partnership, highlight the benefits of using an FMS: "We can introduce new models within hours, simply by configuring the line for production of the next model, while still being able to produce the existing models during the introduc tion of new models . . . This allows the phasing-in of new models, and the phasing-out of old models, directly driven by market demand and not by production capacity, lead time nor a need to wait for infrastructure build-up:' 119 An FMS may also affect the success of another joint venture Ford sought to form with China's Anhui Zotye Automobile Co. If approved through required regulatory processes, the two firms intend to produce electric vehicles in China in the form of a brand that would be unique to the Chinese market.120
The goal of an FMS is to eliminate the "low cost versus product variety" trade-off that is inherent in traditional manufacturing technologies. Firms use an FMS to change quickly and easily from making one product to making another. Used properly, an FMS allows the firm to increase its effectiveness in responding to changes in its customers' needs, while retaining low-cost advantages and consistent product quality. Because an FMS also enables the firm to reduce the lot size needed to manufacture a product efficiently, the firm has a greater capacity to serve the unique needs of a narrow competitive scope. In industries of all types, effective combinations of the firm's tangible assets ( e.g., machines) and intangible assets ( e.g., employees' skills) facilitate implementation of complex competitive strate gies, especially the integrated cost leadership/ differentiation strategy.
Information Networks By linking companies with their suppliers, distributors, and customers, information net works provide another source of flexibility. These networks, when used effectively, help the firm satisfy customer expectations in terms of product quality and delivery speed. 121
This photo illustrates the flexibility of computer aided manufac
turing lines as two different vehicle bodies ore pieced together
on the some line.
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Total quality management
(TQM) involves the
implementation of
appropriate tools/techniques
to provide products and
services to customers with
best quality.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Earlier, we discussed the importance of managing the firm's relationships with its customers to understand their needs. Customer relationship management ( CRM) is one form of an information-based network process firms use for this purpose.122 An effective CRM system provides a 360-degree view of the company's relationship with customers, encompassing all contact points, business processes, and communication media and sales channels.
With more than 150,000 customers, Salesforce.com is the world's largest provider of customer-relationship management services.123 The firm is moving to the cloud,124
allowing large database storage and access from multiple devices including smartphones. Noting that cloud computing has been around for over two decades, Salesforce.com indi cated recently that over 69 percent of businesses already use cloud technology in one capacity or another. Highlighting the advantages of cloud computing when it comes to managing relationships with customers, Salesforce.com believes that there are at least 12 benefits that accrue to firms when they use this technology. Cost savings, security, flexibility, mobility, and insights are examples of these benefits.125 Firms use information about their customers to which they gain access to determine the trade-offs they are willing to make between differentiated features and low cost-an assessment that is vital for companies using the integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy. Firms also use information networks to manage their supply chains.126 Through these networks, firms use their supply chain to manage the flow of somewhat differentiated inputs as they pro ceed through the manufacturing process in a way that lowers costs.
Total Quality Management Systems Total quality management (TQM) "involves the implementation of appropriate tools/ techniques to provide products and services to customers with best qualitY:' 127 Firms develop and use TQM systems to
1. increase customer satisfaction, 2. cut costs, and 3. reduce the amount of time required to introduce innovative products to the
Firms able to reduce costs while enhancing their ability to develop innovative products increase their flexibility, an outcome that is particularly helpful to companies implementing the integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy. Exceeding custom ers' expectations regarding quality is a differentiating feature and eliminating process inefficiencies to cut costs allows the firm to offer that quality to customers at a relatively low price. Thus, an effective TQM system helps the firm develop the flexibility needed to identify opportunities to increase its product's differentiated features and to reduce costs simultaneously.
Today, many firms have robust knowledge about how to establish and use a TQM system effectively. Because of this, it is typical for a firm's TQM system to yield compet itive parity (see Chapter 3) rather than competitive advantage.129 Nonetheless, because an effective TQM system helps firms increase product quality and reduce its costs, it is particularly valuable for companies implementing the integrated cost leadership/ differentiation strategy.
Competitive Risks of the Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy The potential to earn above-average returns by using the integrated cost leadership/ differentiation strategy successfully appeals to some leaders and their firms. However, it is a risky strategy in that firms find it difficult to perform primary value-chain
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
activities and support functions in ways that allow them to produce relatively inex pensive products with levels of differentiation that create value for the target cus tomer. Moreover, to use this strategy effectively across time, it is necessary for firms to reduce costs incurred to produce products (as required by the cost leadership strategy) and to increase product differentiation (as required by the differentiation strategy) simultaneously.
Firms failing to perform the value-chain activities and support functions in an opti mum manner when implementing the integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy become "stuck in the middle:'130 Stuck in the middle means that the cost structure of a firm prevents it from offering its products to customers at a low enough price and that its products lack sufficient differentiation to create value for those customers.
This appears to be what happened to JCPenney in recent years. A key decision made during Ron Johnson's tenure as the firm's CEO (from November of 2011 until April of 2013) was to replace the firm's historic pricing strategy with a new one. Instead of offering sales to customers, often through coupons, Johnson decided that the firm should engage in an "everyday low prices" pricing strategy that he used with Apple Stores when he was an executive with that firm. In addition to eliminating coupon-based sales, Johnson changed the firm's floor merchandise and added boutiques/streets within the stores.131
Because of these actions, JCPenney become "stuck in the middle" in that its prices were no longer low enough to attract the firm's historic customers and its merchandise failed to create sufficient differentiation to attract new customers. Firms that are "stuck in the middle" fail to earn above-average returns and earn average returns only when the struc ture of the industry in which they compete is highly favorable.132
Failing to implement either the cost leadership or the differentiation strategy in ways that create value for customers also finds frrms stuck in the middle. In other words, industry wide competitors too can become stuck in the middle.
In spite of the risks, the integrated strategy is becoming more common and perhaps necessary in many industries because of technological advances and global competition. This strategy often necessitates a long-term perspective to make it work effectively, and therefore requires dedicated owners that support implementation of a long-term strategy that may require several years to generate positive returns.133
A business model, which describes what a firm does to cre-
ate, deliver, and capture value for stakeholders, is part of a
firm's business-level strategy. In essence, a business model
A business-level strategy is an integrated and coordinated set
of commitments and actions the firm uses to gain a compet
itive advantage by exploiting core competencies in specific
product markets. We examine five business-level strategies
(cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership,
focused differentiation, and integrated cost leadership/
differentiation) in the chapter.
Customers are the foundation of successful business-level
strategies. When considering customers, a firm simultaneously
examines three issues: who, what, and how. These issues,
respectively, refer to the customer groups the firm intends
to serve, the needs those customers have that the firm seeks
is a framework for how the firm will use processes to create,
deliver, and capture value, while a business-level strategy is the
path the firm will follow to gain a competitive advantage by
exploiting its core competencies in a specific product market.
There are many types of business models including the fran
chise, freemium, subscription, and peer-to-peer models. Firms
may pair each type of business model with any one of the five
generic business-level strategies as the firm seeks to compete
successfully against rivals.
to satisfy, and the core competencies the firm will use to sat
isfy customers' needs. Increasing segmentation of markets
throughout the global economy creates opportunities for firms
to identify more distinctive customer needs that they can serve
by implementing their chosen business-level strategy.
Firms seeking competitive advantage through the cost lead
ership strategy produce no-frills, standardized products for an
industry's typical customer. Firms must offer these low-cost
products to customers with competitive levels of differenti
ation. Firms using this strategy earn above-average returns
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when they learn how to emphasize efficiency such that their
costs are lower than the costs of their competitors, while pro
viding products to customers that have levels of differentiated
features that are acceptable to them.
Competitive risks associated with the cost leadership strategy
include (1) a loss of competitive advantage to newer technolo
gies, (2) a failure to detect changes in customers' needs, and
(3) the ability of competitors to imitate the cost leader's com
petitive advantage through their own distinct strategic actions.
Through the differentiation strategy, firms provide customers with
products that have different (and valued) features. Customers pay
a price for differentiated products that they believe is competitive
relative to the product's features as compared to the cost/feature
combinations available from competitors' products. Because of
their distinctiveness, differentiated products carry a premium
price. Firms differentiate products on any dimension that some
customer group values. Firms using this strategy seek to differenti
ate their products from competitors' products on as many dimen
sions as possible. The less similarity to competitors' offerings, the
more buffered a firm is from competition with its rivals.
Risks associated with the differentiation strategy include
(1) a customer group's decision that the unique features pro
vided by the differentiated product over the cost leader's prod
uct are no longer worth a premium price, (2) the inability of
a differentiated product to create the type of value for which
customers are willing to pay a premium price, (3) the ability
of competitors to provide customers with products that have
features similar to those of the differentiated product, but at a
lower cost, (4) the threat of counterfeiting, whereby firms
produce a cheap imitation of a differentiated product, and
(5) failing to implement the differentiation strategy in ways
that create value for which customers are willing to pay.
business-level strategy 1 06
business model 113
cost leadership strategy 116
differentiation strategy 120
1. What is a business-level strategy?
2. What is the relationship between a firm's customers and its
business-level strategy in terms of who, what, and how? Why is
this relationship important?
3. What is a business model and how do business models differ
from business-level strategies?
4. What are the differences among the cost leadership, differ
entiation, focused cost leadership, focused differentiation,
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Through the cost leadership and the differentiated focus strat
egies, firms serve the needs of a narrow market segment (e.g.,
a buyer group, product segment, or geographic area). This
strategy is successful when firms have the core competencies
required to provide value to a specialized market segment
that exceeds the value available from firms serving customers
across the total market (industry).
The competitive risks of focus strategies include (1) a compet
itor's ability to use its core competencies to "out focus" the
focuser by serving an even more narrowly defined market
segment, (2) decisions by industry-wide competitors to focus
on a customer group's specialized needs, and (3) a reduction in
differences of the needs between customers in a narrow mar
ket segment and the industry-wide market.
Firms using the integrated cost leadership/differentiation
strategy strive to provide customers with relatively low-
cost products that also have valued differentiated features.
Flexibility is required for firms to learn how to use primary
value-chain activities and support functions in ways that
allow them to produce differentiated products at relatively
low costs. Flexible manufacturing systems, improvements to
them, and interconnectedness in information systems within
and between firms (buyers and suppliers) facilitate the flexi
bility that supports use of the integrated strategy. Continuous
improvements to a firm's work processes as brought about by
a total quality management (TQM) system also facilitate use
of the integrated strategy. The primary risk of this strategy is
that a firm might produce products that do not offer sufficient
value in terms of either low cost or differentiation. In such
cases, the company becomes "stuck in the middle:' Firms stuck
in the middle compete at a disadvantage and are unable to
earn more than average returns.
focus strategy 124
integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy 130
market segmentation 110
total quality management (TQM) 132
and integrated cost leadership/differentiation business-level
5. How can firms use each of the business-level strategies to
position themselves favorably relative to the five forces of
6. What are the specific risks associated with using each business
level strategy?
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy 135
Hain Celestial Group: A Firm Focused on "Organic" Differentiation
Business-level strategy, this chapter's focus, details actions a firm takes to compete successfully in a partic ular industry or industry segment by using its resources, capabilities, and core competencies to create a competitive advantage. Hain Celestial Group uses a differentiation strategy to compete against its rivals. As explained in this chapter, the differentiation strategy is one through which the firm seeks to differentiate itself from competitors in ways that create value for which target customers are willing to pay. By developing and using capabilities and competencies to produce and distribute unique types of natural and organic foods, Hain differentiates itself from competitors. Hain's strategy takes advantage of a newly evolving preference among some consumers in terms of the types of food products they buy. This consumer preference change, which in essence is a preference for food that is healthier and in some cases more responsive to environmental challenges, affects a number of firms including those growing food products, grocery stores that sell those products, and restaurants in which people consume the products.
Irwin Simon is Hain Celestial's founder and CEO. At the time of founding, Simon said that he "knew that the choice to eat more wholesome foods and live a healthier lifestyle wasn't a fad or a trend. It's a transformation peo ple want to make for the long term:' The company grew through a series of acquisitions of small organic and natural foods' producers. These acquisitions, as Simon puts it, are "not GE or Heinz or Campbell's ... . Growth is coming from companies like Ell's and BluePrint entrepreneurial start-ups:' The largest acquisition to date was Celestial Seasonings, a supplier of teas and juices. The firm's successful acquisition strategy has focused on "buying brands started by someone else" and then "figuring out how to grow them from there:'
Through these acquisitions and the products asso ciated with them and because of effective marketing programs, Hain is the largest supplier to natural food retailer W hole Foods Markets (now owned by Amazon). BluePrint, the company mentioned above, focuses on natural juices marketed to consumers to 'cleanse' their bodies. Brands such as Terra vegetable chips, Dream non-dairy milk, and Celestial Seasonings tea are
household names for the health-oriented shopper. Sales of Hain's portfolio of products result in Hain Celestial being the world's largest natural foods company.
The demand for natural food in general and for Hain's products in particular finds Hain selling its branded products to traditional grocery store chains; these sales account for about 60 percent of the firm's U.S. sales. In 2014, sales outside the United States accounted for the remaining 40 percent of Hain's revenue.
Meanwhile, large branded food firms without as intense of a focus on natural food products are experi encing revenue and earnings' challenges. Kraft Foods, Campbell Soup Company, and J.M. Smucker Company are examples of these firms. For these and similar firms, earnings have stalled in part because their brands do not focus on the natural and organic items that appeal to some of today customers, at least not to the degree that is the case for Hain Celestial. Partially because of this, Hain's earnings and stock price have climbed much higher on a relative basis.
To deal with the slump in revenue and earnings, large branded firm companies are implementing dif ferent strategies. Smucker's, for example, acquired Big Heart Pet Foods (maker of Milk-Bone dog treats and Meow Mix cat food) as a means of entering the pet food market quickly. Others, such as Nestle (maker of Crunch and Butterfinger candy bars and other chocolates), are removing artificial ingredients such as colors and dyes from candy and chocolate. Hershey Company and Mars, Inc., which collectively account for approximately 65 percent of the global market share in packaged candy, are reducing the amount of high fructose corn syrup in their food items. Mondelez is seeking to reduce saturated fats and sodium in its snacks by 10 percent. However, these changes do not allow these firms to overcome the problem of rapidly changing consumer tastes toward organic and natural foods.
Grocery stores, such as Kroger, Safeway, and Walmart, are also seeking to enter the natural or organic segment. Given its commitment to using the cost leadership strategy, Walmart's decision to introduce low-priced organic foods is not surprising. Walmart is joining W ild Oats Marketplace (an independent producer in the
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natural food segment) "to place about 100 organic prod ucts into its store" and the "Wild Oats line will be priced 25 percent lower than competing national organic brands:' Competition from a firm with success using the cost lead ership strategy (such as Walmart) will challenge Hain Celestial to emphasize the value of differentiated products to customers wanting to purchase natural or organic.
The trend toward organic foods is occurring in restau rants as well. Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc., for example, commits to providing customers with "Food with Integrity:' For Chipotle, this means serving foods made with local, sustainably produced organic products and using meats from naturally raised-not factory farm-animals.
To address what had become somewhat unimpres sive sales growth beginning in 2016, Hain Celestial contemplated the possibility of selling its organic meat businesses in mid-2018. Instead of meats, executives
Case Discussion Questions
1. We note in the Mini-Case that Hain Celestial is implementing
the differentiation strategy. Provide examples of the competi
tive dimensions on which this firm focuses while implementing
its differentiation strategy.
2 On what environmental trends did Hain Celestial base its
business-level strategy? What environmental trends could
have a negative effect on this firm's strategy in the future?
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
evaluated the possibility of expanding the firm's efforts to provide protein options to customers through some of its other products such as an array of organic nuts.
Sources: 2018, Founder's message, Hain Celestial Homepage, www.hain .com, February 28; 2018, Hain Celestial reports second quarter fiscal year 2018 financial results, Hain Celestial Homepage, www.hain.com, February 7; A. Gasparro & A. Hufford, 2018, Hain looks to sell meat business as U.S. sales fall, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, February 7; J. Bacon, 2015, Brands capitalize on health-driven resolutions, Marketing Week, www.marketingweek.com, January 29; A. Chen & A. Gasparro, 2015, Smucker's latest food firm hurt by changing tastes, Wall Street Journal, February 14-15, B4; A. Gasparro, 2015, Indigestion hits food giants, Wall Street Journal, February 13, Bl; A. Gasparro, 2015, Nestle bars artificial color, flavors, Wall Street Journal, February 18, B6; M. Esterl, 2015, PepsiCo earnings, revenue drop on foreign-exchange impact, Wall Street Journal,www.wsj.com, February 12; L. Light, 2015, How to revive McDonald's, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, February 11; M. Alva, 2014, Organic growth comes naturally to Hain Celestial Group, Investor's Business Daily, July 24, AS; A. Kingston, 2014, Juice junkies, Maclean's, June 30, 64-66; SCTWeek, 2014, Walmart to sell low-price organic food, 2014, SCTWeek, April II, 4.
3. In years to come, should Hain try to grow primarily organi
cally, through collaborative strategies such as joint ventures
and strategic alliances, or through mergers and acquisitions?
Explain your answer. (Glance ahead to Chapter 7 to learn about
mergers and acquisitions and to Chapter 9 to learn about joint
ventures and strategic alliances.)
4. What are the most serious competitive challenges you antic
ipate Hain Celestial will face over the next ten years? How
should the firm respond to these challenges?
1. J. Irwin, 8. Lahneman, & A. Parmigiani, 2018, Nested identities as cognitive drivers of strategy, Strategic Management Journal, 39: 269-294; L. Mirabeau, S. Maguire, & C. Hardy, 2018, Bridging practice and process research to study transient manifestations of strategy, Strategic Management Journal, 39: 582-605.
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Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy 137
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Studying this chapter should provide
you with the strategic management knowledge needed to:
L5 1 Define competitors, competitive rivalry, competitive behavior, and competitive dynamics.
5-2 Describe market commonality and resource similarity as the building blocks of a competitor analysis.
5-3 Explain awareness, motivation, and ability as drivers of competitive behavior.
5-4 Describe how strategic actions and tactical actions drive competitive rivalry between firms.
5-5 Discuss factors affecting the likelihood a firm will take actions to attack its competitors.
5-6 Explain factors affecting the likelihood a firm will respond to actions its competitors take.
5-7 Explain competitive dynamics in slow-cycle, fast-cycle, and standard- cycle markets.
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Saying that his firm is "incredibly focused on the customer of the future;' Kroger Co:s CEO noted recently that investments in on line ordering and the ability to stock new products in its stores were vital to the firm's desire to increase its profitability in 2020 and the years beyond. Kroger is ex periencing intense competition from an array of competitors including storefront operators such as Aldi (you will learn more about Aldi in this chapter's Mini-Case), Wal mart, and Safeway. Kroger now faces additional competition from on line competitor Amazon through this firm's purchase of Whole Foods and from Wal mart because of its efforts to enhance its on line grocery-selling capability. Amazon paid approximately $13.7 billion to buy Whole Foods in 2017. (In the Opening Case for Chapter 6, we offer this acquisition as an example of Amazon's corporate-level strategy of related diversification.) Simultaneously, Walmart was allocating additional resources to enhance its on line capabilities. The additional competition from Amazon, Walmart, and others influences and stimulates Kroger's intention to enhance its online capabilities as part of a robust effort to focus with greater clarity and effectiveness on custom ers and their needs.
Amazon's purchase of Whole Foods is a f strategic action. Defined } and discussed later in this � chapter, strategic actions find firms allocating resources to execute significant market-based actions with the potential
With rising competition from Amazon and Walmart, Kroger's online
capabilities are vital to increasing its profitability in the future .
to affect competition among rivals within an industry. Speaking about the acquisition of Whole Foods, some analysts suggested that "the impact of this in the grocery industry is going to be huge:'Typically, strategic actions, such as Amazon's purchase of Whole Foods, elicit strategic responses. Explored in this chapter, strategic responses, which also are resource-intense, are actions competitors take to respond in the marketplace to a rival's strategic action(s). Given Amazon's strategic action, what is an appropriate strategic response for Kroger to take?
Kroger is the largest supermarket chain in the United States, with roughly 2,800 stores in 35 U.S. states in 2018. The firm has a well-known brand name, a historic ability to satisfy stakeholders through its performance, and a vision of"imagining a world with Zero hunger and Zero waste as we transform communities and improve health for millions of Americans:' Because of this, Kroger appears to have the potential required to achieve its objective of serving the customer of tomorrow effectively and efficiently and to respond successfully to Amazon's strategic action in the process of doing so.
In contemplating the strategic and tactical responses (tactical actions and responses are described in this chapter) it will take regarding Amazon's purchase of Whole Foods, Kroger and other traditional grocery storefront operators such as Safeway must recognize the significance of the challenge they face. Some believe, for example, that "the shift to e-commerce is not like the other marketplace ebbs and flows Kroger has weathered over the years. It is a dramatically different business model, with a new set of competitors, logistical hurdles and profitability impediments:' Recognizing this reality, Kroger's CEO observed that "investments in online ordering were critical to Kroger's future and would take two or three
Competitors are firms
operating in the same market, offering similar products, and
targeting similar customers.
Competitive rivalry is the
ongoing set of competitive
actions and competitive
responses that occur among
firms as they maneuver for
an advantageous market
years to build:' Examples of the strategic response Kroger is taking relative to Amazon's
strategic action-and those of other competitors as well-include the following: (1) building
fewer physical storefronts as a means of generating financial capital to develop e-commerce
options; (2) increasing the number of its storefront locations where customers can collect
groceries they ordered on line; (3) working with suppliers to reduce its freight costs, with
generated savings going to e-commerce investments; (4) re-engineering its supply chain
to become "more omnichannel, allowing (its) customers to order via desktop or mobile, in
store, or by phone"; (5) investing in technology and infrastructure to support its emerging
e-commerce operations and (6) evaluating acquisitions and partnerships as a way of expand
ing its reach with U.S. customers and potentially to establish international operations as well.
The reality of competitive rivalry and competitive dynamics, though, is that competitors
engage continuously in a series of actions and responses. Thus, while Kroger is responding
to actions launched by rivals such as Amazon and Walmart, those firms will in turn respond
to Kroger's responses. For example, almost immediately after acquiring Whole Foods, Amazon assessed ways to offer Whole Foods' products to its Prime customers. This is one
example of Amazon's apparent intention of using Whole Foods' physical locations to expand
its grocery delivery services. Over time, we can expect to see continuing efforts (in the form of strategic and tactical actions and strategic and tactical responses) between Amazon and
Kroger (and between these firms and other grocery industry competitors) for the express
purpose of establishing a favorable position in the marketplace.
Sources: H. Haddon, 2018, Kroger shares drop as battle with Amazon cuts into profits, Wal/ Street Journal, www.wsj.com, March 8; H. Haddon, 2018, Kroger earnings: What to watch for, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, March 2; E. Harper, 2018, What to expect from Amazon in 2018, Techspot, www.techspot.com, January 11; G. Bruno, 2017, Why Amazon really bought Whole Foods, The Street, www.thestreet.com, October 11; T. Kim, 2017, Amazon's booming online sales and Whole Foods acquisition make it a buy: Analysts, CNBC, www.cnbc.com, October 24; S. Halzack, 2017, Kroger must admit its Amazon problem, Bloomberg, www.blomberg.com, October 11; G. Petro, 2017, Amazon's acquisition of Whole Foods is about two things: Data and product, Forbes, www.forbes.com, August 2; N. Walters, 2017, 3 things Kroger must do to compete with Amazon's Whole Foods, The Motley Fool, www.thefool.com, November 8, 2017, What industry analysts and insiders are saying about Amazon buying Whole Foods, Reuters, www.reuters.com, June 16.
F irms operating in the same market, offering similar products, and targeting similar customers are competitors.' Thus, in the grocery business, Amazon ( through Whole
Foods) and Kroger engage in competitive behavior (defined fully below, competitive behavior is essentially the set of actions and responses a firm takes as it competes against its rivals). Of course, Whole Foods and Kroger also compete against many other rivals including Safeway, Costco, Walmart, and Aldi.
Firms interact with competitors as part of the broad context within which they oper ate while attempting to earn above-average returns.2 Another way to consider this is to note that firms do not compete in a vacuum; rather, each firm's actions are part of a mosaic of competitive actions and responses taking place among a host of companies seeking the same objective-establishing a desirable position in the market as a means of having superior performance relative to competitors. Evidence shows that the deci sions firms make about their interactions with competitors affect their ability to earn above-average returns.3 Because of this, firms seek to reach optimal decisions when considering how to compete against their rivals.4
Competitive rivalry is the ongoing set of competitive actions and competitive responses that occur among firms as they maneuver for an advantageous market posi tion.5 Especially in highly competitive industries, firms jockey constantly for advantage as they launch strategic actions and respond or react to rivals' moves.6 It is important for those leading organizations to understand competitive rivalry because the real ity is that some firms learn how to outperform their competitors, meaning that com petitive rivalry influences an individual firm's ability to gain and sustain competitive
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
advantages.7 Rivalry results from firms initiating their own competitive actions and then responding to actions taken by competitors.8
In the Strategic Focus, we discuss competitive rivalry that is emerging among firms seeking the most advantageous market position in the energy-storage battery market. As you will see, rivalry is becoming more intense in this market as firms seek to serve customers' needs to store energy they can use later. In the Strategic Focus, we examine competitive rivalry among firms competing to establish the most attractive position in the market to provide large-scale storage capabilities to customers.
Competitive behavior is the set of competitive actions and responses a firm takes to build or defend its competitive advantages and to improve its market position.9
As explained in the Opening Case, it appears that a desire to expand the channels through which it can deliver groceries is one reason Amazon acquired Whole Foods. In this sense, Amazon's interest in Whole Foods as a distribution channel may exceed its interest in Whole Foods' physical storefronts.10 Also helping Amazon to improve its market position and ability to earn above-average returns by selling groceries is the expectation that in the longer term, Amazon may leverage the "Whole Foods Market brand and supply chain to source high-quality food and build demand for it, but ulti mately leverage Amazon's expertise to drive efficiency in the logistics efforts, fulfilling orders outside of the Whole Foods Market store footprint."" In response to Amazon's competitive behavior, Kroger and other competitors are taking actions to defend their current market positions (e.g., Kroger's storefront operations) while trying to enhance their competitive ability in related market positions (e.g., Kroger's actions to improve its e-commerce operations).
Increasingly, competitors engage in competitive actions and responses in more than one market.12 United and Delta, Google and Apple, and oil field services compa nies Halliburton and Schlumberger are examples of firms for whom this is the case. Firms competing against each other in several product or geographic markets engage in multimarket competition.13 Competitive dynamics is the total set of competi tive actions and responses taken by all firms competing within a market.14 We show the relationships among all of these key concepts in Figure 5.1.
In this chapter, we focus on competitive rivalry and competitive dynamics. A firm's strategies are dynamic in nature in that actions taken by one firm elicit responses from competitors that typically result in responses from the firm that took the initial action.'s Dynamism describes the competition occurring among four technology giants to have the leadership position in voice recognition. In the early stages of competition today, Amazon's Alexa is the market leader. However, the competition for the leadership position in voice recognition is intense as Amazon battles with Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana, and Google's Assistant.16
Gaining the leadership position in the voice recognition market is critical in that voice recognition has the potential to be a disruptive technology. Makers of household items such as Unilever, Procter & Gamble, and Nestle SA recognize this reality and are engaging in competitive actions as a result. Unilever, for example, which owns Hellmann's mayonnaise and Domestos toilet cleaner among many prod ucts, "has developed Alexa apps that give free recipes and cleaning tips that may or may not incorporate Unilever brands." In spite of this, Unilever sees this app as a new and hopefully effective way to make consumers aware of their products as a foundation for purchasing them in the future if not today.17 In 2018, analysts felt that "the winning virtual assistant (would) be the one that first achieves ubiquity. It's about doing everything, and being everywhere. Once people pick an assistant and start using it in their lives, they're not likely to switch. The stakes are high, and immediate:' 18
Competitive behavior
is the set of competitive
actions and responses a firm
takes to build or defend its
competitive advantages
and to improve its market
Multimarket competition
occurs when firms compete
against each other in several
product or geographic
Competitive dynamics is
the total set of competitive
actions and responses taken
by all firms competing within
a market.
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146 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
The Emergence of Competitive Rivalry among Battery Manufacturers:
Who Will Establish the Most Attractive Market Position?
Although small in size today, the growth potential of the
battery-storage market is substantial. "Utilities looking for less
expensive alternatives to power plants that fire up during peak
hours to meet power demands" are a key customer for the
manufacturers of large-scale battery-storage products. Utility
companies encounter the challenge of having sufficient capac
ity to meet peak demand for energy consumption. Commonly,
mornings and evenings are the times when customers use the
greatest amounts of the product utilities provide. At non-peak
times though, utilities have idle capacity. Examining today's
competitive scene finds IHS Markit predicting that the global
market for batteries in the power sector will expand annually
by 14 percent through at least 202S. Thus, energy storage on a
large-scale basis is an attractive market.
Increasing levels of power generation from renewable
energy sources such as wind and power and the need
to store that energy influence the growth in large-scale
battery-storage units. The challenge with wind and solar as
energy sources is that they are intermittent energy sources.
In this sense, power companies do not know exactly when
the wind will blow (and for how long and at what velocity)
and exactly when the sun will shine (and for how long and
with what degree of intensity). Large-scale storage batteries
address this issue by allowing the capture of wind- and
solar-generated power when created and then storing it
until needed to meet consumer demand. In the words of
an industry expert: "With large grid systems, batteries can
be attached directly to generation sources such as wind
turbines and solar panels to store and release excess elec
tricity that the grid can't absorb in that moment, or even
be used in hybridizing conventional power generation (gas
engines or turbines) in order to enhance the flexibility of
and speed of response to grid intermittencY:'The decreas
ing cost of lithium-ion batteries is increasing the attractive
ness of large-scale, battery-storage systems. (Small versions
of lithium-ion batteries power our cell phones and a host of
other products.)
Tesla, Siemens AG, and General Electric (GE) are primary
competitors in the large-scale, battery-storage system
market. The commercial attractiveness of this market elicits
competition among these competitors as they jockey to
establish the most attractive market position. In mid-2017, for
example, Tesla announced that in partnership with Neoen, a
French renewable energy provider, it would build, deliver, and
install the world's largest lithium battery to a location north
of Jamestown, South Australia in 100 days. Tesla fulfilled this
promise and delivered a battery-storage product that runs
constantly and provides stability services for renewable energy
sources and is available for emergency backup power in case
of an energy shortfall. Early operational results from using this
product were positive.
Recognizing the importance of battery-storage size in
what is an attractive market and to compete against Tesla,
Siemens and AES combined their efforts to form an energy
storage start-up called Fluence Energy. This partnership com
menced operations on January 1, 2018; the firm immediately
became the "supplier of AES' Alamitos power center energy
storage project in Long Beach, California serving Southern
California Edison and the Western Los Angeles area:· Fluence's
battery-storage project was to be the largest in the world,
exceeding the size ofTesla's project in Southern Australia.
Trying to catch up to rivals Tesla and Siemens, GE
announced in early 2018 that it would establish a giant
energy-storage platform called GE Reservoir. This platform "is
expected to store electricity generated by wind turbines and
solar panels for later use:·
How do GE's, Tesla's, and Siemens' products differ? What
position will each firm's product allow it to establish in the
large-scale battery-storage market7 With respect to GE, some
analysts observe that "one of GE's biggest challenges will
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
be differentiating its battery products from those offered by
competitors such as Fluence:' Early responses to this challenge
suggest that GE's Reservoir platform lasts approximately
15 percent longer than competitors' products; faster installa
tion of the platform is a second differentiator. Thus, product
longevity and installation ease may be the foundation for GE's
effort to "stake out" a viable market position. For Tesla, being a
first mover ( this concept is discussed later in the chapter) and
being very willing to collaborate with governmental agencies
to install products may be sources of differentiation (Tesla and
Neoen partnered with the South Australian government to
establish their battery-storage system). Siemens uses a "holistic
approach" to serve battery-storage customers. In this sense, the
firm notes that it offers "customers in the battery industry
solutions comprising software, automation and drives spanning
the entire value chain:'Thus, integrated technology solutions
may be a marketplace differentiator for Siemens and for
Fluence, the start-up formed by Siemens and AES.
Going forward, these three major competitors will encoun
ter competition from additional entrants to a very attractive
Figure 5.1 From Competition to Competitive Dynamics
Compet Competitive
itors Engage in
• Competitive Dynamics
market. Overall, "competition in the energy storage market will
only improve the industry, forcing companies like Tesla and the
newly-established Fluence (and GE) to continue being innova
tive:'Thus, energy customers throughout the world will benefit
from the competitive rivalry occurring among firms seeking to
establish the most attractive market position.
Sources: 2018, Siemens backs efficient digitalized large-scale production of
batteries, Siemens Homepage, www.siemens.co, February 22; E. Ailworth, 2018,
GE Power, in need of a lift, chases Tesla and Siemens in batteries, Waif Street Journal,
www.wsj.com, March 7; J. Cropley, 2018, GE rolls out battery-based energy storage
product, Daily Gazette, www.dailygazette.com, March 7;T. Kellner, 2018, Making
waves: GE unveils plans to build an offshore wind turbine the size of a skyscraper,
the world's most powerful, Renewables, www.ge.com, Mary 1; F. Lambert, 2018,
AES and Siemens launch new energy storage startup to compete with Tesla
Energy, will supply new world's biggest battery project, Efectrek, www.electrek.
com, January 11; C. Mimms, 2018, The battery boost we've been waiting for is only
a few years out, Waif Street Journal, www.wsj.com, March 18; S. Patterson & R. Gold,
2018, There's a global race to control batteries-and China is winning, Waif Street
Journal, www.wsj.com, February 11; 8. Spaen, 2018, New 'Fluence Energy' builds
world's biggest storage system in Californ ia, GreenMarrers, www.greenmatters.com,
January 12; 8. Fung, 2017, Tesla's enormous battery in Australia, just weeks old, is
already responding to outages in 'record' time, Washington Post, www.washingtonpost
.com, December 26; I. Slav, 2017, Tesla is facing stiff competition in the energy
storage war, Oil Price.com, www.oilprice.com, July 17.
Why? • To gain an advantageous market position
How? _
• Through Competitive Behavior • Competitive actions • Competitive responses
What results? I +
• Competitive actions and responses taken by all firms competing in a market
Source: Adapted from M. J. Chen, 1996, Competitor analysis and interfirm rivalry: Toward a theoretical integration, Academy of Management Review, 21: 100-134.
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148 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Competitive rivalries such as those among Amazon, Google, Apple, and Microsoft in the voice recognition market affect a firm's strategies. This is because a strategy's success is a function of the firm's initial competitive actions, how well it anticipates competitors' responses to them, and how well the firm anticipates and responds to its competitors' initial actions. ("Attacks" is another term for a firm's initial competitive actions.)19 Competitive rivalry affects all types of strategies (e.g., corporate-level, merger and acquisition, inter national, and cooperative). However, its dominant influence is on business-level strategy. Indeed, firms' actions and responses to those of their rivals are part of the basic building blocks of business-level strategies.
Recall from Chapter 4 that business-level strategy is concerned with what the firm does to use its core competencies in specific product markets in ways that yield com petitive success. In the global economy, competitive rivalry is intensifying, meaning that its effect on firms' strategies is increasing. However, firms that develop and use effective business-level strategies tend to outperform competitors in individual product markets, even when experiencing intense competitive rivalry.20
5-1 A Model of Competitive Rivalry Competitive rivalry evolves from the pattern of actions and responses as one firm's com petitive actions have noticeable effects on competitors, eliciting competitive responses from them.21 This pattern suggests that firms are mutually interdependent, that competi tors' actions and responses affect them, and that marketplace success is a function of both individual strategies and the consequences of their use. 22
Increasingly, executives recognize that competitive rivalry can have a major effect on the firm's financial performance and market position. 23 For example, research shows that intensified rivalry within an industry results in decreased average profitability for the competing firms.24 For example, at least in the short run, increased rivalry for Kroger, Safeway, Aldi, and others from Amazon and Walmart may reduce the profitability for all firms competing to sell and delivery grocery items.
Figure 5.2 presents a straightforward model of competitive rivalry at the firm level; this type of rivalry is usually dynamic and complex. The competitive actions and responses the firm takes are the foundation for successfully building and using its capabilities and core competencies to gain an advantageous market position.25
Figure 5.2 A Model of Competitive Reality
Competitive Rival ry • Likelihood of Attack
• First-mover benefits
Competitor Analysis Drivers of Competitive
• Organizational size Outcomes Behavior
• Quality • Market position• Market commonality f-+. • Awareness - � • Likelihood of Response • Financial• Resource similarity • Motivation
• Ability • Type of competitive performance
• action I I • Actor's reputation I I • Market dependence I I I
Source: Adapted from M. J. Chen, 1996, Competitor analysis and interfirm rivalry: Toward a theoretical integration, Academy of Management Review, 21: 100-134.
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
The model in Figure 5.2 presents the sequence of activities occurring as competitors compete against each other. Companies use this model to understand how to predict a competitor's behavior and reduce the uncertainty associated with it.26 Being able to predict competitors' actions and responses has a positive effect on the firm's market position and its subsequent financial performance. 27 The total of all the individual rivalries shown in Figure 5.2 that occur in a particular market reflects the competitive dynamics in that market.
The remainder of the chapter explains components of the model shown in Figure 5.2. We first describe market commonality and resource similarity as the building blocks of a competitor analysis. Next, we discuss the effects of three organizational characteristics awareness, motivation, and ability-on the firm's competitive behavior. We then examine competitive rivalry between firms (interfirm rivalry). To do this, we explain the factors that affect the likelihood a firm will take a competitive action and the factors that affect the likelihood a firm will respond to a competitor's action. In the chapter's final section, we turn our attention to competitive dynamics to describe how market characteristics affect competitive rivalry in slow-, fast-, and standard-cycle markets.
5-2 Competitor Analysis As noted previously, a competitor analysis is the first step the firm takes to predict the extent and nature of its rivalry with each competitor. Competitor analyses are also import ant when entering a foreign market because firms doing so need to understand the local competition and foreign competitors operating in that market.28 Without such analyses, they are less likely to be successful.
Market commonality refers to the number of markets in which firms compete against each other, while resource similarity refers to the similarity in competing firms' resource portfolios (we discuss both terms fully later in the chapter). These two dimensions of competition determine the extent to which firms are competitors. Firms with high mar ket commonality and highly similar resources are direct and mutually acknowledged competitors. The drivers of competitive behavior-as well as factors influencing the like lihood that a competitor will initiate competitive actions and will respond to its compet itors' actions-influence the intensity of rivalry.
In Chapter 2, we discussed competitor analysis as a technique firms use to under stand their competitive environment. Together, the general, industry, and competitive environments comprise the firm's external environment. We also described how firms use competitor analysis to help them understand their competitors. This understanding results from studying competitors' future objectives, current strategies, assumptions, and capabilities (see Figure 2.3 in Chapter 2).
In this chapter, we extend the discussion of competitor analysis to describe what firms study to be able to predict competitors' behavior in the form of their competitive actions and responses. The discussions of competitor analysis in Chapter 2 and in this chapter are complementary in that firms must first understand competitors (Chapter 2) before their competitive actions and responses can be predicted (this chapter).
Being able to predict rivals' likely competitive actions and responses accurately helps a firm avoid situations in which it is unaware of competitors' objectives, strat egies, assumptions, and capabilities. Lacking the information needed to predict these conditions for competitors creates competitive blind spots. Typically, competitive blind spots find a firm caught off guard by a competitor's actions, potentially resulting in negative outcomes.29 Members of a firm's board of directors are a source of knowledge and expertise about other businesses and industry environments that can help a firm avoid competitive blind spots.
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150 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Market commonality is
concerned with the number
of markets with which the
firm and a competitor are
jointly involved and the
degree of importance of the
individual markets to each.
5-2a Market Commonality Every industry is composed of various markets. The financial services industry has mar kets for insurance, brokerage services, banks, and so forth. To concentrate on the needs of different, unique customer groups, firms may further subdivide the markets they intend to serve. The insurance market could be broken into market segments (such as commer cial and consumer), product segments (such as health insurance and life insurance), and geographic markets (such as Southeast Asia and Western Europe). In general, the capa bilities that Internet technologies generate help to shape the nature of industries' markets along with patterns of competition within those industries.
Companies want to be vigilant about identifying new market segments that they may be able to serve with their product. Recently, for example, business software companies turned their attention to the blue-collar workforce to sell their product. "Knowledge workers" was the market segment these firms served historically. In the United States alone, there are over 113 million plumbers, contractors, garage-door specialists, and so forth that business software companies believe can benefit from their products and ser vices. These workers can use the sophisticated, yet intuitive software on tablets that soft ware companies such as UpKeep Technologies are developing to exchange data with their home office while on the job and to show customers what the cost of repairs would be as well as the appearance of the finished project. The growth potential of this market seg ment for business software companies is significant.30
Competitors such as rivals in the business software market tend to agree about the different characteristics of individual markets that form an industry. For example, in the transportation industry, the commercial air travel market differs from the ground trans portation market, which is served by such firms as YRC Worldwide ( one of the largest, less-than-truckload-LTL-carriers in North America with awards including selection as Walmart's LTL Carrier of the Year) and its major competitors Arkansas Best, Con-way, Inc., and FedEx Freight.31 Although differences exist, many industries' markets share some similarities in terms of technologies used or core competencies needed to develop a competitive advantage. For example, although railroads and truck ground transport compete in different segments and can be substitutes, different types of transportation companies all need to provide reliable and timely service. Commercial air carriers such as Southwest, United, and JetBlue must therefore develop service competencies to satisfy their passengers, while ground transport companies such as YRC, railroads, and their major competitors must develop such competencies to satisfy the needs of those using their services to ship goods.
Firms sometimes compete against each other in several markets, a condition called market commonality. More formally, market commonality is concerned with the number of markets with which the firm and a competitor are involved jointly and the degree of importance of the individual markets to each.32 Firms competing against one another in several markets engage in multimarket competition.33 Coca-Cola and PepsiCo compete across a number of product markets (e.g., soft drinks, bottled water) as well as geographic markets (throughout North America and in many other countries throughout the world). Airlines, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and consumer foods are examples of other indus tries with firms often competing against each other in multiple markets.
Firms competing in several of the same markets have the potential to respond to a competitor's actions within the market in which the competitor took an action as well as in other markets where they compete with the rival. This potential creates a complicated mosaic in which the firm may decide to initiate competitive actions or responses in one market with the desire to affect the outcome of its rivalry with a particular competitor in a second market.34 This potential complicates the rivalry between competitors. In fact,
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
research suggests that a firm with greater multimarket contact is less likely to initiate an attack, but more likely to respond aggressively when attacked. For instance, research in the computer industry found that "firms respond to competitive attacks by introducing new products but do not use price as a retaliatory weapon:' 35 Thus, in general, multimar ket competition reduces competitive rivalry, but some firms will still compete when the potential rewards (e.g., potential market share gain) are high.36
5-2b Resource Similarity Resource similarity is the extent to which the firm's tangible and intangible resources compare favorably to a competitor's in terms of type and amount.37 Firms with similar types and amounts of resources tend to have similar strengths and weaknesses and use similar strategies in light of their strengths to pursue what may be similar opportunities in the external environment.
"Resource similarity" describes part of the competitive relationship between FedEx and United Parcel Service (UPS). These companies compete in many of the same mar kets, meaning that both market commonality and resource similarity describe their relationship. For example, these firms have similar types of truck and airplane fleets, similar levels of financial capital, and rely on equally talented reservoirs of human cap ital along with sophisticated information technology systems (resources). In addition to competing aggressively against each other in North America, the firms share many other markets in common in various countries and regions. Thus, the rivalry between FedEx and UPS is intense.
When performing a competitor analysis, a firm analyzes each of its competitors with respect to market commonality and resource similarity. It then maps the results of its analyses for visual comparisons. In Figure 5.3, we show different hypothetical intersec tions between the firm and individual competitors in terms of market commonality and resource similarity. These intersections indicate the extent to which the firm and those with which it compares itself are competitors. For example, the firm and its competitor displayed in quadrant I have similar types and amounts of resources (i.e., the two firms
Figure 5.3 A Framework of Competitor Analysis
Market Commonality
Low QJ Low
Ill IV
Resource Similarity
The shaded area represents the degree of market commonality between two firms.
D Portfolio of resources A <:J Portfolio of resources B
Source: Adapted from M. J. Chen, 1996, Competitor analysis and interfirm rivalr y: Toward a theoretical integration,
Academy of Management Review, 21: 100-134.
Resource similarity is the extent to which the firm's tangible and intangible resources compare favorably to a competitor's in terms of type and amount.
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152 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
have a similar portfolio of resources). The firm and its competitor in quadrant I would use their similar resource portfolios to compete against each other in many markets that are important to each. These conditions lead to the conclusion that the firms modeled in quadrant I are direct and mutually acknowledged competitors.
In contrast, the firm and its competitor shown in quadrant III share few markets and have little similarity in their resources, indicating that they are not direct and mutually acknowledged competitors. Thus, a small, local, family-owned restaurant concentrating on selling "gourmet" hamburgers is not in direct competition with McDonald's. (We described this competitive situation in a Strategic Focus dealing with hamburgers in Chapter 4.) The mapping of competitive relationships is fluid as companies enter and exit markets and as rivals' resources change in type and amount, meaning that the companies with which a given firm competes change over time.
The type of relationship competitors have with each other may change over time as well. Some firms will engage each other more directly as competitors, while changes to the products they emphasize may cause some firms to become less direct competitors. Historically, General Mills and Kellogg competed against each other directly and aggres sively to sell their cereal products. As a consumer, think of the competition between General Mills' cereals such as Honey Nut Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, and Rice Chex versus those of Kellogg including Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Special K, and Fruit Loops. Given the declining popularity of cereals, the competition between these firms may become less direct. General Mills, for example, recently acquired pet food company Blue Buffalo Pet Products Inc. for $8 billion. One reason for this acqui sition is that the pet food business is "one of the largest center-of-the-store categories in the U.S. food and beverage market:' 38 Moving into pet foods finds General Mills com peting more directly with J.M. Smucker Co., in that Smucker paid $3 billion to buy Milk Bone owner Big Heart. Similarly, Kellogg, whose CEO noted that "cereal doesn't have to be the growth engine of Kellogg;'39 is emphasizing other products such as Pringles chips, Cheez-It crackers, Pop-Tarts, and frozen Eggo waffles to stimulate firm growth. Emphasizing snack products could find Kellogg competing more directly with PepsiCo, the owner of snack-giant Frito Lay.
5-3 Drivers of Competitive Behavior Market commonality and resource similarity influence the drivers (awareness, motiva tion, and ability) of competitive behavior (see Figure 5.2). In turn, the drivers influence the firm's actual competitive behavior, as revealed by the actions and responses it takes while engaged in competitive rivalry.40
Awareness, which is a prerequisite to any competitive action or response taken by a firm, refers to the extent to which competitors recognize the degree of their mutual inter dependence that results from market commonality and resource similarity.41 Awareness affects the extent to which the firm understands the consequences of its competitive actions and responses. A lack of awareness can lead to excessive competition, resulting in a negative effect on all competitors' performance.42
Awareness tends to be greatest when firms have highly similar resources (in terms of types and amounts) to use while competing against each other in multiple markets. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are certainly aware of each other as they compete in multi ple markets to satisfy consumers' beverage tastes. Because of evolving tastes and the installation of taxes on sugary drinks some governmental agencies are levying, the companies are investing in healthier alternatives. 43 However, developing new soda products to meet consumers' interests is more critical for Coca-Cola compared to
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
PepsiCo. The reason for this is that PepsiCo's ownership of food products such as Frito-Lay, Quaker Oats, and so forth means that it sells a number of items to consum ers in addition to sodas.
To appeal to millennials, Coca-Cola recently launched new flavors of Diet Coke including Ginger Lime and Zesty Blood Orange. These beverages are in a sleek can the firm believes millennials will value. Coca-Cola also continues to move beyond soda. The firm is one of the largest makers of bottled water in the form of its Dasani brand.44
Aware of Coca-Cola's competitive actions, Pepsi-Co seeks to shake up competition among firms competing in the sparkling water market segment. To do this, the firm launched "bublY:' a new flavored sparkling water that the firm says "has an upbeat and playful sense of humor to shake up the sparkling water category while not including artificial flavors, sweeteners or calories:' 45 Initial versions of bubly included flavors like lemonbubly, orangebubly, applebubly, and mangobubly. Because of their awareness of each other and their motivation to compete against each other aggressively, rivals Coca Cola and PepsiCo will continue to engage in direct competition to win customers when they choose a beverage.
Motivation, which concerns the firm's incentive to take action or to respond to a competitor's attack, relates to perceived gains and losses. Thus, a firm may be aware of competitors but may not be motivated to engage in rivalry with them if it perceives that its market position will neither improve nor suffer if it does not respond.46 A benefit of lacking the motivation to engage in rivalry at a point in time with a competitor is the abil ity to retain resources for other purposes, including competing against a different rival.
Market commonality affects the firm's perceptions and resulting motivation. For example, a firm is generally more likely to attack the rival with whom it has low market commonality than the one with whom it competes in multiple markets. The primary reason for this is the high stakes involved in trying to gain a more advantageous position over a rival with whom the firm shares many markets. As mentioned earlier, multimarket competition can result in a competitor responding to the firm's action in a market dif ferent from the one in which the initial action occurred. Actions and responses of this type can cause both firms to lose focus on core markets and to battle each other with resources they allocated for other purposes. Because of the high competitive stakes under the condition of market commonality, the probability is high that the attacked firm will feel motivated to respond to its competitor's action in an effort to protect its position in one or more markets.47
In some instances, the firm may be aware of the markets it shares with a competitor and be motivated to respond to an attack by that competitor, but lack the ability to do so. Ability relates to each firm's resources and the flexibility they provide. Without available resources (such as financial capital and people), the firm is not able to attack a competitor or respond to its actions. For example, smaller and newer firms tend to be more innova tive but generally have fewer resources to attack larger and established competitors. Local firms' social capital (relationships) with stakeholders including consumers, suppliers, and government officials create a disadvantage for foreign firms lacking the social capital of local companies.48 However, possessing similar resources such as is the case with Coca Cola and PepsiCo suggests similar abilities to attack and respond. When a firm faces a competitor with similar resources, careful study of a possible attack before initiating it is essential because the similarly resourced competitor is likely to respond to that action.49
Resource dissimilarity also influences the competitive actions and responses firms choose to take. The reason is that the more significant is the difference between resources owned by the acting firm and those against whom it has taken action, the longer is the delay by the firm with a resource disadvantage.5° For example, Walmart initially used a focused cost leadership strategy to compete only in small communities ( those with a population
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154 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Small competitors, such as A& T Grocery, find it difficult to respond to
the competitive threat that exists with Walmart. Yet, they must find a
way to respond, perhaps by offering personalized services, in order to
survive such a threat.
of 25,000 or less). Using sophisticated logis tics systems and efficient purchasing prac tices, among other methods to gain compet itive advantages, Walmart created a new type of value (primarily in the form of wide selec tions of products at the lowest competitive prices) for customers in small retail markets. Local competitors lacked the ability to mar shal needed resources at the pace required to respond to Walmart's actions quickly and effectively. However, even when facing competitors with greater resources (greater ability) or more attractive market positions, firms should eventually respond, no matter how daunting the task seems. Choosing not to respond can ultimately result in failure, as happened with at least some local retailers who did not respond to Walmart's competitive actions. Today, with Walmart as the world's largest retailer, it is indeed difficult for smaller competitors to have the resources required to respond effectively to its competitive actions or competitive responses.51
A competitive action is a
strategic or tactical action the
firm takes to build or defend
its competitive advantages or
improve its market position.
A competitive response is a strategic or tactical action
the firm takes to counter
the effects of a competitor's
competitive action.
A strategic action or
a strategic response
is a market-based move
that involves a significant
commitment of organizational
resources and is difficult to
implement and reverse.
A tactical action or a
tactical response is a
market-based move that firms
take to fine-tune a strategy; these actions and responses
involve fewer resources
and are relatively easy to
implement and reverse.
5-4 Competitive Rivalry The ongoing competitive action/response sequence between a firm and a competitor affects the performance of both companies. Because of this, it is important for companies to carefully analyze and understand the competitive rivalry present in the markets in which they compete.52
As we described earlier, market commonality and resource similarity are the foun dation for the predictions drawn from studying competitors in terms of awareness, motivation, and ability. Studying the "Likelihood of Attack" factors (such as first-mover benefits and organizational size) and the "Likelihood of Response" factors (such as the actor's reputation) (see Figure 5.2) increases the value of the predictions the firm devel ops about each of its competitors' competitive actions. Evaluating and understanding these factors allow the firm to refine its predictions about competitors' actions and responses.
5-4a Strategic and Tactical Actions
Firms use both strategic and tactical actions when forming their competitive actions and competitive responses in the course of engaging in competitive rivalry.53 A competitive action is a strategic or tactical action the firm takes to build or defend its competitive advantages or improve its market position. A competitive response is a strategic or tac tical action the firm takes to counter the effects of a competitor's competitive action. A strategic action or a strategic response is a market-based move that involves a signifi cant commitment of organizational resources and is difficult to implement and reverse. A tactical action or a tactical response is a market-based move that firms take to fine-tune a strategy; these actions and responses involve fewer resources and are relatively easy to implement and reverse. W hen engaging rivals in competition, firms must recognize the
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
differences between strategic and tactical actions and responses and develop an effective balance between them.
In mid-2018, Cigna Corp. announced that it intended to pay $54 billion to acquire Express Scripts Holding Co. This was a strategic response to a strategic action taken previously by competitors. For example, roughly at the same time, CVS planned to pay $70 billion to acquire Aetna, Inc. Both of these strategic actions are examples of "the emerging model of companies that bring together health and pharmacy benefits:'54 Today, health insurers such as Cigna believe that they must control additional parts of the value chain if they are to earn above-average returns. The vertical integration within the value chain that results by combining health insurers such as Cigna and Aetna with pharmacy benefit managers such as CVS and Express Scripts increases the opportunities for the involved companies to operate more profitably.55
Walmart prices aggressively as a means of increasing revenues and gaining market share at the expense of competitors. In this regard, the firm engages in a continuous stream of tactical actions to attack rivals by changing some of its products' prices and tac tical responses to price changes taken by competitor Costco. Similarly, to compete against grocery retailers such as Kroger and online competitor Walmart, Amazon reduced prices for some of W hole Foods' products by as much as 43 percent almost immediately after completing the acquisition of the upper-scale grocery retailer.56
5-5 Likelihood of Attack
In addition to market commonality, resource similarity, and the drivers of awareness, motivation, and ability, other factors affect the likelihood a competitor will use strategic actions and tactical actions to attack its competitors. We discuss three of these factors first-mover benefits, organizational size, and quality-next. In this discussion, we con sider first movers, second movers, and late movers.
5-Sa First-Mover Benefits
A first mover is a firm that takes an initial competitive action to build or defend its competitive advantages or to improve its market position. Work by the famous econ omist Joseph Schumpeter is the basis for the first-mover concept. Schumpeter argued that firms achieve competitive advantage by taking innovative actions57 (we define and discuss innovation in Chapter 13). In general, first movers emphasize research and development (R&D) as a path to developing innovative products that customers will value.58 Amazon was a first-mover as an online bookstore while eBay was the first major online auction site.59
First-mover benefits can be substantial.60 This is especially true in fast-cycle markets ( discussed later in the chapter) where changes occur rapidly, and where it is virtually impossible to sustain a competitive advantage for any length of time. A first mover in a fast-cycle market can experience many times the revenue and valuation of a second mover.61 This evidence suggests that although first-mover benefits are never absolute, they are often critical to a firm's success in industries experiencing rapid technologi cal developments and with relatively short product life cycles.62 In addition to earning above-average returns until its competitors respond to its successful competitive action, the first mover can gain
■ the loyalty of customers who may become committed to the products of the firm that first made them available
■ market share that can be difficult for competitors to take when engaging in com petitive rivalry63
A first mover is a firm that
takes an initial competitive
action to build or defend its
competitive advantages or to
improve its market position.
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A second mover is a firm
that responds to the first
mover's competitive action,
typically through imitation.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
The general evidence that first movers have greater survival rates than later market entrants is perhaps the culmination of first-mover benefits.64
The firm trying to predict its rivals' competitive actions might conclude that they will take aggressive strategic actions to gain first movers' benefits. However, even though a firm's competitors might be motivated to be first movers, they may lack the ability to do so. First movers tend to be aggressive and willing to experiment with innovation and take higher yet reasonable levels of risk, and their long-term success depends on retaining the ability to do so.65
To be a first mover, the firm must have the readily available resources to invest sig nificantly in R&D as well as to rapidly and successfully produce and market a stream of innovative products.66 Organizational slack makes it possible for firms to have the ability (as measured by available resources) to be first movers. Slack is the buffer provided by actual or obtainable resources not in use currently and that exceed the minimum resources needed to produce a given level of organizational output.67 As a liquid resource, slack is available to allocate quickly to support competitive actions, such as R&D investments and aggressive marketing campaigns that lead to first-mover advantages. This relationship between slack and the ability to be a first mover allows the firm to predict that a first-mover competitor likely has available slack and will probably take aggressive competitive actions as a means of introducing innovative products continuously. Furthermore, the firm can predict that as a first mover, a competitor will try to gain market share and customer loyalty rapidly to earn above-average returns until its competitors are able to respond effectively to its first move.
Firms evaluating their competitors should realize that being a first mover carries risk. For example, it is difficult to estimate accurately the returns that a firm might earn by introducing product innovations to the marketplace.68 Additionally, the first mover's cost to develop a product innovation can be substantial, reducing the slack available to support further innovation. Thus, the firm should carefully study the results a competitor achieves as a first mover. Continuous success by the competitor suggests additional product innova tions, while lack of product acceptance over the course of the competitor's innovations may indicate less willingness in the future to accept the risks of being a first mover.69
A second mover is a firm that responds to the first mover's competitive action, typically through imitation. Although its successful iPhone changed consumers' and companies' perceptions about the potential of cell phones, Apple is a well-known second mover with many of its product introductions. In fact, 'J\.pple has been second at most stuff. They're not a true innovator in the definition of the word. They weren't the first into object-oriented computing (the mouse), they weren't the first mp3 player, they weren't the first mobile phone:' 70 What Apple does extremely well though is to study products as a means of deter mining how to improve them by making them more user friendly for consumers.
More cautious than the first mover, the second mover such as Apple studies customers' reactions to product innovations. In the course of doing so, the second mover also tries to find any mistakes the first mover made so that it can avoid them and the problems they created. Often, successful imitation of the first mover's innovations allows the second mover to avoid the mistakes and the major investments required of the pioneering first movers.71
Second movers have the time needed to develop processes and technologies that are more efficient than those the first mover used or that create additional value for consum ers.72 The most successful second movers rarely act too fast (so they can study the first mover's actions carefully) nor too slow (so they do not give the first mover time to correct its mistakes and "lock in" customer loyalty). Overall, the outcomes of the first mover's competitive actions may provide a blueprint for second and even late movers as they determine the nature and timing of their competitive responses.73
Determining whether a competitor is effective as a second mover (based on its actions in the past) allows a first-mover firm to predict when or if the competitor
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
will respond quickly to successful, innova tion-based market entries. The first mover can expect a successful second-mover competitor to study its market entries and to respond with a new entry into the mar ket within a short time period. As a second mover, the competitor will try to respond with a product that provides greater cus tomer value than does the first mover's product. The most successful second movers are able to interpret market feed back with precision as a foundation for responding quickly yet successfully to the first mover's successful innovations.
Y�urwa//et W1thoutth�
A late mover is a firm that responds to a competitive action a significant amount of time after the first mover's action and the second mover's response. General Motors introduced the Hummer late into
Apple, a well-known second mover, studies customers' reactions to
product innovations, in order to avoid the mistakes of first movers.
the sport utility vehicle (SUV) market; the product failed to appeal strongly to a sufficient number of customers. Although still available, the product struggles to find a target market of sufficient size to support GM's ambitions for it.
Typically, a late response is better than no response at all, although any success achieved from the late competitive response tends to be considerably less than that achieved by first and second movers. However, on occasion, late movers can be successful if they develop a unique way to enter the market and compete. For firms from emerging economies, this often means a niche strategy with lower-cost production and manufacturing. It can also mean that they need to learn from the competitors or others in the market in order to market products that allow them to compete.74
The firm competing against a late mover can predict that the competitor will likely enter a particular market only after both the first and second movers have achieved suc cess in that market. Moreover, on a relative basis, the firm can predict that the late mover's competitive action will allow it to earn average returns only after the considerable time required for it to understand how to create at least as much customer value as that offered by the first and second movers' products.
5-Sb Organizational Size
An organization's size affects the likelihood it will take competitive actions as well as the types and timing of those actions.75 In general, small firms are more likely than large companies to launch competitive actions and tend to do so more quickly. Because of this tendency, smaller firms have the capacity to be nimble and flexible competitors. These firms rely on speed and surprise to defend their competitive advantages or to develop new ones while engaged in competitive rivalry, especially with large companies, to gain an advantageous market position.76 Small firms' flexibility and nimbleness allow them to develop variety in their competitive actions; large firms tend to limit the types of com petitive actions used.77
Large firms, however, are likely to initiate a larger total number of competitive actions and strategic actions during a given period. Thus, when studying its competitors in terms of organizational size the firm should use a measurement such as total sales revenue or total number of employees. The competitive actions the firm likely will encounter from
A late mover is a firm that
responds to a competitive
action a significant amount
of time after the first mover's
action and the second
mover's response.
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Quality exists when
the firm's products meet
or exceed customers'
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
competitors larger than it is will be different from the competitive actions it will encoun ter from smaller competitors.
The organizational size factor adds another layer of complexity. When engaging in competitive rivalry, firms prefer to be able to have the capabilities required to take a large number of unique competitive actions. For this to be the case, a firm needs to have the amount of slack resources that a large, successful company typically holds if it is to be able to launch a greater number of competitive actions. Simultaneously though, the firm needs to be flexible when considering competitive actions and responses it might take if it is to be able to launch a greater variety of competitive actions. Collectively, a firm's effectiveness increases when its size permits it to take an appropriate number of unique or diverse competitive actions and responses.
5-Sc Quality Quality has many definitions, including well-established ones relating it to producing products with zero defects and as a cycle of continuous improvement.78 From a strategic perspective, we consider quality to be the outcome of how a firm competes through its value chain activities and support functions (see Chapter 3). Thus, quality exists when the firm's products meet or exceed customers' expectations. Evidence suggests that quality is often among the most critical components in satisfying the firm's customers.79
In the eyes of customers, quality is about doing the right things relative to perfor mance measures that are important to them.8° Customers may be interested in measuring the quality of a firm's products against a broad range of dimensions. We show quality dimensions in which customers commonly express an interest in Table 5.1. Quality is
Table 5.1 Quality Dimensions of Products and Services
Product Quality Dimensions
1. Performance-Operating characteristics
2. Features-Important special characteristics
3. Flexibility-Meeting operating specifications over some period of time
4. Durability-Amount of use before performance deteriorates
5. Conformance-Match with pre-established standards
6. Serviceability-Ease and speed of repair
7. Aesthetics-How a product looks and feels
8. Perceived quality-Subjective assessment of characteristics (product image)
Service Quality Dimensions
1. Timeliness-Performed in the promised period of time
2. Courtesy-Performed cheerfully
3. Consistency-Giving all customers similar experiences each time
4. Convenience-Accessibility to customers
5. Completeness-Fully serviced, as required
6. Accuracy-Performed correctly each time
Source: Adapted from J. Evans, 2008, Managing for Quality and Performance, 7th Ed., Mason, OH: Thomson Publishing.
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
possible only when top-level managers support it and when the organization validates its importance throughout all of its operations.81 When all employees and managers accept its importance, they become vigilant in their efforts to improve a product's quality on a continuous basis.
Quality is a universal theme in the global economy and is a necessary but insuffi cient condition for competitive success.82 Without quality, a firm's products lack cred ibility, meaning that customers do not think of them as viable options. Indeed, cus tomers will not consider buying a product or using a service until they believe that it can satisfy at least their base-level expectations in terms of quality dimensions that are important to them.83
Quality affects competitive rivalry. The firm evaluating a competitor whose products suffer from poor quality can predict declines in the competitor's sales revenue until the quality issues are resolved. In addition, the firm can predict that the competitor likely will not be aggressive in its competitive actions until it is able to correct the quality problems as a path to gaining credibility with customers. 84 However, after correcting the problems, that competitor is likely to take aggressive competitive actions.
5-6 Likelihood of Response The success of a firm's competitive action is a function of the likelihood that a competitor will respond to it as well as by the type of action (strategic or tactical) and the effectiveness of that response. As noted earlier, a competitive response is a strategic or tactical action the firm takes to counter the effects of a competitor's competitive action. In general, a firm is likely to respond to a competitor's action when either
■ the action leads to better use of the competitor's capabilities to develop a stronger competitive advantage or an improvement in its market position,
■ the action damages the firm's ability to use its core competencies to create or maintain an advantage, or
■ the firm's market position becomes harder to defend.85
In addition to market commonality and resource similarity, and awareness, motiva tion, and ability, firms evaluate three other factors-type of competitive action, actor's reputation, and market dependence-to predict how a competitor is likely to respond to competitive actions (see Figure 5.2).
5-6a Type of Competitive Action Competitive responses to strategic actions differ from responses to tactical actions. These differences allow the firm to predict a competitor's likely response to a competitive action that a firm took against it. Strategic actions commonly receive strategic responses and tactical actions receive tactical responses. In general, strategic actions elicit fewer total competitive responses because strategic responses, such as market-based moves, involve a significant commitment of resources and are difficult to implement and reverse.86
Another reason that strategic actions elicit fewer responses than do tactical actions is that the time needed to implement a strategic action and to assess its effectiveness can delay the competitor's response to that action. In contrast, a competitor likely will respond quickly to a tactical action, such as when an airline company almost immediately matches a competitor's tactical action of reducing prices in certain markets. Either stra tegic actions or tactical actions that target a large number of a rival's customers are likely to elicit strong responses.87 In fact, if the effects of a competitor's strategic action on the focal firm are significant (e.g., loss of market share, loss of major resources such as critical employees), a response is likely to be swift and strong.88
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160 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
IBM Software Services
The IBM brand has had a very strong positive reputation for many years.
5-6b Actor's Reputation
In the context of competitive rivalry, an actor is the firm taking an action or a response, while reputation is "the positive or negative attribute ascribed by one rival to another based on past competitive behavior:' 89 A positive reputation may be a source of above-average returns, especially for consumer goods producers.90 T hus, a positive corporate reputation is of strategic value91 and affects competitive rivalry. To predict the likelihood of a competitor's response to a current or planned action, firms evaluate the responses that the competitor took previously when attacked. In this way, firms assume that past behavior predicts future behavior.
Competitors are more likely to respond to strategic or tactical actions when market leaders take them.92 In particular, evidence suggests that successful actions, especially strategic actions, are ones competitors will choose to imitate quickly. For example, although a second mover, IBM committed significant resources to enter the informa tion service market. Competitors such as Hewlett-Packard (HP), Dell Inc., and others responded with strategic actions to enter this market also.93 IBM has invested heavily to build its capabilities in service-related software as well. As explained in the Opening Case, Kroger and others responded quickly to market leader Amazon's acquisition of Whole Foods.
In contrast to a firm with a strong reputation, competitors are less likely to respond to actions taken by a company with a reputation for risky, complex, and unpredictable com petitive behavior. For example, the firm with a reputation as a price predator (an actor that frequently reduces prices to gain or maintain market share) generates few responses to its pricing tactical actions because price predators, which typically increase prices once they reach their desired market share, lack credibility with their competitors. 94
5-6c Market Dependence
Market dependence denotes the extent to which a firm derives its revenues or profits from a particular market.95 In general, competitors with high market dependence are likely to respond strongly to attacks threatening their market position.96 However, the threatened firm in these instances may not always respond quickly, even though an effective response to an attack on the firm's position in a critical market is important.
Target generates approximately 19 percent of its revenue from apparel sales. T hus, the firm is somewhat dependent on the apparel market as a generator of revenue. Because of this, the firm pays attention to Amazon's efforts to increase its sales of apparel items, particularly given that these two firms are battling each other for the position as the "second-most-popular clothing and footwear retailer in the US as mea sured by number of shoppers:' 97
Overall, Amazon is highly dependent on the e-commerce market for its sales. While the firm is experimenting with establishing physical bookstores and purchased Whole Foods, e-commerce sales account for the vast majority of its revenue. Amazon's compet itor Walmart is less dependent on e-commerce; nonetheless, Walmart is enhancing its
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
e-commerce skills. Because of its dependence on the e-commerce market, Amazon pays close attention to Walmart's efforts to enhance its e-commerce presence and capabilities. Recent Walmart actions dealing with its e-commerce business include seeking additional traffic to its website by emphasizing paid search functions98 and a commitment to acquir ing boutique firms as a means of being able to offer differentiated products to online shoppers. Modcloth.com (a women's vintage-inspired retailer) and Moosejaw (an outdoor retailer that adds popular brands such as Patagonia and North Face to Walmart's prod uct line) are examples of firms Walmart acquired to offer differentiated products to its e-commerce customers.99 According to the executive in charge of Walmart's e-commerce activities, the firm "remains in buying mode as it looks to differentiate its online inven tory to compete with Amazon.com:'100 Given its dependence on the e-commerce market, expecting a strong response from Amazon to Walmart's actions is reasonable.
5-7 Competitive Dynamics W hereas competitive rivalry concerns the ongoing actions and responses between a firm and its direct competitors for an advantageous market position, competitive dynamics concerns the ongoing actions and responses among all firms competing within a market for advantageous positions. Thus, United and Delta engage in competitive rivalry while the competitive actions and responses taken by United, Delta, American, Southwest, British Airways, Lufthansa, and Emirates Airways (and many others) form the competi tive dynamics of the airline passenger industry.
To explain competitive dynamics, we explore the effects of varying rates of com petitive speed in different markets ( called slow-cycle, fast-cycle, and standard-cycle markets) on the behavior (actions and responses) of all competitors within a given market. Competitive behaviors, as well as the reasons for taking them, are similar within each market type, but differ across types of markets. Thus, competitive dynam ics differ in slow-, fast-, and standard-cycle markets.
As noted in Chapter l, firms want to sustain their competitive advantages for as long as possible, although no advantage is sustainable permanently. However, as we discuss next, the sustainability of the firm's competitive advantages differs by market type. How quickly competitors can imitate a rival's competitive advantage and the cost to do so influences the sustainability of a focal firm's competitive advantage.
5-7a Slow-Cycle Markets Slow-cycle markets are markets in which competitors lack the ability to imitate the focal firm's competitive advantages that commonly last for long periods, and where imitation would be costly.101 Thus, firms may be able to sustain a competitive advantage over longer periods in slow-cycle markets. However, because no competitive advantage is sustain able permanently, firms competing in slow-cycle markets can expect eventually to see a decline in the value their competitive advantage creates for target customers.
As we explain in the Strategic Focus, this was the case for Swiss watchmakers for decades. Relying largely on the competitive advantage of exclusivity that was a function of extreme precision in the manufacture of watches, these companies lacked effective competitors for many years. However, technological innovations such as smartwatches and changes in consumers' interests (e.g., for "memorable experiences" rather than for valuable "things") are creating serious competitive challenges for Swiss watchmakers. As you will see, the strategic actions taken by Swiss manufacturers making high-end, high-quality watches to address the competitive challenges they face today may extend their historical competitive advantage.
Slow-cycle markets are
markets in which competitors
lack the ability to imitate
the focal firm's competitive
advantages that commonly
last for long periods, and
where imitation would be
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162 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Swiss Watchmakers: The Eroding of a Long-Lasting Competitive Advantage
While Competing in a Slow-Cycle Market?
Long committed to competitive dominance in the watch
market, and certainly in upper-end watches, the Swiss watch
industry held roughly 50 percent of the global watch market
prior to the 1970s and held a virtual monopoly position in
the luxury watch segment Truly a global market, Swiss firms
export almost 95 percent of their upper-end watches to
countries throughout the world. Impeccable quality, aesthetic
prowess, technical innovation, sophisticated manufacturing of
mechanical watches as completed by craftsman, and careful
branding of the watches as "Swiss Made" led to the ultimate
source of differentiation and competitive advantage for high
end Swiss watches-exclusivity. Because it is seen as a status
symbol, successful people wishing to convey an image of their
success might choose to purchase an expensive Swiss watch.
Frequently targeting individuals initially achieving notable
levels of career and financial success (commonly, these individ
uals are in their early to mid-thirties), upper-end Swiss watches
were long the foundation of strategic competitiveness for
many firms such as Breguet, Richemont, TAG Heuer, Piaget SA,
Patek Philippe & Co., and Parmigiani Fleurier.
Now though, Swiss watchmakers' competitive advantage
of exclusivity and the cachet of the term "Swiss Made" face
challenges. For a number of young, successful people today,
the exclusivity of a watch does not create value. Instead, these
individuals, who tend to value "experiences" over "things;' might
choose to book a getaway to Costa Rica and document the
trip extensively on lnstagram rather than buy an expensive
watch with the Swiss Made label. What are Swiss watchmakers
doing in response to today's competitive realities that histori
cally took place in a slow-cycle market7
First, in collaboration with their home nation and the
Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry group, Swiss watch
makers strongly support efforts to control counterfeiting of
their products. A long-term challenge for Swiss watchmakers,
counterfeiters sell tens of millions of their products annually on
a global basis. In the Federation's words: "Essentially the theft
of an intellectual property right, the problem of counterfeiting
today has reached global proportions'.'Today, fake watches
account for approximately 9 percent of customs' seizures.
This makes watches the second most counterfeited product
behind textiles. Working with the Swiss government that is in
turn working with countries throughout the world, importing
a counterfeit watch is now against the law in many nations,
"even in the case of one-off pieces bought in good faith for
private use'.' Reducing counterfeiting protects the exclusivity
competitive advantage on which the makers of high-end Swiss
watches rely for success.
Targeting younger customers, "even at the expense of
traditions that have long endeared Swiss watches to older
generations," is a strategic action exercised today by some
Swiss watchmakers. To support their sales, TAG Heuer and
Hu blot (LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton owns these
brands), now use artists such as Jay-Z to design watches
and signed models in their twenties (e.g., Cara Delevingne)
as product brand ambassadors. Basketball stars Kobe Bryant
and Dwayne Wade also are ambassadors, while street artists
Alec Monopoly and Mr. Brainwash and renowned tattoo
artist Maxi me Buchi are others whom TAG Heuer and Hu blot
employ as designers. These efforts seek to present expensive
Swiss watches to today's young consumers in ways that
appeal to them. The "Shawn Carter by Hublo t " is one of the
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics 163
watches designed in collaboration with Jay-Z. There are
two version of this watch: "one in black for $17,900 and
the other in yellow gold for $33,900:' Both watches feature
a transparent back displaying their complicated internal
working mechanisms. Limited in quantity to only 350 to
reinforce the image of exclusivity, the watches sold out
quickly. In this sense, Swiss watchmakers were able to
extend the "exclusivity" competitive advantage in ways that
appeal to the target audience.
$15,000-and-up new cost:'The hope is that once they become
customers, individuals will later choose to purchase a "new"
Audemars Piguet watch.
Audemars Piguet is taking an additional competitive action
to protect the firm's advantage while competing in a histor
ical slow-cycle market. In this instance, the firm is seeking to
expand the target customer segment to whom it can sell its
products. To do this, Audemars Piguet is reselling its own prod
uct so customers can buy a used version "at a fraction of the
Overall, manufacturers of high-end, high-quality Swiss
watches seek to find novel ways of executing on their historic
competitive advantage of exclusivity. In this sense, the firms
want to create value in the form of their watches for which
individuals across the globe are willing to pay.
Sources: 2018, Stop the Fakes! Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH, www
.fhs.swiss.com, March 28; 2018, Swiss made: The only true reference, Federation of
the Swiss Watch Industry FH, www.fhs.swiss.com, March 28; M. Clerizo, 2018, The
world's weirdest watches: Good luck telling the time, Wall Street Journal, www
.wsj.com, January 17; M. Dalton, 2018, Is time running out for the Swiss watch
industry? Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, March 12; T. Mu lier, 2018, Swiss
watchmakers' new pitch: $10,000 timepiece can be a bargain, Bloomberg, www
.bloom berg.com, January 26.
Building a unique and proprietary capability produces a competitive advantage and success in a slow-cycle market. This type of advantage is difficult for competitors to understand. As discussed in Chapter 3, a difficult-to-understand and costly-to-imitate capability usually results from unique historical conditions, causal ambiguity, and/or social complexity. Copyrights and patents are examples of these types of capabilities. After a firm develops a proprietary advantage by using its capabilities, the competitive actions and responses it takes in a slow-cycle market are oriented to protecting, main taining, and extending that advantage. Major strategic actions in these markets, such as acquisitions, usually carry less risk than in faster-cycle markets.102 Clearly, firms that gain an advantage can grow more and earn higher returns than those who simply track with the industry, especially in mature and declining industries.103
The Walt Disney Company continues to extend its proprietary characters, such as Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, and Goofy, to enhance the value its characters as a com petitive advantage create for target customers. These characters have a unique historical development because of Walt and Roy Disney's creativity and vision for entertaining people. Products based on the characters seen in Disney's animated films are available to customers to buy through Disney's theme park shops as well as freestanding retail out lets called Disney Stores. Because copyrights shield it, the proprietary nature of Disney's competitive advantage in terms of animated character trademarks continues to protect the firm from imitation by competitors.
Consistent with another attribute of competition in a slow-cycle market, Disney pro tects its exclusive rights to its characters and their use. As with all firms competing in slow-cycle markets, Disney's competitive actions (such as building theme parks in France, Japan, and China) and responses (such as lawsuits to protect its right to fully control use of its animated characters) maintain and extend its proprietary competitive advantage while protecting it.
Patent laws and regulatory requirements in the United States requiring FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval to launch new products shield pharmaceutical com panies' positions. Competitors in this market try to extend patents on their drugs to maintain advantageous positions that patents provide. However, after a patent expires, the firm's product faces a different situation in that generic imitations become available to customers. These imitations may lead to reduced sales and profits for the firm losing a
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Fast-cycle markets are markets in which competitors
can imitate the focal firm's
capabilities that contribute to
its competitive advantages
and where that imitation is
often rapid and inexpensive.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Figure 5.4 Gradual Erosion of a Sustained Competitive Advantage
Returns from a Sustained
Competitive Advantage
Time (years)
Source: Adapted from I. C. MacMillan, 1988, Controlling competitive dynamics by taking str ategic ini tiative, Academy of Management Executive, 11(2): 111-118.
patent on its product. This was the case for Pfizer when Lipitor (which is the best-selling drug in history) went off patent in the fall of 2011. The firm's profits declined 19 percent in the first quarter after that event. A number of prominent drugs went off patent in 2017 including Eli Lilly's Cialis and Alimta, Pfizer's Viagra, Johnson & Johnson's Prezista, and Takeda's Velcade. These drugs generated significant revenue for the firms owning them. In 2016, for example, sales revenue for Viagra was $1.2 billion.104
We show the competitive dynamics generated by firms competing in slow-cycle markets in Figure 5.4. In slow-cycle markets, the firm launches a product (e.g., a new drug) it developed through a proprietary advantage (e.g., R&D) and then exploits that advantage for as long as possible while the product's uniqueness shields it from compe tition. Eventually, competitors respond to the action with a counterattack. In markets for drugs, this counterattack commonly occurs as patents expire or are broken through legal means, creating the need for another product launch by the firm seeking a pro tected market position.
5-7b Fast-Cycle Markets Fast-cycle markets are markets in which competitors can imitate the focal firm's capabil ities that contribute to its competitive advantages and where that imitation is often rapid and inexpensive.105 Thus, competitive advantages are not sustainable in fast-cycle markets. Firms competing in fast-cycle markets recognize the importance of speed; these compa nies appreciate that "time is as precious a business resource as money or head count-and that the costs of hesitation and delay are just as steep as going over budget or missing a financial forecast:' 106 The velocity of change in fast-cycle markets places considerable pressure on top-level managers to help their firm make strategic decisions quickly that are effective. This is a challenging task for managers and the organizations they lead.107
Reverse engineering and the rate of technology diffusion facilitate the rapid imitation that takes place in fast-cycle markets. A competitor uses reverse engineering to gain quick access to the knowledge required to imitate or improve the firm's products. Technology diffuses rapidly in fast-cycle markets, making it available to competitors in a short period. The technology firms competing in fast-cycle markets use often is not proprietary, nor is it protected by patents as is the technology used by firms competing in slow-cycle
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
markets. For example, only a few hundred parts, which are readily available on the open market, are required to build a PC. Patents protect only a few of these parts, such as microprocessor chips. However, potential entrants may hesitate to enter even a fast-cycle market when it knows that the success of one or more firms competing in the market is a function of the ability to develop valuable patents.108
Fast-cycle markets are more volatile than slow- and standard-cycle markets. Indeed, the pace of competition in fast-cycle markets is almost frenzied, as companies rely on innovations as growth engines. Because prices often decline quickly in these markets, companies need to profit rapidly from their product innovations.
Recognizing this reality, firms avoid "loyalty" to any of their products, preferring to cannibalize their own products before competitors learn how to do so through success ful imitation. This emphasis creates competitive dynamics that differ substantially from those found in slow-cycle markets. Instead of concentrating on protecting, maintaining, and extending competitive advantages, as in slow-cycle markets, companies competing in fast-cycle markets focus on forming the capabilities and core competencies that will allow them to develop new competitive advantages continuously and rapidly. In some indus tries, cooperative strategies such as strategic alliances and joint ventures (see Chapter 9) are a path to firms gaining access to new technologies that lead to introducing innovative products to the market. 109 In recent years, many of these alliances have been offshore ( with partners in foreign countries); gaining access to a partner's capabilities at a lower cost is a key driver in such instances. However, finding the balance between sharing knowledge and skills with a foreign partner and preventing that partner from appropriating value from the focal firm's contributions to the alliance is challenging."0
We show the competitive behavior of firms competing in fast-cycle markets in Figure 5.5. Competitive dynamics in this market type entail actions and responses firms take to introduce products rapidly and continuously into the market. Flowing from an ability to do this is a stream of ever-changing competitive advantages for the firm. In this sense, the firm launches a product to achieve a competitive advantage and then exploits the advantage for as long as possible. However, the firm also tries to develop another competitive advantage before competitors can respond to the first one. Thus, competitive dynamics in fast-cycle markets often result in rapid product upgrades as well as quick product innovations.111
Figure S.S Developing Temporary Advantages to Create Sustained Advantage
Returns from a Series of Replicable Actions
Firm Has Already Advanced to
Launch Advantage No. 2
Exploitation /
f / / Co,ote,atta<k
5 10 15
Time (years) 20
Source: Adapted from I. C. MacMillan, 1988, Controlling competitive dynamics by taking strategic initiative, Academy of Management Executive, 11(2): 111-118.
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Standard-cycle markets
are markets in which some
competitors may be able
to imitate the focal firm's
competitive advantages
and where that imitation is
moderately costly.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Tech giants Alibaba Group Holding and Tencent Holdings compete against each other in a range of mobile Internet businesses. As competitors in this fast-cycle market, these direct competitors are aware of each other and have the motivation and ability to engage in aggressive competition. Some analysts believe that the competition between these giants today "is likely to reshape the landscape of China's business world and affect the lives of Chinese and the destinies of smaller companies:' 112 Initially, Alibaba and Tencent dominated separate Internet spheres: messaging and games for Tencent and e-commerce for Alibaba. Largely because of a reduction in the growth in online users, the rivalry between these firms is now more direct and intense as each firm seeks control over the convergence of online and offline services. While competing aggressively with each other, Alibaba and Tencent will try to find innovative ways to serve customers.
As our discussion suggests, innovation plays a critical role in the competitive dynam ics in fast-cycle markets. For individual firms, innovation is a key source of competitive advantage. Through continuous and effective innovation, firms can cannibalize their own products before competitors successfully imitate them and still maintain an advantage through next-generation products.
5-7c Standard-Cycle Markets Standard-cycle markets are markets in which some competitors may be able to imitate the focal firm's competitive advantages and where that imitation is moderately costly. Competitive advantages are partially sustainable in standard-cycle markets. However, this is the case only when the firm can upgrade the quality of its capabilities contin uously as a foundation for being able to remain ahead of competitors. Firms initiate competitive actions and responses in standard-cycle markets to seek large market shares, to gain customer loyalty through brand names, and to control a firm's oper ations carefully. When successful with these efforts, a firm consistently provides the same positive experience to customers.113 This is how the retail food industry operated for many years. As explained in this chapter's Mini-Case, changes are occurring with this pattern of competition as discount competitors such as Aldi become more com petitive on a global basis.
Companies competing in standard-cycle markets tend to serve many customers in what are typically highly competitive markets. Because the capabilities and core com - petencies on which firms competing in standard-cycle markets base their competitive advantages are less specialized, imitation is faster and less costly for standard-cycle firms than for those competing in slow-cycle markets. However, imitation is slower and more expensive in these markets than in fast-cycle markets. Thus, competitive dynamics in standard-cycle markets rest midway between the characteristics of dynamics in slow- and fast-cycle markets. Imitation comes less quickly and is more expensive for firms compet ing in a standard-cycle market when a competitor is able to develop economies of scale by combining coordinated and integrated design and manufacturing processes with a large sales volume for its products.
Because of large volumes, the size of mass markets, and the need to develop scale economies, the competition for market share is intense in standard-cycle markets. This form of competition is readily evident in the battles among consumer foods' produc ers, such as candy makers and major competitors Hershey Co., Nestle, SA, Mondelez International, Inc. (the name for the former Kraft Foods Inc.), and Mars. The dimensions on which these competitors compete as a means of increasing their share of the candy market include taste and the ingredients used to develop it, advertising campaigns, pack age designs, and product availability through different distribution channels.'14 Recent years found candy manufacturers contending with criticism from health professionals about the sugar, saturated fats, and calories their products provide. These criticisms
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics 167
revolve around the negative effects on individuals' health caused by the ingredients used to manufacture candy products.
Innovation can also drive competitive actions and responses in standard-cycle mar kets, especially when rivalry is intense. As explained in the Opening Case, we can anticipate innovation in distribution channels and in the use of data analytics to take place in the retail grocery industry as Amazon, Walmart, and others engage in com petitive battles with traditional storefront operators such as Kroger and Safeway. Some innovations in standard-cycle markets are incremental rather than radical in nature. (We discuss incremental and radical innovations in Chapter 13.) Both types of inno vation, though, are critical to firms' efforts to achieve strategic competitiveness when competing in standard-cycle markets.
Overall, innovation has a substantial influence on competitive dynamics as it affects the actions and responses of all companies competing within a slow-, fast-, or standard cycle market. In previous chapters, we emphasized the importance of innovation to the firm's strategic competitiveness. In Chapter 13's discussion of strategic entrepreneurship, we emphasize this relationship and its importance again. These discussions highlight the critical role innovation plays for firms regardless of the type of competitive rivalry and competitive dynamics they encounter while competing.
Competitors are firms competing in the same market,
offering similar products, and targeting similar customers.
Competitive rivalry is the ongoing set of competitive actions
and responses occurring between competitors as they com
pete against each other for an advantageous market position.
The outcomes of competitive rivalry influence the firm's abil
ity to develop and then sustain its competitive advantages as
well as the level (average, below average, or above average)
of its financial returns.
Competitive behavior is the set of competitive actions and
responses an individual firm takes while engaged in compet
itive rivalry. Competitive dynamics is the set of actions and
responses taken by all firms that are competitors within a
particular market.
Firms study competitive rivalry in order to predict the com
petitive actions and responses each of their competitors
is likely to take. Competitive actions are either strategic
or tactical in nature. The firm takes competitive actions to
defend or build its competitive advantages or to improve its
market position. Firms take competitive responses to counter
the effects of a competitor's competitive action. A strategic
action or a strategic response requires a significant commit
ment of organizational resources, is difficult to implement
successfully, and is difficult to reverse. In contrast, a tactical
action or a tactical response requires fewer organizational
resources and is easier to implement and reverse. For exam
ple, for an airline company, entering major new markets
is an example of a strategic action or a strategic response;
changing ticket prices in a particular market is an example of
a tactical action or a tactical response.
A competitor analysis is the first step the firm takes to be able
to predict its competitors' actions and responses. In Chapter 2,
we discussed what firms do to understand competitors. We
extended this discussion in this chapter to describe what the
firm does to predict competitors' market-based actions. Thus,
understanding precedes prediction. Firms study market com
monality (the number of markets with which competitors are
involved jointly and their importance to each) and resource
similarity (how comparable competitors' resources are in terms
of type and amount) to complete a competitor analysis. In
general, the greater the market commonality and resource
similarity, the more firms acknowledge that they are direct
Market commonality and resource similarity shape the firm's
awareness (the degree to which it and its competitors under
stand their mutual interdependence), motivation (the firm's
incentive to attack or respond), and ability (the quality of the
resources available to the firm to attack and respond). Having
knowledge of these characteristics of a competitor increases
the quality of the firm's predictions about that competitor's
actions and responses.
In addition to market commonality, resource similarity, aware
ness, motivation, and ability, three more specific factors affect
the likelihood a competitor will take competitive actions. The
first of these is first-mover benefits. First movers, those taking
an initial competitive action, often gain loyal customers and
earn above-average returns until competitors can respond
successfully to their action. Not all firms can be first movers
because they may lack the awareness, motivation, or ability
required to engage in this type of competitive behavior.
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Moreover, some firms prefer to be a second mover (the firm
responding to the first mover's action). By evaluating the first
mover's product, customers' reactions to it, and the responses
of other competitors to the first mover, the second mover may
be able to avoid the early entrant's mistakes and find ways
to improve upon the value created for customers by the first
mover's product. Late movers (those that respond a long time
after the original action was taken) commonly are lower per
formers and less competitive.
Organizational size tends to reduce the variety of competitive
actions that large firms launch, while it increases the variety of
actions smaller competitors undertake. Ideally, a firm prefers
to initiate a large number of diverse actions when engaging in
competitive rivalry. Another factor, quality, is a base denomina
tor for competing successfully in the global economy and for
achieving competitive parity, at a minimum. However, quality
is a necessary but insufficient condition for establishing an
To predict a competitor's response to its actions, a firm
examines the type of action (strategic or tactical) it took,
the competitor's reputation for the nature of its competitive
behavior, and that competitor's dependence on the market
in which the focal firm took action. In general, the number of
tactical responses firms take exceeds the number of strategic
responses they take. Competitors respond more frequently to
the actions taken by the firm with a reputation for predictable
and understandable competitive behavior, especially if that
competitive action 154
competitive behavior 145
competitive dynamics 145
competitive response 1 54
competitive rivalry 144
competitors 144
fast-cycle markets 164
first mover 155
late mover 157
1. Who are competitors? How are competitive rivalry, competitive
behavior, and competitive dynamics defined in the chapter?
2. What is market commonality? What is resource similarity?
In what way are these concepts the building blocks for a
competitor analysis?
3. How do awareness, motivation, and ability affect the firm's
competitive behavior?
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
firm is a market leader. In general, the firm can predict that
when its competitor is highly dependent on its revenue and
profitability in the market in which the firm took a competitive
action, that competitor is likely to launch a strong response.
However, firms with greater diversification across markets are
less likely to respond to a particular action that affects only
one of the markets in which they compete.
In slow-cycle markets, firms generally can maintain competi
tive advantages for some amount of time. Competitive dynam
ics in slow-cycle markets often include actions and responses
intended to protect, maintain, and extend the firm's propri
etary advantages. In fast-cycle markets, competition is substan
tial as firms concentrate on developing a series of temporary
competitive advantages. This emphasis is necessary because
firms' advantages in fast-cycle markets are not proprietary;
as such, they are subject to rapid and relatively inexpensive
imitation. Standard-cycle markets have a level of competition
between that in slow- and fast-cycle markets; firms often (but
not always) have a moderate amount of protection from com
petition in standard-cycle markets as they use competencies
that produce competitive advantages with some sustainability.
Competitors in standard-cycle markets serve mass markets
and try to develop economies of scale to enhance their prof
itability. Innovation is vital to competitive success in each of
the three types of markets. Companies should recognize that
the set of competitive actions and responses taken by all firms
differs by type of market.
market commonality 150
multimarket competition 145
quality 158
resource similarity 151
second mover 156
slow-cycle markets 161
standard-cycle markets 166
strategic action or strategic response 154
tactical action or tactical response 154
4. What factors affect the likelihood a firm will take a competitive
S. What factors affect the likelihood a firm will initiate a
competitive response to a competitor's action(s)?
6. What competitive dynamics can firms expect to experience
when competing in slow-cycle markets? In fast-cycle markets?
In standard-cycle markets?
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Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics 169
The Ripple Effect of Supermarket Wars: Aldi Is Changing the Markets in Many Countries
Aldi started as a small, family-owned grocery store located in Essen, Germany, in 1913. Two sons, Karl and Theo, took over the store from their mother in 1946; soon after doing so, they began expanding the business. They emphasized low costs from the very beginning, allowing them to offer their products to customers at low prices relative to competitors. Over time, Aldi expanded to other European countries, and it entered the United States market in 1976. Currently, there are roughly 11,000 Aldi stores located in 20 countries; 1,750 of these units are in 35 states in the United States. In the United States alone, the firm serves 40 million custom ers on a monthly basis.
Aldi holds its costs down in a variety of ways. It largely sells its own brand-label products in "no frill" stores. The company limits the number of external brands it sells (usually one or two per product), and it has low packaging, transportation, and employee costs. To sell products in its stores, Aldi positions them in ways that are similar to the approach warehouse stores use, for example, placing products on pallets and in cut-away cardboard boxes. In Germany, Aldi advertises very little, but it does advertise in the United States. It produces its own ads in-house (no external agency) and advertises mostly through newspaper inserts and a few television commercials.
Aldi and another discount store, Lid!, have hurt the largest four supermarkets in the U.K. market Tesco, Walmart's Asda, J Sainsbury, and Wm. Morrison Supermarkets. Aldi and Lid! have captured market share from these retailers, especially Tesco and Morrison, and held approximately 8.6 percent of the U.K. market in 2016. Aldi plans call for it to reach about 17 percent share of the market by 2021. Tesco has controlled about 30 percent of the discount supermarket market, but it has been declining. Morrison's recent poor performance has precipitated turnover in most of the firm's top exec utives. In addition, the new CEO, David Potts, has been making major changes-largely cutting costs in order to compete on prices. Because of reduced costs, Morrison cut its prices on 130 staple items such as milk and eggs. Likewise, Tesco reduced prices of 380 of its brand
products by about 25 percent. Yet, because of gains in its market share, Aldi plans to invest about $900 million to open 550 new stores in Britain by 2022.
Aldi is having similar effects on the Australian market. It has gained market share from the two largest supermarkets in Australia-Coles and Woolworths. In response, Woolworths indicated that it plans to reduce its prices to avoid a perception among customers as the "expensive option." This action does not seem to con - cern Aldi in that the firm intends to spend $700 million to add 120- 130 stores by 2020 to its current number of 300 stores in Australia.
Aldi appears to be harming some competitors in the United States as well. For example, a rival discount food retailer, Bottom Dollar owned by Delhaize from Belgium, closed all of its stores (located in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio) and sold the locations and leases to Aldi. Aldi does have stiffer competition in the United States from Walmart, Sam's (Walmart's ware house stores), and Costco, among other discount food retailers. Yet, Aldi is not only surviving, but also flour ishing and growing in the U.S. market as well. In early 2018, Aldi announced that it would spend $1.6 billion to remodel and expand 1,300 U.S. stores by 2020. Desiring to have 2,500 stores in the United States by 2022, the firm announced in 2018 that it would spend up to $3 billion to open new stores to reach this target. If reached, a total number of 2,500 stores would result in Aldi being the third largest supermarket chain in the United States.
In addition to affecting grocery store competitive rivalry across country boundaries, Aldi's actions (and those of others as well) have an effect on wholesalers and other suppliers. For example, wholesale prices have been declining, and some of the major supermarket chains, such as Tesco and Morrison, have been reduc ing the number of brands on their shelves. Interestingly, manufacturers of popular products, such as Mr. Kipling cakes and Bistro gravy, stand to gain shelf space and increase sales because of stores' decisions to take some rivals' products off their shelves. Of course, the sup pliers whose products lose their positions on stores' shelves will likely suffer.
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170 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
The bottom line is that Aldi is having a major effect on rivals in multiple countries and on many other com panies that supply products to the industry. As a result, the grocery industry's competitive dynamics are differ ent today than they were before.
T. Hua, 2015, Tesco's overhaul points to a price war, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 5; L. Northrup, 2015, Bottom dollar food to close stores, sell chain to Aldi, Consumerist, www.consumerist.com, January 5; 2015, Mr. Kipling Maker Premier Foods sees positives in supermarket wars, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, January 23; 2015, Morrisons cuts prices on 130 grocery staples like milk, eggs, New York Times, www .nytimes.com, February 15; 2015, British shop price decline steepens in February-BRC, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, March 3; K. Ross, 2015, Supermarket wars: Aldi takes on market share as Woolworths drops prices, Smart Company, www.smartcompany.com.au, March 9;
Sources: 2018, Aldi unveils $1.6 billion nationwide store remodel plan to enhance customer shopping experience, Aldi Homepage, www.aldi .com, February 8; 2017, Motley Fool staff, Setting the stage for grocery industry competition in 2018, Motley Fool Homepage, www.fool.com, December 24; 2014, Aldi targets doubling of UK stores with 600 million pound investment, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, November 10;
A. Felsted, 2015, Morrison chiefs take express checkout from struggling supermarket, Financial Times, www.ft.com, March 24; 2015, Aldi Foods, www.grocery.com, accessed March 25.
Case Discussion Questions
1. Using materials in the case and items to which you gain access
through a search, describe how Aldi is creating competitive
rivalry in the retail grocers' industry.
2 As explained in this chapter's Opening Case, Amazon pur
chased Whole Foods. How will this transaction affect Aldi as
it seeks to expand its presence in the United States? What
competitive actions might Aldi take in response to Amazon's
purchase of Whole Foods?
3. Using concepts and actions explained in this chapter, decide if
Aldi is more likely to respond to any strategic actions Amazon
might initiate through Whole Foods or if Amazon through
Whole Foods is more likely to respond to any strategic actions
Aldi takes. Be prepared to justify your decision.
4. In a competitive rivalry sense, explain the actions (strategic
and/or tactical) you believe Wal mart and Costco will take to
respond to Aldi's intentions to have 2,500 U.S. stores by 2020.
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174 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
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Studying this chapter should provide
you with the strategic management knowledge needed to:
6-1 Define corporate-level strategy and discuss its purpose.
6-2 Describe different levels of diversification achieved using different corporate-level strategies.
6-3 Explain three primary reasons firms diversify.
6-4 Describe how firms can create value by using a related diversification strategy.
6-5 Explain the two ways value can be created with an unrelated diversification strategy.
Discuss the incentives and resources that encourage diversification.
Describe motives that can encourage managers to over diversify a firm.
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Amazon has grown from its original offering in 1997 as an on line book distributor to a vast array of services and products mostly through related diversification and more recently ver tical integration. Once it originally established its success exclusively as an online book seller, it was able to expand its on line sales to CDs and DVDs. Relatedly, it next added toys, games, electronics, and video games to its product offerings. Following this success, it opened its site to third party sellers and labeled this business "Marketplace" similar to eBay's on line product market.
Because of its requirement for data services, it had many computers and servers for backing up its product preference and customer taste information. From this, it vertically integrated into Amazon Web Services and began selling these services to other cloud computing clients. It next started to sell clothing products in a related move and expanded its ability to provide the necessary sizing information and efficient returns.
In 2005, it offered Prime shipping member ship at $79 per year and promised unlimited two day shipping for no additional charge. In 2007, it produced its � first Kindle reader, orig- 'i, inally priced at $399. As ! competition emerged, <( this price decreased and new products such as Kindle Fire were later introduced. In 2009, Amazon began selling
Due to the exceptional demand of its products, Amazon created
a partnership with an airline leasing company to expand its
ability to lower shipping costs, and to have more control over
its delivery service.
private label goods, including blank DVDs and USB cables. It also introduced its streaming video service. Amazon Studios was created in 2010, and in 2011 Prime membership included instant video streaming services.
In 2014, it offered a $99 Fire TV set-top box for streaming video as well as a smart phone, which was later discontinued due to poor sales. It also began selling its Echo speaker with voice recognition and later Alexa. Because of the exceptional demand for its products, Amazon needed to expand and vertically integrate into shipping and began its Flex delivery services. Later this included creating a partnership with an airline leasing company to expand its ability to lower shipping costs, having more control over its delivery service.
In its evolutionary process, Amazon has pursued a logical strategy of related diversification. Beginning with its original goal of selling books online, Amazon has diversified throughout to become an online retailer and provider of services, entertainment, and goods, including now even furniture and large appliances. In 2017, it acquired Whole Foods Market, an organic food retailer, giving it a large brick and mortar presence throughout the United States and else where. This sent shockwaves through the retail food industry because of the disruptive effect Amazon has had on other retailers throughout its history, in particular, large department stores such as Macy's, JCPenney's, and Best Buy.
Because of the "Amazon effect;' other giant retailers have beefed up their on line abilities to sell products. In particular, Wal mart has acquired Jet.com, and all other retailers have sought to build up their online selling presence through their websites. Amazon has signaled it is joining Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase to create an independent health care organization that will serve their employees. This venture may disrupt drug distributors and
A corporate-level strategy
specifies actions a firm
takes to gain a competitive
advantage by selecting and
managing a group of different
businesses competing in
different product markets.
health insurance companies as they have other companies. Because of Amazon's success,
it now competes with a variety of retailers, media companies like Nettlix, hardware compa
nies like Apple, advertising companies like Google, and even a lot of its own transportation
delivery suppliers such as FedEx and UPS, including the United States Postal Service. It is also
looking into its own checking account-like payment system. As it has with retail shopping, in
the future Amazon may do the same with payments, banking, and the way pharmaceuticals
and healthcare are delivered.
Sources: D. Cameron & J. Smith, 2018, Air-Cargo space is tight as even spaghetti sauce is in an ASAP rush, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 24; B. Evans, 2018, Amazon to become #1 in cloud computing revenue by beating IBM's $17 Billion, Forbes, www.forbes.com, January 26; E. Glazer, L. Hoffman, & L. Steven, 2018, Next Up for Amazon: Checking Accounts, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, March 5; C. Johnston, 2018, Amazon opens a supermarket with no checkouts, BBC News, www.bbc.com, January 22; B. C. Koons, & R. Langreth, 2018, What stands between Bezos, Buffett, and Dimon and a health-care fix, Bloomberg Businessweek, www.bloomberg.com, February 14; Kowitt, 2017, The deal that made an industry shudder, Fortune, July 1, 7; C. Mims, 2018, The limits of Amazon, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 1; P. Schoerdt, 2018, How Amazon will drastically change health care, according to futurists, Money, www.time.com/money, February 1; E. Winkler, 2018, Can Amazon do with clothes what it did with books?, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 3.
O ur discussions of business-level strategies (Chapter 4) and the competitive rivalry and competitive dynamics associated with them (Chapter 5) have concentrated on
firms competing in a single industry or product market.' In this chapter, we introduce you to corporate-level strategies, which are strategies firms use to diversify their operations from a single business competing in a single market into several product markets-most commonly, into several businesses. Thus, a corporate-level strategy specifies actions a firm takes to gain a competitive advantage by selecting and managing a group of different businesses competing in different product markets. Corporate-level strategies help com panies to select new strategic positions-positions that are expected to increase the firm's value. 2 As explained in the Opening Case, Amazon competes in a number of related retail, hardware, entertainment, and delivery industries.3
As is the case with Amazon, firms use corporate-level strategies as a means to grow revenues and profits, but there can be additional strategic intents to growth. Firms can pursue defensive or offensive strategies that realize growth but have different strategic intents. Firms can also pursue market development by entering different geographic mar kets (this approach is discussed in Chapter 8). Firms can acquire competitors (horizontal integration) or buy a supplier or customer (vertical integration).As we see in the Opening Case, Amazon has acquired Whole Foods Market, thereby increasing its horizontal inte gration in the retail food product and distribution business. Such acquisition strategies are discussed in Chapter 7. The basic corporate strategy, the topic of this chapter, focuses on diversification.
The decision to pursue growth is not a risk-free choice for firms. Indeed, General Electric (GE) experienced difficulty in its oil and gas service, and power equipment busi nesses. GE also suffered significant revenue declines in its financial services businesses and thus sold its assets in that area, choosing to seek growth in other industrial and equip ment businesses and to better integrate its digitalization strategy through the Internet.4
Effective firms carefully evaluate their growth options (including the different corporate level strategies) before committing firm resources to any of them.
Because the diversified firm operates in several different and unique product markets and likely in several businesses, it forms two types of strategies: corporate-level (company wide) and business-level (competitive).5 Corporate-level strategy is concerned with two
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
key issues: in what product markets and businesses the firm should compete and how corporate headquarters should manage those businesses.6 For the diversified company, a business-level strategy (see Chapter 4) must be selected for each of the businesses in which the firm has decided to compete.
As is the case with a business-level strategy, a corporate-level strategy is expected to help the firm earn above-average returns by creating value.7 Some suggest that few corporate level strategies actually create value.8 As the Opening Case indicates, realizing value through a corporate strategy can be achieved, but it is challenging to do so. Evidence suggests that a corporate-level strategy's value is ultimately determined by the degree to which "the businesses in the portfolio are worth more under the management of the com pany than they would be under any other ownership:'9 Thus, an effective corporate-level strategy creates, across all of a firm's businesses, aggregate returns that exceed what those returns would be without the strategy10 and contributes to the firm's strategic competitive ness and its ability to earn above-average returns.11
Product diversification, a primary form of corporate-level strategies, concerns the scope of the markets and industries in which the firm competes as well as "how man agers buy, create, and sell different businesses to match skills and strengths with oppor tunities presented to the firm:' 12 Successful diversification is expected to reduce vari ability in the firm's profitability as earnings are generated from different businesses.13 Diversification can also provide firms with the flexibility to shift their investments to markets where the greatest returns are possible rather than being dependent on only one or a few markets.14 Because firms incur development and monitoring costs when diversifying, the ideal portfolio of businesses balances diversification's costs and ben efits. CEOs and their top-management teams are responsible for determining the best portfolio for their company.15
We begin this chapter by examining different levels of diversification (from low to high). After describing the different reasons firms diversify their operations, we focus on two types of related diversification (related diversification signifies a moderate to high level of diversification for the firm). W hen properly used, these strategies help create value in the diversified firm, either through the sharing of resources (the related con strained strategy) or the transferring of core competencies across the firm's different busi nesses (the related linked strategy). We then examine unrelated diversification, which is another corporate-level strategy that can create value. Thereafter, the chapter shifts to the incentives and resources that can stimulate diversification that is value neutral. However, managerial motives to diversify, the final topic in the chapter, can actually destroy some of the firm's value.
6-1 Levels of Diversification
Diversified firms vary according to their level of diversification and the connections between and among their businesses. Figure 6.1 lists and defines five categories of busi nesses according to increasing levels of diversification. The single- and dominant-business categories denote no or relatively low levels of diversification; more fully diversified firms are classified into related and unrelated categories. A firm is related through its diversifi cation when its businesses share several links. For example, businesses may share product markets (goods or services), technologies, or distribution channels. The more links among businesses, the more "constrained" is the level of diversification. "Unrelated" refers to the absence of direct links between businesses.
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180 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Figure 6.1 Levels and Types of Diversification
Low Levels of Diversification
Single business:
Dominant business:
95% or more of revenue comes from a single business.
Between 70% and 95% of revenue comes from a single business.
Moderate to High Levels of Diversification
Related constrained:
Related linked (mixed related and unrelated):
Very High Levels of Diversification
Less than 70% of revenue comes from the dominant business, and all businesses share product, technological, and distribution linkages.
Less than 70% of revenue comes from the dominant business, and there are only limited links between businesses.
Less than 70% of revenue comes from the dominant business, and there are no common links between businesses.
0 ©©
Source: Adapted from R. P. Ru melt, 1974, Strategy, Structure and Economic Performance, Boston: Harvard Business School.
6-1 a Low Levels of Diversification
A firm pursuing a low level of diversification uses either a single- or a dominant-business, corporate-level diversification strategy. A single-business diversification strategy is a corporate-level strategy wherein the firm generates 95 percent or more of its sales reve nue from its core business area. 16 For example, Mcllhenny Company, headquartered on Avery Island in Louisiana and producer of Tabasco brand, has maintained its focus on its family 's hot sauce products for seven generations. On its website, the following quote is provided about its products: "Back in 1868, Edmund Mcllhenny experimented with pepper seeds from Mexico (or somewhere in Central A merica) to create his own style of Louisiana hot sauce-our Original Red Sauce. Since then we've continued this tradition of exploration and experimentation, and today Mcllhenny Company crafts seven unique and distinct flavors of sauce, each with its own variety of deliciousness. From mild to wild, there's something for everyone!"17 Historically Mcllhenny has used a single-business strat egy while operating in relatively few product markets. Recently, it has begun to partner with other firms so that the Tabasco taste can be found in a variety of food products such as jelly bean candies (Tabasco Jelly Belly), crackers (Hot N' Spicy Cheez-It), and ice cream (Chocolate Chipotle Rocky Road).18
With the dominant-business diversification strategy, the firm generates between 70 and 95 percent of its total revenue within a single business area. United Parcel Service (UPS) uses this strategy. Recently UPS generated 63 percent of its revenue from its U.S. package delivery business and 20 percent from its international package business, with the remaining 17 percent coming from the firm's nonpackage business.19 T hough the U.S. package delivery business currently generates the largest percentage of UPS's sales
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
revenue, the firm anticipates that in the future its other two businesses will account for the majority of revenue growth. This expectation suggests that UPS may become more diversified, both in terms of its goods and services and in the number of countries in which those goods and services are offered.
Firms that focus on one or very few businesses and markets can earn positive returns, because they develop capabilities useful for these markets and can provide superior service to their customers. Additionally, there are fewer challenges in man aging one or a very small set of businesses, allowing them to gain economies of scale and efficiently use their resources.2° Famil y -owned and controlled businesses, such as Mcllhenny Company's Tabasco sauce business, are commonly less diversified. They prefer the narrower focus because the family's reputation is related closely to that of the business. Thus, family members prefer to provide quality goods and services, which a focused strategy better allows. 21
Thus, some might considered this a strategy of moderate diversification in the form of highly related constrained diversification, which is discussed next.
6-1 b Moderate and High Levels of Diversification A firm generating more than 30 percent of its revenue outside a dominant business and whose businesses are related to each other in some manner uses a related diversification corporate-level strategy. When the links between the diversified firm's businesses are rather direct-meaning they use similar sourcing, throughput, and outbound processes it is a related constrained diversification strategy. Campbell Soup, Proctor & Gamble, and Merck & Co. use a related constrained strategy. With a related constrained strategy, a firm shares resources and activities across its businesses.
As noted in the Strategic Focus, Caterpillar is the largest global producer of heavy equipment. Caterpillar's construction, resource (e.g., mining), energy and transportation equipment, and machinery businesses made up about 60 percent of sales in 2016.22 While each segment is distinct, many similar technologies and inputs are used in the produc tion of its equipment. Furthermore, related technologies allow similarities in production processes and main equipment parts, allowing a transfer of knowledge across these businesses. In addition, customers and markets share some similarities because most relate to some form of construction, mining, and extraction industries. It also uses an R&D approach focused on product and system updates through a series of differentiated products and thus follows a product proliferation strategy. A product proliferation strat egy represents a form of within-industry diversification.23 Yet, as noted, Caterpillar also has four divisions, including a financial products segment that supports financing of its equipment and machinery sales.
The diversified company with a portfolio of businesses that have only a few links between them is called a mixed related and unrelated firm and is using the related linked diversification strategy (see Figure 6.1). Until recently (see Strategic Focus in Chapter 11), GE has used a related-linked corporate-level diversification strategy. Compared with related constrained firms, related linked firms share fewer resources and assets between their businesses, concentrating instead on transferring knowledge and core competen cies between the businesses. GE has four strategic business units (see Chapter 11 for a definition of SBUs) it calls "divisions;' each composed of related businesses. There are few relationships across the strategic business units, but many among the subsidiaries or divisions within them. As with firms using each type of diversification strategy, compa nies implementing the related linked strategy constantly adjust the mix in their portfolio of businesses as well as make decisions about how to manage these businesses.24 GE's recent decline suggests that such business can be challenging to run and at times may be excessively complicated. 25
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182 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Caterpillar Uses the Related Constrained Diversification Strategy
Caterpillar is the largest global producer of heavy equip
ment focused on the construction, resource extraction
(e.g. mining), oil and gas, and energy and transportation
industries. Besides its traditional earth moving equipment it
also produces diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas
turbines, and diesel-electric locomotives. It classifies these
businesses into the following four main business segments
(with associated 2017 revenues): Construction Industries
($19, 133 billion); Energy & Transportation ($15,964 billion);
Resource Industries ($7,504 billion); and Financial Products
($2,786 billion). It has over 98,000 employees and almost
60 percent of its sales revenue is derived from outside of
the United States. Caterpillar made a horizontal acquisition
of large mining equipment producer Bucyrus International
in 201 1.
One of its strong competitive advantages is its global
dealer network; there are 171 dealers serving 192 countries.
This network provides efficient and effective parts distribution
with easy-to-use eCommerce platforms throughout the world.
Fast delivery of parts is important when an expensive, essential
piece of equipment is down.
In 2014, 2015, and 2016, a downturn in the energy and
commodity industries significantly reduced Caterpillar's reve
nue and profits. However, it continued to try to meet its cus
tomers' needs, while restructuring to meet the lower demand
characteristics. For example, in 2016, Caterpillar's mining truck
sales were down 95 percent from the peak numbers achieved
in 2012. In 2017 and 2018, outlook improved and its profits and
stock price likewise increased.
Caterpillar spends about 5.1 percent of its sales on R&D,
focused on continually improving its products and manu
facturing processes. Its product innovations, largely driven
by paying attention to customer needs, has allowed the
company to be competitive in developed as well as devel
oping markets. Research suggests that such client-focused
diversification comes from deep knowledge about custom
ers. For example, Caterpillar has pursued technology that has
allowed it to be a leader in autonomous trucks in the mining
sector. Its technology will allow it to retrofit a competitor's
truck to make it autonomous or semi-autonomous through
innovations to its MineStar system. During the downturn,
other competitors did not fare so well; for example, in 2017
U.S.-based competitor Joy Global was purchased by Komatsu,
a global Japanese equipment producer.
Caterpillar's interrelated set of businesses are also sup
ported by a financial products division, which facilitates sales
finance and leasing and likewise helps to generate profits. In
support of its business segments, it also provides servicing
by remanufacturing of Caterpillar product engines and com
ponents and providing remanufacturing services for other
companies with related products. Its R&D program is utilized
across many of its business segments. Although its global
R&D center is located near its corporate headquarters in
Peoria, Illinois, it has other regional facilities in North America,
Europe, and Asia-Pacific to provide technical expertise to
support its manufacturing and sales opportunities around
the world.
Sources: 2018 Caterpillar fact sheet, www.caterpillar.com, Accessed March 6; 2018,
Caterpillar forges new value parts brand for legacy engines, machines, Concrete
Products, 71 (1): 8; J. K. Mawdsley & D. Somaya, 2018, Demand-side strategy, rela
tional advantage and partner-driven corporate scope: The case for client-led
diversification, Strategic Management Journal, 39: 1834- 1859; M. Shunko, T Yunes,
G. Fenu, A. Scheller-Wolf, V. Tardif. & S. Tayur, 2018, Product portfolio restructuring:
Methodology and application at Caterpillar, Production & Operations Management,
27: 100-120; 2017, Caterpillar and FTP Solutions partner to boost mine network
performance, Coal International, 265(6): 20; A. Hiyate, 2017, CAT brings partnerships
to the fore, Canadian Mining Journal, 138(10): 23-25; A. Tangel & J. Zumbrun, J.
2017, Caterpillar boosts outlook, signaling cautious optimism in recovery, Wall
Street Journal, www.wsj.com, July 26.
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
A highly diversified firm that has no relationships between its businesses follows an unrelated diversification strategy. United Technologies Corporation, Textron, Samsung, and Newell Brand Corporation are examples of firms using this type of corporate-level strategy. Commonly, firms using this strategy are called conglomerates.26 Newell Brand Corporation has a number of consumer businesses that are not related to each other, and the firm makes no efforts to share activities or to transfer core competencies between or among them. It has a range of businesses such as Rubbermaid household products, K2 skis, and Coleman camping equipment, which are independently run with decentralized operating divisions. 27 Successfully managing the unrelated diversification strategy can be difficult, and Newell has been recently challenged by Starboard, an activist investor, to improve its performance.28 Another form of unrelated diversifica tion strategy is pursued by private equity firms such Carlyle Group, Blackstone, and KKR.29 They often have an unrelated set of portfolio firms.
6-2 Reasons for Diversification
A firm uses a corporate-level diversification strategy for a variety of reasons (see Table 6.1). Typically, a diversification strategy is used to increase the firm's value by improving its overall performance. Value is created-either through related diversification or through unrelated diversification-when the strategy allows a company 's businesses to increase revenues or reduce costs while implementing their business-level strategies.30
Other reasons for using a diversification strategy may have nothing to do with increasing the firm's value; in fact, diversification can have neutral effects or even reduce a firm's value.
Table 6.1 Reasons for Diversification
Value-Creating Diversification
Economies of scope (related diversification)
• Sharing activities
• Transferring core competencies
Market power (related diversification)
• Blocking competitors through multipoint competition
• Vertical integration
Financial economies (unrelated diversification)
Efficient internal capital allocation
• Business restructuring
Value-Neutral Diversification
Antitrust regulation
Tax laws
Low performance
Uncertain future cash flows
Risk reduction for firm
Tangible resources
Intangible resources
Diversifying managerial employment risk
Increasing managerial compensation
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184 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Value-neutral reasons for diversification include a desire to match and thereby neutralize a competitor's market power (e.g., to neutralize another firm's advantage by acquiring a similar distribution outlet). Decisions to expand a firm's portfolio of businesses to reduce managerial risk or increase top managers' pay can have a negative effect on the firm's value. Greater amounts of diversification reduce managerial risk in that if one of the businesses in a diversified firm fails, the top executive of that business does not risk total failure by the corporation. As such, this reduces the top executives' employment risk. In addition, because diversification can increase a firm's size and thus managerial com pensation, managers have motives to diversify a firm to a level that reduces its value.31
Diversification rationales that may have a neutral or negative effect on the firm's value are discussed later in the chapter.
Operational relatedness and corporate relatedness are two diversification strategies that can create value (see Figure 6.2). Studies of these independent relatedness dimensions show the importance of resources and key competencies.32 The figure's vertical dimen sion depicts opportunities to share operational activities between businesses ( operational relatedness), while the horizontal dimension suggests opportunities for transferring cor porate-level core competencies (corporate relatedness). The firm with a strong capability in managing operational synergy, especially in sharing assets between its businesses, falls in the upper left quadrant, which also represents vertical sharing of assets through vertical integration. The lower right quadrant represents a highly developed corporate capability for transferring one or more core competencies across businesses.
This capability is located primarily in the corporate headquarters office. Unrelated diversification is also illustrated in Figure 6.2 in the lower left quadrant. Financial econ omies (discussed later), rather than either operational or corporate relatedness, are the source of value creation for firms using the unrelated diversification strategy.
Figure 6.2 Value-Creating Diversification Strategies: Operational and Corporate Relatedness
Related Constrained Both Operational and High Diversification Corporate Relatedness
Operational Relatedness:
Sharing Activities between
Unrelated Related Linked Low Diversification Diversification
Low High
Corporate Relatedness: Transferring Core Competencies into Businesses
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
6-3 Value-Creating Diversification: Related Constrained and Related Linked Diversification
With the related diversification corporate-level strategy, the firm builds upon or extends its resources and capabilities to build a competitive advantage by creating value for customers.33 The company using the related diversification strategy wants to develop and exploit economies of scope between its businesses.34 In fact, even nonprofit organizations have found that carefully planned and implemented related diversification can create value.35
Economies of scope are cost savings a firm creates by successfully sharing resources and capabilities or transferring one or more corporate-level core competencies that were developed in one of its businesses to another of its businesses.36
As illustrated in Figure 6.2, firms seek to create value from economies of scope through two basic kinds of operational economies: sharing activities (operational relat edness) and transferring corporate-level core competencies (corporate relatedness). The difference between sharing activities and transferring competencies is based on how sep arate resources are jointly used to create economies of scope. To create economies of scope, tangible resources such as plant and equipment or other business-unit physical assets often must be shared. Less tangible resources such as manufacturing know-how and technological capabilities can also be shared. However, know-how transferred between separate activities with no physical or tangible resource involved is a transfer of a corporate-level core competence, not an operational sharing of activities.37
6-3a Operational Relatedness: Sharing Activities
Firms can create operational relatedness by sharing either a primary activity (e.g., inven tory delivery systems) or a support activity (e.g., purchasing practices)-see Chapter 3's discussion of the value chain. Firms using the related constrained diversification strat egy share activities in order to create value. Proctor & Gamble uses this corporate-level strategy. Caterpillar, described in the Strategic Focus on page 182, also shares activities. For example, Caterpillar's various businesses share marketing activities because all of their equipment is sold to firms in the construction and mineral extraction industries.
Activity sharing is also risky because ties among a firm's businesses create links between lg, outcomes. For instance, if demand for one i iE' business's product is reduced, it may not gener- � ate sufficient revenues to cover the fixed costs �grequired to operate the shared facilities. These
I types of organizational difficulties can reduce i§ f
Economies of scope are
cost savings a firm creates
by successfully sharing
resources and capabilities
or transferring one or
more corporate-level core
competencies that were
developed in one of its
businesses to another of its
.. activity-sharing success. Additionally, activity j sharing requires careful coordination between the businesses involved. The coordination challenges must be managed effectively for the appropriate sharing of activities (see Chapter 11
Procter & Gamble (P&G) is a consumer products firm that shares a
lot of activities among its divisions; for example, most of its prod-
ucts are sold through retail outlets and those sales activities can be
for further discussion).38 shared among its divisions.
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186 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Although activity sharing across businesses is not risk-free, research shows that it can create value. For example, studies of acquisitions of firms in the same industry (horizontal acquisitions), such as the banking and software industries, found that sharing resources and activities and thereby creating economies of scope contrib uted to post-acquisition increases in performance and higher returns to shareholders. Additionally, firms that sold off related units in which resource sharing was a pos sible source of economies of scope have been found to produce lower returns than those that sold off businesses unrelated to the firm's core business. Still other research discovered that firms with closely related businesses have lower risk. These results suggest that gaining economies of scope by sharing activities across a firm's busi nesses may be important in reducing risk and in creating value. More attractive results are obtained through activity sharing when a strong corporate headquarters office facilitates it. 39
6-3b Corporate Relatedness: Transferring of Core Competencies
Over time, the firm's intangible resources, such as its know-how, become the foundation of core competencies. Corporate-level core competencies are complex sets of resources and capabilities that link different businesses, primarily through managerial and tech nological knowledge, experience, and expertise.4° Firms seeking to create value through corporate relatedness use the related linked diversification strategy as exemplified by Sony Corporation (see Chapter 11).
In at least two ways, the related linked diversification strategy helps firms to create value. First, because the expense of developing a core competence has already been incurred in one of the firm's businesses, transferring this competence to a second business elim inates the need for that business to allocate
j resources to develop it. Resource intangibility
i is a second source of value creation through ;.:: corporate relatedness. Intangible resources � i are difficult for competitors to understand � and imitate. Because of this difficulty, the � i unit receiving a transferred corporate-level :c competence often gains an immediate com- � f petitive advantage over its rivals.41
Virgin Group, known for its airline, has also transferred its brand
A number of firms have successfully transferred one or more corporate-level core competencies across their businesses. Virgin Group Ltd. transfers its marketing core competence across airlines, cosmetics,
through its marketing competence to other product areas such as
cosmetics, music, drinks, mobile phones, health clubs, and a number
of other businesses. music, drinks, mobile phones, health clubs, and a number of other businesses.42 Honda
Corporate-level core
competencies are complex
sets of resources and
capabilities that link different
businesses, primarily through
managerial and technological
knowledge, experience, and
has developed and transferred its competence in engine design and manufacturing among its businesses making products such as motorcycles, lawnmowers, and cars and trucks. Company officials state that Honda is a major manufacturer of engines focused on providing products for all forms of human mobility.43
One way managers facilitate the transfer of corporate-level core competencies is by moving key people into new management positions.44 However, the manager of an older business may be reluctant to transfer key people who have accumulated knowledge and
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
experience critical to the business's success. Thus, managers with the ability to facilitate the transfer of a core competence may come at a premium, or the key people involved may not want to transfer. Additionally, the top-level managers from the transferring business may not want the competencies transferred to a new business to fulfill the firm's diversi fication objectives.45 Research suggests that the nature of the top management team can influence the success of the knowledge and skill transfer process.46 Research also suggests too much dependence on outsourcing can lower the usefulness of core competencies, thereby reducing their useful transferability to other business units in the diversified firm. For example, Fiat has developed a novel organizational solution in how firms can organize R&D to protect against innovation competence loss in R&D outsourcing, by maintaining certain design capabilities in cooperation with the supplier. 47
6-3c Market Power
Firms using a related diversification strategy may gain market power when successfully using a related constrained or related linked strategy. Market power exists when a firm is able to sell its products above the existing competitive level or to reduce the costs of its primary and support activities below the competitive level, or both.48 Heinz was bought by a private equity firm in Brazil called 3G Capital Partners LP, which subsequently com bined Kraft Foods Group with Heinz to form Kraft-Heinz. These deals were supported by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway & Co., who teamed up with 3G to buy these food businesses. In a similar deal to build market power, 3G took private food restaurant Burger King Worldwide, Inc., and also bought Tim Hortons Inc. (a Canadian coffee and donut fast-food restaurant) through its Burger King holdings. Warren Buffet also contrib uted $11 million to help finance the latter deal. These deals obviously build market power for the combining firms in branded consumer foods and fast food restaurants.49
Ericsson for a long time had the largest share of the global market in telecommu nications equipment, and for many years its leadership position afforded it consider able market power. However, that market share has eroded, due primarily to Chinese rivals. "Since 2012, Ericsson has fallen from first to third place in the $126 billion market for telecommunications equipment and software . . . In 2016, Huawei led with a 20.4 percent market share. Nokia acquired competitor Alcatel-Lucent to leap into second place, with 14 percent. Ericsson had 12.5 percent, while China's fast-rising ZTE Corp. had 9.2 percent:' 50 As many customer firms move to the "cloud;' all of these firms are seeking acquisitions and contracts to maintain that market power.
In addition to efforts to gain scale as a means of increasing market power, firms can foster increased market power through multipoint competition and vertical integration. Multipoint competition exists when two or more diversified firms simultaneously compete in the same product areas or geographical markets.51 Through multi-point competition, rival firms often experience pressure to diversify because other firms in their dominant industry segment have made acquisitions to compete in a different market segment. The actions taken by UPS and FedEx in two markets, overnight delivery and ground shipping, illustrate multipoint competition. UPS moved into overnight delivery, FedEx's strong hold; in turn, FedEx bought trucking and ground shipping assets to move into ground shipping, UPS's stronghold. Similarly, J.M. Smucker Company, a snack food producer, in 2015 bought Big Heart Pet Brands, which specializes in snacks such as Milk-Bone dog bis cuits, treats, and chews and has over $2.2 billion in annual revenue. Smucker's competitor, Mars, had acquired a significant portion of Proctor & Gamble's dog and cat food division in 2014. Apparently, Smucker's was seeking to keep up its size and cross-industry posi tions relative to Mars by also diversifying into snacks for pets. In 2018 following these acquisitions, General Mills announced its intent to acquire Blue Buffalo Pet Products for about $8 billion to obtain "a piece of the rapidly expanding natural pet-food market:' 52
Market power exists
when a firm is able to sell its
products above the existing
competitive level or to reduce
the costs of its primary and
support activities below the
competitive level, or both.
Multipoint competition
exists when two or
more diversified firms
simultaneously compete in
the same product areas or
geographical markets.
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188 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Some firms using a related diversification strategy engage in vertical integration to gain market power. Vertical integration exists when a company produces its own inputs (backward integration) or owns its own source of output distribution (forward inte gration). In some instances, firms partially integrate their operations, producing and sell ing their products by using company-owned businesses as well as outside sources.53
� _;; Vertical integration is commonly used I in the firm's core business to gain market = power over rivals. Market power is gained � � as the firm develops the ability to save on its
When firm pursue vertical integration more information is processed
at headquarters and thus more knowledge processing is needed as
f operations, avoid sourcing and market costs, 0 improve product quality, possibly protect
its technology from imitation by rivals, and potentially exploit underlying capabilities in the marketplace. Vertically integrated firms are better able to improve product quality
illustrated by these servers. External relations with suppliers are also
supported by such information networks.
Vertical integration exists
when a company produces
its own inputs (backward
integration) or owns its own
source of output distribution
(forward integration).
and improve or create new technologies than specialized firms because they have access to
more information and knowledge that are complementary.54 Market power also is created when firms have strong ties between their productive assets for which no market prices exist. Establishing a market price would result in high search and transaction costs, so firms seek to vertically integrate rather than remain separate businesses.55
Vertical integration has its limitations. For example, an outside supplier may produce the product at a lower cost. As a result, internal transactions from vertical integration may be expensive and reduce profitability relative to competitors.56 Also, bureaucratic costs can be present with vertical integration.57 Because vertical integration can require sub stantial investments in specific technologies, it may reduce the firm's flexibility, especially when technology changes quickly. Finally, changes in demand create capacity balance and coordination problems. If one business is building a part for another internal business but achieving economies of scale requires the first division to manufacture quantities that are beyond the capacity of the internal buyer to absorb, it would be necessary to sell the parts outside the firm as well as to the internal business. Thus, although vertical integration can create value, especially through market power over competitors, it is not without risks and costs.58
Around the turn of the twenty-first century, manufacturing firms such as Intel and Dell began to reduce vertical integration by reducing ownership of self-manufactured parts and components. This trend also occurred in some large auto companies, such as Ford and General Motors, as they developed independent supplier networks. 59 Flex (formerly known as Flextronics), a large electronics contract manufacturer, helps to support this approach to supply-chain management. 60 Such firms often manage their customers' entire product lines and offer services ranging from inventory man agement to delivery and after-sales service. Interestingly, however, some firms are beginning to reintegrate in order to gain better control over the quality and timing of their supplies.61 Samsung has maintained control of its operations through a vertical integration strategy, while being a manufacturer for competitors such as Apple in consumer electronics.
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
6-3d Simultaneous Operational Relatedness and Corporate Relatedness
As Figure 6.2 suggests, some firms simultaneously seek operational and corporate relat edness to create economies of scope. 62 The ability to simultaneously create economies of scope by sharing activities (operational relatedness) and transferring core competencies (corporate relatedness) is difficult for competitors to understand and learn how to imi tate. However, if the cost of realizing both types of relatedness is not offset by the benefits created, the result is diseconomies because the cost of organization and incentive struc ture is very expensive.63
As noted in the Opening Case, Amazon uses a related diversification strategy to simultaneously create economies of scope through operational and corporate relatedness. This is illustrated in how its deep customer knowledge is integrated in the various retail and media businesses along with the cloud service and shipping businesses. Amazon has pursued a related business strategy primarily through its online retail portal. For example, Amazon is deriving value through its economies of scale in cloud computing and ware house and delivery logistics expertise. Through its purchase of Whole Foods Market, it now has other brick and mortal locations to pursue its online expertise in the grocery business. 64
In addition, Disney, as illustrated in the mini-case at the end of the chapter, also applies this strategy. Disney has five separate but related businesses: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products, and interactive media. Within the firm's Studio Entertainment business, for example, Disney can gain econo mies of scope by sharing activities among its different movie distribution companies, such as Marvel, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Dimension Films. Broad and deep knowledge about its customers is a capability on which Disney relies to develop corporate-level core competencies in terms of advertising and marketing. With these competencies, Disney is able to create economies of scope through corporate related ness as it cross-sells products that are highlighted in its movies through the distribution channels that are part of its parks and resorts and consumer products businesses. Thus, characters created in movies become figures that are marketed through Disney 's retail stores ( which are part of the consumer products business). In addition, themes established in movies become the source of new rides in the firm's theme parks, which are part of the parks and resorts business, and provide themes for clothing and other retail business products.65
Although The Walt Disney Company has been able to successfully use related diversification as a corporate-level strategy through which it creates economies of scope by sharing some activities and by transfer ring core competencies, it can be difficult for investors to identify the value created by a firm (e.g., The Walt Disney Company) as it shares activities and transfers core com - petencies. For this reason, the value of the assets of a firm using a diversification strat egy to create economies of scope often is discounted by investors.66
Disney sells many products related to its movies in its own stores as
well as more broadly through other retail outlets.
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Financial economies are
cost savings realized through
improved allocations of
financial resources based on
investments inside or outside
the firm.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
6-4 Unrelated Diversification
Firms do not seek either operational relatedness or corporate relatedness when using the unrelated diversification corporate-level strategy. An unrelated diversification strategy (see Figure 6.2) can create value through two types of financial economies. Financial economies are cost savings realized through improved allocations of financial resources based on investments inside or outside the firm.67
Efficient internal capital allocations can lead to financial economies. Efficient internal capital allocations reduce risk among the firm's businesses-for example, by leading to the development of a portfolio of businesses with different risk profiles. The second type of financial economy concerns the restructuring of acquired assets. Here, the diversified firm buys another company, restructures that company's assets in ways that allow it to operate more profitably, and then sells the company for a profit in the external market.68
Next, we discuss the two types of financial economies in greater detail, efficient internal capital market allocation and asset restructuring.
6-4a Efficient Internal Capital Market Allocation In a market economy, capital markets are believed to efficiently allocate capital. Efficiency results as investors take equity positions (ownership) with high expected future cash-flow values. Capital is also allocated through debt as shareholders and debt holders try to improve the value of their investments by taking stakes in businesses with high growth and profitability prospects.
In large diversified firms, the corporate headquarters office distributes capital to its businesses to create value for the overall corporation. As highlighted in the Strategic Focus, Berkshire Hathaway and SoftBank have used both efficient internal capital market alloca tion and restructuring approaches in managing its unrelated business units. The nature of these distributions can generate gains from internal capital market allocations that exceed the gains that would accrue to shareholders as a result of capital being allocated by the external capital market.69 Because those in a firm's corporate headquarters generally have access to detailed and accurate information regarding the actual and potential future per formance of the company's portfolio of businesses, they have the best information to make capital distribution decisions.70
Compared with corporate office personnel, external investors have relatively limited access to internal information and can only estimate the performances of individual busi nesses as well as their future prospects. Moreover, although businesses seeking capital must provide information to potential suppliers (e.g., banks or insurance companies), firms with internal capital markets can have at least two informational advantages. First, information provided to capital markets through annual reports and other sources emphasizes positive prospects and outcomes. External sources of capital have a limited ability to understand the operational dynamics within large organizations. Even external shareholders who have access to information are unlikely to receive full and complete disclosure.71 Second, although a firm must disseminate information, that information also becomes simultane ously available to the firm's current and potential competitors. Competitors might attempt to duplicate a firm's value-creating strategy with insights gained by studying such informa tion. Thus, the ability to efficiently allocate capital through an internal market helps the firm protect the competitive advantages it develops while using its corporate-level strategy as well as its various business-unit-level strategies.
If intervention from outside the firm is required to make corrections to capital alloca tions, only significant changes are possible because the power to make changes by outsiders is often indirect (e.g., through members of the board of directors). External parties can try to make changes by forcing the firm into bankruptcy or changing the top management team.
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy 191
Berkshire Hathaway and SoftBank Use Similar Unrelated Strategies
This Strategic Focus will examine the unrelated diversified
strategies employed by Berkshire Hathaway and SoftBank.
Berkshire Hathaway uses a two pronged strategy, one focused
on dominant owned or wholly owned businesses as well as
large-although minority-ownership positions in a number
of other businesses. It has dominant or wholly owned posi
tions in insurance, including National Fire and Marine, GEICO,
and Gen Re, offering reinsurance solutions that work behind
the scenes to share the risk among frontline carriers. Another
dominant position is focused on regulated and capital inten
sive businesses, which include BNSF Railroad and Berkshire
Hathaway Energy (BHE), a 90% owned utility business. Another
group, Home Services, which came with the purchase of Mid
America (the energy utility that led to the formation of BHE in
1999), owns 38 realty companies with 29,000 agents operating
in 28 states.
Manufacturing service and retail operations is another
group, with 44 businesses that report directly to the Berkshire
Hathaway corporate headquarters. Included in this group is
Kraft Heinz, which has been restructured, and other businesses
such as Duracell, a battery business, purchased from Gillette.
Berkshire Hathaway also owns financing and financial
product businesses. Included in this group are rental and
leasing operations conducted by CORT Furniture (home and
office furniture rental), XTRA (truck semi-trailers), and MARMON
(primarily rail tank cars but also freight cars, intermodal tank
controllers, and cranes); each of these is a leader in its field.
Berkshire Hathaway also owns a manufactured home financing
business called Clayton Homes.
Besides this unrelated set of dominant ownership posi
tion or wholly owned businesses, Berkshire Hathaway has
investments in a number of other well-known businesses
including: American Express Company, Apple Inc., Charter
Communications, Inc., Coca-Cola Company, Delta Airlines,
Goldman Sachs, Inc., International Business Machines Corp.
Moody's Corporation, Phillips 66, Sanofi, Southwest Airlines
Company, US Bank Corp, United Continental Holdings, Inc.
(United Airlines), USG Corp, and Wells Fargo Company. It
uses cash generated from the insurance business as well as
other assets and finance businesses to fund its investments
in these additional minority investments. It primarily invests
its money in long-term holdings where the business has a
strong competitive advantage relative to others in its indus
trial segment.
To compare and contrast, SoftBank uses a similar strategy
as noted above. However, SoftBank, a large Japanese firm, has
minority investments primarily in the high-tech area rather
than in large dominant and well-known businesses as found
in Berkshire Hathaway. The dominant business that SoftBank
has used from which to expand is the telecommunications
business in Japan, which also includes Bright Start (mobile
phones and other accessory device distribution). Furthermore,
it has acquired Sprint, a mobile telecommunication carrier in
the United States, to expand and improve on its investments
in telecommunications. SoftBank also has an investment in
Vodafone in Europe.
It has largely sought to turn these struggling mobile phone
businesses back into money makers and use the cash fiow and
asset base to fund Internet and other technology-oriented
businesses in its broader minority ownership portfolio. For
example, DiDi is a ride-hailing giant in China (like Uber) whose
platform SoftBank will likely use to help develop its ride-hailing
business in Japan. Additionally, SoftBank has investments in
Yahoo! Japan, Alibaba Group, among a myriad of others. To
foster investments it has a number of financial companies to
facilitate its investment transactions as well as engineering
design companies including: Softbank Vision Fund (venture
capital), Arm Holdings (semiconductors and software design),
For tress Investment Group (private equity), and Boston
Dynamics (engineering and robotics). For example, the Vision
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192 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Fund "strategy is to invest in the leading company in an array
of sectors, giving each company enough money to rise above
competitors'.' Softbank has invested more than $34 billion glob
ally across more than 20 companies. Comparatively, this is a
sizable investment given that the U.S. venture-capital industry
raises about $40 billion annually.
Sources: A. Abkowitz, 2018, DiDi ties up with SoftBank to give a lift to Japanese
taxi companies, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, February 8; P. Alpeyev, 2018,
Masayoshi Son plans push to cut discount in Softbank's Stock, Bloomberg,
www.bloomberg.com, February 6; E. Brown, 2018, SoftBank bets big on food deliv
ery, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, March 1; P. Dvorak & M. Negishi, 2018, How
SoftBank, world's biggest tech investor, throws around its cash, Wall Street Journal,
www.wsj.com, February 26; T. Lachapelle, 2018, Even Warren Buffett's magic can't
help Kraft Heinz, Bloomberg Businessweek, www.businessweek.com, February 16;
In summary, both these businesses employ an unrelated
strategy whereby they use the cash flow from large insurance
or utility type businesses to fund their partial investments in a
range of other investments. They both use holding company
structures, where most businesses are organized to report
their results independently to corporate headquarters and are
rewarded according to their individual business unit or subsid
iary performance.
C. Leaf, 2018, Amazon-JP Morgan-Berkshire Hathaway; what their new health
venture really means, Fortune, www.fortune.com, January 31; R. L. Ensign, 2017,
It's official; Warren Buffett made about $13 billion on Bank of America deal, Wall
Street Journal, www.wsj.com, August 30; A. Gara, 2017, Another reason to buy
Berkshire Hathaway? Hedge funds can't beat Buffett on their own turf, Forbes,
www.forbes.com, July 11; S. Grocer, 2017 Berkshire hopes its second tango with
energy goes more smoothly, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, July 7; J. Pearce,
2017, SoftBank aligned with Uber investment, Global Telecoms Business, August 14,
20; P. Alpeyev & T. Amano, 2015, Softbank $3 billion startup incubator, Bloomberg,
www.bloomberg.com, November 30.
Alternatively, in an internal capital market, the corporate headquarters office can fine-tune its corrections, such as choosing to adjust business unit managerial incentives or encouraging strategic changes in one of the firm's businesses.72 Thus, capital can be allocated according to more specific criteria than is possible with external market allocations. Because it has less accurate information, the external capital market may fail to allocate resources adequately to high-potential investments. The corporate headquarters office of a diversified company can more effectively perform such tasks as disciplining underperforming management teams through resource allocations.73
In spite of the challenges associated with it, a number of corporations continue to use the unrelated diversification strategy, especially in emerging markets. As an example, Siemens is a large diversified German conglomerate that engages in substantial diversifi cation in order to balance its economic risk. In economic downturns, diversification can help some companies improve future performance.74
The Achilles' heel for firms using the unrelated diversification strategy in a devel oped economy is that competitors can imitate financial economies more easily than they can replicate the value gained from the economies of scope developed through opera tional relatedness and corporate relatedness. This issue is less of a problem in emerging economies, in which the absence of a "soft infrastructure" (including effective financial intermediaries, sound regulations, and contract laws) supports and encourages use of the unrelated diversification strategy.75 In fact, in emerging economies such as those in Taiwan, India, and Chile, research has shown that diversification increases the performance of firms affiliated within large diversified business groups such as the Tata group in India.76
6-4b Restructuring of Assets
Financial economies can also be created when firms learn how to create value by buying, restructuring, and then selling the restructured companies' assets in the external market.77 As in the real estate business, buying assets at low prices, restructuring them, and selling them at a price that exceeds their cost generates a positive return on the firm's invested capital. This is a strategy that has been taken up by private equity firms, who successfully buy, restructure, and then sell, often within a four-or five-year period.78
Unrelated diversified companies that pursue this strategy try to create financial econ omies by acquiring and restructuring other companies' assets, but it involves significant trade-offs. For example, both Berkshire Hathaway and Softbank as illustrated in the Strategic Focus have used this strategy. Likewise, Danaher Corp:s success requires a focus on mature
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
manufacturing businesses because of the uncertainty of demand for high-technology products. It has acquired hundreds of businesses since 1984 and applied the Danaher Business System to reduce costs and create a lean organization by finding firms with "secular growth drivers and opportunities for consolidation" during restructuring.79 Danaher as noted focused on mature, low-technology businesses because resource allocation decisions are highly complex in these businesses, often creating information-processing overload on the small corporate headquarters offices that are common in unrelated diversified firms. High technology and service businesses are often human-resource dependent; these people can leave or demand higher pay and thus appropriate or deplete the value of an acquired firm.Bo
Buying and then restructuring service-based assets so they can be profitably sold in the external market is also difficult. Thus, for both high-technology firms and service based companies, relatively few tangible assets can be restructured to create value and sell profitably, although this is the approach used by SoftBank (see the Strategic Focus). It is difficult to restructure intangible assets such as human capital and effective relationships that have evolved over time between buyers (customers) and sellers (firm personnel). Ideally, executives will follow a strategy of buying businesses when prices are lower, such as in the midst of a recession, and selling them at late stages in an expansion. This is certainly the approach that Warren Buffett has used at Berkshire Hathaway; for example, it bought a large position in GE, Wells Fargo, and IBM during the downturn and sold its positions once the stock price improved significantly. Because of the increases in global economic activity, including more cross-border acquisitions, there is also a growing number of foreign divestitures and restructuring in internal markets (e.g., partial or full privatization of state-owned enterprises). Foreign divestitures are even more complex than domestic ones and must be managed carefully.Bi
6-5 Value-Neutral Diversification:
Incentives and Resources
The objectives firms seek when using related diversification and unrelated diversification strategies all have the potential to help the firm create value through the corporate-level strategy. However, these strategies, as well as single- and dominant-business diversifi cation strategies, are sometimes used with objectives that are value-neutral. Different incentives to diversify sometimes exist, and the quality of the firm's resources may permit only diversification that is value neutral rather than value creating.
6-Sa Incentives to Diversify
Incentives to diversify come from both the external environment and a firm's internal environment. External incentives include antitrust regulations and tax laws. Internal incentives include low performance, uncertain future cash flows, the pursuit of synergy, and reduction of risk for the firm.
Antitrust Regulation and Tax Laws Government antitrust policies and tax laws provided incentives for U.S. firms to diversify in the 1960s and 1970s.B2 Antitrust laws prohibiting mergers that created increased mar ket power (via either vertical or horizontal integration) were stringently enforced during that period. Merger activity that produced conglomerate diversification was encouraged primarily by the Celler-Kefauver Antimerger Act (1950), which discouraged horizontal and vertical mergers. As a result, many of the mergers during the 1960s and 1970s were "conglomerate" in character, involving companies pursuing different lines of business. Between 1973 and 1977, 79.1 percent of all mergers were conglomerate in nature.B3
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194 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
During the 1980s, antitrust enforcement lessened, resulting in more and larger hori zontal mergers ( acquisitions of target firms in the same line of business, such as a merger between two oil companies).84 In addition, investment bankers became more open to the kinds of mergers facilitated by regulation changes; as a consequence, takeovers increased to unprecedented numbers.85 The conglomerates, or highly diversified firms, of the 1960s and 1970s became more "focused" in the 1980s and early 1990s as merger constraints were relaxed and restructuring was implemented.86
In the beginning of the twenty-first century, antitrust concerns emerged again with the large volume of mergers and acquisitions (see Chapter 7).87 Mergers are now receiving more scrutiny than they did in the 1980s, 1990s, and the first decade of the 2000s.88
The tax effects of diversification stem not only from corporate tax changes, but also from individual tax rates. Some companies (especially mature ones) generate more cash from their operations than they can reinvest profitably. Some argue that free cash flows (liquid financial assets for which investments in current businesses are no longer econom ically viable) should be redistributed to shareholders as dividends.89 However, in the 1960s and 1970s, dividends were taxed more heavily than were capital gains. As a result, before 1980, shareholders preferred that firms use free cash flows to buy and build companies in high-performance industries. If the firm's stock value appreciated over the long term, shareholders might receive a better return on those funds than if the funds had been redis tributed as dividends because returns from stock sales would be taxed more lightly than would dividends.
Under the 1986 Tax Reform Act, however, the top individual ordinary income tax rate was reduced from 50 to 28 percent, and the special capital gains tax was changed to treat capital gains as ordinary income. These changes created an incentive for shareholders to stop encouraging firms to retain funds for purposes of diversification. These tax law changes also influenced an increase in divestitures of unrelated business units after 1984. Thus, while individual tax rates for capital gains and dividends created a shareholder incentive to increase diversification before 1986, they encouraged lower diversification after 1986, unless the diversification was funded by tax-deductible debt. Yet, there have been changes in the maximum individual tax rates since the 1980s. The top individual tax rate has varied from 31 percent in 1992 to 39.6 percent in 2017. There have also been some changes in the capital gains tax rates.
Corporate tax laws also affect diversification. Acquisitions typically increase a firm's depreciable asset allowances. Increased depreciation (a non-cash-flow expense) pro duces lower taxable income, thereby providing an additional incentive for acquisitions. At one time, acquisitions were an attractive means for securing tax benefits, but changes recommended by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) eliminated the "pooling of interests" method to account for the acquired firm's assets. It also elimi nated the write-off for research and development in process, and thus reduced some of the incentives to make acquisitions, especially acquisitions in related high-technology industries (these changes are discussed further in Chapter 7).90
Thus, regulatory changes such as the ones we have described create incentives or disincentives for diversification. Interestingly, European antitrust laws have historically been stricter regarding horizontal mergers than those in the United States, but recently have become more similar.91
Low Performance
Some research shows that low returns are related to greater levels of diversification.92 If high performance eliminates the need for greater diversification, then low performance may provide an incentive for diversification. AIG has experienced poor performance in the company's core commercial insurance businesses. While it was still recovering from
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
the economic downturn, it recently "struck a deal to acquire Bermuda-based insurance and reinsurance group Validus Holdings for $5.56 billion:' The acquisitions will "add a number of business lines that AIG currently lacks, including crop insurance, a syndi cate with the Lloyd's insurance market, and the reinsurance operations:' 93 AIG is hoping that this diversification move will help it recover and reduce its focus on commercial insurance. There are also risks in that the reinsurance business has had difficult to estab lish pricing power and AIG also paid a large premium.
Firms such as AIG, which has an incentive to diversify, there is a need to be careful because as noted there are risks to moving into areas that are new and where the com pany lacks operational expertise. There can be negative synergy (where potential synergy between acquiring and target firms is illusory) and problems between leaders and cultural fit difficulties with recent acquisitions.94 Research evidence and the experience of a num ber of firms suggest that an overall curvilinear relationship, as illustrated in Figure 6.3, may exist between diversification and performance.95 Although low performance can be an incentive to diversify, firms that are more broadly diversified compared to their com petitors may have overall lower performance.
Uncertain Future Cash Flows
As a firm's product line matures or is threatened, diversification may be an important defensive strategy.96 Research also suggests that during a financial downturn, diversifica tion improves firm performance because external capital markets are costly and internal resource allocation become more important.97 Family firms and companies in mature or maturing industries sometimes find it necessary to diversify for long-term survival of the legacy business. 98
Diversifying into other product markets or into other businesses can reduce the uncertainty about a firm's future cash flows. Alcoa, the largest U.S. aluminum producer, has been pursuing a "multi-material" diversification strategy driven by the highly com petitive nature of its basic commodity business. Alcoa has been diversifying into other metals beside aluminum while simultaneously moving into a variety of end-product industries. In 2015, for example, it announced that it would acquire RTI International
Figure 6.3 The Curvilinear Relationship between Diversification and Performance
Q) a..
Rel ated
Level of Diversification
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Synergy exists when the
value created by business
units working together
exceeds the value that those
same units create working
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Metals, Inc., which is one of the largest titanium producers for the aerospace industry; this allowed greater ability to negotiate prices with customers.99 However, shortly after its increased diversification, it announced it would break into two businesses, the commod ity upstream business and a multi-metal downstream business, due to pressure by activist owners and stock analysts.100
Synergy and Firm Risk Reduction Diversified firms pursuing economies of scope often have investments that are too inflex - ible as they try to realize synergy among business units. As a result, a number of problems may arise. Synergy exists when the value created by business units working together exceeds the value that those same units create working independently. However, as a firm increases its relatedness among business units, it also increases its risk of corporate failure because synergy produces joint interdependence among businesses that constrains the firm's flexibility to respond.101 This threat may force two basic decisions.
First, the firm may reduce its level of technological change by operating in envi ronments that are more certain. This behavior may make the firm risk averse and thus uninterested in pursuing new product lines that have potential but are not proven. Alternatively, the firm may constrain its level of activity sharing and forgo potential ben efits of synergy. Either or both decisions may lead to further diversification.102 Operating in environments that are more certain will likely lead to related diversification into industries that lack potential,103 while constraining the level of activity sharing may pro duce additional, but unrelated, diversification, where the firm lacks expertise. Research suggests that a firm using a related diversification strategy is more careful in bidding for new businesses, whereas a firm pursuing an unrelated diversification strategy may be more likely to overbid because it is less likely to have full information about the firm it wants to acquire.104 However, firms using either a related or an unrelated diversification strategy must understand the consequences of paying large premiums.105 Paying exces sive acquisition premiums often causes managers to become more risk averse and focus on achieving short-term returns. When this occurs, managers are less likely to be con cerned about making long-term investments (e.g., developing innovation). Alternatively, diversified firms (related and unrelated) can be innovative if the firm pursues these strategies appropriately.106
6-Sb Resources and Diversification
As already discussed, firms may have several value-neutral incentives as well as value creating incentives (e.g., the ability to create economies of scope) to diversify. However, even when incentives to diversify exist, a firm must have the types and levels of resources and capabilities needed to successfully use a corporate-level diversification strategy.107
Although both tangible and intangible resources facilitate diversification, they vary in their ability to create value. Indeed, the degree to which resources are valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, and nonsubstitutable (see Chapter 3) influences a firm's ability to create value through diversification. For instance, free cash flows are a tangible financial resource that may be used to diversify the firm. However, compared with diversification that is grounded in intangible resources, diversification based on financial resources only is more visible to competitors and thus more imitable and less likely to create value on a long-term basis.108 Tangible resources usually include the plant and equipment necessary to produce a product and tend to be less-flexible assets. Any excess capacity often can be used only for closely related products, especially those requiring highly similar manufacturing technologies. For example, large computer makers such as Dell and Hewlett-Packard have underestimated the demand for tablet computers.
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
Apple developed a tablet computer, the iPad, and many expect such tablets to eventu ally replace the personal computer (PC). In fact, Dell's and HP's sales of their PCs have been declining since the introduction of the iPad. Dell, HP, Lenovo, and others have responded by making cheaper tablet-like laptops and iPad-like tablets and have stayed in the game without having to diversify too much.109
Excess capacity of other tangible resources, such as a sales force, can be used to diversify more easily. Again, excess capacity in a sales force is more effective with related diversification because it may be utilized to sell products in similar markets (e.g., same customers). The sales force would be more knowledgeable about related product characteristics, customers, and distribution channels.110 Tangible resources may create resource interrelationships in production, marketing, procurement, and technol ogy, defined earlier as activity sharing. Interestingly, Dyson, which produces vacuum cleaners, has invested in battery technology. Dyson's CEO, James Dyson, has indicated that the company, besides producing a battery operated vacuum, will seek to launch products using new, more efficient battery technology, including an electric automo bile.111
Intangible resources are more flexible than tangible physical assets in facilitating diversification. Although the sharing of tangible resources may induce diversification, intangible resources such as tacit knowledge could encourage even more diversification. Service firms also pursue diversification strategies especially through greenfield ven tures ( opening a new business for the firm without acquiring a previous established brand-name business). Alvarez & Marsal, a professional service firm that has focused on helping to restructure firms that experience financial distress, has diversified into several additional service businesses. It has a reputation (an intangible asset) in New York financial circles for its ability to do interim management for firms that are expe riencing financial distress and often gone into bankruptcy. Alvarez & Marsal managed the largest U.S. bankruptcy in history, the wind-down of Lehman Bros. after it folded. As part of this massive wind down, it needed to manage the treasury and cash assets of the company in a way to realize the best returns possible for the remaining stakehold ers and creditors who held right to debt secured assets. Through its experience over a number of bankruptcies, but in particular the Lehman Bros. bankruptcy, Alvarez & Marsal has gained a reputation and ability in investment management especially for short-term treasury deposits. These capabilities have led the firm to open a new busi ness to manage treasury and cash assets for other companies, but also for endowments and local and state government entities. It also serves as a consultant for private equity firms that are closely associated with firms in financial distress and restructuring strat egies. From its interim management business, it has moved into performance improve ment consulting. Through its reputation and skills in serving private equity clients, Alvarez & Marsal also gained knowledge about investing in private equity businesses and have likewise started a private equity fund.112 This approach to diversification is not unfamiliar to other professional service firms such as Bain Strategy Consulting, which also started Bain Capital, a private equity fund, through the support of Bain partners ( owners) in their consulting business.
Sometimes, however, the benefits expected from using resources to diversify the firm for either value-creating or value-neutral reasons are not gained. Research suggests that picking the right target firm partner is critical to acquisition success.113 For example, Paris listed Kering has spent the past decade and a half transforming itself from a retail con glomerate into a luxury group anchored by the Florence-based Gucci brand. It purchased a majority stake in Puma, an athletic shoe and clothing brand in competition with Nike and others. It is seeking to offload its "long suffering" position in Puma and hoping to get back the $4.8 billion it paid for the brand over a decade ago.114
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198 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
6-6 Value-Reducing Diversification: Managerial Motives to Diversify
Managerial motives to diversify can exist independent of value-neutral reasons (i.e., incentives and resources) and value-creating reasons (e.g., economies of scope). The desire for increased compensation and reduced managerial risk are two motives for top level executives to diversify their firm beyond value-creating and value-neutral levels.us In slightly different words, top-level executives may diversify a firm in order to spread their own employment risk, as long as profitability does not suffer excessively.116
Diversification provides additional benefits to top-level managers that shareholders do not enjoy. Research evidence shows that diversification and firm size are highly cor related, and as firm size increases, so does executive compensation and social status.117 Because large firms are complex, difficult-to-manage organizations, top-level managers commonly receive substantial levels of compensation to lead them, but the amounts vary across countries.'18 Greater levels of diversification can increase a firm's complexity, resulting in still more compensation for executives to lead an increasingly diversified organization. Governance mechanisms, such as the board of directors, monitoring by owners, executive compensation practices, and the market for corporate control, may limit managerial tendencies to over diversify.'19 These mechanisms are discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.
In some instances, though, a firm's governance mechanisms may not be strong, allow ing executives to diversify the firm to the point that it fails to earn even average returns.120
The loss of adequate internal governance may result in relatively poor performance, thereby triggering a threat of takeover. Although takeovers may improve efficiency by replacing ineffective managerial teams, managers may avoid takeovers through defensive tactics, such as "poison pills;' or may reduce their own exposure with "golden parachute" agreements.121 Therefore, an external governance threat, although restraining managers, does not flawlessly control managerial motives for diversification.122
Most large publicly held firms are profitable because the managers leading them are positive stewards of firm resources, and many of their strategic actions, including those related to selecting a corporate-level diversification strategy, contribute to the firm's suc cess. 123 As mentioned, governance mechanisms should be designed to deal with exceptions to the managerial norms of making decisions and taking actions that increase the firm's ability to earn above-average returns. Thus, it is overly pessimistic to assume that managers usually act in their own self-interest as opposed to their firm's interest.124
Top-level executives' diversification decisions may also be held in check by concerns for their reputation. If a positive reputation facilitates development and use of managerial power, a poor reputation can reduce it. Likewise, a strong external market for managerial talent may deter managers from pursuing inappropriate diversification.125 In addition, a diversified firm may acquire other firms that are poorly managed in order to restructure its own asset base. Knowing that their firms could be acquired if they are not managed successfully encourages executives to use value-creating diversification strategies.
As shown in Figure 6.4, the level of diversification with the greatest potential posi tive effect on performance is based partly on the effects of the interaction of resources, managerial motives, and incentives on the adoption of particular diversification strate gies. As indicated earlier, the greater the incentives and the more flexible the resources, the higher the level of expected diversification. Financial resources (the most flexible) should have a stronger relationship to the extent of diversification than either tangible or intangible resources. Tangible resources (the most inflexible) are useful primarily for related diversification.
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
Figure 6.4 Summary Model of the Relationship between Diversification and Firm Performance
Value-Creating Influences
• Economies of Scope • Market Power • Financial Economics
Value-Neutral Influences
• Incentives • Resources
Value-Reducing Influences
• Managerial Motives to Diversify
Capital Market Intervention and the Market for Managerial Talent
Diversification Strategy
Firm Performance
Internal Governance
Strategy Implementation
Source: Adapted from R. E. Hoskisson & M.A. Hitt, 1990, Antecedents and performace outcomes of diversification: A review and critique of theoretical perspectives, Journal of Management, 16: 498.
As discussed in this chapter, firms can create more value by effectively using diversifi cation strategies. However, diversification must be kept in check by corporate governance (see Chapter 10). Appropriate strategy implementation tools, such as organizational struc tures, are also important for the strategies to be successful (see Chapter 11).
We have described corporate-level strategies in this chapter. In the next chapter, we discuss mergers and acquisitions as prominent means for firms to diversify and to grow profitably. These trends toward more diversification through acquisitions, which have been partially reversed due to restructuring (see Chapter 7), indicate that learning has taken place regarding corporate-level diversification strategies.126 Accordingly, firms that diversify should do so cautiously, choosing to focus on relatively few, rather than many, businesses. In fact, research suggests that although unrelated diversification has decreased, related diversifica - tion has increased, possibly due to the restructuring that continued from the 1990s through the early twenty-first century. This sequence of diversification followed by restructuring has occurred in Europe and in countries such as Korea, following actions of firms in the United States and the United Kingdom.127 Firms can improve their strategic competitiveness when they pursue a level of diversification that is appropriate for their resources (especially finan cial resources) and core competencies and the opportunities and threats in their country's institutional and competitive environments.128
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The primary reason a firm uses a corporate-level strategy to
become more diversified is to create additional value. Using a
single- or dominant-business corporate-level strategy may be
preferable to seeking a more diversified strategy, unless a cor
poration can develop economies of scope or financial econo
mies between businesses, or unless it can obtain market power
through additional levels of diversification. Economies of scope
and market power are the main sources of value creation when
the firm uses a corporate-level strategy to achieve moderate to
high levels of diversification.
The related diversification corporate-level strategy helps the
firm create value by sharing activities or transferring competen
cies between different businesses in the company's portfolio.
Sharing activities usually involves sharing tangible resources
between businesses. Examples include transferring core com
petencies developed in one business to another business, and
transferring competencies between the corporate headquar
ters office and a business unit.
Sharing activities is usually associated with the related con
strained diversification corporate-level strategy. Activity shar
ing is costly to implement and coordinate, may create unequal
benefits for the divisions involved in the sharing, and can lead
to fewer managerial risk-taking behaviors.
Transferring core competencies is often associated with
related linked (or mixed related and unrelated) diversification,
although firms pursuing both sharing activities and
corporate-level core competencies 186
corporate-level strategy 178
economies of scope 185
financial economies 190
1. What is corporate-level strategy and why is it important?
2. What are the different levels of diversification firms can pursue
by using different corporate-level strategies?
3. What are three reasons firms choose to diversify their operations?
4. How do firms create value when using a related diversification
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
transferring core competencies can also use the related linked
Efficiently allocating resources or restructuring a target firm's
assets and placing them under rigorous financial controls are
two ways to accomplish successful unrelated diversification.
Firms using the unrelated diversification strategy focus on cre
ating financial economies to generate value.
Diversification is sometimes pursued for value-neutral reasons.
Incentives from tax and antitrust government policies, low per
formance, or uncertainties about future cash flow are examples
of value-neutral reasons that firms choose to become more
Managerial motives to diversify (including to increase com
pensation) can lead to overdiversification and a subsequent
reduction in a firm's ability to create value. Evidence suggests,
however, that many top-level executives seek to be good stew
ards of the firm's assets and avoid diversifying the firm in ways
that destroy value.
Managers need to consider their firm's internal organization
and its external environment when making decisions about
the optimum level of diversification for their company. Of
course, internal resources are important determinants of the
direction that diversification should take. However, conditions
in the firm's external environment may facilitate additional
levels of diversification, as might unexpected threats from
market power 187
multipoint competition 187
synergy 196
vertical integration 188
5. What are the two ways to obtain financial economies when
using an unrelated diversification strategy?
6. What incentives and resources encourage diversification?
7. What motives might encourage managers to over diversify
their firm?
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Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy 201
Walt Disney Company Corporate Strategy
The Walt Disney Company has a diversified set of busi nesses in movie-making, television show production, media distribution (e.g., ABC and ESPN), interactive and theme parks (e.g., Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris, and Shanghai Disneyland), and retail and consumer product sales. It is the second largest mass media producer after Comcast, which owns NBC and Universal Studios. W hile other more focused media content providers such as Discover Communications, CBS, and Viacom have seen decreasing revenues because of lower ratings and TV ad weakness, Disney was strengthened through its other businesses based on its diversification strategy. Although its ad revenues have decreased like other more focused content producers and distributors, its other businesses are growing and allow it to maintain higher earnings com pared to other rival media producing firms.
Disney's strategy is successful because its corporate strategy, compared to its business-level strategy, adds value across its set of businesses above what the indi vidual businesses could create individually. In the lit erature this is often known as synergy, or in the more academic literature, economies of scope (defined earlier in Chapter 6). First, Disney has a set of businesses that feed into each other: its studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media, media network outlets, parks and resorts, studio entertainment parks, and retail enterprises have overlapping aspects. Within its stu dio entertainment businesses, Disney can share activ ities across its different production firms: Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Dimension Films, Pixar Films, and Marvel Entertainment. By sharing activities among these semi-independent studios, it can learn faster and gain success by the knowledge sharing and efficiencies associated with each studio's expertise. The corporation also has broad and deep knowledge about its customers, which is a corporate-level capability in terms of advertising and marketing. This capability allows Disney to cross-sell products highlighted in its movies through its media distribution outlets, parks and resorts, as well as consumer product businesses.
Recently, for example, Disney has found success in making live action movies from former comic books through its Marvel acquisition. A recent example is the
success of Black Panther, a superhero film that deals with issues of being of African descent. Its success fol lows other Marvel superhero movies such as Wonder Woman, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America, and Iron Man. Marvel's characters have also led to TV series such as Agency of S.H.I.E.L.D. from Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Disney has been also been moving from its historical central focus on animation in movies such as Cinderella, The Jungle Book, and Beauty and the Beast, into the same titles or stories using a live action approach. The recent release of A Wrinkle in Time staring Oprah Winfrey and Reese Witherspoon is another example. Cinderella, a live action version of the original 1950 animated classic, stays particularly close to the "fairy tale version of the script:' This approach comes from its understanding of its custom ers and what they prefer. Other approaches can be found in Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp and Maleficent with Angelina Jolie, both of which were twists on their respec tive originals (Maleficent came from Sleeping Beauty). The action versions of these two movies grossed $1.3 billion and $813 million globally, respectively. Although Disney has had some relatively unsuccessful pictures-John Carter, The Lone Ranger, and The Sorcerer's Apprentice-its action movies based on its animated fairy tales have been relatively more successful. Disney successfully promoted Cinderella products in its stores and in other focused retail outlets and advertised its movie-themed products along with direct connections to Alice, Maleficent, and Frozen. All of these have been consumer product successes, and A Wrinkle in Time is likely to have the same appeal. All of these feed products not only into its Disney stores and Disney-themed sections in department stores, but also promote resort themes and thus drive interrelated revenue through cross-selling.
One of the downside problems for these fairy tale themes is that the stories are in the public domain. As such, other competitors are seeking to follow Disney's successful approach. For example, Time Warner Inc:s Warner Bros. Studio will release Pan, which seems to be beating Disney to the punch on its former Peter Pan movie success. Likewise, Time Warner released Jungle Book in 2017 and has another script based on Beauty and
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the Beast. Comcast's Universal Pictures is developing The Little Mermaid. However, neither of these studios has the retail marketing power nor the franchising capability of Disney and its interrelated business and corporate skills. Although they are seeking to build these skills, they cannot duplicate Disney's corporate strategy and parent benefit because they are primarily focused on content and distribution.
Disney also owns ABC and its sports channel ESPN. Although ESPN subscriber numbers are down recently due to cord cutting, Disney has developed the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at The Walt Disney World Resort as a sports-related complex that attracts sports enthusiasts and teams to its Disney World Resort in Florida. The com plex also attracts sports teams such as the Atlanta Braves during their training camp. It is planning to reduce the cord cutting by offering its own standalone streaming service, and ESPN is already an anchor tenant of emerging digital platforms, with carriage on Dish's Sling TV, DirecTV Now, PlayStation Vue, YouTube TV, and Hulu.
Case Discussion Questions
1. What corporate diversification strategy is being pursued by
Disney? What evidence do you have that supports your position?
2. How does the corporate office create a parental advantage,
which is difficult to duplicate by its more focused competitors?
3. What are synergies and economies of scope and how do they
work at Disney to lower its overall costs?
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
In summary, Disney has a current corporate parental advantage over its more focused movie and content pro ducing and distribution competitors due to the power of its interrelated set of businesses, where the corporation facilitates customer market information sharing and skill transfer among the various business units.
Sources: E. Low, 2018, Forget ESPN, this part of Disney is 'underappreci ated' by Wall Street, Investors Business Daily, February 7, 20; S. Mendelson, 2018, Box office: Marvel's 'Black Panther' tops $BOOM worldwide today, Forbes, www.forbes.com, March 2; A. Gara, 2017, Disney's 1995 deal for ABC made Buffett billions by marrying Mickey Mouse with SportsCenter, Forbes, www.forbes.com, May 23; C. Harrison, 2017, ESPN subscribers drop to 14-year low, putting pressure on Disney, Bloomberg, www.bloomberg.com, November 22; N. LaPorte, 2017, Marvel rules the universe, Fast Company, May, 60-68; B. Fritz, 2015, Disney recycles fairy tales, minus cartoons, Wall Street Journal, March 11, Bl, B6; M. Gottfried, 2015, Walt Disney has built a better mousetrap, Wall Street Journal, Feb 5, CS; M. Lev-Ram, 2015, Empire of tech, Fortune, January I, 48-58; C. Palmeri & A. Sakoui, 2015, Disney's princesses' give a little live action, Bloomberg Business Week, March 9, 30-31; D. Leonard, 2014, The master of Marvel universe, Bloomberg Business Week, April 7, 62-68; C. Palmeri & B. Faries, 2014, Big Mickey is watching, Bloomberg Business Week, March 10, 22- 23.
4. Given the diversification approach that Disney uses, what are
some things that they can do to deal further with the trend
toward cord-cutting and competition from large streaming
and content producers such at Netflix, Amazon, and other con
tent producers?
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206 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
111. R. Adams, 2017, Dyson's electric car dreams of country-level institutions, Strategic 123. F. Rubino, P. Tenuta, & D. Cambrea,
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Studying this chapter should provide
you with the strategic management knowledge needed to:
7 1 Explain the popularity of merger and acquisition strategies in firms competing in the global economy.
7-2 Discuss reasons why firms use an acquisition strategy to achieve strategic competitiveness.
7-3 Describe seven problems that work against achieving success when using an acquisition strategy.
7-4 Name and describe the attributes of effective acquisitions.
Define the restructuring strategy and distinguish among its common forms.
Explain the short- and long-term outcomes of the different types of restructuring strategies.
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Cisco Systems has traditionally been in the business of building the infrastructure that allows the Internet to work. As the Internet evolved, however, Cisco's business was required to change with this evolution. As part of its advancement, Cisco Systems has used an acquisition strategy to build network products and extend its reach into new areas, both related and unrelated. In the beginning, digital connectivity was important through e-mail and Web browsing and searches. This evolved into a network economy facilitating e-commerce, digital supply chains, and digital collaboration. Subsequently, the digital interaction phase moved Cisco into developing infrastructure for social media, mobile and cloud computing, and digital video. The next stage seemed to be "the Internet of everything" connecting people, processes, and data. This will require the basic core in routing, switching, and services, as well as large data centers to facilitate visualiza- tion through cloud computing. Video and collaboration as well as basic architecture of the business will be transforming to become the base strategic business blocks. Furthermore, :,i,
.§ the need to have strong digital €" security will be paramount. 1e_ [ This vision by John � � Chambers led to Cisco moving �
away from its basic business of E � network sales and routers and -,,
into businesses that were farther '!; from its core competencies. � Although in the IT sector about 90 percent of acquisitions fail, John Chambers, seen here at a January 2014 Consumer
Chambers noted optimistically, Electronics show in Las Vegas, led Cisco away from its basic
"we know that a third of our business of network gear and routers, and into businesses that acquisitions won't work'.' In fact, were farther from its core competencies. "Cisco bought cable set-top box market Scientific-Atlanta for nearly $7 billion in 2005 and sold it for just $600 million ten years later to French telco equipment firm Technicolor'.' It also bought Linksys, a producer of routers for home networks a consumer business, in 2003 for $500 million and sold it in 2013 to Belkin for less than it paid. Additionally, Cisco bought video maker Pure Digital for about $600 million in 2009, but the timing was poor because consumers were starting to buy iPhones and Android devices that also made it seamless to record and post videos. Cisco closed this business in 2011. While Chambers was optimistic, its acquisition failures increased when it moved away from its core business.
In 2015, Chuck Robbins became the CEO, and more recently has made acquisitions that are supportive of its core business and but also has sought to strengthen new strategic emphases. Cisco bought cloud software firm BroadSoft and Al monitoring manager AppDynamics in 2017. These as well as many other acquisitions support Cisco's move toward a cloud-centric company, which is not only focused on physical network upgrades such as routers but on software solu tions that make the network more efficient (such as its Springpath and ContainerX acquisitions). Likewise, it has pursued software acquisitions that protect the movement to cloud computing from attacks. For example, it purchased Cloudlock and Lancope, and more recently Skyport, "a physical server platform that provides an end-to-end set of security guarantees'.'The software strategy seeks to provide Cisco more recurring revenue relative to selling network hardware.
In the process of its rapid changes over time, Cisco has developed a distinct ability to integrate acquisitions. When Cisco contemplates an acquisition, along with financial due diligence to make sure that it is paying the right price, it develops a detailed plan for possible post-merger integration. It begins communicating early with stakeholders about integration
plans and conducts rigorous post-mortems to identify ways "to make subsequent integrations
more efficient and effective:• Once a deal is completed, this allows the company to hit the
ground running when the deal becomes public. During the integration process, it is import
ant to know how far the integration should go. Sometimes integration is too deep, and value
that was being sought in the acquisition is destroyed. Sometimes it may even pay to keep
the business separate from Cisco's other operations to allow the business to function without
integration until the necessary learning is complete. "Cisco learned the hard way that complex
deals require you to know at a high level of detail how you're going to drive value:•
Sources: S. M. Kerner, 2018, Cisco acquires Skyport as cyber-security investments continue, Eweek, www.eweek.com January 25; P.R. La Monica, 2018, Cisco is the market's comeback kid, CNNMoney, www.money.cnn.com, March 15; M. Cooney, 2017, Cisco closes AppDynamics deal, increases software weight, CIO, www.cio.com, March 23; Credit Suisse, 2017, Investors' soapbox: Cisco's 2017 acquisitions hit $4.3 billion, Barrons, www.barrons.com, May 3; R. King, 2017, Cisco steers further into cloud with S 1 .73 billion deal for BroadSoft, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, October 24; F. Caviggioli, A. De Marco, G. Scellato, & E. Ughetto, 2017, Corporate strategies for technology acquisition: Evidence from patent trans actions, Management Decision, 55(6): 1163-1181; A. Konrad, 2017, What Cisco's $3.7B splurge for AppDynamics means for tech's other unicorns, Forbes, www.forbes.com, January 26; C. Preimesberger, 2017, Cisco boards HCI train with Springpath acquisition, Eweek, www.eweek.com, August 21; S. Karim & L Capron, 2016, Reconfiguration: Adding, redeploying, recom bining and divesting resources and business units, Strategic Management Journal, 37: E54-E62; L. Capron, 2013, Cisco's corporate development portfolio: A blend of building, borrowing, and buying, Strategy & Leadership, 41 (2): 27-30.
W e examined corporate-level strategy in Chapter 6, focusing on types and levels of product diversification strategies firms use to create value for stakeholders and
competitive advantages for the firms. As noted in that chapter, diversification allows a firm to create value by productively using excess resources to exploit new opportunities.' In this chapter, we explore merger and acquisition strategies. Firms throughout the world use these strategies, often in concert with diversification strategies, to become more diver sified. In other words, firms often become more diversified by completing mergers and/or acquisitions. As we discuss in this chapter, although a popular strategy for small corpora tions2 as well as large ones, using these strategies does not always lead to the success firms seek.3 And as described in the Opening Case focused on Cisco, certain conditions may necessitate that a firm engage in merger and acquisition as well as restructuring (divesti ture) activity in order to move into new markets or correct poor or mistaken acquisitions.
A key objective of this chapter is to explain how firms can successfully use merger and acquisition strategies to create stakeholder value and competitive advantages.4 To reach this objective, we first explain the continuing popularity of merger and acquisition strat egies. As part of this explanation, we describe the differences between mergers, acquisi tions, and takeovers. We next discuss specific reasons why firms choose to use merger and acquisition strategies and some of the problems organizations may encounter when doing so. We then describe the characteristics associated with effective acquisitions (we focus on acquisition strategies in the chapter) before closing the chapter with a discussion of different types of restructuring strategies. Restructuring strategies are commonly used to correct or deal with the results of ineffective mergers and acquisitions.
7-1 The Popularity of Merger and Acquisition Strategies
Merger and acquisition (M&A) strategies have been popular among U.S. firms for many years. Some believe that these strategies played a central role in the restructuring of U.S. businesses during the 1980s and 1990s and that they continue generating these types of benefits in the twenty-first century. In fact, 2018 is on track for a record with deals worth $4.8 trillion expected (possibly more than the record set in 2007).5 As discussed in other
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
parts of this chapter, mergers and acquisitions are also occurring with greater frequency in many regions of the world.6 In the final analysis, firms use these strategies for the pur pose of trying to create more value for all firm stakeholders.7
Although popular as a way of creating value and earning above-average returns, it is challenging to effectively implement merger and acquisition strategies. This is particularly true for the acquiring firms in that some research results indicate that shareholders of the acquired firms often earn above-average returns from acquisitions, while shareholders of the acquiring firms typically earn returns that are close to zero.8 Moreover, in approximately two-thirds of all acquisitions, the acquiring firm's stock price falls immediately after the intended transaction is announced. This negative response reflects investors' skepticism about the likelihood that the acquirer will be able to achieve the synergies required to justify the premium to purchase the target firm.9
Discussed more fully later in the chapter, pay- ing excessive premiums to acquire firms can nega tively influence the results a firm achieves through an acquisition strategy. Determining the worth of a target firm is difficult; this difficulty increases the likelihood a firm will pay a premium to acquire a target. Premiums are paid when those leading an acquiring firm conclude that the target furn would be worth more under its ownership than it would be as part of any other ownership arrangement or if it were to remain as an independent company. Recently, for example, Cigna Corp., an insurance company, has sought to acquire Express Scripts, a pharmacy-benefit manager, or PBM. Such com panies serve as middlemen that help negotiate discounts with drugmakers. The deal is worth $54 billion and Cigna is offering a 31 percent pre mium to Express Scripts' shareholders. On the day of the announcement, Express Scripts share price increased 9.3 percent, while Cigna share price decreased 12 percent. It remains to be seen whether this deal will be allowed, given that another deal between Cigna and Anthem (two insurance com panies) was disapproved by regulators.10 Overall though, paying a premium that exceeds the value
of a target once integrated with the acquiring firm &. can result in negative outcomes.11
7-1a Mergers, Acquisitions, and Takeovers: What Are the Differences?
A merger is a strategy through which two firms agree to integrate their operations on a rela-
The Dell acquisition of EMC was completed in September
of 2017.
tively coequal basis. A proposed merger of equals between Dell Technologies, focused on PC and smaller companies, and EMC, focused on servers and storage serving large companies, was announced in 2016. Because of cloud computing both firms were in consolidation mode due to market shrinkage. Because they were able to cross-sell their products and both were under pressure, it allowed them to improve sales opportunities while consolidating.12
A merger is a strategy
through which two firms agree to integrate their
operations on a relatively
coequal basis.
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An acquisition is a strategy
through which one firm buys
a controlling, or 100 percent,
interest in another firm with
the intent of making the
acquired firm a subsidiary
business within its portfolio.
A takeover is a special type
of acquisition where the
target firm does not solicit
the acquiring firm's bid; thus,
takeovers are unfriendly
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Even though the transaction between Dell and EMC was to be a merger of equals, evidence suggests that finalizing a proposal for firms to merge on an equal or a relatively equal basis is difficult. One thing that helped the integration process of this transaction was that the two firms had a preexisting technology sharing partnership. On a practical basis, deciding who will lead the merged firm, how to fuse what are often disparate cor porate cultures, and how to reach an agreement about the value of each company prior to the merger are issues that commonly affect firms' efforts to merge on a coequal basis.
An acquisition is a strategy through which one firm buys a controlling, or 100 per cent, interest in another firm with the intent of making the acquired firm a subsidiary business within its portfolio. After the acquisition is completed, the management of the acquired firm reports to the management of the acquiring firm.
Although most mergers that are completed are friendly in nature, acquisitions can be friendly or unfriendly. A takeover is a special type of acquisition where the target firm does not solicit the acquiring firm's bid; thus, takeovers are unfriendly acquisitions. As explained in Chapter 10, firms have developed defenses (mostly corporate governance devices) that can be used to prevent an unrequested and undesired takeover bid from being successful.13
Commonly, firms think of unsolicited bids as "hostile" takeovers. When such a bid is received, the takeover target may try to determine the highest amount the acquir ing firm is willing to pay, even while simultaneously using defense mechanisms to pre vent a takeover attempt from succeeding. Multiple exchanges may take place between a potential acquirer and its target before a resolution to the unsolicited bid is reached, and these exchanges can become quite complicated. The exchanges outlined in the Strategic Focus between Broadcom and Qualcomm, two semiconductor producers, initiated in the late 2017 demonstrate this complexity. Broadcom made an offer for Qualcomm while Qualcomm's price was depressed due to regulator challenges over Qualcomm's dom inance as a critical cell phone component supplier. At the same time, Qualcomm was seeking to close a deal for NPX, a semiconductor producer focused on automobiles and self-driving cars, which led to Broadcom lowering is offer price.I4 Ultimately, Broadcom withdrew its offer because it was disallowed by regulators due to government intellectual property and security concerns.Is
On a comparative basis, acquisitions are more common than mergers and takeovers. Accordingly, we focus the remainder of this chapter's discussion on acquisitions.
7-2 Reasons for Acquisitions In this section, we discuss reasons why firms decide to acquire another company. As this discussion shows, there are many unique reasons that firms choose to use an acquisition strategy. I6
7-2a Increased Market Power
Achieving greater market power is a primary reason for acquisitions_ I7 Defined in Chapter 6, market power exists when a firm is able to sell its goods or services above competitive levels or when the costs of its primary or support activities are lower than those of its competitors. Market power usually is derived from the size of the firm, the quality of the resources it uses to compete, and its share of the market(s) in which it competes.Is Therefore, most acquisitions that are designed to achieve greater market power entail buying a competitor, a supplier, a distributor, or a business in a highly related industry so that a core competence can be used to gain competitive advantage in the acquiring firm's primary market.
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies 213
Broadcom's Failed Hostile Takeover Attempt of Qualcomm
In late 2017 Broadcom made a hostile takeover offer for
Qualcomm, which has focused on cellphone chips and
is investing in the next generation network, SG technol
ogy. Through a series of five large acquisitions since 2013
including Freescale and Brocade Communications Systems,
Broadcom, headquartered in Singapore, has become the
fifth largest semiconductor firm in the world. With the
Qualcomm acquisition, it would become third largest, after
Intel and Samsung Electronics. The CEO, Hock Tan, has used
a private equity approach (discussed later in the chapter)
focused on acquisition integration and restructuring; this
external approach reduced Broadcom's focus on internal
R&D and, instead, focused on making more acquisitions to
build the business. Qualcomm itself has purchased addi
tional chipmakers including a potential acquisition of NXP, a
Netherlands-based producer, for $47 billion. The NXP deal is
focused on producing semiconductors for the automotive
industry, particularly self-driving cars, which is a promising
area for chipmakers. Qualcomm later withdrew its offer for
NXP because it was unlikely to be approved by Chinese
regulators in a timely fashion.
One reason that Broadcom took an opportunity to make a
hostile offer for Qualcomm was that Qualcomm's stock price
was discounted due to regulatory challenges. Qualcomm has
traditionally sought to make significant revenues through
patent licensing. This approach has been problematic for the
firm in that many countries have sought substantial fines for
alleged anti-competitive behavior. These include regulatory
bodies in China, South Korea, and Taiwan. Additionally, Apple
has sued Qualcomm over its licensing terms and has started
to withhold royalty payments, depriving Qualcomm of billions
in sales. Accordingly, with Qualcomm's lower stock market
prices due to regulatory and patent infringement uncertain
ties, Broadcom was able to offer a relatively significant pre
mium to Qualcomm shareholders.
Although Qualcomm rejected the initial $130 billion offer,
it looked as if a Qualcomm shareholder vote would favor
Broadcom's position and elect Broadcom's slate as Qualcomm
board members. Broadcom, however, withdrew its offer when
the Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States
(CFIUS) chose not to support the deal. CFIUS is an interagency
committee working under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Treasur y
Department and operates under strict confidentially require
ments. Qualcomm does some classified research work for the
U.S. government. Additionally, an apparent concern of this
committee was that Qualcomm will help to set the standard
for next generation cellular network, SG Internet. The SG net
work update will make possible what is labelled "The Internet
ofThings;' which would support advances such as autono
mous cars and home appliances that run over networks. The
two leaders in SG are Qualcomm and Chinese firm Huawei,
a giant network and telecom company. Because Broadcom
does significant business with Huawei, CFIUS members were
worried that once in control of Qualcomm, Broadcom would
strike a deal with Huawei, which would make U.S. SG network
leadership and other technological intellectual property avail
able to the Chinese.
It is interesting to note that Broadcom had promised to
move its headquarters to the United States; had it completed
this move prior to the offer for Qualcomm, it would no lon
ger be under CFIUS review. It's also interesting to note that
even though Broadcom CEO Tan is a U.S. citizen, Broadcom
has not invested as much on lobbying as Qualcomm. In
fact, Qualcomm's expenditures were over 100 times those of
Broadcom. Though some have the opinion that Qualcomm has
more sway in Washington, D.C. than does Broadcom, Broadcom
has significant U.S. assets.
In summary, hostile takeovers can be very complex and
involve government bodies for approval and may even
involve security concerns between governments. For instance,
Qualcomm's NXP deal also needs to be approved by Chinese
authorities and may have been rejected in retaliation for
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214 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
the CFIUS rejection of the Qualcomm hostile takeover by
Broadcom. Although the deal with NXP was ultimately nixed by
both Qualcomm and NXP, company officials justified dropping
the deal based on regulatory approval delays by the Chinese.
offer for Qualcomm over new NXP deal price, Wall Street Journal www.wsj.com,
February 22; I. King, B. Brody, & S. Mohsin, 2018, Qualcomm outspent Broadcom
about 100 to 1 in lobbying, Bloomberg, www.bloomberg.com, March 14;
A. Lashinsky, 2018, The merits of blocking Broadcom's acquisition of Qualcomm,
Fortune, www.fortune.com, March 15; L. Qi, 2018, China to Qualcomm: Don't blame
us for failed NXP deal, Wall Streetlournal, www.wsj.com, July 27; Economist, 2017,
Welcome to the wild; Broadcom's $130bn Qualcomm bid highlights a ruthless
chips industry, Economist, www.economist.com, November 9; P. Seitz, 2017,
Qualcomm rejects Broadcom's buyout offer, says it's undervalued, Investors Business
Daily, www.investor.com, November 13.
Sources: J. Burt, 2018, Qualcomm offered to buy NXP complicates Broadcom's
hostile takeover bid, eWeek, www.eweek.com, February 22; T. Greenwald, 2018,
Qualcomm warms to Broadcom bid, but price is sticking point, Wall Street Journal,
www.wsj.com, February 26; T. Greenwald & A. Hufford, 2018, Broadcom cuts
Next, we discuss how firms use horizontal, vertical, and related types of acquisitions to increase their market power. Active acquirers simultaneously pursue two or all three types of acquisitions in order to do this. Evidence suggests, for example, that Amazon has been expanding the scale and scope of its operation (see the Opening Case for Chapter 6), both horizontally (new products to sell online) and vertically (its moving into shipping).19
These three types of acquisitions are subject to regulatory review by various governmen tal entities. Sometimes these reviews bring about the dissolution of proposed transactions as illustrated in the Strategic Focus on the Broadcom takeover attempt of Qualcomm. For example, AT&T is attempting to acquire Time Warner (a media cable and movie content producer) and have gone to court after the U.S. Department of Justice rejected its proposal. 20
Horizontal Acquisitions The acquisition of a company competing in the same industry as the acquiring firm is a horizontal acquisition. Horizontal acquisitions increase a firm's market power by exploiting cost-based and revenue-based synergies.21 Horizontal acquisitions occur frequently in the semiconductor industry as illustrated in the Strategic Focus. Both Broadcom and Qualcomm have increased their scale and market power through a series of acquisitions. Likewise, industry leader Intel has improved its scale and product dif ferentiation with horizontal acquisitions. It acquired Mobileye in 2107 for $15.3 billion and Altera for $16.7 billion in 2015. The Mobileye acquisition puts Intel in a stronger position "in the booming market for autonomous-vehicle technology."22 Research sug gests that horizontal acquisitions result in higher performance when the firms have similar characteristics,23 such as strategy, managerial styles, and resource allocation patterns. Similarities in these characteristics, as well as previous alliance management experience as in the merger between Dell and EMC noted earlier, support efforts to integrate the acquiring and the acquired firm. Horizontal acquisitions are often most effective when the acquiring firm effectively integrates the acquired firm's assets with its own, but only after evaluating and divesting excess capacity and assets that do not complement the newly combined firm's core competencies.24
Vertical Acquisitions A vertical acquisition refers to a firm acquiring a supplier or distributor of one or more of its products. Through a vertical acquisition, the newly formed firm controls addi tional parts of the value chain (see Chapter 3),25 which is how vertical acquisitions lead to increased market power.
Through vertical integration, a firm has an opportunity to appropriate value being generated in a part of the value chain in which it does not currently compete and to better control its own destiny in terms of costs and access. These factors influenced the attempted acquisition of Aetna, a large health insurance company, by CVS, the largest
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
U.S. drug store chain. 'J\lready, CVS has 1,100 MinuteClinics in its pharmacies, where nurse practitioners and physician assistants provide routine care such as flu shots or wrapping sprained ankles. It's also trying out hearing and vision centers in a handful of locations. If the merger goes through, CVS plans to build mini-health centers in many more of its 9,700 stores, turning them into places where Aetna members-and customers of rival insurers-get convenient low-level care for ailments and chronic diseases:' 26 This acquisition has "the potential to help bend the cost curve, while making health care more convenient and effective;' 27 but also give CVS and Aetna more market power, so it will be interesting to see if the Justice Department approves the transaction.28
Related Acquisitions Acquiring a firm in a highly related industry is called a related acquisition. Through a related acquisition, firms seek to create value through the synergy that can be generated by integrating some of their resources and capabilities.
As illustrated in the Opening Case, Cisco Systems designs, manufacturers, and sells networking equipment. Over time though, the firm has engaged in related acquisitions, primarily as a foundation for being able to compete aggressively in other product mar kets. For example, as software becomes a more integral aspect of all networking products, the firm is acquiring software companies that support and protect cloud computing, its newest emphasis under CEO Chuck Robbins. As noted, Cisco bought cloud software firm BroadSoft and AI monitoring manager AppDynamics in 2017. Cisco also sought to make networks more efficient through its acquisitions of Springpath and ContainerX, both software companies.29
7-2b Overcoming Entry Barriers Barriers to entry (introduced in Chapter 2) are factors associated with a market, or the firms currently operating in it, that increase the expense and difficulty new firms encounter when trying to enter that particular market. For example, well-established competitors may have economies of scale in manufacturing or servicing their products. In addition, enduring relationships with customers often create loyalties and customer information that are difficult for new entrants to overcome. 30 When facing differenti ated products, new entrants typically must spend considerable resources to advertise their products and may find it necessary to sell below competitors' prices to entice new customers.
Facing the entry barriers that economies of scale and differentiated products create, a new entrant may find that acquiring an established company is more effective than enter ing the market as a competitor offering a product that is unfamiliar to current buyers. In fact, the higher the barriers to market entry, the greater the probability that a firm will acquire an existing firm to overcome them. For example, China's agriculture technology is antiquated and yet its government has to feed 19 percent of the world's population with 7 percent of the arable land. Because patents and intellectual property rights protect much of agriculture technology, there are strong barriers to entry. Additionally, recent mergers between Dow and DuPont (now DowDuPont) and a potential merger between Bayer and Monsanto, a large genetically modified seed producer, have spurred China to act. In 2017, as depicted in the Strategic Focus, Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE) ChemChina succeeded in merging with Syngenta, the third largest agriculture technology firm by sales, headquartered in Switzerland. This deal is by far the largest acquisition by a Chinese company outside of China.31
As this discussion suggests, a key advantage of using an acquisition strategy to over come entry barriers is that the acquiring firm gains immediate access to a market that is
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216 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
attractive to it. This can be especially important for firms seeking to enter global markets, as was the case for ChemChina. We further discuss cross-border acquisitions next.
Cross-Border Acquisitions Acquisitions made between companies with headquarters in different countries are called cross-border acquisitions.32 Historically, North American and European com panies were the most active acquirers of companies outside their domestic markets. However, today 's global competitive landscape is one in which firms from economies throughout the world are engaging in cross-border acquisitions, and for a host of rea sons. In the Strategic Focus, we discuss different cross-border acquisitions that are being pursued or have been completed recently and are products of different strategic rationales even though they are in closely related sectors.
Firms should recognize that cross-border acquisitions such as the ones discussed in the Strategic Focus are not risk-free, even when a strong strategic rationale under girds the completed transactions. China, for example, is a country with political and legal obstacles that increase acquisition risk.33 Being able to conduct an effective due-diligence process when acquiring a company in China can be difficult, because the target firm's financial data and corporate governance practices may lack complete transparency. However, research shows that foreign acquisitions by Chinese multinational firms into more developed countries lead to better governance, especially for Chinese SOEs.34
However, because Chinese acquisitions of foreign firms have not had a stellar record, Chinese regulators hesitate to approve deals, especially if the acquiring firm did not have expertise in managing the potential target business. For instance, Anbang Insurance attempted to take over Starwood Hotels & Resorts of the United States for $14 billion but the deal was blocked by Chinese authorities.35 Thus, firms must carefully study the risks as well as the potential benefits when contemplating cross-border acquisitions.
7-2c Cost of New Product Development and Increased Speed to Market
Developing new products internally and successfully introducing them into the market place often requires significant investment of a firm's resources, including time, mak ing it difficult to quickly earn a profitable return.36 Because an estimated 88 percent of innovations fail to achieve adequate returns, concerns exist in firms about their ability to achieve adequate returns from the capital they invest to develop and commercialize new products. These types of outcomes may lead managers to perceive internal product development as a high-risk activity.37
An acquisition strategy is another course of action a firm can take to gain access to new products and to current products that are new to it. Compared with internal product development processes, acquisitions provide more predictable returns as well as faster market entry. Returns are more predictable because the performance of the acquired firm's products can be assessed prior to completing the acquisition.38
Celanese, a chemical-based materials firm, seeks to improve its engineered mate rials business in the United States through both acquisitions and internal innovation as it develops a portfolio of materials and resins to more fully meet emerging needs of its customers. It has found that in some changing areas it can more quickly gain access to products that are related to its own and that target the changing needs of historic customers. For example, the company was interested in entering into the emerging autonomous vehicle market. It purchased Nilit Plastics, a deal that increased the com pany's nylon compounding capability, so Celanese can now design and provide the plastics used to make the housings for the large number of sensors and cameras that autonomous vehicles use.39
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies 217
Cross-Border Mega Mergers in the Agricultural Chemical and Technology Sectors
The agricultural chemical and technology sectors are in flux
because of three mega-acquisitions, which have potential to
affect, for example, approximately 50 percent of the commer
cial seed market. The first merger between Dow Chemical and
DuPont Corporation was proposed in early 2015, but was not
consummated until 2017. In 2016, Monsanto tried to buy the
third largest agricultural technology company, Syngenta; how
ever, the Monsanto acquisition of Syngenta was blocked based
on anti-trust concerns. Subsequently, ChemChina offered to pay
the price that Syngenta was asking and the deal ultimately was
consummated because the regulators found that ChemChina
did not have the agricultural technology market power that both
Monsanto and Syngenta would have had together. ChemChina,
a Chinese SOE, was allowed to consummate the merger and pay
the premium necessary, due to government concern for food
security in China with its large population base (19 percent of
the world) versus its small percentage of arable land (7 percent
of the world). Over the years, China has experienced significant
famines, including one in the 1950s and 1960s in which an esti
mated 34 million people starved to death. The Chinese concern
for food security drove Chinese leaders to pursue policies that
led to storing of agricultural foodstuffs as well as to increasing its
ability to be more globally competitive in agricultural chemistry,
technology, and data-driven farming for efficiency purposes.
There are some complications to the deal, in that
ChemChina will have to focus on developing genetically mod
ified organism (GMO) seeds. At present, China does not allow
GMO agricultural products to enter the country, thanks in part
to the many food production and contamination scandals in
China over the years. But this likely will have to change with
this large-scale acquisition. The new Chinese strategy for food
security includes controlling its global supply chain from begin
ning to end, and since the cha in obviously begins with seeds,
the focus now on efficiency requires GMO varieties. So, this will
create a dilemma that may require compromise on many sides.
Interestingly, the acquisition of Syngenta would leave Europe
with significantly less power among global food technology
producers. As such Bayer, a large German chemical firm with
significant food technology assets, put forth an offer to buy U.S.
based Monsanto. This transaction has largely been approved by
most regulatory bodies around the world because it was not
anti-competitive though it was a very large transaction. Although
Bayer had a small agricultural seed business, it has a global agri
cultural chemicals division. On the other hand, Monsanto is the
world's leader in agricultural seeds and genetics, but was quite
small in agricultural chemicals. Thus the combination will make
Bayer strong in both types of technology. Additionally, Monsanto
has a huge big-data advantage; Monsanto has become the
leading provider of analytics for growers and is at the forefront of
digital farming. This business provides analysis as to the appro
priate combination of seed types, fertilizers, and chemicals for
improving farm efficiency around the world.
The Dow-DuPont merger was completed in 2017 after a
complex process of obtaining regulatory approval in most
of the large countries in the world. In part, the merger won
approval by suggesting that after integration it would spin off
into three separate firms: material science, specialty chemical
products, and seeds and agricultural chemicals (more deta il on
this restructuring strategy will be addressed later in the chapter).
In summary, these three deals leave one large company in
China, Europe, and the United States, ChemChina(Syngenta),
Bayer(Monsanto), and DowDuPont (future spin-off), respectively.
These large cross-border acquisitions will largely determine the
future of the agricultural chemical and seed businesses, as well as
technological efficiency through big-data analytics in farming.
Sources: B. Gomes-Casseres, 2018, What the big mergers in 2017 tell us about 2018,
Harvard Business Review, www.hbr.org, January 2; F. Y. Chee, 2018, Bayer wins EU
approval for $62.5 bil lion Monsanto buy, Reuters, www.reuters.com, March 21;
C. Jing, 2018, DowDuPont names three planned spin offs, Chemical Week, February 26,
1 0; Z. Turner & N. Drozdiak, 2018, Bayer to sell more assets to win approval for
Monsanto deal, Woll Street Journal, www.wsj.com, February 28; S. Chatterjee
& C. Alzhu, 2017, As Syngenta deal closes, ChemChina and Sinochem press
$120 billion deal, Reuters, www.reuters.com, May 23; G. Colvin, 2017, Inside
China's $43 billion bid for food security, Fortune, www.fortune .com, April 21;
8. Tita & J. S. Lublin, 2016, Breen's Tyco experience will guide him in dismantling
DowDuPont, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 6.
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218 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
7-2d Lower Risk Compared to Developing New Products
The outcomes of an acquisition can be estimated more easily and accurately than the outcomes of an internal product development process; as such, managers may view acquisitions as less risky.40 However, firms should be cautious: even though research suggests acquisition strategies are a common means of avoiding risky internal ventures (and therefore risky R&D investments), acquisitions may also become a substitute for internal innovation.
Over time, being dependent on others for innovation leaves a firm vulnerable and less capable of mastering its own destiny when it comes to using innovation as a driver of wealth creation. Thus, a clear strategic rationale, such as the ones influencing the cross-border acquisitions described in the Strategic Focus above, should drive each acqui sition a firm chooses to complete. If a firm is being acquired to gain access to a specific innovation or to a target's innovation-related capabilities, the acquiring firm should be able to specify how the innovation is or the innovation-based skills are to be integrated with its operations for strategic purposes.41
7-2e Increased Diversification
Acquisitions are also used to diversify firms. Based on experience and the insights resulting from it, firms typically find it easier to develop and introduce new products in markets they are currently serving. In contrast, it is difficult for companies to develop products that differ from their current lines for markets in which they lack experience. Thus, it is relatively uncommon for a firm to develop new products internally to diversify its product lines.42
Acquisition strategies can be used to support the use of both related and unre lated diversification strategies. As we mentioned in the Opening Case, Cisco became excessively diversified and sought to refocus by divestitures and further acquisitions focused on software, which was more complementary to its basic network equipment business. 43
Samsung Group, a huge conglomerate, uses an unrelated diversification strategy to further diversify its operations. Headquartered in Suwon, South Korea, Samsung's
Dinesh Paliwal, President and CEO of Harman, announces the
autonomous driving platforms he's developing at the Consumer
Electronics Show in Las Vegas, January 8, 2018.
portfolio recently included almost 70 companies competing in unrelated areas such as electronics, construction, life insurance, and fashion. It is South Korea's largest chaebol, or business con glomerate. Samsung Electronics, one of the firm's three core units, features three businesses that are well known to consumers throughout the world mobile devices such as smartphones, consumer electronics (televisions and home appliances), and electronics components such as semiconductors and display panels. In 2017, Samsung bought Harman, focused on automo tive and audio electronics, which gave it "more confidence" to pursue other deals in the future. In particular, it sig naled that it was interested in expan sion "in automotive markets, digital health and industrial automation."44
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
Firms using acquisition strategies should be aware that, in general, the more related the acquired firm is to the acquiring firm, the greater is the probability that the acquisition will be successful. Thus, horizontal acquisitions and related acquisitions tend to contribute more to the firm's strategic competitiveness than do acquisitions of companies operating in product markets that differ from those in which the acquiring firm competes. Nonetheless, the unrelated diversification strategy, such as the one Samsung is implementing, can also lead to success when used in ways that enhance firm value.
7-2f Reshaping the Firm's Competitive Scope
As discussed in Chapter 2, the intensity of competitive rivalry is an industry character istic that affects a firm's profitability. To reduce the negative effect of an intense rivalry on financial performance, firms may use acquisitions to lessen their product and/or market dependencies.4s Reducing a company's dependence on specific products or mar kets shapes the firm's competitive scope. For example, Dean Foods was built through the acquisition of many smaller dairies, and that effort has left its supply chain fragmented and decentralized. As firms like Walmart move into private brand label fluid milk, Dean Foods has faced significant pressure to deal with the necessary economies of scale. As such, it is seeking to pursue diversification and acquisitions "into such categories as ice cream, cottage cheese, sour cream and juices [that] show promise, but are still in the early days of development and execution:' 46
7-2g Learning and Developing New Capabilities
Firms sometimes complete acquisitions to gain access to capabilities they lack. Research shows that firms can broaden their knowledge base and reduce inertia through acquisitions47 and that they increase the potential of their capabilities when they acquire diverse talent through cross-border acquisitions.48 Of course, firms are better able to learn these acquired capabilities if they share some similar properties with the firm's current capabilities. Thus, firms should seek to acquire companies with different but related and complementary capabilities as a path to building their own knowledge base.
As illustrated in the Opening Case, Cisco has used acquisitions to build new capa bilities as its market has changed, most recently it has made software acquisitions in its pursuit of becoming more cloud computing-centric.49 Likewise, ChemChina is seeking to increase its capabilities in agriculture genetics and technology through its acquisition of Syngenta as described in the Strategic Focus.so
7-3 Problems in Achieving Acquisition Success
Effective and appropriate use of the acquisition strategies discussed in this chapter can facilitate firms' efforts to earn above-average returns. However, even when pur sued for value-creating reasons, acquisition strategies are not problem-free_s, Reasons for the use of acquisition strategies and potential problems with such strategies are shown in Figure 7.1.
Research suggests that perhaps 20 percent of mergers and acquisitions are suc cessful, approximately 60 percent produce disappointing results, and the remaining 20 percent are clear failures; evidence suggests that technology acquisitions have even higher failure rates.s2 In general, though, companies appear to be increasing their ability to achieve success with acquisition strategies. Later, we discuss a number of attributes
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220 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Figure 7.1 Reasons for Acquisitions and Problems in Achieving Success
Reasons for Acquisitions Problems in Achieving Success
that are associated with successful acquisitions (the attributes appear in Table 7.1 on page 225). In spite of this increasing success, firms using acquisition strategies should be aware of problems that tend to affect acquisition success when problems do surface. We show these problems in Figure 7.1 and discuss them next.
7-3a Integration Difficulties The importance of a successful integration should not be underestimated. 53 Indeed, some believe that the integration process is the strongest determinant of whether either a merger or an acquisition will be successful. This belief highlights the fact that post-acquisition integration is often a complex set of organizational processes that is
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
difficult and challenging. T he processes tend to generate uncertainty and often resis tance because of cultural clashes and organizational politics.54 How people are treated during the integration process relative to perceptions of fairness is an important issue to consider when trying to integrate the acquiring and acquired firms. Among the chal lenges associated with integration processes are the need to:
■ meld two or more unique corporate cultures ■ link different financial and information control systems ■ build effective working relationships (particularly when management styles differ) ■ determine the leadership structure and those who will fill it for the integrated firm.55
7-3b Inadequate Evaluation of Target
Due diligence is a process through which a potential acquirer evaluates a target firm for acquisition. In an effective due-diligence process, hundreds of items are examined in areas as diverse as the financing for the intended transaction, differences in cultures between the acquiring and target firm, tax consequences of the transaction, and actions that would be necessary to successfully meld the two workforces. Research finds that when there is geo graphic overlap in the operational activities of the acquiring and target firms, informal due diligence between the deal firms is facilitated.56 Due diligence is commonly performed by investment bankers such as Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley, as well as accountants, lawyers, and management consultants specializing in that activity, although firms actively pursuing acquisitions may form their own internal due-diligence team. Even in instances when a company does its own due diligence, companies almost always work with intermediaries such as large investment banks to facilitate their due-diligence efforts. Interestingly, research suggests that acquisition performance increases with the number of due-diligence-related transactions facilitated by an investment bank, but decreases when the relationship with a particular investment bank becomes exclusive.57 T hus, using invest ment banks as part of the due-diligence process a firm completes to examine a proposed merger or acquisition is a complex matter requiring careful managerial attention.
Although due diligence often focuses on evaluating the accuracy of the financial position and accounting standards used (a financial audit), due diligence also needs to examine the quality of the strategic fit and the ability of the acquiring firm to effec tively integrate the target to realize the potential gains from the deal.58 A comprehensive due-diligence process reduces the likelihood that an acquiring firm will have the expe rience Teva did as a result of acquiring Actavis Generics from Allergan for $40.5 billion. The deal saddled Teva with significant debt at the same time generic drugs were under a price squeeze due to increased competition from faster regulator generic drug approval.59
Additionally, Teva acquired a smaller Mexican generic producer, Rimsa, which lost signif icant value after finding previously undiscovered "fraud" once the deal closed.60
Commonly, firms are willing to pay a premium to acquire a company they believe will increase their ability to earn above-average returns. Determining the precise pre mium that is appropriate to pay is challenging. While the acquirer can estimate the value of anticipated synergies, it is just that-an estimate. Only after working to integrate the firms and then engaging in competitive actions in the marketplace will the real value of synergies be known.
When firms overestimate the value of synergies or the value of future growth potential associated with an acquisition, the premium they pay may prove to be too large. Excessive premiums can have dilutive effects on the newly formed firm's short- and long-term earning potential. In November 2011, for example, Gilead Sciences paid an 89 percent pre mium to acquire Pharmasset.61 At first glance, this premium seems excessive. However, since the acquisition was completed, Gilead's stock price has soared. Moreover, the firm's
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222 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
hepatitis C drug franchise, to which Gilead obtained access by acquiring Pharmasset, met with huge success and created a large pile of cash. In this instance then, it seems that the premium Gilead paid to acquire Pharmasset was not excessive. Gilead recently made another acquisition with its available capital, Kite Pharma. Although it paid a 29 percent premium this time, Kites stock price had risen 200 percent over the eight months before making the deal. T he acquisition provided Gilead with assets that offer highly specialized cell therapies for late-stage cancer victims, diversifying it away from its mature hepatitis C business. It remains to be seen whether this acquisitions will be a similar blockbuster.62
T he managerial challenge is to effectively examine each acquisition target in order to determine the amount of premium that is appropriate for the acquiring firm to pay.
7-3c Large or Extraordinary Debt To finance a number of acquisitions completed during the 1980s and 1990s, some com panies significantly increased their debt levels. Although firms today are more prudent about the amount of debt they'll accept to complete an acquisition, those evaluating the possibility of an acquisition for their company need to be aware of the problem that tak ing on too much debt can create. In this sense, firms using an acquisition strategy want to verify that their purchases do not create a debt load that overpowers their ability to remain solvent and vibrant as a competitor.
A financial innovation called junk bonds supported firms' earlier efforts to take on large amounts of debt when completing acquisitions. Junk bonds, which are used less frequently today and are now more commonly called high-yield bonds, are a financing option through which risky acquisitions are financed with money (debt) that provides a large potential return to lenders (bondholders). Because junk bonds are unsecured obligations that are not tied to specific assets for collateral, interest rates for these high-risk debt instruments sometimes reached between 18 and 20 percent during the 1980s.63 Additionally, interest rates for these types of bonds tend to be quite volatile, a condition that potentially exposes companies to greater financial risk.64 Some prominent financial economists viewed debt as a means to discipline managers, causing the managers to act in the shareholders' best interests.65 Managers adopting this perspective are less concerned about the amount of debt their firm assumes when acquiring other companies. However, the perspective that debt disciplines managers is not as widely supported today as was the case in the past.66
Bidding wars, through which an acquiring firm overcommits to the decision to acquire a target, can result in large or extraordinary debt. While finance theory suggests that managers will make rational decisions when seeking to complete an acquisition, other research suggests that rationality may not always drive the acquisition decision. Hubris, escalation of commitment to complete a particular transaction, and self-interest sometimes influence executives to pay a large premium, which, in turn, may result in taking on too much debt to acquire a target.67 Given Teva's excessive acquisition debt load, it appears that Teva's leaders may have been subject to some of these problems.68
Executives need to be aware of these possibilities and challenge themselves to engage in rational decision making when making an acquisition.
7-3d Inability to Achieve Synergy Derived from synergos, a Greek word that means "working together;' synergy exists when the value created by units working together exceeds the value that those units could create working independently (see Chapter 6). T hat is, synergy exists when assets are worth more when used in conjunction with each other than when they are used separately. For shareholders, synergy generates gains in their wealth that they could not duplicate or exceed through their own portfolio diversification decisions.69 Synergy
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
is created by the efficiencies derived from economies of scale and economies of scope and by sharing resources (e.g., human capital and knowledge) across the businesses in the newly created firm's portfolio.70
A firm develops a competitive advantage through an acquisition strategy only when a transaction generates private synergy. Private synergy is created when combining and integrating the acquiring and acquired firms' assets yield capabilities and core compe tencies that could not be developed by combining and integrating either firm's assets with another company. Private synergy is possible when firms' assets are complementary in unique ways; that is, the unique type of asset complementarity is not always possible simply by combining two companies' sets of assets with each other.71 Although difficult to create, the attractiveness of private synergy is that because of its uniqueness, it is difficult for competitors to understand and imitate, meaning that a competitive advantage results for the firms able to create it.
A firm's ability to account for costs that are necessary to create anticipated revenue and cost-based synergies affects its efforts to create private synergy. Firms experience several expenses when seeking to create synergy through acquisitions. Called transac tion costs, these expenses are incurred when firms use acquisition strategies to create synergy.72 Transaction costs may be direct or indirect. Direct costs include legal fees and charges from investment bankers who complete due diligence for the acquiring firm. Indirect costs include managerial time to evaluate target firms and then to complete negotiations, as well as the loss of key managers and employees following an acquisition.73
French financial giant AXA SA has signaled it would buy XL Group Ltd. to form the larg est global property insurance company. Thomas Buberl, AXA CEO, said that there are "significant synergies on the cost side and on the capital side" with the deal. However, the market is not too favorable on its potential. One analysis said, "From my calls with inves tors so far, they all point to three things: wrong asset, wrong timing and wrong price:' At the time of the announcement AXA was potentially paying a 33 percent premium for the transaction.74 Although it remains to be seen if the deal will be successful, often firms tend to underestimate the sum of indirect costs when specifying the value of the synergy that may be created by integrating the acquired firm's assets with the acquiring firm's assets.
7-3e Too Much Diversification
As explained in Chapter 6, diversification strategies, when used effectively, can help a firm earn above-average returns. In general, firms using related diversification strategies outperform those employing unrelated diversification strategies. However, conglomerates formed by using an unrelated diversification strategy also can be successful.
At some point, however, firms can become overdiversified. The level at which this happens varies across companies because each firm has different capabilities to manage diversification. Recall from Chapter 6 that related diversification requires more infor mation processing than does unrelated diversification. Because of this need to process additional amounts of information, related diversified firms become overdiversified with a smaller number of business units than do firms using an unrelated diversification strat egy. 75 Regardless of the type of diversification strategy implemented, however, the firm that becomes overdiversified will experience a decline in its performance and likely a decision to divest some of its units.76 Commonly, such divestments, which tend to reshape a firm's competitive scope, are part of a firm's restructuring strategy. (Restructuring is discussed in greater detail later in the chapter.)
Even when a firm is not overdiversified, a high level of diversification can have a negative effect on its long-term performance. For example, the scope created by addi tional amounts of diversification often causes managers to rely on financial rather than strategic controls to evaluate business units' performance (financial and strategic controls
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224 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
are discussed in Chapters 11 and 12). Top-level executives often rely on financial controls to assess the performance of business units when they do not have a rich understand ing of business units' objectives and strategies. Using financial controls, such as return on investment (ROI), causes individual business-unit managers to focus on short-term outcomes at the expense of long-term investments. Reducing long-term investments to generate short-term profits can negatively affect a firm's overall performance ability. 77
Another problem resulting from overdiversification is the tendency for acquisitions to become substitutes for innovation. Typically, managers have no interest in acquisi tions substituting for internal R&D efforts; however, a reinforcing cycle evolves. Costs associated with acquisitions may result in fewer allocations to activities, such as R&D, that are linked to innovation. Without adequate support, a firm's innovation skills begin to atrophy. Without internal innovation skills, a key option available to a firm to gain access to innovation is to complete additional acquisitions. Evidence suggests that a firm using acquisitions as a substitute for internal innovations eventually encounters performance problems.78
7-3f Managers Overly Focused on Acquisitions Typically, a considerable amount of managerial time and energy is required for acquisi tion strategies to be used successfully. Activities with which managers become involved include:
■ searching for viable acquisition candidates ■ completing effective due-diligence processes ■ preparing for negotiations ■ managing the integration process after completing the acquisition
Top-level managers do not personally gather all of the information and data required to make acquisitions. However, these executives do make critical decisions regarding the targeted firms, the nature of the negotiations, and so forth.79 Company experiences show that participating in and overseeing the activities required for making acquisitions can divert managerial attention from other matters that are necessary for long-term compet itive success, such as identifying and taking advantage of other opportunities and inter acting with important external stakeholders.80
Both theory and research suggest that managers can become overly involved in the process of making acquisitions.81 One observer suggested, "some executives can become preoccupied with making deals-and the thrill of selecting, chasing, and seizing a tar get:'82 The over-involvement can be surmounted by learning from mistakes and by not having too much agreement in the boardroom. Dissent is helpful to make sure that all sides of a question are considered. For example, research suggests that CEOs who are not challenged substantially in their decision making, either by the CFO or the board, realize more value destructive acquisitions.83 When failure does occur, leaders may be tempted to blame the failure on others and on unforeseen circumstances rather than on their excessive involvement in the acquisition process. Finding the appropriate degree of involvement with the firm's acquisition strategy is a challenging, yet important, task for top-level managers.
7-3g Too Large Most acquisitions result in a larger firm, which should create or enhance economies of scale. In turn, scale economies can lead to more efficient operations-for example, two sales organizations can be integrated using fewer sales representatives because the combined sales force can sell the products of both firms (particularly if the products of the acquiring and target firms are highly related).84 However, size can also increase the
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
complexity of the managerial challenge and create diseconomies of scope-that is, not enough economic benefit to outweigh the costs of managing the more complex organiza tion created through acquisitions.
Thus, while many firms seek increases in size because of the potential economies of scale and enhanced market power size creates, at some level, the additional costs required to manage the larger firm will exceed the benefits of the economies of scale and additional market power. The complexities generated by the larger size often lead managers to implement more bureaucratic controls to manage the combined firm's operations. Bureaucratic controls are formalized supervisory and behavioral rules and policies designed to ensure consistency of decisions and actions across a firm's units. However, across time, formalized controls often lead to relatively rigid and standard ized managerial behavior.85 Certainly, in the long run, the diminished flexibility that accompanies rigid and standardized managerial behavior may produce less innovation. Because of innovation's importance to competitive success, the bureaucratic controls resulting from a large organization that might be built at least in part by using an acqui sition strategy can negatively affect a firm's performance. Thus, managers may decide their firm should complete acquisitions in the pursuit of increased size as a path to profitable growth. At the same time, managers should avoid allowing their firm to get to a point where acquisitions are creating a degree of size that increases its inefficiency and ineffectiveness.
7-4 Effective Acquisitions As noted, acquisition strategies do not always lead to above-average returns for the acquiring firm's shareholders.86 Nonetheless, some companies are able to create value when using an acquisition strategy.87 Research evidence suggests that the probability of being able to create value through acquisitions increases when the nature of the acquisition and the processes used to complete it are consistent with the "attributes of successful acquisitions" shown in Table 7.1.88 For example, when the target firm's assets
Table 7.1 Attributes of Successful Acquisitions
Attributes Results
1. Acquired firm has assets or resources that are complementary
to the acquiring firm's core business
2. Faster and more effective integration and possibly lower
3. Acquiring firm conducts effective due diligence to select
target firms and evaluate the target firm's health (financial,
cultural, and human resources)
4. Financing (debt or equity) is easier and less costly to obtain
5. Merged firm maintains low to moderate debt position
6. Acquiring firm maintains long-term competitive advantage
in markets
1. High probability of synergy and competitive advantage by
maintaining strengths
2. Acquisition is friendly
3. Firms with strongest complementarities are acquired and
overpayment is avoided
4. Acquiring firm has financial slack (cash or a favorable debt
5. Lower financing cost, lower risk (e.g., of bankruptcy), and
avoidance of trade-offs that are associated with high debt
6. Acquiring firm has a sustained and consistent emphasis on
R&D and innovation
7. Acquiring firm manages change well and is flexible and
7. Faster and more effective integration facilitates achievement
of synergy
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226 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
are complementary to the acquired firm's assets, an acquisition is more successful. With complementary assets, the integration of two firms' operations has a higher probability of creating synergy. In fact, integrating two firms with complementary assets frequently produces unique capabilities and core competencies. With complementary assets, the acquiring firm can maintain its focus on core businesses and leverage the complemen - tary assets and capabilities from the acquired firm. In effective acquisitions, targets are often selected and "groomed" by establishing a working relationship prior to the acqui sition.89 As discussed in Chapter 9, firms sometimes form strategic alliances to test the feasibility of a future merger or acquisition between them, an experience that can also contribute to acquisition success.
Research evidence also shows that friendly acquisitions facilitate integration of the acquiring and acquired firms. Of course, a target firm's positive reaction to a bid from the acquiring firm increases the likelihood that a friendly transaction will take place. For example, AdvancedCath responded positively to being acquired by TE Connectivity, a world leader in designing and managing highly engineered connectors, sensors, and electronic components that are sold to manufacturers who integrate them into their products. Total, a large French energy firm, completed a friendly acquisition of Saft Group to expand its renewable energies business and complement the acquisition in 2011 of a majority stake in U.S. solar power systems maker SunPower.90 After complet ing a friendly acquisition, firms collaborate to create synergy while integrating their operations with more speed than hostile acquisitions.91 Friendly deals also allow for easier leadership and operational combinations and thus facilitate the ability to create synergy in the integration process.
Additionally, effective due-diligence processes involving the deliberate and careful selection of target firms and an evaluation of the relative health of those firms (financial health, cultural fit, and the value of human resources) contribute to successful acqui sitions.92 Financial slack in the form of debt equity or cash, in both the acquiring and acquired firms, also frequently contributes to acquisition success. Even though financial slack provides access to financing for the acquisition, it is still important to maintain a low or moderate level of debt after the acquisition to keep debt costs low. When substantial debt is used to finance acquisitions, companies with successful acquisitions reduce the debt quickly, partly by selling off assets from the acquired firm, especially noncomple mentary or poorly performing assets. For these firms, debt costs do not preclude long term investments in areas such as R&D, and managerial discretion in the use of cash flow is relatively flexible.
Another attribute of successful acquisition strategies is an emphasis on innovation, as demonstrated by continuing investments in R&D activities.93 As noted in the Strategic Focus, one of the government concerns about the Broadcom acquisition of Qualcomm was that Broadcom has not had a strong tradition of R&D investment after its past acqui sitions and Qualcomm, as a leader in SG network implementation, would need strong innovation investment to maintain that leadership.94
Flexibility and adaptability are the final two attributes of successful acquisitions. When executives of both the acquiring and the target firms have experience in man aging change and learning from acquisitions, they are more skilled at adapting their capabilities to new environments.95 As a result, they are more adept at integrating the two organizations, which is particularly important when firms have different organi zational cultures.
As we have explained, firms using an acquisition strategy seek to create wealth and earn above-average returns. Sometimes, though, the results of an acquisition strategy fall short of expectations. When this happens, firms consider using restruc turing strategies.
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
7-5 Restructuring Restructuring is a strategy through which a firm changes its set of businesses or its finan cial structure.96 Restructuring is a global phenomenon.97 Historically, divesting businesses from company portfolios and downsizing have accounted for a large percentage of firms' restructuring strategies. Commonly, firms focus on fewer products and markets following restructuring.
Although restructuring strategies are generally used to deal with acquisitions that are not reaching expectations, firms sometimes use restructuring strategies because of changes they have detected in their external environment. For example, opportunities sometimes surface in a firm's external environment that a diversified firm can pursue because of the capabilities it has formed by integrating firms' operations. In such cases, restructuring may be appropriate to position the firm to create more value for stakehold ers, given environmental changes and the opportunities associated with them.98
As discussed next, firms use three types of restructuring strategies: downsizing, downscoping, and leveraged buyouts.
7-Sa Downsizing
Downsizing is a reduction in the number of a firm's employees and, sometimes, in the number of its operating units; but, the composition of businesses in the company 's port folio may not change through downsizing. Thus, downsizing is an intentional managerial strategy that is used for the purpose of improving firm performance. In contrast, orga nizational decline, which too often results in a reduction of a firm's resources including the number of its employees and potentially in the number of its units, is an uninten tional outcome of what turned out to be a firm's ineffective competitive actions.99 When downsizing, firms make intentional decisions about resources to retain and resources to eliminate. Organizational decline, on the other hand, finds firms losing access to an array of resources, many of which are critical to current and future performance. Thus, downsizing is a legitimate strategy to appropriately adjust firm size and is not necessarily a sign of organizational decline_wo
Downsizing can be an appropriate strategy to use after completing an acquisition, particularly when there are significant operational and/or strategic relationships between the acquiring and the acquired firm. In these instances, the newly formed firm may have excess capacity in functional areas such as sales, manufacturing, distribution, human resource management, and so forth. In turn, excess capacity may prevent the combined firm from realizing anticipated synergies and the reduced costs associated with them. 101
Managers should remember that, as a strategy, downsizing will be far more effective when they consistently use human resource practices that ensure procedural justice and fairness in downsizing decisions. w2
7-Sb Downscoping
Downscoping refers to divestiture, spin-off, or some other means of eliminating businesses that are unrelated to a firm's core businesses. Downscoping has a more positive effect on firm performance than does downsizingw3 because firms commonly find that downscop ing causes them to refocus on their core business.w4 As noted above, the DowDuPont merger plans to downscope by splitting into three separate firms. The largest of those three will focus on plastic resins and other materials; the other two spinoff firms will concentrate on agriculture and specialty products, respectively_ws Managerial effective ness increases because the firm has become less diversified, allowing the top management team to better understand and manage the remaining businesses.w6
Restructuring is a strategy
through which a firm changes
its set of businesses or its
financial structure.
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228 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Firms often use the downscoping and downsizing strategies simultaneously. As noted above, Teva Pharmaceuticals is restructuring; the company has suggested that it needs to lay off 14,000 employees and is likewise considering divesting former acquisitions.107
When downsizing, firms need to avoid layoffs of key employees, as such layoffs might lead to a loss of one or more core competencies. Instead, a firm that chooses simultane ously to engage in downscoping and downsizing should intentionally become smaller as a result of decisions made to reduce the diversity of businesses in its portfolio, allowing it to focus on its core areas as a result.108
In general, U.S. firms use downscoping as a restructuring strategy more frequently than do European companies-in fact, the trend not too long ago in Europe, Latin America, and Asia was to build conglomerates. In Latin America, these conglomer ates are called grupos. More recently though, many Asian and Latin American con glomerates have chosen to downscope their operations as a path to refocusing on their core businesses. This recent downscoping trend has occurred simultaneously with increasing globalization and with more open markets that have greatly enhanced competition. 109
7-Sc Leveraged Buyouts A leveraged buyout (LBO) is a restructuring strategy whereby a party ( typically a private equity firm) buys all of a firm's assets in order to take the firm private."0 Once a private equity firm completes this type of transaction, the target firm's company stock is no lon ger traded publicly.
Traditionally, leveraged buyouts were used as a restructuring strategy to correct for managerial mistakes or because the firm's managers were making decisions that primarily served their own interests rather than those of shareholders.11' However, some firms com plete leveraged buyouts for the purpose of building firm resources and expanding their operations rather than simply to restructure a distressed firm's assets.
Significant amounts of debt are commonly incurred to finance a buyout; hence, the term leveraged buyout.112 To support debt payments and to downscope the company to concentrate on the firm's core businesses, the new owners may quickly sell a number of assets. Indeed, it is not uncommon for those buying a firm through an LBO to restructure the firm to the point that it can be sold at a profit within a five- to eight-year period.
Management buyouts (MBOs), employee buyouts (EBOs), and whole-firm buyouts, in which one company or partnership purchases an entire company instead of a part of it, are the three types of LBOs. In part because of managerial incentives, MBOs, more so than EBOs and whole-firm buyouts, have been found to lead to downscoping, increased strategic focus, and improved performance.113 Research shows that management buyouts can lead to greater entrepreneurial activity and growth. "4 As such, buyouts can represent a form of firm rebirth to facilitate entrepreneurial efforts and stimulate strategic growth and productivity."5
7-Sd Restructuring Outcomes The short- and long-term outcomes that result from use of the three restructuring strat egies are shown in Figure 7.2. As indicated, downsizing typically does not lead to higher firm performance."6 In fact, some research results show that downsizing contributes to lower returns for both U.S. and Japanese firms. The stock markets in the firms' respec tive nations evaluate downsizing negatively, believing that it has long-term negative effects on the firms' efforts to achieve strategic competitiveness. Investors also seem to conclude that downsizing occurs as a consequence of other problems in a company.m This assumption may be caused by a firm's diminished corporate reputation when a major downsizing is announced."8
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
Figure 7.2 Restructuring and Outcomes
Short-Term Outcomes
Reduced labor costs
Reduced debt costs
Emph a sis on strategic controls
Long-Term Outcomes
Loss of human capital
Lower performance
Higher performance
Leveraged buyout
I H;gh debt cost, •1--------,-: __ H•i•g •he•r•r•is•k--•
The loss of human capital is another potential problem of downsizing (see Figure 7.2). Losing employees with many years of experience with the firm represents a major loss of knowledge. As noted in Chapter 3, knowledge is vital to competitive success in the global economy. Research also suggests that a loss of valuable human capital can spill over into dissatisfaction of customers.'19 Thus, in general, downsizing may be of more tactical ( or short-term) value than strategic (or long-term) value, meaning that firms should exercise caution when restructuring through downsizing.
Compared to downsizing and leveraged buyouts, downscoping generally leads to more positive outcomes in both the short term and long term. Downscoping's desir able long-term outcome of higher performance is a product of reduced debt costs and the emphasis on strategic controls derived from concentrating on the firm's core businesses. In so doing, the refocused firm should be able to increase its ability to compete.120
Whole-firm LBOs have been hailed as a significant innovation in the financial restructuring of firms. However, this type of restructuring can be complicated, espe cially when cross-border transactions are involved;121 moreover, they can involve neg ative trade-offs.122 First, the resulting large debt increases the firm's financial risk, as is evidenced by the number of companies that filed for bankruptcy in the 1990s after exe cuting a whole-firm LBO. Sometimes, the intent of the owners to increase the efficiency of the acquired firm and then sell it within five to eight years creates a short-term and risk-averse managerial focus.123 As a result, these firms may fail to invest adequately in R&D or take other major actions designed to maintain or improve the company's ability to compete successfully against rivals.124 Because buyouts more often result in significant debt, most LBOs have been completed in mature industries where stable cash flows are the norm. Stable cash flows support the purchaser's efforts to service the debt obligations assumed as a result of taking a firm private.
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Mergers and acquisitions as a strategy are popular for com
panies based in countries throughout the world. Through
this strategy, firms seek to create value and outperform rivals.
Globalization and deregulation of multiple industries in many
of the world's economies are two of the reasons for this popu
larity among both large and small firms.
Firms use acquisition strategies to
increase market power
overcome entry barriers to new markets or regions
avoid the costs of developing new products and increase
the speed of new market entries
reduce the risk of entering a new business
become more diversified
reshape their competitive scope by developing a different
portfolio of businesses
enhance their learning as the foundation for developing
new capabilities
Among the problems associated with using an acquisition
strategy a re
the difficulty of effectively integrating the firms involved
incorrectly evaluating the target firm's value
creating debt loads that preclude adequate long-term
investments (e.g., R&D)
overestimating the potential for synergy
creating a firm that is too diversified
creating an internal environment in which managers
devote increasing amounts of their time and energy to ana
lyzing and completing the acquisition
developing a combined firm that is too large, necessitating
extensive use of bureaucratic, rather than strategic, controls
Effective acquisitions have the following characteristics:
the acquiring and target firms have complementary
resources that are the foundation for developing new capa
the acquisition is friendly, thereby facilitating integration of
the firm's resources
acquisition 212
merger 211
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
the target firm is selected and purchased on the basis of
completing a thorough due-diligence process
the acquiring and target firms have considerable slack in
the form of cash or debt capacity
the newly formed firm maintains a low or moderate level of
debt by selling off portions of the acquired firm or some of
the acquiring firm's poorly performing units
the acquiring and acquired firms have experience in terms
of adapting to change
R&D and innovation are emphasized in the new firm
Restructuring is used to improve a firm's performance by
correcting for problems created by ineffective management.
Restructuring by downsizing involves reducing the number
of employees and hierarchical levels in the firm. Although it
can lead to short-term cost reductions, the reductions may be
realized at the expense of long-term success because of the
loss of valuable human resources (and knowledge) and overall
corporate reputation.
The goal of restructuring through downscoping is to reduce
the firm's level of diversification. Often, the firm divests
unrelated businesses to achieve this goal. Eliminating
unrelated businesses makes it easier for the firm and its top
level managers to refocus on the core businesses.
Through a leveraged buyout (an LBO), a firm is purchased
so that it can become a private entity. LBOs usually are
financed largely through debt, although limited partners
(institutional investors) are becoming more prominent.
General partners have a variety of strategies, and some
emphasize equity versus debt when minority partners
have a longer time horizon. Management buyouts (MBOs),
employee buyouts (EBOs), and whole-firm LBOs are the
three types of LBOs. Because they provide clear manage
rial incentives, MBOs have been the most successful of the
three. Often, the intent of a buyout is to improve efficiency
and performance to the point where the firm can be sold
successfully within five to eight years.
Commonly, restructuring's primary goal is gaining or rees
tablishing effective strategic control of the firm. Of the three
restructuring strategies, downscoping is aligned most closely
with establishing and using strategic controls and usually
improves performance more on a comparative basis.
restructuring 227
takeover 212
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Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
1. Why are merger and acquisition strategies popular in many
firms competing in the global economy?
2 What reasons account for firms' decisions to use acquisition
strategies as a means to achieving strategic competitiveness?
3. What are the seven primary problems that affect a firm's efforts
to successfully use an acquisition strategy?
4. What are the attributes associated with a successful acquisition
5. What is the restructuring strategy, and what are its common
6. What are the short- and long-term outcomes associated with
the different restructuring strategies?
Cementing a Merger of Equals between Lafarge and Holcim Has Been Difficult
Founded in France in 1833, Lafarge became a successful global industrial company specializing in three product areas-cement, construction aggregates, and concrete. The other party in a "merger of equals;' which required well over a year to design and bring to the conclusion the firms intended, is Holcim, a materials and aggregates company that was founded in Switzerland in 1912. Holcim's global ambitions were obvious early when the firm expanded into France and throughout Europe and the Middle East during the 1920s. This expansion resulted in long-term and active competitions between Lafarge and Holcim.
In April of 2014, Lafarge and Holcim announced that they had settled on terms that would result in a merger of equals and that, accordingly, they were prepared to seek regulatory approval of the proposed transaction. Obtaining such approvals was anticipated to be challeng ing given that the diversity of the independent firms' global operations meant that 15 or so different jurisdictions could potentially object to a merger between the firms.
What influenced Lafarge and Holcim to want to merge as coequals given the difficulties of doing so? The prevailing thought is that mergers of equals are always more fragile to bring about in light of the need to effec tively meld what are commonly two different cultures and specify the leadership structure that will be used to oper ate the newly created firm. These issues are in addition to a core one of identifying the financial aspects of the transactions that will appeal to each firm's shareholders.
In spite of challenges such as these, Lafarge and Holcim thought that merging as equals would create a
firm with enhanced and significant competitive abili ties. Leaders of the two firms concluded that together LafargeHolcim, the agreed-upon name for the combined firm, would have the most balanced and diversified port folio in the building materials industry. The firms antic ipated that integrating their operations would generate approximately $1.5 billion in annual cost savings. In an overall sense, company leaders thought that the antic ipated positive benefits of merging would come about primarily as a result of being able to meld Holcim's mar keting strengths with Lafarge's innovation capabilities.
Perhaps not unexpectedly, the transaction proposed between Lafarge and Holcim almost fell apart. This hap pened in March of 2015 when Holcim's board, "after first agreeing to a $44 billion merger with Lafarge, rejected the deal's terms as undervaluing Holcim. Corporate leadership also was a concern:' This objection surfaced after the firms had received regulatory approvals from key jurisdictions, including the European Union, India, and the United States, regarding the number of divestitures of units they would make to prevent them from having highly concen trated positions in different global markets. At the core of the dispute was the conviction among Holcim's board members that the financial terms should be more attractive for their shareholders and that Lafarge's CEO should not be appointed as CEO of the newly created firm. One reason for these convictions was that in the nearly one year since terms of the initial merger were agreed upon, Holcim's "operating performance and share price had outperformed those of Lafarge:' After restructuring the financing of the
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transaction and agreeing that a different CEO would be appointed for the new firm, 94 percent of Holcim's share holders approved the transaction's terms.
After dealing with challenges, LafargeHolcim became a firm that was a merger of equals in July 2015. Speaking to the future, one board member said that "this isn't just another merger. It is an opportunity to create a new Number One in our industrY:' Assuming that this merger of equals achieves the potential some anticipate, all of the work required to bring it about will be validated. Going forward though, implementation challenges may come into play, at least in the short term, given the potential incompatibility of Holcim's decentralized management approach with the more centralized approach that charac terized Lafarge when it competed as an independent firm.
In fact, in 2016 one year after the merger, the merged firm was not performing well relative to smaller competi tors. At its one year anniversary, "LafargeHolcim has fallen 39 percent since its forerunner, Switzerland's Holcim, revealed plans to combine with France's Lafarge in April 2014. Irish building materials group CRH is up 29 percent in the period; HeidelbergCement is up by 13 percent. The Bloomberg European 500 index has shed just 1.5 percent:' Given the progress that the firm said that they were making
Case Discussion Questions
1. Of the "Reasons for Acquisitions" discussed in the chapter,
which reasons are the primary drivers of Lafarge-Holcim
merger strategy?
2 Given that there have been performance difficulties of this
"merger of equals;• which of the "Problems in Achieving
Acquisition Success" do you believe have most likely affected
this deal?
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
in regard to the integration, their market valuation should have been higher. There are questions about the ability of LafargeHolcim to create economies of scale from its large size. One observer noted that "cement is inherently a local business and so scale economies aren't so easy;' given that transporting it long distances is expensive.
In September 2017, a new CEO, Jan Jenisch, was hired. When he launched the strategy to revive the company's fortunes, he announced that LafargeHolcim would be "cutting costs, selling assets and focusing on fewer markets as the world's biggest cement maker:' The firm also announced that it would write off $4 billion in assets and the "stock fell more than 7 percent after the strategy was revealed:'
Sources: J. Revill, 2018, LafargeHolcim's new CEO writes off over $4 billion and sets out strategy, Reuters, www.reuters.com; C. Hughes, 2016, Many unhappy returns for a $50 billion merger, Bloomberg, www.bloomberg.com, July 13; 2015, Holcim and Lafarge obtain merger clearances in the United States and Canada paving the way to closing their merger, Holcim Home Page,www.holcim.com, May 4; 2015, Lafarge to cut 380 jobs ahead of merger with Holcim, Global Cement, www.globalcement.com, May 19; M. Curtin, 2015, Holcim-Lafarge shows 'merger of equals' doesn't equal smooth sailing, Wall Street Journal,www.wsj.com, March 16; M. Curtin, 2015, A 'merger of equals' is more fragile, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, March 16; J. Franklin, 2015, Holcim and Lafarge name post-merger board candidates, Reuters, www.reuters.com, April 14; J. Revill, 2015, Holcim moves step closer to Lafarge merger, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, May 8.
3. The new CEO, Jan Jenisch, has undertaken a restructuring
strategy. Why do you think the market reacted negatively to
this plan?
4. What would you suggest the firm do to improve it
restructuring plan and ultimately its poor performance?
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236 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
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Studying this chapter should provide
you with the strategic management knowledge needed to:
8-1 Explain incentives that can
L influence firms to use an international strategy. 8-2 Identify three basic benefits firms
gain by successfully implementing an international strategy.
83 Explore the determinants of national advantage as the basis for international business-level strategies.
8-4 Describe the three international corporate-level strategies.
8-5 Discuss environmental trends affecting the choice of international strategies, particularly international corporate-level strategies.
8-6 Identify and explain the five modes .
firms use to enter international markets.
8-7 Discuss the two major risks of using international strategies.
8-8 Discuss the strategic competitiveness outcomes associated with international strategies, particularly with an international diversification strategy.
8-9 Explain two important issues firms should have knowledge about , when using international strategies.
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Netflix has ramped up its international expansion in recent years. The base of its international
strategy includes strong capabilities in technological innovation, which it uses to expand
abroad. Its technology is focused on understanding customer viewing patterns and providing
content that matches those patterns. It has a broad selection of content produced by network
television and movie studios in addition to its own original content, which has become a
strong force in the market that, with its advancing investments, will likely become even
Given that Netflix has reached a near saturation point in the domestic U.S. market, it is
extending its services abroad. It began to do so in countries that are close culturally and geo
graphically to its U.S. customer base, such as Canada, Nordic, and Latin American countries.
Netflix's primary growth
is coming from its
international expansion
efforts, which allow it
to share its cost across
a broader range of
countries and a larger
subscriber base. In the
fourth quarter of 2017,
Netflix added 8.3 million
streaming subscribers,
primarily driven by
growth in foreign mar-
kets. In 2017, CEO Reed
Hastings announced
that Netflix added 130
new countries in which
it provides its services.
Basically, Netflix now
serves all countries but
Crimea, North Korea,
Syria and China. In 2016
the company invested
$6 billion and plans to
spend another $8 billion
to acquire new content
i l3
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings talks to the international press during the
launch of Netflix in Colombia.
to serves its various geographic markets. For example, its plans call for adding approximately
700 new shows/programs to its original content in 2018 with 80 of those targeted for
inter national markets.
Netflix's international growth strategy has had to overcome challenges. First, Netflix had
to seek global licenses with its contract video and movie content providers. The content
providers want to distribute their content in international markets as well, so Netflix generally
must pay more for the content in order to obtain a global license. In addition, the expenses of
initial start-up and licensing in new foreign countries drive up the costs of pursuing its global
strategy, at least in the short term.
Second, Netflix must make its substantial English language content accessible in local
languages for many international subscribers. Currently, Netflix provides content accessible
in 20 different languages but it must rapidly increase this number to grow its subscriber base.
To facilitate this transition, it has developed a new translation tool, HERMES, and hired many
people_to help with the translations.
Third, as it pursues its global streaming strategy, there are both increased domestic com
petition for subscriber growth and new entrants into foreign markets. Market success attracts
rivals as they see the opportunities available. Netflix has many other current domestic streaming
competitors, including Amazon and Hulu. And, it is now facing the entry of new formidable
rivals in Disney and Apple. Disney has announced that it is opening its new video streaming
service in 2019 and withdrawing all Disney content from Nettlix at the end of 2018. Disney
also planned to invest $1 billion to acquire and develop original content for its new streaming
service. And, its planned acquisition ofTwenty-First Century Fox will provide access to significant content as well. Apple has been investing heavily to develop new content to compete in these
markets as well.
In 2018, Netflix had 117 million subscribers, with 62 million of them from outside the
United States. Nettlix is currently focusing heavily on expanding its business in India. India is
projected to have 650 million Internet users by 2021 compared to approximately 300 million
in the United States. Netflix hopes to double its subscriber base by 2023, with 100 million of
those coming from India.
Netflix has profited handsomely from its international expansion. For example, in recent years
its average annual revenue growth has been 26.5 percent and its annual average growth in net
income has been 100 percent. It has increased the size of its board, adding international expertise.
However, although the international expansion strategy has facilitated growth and profits for
Netflix through sharing costs and expenses across a large subscriber base, it has also increased
the complexity of its management structure. Additionally, the difficulty in global contracting for
top-level domestic U.S. content continues to grow with increased international and domestic
competition. While Netflix has challenges, it has become the global leader in its industry.
Sources: N. Walters, 2018, Apple and Disney gear up to pounce on Netflix, The Motley Fool, http:/ /host.madison.com, March 23; R. Krause, 2018, Netflix takes on media giants as video streaming war goes global, Investor's Business Daily, https://www .investors.com, March 8; 2018, Netflix, Inc's (NFLX) international expansion puts pressure on media competitors, Stocknews. com, https://stocknews.com, March 1; E. Gruenwedel, 2018, Netflix putting global growth focus on India, MediaPlayNews, https://www.mediaplaynews.com, February 26; W. Healy, 2018, Netflix, Inc. faces widening competition amid a narrowing moat, lnvestorPlace, http://investorplace.com, February 26; F. DiPietro, 2017, How Netflix Inc. is overcoming this key obstacle to its international expansion, The Motley Fool, https:/ /.www.fool.com, May 9; S. Ramachandran, 201 S, Netflix steps up foreign expansion, subscriber additions top streaming service's forecast, helped by growth in markets abroad, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 21; F. Video, 2015, Netflix eyes China for continued global expansion, Fortune, www.fortune.com, June 1 1.
O ur description of Netflix's competitive actions in this chapter's Opening Case (e.g., international expansion strategy) highlights the importance of international
markets for this firm. Netflix is using its growth in international markets to overcome slowing subscriber growth in its U.S. market. Being able to effectively compete in countries and regions outside a firm's domestic market is increasingly important to firms of all types, as exemplified by Netflix. One reason for this is that the effects of globalization continue to reduce the number of industrial and consumer markets in which only domestic firms can compete successfully. In place of what historically were relatively stable and predictable domestic markets, firms across the globe find they are now competing in globally oriented industries-industries in which firms must compete in all or most world markets where a consumer or commercial good or service is sold to be competitive.' Unlike domestic markets, global markets are relatively unstable and much less predictable.
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss how international strategies can be a source of strategic competitiveness for firms competing in global markets. To do this, we exam ine several topics (see Figure 8.1). After describing incentives that influence firms to identify international opportunities, we discuss three basic benefits that can accrue to firms that successfully use international strategies. We then turn our attention to the international strategies available to firms. Specifically, we examine both international business-level strategies and international corporate-level strategies. The five modes of entry firms can use to enter international markets for implementing their international strategies are then examined. Firms encounter economic and political risks when using international strategies. Some refer to these as economic and political institutions.2 These
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
Figure 8.1 Opportunities and Outcomes of International Strategy
Identify International Opportunities
Basic Benefits
- -
Increased market size
Explore Resources and Capabilities
International Strategies
International business- level strategy
Use Core Competencies
Modes of Entry
Management problems and risk
Strategic Competitiveness
Economies of International Strategic
<= performance
scale and corporate- alliances
learning level strategy
I-+ - Acquisitions • Multidomestic
Location strategy New wholly
Enhanced owned subsidiary
advantages • Global strategy
Management • Transnational problems and
strategy risk
risks must be effectively managed if the firm is to achieve the desired outcomes of higher performance and enhanced innovation. After discussing the outcomes firms seek when using international strategies, the chapter closes with mention of two cautions about international strategy that should be kept in mind.
8-1 Identifying International Opportunities An international strategy is a strategy through which the firm sells its goods or ser vices outside its domestic market.3 In some instances, firms using an international strat egy become quite diversified geographically as they compete in numerous countries or regions outside their domestic market. This is the case for Netflix in that it competes now in all but a few countries. In other cases, firms engage in less international diversification because they focus on a smaller number of markets outside their "home" market.
There are incentives for firms to use an international strategy and to diversify their operations geographically, and they can gain three basic benefits when they successfully do so.4 We show international strategy's incentives and benefits in Figure 8.2.
8-1 a Incentives to Use International Strategy Raymond Vernon expressed the classic rationale for an international strategy.5 He sug gested that typically a firm discovers an innovation in its home-country market, especially in advanced economies such as those in Germany, France, Japan, Sweden, Canada, and the United States. Often demand for the product then develops in other countries, caus ing a firm to export products from its domestic operations to fulfil demand. Continuing increases in demand can subsequently justify a firm's decision to establish operations outside of its domestic base, as illustrated in the Opening Case on Netflix. As Vernon noted, engaging in an international strategy has the potential to help a firm extend the life cycle of its product(s).
An international strategy
is a strategy through which
the firm sells its goods or
services outside its domestic
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242 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Figure 8.2 Incentives and Basic Benefits of International Strategy
Incentives Basic
Extend a Increased - product's life - market
cycle size
Gain easier Economies of - access to raw - scale and
materials learning
Opportunities to
- integrate Location
operations on a advantages global scale
Opportunities to
- better use rapidly
developing technologies
Gain access to - consumers in
emerging markets
Gaining access to needed and potentially scarce resources is another reason that firms use an international strategy. Key supplies of raw material-especially minerals and energy-are critical to firms' efforts in some industries to manufacture their products. Energy and mining companies have access to the raw materials, through their worldwide operations, which they in turn sell to manufacturers requiring those resources. Rio Tinto Group is a leading international mining corporation. Operating as a global organiza tion, the firm has 55,000 employees across six continents and operating in more than 40 countries. Rio Tinto uses its capabilities of technology and innovation (see first incen tive noted above), exploration, marketing, and operational processes to identify, extract, and market mineral resources throughout the world.6 In other industries where labor costs account for a significant portion of a company's expenses, firms may choose to establish facilities in other countries to gain access to less expensive labor. Clothing and electronics manufacturers are examples of firms pursuing an international strategy for this reason.
Increased pressure to integrate operations on a global scale is another factor influ encing firms to pursue an international strategy. As nations industrialize, the demand for some products and commodities appears to become more similar. This borderless demand for globally branded products may be due to growing similarities in lifestyle in developed nations. Increases in global communications also facilitate the ability of
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
people in different countries to visualize and model lifestyles in other cultures. In an increasing number of industries, technology drives globalization because the economies of scale necessary to reduce costs to the lowest level often require an investment greater than that needed to meet domestic market demand. Moreover, in emerging markets, the increasingly rapid adoption of technologies such as the Internet and mobile applications permits greater integration of trade, capital, culture, and labor. For instance, Vietnam is experiencing a "mobile revolution:' In 2017, 28.8 million people had smartphones and access to the Internet, compared to 20.7 million in 2015. That number is projected to increase to 42.7 million people by 2022.7 In this sense, technologies are the foundation for efforts to bind together disparate markets and operations across the world. International strategy also makes it possible for firms to use technologies to organize their operations into a seamless whole.8
The potential of large demand for goods and services from people in emerging mar kets such as China and India is another strong incentive for firms to use an interna - tional strategy.9 This is the case for French-based Carrefour S.A. This firm is the world's second-largest retailer (behind only Walmart) and the largest retailer in Europe. Carrefour operates five main grocery store formats-hypermarkets, supermarkets, cash & carry, hypercash stores, and convenience stores. The firm also sells products online. Carrefour operates 12,300 stores in 30 countries.10 In 2018, it announced a major strategic alliance with Tesco, a British multinational firm that operates in similar domains as Carrefour. In the alliance they plan to cooperate in several areas, especially in their supply chains. By sharing their expertise, they believe that they will be able to obtain higher quality supplies at lower costs.11
Even though India differs from Western countries in many respects, such as culture, politics, and the precepts of its economic system, it offers a huge potential market, and the government has become more supportive of foreign direct investment. 12 Differences among Chinese, Indian, and Western-style economies and cultures make the successful use of an international strategy challenging. As such, firms seeking to meet customer demands in emerging markets must learn how to manage an array of political and eco nomic risks, which we discuss later in the chapter. 13
We've now discussed incentives that influence firms to use international strategies. Firms derive three basic benefits by successfully using international strategies:
1. increased market size 2. increased economies of scale and learning 3. development of a competitive advantage through location (e.g., access to low-cost
labor, critical resources, or customers)
These benefits will be examined here in terms of both their costs ( e.g., higher coordination expenses and limited access to knowledge about host country political influences) 14 and their challenges.
8-1 b Three Basic Benefits of International Strategy As noted, effectively using one or more international strategies can result in three basic
benefits for the firm. These benefits facilitate the firm's effort to achieve strategic compet itiveness (see Figure 8.1) when using an international strategy.
Increased Market Size
Firms can expand the size of their potential market-sometimes dramatically-by using an international strategy to establish stronger positions in markets outside their domestic market.15 As noted, access to additional consumers is a key reason Carrefour sees interna tional markets such as China as a major source of growth.
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244 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Firms such as Netflix, Carrefour, and WH Group understand that effectively man aging different consumer tastes and practices linked to cultural values or traditions in different markets is challenging. Nonetheless, they accept this challenge because of the potential to enhance the firms' size and performance. Other firms accept the challenge of successfully implementing an international strategy largely because of limited growth opportunities in their domestic market. This appears to be at least partly the case for major competitors Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, firms that have not been able to generate significant growth in their U.S. domestic and North American markets for some time. Indeed, most of these firms' growth is occurring in international markets. An interna tional market's overall size also has the potential to affect the degree of benefit a firm can accrue because of using an international strategy. In general, larger international markets offer higher potential returns and pose less risk for the firm choosing to invest in those markets. Also related is the strength of the science base of the international markets in which a firm may compete. This is important because scientific knowledge and human capital are needed to facilitate efforts to more effectively sell and/or deliver products that create value for customers.16
Economies of Scale and Learning By expanding the number of markets in which they compete, firms may be able to enjoy economies of scale, particularly in manufacturing operations. More broadly, firms able to make continual process improvements enhance their ability to reduce costs while, hope fully, increasing the value their products create for customers.17 For example, rivals Airbus SAS and Boeing have multiple manufacturing facilities and outsource some activities to firms located throughout the world, partly for developing economies of scale as a source of being able to create value for customers.
Economies of scale are critical in a number of settings in addition to the airline man ufacturing industry. For example, economies of scale are a critical component of Costco's business model. Costco is a subscription business that sells a service to its customers. The service it provides is buying goods in large quantities at low costs (because of its economies of scale), thus allowing the firm to sell the goods to consumers at lower prices, passing on the savings provided by Costco's purchases.18 In fact, Costco is so popular that it is experi encing some of the diseconomies of scale in that some people prefer not to shop in crowded stores. This causes Costco to continue to expand the number of its stores. Firms may also be able to exploit core competencies in international markets through resource and knowl edge sharing between units and network partners across country borders.19 By sharing resources and knowledge in this manner, firms can learn how to create synergy, which in turn can help each firm learn how to deliver higher quality products at a lower cost.
Operating in multiple international markets also provides firms with new learning opportunities,20 perhaps even in terms of research and development (R&D) activities. Increasing the firm's R&D ability can contribute to its efforts to enhance innovation, which is critical to both short- and long-term success. However, research results suggest that to take advantage of international R&D investments, firms need to have a strong R&D system already in place to absorb knowledge resulting from effective R&D activities.21
Location Advantages Locating facilities outside their domestic market can sometimes help firms reduce costs. This benefit of an international strategy accrues to the firm when its facilities in inter national locations provide easier access to lower cost labor, energy, and other natural resources. Other location advantages include access to critical supplies and to customers. Once positioned in an attractive location, firms must manage their facilities effectively to gain the full benefit of a location advantage. 22
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
A firm's costs, particularly those dealing with manufacturing and distribution, as well as the nature of international customers' needs affect the degree of benefit it can capture through a location advantage.23 The influences of cultural and formal country institu tions (e.g., laws and regulations) may also affect location advantages and disadvantages. International business transactions are easier for a firm to complete when there is a strong cultural match and similar country institutions with which the firm is involved while implementing its international strategy.24 Finally, physical distances influence a firm's location choices as well as how it manages facilities in the chosen locations.25
In recent times, there has been pressure in some countries for firms to reduce the scale and scope of their internationalization and focus on producing goods in the domes tic market. For example, the Trump administration in the United States has pressured firms to move their internationally based manufacturing operations to the United States in order to provide more jobs for U.S. citizens. As a result, some firms have begun search ing for ways that they can reverse some of their internationalization efforts while doing so efficiently and serving all domestic and international markets.26
8-2 International Strategies Firms choose to use one or both basic types of international strategy: business-level inter national strategy and corporate-level international strategy. At the business level, firms select from among the generic strategies of cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, focused differentiation, and integrated cost leadership/differentiation. At the corporate level, multidomestic, global, and transnational international strategies ( the transnational is a combination of the multidomestic and global strategies) are consid ered. To contribute to the firm's efforts to achieve strategic competitiveness in the form of improved performance and enhanced innovation (see Figure 8.1), each international strategy the firm uses must be based on one or more core competencies.27
8-2a International Business-Level Strategy Firms considering the use of any international strategy first develop domestic-market strategies (at the business level and at the corporate level if the firm has diversified at the product level). This is important because the firm may be able to use some of the capa bilities and core competencies it has developed in its domestic market as the foundation for competitive success in international markets, as illustrated in the Opening Case on Netflix. However, research results indicate that the value created by relying on capabilities and core competencies developed in domestic markets as a source of success in interna tional markets diminishes as a firm's geographic diversity increases.28
As we know from our discussion of competitive dynamics in Chapter 5, firms do not select and then use strategies in isolation of market realities. In the case of international strategies, conditions in a firm's domestic market affect the degree to which the firm can build on capabilities and core competencies it established to create capabilities and core competencies in international markets. The reason is grounded in Michael Porter's analysis of why some nations are more competitive than other nations and why and how some industries within nations are more competitive relative to those industries in other nations. Porter's core argument is that conditions or factors in a firm's home base-that is, in its domestic market-either hinder or support the firm's efforts to use an international business-level strategy for the purpose of establishing a competitive advantage in interna tional markets. Porter identifies four factors as determinants of a national advantage that some countries possess (see Figure 8.3).29 Interactions among these four factors influence a firm's choice of international business-level strategy.
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Figure 8.3 Determinants of National Advantage
Factors of production
Firm strategy, structure,
and rivalry
Demand conditions
Related and
supporting industries
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Informal institutions: culture
Formal institutions: regulatory
The first determinant of national advantage is factors of production. This determi nant refers to the inputs necessary for a firm to compete in any industry. Labor, land, natural resources, capital, and infrastructure (transportation, delivery, and communica tion systems) represent such inputs. There are basic factors (natural and labor resources) and advanced factors (digital communication systems and a highly educated workforce). Other factors of production are generalized (highway systems and the supply of debt capital) and specialized (skilled personnel in a specific industry, such as the workers in a port that specialize in handling bulk chemicals). If a country possesses advanced and specialized production factors, it is likely to serve an industry well by spawning strong home-country competitors that also can be successful global competitors.
Ironically, countries often develop advanced and specialized factors because they lack critical basic resources. For example, South Korea lacks abundant natural resources but has a workforce with a strong work ethic, a large number of engineers, and systems of large firms to create an expertise in manufacturing. Similarly, Germany developed a strong chemical industry, partly because Hoechst and BASF spent years creating a syn thetic indigo dye to reduce their dependence on imports, unlike the United Kingdom, whose colonies provided large supplies of natural indigo.30
The second factor or determinant of national advantage, demand conditions, is char acterized by the nature and size of customers' needs in the home market for the products firms competing in an industry produce. Meeting the demand generated by many cus tomers creates conditions through which a firm can develop scale-efficient facilities and enhance the capabilities, and perhaps core competencies, required to use those facilities. Once enhancements are in place, the probability that the capabilities and core competen cies will benefit the firm as it diversifies geographically increases.3'
This is the case for Chiquita Brands International, which spent years building its busi nesses and developing economies of scale and scale efficient facilities. It diversified into too many different product lines and its profits suffered. In recent years it has refocused
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
the firm on its bananas and packaged salad product lines. Now, Chiquita produces almost one-third of the bananas it sells on its own farms in Latin America. It is the market leader in bananas in Europe and is number two in the market in North America. Chiquita is using its capabilities and core competencies in growing and distributing its brand of bananas in its international markets. In 2015 it was purchased by Brazil's Cutrale Group, which added Chiquita brand bananas and fresh packaged salads to its fruit business in oranges, apples, and peaches.32
The third factor in Porter's model of the determinants of national advantage is related and supporting industries. Italy has become the leader in the shoe industry because of related and supporting industries. For example, a well-established leather-processing industry provides the leather needed to construct shoes and related products. Also, many people travel to Italy to purchase leather goods, providing support in distribution. Supporting industries in leather-working machinery and design services also contribute to the success of the shoe industry. In fact, the design services industry supports its own related industries, such as ski boots, fashion apparel, and furniture. In Japan, cameras and copiers are related industries. Similarly, Germany is known for the quality of its machine tools and Belgium is known for skilled manufacturing (supporting and related industries are important in these two settings also).
Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry make up the final determinant of national advan tage and foster the growth of certain industries. The types of strategy, structure, and rivalry among firms vary greatly from nation to nation. The excellent technical train ing system in Germany fosters a strong emphasis on continuous product and process improvements. In Italy, the national pride of the country's designers spawns strong indus tries not only in shoes but also sports cars, fashion apparel, and furniture. In the United States, competition among computer manufacturers and software producers contributes to further development of these industries.
The four determinants of national advantage (see Figure 8.3) emphasize the struc tural characteristics of a specific economy that contribute to some degree to national advantage and influence the firm's selection of an international business-level strategy. Policies of individual governments also affect the nature of the determinants as well as how firms compete within the boundaries governing bodies establish and enforce within a particular economy.33 While studying their external environment (see Chapter 2), firms considering the possibility of using an international strategy need to gather information and data that will allow them to understand the effects of governmental policies and their enforcement on the nation's ability to establish advantages relative to other nations. Likewise, firms need to understand the relative degree of increased competitiveness the entering firm might receive by examining the country resources necessary to help the firm compete on a global basis in a focal industry.
Leading companies should recognize that a firm based in a country with a national competitive advantage is not guaranteed success as it implements its chosen international business-level strategy. The actual strategic choices managers make may be the most compelling reasons for success or failure as firms diversify geographically. Accordingly, the factors illustrated in Figure 8.3 are likely to produce the foundation for a firm's competitive advantages only when it develops and implements an appropriate interna tional business-level strategy that takes advantage of distinct country factors. Thus, these distinct country factors should be thoroughly considered when deciding about which international business-level strategy to use. The firm will then make continuous adjust ments to its international business-level strategy considering the nature of competition it encounters in different international markets and in light of customers' needs. Lexus, for example, does not have the share of the luxury car market in China that it desires. Accordingly, Toyota (which manufactures Lexus) is adjusting how it implements its
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A multidomestic strategy is an international strategy in which strategic and operating decisions are decentralized to the strategic business units in individual countries or regions for allowing each unit the opportunity to tailor products to the local market
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
international differentiation business-level strategy in China to better serve customers. However, it lagged far behind other luxury brands such as BMW, Audi, and Cadillac. Toyota decided not to put a production facility in China, thus having to pay a 25 percent tariff for each vehicle sold. However, its differentiation strategy has been paying off with a 27% increase in sales in 2017. It sold approximately 140,000 autos in China during that year. It is the second largest market for Lexus cars behind the United States.34
8-2b International Corporate-Level Strategy A firm's international business-level strategy is also based, at least partially, on its inter national corporate-level strategy. Some international corporate-level strategies give indi vidual country units the authority to develop their own business-level strategies, while others dictate the business-level strategies to standardize the firm's products and sharing of resources across countries.35
International corporate-level strategy focuses on the scope of a firm's opera tions through geographic diversification.36 International corporate-level strategy is required when the firm operates in multiple industries that are located in multiple countries or regions (e.g., Southeast Asia or the European Union) and in which it sells multiple products. The headquarters unit guides the strategy, although as noted, business-or country-level managers can have substantial strategic input depending on the type of international corporate-level strategy the firm uses. The three inter national corporate-level strategies are shown in Figure 8.4; they vary in terms of two dimensions-the need for global integration and the need for local responsiveness.37
Multidomestic Strategy A multidomestic strategy is an international strategy in which strategic and operat ing decisions are decentralized to the strategic business units in individual countries or
Figure 8.4 International Corporate-Level Strategies
"C Cl) Cl)
Transnational strategy
Need for Local Responsiveness
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
regions, allowing each unit the opportunity to tailor products to the local market.38 With this strategy, the firm's need for local responsiveness is high while its need for global integration is low. Influencing these needs is the firm's belief that consumer needs and desires, industry conditions (e.g., the number and type of competitors), political and legal structures, and social norms vary by country. Thus, a multidomestic strategy focuses on competition within each country because market needs are thought to be segmented by country boundaries. To meet the specific needs and preferences of local customers, coun try or regional managers have the autonomy to customize the firm's products. Therefore, these strategies should maximize a firm's competitive response to the idiosyncratic require ments of each market.39 The multidomestic strategy is most appropriate for use when the differences between the markets a firm serves and the customers in them are significant.
The use of multidomestic strategies usually expands the firm's local market share because the firm focuses its attention on the local clientele's needs. However, using a multidomestic strategy results in less knowledge sharing for the corporation as a whole because of the differences across markets, decentralization, and the different international business-level strategies employ ed by local units.40 Moreover, multidomestic strategies do not allow the development of economies of scale and thus can be more costly.
Unilever is a large European consumer products company selling products in over 100 countries. The firm has more than 240 global brands that are grouped into three business units-foods, home care, and personal care. Historically, Unilever has used a highly decentralized approach for the purpose of managing its global brands. This approach allows regional managers considerable autonomy to adapt the characteristics of specific products to satisfy the unique needs of customers in different markets. More recently, however, Unilever has sought to increase the coordination between its indepen dent subsidiaries in order to establish an even stronger global brand presence. One way that coordination is achieved is by having the presidents of each of the five global regions serve as members of the top management team.41 As such, Unilever may be transitioning from a multidomestic strategy to a transnational strategy.
Global Strategy A global strategy is an international strategy in which a firm's home office determines the strategies that business units are to use in each country or region.42 This strategy indicates that the firm has a high need for global integration and a low need for local responsiveness. These needs indicate that, compared to a multidomestic strategy, a global strategy seeks greater levels of standardization of products across country markets. The firm using a global strategy seeks to develop economies of scale as it produces the same, or largely the same, products for distribution to customers throughout the world who are assumed to have similar needs. The global strategy offers greater opportunities to take innovations developed at the corporate level, or in one market, and apply them in other markets.43 Improvements in global accounting and financial reporting standards have facilitated the use of this strategy.44 A global strategy is most effective when the differences between markets and the customers the firm is serving are insignificant.
Efficient operations are required to successfully implement a global strategy. Increasing the efficiency of a firm's international operations mandates resource sharing and greater coordination and cooperation across market boundaries. Centralized deci sion making as designed by headquarters details how resources are to be shared and coordinated across markets. Research results suggest that the outcomes a firm achieves by using a global strategy become more desirable when the strategy is used in areas in which regional integration among countries is occurring.45
As illustrated in the following Strategic Focus, IKEA has implemented the global strategy. IKEA uses a standardized set of products worldwide and has centralized several
A global strategy is an
international strategy in
which a firm's home office
determines the strategies that
business units are to use in
each country or region.
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250 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Ikea's Global Strategy in the Age of Digitalization and Urbanization
Founded in Sweden, IKEA has pursued a global strategy in
developing its well-designed, inexpensive retail furniture strat
egy. As with most companies pursuing a global strategy, it
emphasizes global efficiencies.
One particular approach that IKEA has used is to reduce
shipping weight by efficient packaging. Standardization of
the product offerings, efficient packaging, and the associ
ated benefit of lower transportation costs are "at the heart
of IKEA's ability to stay affordable:"'lnstead of changing
products once they have hit shelves, IKEA is increasingly
designing things with packaging and manufacturing in
mind from the start:' A tradeoff IKEA has experienced is
that packaging can become too efficient at the expense of
consumer frustration at the complexity of assembly once
the product is in the home. So, simple assembly is also an
important criterion.
IKEA continues to grow with annual sales of $45.7 billion,
and more than 400 stores across 49 countries. It has also
continued to enter new countries, with special focus recently
on Latin America-such as Chile, Colombia, and Peru-and
India. Furthermore, the firm is ramping up its focus on online
shopping, because of the increasing emphasis on digital sales
in the marketplace. The number of visitors to IKEA stores has
plateaued, with expected heightened sales coming from
online shopping in future years. IKEA is expanding this strategy
by increasing its "click-and-collect merchandising approach
where people order on line and pick up the merchandise at a
physical location:'
Also, because of increased urbanization, IKEA is
developing smaller city-center stores with a lower range
of products compared to its majority of suburban store
locations. One of these stores, which recently opened in the
central part of Madrid, offers only bedroom furnishings while
another one in Stockholm specializes in kitchen furniture
and fixtures. Even with suburban locations, IKEA seeks to be
within walking distance of transportation hubs such as sub
way stations.
Although IKEA is focused on efficiency, it also invests
a significant amount of time studying each new country
market entry. It focuses on where a growing middle-class is
developing. It has entered China and India and is considering
other South American countries such as Brazil. All of these
economies have a growing middle class. Even in these
countries, IKEA is focusing on flat packing, transporting, and
reassembling its Swedish-styling furniture offered globally.
One of IKEA's latest strategies to improve its image is to
develop a sounder approach to sustainability. Accordingly, its
store roofs are outfitted with solar panels, and it will operate
314 wind turbines in 9 countries, putting the company on track
to be energy independent by 2020. With its multiple actions
to enhance sustainability, IKEA expects to be perceived as a
socially and environmentally responsible company. These costs
have reduced its operating income in the short term, yet they
should lower overall costs in the longer term.
IKEA has many challenges and hopes to continue to
grow, especially in its largest markets such as the United
States. Although the recent tariffs placed on some European
goods by the U.S. government cause IKEA operations in the
United States concern, the company is well positioned. It
has 13,000 employees in the United States and produces
many of its products there. Although the founder's family
continues to play a role in the company, they do not have
ownership control. Thus, IKEA is a family influenced-not a
family-controlled-firm. It has the advantages of a family firm
without many of the disadvantages.
Sources: J. R, Hagerty, 2018, lngvar Kamprad made IKEA a global retailer by
keeping it simple, Wall Street Journal, httpsJ/www.wsj.com, February 2; R. Milne,
2018, What will Ikea build next? Financial Times, httpsJ/www.ft.com, January 31;
C. Matlack, 2018, The tiny Ikea of the future, without meatballs of showroom
mazes, Bloomberg News, https/ /www/Bloomberg.com, January 1 0; R. Milne,
2017, Ikea moves focus to centre city stores, Financial Times, https//www.ft.com,
November 28; T. Gillies, 2017, Ikea's strategy: Stick to the basics, and expand in the
US, CNBC, https//www.cnbc.com, January 16; S. Chaudhuri, 2015, IKEA's favorite
design idea: Shrink the box, Wall Street Journal , June 18, Bl 0; B. Kowitt, 2015, How
IKEA took over the world, Fortune, www.fortune.com, March 13; A. Molin, 2015,
C. Zillman, 2015, Here's how IKEA is fighting climate change, Fortune, www
.fortune.com, June 11.
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
of its activities, including design and packaging. Accordingly, it integrates and centralizes some support functions from the firm's value chain (see Chapter 3). This integration and centralization foster economies of scale benefiting IKEA. Alternatively, IKEA is having to implement changes because of increasing digitalization and urbanization. As future growth may come largely from these types of sales, it has increased its online sales and continues to invest in the technology needed. It also has developed smaller and more specialized stores in the urban parts of cities, catering to new customers. Unlike many retailers, IKEA's annual sales continue to grow, albeit at a slower pace in recent years.
Because of increasing global competition and the need to simultaneously be cost efficient and produce differentiated products, the number of firms using a transnational international corporate-level strategy is increasing.
Transnational Strategy A transnational strategy is an international strategy through which the firm seeks to achieve both global efficiency and local responsiveness. Realizing the twin goals of global integra tion and local responsiveness is difficult because global integration requires close global coordination while local responsiveness requires local flexibility. "Flexible coordination" - building a shared vision and individual commitment through an integrated network-is required to implement the transnational strategy. Such integrated networks allow a firm to manage its connections with customers, suppliers, partners, and other parties more effi ciently rather than using arm's-length transactions.46 The transnational strategy is difficult to use because of its conflicting goals (see Chapter 11 for more on the implementation of this and other corporate-level international strategies). On the positive side, effectively implementing a transnational strategy can produce higher performance than implementing either the multidomestic or global strategies if the circumstances are right.47
Transnational strategies are becoming increasingly necessary to successfully compete in international markets. Reasons for this include the continuing increases in the number of viable global competitors that challenge firms to reduce their costs. Simultaneously, the increasing sophistication of markets with greater information flows, made possi ble largely by the diffusion of the Internet and the desire for specialized products to meet consumers' unique needs, pressures firms to dif ferentiate their products in local markets. Differences in culture and institutional environments also require firms to adapt their products and approaches to local environments. However, some argue that transnational strategies are not required to successfully compete in
t.C> international markets. Those holding this view sug- )gest that most multinational firms try to compete at -�the regional level (e.g., the European Union) rather ::
than at the country level. To the degree this is the case, jthe need for the firm to simultaneously offer relatively � unique products that are adapted to local markets and to produce those products at lower costs permitted by developing scale economies is reduced. 48
Pictured above are many of the international brands
that Mondelez manages globally while implementing
The complexities of competing in global markets increase the need for the use of a transnational strategy.
the transnational strategy.
Mondelez International was created as a spinoff company from Kraft, which separated its domestic grocery products to focus on its high-growth snack foods business, in which 74 percent of sales come from outside North America. Mondelez had $26 billion in rev enue in 2017 and about 80,000 employees; it has power brands (brands that are globally known and respected) and local brands.49 So, because it globally integrates its operations to
A transnational strategy
is an international strategy
through which the firm
seeks to achieve both
global efficiency and local
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252 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
standardize and maintain its power brands while simultaneously developing and market ing local brands that are specialized to meet the needs of local customers, Mondelez pur sues the transnational strategy. It is the global market leader in biscuits, chocolate, candy, and powdered beverages, and it holds the number two position in the global markets for chewing gum and coffee. About 45 percent of its sales come from fast-growing, emerging markets and with the variety of brands offered, it must adjust its strategy accordingly.
Next, we discuss trends in the global environment that are affecting the choices firms make when deciding which international corporate-level strategies to use and in which international markets to compete.
8-3 Environmental Trends
Although the transnational strategy is difficult to implement, an emphasis on global efficiency is increasing as more industries, and the companies competing within them, encounter intensified global competition. Magnifying the scope of this issue is the fact that, simultaneously, firms are experiencing demands for local adaptations of their prod ucts. These demands can be from customers (for products to satisfy their tastes and preferences) and from governing bodies (for products to satisfy a country's regulations). In addition, most multinational firms desire coordination and sharing of resources across country markets to hold down costs, as demonstrated in the Opening Case on Netflix_so
Because of these conditions, some large multinational firms with diverse products use a multidomestic strategy with certain product lines and a global strategy with others when diversifying geographically. Many multinational firms may require this type of flexibility if they are to be strategically competitive, in part due to trends that change over time.
Liability of foreignness and regionalization are two important trends influencing a firm's choice and use of international strategies, particularly international corporate-level strategies. We discuss these trends next.
8-3a Liability of Foreignness The dramatic success of Japanese firms such as Toyota and Sony in the United States and other international markets in the 1980s was a powerful jolt to U.S. managers. This suc cess awakened U.S. managers to the importance of international competition and the fact that many markets were rapidly becoming globalized. In the twenty-first century, Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) represent major international market opportunities for firms from many countries, including the United States, Japan, Korea, and members of the European Union. In addition, emerging economies such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Colombia, Kenya, and Poland have shown rapid growth, Internet penetration, and improving rule of law.s 1 However, even if foreign markets seem attractive, as appears to be the case with the BRIC countries and other growing economies, there are legitimate concerns for firms considering entering these markets. This is the liability of foreignness,s2
a set of costs associated with various issues firms face when entering foreign markets, including unfamiliar operating environments; economic, administrative, and cultural dif ferences from their home institutional environments; and the challenges of coordination over distances.s 3 Four types of distances commonly associated with liability of foreignness are cultural, administrative, geographic, and economic.s 4
Walt Disney Company's experience while opening theme parks in foreign countries demonstrates the liability of foreignness. For example, Disney suffered "lawsuits in France, at Disneyland Paris, because of the lack of fit between its transferred personnel policies and the French employees charged to enact them:'ss Disney executives learned from this experience and from building the firm's theme park in Hong Kong, and the company"went out of its way to tailor the park to local tastes:'s 6 Thus, as with Walt Disney Company, firms
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
thinking about using an international strategy to enter foreign markets must be aware of the four types of distances they'll encounter when doing so and determine actions to take to reduce the potentially negative effects associated with those distances.
8-3b Regionalization
Regionalization is a second global environmental trend influencing a firm's choice and use of international strategies. This trend is becoming prominent largely because where a firm chooses to compete can affect its strategic competitiveness.57 As a result, the firm considering using international strategies must decide if it should enter individual coun - try markets or if it would be better served by competing in one or more regional markets.
Currently, the global strategy is used less frequently. It remains difficult to successfully implement even when the firm uses Internet-based strategies, although country borders matter less when e-commerce matters more.58 In addition, the amount of competition vying for a limited amount of resources and customers can limit a firm's focus to a specific region rather than on country-specific markets that are in multiple parts of the world. A regional focus allows a firm to marshal its resources to compete effectively rather than spreading their limited resources across multiple country-specific international markets.59
However, a firm that competes in industries where the international markets differ greatly (in which it must employ a multidomestic strategy) may wish to narrow its focus to a particular region of the world. In so doing, it can better understand the cultures, legal and social norms, and other factors that are important for effective competition in those markets. For example, a firm may focus on Asian markets only, rather than competing simultaneously in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia or the firm may choose a region of the world where the markets are more similar and coordination and sharing of resources would be possible. In this way, the firm may be better able to understand the markets in which it competes, as well as achieve some economies, even though it may have to employ a mul tidomestic strategy. Firms commonly focus much of their international market entries on countries adjacent to their home country, which might be referred to as their home region.60
Countries that develop trade agreements to increase the economic power of their regions may promote regional strategies. The European Union and South America's Organization of American States (OAS) are country associations that developed trade agreements to promote the flow of trade across country boundaries within their respective regions. 61
Many European firms acquire and integrate their businesses in Europe to better coordinate pan-European brands as the European Union tries to create unity across the European markets. This process is likely to continue as new countries are added to the agreement.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), signed by the United States, Canada, and Mexico in 1993, facilitates free trade across country borders in North America. NAFTA loosens restrictions on international strategies within this region and provides greater opportunity for regional international strategies.62 However, the Trump administrations has expressed doubts about the agreement and is in the process of trying to renegotiate it. It is unclear if the agreement will survive but if it fails, all three countries will suffer lost jobs. For example, it is estimated that the United States will lose 300,000 jobs ifNAFTA is lost.63
Most firms enter regional markets sequentially, beginning in markets with which they are more familiar. They also introduce their largest and strongest lines of business into these markets first, followed by other product lines once the initial efforts are deemed successful. The additional product lines typically are introduced in the original invest ment location.64 However, research also suggests that the size of the market and industry characteristics can influence this decision.65
Regionalization is important to most multinational firms, even those competing in many regions across the globe. For example, most large multinational firms have organizational structures that group operations within the same region (across countries)
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254 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
for managing and coordination purposes. Managing businesses by regions helps mul tinational enterprises (MNEs) deal with the complexities and challenges of operating in multiple international markets. As the Opening Case on Netflix suggests, managing across regions creates more costs, notwithstanding the benefits.
After selecting its business- and corporate-level international strategies, the firm determines how it will enter the international markets in which it has chosen to compete. We turn to this topic next.
8-4 Choice of International Entry Mode Five modes of entry into international markets are available to firms. We show these entry modes and their characteristics in Figure 8.5. Each means of market entry has its advan tages and disadvantages, suggesting that the choice of entry mode can affect the degree of
Figure 8.5 Modes of Entry and Their Characteristics
Strategic alliances
New wholly owned subsidiary
High cost, low control
Low cost, low risk, little control, low returns
Shared costs, shared resources, shared risks, problems of integration (e.g., two corporate cultures)
Quick access to new markets, high costs, complex negotiations, problems of merging with domestic operations
Complex, often costly, time consuming, high risk, maximum control, potential above average returns
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
success the firm achieves by implementing an international strategy.66 Many firms com peting in multiple markets may use one or more or all five entry modes.67
8-4a Exporting
For many firms, exporting is the initial mode of entry used.68 Exporting is an entry mode through which the firm sends products it produces in its domestic market to interna tional markets. Exporting is a popular entry mode choice for small businesses to initiate an international strategy.69
The number of small U.S. firms using an international strategy is increasing; for example, 97 percent of U.S. firms exporting goods in 2018 are small businesses.70 By exporting, firms avoid the expense of establishing operations in host countries (e.g., in countries outside their home country) in which they have chosen to compete. However, firms must establish some means of marketing and distributing their products when exporting. Usually, contracts are formed with host-country firms to handle these activ ities. Potentially high transportation costs to export products to international markets and the expense of tariffs placed on the firm's products because of host countries' policies are examples of exporting costs. The loss of some control when the firm contracts with local companies in host countries for marketing and distribution purposes can be expen sive, making it harder for the exporting firm to earn profits.71 Evidence suggests that, in general, using an international cost leadership strategy when exporting to developed countries has the most positive effect on firm performance, while using an international differentiation strategy with larger scale when exporting to emerging economies leads to the greatest amount of success. In either case, younger firms with a strong management team and market orientation capabilities are more successful.72
Firms export mostly to countries that are closest to their facilities because usually transportation costs are lower and there is greater similarity between geographic neigh bors. For example, the United States' NAFTA partners, Mexico and Canada, account for more than half of the goods exported from the state of Texas. The Internet has also made exporting easier. Firms of any size can use the Internet to access critical informa tion about foreign markets, examine a target market, research the competition, and find lists of potential customers.73 Governments also use the Internet to support the efforts of those applying for export and import licenses, facilitating international trade among countries while doing so.
8-4b Licensing
Licensing is an entry mode in which an agreement is formed that allows a foreign com pany to purchase the right to manufacture and sell a firm's products within a host coun try's market or a set of host countries' markets.74 The licensor is normally paid a royalty on each unit produced and sold. The licensee takes the risks and makes the monetary investments in facilities for manufacturing, marketing, and distributing products. As a result, licensing is possibly the least costly form of international diversification. As with exporting, licensing is an attractive entry mode option for smaller firms, and potentially for newer firms as well.75
Philip Morris International (PMI) and the China National Tobacco Corporation (CNTC) completed a licensing agreement at the end of 2005. This agreement provides CNTC access to the most famous brand in the world, Marlboro.76 This agreement was quite important for the continued growth of PMI because its domestic sales were declining. Licensing agreements continue to be quite common in the marketplace. For example, an Australian company, Stan, signed a licensing agreement in 2018 for the rights to stream Starz originals and additional programming from Lionsgate and Starz premium.77
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256 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Another potential benefit of licensing as an entry mode is the possibility of earning greater returns from product innovations by selling the firm's innovations in international markets as well as in the domestic market.78 Firms can obtain a larger market for their innovative new products, which helps them to pay off the R&D costs to develop them and to earn a faster return on the innovations than if they only sell them in domestic markets. This is done with little risk and without additional investment costs.
Licensing also has disadvantages. For example, after a firm licenses its product or brand to another party, it has little control over selling and distribution. Developing licens ing agreements that protect the interests of both parties, while supporting the relationship embedded within an agreement, helps prevent this potential disadvantage.79 In addition, licensing provides the least potential returns because returns must be shared between the licensor and the licensee. Another disadvantage is that the international firm may learn the technology of the party with whom it formed an agreement and then produce and sell a similar competitive product after the licensing agreement expires. In a classic example, Komatsu first licensed much of its technology from International Harvester, Bucyrus Erie, and Cummins Engine to compete against Caterpillar in the earthmoving equipment business. Komatsu then dropped these licenses and developed its own products using the technology it gained from the U.S. companies.80 Because of potential disadvantages, the parties to a licensing arrangement should finalize an agreement only after they are convinced that both parties' best interests are protected.
8-4c Strategic Alliances
Increasingly popular as an entry mode among firms using international strategies,81
a strategic alliance involves a firm collaborating with another company in a different setting in order to enter one or more international markets.82 Firms share the risks and the resources required to enter international markets when using strategic alliances.83
Moreover, because partners bring their unique resources together for the purpose of working collaboratively, strategic alliances can facilitate developing new capabilities and possibly core competencies that may contribute to the firm's strategic competitive ness. 84 Indeed, developing and learning how to use new capabilities and/or competen cies (particularly those related to technology) is often a key purpose for which firms use strategic alliances as an entry mode.85 Firms should be aware that establishing trust between partners is critical for developing and managing technology-based capabilities while using strategic alliances. 86
French-based Limagrain is the fourth largest seed company in the world through its subsidiary Vilmorin & Cie. An international agricultural cooperative group specializing in field seeds, vegetable seeds, and cereal products, part of Limagrain's strategy calls for it to continue to enter and compete in additional international markets. Limagrain is using strategic alliances as an entry mode. In 2011, the firm formed a strategic alliance with the Brazilian seed company Sementes Guerra in Brazil. The joint venture is named Limagrain Guerra do Brasil. Corn is the focus of the joint venture between these companies. Guerra is a family-owned company engaged in seed research; the production of corn, wheat, and soybeans; and the distribution of those products to farmers in Brazil and neighboring countries. Limagrain also had an earlier, successful joint venture with KWS in the United States. This venture, called AgReliant Genetics, focused primarily on corn and soybeans, is the third largest seed company in the United States.87
Not all alliances formed to enter international markets are successful.88 Incompatible partners and conflict between the partners are primary reasons for failure when firms use strategic alliances as an entry mode. Another issue is that international strategic alliances are especially difficult to manage. Trust is an important aspect of alliances and must be carefully managed. The degree of trust between partners strongly influences alliance
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
success. The probability of alliance success increases as the amount of trust between partners expands. Efforts to build trust are affected by at least four fundamental issues: the initial condition of the relationship, the negotiation process to arrive at an agreement, partner interactions, and external events.89 Trust is also influenced by the country cul tures involved and the relationships between the countries' governments (e.g., degree of political differences) where the firms in the alliance are home based.9° Firms should be aware of these issues when trying to appropriately manage trust.
Research has shown that equity-based alliances, over which a firm has more control, are more likely to produce positive returns.91 (We discuss equity-based and other types of strategic alliances in Chapter 9.) However, if trust is required to develop new capabilities through an alliance, equity positions can serve as a barrier to the necessary relationship building. Trust can be an especially important issue when firms have multiple partners supplying raw materials and/or services in their value chain (often referred to as out sourcing).92 If conflict in a strategic alliance formed as an entry mode is not manageable, using acquisitions to enter international markets may be a better option.93
8-4d Acquisitions
When a firm acquires another company to enter an international market, it has com pleted a cross-border acquisition. Specifically, a cross-border acquisition is an entry mode through which a firm from one country acquires a stake in or purchases all of a firm located in another country.94
As free trade expands in global markets, firms throughout the world are complet ing a larger number of cross-border acquisitions. The ability of cross-border acquisi tions to provide rapid access to new markets is a key reason for their growth. In fact, of the five entry modes, acquisitions often are the quickest means for firms to enter international markets. 95
For example, two European supermarket chains merged in 2016 with important implications for the U.S. market. The $29 billion merger between Ahold, the Dutch owner of the Stop and Shop and Giant chains in the United States, with Delhaize, the Belgian operator of American chains Food Lion and Hannaford, gave the merged Ahold Delhaize company a 4.6 percent share of the U.S. grocery market, making it the fourth-largest competitor by revenue. This gave the combined European based firm a major footprint on the East Coast and over 2,000 stores in the United States. Ahold also owns Peapod, a large online grocer in the United States, thus strengthening its stake in United States markets. Ahold Delhaize employs 369,000 associates across 6,637 stores operating in 11 different countries and serves 50 million customers per week.96
Interestingly, firms use cross-border acqui sitions less frequently to enter markets where corruption affects business transactions and, hence, the use of international strategies. A firm's preference is to use joint ventures to enter markets in which corruption is an issue, rather than using acquisitions. (Discussed fully in Chapter 9, a joint venture is a type of strate gic alliance in which two or more firms create a legally independent company and share their
The CEOs of Ahold, Dick Boer (left), and Belgian rival Delhaize,
Frans Mullerand Delhaize, shake hands prior to announcing the
merger of these giant food distribution chains in a significant
cross-border merger.
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A greenfield venture is an
entry mode through which
a firm invests directly in
another country or market
by establ ishing a new wholly
owned subsidiary.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
resources and capabilities to operate it.) However, these ventures often fail, although this is less frequently the case for firms experienced with entering "corrupt" markets. When acquisitions are made in such countries, acquirers commonly pay smaller pre miums to purchase firms.97
Although increasingly popular, acquisitions as an entry mode are not without costs, nor are they easy to successfully complete and operate. Cross-border acquisitions have some of the disadvantages of domestic acquisitions (see Chapter 7). In addition, they often require debt financing to complete, which carries an extra cost. Another issue for firms to consider is that negotiations for cross-border acquisitions can be exceedingly complex and are generally more complicated than are the negotiations associated with domestic acquisitions.98 Dealing with the legal and regulatory requirements in the tar get firm's country and obtaining appropriate information to negotiate an agreement are also frequent problems. Finally, the merging of the new firm into the acquiring firm is often more complex than is the case with domestic acquisitions. The firm completing the cross-border acquisition must deal not only with different corporate cultures, but also with potentially different social cultures and practices.99 These differences make integrating the two firms after the acquisition more challenging because it is difficult to capture the potential synergy when integration is slowed or stymied because of cultural differences.100 Therefore, while cross-border acquisitions are popular as an entry mode primarily because they provide rapid access to new markets, firms considering this option should be fully aware of the costs and risks associated with using it.
8-4e New Wholly Owned Subsidiary A greenfield venture is an entry mode through which a firm invests directly in another country or market by establishing a new wholly owned subsidiary. The process of cre ating a greenfield venture is often complex and potentially costly, but this entry mode affords maximum control to the firm and has the greatest amount of potential to con tribute to the firm's strategic competitiveness as it implements international strategies. This potential is especially true for firms with strong intangible capabilities that might be leveraged through a greenfield venture.101 Moreover, having additional control over its operations in a foreign market is especially advantageous when the firm has propri etary technology.
Research also suggests that " wholly owned subsidiaries and expatriate staff are preferred" in service industries where "close contacts with end customers" and "high levels of professional skills, specialized know-how, and customization" are required.102
Other research suggests that, as investments, greenfield ventures are used more promi nently when the firm's business relies significantly on the quality of its capital-intensive manufacturing facilities. In contrast, cross-border acquisitions are more likely to be used as an entry mode when a firm's operations are human-capital intensive-for example, if a strong local union and high cultural distance (between the countries involved) would cause difficulty in transferring knowledge to a host nation through a greenfield venture. 103
The risks associated with greenfield ventures are significant in that the costs of establishing a new business operation in a new country or market can be substantial. To support the operations of a newly established operation in a foreign country, the firm may have to acquire knowledge and expertise about the new market by hiring either host-country nationals, possibly from competitors, or through consultants, which can be costly. This new knowledge and expertise often is necessary to facilitate the building of new facilities, establishing distribution networks, and learning how to implement market ing strategies that can lead to competitive success in the new market.104 Importantly, while taking these actions, the firm seeks to maintain control over the technology, marketing,
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
and distribution of its products. Research also suggests that when the country risk is high, firms prefer to enter with joint ventures instead of greenfield investments. However, if firms have previous experience in a country, they prefer to use a wholly owned greenfield venture rather than a joint venture.105
China has been an attractive market for foreign retailers (e.g., Walmart) because of its large population, the growing economic capabilities of Chinese citizens, and the opening of the Chinese market to foreign firms. Many foreign retailers have entered China, many of them using greenfield ventures. Of course, China is a unique environment, partly because of its culture, but more so because of the government control and intervention. Good relationships with local and national government officials are quite important to foreign firms' success in China. Because of these complexities and the challenges they present, foreign retailers' success in this market has been mixed despite the substantial opportunities that exist there. Expansion, however, is going to be more difficult, given how popular the online retailer Alibaba and its affiliates and competitors have become. T hus, great care should be exercised when selecting the best mode for entering particular markets, as we discuss next.106
8-4f Dynamics of Mode of Entry Several factors affect the firm's choice about how to enter international markets. Market entry is often achieved initially through exporting, which requires no foreign manufacturing expertise and investment only in distribution. Licensing can facili tate the product improvements necessary to enter foreign markets, as in the Komatsu example. Strategic alliances are a popular entry mode because they allow a firm to connect with an experienced partner already in the market. Partly because of this, geographically diversifying firms often use alliances in uncertain situations, such as an emerging economy where there is significant risk (e.g., Venezuela). However, if intel lectual property rights in the emerging economy are not well protected, the number of firms in the industry is growing fast, and the need for global integration is high, other entry modes such as a joint venture (see Chapter 9) or a wholly owned subsidiary are preferred.107 In the final analysis though, all three modes-export, licensing, and strategic alliance-can be effective means of initially entering new markets and for developing a presence in those markets.
Acquisitions, greenfield ventures, and sometimes joint ventures are used when firms want to establish a strong presence in an international market. Aerospace firms Airbus and Boeing have used joint ventures, especially in large markets, to facilitate entry, while military equipment firms such as T hales SA have used acquisitions to build a global presence. Japanese auto manufacturer Toyota largely established a pres ence in the United States through both greenfield ventures and joint ventures. Because of Toyota's highly efficient manufacturing processes, the firm wants to maintain con trol over manufacturing when possible. As such, it opened a new regional center that combines supplier coordination and regional North American research in Michigan and a new North American headquarters facility in Texas. Toyota has ten manufactur ing plants in the United States with 136,000 employees (direct and indirect). Overall, Toyota has invested almost $22 billion in its U.S. operations.108 Both acquisitions and greenfield ventures are likely to come at later stages in the development of a firm's international strategies.
T hus, to enter a global market, a firm selects the entry mode that is best suited to its situation. In some instances, the various options will be followed sequentially, begin - ning with exporting and eventually leading to greenfield ventures. In other cases, the firm may use several, but not all, of the different entry modes, each in different markets. The decision regarding which entry mode to use is primarily a result of the industry's
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260 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
competitive conditions; the country's situation and government policies; and the firm's unique set of resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
8-5 Risks in an International Environment
International strategies are risky, particularly those that would cause a firm to become substantially more diversified in terms of geographic markets served. Firms entering markets in new countries often encounter several complex institutional risks.109 Political and economic risks cannot be ignored by firms using international strategies (see specific examples of political and economic risks in Figure 8.6).
8-Sa Political Risks
Political risks "denote the probability of disruption of the operations of multinational enterprises by political forces or events whether they occur in host countries, home country, or result from changes in the international environment:' 110 Possible disrup tions to a firm's operations when seeking to implement its international strategy create numerous problems, including uncertainty created by government regulation; the exis tence of many, possibly conflicting, legal authorities or corruption; and the potential nationalization of private assets.111 Firms investing in other countries, when implement ing their international strategy, may have concerns about the stability of the national government and the effects of unrest and government instability on their investments or assets.112 A recent study also suggests that political risk in one country often spreads to others, as in the Arab Spring revolutions among many Middle Eastern countries.113 To deal with these concerns, firms should conduct a political risk analysis of the countries or regions they may enter using one of the five entry modes. T hrough political risk anal ysis, the firm examines potential sources and factors of non-commercial disruptions of their foreign investments and the operations flowing from them.114 However, occasion ally firms might use political (institutional) weaknesses as an opportunity to transfer
Figure 8.6 Risks in the International Environment
• Political • Economic
• Global military engagements (e.g., Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya) • Unknown outcomes of the Arab Spring (2011) • Protectionist political trends as the economic
downturn worsens • Potential nationalization of invested assets • Political instability in Middle East • Northeast Asia security instability
• Debt of various countries • Challenges for China in implementing the World Trade
Organization agreements
• Uncertain prices for critical commodities • Successes and failures of privatization and firm restructuring
among Eastern European countries
• Increased trend of counterfeit products and the lack of global policing of these products
• Failure of countries to pay debt obligations and the devaluation of their currencies during a global crisis
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
activities or practices that stakeholders see as undesirable for their operations in the home country to a new market so they can continue earning returns on these question able practices. 115
FIFA, the international soccer federation that sponsors World Cup soccer matches along with its regional and country affiliates, has come under heavy scrutiny for pos sible corrupt practices, as illustrated in the Mini Case at the end of the chapter. Much of the alleged corruption that has taken place has been indirectly supported by the nature of the governments and institutions in which soccer is popular, especially in less developed countries. Bribes were alleged to have been paid for Africa to receive the World Cup, and the recent decisions by FIFA to host the games in Russia and Qatar in 2018 and 2022 have come under question.116 Many of the countries, for example Brazil and Paraguay, are seeking to overhaul their country soccer regulating bodies because of the scandal.117
Russia has experienced a relatively high level of institutional instability in the years following its revolutionary transition to a more democratic government. To regain more central control and reduce the decentralized chaos, Russian leaders took actions such as prosecuting powerful private firm executives, seeking to gain state control of firm assets, and not approving some foreign acquisitions of Russian businesses. The initial institutional instability, followed by the actions of the central government, caused some firms to delay or avoid significant foreign direct investment in Russia. The riskiness of the situation worsened when Russia took Crimea from the Ukraine and used proxy rebels to fight in Eastern Ukraine. Russia's economy has suffered under sanctions placed on them by the United States and other Western countries. The sit uation has been exacerbated by concerns about Russia's meddling in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. In fact, the probe of this activity has resulted in the indictment of a number of Russians by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. The outcome of these actions is currently unclear.'18
As suggested by the information in the Strategic Focus, DHL, FedEx, and UPS have a difficult task ahead. They face unusual economic risks in mostly developed economies from which they have a substantial amount of business. They must predict which econ omies, industries, and companies are the most vulnerable to declines from tariffs and in turn how tariffs will affect the demand for their company's services. And, they need to forecast the likelihood of a full-scale trade war and determine how they can best prepare to deal with this challenge.
8-Sb Economic Risks
Economic risks include fundamental weaknesses in a country or region's economy with the potential to cause adverse effects on firms' efforts to successfully implement their international strategies. As illustrated in the example of Russian institutional instabil ity and property rights, political risks and economic risks are interdependent. If firms cannot protect their intellectual property, they are highly unlikely to use a means of entering a foreign market that involves significant and direct investments. Therefore, countries need to create, sustain, and enforce strong intellectual property rights to attract foreign direct investment.119
In emerging economies, one of the significant economic risks is the availability of important infrastructure to allow large industry players, such as miners, to have suffi cient electrical power in national grids to meet their power usage requirements. Often, inefficient, state-owned electric power producers are forced to run intermittent black outs, which is devastating for continuous process manufacturing and refining such as found in the mining industry. South Africa used to have a reliable electrical power grid. However, the state-owned electrical utility, Eskom Holdings Ltd., neglected to build new
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262 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
The Global Delivery Services Industry: Economic Disruption of Tariffs and Trade Wars
The global delivery service industry has been booming in the last
few years, primarily because of the significant increase in online
sales. The three largest global market shares in this industry are
held by DHL at 38 percent, FedEx at 24 percent, and UPS at
22 percent. DHL is a German-based company and both FedEx
and UPS are home based in the United States. The four largest
markets for delivery services are in the United States, Europe,
China, and Japan. These three companies are major participants
in each one, but they play a much smaller role in the local deliv
ery services in China than the other three. And, although DHL has
the largest global market share, it has a much smaller share of the
U.S. market. There UPS is number one and FedEx is a close second.
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is the third largest in the U.S. market.
DHL currently handles about 500 million packages annually in
the United States. That sounds very large until it is compared
to the 750 million packages that UPS delivered during the 2017
Christmas season alone. However, DHL has made major invest
ments in 2017 and 2018 to increase its business in the U.S. market.
In many ways, the future for this industry looks to be bright
with the increasing amount of online sales that then require the
goods to be delivered. Of course, a major portion of online sales
are made by Amazon, which has its own delivery service. And it
supplements its delivery service with local deliveries by the USPS.
Still, many other retail and other firms are selling their goods
on line. New technology is being developed and used to facili
tate deliveries such as drones and robotics. With the significant
growth in the market that is expected, the future should look
bright especially for the three companies with the largest global
market shares. However, they also face some unusual economic
risks and uncertainties. As noted earlier in the chapter, the future
of NAFTA is uncertain. If, by chance, the trade agreement is extin
guished, economists predict negative economic consequences
for all three countries involved, Canada, Mexico and the United
States. And, a number of specific industries are likely to suffer
lower sales revenue, which will translate into fewer packages
shipped within and across these countries' boundaries.
An additional and potentially even larger and more disrup
tive economic risk is on the horizon. In 2018, the U.S. govern
ment implemented tariffs on specific goods imported from
European countries, Canada, Mexico, and China. In response,
the European Union, Canada, China, and Mexico all instituted
tariffs on specific goods imported into their countries from the
United States. In return, the U.S. government has threatened
to implement even larger tariffs on a greater number of goods.
There are fears of a major trade war among these countries. If
that happens, economists predict that the gross domestic prod
uct (GDP) of each country is likely to decline. In other words, no
country is likely to come out of a trade war as a winner (based
on the outcomes of past trade wars). If economies decline, the
demand for delivery services will also decline. However, the
negative effects are likely to be uneven in a trade war, partly
because tariffs are commonly placed on specific products and
so some sectors suffer more than others. The delivery services
have little or no control over the changes in demand that are
likely to occur from a trade war, and it may be difficult to predict
the industries/sectors and companies that will be harmed the
most. This is partly because some of the goods on which tariffs
are placed may be used in the manufacture of multiple prod
ucts. And the demand for these products will vary because of
the price increases due to the tariffs. Additionally, some compa
nies in the same industry may import more of these goods than
others. Some companies may rely more on local suppliers and
thus avoid the price increases due to tariffs on imported goods.
Sources: P.R. La Monica, 2018, Wall street's $6.3 trillion man is worried about a
trade war, CNNMoney, https//www.cnnmoney.com, July 16; D. Shine, 2018, China's
economy slows just as the trade fight begins, CNNMoney, https/ /www.cnnmoney
.com, July 16; 2018, Couriers and local delivery service providers' global market
share in 2017, Statistica, https//www.statistica.com, July 15; 2018, China express
delivery market size trends and forecasts 2018-2022, EMailWire.com, https//www
.reportsweb.com, July 2; 2018, Deutsche Post's DHL expands U.S. delivery service
in swipe at FedEx, UPS, New York Times, https//www.nytimes.com, March 15; E. E.
Phillips, 2018, DHL steps back into U.S. package delivery in challenge to UPS, FedEx,
Wall Street Journal, https//www.wsj.com, March 15; E. E. Phillips, E-commerce spurs
push for speedier shipping payments, Wall Street Journal, https//www.wsj.com,
March 13; J. Berman, 2018, 2018 parcel express roundtable: Business boom, Logistics
Management, https//www.logisticsmgmt.co m; March 2; 2017, Japan-Express deliv
ery, International Trade Administration, https//www.export.gov, September 25; 2017,
Express delivery market 2017 key players (UPS, FedEx, DHL. TNT. USPS, Deppon)
competitive analysis, product demand, applications, Future growth by 2022, Reuters,
https//www.reuters.com, August 8; A. Marder, 2017, UPS vs FedEx: Who ships more?
Capterra Logistics, https//blog.captura.com, June 7; 2017, Express delivery market in
Europe 2017 -2021, PRNewswire, https/ /www.prnewswire.com, Jan 24.
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
power plants and sufficiently maintain current operating generating plants. As such, intermittent power outages have occurred lasting up to 12 hours, result ing in significant productivity decreases in the mining industry, which produces 60 percent of South Africa's exports. This problem has been significant because Eskom produces 95 percent of the country's electricity and 45 percent of the electricity in Africa. As this exam ple suggests, infrastructure can be a sig nificant economic risk in emerging or partially developed economies such as South Africa. 120
Another economic risk is the per- :,'j ceived security risk of a foreign firm acquiring companies that have key natu ral resources or firms that may be consid ered strategic with regard to intellectual property. For instance, many Chinese firms have been buying natural resource
Darkness surrounding residential homes due to blackout by Eskom
Holdings SOC Ltd. in the Troyeville suburb of Johannesburg, South
Africa, in 2014.
firms in Australia and Latin America. as well as manufacturing assets in the United States. This has made the governments of the key resource firms concerned about such strategic assets falling under the control of state-owned Chinese firms.121 Terrorism has also been of concern. Indonesia has difficulty competing for investment against China and India, countries that are viewed as having fewer security risks.
As noted earlier, the differences and fluctuations in the value of currencies is among the foremost economic risks of using an international strategy.122 This is especially true as the level of the firm's geographic diversification increases to the point where the firm is trading in many currencies. The value of the dollar relative to other currencies can affect the value of the international assets and earnings of U.S. firms. For example, an increase in the value of the U.S. dollar can reduce the value of U.S. multinational firms' international assets and earnings in other countries. Furthermore, the value of differ ent currencies can, at times, dramatically affect a firm's competitiveness in global mar kets because of its effect on the prices of goods manufactured in different countries. An increase in the value of the dollar can harm U.S. firms' exports to international markets because of the price differential of the products. Currency value can be affected by the institution of tariffs and trade wars as experienced recently in the United States and China. And, the concerns about the tariffs implemented can affect the amount of foreign firm's investment even in developed economies (e.g., Western European countries).123
This could be the case of the major express delivery service companies, DHL, FedEx, and UPS, as discussed in the Strategic Focus. Thus, government oversight and control of economic and financial capital, as well as corporate governance rules in a country, affect not only local economic activity, but also foreign investments in the country.124
8-6 Strategic Competitiveness Outcomes As previously discussed, international strategies can result in three basic benefits (increased market size; economies of scale and learning; and location advantages) for firms. These basic benefits are gained when the firm successfully manages political,
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As an extension or
elaboration of international
strategy, an international
diversification strategy is
a strategy through which a
firm expands the sales of its
goods or services across the
borders of global regions and
countries into a potentially
large number of geographic
locations or markets.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
economic, and other institutional risks while implementing its international strate gies. In turn, these benefits are critical to the firm's efforts to achieve strategic com petitiveness (as measured by improved performance and enhanced innovation-see Figure 8.1).125
Overall, the degree to which firms achieve strategic competitiveness through inter national strategies is expanded or increased when they successfully implement an inter national diversification strategy. As an extension or elaboration of international strategy, an international diversification strategy is a strategy through which a firm expands the sales of its goods or services across the borders of global regions and countries into a potentially large number of geographic locations or markets. Instead of entering one or just a few markets, the international diversification strategy finds firms using inter national business-level and international corporate-level strategies for the purpose of entering multiple regions and markets in order to sell their products.
8-6a International Diversification and Returns
Evidence suggests numerous reasons for firms to use an international diversification strategy,126 meaning that international diversification should be related positively to a firm's performance as measured by the returns it earns on its investments. Research has shown that as international diversification increases, a firm's returns decrease initially but then increase quickly as it learns how to manage the increased geographic diversification it has created.127 In fact, the stock market is particularly sensitive to investments in inter national markets. Firms that are broadly diversified into multiple international markets usually achieve the most positive stock returns, especially when they diversify geograph ically into core business areas.128
Many factors contribute to the positive effects of international diversification, such as private versus government ownership, potential economies of scale and experience, location advantages, increased market size, and the opportunity to stabilize returns. The stabilization of returns through international diversification helps reduce a firm's overall risk. 129 Large, well-established firms and entrepreneurial ventures can both achieve these positive outcomes by successfully implementing an international diver sification strategy.
8-6b Enhanced Innovation
In Chapter l, we indicated that developing new technology is at the heart of strategic com petitiveness. As noted in our discussion of the determinants of national advantage (see Figure 8.3), a nation's competitiveness depends, in part, on the capacity of its industries to innovate. Eventually and inevitably, competitors outperform firms that fail to innovate. Therefore, the only way for individual nations and individual firms to sustain a competi tive advantage is to upgrade it continually through innovation.130
An international diversification strategy creates the potential for firms to achieve greater returns on their innovations (through larger or more numerous markets) while reducing the often-substantial risks of R&D investments. Additionally, international diversification may be necessary to generate the resources required to sustain a large scale R&D operation. An environment of rapid technological obsolescence makes it difficult to invest in new technology and the capital-intensive operations necessary to compete in such an environment. Firms operating solely in domestic markets may find such investments difficult because of the length of time required to recoup the original investment. However, diversifying into several international markets improves a firm's ability to appropriate additional returns from innovation before domestic competitors can overcome the initial competitive advantage created by the innovation. 131 In addition, firms moving into international markets are exposed to new products and processes. If
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
they learn about those products and processes and integrate this knowledge into their operations, further innovation can be developed. To incorporate the learning into their own R&D processes, firms must manage those processes effectively to absorb and use the new knowledge to create further innovations.132 For a number of reasons then, interna tional strategies and certainly an international diversification strategy provide incentives for firms to innovate.
The relationship among international geographic diversification, innovation, and returns is complex. Some level of performance is necessary to provide the resources the firm needs to diversify geographically; in turn, geographic diversification provides incentives and resources to invest in R&D. Effective R&D should enhance the firm's returns, which then provide more resources for continued geographic diversification and investment in R&D.133 Of course, the returns generated from these relationships increase through effective managerial practices. Evidence suggests that more culturally diverse top management teams often have a greater knowledge of international markets and their idiosyncrasies, but their orientation to expand internationally can be affected by the nature of their incentives.134 Moreover, managing the business units of a geograph ically diverse multinational firm requires skill, not only in managing a decentralized set of businesses, but also coordinating diverse points of view emerging from businesses located in different countries and regions. Firms able to do this increase the likelihood of outperforming their rivals.135
8-7 The Challenge of International Strategies
Effectively using international strategies creates basic benefits and contributes to the firm's strategic competitiveness. However, for several reasons, attaining these positive outcomes is difficult.136
8-7a Complexity of Managing International Strategies Pursuing international strategies, particularly an international diversification strategy, typically leads to growth in a firm's size and the complexity of its operations. In turn, larger size and greater operational complexity make a firm more difficult to manage. At some point, size and complexity either cause the firm to become virtually unmanageable or increase the cost of its management beyond the value created using international strat egies. Different cultures and institutional practices (e.g., those associated with govern mental agencies) that are part of the countries in which a firm competes when using an international strategy also can create difficulties.137
Firms must build on their capabilities and other advantages to overcome the chal lenges encountered in international markets. For example, some firms from emerging economies that hold monopolies in their home markets can invest the resources gained there to enhance their competitiveness in international markets (because they don't have to be concerned about competitors in home markets).138 The key is for firms to overcome the various liabilities of foreignness regardless of their source.
8-7b Limits to International Expansion Learning how to effectively manage an international strategy improves the likelihood of achieving positive outcomes such as enhanced performance. However, at some point, the degree of geographic and possibly product diversification the firm's international strat egies bring about causes the returns from using the strategies to level off and eventually become negative.139
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266 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
There are several reasons for the limits to the positive effects of the diversification associated with international strategies. First, greater geographic dispersion across coun try borders increases the costs of coordination between units and the distribution of products. This is especially true when firms have multiple locations in countries that have diverse subnational institutions. Second, trade barriers, logistical costs, cultural diversity, and other differences by country (e.g., access to raw materials and different employee skill levels) greatly complicate the implementation of an international strategy.140
Institutional and cultural factors can be strong barriers to the transfer of a firm's core competencies from one market to another.141 Marketing programs often must be rede signed and new distribution networks established when firms expand into new markets. In addition, firms may encounter different labor costs and capital expenses. In general, it becomes increasingly difficult to effectively implement, manage, and control a firm's international operations with increases in geographic diversity.142
The amount of diversification in a firm's international operations that can be managed varies from company to company and is affected by managers' abilities to deal with ambi guity and complexity. The problems of central coordination and integration are mitigated if the firm's international operations compete in friendly countries that are geographically close and have cultures like its own country 's culture. In that case, the firm is likely to encounter fewer trade barriers, the laws and customs are better understood, and the prod uct is easier to adapt to local markets.143 For example, U.S. firms may find it less difficult to expand their operations into Mexico, Canada, and Western European countries than into Asian countries.
The relationships between the firm using an international strategy and the govern ments in the countries in which the firm is competing can also be constraining.144 The reason for this is that the differences in host countries' governmental policies and prac tices can be substantial, creating a need for the focal firm to learn how to manage what can be a large set of different enforcement policies and practices. At some point, the dif ferences create too many problems for the firm to be successful. Using strategic alliances is another way that firms can deal with this limiting factor. Partnering with companies in different countries allows the foreign-entering firm to rely on its partner to help deal with local laws, rules, regulations, and customs. But these partnerships are not risk free and managing them tends to be difficult.145
The use of international strategies is increasing. Multiple
factors and conditions are influencing the increasing use of
these strategies, including opportunities to:
extend a product's life cycle
gain access to critical raw materials, sometimes including
relatively inexpensive labor
integrate a firm's operations on a global scale to better
serve customers in different countries
better serve customers whose needs appear to be more
alike today as a result of global communications media and
the Internet's capabilities to inform
meet increasing demand for goods and services that is
surfacing in emerging markets
When used effectively, international strategies yield three
basic benefits: increased market size, economies of scale and
learning, and location advantages. Firms use international
business-level and international corporate-level strategies to
geographically diversify their operations.
International business-level strategies are usually grounded
in one or more home-country advantages. Research suggests
that there are four determinants of national advantage: factors
of production; demand conditions; related and supporting
industries; and patterns of firm strategy, structure, and rivalry.
There are three types of international corporate-level strategies.
A multidomestic strategy focuses on competition within each
country in which the firm competes. Firms using a multido
mestic strategy decentralize strategic and operating decisions
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
to the business units operating in each country, so that each
unit can tailor its products to local conditions. A global strat
egy assumes more standardization of products across country
boundaries; therefore, a competitive strategy is centralized and
controlled by the home office. Commonly, large multinational
firms, particularly those with multiple diverse products being
sold in many different markets, use a multidomestic strategy
with some product lines and a global strategy with others.
A transnational strategy seeks to integrate characteristics of
both multidomestic and global strategies for the purpose of
being able to simultaneously emphasize local responsiveness
and global integration.
Two global environmental trends-liability of foreignness
and regionalization-are influencing firms' choices of interna
tional strategies as well as their implementation. Liability of
foreignness requires firms to analyze how distance between
their domestic market and international markets affects their
ability to compete. Some firms choose to concentrate their
international strategies on regions (e.g., the EU, Asia, Latin
America) rather than on individual country markets.
Firms can use one or more of five entry modes to enter inter
national markets. Exporting, licensing, strategic alliances,
acquisitions, and new wholly owned subsidiaries, often referred
to as greenfield ventures, are the five entry modes. Most firms
begin with exporting or licensing because of their lower costs
and risks. Later they tend to use strategic alliances and acquisi
tions as well. The most expensive and risky means of entering
a new international market is establishing a new wholly owned
subsidiary (greenfield venture). On the other hand, such subsid
iaries provide the advantages of maximum control by the firm
and, if successful, the greatest returns. Large, geographically
diversified firms often use most or all five entry modes across
different markets when implementing international strategies.
global strategy 249
greenfield venture 258
international diversification strategy 264
1. What incentives influence firms to use international strategies?
2 What are the three basic benefits firms can gain by successfully
implementing an international strategy?
3. What four factors are determinants of national advan
tage and serve as a basis for international business-level
Firms also encounter risks when implementing international
strategies. The two major categories of risks firms need to
understand and address when diversifying geographically
through international strategies are political risks (risks con
cerned with the probability that a firm's operations will be
disrupted by political forces or events, whether they occur
in the firm's domestic market or in the markets the firm has
entered) and economic risks (risks resulting from fundamen
tal weaknesses in a country's or a region's economy with the
potential to adversely affect a firm's ability to implement its
international strategies).
Successful use of international strategies (especially an interna
tional diversification strategy) contributes to a firm's strategic
competitiveness in the form of improved performance and
enhanced innovation. International diversification facilitates
innovation in a firm because it provides a larger market to
gain greater and faster returns from investments in innova
tion. In addition, international diversification can generate the
resources necessary to sustain a large-scale R&D program.
In general, international diversification helps to achieve
above-average returns, but this assumes that the diversifica
tion is effectively implemented and that the firm's interna
tional operations are well managed. International diversifica
tion provides greater economies of scope and learning which,
along with greater innovation, help produce above-average
A firm using international strategies to pursue strategic com
petitiveness often experiences complex challenges that must
be overcome. Some limits also constrain the ability to manage
international expansion effectively. International diversification
increases coordination and distribution costs, and manage
ment problems are exacerbated by trade barriers, logistical
costs, and cultural diversity, among other factors.
international strategy 241
multidomestic strategy 248
transnational strategy 251
4. What are the three international corporate-level strategies?
What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with
these strategies?
5. What are some global environmental trends affecting the
choice of international strategies, particularly international cor
porate-level strategies?
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6. What five entry modes do firms use to enter international
markets? What is the typical sequence in which firms use these
entry modes?
7. What are political risks and what are economic risks? How
should firms deal with these risks?
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
8. What are the strategic competitiveness outcomes firms can
achieve through international strategies, and particularly
through an international diversification strategy?
9. What are two important issues that can potentially affect a
firm's ability to successfully use international strategies?
The Global Soccer Industry and the Effect of the FIFA Scandal
The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded in Paris in 1904 and was initially comprised of only European nations. By World War II, FIFA had added a few South American members. Newly independent states in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean joined later. However, it continued to be governed "as though it was an exclusive European club" -until 1974 when Joiio Havelange, a Brazilian, won the election as FIFA's president. Havelange was able to transform the organization and expand the World Cup competition to teams from nations outside Europe and South America and made the tournament a major money-making enterprise. With the amount of exposure and money involved, companies desired sponsorship rights because of the advertising poten tial. Adidas AG and Coca-Cola were original sponsors. Havelange also oversaw significant increases in reve nue from television rights. In the process, Havelange was alleged to have participated in much corruption and eventually was suspected of amassing $50 million in bribes.
Havelange facilitated the election of Sepp Blatter who became FIFA president in 1998 and contin ued to follow Havelange's approach to politics. After FIFA became a worldwide organization, especially in developing countries in Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean, more allegations of corruption sur faced. One analyst suggested that "FIFA could not have developed soccer in poorer countries without corrupt practices:' Of course, there has also been corruption in more developed countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, although normally not through blatant bribery. On May 27, 2015, the United States
Department of Justice and the FBI announced a long list of indictments, and simultaneous arrests of FIFA officials were made at the Zurich FIFA meetings in Switzerland. Several days after the indictment, though he was not officially indicted, Blatter stepped down from his long presidency.
In order to understand the amount of exposure and money involved, an estimated one billion people watched at least some of the 2010 World Cup Final. In the same year the National Football League's Super Bowl accumu lated only 114.4 million worldwide viewers. Given the massive exposure, it is no wonder that sponsors along with television and media outlets want to be involved. However, sponsors do not want to be associated with a large scandal. Coca-Cola, Adidas, Nike, McDonald's, and Hyundai Motor were all said to be "deeply concerned" about the FBI allegations-and by indictments brought recently by the United States Department of Justice against many regional and country-level FIFA-affiliated executives who were identified as having participated in the alleged corruption.
Many of the sponsors are cautious about support ing an organization that has been tainted politically such as FIFA. Apparently, the way the corruption has been pursued is through intermediaries who are paid exorbitant amounts for contracts that they helped to establish; these intermediaries funnel the bribes to the leaders of the regional and country FIFA-related associations. For example, in order for Nike to get a contract in the soccer-crazed country of Brazil, it paid a sports marketing agency, Traffic Brazil, $30 million between 1996 and 1999, which Traffic Brazil used, in part, for bribes and kick-backs. This allowed Nike to
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Chapter 8: International Strategy
sign a 10-year, $160 million agreement to become a co-sponsor of the CBF, the Brazilian soccer confederation. Nike's strategic intent for the deal was to better com pete with its chief overseas rival, Adidas. In 2014, the World Cup was held in Brazil, and Nike had $2.3 billion in sales of soccer products, an annual increase of 21 percent, compared with $2.29 billion in sales for Adidas, which was up 20 percent over its previous year. These figures illustrate how strong the incentives are for sponsors as well as for media outlets to participate; the advertising potential and selling opportunities are enormous for those involved.
However, because of the weak institutional infra structure in many countries around the world where the game of soccer is played, there is opportunity for corruption. Apparently, many involved in the FIFA infrastructure globally, regionally, and within specific countries have taken advantage of this opportunity. For example, Paraguay has been the headquarters for the Latin American regional confederation known as CONMEBOL since 1998 when Nicolas Leoz, a Paraguayan businessman and president of the Latin American C onfederation, negotiated to have the con federation headquartered there. As part of the agree ment, he obtained prosecutorial immunity for the orga nization through the Paraguay parliament. In essence, this gave the federation license to act in ways that would protect it against local law enforcement officials, similar to local embassies that have exemption from prosecution in a particular foreign country. As such, this allowed the local confederation to pursue deals under the table. Leoz was charged in the FIFA indict ments by the U.S. Department of Justice, along with
Case Discussion Questions
1. How does the FIFA scandal represent a form of political risk for
companies operating in foreign countries?
2. What are the benefits to companies such as Nike and Coca
Cola acting as sponsors of soccer organizations in foreign
3. What international strategy is being used by the major
companies holding these sponsorships? Please explain.
13 other FIFA officials, of bribery and money launder ing schemes related to funds he received from sports marketing firms during his tenure at CONMEBOL. Interestingly, following the indictment, Paraguay's con gress moved quickly to repeal the prosecutorial immu nity for the CONMEBOL federation.
Likewise, many other legal and investigative organi zations in Switzerland, Latin America, and around the world, including INTERPOL, an international investi gation organization, have begun to initiate their own enquiries. Many fans in the soccer world have been excited about these indictments because they felt that the corruption was hurting the game. People were profiting in illegal ways that tainted many organizations associated with the game of soccer. This outlines a main danger of working in countries where many participate in corrupt practices indirectly sponsored by the government. This is not to say officials in more developed governments are not also corrupt, but the rule of law is not as strong in many developing countries.
Sources: 2015, A timeline of the FIFA scandal, Los Angeles Times, www .latimes.com, June 2; P. Blake, 2015, FIFA scandal: Why the US is policing a global game, BBC News, www.bbc.com, May 28; M. Futterman, A. Viswanatha, & C. M. Matthews, 2015, Soccer's geyser of cash, Wall Street Journal, May 28, Al, AIO; S. Germano, 2015, Nike is cooperating with investigators, Wall Street Journal, May 28, All; P. Keirnan, R. Jelmayer, & L. Magalhaes, 2015, Soccer boss learned ropes from his Brazilian men tor, Wall Street Journal, May 30-31, A4; K. Malic, 2015, The corruption rhetoric of the FIFA scandal, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, June 16; S. S. Munoz, 2015, FIFA pro shows soccer state within a state, Wall Street Journal, June 20-21, A7; S. Vranica, T. Mick.lei, & J. Robinson, 2015, Scandal pressures soccer's sponsors, Wall Street Journal, May 29, Al, AS; A. Viswanatha, S. Germano, & P. Kowsmann, 2015, U.S. probes Nike Brazil money, Wall Street Journal, June 13-14, Bl, B4; M. Yglesias & J. Stromberg, 2015, FIFA's huge corruption and bribery scandal, explained, VOX, www .vox.com, June 3; C. Zillman, 2015, Here's how major FIFA sponsors are reacting to the scandal, Fortune, www.fortune.com, May 28.
4. Given the process described for gaining sponsorships
(e.g., through sports marketing agencies), should Nike and
other major companies realize that bribes and other corrupt
practices were taking place?
5. How can companies handle corrupt practices in foreign
practices? Can they find ways to compete there without
engaging in these practices? Please explain.
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270 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
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Studying this chapter should provide
you with the strategic management knowledge needed to:
9-1 Define cooperative strategies and explain why firms use them.
9-2 Define and discuss the three major types of strategic alliances.
9-3 Name the business-level cooperative strategies and describe their use.
9 4 Discuss the use of corporate-level cooperative strategies.
9 s Understand why firms use cross border strategic alliances as an international cooperative strategy.
9 6 Explain cooperative strategies' risks.
97 Describe two approaches used to manage cooperative strategies.
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When using different types of cooperative strategies, firms commit to sharing some of their unique resources in order to reach an objective that is important to all participants. A key reason that cooperative strategies are used is that individual firms sometimes identify opportunities they can't pursue because they lack the type and/or quantity of resources (e.g., technological capabilities or special expertise) needed to do so or the access to markets.
Some partnerships are formed between similar firms who desire to develop scale economies to enhance their competitiveness. For years, automobile manufacturers have formed large numbers of partnerships for this reason. In other instances, firms competing in different industries uniquely combine their unique resources to pursue what they believe is a value-creating shared objective. It was for this reason that Google, Intel, and TAG Heuer formed a partnership several years ago to design and produce a smartwatch.
In part, the decision Google, Intel, and TAG Heuer made to collab- orate was a strategic action taken in response to Apple's introduction of the iWatch. They have now produced a high-end smartwatch, with the most expensive version priced at about $17,000. They have also more recently produced a lower-priced smartwatch �
.§ named the Connected
f Modular 45 beginning at
l a price of $1,650. Still this € watch serves a special � luxury market niche, in keeping with the TAG Heuer market focus.
Google has parlayed the knowledge it has gained in the alliance with Intel and TAG Heuer into another alliance with
Guy Semon (Tag Heuer), Jean-Claude Biver (Tag Heuer), Michael Bell
(Intel) and David Singleton (Google) pose with a block of swiss cheese,
at the announcement of the new partnership between the watch
brand and the two giants of Silicon Valley.
Fitbit. For example, Fitbit has agreed to use Google's new 'health data standards for apps: Fitbit will begin using Google's cloud data storage platform, which is in compliance with the U.S. Health Standards and Accountability Act. This legislation regulates the use of medical re cords. The partnership allows Fitbit to avoid building its own system to comply with this law. Fitbit CEO James Park says that "working with Google gives us the opportunity to transform how we scale our business, allowing us to reach more people around the world faster, while also enhancing the experience we offer to our users and the healthcare system:'
Fitbit was established in the fitness tracker market, but has lost customers to smartphones by Apple and Samsung that now are able to track physical exercise and travel. Thus, Fitbit has been expanding to the broader healthcare market, and its alliance with Google exemplifies this change. Google is also working with Fitbit because its Android Wear software was unsuc cessful in the market. After the Google alliance was announced, the price of Fitbit shares on the market increased by 8%. This alliance is even more important as a counter to Apple as it is now using its smartwatch for digital health services.
Google has developed an increasingly diversified portfolio of strategic alliances. For example, it recently signed agreements to form alliances with Carrefour, a large French retailer, and Repsol, a major energy firm in Spain. The alliance with Carrefour is intended to help the
A cooperative strategy
is a means by which firms
collaborate to achieve a
shared objective.
firm increase its e-commerce presence. Alternatively, the goal of the alliance with Repsol is to
use Google's machine learning tool to deploy big data and artificial intelligence tools across
Repsol's refineries. Google shut down its search engine activity in China in 2010, and rather
than taking actions to re-enter the market, it started a research center in China and signed an
agreement to form an alliance with Tencent, a large Chinese Internet conglomerate. Addition
ally, it recently formed an alliance partnership with IRI to conduct marketing mix analyses. This
work will be a part of Google's new Google Measurement Partners program. The intent of this
program (and its alliance with IRI) is to provide high quality and choice to its advertisers across
multiple areas of specialization. IRI will help bolster Google's marketing efforts.
In addition to its multiple and diversified alliances, Google continues to invest heavily in R&D to develop new technologies and services (e.g., in artificial intelligence and many other areas).
Thus, we can expect Google to be a dominant force in high technology for years to come.
Sources: S. Hughes, 2018, Google selects IRI to join new measurement partners program, Odessa American, https://www, oaoa.com. July 18: R. Zhong, 2018, Google, rebuilding its presence in China, invests in retailer, JD.com, New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com, June 18; H Agnew, 2018, French retailer Carrefour boosts e-commerce aspirations with Google partnership, Financial Times, https://www.ft.com, June 11: A. Raval, 2018, Google and Repsol team up to boost oil refinery efficiency, Financial Times, https://www.ft.com, June 3; T. Bradshaw, 2018, Fitbit shares jump on Google alliance, Financial Times, https://www.ft.com, April 30; A. Pressman, 2018, Fitbit strikes deal with Google that could lead to wearables collaboration, Fortune, http://fortune.com, April 30; 2017, Tag Heuer teams up with Google, Intel for new $1650 android smartwatch, PYMNTS.com, https://www.pymnts.com, March 15; D Pierce 2017, Tag Heuer's new $1600 smartwatch (almost) worth it, Wired, https://www.wired.com, March 14; Chen, 2015, Google, Intel, TAG Heuer to collaborate on Swiss smartwatch, Wall Street Journal Online, //www.wsj.com, March 19; M. Clerizo, 2015, There's something in the way they move, Wall Street Journal Online, www.wsj.com, March 18; L. Dignan, 2015, Can TAG Heuer, Intel, Google collaborate and create a smart enough watch? ZDNET Online, www.zdnet.com, March 19.
I n describing the multiple arenas in which Google competes in Chapter 5's Opening Case, we mentioned the firm's plans to enter the smartwatch market. In this chapter's
Opening Case, we describe the actions Google is taking with Intel and TAG Heuer to develop technological innovations to compete in the world of luxury fashion. Google has also developed alliances with Fitbit, Carrefour, Repsol, Tencent, and IRI; in each case the firms and Google have complementary resources to be used in the alliance. Thus, the specific combination of each firm's unique resources through the end product of the alli ance will be developed. Thus, as is the case for all companies implementing cooperative strategies, Google and its alliance partners intend to use their resources in ways that will create the greatest amount of value for stakeholders.'
Forming a cooperative strategy like those that Google has formed, such as the one with Intel and TAG Heuer, have the potential to help companies reach an objective that is important to all of the partners, such as firm growth. Specifically, a cooperative strategy is a means by which firms collaborate to achieve a shared objective.2 Cooperating with others is a strategy a firm uses to create value for a customer that it likely could not create by itsel£ As noted above, this is the situation for Google, Intel, and TAG Heuer in that none of these firms could create the specific smartwatch the firms intended to develop without the com bination of the three companies' resources. (Throughout this chapter, the term "resources" is used comprehensively and refers to a firm's capabilities as well as its resources.)
Firms also try to create competitive advantages when using a cooperative strategy.3
A competitive advantage developed through a cooperative strategy often is called a col laborative or relational advantage,4 indicating that the relationship that develops among collaborating partners is commonly the basis on which to build a competitive advantage. Importantly, successfully using cooperative strategies often helps a firm to outperform its rivals in terms of strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns,5 often because they've been able to form a competitive advantage.
We examine several topics in this chapter. First, we define and offer examples of dif ferent strategic alliances as primary types of cooperative strategies. We focus on strategic
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
alliances because firms use them more frequently than other types of cooperative relation ships. In succession, we describe business-level, corporate-level, international, and network cooperative strategies. The chapter closes with a discussion of the risks of using cooperative strategies as well as how effectively managing the strategies can reduce these risks.
9-1 Strategic Alliances as a Primary Type of Cooperative Strategy
A strategic alliance is a cooperative strategy in which firms combine some of their resources to create a competitive advantage. Strategic alliances involve firms with some degree of exchange and sharing of resources to jointly develop, sell, and service goods or services.6 In addition, firms use strategic alliances to leverage their existing resources while working with partners to develop additional resources as the foundation for new competitive advantages.7 To be certain, the reality today is that strategic alliances are a vital strategy that firms use as a means to try to outperform rivals.8
Several successful alliances provide examples of partnerships that were formed to combine the individual firm's unique resources with the intent to create competitive advantages as a path to outperforming rivals. Among those alliances were partnerships formed by Barnes & Noble and Starbucks and by Hewlett Packard and Disney. Having Starbucks coffee shops in Barnes & Noble bookstores allowed customers to peruse new books while enjoying a fresh cup of coffee. Both firms profited from this partnership. Additionally, Disney realized early the value of technology for use in its theme parks and other Disney innovations. Thus, the partnership with Hewlett Packard has been a major success for both companies for many years.9
Before describing three types of major strategic alliances and reasons for their use, we need to note that, for all cooperative strategies, success is more likely when partners behave cooperatively. Actively solving problems, being trustworthy, and consistently pur suing ways to combine partners' resources to create value are examples of cooperative behavior known to contribute to alliance success.10
9-1 a Types of Major Strategic Alliances Joint ventures, equity strategic alliances, and nonequity strategic alliances are the three major types of strategic alliances that firms use. The ownership arrangement is a key difference among these alliances.
A joint venture is a strategic alliance in which two or more firms create a legally independent company to share some of their resources to create a competitive advantage. Typically, partners in a joint venture own equal percentages and contribute equally to the venture's operations. Often formed to improve a firm's ability to compete in uncertain competitive environments, joint ventures can be effective in establishing long-term rela tionships and in transferring tacit knowledge between partners.1'
GM and China-based SAIC Motor Corp., China's largest automobile manufacturer by sales volume, recently formed a joint venture to develop new cars that cater specif ically to Chinese tastes. Called Shanghai GM Co., each partner controls 50 percent of this cooperative strategy. The partners intend to invest a total of 100 billion yuan, or approximately $16.4 billion, between 2016 and 2020 for the purpose of developing at least "10 all-new or face-lift" models during each of the five years included within the invest ment time horizon. These companies have partnered in other ways. For example, SAIC and GM recently agreed for SAIC to take over GM's Opel manufacturing plant in India, which allows SAIC to enter India's automobile market.12 Demonstrating the complexities associated with being a successful competitor in today's business environment is the fact
A strategic alliance is
a cooperative strategy in
which firms combine some
of their resources to create a
competitive advantage.
A joint venture is a strategic
alliance in which two or
more firms create a legally
independent company to
share some of their resources
to create a competitive
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282 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
that SAIC also has a joint venture with Volkswagen AG. Among other products, the SAIC-VW joint venture manufac tures the Tiguan sport-utility model, which is the number one foreign-brand SUV being sold in China. The joint ven ture began producing Audi vehicles for China in 2018. VW is introducing a new platform to use for the vehicles it pro duces in cooperation with SAIC for the Chinese market. 13
Shanghai GM facility where the work of the firms' joint venture
Because it can't be codified, tacit knowledge, which is increasingly critical to firms' efforts to develop competitive advantages, is learned through experi ences such as those taking place when
takes place.
An equity strategic
alliance is an alliance in
which two or more firms
own different percentages
of a company that they have
formed by combining some
of their resources to create a
competitive advantage.
A nonequity strategic
alliance is an alliance in
which two or more firms
develop a contractual
relationship to share some
of their resources to create a
competitive advantage.
people from partner firms work together in a joint venture.14 Overall, a joint ven
ture may be the optimal type of cooperative arrangement when firms need to combine their resources to create a competitive advantage that is substantially different from any they possess individually and when the partners intend to compete in highly uncertain environments.
An equity strategic alliance is an alliance in which two or more firms own different percentages of a company that they have formed by combining some of their resources to create a competitive advantage. As with most alliances, the partners are seeking com plementary resources and/or capabilities, hopefully allowing them to learn from each other.15 Companies commonly form equity alliances because they want to ensure that they have control over assets that they commit to the alliance. This is particularly the case with firms from developed countries entering less developed countries. Yet, firms from emerging market countries such as China also use equity alliances when entering foreign markets.16 Control of firms' resources, especially intellectual capital, can be quite important when R&D alliances are formed. In fact, equity-based alliances are common when the resources and relationships among partners is complex, which is the case with R&D alliances. Thus, most R&D alliances are equity strategic alliances.17
A nonequity strategic alliance is an alliance in which two or more firms develop a contractual relationship to share some of their resources to create a competitive advan tage. 18 In this type of alliance, firms do not establish a separate independent company and therefore do not take equity positions. For this reason, nonequity strategic alliances are less formal, demand fewer partner commitments than do joint ventures and equity strate gic alliances, and generally do not foster an intimate relationship between partners; none theless, research evidence indicates that they can create value for the involved firms.19
The relative informality and lower commitment levels characterizing nonequity strategic alliances make them unsuitable for complex projects where success requires partners to be able to effectively transfer tacit knowledge to each other.20 Licensing agreements, dis tribution agreements, and supply contracts are examples of nonequity strategic alliances.
Commonly, outsourcing arrangements are organized in the form of a nonequity strategic alliance. (Discussed in Chapter 3, outsourcing is the purchase of a value-chain activity or a support-function activity from another firm.) Apple Inc. and most other companies involved with selling computers, tablets, and smartphones use nonequity strategic alliances to outsource most or all of the activities required to manufacture their products. Apple, for example, has traditionally outsourced most of its manufacturing
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
to Foxconn Technology Group.21 Firms often choose to use nonequity strategic alliances to outsource manufacturing activities to emerg ing market companies because of the cost efficiencies those firms generate through scale economies. Normally, the collaborative pattern between a product designer such as Apple and a manufacturer such as Foxconn should be expected to continue. For exam ple, Foxconn built more Apple MacBooks in 2018 than in any previous year. However, the trade war between the United States and China is causing problems for this alliance. For this and other reasons, Foxconn is trying to reduce its dependence on Apple by acqui ring other companies and customers.22
9-1 b Reasons Firms Develop Strategic Alliances
Foxconn manufacturer working to produce iPhones for Apple.
Cooperative strategies are an integral part of the competitive landscape and are quite important to many companies. The fact that alliances can account for up to 25 percent or more of a typical firm's sales revenue demonstrates their importance. In addition to part nerships among for-profit organizations, alliances are also formed between educational institutions and individual companies for the purpose of commercializing ideas flowing from basic research projects that are completed at universities.23 Moreover, in addition to dyadic partnerships where two firms form a collaborative relationship for competi tive purposes, competition now occurs between large alliances in some industries. This pattern of competition exists in the global airline industry where individual airlines compete against each other but simultaneously join alliances (such as Star, Oneworld, and SkyTeam), which in turn compete against each other.24 The array of alliances with which firms are involved highlights the various options available to companies seeking to increase their competitiveness by cooperating with others.
Overall, there are many reasons firms choose to participate in strategic alliances. We mention two key reasons here and discuss additional ones below by explaining how stra tegic alliances may help firms improve their competitiveness while competing in either slow-, fast-, or standard-cycle markets.
The first important reason firms form strategic alliances is to create value they couldn't generate by acting independently and entering markets more rapidly. 25 The partnership formed among online news publishers such as The Guardian, CNN International, Financial Times, and The Economist to allow advertisers to reach online audiences with scale demonstrates this. Those forming this alliance, called Pangaea, concluded that the collaboration would help the firms efficiently expand on a global basis. The Pangaea alliance has become a significant force in the industry with 220 million users across 140 countries.26
A second major reason firms form strategic alliances is that most (if not all) com panies lack the full set of resources needed to pursue all identified opportunities and reach their objectives in the process of doing so on their own.27 Given constrained resources, firms can collaborate for a number of purposes, including those of reaching new customers and broadening both the product offerings and the distribution of their products without adding significantly to their cost structures. Alternatively, firms
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284 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
with greater cash and other resources might form alliances to enter multiple markets, allowing them to compete more effectively with rivals across markets and/or to forestall rivals' entrance or certain competitive actions in certain markets. 28
Through the partnership between Expedia and Latin American online travel leader Decolar.com, which operates the Portuguese Decolar.com and Spanish Despegar.com websites, both firms are deriving important benefits that neither could access acting inde pendently. Expedia has acquired a number of rivals such as Travelocity, Trivago, and Orbitz to become a global market player in the travel platform industry.29
As we discussed in Chapter 5, when considering competitive rivalry and competitive dynamics, unique competitive conditions characterize slow-, fast-, and standard-cycle markets.30 As shown in Figure 9.1, these unique market types create different reasons for firms to use strategic alliances.
In short, slow-cycle markets are markets where the firm's competitive advantages are shielded from imitation for relatively long periods of time and where imitation is costly. Railroads and, historically, telecommunications, utilities, and financial services are indus tries characterized as slow-cycle markets. In fast-cycle markets, the firm's competitive advantages are not shielded from imitation, preventing their long-term sustainability. Competitive advantages are moderately shielded from imitation in standard-cycle markets, typically allowing them to be sustained for a longer period of time than in fast-cycle mar ket situations, but for a shorter period of time than in slow-cycle markets.
Figure9.1 Reasons for Strategic Alliances by Market Type
I Market Type
I Slow-Cycle I I Fast-Cycle I Standard-
i i i Reasons for Using a Strategic Alliance
• Gain access to a restricted market
• Establish a franchise in a new market
• Maintain market stability (e.g., establishing standards)
• Speed up development of new goods or services
• Speed up new market entry
• Maintain market leadership
• Form an industry technology standard
• Share risky R&D expenses
• Overcome uncertainty
• Gain market power (reduce industry overcapacity)
• Gain access to complementary resources
• Establish better economies of scale
• Overcome trade barriers
• Meet competitive challenges from other competitors
• Pool resources for very large capital projects
• Learn new business techniques
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
Slow-Cycle Markets Firms in slow-cycle markets often use strategic alliances to enter restricted markets or to establish a franchise in a new market. For example, Carnival Corporation, owner and operator of Carnival Cruise Line, formed two joint ventures with state-owned China Merchants Group, which is a conglomerate with businesses in financial investments and property development as well as transportation. One venture between the two firms focuses on shipbuilding while the second concentrates on developing new ports and travel destinations in and around China. The launching of China's first domestic cruise brand that will target Chinese customers is one outcome associated with the collabo rations between the two companies. Carnival's interest with these joint ventures is to compete in China where the cruise industry is beginning to grow rapidly. Interestingly, Carnival has delayed a major entry into the cruise market in China, citing high demand for its cruise ships in Australia. However, Carnival's commitment to the Chinese market continues as it signed a contract for the manufacture of two large cruise ships in China to be delivered in 2023.31
Slow-cycle markets are becoming rare in the twenty-first century competitive land scape for several reasons, including the privatization of industries and economies, the rapid expansion of the Internet's capabilities for quick dissemination of information, and the speed with which advancing technologies make quickly imitating even complex prod ucts possible.32 Firms competing in slow-cycle markets should recognize the likelihood that in the future, they will encounter situations in which their competitive advantages become partially sustainable (in the instance of a standard-cycle market) or unsustain able (in the case of a fast-cycle market). Cooperative strategies can help firms transition from relatively sheltered markets, such as the travel cruise market in which Carnival Corporation competes, to more competitive ones.33
Fast-Cycle Markets Fast-cycle markets are unstable, unpredictable, and complex; in a word, hypercompet itive.34 Combined, these conditions virtually preclude establishing sustainable competi tive advantages, forcing firms to constantly seek sources of new competitive advantages while creating value by using current ones. Alliances between firms with current excess resources and those with promis- ing resources help companies competing in fast-cycle markets effectively transition from the present to the future and gain rapid entry into new markets. Alliances can also help firms to gain legitimacy more quickly in new markets.35
Micron Technology, Inc. and Seagate Technology LLC are competitors in man ufacturing storage solutions, a competitive arena in which establishing sustainable competitive advantages is all but impossi ble. Because of this, innovation is critical to their success as well as for others operating in this industry given the fast-cycle nature of the storage-solution market. Micron and Seagate formed a strategic alliance to combine the firms' innovation and exper tise. Resulting from this collaboration, the
A Carnival Cruise Line ship that may soon transport Chinese
customers through the firm's joint venture with China Merchants
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A business-level
cooperative strategy is
a strategy through which
firms combine some of
their resources to create a
competitive advantage by
competing in one or more
product markets.
Complementary strategic
alliances are business-level
alliances in which firms share
some of their resources
in complementary ways
to create a competitive
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
partners believe, will be an ability to provide customers with "industry-leading" storage solutions. In turn, Micron and Seagate believe that customers buying the products that will flow from the collaboration will be able to innovate faster while producing their goods and services. Micro also has other alliances designed to provide technological solutions for specialized markets which is the goal of a joint development program it has with Intel.36
Standard-Cycle Markets In standard-cycle markets, alliances are more likely to be made by partners that have complementary resources.37 The alliances formed by airline companies are an example of standard-cycle market alliances.
When initially established, airline alliances were intended to allow firms to share their complementary resources to make it easier for passengers to fly between second ary cities in the United States and Europe. Today, airline alliances are mostly global in nature and are formed primarily so members can gain marketing clout, have oppor tunities to reduce costs, and have access to additional international routes.38 Of these reasons, international expansion by having access to more international routes is the most important because these routes are the path to increased revenues and potential profits. To support efforts to control costs, alliance members jointly purchase some items and share facilities such as passenger gates, customer service centers, and airport passenger lounges when possible. For passengers, airline alliances create benefits such as less complicated ticket buying processes, easier connections for international flights, and the earning of frequent flyer miles.
There are three major airline alliances operating today. Star Alliance is the larg est with 28 members, followed by SkyTeam Alliance with 20 and Oneworld Alliance with 13. All three alliances continue to expand their geographic coverage and to respond to market trends, such as the increasing amount of travel from regions throughout the world to Asia. In general, most airline alliances, such as the three we mention here, are formed to help firms gain economies of scale and meet compet itive challenges (see Figure 9.1). Code sharing agreements and the ability to reduce costs associated with operations, maintenance, and purchases are examples of how airline alliances help members gain economies of scale as a path to increasing their competitiveness. 39
9-2 Business-Level Cooperative Strategy A business-level cooperative strategy is a strategy through which firms combine some of their resources to create a competitive advantage by competing in one or more prod uct markets. As discussed in Chapter 4, business-level strategy details what the firm intends to do to gain a competitive advantage in specific product markets. Thus, the firm forms a business-level cooperative strategy when it believes that combining some of its resources with those of one or more partners will create competitive advantages that it can't create alone and will lead to success in a specific product market. We present the four business-level cooperative strategies in Figure 9.2.
9-2a Complementary Strategic Alliances Complementary strategic alliances are business-level alliances in which firms share some of their resources in complementary ways to create a competitive advantage.40
Vertical and horizontal are the two dominant types of complementary strategic alliances (see Figure 9.2).
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
Figure 9.2 Business-Level Cooperative Strategies
Complementary strategic alliances
• Vertical
• Horizontal
Competition-response strategy
d Unoerta;nty-,edodn• •• .. •••Y I
Vertical Complementary Strategic Alliance In a vertical complementary strategic alliance, firms share some of their resources from different stages of the value chain to create a competitive advantage (see Figure 9.3).41
Oftentimes, vertical complementary alliances are formed to adapt to environmental changes;42 sometimes the changes represent an opportunity for partnering firms to inno vate while adapting.43
Companies recognize that today's consumers are more connected than ever as they use various devices such as smartphone applications, GPS systems, and the wireless Internet. AT&T has built alliances with multiple companies, such as Rockwell auto mation, Emerson, and Lo Jack, an anti-car-theft company, to develop technology-based products that satisfy the needs of current and future customers. It is integrating the technology-based products with AT&T's network such as sprinkler heads made by HydroPoint to develop smart irrigation systems. Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T's mobile and business solutions, explained that "This is much, much different from try ing to procure a piece of technology and trying to optimize the price. This is about trying to optimize a business process and reinvesting in the business:'44
Horizontal Complementary Strategic Alliance A horizontal complementary strategic alliance is an alliance in which firms share some of their resources from the same stage ( or stages) of the value chain for creating a competitive advantage. Pharmaceutical companies make frequent use of this type of alliance. Such alliances often help them to weather economic recessions and rivals' actions.45 More comprehensively, some of the world's largest pharmaceutical firms, including Pfizer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, and Eli Lilly, are sharing some of their proprietary assets through a collaboration organized by the U.S.-based National Institutes of Health. The primary purpose of this five-year partnership is to more quickly discover and produce drugs that cure challenging and historically intrac table diseases. This example of horizontal alliances involves competitors cooperating, which some refer to as coopetition.46
Commonly, firms use complementary strategic alliances to focus on joint long term product development and distribution opportunities.47 Sometimes the desired outcomes of horizontal alliances are difficult to achieve; the parties may not agree
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288 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Figure 9.3 Vertical and Horizontal Complementary Strategic Alliances
• !!! a. a. ::,
lliance between Buyers (Each buyer is also a potential
Customer Value
Support Functions
I F;oaora I Human Resources
Information Systems
Value Chain Activities
Management Operations
on how to combine their complementary resources, and the other alliances each partner has in its alliance portfolio can also affect the performance of the alliance over time.48
9-2b Competition Response Strategy As discussed in Chapter 5, competitors initiate competitive actions (strategic and tac tical) to attack rivals and launch competitive responses (strategic and tactical) to their competitors' actions. Strategic alliances can be used at the business level to respond to competitors' attacks. The alliance among Google, Intel, and TAG Heuer that is discussed in the Opening Case is a strategic response to Apple's strategic action of introducing the iWatch. Because they can be difficult to reverse and expensive to operate, strategic alli ances are primarily formed to take strategic rather than tactical actions and to respond to competitors' actions in a like manner.
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
In October of 2007, SABMiller and Molson Coors Brewing Company formed a partnership. At the time, these firms held the second and third largest shares of the U.S. brew market. When formed, MillerCoors LLC, the name of the partnership, com manded roughly 29 percent of the U.S. brew market. However, Anheuser-Busch held 49 percent of the market. Indeed, the MillerCoors collaboration was a response to the size and scale of Anheuser-Busch's operations. (Anheuser-Busch itself was acquired by InBev in 2008, an acquisition that created the world's largest brewer.) Indicating that the collaboration would result in significant cost reductions and an ability to generate economies of scale through the firms' combined operations, a company official said that "Miller and Coors will be a stronger, more competitive U.S. brewer than either company can be on its own." Analysts agreed with this assessment, with one person noting that the partnership would give the two companies "substantially more scale, which helps them with their retailers and their distributors and helps erode Anheuser Busch's No. 1 competitive advantage, which is their (market) share." However, the reduction in competition within the industry resulting from the MillerCoors joint venture led to price increases unexpected by outsiders. In fact, a study conducted by economists found that prices of beer products were 17-18 percent higher after the joint venture was consummated and as much as 8 percent higher than can be explained by other factors. T hus, some alliances formed as competitive responses, particularly those that reduce overall competition, may have some unintended consequences. 49 A successful collaboration in response to competitors for many years, MillerCoors today is struggling as it tries to compete against consumers' emerging preference for craft brews and cocktails instead of domestic lagers. 50 Perhaps customer responses to the price effects is one reason why. T hus, finding ways to effectively manage this alliance going forward is critical to its future.
9-2c Uncertainty-Reducing Strategy Firms sometimes use business-level strategic alliances to hedge against risk and uncer tainty, especially in fast-cycle markets. 51 T hese strategies are also used where uncer tainty exists, such as in entering new product markets, especially those within emerging economies. The development of new products to enter new markets and the entry into emerging markets often carry with them significant risks. Thus, to reduce or mollify these risks, firms often develop R&D alliances and alliances with emerging market firms, respectively. 52
The relationship between hybrid vehicles and batteries that are needed to power them created a situation for which alliances were formed to reduce uncertainty. More specifically, industry capacity among battery manufacturers was originally inade quate to meet the demand for the type of batteries used in hybrids. This lack of a sufficient supply created uncertainty for automobile manufacturers. To reduce this uncertainty, auto manufacturers formed alliances. For example, Daimler AG formed a partnership with Tesla through which it bought Tesla batteries to use in its "smart" minicar as well as its Freightliner trucks. Daimler originally bought a 9 percent stake in Tesla and gradually sold off shares until it sold its final 4 percent ownership stake in 2014. Daimler and other auto manufacturers are now bringing a number of new electric vehicles to the market, creating significant competition for Tesla. 53
We further discuss Tesla in the Strategic Focus. As noted in this discussion, alli ances were critical to Tesla's early operations and several have not been successful over time.
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290 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
Tesla Losing Critical Strategic Alliances and Experiencing Challenges Creating Efficient Operations
Founded in 2003, Tesla Motors, manufacturer of electric vehi
cles, has formed many alliances as a means of competing
during the early years of its life. For example, the company
created an R&D partnership with Dana Holding Corporation
initially for the purpose of jointly designing and producing
a system capable of controlling the build-up of heat in its
car batteries. Overall, Tesla originally partnered with many
companies working in the value chain that is used to produce
its products. Alliances were formed with multiple suppliers,
R&D experts, and other original equipment manufacturers
such as Daimler. One of the projects on which Daimler and
Tesla originally collaborated was the B-Class Electric Drive, an
all-electric vehicle from Mercedes-Benz. Essentially, Daimler
needed Tesla's capability to produce the batteries for the car.
Other partnerships were formed over the years such as Tesla's
nonequity strategic alliance with Sotira, a French company,
and an equity alliance with Panasonic, a Japanese-based firm.
The purpose of the partnership with Sotira was to manufac
ture the carbon fiber bodies for its cars, while battery cells for
the Tesla battery pack are produced through the collabora
tion with Panasonic.
Interestingly, with its expertise in batteries Tesla may, at is
core, become a battery company rather than an automobile
manufacturer. Supporting this contention is Tesla's intent to
make and sell mega-batteries for homes and electric utility
companies. The firm's decision to build and operate a
10-million-square-foot facility (dubbed the Gigafactory) to
build batteries afforded Tesla the capacity to manufacture an
array of batteries with different functionalities. Interestingly, the
Gigafactory's size and scale allow Tesla to produce a quantity of
batteries exceeding the firm's needs for its cars.
In early 201 S, Apple announced an internal project that
was aimed at developing an Apple-branded electric vehicle.
Code-named "Titan;'the initial work was oriented to designing
a vehicle that resembles a minivan. Early assessments were that
Apple intended to compete directly againstTesla if it decided
to enter the electric vehicle market space. The complexity of
designing and producing an electric vehicle is such that several
years would be required for Apple to introduce its product to
the market, even if it chose to do so. Some analysts predicted
that Apple might eventually partner with Tesla in this ven-
ture. But, Apple recently announced it was partnering with
Volkswagen to develop an autonomous electric vehicle.
Apple is not Tesla's biggest problem; however, it is losing its
partnerships. Recently, both Daimler and Toyota extinguished
their partnerships with Tesla and sold their original stakes in the
company. Both companies along with BMW and Volvo have
major plans to compete heavily in the electric car market. Thus,
they are likely to be major competitors for Tesla, and some
analysts have predicted that these four companies will have a
larger share of the electric car market by 2021.
Tesla's problems go much deeper than these four rivals.
Importantly, Tesla has had major production problems and fallen
far short of its goals in the number of autos produced (its goal
is 500,000 produced annually but it has produced only about
40,000 to date). These problems are exemplified by the fact that
Tesla requires more than 90 hours of labor to produce one auto,
whereas Toyota requires about 30 hours of labor to produce
one. Tesla also has had problems with its alliances, especially
with suppliers, placing heavy pressures on them to provide
more of the parts needed and to do so faster. Interestingly, Tesla
is also trying to insource many of the parts to avoid using many
suppliers, whereas most other automakers use thousands of
external suppliers. Tesla has not maintained good relationships
with many of its suppliers and in 2018 even requested refunds
from them in an attempt to reduce its costs and become
profitable. Even with all ofTesla's problems, in 2018 it signed
agreements to begin building a new manufacturing plant in
Shanghai, China with 100 percent ownership (no joint venture
such as was required by the Chinese government for all of the
other major foreign automakers entering the Chinese market).
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy 291
Only time will tell ifTesla will succeed. It has an uphill battle,
thanks to losing many of its major alliance partners and trying
to deal with all of the challenges of creating efficient manufac
turing operations.
www.nytimes.com, July 10; T. Randall, J. Eidelson, D. Hull & J. Lippert, 2018, Harder
than rocket science, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, p p . 36-41; A. Wahlman, 2018,
Sources: L. Kehnscherper, 2018, German electric cars could catch up with Tesla in
just a few years, Bloomberg, h!!ps//www.bloomberg.com, July 12; N. E. Boudener,
2018, Tesla's latest aim: Build 500,000 cars a year in China, New York limes, hl!ps//
9-2d Competition-Reducing Strategy
Apple ignores Tesla, instead partners with Volkswagen, Seeking Alpha, hl!ps//
seekingalpha.com, May 24; R. Harding, 2017, Toyota sells stake in Tesla as partner
ship dies, Financial limes, hl!ps//www.ft.com, June 4; C. Bryant, 2017, Mercedes vs.
Tesla is an epic tale, Bloomberg, hl!psJ/www.bloomberg.com, April 12; K. Finley,
2015, Tesla isn't an automaker. It's a bal!ery company, Wired, www.wired.com,
April 22; D. Wakabayashi & M. Ramsey, 2015, Apple gears up to challenge Tesla in
electric cars, Wall Street Journal Online, www.wsj.com, February 13.
Used to reduce competition, collusive strategies differ from strategic alliances in that collusive strategies are often an illegal cooperative strategy. Explicit collusion and tacit collusion are the two types of collusive strategies.
Explicit collusion exists when two or more firms negotiate directly to jointly agree about the amount to produce as well as the prices for what is produced.54 Explicit collu sion strategies are illegal in the United States and most developed economies (except in regulated industries). Accordingly, companies choosing to explicitly collude with other firms should recognize that competitors and regulatory bodies likely will challenge the acceptability of their competitive actions.
Tacit collusion exists when several firms in an industry indirectly coordinate their production and pricing decisions by observing each other's competitive actions and responses.55 Tacit collusion tends to take place in industries dominated by a few large firms. Tacit collusion results in production output that is below fully competitive levels and above fully competitive prices. In addition to the effects on competition within a particular market, research suggests that tacit collusion between two firms can lead to less competition in other markets in which both firms operate.56
As suggested above, tacit collusion tends to be used as a competition-reducing, business-level strategy in industries with a high degree of concentration, such as the airline and breakfast cereal industries. Research in the airline industry suggests that tacit collusion reduces service quality and on-time performance.57 Firms in these indus tries recognize their interdependence, which means that their competitive actions and responses significantly affect competitors' behavior toward them. Understanding this interdependence and carefully observing competitors can lead to tacit collusion. It can occur in other industries as well. For example, we noted earlier that the MillerCoors joint venture led to a large price increase on the MillerCoors and Anheuser-Busch beers. When prices are above the competitive level in an industry, it is logical to assume that the dominant firms use a tacit collusion cooperative strategy.
Mutual forbearance is a form of tacit collusion in which firms do not take competitive actions against rivals they meet in multiple markets. Rivals learn a great deal about each other when engaging in multimarket competition, including how to deter the effects of their rivals' competitive attacks and responses. Given what they know about each other as competitors, firms choose not to engage in what could be destructive competition in multiple product markets.58
In general, governments in free-market economies seek to determine how rivals can form cooperative strategies to increase their competitiveness without violating established regulations about competition.59 However, this task is challenging when evaluating collusive strategies, particularly tacit ones. For example, the regulation of securities analysts through Regulation Fair Disclosure (Reg-FD) as established in the United States promoted more potential competition through competitive parity by
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A corporate-level
cooperative strategy is
a strategy through which a
firm collaborates with one or
more companies to expand
its operations.
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
eliminating privileged access to proprietary firm information as a critical source of com petitive advantage. In doing so, research suggests that it led to more mutual forbearance among competing firms because they had greater awareness of information possessed by their competitors, thus leading to more tacit collusion. 60
Other actions can be taken to reduce competition other than collusion. For example, firms may engage in alliances to build their knowledge. In doing so, they can create capa bilities that allow them to out-maneuver their competitors, perhaps even forestalling their entry into market niches or disallowing their access to market share.61 Also, some firms may forestall competition through rapid actions that capture and hold customers. For example, some firms rapidly introduced greener technology strategies throughout their supply chains (including alliance partners), satisfying customers' desires for a cleaner environment.62 In the final analysis, individual companies must analyze the effect of a competition-reducing strategy on their performance and competitiveness and decide if pursuing such a strategy facilitates or inhibits their competitive success.
9-2e Assessing Business-Level Cooperative Strategies
Firms use business-level cooperative strategies to develop competitive advantages that can contribute to successful positions in individual product markets. Evidence suggests that complementary business-level strategic alliances, especially vertical ones, have the greatest probability of creating a competitive advantage and possibly even a sustainable one. 63 Horizontal complementary alliances are sometimes difficult to maintain because often they are formed between firms that compete against each other at the same time they are cooperating. 64 Airline companies, for example, want to compete aggressively against others serving their markets and customers. However, the need to develop scale economies and to share resources (such as scheduling systems) dictates that alliances be formed so the companies can compete by using cooperative actions and responses, while they simultaneously compete against one another through competitive actions and responses. The challenge in these instances is for each firm to find ways to create the greatest amount of value from their simultaneous competitive and cooperative actions.
Although strategic alliances designed to respond to competition and to reduce uncer tainty can also create competitive advantages, these advantages often are more temporary than those developed through complementary (both vertical and horizontal) alliances. The primary reason for this is that complementary alliances have a stronger focus on creating value than do competition-reducing and uncertainty-reducing alliances, which are formed to respond to competitors' actions or reduce uncertainty rather than to attack competitors.65
9-3 Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategy A corporate-level cooperative strategy is a strategy through which a firm collaborates with one or more companies to expand its operations. Diversifying alliances, synergistic alliances, and franchising are the most commonly used corporate-level cooperative strat egies (see Figure 9.4).
Figure 9.4 Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategies
Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategies
Diversifying Synergistic Franchising
alliances alliances
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
Firms use diversifying and synergistic alliances to improve their performance by diversifying their operations through a means other than or in addition to internal organic growth or a merger or acquisition.66 When a firm seeks to diversify into markets in which the host nation's government prevents mergers and acquisitions, alliances become an especially appropriate option. Corporate-level strategic alliances are also attractive com pared with mergers, and particularly acquisitions, because they require fewer resource commitments and permit greater flexibility in terms of efforts to diversify partners' oper ations.67 An alliance can be used to determine whether the partners might benefit from a future merger or acquisition between them. This "testing" process often characterizes alliances formed to combine firms' unique technological resources and capabilities.68
9-3a Diversifying Strategic Alliance A diversifying strategic alliance is a strategy in which firms share some of their resources to engage in product and/or geographic diversification. Companies using this strategy typically seek to enter new markets ( either domestic or outside of their home setting) with existing products or with newly developed products. Managing diversity gained through alliances has fewer financial costs but often requires more managerial expertise. The need for expertise in managing diversity is heightened by the fact that the focal firm has less control over the partner. Managers must coordinate and build trust in order to coordinate alliance activities. Additionally, they have to work at understanding their diverse partners and their capabilities in order to successfully coordinate within the alliance.69
9-3b Synergistic Strategic Alliance A synergistic strategic alliance is a strategy in which firms share some of their resources to create economies of scope. Similar to the business-level horizontal complementary strategic alliance, synergistic strategic alliances create synergy across multiple functions or multiple businesses between partner firms.70 A common example of a synergistic alli ance is when firms partner across the value chain. When supply chain partners co-align, they often can create synergistic benefits enjoyed by both partners.71 Synergy in sharing resources is more common in alliances that provide resources to help firms become ambi dextrous and thereby satisfy multiple needs (e.g., help them create multiple capabilities). In fact, some firms that have developed strong ambidexterity (perhaps through alliances) in turn are able to form alliances and search for their partner's special skills or resources (prospective resourcing). 72
The partnership between French-based Renault SA and Japan-based Nissan Motor Company that was formed in 1999 is a synergistic strategic alliance because, among other outcomes, the firms seek to create economies of scope by sharing their resources to develop manufacturing platforms that can be used to produce cars that will carry either the Renault or the Nissan brand. Later the firms added Mitsubishi to this alliance to become the largest automotive alliance in the world. In 2017, the partners sold more than 10.6 mil lion vehicles.73 BMW relies on its collaboration with Chinese auto maker Brilliance (BBA is the name of this partnership) to produce engines in China as well as models including "BMW's 3-series and 5-series vehicles as well as the small Xl SUV.' In fact, BMW recently signed a new agreement with Brilliance to expand the production of BMW brand vehicles in China to 520,000 in 2019.74 This relationship is critical to BMW's efforts to maintain strong sales in China, a market in which about 20 percent of its total global output is sold.
9-3c Franchising Franchising is a strategy in which a firm (the franchisor) uses a franchise as a contractual relationship to describe and control the sharing of its resources with its partners ( the franchisees).75 A franchise is a "form of business organization in which a firm that already
A diversifying strategic
alliance is a strategy in
which firms share some of their resources to engage in
product and/or geographic
A synergistic strategic
alliance is a strategy in
which firms share some of
their resources to create
economies of scope.
Franchising is a strategy in
which a firm (the franchisor)
uses a franchise as a
contractual relationship to
describe and control the
sharing of its resources with
its partners (the franchisees).
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294 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
has a successful product or service (the franchisor) licenses its trademark and method of doing business to other businesses (the franchisees) in exchange for an initial franchise fee and an ongoing royalty rate:' 76 Often, the effectiveness of these strategic alliances is a product of how well the franchisor can replicate its success across multiple partners in a cost-effective way.77 As with diversifying and synergistic strategic alliances, franchising is an alternative to pursuing growth through mergers and acquisitions. McDonald's, Choice Hotels International, Hilton International, Marriott International, Mrs. Fields Cookies, Subway, and Ace Hardware are well-known firms using the franchising corporate-level cooperative strategy.
Franchising is a particularly attractive strategy to use in fragmented industries, such as retailing, hotels and motels, and commercial printing. In fragmented industries, many small and medium-sized firms compete as rivals; however, no firm or small set of firms has a dominant share, making it possible for a company to gain a large market share by consolidating independent companies through the contractual relationships that are a part of a franchise agreement.
In the most successful franchising strategy, the partners (the franchisor and the fran chisees) work closely together.7B A primary responsibility of the franchisor is to develop programs to transfer to the franchisees the knowledge and skills that are needed to suc cessfully compete at the local level.79 In return, franchisees should provide feedback to the franchisor regarding how their units could become more effective and efficient.Bo
Working cooperatively, the franchisor and its franchisees find ways to strengthen the core company's brand name, which is often the most important competitive advantage for franchisees operating in their local markets.Bi
9-3d Assessing Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategies
Costs are incurred to implement each type of cooperative strategy.B2 Compared with their business-level counterparts, corporate-level cooperative strategies commonly are broader in scope and more complex, making them relatively more challenging and costly to use.
Despite these costs, firms can create competitive advantages and value for customers by effectively using corporate-level cooperative strategies.B3 Internalizing successful alli ance experiences makes it more likely that the strategy will attain the desired advantages. In other words, those involved with forming and using corporate-level cooperative strat egies can also use them to develop useful knowledge about how to succeed in the future. To gain maximum value from this knowledge, firms should organize it and verify that it is always properly distributed to those involved with forming and using alliances.
We explained in Chapter 6 that firms answer two questions when dealing with corporate-level strategy: in which businesses and product markets will the firm choose to compete and how will those businesses be managed? These questions are also answered as firms form corporate-level cooperative strategies. Thus, firms able to develop corpo rate-level cooperative strategies and manage them in ways that are valuable, rare, imper fectly imitable, and nonsubstitutable (see Chapter 3) develop a competitive advantage that is in addition to advantages gained through the implementation of business-level cooperative strategies. (Later in the chapter, we further describe alliance management as another potential competitive advantage.)
9-4 International Cooperative Strategy In the new competitive landscape, firms use cross-border transactions for several pur poses. In Chapter 7, we discussed cross-border acquisitions-actions through which a company located in one country acquires a firm located in a different country. In
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
Chapter 8, we described how firms use cross-border acquisitions as a way of entering international markets. Here in Chapter 9, we examine cross-border strategic alliances as a type of international cooperative strategy. Thus, as the discussions in Chapters 7, 8 and 9 show, firms engage in cross-border activities to achieve several related and often complementary objectives.
A cross-border strategic alliance is a strategy in which firms with headquarters in different countries decide to combine some of their resources to create a competitive advantage. Taking place in virtually all industries, the number of cross-border alliances firms are completing continues to increase.84 These alliances are sometimes formed instead of mergers and acquisitions, which can be riskier. Even though cross-border alli ances can themselves be complex and difficult to manage,85 they have the potential to help firms use some of their resources to create value in locations outside their home market. Through this collaboration, the partners often cooperate in one or more areas such as development, procurement, and production processes, partly with the intent to create value in markets throughout the world that neither firm could create operating inde pendently. Ford and Mahindra formed a strategic alliance that will allow both of them to combine their complementary capabilities in the development of new vehicles for the Indian market. Ford will gain Mahindra's knowledge of designing and manufacturing cars for emerging markets and Mahindra will gain access to Ford's technological capabilities. While both companies are poised to benefit from this alliance, perhaps greatly so, they will also face multiple challenges to achieve the desired success.
Limited domestic growth opportunities and foreign government economic policies are key reasons firms use cross-border alliances. As discussed in Chapter 8, local own ership is an important national policy objective in some nations. In India and China, for example, governmental policies reflect a strong preference to license local companies. Thus, in some countries, the full range of entry mode choices we described in Chapter 8 may not be available to firms seeking to geographically diversify. Indeed, investment by foreign firms in these instances may be allowed only through a partnership with a local firm, such as in a cross-border alliance. Important too is the fact that strategic alliances with local partners can help firms overcome certain liabilities of moving into a foreign country, including those related to a lack of knowledge of the local culture or institutional norms. Yet, to overcome the liabilities requires that the two partners develop trust, which is even more difficult to achieve than in domestic alliances. Establishing trust may require highly effective boundary spanners who can build trusting relationships with partners. 86
A cross-border strategic alliance can also help foreign partners from an operational per spective, because the local partner has significantly more information about factors con tributing to competitive success such as local markets, sources of capital, legal procedures, and politics.87 Interestingly, research results suggest that firms with foreign operations have longer survival rates than domestic-only firms, although this is reduced if there are competition problems between foreign subsidiaries.8 8
In general, cross-border strategic alliances are more complex and riskier than domestic strategic alliances. Complexity and, perhaps, risk may be factors associated with the alli ance formed in 2015 between Airbus Group NV and Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. The goal of this partnership is to build at least 300 military and civilian helicopters in South Korea.89 Complexity is suggested by the fact that the partners are committed to designing and producing "next-generation light civilian and military helicopters" that will satisfy South Korean customers. Risks include those of relying on unique, firm-specific cultures and practices as the foundation for designing next-generation products in an acceptable time and producing those products at acceptable costs. Despite the risks, firms such as Airbus and Korea Aerospace have developed cross-border strategic alliances partly because companies competing internationally tend to outperform domestic-only competitors.
A cross-border strategic alliance is a strategy
in which firms with
headquarters in different
countries decide to combine
some of their resources
to create a competitive
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296 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
The Cross-Border Alliance between Ford and Mahindra: Developing the Automobile
of the Future
Ford has been producing and selling automobiles in India for
a number of years. In fact, in 2018 Ford sold its one millionth
car in India. All told, Ford has invested almost $2 billion to
build in India. In 2010 it began building two new manufactur
ing plants in India to accommodate the growth in that mar
ket over time. However, Ford's sales in India were disappoint
ing, so it began to export cars made in its new plants. Ford is
not alone in failing to navigate the Indian automobile market
effectively; Fiat Chrysler, General Motors, and Volkswagen
have all experienced problems in the Indian market. Suzuki
and Hyundai have out-maneuvered all of them to gain domi
nant market shares.
Ford remains committed to the Indian market and decided
to take a different approach. It has developed an alliance with
Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. to cooperate in the development
of specific vehicles for India and other emerging markets. They
agreed to cooperate on the following:
Jointly develop a new SUV using an existing Mahindra
Co-develop a new compact SUV and a new electric
Share powertrains including engines and transmissions.
This new alliance is intended to provide Ford the knowledge
and expertise to better serve emerging markets, including
India, as Mahindra is the leading manufacturer of pickups
and SUVs in India. Alternatively, the alliance will provide
Mahindra access to Ford's technology, which may be espe
cially helpful in the development of the electric vehicle.
Mahindra would like to penetrate the U.S. vehicle markets.
It is already third in the tractor market in the United States,
and is trying to break into the U.S. off-the-road vehicle and
pickup markets as well.
Ford is extremely positive about the potential success of
this alliance. It expects the Indian auto market to grow 8-10
percent annually for the foreseeable future, and it expects
its own growth in Indian auto sales to exceed the market
growth rate. Yet, industry analysts are skeptical partly because
of the challenges involved in cross-border alliances. The two
companies must overcome different corporate cultures and
different processes and find ways to coordinate and collabo
rate. To do this will require building trust between the leaders
of the alliance in each company. Obviously, Ford has much
experience working with alliance partners. Ford has alliances
with other industry leaders such as General Motors and is con
sidering another with Volkswagen. Although Ford and GM are
major rivals, they have cooperated in the development of a
10-speed automatic transmission that each will use in its own
vehicles. The alliance being considered with VW may entail
the development of several products, but one primary focus is
expected to be a van. Alliances with industry rivals serve as a
means of responding to a dynamic and increasingly demand
ing global market.
Time will tell if Ford and Mahindra enjoy a successful
alliance and achieve the benefits from the alliance that they
Sources: P. Luthra, 2018, Ford India expects to grow faster than sector, working with
Mahindra on electric vehicle, CNBC, https//wwwcnbctvl 8.com, July 17; A. Tsang,
2018, As auto industry transforms, Ford and Volkswagen consider an alliance, New
York Times, https//www.nytimes.com, June 20; S.S. Mohile, 2018, Mahindra, Ford
Motor enter second phase for a potential alliance, Business Standard, https//www
.business-standard.com, March 23; D. Kiley, 2018, Ford and Mahindra to build SUVs
and EV together, Forbes, https//www.forbes.com, March 22; J. Rosevear, 2018, Why
Ford and Mahindra are teaming up on SUVs and EVs for India, The Motley Fool,
https//www.fool.com, March 22; 2017, Ford explores strategic alliance with India's
Mahindra,AutomotiveNews, http//www.autonews.com, September 18; J. Rosevear,
2016, Why Ford and General Motors teamed up on transmissions, The Motley Fool,
https/ /www.fool.com, May 22.
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
9-5 Network Cooperative Strategy In addition to forming their own alliances with individual companies, an increasing number of firms are collaborating in multiple alliances called networks.90 A network cooperative strategy is a strategy by which several firms agree to form multiple part nerships to achieve shared objectives.
Through its Global Partner Network, Cisco has formed alliances with a host of com panies including IBM, Emerson, Hitachi, CA Technologies, Fujitsu, Intel, Nokia, and Wipro. Cisco uses alliances to drive its growth, differentiate itself from competitors, enter new businesses areas, and create competitive advantages. Recently, Cisco's annual revenues earned from its alliances exceeded $5 billion. Sometimes, several of the firms with which Cisco has formed individual alliances partner together to form a network to achieve shared objectives.91
Demonstrating the complexity of network cooperative strategies is the fact that Cisco also competes against several firms with whom it has formed cooperative agreements, including network strategies. For example, Cisco and IBM compete against each other. However, Cisco and IBM also collaborate such that IBM security works with Cisco's secu rity to deliver a more secure environment for their customers, better enabling operators and partner communities to reduce security threats.92 Overall, the example of the simulta neous "cooperative and competitive" relationships between Cisco and IBM demonstrates how firms use network cooperative strategies more extensively as a way of creating value for customers by offering many goods and services in many geographic ( domestic and international) markets.
A network cooperative strategy is particularly effective when it is formed by geo graphically clustered firms,93 as in California's Silicon Valley and Rome, Italy 's aerospace cluster. Fostering effective social relationships and interactions among partners while sharing their resources makes it more likely that a network cooperative strategy will be successful,94 as does having a productive strategic center firm (we discuss strategic center firms in detail in Chapter 11). Firms involved in networks gain information and knowledge from multiple sources. They can use these heterogeneous knowledge sets to produce more and better innovation. As a result, firms involved in networks of alli ances tend to be more innovative.95 However, there are disadvantages to participating in networks as a firm can be locked into its partnerships, precluding the development of alliances with others. In certain network configurations, such as Japanese keiretsus, firms in a network are expected to help other firms in that network whenever support is required. Such expectations can become a burden and negatively affect the focal firm's performance over time.96
9-Sa Alliance Network Types
An important advantage of a network cooperative strategy is that firms gain access to their partners' other partners. Having access to multiple collaborations increases the likelihood that additional competitive advantages will be formed as the set of shared resources expands.97 In turn, being able to develop new resources further stimulates prod uct innovations that are critical to strategic competitiveness in the global economy.
The set of strategic alliance partnerships that firms develop when using a network coop erative strategy is called an alliance network. Companies' alliance networks vary by industry characteristics. A stable alliance network is formed in mature industries where demand is relatively constant and predictable. Through a stable alliance network, firms try to extend their competitive advantages to other settings while continuing to profit from operations in their core, relatively mature industry. Thus, stable networks are built primarily to exploit
A network cooperative
strategy is a strategy by
which several firms agree to
form multiple partnerships to
achieve shared objectives.
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298 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
the economies (scale and/or scope) that exist between the partners, such as in the airline and automobile industries.98
Dynamic alliance networks are used in industries characterized by frequent prod uct innovations and short product life cycles.99 The industries in which Apple and IBM compete are examples of this situation. Apple and IBM each partner with a host of other firms to develop component parts that are critical to providing the products that are central to their success. Thus, a network of relationships among multiple companies is foundational to achieving the objectives
J Apple and IBM each seek. � In dynamic alliance networks, partners
Shown in the middle here is representation of a strategic center firm typically explore new ideas with the poten tial to lead to product innovations, entries to new markets, and the development of
with links to other firms in an alliance network.
new markets. Research suggests that firms that help to broker relationships between companies remain important network partic ipants as these networks change. 100 Often, large firms in industries such as software and pharmaceuticals create networks of relationships with smaller entrepreneurial start-up firms in their search for innovation-based outcomes. Also, small general practice law firms are partnering with larger firms to provide their clients with legal advice on intellec tual property protection. In this way, the small firm better serves its client without having to add an expensive group of patent lawyers to its staff. 101 An important outcome for small firms successfully partnering with larger firms in an alliance network is the credibility they build by being associated with their larger collaborators.102
9-6 Competitive Risks with Cooperative Strategies
Stated simply, many cooperative strategies fail. In fact, evidence shows that two-thirds of cooperative strategies have serious problems in their first two years and that as many as 50 percent of them fail. This failure rate suggests that even when the partnership has potential complementarities and synergies, alliance success is elusive.103 Although failure is undesirable, it can be a valuable learning experience, meaning that firms should care fully study a cooperative strategy's failure to gain insights with respect to how to form and manage future cooperative arrangements.104 We show prominent cooperative strategy risks in Figure 9.5. We discuss a few cooperative strategies that have failed and possible reasons for those failures in the Strategic Focus.
One cooperative strategy risk is that a firm may act in a way that its partner thinks is opportunistic. BP pk and OAO Rosneft developed a joint venture to explore Russia's Arctic Ocean in search of oil. However, the investment by minority partners of this joint venture was driven down in value at one point by 50 percent over concern that the Russian government, Rosneft's dominant owner, would expropriate value from the deal. 105 In general, opportunistic behaviors surface either when formal contracts fail to prevent them or when an alliance is based on a false perception of partner trustwor thiness. Typically, an opportunistic firm wants to acquire as much of its partner's tacit
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
Figure 9.5 Managing Competitive Risks in Cooperative Strategies
• Inadequate contracts
• Misrepresentation of competencies
• Partners fail to use
resources • Holding alliance
partners' specific investments hostage
• Detailed contracts and monitoring
• Developing trusting relationships
knowledge as it can.106 Full awareness of what a partner wants in a cooperative strategy reduces the likelihood that a firm will suffer from another's opportunistic actions.107
Interestingly, BP and Rosneft agreed to dissolve their joint venture focused on refining and petrochemicals in Germany as of 2017. Yet, BP and Rosneft still had three other active joint ventures in 2018, despite the past problems and the challenges created by the economic sanctions placed on Russia by the U.S. and Western European countries. Obviously, BP perceives major opportunities in these alliances and is trying to manage the potentially extensive risks of working with this Russian firm. 108
Some cooperative strategies fail when it is discovered that a firm has misrepresented the resources it can bring to the partnership. This risk is more common when the partner's con tribution is based on some of its intangible assets. Superior knowledge of local conditions is an example of an intangible asset that partners often fail to deliver. This type of risk sug gests the importance of carefully selecting alliance partners. Some firms may guard against this risk by identifying other potential partners in case the original alliance is unsuccessful. Having "backup" suppliers available is a common approach used in supply chain alliances. 109
The cooperative relationships in the form of nonequity strategic alliances that are being created between some large pharmaceutical companies and outsourcing firms is poten tially an example of the "misrepresentation of available resources" risk. Pharmaceutical companies are outsourcing the monitoring of drug safety to firms claiming to have the requisite human capital skills needed to successfully complete various monitoring tasks. But there are critics of this approach who argue that drug monitoring is difficult, requir ing deep experience as well as knowledge of biochemistry and pharmacology. Also, they may not identify side effects, some of which might be very serious. Nonetheless, one study found that approximately 66 percent of the companies outsourced at least some portion of their drug safety activities.110 Thus, pharmaceutical companies may need to carefully monitor the quality of the human capital resource their partners provide for the purpose of completing what appears to be complicated monitoring work.
A firm's failure to make available to its partners the resources (such as the most sophisticated technologies) that it committed to the cooperative strategy is a third risk. This particular risk surfaces most commonly when firms form an international coopera tive strategy, especially in emerging economies.111 In these instances, different cultures and languages can cause misinterpretations of contractual terms or trust-based expectations.
A final risk is that one firm may make investments that are specific to the alliance while its partner does not. For example, the firm might commit resources to develop
Creating v alue
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300 Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
manufacturing equipment that can be used only to provide products associated with the alliance. If the partner isn't also making alliance-specific investments, the firm is at a rela tive disadvantage in terms of returns earned from the alliance compared with investments made to earn the returns.
9-7 Managing Cooperative Strategies Although they are difficult to manage, cooperative strategies are an important means of growth and enhanced firm performance. Because the ability to effectively manage cooperative strategies is unevenly distributed across organizations in general, assigning managerial responsibility for a firm's cooperative strategies to a high-level executive or to a team improves the likelihood that the strategies will be well managed. In turn, being able to successfully manage cooperative strategies can alone contribute strongly to a firm's competitive advantage.112
Those responsible for managing the firm's cooperative strategies should take the actions necessary to coordinate activities, categorize knowledge learned from previous experiences, and make certain that what the firm knows about how to effectively form and use cooperative strategies is in the hands of the right people at the right time. Firms must also learn how to manage both the tangible and intangible assets (such as knowl edge) that are involved with a cooperative arrangement. Too often, partners concentrate on managing tangible assets at the expense of taking action also to manage a cooperative relationship's intangible assets.113
Cost minimization and opportunity maximization are the two primary approaches firms use to manage cooperative strategies (see Figure 9.5).114 In the cost-minimization approach, the firm develops formal contracts with its partners. These contracts specify how the cooperative strategy is to be monitored and how partner behavior is to be controlled. The joint venture between GM China and SAIC Motor Corp. is being managed largely through formal contractual relationships. The goal of the cost-minimization approach is to minimize the cooperative strategy's cost and to prevent opportunistic behavior by a partner.
Maximizing a partnership's value-creating opportunities is the focus of the opportunity-maximization approach. In this case, partners are prepared to take advan tage of unexpected opportunities to learn from each other and to explore additional marketplace possibilities. Less formal contracts, with fewer constraints on partners' behaviors, make it possible for partners to explore how their resources can be shared in multiple value-creating ways. This appears to be the approach being used by the BMW and Brilliance alliance discussed earlier as they expand their footprint of luxury vehicles in China. Finding additional ways to collaborate was one of the objectives associated with the decision to organize this team.
Firms can successfully use both approaches to manage cooperative strategies. However, the costs to monitor the cooperative strategy are greater with cost minimiza tion because writing detailed contracts and using extensive monitoring mechanisms is expensive, even though the approach is intended to reduce alliance costs. Although mon itoring systems may prevent partners from acting in their own self-interests, they also often preclude positive responses to new opportunities that surface to productively use each alliance partner's unique resources. Thus, formal contracts and extensive monitoring systems tend to stifle partners' efforts to gain maximum value from their participation in a cooperative strategy and require significant resources to be put into place and used.115
The relative lack of detail and formality that is a part of the contract developed when using the opportunity-maximization approach means that firms need to trust that each party will act in the partnership's best interests. The psychological state of trust in the con text of cooperative arrangements is the belief that a firm will not do anything to exploit
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy 301
its partner's vulnerabilities, even if it has an opportunity to do so. When partners trust each other, there is less need to write detailed formal contracts to specify each firm's alli ance behaviors,116 and the cooperative relationship tends to be more stable.117 On a relative basis, trust tends to be more difficult to establish in international cooperative strategies than in domestic ones. Differences in trade policies, cultures, laws, and politics that are part of cross-border alliances account for the increased difficulty.
Research showing that trust between partners increases the likelihood of success when using alliances highlights the benefits of the opportunity-maximization approach to managing cooperative strategies. Trust may also be the most efficient way to influence and control alliance partners' behaviors. Thus, firms known to be trustworthy can have a competitive advantage in terms of how they develop and use cooperative strategies. Increasing the importance of trust in alliances is the fact that it is not possible to spec ify all operational details of a cooperative strategy in a formal contract. As such, being confident that its partner can be trusted reduces the firm's concern about its inability to contractually control all alliance details.118
A cooperative strategy is one in which firms work together to
achieve a shared objective. Strategic alliances, whereby firms
combine some of their resources for the purpose of creating
a competitive advantage, are the primary form of coopera-
tive strategies. Joint ventures (whereby firms create and own
equal shares of a new venture), equity strategic alliances (in
which firms own different shares of a newly created venture},
and nonequity strategic alliances (whereby firms cooperate
through a contractual relationship) are the three major types
of strategic alliances. Outsourcing, discussed in Chapter 3,
commonly occurs through nonequity strategic alliances.
Collusive strategies are the second type of cooperative strate
gies (with strategic alliances being the other). In many econo
mies, explicit collusive strategies are illegal unless sanctioned
by government policies. Increasing globalization has led to
fewer government-sanctioned situations involving explicit col
lusion. Tacit collusion, also called mutual forbearance, is a coop
erative strategy through which firms tacitly cooperate to reduce
industry output below the potential competitive output level,
thereby increasing prices above the competitive level.
The reasons firms use strategic alliances vary by slow-cycle,
fast-cycle, and standard-cycle market conditions. To enter
restricted markets (slow cycle), to move quickly from one com
petitive advantage to another (fast cycle), and to gain market
power (standard cycle) are among the reasons firms decide to
use strategic alliances.
Four business-level cooperative strategies are used to help the
firm improve its performance in individual product markets:
Through vertical and horizontal complementary alliances,
companies combine some of their resources to create value
in different parts (vertical) or the same parts (horizontal) of
the value chain.
Competition response strategies are formed to respond to
competitors' actions, especially strategic actions.
Uncertainty-reducing strategies are used to hedge against
the risks created by the conditions of uncertain competitive
environments (such as new product markets).
Competition-reducing strategies are used to avoid exces
sive competition while the firm marshals its resources to
improve its strategic competitiveness.
Complementary alliances have the highest probability
of helping a firm to create a competitive advantage;
competition-reducing alliances have the lowest probability.
Firms use corporate-level cooperative strategies to engage in
product and/or geographic diversification. Through diversifying
strategic alliances, firms agree to share some of their resources
to enter new markets or provide new products. Synergistic
alliances are ones in which firms share some of their resources
to develop economies of scope. Synergistic alliances are similar
to business-level horizontal complementary alliances whereby
firms try to develop operational synergy, except that synergistic
alliances are used to develop synergy at the corporate level.
Franchising is a corporate-level cooperative strategy in which
the franchisor uses a franchise as a contractual relationship to
specify how resources will be shared with franchisees.
As an international cooperative strategy, a cross-border stra
tegic alliance is used for several reasons, including the perfor
mance superiority of firms competing in markets outside their
domestic market and governmental restrictions on a firm's
efforts to grow through mergers and acquisitions. Commonly,
cross-border strategic alliances are riskier than their domestic
counterparts, because of the differences in companies and
their cultures and the frequent difficulty of building trust in
order to share resources among the partners.
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In a network cooperative strategy, several firms agree to form
multiple partnerships to achieve shared objectives. A firm's
opportunity to gain access "to its partner's other partner
ships" is a primary benefit of a network cooperative strategy.
Network cooperative strategies are used to form either a sta
ble alliance network or a dynamic alliance network. In mature
industries, stable networks are used to extend competitive
advantages into new areas. In rapidly changing environments
where frequent product innovations occur, dynamic networks
are used primarily as a tool of innovation.
Cooperative strategies often carry risk. If a contract is not
developed appropriately, or if a partner misrepresents
business-level cooperative strategy 286
complementary strategic alliances 286
cooperative strategy 280
corporate-level cooperative strategy 292
cross-border strategic alliance 295
diversifying strategic alliance 293
equity strategic alliance 282
1. What is the definition of cooperative strategy, and why is
this strategy important to firms competing in the current
competitive landscape?
2. What is a strategic alliance? What are the three major types
of strategic alliances that firms form for the purpose of
developing a competitive advantage?
3. What are the four business-level cooperative strategies? What
are the key differences among them?
Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
its resources or fails to make them available, failure is
likely. Furthermore, a firm may be held hostage through
asset-specific investments made in conjunction with a partner,
which may then be exploited.
Trust is an increasingly important aspect of successful coop
erative strategies. Firms place high value on opportunities to
partner with companies known for their trustworthiness. When
trust exists, a cooperative strategy is managed to maximize
the pursuit of opportunities between partners. Without trust,
formal contracts and extensive monitoring systems are used to
manage cooperative strategies. In this case, the interest is "cost
minimization" rather than "opportunity maximization:'
franchising 293
joint venture 281
network cooperative strategy 297
nonequity strategic alliance 282
strategic alliance 281
synergistic strategic alliance 293
4. What are the three corporate-level cooperative strategies?
How do firms use each of these strategies for the purpose of
creating a competitive advantage?
5. Why do firms use cross-border strategic alliances?
6. What risks are firms likely to experience as they use
cooperative strategies?
7. What are the differences between the cost-minimization
approach and the opportunity-maximization approach to
managing cooperative strategies?
Failing to Obtain Desired Levels of Success with Cooperative Strategies
The complexity associated with most cooperative strat egies increases the difficulty of successfully using them. One cause of this complexity is the fact that often, firms collaborating on certain projects are simultane-
ously competing with each other as well. As explained earlier, this reality describes the relationship between Cisco and IBM as well as those existing with airline companies that have joined alliance networks (such as
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
Star, Oneworld, and SkyTeam). Another complication is that firms sometimes form a partnership with a com pany that is itself a collaboration between other com panies. For example, Ford Motor Company formed a joint venture with carbon manufacturer DowAksa, a firm that is a joint venture organized by Dow Chemical Company and Istanbul-based Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayii A.S. The purpose of the Ford/DowAksa col laboration is to find ways to develop cheaper grades of carbon fiber components that can be integrated into Ford's automobiles and trucks. Because it is much lighter than steel, carbon fiber helps auto manufac turers reduce the weight of their products, which in turn facilitates their efforts to increase products' gas mileage. We see then that, for multiple reasons, the complexities of cooperative strategies increase the challenge of effectively implementing them and may contribute to alliance failure.
Redbox and Verizon terminated their relationship that was originally developed to become the streaming subscription components of Redbox's rental business after only two years. (Outerwall founded Redbox in part nership with McDonald's Ventures, LLC. McDonald's hoped to distribute DVDs through rental kiosks at its restaurants as a means of attracting customers and pro viding them with a unique service.) Competing against the likes of Netflix and Hulu Plus, Redbox's streaming service failed to attract a sufficient number of customers, perhaps in part because it was able to stream to custom ers only items that its competitors were also streaming. Unlike Netflix and Hulu Plus, Redbox was not devel oping its own original content as a means of creating unique value for customers. Because the service made available through the Redbox and Verizon collaboration was losing money and was not gaining a sufficient num ber of subscribers, the partners chose to terminate their relationship.
Case Discussion Questions
1. What are some of the major complexities encountered in
developing cooperative strategies such as strategic alliances
and joint ventures?
2 What role does competition from rivals play in the eventual
success of cooperative strategies? Please explain.
Carefully executing the operational details of a planned cooperative strategy is foundational to its per formance and influences if it will succeed or fail. In mid-2015 for example, First Solar, Inc. and SunPower Corporation, the two largest U.S. solar-panel manu facturers, were in the planning stages to form a joint venture that would own and operate some of the firms' projects. The proposed partners believed that the collab oration would create value by combining "SunPower's polysilicon technology with First Solar's thin-film pan els:' However, SunPower recorded a loss in the first quar ter of 2015, partly because of costs it was incurring to structure the proposed relationship with First Solar. This demonstrates the importance of identifying efficient as well as effective ways to structure a proposed collabo ration between companies as a means of increasing the likelihood of operational success.
Earlier, we noted that MillerCoors, the joint ven ture formed between Molson Coors and SABMiller, is encountering difficulties. Some analysts believe that a reason for this is that, while the partnership had been very successful during its first six years in terms of sub stantially reducing costs by creating economies of scale, it had failed to increase the market shares held by two of its important products, Miller Lite and Coors Light. The situation with the MillerCoors partnership suggests that long-term cooperative strategy success results when partners find unique ways to create value for customers in addition to finding ways to reduce operating costs.
Sources: M. Armenta!, 2015, Sun Power swings to loss on costs related to planned joint venture, Wall Street Journal Online, www.wsj.com, April 30; D. Harris, 2015, China joint ventures: How not to get burned, Above the Law, www.abovethelaw.com, February 9; Molson Coors, U.S. joint venture MillerCoors facing stiff challenges, Wall Street Journal Online, www.wsj .com, May 7; J. D. Stoll, 2015, Ford to develop carbon-fiber material for cars, Wall Street Journal Online, www.wsj.com, April 17; P. E. Farrell, 2014, The 7 deadly sins of joint ventures, Entrepreneur, www.entrepreneur.com, September 2; Q. Plummer, 2014, Redbox instant will be killed Oct. 7: A failed joint venture, Tech Times,www.techtimes. com, October 6.
3. What costs are incurred in developing strategic alliances? How
can these costs be managed?
4. Should cost minimization or opportunity maximization be the
primary goal of a cooperative strategy? Can both be achieved
simultaneously? Why or why not?
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Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy 309
from alliance portfolios, Academy af Journal Online, www.wsj.com, February 1; relationships, Strategic Management
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& A. S. Miner, 2007, Vicarious learning from report highlights pharma's drug safety Hoskisson, & J. B. Barney, 2008, Competitive
the failures and near-failures of others: efforts, Pharmaceutical Commerce, http:// advantage in alliance governance:
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50: 687-714. technology industries: A different rationale, and Decision Economics, 29: 191-208.
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to Rosneft's chief over shares, Wall Street M. Kafouros, C. Wang, P. Piiperopoulos, & alliances, Strategic Management Journal,
Journal Online, www.wsj.com, April 17. M. Zhang, 2015, Academic collaborations 38: 1646-1667; T. Felin & T. R. Zenger, 2014,
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in buyer-seller relationships: Some The role of region-specific institutions, solving and the governance choice,
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of R&D outsourcing, Research Policy, J. B. Barney, 2008, Competitive advantage analysis and theory, Strategic Management
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Studying this chapter should provide you with the strategic management
knowledge needed to:
10 1 Define corporate governance and
L explain why it is used to monitor and control top-level managers' decisions.
10-2 Explain why ownership is largely separated from managerial control in organizations.
10-3 Define an agency relationship and managerial opportunism and describe their strategic implications.
10-4 Explain the use of three internal governance mechanisms to monitor and control managers' decisions.
10-5 Discuss the types of compensation top-level managers receive and their effects on managerial decisions.
10 6 Describe how the external corporate governance mechanism-the market for corporate control-restrains top-level managers' decisions.
10-7 Discuss the nature and use of corporate governance in international settings, especially in Germany, Japan, and China.
10-8 Describe how corporate governance fosters ethical decisions by a firm's top-level managers.
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In the 1980s, large activist shareholders, labelled "corporate raiders;' would buy significant stakes in companies and often seek to increase the debt load, sell off business units reducing diversification, and downsize by laying off many workers. If the firms did not respond as the ac tivist shareholders required, they would make the company pay a premium on the shares they bought, often called "greenmail:' Today activist investors are doing many of the same things, but they are often supported by institutional investors who follow the activist investors' lead or support them in their activities, especially shareholder votes. The number of activist firms is growing as is the amount of money being deployed. In 2017, activist fund groups deployed $62 billion in their campaigns, more than twice the amount of money spent in 2016. Approx imately 20 percent of U.S. activists' funds was spent on buying shares of global companies, as opportunities in the United States decrease.
One of the strategies these activist investors pursue is to pressure firms to allow activist nominat ed representatives to stand for election for the targeted company's board. Another strategy gaining momentum is access to the proxy process to include shareholder resolutions for shareholder votes. This access has been allowed by the courts, and encouraged by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) efforts to require more proxy voting action opportu nities to shareholders. Thus, regulators' decisions � have allowed more open f proxy voting access by shareholders. As such, firm shareholders are able o to vote on strategic issues � presented by activist �
�shareholders as well as 2 directly nominating board members who represent their interests.
Activist firms are chal lenging large and visible firms such as DuPont, Proc tor & Gamble (P&G), Nestle,
� i"' 'i3
·a; :,:
Nelson Peltz, CEO ofTrian Fund Management L.P., now sits on the
board at P&G.
General Electric, and Lowe's among others. For example, P&G fought a proxy battle with Trian Fund Management L.P. representatives, headed by CEO Nelson Peltz, for board seats. Even though P&G won the proxy vote, P&G still offered Peltz a board seat. In taking the board seat, Peltz personally also dropped a board seat (possibly because he was sitting on too many boards to be effective) on Mondolez, a food company, which board position Trian had gained on a previous investment.
Often activist investors seek stock buybacks and increases in dividends as well as selling off "non-performing businesses:' For example, Carl Icahn, a famous activist investor, held 6.7 percent in Newell Brands and in a settlement was allowed four board seats in addition to appointing a new board chair. However, Starboard and its allied funds hold a stake of just under S percent in Newell brands and are trying to oust the remaining board members and replace the CEO. Starboard has been among the most aggressive activist investors in seeking to remove all board members when it buys shares. It described Newell as "a conglomerate that makes everything from Elmer's glue to Mr. Coffee machines" and declared that Newell's sprawling set of businesses needs to be narrowed and the top executives replaced. Over time, in part due to such activism, objections to corporate governance arrangements have become more strident and monitoring of top executives more intense.
However, there are risks to activist approaches, as William Ackman's Pershing Square Capital Management L.P. has found. Although typically activist investors push companies to improve
Corporate governance is
the set of mechanisms used to manage the relationships
among stakeholders and
to determine and control
the strategic direction and
performance of organizations.
short-term value through leadership changes, stock buybacks, and break-ups, others want the
opposite to happen; they first "short"the stock and then make arguments that create turmoil and
a perception of weakness within the company, resulting in the lowering of the company share
price and increasing the value of a short position. Pershing Square Capital Management firm was
shorting Herbalife, but instead of going down the stock increased. Ackman's fund has been losing
shareholders because it has made some large but poor investments such as the one in Herbalife.
Although activism has caused some chaos among firms' board of directors, it has made for
overall better, albeit more intense, governance and has given more voice to shareholders on
strategy issues, points that are pertinent to the topic of our book. For example, activists have
pursued more intense long-term compensation packages, which have provided better long
term performance such as more investment in R&D activities. On the other hand, the greatly
added pressure to perform has led some firm leaders to "cook the books" and thus has led to
more fraud. As you read through this chapter, these issues will become clearer as the various
governance devices are defined and their purpose explained.
Sources: C. English, 2018, Activist Peltz leaving Mondelez board to join P&G's, New York Post, www.nypost,com, February 13; L. Fortado, 2018, Investing: activism enters the mainstream, Financial Times, www.ft.com, February 13; C. Lombardo, 2018, Starboard pursuing proxy fight at Newell Brands despite deal with Icahn, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, April 4; E. Price, 2018, Investors are pulling out of Bill Ackman's hedge fund at a 'rapid pace', Fortune, www.fortune.com, April 5; S. Terlep & D. Benoit, 2018, Starboard to launch proxy fight to replace entire Newell brands board, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, February 8; S. Dean, 2017, What is an activist investor? Telegraph, www.telegraph.co.uk, May 1 0; M. R. Denes, J.M. Karpoff, & V. B. McWilliams, 2017, Thirty years of shareholder activism: A survey of empirical research, Journal of Corporate Finance, 44: 405-424; C. Flammer & P. Bansal, 2017, Does a long-term orientation create value? Evidence from a regression discontinuity, Strategic ManagementJournal, 38(9): 1827-1847; C. P. Skroupa, 2017, 2017 and beyond-major trends shaping shareholder activism, Forbes, www.forbes.com, October 27; W. Shi, B. L. Connelly, & R. E. Hoskisson, 2017, External corporate governance and financial fraud: Cognitive evaluation theory insights on agency theory prescriptions, Strategic Management Journal, 38(6): 1268-1286; S. Terlep, 2017, Activist Nelson Peltz gets key boost in P&G proxy fight, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, September 29.
A s the Opening Case suggests, corporate governance is a complex set of structures designed to provide firm oversight of major strategic issues. At a broader level, it
reflects the type of infrastructure provided by individual nations as the frameworks within which companies compete. Given that we are concerned with the strategic management process firms use, our focus in this chapter is on corporate governance in companies ( although we do also address governance at the level of nations). Some of the potential pitfalls of corporate governance, such as establishing true checks and balances in the system of governance, are highlighted by the discussion of activist shareholders in the Opening Case.
Comprehensive in scope and complex in nature, corporate governance is a respon sibility that challenges firms and their leaders. Evidence suggests that corporate gov ernance is critical to firms' success, and dealing appropriately with this challenge is important. Because of this, governance is an increasingly important part of the strategic management process. 1 For example, if the board makes the wrong deci sions in selecting, governing, and compensating the firm's CEO as its strategic leader, the shareholders and firm stakeholders suffer. When CEOs are motivated to act in the best interests of firm-in particular, the shareholders-the company's value is more likely to increase. Additionally, effective leadership succession plans and appro priate monitoring and direction-setting efforts by the board of directors contribute positively to a firm's performance.
Corporate governance is the set of mechanisms used to manage the relationships among stakeholders and to determine and control the strategic direction and perfor mance of organizations.2 At its core, corporate governance is concerned with identifying ways to ensure that decisions (especially strategic decisions) are made effectively and that they facilitate a firm's efforts to achieve strategic competitiveness.3 Governance can also
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
be thought of as a means to establish and maintain harmony between parties ( the firm's owners and its top-level managers) whose interests may conflict.
In modern corporations-especially those in nations with "westernized" infrastruc tures and business practices such as in the United States and the United Kingdom ensuring that top-level managers' interests are aligned with other stakeholders' interests, particularly those of shareholders, is a primary objective of corporate governance. Thus, corporate governance involves oversight in areas where owners, managers, and members of boards of directors may have conflicts of interest. Processes used to elect members of the firm's board of directors, the general management of CEO pay and more focused supervision of director pay, and the corporation's overall strategic direction are examples of areas in which oversight is sought. 4 Because corporate governance is an ongoing pro cess concerned with how a firm is to be managed, its nature evolves in light of the types of never-ending changes in a firm's external environment that we discussed in Chapter 2.
The recent global emphasis on corporate governance stems mainly from the apparent failure of corporate governance mechanisms to adequately monitor and control top-level managers' decisions (as exemplified by the growing focus on governance issues among activist investors in the Opening Case). In turn, undesired or unacceptable consequences resulting from using corporate governance mechanisms cause changes such as elect ing new members to the board of directors with the hope of providing more effective governance. A second and more positive reason for this interest comes from evidence that a well-functioning corporate governance system can create a competitive advantage for an individual firm.5
As noted earlier, corporate governance is of concern to nations as well as to individual firms.6 Although corporate governance reflects company standards, it also collectively reflects the societal standards of nations.7 For example, the independence of board members and practices a board should follow to exercise effective oversight of a firm's internal control efforts are changes to governance standards that have been fostered even in emerging economies.8
Efforts such as these are important because research shows that firms seek to invest in nations with national governance standards that are acceptable to them.9 This is particularly the case when firms consider the possibility of expanding geographically into emerging markets.
In the chapter's first section, we describe the relationship on which the modern cor poration is built-namely, the relationship between owners and managers. We use the majority of the chapter to explain various mechanisms owners use to govern managers and to ensure that they comply with their responsibility to satisfy stakeholders' needs, especially those of shareholders.
Three internal governance mechanisms and a single external one are emphasized in the modern corporation. The three internal governance mechanisms described in this chapter are
1. ownership concentration, represented by types of shareholders and their different incentives to monitor managers;
2. the board of directors; and 3. executive compensation.
We then consider the market for corporate control, an external corporate governance mechanism. Essentially, this market is a set of potential owners seeking to acquire under valued firms and earn above-average returns on their investments by replacing ineffective top-level management teams.10 The chapter's focus then shifts to the issue of international corporate governance. We briefly describe governance approaches used in several coun tries outside of the United States and United Kingdom. In part, this discussion suggests that the structures used to govern global companies competing in both developed and emerging economies are becoming more, rather than less, similar. Closing our analysis
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314 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
of corporate governance is a consideration of the need for these control mechanisms to encourage and support ethical and socially responsible behavior in organizations.
10-1 Separation of Ownership and Managerial Control
Historically, U.S. firms were managed by founder-owners and their descendants. In these cases, corporate ownership and control resided with the same group of people. As firms grew larger, "the managerial revolution led to a separation of ownership and control in most large corporations, where control of the firm shifted from entrepreneurs to profes sional managers while ownership became dispersed among thousands of unorganized stockholders who were removed from the day-to-day management of the firm:' 11 These changes created the modern public corporation, which is based on the efficient separation of ownership and managerial control. Supporting the separation is a basic legal premise suggesting that the primary objective of a firm's activities is to increase the corporation's profit and, thereby, the owners' (shareholders') financial gains.12
The separation of ownership and managerial control allows shareholders to purchase stock, which entitles them to income (residual returns) from the firm's operations after paying expenses. This right, however, requires that shareholders take a risk that the firm's expenses may exceed its revenues. To manage this investment risk, shareholders maintain a diversified portfolio by investing in several companies to reduce their overall risk.'3 The poor performance or failure of any one firm in which they invest has less overall effect on the value of the entire portfolio of investments. Thus, shareholders specialize in managing their investment risk.
Commonly, those managing small firms also own a significant percentage of the firm. In such instances, there is less separation between ownership and managerial control. Moreover, in a large number of family-owned firms, ownership and managerial control are not separated to any significant extent. Research shows that family-owned firms perform better when a member of the family is the CEO rather than when the CEO is an outsider.14
In many regions outside the United States, such as in Latin America, Asia, and some European countries, family-owned firms dominate the competitive landscape.15 The pri mary purpose of most of these firms is to increase the family's wealth, which explains why a family CEO often is better than an outside CEO. Still, family ownership remains significant in U.S. companies; at least one-third of the S&P 500 firms have substantial family ownership, holding on average about 18 percent of a firm's equity.16
Family-controlled firms face at least two critical issues related to corporate gover nance. First, as they grow, they may not have access to all of the skills needed to effectively manage the firm and maximize returns for the family. Thus, outsiders may be required to facilitate growth. Second, as they grow, they may need to seek outside capital and thus give up some of the ownership. In these cases, protecting the minority owners' rights becomes important.'7 To avoid these potential problems, when family firms grow and become more complex, their owner-managers may contract with managerial specialists. These manag ers make major decisions in the owners' firm and are compensated on the basis of their decision-making skills. Research suggests that firms in which families own enough equity to have influence without major control tend to make the best strategic decisions.18
Without owner (shareholder) specialization in risk bearing and management special ization in decision making, a firm may be limited by its owners' abilities to simultaneously manage it and make effective strategic decisions relative to risk. Thus, the separation and specialization of ownership (risk bearing) and managerial control (decision making) should produce the highest returns for the firm's owners.
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
10-1 a Agency Relationships The separation between owners and managers creates an agency relationship. An agency relationship exists when one or more persons (the principal or principals) hire another person or persons (the agent or agents) as decision-making specialists to perform a service. 19 Thus, an agency relationship exists when one party delegates decision-making responsibility to a second party for compensation (see Figure 10.1).
In addition to shareholders and top-level managers, other examples of agency rela tionships are top managers who hire subsidiary managers, client firms engaging consul tants, and the insured contracting with an insurer. Moreover, within organizations, an agency relationship exists between managers and their employees, as well as between top level managers and the firm's owners. 20 However, in this chapter we focus on the agency relationship between the firm's owners (the principals) and top-level managers (the prin cipals' agents) because these managers are responsible for formulating and implementing the firm's strategies, which have major effects on firm performance.21
The separation between ownership and managerial control can be problematic. Research evidence documents a variety of agency problems in the modern corporation. 22
Problems can surface because the principal and the agent have different interests and goals or because shareholders lack direct control of large publicly traded corporations. Problems also surface when an agent makes decisions that result in pursuing goals that conflict with those of the principals. Thus, the separation of ownership and control potentially allows divergent interests (between principals and agents) to occur, which can lead to managerial opportunism.
Managerial opportunism is the seeking of self-interest with guile (i.e., cunning or deceit).23 Opportunism is both an attitude (i.e., an inclination) and a set of behaviors
Figure 10.1 An Agency Relationship
Shareholders (Principals) • Owners
� ire
Managers (Agents) • Decision makers
An agency relationship
exists when one party
delegates decision-making
responsibility to a second
party for compensation.
Managerial opportunism
is the seeking of self-interest
with guile (i.e., cunning or
An Agency Relationship • Risk-bearing specialist (principal)
paying compensation to • A managerial decision-making
specialist (agent)
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316 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
(i.e., specific acts of self-interest).24 Principals do not know beforehand which agents will or will not act opportunistically. A top-level manager's reputation is an imperfect predic tor; moreover, opportunistic behavior cannot be observed until it has occurred. Thus, principals establish governance and control mechanisms to prevent agents from acting opportunistically, even though only a few are likely to do so. Interestingly, research sug gests that when CEOs feel constrained by governance mechanisms, they are more likely to seek external advice that, in turn, helps them make better strategic decisions.25
The agency relationship suggests that any time principals delegate decision-making responsibilities to agents, the opportunity for conflicts of interest exists. Top-level manag ers, for example, may make strategic decisions that maximize their personal welfare and minimize their personal risk.26 Decisions such as these prevent maximizing shareholder wealth. Decisions regarding product diversification demonstrate this situation.
10-1 b Product Diversification as an Example of an Agency Problem
As explained in Chapter 6, a corporate-level strategy to diversify the firm's product lines can enhance a firm's strategic competitiveness and increase its returns, both of which serve the interests of all stakeholders and certainly shareholders and top-level manag ers. However, product diversification can create two benefits for top-level managers that shareholders do not enjoy, meaning that they may prefer product diversification more than shareholders do. 27
One reason managers prefer more diversification compared to shareholders is the fact that it usually increases the size of a firm and size is positively related to executive compensation. Diversification also increases the complexity of managing a firm and its network of businesses, possibly requiring additional managerial pay because of this com - plexity.28 Thus, increased product diversification provides an opportunity for top-level managers to increase their compensation.29
The second potential benefit is that product diversification and the resulting diversi fication of the firm's portfolio of businesses can reduce top-level managers' employment risk. Managerial employment risk is the risk of job loss, loss of compensation, and loss of managerial reputation.30 These risks are reduced with increased diversification because a firm and its upper-level managers are less vulnerable to the reduction in demand associ ated with a single or limited number of product lines or businesses. Events that occurred at Lockheed Martin demonstrate these issues.
For a number of years, Lockheed Martin has been a major defense contractor, with the United States federal government as its primary customer. Although it provides a vari ety of products and services, "in 2017, 69% of our $51.0 billion in net sales were from the U.S. Government, either as a prime contractor or as a subcontractor (including 58% from the Department of Defense (DoD)), 30% were from international customers (including foreign military sales (FMS) contracted through the U.S. Government):' 31 However, this is down from 2014 in which it received 79 percent of its revenue from the U.S. govern ment with 59 percent from the U.S. Department of Defense alone. It has reduced its risk from dependence on a single customer, through related acquisitions and growth in its technology businesses such as a focus on cybersecurity. Lockheed Martin's CEO, Marillyn Hewson, facilitated the $9 billion acquisition of Sikorsky (primarily focused on helicopter production) in 2016. This acquisition at the time seemed expensive because oil prices were low and offshore drilling, a major business for helicopter companies, was experiencing lower demand. However, Sikorsky also has military demand for its products and one year after the acquisition oil prices increased along with demand for helicopters.32
Likewise, its internal organic innovations (using its current capabilities) have fostered additional diversified sales in the health care and cybersecurity industries.
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
Free cash flow is the source of another potential agency problem. Calculated as oper ating cash flow minus capital expenditures, free cash flow represents the cash remaining after the firm has invested in all projects that have positive net present value within its current businesses.33 Top-level managers may decide to invest free cash flow in product lines that are not associated with the firm's current lines of business to increase the firm's degree of diversification (as is currently being done at Lockheed Martin). However, when managers use free cash flow to diversify the firm in ways that do not have a strong possi bility of creating additional value for shareholders, the firm can become overdiversified. Overdiversification is an example of self-serving and opportunistic managerial behavior. In contrast to managers, shareholders may prefer that free cash flow be distributed to them as dividends or stock buybacks, so they can control how the cash is invested.34
In Figure 10.2, Curve S shows shareholders' optimal level of diversification. As the firm's owners, shareholders seek the level of diversification that reduces the risk of the firm's total failure while simultaneously increasing its value by developing economies of scale and scope (see Chapter 6). Of the four corporate-level diversification strate gies shown in Figure 10.2, shareholders likely prefer the diversified position noted by point A on Curve S-a position that is located between the dominant business and related-constrained diversification strategies. Of course, the optimum level of diver sification owners seek varies from firm to firm.35 Factors that affect shareholders' preferences include the firm's primary industry, the intensity of rivalry among com petitors in that industry, the top management team's experience with implementing diversification strategies, and the firm's perceived expertise in the new business and its effects on other firm strategies, such as its entry into international markets.36
As is the case for principals, top-level managers-as agents-also seek an optimal level of diversification. Declining performance resulting from too much diversification increases the probability that external investors (representing the market for corporate control) will purchase a substantial percentage of or the entire firm for the purpose of controlling it. In fact, this situation is illustrated in the Strategic Focus on General
Figure 10.2 Manager and Shareholder Risk and Diversification
Shareholder (business) risk profile
Dominant business
A Related
constrained Related
Managerial (empl oyment)
risk profile
Unrelated businesses
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318 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
General Electric's Complex Diversification Strategy Makes Evaluation Difficult for Board Directors
As noted in Chapter 6, diversified firms can be complex, given the
number of businesses a firm is trying to manage simultaneously.
This is not only a difficult task for managers, but is more difficult
for board directors, especially when they come from outside the
firm. Outside directors largely have to depend on the analyses
managers present, given the overall complexity of large diversified
firms. Concerning General Electric, former CEO Jack Welch formed
a large set of businesses in the 1980s and 1990s. Although his
successor, Jeffery lmmelt, largely dealt with the financial crisis and
the divestiture of GE Capital, there were still significant problems
from the excess diversification. In December 2016, the earnings
reports started raising alarms. Nelson Peltz, from Trian Partners, had
invested heavily in the firm in 2015. When this investment began
to decrease in value in 2016, Trian and other activist shareholders
forced CEO Jeffrey lmmelt's dismissal, and John Flannery took over
as CEO. Edward Garden ofTrian Partners subsequently became
a board member to watch overTrian's investment, which had
shrunk to $1.7 billion from its original $2.5 billion in value.
In early 2018, as Flannery sought to overcome GEs perfor
mance difficulties, nine new board members were proposed
on GEs proxy statement, which meant half of the board was
targeted for replacement. Although there had already been
significant restructuring under lmmelt-including selling
the majority of GE Capita l, NBCUniversal, and GE's appliance
business-Flannery announced that he would seek to sell
more assets worth an additional $80 billion as well as propose
layoffs and other cost improvements. In addition, GE had been
paying a significant dividend and buying back shares, but
much of this capital came from increased debt. To deal with
this, Flannery has reduced the dividend payment and become
more transparent with how GE uses its free cash flow. Garden's
board seat gives Trian access to the board's deliberations and
detailed financial results just as the 300,000-person company
is conducting a strategic review of its business portfolio and
deciding how to cut costs and spend its cash flow. GE also took
a large $6 billion charge against its earnings in early 2018 asso
ciated with its insurance business, which was part of the legacy
GE Capital business.
Apparently, along with the increased debt burden
and this $6 billion charge, the board had failed to monitor
other things carefully, including an extra private plane that
Mr. lmmelt used. Additionally, there were problems with earn
ing calculations that the board failed to catch, so much so that
GE had to restate its earnings from 2016 and 2017. These fail
ings led to significant governance restructuring-particularly
the replacement of the nine outside board members including
an activist board member, Mr. Garden.
In late 2017, Flannery announced that GE would focus on
three core segments, aviation, power and power distribution,
and healthcare, going forward. One of the di fficulties in restruc
turing the firm is that GE is saddled with $97.5 billion in debt.
Furthermore, it has $31 billion in unfunded pension liabilities.
To fund the debt and pension liabilities, GE needs substantial
cash flow from its remaining businesses, making it difficult to
sell all the assets Flannery is seeking to restructure. To deal with
this dilemma GE has set up a new board committee focused on
restructuring its portfolio and working through the legal ramifi
cations. When you build a business such as General Electric, you
build it for specific strategic reasons; breaking it up cannot be
readily undone, despite shareholder wishes or demands.
In summary, General Electric is in a bind, largely because
the board members seemed not to understand the complexity
that the company's strategic leaders were pursuing. Because
they missed these warning signs, they could not thereby
shelter the firm from bad strategic acquisitions. More painful
decisions are probably ahead.
Sources: R. Clough, N. Buhayar, & T. Black, 2018, Conglomerates don't work,
Bloomberg Businessweek, February 5, 14-16; R. Messenbock, Y. Morieux, J. Backx, &
D. Wunderlich, 2018, How complicated is your company? www.bcg.com, January 16;
A. Narayanan, 2018, If General Electric breaks up should you breakup with GE stocks?,
Investors Business Daily, www.investors.com, January 19; B. Sutherland, 2018, The
slow ugly unraveling of GE, Bloomberg Businessweek, January 22, 30; 2017, The right
mechanic? Economist, November 18, 54-55; T. Gryta, D. Benoit, J.S. Lublin, 2017, GE
gives activist Trian a seat on the board, Wall Street Journa( www.wsj.com, October 9;
T. Gryta, 2017, GE probed who knew about spare jet for Im melt, Wall Street Journal,
www.wsj.com, December 13; D. Z. Morris, 2017, General Electric to lose 9 board
members, Forwne, www.fortune.com, November 19; G. Roumeliotis, 2017, General
Electric faces long road to pruning assets. www.reuters.com, November 13; L. Shen,
2017, Biggest breakup: General Electric, Forwne, www.fortune.com, December 20.
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
Electric, where Trian Partners bought a substantial portion of stock and ultimately won a board seat seeking to foster a more coherent strategy with narrower diversified scope.37
If a firm is acquired, the employment risk for its top-level managers increases signifi cantly. Furthermore, these managers' employment opportunities in the external man - agerial labor market (discussed in Chapter 12) are affected negatively by a firm's poor performance. Therefore, top-level managers prefer that the firms they lead be diversified. However, their preference is that the firm's diversification falls short of the point at which it increases their employment risk and reduces their employment opportunities.38 Curve Min Figure 10.2 shows that top-level managers prefer higher levels of product diversifi cation than do shareholders. Point B on Curve M represents where top-level managers might locate their perceived optimal level of diversification.
In general, shareholders prefer riskier strategies and more focused diversifica tion. Shareholders reduce their risk by holding a diversified portfolio of investments. Alternatively, managers cannot balance their employment risk by working for a diverse portfolio of firms; therefore, managers may prefer a level of diversification that maximizes firm size and their compensation while also reducing their employment risk. Finding the appropriate level of diversification is difficult for managers. Research has shown that too much diversification can have negative effects on the firm's ability to create innova tion (managers' unwillingness to take on higher risks). Alternatively, diversification that strategically fits the firm's capabilities can enhance its innovation output.39 However, too much or inappropriate diversification can also divert managerial attention from other important firm activities such as corporate social responsibility.40 Product diversification, therefore, is a potential agency problem that could result in principals incurring costs to control their agents' behaviors.
10-1 c Agency Costs and Governance Mechanisms The potential conflict between shareholders and top-level managers shown in Figure 10.2, coupled with the fact that principals cannot easily predict which managers might act opportunistically, demonstrates why principals establish governance mechanisms. However, the firm incurs costs when it uses one or more governance mechanisms. Agency costs are the sum of incentive costs, monitoring costs, enforcement costs, and individual financial losses incurred by principals because governance mechanisms cannot guarantee total compliance by the agent. Because monitoring activities within a firm is difficult, the principals' agency costs are larger in diversified firms given the additional complexity of diversification. 41
In general, managerial interests may prevail when governance mechanisms are weak and therefore ineffective, such as in situations where managers have a significant amount of autonomy to make strategic decisions. If, however, the board of directors controls managerial autonomy, or if other strong governance mechanisms are used, the firm's strategies should better reflect stakeholders and certainly shareholders' interests. 42 For example, effective corporate governance may encourage managers to develop strategies that demonstrate a concern for the environment (i.e., "green strategies").43
In the recent past, observers of firms' governance practices have been concerned about more egregious behavior beyond mere ineffective corporate strategies, such as that discovered at Enron, WorldCom, and Volkswagen and the more recent actions by major financial institutions. Partly in response to these behaviors, the U.S. Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002 and passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) in mid-2010.
Because of these two acts, corporate governance mechanisms have received greater scrutiny.44 While the implementation of SOX has been controversial to some, most believe that its use has led to generally positive outcomes in terms of protecting stakeholders
Agency costs are the sum
of incentive costs, monitoring
costs, enforcement costs,
and individual financial
losses incurred by principals
because governance
mechanisms cannot
guarantee total compliance
by the agent.
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Ownership concentration
is defined by the number of
large-block shareholders and
the total percentage of the
firm's shares they own.
Large-block shareholders
typically own at least
5 percent of a company's
issued shares.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
and certainly shareholders' interests. For example, Section 404 of SOX, which prescribes significant transparency improvement on internal controls associated with accounting and auditing, has arguably improved the internal auditing scrutiny (and thereby trust) in firms' financial reporting. Moreover, research suggests that internal controls associated with Section 404 increase shareholder value.45 Nonetheless, some argue that the Act, especially Section 404, creates excessive costs for firms. In addition, a decrease in foreign firms listing on U.S. stock exchanges occurred at the same time as listing on foreign exchanges increased. In part, this shift may be because of the costs SOX generates for firms seeking to list on U.S. exchanges.
Dodd-Frank is recognized as the most sweeping set of financial regulatory reforms in the United States since the Great Depression. The Act is intended to align financial institutions' actions with society's interests. Dodd-Frank includes provisions related to the categories of consumer protection, systemic risk oversight, executive com pensation, and capital requirements for banks. The Act creates a Financial Stability Oversight Council headed by the Treasury Secretary, establishes a new system for liquidation of certain financial companies, provides for a new framework to regulate derivatives, establishes new corporate governance requirements, and regulates credit rating agencies and securitizations. However, Congress has been seeking to pass relief for regional banks by lowering the capital requirements and requiring less obligations for big stress tests. 46
More intensive application of governance mechanisms as mandated by legislation such as SOX and Dodd-Frank affects firms' choice of strategies. For example, more intense governance might find firms choosing to pursue fewer risky projects, possibly decreasing shareholder wealth as a result, although some research suggests that tighter governance associated with SOX regulation increases innovation, especially for firms with previously weaker governance. 47 Determining governance practices that strike an appropriate balance between protecting stakeholders' interests and allowing firms to implement strategies with some degree of risk is difficult.
Next, we explain the effects of the three internal governance mechanisms on manage rial decisions regarding the firm's strategies.
10-2 Ownership Concentration Ownership concentration is defined by the number of large-block shareholders and the total percentage of the firm's shares they own. Large-block shareholders typically own at least 5 percent of a company's issued shares. Ownership concentration as a gover nance mechanism has received considerable interest, because large-block shareholders are increasingly active in their demands that firms adopt effective governance mecha nisms to control managerial decisions so that they will best represent owners' interests.48
In recent years, the number of individuals who are large-block shareholders has declined. Institutional owners have replaced individuals as large-block shareholders.
In general, diffuse ownership (a large number of shareholders with small hold ings and few, if any, large-block shareholders) produces weak monitoring of managers' decisions. One reason for this is that diffuse ownership makes it difficult for owners to effectively coordinate their actions. As noted earlier, diversification beyond the share holders' optimum level can result from ineffective monitoring of managers' decisions. Higher levels of monitoring could encourage managers to avoid strategic decisions that harm shareholder value, such as too much diversification. Research evidence suggests that ownership concentration is associated with lower levels of firm product diversifi cation.49 Thus, with high degrees of ownership concentration, the probability is greater that managers' decisions will be designed to maximize shareholder value.50 However,
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
the influence of large-block shareholders is mitigated to a degree in Europe by strong labor representation on boards of directors.51
As noted, ownership concentration influences decisions made about the strategies a firm will use and the value created by their use. In general, ownership concentration's influence on strategies and firm performance is positive. For example, when large-block shareholders have a high degree of wealth, they have power relative to minority share holders to appropriate the firm's wealth; this is particularly the case when they are in managerial positions. Excessive appropriation at the expense of minority shareholders is somewhat common in emerging economy countries, where minority shareholder rights often are not as protected as they are in the United States. In fact, in some of these coun tries, state ownership of an equity stake ( even minority ownership) can be used to control these potential problems.52 The importance of boards of directors to mitigate excessive appropriation of minority shareholder value has been found in firms with strong family ownership, where family members have incentives to appropriate shareholder wealth, especially in the second generation after the founder has departed.53 In general, fam ily-controlled businesses will outperform nonfamily -controlled businesses, especially smaller and private firms, because of the importance of enhancing the family's wealth and maintaining the family legacy.54 However, families often try to balance the pursuit of economic and noneconomic objectives such that they sometimes may be moderately risk averse (thereby influencing their innovative output).55
10-2a The Increasing Influence of Institutional Owners A classic work published in the 1930s argued that a separation of ownership and control had come to characterize the "modern" corporation.56 This change occurred primar ily because growth prevented founder-owners from maintaining their dual positions in what were increasingly complex companies. More recently, another shift has occurred: ownership of many modern corporations is now concentrated in the hands of institu tional investors rather than individual shareholders. 57
Institutional owners are financial institutions, such as mutual funds and pension funds, that control large-block shareholder positions. Because of their prominent owner ship positions, institutional owners, as large-block shareholders, have the potential to be a powerful governance mechanism. Estimates of the amount of equity in U.S. firms held by institutional owners range from 60 to 75 percent. In particular pension funds are critical drivers of growth and economic activity in the United States because they are one of the most significant sources of long-term, patient capital.58
These percentages suggest that as investors, institutional owners have both the size and the incentive to discipline ineffective top-level managers and that they can signifi cantly influence a firm's choice of strategies and strategic decisions. 59 As the Opening Case indicates, institutional and other large-block shareholders are becoming more active in their efforts to influence a corporation's strategic decisions, unless they have a business relationship with the firm. Initially, these shareholder activists and institutional investors concentrated on the performance and accountability of CEOs and contributed to the dis missal of a number of them. More recently, activists have targeted the actions of boards more directly via proxy vote proposals that are intended to give shareholders more deci sion rights because they believe board processes have been ineffective.60 A rule approved by the SEC allowing large shareholders ( owning 1 to 5 percent of a company's stock) to nominate up to 25 percent of a company's board of directors enhances shareholders' decision rights.61
The institutional investor BlackRock, Inc. is the largest manager of financial assets in the world, with just under $6 trillion invested and holdings in most of the largest global corporations. Interestingly, it was once described as a "silent giant" because it did not
Institutional owners are
financial institutions, such as
mutual funds and pension
funds, that control large-block
shareholder positions.
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Board of directors is a
group of elected individuals
whose primary responsibility
is to act in the owners'
best interests by formally monitoring and controlling
the firm's top level managers.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
engage in activism. However, recently the silent giant has been awakened, as it has begun asking more questions of the firms in which it holds significant investments. Most of its actions are " behind the scenes;' only voting against a director or a company proposal when its unobtrusive actions have failed to change the firm's behavior. BlackRock has become more "confrontational" in order to ensure the value of its investments, and some wish that it would become even more active because of the power of its large equity hold ings.62 To date, research suggests that institutional activism may not have a strong direct effect on firm performance, but it may indirectly influence a targeted firm's strategic decisions, including those concerned with social issues. Thus, to some degree at least, institutional activism has the potential to discipline managers and to enhance the likeli hood of a firm taking future actions that are not only in shareholders' best interests but also those of all stakeholders including society at large.63
10-3 Board of Directors
Shareholders elect the members of a firm's board of directors. The board of directors is a group of elected individuals whose primary responsibility is to act in the owners' best interests by formally monitoring and controlling the firm's top-level managers.64
Those elected to a firm's board of directors are expected to oversee managers and to ensure that the corporation operates in ways that will best serve stakeholders' inter ests, and particularly the owners' interests. Helping board members reach their expected objectives are their powers to direct the affairs of the organization and reward and disci pline top-level managers.
Though important to all shareholders, a firm's individual shareholders with small ownership percentages are very dependent on the board of directors to represent their interests. Unfortunately, evidence suggests that boards have not been highly effective in monitoring and controlling top-level managers' decisions and subsequent actions.65
Because of their relatively ineffective performance and in light of the recent financial crisis, boards are experiencing increasing pressure from shareholders, lawmakers, and
regulators to become more forceful in their oversight role to prevent top-level manag ers from acting in their own best interests. Moreover, in addition to their monitor ing role, board members increasingly are expected to provide resources to the firms they serve. These resources include their personal knowledge and expertise and their relationships with a wide variety of organizations. 66
Generally, board members ( often called � directors) are classified into one of three .§
., "--
groups (see Table 10.1). Insiders are active top-level managers in the company who are elected to the board because they are a source of information about the firm's day-to-day operations.67 Related outsiders have some relationship with the firm, con-
Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest mutual fund provider, has tractual or otherwise, that may create ques tions about their independence, but these individuals are not involved with the cor poration's day-to-day activities. Outsiders
suggested that managers need to focus on long-term strategy rather
than responding to short-term trader proposals.
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
Table 10.1 Classification of Board of Directors' Members
• The firm's CEO and other top-level managers
Related outsiders
• Individuals not involved with the firm's day-to-day operations, but who have a relationship
with the company
• Individuals who are independent of the firm in terms of day-to-day operations and other
provide independent counsel to the firm and may hold top-level managerial positions in other companies or may have been elected to the board prior to the beginning of the current CEO's tenure.68
Historically, inside managers dominated a firm's board of directors. A widely accepted view is that a board with a significant percentage of its membership from the firm's top level managers provides relatively weak monitoring and control of managerial decisions. 69
With weak board monitoring, managers sometimes use their power to select and com pensate directors and exploit their personal ties with them. In response to the SEC's proposal, in 1984 the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) implemented a rule requiring outside directors to head the audit committee. Subsequently, after SOX was passed, other new rules required that independent outsider directors lead important committees such as the audit, compensation, and nomination committees.70 Policies of the NYSE now require companies to maintain boards of directors that are composed of a majority of outside independent directors and to maintain full independent audit committees. Thus, additional scrutiny of corporate governance practices is resulting in a significant amount of attention being devoted to finding ways to recruit quality independent directors and to encourage boards to take actions that fully represent shareholders' best interests.71
Critics advocate reforms to ensure that independent outside directors are a signif icant majority of a board's total membership; research suggests this has been accom plished.72 However, others argue that having outside directors is not enough to resolve the problems in that CEO power can strongly influence a board's decision. One proposal to reduce the power of the CEO is to separate the chair's role and the CEO's role on the board so that the same person does not hold both positions.73 A situation in which an individual holds both the CEO and chair of the board title is called CEO duality. As is shown in the CEO duality at JPMorgan Chase with Jamie Dimon, it is often very diffi cult to separate the CEO and chair positions after they have been given to one person.74
Unfortunately, having a board that actively monitors top-level managers' decisions and actions does not ensure high performance. The value that the directors bring to the com pany also influences the outcomes. For example, boards with members having signifi cant relevant experience and knowledge are the most likely to help the firm formulate and implement effective strategies.75
Alternatively, having a large number of outside board members can also create some problems. For example, because outsiders typically do not have contact with the firm's day-to-day operations and do not have ready access to detailed information about man agers and their skills, they may lack the insights required to fully and effectively evaluate their decisions and initiatives, especially when they are busy serving on multiple boards.76
Outsiders can, however, obtain valuable information through frequent interactions with inside board members and during board meetings to enhance their understanding of managers and their decisions.
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324 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Because they work with and lead the firm daily, insiders have access to information that facilitates forming and implementing appropriate strategies. Accordingly, some evi dence suggests that boards with a critical mass of insiders typically are better informed about intended strategic initiatives, the reasons for the initiatives, and the outcomes expected from pursuing them.77 Without this type of information, outsider-dominated boards may emphasize financial, as opposed to strategic, controls to gather perfor mance information to evaluate managers' and business units' performances. A virtually exclusive reliance on financial evaluations shifts risk to top-level managers who, in turn, may make decisions to maximize their interests and reduce their employment risk. Reducing investments in R&D, further diversifying the firm, and pursuing higher levels of compensation are some of the results of managers' actions to reach the finan - cial goals set by outsider-dominated boards.78 Additionally, boards can make mistakes in strategic decisions because of poor decision processes, and in CEO succession deci sions because of the lack of important information about candidates as well as the firm's specific needs. Overall, knowledgeable and balanced boards are likely to be the most effective over time.79
10-3a Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors Because of the importance of boards of directors in corporate governance and as a result of increased scrutiny from shareholders-in particular, large institutional investors-the performances of individual board members and of entire boards are being evaluated more formally and with greater intensity. 80 The demand for greater accountability and improved performance is stimulating many boards to voluntarily make changes. Among these changes are:
1. increases in the diversity of the backgrounds of board members ( e.g., a greater num ber of directors from public service, academic, and scientific settings; a greater per centage of ethnic minorities and women; and members from different countries on boards of U.S. firms);
2. the strengthening of internal management and accounting control systems; 3. establishing and consistently using formal processes to evaluate board members'
performance; 4. modifying the compensation of directors, especially reducing or eliminating stock
options as a part of their package; and 5. creating the "lead director" role81 that has strong powers with regard to the board
agenda and oversight of non-management board member activities.
An increase in the board's involvement with a firm's strategic decision-making pro cesses creates the need for effective collaboration between board members and top-level managers. Some argue that improving the processes used by boards to make decisions and monitor managers and firm outcomes is important for board effectiveness.82 Moreover, because of the increased pressure from owners and the potential conflict among board members, procedures are necessary to help boards function effectively while seeking to discharge their responsibilities.
Increasingly, outside directors are being required to own significant equity stakes as a prerequisite to holding a board seat. In fact, some research suggests that firms perform better if outside directors have such a stake; the trend is toward higher pay for directors with more stock ownership, but with fewer stock options. One study found that director stock ownership leads to better firm acquisition outcomes.83 However, other research sug gests that too much ownership can lead to lower independence for board members.84 In addition, other research suggests that diverse boards help firms make more effective stra tegic decisions and perform better over time.85 Although questions remain about whether
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
more independent and diverse boards enhance board effectiveness, the trends for greater independence and increasing diversity among board members are likely to continue.
10-3b Executive Compensation The compensation of top-level managers, and especially of CEOs, generates a great deal of interest and strongly held opinions. Some believe that top-management team members, and certainly CEOs, have a great deal of responsibility for a firm's performance and that they should be rewarded accordingly.B6 Others conclude that these individuals (and again, especially CEOs) are greatly overpaid and that their compensation is not as strongly related to firm performance as should be the case.B7 One of the three internal governance mechanisms attempts to deal with these issues. Specifically, executive compensation is a governance mechanism that seeks to align the interests of managers and owners through salaries, bonuses, and long-term incentives such as stock awards and options.
Long-term incentive plans (ty pically involving stock options and stock awards) are an increasingly important part of compensation packages for top-level managers, especially those leading U.S. firms. Theoretically, using long-term incentives facilitates the firm's efforts (through the board of directors' pay-related decisions) to avoid potential agency problems by linking managerial compensation to the wealth of common shareholders.BB Effectively designed long-term incentive plans have the potential to prevent large-block stockholders (e.g., institutional investors) from pressing for changes in the composition of the board of directors and the top-management team because they assume that, when exercised, the plans will ensure that top-level managers will act in shareholders' best interests. Additionally, shareholders ty pically assume that top-level managers' pay and the firm's performance are more properly aligned when outsiders are the dominant block of a board's membership. Research results suggesting that fraudulent behavior can be associated with stock option incentives, such as earnings manipulation,B9 demonstrate the importance of the firm's board of directors (as a governance mechanism) actively moni toring the use of executive compensation as a governance mechanism.
Effectively using executive compensation as a governance mechanism is particularly challenging for firms implementing international strategies. For example, the interests of the owners of multinational corporations may be best served by less uniformity in the firm's foreign subsidiaries' compensation plans.90 Developing an array of unique com pensation plans requires additional monitoring, potentially increasing the firm's agency costs. Importantly, pay levels vary by regions of the world. For example, managerial pay is highest in the U.S. and much lower in Asia. Historically, compensation for top-level managers has been lower in India partly because many of the largest firms have strong family ownership and control.91 Also, acquiring firms and participating in joint ventures in other countries increases the complexity associated with a board of directors' efforts to use executive compensation as an effective internal corporate governance mechanism.92
10-3c The Effectiveness of Executive Compensation As an internal governance mechanism, executive compensation-especially long term incentive compensation-is complicated, for several reasons. First, the strategic decisions top-level managers make are complex and nonroutine, meaning that direct supervision (even by the firm's board of directors) is likely to be ineffective as a means of judging the quality of their decisions. The result is a tendency to link top-level managers' compensation to outcomes the board can easily evaluate, such as the firm's financial performance. This leads to a second issue in that, ty pically, the effects of top-level managers' decisions are stronger on the firm's long-term performance than its short-term performance. This reality makes it difficult to assess the effects of their decisions on a regular basis (e.g., annually). Third, a number of other factors affect a
Executive compensation
is a governance mechanism
that seeks to align the
interests of managers and
owners through salaries,
bonuses, and long-term
incentives such as stock
awards and options.
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326 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
firm's performance besides top-level managerial decisions and behavior. Unpredictable changes in segments (economic, demographic, political/legal, etc.) in the firm's general environment (see Chapter 2) make it difficult to separate the effects of top-level man agers' decisions and the effects (both positive and negative) of changes in the firm's external environment on the firm's performance.
Properly designed and used incentive compensation plans for top-level managers may increase the value of a firm in line with shareholder expectations, but such plans are subject to managerial manipulation.93 Additionally, annual bonuses may provide incentives to pursue short-run objectives at the expense of the firm's long-term inter ests. Although long-term, performance-based incentives may reduce the temptation to underinvest in the short run, they increase executive exposure to risks associated with uncontrollable events, such as market fluctuations and industry decline. The longer term the focus of incentive compensation, the greater are the long-term risks top-level managers bear. Also, because long-term incentives tie a manager's overall wealth to the firm in a way that is inflexible, such incentives and ownership may not be valued as highly by a manager as by outside investors who have the opportunity to diversify their wealth in a number of other financial investments.94 Thus, firms may have to overcompensate for managers using long-term incentives. 95 The media often focuses on the size of the CEO compensation package, especially if it is exceptionally large, and compares it to the pay of the average worker.
Much of the size of CEO pay has been driven by stock options and long-term incen tives. Even though some stock option-based compensation plans are well designed with option strike prices substantially higher than current stock prices (strike prices are the prices at which the option holder can sell the underlying security), some have been devel oped for the primary purpose of giving executives more compensation. Research of stock option repricing, where the strike price value of the option has been lowered from its original position, suggests that action is taken more frequently in high-risk situations. However, repricing also happens when firm performance is poor, to restore the incentive effect for the option. Evidence also suggests that politics are often involved, which has resulted in "option backdating:' 96 While this evidence shows that no internal governance mechanism is perfect, some compensation plans accomplish their purpose. For example, recent research suggests that long-term pay designed to encourage managers to be envi ronmentally friendly has been linked to higher success in preventing pollution.97
As the Strategic Focus suggests, this internal governance mechanism is likely to con tinue receiving a great deal of scrutiny in the years to come. When designed properly and used effectively, each of the three internal governance mechanisms can contribute positively to the firm operating in ways that best serve stakeholders and especially share holders' interests. By the same token, because none of the three mechanisms are perfect in design or execution, the market for corporate control, an external governance mecha nism, is sometimes needed.
10-4 Market for Corporate Control The market for corporate control is an external governance mechanism that is active when a firm's internal governance mechanisms fail.98 The market for corporate control is composed of individuals and firms that buy ownership positions in or purchase all of potentially undervalued corporations typically for the purpose of forming new divisions in established companies or merging two previously separate firms. Because the top-level managers are assumed to be responsible for the undervalued firm's poor performance, they are usually replaced. An effective market for corporate control ensures that ineffec tive and/or opportunistic top-level managers are disciplined.99
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance 327
Has More Governance Scrutiny Made Large CEO Compensation Packages More Reasonable?
This question often circulates in the media regarding the large
compensation packages that CEOs receive as leaders of large
publicly traded firms. Reporters in the media are often focused
on the growing inequality between the top executives' pay
and the average wages of U.S. workers. In 1983, average pay
for leaders of the six largest banks was 40 times the average of
all U.S. workers, while the average pay for leaders of the largest
Fortune 500 companies was about 38 times. However, CEO
compensation has grown significantly compared to the aver
age worker, and now the median CEO-to-median-worker pay
ratio stands at 140 to 1. It is easy to see why the media would
focus on this issue.
Moreover, because of the oversized compensation pack
ages, the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act requires that public com
panies disclose their CEO-to-median-employee pay ratio in
their annual proxy statement. But there are huge differences
in this ratio even among companies in the same industry.
For example, Marathon Corporation, the second-largest oil
refiner in the United States, paid its CEO, Gary Heminger,
$19.7 million in 2017. His salary is 900 times that of the aver
age employee at about $21,000 per year. However, Marathon
runs Speedway retail gas stations with many part-time and
low-wage employees; if the Speedway workers are excluded
employee median pay at Marathon shoots up to nearly
$126,000 per year, which translates into a CEO-to-worker
pay ratio of 156 to 1, much closer to the overall median. As
noted, there are large differences within sectors. "Processed
food giant Kraft Heinz Co. last year paid its CEO $4.2 million,
about 91 times its median worker 's $46,000 compensation.
Kellogg Co., a smaller food maker, paid its CEO an annualized
$7.3 million, or 183 times its median employee, who was
paid about $40,000:'
Along with Dodd Frank, the Security and Exchange
Commission has given shareholders the opportunity to vote
on the compensation the CEO receives; the so-called "Say on
Pay" regulation. This has given more ownership scrutiny to
top executive compensation. As such, board members can
be disciplined and even lose board seats if the compensa
tion plan receives a negative vote. Of course, as explained in
this chapter, CEO compensation is more complex than might
be deduced from media headlines. However, because of the
increased transparency, firms and boards of directors making
compensation decisions for CEOs are more sensitive to issues
associated with executive compensation. Notwithstanding
the complexities, CEO compensation continues to rise,
although not as much as in the pre-financial crisis period,
primarily due to the emphasis on long-term incentive
compensation versus cash compensation (salary and
annual bonus).
Research from the finance discipline finds that the
make-up of the pay package that most top executives receive
has been changing. Instead of an over-emphasis on stock
options, top executives have been receiving compensation
that is based on restricted stock ownership, which cannot
be realized unless they meet significant performance targets
over time. As such, research finds that managers are taking
much more measured risks now than before, with far less of
the oversized risk-taking that can result in disastrous conse
quences for a large firm.
In summary, executive compensation is a complex issue
that cannot be simply determined by the overall size of the
package. Although executive compensation has grown dra
matically, there are both legitimate and illegitimate reasons
for such huge pay packages. Each case needs to be exam
ined closely. However, the perception will certainly linger
that top management executive compensation relative to
the average worker has added to the inequality in our soci
ety. As such, care should be taken to manage this issue from
a policy point of view. Managerial human capital should be
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328 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
rewarded for its capability and the value it creates, but low
er-level workers and their human capital should also have
opportun ities to make progress.
employee, Money, www.time.com/money, March 12; A. Gande & S. Kalpathy,
2017, CEO compensation and risk-taking at financial firms: Evidence from U.S.
federal loan assistance, Journal of Corporate Finance, 47: 131-150; M. Grosse,
S. Kean, & T Scott, 2017, Shareholder say on pay and CEO compensation: Three
strikes and the board is out. Accounting & Finance, 57(3): 701-725; K. Shue &
R.R. Townsend, 2017, Growth through rigidit y: An explanation for the rise in
CEO pay, Journal of Financial Economics, 123: 1-21; H. Wang, S. Zhao, & G. Chen,
2017, Firm-specific knowledge assets and employment arrangements: Evidence
from CEO compensation design and CEO dismissal, Strategic Management
Journal, 38(9): 1875-1894; T Greckhamer, 2016, CEO compensation in relation
to worker compensation across countries: The configurational impact of
country-level institutions, Strategic Management Journal, 37(4): 793-815.
Sources: K. Bouslah, J. Linares-Zegarra, B. M'Zali, & B. Scholtens, 2018, CEO
risk-taking incentives and socially irresponsible activities, British Accounting
Review, 50: 76- 92; T Francis & V. Fuhrmans, 2018, Are you underpaid? In a first,
U.S. firms reveal how much they pay workers, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com,
March 11; T. Francis & V. Fuhrmans, 2018, Median CEO pay hit record of nearly
$12 million in 2017, juiced by markets, Wall Streetlournal, www.wsj.com,
March 21; B. Tuttle, 2018, This CEO makes 900 times more than his typical
The market for corporate control is an external governance mechanism that is active when a firm's internal governance mechanisms fail.
Commonly, target firm managers and board members are sensitive about takeover bids emanating from the market for corporate control, since being a target suggests that they have been ineffective in fulfilling their responsibilities. For top-level managers, a board's decision to accept an acquiring firm's offer ty pically finds them losing their jobs because the acquirer usually wants different people to lead the firm. At the same time, rejection of an offer also increases the risk of job loss for top-level managers because the pressure from the board and shareholders for them to improve the firm's performance becomes substantial. For example, as noted in Chapter 7, Qualcomm was able to escape the hostile takeover attempt of Broadcom. But Qualcomm shareholders now have higher expectations for improved Qualcomm performance because the stock price offered was higher under the takeover bid than after the deal was disapproved by regulators.100
As illustrated in the Opening Case, activist investors with significant funding from institutional investors are often the head of the spear when it comes to the market for corporate control. Activist firms have enough funding to challenging large firms such as DuPont, Proctor & Gamble (P&G), Nestle, General Electric, and Lowe's among others.101
In general, activist pension funds (as institutional investors and as an internal gover nance mechanism) are reactive in nature, taking actions when they conclude that a firm is underperforming. In contrast, activist hedge funds (as part of the market for corporate control) are proactive; they identify firms whose performance could be improved and then invest in them.102 For example in the Opening Case, Carl Icahn, a famous activist investor, held 6.7 percent in Newell Brands and in a settlement was allowed four board seats in addi tion to appointing a new board chair. Starboard, a hedge fund allied with Icahn, is going further and trying to oust the remaining board members and replace the CEO.103
Another possibility is suggested by research results-namely, that as a governance mechanism, investors sometimes use the market for corporate control to take an owner ship position in firms that are performing well.104 A study of active corporate raiders in the 1980s showed that takeover attempts often were focused on above-average-performance firms in an industry. 105 This work and other recent research suggest that the market for corporate control is an imperfect governance mechanism.106 Actually, mergers and acqui sitions are highly complex strategic actions with many purposes and potential outcomes. As discussed in Chapter 7, some are successful and many are not-even when they have potential to do well-because implementation challenges when integrating two diverse firms can limit their ability to realize their potential.107
In summary, the market for corporate control is a blunt instrument for corporate governance; nonetheless, this governance mechanism does have the potential to rep resent shareholders' best interests. Accordingly, top-level managers want to lead their firms in ways that make disciplining by activists outside the company unnecessary and/or inappropriate.
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
There are a number of defense tactics top-level managers can use to fend off a takeover attempt. Managers leading a target firm that is performing well are almost certain to try to thwart the takeover attempt. Even in instances when the target firm is underperforming its peers, managers might use defense tactics to protect their own interests. In general, managers' use of defense tactics is considered to be self-serving in nature.
10-4a Managerial Defense Tactics In the majority of cases, hostile takeovers are the principal means by which the market for corporate control is activated. A hostile takeover is an acquisition of a target company by an acquiring firm that is accomplished "not by coming to an agreement with the target company's management but by going directly to the company's shareholders or fighting to replace management in order to get the acquisition approved:' 108
Firms targeted for a hostile takeover may use multiple defense tactics to fend off the takeover attempt. Increased use of the market for corporate control has enhanced the sophistication and variety of managerial defense tactics that are used in takeovers.
Because the market for corporate control tends to increase risk for managers, man agerial pay may be augmented indirectly through golden parachutes (where a CEO can receive up to three years' salary if his or her firm is taken over). Golden parachutes, sim ilar to most other defense tactics, are controversial. Another takeover defense strategy is traditionally known as a "poison piU:' This strategy usually allows shareholders ( other than the acquirer) to convert "shareholders' rights" into a large number of common shares if an individual or company acquires more than a set amount of the target firm's stock (typically 10 to 20 percent). Increasing the total number of outstanding shares dilutes the potential acquirer's existing stake. This means that, to maintain or expand its ownership position, the potential acquirer must buy additional shares at premium prices, increasing the potential acquirer's costs. Some firms amend the corporate charter so board member elections are staggered, resulting in only one third of members being up for reelection each year. Research shows that this results in reduced vulnerability to hostile takeovers but also provides for better long-term investments.109 Additional takeover defense strate gies are presented in Table 10.2.
Most institutional investors oppose the use of defense tactics because such defenses are generally seen as a way to entrench top managers in their positions.110 Many institu tional investors also oppose severance packages (golden parachutes), and the opposi tion is increasing significantly in Europe as well.111 However, an advantage to severance packages is that they may encourage top-level managers to accept takeover bids with the potential to best serve shareholders' interest.112 Alternatively, research results show that using takeover defenses reduces the amount of pressure managers feel to seek short-term performance gains, resulting in them concentrating on developing strategies with a lon ger time horizon and a high probability of serving stakeholders' interests. Such firms are more likely to invest in and develop innovation; when they do so, the firm's market value increases, thereby rewarding shareholders.113
An awareness on the part of top-level managers about the existence of external investors in the form of individuals (e.g., Carl Icahn) and groups (e.g., hedge funds) often positively influences them to align their interests with those of the firm's stake holders, especially the shareholders. Moreover, when active as an external governance mechanism, the market for corporate control has brought about significant changes in many firms' strategies and, when used appropriately, has served shareholders' interests. Of course, the goal is to have the managers develop the psychological ownership of principals.114 However, such sense of ownership can be taken too far such that narcis sistic (i.e., egotistical) top executives can feel that they are personally central to the identity of the firm.115
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Table 10.2 Hostile Takeover Defense Strategies
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Success as Effects on Defense strategy a strategy shareholder wealth
Capital structure change: Dilution of the target firm's stock, making it more costly for an
acquiring firm to continue purchasing the target's shares. Employee stock option plans
(ESOPs), recapitalization, issuance of additional debt, and share buybacks are actions associ
ated with this strategy.
Corporate charter amendment: An amendment to the target firm's charter for the purpose
of staggering the elections of members to its board of directors so that all are not elected
during the same year. This change to the firm's charter prevents a potential acquirer from
installing a completely new board in a single year.
Golden parachute: A lump-sum payment of cash that is given to one or more top-level
managers when the firm is acquired in a takeover bid.
Greenmail: The repurchase of the target firm's shares of stock that were obtained by the
acquiring firm at a premium in exchange for an agreement that the acquirer will no longer
target the company for takeover.
Litigation: Lawsuits that help the target firm stall hostile takeover attempts. Antitrust charges
and inadequate disclosure are examples of the grounds on which the target firm could file.
Poison pill: An action the target firm takes to make its stock less attractive to a potential
Standstill agreement: A contract between the target firm and the potential acquirer speci
fying that the acquirer will not purchase additional shares of the target firm for a specified
period of time in exchange for a fee paid by the target firm.
Very low
Negative to
Sources: Y. Amihud & S. Stoyanov, 2017, Do staggered boards harm shareholders? Journal of Financial Economics, 123: 432-439; S. Bhojraj, P. Sengupta, & S. Zhang, 2017,
Takeover defenses: Entrenchment and efficiency, Journal of Accounting & Economics, 63: 142-160; A. Cohen & C. C. Wang, 2017, Reexamining staggered boards and
shareholder value, Journal of Financial Economics, 125(3): 637-647; J.M. Karpoff, R. J. Schonlau, & E.W. Wehrly, 2017, Do takeover defense indices measure takeover
deterrence? Review of Financial Studies, 30(7): 2359-2412; H. Wang, S. Zhao, & J. He, 2016, Increase in takeover protection and firm knowledge accumulation strategy,
Strategic Management Journal, 37(12): 2393-2412; L. Guo, P. Lach, & S. Mobbs, 2015, Tradeoffs between internal and external governance: Evidence from exogenous
regulatory shocks. Financial Management, 44: 81-114; H. Sapra, A. Subramanian, & K. V. Subramanian, 2014, Corporate governance and innovation: Theory and evidence,
Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, 49: 957-1003; M. Straska & G. Waller, 2014, Antitakeover provisions and shareholder wealth: A survey of the literature, Journal
of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, 49: 1-32; R. Campbell, C. Ghosh, M. Petrova, & C. F. Sirmans, 2011, Corporate governance and performance in the market for corporate
control: The case ofREITS, Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics, 42: 451-480; M. Ryngaert & R. Scholten, 2010, Have changing takeover defense rules and strategies
entrenched management and damaged shareholders? The case of defeated takeover bids, Journal of Corporate Finance, 16: 16-37; N. Ruiz-Mallorqui & D. J. Santana-Martin,
2009, Ultimate institutional owner and takeover defenses in the controlling versus minority shareholders context, Corporate Governance: An International Review,
17: 238-254; J. A. Pearce II & R. B. Robinson, Jr., 2004, Hostile takeover defenses that maximize shareholder wealth, Business Horizons, 47(5): 15-24.
10-5 International Corporate Governance Corporate governance is an increasingly important issue in economies around the world, including emerging economies. Globalization in trade, investments, and equity markets increases the potential value of firms throughout the world using similar mechanisms to govern corporate activities. Moreover, because of globalization, major companies want to attract foreign investment. For this to happen, foreign investors must be confident that adequate corporate governance mechanisms are in place to protect their investments.
Although globalization is stimulating an increase in the intensity of efforts to improve corporate governance and potentially to reduce the variation in regions' and nations' governance systems,116 the reality remains that different nations do have different gover nance systems in place. Recognizing and understanding differences in various countries' governance systems, as well as changes taking place within those systems, improves the likelihood a firm will be able to compete successfully in the international markets it chooses to enter. Next, to highlight the general issues of differences and changes taking
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
place in governance systems, we discuss corporate governance practices in two developed economies (Germany and Japan) and in the emerging economy of China.
10-Sa Corporate Governance in Germany and Japan In many private German firms, the owner and manager may be the same individual. In these instances, agency problems are not as prevalent.117 Even in publicly traded German corporations, a single shareholder is often dominant, although this is changing. Thus, the concentration of ownership is an important means of corporate governance in Germany, as it is in the United States.118
Historically, banks occupied the center of the German corporate governance system. This is the case in other European countries as well, such as Italy and France. As lenders, banks become major shareholders when companies they financed seek funding on the stock market or default on loans. This is not the case in the United States because of the Glass Stiegel Act banning bank ownership of common stocks. Although the stakes are usu ally less than 10 percent, banks can hold a single ownership position up to, but not exceed ing 15 percent of the bank's capital. Although shareholders can tell banks how to vote their ownership position, they generally do not do so. The banks monitor and control managers, both as lenders and as shareholders, by electing representatives to supervisory boards.
German firms with more than 2,000 employees are required to have a two-tiered board structure that places the responsibility for monitoring and controlling managerial (or supervisory) decisions and actions in the hands of a separate group.119 All the func tions of strategy and management are the responsibility of the management board (the Vorstand); however, appointment to the Vorstand is the responsibility of the supervisory tier (the Aufsichtsrat). Employees, union members, and shareholders appoint members to the Aufsichtsrat. Proponents of the German structure suggest that it helps prevent corpo rate wrongdoing and rash decisions by "dictatorial CEOs:' However, critics maintain that it slows decision making and often ties a CEO's hands. The corporate governance practices in Germany make it difficult to restructure companies as quickly as can be done in the United States. Because of the role of local government ( through the board structure) and the power of banks in Germany's corporate governance structure, private shareholders rarely have major ownership positions in German firms. Additionally, there is a significant amount of cross-shareholdings among firms, which makes takeovers more difficult.120 However, large institutional investors, such as pension funds (outside of banks and insurance companies), are also relatively insignificant owners of corporate stock. Thus, at least historically, German executives generally have not been dedicated to maximizing shareholder wealth to the degree that is the case for top-level managers in the United States and United Kingdom.121
However, corporate governance practices used in Germany have been changing in recent years. A manifestation of these changes is that a number of German firms are grav itating toward U.S. governance mechanisms. Recent research suggests that the traditional system in Germany produced some agency costs because of a lack of external ownership power. Interestingly, German firms with listings on U.S. stock exchanges have increas ingly adopted executive stock option compensation as a long-term incentive pay policy.122
The concepts of obligation, family, and consensus affect attitudes toward corporate governance in Japan. As part of a company family, individuals are members of a unit that envelops their lives; families command the attention and allegiance of parties through out corporations. In addition, Japanese firms are concerned with a broader set of stake holders than are firms in the United States, including employees, suppliers, and cus tomers.123 Moreover, a keiretsu (a group of firms tied together by cross-shareholdings) is more than an economic concept-it, too, is a family. Some believe, though, that extensive cross-shareholdings impede the type of structural change that is needed to improve the nation's corporate governance practices. However, recent changes in the governance code
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332 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
in Japan have been fostering better opportunities from improved corporate governance.124
Consensus, another important influence in Japanese corporate governance, calls for the expenditure of significant amounts of energy to win the hearts and minds of people whenever possible, as opposed to top-level managers issuing edicts. Consensus is highly valued, even when it results in a slow and cumbersome decision-making process.
As in Germany, banks in Japan have an important role in financing and monitoring large public firms. Because the main bank in the keiretsu owns a large share position and holds a large amount of corporate debt, it has the closest relationship with a firm's top-level managers. The main bank provides financial advice to the firm and also closely monitors managers, although they have become less salient in fostering corporate restructuring.125
Thus, although it is changing, Japan has traditionally had a bank-based financial and corporate governance structure, whereas the United States has a market-based financial and governance structure. Commercial banks in the United States by regulation are not allowed to own shares of publicly traded firms.
Japan's corporate governance practices have been changing in recent years. For exam ple, because of Japanese banks' continuing development as economic organizations, their role in the monitoring and control of managerial behavior and firm outcomes is less sig nificant than in the past. 126 Also, deregulation in the financial sector has reduced the cost of mounting hostile takeovers, although the activity has not been too salient.127 As such, deregulation facilitated additional activity in Japan's market for corporate control, which was nonexistent in past years. And there are pressures for more changes because of weak performance by many Japanese companies. In fact, the Tokyo Electric Power Company faced significant criticism about its corporate governance practices after the meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant following the earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Most Japanese firms have boards that are largely composed of internal management, so they reflect the upper echelon of management. However, independent, nonexecutive board members are increasingly important in Japanese firms because they have adopted a new corporate governance code.128 Also, long-term executive compensation (e.g., stock options) is increasingly important to foster improved performance.129
10-Sb Corporate Governance in China
China has a unique and large economy, mixed with both socialist and market-oriented traits. Over time, the government has done much to improve the corporate governance of listed companies, particularly in light of the increasing privatization of businesses and the development of equity markets. However, the stock markets in China remain young and are continuing to develop. In their early years, these markets were weak because of significant insider trading, but with stronger governance these markets have improvedY0
There has been a gradual decline in China in the equity held in state-owned enterprises while the number and percentage of private firms has grown, but the state still relies on direct and/ or indirect controls to influence the strategies firms use. Even private firms try to develop political ties with the government because of their role in providing access to resources and to the economy. 131 In terms of long-term success, these conditions may affect firms' performance. Research shows that firms with higher state ownership tend to have lower market value and more volatility across time, because of agency conflicts within the firms and because exec utives must, at times, emphasize satisfying government-mandated social goals above maxi mizing shareholder returns.132 Such a model sets up potential conflict between the principals, particularly the state owner and the private equity owners of such enterprises.133
Some evidence suggests that corporate governance in China may be tilting toward the western model. Changing a nation's governance systems is a complicated task that will inevitably encounter setbacks. Still, corporate governance in Chinese companies continues to evolve and likely will do so for some time to come as parties ( e.g., the Chinese government
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
and those seeking further movement toward free-market economies) interact to form gov ernance mechanisms that are best for their nation, business firms, and citizens. However, along with changes in the governance systems of specific countries, multinational companies' boards and managers are also evolving. For example, firms that have entered more interna tional markets are likely to have more top executives with greater international experience and to have a larger proportion of foreign owners and foreign directors on their boards.134
10-6 Governance Mechanisms
and Ethical Behavior
The three internal and one external governance mechanisms are designed to ensure that the agents of the firm's owners-the corporation's top-level managers-make strategic decisions that best serve the interests of all stakeholders. In the United States, shareholders are commonly recognized as the company's most significant stakeholders. Increasingly though, top-level managers are expected to lead their firms in ways that will also serve the needs of product market stakeholders (e.g., customers, suppliers, and host communities) and organizational stakeholders (e.g., managerial and non-managerial employees).135
Therefore, the firm's actions and the outcomes flowing from them should result in, at least, minimal satisfaction of the interests of all stakeholders; otherwise a firm risks seeing its dissatisfied stakeholders withdraw their support from the firm and provide it to another (e.g., customers will purchase products from a supplier offering an acceptable substitute).
Some believe that the internal corporate governance mechanisms designed and used by ethically responsible leaders and companies increase the likelihood the firm will be able to, at least, minimally satisfy all stakeholders' interests.136 Scandals at companies such as Enron, WorldCom, HealthSouth, Volkswagen, and Satyam (a large information technology com pany based in India), among others, illustrate the negative effects of poor ethical behavior on a firm's efforts to satisfy stakeholders. Stakeholder governance of ethical behavior by top-level managers is being taken seriously in countries throughout the world.137
The decisions and actions of the board of directors can be an effective deterrent to unethical behaviors by top-level managers. Indeed, evidence suggests that the most effec tive boards set boundaries for their firms' business ethics and values.138 After the bound aries for ethical behavior are determined, and likely formalized in a code of ethics, the board's ethics-based expectations must be clearly communicated to the firm's top-level managers and to other stakeholders (e.g., customers and suppliers) with whom interac tions are necessary for the firm to produce and sell its products. Moreover, as agents of the firm's owners, top-level managers must understand that the board, acting as an internal governance mechanism, will hold them fully accountable for developing and supporting an organizational culture in which only ethical behaviors are permitted. As explained in Chapter 12, CEOs can be positive role models for improved ethical behavior.139
A major issue confronted by multinational companies operating in international mar kets is that of bribery.140 As a whole, countries with weak institutions that have greater bribery activity tend to have fewer exports as a result. In addition, small- and medium-sized firms are the most harmed by bribery. Thus, bribery tends to limit entrepreneurial activity that can help a country's economy grow. W hile larger multinational firms tend to experi ence fewer negative outcomes, their power to exercise more ethical leadership allows them greater flexibility in selecting which markets they will enter and how they will do so.141
Through effective governance that results from well-designed governance mecha nisms and the appropriate country institutions, top-level managers, working with others, are able to select and use strategies that result in strategic competitiveness and earning above-average returns. Such governance also provides long-term shareholder wealth and improved stakeholder cooperation.
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Corporate governance is a relationship among stakeholders
that is used to determine a firm's direction and control its
performance. How firms monitor and control top-level man
agers' decisions and actions affects the implementation of
strategies. Effective governance that aligns managers' deci
sions with shareholders' interests can help produce a compet
itive advantage for the firm.
Three internal governance mechanisms are used in the mod
ern corporation:
ownership concentration
the board of directors
executive compensation
The market for corporate control is an external governance
mechanism influencing managers' decisions and the outcomes
resulting from them.
Ownership is separated from control in the modern corpora
tion. Owners (principals) hire managers (agents) to make deci
sions that maximize the firm's value. As risk-bearing specialists,
owners diversify their risk by investing in multiple corporations
with different risk profiles. Owners expect their agents (the
firm's top-level managers, who are decision-making special
ists) to make decisions that will help to maximize the value of
their firm. Thus, modern corporations are characterized by an
agency relationship that is created when one party (the firm's
owners) hires and pays another party (top-level managers) to
use its decision-making skills.
Separation of ownership and control creates an agency prob
lem when an agent pursues goals that conflict with the prin
cipals' goals. Principals establish and use governance mecha
nisms to control this problem.
Ownership concentration is based on the number of large
block shareholders and the percentage of shares they own.
With significant ownership percentages, such as those held
by large mutual funds and pension funds, institutional inves
tors often are able to influence top-level managers' strategic
decisions and actions. Thus, unlike diffuse ownership, which
tends to result in relatively weak monitoring and control of
managerial decisions, concentrated ownership produces
more active and effective monitoring. Institutional investors
are a powerful force in corporate America and actively use
their positions of concentrated ownership to force managers
and boards of directors to make decisions that best serve
shareholders' interests.
In the United States and the United Kingdom, a firm's board
of directors, composed of insiders, related outsiders, and
outsiders, is a governance mechanism expected to represent
shareholders' interests. The percentage of outside directors
on many boards now exceeds the percentage of inside
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
directors. Through implementation of the SOX Act, outsiders
are expected to be more independent of a firm's top-level
managers compared with directors selected from inside the
firm. Relatively recent rules formulated and implemented by
the SEC to allow owners with large stakes to propose new
directors are beginning to change the balance even more in
favor of outside and independent directors. Additional gov
ernance-related regulations have resulted from the Dodd
Frank Act.
Executive compensation is a highly visible and often
criticized governance mechanism. Salary, bonuses, and
long-term incentives are used for the purpose of aligning
managers' and shareholders' interests. A firm's board of
directors is responsible for determining the effectiveness of
the firm's executive compensation system. An effective sys
tem results in managerial decisions that are in shareholders'
best interests.
In general, evidence suggests that shareholders and boards of
directors have become more vigilant in controlling managerial
decisions. Nonetheless, these mechanisms are imperfect and
sometimes insufficient. When the internal mechanisms fail,
the market for corporate control-as an external governance
mechanism-becomes relevant. Although it, too, is imperfect,
the market for corporate control has been effective in improv
ing corporations' diversification portfolios and implementing
more effective strategic decisions.
Corporate governance structures used in Germany, Japan,
and China differ from each other and from the structure used
in the United States. Historically, the U.S. governance struc
ture focused on maximizing shareholder value. In Germany,
employees, as a stakeholder group, take a more prominent
role in governance. By contrast, until recently, Japanese share
holders played virtually no role in monitoring and controlling
top-level managers. However, Japanese firms are now being
challenged by "activist" shareholders. In China, the central
government still plays a major role in corporate governance
practices. Internationally, all these systems are becoming
increasingly similar, as are many governance systems both in
developed countries, such as France and Spain, and in transi
tional economies, such as China.
Effective governance mechanisms ensure that the
interests of all stakeholders are served. Thus, strategic
competitiveness results when firms are governed in ways
that permit at least minimal satisfaction of capital market
stakeholders (e.g., shareholders), product market stake
holders (e.g., customers and suppliers), and organiza
tional stakeholders (e.g., managerial and non-managerial
employees; see Chapter 2). Moreover, effective governance
produces ethical behavior in the formulation and imple
mentation of strategies.
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
agency costs 319
agency relationship 315
board of directors 322
corporate governance 312
executive compensation 325
1. What is corporate governance? What factors account for the
considerable amount of attention corporate governance
receives from several parties, including shareholder activists,
business press writers, and academic scholars? Why is gover
nance necessary to control managers' decisions?
2. What is meant by the statement that ownership is separated
from managerial control in the corporation? Why does this
separation exist?
3. What is an agency relationship? What is managerial opportun
ism? What assumptions do owners of corporations make about
managers as agents?
4. How is each of the three internal governance mechanisms
ownership concentration, boards of directors, and executive
institutional owners 321
large-block shareholders 320
managerial opportunism 315
market for corporate control 328
ownership concentration 320
compensation-used to align the interests of managerial
agents with those of the firm's owners?
S. What trends exist regarding executive compensation? What is
the effect of the increased use of long-term incentives on top
level managers' strategic decisions?
6. What is the market for corporate control? What conditions gen
erally cause this external governance mechanism to become
active? How does this mechanism constrain top-level manag
ers' decisions and actions?
7. What is the nature of corporate governance in Germany, Japan,
and China?
8. How can corporate governance foster ethical decisions and
behaviors on the part of managers as agents?
Governance and Activist Investors Outside of the United States
Governance in Japan, Germany, and China has been changing as "western" governance systems have increas ingly been adopted. Traditionally, boards of directors in these nations have largely been composed of insider manager directors. In 2015, Japan adopted a new gov ernance code that strongly emphasized the importance of firms to elect many more independent outside direc tors. Activist shareholders and a strong market for cor porate control have traditionally been absent in Japan. More recently, shareholders have been more active and the most successful ones have been labelled "engage ment'' funds. The change is signaled, for example, by the Japanese Government Pension Investment Fund choosing an activist investor, the Taiyo Pacific Partners LP-a U.S. based engagement fund-to manage some
of its $1 trillion in assets. Furthermore, the Japanese Financial Services Agency has introduced a "steward ship code" that calls on investors to "press for greater returns:' As such, the Japanese environment is becoming more oriented toward "shareholder rights;' although the approach comparatively is not as "activist" as found else where in the world.
Besides a new brand of activism in Japan, activism is spreading around the globe including Germany. Again, a revised governance code pushed for more sharehold er-friendly governance arrangements, including an emphasis on outside directors and stronger emphasis on executive long-term incentive compensation. With stronger emphasis on shareholders' rights, activist funds pursued more activity. Cevian Capital, an activist fund, is
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involved in ownership with ThyssenKrupp and Bilfinder. Likewise, Elliott Management, another activist fund, is involved with Celesio and Kabel Deutschland. Although management teams are quite suspicious of activists in Germany and other continental European countries, "Germany is an area where activists may look because of its protections for minority investors in takeover deals:' However, research shows that activist investors have less influence on top management teams because of restrictive governance regulation. For example, one study found that activist investors' involvement did not lead to increased CEO turnover.
Although some activism has taken place in mainland China, firms in Hong Kong have been targeted more by activist funds. Hong Kong-listed companies have been loosening rules for foreign ownership and, therefore, companies have been paying more attention to what investors think in regard to governance and transpar ency. In mainland China, however, often shares are mostly owned by parent business group firms as well as the government or, because they are often younger, they are still owned by the firm's founders. As such, there is less potential influence for foreign investors on company decisions. However, the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program has accelerated opportunities for activists on the mainland. Through the Connect program, foreign financial institutions can have direct access to mainland China's capital markets. This means that foreign ownership will have more activist influence because of shareholder voting rights in local mainland China-listed firms. Also, many home-grown Chinese activist funds thrived due to their recent investments in the technology sector with the success of Alibaba, Tencent, and many other high technology firms.
But how do owners from emerging market countries and countries with significant government ownership influence the firms they invest in overseas? Interestingly, sovereign wealth funds, many from emerging economies, are playing a dominant role by investing in developed economies as well as other emerging economies. In their own way, they are playing an activist role. For example, since the global financial crisis, many German firms have sought investment from sovereign wealth firms from Gulf States in the Mideast. In particular, many German major automobile firms have recruited Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC) sovereign wealth fund investments during the stresses of financial restructuring spurred by the financial crisis. These sovereign wealth funds are long term investors and reduce the possibility of a hostile take over, which has become a more prominent feature in the German corporate governance landscape.
Part 3: Strategic Act ions: Strategy Implementation
Sovereign wealth funds are also taking active roles in climate change. For instance, the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund is divesting its assets in coal and other fossil fuels. Its strategy is to focus its wealth to have an influence on salient sustainability issues, such as climate change.
Another example is the acquisition activity of Brazilian multinationals, which have been supported by its sovereign wealth fund, the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). BNDES has been "involved in several large-scale operations and helped orchestrate mergers and acquisitions to build large 'national champions' in several industries:' For example, "BNDES helped res cue Brazilian meatpacker JBS-Friboi, which aggressively expanded internationally by acquiring large U.S. produc ers Swift and Pilgrim's Pride, among others. In summary, western governance devices and shareholder activism have been spreading globally, and owners in emerging economies are participating in the market for corpo rate control and in restructuring investments, especially sovereign wealth funds that also exercise influence in developed as well as developing countries. These funds often focus to support government strategies, such as in China's energy sector, where the Chinese government is seeking to acquire more energy assets and natural resources to support its economy. Sometimes these sov ereign funds also support government positions, such as Norway, which is using assets to emphasize sustainabil ity, an important social and political movement.
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Chapter 10: Corporate Governance 337
Case Discussion Questions
1. Why are many countries adopting "western" governance
systems similar to those found in the United States and the
United Kingdom that are more shareholder friendly?
3. How do sovereign wealth funds affect governance of firms in
home and foreign countries?
2. What particular governance devices are helping or hindering
good governance in these countries that are changing their
governance systems?
4. What would you recommend to improve the governance
systems in Japan, Germany, and China, respectively, given the
governance devices described in Chapter 10?
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Acquirer internal control weaknesses in the Staggered boards and long-term firm value, level and firm-level effects, Family Business
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342 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Review, 30: 347-368; M. P. Leitterstorf & seeks to lure investors with improved A study of corporate takeovers in China,
S. B. Rau, 2014, Socioemotional wealth and corporate governance, Waif Street Journal, Strategic Management Jaurnal, 34: 498-508;
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committees and earnings management - 47: 81-90. corporate governance where the state
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system, Schmalenbach Business Review 2017, Returns to hedge fund activism: An from China, European Journal of Finance,
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& E. Hernandez, 2014, Whose experience Studies, 30: 2933-2971; K. Harrigan, 2014, 135. S. Dorobantu & K. Odziemkowska, 2017,
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of experiential and vicarious learning and exit decisions between US and rights, community mobilization, and firm
on emerging market entry, Strategic Japanese firms, Journal of Management & value, Strategic Management Journal, 38:
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investments in public equity, Journal of Harvard Business School Cases, January 1. performance, Strategic Management
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& E. J. Zajac, 2004, The diffusion of ideas Review of Quantitative Finance & Accounting, to a stakeholder-oriented corporate
over contested terrain: The (non)adoption 48: 789-818; R. Morck & B. Yeung, 2014, governance model, European Journal of
of a shareholder value orientation among Corporate governance in China, Journal of Business & Economics, 12: 1-8; A. Soleimani,
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1 1
Studying this chapter should provide
you with the strategic management knowledge needed to:
11 1 Define organizational structure and controls and discuss the difference between strategic and financial controls.
11-2 Describe the relationship between strategy and structure.
11-3 Discuss the different functional structures used to implement business-level strategies.
Explain the use of three versions of the multidivisional (M-form) structure to implement different diversification strategies.
Discuss the organizational structures used to implement three international strategies.
Define strategic networks and discuss how strategic center firms implement such networks at the business, corporate, and international levels.
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McDonald's is a huge fast food restaurant chain-several times larger than Burger King and
Wendy's, its closest competitors. In addition to the United States and Canada, McDonald's is
present in over 100 countries worldwide. However, Steve Easterbrook, current CEO, appointed
in 201 S, has been working to adjust the firm's strategy and structure. As outlined in the Open
ing Case in Chapter 2, the external and competitive environments of McDonald's are turbulent.
Its established competitors are fierce and others are entering the market; for example, Interna
tional House of Pancakes (IHOP) placed an advertisement suggesting it may change its name
to IHOb, International House of Burgers, signalling that it is now competing with McDonald's
and others. This is probably due to McDonald's and others offering its breakfast menu items
anytime during the day.
Chapter 4 also indicates that
McDonald's is pursuing the
low-cost strategy to deal with
its competitive environment.
To improve its performance,
McDonald's needs structures
and controls that match the
strategy it is seeking to im
plement. At the same time,
McDonald's is largely financed
by franchisees who purchase a
franchise contract to manage
one or many locations world
wide. Franchising is an alliance
strategy outlined in Chapter 9.
The effectiveness of this alliance
strategy is dependent on how
well the franchisor can repli
cate its success across multiple
partners in a cost-effective way.
This is especially important to the
Steve Easterbrook, CEO of McDonald's, poses with Ronald
low-cost strategy McDonald's employs, where it is desirable for customers to have a similar
experience at any of its locations.
The firm is reducing the number of layers between the CEO and the franchisee from eight
to six, especially in the regional structure. There will be a number of unspecified layoffs to
reduce costly bureaucracy. The remaining regional and corporate staff will "spend more time
helping operators figure out ways to boost restaurant profitability rather than just grading
restaurants on such things as cleanliness, customer service and order accuracy:' As noted
above, the focus of the controls has largely been on enforcing replicability across franchisees.
The company is now fine-tuning its corporate controls to focus on supply chain and process
innovation at the franchisee level, giving more support to franchisees rather than penalizing
them for not meeting exact specifications.
For example, "McDonald's assembled a panel of sensory experts consisting of suppliers,
chefs and employees to compare rivals' burgers against theirs. They discovered that McDonald's
burgers just weren't hot and fresh enough:' So, they adjusted " the supply chain and distribution
system to handle fresh-rather than frozen-hamburger patties:' "McDonald's also altered its
grilling methods, began toasting its buns longer and changed its preparation procedures so
that burgers would be cooked upon request rather than held in warming cabinets:'
For a number of years, McDonald's was structured around geographic segments including
the United States, Europe, Asia/Pacific, Middle East, and Africa (APMEA). Easterbrook wants to
strip away the bureaucracy at McDonald's so the firm can anticipate trends as a foundation
for moving nimbly, and fully understand and appropriately respond to customers' interests.
Additionally, Easterbrook specified that the new structure should be built on "commercial
logic" rather than simply geography.
McDonald's has implemented this new organizational structure as part of its effort to
increase revenues and profitability and improving its stock value. Corporate officials are
confident the new structure will enable individual segments to identify and successfully
address what are common needs of their markets and customers, and that those operating
units within each segment will have the flexibility they need to innovate in ways that will
create value for customers and, in turn, for the entire corporation.
As the new structure and controls reduce costs and increase effectiveness, McDonald's
is using some of these cost savings to implement a digital transition to online ordering and
in-store kiosks. Thus, not only are the structure and control more simplified and effective, but
technology is speeding and improving the customer experience.
Sources: H. Detrick, 2018, McDonald's new Chicago headquarters is officially open. Why it moved back to the city after 47 years, Fortune, www.fortune.com, June 5; L. Grossman, 2018, Wendy's got all savage on McDonald's with the perfect meme, Time, www.time.com, May 9; J. Jargon, J. 2018, McDonald's shares details of restructuring plan in new memo, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, June 12; L. Patton, 2018. McDonald's high-tech makeover is stressing workers out, Bloomberg, www.bloomberg.com, March 13; B. Peters, 2018, McDonald's plans more corporate job cuts amid tech push: Report, Investors Business Daily. www.investor.com, June 7; J. Sperling, 2018, McDonald's plans to eliminate a number of corporate jobs as part of reorganization plan, Fortune, www.fortune.com, June 7; C. Choi, 2015, McDonald's to simplify structure, focus on customers, Spokesman, www.spokesman.com, May 5; R. Neale, 2015, McDonald's plans huge shakeup as CEO admits: 'Our performance has been poor; The Guardian, www.theguardian.com, May 4.
A s we explained in Chapter 4, all firms use one or more business-level strategies. McDonald's uses the low-cost leadership strategy for its fast food business. In
Chapters 6 through 9, we discussed other strategies that firms may choose to use (corporate-level, merger and acquisition, international, and cooperative), depending on the decisions made by those leading individual organizations. After being selected, strategies must be implemented effectively for organizations to achieve intended outcomes.
Organizational structure and controls, this chapter's topic, provide the framework within which strategies are implemented and used in both for-profit organizations and not-for-profit agencies.1 However, as we explain, separate structures and controls are required to successfully implement different strategies. In all organizations, top-level managers have the final responsibility for ensuring that the firm has matched each of its strategies with the appropriate organizational structure and that both change when necessary. The match or degree of fit between strategy and structure influences the firm's attempts to earn above-average returns.2 Thus, the ability to select an appropriate strategy and match it with the appropriate structure is an important characteristic of effective strategic leadership.3
This chapter opens with an introduction to organizational structure and controls. We then provide more details about the need for the firm's strategy and structure to be properly matched. The influence of strategy and structure on each other affects firms' efforts to match individual strategies with their appropriate structure.4 As we discuss, strategy has a more important influence on structure, although once in place, structure influences strategy.5 Next, we describe the relationship between growth and structural change successful firms experience. We then discuss the different organizational struc tures firms use to implement separate business-level, corporate-level, international, and cooperative strategies. We present a series of figures to highlight the different struc tures firms match with different strategies. Across time and based on their experiences, organizations, especially large and complex ones, customize these general structures to meet their unique needs.6 Ty pically, firms try to form a structure that is complex enough to facilitate implementation of their strategies but simple enough for all parties to understand and use.7
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
11-1 Organizational Structure and Controls Research shows that organizational structure and the controls that are a part of the struc ture affect firm performance.8 In particular, evidence suggests that performance declines when the firm's strategy is not matched with the most appropriate structure and controls.9
Even though mismatches between strategy and structure do occur, research indicates that managers try to act rationally when forming or changing their firm's structure.10
In Chapter 2's Opening Case, we talked about problems McDonald's is encounter ing when trying to cope effectively with changes that are taking place in the external environment. As we noted then, the firm is changing to better meet the competition. Additionally though and more broadly, as explained in the Opening Case, changes are being made to the organizational structure at McDonald's with the expectation that doing so will lead to enhanced firm performance. Defined comprehensively below, organizational structure essentially specifies the functions that must be completed so the firm can implement its strategy.
The leadership at McDonald's, including CEO Steve Easterbrook, believe that changes being made to the firm's structure will increase its efficiency ( that is, its daily operations will improve) and its effectiveness (that is, it will better serve customers' needs). In the Opening Case, we discuss changes that have been made to the company's organizational structure, controls, and processes.
11-1 a Organizational Structure
Organizational structure specifies the firm's formal reporting relationships, procedures, controls, and authority and decision-making processes.11 A firm's structure determines and specifies the decisions that are to be made and the work that is to be completed by everyone within an organization as a result of those decisions.'2 Organizational routines serve as processes that are used to complete the work required by individual strategies.13
Developing an organizational structure that effectively supports the firm's strategy is difficult, especially because of the uncertainty ( or unpredictable variation) about cause-effect relationships in the global economy's rapidly changing competitive envi ronments.I4 When a structure's elements (e.g., reporting relationships, procedures, etc.) are properly aligned with one another, the structure increases the likelihood that the firm will operate in ways that allow it to better understand the challenging cause/effect relationships it encounters when competing against its rivals. Thus, helping the firm effectively cope with environmental uncertainty is an important contribution organi zational structure makes to a firm as it seeks to successfully implement its strategy or strategies as a means of outperforming competitors_ Is
Appropriately designed organizational structures provide the stability a firm needs to successfully implement its strategies and maintain its current competitive advantages while simultaneously providing the flexibility to develop advantages it will need in the future. I6 More specifically, structural stability provides the capacity the firm requires to consistently and predictably manage its daily work routines,I7 while structural flexibility makes it possible for the firm to identify opportunities and then allocate resources to pursue them as a way of being prepared to succeed in the future.Is Thus, an effectively flexible organizational structure allows the firm to exploit current competitive advantages while developing new advantages that can be used in the future. Alternatively, an inef fective structure that is inflexible may drive productive employees away because of frus tration and an inability to create value while completing their work. I9 Losing productive employees can result in a loss of knowledge within a firm. This is an especially damaging outcome when a departing employee, who may accept employment with a competitor, possesses a significant amount of tacit knowledge.
Organizational structure
specifies the firm's formal
reporting relationships,
procedures, controls, and
authority and decision making processes.
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348 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Modifications to the firm's current strategy or selection of a new strategy call for changes to its organizational structure. However, research shows that once in place, organizational inertia often inhibits efforts to change structure, even when the firm's performance suggests that it is time to do so.20 In his pioneering work, Alfred Chandler found that organizations change their structures when inefficiencies force them to do so.21 Chandler's contributions to our understanding of orga nizational structure and its relationship to strategies and per formance are significant. Indeed, some believe that Chandler's emphasis on "organizational structure so transformed the field of business history that some call the period before Chandler's work was published 'B.C.; meaning'before Chandld"22
Firms seem to prefer the structural status quo and its famil iar working relationships until their performance declines to the point where change is absolutely necessary.23 Moreover, top-level managers often hesitate to conclude that the firm's structure or its strategy is the problem because doing so sug gests that their previous choices were not the best ones.24
Because of these inertial tendencies, structural change is often induced instead by actions from stakeholders (e.g., those from the capital market and customers) who are no longer willing to tolerate the firm's performance. For example, department
i store operators JCPenney and Sears have been unable to make
Pictured here is Alfred Chandler, a scholar whose a strong transition to online sales while other outlets such as Kohl's and Macy's have done better. 25 Evidence shows that appropriate timing of structural change happens when top-level work enhanced our understanding of organiza-
tional structure and strategy.
Organizational controls
guide the use of strategy,
indicate how to compare
actual results with expected
results, and suggest corrective
actions to take when the
difference is unacceptable.
Strategic controls are
largely subjective criteria
intended to verify that the
firm is using appropriate
strategies for the conditions
in the external environment
and the company's
competitive advantages.
managers recognize that a current organizational structure no longer provides the coordination and direction needed for
the firm to successfully implement its strategies.26 Interestingly, many organizational changes take place in economic downturns because poor performance reveals organi zational weaknesses. As we discuss next, effective organizational controls help managers recognize when it is time to adjust the firm's structure.
11-1 b Organizational Controls
Organizational controls are an important aspect of structure.27 Organizational controls guide the use of strategy, indicate how to compare actual results with expected results, and suggest corrective actions to take when the difference is unacceptable. It is difficult for a firm to successfully exploit its competitive advantages without effective organiza tional controls. Properly designed organizational controls provide clear insights regarding behaviors that enhance firm performance.28 Firms use both strategic controls and finan cial controls to support implementation of their strategies.
Strategic controls are largely subjective criteria intended to verify that the firm is using appropriate strategies for the conditions in the external environment and the com pany 's competitive advantages. Thus, strategic controls are concerned with examining the fit between what the firm might do (as suggested by opportunities in its external envi ronment) and what it can do (as indicated by its internal organization in the form of its resources, capabilities, and core competencies). Effective strategic controls help the firm understand what it takes to be successful, especially where significant strategic change is needed.29 Strategic controls demand rich communications between managers responsible for using them to judge the firm's performance and those with primary responsibility for
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
implementing the firm's strategies (such as middle- and first-level managers). These fre quent exchanges between managers are both formal and informal in nature.Jo
Strategic controls are also used to evaluate the degree to which the firm focuses on the requirements to implement its strategies. For a business-level strategy, for exam ple, strategic controls are used to study value chain activities and support functions (see Figures 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5, in Chapter 3) to verify that the critical activities and functions are being emphasized and properly executed. When implementing related diversifica tion strategies at the corporate level, strategic controls are used to verify the sharing of activities (in the case of the related-constrained strategy) or the transferring of core competencies (in the case of the related-linked strategy) across businesses. To effectively use strategic controls when evaluating either of these related diversification strategies, headquarter executives must have a deep understanding of the business-level strategies being implemented within individual strategic business units.JI
Financial controls are largely objective criteria used to measure the firm's perfor mance against previously established quantitative standards. When using financial con trols, firms evaluate their current performance against previous outcomes as well as against competitors' performance and industry averages. Accounting-based measures, such as return on investment (ROI) and return on assets (ROA), as well as market-based measures, such as economic value added, are examples of financial controls. Partly because strategic controls are difficult to use with extensive diversification,32 financial controls are emphasized to evaluate the performance of the firm using the unrelated diversification strategy. The unrelated diversification strategy's focus on financial out comes (see Chapter 6) requires using standardized financial controls to compare perfor mances between business units and those responsible for leading them.33
Both strategic and financial controls are important aspects of a firm's structure; as noted previously, any structure's effectiveness is determined using a "balanced" combi nation of strategic and financial controls. But, determining the most appropriate balance to have in place between strategic and financial controls at specific points in time is challenging, partly because the relative use of controls varies by type of strategy. For example, companies and business units of large diversified firms using the cost leadership strategy emphasize financial controls (such as quantitative cost goals), while companies and business units using the differentiation strategy emphasize strategic controls (such as subjective measures of the effectiveness of product development teams).34 As previously explained, a corporation-wide emphasis on sharing among business units (as called for by related diversification strategies) results in an emphasis on strategic controls, while financial controls are emphasized for strategies in which activities or capabilities are not shared (e.g., in an unrelated diversification strategy). Those determining how strategies are to be implemented must keep these relative degrees of balance between controls by type of strategy in mind when making implementation-related decisions.
11-2 Relationships between Strategy and Structure
Strategy and structure have a reciprocal relationship, and if aligned properly, performance improves.35 This relationship highlights the interconnectedness between strategy formu lation (Chapters 4, 6-9) and strategy implementation (Chapters 10-13). In general, this reciprocal relationship finds structure flowing from or following selection of the firm's strategy. Once in place though, structure can influence current strategic actions as well as choices about future strategies. The new structure being put in place at McDonald's that we mentioned earlier has the potential to influence implementation of strategies that are,
Financial controls are
largely objective criteria
used to measure the firm's
performance against
previously established quantitative standards.
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The simple structure is
a structure in which the
owner-manager makes all
major decisions and monitors
all activities, while the staff
serves as an extension of
the manager's supervisory
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
in part, aimed to better identify and satisfy customers' changing needs.36 Overall, those involved with a firm's strategic management process should understand that the general nature of the strategy/structure relationship means that changes to the firm's strategy create the need to change how the organization completes its work.
Moreover, because structure can influence strategy by constraining the potential alternatives considered, firms must be vigilant in their efforts to verify how their struc ture not only affects implementation of chosen strategies, but also the limits the structure places on possible future strategies. Overall though, the effect of strategy on structure is stronger than is the effect of structure on strategy.
Regardless of the strength of the reciprocal relationships between strategy and struc ture, those choosing the firm's strategy and structure should be committed to matching each strategy with a structure that provides the stability needed to use current competi tive advantages as well as the flexibility required to develop future advantages. Therefore, when changing strategies, the firm should simultaneously consider the structure that will be needed to support use of the new strategy; properly matching strategy and structure can create a competitive advantage. This process can be influenced by outside forces, such as significant media attention, which may either hinder the change or foster it.37
11-3 Evolutionary Patterns of Strategy and Organizational Structure
Research suggests that most firms experience a certain pattern of relationships between strategy and structure. Chandler38 found that firms tend to grow in somewhat predictable patterns: "first by volume, then by geography, then integration (vertical, horizontal), and finally through product/business diversification"39 (see Figure 11.1). Chandler interpreted his findings as an indication that firms' growth patterns deter mine their structural form.
As shown in Figure 11.1, sales growth creates coordination and control problems the existing organizational structure cannot efficiently handle. Organizational growth creates the opportunity for the firm to change its strategy to try to become even more successful. However, the existing structure's formal reporting relationships, procedures, controls, and authority and decision-making processes lack the sophistication required to support using the new strategy,40 meaning that a new organizational structure is needed.41
Firms choose from among three major types of organizational structures-simple, functional, and multidivisional-to implement strategies. Across time, successful firms move from the simple, to the functional, to the multidivisional structure to support changes in their growth strategies.
11-3a Simple Structure
The simple structure is a structure in which the owner-manager makes all major deci sions and monitors all activities, while the staff serves as an extension of the manager's supervisory authority.42 Typically, the owner-manager actively works in the business on a daily basis. Informal relationships, few rules, limited task specialization, and unso phisticated information systems characterize this structure. Frequent and informal communications between the owner-manager and employees make coordinating the work to be completed relatively easy. The simple structure is matched with focus strat egies and business-level strategies, as firms implementing these strategies commonly compete by offering a single product line in a single geographic market. Local restau rants, repair businesses, and other specialized enterprises are examples of firms using the simple structure.
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
Figure 11.1 Strategy and Structure Growth Pattern
Simple Structure
Efficient i mplementation ted strategy of formula
Sales Growth- Coordination and Control
Functional Structure
Efficient i mplementation ted strategy of formula
Sales Growth- Coordination and Control
Multidivisional Structure
As the small firm grows larger and becomes more complex, managerial and struc tural challenges emerge. For example, the amount of competitively relevant infor mation requiring analysis substantially increases, placing significant pressure on the owner-manager. Additional growth and success may cause the firm to change its strat egy. Even if the strategy remains the same, the firm's larger size dictates the need for more sophisticated workflows and integrating mechanisms. At this evolutionary point, firms tend to move from the simple structure to a functional organizational structure.43
11-3b Functional Structure
The functional structure consists of a chief executive officer and a limited corporate staff, with functional line managers in dominant organizational areas such as produc tion, accounting, marketing, R&D, engineering, and human resources.44 This structure allows for functional specialization,45 thereby facilitating active sharing of knowledge within each functional area. Knowledge sharing facilitates career paths as well as pro-
The functional structure
consists of a chief executive
officer and a limited
corporate staff, with
functional line managers
in dominant organizational
areas such as production, accounting, marketing, R&D,
engineering, and human
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The multidivisional
(M-form) structure
consists of a corporate
office and operating
divisions, each operating
division representing a
separate business or profit
center in which the top
corporate officer delegates
responsibilities for day-to-day
operations and business-unit
strategy to division managers.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
fessional development of functional specialists. However, a functional orientation can negatively affect communication and coordination among those representing different organizational functions. For this reason, the CEO must verify that the decisions and actions of individual business functions promote the entire firm rather than a single function. The functional structure supports implementing business-level strategies and some corporate-level strategies (e.g., single or dominant business) with low levels of diversification. However, when changing from a simple to a functional structure, firms want to avoid introducing value-destroying bureaucratic procedures since such proce dures typically have the potential to damage individuals' efforts to innovate as a means of supporting strategy implementation activities.46
11-3c Multidivisional Structure
With continuing growth and success, firms often consider greater levels of diversifica tion. Successfully using a diversification strategy requires analyzing substantially greater amounts of data and information when the firm offers the same products in different markets (market or geographic diversification) or offers different products in several markets (product diversification). In addition, trying to manage high levels of diversifi cation through functional structures creates serious coordination and control problems,47
a fact that commonly leads to a new structural form.48
The multidivisional (M-form) structure consists of a corporate office and operating divisions, each operating division representing a separate business or profit center in which the top corporate officer delegates responsibilities for day-to-day operations and business-unit strategy to division managers. Each division represents a distinct, self-contained business with its own functional hierarchy.49 As initially designed, the M-form was thought to have three major benefits: "(l) it enabled corporate officers to more accurately monitor the performance of each business, which simplified the problem of control; (2) it facilitated comparisons between divisions, which improved the resource allocation process; and (3) it stimulated managers of poorly performing divisions to look for ways of improving performance:•so Active monitoring of perfor mance through the M-form increases the likelihood that decisions made by managers heading individual units will be in stakeholders' best interests. Because diversification is a dominant corporate-level strategy used in the global economy, the M-form is a widely adopted organizational structure. 51
Used to support implementation of related and unrelated diversification strategies, the M-form helps firms successfully manage diversification's many demands.52 Chandler viewed the M-form as an innovative response to coordination and control problems that surfaced during the 1920s in the functional structures then used by large firms such as DuPont and General Motors.53 Research shows that the M-form is appropriate when the firm grows through diversification.54 Partly because of its value to diversified corpora tions, some consider the multidivisional structure to be one of the twentieth century's most significant organizational innovations.55
No single organizational structure (simple, functional, or multidivisional) is inher ently superior to the others. Peter Drucker says the following about this matter:
"There is no one right organization .... Rather the task . . . is to select the organization for the particular task and mission at hand."56
This statement suggests that the firm must select a structure that is "right" for success fully using the chosen strategy. Because no single structure is optimal in all instances, managers concentrate on developing proper matches between strategies and organiza tional structures rather than searching for an "optimal" structure. We now describe the strategy/structure matches that contribute positively to firm performance.
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
11-3d Matches between Business-Level Strategies and the Functional Structure
Firms use different forms of the functional organizational structure to support imple menting the cost leadership, differentiation, and integrated cost leadership/differentia tion strategies. The differences in these forms are accounted for primarily by different uses of three important structural characteristics: specialization (concerned with the type and number of jobs required to complete work57 ), centralization (the degree to which decision-making authority is retained at higher managerial levels58), and formal ization (the degree to which formal rules and procedures govern work59).
Using the Functional Structure to Implement the Cost Leadership Strategy Firms using the cost leadership strategy sell large quantities of standardized products to an industry's typical customer. Firms using this strategy need a structure that allows them to achieve efficiencies and deliver their products at costs lower than those of com petitors.60 Simple reporting relationships, a few layers in the decision-making and author ity structure, a centralized corporate staff, and a strong focus on process improvements through the manufacturing function rather than the development of new products by emphasizing product R&D help to achieve the needed efficiencies and thus characterize the cost leadership form of the functional structure (see Figure 11.2).61 This structure contributes to the emergence of a low-cost culture-a culture in which employees con stantly try to find ways to reduce the costs incurred to complete their work.62 They can do this through the development of a product design that is simple and easy to manufacture, as well as through the development of efficient processes to produce the goods.63
Figure 11.2 Functional Structure for Implementing a Cost Leadership Strategy
Office of the President
Centralized Staff
,..... / I '- ,.....,..... / I ,..... / ,..... I ,..... /
,..... ,.....
,.....- / /
,..... ,..... /
,..... / ,..... /
v ,...- I/
Engineering Marketing Operations
Operations is the main function.
Process engineering is emphasized rather than new product R&D.
Relatively large centralized staff coordinates functions.
Formalized procedures allow for emergence of a l o w -cost culture.
Overall structure is mechanistic; job roles are highly structured.
'- '-
', '-
'- '-
'- '- '-
'- '-,
', '-
'- '-
', '-
'- '-
'- '-
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354 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
In terms of centralization, decision-making authority is centralized in a staff function to maintain a cost-reducing emphasis within each organizational function (engineering, marketing, etc.). While encouraging continuous cost reductions, the centralized staff also verifies that further cuts in costs in one function won't adversely affect the productivity levels in other functions.64
Jobs are highly specialized in the cost leadership functional structure; work is divided into homogeneous subgroups. Organizational functions are the most common subgroup, although work is sometimes batched on the basis of products delivered or clients served. Specializing in their work allows employees to increase their efficiency, resulting in reduced costs. Guiding individuals' work in this structure are highly formalized rules and procedures, which often emanate from the centralized staff.
Walmart Stores, Inc. uses the functional structure to implement cost leadership strat egies in each of its three operating segments (Walmart U.S., Sam's Clubs, and Walmart International). In the Walmart U.S. segment (which generates the largest share of the firm's total sales), the cost leadership strategy is used in the firm's Supercenter, Discount, Neighborhood Market, and digital retail formats.65 For the entire corporation, the firm says that it is committed to "bringing value to customers and communities around the world:' 66 Over the years, competitors' efforts to duplicate the success Walmart has achieved by implementing its cost leadership strategies have generally failed, partly because of the effective strategy/structure matches the firm has formed between the cost leadership strategy and the functional structure that is specific to the mandates of that strategy. Although Walmart has recently been playing catch-up in online sales to Amazon, it still maintains a strong match between its structure and strategy.67
Using the Functional Structure to Implement the Differentiation Strategy Firms using the differentiation strategy seek to deliver products that customers perceive as being different in ways that create value for them. W ith this strategy, the firm sells non standardized products to customers with unique needs. Relatively complex and flexible reporting relationships, frequent use of cross-functional product development teams, and a strong focus on marketing and product R&D rather than manufacturing and process R&D (as with the cost leadership form of the functional structure) characterize the differ entiation form of the functional structure (see Figure 11.3). From this structure emerges a development-oriented culture in which employees try to find ways to further differentiate current products and to develop new, highly differentiated products.68
Continuous product innovation demands that people throughout the firm interpret and take action based on information that is often ambiguous, incomplete, and uncertain. Following a strong focus on the external environment to identify new opportunities, employ ees often gather this information from people outside the firm (e.g., customers and suppli ers). Commonly, rapid responses to the possibilities indicated by the collected information are necessary, suggesting the need for decentralized decision-making responsibility and authority. The differentiation strategy also needs a structure through which a strong tech nological capability is developed and strategic flexibility characterizes how the firm operates while competing against rivals. A strong technological capability and strategic flexibility enhance the firm's ability to take advantage of opportunities that changes in markets create.69
To support the creativity needed and the continuous pursuit of new sources of dif ferentiation and new products, jobs in this structure are not highly specialized. This lack of specialization means that workers have a relatively large number of tasks in their job descriptions. Few formal rules and procedures also characterize this structure. Low formalization, decentralization of decision-making authority and responsibility, and low specialization of work tasks combine to create a structure in which people interact
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
Figure 11.3 Functional Structure for Implementing a Differentiation Strategy
President and Limited Staff
I I New Product
Operations Marketing R&D
Marketing is the main function for keeping track of new product ideas.
New product R&D is emphasized.
I Human
Most functions are decentralized, but R&D and marketing may have centralized staffs that work closely with each other.
Formalization is limited so that new product ideas can emerge easily and change is more readily accomplished.
Overall structure is organic; job roles are less structured.
frequently to exchange ideas about how to further differentiate current products while developing ideas for new products that can be crisply differentiated at a point in the future. These structural aspects usually lead to a flatter structure than that implemented in a comparably sized firm using the low cost strategy.
Steinway & Sons pianos uses a differentiation strategy and matching structure to achieve success in piano manufacturing and distribution. Although many piano makers evolved toward mass production methods and lower costs to find a new way of meeting customer needs, Steinway "continued to use craft based production methods to make and sell higher-priced pianos to virtuoso concert pia nists and a wealthier clientele:'70
Using the Functional Structure
I Finance
to Implement the Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy Firms using the integrated cost leadership/ differentiation strategy sell products that create value because of their relatively low cost and reasonable sources of differen tiation. The cost of these products is low "relative" to the cost leader's prices, while their differentiation is "reasonable" when compared to the clearly unique features of the differentiator's products.
Although challenging to implement, the integrated cost leadership/ differentiation
A Steinway & Sons worker manually strings the soundboard of a
Concert Grand Model D Piano.
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The cooperative form is an M-form structure in which horizontal integration is used to bring about interdivisional cooperation.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
strategy is used frequently in the global economy. The challenge of using this strategy is due largely to the fact that different value chain and support activities (see Chapter 3) are empha sized when using the cost leadership and differentiation strategies. To achieve the cost lead ership position, production and process engineering need to be emphasized, with infrequent product changes. To achieve a differentiated position, marketing and new product R&D need to be emphasized while production and process engineering are not. Thus, effective use of the integrated strategy depends on the firm's successful combination of activities intended to reduce costs with activities intended to create differentiated features for a product. As a result, the integrated form of the functional structure must have decision-making patterns that are partially centralized and partially decentralized. Additionally, jobs are semispecialized, and rules and procedures call for some formal and some informal job behavior. All of this requires a measure of flexibility to emphasize one or the other set of functions at any given time.7'
11-3e Matches between Corporate-Level Strategies and the Multidivisional Structure
As explained earlier, Chandler's research shows that a firm's continuing success leads to product or market diversification or both.72 The firm's level of diversification is a function of decisions about the number and type of businesses in which it will compete as well as how it will manage those businesses (see Chapter 6). Geared to managing individual orga nizational functions, increasing diversification eventually creates information processing, coordination, and control problems that the functional structure cannot handle. Thus, using a diversification strategy requires the firm to change from the functional structure to the multidivisional structure to form an appropriate strategy/structure match.
As defined in Figure 6.1, corporate-level strategies have different degrees of product and market diversification. The demands created by different levels of diversification highlight the need for a unique organizational structure to effectively implement each strategy (see Figure 11.4). We discuss the relationships between three diversification strat egies and the unique organizational structure that should be matched with each one in the next three sections.
Using the Cooperative Form of the Multidivisional Structure to Implement the Related Constrained Strategy The cooperative form is an M-form structure in which horizontal integration is used to bring about interdivisional cooperation. Divisions in a firm using the related constrained
Figure 11.4 Three Variations of the Multidivisional Structure
Multidivisional Structure (M-form)
/ ____________ �
Cooperative Form
Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Form
Competitive Form
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
diversification strategy commonly are formed around products, markets, or both. In Figure 11.5, we use product divisions as part of the representation of the cooperative form of the multidivisional structure, although market divisions could be used instead of or in addition to product divisions to develop the figure.
We mentioned in Chapter 6 that Procter & Gamble (P&G) uses a related constrained strategy. We note here that the firm matches the cooperative form of the multidivisional structure to this strategy in order to effectively implement it.
As explained in Chapter 6, the related constrained strategy finds a firm sharing resources and activities across its businesses. Consumer understanding, scale, innovation, go-to-market capabilities, and brand-building are what P&G has identified as its six "core strengths" (or core resources). These strengths are shared across ten global product busi ness units including "Baby Care, Fabric Care, Family Care, Feminine Care, Grooming, Hair Care, Home Care, Oral Care, Personal Health Care, and Skin and Personal Care" that form the core of P&G's cooperative multidivisional organizational structure. The reason P&G shares its six core strengths across the four industry-based sectors is that, accord ing to the firm, the scale of these sectors allows the firm "to share knowledge, transfer technologies, optimize our spending and flow resources to better serve consumers and continually improve our efficiency and productivitY:'73 Thus, through its organizational structure, P&G integrates its operations horizontally for the purpose of developing coop eration across the ten product sectors in which it competes.
Figure 11.5 Cooperative Form of the Multidivisional Structure for Implementing a Related Constrained Strategy
Headquarters Office
Government Legal Affairs Affairs
Corporate Strategic Corporate
Corporate Corporate Human
R&D Lab Planning Resources
Marketing Finance
Product Product Product Product Product -- -- --- -
Division Division Division Division Division
Structural integration devices create tight links among all divisions.
Corporate office emphasizes centralized strategic planning, human resources, and marketing to foster cooperation between divisions.
R&D is likely to be centralized.
Rewards are subjective and tend to emphasize overall corporate performance in addition to divisional performance.
Culture emphasizes cooperative sharing.
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The strategic business unit
(SBU) form is an M-form
consisting of three levels:
corporate headquarters,
strategic business units
(SBUs), and SBU divisions.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Sharing divisional competencies facilitates a firm's efforts to develop economies of scope. As explained in Chapter 6, economies of scope ( cost savings resulting from the sharing of competencies developed in one division with another division) are linked with successful use of the related constrained strategy. Interdivisional sharing of competencies, such as takes place within P&G, depends on cooperation, suggesting the use of the coop erative form of the multidivisional structure.74
The cooperative structure uses different characteristics of structure ( centralization, standardization, and formalization) as integrating mechanisms to facilitate interdivisional cooperation. Frequent, direct contact between division managers, another integrating mechanism, encourages and supports cooperation and the sharing of knowledge, capa bilities, or other resources that could be used to create new advantages.75 Sometimes, liaison roles are established in each division to reduce the time division managers spend integrating and coordinating their unit's work with the work occurring in other divisions. Temporary teams or task forces may be formed around projects whose success depends on sharing resources that are embedded within several divisions. Formal integration departments might be established in firms frequently using temporary inter-business unit teams or task forces.
Ultimately, a matrix organization may evolve in firms implementing the related con strained strategy. A matrix organization is an organizational structure in which there is a dual structure combining both functional specialization and business product or project specialization.76 Although complicated, an effective matrix structure can lead to improved coordination among a firm's divisions.77
The success of the cooperative multidivisional structure is significantly affected by how well divisions process information. Additionally, this form creates more information processing costs than the competitive form described later. However, because coopera tion among divisions implies a loss of managerial autonomy, division managers may not readily commit themselves to the type of integrative information-processing activities that this structure demands. Moreover, coordination among divisions sometimes results in an unequal flow of positive outcomes to divisional managers. In other words, when managerial rewards are based at least in part on the performance of individual divisions, the manager of the division that is able to benefit the most by the sharing of corporate competencies might be viewed as receiving relative gains at others' expense. Strategic controls are important in these instances, as divisional managers' performances can be evaluated, at least partly, on the basis of how well they have facilitated interdivisional cooperative efforts. In addition, using reward systems that emphasize overall company performance, besides outcomes achieved by individual divisions, helps overcome prob lems associated with the cooperative form. Still, the costs of coordination and inertia in organizations limit the amount of related diversification attempted (i.e., they constrain the economies of scope that can be created).78
Using the Strategic Business Unit Form of the Multidivisional Structure to Implement the Related Linked Strategy Firms with fewer links or less constrained links among their divisions use the related linked diversification strategy. The strategic business unit form of the multidivisional structure supports implementation of this strategy. The strategic business unit (SBU) form is an M-form consisting of three levels: corporate headquarters, strategic business units (SBUs), and SBU divisions (see Figure 11.6). The SBU structure is used by large firms and can be complex, given associated organization size and product and market diversity.
The divisions within each SBU are related in terms of shared products or markets or both, but the divisions of one SBU have little in common with the divisions of the other SBUs. Divisions within each SBU share product or market competencies to develop
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
Figure 11.6 SBU Form of the Multidivisional Structure for Implementing a Related Linked Strategy
Corporate R&D
Strategic Business
Corporate Finance
Headquarters Office
Strategic Planning
Strategic Business
Structural integration among divisions within SBUs, but independence across SBUs.
Corporate Marketing
I Corporate
Human Resources
Strategic Business
Strategic planning may be the most prominent function in headquarters for managing the strategic planning approval process of SBUs for
the president.
Each SBU may have its own budget for staff to foster integration.
Corporate headquarters staff members serve as consultants to SB Us and divisions, rather than having direct input to product strategy, as in
the cooperative form.
economies of scope and possibly economies of scale. The integrating mechanisms dis cussed earlier can be used by the divisions within the individual strategic business units that are part of the SBU form of the multidivisional structure. In this structure, each SBU is a profit center that is controlled and evaluated by the headquarters office. Although both financial and strategic controls are important, on a relative basis, financial controls are vital to headquarters' evaluation of each SBU; strategic controls are critical when the heads of SBUs evaluate their divisions' performances. Strategic controls are also critical to the headquarters' efforts to evaluate the quality of the portfolio of businesses that has been formed and to determine if those businesses are being successfully managed. Sharing competencies among units within individual SBUs is an important characteristic of the SBU form of the multidivisional structure (see the notes to Figure 11.6).
A disadvantage associated with the related linked diversification strategy is that, even when efforts to implement it are being properly supported by use of the SBU form of the multidivisional structure, firms using this strategy and structure combination find it challenging to effectively communicate the value of their operations to shareholders and to other investors due to its complexity.79 Furthermore, if coordination between SBUs is required, problems can surface because the SBU structure, similar to the competitive form discussed next, does not readily foster cooperation across SBUs. Accordingly, those
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360 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
responsible for implementing the related linked strategy must focus on successfully cre ating and using the types of integrating mechanisms we discussed earlier.
For many years, Sony Corporation used the related constrained strategy and the cooperative form of the multidivisional structure to implement it. In recent years, and in response to declining firm performance, Sony appears to be using the related linked strat egy and the SBU form of the multidivisional structure to implement what is a new strat egy for the firm. In particular, Sony is decentralizing its operating and management struc ture and making each strategic business unit more independent, with its own leadership and staff functions. "In addition to Game & Network Services, Mobile Communications, Pictures, Music and certain other Sony Group businesses that were already operating autonomously as subsidiaries, in July 2014 Sony split out its TV business, followed by its Video & Sound business in October 2015. The Company also plans to split out and estab lish its semiconductor business as a wholly owned subsidiary in April 2016. Sony is also exploring the split out of its Imaging Products and Solutions Sector:'80
Using the Competitive Form of the Multidivisional Structure to Implement the Unrelated Diversification Strategy
The competitive form
Firms using the unrelated diversification strategy want to create value through efficient internal capital allocations or by restructuring, buying, and selling businesses.81 The com petitive form of the multidivisional structure supports implementation of this strategy. is an M-form structure
characterized by complete
independence among the
firm's divisions that compete
for corporate resources.
The competitive form is an M-form structure characterized by complete indepen dence among the firm's divisions that compete for corporate resources (see Figure 11.7). Unlike the divisions included in the cooperative structure, divisions that are part of the
Figure 11.7 Competitive Form of the Multidivisional Structure for Implementing an Unrelated Strategy
Headquarters Office
Legal Affairs Finance Auditing
I I I I I I Division Division Division Division Division Division
Corporate headquarters has a small staff.
Finance and auditing are the most prominent functions in the headquarters office to manage cash flow and assure the accuracy of performance
data coming from divisions. The legal affairs function becomes important when the firm acquires or divests assets.
Divisions are independent and separate for financial evaluation purposes.
Divisions retain strategic control, but cash is managed by the corporate office.
Divisions compete for corporate resources.
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
competitive structure do not share common corporate strengths. Accordingly, integrating mechanisms are not part of the competitive form of the multidivisional structure.
The efficient internal capital market that is the foundation for using the unrelated diversification strategy requires organizational arrangements emphasizing divisional competition rather than cooperation.82 T hree benefits are expected from the internal competition. First, internal competition creates flexibility (e.g., corporate headquarters can have divisions working on different technologies and projects to identify those with the greatest potential). Resources can then be allocated to the division appearing to have the most potential to drive the entire firm's success. Second, internal competition chal lenges the status quo and inertia because division heads know that future resource allo cations are a product of excellent current performance as well as superior positioning in terms of future performance. T hird, internal competition motivates effort in that the challenge of competing against internal peers can be as great as the challenge of compet ing against external rivals.83 In this structure, organizational controls (primarily financial controls) are used to emphasize and support internal competition among separate divi sions and as the basis for allocating corporate capital based on divisions' performances. However, this structure can be limited by too much emphasis on divisional rewards and can create disharmony due to social comparison about rewards based on personal effort.84
As noted in the Strategic Focus on General Electric, GE's new structure will be more like the competitive M-form structure. Similarly, Textron Inc., a large "multi-industry" company, seeks to identify, research, select, acquire, and integrate companies and has developed a set of rigorous criteria to guide decision making. Textron continuously looks to enhance and reshape its portfolio by divesting noncore assets and acquiring branded businesses in attractive industries with substantial long-term growth potential. Textron operates a number of independent businesses including Textron Aviation, Bell (heli copters), Textron Systems and Industrial, which represent manufacturing businesses, and Finance, which represents Textron's product financing worldwide. Leaders of these businesses are responsible for effectively guiding the day-to-day competitive actions of their units. Consistent with the mandates of the competitive form of the multidivisional structure, "Textron's Corporate Office provides oversight, direction, and assistance to its businesses:' 85 T he profit earned by individual business units within Textron is an import ant measure the firm uses to decide future capital allocations.
To emphasize competitiveness among divisions, the headquarters office maintains an arm's-length relationship with them, intervening in divisional affairs only to audit operations and discipline managers whose divisions perform poorly. In emphasizing competition between divisions, the headqu arters office relies on strategic controls to set rate-of-return targets and financial controls to monitor divisional performance relative to those targets. T he headquarters office then allocates cash flow on a competitive basis, rather than automatically returning cash to the division that produced it. T hus, the focus of the headquarters' work is on performance appraisal, resource allocation, and long-range planning to verify that the firm's portfolio of businesses will lead to financial success.
Pictured here is a Bell Helicopter, a product manufactured by one
of Textron's business units.
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362 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
General Electric's Decline, New Strategy, and Reorganization
As noted in Chapter 6, General Electric (GE) has been declining
and has had to restructure its portfolio of businesses. In doing
so, GE CEO John Flannery announced a new orientation in its
implemented structure. How did it get to this point of signifi
cant peril, requiring such restructuring?
GE has been historically run from the top; its many acquisi
tions over the years had to be approved by top managers, and
often were businesses outside areas that GE had run before
and whose acquisitions were ill timed. "GE became the great
counterexample to a growing skepticism among investors
and economists about giant diversified companies. During the
1980s, as conglomerates were increasingly written off as lum
bering and opaque, GE was lauded as what researchers at the
Boston Consulting Group called a 'premium conglomerate'
focused despite its diversity, nimble despite its scale, and
armored against cyclical downturns in individual industries'.'
However, in the wake of the dot-com bubble and right before
the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a new CEO, Jeffrey lmmelt, took
over the company. Under pressure from Wall Street to do
something impressive, he undertook a series of splashy acqui
sitions, for example paying $5.5 billion for the entertainment
assets of Vivendi Universal and $9.5 billion for the British med
ical imaging company, Amersham. Although there were bar
gains such as Enron Corp.'s wind-turbine business (picked up in
a bankruptcy auction), for the most part the deals proved more
expensive and less synergistic than promised. One analyst cal
culated that GE's total return on lmmelt's acquisitions turned
out to be half what the company would have earned by simply
investing in stock index mutual funds.
During the financial crisis, many problems appeared in
GE Capital's financial businesses and lmmelt sought to divest
them, while at the same time trying to return the company to
its industrial roots. While GE Capital was severely downsized,
Im melt acquired a $10 billion power turbine business from
French company Alstom. GE made a massive investment in
natural gas power plants just as the market for them was con
tracting. Similarly, in oil and gas, GE bought Vetco Gray, Dresser,
and Lufkin Industries, and then tried to merge them with
Baker-Hughes at a time when oil and gas extraction revenues
were depressed.
This legacy has continued to weigh GE down under its new
CEO, Flannery. In order to change the strategy and structure of
the firm, Flannery announced in June of 2018 that GE "will spin
off its core health business within 12-18 months, fully separate
Baker Hughes (BHGE), and narrow its focus to aviation, power
and renewable energy, among the most salient portfolio
changes'.'Thus, GE's strategic approach will be much
less diversified. Although heath care is still a good business,
it has "the least amount of synergies with the rest of GE."
Meanwhile, the aviation and power businesses "share engine
technology synergies;'with the former boasting growth while
the latter has a path to recovery.
At the same time, Flannery noted that"his plan calls for GE
to change how it is run, shifting from a centralized, top-down
approach to a culture where the business units are the center
of gravity'.' He is quoted as saying GE's business has been
run "from the center for decades;' but that is being inverted.
With fewer businesses to run, the headquarters should be
much smaller, and resources and investment responsibility
would be pushed out to the business units to make sure that
acquisitions are more in line with business segment strategies.
As such, the new structure appears to be more in line with the
competitive M-form rather than the former SBU M-form struc
ture that has been the historic structural form at GE.
GE Aviation
In October of 2018, GE Aviation reported eight consecutive
quarters of double-digit growth.
Sources: 2018, John Flannery gets down to business restructuring General
Electric, Economist, www.economist.com, June 27; D. Bennett & R Clough,
2018, What the hell is wrong with General Electric? Bloomberg Businessweek,
www.bloombergbusinessweek.com, February 5; J. Collins, 2018, GE Capital's
painful legacy curbs my enthusiasm for the company's restructuring, Forbes,
www.forbes.com, June 26; G. Colvin, 2018, What the hell happened at GE?,
Fortune, www.fortune.com, May 24; E. Crook, 2018, Flannery resists pressure
for quick fixes at GE, Financial limes, www.ft.com, June 25; T. Gryta, 2018,
T. Gryta, 2018, Q&A: GE CEO explains strategy, smaller HQ Wall Street Journal,
www.wsj.com, June 27; T . Gryta, J. S. Lublin, & D. Benoit, 2018, How Jeffrey
lmmelt's 'success theater' masked the rot at GE. Wa/1 Srreet Journal, www.wsj.com,
February 22; A. Narayanan, 2018, GE finishes restructuring, but another sharp
dividend cut is expected, Investors Business Daily, www.investors.com, June 26.
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
As is the case with the related linked diversification strategy, investors and sharehold ers find it challenging to understand the underlying value of the set of business units asso ciated with a firm implementing the unrelated diversification strategy.B6 Because of this, upper-level managers must find effective ways of communicating their firm's underlying value to those investing capital in the firm.B7
The three major forms of the multidivisional structure should each be paired with a particular corporate-level strategy. Table 11.1 shows these structures' characteristics. Differences exist in the degree of centralization, the focus of the performance evalua tion, the horizontal structures (integrating mechanisms), and the incentive compensation schemes. The most centralized and most costly structural form is the cooperative struc ture. The least centralized, with the lowest bureaucratic costs, is the competitive structure. The SBU structure requires partial centralization and involves some of the mechanisms necessary to implement the relatedness between divisions. Also, the divisional incentive compensation awards are allocated according to both SBUs and corporate performance.
11-3f Matches between International Strategies and Worldwide Structure
In Chapter 8 we explained that international strategies are increasingly important for companies' long-term competitive success in what is today virtually a borderless global economy.BB Among other benefits, firms are able to search for new markets and then form the competencies necessary to serve them when implementing an international strategy.B9
As with business-level and corporate-level strategies, unique organizational structures are necessary to successfully implement individual international strategies, given the dif ferent cultural, institutional, and legal environments around the world.9° Forming proper matches between international strategies and organizational structures facilitates the firm's efforts to effectively coordinate and control its global operations. More importantly, research findings confirm the validity of the international strategy/structure matches we discuss here.91
Using the Worldwide Geographic Area Structure to Implement the Multidomestic Strategy The multidomestic strategy decentralizes the firm's strategic and operating decisions to business units in each country so that product characteristics can be tailored to local preferences. 92 Firms using this strategy try to isolate themselves from global
Table 11.1 Characteristics of the Structures Necessary to Implement the Related Constrained, Related Linked, and
Unrelated Diversification Strategies
Overall Structural Form
Structural Characteristics
Cooperative M-Form (Related Constrained Strategy)
SBU M-Form (Related Linked Strategy)
M-Form (Unrelated Diversification Strategy)
Centralization of operations Centralized at corporate office Partially centralized (in SBUs) Decentralized to divisions
Use of integration mechanisms Extensive Moderate Nonexistent
Divisional performance Emphasizes subjective Uses a mixture of subjective Emphasizes objective
evaluation (strategic) criteria (strategic) and objective (financial) criteria
(financial) criteria
Divisional incentive Linked to overall corporate Mixed linkage to corporate, SBU, Linked to divisional
compensation performance and divisional performance performance
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The worldwide geographic
area structure emphasizes
national interests and
facilitates the firm's efforts to
satisfy local differences.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
competitive forces by establishing protected market positions or by competing in industry segments that are most affected by differences among local countries. The worldwide geographic area structure is used to implement this strategy. The worldwide geographic area structure emphasizes national interests and facilitates the firm's efforts to satisfy local differences (see Figure 11.8).
Using the multidomestic strategy requires little coordination between different coun try markets, meaning that formal integrating mechanisms among divisions around the world are not needed. Indeed, the coordination among units in a firm's worldwide geo graphic area structure that does take place is informal in nature.
From a historical perspective, we note that the multidomestic strategy/worldwide geographic area structure match evolved as a natural outgrowth of the multicultural European marketplace. Friends and family members of the main business who were sent as expatriates to foreign countries to develop the independent country subsidiary often adopted the worldwide geographic area structure. The relationship to corporate head quarters by divisions took place through informal communication.
Founded in San Francisco, CA, in 2009, Uber Technologies, Inc. has pursued a mul tidomestic structure and in 2018 operates in 600 U.S. cities and in 78 countries; however, it has been countered by rival Lyft, especially in the United States, although it remains the market leader.93 Uber pursued an aggressive strategy to grow rapidly outside its U.S. home market. However, it often flouted local country regulations in the process, leading to local rivals gaining strength. Although it targeted key markets in Asia, it ultimately had to cede its strategy to local rivals, ceding ownership in its Russian, Chinese, and Southeast Asian businesses as it sought to focus on its core markets. It is also under scrutiny for gender
Figure 11.8 Worldwide Geographic Area Structure for Implementing a Multidomestic Strategy
The perimeter circles indicate decentralization of operations.
Emphasis is on differentiation by local demand to fit an area or country culture.
Corporate headquarters coordinates financial resources among independent subsidiaries.
The organization is like a decentralized federation.
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
discrimination in the United States. Its aggressive tactics have led to the replacement of its founding CEO, Travis Kalanick, with Dara Khosrowshahi.94
There is a key challenge associated with effectively using the multidomestic strategy/ worldwide geographic area structure match-namely, the inability to create global effi ciencies. This inability is a product of companies' focus on serving unique customer needs particularly well. The inability to create global efficiencies in this match challenges firms to find ways to control costs while trying to serve local customers' unique needs.
It seems that creating global efficiencies has been a problem for Uber, as it has been unable to deal with big differences in regulations around the globe as well as with local firms that were imitating Uber's strategy successfully. By the same token, as long as the firm can continue to identify and serve the unique needs of customers in different mar kets in ways that create value for them, being unable to develop scale economics will not be a fatal blow to Uber's efforts to succeed in international markets. For example, it has included on its app, the opportunity to take motor scooter taxis in emerging economies where that is a usual means of transportation.95
In other instances, the nature of products companies seek to sell in international mar kets and market conditions themselves demand that a firm be able to develop economies of scale on a worldwide basis. This need calls for firms to use the global strategy and its structural match, the worldwide product divisional structure.
Using the Worldwide Product Divisional Structure to Implement the Global Strategy With the corporation's home office dictating competitive strategy, the global strategy is one through which the firm offers standardized products across country markets.96 The firm's success depends principally on its ability to develop economies of scale while com peting on a global basis and while serving customers without specific and unique needs relative to the firm's standardized product.
The worldwide product divisional structure supports use of the global strategy. In the worldwide product divisional structure, decision-making authority is centralized in the worldwide division headquarters to coordinate and integrate decisions and actions among divisional business units (see Figure 11.9).
Integrating mechanisms are important to the effective use of the worldwide product divisional structure. Direct contact between managers, liaison roles between depart ments, and both temporary task forces and permanent teams are examples of these mechanisms. The disadvantages of the global strategy/worldwide structure combina tion are the difficulties involved with coordinating decisions and actions across country borders and the inability to quickly respond to local needs and preferences. To deal with these types of disadvantages, firms sometimes choose to try to simultaneously focus on geography and products. This simultaneous focus is similar to the combination structure that we discuss next.
Using the Combination Structure to Implement the Transnational Strategy The transnational strategy calls for the firm to combine the multidomestic strategy's local responsiveness with the global strategy's efficiency. Firms using this strategy are trying to gain the advantages of both local responsiveness and global efficiency.97 The combination structure is used to implement the transnational strategy. The combination structure is a structure drawing characteristics and mechanisms from both the worldwide geographic area structure and the worldwide product divisional structure. The transnational strategy is often implemented through two possible combination structures: a global matrix struc ture and a hybrid global design.98
In the worldwide product
divisional structure,
decision-making authority is
centralized in the worldwide
division headquarters to
coordinate and integrate
decisions and actions among
divisional business units.
The combination
structure is a structure
drawing characteristics and
mechanisms from both the
worldwide geographic area
structure and the worldwide
product divisional structure.
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366 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Figure 11.9 Worldwide Product Divisional Structure for Implementing a Global Strategy
• The "headquarters" circle indicates centralization to coordinate information flow among worldwide products. l • Corporate headquarters uses many intercoordination devices to facilitate global economies of scale and scope. • Corporate headquarters also allocates financial resources in a cooperative way.
• The organization is like a centralized federation.
The global matrix design brings together both local market and product expertise into teams that develop and respond to the global marketplace. The global matrix design promotes flexibility in designing products in response to customer needs. However, it has severe limitations in that it places employees in a position of being accountable to more than one manager. At any given time, an employee may be a member of several functional or product group teams. Relationships that evolve from multiple member ships can make it difficult for employees to be simultaneously loyal to all of them. Although the matrix places authority in the hands of the managers who are most able to use it, it creates problems in regard to corporate reporting relationships that are so complex and vague that it is difficult and time-consuming to receive approval for major decisions.
We illustrate the hybrid structure in Figure 11.10. In this design, some divisions are oriented toward products while others are oriented toward market areas. Thus, in cases when the geographic area is more important, the division managers are area-oriented. In other divisions where worldwide product coordination and efficiencies are more import ant, the division manager is more product-oriented.
The fit between the multidomestic strategy and the worldwide geographic area struc ture and between the global strategy and the worldwide product divisional structure is apparent. However, when a firm wants to implement the multidomestic and global strategies simultaneously through a combination structure, the appropriate integrating mechanisms are less obvious. The structure used to implement the transnational strat egy must be simultaneously centralized and decentralized, integrated and nonintegrated, formalized and nonformalized. Sometimes the structure becomes extremely complex,
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
Figure 11.10 Hybrid Form of the Combination Structure for Implementing a Transnational Strategy
Product Division A
Area 1 Area 2
Geographic Area
Division 1
Product Division B
Area 1 Area 2
a reality that challenges managers to remain vigilant in efforts to verify that the hybrid structure is effectively supporting use of their firm's transnational strategy.
FMC Subsea-a supplier to oil companies around the world that develop marine oil fields-was a division of FMC Technologies, a U.S. technology firm, which merged with the French engineering firm Technip in 2017. FMC Subsea was the largest division of FMC Technologies before the merger, representing about 66% of total revenues and operated as an independent subsidiary. The primary purpose of a subsea "tree" is to control the flow of oil or gas out of a well on the seabed. FMC Subsea is the market leader and has the largest installed base of subsea trees (around 2000) of all companies operating in this market. The initial challenge was to establish an organization that could serve international markets and adapt to local and regional customer require ments. As such, a multidomestic structure was chosen. However, the company expe rienced challenges in improving cost effectiveness-as noted above, often a problem with the multidomestic strategy. To overcome the problems a combination strategy with a matrix structure was chosen with dual reporting for both geographic market and product units. However, "people found it difficult having to ask one manager about what they should do, and another about when they should do it:' Accordingly, they sim plified the structure to reduce the dual reporting requirements and instead introduced "internal customer-supplier linkages between internal units, with the benefits of the matrix-but without the costs:' 99
11-39 Matches between Cooperative Strategies and Network Structures
As discussed in Chapter 9, a network strategy exists when partners form several alliances in order to improve the performance of the alliance network itself through cooperative endeavors.100 The greater levels of environmental complexity and uncertainty facing com panies in today's competitive environment are causing more firms to use cooperative strategies such as strategic alliances.101 Firms can form cooperative relationships with many of their stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and competitors. When a firm becomes involved with combinations of cooperative relationships, it is part of a strategic network, or what others call an alliance constellation or portfolio.102
A strategic network is a group of firms that has been formed to create value by partic ipating in multiple cooperative arrangements. An effective strategic network facilitates
Geographic Area
Division 2
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368 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
discovering opportunities beyond those identified by individual network participants. A strategic network can be a source of competitive advantage for its members when its operations create value that is difficult for competitors to duplicate and that network members can't create by themselves.w3 Strategic networks are used to implement busi ness-level, corporate-level, and international cooperative strategies.
The typical strategic network is a loose federation of partners participating in the network's operations on a flexible basis. At the core or center of the strategic network, the strategic center firm is the one around which the network's cooperative relationships revolve (see Figure 11.11).
Because of its central position, the strategic center firm is the foundation for the strategic network's structure. Concerned with various aspects of organizational structure, such as formally reporting relationships and procedures, the strategic center firm man ages what are often complex, cooperative interactions among network partners. To per form the tasks discussed next, the strategic center firm must make sure that incentives for participating in the network are aligned so that network firms continue to have a reason to remain connected. w4 The strategic center firm is engaged in four primary tasks as it manages the strategic network and controls its operations. ws
Strategic Outsourcing The strategic center firm outsources and partners with more firms than other network members. At the same time, the strategic center firm requires network partners to be more than contractors. Members are expected to find opportuni ties for the network to create value through its cooperative work. w6
Competencies To increase network effectiveness, the strategic center firm seeks ways to support each member's efforts to develop core competencies with the potential of benefiting the network.
Technology The strategic center firm is responsible for managing the develop ment and sharing of technology-based ideas among network members. The structural
Figure 11.11 A Strategic Network
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
requirement that members submit formal reports detailing the technology-oriented outcomes of their efforts to the strategic center firm facilitates this activity.
Race to Learn The strategic center firm emphasizes that the principal dimensions of competition are between value chains and between networks of value chains. Because of these interconnections, an individual strategic network is only as strong as its weakest value-chain link. With its centralized decision-making authority and responsibility, the strategic center firm guides participants in efforts to form network-specific competitive advantages. The need for each participant to have capabilities that can be the foundation for the network's competitive advantages encourages friendly rivalry among participants seeking to develop the skills needed to quickly form new capabilities that create value for the network. 107
Interestingly, strategic networks are being used more frequently, partly because of the ability of a strategic center firm to execute a strategy that effectively and efficiently links partner firms. Improved information systems and communication capabilities (e.g., the Internet) facilitate effective organization and use of strategic networks. One of the best illustrations of a network is illustrated in the global airline alliances exampled in the Strategic Focus.
11-4 Implementing Business-Level Cooperative Strategies
As explained in Chapter 9, there are two types of business-level complementary alliances-vertical and horizontal. Firms with competencies in different stages of the value chain form a vertical alliance to cooperatively integrate their different, but com plementary, skills. Firms combining their competencies to create value in the same stage of the value chain are using a horizontal alliance. Vertical complementary strate gic alliances such as those developed by Toyota Motor Corporation are formed more frequently than horizontal alliances.108
A strategic network of vertical relationships, such as the network in Japan between Toyota and its suppliers, often involves a number of implementation issues. 109 First, the strategic center firm encourages subcontractors to modernize their facilities and provides them with technical and financial assistance to do so, if necessary. Second, the strategic center firm reduces its transaction costs by promoting longer-term contracts with subcontractors, so that supplier-partners increase their long-term productivity. This approach differs from that of continually negotiating short-term contracts based on unit pricing. Third, the strategic center firm enables engineers in upstream compa nies (suppliers) to have better communications with those companies with whom it has contracts for services. As a result, suppliers and the strategic center firm become more interdependent and less independent.
The lean production system (a vertical complementary strategic alliance) pioneered by Toyota and others has been diffused throughout many industries.no In vertical complemen tary strategic alliances, such as the one between Toyota and its suppliers, the strategic center firm is obvious, as is the structure that firm establishes. However, the same is not always true with horizontal complementary strategic alliances where firms try to create value in the same part of the value chain. For example, airline alliances are commonly formed to create value in the marketing and sales primary activity segment of the value chain. Because air carriers commonly participate in multiple horizontal complementary alliances, such as the Oneworld alliance among American Airlines, British Airways, Iberia, Japan Airlines, TAM Airlines, and others, it is difficult to determine the strategic center firm. Moreover, partici pating in several alliances can cause firms to question partners' true loyalties and intentions.
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370 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Global Airline Alliances, Airline Joint Ventures, and Network Difficulties
Star Alliance (initiated by United Airlines) became the first
multi-airline global network where member carriers could
book seamless schedules and share frequent flyer benefits
among their passengers. It was a convenient way for airlines to
expand and maintain market share internationally without hav
ing to invest billions of dollars in market growth initiatives. It
gave alliance partners airport access in regions where it might
be difficult to obtain. Many of the partners also have aircraft
maintenance agreements, which can create savings as well as
avoiding expensive duplicative maintenance facilities around
the globe. The Star Alliance was followed by Oneworld (headed
by American Airlines and British Airways) and Sky Team (headed
by Delta Airlines and Air France-KLM).
In 2016, Star Alliance topped the list of alliances with
23 percent of total traffic, followed by Sky Team with
20.4 percent and Oneworld with 18.8 percent, leaving a
38.8 percent market share divided among smaller alliances and
unaligned carriers. This shows the importance of these global
networks to the travel system and to the airlines involved.
These alliance networks exist largely due to regulatory owner
ship restrictions; for example, foreign airlines cannot own over
25 percent of U.S.-flagged airlines and foreign carriers cannot
own over 49 percent in EU countries. These restrictions are
often justified in terms of country security and military needs;
for instance, if a war breaks out, the national military system
may need airline capacity to move troops in an emergency.
These alliances are, however, quite mature and they are
trying to stay relevant as many of the flagship airlines have
merged and have large systems in their own right, such as
the Air France-KLM merger, Delta's acquisition of Northwest
in 2008, and United's acquisition of Continental in 2010. Delta
Airlines, for example, is continuing to enter into separate joint
venture (JV) ownership arrangements to improve its scale and
control. Delta has recently launched JVs with Aeromexico and
Korean Air. It also formed a very large JV with Virgin Atlantic
of Britain and Air France-KLM. It is also seeking to make deals
with low-cost carriers such as Canada's WestJet, China Eastern,
and GOL of Brazil. One analyst noted that these JVs "produce 90
percent of the cost savings of a full merger;· where the global
alliances can only participate up to 25 percent due to the own
ership restrictions noted above. These JVs work for the regula
tors because the parent firms are still independent airlines. As
such, although the global alliances are still important, many air
lines are pursuing additional joint ventures as the Delta Airlines
example suggests.
Jets from Thai Airways, United Air/mes, Lufthansa, Air
Canada, and Scandmav,an A,r/,nes Systems, form a star
to mark the launch of Star Alliance.
Because of the maturity of these dominant global alli
ances, they are expanding with more flexibility to gain share.
For example, the Star Alliance added Chinese carrier Juneyao
Airlines recently, as an experiment with a "connecting part
ner " model, which allows regional, low-cost, or hybrid airlines
to link to the Star Alliance network without becoming a full
member, which can be expensive for a small carrier. Sky Team
and Oneworld are also working on affiliate member schemes.
These "affiliate" members would not be required to take on
expensive technology improvements, which the large alliances
are developing, such as a common digital services platform
allowing passengers to always be connected to the Internet.
Full membership in these alliances also usually requires "fast
track security, priority boarding and check-in, as well as lounge
access" which low-cost airlines often do not pursue.
Frequent flyer programs among some airlines are also
changing from a focus on distance to a focus on revenue
produced by the customer. For example, Air France-KLM
customers were told in April 2018 that the airline would no
longer offer distance-based mileage credits for their flights.
Air France-KLM will join the roughly 20% of airlines already
operating schemes on a revenue basis. Most of these are low
cost airlines, but Air France-KLM is a leader in the Sky Team
alliance. Of course, this makes integration with other partners
in the Sky Team network more difficult and complex given the
difficulty of obtaining revenue information from partner airlines
that accrue loyalty on a mileage basis. This is also creating prob
lems with regard to which frequent fliers gain lounge access;
some top frequent flyers are finding that they do not have
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls 371
access to the most prestigious first-class lounges around the
world. So, coordination has grown more difficult as changes
at individual airlines create network integration challenges.
Businessweek, January 9, 34-41; 5. Clemence, 2017, Norwegi an Air takes flight, Fast
Company, July/August, 40-42; I. Douglas & D. Tan, 2017, Global airline alliances
Sources: 2018, Come fly with me; airline joint ventures, Economist, March 17, 62;
M. B. Baker, 2018, Korean Air's new terminal & JV, Business Travel News, February 12,
17; R. Silk, 2018, Star Alliance and Sky Team focusing on technology, Travel Weekly,
June 11, 10; M. Campbell & D. Kamel, 2017, The world is not enough, Bloomberg
and profitability: A difference-in-difference analysis, Transportation Research Part
A: Policy& Practice, 103: 432--443; J. Min, 2017, Sensitivity of alliance termination to
prealliance conditions: Expectation effects of alliance partners. Organization Studies,
38: 917 -936; R. W. Moorman & K. Walker, K. 2017, The alliance question: Global
alliances are an established part of the airline business, but is it time for change?,
Air Transport World, 54(5): 28-32; I. Taylor, 2017, Delta chief says US consolidation
'great for market; Travel Weekly, October 26, 71.
These issues are discussed more fully in the Strategic Focus on global airline networks alli ances and joint ventures. Also, if rivals band together in too many collaborative activities, one or more governments may suspect the possibility of explicit collusion among partnering firms (see Chapter 9). For these reasons, horizontal complementary alliances are used less often and less successfully than their vertical counterpart, although there are examples of success, such as some of the collaborations among automobile and aircraft manufacturers.
11-5 Implementing Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategies
Some corporate-level strategies are used to reduce costs. This was the objective with the collaboration that was formed initially between Walgreens and Swiss-based Alliance Boots, a pharmacy-led health and beauty group. This partnership helped the firms nego tiate lower prices with drug suppliers, reducing their overall costs as a result of doing so.111
Unilever is partnering with some firms to reach a different objective. Committed to decoupling its growth from negative environmental and social effects from its operations, Unilever formed an alliance with Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. in 2010 to reduce the company's carbon, water, and waste footprint across its manufacturing locations through out the world. Still other corporate-level cooperative strategies (such as franchising) are used to facilitate product and market diversification. As a cooperative strategy, franchis ing allows the firm to use its competencies to extend or diversify its product or market reach without completing a merger or acquisition.112
The potential to create synergy is a key reason corporate-level cooperative strategies, such as those involving Walgreens, Unilever, and active franchisers including McDonald's, are formed.113 Historically, McDonald's approach to franchising as a corporate-level coop erative strategy found the firm emphasizing a limited value-priced menu. However, as mentioned in Opening Case, the firm's structure is being changed. One objective of these structural changes is to strip out significant firm costs. Overall, McDonald's headquarters serves as the strategic center firm for the network's franchisees. The headquarters office uses strategic and financial controls to verify that the franchisees' operations create the greatest value for the entire network.
11-6 Implementing International Cooperative Strategies
Strategic networks formed to implement international cooperative strategies result in firms competing in several countries.114 Differences among countries' regulatory environ ments increase the challenge of managing international networks and verifying that, at a minimum, a network's operations comply with all legal requirements.115
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372 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Figure 11.12 A Distributed Strategic Network
'\ I /
Distributed Strategic Center Firms
Distributed strategic networks are the organizational structure used to manage inter national cooperative strategies. As shown in Figure 11.12, several regional strategic center firms are included in the distributed network to manage partner firms' multiple coopera tive arrangements.116 The structure used to implement the international cooperative strat egy is complex and demands careful attention to be used successfully. An example is the regional structure of Visa credit cards, which coordinates bank affiliated credit cards and transactions in Asia Pacific, Canada, Europe, Latin America and United States regions.
Organizational structure specifies the firm's formal reporting
relationships, procedures, controls, and authority and deci
sion-making processes. Essentially, organizational structure
details the work to be done in a firm and how that work is to
be accomplished. Organizational controls guide the use of
strategy, indicate how to compare actual and expected results,
and suggest actions to take to improve performance when it
falls below expectations. A proper match between strategy
and structure can lead to a competitive advantage.
Strategic controls (largely subjective criteria) and financial
controls (largely objective criteria) are the two types of orga
nizational controls used to support the implementation of a
strategy. Both controls are critical, although their degree of
emphasis varies based on individual matches between
strategy and structure.
Strategy and structure influence each other; overall though,
strategy has a stronger influence on structure. Research
indicates that firms tend to change structure when declining
performance forces them to do so. Effective managers antici
pate the need for structural change and quickly modify struc
ture to better accommodate the firm's strategy when evidence
calls for that action.
The functional structure is used to implement business-level
strategies. The cost leadership strategy requires a centralized
functional structure-one in which manufacturing efficiency
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
and process engineering are emphasized. The differentiation
strategy's functional structure decentralizes implementa
tion-related decisions, especially those concerned with market
ing, to those involved with individual organizational functions.
Focus strategies, often used in small firms, require a simple
structure until such time that the firm diversifies in terms of
products and/or markets.
Unique combinations of different forms of the multidivisional
structure are matched with different corporate-level diver
sification strategies to properly implement these strategies.
The cooperative M-form, used to implement the related
constrained corporate-level strategy, has a centralized corpo
rate office and extensive integrating mechanisms. Divisional
incentives are linked to overall corporate performance to foster
cooperation among divisions. The related linked SBU M-form
structure establishes separate profit centers within the diversi
fied firm. Each profit center or SBU may have divisions offering
similar products, but the SBUs are often unrelated to each
other. The competitive M-form structure, used to implement
the unrelated diversification strategy, is highly decentralized,
lacks integrating mechanisms, and utilizes objective financial
criteria to evaluate each unit's performance.
The multidomestic strategy, implemented through the world
wide geographic area structure, emphasizes decentralization
and locates all functional activities in the host country or
geographic area. The worldwide product divisional structure is
combination structure 365
competitive form 360
cooperative form 356
financial controls 349
functional structure 351
multidivisional (M-form) structure 352
organizational controls 348
1. What is organizational structure and what are organizational
controls? What are the differences between strategic con
trols and financial controls? What is the importance of these
2. What does it mean to say that strategy and structure have a
reciprocal relationship?
3. What are the characteristics of the different functional
structures used to implement the cost leadership, differenti
ation, integrated cost leadership/differentiation, and focused
business-level strategies?
used to implement the global strategy. This structure is central
ized in order to coordinate and integrate different functions'
activities to gain global economies of scope and economies
of scale. Decision-making authority is centralized in the firm's
worldwide division headquarters.
The transnational strategy-a strategy through which the firm
seeks the local responsiveness of the multidomestic strategy
and the global efficiency of the global strategy-is imple
mented through the combination structure. Because it must
be simultaneously centralized and decentralized, integrated
and nonintegrated, and formalized and nonformalized, the
combination structure is difficult to organize and successfully
manage. Two structures can be used to implement the trans
national strategy: the matrix and the hybrid structure with
both geographic and product-oriented divisions.
Increasingly important to competitive success, cooperative
strategies are implemented through organizational struc
tures framed around strategic networks. Strategic center
firms play a critical role in managing strategic networks.
Business-level strategies are often employed in vertical and
horizontal alliance networks. Corporate-level cooperative
strategies are used to pursue product and market diversifica
tion. Franchising is one type of corporate strategy that uses a
strategic network to implement this strategy. This is also true
for international cooperative strategies, where distributed
networks are often used.
organizational structure 347
simple structure 350
strategic business unit (SBU) form 358
strategic controls 348
worldwide geographic area structure 364
worldwide product divisional structure 365
4. What are the differences among the three versions of the
multidivisional (M-form) organizational structures that are
used to implement the related constrained, the related linked,
and the unrelated corporate-level diversification strategies?
5. What organizational structures are used to implement
the multidomestic, global, and transnational international
6. What is a strategic network? What is a strategic center
firm? How is a strategic center firm used in business-level,
corporate-level, and international cooperative strategies?
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374 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Sony's Dilemma, Matching Strategy and Structure
Launched in 1946 in Japan, Sony gained a reputation for producing innovative products that were sold through out the world. In fact, the firm's success was instrumen tal to Japan's development as a powerful exporter during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Sony was sometimes "first to market" with an innovative product, while sometimes being able to rapidly enhance a product's capabilities by innovating. Introduced in 1979, the Sony Walkman, which was a personal stereo tape deck, is an example of a "first to market" product from Sony. On the other hand, Sony innovated the transistor radio-initially developed by Regency Electronics and Texas Instruments-in a way that made the product commercially viable. Regardless of the type, innovation has been critical to how Sony competes in multiple product areas.
Realizing the value that could be gained by sharing resources, capabilities, and core competencies across types of businesses, Sony's success for many decades was a product of its commitment to "convergence;' which the firm operationalized by linking its activi ties across businesses such as film, music, and digital electronics. In essence, Sony was successful for many years as a result of being able to effectively implement the related constrained strategy. But as we noted in the chapter when discussing the related constrained strategy and the structure needed to implement it, an inability to efficiently process information and coordi nate an array of integrated activities between units are problems that may surface when using the cooperative form of the multidivisional structure. This appears to be the case for Sony. In response to performance prob lems that have plagued the firm for over a decade, Sony put into place significant structural changes in October 2015, intended to be the foundation for improve ments to Sony's ability to create value for customers and enhance wealth for shareholders. At the core of the structural changes are efforts to group the firm's businesses in ways that allow Sony's upper-level lead ers to more effectively allocate financial capital. A key objective is to allocate capital to the businesses with the strongest potential not just to grow, but to grow profit ably. In essence, the new structure is an example of the SBU form of the multidivisional structure.
However, in 2018, with new CEO Kenichiro Yoshida (formerly the CFO), Sony is again making a strate gic shift. Yoshida laid out a strategy shift away from hardware and toward content in outlining a three-year business plan. This is not a shock; Sony sold 81 million electronic devices in 2011, but only half that volume in 2017. This plan also dispels rumors that Yoshida would sell Sony Pictures, which had successes in a remake of Jumanji, and continued production of the Spiderman movie series. In fostering this shift, Sony recently bol stered its entertainment assets by buying the majority of shares it did not own in EMI Music from Mubadala Investment Co.
The problem is that cooperation among the busi ness units is going to be more salient. One of its cen tral competitors, Disney has been very successful in integrating its content businesses such that its mov ies and TV show characters feed well into its theme parks and retail sales of cartoon and action figures (see the Mini-case at the end of Chapter 6). However, Sony has not been very successful at such integration attempts. For example, Sony's attempt to build a global content-delivery platform via the PlayStation gaming console has not been very fruitful. As Media Partners Asia executive director Vivek Couto suggested, "the company has missed an opportunity to leverage IP from PlayStation games for movies and TV." Sony "also comes off poorly in utilizing properties across divisions: that integration needs to happen:'
Sony's new strategy is playing out in video game controllers, currently in its PlayStation 4 console. "Sony has been shifting its PlayStation focus from hardware to online subscription services, including a $60 annual package that includes games and multiplayer features. That service, PlayStation Plus, had 34 million users as of March 2018, fitting the new CEO's goal of add ing revenue sources that are more stable than volatile hardware and software sales:' The leader of this busi ness unit, Tsuyoshi Kodera, has noted that Sony will take its time in coming out with the fifth generation PlayStation console; "We're no longer in a time when you can think just about the console or just about the network like they're two different things:' Thus, there
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Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls 375
Electronics Entertainment Finance
Mobile Communications
Imaging Products Home Enter- Semicon- Music Financial Services & Solutions tainment & Sound ductors
� a_
< a: � 0
Headquarters, Research & Development/Business Incubation/Brand Design Platform, Professional Services
Operation/Service Related Companies (Manufacturing, Logistics, Procurement, Quality, Environment, Sales & Marketing, Accounting HR, General Affairs,
Information System, etc.)
Source: https://www.sony.net/Sonylnfo/Corporatelnfo/Data/organization.html
needs to be better connections between the hardware and the myriad of content associated with video games, movies, and online games as well as mobility; the PlayStation has been traditionally a living-room con sole and demand for many games suggests the need to be available on mobile devices.
This new strategic emphasis obviously will require more integration than has been utilized in the recent past with Sony's SBU multidivisional structure. It is import ant to remember that Sony has other businesses besides the hardware and content businesses that need increased integration to stay competitive. It is now structured into three core sectors or business units-electronics, entertainment, and finance (see the Sony organization chart). The problem is that better integration is going to be required between two SBUs, electronics and
Case Discussion Questions
1. To implement a corporate strategy, a firm needs to have a
strong set of capabilities to "parent" the set of business
units that the firm has established or acquired. Given
Sony's history and organization structure, what would
you argue are Sony's strongest parenting or corporate
capabilities? How will the new strategy utilize these
entertainment. That will be difficult as all three units are judged on a performance criterion within the separate SBUs, which does not inspire cooperation.
Sources: 2018, Corporate Information, Organization Data, www.sony.com, Accessed July 26; J. Beckerman, 2018, Sony to buy Mubadala's stake in EM! Music Publishing, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, May 22; G. J. Blair, 2018, Sony's strategy shift shuts down sale rumors, Hollywood Reporter, May 30, 22; G. J. Blair, 2018, What does Sony's new CEO have planned?, Hollywood Reporter, February 7, 22; T. Mochizuki, 2018, Sony says the next PlayStation is three years off, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, May 24; T. Mochizuki, 2018, Sony chief hands over reins after resurgence, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, February 3; Y Wang, 2018, Tech giants are creating their own labels to conquer China's digital music market, Forbes, www.forbes.com, February 8; 2015, Here's Sony's new business strategy, Business Insider, www.businessinsider.com, February 21; T. Mochizuki & E. Pfanner, How Sony makes money off Apple's iPhone, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, April 28; E. Pfanner & T. Mochizuki, 2015, Sony's mobile unit seeks profit, innovation, Wall Street Journal,www.wsj.com, March 2; M. Schilling, 2015, Sony strategy centers on splitting businesses, not selling-for now, Variety, www.variety.com, February 26.
2. Do you think that Sony has the right organization structure
to foster the necessary integration among its electronic and
entertainment content businesses that its revamped strategy
seems to entail?
3. What additional organizational structure and/or process
adjustments will Sony need to make to realize its revised
strategic objectives?
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376 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
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regional integration of FDI locations,
Journal of World Business, in press; M. de
Vaan, 2014, lnterfirm networks in periods
of technological turbulence and stability,
Research Policy, 43: 1666-1680; C. C.
Phelps, 2010, A longitudinal study of the
influence of alliance network structure
and composition on firm exploratory
innovation, Academy of Management
Journal, 53: 890-913.
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Studying this chapter should provide you with the strategic management
knowledge needed to:
2 l Define strategic leadership and describe top-level managers' importance.
12-2 Explain what top management teams are and how they affect firm performance.
12-3 Describe the managerial succession process using internal and external managerial labor markets.
12 4 Discuss the value of strategic leadership in determining the firm's strategic direction.
12 5
Describe the importance of strategic leaders in managing the firm's resources.
Explain what a firm does to sustain an effective culture.
Describe what strategic leaders can do to establish and emphasize the need for everyone to demonstrate ethical practices in their firms.
12-8 Discuss the importance and use of organizational controls.
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Meg Whitman, the only female to serve as the CEO for two major U.S. corporations, announced in November of 2017 that she would step down from her CEO position at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. on February 1, 2018. Saying that she was returning to what she considers her"start-up roots;' she had decided to join with Hollywood executive and long-time friend Jeffrey Katzenberg to run a mobile-video company called WndrCo New TV. This firm is part of Katzenberg's WndrCo LLC, a media and tech venture that plans to develop a portfolio of companies. In her position, Whitman is to build "an on line service, securing production partnerships and building a team at New TV, which will target the 18- to 34-year-olds who have driven the rise in mobile-video viewing over the past several years:' In essence, the firm intends to develop a platform through which high-budget short videos will be available to users to watch while standing in a line, riding a bus, and so forth. Some videos will be one-off stories while others will be part of richer and longer stories.
The path Whitman travelled to become one of the most prominent women in American business and an experienced CEO in Silicon Valley is enlightening. Her path as a leader demonstrates increasing levels of responsibility and deci sion-making authority while moving from one opportunity to another.
A graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Business School, Whitman started her career in 1979 as a brand man ager at Procter & Gamble. She later worked as a consultant in Bain & Company's San Francisco office, rising to a position as senior vice president in this firm. In 1989, she accepted a �
_§ position as vice president for f
strategic planning at Walt Disney � Corporation. She met Jeffrey §; Katzenberg while working for Disney. After two years, she joined Stride Rite Corporation prior to becoming president and CEO of Florists'Transworld
Meg Whitman, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, led the turnaround
plan to split HP into two companies; Hewlett Packard Enterprises
(HPEJ and Hewlett Packard Inc. (HPQJ.
Delivery in 1995. After another two years, she accepted the role of General Manager for Hasbro's Playskool division, where she had responsibility for global management and marketing for two brands targeted to children-Playskool and Mr. Potato Head. From Hasbro, Whitman became CEO of eBay (the pioneering company that made it possible for strangers to exchange goods online) in March 1998. At the time, the firm had only 30 employees and annual revenue of ap proximately $4 million. Prior to resigning as eBay's CEO in November 2007, the firm's revenues had increased to $8 billion annually and the workforce numbered around 15,000.
Whitman become CEO of Hewlett-Packard in September 2011. She remained in this role for a bit over six years. During those years, "she led a turnaround plan that involved the largest split in corporate history, tens of thousands of layoffs, $18 billion in write-offs and a leadership shake-up:' Deciding in 2015 to split Hewlett-Packard into Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) and Hewlett Packard Inc. (HPQ) was the most prominent strategic action she took as HP's CEO. HPQ took the printer and PC businesses while business-focused HPE works in a variety of markets such as servers, storage, networking, consulting and support, and financial services. Whitman, her team, and HP's board chose to split into two companies because of declining sales in what was a complicated conglomerate. The leaders believed that breaking the firm into two units would allow each to focus more as a means of unlocking the full value embedded in the portfolios that formed the two new firms. Results achieved across time will show if the decision to break HP into two firms was one of Whitman's best strategic actions or one that failed to deliver increased value to shareholders.
As is the case for virtually all leaders serving as a CEO, Whitman's career is not without con
troversy. During her tenure at eBay, for example, the firm paid roughly $4.1 billion to acquire
Skype in 2005. Later admitting that the premium she and her team agreed to pay for Skype
was too large, eBay sold Skype to a group of investors for $2.75 billion.
In Whitman's view, failing to recognize the market potential for eBay in Japan was a major
error. Instead of investing in Japan, Whitman chose to invest in eBay's existing website. At
the time, Japan was the world's second largest Internet consumer market. In commenting
about this, Whitman said that "I had a sense that the technology underpinning eBay was not
going to help us scale where we needed to. That miss of eBay Japan is one of the big failures
of my time at eBay:'
Some also question a few decisions Whitman made during her tenure as HP's CEO: "Meg
Whitman's tenure at Hewlett-Packard was marked by a series of splits and sales that reshaped
the storied Silicon Valley company. Now, her successor Antonio Neri must take the remnants
and reignite innovation:'Others observed the continuing weakness in server sales at Hewlett
Packard Enterprise as Whitman departed, suggesting that she was at least partly responsible
for this situation. On the other hand, many view Whitman's career as a strategic leader as one
through which she played a major role in commercializing the Internet industry.
Sources: D. Gallagher, 2018, New HPs give fresh life to old businesses, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, February 23; E. Shwartzel, 2018, Meg Whitman to lead mobile-video startup NewTv, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 24; D. Gallagher, 2017, Meg Whitman's latest turn signal, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, November 22; R. King, 2017, Can Antonio Neri revive HP Enterprise after Meg Whitman? Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, November 30; R. King, 2017, Meg Whitman to step down as Hewlett Packard Enterprise CEO, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, November 21; G. Hall, 2014, Hewlett Packard CEO talks biggest fails, bizwomen, www.bizjournals.com, May 2; M. Ames & Y. Levine, 2010, How Meg Whitman failed her way to the top at eBay, collecting billions while nearly destroying the company, Alternet, www.alternet .org, October 25; M. Mangalindan, 2008, EBay chief Whitman, web pioneer, plans to retire, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj .com, January 22.
A s the Opening Case suggests, strategic leaders' work is demanding, challenging, and requires the balancing of desired short- and long-term performance goals. Meg
Whitman is a CEO who has taken strategic actions in each top-level managerial position she held to deal with challenging situations in the pursuit of helping firms earn above average returns. Sometimes though, for a variety of reasons, strategic leaders do not attain the level of success they desire. This is likely the case for Sheri McCoy during her tenure as Avon Products' CEO. A 30-year veteran of Johnson & Johnson when she assumed this role, McCoy had early successes at Avon, such as deciding to exit markets in which the firm was not meeting expectations. Overall, though, some analysts believe that "McCoy was trying to fix an unimaginable mess at a company with operations all over the world, and proved slow to react to market changes such as the impact of e-commerce and chang ing demographics:',
Regardless of the length of their tenure, strategic leaders' decisions and actions affect a firm's performance. Sheri McCoy's effectiveness at Johnson & Johnson did not translate into success at Avon. Meg Whitman's upward trend of leadership success culminated in her appointment as the initial CEO for Jeffrey Katzenberg's WndrCo LLC, as seen in the Opening Case.2 Many-though not all-thought Steve Jobs led Apple to significant levels of success as the firm's CEO. There were questions about whether anyone could follow Jobs as CEO and come close to achieving his levels of success. Those questions dogged Tim Cook, who became Apple's CEO after Jobs passed away. Concerns about Cook may have been unnecessary in that after three and one-half years into his tenure as CEO, Apple's performance was noteworthy. An indicator of this performance is the fact that during this time, Apple became the first company with a $1 trillion market value (additional information about Tim Cook as Apple's CEO appears in this chapter's Mini Case). A major message in this chapter is that effective strategic leadership is critical to
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
leaders' efforts to use the strategic management process successfully. As implied in Figure 1.1 in Chapter 1 and through the Analysis-Strategy-Performance model, strategic leaders guide the firm in ways that result in forming a vision and mission. Often, this guidance involves leaders creating goals that stretch everyone in the organization as a foundation for enhancing firm performance. A positive outcome of stretch goals is their ability to provoke breakthrough thinking-thinking that often leads to innovation.3 In addition, strategic leaders work with others to verify that the firm uses the analysis and strategy parts of the A-S-P model effectively to increase the likelihood it will achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns. We show how effective strategic leader ship makes this possible in Figure 12.1.4
In this chapter, we first define strategic leadership and discuss its importance and the possibility of strategic leaders as a source of competitive advantage. These introductory comments include a brief consideration of different styles strategic leaders may use. We
Figure 12.1 Strategic Leadership and the Strategic Management Process
Formulation of Strategies
Effective Strategic Leadership
-+, 0 VI , :::r 3 Ql Ql" ,-+ (D -· VI0
r+ ::::) :::r 0 (D -+,
Successful Strategic Actions
Implementation of Strategies
Strategic Competitiveness
Above-Average Returns
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Strategic leadership is the
ability to anticipate, envision,
maintain flexibility, and empower others to create
strategic change as necessary.
Strategic change is change
resulting from selecting
and implementing a firm's
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
then examine the role of top-level managers and top management teams and their effects on innovation, strategic change, and firm performance. Following this discussion is an analysis of managerial succession, particularly in the context of the internal and external managerial labor markets from which firms select strategic leaders. Closing the chapter are descriptions of five key leadership actions that contribute to effective strategic leader ship: determining strategic direction, effectively managing the firm's resource portfolio, sustaining an effective organizational culture, emphasizing ethical practices, and estab lishing balanced organizational controls.
12-1 Strategic Leadership and Style Strategic leadership is the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, and empower others to create strategic change as necessary. Strategic change is change resulting from selecting and implementing a firm's strategies.5 Multifunctional in nature, strategic lead ership involves managing through others, managing an entire organization rather than a functional subunit, and coping with the rapid and intense changes associated with the global economy. Because of the global economy's complexity, strategic leaders must learn how to influence human behavior effectively, often in uncertain environments.6 By word and by personal example, and through their ability to envision the future, effective stra tegic leaders meaningfully influence the behaviors, thoughts, and feelings of those with whom they work.7
As we explain in the Strategic Focus, today's organizations face a new risk-cyber security threats. In recognition of these risks and their severity, astute strategic leaders are taking actions to guide employees' behaviors to mitigate and hopefully eliminate the risks cyber-security threats pose today to firms across the globe.
The ability to attract and then manage human capital may be the most critical of the strategic leader's skills,8 especially because the lack of talented human capital constrains firm growth. Indeed, in the twenty-first century, intellectual capital that the firm's human capital possesses, including the ability to manage knowledge and produce innovations, affects a strategic leader's success.9
Effective strategic leaders also create and then support the context or environment through which stakeholders (e.g., employees and suppliers) can perform at peak efficiency. Being able to attract and manage human capital and establish and nurture an appropriate context for that capital to flourish is important, especially given that the crux of strategic leadership is the ability to manage the firm's operations effectively and sustain high perfor mance over time.10
The primary responsibility for effective strategic leadership rests at the top, in par ticular with the CEO. Other strategic leaders include members of the board of directors, the top management team, and divisional general managers. In practice though, any indi vidual with responsibility for the performance of human capital and/or a part of the firm (e.g., a production unit) is a strategic leader. Regardless of their title and organizational function, strategic leaders have substantial decision-making responsibilities they can not delegate.11 Strategic leadership is a complex but critical form of leadership. Without effective strategic leaders, firms fail in efforts to implement strategies in ways that lead to above-average returns.
The style of leadership those in top management positions use affects a firm's performance. Commonly, their personal ideology and experience influence leaders' style.12 Consider again Tim Cook, Apple's CEO. Based on his personal ideology, Cook influences the firm he leads to be involved actively with philanthropic activities. He also expresses his opinion regarding what he views as important social issues, such as
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership 387
Cybersecurity Risk: A Significant and Expanding Challenge
for Strategic Leaders and Their Firms
For organizations engaged with rivals to achieve competitive
success, new challenges appear regularly. Today, cybersecurity
risks threaten firms' ability to conduct business without external
interference with their operations. Cybersecurity risk "means
any risk of financial loss, disruption or damage to the reputa
tion of an organization from some sort of failure of its informa
tion technology systems'.'
Cyber risks are systemic in that they affect all types of
firms-large and small, public and private, startups, and those
with long histories. Commonly, cyber risk, which is concerned
with the unique risk a firm faces because of using technolog
ical systems with interconnections, is defined as "threat X vul
nerability X consequence'.'Cyber threats emerge from various
actors including nation states, hackers, criminal syndicates and
enterprises, lone wolf actors, and even insiders. Processes, pro
cedures, and technologies are the sources of vulnerabilities that
attackers seek out to find ways to threaten a firm. Consequence
is concerned with the harm an organization experiences if it
loses sensitive data to cyber-attacks and/or if disruptions affect
its ability to operate its networks.
Perhaps not surprisingly, top-level executives as well as mem
bers of a firm's board of directors are prime targets for hackers
seeking access to valuable information about individuals leading
a company. In these instances, hackers seek to find ways to influ
ence and perhaps to extort monies from these leaders.
Overall, the volume of cyber threats and attacks is increas
ing. Recently, AT&T Cybersecurity Insights reported that over
a 12-month period, nearly 80 percent of surveyed organiza
tions experienced negative effects from a cybersecurity attack.
Ransomware; malware, worms, and viruses; and unauthorized
access to corporate data were the types of cyber-attacks these
organizations expected to experience with the greatest frequency.
Some analysts believe that organizations must change
their culture as a foundation for developing processes and
procedures through which they will be able to deal consis
tently and effectively with cybersecurity risks and the threats
associated with them. Firms can take several actions to embed
cybersecurity practices into their culture. First, everyone within
the firm should understand cybersecurity risk as a reality and
should be aware of specific risks to which their firm is exposed.
Additionally, leaders must commit to the position that cyberse
curity is an integral part of their firms' Information Technology
capability. Providing cybersecurity training to employees is a
part of developing such a capability. This is challenging in that
cybersecurity specialists require unique skill sets. Currently,
many organizations lack the ability to provide this type of train
ing with an acceptable degree of effectiveness. In this sense,
organizations need their own training so they can then train
employees to be cybersecurity specialists.
In some instances, firms are developing strategic alliances
as a path to forming a cyber-security capability. In February of
2018, for example, "AT&T and five other communications and
security vendors joined forces to form the loT (the Internet of
Things) Cybersecurity Alliance, which will educate on loT best
practices and raise awareness of how to better secure the loT
ecosystem'.' Regardless of how a firm develops an IT capability
in terms of cybersecurity, it will strive to maintain confiden
tiality regarding its practices. Of course, some firms, perhaps
especially those competing in markets where sophisticated
technologies influence organizational performance, could
seek to focus on their cybersecurity practices in ways that are
superior to competitors' practices, allowing those practices to
become a source of competitive advantage.
Sources: 2018, Cyber risk and risk management, Institute ofRisk Management, www
.theirm.org, February 20; G. Baker, 2018, View from the top: How CEOs see their fields
and the world, Wall Street Journal www.wsj.com, January 17; A. Loren, 2018, Cyber's
'flaming sword of justice' won't save companies, says Akamai security expert, Wall
Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 25; G. Romeny, 2018, Ginni Romeny on how
Al is going to transform jobs-all of them, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January
17; S. Rosenbush, 2018, The morning download: Al may not deci mate job market,
but it will change nature of work, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 24; 2017,
The corporate board's role when it comes to cybersecurity, Wall Street Journal,
www.wsj.com, December 18; 2017, The (-suite as pri me target for cyberanacks, Wall
Street Journal, www.wsj.com, December 18; 2017, Where the jobs are: Cybersecurity,
Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, December 18; D. Davis, 2017, What's next for cyber
security in 2018? Cybersecurity Insights, www.csoonline.com, December 1.
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388 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
treating all people equally regardless of ethnic ity, gender, or sexual orientation. Cook says that Apple "advocates for human rights;' "believes that education is a great equalizer;' and "advocates for people's privacy" in a world where technology's capabilities are far-reaching in nature.13 Cook
l'l, also opines that there should be limits to the use
� of technology in schools and that his nephew f i should not use social network sites given his rel- ii atively young age.14 He also delegated responsi- 1 bility and authority to other members of Apple's E leadership team and empowered them to act in� � ways that demonstrate the firm's commitments to j socially oriented issues and projects. In this way,°
Cook displayed forms of what some call responsi- Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, is an advocate for people's privacy, ble leadership ( that is, demonstrating concern for and a firm believer in equal education with limits to the use of the firm's stakeholders and the broader society) .15 technology in the classroom. Others think this type of leadership orientation
demonstrates concern for the triple bottom line, where firms seek returns for "people, profits, and planet;' which is also thought of as generating economic, social, and environmental returns through a firm's performance.16
Given that he is affecting Apple's culture and employees' perspectives and actions, Tim Cook may be a transformational leader. This is potentially important for the firm he leads in that transformational leadership is one of the most effective strategic leader ship styles. This style entails motivating followers to exceed the expectations others have of them, to strengthen their capabilities through continuous training, and to place the interests of the organization above their own.17 Transformational leaders develop and communicate an organizational vision and work with others to formulate and execute a strategy to achieve it.
Transformational leaders have a high degree of integrity and recognize its importance. James Hackett, newly appointed CEO of Ford Motor Company who believes that inno vation is the key to his firm's success, 18 says that "if you want to lead others, you've got to have their trust, and you can't have their trust without integrity:' 19 Transformational lead ers also respect their employees. Jeffrey Katzenberg, a Hollywood executive, highlights the importance of this leadership trait, saying that "by definition if there's leadership, it means there are followers. I believe the quality of the followers is in direct correlation to the respect you hold them in. It's not how much they respect you that is most important. It's actually how much you respect them. It's everything:' 20
Transformational leaders also have emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent leaders understand themselves well, have strong motivation, empathize with others, and have effective interpersonal skills.21 These characteristics contribute to transformational leaders' efforts to promote and nurture innovation in firms.22
12-2 The Role of Top-Level Managers In their role, top-level managers make many decisions, such as the strategic actions and responses associated with their firm's competitive rivalries (see Chapter 5). In a compre hensive sense, top-level managers make multiple decisions regarding the strategies their firms will choose and then the implementation of those strategies.
When making decisions related to using the strategic management process, managers (certainly top-level ones) often use their discretion (or latitude for action).23 Managerial
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
discretion differs among managers leading firms in different industries. The primary fac tors that determine the amount of decision-making discretion a manager has (especially a top-level manager) are
1. external environmental sources such as industry structure, the rate of market growth in the firm's primary industry, and the degree to which product differenti ation is possible
2. organizational characteristics, including size, age, resources, and culture 3. managerial characteristics, including commitment to the firm, tolerance for ambi
guity, skills in working with different people, and aspiration levels (see Figure 12.2)
Because strategic leaders make decisions to help the firm outperform competitors, how they exercise discretion when making decisions is critical to the firm's success24 and affects or shapes its culture as well.
Appointed in 2017 to succeed Jeff Immelt as GE's CEO, John Flannery's early actions demonstrate use of decision-making discretion. Some analysts concluded that Flannery is deciding to back away from the ambitions of Immelt and Jack Welch before him and to
Figure 12.2 Factors Affecting Managerial Discretion
External Environment
• Industry structure • Rate of market growth • Number and type of
competitors • Nature and degree of
political/legal constraints
• Degree to which products can be differentiated
Managerial Discretion
t Characteristics of the Manager
Characteristics of the Organization
• Size • Age • Culture • Availability of
resources • Patterns of
interaction among employees
• Tolerance for ambiguity • Commitment to the
firm and its desired strategic outcomes
• Interpersonal skills • Aspiration level • Degree of self
Source: Adapted from S. Finkelstein & DC. Hambrick, 1996, Strategic Leadership: Top Executives and Their Effects on Organizations,
St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.
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A top management
team is composed of the
individuals responsible for
making certain the firm uses
the strategic management
process, especially to select
and implement strategies.
A heterogeneous top
management team is
composed of individuals
with different functional
backgrounds, experience,
and education.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
reduce GE's size. In the process, Flannery intends for GE to become a more focused company with fewer business units. He seeks to make GE "simpler and easier to operate"; in his view, complexity has hurt the firm. He is working with the firm's board of directors and people throughout GE to bring about the changes he seeks, including greater financial discipline.25
Top-level managers' roles in verifying that their firm uses the strategic management process effectively are complex and challenging. Because of this, top management teams, rather than a single top-level manager, typically make these types of decisions.26
12-2a Top Management Teams
The top management team is composed of the individuals responsible for making cer tain the firm uses the strategic management process, especially to select and implement strategies. Typically, the top management team includes the officers of the corporation, defined by the title of vice president and above or by service as a member of the board of directors.27 Among other outcomes, the quality of a top management team's deci sions affects the firm's ability to innovate and change in ways that help its efforts to earn above-average returns.28
As noted earlier, the complex challenges facing most organizations require the exer cise of strategic leadership by a team of executives rather than by a single individual. Using a team to make decisions about how the firm will compete also helps to avoid another potential problem when CEOs make decisions in isolation: managerial hubris. Research shows that when CEOs begin to believe glowing press accounts and to feel that they are unlikely to make errors, the quality of their decisions suffers.29 Top-level manag ers should be self-confident; but they must not allow that to become arrogance, possibly leading to a false belief in their own invincibility.30 To guard against CEO hubris and the making of poor decisions, firms often use a top management team to make strategic management process decisions.
Among other benefits, teams and their individual members can help CEOs make bet ter decisions. In the words of Ken Chenault, the former CEO of American Express, "The more people from the more diverse perspectives from more parts of the organization you listen to and learn from, the better decisions you will make, and the more people will help you with executing them:' 31 Results from a McKinsey & Co. analysis are similar. Based on a large-scale study, McKinsey consultants "found that companies with diverse executive teams posted bigger profit margins than their rivals, compared with companies with rel atively little diversity in their upper echelons:' 32
Top Management Teams, Firm Performance, and Strategic Change The job of top-level managers is complex and requires a broad knowledge of the firm's internal organization (see Chapter 3) as well as the three key parts of its external environment-the general, industry, and competitor environments (see Chapter 2). Therefore, firms try to form a top management team with the knowledge and exper tise needed to operate the internal organization and deal with the firm's stakeholders as well as its competitors.33 Firms also need to structure the top management team to best utilize the expertise of each member.34 Organizing a team with different types of expertise and knowledge bases typically creates a heterogeneous top management team. More specifically, a heterogeneous top management team is composed of individuals with different functional backgrounds, experience, and education. Increasingly, having international experience is a critical aspect of the heterogeneity that is desirable in top management teams, given the globalized nature of the markets in which most firms now compete.35
Members of a heterogeneous top management team benefit from discussing their different perspectives. In many cases, these discussions, and the debates they engender,
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
increase the quality of the team's decisions, especially when a synthesis emerges within the team after evaluating different perspectives.36 In effect, top management team mem bers learn from each other and thereby develop better decisions.37 In turn, higher-quality decisions lead to stronger firm performance.38
Interestingly though, the more heterogeneous and larger the top management team, the more difficult it is for the team to cohesively implement strategies.39 Communication difficulties within larger top management teams account for some of this difficulty. Overall then, a group of top executives with diverse backgrounds may inhibit effective decision-making processes if the team lacks the ability to manage itself effectively. Without effective management, top management teams may fail to study threats and opportunities with a sufficient amount of intensity, leading to suboptimal decisions. Seeking to integrate team members' unique backgrounds is a managerial approach CEOs take to deal with these potential problems.
Having members with substantive expertise in the firm's core businesses is also important to a top management team's effectiveness.40 In a high-technology industry, for example, it may be critical for top management team members to have R&D expertise, particularly when a firm seeks to grow. In the final analysis though, the top management team's effect on decisions it makes depends on its expertise and how it manages the team as well as the context in which the team makes decisions ( the governance structure, incentive compensation, etc.).41
The characteristics of top management team members, and even the personalities of the CEO and other team members, have a relationship with innovation and strategic change.42 For example, decisions reached by more heterogeneous top management teams have a positive relationship with innovation and strategic change, perhaps in part because heterogeneity may influence the team, or at least some of its members, to think more creatively when making decisions and taking actions.43 Supporting these expectations are results from a recent Boston Consulting Group study, where the researchers found that "increasing the diversity of leadership teams leads to more and better innovation and improved financial performance" in firms competing in both developed and emerging economies. 44
Therefore, firms that could benefit by changing their strategies are more likely to make those changes if they have top management teams with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Evidence suggests that, compared to selecting a CEO from within the firm or from within the firm's industry, hiring a CEO from outside the firm and its industry increases the probability strategic change will take place. 45 On the other hand, although hiring a new CEO from outside the industry adds diversity to the top management team such a change can affect the firm's relationships with important stakeholders, especially customers and employees.46 Astute managers recognize any changes of this nature and deal with them in ways that demonstrate how, say, additional heterogeneity among the team in terms of functional backgrounds benefits stakeholders. Consistent with earlier comments, we highlight here the value of transformational leadership to strategic change as the CEO helps the firm match environmental opportunities with its capabilities and core competencies as a foundation for selecting and/or implementing new strategies.47
The CEO and Top Management Team Power We noted in Chapter 10 that the board of directors is an important governance mecha nism for monitoring a firm's strategic direction and for representing stakeholders' inter ests, especially shareholders. In fact, firm performance tends to improve when the board of directors is involved more directly in helping to shape the firm's strategic direction.48
Boards of directors, however, may find it difficult to direct the decisions and resulting actions of powerful CEOs and top management teams. Often, a powerful CEO appoints a
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392 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
number of sympathetic outside members to the board or may have inside board members who are also on the top management team and report to her or him.49 In either case, the CEO may significantly influence actions such as appointments to the board. Overall, the board of directors and the decision latitude it provides to the CEO and other top manage ment team members influence the amount of discretion a CEO and the top management team possess when making decisions.50
CEOs and top management team members can also achieve power in other ways. For example, a CEO who also serves as chair of the firm's board of directors usually has more power than the individual who is CEO only.51 Some analysts and corporate "watchdogs" criticize the practice of CEO duality (when the same person holds the positions of CEO and board chair). The reason for this criticism is the conclusion that CEO duality can lead to poor performance and slow responses to change, partly because the board often reduces its efforts to monitor the CEO and other top management team members in instances of CEO duality.52
Although it varies across industries, CEO duality occurs most commonly in larger firms. CEO duality is under scrutiny and attack in both U.S. and European firms due to increased shareholder activism. In this regard, we noted in Chapter 10 that a number of analysts, regulators, and corporate directors believe that an independent board lead ership structure without CEO duality has a net positive effect on the board's efforts to monitor top-level managers' decisions and actions, particularly with respect to financial performance. However, CEO duality's actual effect on firm performance (and particularly financial performance) remains inconclusive.53 Moreover, some evidence suggests that, at least in a sample of firms in European countries, CEO duality can positively affect per formance when a firm encounters a crisis.54 Yet, recent evidence suggests that some firms have begun to separate the CEO and board chair positions. Some, but not all, of the sepa rations occur because of poor performance. In other cases, this type of separation occurs to allow an experienced board chair to mentor a new CEO, who for some time serves as an apprentice.55 Thus, decision makers should consider nuances or situational conditions when studying the outcomes of CEO duality on firm performance. For example, power differentials can occur among top management team members when a family holds an important ownership position; this is the case even in large public firms. Typically, top managers who are also members of the family may have a special form of power that can cause conflict unless managers try to balance family and firm interests across the top management team. 56
Individuals with long tenure as the CEO and as a member of the top management team have greater influence on board decisions. Interestingly though, long tenure may constrain the breadth of an executive's knowledge base. Some evidence suggests that with the limited perspectives associated with a restricted knowledge base, long-tenured top executives typically develop fewer alternatives to evaluate when making strategic deci sions.57 However, long-tenured CEOs and top management team members may be able to exercise strategic control with greater effectiveness. When this is the case, there is less need for board members' involvement with decisions made by upper-level managers because effective strategic control generally leads to higher performance.58 It may be then that "the liabilities of short tenure ... appear to exceed the advantages, while the advantages of long tenure-firm-specific human and social capital, knowledge, and power-seem to outweigh the disadvantages of rigidity and maintaining the status quo:' 59 Overall then, the relationship between CEO tenure and firm performance is complex and nuanced.60
This reality indicates the need for a board of directors to develop an effective working relationship with the top management team as a means of enhancing firm performance.
Another nuance or situational condition to consider is the case in which a CEO acts as a steward of the firm's assets. In this instance, holding the dual roles of CEO and board
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
chair facilitates efforts to make decisions and take actions that are in stakeholders' inter ests. The logic here is that the CEO, desiring to be the best possible steward of the firm's assets, gains efficiency through CEO duality.61 In addition, because of this person's posi tive orientation and actions, extra governance and the coordination costs resulting from an independent board leadership structure become unnecessary. 62
In summary, an individual firm's situation should influence choices about the relative degrees of power held by the board and top management team members. For example, the abundance of resources in a firm's external environment and the volatility of that environment may affect the ideal balance of power between the board and the top man - agement team. Moreover, a volatile and uncertain environment has the potential to create a situation calling for a powerful CEO to move quickly. In such an instance, a diverse top management team may result in less cohesion among team members, perhaps stalling or even preventing the making of decisions in a timely manner. In the final analysis, an effective working relationship between the board and the CEO and other top manage ment team members increases the likelihood of the firm making decisions that are in stakeholders' interests. 63
12-3 Managerial Succession The choice of top-level managers-particularly CEOs-is a critical decision with import ant implications for the firm's performance. As discussed in Chapter 10, selecting the CEO has been and remains one of the most important responsibilities for a board of directors as it seeks to represent the firm's stakeholders. As a recent article indicates: "Succession planning has always been defined as the number one responsibility of board members followed closely by strategic plan development:' 64 Succession management is equally important in governmental agencies and family-owned firms. Speaking to the issue of succession planning in governmental agencies, Deloitte consultants note that based on their research, governmental agencies "with well-defined succession management prac tices realize significant employee engagement and retention gains, due to transparency in career paths and development opportunities, as well as more preparation time for leadership roles:' 65
In family firms, CEO succession requires discussion early in a family member's career, according to J. W Marriott, chair of the Marriott International board of directors. Working with others, Marriott chose a strategic leader from the external managerial labor market (rather than selecting a family member from the internal managerial labor market) to succeed him as CEO of Marriott International. Marriott indi cated that the choice of the firm's new CEO was in the company's best interests-the criterion that must, he believes, drive the successor decision.66
Many companies use leadership-screening systems to identify individuals with strategic lead ership potential as well as to determine the criteria individuals should satisfy to be a candidate for the CEO position. The most effective of these screen ing systems assesses people within the firm and produces valuable information about the capabil ities of other companies' strategic leaders.67 Based on the results of these assessments, firms place
Managers participating in a leadership training program.
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An internal managerial
labor market consists of
a firm's opportunit ies for
managerial positions and the
qualified employees within it.
An external managerial
labor market is the
collection of managerial
career opportunities and the
qualified people who are external to the organization in
which the opportunities exist.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
certain individuals into training and development programs as a means of shaping their potential as strategic leaders.
A number of firms have high-quality leadership programs in place, including Procter & Gamble (P&G), GE, IBM, and Dow Chemical. For example, some believe that P&G has talented individuals throughout the organization, with skills gained from training that will allow them to accept the next level of leadership responsibility when the time comes. Managing talent on a global basis, P&G is an example of a company providing leaders at all levels in the firm with meaningful work and significant respon sibilities as a means of simultaneously challenging and developing them.
In spite of the value high-quality leadership training programs can create, many companies do not have training and succession plans in place for their top-level man agers or for others holding key leadership positions (e.g., department heads, sections heads). With respect to family-owned firms operating in the United States, Deloitte found that only 41 percent of those surveyed have established leadership contingency plans while 49 percent indicated that they "review succession plans (only) when a change in management requires it:' 68 The results are similar for family firms on a global basis, as a broader survey of family firms in Asia, Europe, and Latin America found that only the most successful companies have a clear understanding of the party responsible for managing the CEO succession process. In 44 percent of the firms surveyed, the board of directors had that responsibility. 69 This information about percentages of firms without succession plans in place is interesting in that without effective succession planning, continuity in using the firm's strategic man agement process, even a successful one, is unlikely.
Organizations select managers and strategic leaders from two types of managerial labor markets-internal and external.7° An internal managerial labor market consists of a firm's opportunities for managerial positions and the qualified employees within it. An external managerial labor market is the collection of managerial career oppor tunities and the qualified people who are external to the organization in which the opportunities exist.
Employees commonly prefer that firms use the internal managerial labor market for selection purposes, particularly when choosing a CEO and top management team members. Evidence suggests that firms commonly follow these preferences. For example, about 86 percent of new CEOs selected in 2016 were from the internal managerial labor market.71 As explained in this chapter's Mini-Case, Tim Cook came from Apple's internal managerial labor market as Steve Jobs' replacement as CEO.
With respect to the CEO position, some believe that several benefits accrue to those using the internal labor market to select a new CEO, one of which is the continuing com mitment to the firm's existing vision, mission, and strategies. In addition, because of their experience with the firm and the industry in which it competes, inside CEOs are famil iar with company products, markets, technologies, and operating procedures. Another benefit is that choosing a new CEO from within usually results in lower turnover among existing personnel, many of whom possess valuable firm-specific knowledge and skills. In summary, CEOs selected from inside the firm tend to benefit from their
1. clear understanding of the firm's personnel and their capabilities 2. appreciation of the company's culture and its associated core values 3. deep knowledge of the firm's core competencies as well as abilities to develop new
ones as appropriate 4. "feel" for what will and will not "work" in the firm72
In spite of the understandable and legitimate reasons to select CEOs from inside the firm, boards of directors sometimes prefer to choose a new CEO from the external
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
managerial labor market. This was the case recently with luxury retailer Neiman Marcus.73
In another example, Sam Adams Beer preferred to hire from the external market to find an individual with a strong sales-and-marketing orientation to balance the firm's histori cal focus on operations to produce its products. The company was willing to take over a year to make its choice.74 Broadly, conditions suggesting a potentially appropriate prefer ence to hire from outside include
1. the firm's need to enhance its ability to innovate 2. the firm's need to reverse its recent poor performance 3. the fact that the industry in which the firm competes is experiencing rapid growth 4. the need for strategic change75
Overall, the decision to use either the internal or the external managerial labor market to select a firm's new CEO is one that should be based on expectations; in other words, what does the board of directors want the new CEO and top management team to accom - plish? We address this issue in Figure 12.3 by showing how the composition of the top management team and the CEO succession source (managerial labor market) interact to affect strategy. For example, when the top management team is homogeneous (its mem bers have similar functional experiences and educational backgrounds) and the new CEO comes from the internal managerial labor market, the firm's current strategy is unlikely to change. If the firm is performing well, absolutely and relative to peers, continuing to implement the current strategy may be precisely what the board of directors wants. Alternatively, when a new CEO comes from outside the firm and the top management team is heterogeneous, the probability is high that strategy will change. This, of course, would be a board's preference when the firm's performance is declining, both in absolute terms and relative to rivals. W hen the new CEO is from inside the firm and a hetero geneous top management team is in place, the strategy may not change, but innovation is likely to continue. An external CEO succession with a homogeneous team creates a more ambiguous situation. Furthermore, outside CEOs who lead moderate change often achieve increases in performance, but high strategic change by outsiders frequently leads to performance declines.76 In summary, a firm's board of directors should use the insights reflected in Figure 12.3 to inform its decision about which of the two managerial labor markets to use to select a new CEO.
Figure 12.3 Effects of CEO Succession and Top ManagementTeam Composition on Strategy
Top Management Team Composition
Managerial Labor Market:
CEO Succession
Internal CEO succession
Stable strategy
Stable strategy with innovation
External CEO succession
Ambiguous: possible change in top management team and strategy
Strategic change
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396 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
In companies throughout the world, an interim CEO is com monly appointed when a firm lacks a succession plan or when an emergency occurs requiring an immediate appointment of a new CEO.77 In most cases, interim CEOs come from inside the firm. Their familiarity with the company's operations sup ports their efforts to "maintain order" as the firm searches for a permanent CEO. Indeed, a primary advantage of appointing an interim CEO is that doing so can generate the amount of time the board of directors requires to conduct a thorough search to find the best candidate from the external and internal markets.
Sir Howard Stringer, the first foreign CEO of
Sony in Japan.
Not all changes in CEOs are successful. For example, some Japanese firms have experimented with foreign CEOs largely to encourage strategic change. Managers' and employees' accep tance of a CEO from outside the firm's host country increases the likelihood that her/his proposed changes to the firm's strategies will receive enthusiastic support. Thus, most Japanese firms that hire foreign CEOs search for one who has work experience in Japan so that he or she understands the culture and the typical styles used in Japanese firms.78 In addition, firms have learned that in general, retaining executives in a target firm following its acquisition is important. Without them, integration of the newly acquired firm into the acquiring firm is commonly more dif ficult. Moreover, the executives often have valuable knowledge and capabilities that are lost to the acquirer if they depart. Thus, turnover among these executives makes the acquisition less valu able to the acquiring firm.79
Next, we discuss key actions that effective strategic lead ers demonstrate while helping their firm use the strategic management process.
Determining strategic
direction involves specifying
the vision and the strategy to
achieve the vision.
12-4 Key Strategic Leadership Actions Certain actions characterize effective strategic leadership; we present the most important ones in Figure 12.4. Many of the actions interact with each other. For example, managing the firm's resources effectively includes developing human capital and contributes to establishing a strategic direction, fostering an effective culture, exploiting core competen cies, using effective and balanced organizational control systems, and establishing ethical practices. The most effective strategic leaders create viable options in making decisions regarding each of the key strategic leadership actions. 80
12-4a Determining Strategic Direction
Determining strategic direction involves specifying the vision and the strategy to achieve the vision.81 The opportunities and threats strategic leaders believe their firm will encounter while competing against rivals influence the framing of the strategic direction. Increasingly, firms' strategic leaders are challenged to include societal contributions as part of the vision and strategy as a foundation for receiving financial investments from investors. 82
The ideal long-term strategic direction has two parts: a core ideology and an envi sioned future. The core ideology motivates employees through the company's heritage
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
Figure 12.4 Exercise of Effective Strategic Leadership
Effective Strategic Leadership
Determining Establishing Balanced Strategic Direction Organizational Controls
I I Effectively Sustaining
Emphasizing Managing the Firm's an Effective Resource Portfolio Organizational Culture
Ethical Practices
while the envisioned future encourages them to stretch beyond their expectations of accomplishment.83 The envisioned future serves as a guide to many aspects of a firm's strategy implementation process, including motivation, leadership, employee empow erment, and organizational design. The strategic direction could include a host of actions such as entering new international markets and developing a set of new suppli ers to add to the firm's value chain.84
Sometimes though, strategic leaders fail to select a strategy that helps a firm achieve its strategic direction. This can happen when top management team members and, cer tainly, the CEO are too committed to the status quo. A firm's strategic direction remains relatively stable across time. However, actions taken to use strategies to pursue the direc tion are somewhat fluid, largely so the firm can deal with unexpected opportunities and threats from the external environment. An aversion to what decision makers conclude are risky actions creates an inability to adjust strategies as appropriate to deal with envi ronmental changes. An aversion to risky actions tends to be common in firms that have performed well across time and firms with long-serving CEOs.85 Research also suggests that some CEOs are erratic or even ambivalent when choosing their firm's strategic direction. This is particularly the case when a firm faces a turbulent competitive envi ronment, making it difficult to identify the best strategy.86 Of course, these erratic or ambivalent behaviors are unlikely to produce high performance and may lead to CEO turnover. Interestingly, research has found that incentive compensation in the form of stock options encourages talented executives to select strategies that contribute to strong firm performance. However, the same incentives used with less talented executives pro duce lower performance.87
In contrast to risk-averse CEOs, charismatic ones may foster stakeholders' commit ment to a new vision and strategic direction. Nonetheless, even when being guided by a charismatic CEO, it is important for the firm not to lose sight of its strengths and weak nesses when making changes required by a new strategic direction. The most effective charismatic CEO leads a firm in ways that are consistent with its culture and with the actions permitted by its capabilities and core competencies.88
Finally, being ambicultural can facilitate efforts to determine the firm's strategic direction and to choose and implement strategies to reach it. Being ambicultural
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Human capital refers to
the knowledge and skills of a
firm's entire workforce. From
the perspective of human
capital, firms view employees
as a capital resource requiring
continuous investment.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
means that strategic leaders are committed to identifying the best organizational activities to take particularly when implementing strategies, regardless of their cul tural origin.89 Ambicultural actions help the firm succeed in the short term as a foun dation for reaching its vision in the longer term.90
12-4b Effectively Managing the Firm's Resource Portfolio Effectively managing the firm's portfolio of resources is another critical strategic lead ership action. Financial capital, human capital, social capital, and organizational capital (including organizational culture) are the four categories of firms' resources.
Clearly, financial capital is critical to organizational success; strategic leaders in both established91 and smaller entrepreneurial ventures92 understand this reality. However, the most effective strategic leaders recognize the equivalent importance of managing each remaining type of resource as well as managing the integration of resources (e.g., using financial capital to provide training opportunities for the firm's human capital). Most importantly, effective strategic leaders manage the firm's resource portfolio in ways that increase the likelihood of strong performance. To do this, they organize available resources into capabilities, structure the firm to facilitate using those capabilities, and choose strategies to leverage the capabilities to create value for customers.
Exploiting and Maintaining Core Competencies Examined in Chapters 1 and 3, core competencies are capabilities that serve as a source of competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals. The reason a core competency is a source of competitive advantage for a firm is that it is a "deep proficiency that enables a com pany to deliver unique value to customers:' 93 Typically, core competencies relate to skills within organizational functions, such as manufacturing, finance, marketing, and research and development. Strategic leaders must verify that employees understand the firm's core competencies when selecting strategies and that the competencies are central to strategy implementation efforts. This suggests, for example, that with respect to their strategies, Apple emphasizes its design competence, while Netflix recognizes and concentrates on its competence of being able to deliver physical, digital, and original content.94
Firms develop core competencies over time as they learn from the results of the com petitive actions and responses taken while competing against their rivals. Using what they have learned, firms continuously reshape their capabilities to verify that they are, indeed, the path through which core competencies are being developed and used to establish one or more competitive advantages.
Developing Human Capital and Social Capital Human capital refers to the knowledge and skills of a firm's entire workforce. From the perspective of human capital, firms should view employees as a capital resource requiring continuous investment.95
Bringing talented human capital into the firm and then developing that capital has the potential to yield positive outcomes. A key reason for this is that individuals' knowl edge and skills are critical to the success of firms competing in many global industries (e.g., automobile manufacturing) as well as industries within countries (e.g., leather and shoe manufacturing in Italy). This reality suggests that people may be a highly significant source of competitive advantage for firms, especially those competing in turbulent and fast-changing environments.96 In all types of organizations-large and small, new and established-human capital's increasing importance suggests a significant role for the firm's human resource management function.97 As a support function on which firms rely to create value (see Chapter 3), human resource management practices have the capacity to facilitate selecting and especially implementing the firm's strategies.98
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
Effective training and development programs increase the probability that some of the firm's human capital will become effective strategic leaders. Increasingly, the link between effective programs and firm success is becoming stronger because the knowl edge gained by participating in these programs is integral to forming and then sustaining a firm's competitive advantage.99 In addition to building human capital's knowledge and skills, these programs inculcate a common set of core values and present a systematic view of the organization, thus promoting its vision and helping form an effective organi zational culture.
Effective training and development programs also contribute positively to the firm's efforts to form core competencies.10° Furthermore, the programs help strategic leaders improve their skills that are critical to completing other tasks associated with effective strategic leadership, such as determining the firm's strategic direction, exploiting and maintaining the firm's core competencies, and developing an organizational culture that supports ethical practices. Thus, building human capital is vital to effective strategic lead ership practices.
When investments in human capital (such as providing high-quality training and development programs) are successful, the outcome is a workforce capable of learning continuously. This is important in that continuous learning and leveraging the firm's expanding knowledge base have a positive influence on firm success.101
Learning also can preclude errors. Interestingly though, strategic leaders may learn more from failure than success. A key reason for this is that leaders sometimes make the wrong attributions for successes. 102 For example, the effectiveness of certain approaches and knowledge can be context specific. Thus, some "best practices" may not work well in all situations. We know that using teams to make decisions can be effective, but some times it is better for leaders to make decisions alone, especially when rapid implementa tion of the decisions benefits the firm (e.g., in a crisis). As such, effective strategic leaders recognize the importance of learning from success and from failure as a means of helping their firm use the strategic management process. Being committed to learning from fail ure is as important for smaller entrepreneurial ventures as it is for large, well-established organizations. 103
When facing challenging conditions, firms may decide to lay off some of their human capital, a decision that can result in a significant loss of knowledge. Research shows that moderate-sized layoffs may improve firm performance primarily in the short run, but large layoffs result in stronger performance downturns in firm perfor mance because of the loss of human capital.104 Although it is common for restructur ing firms to reduce their investments in training and development programs when encountering a downturn, the restructuring resulting from layoffs may actually yield an important opportunity to increase investments in these programs. The reason for this is that restructuring firms have less slack and cannot absorb as many errors; moreover, the employees who remain after layoffs may find themselves in positions without all the skills or knowledge they need to create value through their work. Viewing employ ees as a resource to maximize rather than as a cost to minimize facilitates successful implementation of a firm's strategies, as does the strategic leader's ability to approach layoffs in a manner that employees believe is fair and equitable, especially compared to the treatment of their peers.105
Social capital involves relationships inside and outside the firm that help in efforts to complete tasks that create value for stakeholders.106 Social capital is a critical asset given that employees must cooperate with one another and others outside the firm, such as suppliers and customers, in order to complete their work. In multinational organizations, employees often must cooperate across country boundaries on activities such as R&D to achieve performance objectives (e.g., developing new products).107
Social capital involves
relationships inside and
outside the firm that help
in efforts to accomplish
tasks that create value for
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400 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
External social capital is increasingly critical to firm success in that few if any companies possess all the resources needed to compete successfully against their rivals. W hen using cooperative strategies, such as strategic alliances (see Chapter 9), firms may develop social capital by sharing complementary resources. Transparency between firms regarding the specifics of how they will share resources creates trust and further encourages additional sharing of resources.108 Social capital created this way yields many benefits. For example, firms with strong social capital are able to be more ambidextrous; that is, they can develop or have access to multiple capabilities, providing them with the flexibility to take advantage of opportunities and to respond to threats.109
Organizations' experiences and research evidence suggest that the success of many types of firms may partially depend on social capital. Large multinational firms, for exam - pie, often must establish alliances in order to enter new foreign markets while entrepre neurial firms often must establish alliances to gain access to resources, venture capital, or other types of resources (e.g., special expertise that the entrepreneurial firm cannot afford to maintain in-house).'1° However, a firm's culture affects its ability to retain quality human capital and maintain strong internal social capital.
12-4c Sustaining an Effective Organizational Culture In Chapter 1, we defined organizational culture as the complex set of ideologies, sym bols, and core values that individuals and groups share throughout the firm and that influence how the firm conducts business. Because organizational culture influences how the firm conducts its business and helps to regulate and control employees' behavior, it can be a source of competitive advantage.111 Every organization has a unique culture; because of this, it is possible that a vibrant organizational culture is an increasingly important source of differentiation for firms to emphasize when pur suing strategic competitiveness and above-average returns. Thus, shaping the context within which the firm formulates and implements its strategies-that is, shaping the organizational culture-is another key strategic leadership action.112 We describe actions leaders take to help their firms develop and sustain an effective organizational culture in the Strategic Focus.
Entrepreneurial Mind-Set Especially in large organizations, an organizational culture often encourages (or dis courages) strategic leaders and those with whom they work to pursue (or not pursue) entrepreneurial opportunities. (We define and discuss entrepreneurial opportunities in Chapter 13.) This is the case in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.113 This issue is important because entrepreneurial opportunities are a vital source of growth and innovation.114 Therefore, a key action for strategic leaders to take is to encourage and promote innovation by pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities.
Investing in opportunities as real options is one way of encouraging innovation. Investing in real options finds a firm investing in an opportunity now to provide the potential option of taking advantage of the opportunity at a point in the future. 115 For example, a firm might buy a piece of land to have the option to build on it at some time in the future should the company need more space and should that location increase in value to the company. Firms might enter strategic alliances for similar reasons. In this instance, a firm might form an alliance to have the option of acquir ing the partner later or of building a stronger relationship with it (e.g., developing a new joint venture).116
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership 401
Organizational Culture: Is It Really That Important?
The answer to the title of this Strategic Focus is yes! The
reason for this is that organizational culture has a significant
influence on employees and, in turn, on a firm's performance
as it interacts with strategy and structure. In this regard,
"organizational culture sets the context for everything an
enterprise does." Strategic leaders recognize the import-
ant relationship among organizational culture, employees'
actions, and firm performance. For example, based on its
recent survey of CEOs, the U.S. Conference Board reported
that these leaders view culture and quality talent to be the
critical enablers of organizational success. The CEOs also
believe that an open and inclusive culture is one in which
organizational talent can thrive. As discussed in the chapter 's
earlier Strategic Focus, recognizing the effect of cyberse
curity threats and deciding how to deal with them are vital
aspects of organizational culture today.
Effective strategic leaders also know, though, that the
type of culture that leads to positive outcomes requires time
and effort to build. Indeed, leaders must work diligently
and consistently to build an effective organizational culture.
Building this type of culture "takes patience, sacrifice and
vision. It requires that leaders have the passion to improve
their organization and to motivate, engage, and inspire
their people with more than simply words or perks:' Once
developed, culture changes in response to efforts needed
to implement the firm's strategy within the context pro
vided by the structures that are in place to support strategy
execution efforts.
Research results support leaders' belief about culture's
importance and its relationship with strategy and structure.
Some researchers have found, for example, that "the key to
running a successful organization is to have a culture based
on a strongly held and widely shared set of beliefs that are
appropriately supported by strategy and structure:' Among
other benefits, a strong culture informs employees how leaders
want them to respond to situations that may develop; gives
employees confidence that the responses they initiate will be
the correct ones; and assures employees that they will be rec
ognized and rewarded for acting in manners that demonstrate
the firm's values as embedded in its culture. Thus, there is a
strong link between leaders and the actions they take and the
nature of a firm's culture.
Building and supporting an effective culture yields multi
ple specific benefits for an organization. As examples, culture
(1) increases employee loyalty in that individuals working in
a firm with a strong culture like the challenges associated
with their job and enjoy the atmosphere in which they work;
(2) attracts and retains talent in that strong cultures are envi
ronments in which people want to work and are passionate
about their role in helping a firm reach its vision and mission;
(3) reflects a firm's identity in that it demonstrates "how the
company views itself and how the company wishes to be
viewed by the outside world"; and (4) creates intrinsic motiva
tion for employee behavior.
The most effective strategic leaders understand that their
firm's culture can be a source of competitive advantage; as
such, they proactively work to form an effective culture. At its
best, "culture expresses goals through values and beliefs and
guides activity through shared assumptions and group norms:'
Going a step further, Bain & Company consultants suggest that
"company culture is at the heart of competitive advantage,
because it determines how things are done and how people
behave:' Importantly, the consultants also say, culture "is the
hardest thing for competitors to copy'.' Culture's imperfect imi
tability (see Chapter 3) explains why it can be a source of com
petitive advantage and perhaps a sustainable one. To develop
such a culture, leaders work with others to create an environ
ment in which people have a passion to perform at high levels
and to develop a culture with a unique personality and soul in
the process of doing so. With an effective culture, firms are
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402 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
able to attract and retain high-quality talent and serve loyal
customers. Overall, developing and sustaining an effective orga
nizational culture is indeed a key strategic leadership action.
Y.-J. Cheng, 2018, The leader's guide to corporate culture, Harvard Business Review,
96(1 ): 44-57; 2017, Sur vey finds CEOs leaning on talent and organizational
culture to sur vive and thrive amid global volatility, Conference Board, www
.conference-board-mg, January 31; W. A. Levenson, 2017, Culture: A. decisive com
petitive advantage, QualityDigest, www.qualitydigest.com, October 3; S. Patel, 2017,
The importance of building culture in your organization, Inc.com, wwwlinc.com,
October 24; D . Smith, 2017, How to define and build a great organizational culture
in 2018, Medium.com, www.medium.com, December 18.
Sources: 2018, Performance culture, Bain & Company, www.bain.com, February 20;
2018, Understanding and developing organizational culture, Society for Human
Resource Management, www.shrm.org, February 12; 8. Groysberg, J. Lee, J. Price, &
In Chapter 13, we describe how firms of all sizes use strategic entrepreneurship to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities as a means of earning above-average returns. Companies are more likely to achieve the success they desire by using strategic entrepre neurship when their employees have an entrepreneurial mind-set.117
Five dimensions characterize a firm's entrepreneurial mind-set: autonomy, innova tiveness, risk taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness. 118 In combination, these dimensions influence the actions a firm takes to be innovative when using the strategic management process.
Autonomy, the first of an entrepreneurial orientation's five dimensions, allows employees to take actions that are free of organizational constraints and encourages them to do so. The second dimension, innovativeness, "reflects a firm's tendency to engage in and support new ideas, novelty, experimentation, and creative processes that may result in new products, services, or technological processes:' 119 Cultures with a tendency toward innovativeness encourage employees to think beyond existing knowledge, technologies, and parameters to find creative ways to add value. Risk taking reflects a willingness by employees and their firm to accept measured levels of risks when pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities. The fourth dimension of an entrepre neurial orientation, proactiveness, describes a firm's ability to be a market leader rather than a follower. Proactive organizational cultures constantly use processes to anticipate future market needs and to satisfy them before competitors learn how to do so. Finally, competitive aggressiveness is a firm's propensity to take actions through which it is able to outperform rivals consistently and substantially.120
Changing the Organizational Culture and Restructuring Changing a firm's organizational culture is more difficult than maintaining it; however, effective strategic leaders recognize the need for cultural change. Commonly, firms make incremental changes to their culture when implementing strategies. More sig nificant and sometimes even radical changes to organizational culture support select ing strategies that differ from those the firm has implemented historically. Regardless of the reasons for change, shaping and reinforcing a new culture requires effective problem solving and communication practices. In addition, selecting the right people (those who have the values the organization desires), engaging in effective performance appraisals (establishing goals that support the new core values and measuring individu als' progress toward reaching them), and using appropriate reward systems (rewarding the desired behaviors that reflect the new core values) also facilitate the forming and shaping of organizational culture.121
Evidence suggests that cultural changes succeed only when the firm's CEO, other key top management team members, and middle-level managers actively support them.122
Some believe that middle-level managers "are essential in a change process" and that
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
employees become more committed to supporting change when middle-level managers are involved actively with those changes.123 For cultural change to occur, middle-level managers in particular need to be highly disciplined to energize the culture and fos ter alignment with the firm's vision and mission.124 In addition, managers working at all organizational levels must be sensitive to the effects of other changes to the firm's culture. For example, downsizings can have a negative effect on organizational culture, especially if firms fail to implement them in accordance with the dominant organiza tional values.125
The realities associated with the need to change an organization's culture partly through restructuring-and the downsizing that often accompanies it-confronted Mary Barra when she became General Motors' CEO in 2014. Since assuming this role, Barra has been trying to reorient GM's culture and structure toward superior performance in order to ward off serious competitive challenges. Some believe that "Barra's global restructuring isn't only a clean break from GM's history, it's a downsizing almost as big as the painful transformation the company underwent during its 2009 bankruptcY:'126
With a continuing focus on profitability, GM announced early in 2018 that it intended to close its factory in South Korea. This decision represents "the latest step in a broad global downsizing implemented by Chief Executive Mary Barra, who has closed, shrunk or sold unprofitable business units in India, Russia, Western Europe and Southeast Asia:'127 In all instances, Barra and her top management team will want to implement various restruc turing and downsizing decisions in ways that employees view as just and reasonable as well as necessary for GM to succeed.
12-4d Emphasizing Ethical Practices
When based on ethical practices, the effectiveness of processes used to implement the firm's strategies increases. Ethical companies encourage and enable people at all levels to act ethically when taking actions to implement strategies. In turn, ethical prac tices and the judgment informing their development and use create "social capital" in organizations. Social capital increases the amount of goodwill that is available to individuals as well as groups in the organization_l28 Alternatively, over time as uneth ical practices evolve in an organization, some managers may begin to perceive them as neutral or even ethical in nature.129 Once unethical practices become acceptable, individuals are more likely to engage in them to meet their goals when other efforts to meet them are insufficient.
To influence employees' judgment and behavior properly, ethical practices must shape the firm's decision-making process and be an integral part of organizational cul ture. In fact, a values-based culture is the most effective means of ensuring that employees comply with the firm's ethical standards. However, developing such a culture requires constant nurturing and support.130
As explained in Chapter 10, some in leadership positions may occasionally act opportunistically, making decisions that are in their own best interests. This tends to happen when firms have lax expectations in place for individuals to follow regard ing ethical behavior. In other words, individuals acting opportunistically take ad van - tage of their positions, making decisions that benefit themselves to the detriment of the firm's stakeholders.131 Sometimes executives take such actions due to their own greed and hubris.132 However, when there is evidence of executive wrongdoing, such as having to restate the financial earnings, stockholders and other investors often react very negatively. The hiring of a new CEO commonly follows these negative reactions by investors.133
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404 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Strategic leaders as well as others in the organization are most likely to integrate ethi cal values into their decisions when the company has explicit ethics codes, when extensive ethics training results in integration of the codes into how the firm conducts business, and when shareholders expect ethical behavior.134 Thus, establishing and enforcing a mean ingful code of ethics is an important action to take to encourage ethical decision-making and actions when using the strategic management process.
Strategic leaders can take several actions to develop and support an ethical organiza tional culture. Examples of these actions include
1. establishing and communicating specific goals to describe the firm's ethical standards (e.g., developing and disseminating a code of conduct)
2. continuously revising and updating the ethics code, based on inputs from people throughout the firm and from other stakeholders
3. disseminating the ethics code to all stakeholders to inform them of the firm's ethical standards and practices
4. developing and implementing methods and procedures to use in achieving the firm's ethical standards (e.g., using internal auditing practices that are consistent with the standards)
5. creating and using explicit reward systems that recognize acts of courage (e.g., rewarding those who use proper channels and procedures to report observed wrongdoings)
6. creating a work environment in which all people are treated with dignity135
When firms pursue these actions simultaneously, causing them to be mutually sup portive, their effectiveness tends to increase. When strategic leaders and others through out the firm fail to take actions such as these-perhaps because of a lack of an ethical culture-problems are likely to occur.
12-4e Establishing Balanced Organizational Controls
Organizational controls ( discussed in Chapter 11) are an important part of the stra tegic management process, particularly the parts related to implementation (see Figure 1.1). Controls are necessary to help ensure that firms achieve their desired out comes. Defined as the "formal, information-based . . . procedures used by managers to maintain or alter patterns in organizational activities;' controls help strategic leaders build credibility, demonstrate the value of strategies to the firm's stakeholders, and promote and support strategic change.136 Most critically, controls provide the param eters for implementing strategies as well as the corrective actions to take when imple mentation-related adjustments are required. For example, allegations surfaced in 2017 that a small number of KPMG employees received leaks of confidential information that allowed them to better prepare for audits conducted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.137 In response to the allegations, KPMG immediately committed to full participation with authorities to identify any problems and to cor rect them. The firm's chairperson and CEO said that, "Quality and integrity are the cornerstones of all we do and that includes operating with the utmost respect and regard for the regulatory process." With respect to new controls, the CEO also noted that the firm was "taking additional steps to ensure that such a situation should not happen again:' 138
In this chapter, we focus on two organizational controls-strategic and financial that we introduced in Chapter 11. Strategic leaders are responsible for helping the firm develop and properly use these two types of controls.
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
As we explained in Chapter 11, financial control focuses on short-term financial out comes while strategic control focuses on the content of strategic actions rather than their outcomes. Some strategic actions can be correct but still result in poor financial outcomes because of external conditions, such as an economic recession, unexpected domestic or foreign government actions, or natural disasters that a firm's leaders do not control directly. Because of this, emphasizing financial controls often produces more short-term and risk-averse decisions. Alternatively, strategic control encourages lower-level man agers to make decisions that incorporate moderate and acceptable levels of risk because leaders and managers throughout the firm share the responsibility for the outcomes of those decisions and actions resulting from them.
The challenge for strategic leaders is to balance the use of strategic and financial controls to support efforts to improve the firm's performance. The balanced scorecard is a tool to use to achieve the sought-after balance.
The Balanced Scorecard
As noted, the balanced scorecard is a tool firms, including family-owned firms,139 use to determine if they are achieving an appropriate balance when using strategic and financial controls as a means of positively influencing performance.140 This tool is most appropriate when evaluating business-level strategies; however, it is also useful when assessing other strategies that firms implement ( e.g., corporate, international, and cooperative).
The underlying premise of the balanced scorecard is that firms jeopardize their future performance when they emphasize financial controls at the expense of strategic con trols.141 This occurs because financial controls provide feedback about outcomes achieved from past actions but fail to communicate the drivers of future performance. Thus, an overemphasis on financial controls may promote behavior that sacrifices the firm's long term, value-creating potential for short-term performance gains. In effect, managers can make self-serving decisions when they focus on the short term. Research shows that decisions balancing short-term goals with long-term goals-so, balancing strategic and financial controls-generally lead to higher performance.142
The balanced scorecard is a product of integrating four perspectives:
■ financial (concerned with growth, profitability, and risk from the shareholders' perspective)
■ customer ( concerned with the amount of value customers perceive the firm's products create for them)
■ internal business processes (concerned with the priorities for various business pro cesses that create customer and shareholder satisfaction)
■ learning and growth ( concerned with the firm's efforts to create a climate that supports change, innovation, and growth)
Thus, using the balanced scorecard finds the firm seeking to understand how it responds to shareholders (financial perspective), how customers view it (customer per spective), what processes to emphasize to successfully use its competitive advantage (internal perspective), and what it can do to improve its performance by innovating and growing (learning and growth perspective).143 In general, firms tend to emphasize strategic controls when assessing their performance relative to the learning and growth perspective and financial controls when assessing performance in terms of the financial perspective.
Firms use different criteria to measure their standing relative to the balanced score card's four perspectives. We show sample criteria in Figure 12.5. The firm should select
The balanced scorecard
is a tool firms, including
family-owned firms, use
to determine if they are
achieving an appropriate
balance when using strategic
and financial controls
as a means of positively
influencing performance.
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406 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Figure 12.5 Strategic Controls and Financial Controls in a Balanced Scorecard Framework
Perspectives Criteria
• Cash flow
Financial • Return on equity • Return on assets
• Assessment of ability to anticipate customers' needs
Customer • Effectiveness of customer service practices • Percentage of repeat business • Quality of communications with customers
Internal • Asset utilization improvements Business • Improvements in employee morale
Processes • Changes in turnover rates
Learning • Improvements in innovation ability and • Number of new products compared to competitors
Growth • Increases in employees' skills
the number of criteria that allow it to have both a strategic and financial understanding of its performance without immersing itself in too many details.144
Strategic leaders play an important role in determining a proper balance between stra tegic and financial controls, whether they are in single-business firms or large diversified firms. A proper balance between controls is important, in that "wealth creation for orga nizations where strategic leadership is exercised is possible because these leaders make appropriate investments for future viability (through strategic control), while maintaining an appropriate level of financial stability in the present (through financial control}:' 145 In fact, most firms use restructuring to refocus on their core businesses, thereby allowing top executives to re-establish strategic control in individual business units.146
Firms often find success using strategic control when they provide each business unit with the level of autonomy needed to develop a competitive advantage.147 Firms use strategic control to promote the sharing of both tangible and intangible resources among interdependent business units. In addition, the autonomy provided allows the flexibility necessary to take advantage of specific marketplace opportunities. As a result, strategic leadership promotes simultaneous use of strategic control and autonomy, which in turn, provides employees with experience-based learning opportunities.148
As we have explained in this chapter, strategic leaders are critical to a firm's ability to use all parts of the strategic management process, including strategic entrepreneurship, successfully. Strategic entrepreneurship is the final topic included in the "strategy" part of this text's Analysis-Strategy-Performance model. We turn our attention to this topic in Chapter 13.
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
Effective strategic leadership is a prerequisite to using the
strategic management process successfully. Strategic lead
ership entails the ability to anticipate events, envision pos
sibilities, maintain flexibility, and empower others to create
strategic change.
Top-level managers are an important resource for firms to
develop. In addition, when they and their work are valuable,
rare, imperfectly imitable, and nonsubstitutable, strategic lead
ers are also a source of competitive advantage.
Key managers, who play a critical role in selecting and imple
menting the firm's strategies, form the top management team.
Generally, these managers are officers of the corporation and/
or members of the board of directors.
The top management team's characteristics, a firm's strategies,
and the firm's performance are interrelated. For example, a top
management team with significant marketing and research
and development (R&D) knowledge positively contributes
to the firm's ability to use a growth strategy. Overall, having
diverse skills increases the effectiveness of most top manage
ment teams.
Typically, performance improves when the board of directors
and the CEO are involved in shaping a firm's strategic direction.
However, when the CEO has a great deal of power, the board
may be less involved in decisions about strategy formulation
and implementation. By appointing people to the board and
simultaneously serving as CEO and chair of the board, CEOs
increase their power.
In managerial succession, the internal managerial labor mar
ket and the external managerial labor market are the sources
for new CEOs. Because of their effect on firm performance,
the selection of strategic leaders has implications for a firm's
effectiveness. In most instances, firms use the internal market
to select their CEO. Today, however, the number of instances
in which new CEOs come from the external managerial labor
market is increasing. Commonly, firms select outsiders as their
new CEO because of the belief that they will initiate major
changes in strategy.
Effective strategic leadership has five key leadership actions:
determining the firm's strategic direction, effectively managing
the firm's resource portfolio (including exploiting and main
taining core competencies and managing human capital and
social capital), sustaining an effective organizational culture,
emphasizing ethical practices, and establishing balanced orga
nizational controls.
Strategic leaders must develop the firm's strategic direction,
typically working with the board of directors to do so. The
strategic direction specifies the image and character the firm
wants to develop over time. To form the strategic direction,
strategic leaders evaluate the conditions (e.g., opportunities
and threats in the external environment) they expect their firm
to face over the next three to five years.
Effective strategic leaders ensure that their firm exploits its
core competencies, which employees use to produce and
deliver products that create value for customers, when imple
menting its strategies. In related diversified and large firms in
particular, effective use of core competencies occurs by shar
ing them across units and products.
The ability to manage the firm's resource portfolio and the pro
cesses used to implement its strategy are critical elements of
strategic leadership. Managing the resource portfolio includes
integrating resources to create capabilities and leveraging
those capabilities through strategies to build competitive
advantages. Human capital and social capital are perhaps the
most important resources.
As a part of managing resources, strategic leaders must
develop a firm's human capital. Effective strategic leaders
view human capital as a resource to maximize-not as a
cost to minimize. Such leaders develop and use programs
designed to train current and future strategic leaders to
build the skills needed to nurture the rest of the firm's
human capital.
Effective strategic leaders build and maintain internal and
external social capital. Internal social capital promotes coop
eration and coordination within and across the firm's units.
External social capital provides access to resources from exter
nal parties that the firm needs to compete effectively.
Shaping the firm's culture is a central task of effective strategic
leadership. An appropriate organizational culture encourages
the development of an entrepreneurial mind-set among
employees and an ability to change the culture as necessary.
In ethical organizations, employees are encouraged to exer
cise ethical judgment as a foundation for their ethical actions.
Improved ethical practices foster social capital. Setting specific
goals to meet the firm's ethical standards, using a code of con
duct, rewarding ethical behaviors, and creating a work environ
ment where the firm treats all people with dignity are actions
that facilitate and support ethical behavior.
Developing and using balanced organizational controls is the
final key leadership action associated with effective strategic
leadership. The balanced scorecard is a tool that measures the
effectiveness of the firm's strategic and financial controls. An
effective balance between these two controls allows for flexi
ble use of core competencies, but within the parameters of the
firm's financial position.
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balanced scorecard 405
determining strategic direction 396
external managerial labor market 394
heterogeneous top management team 390
human capital 398
1. What is strategic leadership? Why are top-level managers
important resources for an organization?
2. What is a top management team, and how does it affect a
firm's performance and its abilities to innovate and design and
bring about effective strategic change?
3. What is the managerial succession process? How important
are the internal and external managerial labor markets to this
4. What is the effect of strategic leadership on determining the
firm's strategic direction?
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
internal managerial labor market 394
social capital 399
strategic change 386
strategic leadership 386
top management team 390
S. How do strategic leaders manage their firm's resource port
folio effectively to exploit its core competencies and leverage
its human capital and social capital to achieve a competitive
6. What must strategic leaders do to develop and sustain an
effective organizational culture?
7. As a strategic leader, what actions could you take to establish
and emphasize ethical practices in your firm?
8. Why are strategic controls and financial controls important
aspects of strategic leadership and the firm's strategic manage
ment process?
Can You Follow an Icon and Succeed? Apple and Tim Cook After Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs was Apple's co-founder and iconic CEO. A number of observers feel that much of Apple's phe nomenal success, especially after 2000, is a product of his "genius" and leadership. Because of this and a leadership style that varies significantly from his pre decessor's, some have questioned Tim Cook's ability to succeed Jobs as Apple's CEO. Yet, in 2014, several years after assuming the CEO position, Apple had what Tim Cook referred to as an "unbelievable year" given that the firm sold 200 million iPhones and generated $200 billion in revenue. Apple's stock price increased by 65 percent, and the company's market value reached more than $700 billion, the largest ever of any U.S. firm. At the time, Apple's market value more than doubled that of Microsoft. Prior to assuming the CEO posi tion, Cook's primary experience had been as manager of operations; his success in this domain led to his appointment as COO prior to assuming the CEO role.
Interestingly, a significant percentage of Apple's sales flow from products developed and introduced to the market under Jobs' leadership. As such, the jury is still out on Cook, especially with regard to developing mar ketplace successes in the form of new products, tasks at which Jobs excelled.
Jobs and Cook have different leadership styles. Some thought Jobs was ruthless, impulsive, and almost maniacal in developing new products and finding paths through which they became marketplace successes. Cook's knowledge and skills do not make him an expert in product development, design, or marketing. Because of this, he delegates those responsibilities. As the firm's key strategic leader, Cook tries to buffer and maintain Apple's corporate culture that developed largely during Jobs' tenure. Thus, the emphasis remains on innova tion that is valued in the marketplace. To support this emphasis and to nurture the firm's all-important
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
culture, Cook hires talented individuals to join the top management team who blend well with the culture. He has made some very good hires, such as Angela Ahrendts who now heads Apple's very important retail stores. As a leader, Cook is less emotional in his style and actions compared to Jobs. Some refer to this aspect of Cook's style as a "measured emotional approach to leadership." He empowers his top management team members in ways that allow each of them to manage the functional area for which they have responsibility. He also encourages each team member to adopt a long run perspective while leading.
Observers have been able to highlight other dif ferences between Cook's and Jobs' strategic leadership approaches. Compared to Jobs, Cook more regularly shares the limelight with his leadership team, spot lighting their contributions while doing so. One ana lyst suggested that Cook is a good leader who builds an effective team around him. With respect to strate gic choices, Cook's decisions have resulted in major acquisitions ( e.g., an audio company for $3 billion) and developing enterprise solutions for corporate IT units; Jobs opposed actions of these types. Under Cook, Apple formed an alliance with IBM to develop enter prise applications with a focus on the iPad, especially the new and larger versions.
During Cook's early tenure as CEO, Apple introduced several innovations including the Apple watch, which entered the market in April 2015. This product's mar ketplace success is yet to be determined; initial reports suggested that demand exceeded supply, causing Apple to increase production. In addition, hints provided by Cook suggest that Apple may be planning to enter the television market. Most importantly, Cook claims that Apple's goal is to change the way people work. The firm
Case Discussion Questions
1. What makes a CEO's job so complex? Use the challenge Tim
Cook faces as Steve Jobs' successor to provide examples that
support your answer.
2. Tim Cook came from Apple's internal managerial labor
market to succeed Steve Jobs. In your view, was using the
internal managerial labor market the best approach to follow
when replacing Jobs? Use materials in the chapter regarding
the internal and external managerial labor markets to explain
your answer.
intends to focus research and development efforts to develop products to achieve this objective.
In mid-2018, some analysts were questioning the delays Apple was encountering when introducing products to the marketplace. Of three major product launches under Cook since becoming the firm's CEO in 2011, Air Pods earbuds and the HomePod speaker missed publicly announced shipping dates. The Apple Watch, mentioned above, entered the market later than the firm desired, initially causing customers to experience long wait times to buy the product. The Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard, two critical accessories for the iPad Pro, also entered the market later than announced initially. On the other hand, Apple's first quarter 2018 results yielded all-time highs in both revenue and earn ings. In an overall sense, only the march of time will yield insights needed to determine if as CEO, Tim Cook was a success as Steve Jobs' successor. With a market value of over $900 billion in early 2018, it seems that as Apple's key strategic leader, Cook's effect on the firm he was leading was positive.
Sources: 2018, Transcript: Apple CEO Tim Cook on the company's 2018 Qi earnings, iMore, www.imore.com, February I; T. Mickle, 2018, Tim Cook stumbles at his specialty, shipping Apple products on time, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 6; R. Safian, 2018, Why Apple is the world's most innovative company, Fast Company, www.fastcompany. com, February 21; T. Loftus, 2015, The morning download: Apple will 'change the way people work; CEO Tim Cook says, CIO Journal, biogs. wsj.com, January 28: 2015, Apple's Tim Cook cites record sales and 'unbelievable' year, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, March 10; A. Chang, 2015, Apple CEO Tim Cook is forging an unusual path as a social activist, Los Angeles Times, www.latimes.com, March 31; A. Lashinsky, 2015, Becoming Tim Cook, Fortune, April I, 60-72; T. Higgins, 2015, Apple iPhones sales in China outsell the U.S. for first time, BloombergBusiness, www.bloomberg.com, April 27; J. Lewis, 2015, Tim Cook: A courageous innovator, Time, April 27, 26; J. D'Onfro, 2015, Tim Cook dropped a major clue about Apple's next big product, Yahoo Finance, finance.yahoo.com, April 28.
3. Given their different leadership styles, describe the differences
you see in Apple's culture under Tim Cook's leadership com
pared to the culture in Apple when Steve Jobs was CEO.
4. Using information in this Mini-Case as well as additional
materials available to you via searches, how do you evalu
ate Tim Cook as a CEO? Is he an effective strategic leader
or not? Use examples from the chapter's discussion of
"Key Strategic Leadership Actions" to justify your answer
to this question.
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410 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
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mobile-video startup NewTV, Wall Street Chadwick, J. F. Super, & K. Kwon, 2015, philosophies Journal of Business Ethics, 142:
Journal, www.wsj.com, January 24. Resource orchestration in practice: CEO 527-548; Y. Dong, M.-G. Seo, & K. Bartol,
3. C. J. McMillan & J. S. Overall, 2017, Crossing emphasis on SHRM, commitment-based 2014, No pain, no gain: An affect-based
the chasm and over the abyss: Perspectives HR systems and firm performance, Strategic model of developmental job experience
on organizational failure, Academy of Management Journal, 36: 360-376. and the buffering effects of emotional
Management Perspectives, 31: 271-287; 11. J. Detjen & S. Webber, 2017, Strategic shifts intelligence, Academy of Management
V. Govindarajan, 2012, The timeless strategic that build executive leadership, Business Journal, 57: 1056-1077.
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Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership 415
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Studying this chapter should provide
you with the strategic management knowledge needed to:
13-1 Define strategic entrepreneurship and corporate entrepreneurship.
13-2 Define entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunities and explain their importance.
13-3 Define invention, innovation, and imitation, and describe the relationship among them.
13-4 Describe entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial mind-set.
13 5 Explain international entrepreneurship and its importance.
Describe how firms internally develop innovations.
Explain how firms use cooperative strategies to innovate.
Describe how firms use acquisitions as a means of innovation.
13-9 Explain how strategic entrepreneurship helps firms create value.
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As explained in this chapter, firms engaging in strategic entrepreneurship concentrate on
advantage-seeking and opportunity-seeking behaviors simultaneously. In essence, this concen
tration finds firms seeking entrepreneurial opportunities in their external environment that they
can exploit through innovations and by successfully executing their chosen strategies. When
engaging in strategic entrepreneurship, firms develop innovations through internal investments,
by using cooperative strategies and acquisitions strategies. Focusing on advantage- and
opportunity-seeking behaviors simultaneously is challenging in that by doing so, a firm concen
trates on selling its current products while seeking to identify needs in the marketplace that it
can serve by innovating. As an example, consider the fact that currently, Ford Motor Co. earns the
bulk of its profits by sell-
ing large pick-up trucks
and sport-utility vehicles.
However, for a number of
reasons including envi
ronmental sustainability,
consumer demand, and
governmental regu-
lations, the firm sees
electric and plug-in
hybrids along with
driverless cars and trucks 1l. _§
as an opportunity that it
should pursue through
product innovations. To
do this, Ford intends to
allocate $11 billion to
R&D between 2018 and
2022 to develop new and 6
innovative transportation
products. Volkswagen AG Sedric, the first autonomous automobile from Volkswagen, on display
too identified producing in Geneva, Switzerland.
electric, plug-in hybrid,
and driverless products as an opportunity to pursue through innovation and chose to commit
$40 billion to R&D between 2018 and 2023 to develop these products.
The situation for global automobile manufacturers, such as Ford and Volkswagen, who are
today earning the majority of their profits by selling gasoline and diesel powered cars and
trucks, is likely to be far different in the future. Resulting from environmental concerns, some
changes in consumer preferences, and anticipated regulations are opportunities for these
companies to innovate in ways that will result in competitive success. Demonstrating this op
portunity are predictions of increases in the sales volume of electric and hybrid vehicles along
with the continuing advances with driverless cars and trucks. At the end of 2017, for example,
worldwide sales of electric and plug-in hybrid models exceeded three million units. Predictions
at that time were that the total number of these units would exceed 5 million by the end of
2018 and that the rate of annual growth in sales of these types of vehicles beginning in 2019
and continuing would be significant. These predictions yield significant opportunities to inno
vate as a way to satisfy consumer and societal demands in terms of transportation vehicles.
Driverless vehicles are another opportunity for companies to pursue. In about 2007,
General Motors was the first major automaker to envision driverless vehicles as a viable and
important opportunity to pursue through innovation. Today, a multitude of companies,
including Internet firms (e.g., Amazon), chipmakers (e.g., Microsoft), and software vendors
(e.g., Cisco) , see driverless vehicles as a viable opportunity to pursue by innovating.
Firms are using different approaches to pursue the driverless vehicle opportunity. Aptiv,
the automotive-technology company previously named Delphi Automotive, initially partnered
Strategic entrepreneurship
involves taking entrepreneurial
actions using a strategic
with Lyft, Inc., the ride-sharing firm. Ford also established a partnership with Lyft as a means of
testing its driverless products.
Given the complexity of the opportunity, driverless vehicles require additional testing and
development before becoming a viable option for a significant number of customers. In 2018,
some predicted that Ford and General Motors had the highest probability of first introducing
a meaningful number of viable driverless products into global markets. Ford, in fact, intends to
roll out a fleet of driverless vehicles in 2021 that provides ride-sharing and ride-hailing services.
Automotive companies are not the only ones visualizing electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids,
and self-driving products as an opportunity to pursue. 3M, for example, is focusing on how to
tailor many of its products for what it sees as "auto electrification;' such as developing cool-
ing fluids for batteries. 3M also sees driverless vehicles as an opportunity. In early 2018, the
firm tested stickers that are "transparent to the naked eye but actually contain bar codes that
autonomous cars will be able to read" as a means of keeping track of their position. PPG Indus
tries, the Pittsburgh-based paints and coatings manufacturer, is committed to developing car
paints "to become more visible to electronic sensors that guide autonomous vehicles:'
Sources: M. Colias, 2018, Ford increasing electric vehicle investment to S 11 billion by 2022, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj .com, January 14; T. Higgins, 2018, Driverless-car companies try to rev their engines on commercial prospects, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 8; T. Higgins, VW, Hyundai turn to driverless-car startup in Silicon Valley, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 4; A. Levy & L. Kolodny, 2018, Self-driving cars take over CES: Here's how big tech is playing the market, CNBC News, www.cnbc.com, January 12; J.C. Reindl, 2018, Next step in driverless cars: Boot the driver, USA Today, www.usatoday.com, January 1 0; D. Muoio, 2017, Ranked: The 18 companies most likely to get self-driving cars on the road first, Business Insider, www.businessinsider.com, September 27; J. Stern & C. Mims, 2017, Tech that will change your life in 2018, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, December 27; A. Tangel, 2017, Latest entrants into electric car race: Makers of Post-It notes, paint, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, December 26.
T he focus of this chapter is on strategic entrepreneurship, which is a framework firms use to integrate effectively their entrepreneurial and strategic actions.' More
formally, strategic entrepreneurship involves taking entrepreneurial actions using a strategic perspective. In this process, the firm tries to find opportunities in its external environment that it can exploit through innovations. Identifying opportunities to exploit through innovations is the entrepreneurship dimension of strategic entrepreneurship; determining the best way to manage the firm's innovation efforts competitively is the strategic dimension. 2
As explained in the Opening Case, 3M identified electrified and driverless vehi cles as an opportunity for it to pursue through innovations. Demonstrating the size of this opportunity for 3M and others is the prediction in 2018 that the market "for cockpit electronics; crash-avoidance and automation systems; and components for electric, hybrid and fuel-cell powered vehicles will nearly triple to $183 billion by 2022:' 3 While continuing to develop product innovations to address this opportunity, such as new types of road markings and signs that will allow better communication with cars' navigation systems as well as coatings for exterior sensors, 3M is simultane ously considering strategies to use to sell these products to automotive manufacturers. Ford has a new CEO in place whose charge includes developing and managing the strategies the firm will use to introduce its electrified and driverless products to the marketplace.4 Interestingly, the new CEO comes from an office furniture background. His choice as the person to lead development of Ford's strategy for taking advantage of its innovations in terms of electrified and driverless vehicles is partly a function of his ability to transform how people work and how they think about using new prod ucts.5 As these examples show, firms using strategic entrepreneurship integrate their actions to find opportunities, innovate, and then implement strategies for the purpose of appropriating value from the innovations they have developed to pursue identified opportunities. 6
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
We consider several topics to explain strategic entrepreneurship. First, we exam ine entrepreneurship and innovation in a strategic context. We present definitions of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial opportunities, and entrepreneurs ( those who engage in entrepreneurship to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities). We then describe inter national entrepreneurship, a process through which firms take entrepreneurial actions outside their home market. After this, the chapter shifts to descriptions of the three ways firms innovate-internally, through cooperative strategies, and by acquiring other com panies.7 We discuss these methods separately. Not surprisingly though, most large firms use all three methods to innovate. The chapter closes with summary comments about how firms use strategic entrepreneurship to create value.
Before turning to the chapter's topics, we note that a major portion of the material in this chapter deals with entrepreneurship and innovation that takes place in established organizations. Corporate entrepreneurship is the term describing entrepreneurship and innovation taking place in ongoing firms. More formally, corporate entrepreneurship is the use or application of entrepreneurship within an established firm.8 Corporate entre preneurship is critical to the survival and success of for-profit organizations9 as well as public agencies. 10 Of course, innovation and entrepreneurship play a critical role in the degree of success achieved by start-up entrepreneurial ventures as well. Because of this, what we discuss in this chapter is equally important in both entrepreneurial ventures and established organizations.
13-1 Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Entrepreneurship is the process by which individuals, teams, or organizations identify and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities without being immediately constrained by the resources they currently control." Entrepreneurial opportunities are conditions in which new goods or services can satisfy a need in the market. These opportuni ties exist because of competitive imperfections in markets and among the factors of production used to produce them, or because they were independently developed by entrepreneurs. 12 Entrepreneurial opportunities come in many forms, such as the chance to develop and sell a new product and the chance to sell an existing product in a new market.13 Firms should be receptive to pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities when ever and wherever they may surface. In 2005, for example, Amazon launched Amazon Prime. Initially $79 annually, this fee gave customers free two-day delivery on a large number of items. The entrepreneurial opportunity Amazon identified was to satisfy customers' needs for faster delivery of a host of products. A significant benefit the firm has gained through Amazon Prime is that these customers tend to spend more with the firm compared to non-Prime members.14
As the definitions of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunities suggest, the essence of entrepreneurship is to identify and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities-that is, opportunities others do not see or for which they do not recognize the commercial potential-and manage risks appropriately as they arise. 15 As a process, entrepreneurship results in the "creative destruction" of existing products (goods or services) or methods of producing them and replaces them with new products and production methods.16
Crypto currencies such as Bitcoin and Ripple may have the potential to replace long established methods of financial transactions. Start-up firm Ripple claims that it provides a "frictionless experience to send money globally using the power of blockchain. By join ing Ripple's growing global network;' the firm suggests, "financial institutions can process their customers' payments anywhere in the world instantly, reliably and cost-effectivelf'17
entrepreneurship is
the use or application of entrepreneurship within an
established firm.
Entrepreneurship is the
process by which individuals,
teams, or organizations
identify and pursue
entrepreneurial opportunities
without being immediately
constrained by the resources
they currently control.
opportunities are
conditions in which new
goods or services can satisfy a
need in the market.
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Invention is the act of
creating or developing a new
product or process.
Innovation is a process
used to create a commercial
product from an invention.
Thus, innovation follows
invention in that invention
brings something new into
being while innovation brings
something new into use.
Imitation is the adoption
of a similar innovation by
different firms.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
Time will tell if crypto currencies bring about the "creative destruction'' of existing means of global finance. Overall, firms committed to entrepreneurship place high value on indi vidual innovations as well as the ability to innovate across time.18
We study entrepreneurship at the level of the individual firm. However, evidence suggests that entrepreneurship is the economic engine driving many nations' econo mies in the global competitive landscape.19 Thus, entrepreneurship and the innovation it spawns are important for companies competing in the global economy and for coun tries seeking to stimulate economic climates with the potential to enhance the living standard of their citizens.
13-2 Innovation
In his classic work, The Theory of Economic Development, Joseph Schumpeter argued that firms engage in three types of innovative activities.20 Invention is the act of creating or developing a new product or process. Innovation is a process used to create a commercial product from an invention. Thus, innovation follows invention21 in that invention brings something new into being while innovation brings something new into use. Accordingly, firms use technical criteria to determine the success of an invention whereas they use commercial criteria to determine the success of an innovation.22 Finally, imitation is the adoption of a similar innovation by different firms. Imitation usually leads to product standardization; commonly, imitative products have fewer features and a lower price for customers. Entrepreneurship is critical to innovative activity because it acts as the linch pin between invention and innovation.23
For most companies, innovation is the most critical of the three types of innovative activities. The reason for this is that while many companies are able to create ideas that lead to inventions, commercializing those inventions sometimes proves to be dif ficult. 24 Patents are a strategic asset, and the ability to produce them regularly can be an important source of competitive advantage, especially when a firm intends to com mercialize an invention and when a firm competes in a knowledge-intensive industry (e.g., pharmaceuticals).25 In a competitive sense, patents create entry barriers for a firm's potential competitors. 26 However, in general, entry barriers provide less protection from competition for firms competing in the global economy. In the view of the chief information officer for Unilever, the giant consumer foods manufacturer, "basically there are no entry barriers" to prevent start-ups from entering the markets in which his firm competes.27 Reasons for fewer entry barriers in Unilever's case include consumers' demands for natural ingredients in healthier products and the fact that costs associated with manufacturing consumer goods have declined. Thus, the challenge for today's firms is to understand the degree to which their innovations create entry barriers for potential and existing competitors.
Peter Drucker argued that "innovation is the specific function of entrepreneurship, whether in an existing business, a public service institution, or a new venture started by a lone individual:' 28 Moreover, Drucker suggested that innovation is "the means by which the entrepreneur either creates new wealth-producing resources or endows exist ing resources with enhanced potential for creating wealth:' 29 Thus, entrepreneurship and the innovation resulting from it are critically important for all firms as they engage rivals in competitive battles.
The realities of global competition suggest that, to be market leaders, companies must innovate regularly. This means that innovation should be an intrinsic part of virtually all of a firm's activities. Moreover, firms should recognize the importance of their human capi tal's efforts to innovate.30 Evidence suggests that particularly for radical innovation, work force diversity increases human capital's ability to develop value-creating innovations.31
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
Thus, as this discussion suggests, innovation is a key outcome firms seek through entrepreneurship, and it is often the source of competitive success, especially for companies competing in highly competitive and turbulent environments.32
13-3 Entrepreneurs
Introducing Entrepreneurs are individuals, acting indepen dently or as part of an organization, who per ceive an entrepreneurial opportunity and then take risks to develop an innovation and exploit it. Entrepreneurs exist throughout different parts of organizations-from top-level managers to those working to produce a firm's products.33
5%8ack at Whole Foods Market and Amazon.com
Entrepreneurs tend to demonstrate several char acteristics: they are highly motivated, willing to take responsibility for their projects, self-confident, and often optimistic.34 In addition, entrepreneurs tend
to be passionate and emotional about the value and importance of their innovation-based ideas.35 They �are able to deal with uncertainty and are more alert l to opportunities than are others. 36 To be success- � ful, entrepreneurs often need to have good social I skills and to plan exceptionally well (e.g., to obtain J venture capital).37 �
Being committed to and engaging in entrepre- ;i neurship within organizations demands significant effort from entrepreneurs. On the other hand, pur suing entrepreneurial opportunities by working as
Jeff Bezos's strategy of continuous evolution earned Amazon
the title of Most Innovative Company in 2017.
an entrepreneur can be highly satisfying-partic- ularly when entrepreneurs recognize and follow their passions. According to Jeff Bezos, Amazon.corn's founder: "One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves. You don't choose your passions; your passions choose you."38
Evidence suggests that successful entrepreneurs have an entrepreneurial mind-set. An individual with an entrepreneurial mind-set values uncertainty in markets and continuously seeks to identify opportunities in those markets to pursue through innovation.39 In contrast, those without an entrepreneurial mind-set tend to view opportunities to innovate as threats. Importantly, an entrepreneurial mind-set also includes recognition of the importance of competing internationally as well as domestically.40
Because it has the potential to lead to continuous innovations, an individual's entre preneurial mind-set can be a source of competitive advantage for a firm. Knowledge to which individuals throughout a firm have easy access facilitates development and use of an entrepreneurial mind-set. Indeed, research shows that units within firms are more innovative when people have access to new knowledge.41 Transferring knowledge, however, can be difficult, often because the receiving party must have adequate absorp tive capacity ( or the ability) to understand the knowledge and to use it productively.42 Learning requires a link between the new knowledge and the existing knowledge. Thus,
Entrepreneurs are
individuals, actin g
independently o r as part
of an organization, who
perceive an entrepreneurial
opportunity and then take
risks to develop an innovation
and exploit it
Entrepreneurial mind-set
values uncertainty in markets
and continuously seeks to
identify opportunities in
those markets to pursue
through innovation.
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entrepreneurship is a
process in which firms
creatively discover and exploit
opportunities that are outside
their domestic markets.
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
managers need to develop the capabilities of their human capital to build on their current knowledge base while incrementally expanding it.
Some companies demonstrate a strong commitment to entrepreneurship, suggesting that many working within them have an entrepreneurial mind-set. In 2017, Fast Company identified Amazon as the most innovative company, with Google, Uber, Apple, Snap, Facebook, Netflix, Twilio, Chobani, and Spotify rounding out the top ten most innovative firms.43 Amazon's selection as the most innovative company in 2017 is largely a function of the firm's ability to "offer even more, even faster, and smarter:' A strong commitment to continuous improvement and innovation results in Amazon being nimble enough to act creatively as it moves into sector after sector as a means of serving ever-increasing types of customers' needs.
13-4 International Entrepreneurship International entrepreneurship is a process in which firms creatively discover and exploit opportunities that are outside their domestic markets. 44 Entrepreneurship is a process that many firms exercise at both the domestic and international levels. This is true for entrepreneurial ventures as suggested by the fact that an increasing number of them (perhaps as much as 50 percent) move into international markets early in their life cycle. Large, established companies commonly have significant foreign operations and often start new ventures in international markets as well.45
A key reason that firms choose to engage in international entrepreneurship is that, in general, doing so enhances their performance.46 Nonetheless, those leading firms gen erally understand that taking entrepreneurial actions in markets outside the firm's home setting is challenging and not without risks, including risks of unstable foreign currencies, market inefficiencies, insufficient infrastructures to support businesses, and limitations on market size.47 Thus, the decision to engage in international entrepreneurship needs to be a product of careful analysis.
Even though entrepreneurship is a global phenomenon, its rate of use differs within individual countries. For example, one source ranked the world's 10 most entrepreneur ial countries in 2017 in the following order (beginning with the most entrepreneurial): Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, Denmark, Singapore, Finland, Germany, and Ireland.48 Switzerland's selection as the most innovative country is because of its knowledge-based economy and ability to convert innovative thinking into projects that yield value-creating products for customers. Those compiling the rankings suggest that in general, the most innovative countries engage students through creative teaching techniques, enforce progressive laws, conduct business through intellectually designed practices, and are willing to take risks. Revealing the difficulty of knowing the criteria to use to identify the world's most innovative countries is the fact that in another survey, the ten most innovative countries in 2017 from the most to the least creative were South Korea, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Singapore, Japan, Denmark, United States, and Israel.49 Examining the two surveys' results highlights the innovative ness of Nordic countries and reveals a reasonable degree of consistency in that Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, United States, Singapore, and Denmark appear on both lists. Growth rates in the wealth of citizens and national wealth too, in the most entrepreneur ial countries, suggest the possibility of a positive relationship between entrepreneurship and economic productivity.
Culture is one reason for differential rates of entrepreneurship among countries across the globe. More specifically, cultures balancing individual initiative and a spirit of cooperation and group ownership of innovation encourage entrepreneurial behav iors within organizations. This means that for firms to be entrepreneurial, they must
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
provide appropriate autonomy and incentives for individual initiative to surface while simultaneously promoting cooperation and group ownership of an innovation as a foundation for successfully exploiting it. Thus, international entrepreneurship often requires teams of people with unique skills and resources, especially in cultures that place high value on either individualism or collectivism. In addition to a balance of val ues for individual initiative and cooperative behaviors, firms engaging in international entrepreneurship must concentrate more than companies engaging only in domestic entrepreneurship on building the capabilities needed to innovate and on acquiring the resources needed to make strategic decisions through which innovations can be exploited successfully. so
The level of investment outside of the home country made by young ventures is also an important dimension of international entrepreneurship. In fact, with increas ing globalization, a larger number of new ventures have been "born global."51 One reason for this is that new ventures that enter international markets increase their learning of new technological knowledge and thereby enhance their performance.52
They increase their knowledge through the external networks ( e.g., suppliers, cus tomers) that they establish in the new foreign markets, including strategic alliances in which they participate.53
The probability of entering and successfully competing in international markets increases when the firm's strategic leaders, and especially its top-level managers, have international experience. Because of the learning and economies of scale and scope afforded by operating in international markets, both young and established interna - tionally diversified firms often are stronger competitors in their domestic market as well. Additionally, as research has shown, internationally diversified firms are generally more innovative.54
A firm's ability to develop and sustain a competitive advantage may be based partly or largely on its ability to innovate. This is true for firms engaging in international entrepreneurship as well as those that have yet to do so. As we discuss next, firms can follow different paths to innovate internally. Internal innovation is the first of three approaches firms use to innovate, with cooperative strategies and acquisitions strategies being the other two.
13-5 Internal Innovation
Efforts in firms' research and development (R&D) function are one primary source of internal innovations. Through effective R&D, firms are able to generate patentable pro cesses and products that are innovative in nature. Increasingly, successful R&D results from integrating the skills available in the global workforce. Thus, the ability to have a competitive advantage based on innovation is more likely to accrue to firms capable of integrating the talent of human capital from countries around the world.55
R&D and the new products and processes it can spawn affect a firm's efforts to earn above-average returns while competing in today's global environment. Because of this, firms try to use their R&D labs to create disruptive technologies and products. Although critical to long-term competitive success, the outcomes of R&D investments are uncer tain and often not achieved in the short term, meaning that patience is required as firms evaluate the outcomes of their R&D efforts.56
As noted earlier, successful R&D programs must have high-quality human capital star scientists. Yet, not all ideas begin in the laboratory. For example, firms have learned that customers are often good sources for new products that will satisfy their needs. Firms also use external networks such as other scientists, published research, and even alliance partners (discussed later in this chapter).57 They may even be able to use public
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424 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
knowledge, such as that on a current technology, that can be combined to create an improved technology or perhaps even a new technology.
Companies use several methods to obtain employees' ideas for new products and other types of innovation. At Google, employees have "20 Percent Time;' which allows them to dedicate up to 20 percent of their working hours to projects they believe have the greatest potential to benefit the firm through innovation.58 GE Appliances built an innovation lab to be able to rapidly prototype new products. Called FirstBuild, this inno vation lab and micro factory is a freestanding entrepreneurial start-up embedded within GE's appliance unit. FirstBuild team members collaborate with other GE industrial designers, scientists, engineers, and others to "design, build, and sell innovative home appliances:' 59 At Ericsson, employees are encouraged to participate in "ideaboxes:' After employees submit an idea, they form a partnership with "idea-to-innovation" managers to develop it further and determine if it is feasible and valuable. Ericsson then has an internal venture-funding group that provides startup capital to the best ideas.60
13-Sa Incremental and Novel Innovation
Firms invest in R&D to produce two primary types of innovations-incremental and novel. Most innovations are incremental-that is, they build on existing knowledge bases and provide small improvements in current products. Incremental innovations are evolutionary and linear in nature. 61 In general, firms introduce incremental inno vations into established markets where customers understand and accept a product's characteristics. In essence, incremental innovations exploit an existing technology to provide an improvement over a current product. From the firm's perspective, incre mental innovations tend to yield lower profit margins compared to those associated with the outcomes of novel or breakthrough innovations, largely because competition among firms offering products to customers that have incremental innovations is primarily on the price variable.6 2 Adding a different kind of whitening agent to a soap detergent is an example of an incremental innovation, as are minor improvements in the functionality in televisions (e.g., slightly better picture quality). Companies introduce to markets a larger number of incremental than radical innovations, largely because they are cheaper, easier to produce quickly, and involve less risk. Yet, firms normally cannot rely solely on incremental innovations. If they do so, they move from being market leaders to market laggards.63 However, incremental innovation can be risky for firms if its frequency of introduction creates more change than can be appro priately absorbed.64
In contrast to incremental innovations, radical innovations usually provide signifi cant technological changes and create new knowledge.65 Revolutionary and nonlinear in nature, radical innovations typically use new technologies to serve newly created markets. The development of the original personal computer is an example of such an innova tion as are the driverless cars discussed in the Opening Case. Additional examples of radical innovations include: (1) Salesforce's Customer Relationship Management system (highly innovative were the firm's launching of a new cloud computing technology plat form and its business model of selling its software as a service), (2) Metromile's way of selling its product (a U.S. automobile insurance company, Metromile developed a new technology-a plug-in telematics device for a customer's car-as a foundation for using it so people can buy insurance on a per-mile-basis), and (3) Amazon's Dash button (this product, which is a small Wi-Fi connected device, allows customers to reorder household essentials such as razors, toilet paper, and washing powder at the click of a button).66
Developing new processes is a critical part of producing radical innovations. Both types of innovations can create value, meaning that firms should determine when it is appropriate to emphasize either incremental or radical innovation. However, radical
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
innovations have the potential to contribute more significantly to a fir m's efforts to earn above-average returns, although they also are more risky.
Radical innovations are rare because of the difficulty and risk involved in their develop ment. The value of the technology and the mar ket opportunities are highly uncertain.67 Because radical innovation creates new knowledge and uses only some or little of a firm's current prod uct or technological knowledge, creativity is required; creativity is as important to efforts to innovate in not-for-profit organizations as it is in for-profit firms.68 Creativity is an outcome of using one's imagination. In the words of Jay Walker, founder of Priceline.com, "Imagination is the fuel. You're not going to get innovation if you don't have imagination:' Imagination finds firms thinking about what customers will want in a changing world. For example, Walker says,
An Amazon Dash Button allows customers to quickly reorder
household items. Pictured here is a Dash Button for Clorox.
those seeking to innovate within a firm could try to imagine "what the customer is going to want in a world where, for instance, their cellphone is in their glasses:' 69 Imagination is more critical to radical than incremental innovations.
Surveys suggest that "creativity and innovation are the number 1 strategic priorities for organizations the world over:'70 However, creativity alone does not directly lead to innovation. Rather, creativity as generated through imagination discovers, combines, or synthesizes current knowledge, often from diverse areas.71 Increasingly, when trying to innovate, firms seek knowledge from current users to understand their perspective about what could be beneficial innovations to the firm's products.72 Collectively, employees use gathered knowledge to develop new, innovative products to introduce to new markets and to capture new customers-and gain access to new resources while doing so. Often, separate business units that start internal ventures produce the types of innovations that lead to these positive outcomes.
Strong, supportive leadership is required for the type of creativity and imagination needed to develop radical innovations. The fact that creativity is "messy, chaotic, some times even disgusting, and reeks of failure, experimentation, and disorganization"73 is one set of reasons why leadership is so critical to its success.
This discussion highlights the fact that internally developed incremental and radical innovations result from using a set of deliberate activities. Internal corporate venturing is the name used to capture this set of deliberate activities-activities that firms use to develop internal inventions and particularly internal innovations.74
As shown in Figure 13.1, autonomous and induced strategic behaviors are the two types of internal corporate venturing. Each venturing type facilitates development of both incremental and radical innovations. However, a larger number of radical innovations spring from autonomous strategic behavior, while a larger number of incremental inno vations come from induced strategic behavior.
In essence, autonomous strategic behavior results in influences to change aspects of the firm's strategy and the structure in place to support its implementation. In contrast, induced strategic behavior results from the influences of the strategy and structure the firm currently has in place to support efforts to innovate (see Figure 13.1). We emphasize these points in the discussions below.
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426 Part 3: Strategic Act ions: Strategy Implementation
Figure 13.1 Model of Internal Corporate Venturing
- Concept of corporate strategy
i I I I
------ ------
Strategic context Structural context
i I I I
Autonomous Induced strategic strategic behavior behavior
Source: Adapted from R. A. Burgelman, 1983, A model of the interactions of strategic behavior, corporate context, and the
concept of strategy, Academy of Management Review, 8: 65.
13-Sb Autonomous Strategic Behavior
Autonomous strategic behavior is a bottom-up process in which a product champion pur sues a new idea, often through a political process, by means of which she/he develops and coordinates the actions required to convert an invention into an innovative product and to introduce that product into the market.75 Product champions rely on their entre preneurial mind-set to complete these actions. Product champions play critical roles in moving innovations forward. Consider Post-it Notes as an example of an innovation that reached the market because of the tireless efforts of a product champion. 3M's Post-it Notes evolved from the work of Dr. Spencer Silver, a 3M scientist. In trying to develop a bigger, stronger, tougher adhesive, Dr. Silver actually discovered something called microspheres, which retain their stickiness while having a "removable" characteristic. This characteristic allows attached surfaces to peel apart easily (think of your Post-it Notes). It took years, and the forming of a partnership with Art Fry, another 3M scientist, for the company to see the innovation-related potential of Dr. Silver's invention. In describing how this result came about, Dr. Silver said that he become known as Mr. Persistent because he would not stop trying to sell his product inside 3M.76 His persistence indicates that Dr. Silver indeed was a product champion. As this example shows, internal innovations springing from autonomous strategic behavior differ from the firm's current strategy and structure, taking it into new markets and perhaps new ways of creating value (see Figure 13.1). As a means of innovating, the effectiveness of autonomous strategic behavior increases when new knowledge, especially tacit knowledge, diffuses continuously throughout the firm.77
As discussed in the Strategic Focus, agencies or bodies other than individual organi zations sometimes seek innovation through autonomous strategic behavior. This is the case with the Public Investment Fund (PIF), which provides financial support to projects of strategic importance to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).78 While reading about the Public Investment Fund's actions, notice that developing innovation throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the force driving the fund's investment choices. In this regard, the PIF hopes that product champions will surface in Noon, an e-commerce platform in which it invested $500 million, as a means of developing and exploiting innovations. Mohamed Alabbar, a major investor in Noon, may be the product champion through which new ideas surface as a source of marketplace innovations.
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship 427
Seeking Innovation through Autonomous Strategic Behavior at the Country Level
The Public Investment Fund (PIF) is a sovereign wealth fund
(SWF) established by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
Created to invest funds derived from a country's reserves in
ways that benefit that country's economy and citizens, SWFs
are somewhat common. For example, because of an aging
population and a declining workforce, Japan's Government
Pension Investment Fund seeks returns from its investments
that are capable of financially supporting its elderly citizens.
Likewise, with over $800 billion in investable assets, the China
Investment Corporation seeks returns that will benefit the
state and its citizenry in multiple ways.
KSA's vision is "to be a global investment powerhouse
and the world's most impactful investor, enabling the cre
ation of new sectors and opportunities that will shape the
future global economy, while driving the economic trans
formation of Saudi Arabia."This economic transformation is
important as the KSA seeks to reduce its dependence on oil
income as the foundation for its economy. The structure of
the PIF allows it to invest in companies with the potential
to innovate because of their talent. The fund notes that to
date, it has "invested in some of the world's most innovative
companies, forming partnerships that will ensure Saudi
Arabia is at the forefront of emerging trends:'The degree
to which autonomous strategic behavior may emerge
in a company as a means of developing innovations
influences the PIF's decisions as it evaluates firms in
which it may invest.
E-commerce venture Noon is a billion dollar project,
with 50 percent of the investment coming from the PIF. In
partnership with Dubai businessman Mohamed Alabbar
and other investors, Noon's permanent operational base is
in Riyadh. One of the most expensive tech ventures in the
Middle East, Noon is a competitive response to Amazon's
strategic action of acquiring Dubai-based Souq.com as a
means of boldly entering the Middle East markets. Described
by Mr. Alabbar as an Arabic-first e-commerce platform, Noon
offers a range of clothing, home goods, grocery staples,
and multiple other items. In 2018, online sales in the Middle
East accounted for only an estimated two percent of overall
retail sales, but the e-commerce sector is growing faster in
the Middle East than in all other parts of the world. Thus,
Amazon felt a strong incentive to enter the market quickly
through an acquisition. Likewise, the PIF's managers believe
that Noon will innovate in ways that will lead to commercial
success in this emerging sector. In turn, Noon's commercial
success would provide one avenue to reducing the KSA's
dependence on oil revenue.
To achieve its goal, Noon offers over 20 million products
"ranging from fashion and baby goods to books and electron
ics:' It uses a 3.5 million square foot fulfillment order center in
Dubai to distribute its products. Mr. Alabbar is committed to
"creating a different kind of infrastructure: a viable competitor
to Amazon.com Inc. and other global e-commerce giants,
which are moving into the Middle East to capitalize on an
online shopping boom:'To make Noon the only Arabic-first
e-commerce platform competing in the Middle East,
Mr. Alabbar and his colleagues seek to identify innovations
to use as the foundation for outcompeting their rivals. With
Amazon's Souq.com as a competitor, the battle to innovate as a
means of capturing market share will be intense.
Sources: 2018, Public Investment Fund, http//pif.gov.sa; 2018, Bests and bloopers
from the year in deals, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, December 28; 2018,
Sovereign Wealth Fund - SWF, lnvestopedia, www.investopedia.com, January 28;
N. Al Ali, 2017, Alabbar Noon venture with Saudi fund said to let Dubai staff go,
Bloomberg, www.bloomberg.com, May 18; 0. Hasan, 2017, Gulf retailer Noon.com
to ignite e-commerce race, Phys.org, www.phys.org, October 2; M. Kassem &
N. Nanji, 2017, Noon launches in the UAE, tapping into regiona l e-commerce
boom, The National, www.thenational.ae, October 1; N. Parasie, 2017, Dubai
billionaire's tech startup takes on Amazon, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com,
December 28; M. Read, 2017, CEO, some staff leave Mid East e -commerce venture
Noon - sources, Reuters, www.reuters.com, May 18; Z. Alkhalisi, 2016, Saudi Arabia
and Burj Khalifa developer launch Gulf answer to Amazon, CNN Tech, www.money
.cnn.com, November 13.
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428 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
13-Sc Induced Strategic Behavior
Induced strategic behavior, the second form of corporate venturing through which firms develop innovations internally, is a top-down process whereby the firm's current strategy and structure foster innovations that are associated closely with that strat egy and structure. 79 In this form of venturing, the strategy in place filters through a matching structural hierarchy. In essence, induced strategic behavior results in inter nal innovations that are consistent with the firm's current strategy. Thus, the firm's CEO and its top management team play an active and key role in induced strategic behavior.80 This is the case at IBM, where CEO Virginia (Ginni) Rometty challenged the firm's employees "to move faster and respond more quickly to customers" as a foundation for developing innovations that will facilitate the firm's efforts to "shift to new computing models."81
Induced innovation allows the firm and its managers to determine the type and amount of innovation desired. 82 For example, the firm could develop an intense inno vation process in order to be the industry leader by introducing new products regularly even if they cannibalize currently successful products. Intel is an example of a firm following this practice. A firm uses an induced approach to innovation to determine if it wishes to create open innovation, where innovation becomes the source of industry standards, or closed innovation, which the firm uses to generate returns disallowing others to use it. 83 The majority of innovation is closed innovation, but open innovation is becoming more common, especially in some industries. Often, firms engage in evo lutionary, path dependent R&D, which over time becomes more incremental (because of the path dependence in the knowledge base used). 84
13-6 Implementing Internal Innovations An entrepreneurial mind-set is critical to firms' efforts to innovate internally, partly because it helps them deal with the environmental and market uncertainty associated with efforts taken to commercialize inventions. 85 When facing uncertainty, firms contin uously try to identify the most attractive opportunities to pursue strategically. Thus, firms use an entrepreneurial mind-set to identify opportunities and then develop innovations and strategies to exploit them in the marketplace. 86 Often, firms provide incentives to individuals to be more entrepreneurial as a foundation for successfully developing inter nal innovations. Additionally, firms sometimes encourage work teams to specify what they believe are the most appropriate incentives for the firm to use as a means of encour aging innovative behavior.87
Having processes and structures in place through which a firm can exploit its inno vations is critical. In the context of internal corporate ventures, managers must allo cate resources, coordinate activities, communicate with many different parties in the organization, and make a series of decisions to convert the innovations resulting from either autonomous or induced strategic behaviors into successful market entries.88 As we describe in Chapter 11, an organizational structure depicts the sets of formal relationships that support processes managers use to exploit the firm's innovations.
To implement the incremental and radical innovations resulting from internal corpo rate ventures, firms integrate the functions involved in internal innovation efforts-from engineering to manufacturing and distribution. Increasingly, firms use product devel opment teams to achieve the desired integration across organizational functions. Such integration involves coordinating and applying the knowledge and skills of different func tional areas to maximize innovation and to create a culture of continuous improvement.89
Teams must help make decisions about which projects to continue supporting and those
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
to terminate. Emotional commitments sometimes increase the difficulty of deciding to terminate an innovation-based project.
13-6a Cross-Functional Product Development Teams
Cross-functional product development teams facilitate efforts to integrate activities associated with different organizational functions, such as design, manufacturing, and marketing. A number of individuals, representing a wide swath of the organization, are members of cross-functional new product development teams. The reason for this is that, "in today's globally interconnected, fast-paced business environment, nearly every important initiative-whether it's revenue growth, cost reduction, or new product innovation-requires insights and actions from people working across an organization:'90
As team members, research scientists, for example, bring technological content knowl edge to decisions made by product development teams. 91 Those from marketing bring insights about products that appeal to millennials compared to members of the baby boomer generation. In addition to members from the organization, cross-functional product development teams may also include people from major suppliers because they have knowledge that can meaningfully inform a firm's innovation processes.92 In addition, it is possible to complete new product development processes more quickly and to commercialize the products resulting from the processes more easily when cross-functional teams work collaboratively.93 Using cross-functional teams, the firm batches product development stages into parallel processes so that it can tailor its product development efforts to its unique core competencies and to the market's needs.
Horizontal organizational structures support cross-functional teams in their efforts to integrate innovation-based activities across organizational functions.94 Therefore, instead of using vertical hierarchical functions or departments as the design framework, core horizontal processes, which are relied on to produce and manage innovations, are the foundation for building the organization. Some of the horizontal processes that are crit ical to innovation efforts are formal and documented as procedures and practices. More commonly, however, these important processes are informal and supported properly through horizontal organizational structures-structures that typically find individuals communicating frequently on a face-to-face basis.
Team members' independent frames of reference and organizational politics are two barriers with the potential to prevent effective use of cross-functional teams. 95 Team members working within a distinct specialization (e.g., a particular organizational func tion) may have an independent frame of reference-one that common backgrounds and experiences influence. Such team members are likely to use the same decision criteria to evaluate issues, such as product development efforts, when making decisions within their functional units.
Additionally, individuals working in various organizational functions differ from one another in areas such as their goals, formality of the structure guiding their work, and the amount of time needed to complete their work. In turn, these differences influence how individuals working in an organization's functional departments view innovation-related activities. For example, a design engineer may consider the characteristics that make a product functional and workable to be the most important ones. Alternatively, a person from the marketing function may judge characteristics that satisfy customer needs to be most important. These different orientations can create barriers to effective communica tion across functions and may even generate intra-team conflict as different parts of the firm try to work together to innovate.96
Some organizations experience a considerable amount of political activity (i.e., organizational politics) when using cross-functional product development teams. Determining how to allocate resources to different functions is a key source of such
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430 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
activity. This means that inter-unit conflict may result from aggressive competition for resources among those representing different organizational functions. This type of conflict between functions creates a barrier to cross-functional integration efforts. Those trying to form effective cross-functional product development teams seek ways to mitigate the damaging effects of organizational politics. Emphasizing the critical role each function plays in the firm's overall efforts to innovate is a method firms use to help individuals appreciate the value of inter-unit collaborations.
13-6b Facilitating Integration and Innovation
Shared values and effective leadership are important for achieving cross-functional inte gration and implementing internal innovations.97 As part of culture, shared values are consistent with the firm's vision and mission and become the glue that promotes integra tion between functional units.
Strategic leadership is also important to efforts to achieve cross-functional integra tion and promote internal innovation. Working with others, leaders must set goals and allocate resources needed to achieve them. The goals include integrated development and commercialization of new products. Effective strategic leaders also ensure a high-quality communication system to facilitate cross-functional integration. A critical benefit of effective communication is the sharing of knowledge among team members, who in turn are then able to communicate an innovation's existence and importance to others in the organization. Shared values and leadership practices shape the communication routines that make it possible to share innovation-related knowledge throughout the firm.98
13-6c Creating Value from Internal Innovation
The model in Figure 13.2 shows how firms try to create value through internal innovation processes (autonomous strategic behavior and induced strategic behavior). As shown, an entrepreneurial mind-set is foundational to efforts to identify entrepreneurial opportu nities the firm can pursue to create value through innovations.99 As we have discussed, cross-functional teams are important for promoting integrated new product design
Figure 13.2 Creating Value through Internal Innovation Processes
Cross-functional - prod uct deve lopment -
Entrepreneurial Creating value mind-set through innovation
Facilitating inte gration and innovation
- • Shared val ues -
• Entrepre neurial leadership
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
ideas and gaining commitment to their subsequent implementation. Effective leader ship and shared values promote integration and vision for innovation and commitment to it. However, competitive rivalry (see Chapter 5) affects the degree of success a firm achieves through innovation. Thus, firms must carefully study competitors' responses to their innovations to have the knowledge required to know how to adjust their innova tion-based efforts, and even when to abandon those efforts if market conditions indicate the need to do so. 100
In the next two sections, we discuss the other approaches firms use to innovate cooperative strategies and acquisitions.
13-7 Innovation through Cooperative Strategies
Alliances with other firms can contribute to innovations in several ways. First, they provide information on new business opportunities and the innovations the firm might develop to exploit them.101 In other instances, firms use cooperative strategies to align what they believe are complementary assets that have potential to lead to future innovations. Compared to other approaches to innovation, combining comple mentary assets through alliances has the potential to result more frequently in radical innovations.102
Rapidly changing technologies, globalization, and the need to innovate in ways that satisfy global standards influence firms' decisions to innovate by cooperating with other companies. Indeed, some believe that, because of these conditions, firms are becom ing increasingly dependent on cooperative strategies as a path to innovation and, ulti mately, to competitive success in the global economy.103 Both entrepreneurial ventures and established firms use cooperative strategies to innovate. An entrepreneurial venture, for example, may seek investment capital as well as established firms' distribution capabil ities to introduce successfully one of its innovative products to the market. Alternatively, more-established companies may need new technological knowledge and can gain access to it by forming a cooperative strategy with entrepreneurial ventures. Large pharmaceu tical firms and biotechnology companies form alliances to integrate their knowledge and resources to develop new products and bring them to market.
In some instances, large established firms form an alliance to innovate. For example, EY and Microsoft extended their alliance to combine digital and cloud technologies to serve the agricultural industry with innovative products. The focus of this alliance is on helping agricultural firms turn their digital strategies into action. In a press release, EY and Microsoft stated that this "initiative will com bine EY's technology consulting experience and its agribusiness knowledge with Microsoft's digital suite of tools and the Microsoft Azure cloud platform to help companies innovate and transform their business:'104
An alliance formed between Inter IKEA Group, the parent company of the IKEA furniture brand, and Marriott International, Inc. is another example of large firms using a cooperative strategy to innovate. These firms formed an alliance to develop Moxy, a new hotel brand that the companies believe is
The first Maxy Hotel that is innovative in both its design and the
value it creates for customers.
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432 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
innovative in its design and the value it creates for customers.105 In this alliance, IKEA provides novel and innovative construction techniques (such as its famed flat-pack technology through which it can quickly deliver and assemble furniture) to keep manu facturing costs down while Marriott provides value in the form of unique design. Thus, IKEA and Marriott collaborated to form the Moxy brand. The innovative foundation of the brand is combining value (IKEA's contribution) with style (Marriott's contribution). The hotel serves millennials with moderate prices and an open lobby/restaurant/bar with music at one end and space where guests can work on their devices at the other. Established initially in European countries, there are to be 150 Moxy Hotels by 2026 with locations in London, Oslo, Berlin, Frankfurt, Chicago, and Nashville among oth ers.106 Customers seem to value Moxy's "small-but-smartly built rooms; airport-style, tablet-based check-ins; and no-frills service" among other characteristics. 107
However, alliances formed to foster innovation carry risk. In addition to conflict that is natural when firms try to collaborate to reach a mutual goal, alliance members also take a risk that a partner might appropriate their technology or knowledge and use it for its own benefit.108 Carefully selecting partner firms mitigates this risk. The ideal partner ship is one in which the firms have complementary skills as well as compatible strategic goals. 109 W hen this is the case, firms encounter fewer challenges and risks as they try to manage successfully the partnership they formed to develop innovations. Companies also want to constrain the number of cooperative arrangements they form to innovate, in that becoming involved in too many alliances puts them at risk of losing the ability to manage each one successfully.110
Acquisitions are the final approach firms use to innovate. Evidence suggests that this approach is gaining in popularity as firms seek to enhance their technological capabilities on a continuous basis. The Boston Consulting Group offers the following commentary about this issue: "For an increasing number of organizations the answer is to buy rather than to build. Acquisitions of high-tech targets have become an instrument of choice for buyers in all sectors looking to boost innovation, streamline operations and processes, shape customer journeys, and personalize products, services, and experiences. (Indeed), high-tech deals represented almost 30% of the total $2.5 trillion of completed M&A trans actions in 2016:' 111
We discuss acquisitions firms completed to gain access to others' innovations and/or innovative capability in the Strategic Focus. You will see that companies sometimes pay large premiums to acquire firms and their innovations and/or innovative capabilities. Reasons firms acquire companies to innovate and risks associated with doing so appear in the "Innovation through Acquisitions" section.
13-8 Innovation through Acquisitions As noted in the Strategic Focus, one reason companies choose to acquire others as a means of innovating112 is that capital markets value growth; acquisitions provide a means to rapidly extend one or more product lines and increase the firm's revenues.113 Nonetheless, a strategic rationale should drive the decision to acquire a company. Typically, the rationale is to gain ownership of an acquired company's innovations and access to its innovative capabilities. A number of large technology-based companies have acquired firms largely for these purposes. Netflix acquired Millarworld to gain access to the firm's current stable of innovative products and to its ability to construct and tell innovative stories across time.
Similar to internal corporate venturing and strategic alliances, acquisitions are not a risk-free approach to innovation. A key risk of acquisitions is that a firm may substitute an ability to acquire innovations for an ability to develop them internally. Some analysts
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship 433
Will These Acquisitions Lead to Innovation Success or to Strategic Failure?
As stakeholders, investors value corporate growth.
Innovations have the capacity to contribute to firm growth.
Compared to internal innovation and innovation resulting
from cooperative strategies, firms grow quicker and have
immediate access to another company's innovations when
using an acquisition strategy. Because of this, acquisitions
remain a popular approach to innovation, particularly for
large established organizations.
In 2018, merger and acquisition activity was strong.
Growing by gaining access to others' innovations and their
innovating capabilities was as a key reason for this. At this time,
the pharmaceuticals industry was engaged in what analysts
called a "deal frenzy;' including such acquisitions as Celgene's
intended purchase of cancer specialist Juno Therapeutics and
Sanofi SA's decision to acquire Bioverativ Inc. Celgene agreed
to pay an approximate 90 percent premium to acquire Juno,
while Sanofi paid a 63 percent premium to purchase Bioverativ.
Driving these acquisitions was Celgene's desire to gain access
to Juno's innovative capabilities in the area of developing
cancer treatments and, specifically, to acquire ownership of
the firm's new lymphoma treatment. Expected to gain regula
tory approval in 2019, the treatment, called JCAR0l 7, had the
potential to reach $3 billion in global sales quickly. To stimulate
future innovations, Celgene planned to integrate some of
the firms' research and development capabilities into Juno's
laboratories located in Seattle, WA. Speaking about the firms'
combined interest and skills, Celgene's CEO said that by acquir
ing Juno, he was "bringing together two organizations with a
shared vision to make cancer a chronic illness while we work
toward a cure:· For Sanofi, its interest in part was to gain access
to Bioverativ's hemophilia drugs. In commenting about this,
an analyst said the following: "Bioverativ's hemophilia drugs
will fit in Sanofi's rare-disease business and complement the
company's collaboration with biotech Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Inc. in developing a new kind of hemophilia therapy using
an emerging technology called RNA inter ference:· Here then,
an acquiring and acquired company's innovation capabilities
will be integrated partly to continue collaborating with a third
company to develop innovative medical products.
The premiums these firms paid to acquire innovations and
innovative capabilities are significant. Nonetheless, they were
consistent with the average premium of 89 percent paid in
the pharmaceutical industry at this time-a premium almost
double the median paid in this industry in 2010. The premiums
paid reflect the need for pharmaceutical companies to acquire
others to plug holes in their product lines and to gain access
to promising products and innovations. Also stimulating acqui
sitions here is the failure to develop new products through
internal efforts. In 2018, for example, Pfizer Inc. announced that
it would "stop trying to discover new drugs for Alzheimer 's
disease and Parkinson's disease, abandoning costly but futile
efforts to find effective treatments for the disorders:'The future
might find Pfizer trying to acquire firms with promising prod
ucts and/or with capabilities to develop successful treatments
for these diseases.
Of course, firms in industries other than pharmaceu
ticals acquire innovation. Netflix recently completed its
first acquisition by buying Millarworld, a streaming media
company. "Millarworld is the independent comic publishing
company founded by Mark Millar, a storied comic book
creator who is behind a host of iconic characters and series,
including Kick-Ass and Kingsman, as well as the creative
force behind some of Marvel's best story arcs, including The
Ultimates and Old Man Logan." In essence, Netflix wanted
access to Millarwor ld's innovative story-telling ability on a
going-forward basis. In the short term, the firm intended to
bring Millarworld's portfolio to the screen through films, TV
series, and kids' shows.
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434 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
In what many call "the innovation obsessed technology
industry;' Broadcom Ltd. CEO Hock Tan "unapologetically
favors surefire profits over visionary projects:'Through what
analysts saw as an increasingly bold acquisition strategy,
Mr. Tan made Broadcom the industry's most visible deal
maker. In building his firm, Mr. Tan clearly prefers to acquire
innovation rather than to develop it internally or via
cooperative strategies.
Sources: C. Grant, 2018, High prices won't deter biotech deals, Wall Street Journal,
www.wsj.com, January 22; T. Greenwald, 2018, Is Broadcom's CEO, a champion
deal maker, innovative enough' Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 25;
C. Lombardo, 2018, Celgene to buy Juno Therapeutics for $9 billion, Wall Street
Journal, www.wsj.com, January 22; J. D. Rockoff, 2018, Big drugmakers pay big
prices for promising biotechs, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 22; J. D.
Rockoff, 2018, Pfizer ends hunt for drugs to treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, Wall
Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 6; J. D. Rockoff, D. Cimilluca, & B. Dummett,
2018, Celgene nears deal to buy Impact Biomedicines for as much as $7 billion,
Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, January 7; A. Bylund, 2017, Netflix, Inc. just made
its first-ever acquisition, Motley Fool, www.fool.com, August 7.
fear this is the case for Broadcom Ltd.-a firm described in the Strategic Focus-because the firm focuses almost exclusively on acquiring other firms to gain access to their inno vations. Individuals with positions in the acquired companies sometimes indicate that, as part of the Broadcom integration process, fewer allocations flow to the research and development function.114 Reducing allocations to R&D may result when a firm concen trates on financial controls to identify, evaluate, and then manage acquisitions. Of course, strategic controls are the ones through which a firm identifies a strategic rationale to acquire another company as a means of developing innovations. Thus, the likelihood a firm will achieve success through its efforts to innovate increases by developing an appro priate balance between financial and strategic controls.
In spite of the risks though, choosing to acquire companies with complementary capabilities and knowledge sets can support a firm's efforts to innovate successfully. This is especially the case when strategic purposes drive the acquisitions and when the process to integrate the acquired firm into the focal firm proceeds without difficulty. 115 If sufficient financial capital is available, firms lacking success with internal innovation efforts are more likely to acquire companies possessing strong technological capabilities or that have new, potentially valuable innovations.116
The ability to learn new capabilities that can facilitate innovation-related activities from acquired companies is an important benefit for an acquiring firm. Additionally, firms that emphasize innovation, and carefully select companies to acquire that also emphasize innovation and the technological capabilities that are often the source of innovations, are likely to remain innovative.117 Thus, some firms produce innovations internally, or use cooperative strategies to innovate, while others use external knowledge and external sources for innovations. Not surprisingly, large organizations use all three approaches to innovate. However, the quality of actions used to implement each approach influences their success. 118
13-9 Creating Value through Strategic Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial ventures and y ounger firms often are more effective at recognizing opportunities than are larger established companies.119 This means that entrepreneurial ventures often produce more radical innovations than do larger, more established orga nizations. Entrepreneurial ventures' strategic flexibility and willingness to take risks account partially for their ability to do this. Yet, because they tend to be novel, radical innovations are also risky. Thus, these innovations sometimes fail, which frequently
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
means that the new venture fails because such firms have little slack.120 Alternatively, larger, well-established firms often have more resources and capabilities to manage rec ognized opportunities strategically in the marketplace, but these efforts generally result in a larger number of incremental than radical innovations.
Thus, younger, entrepreneurial ventures generally excel in the opportunity-seeking part of strategic entrepreneurship while larger, more established firms generally excel in the advantage-seeking part. However, as we have discussed in this chapter, competitive success and superior performance relative to competitors accrues to firms capable of recognizing and exploiting opportunities. When able to do this, firms establish a compet itive advantage relative to their rivals.121 On a relative basis then, entrepreneurial ventures should seek to enhance their strategic skills, while older, more established firms should try to become more entrepreneurial.
Firms trying to learn how to be more entrepreneurial and strategic simultaneously (that is, firms trying to use strategic entrepreneurship) understand that, after recog nizing opportunities, entrepreneurs within entrepreneurial ventures and established organizations must help their firms develop capabilities that are valuable, rare, diffi cult to imitate, and nonsubstitutable (see Chapter 3). When capabilities satisfy these four criteria, the firm has the foundation in place through which strategic actions become the pathway to exploiting innovations in the marketplace and developing a competitive advantage.
As we explained in Chapter l, without a competitive advantage, firm success is only temporary.122 If grounded in a recognized and viable market opportunity, an innova tion may be valuable and rare early in its life; but, by itself, an innovation does not result in a competitive advantage. Indeed, strategic actions taken to introduce the new product to the market and protect its position against competitors are the source of competitive advantage. In combination, these actions (recognizing viable opportuni ties and using strategic actions to exploit them in the marketplace) constitute strategic entrepreneurship.
Today, a number of companies are trying to become more capable of using stra tegic entrepreneurship effectively. For example, an increasing number of large, well known firms, including Wendy's International, Gucci Group, Starbucks, and Perry Ellis International among others, have established a top-level managerial position commonly called president or executive vice president of emerging brands. Other companies such as Coca-Cola, GE, Whirlpool, and Humana have established a position within their top management teams to focus on innovation.123 Commonly, these individuals carry a title of chief innovation officer.
The essential responsibility of top-level managers focusing on emerging brands or innovation is to verify that their firm identifies entrepreneurial opportunities consis tently. Additionally, they manage the firm's portfolio of innovation projects, selecting those for which further investment is appropriate while terminating unattractive projects.124 These managers understand that some innovation projects fail; they try to learn from those failures to enhance the success of future projects.125 For projects that are to continue receiving support, chief innovation officers collaborate with others to integrate the innovation into the firm's strategy. In this sense, those responsible for identifying opportunities the firm might want to pursue and those responsible for selecting and implementing the strategies the company would use to pursue those opportunities share responsibility for verifying that the firm is taking entrepreneurial actions using a strategic perspective. Chief innovation officers and those working in their unit also help the firm select the innovations to use to pursue opportunities, and whether those innovations should be developed internally, through a coopera tive strategy, or by completing an acquisition. In the final analysis, the objective of
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436 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
these top-level managers is to help firms recognize entrepreneurial opportunities and then develop successful incremental and radical innovations and strategies to exploit them.
When engaging in strategic entrepre neurship, firms develop an innovation portfolio. In part, this portfolio facilitates efforts to determine the number of incre mental innovations required to continue supporting existing products that are successful in marketplace competitions. Simultaneously, the innovation portfolio includes efforts oriented to developing radical innovations-the kind that result
B in development of unique products in
Ford's new 2019 Edge ST showcased at the Geneva International
Motor show in March of 2018.
the future. This is the situation for global automobile manufacturers such as those described in the Opening Case. In that case we noted, for example, that Ford Motor Co.
earns a significant percentage of its profits by selling large trucks and sport-utility vehi- cles (SUVs). Because of this, the company"plans to expand its lineup of SUVs and cross over vehicles in the U.S. to 13 models from seven by 2020 in response to rapid growth in SUV sales:'126 Incremental innovations will be critical to the success of these efforts to continue earning profits based on a potential competitive advantage in terms of selling SUV s to U.S. customers. Simultaneously, Ford recognizes an opportunity to develop rad ical innovations for future products including hybrids, electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles among other possibilities.127 While identifying entrepreneurial opportunities, companies practicing strategic entrepreneurship, which appears to be the case for Ford, form strategies allowing them to achieve success with products they sell today and through which they can be successful in the future.
In this chapter, we focused on innovation's link to organizational success. Throughout the book, we examined decisions and actions firms exercise when prac ticing strategic management. Both skills (the ability to innovate and the ability to be strategic in marketplace competitions) are vital for organizational success. For example, firms able to innovate but lacking the skills required to achieve marketplace success with their innovations by exercising appropriate strategic actions do not per form as desired. At the same time, firms with superior strategic skills cannot achieve desired levels of success without the benefit of continuous innovations. Thus, today's organizations must learn how to engage simultaneously in opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking behaviors. By seeking opportunities continuously, organizations recognize product attributes that can serve future customer needs. By developing their advantage-seeking behaviors, firms introduce streams of new products to customers in ways that yield a competitive advantage for the company. Strategic entrepreneurship is the combination of opportunity- and advantage-seeking behavior. Thus, the most "entrepreneurial" and the most "strategic" companies are poised to achieve market place success at the expense of competitors lacking the ability to engage simultane ously in opportunity- and advantage-seeking behaviors.
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
Strategic entrepreneurship involves taking entrepreneurial
actions using a strategic perspective. Firms using strategic
entrepreneurship simultaneously engage in opportunity-seek
ing and advantage-seeking behaviors. The purpose is to
continuously find new opportunities and quickly develop and
exploit innovations while simultaneously exploiting competi
tive advantages that are creating value through the products
the firm sells currently.
Entrepreneurship is a process used by individuals, teams,
and organizations to identify entrepreneurial opportunities
without being immediately constrained by the resources
they control. Corporate entrepreneurship is the applica
tion of entrepreneurship (including the identification of
entrepreneurial opportunities) within ongoing, established
organizations. Entrepreneurial opportunities are conditions
in which new goods or services can satisfy a need in the
market. Entrepreneurship positively contributes to individ
ual firms' performance and stimulates growth in countries'
Firms engage in three types of innovative activities:
invention, which is the act of creating a new good, process,
or service
innovation, or the process of creating a commercial prod
uct from an invention
imitation, which is the adoption of similar innovations by
different firms
Invention brings something new into being while innovation
brings something new into use.
Entrepreneurs see or envision entrepreneurial opportunities
and then take actions to develop innovations and exploit
them. The most successful entrepreneurs (whether they are
establishing their own venture or are working in an estab
lished organization) have an entrepreneurial mind-set, which
is an orientation that values the potential associated with
opportunities that are available because of marketplace
International entrepreneurship, or the process of
identifying and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities
outside the firm's domestic markets, is important to firms
around the globe. Evidence suggests that firms capable
of engaging effectively in international entrepreneur
ship generally outperform those competing only in their
domestic markets.
Firms use three basic approaches to produce innovation:
internal innovation, which involves R&D and forming inter
nal corporate ventures
cooperative strategies such as strategic alliances
Autonomous strategic behavior and induced strategic
behavior are the two forms of internal corporate venturing.
Autonomous strategic behavior is a bottom-up process
through which a product champion facilitates the commercial
ization of an innovation. Induced strategic behavior is a top
down process in which a firm's current strategy and structure
facilitate the development and implementation of innovations.
Thus, the firm's current strategy and structure drives induced
strategic behavior while autonomous strategic behavior can
result in a change to the firm's current strategy and structure.
Firms create two types of innovations-incremental and
radical-through internal innovation that takes place in
the form of autonomous strategic behavior or induced
strategic behavior. Overall, firms produce more incremental
innovations, but radical innovations have a higher proba
bility of significantly increasing sales revenue and profits.
Cross-functional integration is often vital to a firm's efforts to
develop and implement internal corporate venturing activ
ities and to commercialize the resulting innovation. Cross
functional teams now commonly include representatives
from external organizations, such as suppliers. Additionally,
developing shared values and engaging in successful
strategic leadership practices facilitate integration and
innovation efforts.
To gain access to the specialized knowledge required to inno
vate in the global economy, firms may form a cooperative
relationship, such as a strategic alliance with other companies,
some of which may be competitors.
Acquisitions are another method firms use to obtain inno
vation. Acquisitions can lead to direct access to an acquired
firm's innovations, and/or firms can learn new capabilities
from an acquisition, thereby enriching their internal innova
tion abilities.
The practice of strategic entrepreneurship by all types of firms,
large and small, new and more established, creates value for
all stakeholders, especially for shareholders and customers.
Strategic entrepreneurship also contributes to the economic
development of countries.
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corporate entrepreneurship 419
entrepreneurial mind-set 421
entrepreneurial opportunities 419
entrepreneurs 421
entrepreneurship 419
1. What is strategic entrepreneurship? What is corporate
2 What is entrepreneurship, and what are entrepreneurial
opportunities? Why are they important aspects of the strategic
management process?
3. What are invention, innovation, and imitation? How are these
concepts interrelated?
4. What is an entrepreneur, and what is an entrepreneurial
imitation 420
innovation 420
Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
international entrepreneurship 422
invention 420
strategic entrepreneurship 418
S. What is international entrepreneurship? Why is it important?
6. How do firms develop innovations internally?
7. How do firms use cooperative strategies to innovate and to
have access to innovative capabilities?
8. How does a firm acquire other companies to increase the
number of innovations it produces and improve its capability
to innovate?
9. How does strategic entrepreneurship help firms create value?
What Explains the Lack of Innovation at American Express? Is It Hubris, Inertia, or Lack of Capability?
The lack of innovation and entrepreneurial focus at American Express (AmEx) may be because of hubris, inertia, and a lack of capability. The firm's performance in 2014 was not, by any means, what stakeholders expect. Partly in response to its poor financial performance, the firm announced plans to reduce its workforce by up to 4,000 employees.
The loss of two of its major partnerships, with Costco and JetBlue, contributed to AmEx's poor perfor mance in 2014. Its partnership with Costco, which had involved an exclusive co-branded credit card, was par ticularly damaging. At its peak, this collaborative rela tionship had accounted for approximately eight percent of AmEx's total revenues. Interestingly, cardholders used this co-branded card for many other purchases outside
of Costco, as about 70 percent of the revenue generated by the card came from its use in other venues besides Costco.
Losing a major court case also affected AmEx's 2014 performance. In part, the case in question sur faced because AmEx charges each merchant higher fees when a customer uses its card to make a purchase than do other major credit card companies such as Visa and MasterCard. AmEx has a contract with each merchant using its card that does not allow the merchant to recom mend to the customer to use a different card or to offer discounts that increase the attractiveness of other cards. A federal judge ruled that this requirement by AmEx was in "restraint of trade" and, therefore, violated anti trust laws. This is important because AmEx may have
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
to reduce its fees charged to merchants, and if so, it may have to decrease the rewards paid back to customers. In turn, it could lose some customers if the rewards become equal to or less than competitors' cards.
AmEx has not enhanced its purchasing technol ogy in some time. For instance, some have expressed concern that AmEx has lagged competitors relative to technological advances that facilitate customers' pro cessing of car rentals and making restaurant reserva tions. Historically, customers and potential customers viewed AmEx as the most prestigious company from which to hold a card. This belief resulted in a strong brand image for AmEx cards. In part because of the brand, customers with higher income levels preferred to use an AmEx card. Recently though, some of its high er-income clients have chosen to leave AmEx and to use other firms' cards instead. Demonstrating this problem is a long-time client's decision to conduct business with another card company because the rewards benefits associated with that card are superior to those offered by the AmEx card. After studying card offerings avail able to him, this customer concluded that by switching to a different card, he would gain thousands of dollars in additional rewards. The fact that he uses the card for almost all of his purchases increased the importance of having access to a card with higher rewards in response to frequent card use.
In response to its poor 2014 performance, AmEx announced a renewed focus on affluent customers and more benefits for those holding (and using) the firm's 'Gold Card: It will offer double points for restaurant pur chases and a personalized travel service.
Additional innovations in 2015 and beyond appear to be a foundation for reversing the firm's fortunes.
Case Discussion Questions
1. This Mini-Case suggests that a lack of continuous innovation
contributed to American Express's (AmEx) poor performance
in 2014. Assuming this is true, what factors might prevent a
firm the size and scope of Am Ex from being able to innovate
2 Use material from Chapter 4 to identify the business-level strat
egy AmEx uses. What dimensions do you believe AmEx should
emphasize to use the strategy you identified successfully
across time?
Committing to creative use of data analytics is an example of an innovation enhancing the firm's perfor mance. In commenting about this, a business writer said the following: "American Express is harnessing the power of its data to migrate many traditional pro cesses from legacy mainframes to Big Data processing environments, resulting in dramatic improvements in speed and performance." The firm is also expand ing its efforts to deliver exclusive access and benefits to its cardholders. The following examples demonstrate these efforts: "Consumers can be forgiven if they forget American Express is a financial services firm and not an event producer. From staging concerts at the Apollo Theater to designing an interactive video experience featuring NBA plays to providing U.S. Open tennis fans a professional swing analysis, the company's activations touch several areas of its cardholder' lives:' Thus, while failing to innovate continuously contributed to AmEx's poor performance in 2014, the firm now appears to be emphasizing innovation as a means to provide the out comes stakeholders expect.
Sources: 2017, American Express serves up new, innovative experiences and benefits to help card members and fans ace the 2017 US Open Tennis Championships, American Express Homepage, www.americanexpress .com, August 16; C. Manglani, 2017, American Express: Using data analyt ics to redefine traditional banking, Digital Innovation and Transformation, www.digit.hbs.org, April 2; E. Dexheimer, 2015, AmEx is losing its million aires, BloombergBusiness, www.bloomberg.com, February 12; J. Davidson, 2015, Why American Express users should be worried about their rewards, Money, www.money.com, February 20; H. Stout, 2015, With revamped gold cards, bruised American Express returns focus to affluent, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, February 26; J. Kell, 2015, Visa replaces American Express as Costco·s credit card, Fortune, www.fortune.com, March 2; H. Tabuchi, 2015, Amex to ask for stay of ruling prohibiting mer chants from promoting other cards, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, March 25; J. Carney, 2015, American Express struggles to keep up, Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, April 6; 2015, Stronger dollar drives revenue down at American Express, New York Times, www.nytimes.com, April 16.
3. What actions do you believe AmEx should take to establish an
entrepreneurial mind-set among employees throughout the
4. This Mini-Case includes descriptions of recent Am Ex
innovations. Do you anticipate that most of these innovations
resulted from autonomous strategic behavior or from induced
strategic behavior? Why?
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440 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
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Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship 443
86. J. E. Perry-Smith & P. V. Mannucci, 2017, structures, Academy af Management technological change, Strategic
From creativity to innovation: The social Journot, 61: 1100-1130; G. L. Stewart, Entrepreneurship Journal, 12: 261-284;
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F. P. Appio, 2017, Knowledge searching The interplay of team and organizational Hoehn-Weiss, S. Karim, & C.-H. Lee, 2017,
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adaptation to technological change: The D. Callegaro-de-Menezes, & A. Ghezzi, 104. 2017, EY is extending alliance with Microsoft
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November 20. 98. W. Barley, J. Treem, & T. Kuhn, 2018, Valuing 107. P. Brady, 2017, Moxy Hotels, Marriott's
91. A. Agrawal, J. McHale, & A. Oetti, 2017, How multiple trajectories of knowledge: millennial-friendly answer to Airbnb,
stars matter: Recruiting and peer effects A critical review and agenda for knowledge opens in Times Square, Conde Nast Traveler,
in evolutionary biology, Research Policy, management research, Academy of www.cntraveler.com, September 20.
46: 853-867; P. R. Kehoe & D. Tzabbar, 2015, Management Annals, 12: 278-317; W. Sun, 108. W. Ryu, B. McCann, & J. Reuer, 2018,
Lighting the way or stealing the shrine? An A. Su, & Y. Shang, 2014, Transformational Geographic co-location of partners and
examination of the duality in star scientists' leadership, team climate, and team rivals: Implications for the design of R&D
effects on firm innovation performance, performance within the NPD team: alliances, Academy of Management Journal,
Strategic Management Journal, 36: 709-727. Evidence from China, Asia Pacific Journal of 61: 945-965.
92. W.-Y. Park, Y. K. Ro, & N. Kim, 2018, Management, 31: 127-147. 109. A. M. Subramanian, W. Bo, & C. Kah-Hin,
Architectural innovation and the 99. H. G. Gemunden, P. Lehner & A. Kock, 2018, 2018, The role of knowledge base
emergence of a dominant design: The project-oriented organization and its homogeneity in learning from strategic
The effects of strategic sourcing on contribution to innovation, International alliances, Research Policy, 47: 158-168.
performance, Research Policy, 47: 326-341, Journal of Project Management, 36: 147-160; 110. C. Salvato, J. Reuer, & P. Battigalli, 2017,
K. Aoki & M. Wilheim, 2017, The role of F. Hacklin, U. Bjorkdahl, & M. W. Wallin, 2018, Cooperation across disciplines: A multilevel
ambidexterity in managing buyer-supplier Strategies for business model innovation: perspective on cooperative behavior in
relationships: The Toyota case, Organization How firms reel in migrating value, Long governing interfirm relations, Academy of
Science, 28: 1080-1097. Range Planning, 51: 82-110. Management Annals, 11: 960-1004; B. B. Tyler
93. A.-S. Fernandez, F. Le Roy, & P. Chiambaretto, 100. C. Giahetti, J. Lampel, & S. L. Pira, 2017, & T. Caner, 2016, New product introductions
2018, Implementing the right project Red Queen competitive imitation in the below aspirations, slack and R&D alliances:
structure to achieve cooperative innovation U.K. mobile phone industry, Academy of A behavioral perspective, Strategic
projects, Long Range Planning, 51: 384-405; Management Journal, 60: 1882-1914; T. Lafay Management Journal, 37: 896-910.
P. V. Mannucci, 2017, Drawing Snow White & C. Maximin, 2017, How R&D competition 111. J. Kengelback, G. Keienburg, T. Schid,
and animating Buzz Lightyear: Technological affects investment choices, Managerial and S. Sievers, K. Gjerstad, J. Nielsen, &
toolkit characteristics and creativity in cross- Decision Economics, 38: 109-124. D. Walker, 2017, The 2017 M&A report: The
disciplinary teams, Organization Science, 101. F. Meulman, I. M. M. J. Reyman, technology takeover, Boston Consulting
28: 711-728. K. S. Podoynitsyna, & A. G. L. Romme, 2018, Group, www.bcg.com, September 15.
94. T. Young-Hyman, 2017, How formal Searching for partners in open innovation 112. J.-S. Lee, J.-H. Park, & Z.-T. Bae, 2017, The
organizational power moderates cross- settings: How to overcome the constraints effects of licensing-in on innovative
functional interaction in project teams, of local search, California Management performance in different technological
Administrative Science Quarterly, 62: 179-214; Review, 60: 71-97; U. Stettner & D. Lavie, 2014, regimes, Research Policy, 46: 4 8 5 -496;
F. Aime, S. Humphrey, D. DeRue, & J. Paul, Ambidexterity under scrutiny: Exploration J. Sears & G. Hoetker, 2014, Technological
2014, The riddle of heterarchy: Power and exploitation via internal organization overlap, technological capabilities and
transitions in cross-functional teams, alliances and acquisitions, Strategic resource recombinations by technological
Academy of MangementJournal, 57: 327-352. Management Journal, 35: 1902-1929. acquisitions, Strategic Management Journal,
95. L. van Bundersen, L. Greer, & D. van 102. R. Roy, C. M. Lampert, & I. Stoyneva, 35: 48-67.
Knippenberg, 2018, When inter-team 2018, When Dinosaurs fly: The role of 113. L. Huang & A. P. Knight, 2017, Resources
conflict spirals into intra-team power firm capabilities in the 'Avianization' and relationships in entrepreneurship:
struggles: The pivotal role of team power of incumbents during disruptive An exchange theory of the development
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444 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
and effects of the entrepreneur-investor generated? Knowledge development and view, Academy of Management Review,
relationship, Academy of Management perceived environmental dynamism in 43: 284-306.
Review, 42: 80-102; J. Li, J. Xia, & Z. Lin, 2017, new venture innovation, Entrepreneurship 123. T. Montgomery, 2017, "How much is this
Cross-border acquisitions by state-owned Theory and Practice, 42: 24-46; A. Arora, worth?"Humana's Chief Innovation Officer
firms: How do legitimacy concerns affect 5. Belenzon, & L.A. Rios, 2014, Make, buy, explains why this is the wrong question,
the completion and duration of their organize: The interplay between research, Muma Business Review, 1: 31-38; R. B. Tucker,
acquisitions? Strategic Management Journal, external knowledge, and firm structure, 2013, Are chief innovation officers delivering
38: 1915-1934. Strategic Management Journal, 35: 317-337. results? Innovation Excellence, www
114. T. Greenwald, 2018, Is Broadcom's CEO, 119. 5. Khalid & T. Sekiguchi, 2018, The role of .innovationexcllence.com, March. 22.
a champion deal maker, innovative empathy in entrepreneurial opportunity 124. G. Pellegrino & M. Savona, 2017, No money,
enough? Wall Street Journal, www.wsj.com, recognition: An experimental study no honey? Financial versus knowledge
January 25. in Japan and Pakistan, 2018, Journal of and demand constraints on innovation,
115. S. Choi & G. McNamara, 2018, Repeating a Business Venturing Insights, June: 1-9; Research Policy, 46: 510-521; J. Behrens &
familiar pattern in a new way: The effect of R. Shu, S. Ren, & Y. Zheng, 2018, Building H. Patzelt, 2016, Corporate entrepreneurship
exploitation and exploration on knowledge networks into discovery: The link between managers' project terminations: Integrating
leverage behaviors in technology entrepreneur network capability and portfolio-level, individual-level and firm-
acquisitions, Strategic Management entrepreneurial opportunity discovery, level effects, Entrepreneurship Theory and
Journal, 39: 356-378; Y. Chen, 2017, Dynamic Journal of Business Research, 85: 197-208. Practice, 40: 815 -842.
ambidexterity: How innovators manage 120. C. S. R. Chan & A. Parhankangas, 2017, 125. D. A. Shepherd & T. A. Williams, 2018, Hitting
exploration and exploitation, Business Crowdfunding innovative ideas: How rock bottom after job loss: Bouncing back
Horizons, 60: 385-394. incremental and radical innovativeness to create a new positive work identity,
116. R. Lungeanu, I. Sgtern, & E. J. Zajac, 2016, influence funding outcomes, Academy of Management Review, 43: 28-49;
When do firms change technology- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, C. Aranda & J. Arellano, Organizational
sourcing vehicles? The role of poor 41: 237-263; A. Hyytinen, M. Pajarinen, & learning in target setting, Academy of
innovative performance and financial slack, P. Rouvinen, 2014, Does innovativeness Management Journal, 60: 1189-1211; J.P.
Strategic Management Journal, 37: 855-869. reduce startup survival rates? Journal of Eggers, 2014, Competing technologies and
117. B. Spigel & R. Harrison, 2018, Toward Business Venturing, 29: 564-581. industry evolution: The benefits of making
a process theory of entrepreneurial 121. M. Wright & M.A. Hitt, 2017, Strategic mistakes in the flat panel display industry,
ecosystems, Strategic Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship and SEJ: Development Strategic Management Journal, 35: 159-178.
Journal, 12: 151-168; R. Lee, J.-H. Lee, & and current progress, Strategic 126. P. Lienert, 2017, Ford plans to nearly double
T. C. Garrett, 2018, Synergy effects of Entrepreneurship Journal, 11: 200-210. SUV models in U.S. by 2020, Automotive
innovation on firm performance, Journal 122. R. E. Hoskisson, E. Gambeta, C. Green, & News, www.autonews.com, February 7.
of Business Research, in press. T. Li, 2018, Is my firm-specific investment 127. G. Brooks, 2017, Analysis: Ford's future
118. A. McKelvie, J. Wiklund, & A. Brattstrom, protected? Overcoming the stakeholder global cars and minivans, Just Auto,
2018, Externally acquired or internally investment dilemma in the resource based www.just-auto.com, August 22.
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Alphabet Inc.: Illinois Tool Works: Publix Supermarkets, Inc. ZF Friedrichshafen's Reorganizing Google Retooling for Continued Acquisition of
Growth and Profitability CASE14 TRW Automotive: CASE2 Driving Innovation and Making the Deal Baidu's Business Model CASES Growth at Starbucks: and its Evolution Ultrarope: Crafting a From Howard Schultz CASE20
Go-To-Market Strategy to Kevin Johnson The Rise and Fall CASE3 for Kone's Innovative ofZO Rooms Future of the Autonomous 'Ultra rope' Hoisting Cable CASE15 Automobile: A Strategy Sturm, Ruger & Co. for BMW CASE9 and the U.S. Firearms
MatchMove Business Industry CASE4 Model Evolution An Examination of the CASE16 Long-term Healthcare CASE10 The trivago Way-Growing Industry in the USA The Movie Exhibition Without Growing Up?
Industry: 2018 and Beyond CASES CASE17
CrossFit at the CASE11 The Volkswagen Crossroads Pacific Drilling: The Emissions Scandal
Preferred Offshore Driller CASE6 CASE18
New Business Models for CASE12 The Wells Fargo Heise Medien: Heading for Pfizer Banking Scandal the Digital Transformation
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C-2 Part 4: Case Studies
Social/ Manu- Consumer Food/ High Transportation/ International Ethical Industry
Case Title facturing Service Goods Retail Technology Internet Communication Perspective Issues Perspective
Alphabet • • • • •
Baidu • • • • •
BMW • • • • •
CrossFit • • •
Industry • • •
Heise Medien • • • •
Illinois Tool • •
Kone • • • •
Match Move • • • •
Exhibition • • •
Pacific Drilling • • • •
Pfizer • • • •
Publix • • • • •
Starbucks • • • •
Sturm, Ruger
and Co. • • •
Trivago • • • •
Volkswagen • • • •
Wells Fargo • •
ZF Friedrichshafen • • • •
ZO-Rooms • • • • •
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Part 4: Case Studies C-3
Case Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 o 11 12 13
Alphabet (Google) • • • • •
Baidu • • • • •
BMW • • • • •
CrossFit • • • • • •
Healthcare Industry
(Long-Term) • • • •
Heise Medien • • •
Illinois Tool Works • • • • •
Kone • • •
Match Move • • • • •
Movie Exhibition
Industry • • • •
Pacific Drilling • • •
Pfizer • • • • • • • • •
Publix • • • • •
Starbucks • • • •
Sturm, Ruger and Co. • • • •
Trivago • • • •
Volkswagen • • •
Wells Fargo • • •
ZF Friedrichshafen • • • •
ZO-Rooms • • • • • •
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Preparing an Effective Case Analysis
What to Expect from In-Class Case Discussions
As you will learn, classroom discussions of cases differ significantly from lectures. The case method calls for your instructor to guide the discussion and to solicit alternative views as a way of encouraging your active participation when analyzing a case. When alternative views are not forthcoming, your instructor might take a position just to challenge you and your peers to respond thoughtfully as a way of generating still additional alternatives. Often, instructors will evaluate your work in terms of both the quantity and the quality of your contributions to in-class case discussions. The in-class discussions are important in that you can derive signifi cant benefit by having your ideas and recommendations examined against those of your peers and by responding to thoughtful challenges by other class members and/or the instructor.
During case discussions, your instructor will likely listen, question, and probe to extend the analysis of case issues. In the course of these actions, your peers and/or your instructor may challenge an individual's views and the validity of alternative perspectives that have been expressed. These challenges are offered in a constructive manner; their intent is to help all parties involved with analyzing a case develop their analytical and communica tion skills. Developing these skills is important in that they will serve you well when working for all types of organi zations. Commonly, instructors will encourage you and your peers to be innovative and original when developing and presenting ideas. Over the course of an individual discussion, you are likely to form a more complex view of the case as a result of listening to and thinking about the diverse inputs offered by your peers and instructor. Among other benefits, experience with multiple case dis cussions will increase your knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of group decision-making processes.
Both your peers and instructor will value comments that contribute to identifying problems as well as solu tions to them. To offer relevant contributions, you are encouraged to think independently and, through dis cussions with your peers outside of class, to refine your thinking. We also encourage you to avoid using "I think;' "I believe;' and "I feel" to discuss your inputs to a case analysis process. Instead, consider using a less emotion laden phrase, such as "My analysis shows .... This high lights the logical nature of the approach you have taken to analyze a case. When preparing for an in-class case
Part 4: Case Studies
discussion, you should plan to use the case data to explain your assessment of the situation. Assume that your peers and instructor are familiar with the basic facts included in the case. In addition, it is good practice to prepare notes regarding your analysis of case facts before class discus sions and use them when explaining your perspectives. Effective notes signal to classmates and the instructor that you are prepared to engage in a thorough discussion of a case. Moreover, comprehensive and detailed notes elimi nate the need for you to memorize the facts and figures required to successfully discuss a case.
The case analysis process described above will help prepare you effectively to discuss a case during class meetings. Using this process results in consideration of the issues required to identify a focal firm's problems and to propose strategic actions through which the firm can increase the probability it will outperform its rivals. In some instances, your instructor may ask you to prepare either an oral or a written analysis of a particular case. Typically, such an assignment demands even more thor ough study and analysis of the case contents. At your instructor's discretion, oral and written analyses may be completed by individuals or by groups of three or more people. The information and insights gained by complet ing the six steps shown in Table 1 often are of value when developing an oral or a written analysis. However, when preparing an oral or written presentation, you must con sider the overall framework in which your information and inputs will be presented. Such a framework is the focus of the next section.
Preparing an Oral/Written Case Presentation
Experience shows that two types of thinking (analysis and synthesis) are necessary to develop an effective oral or written presentation (see Exhibit 1). In the analysis stage, you should first analyze the general external environmen tal issues affecting the firm. Next, your environmental analysis should focus on the particular industry ( or indus tries, in the case of a diversified company) in which a firm operates. Finally, you should examine companies against which the focal firm competes. By studying the three lev els of the external environment (general, industry, and competitor), you will be able to identify a firm's opportu nities and threats. Following the external environmental analysis is the analysis of the firm's internal organization. This analysis provides the insights needed to identify the firm's strengths and weaknesses.
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Part 4: Case Studies
Table 1 An Effective Case Analysis Process
Step 1: Gaining Familiarity
a. In general-determine who, what, how, where, and when (the critical facts of
the case).
b. In detail-identify the places, persons, activities, and contexts of the situation.
c. Recognize the degree of certainty/uncertainty of acquired information.
Step 2: Recognizing Symptoms a. List all indicators (including stated "problems") that something is not as expected or as
b. Ensure that symptoms are not assumed to be the problem (symptoms should lead to
identification of the problem).
Step 3: Identifying Goals a. Identify critical statements by major parties (for example, people, groups, the work
unit, and so on).
b. List all goals of the major parties that exist or can be reasonably inferred.
Step 4: Conducting the Analysis a. Decide which ideas, models, and theories seem useful.
b. Apply these conceptual tools to the situation.
c. As new information is revealed, cycle back to substeps a and b.
Step 5: Making the Diagnosis a. Identify predicaments (goal inconsistencies).
b. Identify problems (discrepancies between goals and performance).
c. Prioritize predicaments/problems regarding timing, importance, and so on.
Step 6: Doing the Action Planning a. Specify and prioritize the criteria used to choose action alternatives.
b. Discover or invent feasible action alternatives.
c. Examine the probable consequences of action alternatives.
d. Select a course of action.
e. Design an implementation plan/schedule.
f. Create a plan for assessing the action to be implemented.
Source: C. C. Lundberg and C. Enz, 1993, A framework for student case preparation, Case Research Journal, 13 (Summer): 144, NACRA, North American Case Research
As noted in Exhibit 1, you must then change the focus from analysis to synthesis. Specifically, you must synthesize information gained from your analysis of the firm's exter nal environment and internal organization. Synthesizing information allows you to generate alternatives that can resolve the significant problems or challenges facing the focal firm. Once you identify a best alternative, from an evaluation based on predetermined criteria and goals, you must explore implementation actions.
In Table 2, we outline the sections that should be included in either an oral or a written presentation: strategic profile and case analysis purpose, situation analysis, statements of strengths/weaknesses and oppor tunities/threats, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation. These sections are described in the fol lowing discussion. Familiarity with the contents of your book's 13 chapters is helpful because the general outline for an oral or a written presentation shown in Table 2 is based on an understanding of the strategic management process detailed in those chapters. We follow the discus sions of the parts of Table 2 with a few comments about the "process" to use to present the results of your case analysis in either a written or oral format.
Strategic Profile and Case Analysis Purpose You will use the strategic profile to briefly present the critical facts from the case that have affected the focal firm's historical strategic direction and performance. The case facts should not be restated in the profile; rather, these comments should show how the critical facts lead to a particular focus for your analysis. This primary focus should be emphasized in this section's conclusion. In addition, this section should state important assump tions about case facts on which your analyses are based.
Situation Analysis As shown in Table 2, a general starting place for complet ing a situation analysis is the general environment.
General Environmental Analysis. Your analysis of the general environment should focus on trends in the seven segments of the general environment (see Table 3). Many of the segment issues shown in Table 3 for the seven segments are explained more fully in Chapter 2 of your book. The objective you should have in evaluating these trends is to be able to predict the segments that you expect
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Exhibit 1 Types ofThinking in Case Preparation: Analysis and Synthesis
External environment
General environment
Industry environment
Competitor environment
Internal organization
Evaluations of alternatives
Concise Statements of
and threats
Part 4: Case Studies
to have the most significant influence on your focal firm over the next several years (say three to five years) and to explain your reasoning for your predictions.
Table 2 General Outline for an Oral or Written Presentation
Industry Analysis. Porter's five forces model is a useful tool for analyzing the industry (or industries) in which your firm competes. We explain how to use this tool in Chapter 2. In this part of your analysis, you want to deter mine the attractiveness of an industry ( or a segment of an industry) in which your firm is competing. As attractive ness increases, so does the possibility your firm will be able to earn profits by using its chosen strategies. After evaluating the power of the five forces relative to your firm, you should make a judgment as to how attractive the industry is in which your firm is competing.
I. Strategic Profile and Case Analysis Purpose
II. Situation Analysis
A. General environmental analysis
B. Industry analysis
C. Competitor analysis
D. Internal analysis
Ill. Identification of Environmental Opportunities and Threats
and Firm Strengths and Weaknesses (SWOT Analysis)
IV. Strategy Formulation
A. Strategic alternatives
B. Alternative evaluation
C. Alternative choice
v. Strategic Alternative Implementation
A. Action items
B. Action plan
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Part 4: Case Studies C-7
Table 3 Sample General Environmental Categories
Technological Trends
Information technology continues to become cheaper with more practical applications
Database technology enables organization of complex data and distribution of information
Telecommunications technology and networks increasingly provide fast transmission of all sources of data, including voice, written
communications, and video information
Computerized design and manufacturing technologies continue to facilitate quality and flexibility
Demographic Trends
Regional changes in population due to migration
Changing ethnic composition of the population
Aging of the population
Aging of the "baby boom" generation
Economic Trends
Interest rates
Inflation rates
Savings rates
Exchange rates
Trade deficits
Budget deficits
Political/Legal Trends
Antitrust enforcement
Tax policy changes
Environmental protection laws
Extent of regulation/deregulation
Privatizing state monopolies
State-owned industries
Sociocultural Trends
Women in the workforce
Awareness of health and fitness issues
Concern for overcoming poverty
Concern for customers
Global Trends
Currency exchange rates
Free-trade agreements
Trade deficits
Physical Environment Trends
Environmental sustainability
Corporate social responsibility
Renewable energy
Goals of zero waste
Ecosystem impact of food and energy production
Competitor Analysis. Firms also need to analyze each of their primary competitors. This analysis should identify competitors' current strategies, strategic intent, strategic mission, capabilities, core competencies, and a competitive response profile (see Chapter 2). This information is useful to the focal firm in formulating an appropriate strategy and in predicting competitors'
probable responses. Sources that can be used to gather information about an industry and companies with whom the focal firm competes are listed in Appendix I. Included in this list is a wide range of publications, such as periodicals, newspapers, bibliographies, directories of companies, industry ratios, forecasts, rankings/ratings, and other valuable statistics.
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Internal Analysis. Assessing a firm's strengths and weaknesses through a value chain analysis facilitates moving from the external environment to the inter nal organization. Analysis of the value chain activities and the support functions of the value chain provides opportunities to understand how external environmen tal trends affect the specific activities of a firm. Such analysis helps highlight strengths and weaknesses (see Chapter 3 for an explanation and use of the value chain).
For purposes of preparing an oral or a written presentation, it is important to note that strengths are internal resources and capabilities that have the poten tial to be core competencies. Weaknesses, on the other hand, are internal resources and capabilities that have the potential to place a firm at a competitive disadvan tage relative to its rivals. Thus, some of a firm's resources and capabilities are strengths; others are weaknesses.
When evaluating the internal characteristics of the firm, your analysis of the functional activities empha sized is critical. For instance, if the strategy of the firm is primarily technology driven, it is important to evaluate the firm's R&D activities. If the strategy is market driven, marketing functional activities are of paramount impor tance. If a firm has financial difficulties, critical financial ratios would require careful evaluation. In fact, because of the importance of financial health, most cases require financial analyses. Appendix II lists and operationally defines several common financial ratios. Included are tables describing profitability, liquidity, leverage, activ ity, and shareholders' return ratios. Leadership, organ izational culture, structure, and control systems (see Chapters 11 and 12) are other characteristics of firms you should examine to fully understand the "internal" part of your firm.
Identifi c a t io n of En v ir o n m ent a l Opportunities and Thr eats and Firm Strengths and Weaknesses (SWOT Analysis} The outcome of the situation analysis is the identifica tion of a firm's strengths and weaknesses and its envi ronmental threats and opportunities. The next step requires that you analyze the strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats for configurations that benefit or do not benefit your firm's efforts to perform well. Case analysts and organizational strategists as well seek to match a firm's strengths with its opportunities. In addition, strengths are chosen to prevent any serious environmental threat from negatively affecting the firm's performance. The key objective of conducting a SWOT analysis is to determine how to position the firm so it can
Part 4: Case Studies
take advantage of opportunities, while simultaneously avoiding or minimizing environmental threats. Results from a SWOT analysis yield valuable insights into the selection of a firm's strategies. The analysis of a case should not be overemphasized relative to the synthesis of results gained from your analytical efforts. There may be a temptation to spend most of your oral or written case analysis on results from the analysis. It is important, however, that you make an equal effort to develop and evaluate alternatives and to design implementation of the chosen strategy.
Strat egy F o r mu l a t ion-Stra t eg i c Alternatives, Alternative Evaluation, and Alternative Choice Developing alternatives is often one of the most diffi cult steps in preparing an oral or a written presentation. Developing three to four alternative strategies is common (see Chapter 4 for business-level strategy alternatives and Chapter 6 for corporate-level strategy alternatives). Each alternative should be feasible (i.e., it should match the firm's strengths, capabilities, and especially core competencies), and feasibility should be demonstrated. In addition, you should show how each alternative takes advantage of the environmental opportunity or avoids/ buffers against environmental threats. Developing care fully thought out alternatives requires synthesis of your analyses' results and creates greater credibility in oral and written case presentations.
Once you develop strong alternatives, you must evaluate the set to choose the best one. Your choice should be defensible and provide benefits over the other alternatives. Thus, it is important that both alterna tive development and the evaluation of alternatives be thorough. The choice of the best alternative should be explained and defended.
Strategic Alternative Impl ementation Action Items and Action Plan After selecting the most appropriate strategy ( that is, the strategy with the highest probability of helping your firm in its efforts to earn profits), implementation issues require attention. Effective synthesis is impor tant to ensure that you have considered and evaluated all critical implementation issues. Issues you might consider include the structural changes necessary to implement the new strategy. In addition, leadership changes and new controls or incentives may be nec essary to implement strategic actions. The implemen tation actions you recommend should be explicit and thoroughly explained. Occasionally, careful evaluation
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Part 4: Case Studies C-9
of implementation actions may show the strategy to be less favorable than you thought originally. A strategy is only as good as the firm's ability to implement it.
comprehensiveness of the analysis and alternative gen eration. Furthermore, clarity in the results of the analy ses, selection of the best alternative strategy, and design of implementation actions are important. For example, your statement of the strengths and weaknesses should flow clearly and logically from your analysis of your firm's internal organization.
Process Issues
You should ensure that your presentation (either oral or written) has logical consistency throughout. For exam ple, if your presentation identifies one purpose, but your analysis focuses on issues that differ from the stated pur pose, the logical inconsistency will be apparent. Likewise, your alternatives should flow from the configuration of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you identified by analyzing your firm's external environment and internal organization.
Thoroughness and clarity also are critical to an effec tive presentation. Thoroughness is represented by the
Presentations ( oral or written) that show logical consistency, thoroughness, and clarity of purpose, effective analyses, and feasible recommendations (strategy and implementation) are more effec tive and are likely to b e more positively received by your instructor and peers. Furthermore, developing the skills necessary to make such presentations will enhance your future job performance and career success.
Appendix I Sources for Industry and Competitor Analyses
Abstracts and Indexes
Business Periodicals Index
lnfoTrac Custom Journals
Info Trac Custom Newspapers
Info Trac OneFile
EBSCO Business Source Premiere
Lexis/Nexis Academic
Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin (PAIS)
Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature
NewsBank-Foreign Broadcast Information
NewsBank-Global NewsBank
New York Times Index
Wall Street Journal Index
Wall Street Journal/Barron's Index
Washington Post Index
Encyclopedia of Business Information Sources
America's Corporate Families and International Affiliates
Hoover's Online: The Business Network www.hoovers.com/free
D&B Million Dollar Directory (databases: http://www.dnbmdd.com)
Standard & Poor's Corporation Records
Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, Directors, and Executives (http://www
.netadvantage.standardandpoors.com for all of Standard & Poor's)
Ward's Business Directory of Largest U.S. Companies
America's Corporate Families and International Affiliates
Business Asia
Business China
Business Eastern Europe
Business Europe
Business International
Business International Money Report
Business Latin America
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C-10 Part 4: Case Studies
Appendix I (Continued) Sources for Industry and Competitor Analyses
Abstracts and Indexes
Companies-Subsidiaries and Affiliates
Industry Ratios
Industry Forecasts
Rankings & Ratings
Directory of American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries
Directory of Foreign Firms Operating in the United States
Hoover's Handbook of World Business
International Directory of Company Histories
Mergent's International Manual
Mergent Online (http://www.fisonline.com-for"Business and Financial Information
Connection to the World")
Who Owns Whom
Thomas Register of American Manufacturers
U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, Standard
Industrial Classification Manual
U.S. Manufacturer's Directory, Manufacturing & Distribution, USA
D&B Million Dollar Directory
Ward's Business Directory of Largest U.S. Companies
Annual Reports and 10-K Reports
Disclosure (corporate reports) Q-File
Securities and Exchange Commission Filings & Forms (EDGAR) http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml
Mergent's Manuals:
Mergent's Bank and Finance Manual
Mergent's Industrial Manual
Mergent's International Manual
Mergent's Municipal and Government Manual
Mergent's OTC Industrial Manual
Mergent's OTC Unlisted Manual
Mergent's Public Utility Manual
Mergent's Transportation Manual
Standard & Poor's Corporation, Standard Corporation Descriptions: http://www
Standard & Poor's Analyst Handbook
Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys
Standard & Poor's Statistical Service
America's Corporate Families and International Affiliates
Ward's Directory
Who Owns Whom
Mergent's Industry Review
Standard & Poor's Analyst's Handbook
Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys (2 volumes)
U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Industrial Outlook
Dun & Bradstreet, Industry Norms and Key Business
Ratios RMA's Annual Statement Studies
Troy Almanac of Business and Industrial Financial Ratios
International Trade Administration, U.S. Industry & Trade Outlook
Annual Report on American Industry in Forbes Business Rankings Annual
Mergent's Industry Review http://www.worldcatlibraries.org
Standard & Poor's Industry Report Service http://www.netadvantage.standardandpoors.com
Value Line Investment Survey
Ward's Business Directory of Largest U.S. Companies
American Statistics Index (ASI) Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Economic Census Publications
Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, Statistical Abstract of the United
States Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Survey of Current
Business Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Treasury Department, Statistics of Income:
Corporation Income Tax
Statistical Reference Index (SRI)
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Part 4: Case Studies C-11
Appendix II Financial Analysis in Case Studies
Table A-1 Profitability Ratios
Ratio Formula What It Shows
1. Return on total assets
2. Return on stockholders' equity (or return on net worth)
3. Return on common equity
4. Operating profit margin (or return on sales)
5. Net profit margin (or net return on sales)
Table A-2 Liquidity Ratios
Profits after taxes
Total assets
Profits after taxes+ Interest
Total assets
Profits after taxes Total stockholders' equity
Profits after taxes - Preferred stock dividends Total stockholders' equity - Par value of preferred stock
Profits before taxes and before interest Sales
Profits after taxes Sales
The net return on total investments of the firm
The return on both creditors' and shareholders' investments
How profitably the company is utilizing shareholders' funds
The net return to common stockholders
The firm's profitability from regular operations
The firm's net profit as a percentage of total sales
Ratio Formula What It Shows
1. Current ratio
2. Quick ratio (or acid-test ratio)
3. Inventory to net working capital
Table A-3 Leverage Ratios
Current assets Current liabilities
Current assets - Inventory Current liabilities
Inventory Current assets - Current liabilities
The firm's ability to meet its current financial liabilities
The firm's ability to pay off short-term obligations without relying on sales of inventory
The extent to which the firm's working capital is tied up in inventory
Ratio Formula What It Shows
1. Debt-to-assets
2. Debt-to-equity
3. Long-term debt-to-equity
4. Times-interest-earned (or coverage ratio)
5. Fixed charge coverage
Total debt Total assets
Total debt Total shareholders' equity
Long-term debt Total shareholders' equity
Profits before interest and taxes Total interest charges
Profits before taxes and interest+ Lease obligations Total interest charges+ Lease obligations
Total borrowed funds as a percentage of total assets
Borrowed funds versus the funds provided by shareholders
Leverage used by the firm
The firm's ability to meet all interest payments
The firm's ability to meet all fixed charge obligations including lease payments
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C-12 Part 4: Case Studies
Table A-4 Activity Ratios
Ratio Formula What It Shows
1. Inventory turnover
2. Fixed assets tu mover
3. Total assets turnover
4. Accounts receivable turnover
5. Average collecting period
Table A-5 Shareholders' Return Ratios
Sales Inventory of finished goods
Sales Fixed assets
Sales Total assets
Annual credit sales Accounts receivable
Accounts receivable Average daily sales
The effectiveness of the firm in employing inventory
The effectiveness of the firm in utilizing plant and equipment
The effectiveness of the firm in utilizing total assets
How many times the total receivables have been collected during the accounting period
The average length of time the firm waits to collect payment after sales
Ratio Formula What It Shows
1. Dividend yield on common stock
2. Price-earnings ratio
3. Dividend payout ratio
4. Cash flow per share
Annual dividend per share Current market price per share
Current market price per share After-tax earnings per share
Annual dividends per share After-tax earnings per share
After-tax profits+ Depreciation Number of common shares outstanding
A measure of return to common stock holders in the form of dividends
An indication of market perception of the firm; usually, the faster-growing or less risky firms tend to have higher PE ratios than the slower-growing or more risky firms
An indication of dividends paid out as a percentage of profits
A measure of total cash per share avail able for use by the firm
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Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
In October 2015, in an unexpected move, global tech nology giant Google Inc (Google) restructured itself as Alphabet Inc (Alphabet), a new holding company under which Google's non-core businesses, including self driving cars, life sciences research, high-speed Internet access, and investment divisions, were spun off as dis tinct entities and separated from the company's Internet operations such as Android, YouTube, and the Google search engine. The businesses were reorganized into two reporting segments: 'Google' and 'Other Bets'. This marked a massive shift from the earlier setup in which Google was in charge of a number of diverse compa nies, some of which carried it far afield from its core search business. Under the new structure, a number of businesses including Google operated as subsidiaries of Alphabet and were run independently, each with its own CEO. According to a statement posted by Larry Page co-founder of Google, on the company's official blog, "Fundamentally, we believe this allows us more manage ment scale, as we can run things independently that aren't very related. Alphabet is about businesses prospering through strong leaders and independence [. . . ]. This new structure will allow us to keep tremendous focus on the extraordinary opportunities we have inside of Google."1
Co-founded by Page and Sergey Brin in 1998, Google provided Internet-related services and products including web-based search, cloud computing, software applications, online advertising technologies, mobile operating systems, consumer content, enterprise solu tions, and hardware products. Since its inception it had focused on innovation and come out with dis ruptive technologies from time to time. The company had branched out into hosting services like video and mapping, enterprise services, e-mail and chat, social networking space, payment gateway services, mobile operating software, and wireless device sales. Google's technological innovations made it one of the most rec ognized and valuable brands in the world.
However, over a period of time investors had begun to voice strong concern over Google expanding into areas unrelated to its core search business and into unknown territory in terms of profitability. They felt that Google had got distracted from its core web search and was
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hemorrhaging money in pursuing projects fancied by its founders such as developing robots and self-driving cars and studying life sciences. Investors began to question the heavy investments the company had been making in non-core businesses and the lack of clarity concern ing risky investments. Analysts too found it difficult to evaluate the company's broad set of businesses and figure out their individual performances. Eventually, the senior management realized that the company had become too complex to manage and that a change was required to allow for cleaner operations and more accountabil ity. Subsequently, they announced a radical shake-up of Google's corporate structure and management, and cre ated a new holding company called Alphabet that would manage a collection of companies, the largest of these being Google.
Industry observers saw this move as being a response to Google's stagnant share price and an attempt to pacify investors. Some analysts lauded the move saying Google's decision to restructure itself under a new holding company would protect its core brand Google, increase the operational independence of the individual businesses, and usher in greater finan cial transparency across divisions. On the other hand, some analysts criticized the change and questioned how the restructuring would make the company's busi nesses competitively stronger and increase profitability and company valuation.
Post restructuring, Alphabet pushed for more finan cial discipline and accountability from its riskiest ven tures. The non-core companies were struggling as they faced unprecedented pressure to bring their costs in line with their revenue. In fiscal 2016, 'Other Bets' posted a loss of about $3.6 billion. Moreover, some key execu tives who were chosen to turn the riskier 'Other Bets' into reality departed from Alphabet, allegedly over pressure to perform. Going forward, investors would likely pile up the pressure if the company faltered and nothing profitable emerged from 'Other Bets', said ana lysts. 2 The questions being asked were: Will the creation of Alphabet spell a new successful era for Google? Can Alphabet maintain Google's lead as an innovator and challenge competitors in a wide array of industries?
This case was written by Syeda Maseeha Qumer and Debapratim Purkayastha, !BS Hyderabad. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.
© 2017, !BS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved.
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Background Note
Google's roots lay in a research project on search engines taken up by two PhD students at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, in 1996. Google pioneered a new technology called 'PageRank', which determined the importance of the website by the number of other pages linked to it and their importance that linked back to the original site. This new technology marked a shift from the earlier method followed by other search engines which ranked the results by the number of times the search terms appeared on the page. The search engine was initially called 'BackRub' as it determined a web site's relevance by checking its back links. The name was finally changed to Google, based on the word 'Googol' - the number one followed by a hundred zeroes.
Google's primary domain 'www.google.com' was registered in September 1997 and the company was incorporated in September 1998 in a friend's garage in California, USA. In 1999, Google moved its headquarters to Palo Alto, California, home to several other technol ogy companies. Google's mission was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful:' 3 In August 2001, Eric E. Schmidt succeeded Page as the CEO of Google, just five months after joining the company as chairman of the board.
Google started to sell advertisements associated with search keywords. This advertising model was success ful and the company started getting a major part of its revenues from search-related advertising. From 2001, Google based its growth strategies on acquiring many small companies with innovative products. It added many other products to its product portfolio like Google Earth• and YouTubeb in this way. Apart from acquiring other companies, Google also launched its own products like the free webmail, called 'Gmail', in April 2004. Gmail was also well received by the web community due to the massive increase in storage space provided by Google (initially one GB). The success of Gmail and YouTube made Google the undisputed leader on the Internet, with the company overtaking many other established Internet companies like Yahoo! Inc!
Google's promoters were hesitant to go in for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) as they were apprehensive that public scrutiny and financial regulations would make the company less agile.4 But, due to the demands
Part 4: Case Studies
of venture capitalists who wanted to cash out, Google filed for an IPO in April 2004. In the IPO prospec tus, Google's founders attached a letter subtly warning potential subscribers that Google was not a conven tional company and did not aim to be one.5 The dual class equity structure proposed by Google's founders proved controversial. Google's IPO comprised only the issue of Class A shares, each of which was entitled to a single vote. Google's founders, venture capitalists, and other insiders held Class B shares which were entitled to 10 votes per share. 6 Class C shares had no voting rights, except as required by applicable law. Critics lambasted this share structure as they felt that it gave the founders significant management control and could lead to poten tial management abuse. But Page and Brin defended the structure on the grounds that it would help them fulfill their long-term vision for the company without getting bogged down by short-term financial demands.7
By the mid-2000s, Google faced a new challenge in the form of the ever-expanding high-end mobile phones dubbed as smartphones. Developing applications for the variety of platforms on which these smartphones were available proved to be cumbersome for Google. The company therefore decided to launch its own open source platform for mobile phones, which would give application developers the freedom to develop applica tions for various mobile phones without depending on any handset manufacturer or service provider. Hence, Google acquired an open-source mobile platform called Android from Android, Inc. and released its first version in the market in 2009. Android proved to be an instant hit in the market and soon emerged as the dominant mobile operating system in the world.
In April 2009, Google launched a venture capi tal arm called Google Ventures to invest in a diverse array of industries, including the consumer Internet, software, clean tech, and healthcare. In January 2011, Schmidt stepped down as CEO of Google and Page took over. Schmidt continued as Executive Chairman of the company. In August 2011, Google acquired Motorola Mobility LLCd for $12.5 billion in order to make its own hardware for smartphones, tablets, and other devices.8
Other than acquiring other smaller companies for launching new products, Google also focused on inno vation and spent huge sums of money on developing
'Google Earth is a virtual globe, map, and geographic information application owned by Google. •YouTube is a video sharing website owned by Google. Users can upload, share, and view videos on the website. 'Yahoo! Inc., headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, USA, is an Internet company which provides services like search engine, webmail, online mapping, etc. dMotorola Mobility LLC, headquartered in Libertyville, Illinois, USA is a leading telecommunications company in the world.
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Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
new services. However, rather than a simple iterative approach to innovation, Page wanted Google to develop a 'moonshot mentality' where it would be inspired to cre ate products and services that were 10 times better than the competition. Google X, a separate division which was established in early 2010 to come out with 'moonshot' projects, was Page's brainchild. In 2010, Google started to invest heavily in developing technologies which were both related and unrelated to its core business. Most of these products were innovative and were totally new to the world. One of the most hyped up technologies devel oped by Google was 'Google Glass', a wearable computer which came with its own optical head-mounted display (OHMD).e This wearable computer performed many of the tasks traditionally performed by other portable gad gets like smartphones and tablets. 9 Another important technology that Google had been working on was the Google Driverless Car project. This project was aimed at developing autonomous cars which would drive on their own without the need for any physical drivers. Google was testing cars which ran using this technology across the world and was expected to release it for the mass market once it obtained the legal clearances.
In September 2013, Google entered into healthcare research by creating a new company called Calico to make advancements in human health and well-being, in particular understanding the aging process and increasing the longevity of people. There were two other innovative technology projects of Google aimed at improving accessibility to people around the world. The more ambitious of the two was Project Loon which aimed to bring Internet access within the reach of people living in remote parts of the world. Another new service that Google was experimenting with was Google Fiber which promised to bring very high-speed Internet access (100 times greater than the prevalent broadband speeds) within the reach of everyone.
In order to make its mark in smart-home systems, in January 2014, Google acquired Nest Labs, Inc., a smart-home appliances maker of thermostats and smoke alarms, for $3.2 billion. Less than three years after acquiring Motorola, Google sold the smartphone maker to Chinese PC manufacturer Lenovo for $2.9 billion in January 2014.
In June 2015, Google started an urban innovation company called Sidewalk Labs that used technology and innovation to improve urban life. Google's revenues for the year 2015 were $74.5 billion with over 90% of
the earnings coming from online advertising. The com pany had more than 59,976 employees worldwide as of October 2015.
Why Google Became Alphabet
Since its inception, Page and Brin had massively diversi fied Google from its origins as an Internet search engine to invest in several projects that were unrelated to its core business such as self-driving cars, renewable energy, wearable technology, artificial intelligence, mapping ser vices, and the Android operating system. According to them, Google being just a search company, no matter how successful, would not be able to consolidate its posi tion in the highly competitive tech market without diver sifying. The duo began to pour money into far-off fields by increasing their spending on research and develop ment. In the 2004 Founders' IPO Letter, they wrote, "Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one. Do not be surprised if we place smaller bets in areas that seem very speculative or even strange when com pared to our current businesses. Although we cannot quan tify the specific level of risk we will undertake, as the ratio of reward to risk increases, we will accept projects further outside our current businesses, especially when the initial investment is small relative to the level of investment in our current businesses."10
Though Google's diversification strategy drove the company forward and benefited customers, it created several issues. Google was tight-lipped about its risk ier and non-core investments, including the moonshot projects, which left investors feeling uneasy. "Historically, Google has notoriously been a black box. Larry Page and company consistently marched to the beat of their own drum,'�1 said James Cakmak, an analyst at equity research and trading company Monness Crespi Hardt & Co. Moreover, the financial returns of the search engine and advertising business were not observed separately from the investments in all of the new businesses. This appeared to limit transparency, accountability, and dis cipline across the company. The moonshot projects lost $1.9 billion in 2014.12
Google came under some pressure from Wall Street as investors began to question the heavy investments it was making in non-core businesses and complained about the lack of clarity regarding risky investments. The shareholders were upset as there were no paybacks to them in the form of dividends or buybacks. Profits
'OHMD displays use an optical mixer made of silvered mirrors. These displays have the capability to reflect projected images besides allowing the user to look through them.
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from the search and ad business were plowed into vague innovation projects leaving investors worried and this led to stagnation in Google's stock price despite the company's long-term value creation. Observers felt that Google had become a vast and diverse company and its mission statement-"to organize the world's informa tion and make it universally accessible and useful"-no longer made sense. According to Michael Quirke, senior consultant at brand agency Brand Union, "Their ambitions in health, hardware and drones are too far from their search core to keep under the Google name, and that name was beginning to get tarnished for its world-eating ambitions.'�3
As Google continued to grow at a rapid pace, problems began to emerge in its organizational struc ture. Prior to restructuring, Google had adopted a cross-functional organizational structure which was more of a team approach to management and was struc tured horizontally wherein Google, the parent com pany, was in charge of a number of diverse companies (See Exhibit 1). Google implemented a centralized deci sion-making system wherein Brin and Page along with Schmidt made all the major decisions together. Though the system made sense in the beginning, it turned prob lematic as Google grew in size. On many occasions, the trio used to discuss and debate for long hours, making the product teams wait and stalling all the dependent processes. Sometimes these meetings would end with
Exhibit 1 Google's Structure 2014-2015 (Before Reorganization)
Part 4: Case Studies
no tangible decision being arrived at because one of the three was missing, making one more discussion inev itable. This slowed down the decision-making process at the company. Some analysts also criticized Google for maintaining an opaque and monolithic structure, where no outsider would know the developments behind the scenes. Analysts themselves found it difficult to eval uate the broad set of businesses and to figure out the performance of the core business. As managing such a diverse set of business operations under a single orga nization was creating bottlenecks, experts felt that the company was in need of a strong and accountable man agement structure and strategy.
Eventually the senior management at Google real ized that the company had become too complex to manage as it was pursuing potentially big new busi nesses in industries far from its search-engine roots. They wanted to improve the transparency and provide an oversight of what the company was doing. Page admitted that Google's original mission statement had become somewhat obsolete. "We're in a bit of uncharted territory. We're trying to figure it out. How do we use all these resources ... and have a much more positive impact on the world,'�4 he said.
In August 2015, Page announced a plan to draw a dividing line between Google and its other ventures by creating a new public holding company under which Google's non-core businesses would be spun off as
Google Inc.
l l l l l Google
Google Goog le Fiber Android YouTube Maps
Capital Ventures Inc.
' ,. ,. • • Calico Nest
Search Apps Ads GoogleX
LLP Labs Labs (Including Life Sci.)
Source: hbtlj.org/articlearchive/vl 6i 1 /16HousBusTaxU 1.pdf
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Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
distinct entities and separated from the company's main Internet-related businesses. He said, "We've long believed that over time companies tend to get comfortable doing the same thing, just making incremental changes. But in the technology industry, where revolutionary ideas drive the next big growth areas, you need to be a bit uncomfortable to stay relevant. Our company is operating well today, but we think we can make it cleaner and more accountable. So we are creating a new company, called Alphabet."15
The A To Z of Alphabet
On October 2, 2015, Alphabet became the parent hold ing company of Google and its diverse set of businesses with no business operations of its own. The restructuring was carried out under a Delaware General Corporation Law called Section 25l(g), according to which a company incorporated in the state could create and merge with a holding company without the consent of sharehold ers. Under Section 25l(g) DGCL, Google incorporated Alphabet Holding as its wholly-owned subsidiary and, in turn, caused Alphabet to merge with Maple Technologiesf
(a Merger Sub), to form a Google Merger Sub. Following the Alphabet Merger, Google Merger Sub, an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Google, merged with and into Google. Upon consummation of the reorganization, Google became a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of Alphabet and the transitory existence of Google Merger Sub was disregarded (See Exhibit 2). Thereafter, Google
Exhibit 2 Google's Reorganization under DGCL Section 251 (g)
shareholders transferred their stocks to Alphabet in exchange for New Alphabet stock.
Experts said that Google's molding into Alphabet was uniquely possible because of the company's rare stock-holding structure, where its founders controlled the direction of the business without majority economic ownership of the company's stock. Since Google share holders had few voting rights, they were unable to block the transaction by filing a lawsuit in the Delaware Court of Chancery.
Under the new structure, a number of companies, including Google, operated as subsidiaries of Alphabet. Alphabet's only significant assets were the outstanding equity interests in Google and other future subsidiaries of Alphabet (See Exhibit 3). The businesses were reorga nized into two reporting segments: 'Google' and 'Other Bets'. Google's mature businesses and main Internet prod ucts such as Search, Ads, Commerce, Maps, YouTube, Apps, Cloud, Android, Chrome, Google Play, as well as hardware products such as Chromecast, Chromebooks, and Nexus and technical infrastructure and efforts like Virtual Reality remained under Google. What got sep arated were companies that were far afield of the core search products. These formed 'Other Bets' and included Access/Google Fiber, Calico, Nest, Verily (formerly Google Life Sciences), Google Ventures, Google Capital, X (formerly Google [X]), and other initiatives.
Addressing a group of shareholders, Page said that Google's new structure was inspired by and modeled
,,..• /
Google Inc. /
Merger of Merger Sub with and into Google Inc. \
\ \
Source: hbtlj.org/articlearchive/vl 6il/16HousBusTaxU1 .pdf
' ',
: Forms Alphabet as its wholly owned subsidiary +
New Alphabet Holding Co (Delware)
: Forms Merger Sub as its wholly owned subsidiary +
Google Merger Sub (Maple Technologies, Inc.,
Delaware Corporation)
'Maple Technologies, a Delaware corporation (Merger Sub), was created as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alphabet.
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C-18 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 3 Structure of Alphabet Inc.
ALPHABET Larry Page, CEO, I Sergey Brin, President I Eric Schmidt, Chairman
nest. Access & Energy verily Calico ISIDE 1w�L11ues1 ()J9saw Marwan Fawaz Thermostats and smart-home devices. Acquired by Google in January 2014.
Go glc Sundar Pichal All of Google's 'tradit ional' products are here
Craig Barratt Energy and Internet access - including Fiber, wh ich provides low -cost broadband.
Astro Teller Secretive 'Moonshots' and outlandish projects.
Andy Conrad Healthcare and disease prevention researh. Formerly Google Life Sciences.
G/ Bill Maris Formerly Google Ventures, GV is Google's venture capital Investment arm.
Arthur Levinson
Research into longevity, Life expansion. Name stands for California Life Company.
David Lawee A growth equity fund That draws on advisors From Google to help Portf olio companies.
Dan Doctoroff Urban innovation. Solving Cities problems.
Demis Hassabis Artificial inteligence Research.
Jared Cohen Technology incubator tackling geopolitical challenges.
John Krafcik Self-driving cars. It will Repotedly become an Alphabet Company in 2016.
Project Wing Project Titan
John Krafcik Delivering internet to the Developing world with High altitude ballons.
Drone deliveries. Commercial Launch in 2017.
High-alt itude, solar-powered, Internet-deli vering drones.
Self-driving cars. It will Repotedly become an Alphabet Company in 2016*
Susan Wojcicki
Infrastructure The backend
The video-hosting site was acquired by google in 2006.
The original, core Google search engine.
that powers other units across Alphabet.
Adverts, which drive the majority of Google's revenue.
The famous Goole Maps.
Google Apps for Work
Applications like Google Docs. Google's dominant mobile operating system.
Go fe<Work
Google's enterprise division.
Advanced Technology and Projects. A buzzy research lab.
Note: The list of Google departments is n o n -exhaustive, as is the list of Google X projects - because they're so secretive.
Source: http://www.businessinsider.in
after Berkshire Hathaway,g which owned many diverse and independent businesses with strong CEOs in place for each of its operating entities. Where Alphabet was concerned, the CEOs of each subsidiary would report to Page who had become the CEO of the holding company. Brin was appointed as its president. Meanwhile, the Vice President of products at Google, Sundar Pichai, replaced Page as the CEO of Google, the largest subsidiary within the Alphabet umbrella. Schmidt and David Drummond transitioned from being the Executive Chairman and
Chief Counsel respectively at Google, to functioning in the same capacities at Alphabet. Ruth Porat was appointed as the CFO of both Google and Alphabet and was responsible for overseeing the reorganization of Google into Alphabet. Omid Kordistani stepped down as Chief Business Officer of Google and become an adviser to Alphabet and Google (See Exhibit 4).
Corporate governance remained largely unchanged as Google's board became the Alphabet board. Alphabet remained incorporated in Delaware and its corporate
•Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is a US-based holding company owning subsidiaries that engage in a number of diverse business activities including insurance and reinsurance, freig ht rail transportation, utilities and energy, finance, manufacturing, services and retailing. Berkshire's revenue in 2016 was
$223,604 million.
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Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
Exhibit 4 Alphabet's Top Management
Name Position
Larry Page
Sergey Brin
Eric E. Schmidt
L. John Doerr
Diane B. Greene
John L. Hennessy
Ann Mather
Alan R. Mulally
Paul S. Otellini
K. Ram Shriram
Shirley M. Tilghman
David C. Drummond
Sundar Pichai
Ruth M. Porat
Chief Executive Officer, Alphabet, Co-Founder and Director
President, Alphabet, Co-Founder and Director
Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors
Senior Vice President, Google, and Director
Lead Independent Director
Senior Vice President, Corporate Development, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary, Alphabet
Chief Executive Officer, Google
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Alphabet and Google
Source: https://www.sec.gov/ Archives/edgar/data/1652044/000130817916000384/lgoog_defl 4a.htm
website was named www.abc.xyz. As part of the iden tity shift, Alphabet posted a new code of conduct for its employees and replaced Google's famous "Don't Be Evil" motto with "Do the right thing" (See Exhibit 5). Talking about the new organization, Page said, "For Sergey and me this is a very exciting new chapter in the life of Google-the
birth of Alphabet. We liked the name Alphabet because it means a collection of letters that represent language, one of humanity's most important innovations, and is the core of how we index with Google search! We also like that it means alpha-bet (Alpha is investment return above benchmark), which we strive for! I should add that we are not intending
Exhibit 5 Alphabet Inc-Code of Conduct for Employees
I. Avoid Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest may arise any time competing loyalties could cause you to pursue a personal benefit for you, your friends,
or your family at the expense of Alphabet or our customers. Avoid conflicts of interest and circumstances that reasonably
appear to be a conflict. Sometimes a situation that previously didn't present a conflict of interest may develop into one.
When faced with a potential conflict, ask yourself:
Would this activity create an actual or apparent incentive for me to benefit myself, my friends, or my family?
Would this activity harm my reputation or hurt my ability to do my job?
Would this activity embarrass Alphabet or me if it showed up in the press?
If the answer to any of these questions is "yes;' the relationship or situation is likely to constitute a conflict of interest, and
you should avoid it.
II. Ensure Financial Integrity and Responsibility
Ensure that money is appropriately spent, our financial records are complete and accurate, and our internal controls are honored.
If your job involves the financial recording of our transactions, make sure that you're familiar with all relevant policies,
including those relating to revenue recognition.
Never interfere with the auditing of financial records. Similarly, never falsify any company record or account.
If you suspect or observe any irregularities relating to financial integrity or fiscal responsibility, no matter how small, imme
diately report them.
Ill. Obey the Law
Comply with all applicable legal requirements and understand the major laws and regulations that apply to your work.
Source: https://abc.xyz/investor/other/code-of-conduct.html
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for this to be a big consumer brand with related products the whole point is that Alphabet companies should have independence and develop their own brands.'�6
Alphabet retained Google's multi-class share struc ture. As part of the reorganization, Alphabet replaced Google as the publicly traded entity and all shares of Google automatically got converted into the same num ber of shares of Alphabet with the same designations, rights, powers, and limitations as the corresponding share of Google stock. The company's two classes of shares continued to trade on Nasdaq as GOOGL and GOOG. After the restructuring was announced, shares of the class A common stock of the company climbed 6%, thereby adding more than $28 billion to the company's market valuation. According to Erich Joachimsthaler, founder and CEO of Vivaldi Partners Group,h "This corporate structure will work. It is a rather painless exer cise relative to the alternative-mergers and integra tion. Integrating large, existing businesses into Google is time-consuming, unattractive and costly. The Alphabet structure simplifies. Simplicity wins!'�7
A Good Move?
According to some analysts, the new structure was a smart way for Google to pursue long-term growth while simultaneously increasing transparency and management focus on the core business. According to Eric Bradlow, co-director of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative, "On net, [the restructuring] is probably a good move for branding, positioning, P&L [profit and loss reporting] and also for Sundar Pichai. It allows Google to have many uncertain, but high potential, ventures without damaging the parent brand. It also allows them the oppor tunity to keep the P&L separate for different areas of the company.'�8
More Focus
The move would ensure clearer oversight of the com pany's ambitious and risky research projects and allow greater focus and control of unrelated companies like Calico, X, Google Capital, Nest Labs etc., said analysts. Jeff Kagan, an independent industry analyst, said, "This is what they should have done years ago. They've gotten out of control ... As Google gets bigger with all of these different businesses, they get sluggish. They've gotten too big with too many arms and they're going in too many directions. This should deal with that.'�9
hVivaldi Partners Group is a brand strategy consulting firm.
Part 4: Case Studies
While Alphabet would give the company's moonshot bets new opportunities to grow, it would also segment them as distinct subsidiaries, each with its own liability, management, and profit stream. The subsidiaries would be freed from the matrix management of a large com pany such as Google. Each entity within Alphabet could be assessed on its own merits and flourish without the distraction of the potential impact on the core business. For instance, Google would not have the burden of the potential liability for X Labs and could focus on its core services like advertising and YouTube which had been money spinners for the company.
Innovation at Alphabet would also get a boost as founders Page and Brin stepped back from the day-to day operations of Google and focused on the immense opportunities inside of Alphabet. They could dedicate their time to developing smaller emerging business lines, launching path-breaking products that might result in windfall gains for Alphabet shareholders and keep them happy. Eventually, these founders felt that becoming Alphabet could help them stay in control of the larger vision for the company and experiment and grow into areas that might be seen as unlikely for Google.
Under the new structure, Google could give operat ing divisions more leeway to make their own decisions and keep the businesses more nimble. Subsidiaries would get their own legal departments and be able to set their own benefit structures and culture to some extent. With each division headed by its own CEO, leaders would be able make independent decisions and drive the company forward. Stepan Khzrtian, co-founder and Managing Partner of international business law firm LegalLab Law Boutique, said, "Putting its many projects into sep arate companies and donning each with a strong CEO, Alphabet can be seen as sparking robust competition and entrepreneurial spirit among its many arms. Although not necessarily direct competitors, these different projects ( or dif ferent companies, I should say) will be fighting hard to bring their red financials into the black, become profitable, and remain favorable in the eyes of the senior management at Alphabet ... or risk being scrapped as a failed enterprise.''2°
The moonshot projects would no longer have to jus tify themselves as adding value to Google's core search business as they would be standalone operations, to rise or fall on their own, opined analysts. They had to support themselves in the market rather than be falsely buoyed by the Google brand name. Rik Moore, head of creative strategy at Havas Media, said, "It allows the
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Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
best of both worlds-to both protect Google from associa tion with any future false starts, while giving new projects breathing space to find their own identity away from the Google mega-brand."21
Limiting Liability The restructuring would limit liability. Alphabet as a holding company would not be liable for the debts of its subsidiaries, while the subsidiaries would not be liable for each other's debts. Moreover, the creation of subsidiaries implied that potential legal fallouts or the failure of any risky bet would not impact the rest of the holding. Prior to restructuring, if one of the new projects failed, Google had to bear the loss but with its new structure, Alphabet would shield itself from the liability of its risky moon shots, said analysts. "With its new structure, Alphabet is insulating its vague and risky businesses (Calico, Sidewalk, Fiber, Google X) from the tried and true ones (Search, Ads, Apps, Android, You Tube, Maps). So, if one or more of these 'bets' fails (big?), it would be sinking its own boat rather than bringing down the entire ship,"22 remarked Stepan. Moreover, having several subsidiaries might yield more tax advantages than having one large company with com bined profit and losses, felt some analysts.
Corporate Transparency. According to analysts, greater transparency of both cash flows and investments would prompt greater discipline and accountability across the company, allow better analysis and valuation of the individual businesses, and increase shareholder value. Investors would be better able to value Alphabet's individual companies based solely on their financial performance. There would also be more disclosure around opera tions of the company's main search business, including YouTube, mobile search, and online advertising, which Google had not disclosed earlier. Analysts said the new structure would improve corporate transparency, pro viding investors with a clear oversight of the company's businesses, thereby fueling better decisions and increas ing the stock price of the company.
Averting Anti-trust Regulation. Over the years, Google as a single entity, had been the target of anti-trust legislation in the US and Europe. European regulators were hostile toward Google and viewed its growing foot print and Internet monopoly as a threat to their local business interests. The company had faced inquiries from a number of different governments regarding its business
practices, data collection methods, and privacy policies. In fact, the European Commission had accused Google of engaging in anti-competitive practices by privileging its own products and services over those of competitors in its search engine. Analysts felt that by spinning off its arms, Google might be able to pre-empt anti-trust reg ulation and placate regulators who were worried about Google becoming too powerful as a single entity.
Moreover, for some years, Google had been criticized for its approach to tax, data protection, and international secrecy. Experts said the shift from a single 'Branded House' approach toward a pure 'House of Brands' archi tecture would make Alphabet less vulnerable to scandals. "By creating a house of brands and the Alphabet holding company they distance corporate risk from brand equity and reduce any potential impact of corporate misdeeds on its consumer brands,"23 observed columnist Mark Ritson.
Talent Retention and Employee Acquisition. According to some analysts, the reorganization would allow entrepreneurship within the company to flour ish, promote good talent, and prevent talent loss. More talented senior executives, who otherwise might get poached by other powerful competitors, would be pro moted within the company. Reportedly social network ing service Twitter Inc. had been pursuing Pichai as its future CEO around the time the reorganization was announced." You have a number of long-time people who've been at Google, and eventually they want to run their own things, run their own shows. It's hard when top management is locked in and you can't really change it,"24 said Danny Sullivan, an industry expert on search engines.
By creating a portfolio of separate businesses, Alphabet would also open up many more high ranking executive openings. There would be more opportunities to hire responsible managers with in-depth knowledge in certain areas for the individual companies in the holding. The move would also allow Alphabet to employ different leadership styles and develop different cultural variations for each of its businesses. Google had created a highly distinctive culture such as its popular HR pol icy called 'Innovation Time Off' i and its campus-based community approach. The new Alphabet would allow each subsidiary to alter the company's unique culture according to the needs of each business. For instance, visionaries, risk-takers, and engineering whiz kids might better fit in with moonshot companies while disciplined go-getters would do better in its more mature businesses.
'introduced in 2010, 'innovation Time Off' allowed Google's employees to work on any company related work of their choice other than their regular job tasks for 20% percent of their total working time.
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Paving Way for More Acquisitions. Industry observers felt that Google's acquisitions over a period of time had been overshadowed by doubts on how these new aspects of the business would fit in with the pre-existing facets of the business. Although some acqui sitions such as YouTube were successful, many acquisi tions had been either wholly swallowed up like Keyhole Inc) or simply shut down as in the case of DodgebalJ.k
Analysts said the new holding company structure would make it easier to bring in new acquisitions, since the new businesses could be added without having to be bundled together with Google's core business. The opportunity to gain access to Google's talent pool, cor porate relationships, and high level of independence that could not easily be offered by Google's former man agement structure would create an unparalleled value proposition for future acquisitions targets, they added. "What Silicon Valley values is innovation and scale, which is what acquisitions can help heighten. This concept is some thing that Google perhaps could not offer other companies. In order for Google to increase its chances of purchasing a multi-billion-dollar company, it must promote-at the forefront of their agenda-that a company along with its employees could exist under Google without losing sight of its uniqueness. The Alphabet structure could make this easier to implement, with its guarantee of generally neutral fiefdoms,"25 wrote author Katie Wong.
Some analysts were, however, skeptical about the level of clarity the reorganization would actually bring as it was not clear how much of its quarterly financial information Alphabet was willing to share. They felt that the finan cial details disclosed by the new company were more or less similar to the ones discussed in Google's earlier earnings reports with only the labels being changed and other minor details added. Alice Truong, deputy growth editor at Quartz, Asia, commented, "On balance the news is positive as this provides for incremental transparency into Google's business and suggests the company is looking for ways to balance founder and employee interests with those of investors. It may be overly optimistic at this point to hope for discrete business unit breakouts for the display network business GDN, YouTube, other Doubleclick-related activities, Google Play, Android, etc. Further, it remains to be seen whether or not key cash flow items such as capital expenditures-which are not commonly broken out by
Part 4: Case Studies
companies with multiple reporting segments, but which are particularly critical for Google-will be disclosed at the seg ment level."26
According to some critics, the name 'Alphabet' was neither innovative nor catchy and it made it look as if the company was starting from scratch. They wondered why the new holding company had defected from the extremely valuable core name, Google. The spinoff busi nesses could have benefited from the powerful brand name, they added. Jim Prior, CEO of international brand consulting agencies The Partners and Lambie-Nairn, said, 'i\s a Brand Consultant I do understand how that familiarisation process works-I just think it could have, should have, been something better and cooler than the overly simplistic Alphabet. What this name fails to convey to me is any sense of the specialness of the corporation, nor its ambition, long-term view, empowerment, scale, transpar ency, focus or humanity-which are the things Larry writes in his memo that they are excited about."27
Some analysts felt it was not yet clear how the reor ganization would increase the profitability and valuation of Google. They said other than the name change, there was not much happening differently. Experts opined that the restructuring had not led to a compelling tangible corporate strategy for the overall enterprise. Moreover, according to them, the reorganization failed to address how Alphabet's businesses would become economically stronger and its projects more likely to succeed as they operated under a holding company. "Yes, the company's new structure is now clearer to the outside world, but its strategy remains as opaque as ever. As long as that's the case, Alphabet is just a new dog trying an old trick to appease the outside world and cope with internal complexity,"18
remarked Ken Favaro, a Forbes contributor. Moreover some experts felt that disclosing the finan
cial details for risky bets might lead to investors calling for the closure of some underperforming units. Allowing investors to know the particulars of cash flows might not be the wisest thing to do for a company like Google that spent heavily on an uncertain variable like innovation, they said. Some analysts felt that post restructuring, Alphabet might lose its purpose and unifying vision because some of its high profile moonshot projects sup ported the company's core activity of creating audiences for ads. For instance, the self-driving car project could allow users to free up commute time that they could use to access the Internet. Project Loon, which aimed to bring the Internet to remote areas, would add more
iGoogle acquired Keyhole, a digital mapping firm, in 2004 and integrated it into Google Maps in 2005. •oodgeball, a location-based social networking software provider for mobile devices, was acquired by Google in 2005 and later shut down in 2009.
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Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
customers to Google's search business. Calling the move a risky bet, Julian Birkinshaw, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School, said, "J sus pect that by creating Alphabet, Page and Brin are opening up a Pandora's box of commentary and criticism that they could well do without. The only sustainable model for all Google's really creative business ideas is a Private Equity model, or perhaps a foundation, where they can work on their 'moonshot' ventures away from the glare of the public capital markets."29
Initial Results
Beginning the fourth quarter 2015, Alphabet reported separate financial results for the core Google business and the remaining Alphabet businesses as 'Other Bets'. In the fourth quarter, Google's revenues were $21.3 billion, topping analyst expectations of $20.77 billion, up by 18% year-over-year.30 A majority of Alphabet's earnings were derived from Google's core search business. In fiscal 2015, Google's revenues were $74.5 billion and it generated profits of $23.4 billion. In contrast, "Other Bets" posted revenues of $448 million and reported an operating loss of $3.56 billion.
Exhibit 6 Alphabet vs Apple
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Shortly after it announced its first quarterly results in February 2016, Alphabet briefly became the world's most valuable company by stock-market capitalization (See Exhibit 6). Topping analysts' expectations, the fourth quarter results drove up the company's shares by as much as 8%. On February 2, 2016, Alphabet surpassed Apple Inc.1 to become the world's most valuable com pany, after reporting higher profit and sales fueled by a flourishing advertising business that supported ambi tious new projects. Alphabet's shares rose 1.7% pushing its market capitalization to $531 billion, while Apple's market value was $523.9 billion. Reportedly, in the six months since Google restructured to become Alphabet, the company's market capitalization had increased by $200 billion, almost doubling its total value despite its products line-up remaining much the same. ''Alphabet's core business looks very healthy. That's going to build inves tors' confidence about the other bets they've been making,"31
said Josh Olson, an analyst at investing company Edward Jones & Co.
In fiscal 2016, Alphabet brought in $90.3 billion in revenue, a 20% growth from $75 billion in 2015 (See Exhibit 7). Revenues from the Google segment were $89.5 billion while that of 'Other Bets' were
Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan
- Alphabet Inc - Apple Inc
Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-02/google-parent-to-overtake-app le-as-world-s-most-valuable-company
'Apple Inc., headquartered in Cupertino, California, USA, is one of the biggest technology companies in the world. It mainly focuses on designing and sell ing consumer electronics products.
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Exhibit 7 Alphabet Inc-Segment Wise Consolidated Revenues
Google Segment
Google properties
Google Network Members' properties
Google advertising revenues
Google Other revenues
Google segment revenues
Other Bets
Other Bets revenues
Consolidated revenues
Source: httpsJ/abc.xyz/investor/
$809 million. According to industry observers, Porat had instilled a sense of financial discipline across the company and cut costs, thereby increasing the compa ny's financial strength and stability. "Our growth in the fourth quarter was exceptional-with revenues up 22% year on year and 24% on a constant currency basis. This perfor mance was led by mobile search and YouTube. We're seeing great momentum in Google's newer investment areas and ongoing strong progress in Other Bets,"32 observed Porat.
Analysts said though the restructuring had brought detailed segment level reporting, given that many of Alphabet's businesses were still in early stages and non-revenue generating, there might not be a lot of numbers to show at the beginning and it would take some time for the reorganization to bear fruit. According to Om Malik, founder of technology research and anal ysis firm Gigaom, "It will be some time before we see the complete impact of taking this direction, I think it is a timely move for a company that has been getting fat and bloated. Google of today is not even a faint outline of a plucky upstart that wanted to simplify the web search.''33
According to industry experts, Alphabet's 'Other Bets' were turning into financial black holes as they had been losing billions of dollars annually. Reportedly in the fourth quarter of 2016, Alphabet had lost nearly $1.1 billion from its 'Other Bets' division. In 2016, the total loss posted by this division was about $3.6 billion. "Even if the amounts of money involved in some of Google's crazier ventures are relatively small, investors will be
Part 4: Case Studies
Amount in millions of US Dollars
Year Ended December 31,
2014 2015 2016
45,085 52,357 63,785
14,539 15,033 15,598
59,624 67,390 79,383
6,050 7,154 10,080
65,674 74,544 89,463
327 445 809
66,001 74,989 90,272
saying "why is Google doing this stuff with my money?" This is one of the dark sides of transparency. We don't want to see sausages being made, but we are quite happy to con sume the end product. Investors will struggle to understand Page and Erin's big ideas, especially while they are still being developed. And they will have no patience for failure, 34 com mented Birkinshaw.
Analysts said that Alphabet desperately needed a hit product or service from the non-core businesses in order to gain the confidence of the investors. Moreover, they said that Alphabet had to sustain and support individual businesses within the new corporate structure and this could prove to be a costly proposition from a branding perspective.
Some analysts felt that the clock was ticking on Google's dominance in the Internet search business. Though Google's core search and advertising business looked unbeatable for the time being, going forward, its services such as YouTube and Google Cloud could face tough competition from rivals such as Facebook and Amazon, respectively, who were trying to grab a bigger slice of the lucrative online advertising market.
Some analysts were worried that Google's culture built on focusing on innovation over profits was fast dissolving. They were concerned that Alphabet's fiscal prudence and sharp focus on the bottom line would hamper technological innovation at the company. Some former employees had reportedly disclosed how expense and revenue expectations, once rare at the moonshot divisions, had become common since the Alphabet reor ganization. Moreover, some analysts felt that the new structure might create new obstacles to innovation and
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Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
create unhealthy competition within Alphabet as cre ation of new cost centers might raise incentives for each business unit to compete among themselves, removing the possibility of employees allocated in a given division participating in new ventures elsewhere. According to Nelson Alves, Financial Controller at EDP, "Firstly, will the usual freedom for employees to invest time in new proj ects be maintained? Employees are considered a cost in the companies where they belong, therefore, to have them work ing for other units for free is helping others at the cost of our own budget. You can extrapolate the previous example to other types of resources. This myopic view is very common when the management allow silos within the organization."35
Though the new holding structure would allow sub sidiaries to co-exist with Google under the Alphabet holding, the culture, compensation, and expansion strat egy of these businesses would be fundamentally different from that of Google. These issues might become signif icant management challenges going forward. Moreover, some Alphabet businesses might compete against each other or overlap in ways that might lead to conflicts of interest.
Some observers felt that the demand for financial dis cipline and accountability across the company had taken a toll on the moonshot businesses as these ventures were facing unprecedented pressure to bring their costs in line with their revenue (See Exhibit 8). Reportedly, Porat had been scaling back or shutting down projects that had been losing money or were seeking heavy investments. For instance, Alphabet had decided to put its Boston Dynamics robotics business unit up for sale as the com pany felt it was not likely to produce a marketable prod uct and make money in the future. Alphabet also scaled back its efforts with drones and scrapped its modular smartphone project Project Aram as part of a larger effort to consolidate its hardware operations, which included products like its Nexus smartphones and Chromebook
Exhibit 8 Alphabet Inc: 2015-2016 Quarterly Revenues
computers. Amid a shift in strategy, Google Fiber also decided to trim its high-speed Internet service plans in 11 US cities and planned to lay off 9% of its workforce. According to Dieter Bohn, founding editor of The Verge, '1t occurs to me that it's just the latest in a string of missteps and corrections for both Alphabet and Google. You can look at all this as a company flailing, or you can look at it as a sign of a company that's cleaning house and locking things down without being willing to publicly say so. Alphabet has been a confusing company from the jump, a mix of random product ideas from crazy moonshots to utilitarian smart phone appliances. Perhaps it's simply time for said company to start demanding the kind of focus and fiscal responsibil ity that we historically haven't seen a ton of with Google's weirder projects.''36
Alphabet's changing priorities pushed some key exec utives to quit the company. Nearly a third of the Alphabet subsidiaries ( as of February 2016, there were ten Alphabet subsidiaries apart from Google) were facing major lead ership challenges. In June 2016, Nest founder Tony Fadell left the company saying that the "the fiscal-discipline era has now descended upon everything" and that each busi ness within Alphabet had to depend on Google for the capital in order to grow. According to some reports, the increased pressure on Nest to perform and deliver profit able results as a standalone unit inside the new Alphabet operating structure limited its ability to innovate and led to the departure of Fadell. Marwan Fawaz, a cable and telecom industry veteran, was appointed as the new CEO of Nest while Fadell continued as an adviser to Alphabet.
This was followed by the exit of some key execu tives from Alphabet's prestigious self-driving car proj ect. In August 2016, CTO Chris Urmson, who had been the face of the self-driving car project since its launch in 2009, left the company. His departure raised a host of questions about the future of Alphabet's driver less vehicles. In December 2016, Alphabet spun off the
Amount in millions of US Dollars
Q12015 Q12016 Q22015 Q22016 Q32015 Q32016 Q42015 Q42016
Google segment revenues
Google operating income
Other Bets revenues
Other Bets operating loss
Source: https://abc.xyz/investor/
mProject Ara, one of the flagship efforts of Google's Advanced Technology and Projects group, aimed to build fully modular smartphones with interchangeable components.
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self-driving car division, earlier a unit of X, into an independent company called Waymo. During the same period, Bill Maris, founder and head of Google's invest ing arm GV, stepped aside after running the company for close to eight years. He was replaced by David Krane, managing partner of the venture arm. This was followed by the departure of CEO of Google Fiber Craig Barratt in October 2016. Reportedly, Barratt left Google Fiber because he was worried about procuring resources for his company post restructuring. In October 2016, Dave Vos, head of Project Wing, a drone delivery program of Alphabet managed by X, also stepped down.
The company's research lab X too had been strug gling to get products out the door amidst internal pol itics. Several executives who left X said that instead of accelerating the moonshot divisions, the reshuffle had clogged up many of X's projects including Project Loon, drones, and robotics which since then had become rud derless. Alphabet's life sciences company Verily was also facing turbulence with many employees quitting the startup reportedly over CEO Andy Conrad whose allegedly divisive practices were said to be driving off top talent.37 However, Porat played down analysts' con cerns of instability at 'Other Bets' stressing that these ventures were on a "longer time horizon" and that Alphabet was resetting some of them as they were try ing to build sustainable business models. ''A.s we reach for moonshots that will have a big impact in the longer term, it's inevitable that there will be course corrections along the way, and that some efforts will be more successful than others,''38 Porat said.
The Road Ahead
As of November 2016, Alphabet was the second most valuable company in the world, worth around $528 bil lion, not far behind Apple, valued at $589 billion, and ahead of Microsoft Corporation," valued at $468 billion. Analysts said Alphabet's other companies were wildly ambitious and they would hardly make a dent in Google's finances owing to the huge profitability of Google's search business. According to them, Alphabet was a catalyst that could bring together human talent, technology scale, long-horizon venture and investment approaches to build new business models that could chal lenge rivals in a wide array of industries in the future. For
Part 4: Case Studies
instance, Alphabet could be attractive to technologists working at GE and Microsoft Research and if the com pany could scale up ventures like Google Fiber and Project Loon, telecommunication giants such as AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast would be at risk. "But just because the proj ects do not bring in much money, it does not mean they have no effect on the company's performance. If anything, it is the opposite: Alphabet is now the largest company in the world not because of the money it makes today, which pales in comparison to the former reigning champion Apple, but because of the money it could make tomorrow, the day after, or in 50 years,''o remarked Alex Hern, a technology reporter for the Guardian.
Going forward, the company planned to focus on cloud-based computing and artificial-intelligence initia tives and cull investment in non-profitable bets. Pichai said cloud would be one of the largest areas of invest ment and growth for Google in 2017. A strong digi tal ad market and the company's expertise in artificial intelligence to sell cloud-based computing and analyt ics to big businesses could push Alphabet shares to over $1,000 in a period of one year (See Exhibit 9 ). Some industry observers predicted that Alphabet would likely be one of the dominant conglomerates in the world in the future. Given the resources remaining at its disposal, the company should have no worries about its financial future, they said. According to Stepan, "Today, tech com panies like Alibaba and Alphabet are redefining this con ventional wisdom, (re)creating conglomerates which sprawl industries, customers, and geographies. Call it innovation: not in technology, but instead in the tech business. These structures make sense from a business, finance, and legal perspective, and could well become guiding case studies for similar giants. Like Facebook. Or Apple.''39
However, some analysts pointed out that the trans formation of Alphabet was still a work in progress and its long-term goals still remained unclear. With the search going on for sustainable business models for its moonshot divisions ventures, Alphabet had held back from making any disclosures about if or when some of these projects would pay off. Moreover, it was unclear how the group's divisions would be ultimately managed as they become more freestanding. Analysts said the lack of a precedent for each entity under the Alphabet umbrella and the vagueness of their aims would further add to the risks of failure of the company. As Michael A.
"Microsoft Corporation, headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA, is a leading multinational software corporation. 0Alex Hern, "X Projects: Alphabet's 'Moonshot'Ventures that Could Change the World;' February 5, 2016.
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Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
Exhibit 9 Stock Price Chart of Alphabet Inc. (April 2014-February 2017)
I GOOG Weekly -I
.J J ,.1
,I I .J i i� I Jll Ill rJ+ I ij' r �� .... , 11 J 1 I
L rl .,, 'I,
u-11 �
l1 JJ f � � 1� � �-� ., u 'I"Y1 1] l� \J Ill' 1¾1i
I �
I Volume-I
Source: httpJ/bigcharts.marketwatch.com
Cusumano, Communications of the ACM, noted, "But is Google's transformation into Alphabet Inc. a good bet-for Google investors and users, and society more broadly? That simple question raises big issues, such as how much should
we expect large corporations to invest in research that might benefit society but not their bottom lines, and how might large corporations better use the money they do invest in research and new ventures?"40
l https://googleblog.blogspot.in/2015/08 7.
/google -alphabet.html.
2, "What's Behind Google's Alphabet
Restructuring?" http://knowledge.wharton 8 .
. upenn.edu, August 14, 2015.
3, http://www.google.eo.in/about/company/
4. Michael S. Malone, "Surviving IPO Fever;· 9.
www.wired.com, March 12, 2003.
5, Eric Schmidt, "How I Did It: Google's CEO
on the Enduring Lessons of a Quirky IPO;' 10.
http://hbr.org, May 2010.
6, Caroline Thomas, "Google: The IR Behind 11.
its I PO;' www.insideinvestorrelations.com,
September 1, 2004.
Simon London, "U.S. Fund Criticizes
Google's IPO Structure;' www.msnbc.msn
.com, May 4, 2004.
Robin Wauters, "Google Buys Motorola
Mobility for $12.SB, Says 'Android will Stay
Open;• http:/ /techcrunch.com, August 15, 2011.
James Rivington, "Google Glass: What You
Need to Know;' http://www.techradar.com,
August 8, 2013.
https:/ /a bc.xyz/i nvestor /found ers-I ette rs
Brian Womack, "The Top Questions Facing
Alphabet, the New Google Conglomerate;'
www.bloomberg.com, August 12, 2015.
12. Alexei Oreskovic, "Google-Parent
Alphabet's Moonshots Lost $3.6 billion
in 2015;' www.businessinsider.com,
February 1, 2016.
13. Sarah Vizard, "Why Google is Rebranding
Itself as Alphabet;• www.marketingweek
.com, August 11, 2015.
14. https://abc.xyz/investor/founders
15. https://abc.xyz/investor/founders
16. https://abc.xyz/investor/founders
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C-28 Part 4: Case Studies
17. Louis Bedigian, "The Pros and Cons of 25. Katie Wong, "The Benefits of Google's 33. Om Malik, "The Big AlphaBet;' https://
Google's Alphabet Holding Company;' Restructuring;' http://themarketmogul.com, om.co, August 10, 2015.
www.benzinga.com, August 12, 2015. August 16, 2015. 34. "Why Google's Alphabet is a Risky Bet
18. "What's Behind Google's Alphabet 26. Alice Truong, "Wall Street is Really Excited that will End in Tears;' www.forbes.com,
Restructuring?" http:/ /knowledge.wharton by Google's Restructuring-But it isn't August 17, 2015.
.upenn.edu, August 14, 2015. Exactly Sure Why;' https://qz.com, 35. Nelson Alves, "The Pros and Cons about
19. Sharon Gaudin, "Google Restructuring August 10, 2015. Google's Alphabet;' www.linkedin.com,
Could Rein in Business 'Chaos;' www 27 . Jim Prior, "Google's Memo Introducing August 19, 2015.
. computerworld.com, August 11, 2015. Alphabet is a Masterpiece in Rebranding 36. Dieter Bohn, "Alphabet and Google's Very
20. Stepan S. Khzrtian, "Three Reasons Why Communication;' www.campaignlive.com, Bad No Good Summer;' www.theverge
"Google-as-Alphabet" is a Very, Very Smart August 11, 2015. .com, September 2, 2016.
Move;' www.linkedin.com, August 13, 2015. 28. Ken Favaro, "Still Searching for the Strategy 37. Charles Piller, "Google's Bold Bid to
21. Sarah Vizard, "Why Google is Rebranding in Alphabet (nee Google);' www.forbes Transform Medicine Hits Turbulence
Itself as Alphabet;' www.marketingweek .com, September 7, 2015. under a Divisive CEO;' www.statnews.com,
.com, August 11, 2015. 29. "Why Google's Alphabet is a Risky Bet March 28, 2016.
22. Stepan S. Khzrtian, "Three Reasons Why That will End in Tears;' www.forbes.com, 38. Richard Nieva, "Google's Harder Look at
"Google-as-Alphabet" is A Very, Very Smart August 17, 2015. Moon Shots Seems to be Paying Off;'
Move," www.linkedin.com, August 13, 30. "Jillian D'Onfro, "Google Beats, Stock Soars;' www.cnet.com,, January 26, 2017.
2015. www.businessinsider.com, February 1, 2016. 39. Stepan S. Khzrtian, "Three Reasons Why
23. "Mark Ritson: Why Google's New Corporate 31. Jack Clark and Adam Satariano, "Google "Google-as-Alphabet" is a Very, Very Smart
Brand Alphabet is a Huge Strategic Move;' Parent Overtakes Apple as World's Most Move;' www.linkedin.com, August 13, 2015.
www.marketingweek.com, August 11, Valuable Company;' www.bloomberg.com, 40. Michael A. Cusumano, Communications of
2015. February 2, 2016. the ACM, Vol. 60 No. 1, Pages 22-25, http://
24. Sarah Jeong and Kaleigh Rogers, "Why 32. "Alphabet Announces Fourth Quarter and cacm.acm.org, January 2017.
Google is Restructuring Now;' https:// Fiscal Year 2016 Results;' https://abc.xyz,
motherboard.vice.com, August 11, 2015. January 26, 2017.
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Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution C-29
CASE 2 ll'\ll{ �4,.· .... 'l � ... JJtlli• .......
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Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution
In the second quarter of 2016 ended July, Baidu, Inc., the leading Chinese language Internet search engine, reported a 34% fall in its quarterly net income its biggest quarterly decline since going public in August 2005. The company's net income fell to RMB 2.41 billion (US$362 million) in the quarter from RMB 3.66 billion a year earlier. The poor performance of the company was attributed to curbs on online advertising in China following the death of a 21-year-old Chinese stu dent in April 2016 who had tried an experimental cancer therapy advertised on Baidu's website. "The challenges Baidu faced in the second quarter served as a healthy reminder to stay focused on the key drivers of growth, sustainability and leadership: delivering the best user expe rience and staying at the forefront of technology. The imple mentation of new regulations and the stricter standards that we proactively imposed to make our platform more robust will likely suppress revenue for the next two to three
Exhibit I Market Share of Top Search Engines in the World and in China
Yahoo, 7.78%
Ask, 0.22%
*Data as of August 2016.
AOL, 0.15% Excite,
0.01% Others,
,----- 1.82%
Adapted from https://searchenginewatch.com
quarters. This period of uncertainty will pass,"1 said Robin Li Yanhong, Chairman and CEO of Baidu.
Co-founded by Li and his friend Eric Xu in 2000, Baidu was China's first home-grown search engine and was created with the mission of providing the best way for people to find information. The company offered a broad range of products and services including search services, Online-to-Offline" (020) services, and an online video platform. Baidu's investments in technol ogy along with its focus on local content helped it main tain a dominant position in the rapidly growing search engine market in China. In order to establish a global footprint, Baidu forayed into emerging markets such as Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Egypt, India, and Thailand where Internet usage continued to climb. As ofJuly 2016, Baidu commanded over 80% of the Chinese search mar ket, and was among the world's top five search engines in terms of market share (see Exhibit I).
China (Mobile + Tablet)
Sogou, 2.05%
Shenma, 9.26%
Qihoo 360, 0.31%
Google, 0.43%
'020 is an online platform that drives online shoppers to buy products and services offline.
This case was written by Syeda Maseeha Qumer and Debapratim Purkayastha, JBS Hyderabad. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.
© 2017, JBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved.
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In May 2016, Baidu planned to overhaul its business model from a search-oriented model to one based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) due to a slowing revenue growth in its core search business. The company planned to focus on developing products in areas such as auto matic translation, voice search, and driverless vehicles. Li also planned to emphasize user experience over income and set up a department to root out any behavior that might hurt user experience. Analysts said that the move would affect Baidu's short-term profitability, which in turn would make it more challenging for the compa ny's new business model to gain momentum. Moreover, they felt that Baidu's standing as the top Internet giant in China was on shaky ground as the company battled slowing sales growth due to lack of profitability in non core divisions like 020 services, regulatory uncertainty, an ongoing cash burn from diversification, intense competition, loss of user trust, and rapid shift toward mobile Internet usage in China. However, some analysts were confident that Baidu would bounce back. "There's naturally going to be a fair deal of skepticism about Baidu, but it's not going to change its role as the undisputed top dog in the world's most populous nation. Everyone will have to play by the same rules, and this may actually make it even harder for smaller rivals to grow and diversify the way that Baidu can. Baidu has overcome similar hiccups in the past, and it's a more diversified company these days in terms of businesses as well as regions [. ... ] It's no longer merely China's largest search engine provider. Baidu will bounce back. It's just what it does,''l noted Motley Fool'sb
Rick Munarriz. Li had a tough task on his hands and analysts were
waiting to see how he would navigate the challenges faced by Baidu.
Background Note
Baidu was co-founded by Li and his friend Xu in 2000. In 1991, Li, a native of the Shanxi province of China, went to the US for higher studies. After completing his studies,
bMotley Fool is a financial service company.
Part 4: Case Studies
he worked with IDD Information Services' between 1994 and 1997, and as a staff engineer at Infoseekd between 1997 and 1999. Right from the beginning, Li had a pas sion for Internet-based search and while working at Infoseek he developed a search mechanism called 'Link Analysis' . e After this, he was given an assignment to supervise search engine development. But in 1999, Walt Disney Co. acquired a stake in Infoseek after which the company's focus shifted from search to content. In order to further his interests in search engines, Li decided to start his own search engine along with Xu, a Chinese national working in the US, who had a PhD in biochem istry and good contacts in Silicon Valley.r
Li analyzed the Internet search industry and sensed that there was a big business opportunity in a search engine in Chinese as the number of people who used the Internet for search in China was growing. He noticed that all the major portals including the indig enous Sina Corpg and Sohu.comh were not able to get a foothold in China despite huge investments mainly because of their failure to understand the local culture and preferences. As both Li and Xu were natives of China, they felt that they had better understanding of Chinese culture and the language and it would help them start a successful search engine in Chinese. With seed money in hand they flew to China and founded Baidu in a hotel room overlooking Beijing University's cam pus. They named it Baidu, which means 'hundreds of times'. The name symbolized a constant search for the ideal and was inspired by a Song Dynastyi poem written by Xin Qijii in the 12th century. Li thought the name was ideal as it would remind the world of China's rich heritage, besides matching their mission of providing people with correct and accurate information through constant search.
Baidu.com Inc. was registered in Cayman Islandsk
with its headquarters at Beijing, China. As it was in need of investments, it raised US$1.2 million3 from ven ture capital firms like Integrity Partners and Peninsula Capital in February 2000. These two firms were the first
'!DD Information Services, a former Dow Jones subsidiary, relaunched itself as Tradeline.com in 2000. It provides historical stock market quotes and company data. dJnfoseek was a popular search engine in 1994. In 1999, it was acquired by Walt Disney Co. and merged with Walt Disney's Buena Vista Internet group to form Go.com.
''Link analysis' involved ranking the popularity of a website based on how many other websites had linked to it. In 1996, Li received a patent related to what he called link analysis, a way to rank search listings by the number of incoming links to sites. 'Silicon Valley is the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California, USA. The term is now used to refer to all the high-tech businesses in the area. •Sina Corporation operates as an online media company and is an information services provider in China. It is an infotainment web portal. hSohu is a search engine in China which offers advertising and online gaming services. ;The Song dynasty flourished between 960 and 1279 AD. iXin Qiji was a Chinese soldier and a poet. 'The Cayman Islands are located in the western Caribbean Sea, comprising the islands of Grand Cayman, Cayman Brae, and Little Cayman.
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Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution
outside investors in Baidu. In September 2000,4 two other venture capital firms, Draper Fisher Jurvetson and IDG Technology Venture, invested US$10 million in Baidu.5 In June 2004,6 Google, Inc.1 obtained a 2.6% stake in Baidu for US$5 million. However, in 2006, Google sold its stake for more than US$60 million in order to focus on developing its own operations in the country.
When Baidu was launched in January 2000, there were already many Internet portals in China like Sina, Sohu, and Yahoo! China,m offering multiple services like online advertising and online messaging besides search. Initially, Baidu started out by offering search services to these Chinese portals and charged them each time a user conducted a search. Later, it developed its own stand alone search engine. As per Chinese censorship laws, the Chinese government blocked content deemed to be controversial and unethical. Baidu understood local issues like censorship laws and abided by them. It even had teams employed to block such content. On its web page, Baidu allowed advertisers to bid for ad space and then pay it every time a customer clicked on an ad. By the mid-2000s, Baidu had grown significantly. Its total net revenues increased from RMB 10.5 million in 2002 to RMB 110.9 million in 2004.7 By March 31, 2005, it gener ated net revenues of RMB 42.6 million. Baidu, which had come to be called "China's Google", quickly strengthened its hold on China's search market and used the profits to expand into a range of other online services.
Baidu went public in August 2005. On the very first day of trading on Nasdaq" its stock price shot up by 354% from US$27 to US$122.4,8 valuing the company at more than US$4 billion. By the end of 2007, Baidu had 210 million Internet users. In October 2008, Baidu launched a beta version of its online Consumer to-Consumer (C2C) platform, called Baidu Youa.0 In December 2008, Baidu.com was renamed Baidu, Inc.
In July 2011, Baidu acquired a majority stake in China's leading online travel company Qunar Cayman Islands Ltd.r for US$306 million. In September 2011, to
gain a foothold in the rapidly expanding mobile-Internet market, Baidu launched its own Android-based mobile OS called Baidu Yi which allowed users quick and easy use of search-related functions on mobile devices. With Chinese users increasingly shifting from desktop search to mobile search owing to the popularity of the smart phone, Baidu began investing heavily in the mobile search business. In May 2012, the company launched a low-cost smartphone that ran on a forked version of Android powered by the Baidu Cloud Smart Terminal platform. In October 2013, the company acquired a 100% equity interest in app store 91 Wireless for US$1.9 billion from NetDragon Websoft Inc.G in order to gain a bigger share of the mobile user market.
In 2012, Baidu acquired a controlling interest in iQiyi,' an online video platform company, through a joint venture with Providence Equity Partners.' Later in May 2013, Baidu acquired the online video business of PPStream Inc.' for US$370 million and merged it with iQiyi to form the largest online video streaming platform in China. In September 2015, Baidu entered into a deal with US tech nology giant Microsoft Inc. under which Baidu became the default homepage and search for the Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10 in China. As of December 2015, Baidu.com was the largest website in China and the fourth largest website globally, as measured by average daily vis itors and page views by Alexa.com, an Internet analytics firm. As of March 31, 2016, the company had a dedicated workforce of about 43,500 employees.
Business Model
Baidu generated revenues mainly from online market ing services which included pay-for-placement (P4P) services, performance-based online marketing, and time-based online advertising services. The company 's P4P Program was one of the core tenets of its business model. T he auction-based P4P platform was an online marketplace that enabled customers to bid for priority placement of their links in the search results and reach
'Google, Inc. is a US-based technology giant that offers Internet-related services and products including web-based search, cloud computing, software applications, online advertising technologies, mobile operating systems, consumer content, enterprise solutions, and hardware products. Google is the world's most popular English language search engine. "'Yahoo!China is the Chinese version ofYahoo!Founded in 1994, Yahoo, Inc. is a US-based technology company globally known for its search engine Yahoo.com.
"National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) is the American stock exchange. •Baidu Youa is an online shopping system through which merchants can sell their products and services at Baidu-registered stores. 'Founded in 2005, Qunar is an online travel company that offers real-time searches for air and train tickets, hotels, and tour packages. •NetDragon Websoft Inc. is one of the largest third-party mobile applications distribution platforms in China. 'Launched in April 2010, iQiyi is an online video platform in China that focuses exclusively on fully licensed, high-definition and professionally produced content. 'Providence Equity Partners LLC is a US-based global private equity investment company. 'Based in Shanghai, China, PPStream, Inc. offers online video, games, information, downloads, and community and other diversified products and services.
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users who searched for information related to their prod ucts or services. Baidu was the first auction-based P4P service provider in China. The P4P model helped Baidu monitor each click, understand the tastes and prefer ences of Chinese Internet users better, and improve user experiences in order to drive traffic to its sites.
In October 2009, Baidu switched from its old adver tising system based on price bid ranking to a new online advertising keyword bidding system called Phoenix Nest system. The new advertising system contributed to a strong revenue growth along with an increase in the number of Internet users. Between 2010 and 2014, Baidu's average revenue per customer grew at 33% annu ally, increasing from RMB 19,200 per customer per year to RMB 59,600. According to Li, "If an advertiser wants to pay a lot of money that probably says something. The best measure for this is our growth pattern. If users keep coming back to our service, we're doing the right thing.''9
Part 4: Case Studies
In addition, Baidu also offered performance-based online marketing services and time-based online adver tising services, whereby the customers paid Baidu based on performance criteria such as the number of telephone calls brought to the customers, the number of bookings of air tickets or hotel rooms, the number of users regis tered with the customers, or the number of minimum click-throughs. Baidu's online marketing services gen erally included text links, images, multimedia files, and interactive forms. The advertisements were displayed through both organic Baidu websites and its affiliated website partners such as Baidu Union." Between 2006 and 2014, Baidu's online marketing customer base was growing by 29% annually, and had reached 1,049,000 by December 2015. In 2015, search revenues were RMB 55.7 billion (US$11 billion), about 84% ofBaidu's total sales. Total revenues and operating profit was RMB66.4 billion and RMBll.7 billion respectively (see Exhibit II.) In the
Exhibit II Baidu-Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income Data
(lnthousandsofRMBexceptpershare F th d dD b 31
and per ADS data) or e year en e ecem er
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Search Services 14,500,786 22,306,026 29,590,276 43,727,459 55,667,478
Transaction Services 1,319,187 3,822,456 7,005,941
iQiyi 1,345,042 2,873,552 5,295,760
Inter Segment (310,581) (1,371,149) (1,587,450)
Total revenues 14,500,786 22,306,026 31,943,924 49,052,318 66,381,729
Operating Costs and Expenses:
Search Services 15,411,424 23,179,666 27,549,641
Transaction Services 2,841,466 9,796,434 20,151,386
iQiyi 2,088,055 3,983,851 7,679,198
Total Operating Costs and Expenses (6,924,127) (11,254,706) (20,752,204) (36,248,554) (54,710,175)
Operating profit 7,576,659 11,051,320 11,191,720 12,803,764 11,671,554
Interest income 418,201 866,465 1,308,542 1,992,818 2,362,632
Interest expense (82,551) (107,857) (447,084) (628,571) (1,041,394)
Income (loss) from equity method (179,408) (294,229) 22,578 (19,943) 3,867
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Other income, net, including exchange 76,278 449,738 140,951 336,338 24,909,964
gains or losses
Income before income taxes 7,809,179 11,965,437 12,216,707 14,484,406 37,906,623
Income taxes (1,188,861) (1,574,159) (1,828,930) (2,231,172) (5,474,377)
Net income 6,620,318 10,391,278 10,387,777 12,253,234 32,432,246
Less: Net loss attributable to (18,319) (64,750) (162,880) (943,698) (1,231,927)
non-controlling interests
Net Income Attributable to Baidu, Inc. 6,638,637 10,456,028 10,550,657 13,196,932 33,664,173
Adapted from http://ir.baidu.com/phoenix.zhtml?c= 788488&p=iro/-sec Baidu 20F
"Baidu Union comprises a large number of third-party websites and software applications. It directs traffic to the Baidu website by integrating a Baidu search box into third party websites or by displaying relevant contextual promotional links for customers.
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Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution
first quarter of 2016, Baidu's online marketing reve nues were RMB14.931 billion (US$2.316 billion), a 19.3% increase compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
Secret of Success
Since its inception, Baidu had positioned itself as a Chinese language search engine which allowed users to find information, products, and services using Chinese. According to industry observers, it was a challenging task for Baidu because of the complexity of the Chinese language. To make search easier for users, it introduced the 'pinyin' search in 2001 that allowed users to type in Chinese keywords using English alphabets when the user was not sure of a written form of a keyword. This gave relevant results and made Baidu's search reliable.
Baidu designed strategies to appeal to the Chinese web user by leveraging on the concept of 'national ism' and 'Chinese heritage' in its business model. Its awareness of the Chinese language and culture gave it an advantage over foreign search engines operating in China. Baidu created a dominant position for itself by providing features that appealed to Chinese users.
Li said, "We think search is not just about technology. It's also about language. It's also about culture.'�0 According to some analysts, Baidu's success could be attributed to unique products like Baidu Post Bar, the world's first and largest Chinese-language query-based search able online community platform; Baidu Knows, the world's largest Chinese-language interactive knowledge sharing platform; and Baidu Encyclopedia, the world's largest user-generated Chinese-language encyclopedia and MP3v search (see Exhibit III).
According to some industry watchers, one of the reasons for Baidu's rapid growth was, ironically enough, its competitor Google which began operating in China in September 2000 and offered millions of pages in the Chinese language. By 2002, Google had become the leading search engine in China and Baidu was relatively unknown to many Chinese Internet users. But slowly, Google began to face problems in China. The Chinese government began to intermittently block several web sites through IP filters. However, users of Google still managed to circumvent government censorship and browse the content through cached pages.w
By late August 2002, ahead of the 16th Communist Party Congress; users trying to use www.google.com for
Exhibit Ill Baidu Products and Services
Search Products Web Search, Image Search, Video Search, News, Web Directory, Haol 23.com, Dictionary,
Top Searches and Search Index, Open Platform
Social Products
UGC-based Knowledge Products
Location-based Products and Services
Music Products
PC Client Software
Mobile-Related Products and Services
Products and Services for Developers
Other Products and Services
Major Products and Services by Associated
or Cooperative Websites
Post Bar, Space, Album
Knows, Encyclopaedia, Wenku, Experience
Maps, Group Buy Directory, Travel
Baidu Music, Baidu FM, TT Player
Browser, Input Method Editor, Tool bar and Baidu Companion, Baidu Hi, Media Player,
Mobile Search, Cloud SmartTerminal Platform, Mobile Browser, Palm, Mobile Phone Input
Method Editor, Contacts, Netdisk, Photo Wonder, Wallpaper, Desktop, One Click Root,
Voice Assistant
Developer Center, Personal Cloud Storage, Baidu App Engine, TS browsing engine, Mobile
Test Center, LBS Open Platform, Baidu Webmaster Platform, Statistics, Share
Qunar, iQiyi, Baijob, Baidu Pay, Games, Search and Store, Application Store, Ads Manager,
Data Research Center, Sky, Senior Citizen Search, Search for Visually Impaired, Patent
Search, Translation, Missing Person Search Site
Leho, Leju
Adapted from http:/ /ir.baidu.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=188488&p=irol-products
'MP3 or MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 is a digital audio encoding format. wGoogle stored pages in its own servers that could be accessed through its site. In China, even when the websites were blocked, users were able to access the content through cached pages. By providing cached pages, Google was making content that was restricted by the Chinese authorities accessible to users in the country.
'The Communist Party Congress held every five years by the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a significant event in Chinese politics since it decides the leadership of CPC and announces the vision and policies of the party for the next five years.
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search were redirected to Baidu, which recorded a sud den rise in popularity. Later on, the access to Google's site was restored, but a search for some particular terms still led to users being directed to websites approved by the government. By early 2004, users in China began considering Google as unreliable and started using Baidu, which was similar to Google in appearance, with a largely uncluttered white page and few colors. By 2005, Google's market share had fallen to below 30%, while Baidu's share in the market had increased to 46%. Google left the country in 2010, after refusing to coop erate with censors. However, Li cited different reasons for Baidu's growth: "The market has exploded in a very short time. User information needs to change very quickly. Because we were local and focused, we were able to catch the changes quickly. We understand the Chinese language and culture better.'�'
Moreover, Baidu worked closely with the Chinese government in blocking content considered inappropri ate by them. Reportedly in 2009, Baidu won an award from the Internet Society of China for practicing Zilu (self-regulation). According to some industry observers, Li's focused and driven attitude with his emphasis on technology and investment in new ideas had led to Baidu becoming the leading search engine in China. "However much Baidu has benefited from offering pirated music, questionable government interference, or even any conscious
Exhibit IV 0nline-to-0ffline Ecommerce Sales in China (2011-2018)
2011 2012 2013 2014
Part 4: Case Studies
home-team bias the Chinese market can be accused of, no company becomes so successful without at least some com petency. Market inertia or even market ignorance but no matter what you say, it will never change the basic fact that Baidu has thus far read and played its market more success fully than its competitors,"12 commented Kai Pan, a mod erator on the Chinese online forum ChinaSmack.
Foray into 020 Services
020 was one of the fastest growing segments in the Chinese e-commerce market and was projected to grow at an annual rate of 25% from US$390 billion in 2014 to US$718 billion in 201713 (see Exhibit IV). A growing pop ulation, an increasing number of Internet users, and the rapid shift toward smartphones from personal computers were driving the 020 trend in China. With the PC search business maturing and the Chinese economy slowing down, Li was looking to diversify as he wanted to reduce Baidu's dependence on the desktop search business. His goal was to transform Baidu from connecting people with information to connecting people with services. He decided to invest in 020 services ( online to offline, digital marketing to describe systems enticing consumers within a digital environment to make purchases of goods or services from physical businesses) as he wanted Baidu to capture a substantial market share in
2015 2016 2017 2018
I ■ 020* e-Commerce sales ■ %Change I Sales in billions of RMB
Adapted from iResearch Consulting Group2015 China 020 Services Model Research Report January 19, 2016.
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Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution
the surging but highly competitive e-commerce space in China. According to Li, the Chinese 020 represented a US$1.6 trillion market opportunity.14
As part of the diversification, in May 2013, Baidu rolled out an online food delivery service called Baidu Waimai (Baidu Takeout), wherein customers could place food delivery orders with restaurants. As of 2016, Baidu Waimai had 30 million customers across 140 cities in China. In August 2013, Baidu acquired a 59% equity inter est in a group buying site Nuomi from Renren, Inc.Y for US$160 million. Subsequently, it acquired the remaining shares in January 2014. Baidu Nuomi offered multiple ser vices including ticket booking, dining, hotel reservation, and health and beauty services. In 2015, Li announced that Baidu planned to invest over RMB 20 billion (US$3.2 billion) over a period of three years in Nuomi. In addition, Baidu rolled out other 020 services such as Baidu Wallet (online and mobile payment services), Baidu Mapsz (desktop and mobile web mapping service), Baidu Connect (third-party login open API), and Baidu Cloud (personal cloud computing service). Baidu consolidated its major 020 reporting segments into a single line item called 'Transaction Services' in its financial reports.
In December 2014, Baidu made an undisclosed investment in US-based car-hailing service Uber Technologies Inc. in order to leverage its strengths in mobile search, mobile mapping, and app distribution. The integration of the Uber app with Baidu Maps, Baidu Wallet, and Baidu mobile search was expected to bring more customers to Uber and more traffic related income to Baidu. In August 2015, Baidu invested US$100 million in the Chinese online laundry com pany Edaixi,aa as part of its efforts to position itself in the rapidly growing 020 space in China. Continuing its 020 quest, in October 2016, Baidu-backed Chinese online travel firm Qunar entered into a share swap deal with Ctrip.com International Ltd.bb under which Baidu would hold a 25% controlling stake in Ctrip, which in turn would gain a 45% share in Qunar. According to industry observers, the deal would make Baidu a
YRenren, Inc. is an online social networking service in China.
dominant player in the 020 travelling market in China with an estimated 80% market share.
However, some analysts said that Baidu's deepening investment in the 020 sector would drive up its costs and affect margins in the short term. According to them, breaking into China's competitive 020 market would not be easy for Baidu as the market was already dominated by two Chinese Internet giants-Tencent, Inc.cc and Alibaba Group Holding Limited.rld "Basically, there's a land grab going on. It is expensive. But you can't (gain dominance) if you don't spend the money to build and pro mote;,s remarked Kevin Carter, founder of The Emerging Markets Internet & Ecommerce.ee Despite such concerns, Li said the company planned to increase its spending in 020 businesses as such initiatives could drive revenues in future. He said that the company was ready to forgo short-term profitability to invest in opportunities that might result in huge long-term gains.
Global Expansion
T hough Baidu was the biggest search engine in China, its presence outside the country was limited. In 2007, it entered Japan but eventually succumbed to market pressures and shut down its Japanese search engine in March 2015. In Japan, Baidu could not compete against Yahoo and Google and eventually reported losses that amounted to RMB 260 million in 2010. Despite the set back, Li said that he wanted Baidu to become a global brand with a presence in over half the world's countries. Baidu's president, Zhang Yaqin, said the company was targeting emerging markets like Brazil, Indonesia, and India with their huge populations and rapidly grow ing mobile usage so that the company could attract a new wave of users who were coming online for the first time on their smartphones. He said that in such markets Baidu planned to roll out specific products for each country rather than coming out with a generic, across-the-board service offering. "Baidu has more than 700 million users abroad, with over 250 million
'As of March 2016, Baidu Map had about 500 million users in China and enjoys a 70% market share. It was available in more than 18 countries and regions, mostly in the Asia Pacific, such as Japan, South Korea, T hailand, and Singapore.
"Launched in 2013, Edaixi is a Chinese 020 laundry services company which picks up laundry after customers send orders on smartphones and returns it in 72 hours.
bbHeadquartered in Shanghai, Ctrip.com International Ltd. ( CTRP) is a leading provider of travel services. "Founded in 1998, Tencent is a leading provider of Internet value-added services in China. Tencent's leading Internet platforms in China include QQ
(QQ Instant Messenger), Weixin/WeChat, QQ.com, QQ Games, Qzone, and Tenpay. In fiscal 2015, the company's revenues were RMBI02,863 million (USDl5,841 million).
dd£stablished in 1999, Alibaba Group Holding Limited is a leading e-commerce company in China. Its business includes core commerce, cloud computing, and mobile media and entertainment. For the fiscal year ending in March 2015, Alibaba reported a US$5.5 billion profit.
"T he Emerging Markets Internet & £commerce is an exchange traded fund that records index of leading Internet and e-commerce companies operating in emerging markets.
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active users in a month. Over the past three decades, we have virtualized the physical world, but in the next three decades, we will go the reverse process, applying the Internet technology and business model to the physical world,'% said Yaqin.
According to industry observers, Baidu had been expanding into foreign markets with a focus on mobile phones. Li said that he was looking for underserved mar kets where globally dominant search engines like Google or Yahoo had not made much of a mark. Baidu's global strategy was to venture into those markets where English was not the dominant language, build capabilities in that market, and then expand. Commenting on the choice of countries that Baidu was looking out for as part of its global expansion plans, Jennifer Li, Chief Financial Officer of Baidu, said, "Before we make a decision, obvi ously we do market research to understand the country's general demographic situation, the Internet situation, the line connections and the user growth profile, whether there are some main players in there and what are the opportuni ties. [. .. ]. At the end of the day it is an Internet service and the Internet is borderless. If we feel the market has a need that is not filled and the market has great potential that can become a very meaningful place, the population is there, it's those kind of factors that make us think we can try these markets.'�7
As part of its expansion plan in the Southeast Asian market, Baidu launched local services in Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia such as a search engine (in Thailand) or security and PC services (Vietnam and Indonesia). In 2013, Baidu opened a local development center in Jakarta, Indonesia, as part of a long-term move to settle down in the region and create long-term rela tionships with the local merchants, Internet users, and governments. It also launched an Indonesian version of its web links portal Haol2. Earlier in July 2012, Baidu opened its research center Baidu-I2R Research Centre (BIRC), in Singapore in order to develop web products for Southeast Asia. Baidu's international products such as DU Speed Booster, DU Battery Saver, ES File Explorer, Photo Wonder, MoboMarket, Simeji, Baidu Antivirus, Baidu PC Faster were popular in mobile-first nations such as Thailand and Indonesia.
In 2013, Baidu entered Egypt by launching a local Arabic site and opening a local office. However, Baidu's expansion into the Middle East was put on hold due to the political unrest in the region. In January 2013, Baidu entered in to an agreement with France Telecom to pre-install Baidu's browser on low-end smartphones to be sold in Africa and the Middle East, by France Telecom's operators there. France Telecom had about
Part 4: Case Studies
80 million customers across Africa. In July 2014, Baidu entered the South American market by launching a local Portuguese language search engine named Baidu Busca in Brazil. It also opened its local development office in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Li felt that Brazil was a promising market as it was the fifth largest Internet market in the world with 107 million Internet users and 53% Internet penetration that was expected to grow to 59.5% by 2017. In October, Baidu acquired the Brazilian daily deals site PeixeUrbano in order to penetrate the e-commerce market in Brazil.
Li was also eyeing the Indian market as he felt that the country had a strong mobile Internet market. In fact, some of Baidu's mobile apps such as the DU Speed Booster and Battery Saver were already available in India. Li said that Baidu was planning to expand in India through mergers and acquisitions and other investments. Reportedly, the company was in talks to invest in Indian e-commerce start-ups including Zomato, BookMyShow, and BigBasket. In the future, Li planned to expand Baidu to the US and Europe as well. As its rival Google was the dominant search engine in both the US and Europe, Baidu planned to focus on other channels, such as finance and its Baidu Maps service, when targeting these markets. "I think eventually we will go into Europe, U.S. and then many other places. We are in a number of countries, but we need to find a new battleground. Search is maturing, and mobile is very different from desktop. We need to find ways to access this kind of new market,'�8 he said. However, some analysts felt that getting a foot hold in these markets would be tough, particularly on mobile where Google's Android operating system was the dominant operating system in both the US and Europe. According to them, it would be difficult for Chinese companies that dealt with content and aimed to become global brands to get anyone to trust them out side of China. "(It is) still early stages for the global efforts, and (there are) a lot of challenges for Chinese companies to go beyond their borders-cultural, managerial, familiarity with the local market-but it's worth experimenting,'�9 said Jennifer Li.
As part of Baidu's global strategy, CEO Li announced that the company would launch its mapping services, Baidu Map, in more than 150 countries and regions by the end of 2016 in order to serve more than 100 million Chinese outbound travellers. The internationalization plan would put Baidu Map in direct competition with the top global mapping service provider, Google Maps. As of July 2016, Baidu Map was available in more than 18 countries, mostly in the Asia Pacific, such as Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Singapore.
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Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution
As of December 2015, Baidu had over 700 million users across 200 countries and regions globally. Some analysts wondered whether it would be able to with stand competition from technology giants like Google and Amazon.com, Inc.ff which possessed superior tech nology and global work forces as it looked to attract new customers in global markets. They felt that Baidu could face more regulatory and market risks than glob ally diversified competitors. A bigger challenge for Baidu in its global expansion plan was the perceived image of Chinese brands as low-cost copycat brands by some global consumers.
Growing Pains
Regulatory Challenges Though Baidu dominated the online search engine mar ket in China, its reputation was at stake as the company became involved in some serious medical and healthcare related scandals in China. In April 2016, a 21-year-old college student, Wei Zexi, died of cancer after report edly receiving experimental treatment from a hospital in Beijing that advertised on the Baidu search engine. Reportedly, the hospital offering the treatment paid Baidu for the high placement in its search results. Wei contended that the hospital's claims to cure cancer were dishonest and before his death, accused Baidu of pro moting false medical information online, in a post that was widely circulated among Internet users in China. To the question "What do you think is the greatest evil of human nature?" on Chinese Q&A site Zhihu, Wei replied "Baidu;' saying the company was evil and he never should have trusted medical ads on the search engine. The incident sparked a huge outcry on social media in China where netizens criticized Baidu for promoting false information in an area as critical as healthcare and putting profits before morals. However, Baidu said the hospital in question was a first-tier public hospital licensed by the Beijing municipal government.
Following the public outcry, Chinese authori ties including China's Cyberspace Administration Office, along with China's Industry and Commerce Administration and National Health and Family Planning Commission, launched an investigation to probe the matter. Thereafter, the Chinese government authorities ordered Baidu to block ads from unlicensed or unqual ified healthcare providers and add risk warnings to
health-related paid advertising. The government also announced a new stricter guidance over Internet adver tising effective from September 1, 2016. The new rules required Internet search companies to explicitly identify paid search results as advertisements. All online ads also had to be clearly designated as such to help users differ entiate between sponsored and organic search results. The government also imposed a 30% cap on the amount of space on each web page that could be used for adver tising. The new rules also prohibited search engines operating in China from displaying banned information in various formats including links, summaries, cached pages, associative words, related searches, and relevant recommendations. After the incident, Baidu removed 126 million paid results from 2,518 medical institutions from its searches. Li also set up a RMB 1 billion fund for any future damage claims that might arise.
Analysts said this was not the first time the company had fallen foul of regulators and public opinion for its han - dling of healthcare ads and blogs. In January 2010, Baidu was accused of selling control of some of its hemophilia related Tieba forumsgg to private hospitals, which allegedly used the platform for self-promotion and pro vided misleading information to the forum users. As early as 2008, the company was criticized on state televi sion CCTV for allowing medical paid search results for treatments that were not in the best interests of users.
Medical advertising was estimated to have contrib uted to 20-30% of Baidu's revenues. Heightened regu lation in the Chinese healthcare sector took a toll on Baidu's second-quarter results in 2016. In the April-June 2016 period, Baidu's net profit slumped 34.1% on the year to RMB 2.41 billion (US$362 million), the biggest fall in the company's 11-year history as a publicly traded entity (see Exhibit V and Exhibit VI). Revenue from its core business of online marketing, which included search engine ads, dropped 6.7% to RMB 16.4 billion. The num ber of clients decreased by 15.9% to 524,000 companies as Baidu enhanced scrutiny of ad content in line with the government regulation. Baidu's stock price valued at US$217.97 in November 2015 fell to a 52-week low of US$100 in August 2016. "I feel for Baidu here. It is, and always has been, in a difficult position. It needs to generate advertising revenue, and medical ads are a big enough part of that that it cannot simply ban them outright. If Baidu tries to regulate the ads, it faces angry pushback from its private hospital advertisers, and it also faces the difficult
rrBased in Seattle, Amazon.com, Inc. is a leading e-commerce company in the world. "Launched in 2003, Baidu Post Bar, or Tieba, is a massive online community with about 19 million discussion groups. Tieba's illness-related post bars serve
as online support groups, where patients share experiences about their diseases and treatment.
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C-38 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit V Baidu, Inc. Consolidated Statement of Income
(In RMB thousands except for share, per share (or ADS) information) Three Months Ended
June 30, September 30, March 30, June 30, September 30, 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016
Online marketing services 16,227,496 17,680,374 14,930,530 16,938,794 16,490,040
Other services 347,742 702,707 890,042 1,324,854 1,762,719
Total revenues 16,575,238 18,383,081 15,820,572 18,263,648 18,252,759
Operating costs and expenses:
Cost of revenues (6,503,020) (7,479,580) (7,563,184) (8,737,821) (9,256,370)
Selling, general and administrative (3,889,844) (5,701,859) (3,945,944) (4,194,489) (3,595,985)
Research and development (2,712,681) (2,689,970) (2,100,707) (2,464,952) (2,613,573)
Total operating costs and expenses (13,105,545) (15,871,409) (13,609,835) (15,397,262) (15,465,928)
Operating profit 3,469,693
Other income:
Interest income 612,523
Interest expense (213,522)
Foreign exchange income, net 5,396
Loss from equity method investments (2,417)
Other income, net 142,382
Total other income 544,362
Income before income taxes 4,014,055
Income taxes (762,951)
Net income 3,251,104
Less: net loss attributable (410,909)
to noncontrolling interests
Net income attributable to Baidu 3,662,013
Adapted from http//ir.baidu.com/phoenix.zhtml
question of how, exactly, an Internet search company is supposed to effectively assess the medical legitimacy of a particular hospital or treatment. There is no easy option here, no way that Baidu could have left its users and its advertisers completely satisfied,"20 said C. Custer, editor of Tech in Asia.
Li in an internal letter to employees promised to emphasize user experience over income and asked employees to put values before profit, even though the decision might have a negative impact on the company's income. "The management and employees' obsession with KPI (key performance index) has twisted our values ... and distanced ourselves from users. If we lose the support of users, we lose hold of our values, and Baidu will truly go bankrupt in just 30 days,''21 he wrote. CEO Li said that
2,511,672 2,210,737 2,866,386 2,786,831
616,171 596,120 486,857 627,308
(329,372) (268,389) (275,081) (319,899)
61,407 (66,166) 243,911 20,361
(8,856) (117,092) (554,533) (248,460)
200,625 298,119 427,738 1,271,932
539,975 442,592 328,892 1,351,242
3,051,647 2,653,329 3,195,278 4,138,073
(590,517) (674,750) (792,723) (1,045,184)
2,461,130 1,978,579 2,402,555 3,092,889
(379,939) (8,252) (11,268) (9,441)
2,841,069 1,986,831 2,413,823 3,102,330
Baidu's troubles with online medical advertising were a temporary problem, and business would improve once regulations were figured out and clients returned. In order to regain the trust of users, CEO Li planned to set up a department to edge out any behavior that might damage user experience.
Rising Competition Baidu's market share on desktop search dropped signifi cantly from 80.4% in August 2012 to 54.0% in August 201422
(see Exhibit VII). Though Baidu has been able to retain its market leadership on mobile search, this business could come under increased threat from rivals such as Qihoo 360 and Sohu. The company had been losing market share to search engines such as So.comhh and
hhSo.com was launched in 2012 by the Chinese mobile software company Qihoo 360. It is the second largest search engine in China with a 30% share of the Chinese search market by the end of 2015.
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Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution
Exhibit VI Baidu's Stock Price Chart
I Volume--l
16 Feb Mar Apr May
Source: http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com
Exhibit VII China Search Engine Market Share
(PC only)
Bing, 2.85%
Sogou, 5.20%
*Data as of August 2016.
Adapted from https://statcounter.com/
Jun Jul Aug Sep
Oct Nov Dec
(PC + Mobile)
Google, Others,
1.76% 2.81%
� Oihoo 360, 8.18%
*Shenma (Mobile only)
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Sogou.com,ii who were steadily growing their user base since 2014. Baidu also faced tough competition from Alibaba and Tencent who were vying to attract Chinese customers primarily through smartphones. Tencent's mobile messaging service Weixin/WeChat had about 800 million users as of August 2016 while Alibaba owned mobile browser UC Browser had over 500 million users globally. Reportedly, Alibaba was expected to overtake Baidu in Mobile Internet Ad Revenues in China as Baidu's share in China's digital ad market dropped to 21% in 2016 compared to 28% the previous year (see Exhibit VIII). In the second quarter of 2016, Baidu's market capital ization fell by about US$9 billion to US$55.7 billion, leaving it just a quarter of the size of its rivals Tencent and Alibaba, which enjoyed a market capitalization of US$ 227 billion and US$207 billion respectively.
Moreover, with other Chinese Internet companies rushing to launch their own search engines and the company's plans to go global where western rivals were entrenched, Baidu was set to face more serious compe tition than ever before, said some analysts. T here were also reports that Google was planning a comeback in China with a new Android app store. Commenting on
Exhibit VIII
Part 4: Case Studies
the threat from American Internet companies, Kaiser Kuo, Director of international communications at Baidu, said, "We would welcome more competition. It's even fair to say that in the years immediately following Google's depar ture, we got a little slack, put on a little weight. It was a little too easy. Google is a great company. They invested in us early on. They're now talking about coming back. That said, it's not going to be easy for them. It's been a long absence, and people's habits have solidified around other products."23
Rapid Shift Toward Mobile Internet Usage Baidu was under pressure as Internet users in China shifted from PCs to smartphones, increasingly opting for mobile devices and social networking apps rather than search engines (see Exhibit IX). Commenting on how relevant the broader search market would remain in the face of challenges from social networking apps, CEO Li said, "We face a new problem. Will search still be relevant? Going forward people can directly go to WeChat, go to Facebook . ... go to a lot of different apps. Do they still need search? And we need to worry about this problem. We need to address this kind of new consumer behavior, we need to keep innovating, we need to come up with better
Net Digital Ad Revenues in China (2013-2016)
Total digital ad spending
Total mobile Internet ad spending
Source: https://www.emarketer.com
In billions of US Dollars
2013 2014 2015 2016
4.56 6.85 9.43 12.63
4.75 5.87 7.59 9.61
0.70 1.10 1.61 2.31
0.57 0.80 1.06 1.26
0.48 0.59 0.70 0.81
0.44 0.56 0.78 1.05
16.46 23.87 31.03 39.72
Net Mobile Ad Revenues in China (2013-2016)
In millions of US Dollars
2013 2014 2015 2016
307.50 2,193.40 4,750.30 7,348.10
501.80 2,533.10 4525.10 6,695.00
83.50 307.30 513.60 992.80
0.00 265.10 474.90 729.60
13.10 180.20 271.80 390.10
919.60 7,356.50 13,977.40 22,140.20
;;Sogou is the third largest search engine in China (11% market share), after Baidu and Qihoo 360 search. In September 2013, Tencent invested US$448 million in cash in Sogou and merged its Soso search-related businesses and certain other assets with Sogou in order to reinforce and strengthen Sogou as a leader in the large and fast-growing China market for search and Internet services, particularly for the mobile platform.
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Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution C-41
Exhibit IX Mobile Search Engine Users and Penetration in China (2010-2015)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
■ Mobile search engine users ■ % of mobile Internet users
■ %Change
Mobile search engine users in millions
Adapted from China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC),33rd Statistical Report on Internet Development in China, July 26, 2016.
solutions for our users,"24 Li said. The rapid shift toward mobile usage in China contributed to a slowdown in annual revenue growth rates. During Ql 2015, Baidu's revenue per online marketing customer fell by 9.8% on flat growth in the customer base.
Baidu's mobile search monthly active users (MAUs) were 667 million in the month of June 2016, an increase of 6% year-over-year. In Ql 2016, mobile revenue repre sented 60% of total revenues, compared to 50% for the corresponding period in 2015. 25 Though the monthly active users for Baidu's mobile search rose rapidly from 540 million in Q4 2014 to 600 million in Ql 2015, Baidu was feeling margin pressure as monetization rates on mobile searches were low compared to desktop, and slowed top-line growth for Baidu. Some analysts felt that Baidu's mobile search business was at risk consid ering the rate at which it was losing market share to search engines Qihoo 360 and Shenma)i "So, with nearly $6.5 billion in 12-month revenue, the majority of which comes from search, and expected revenue growth of 54% and 40% over the next two years, respectively, expectations are high, and Baidu is yet to prove to investors that it can maintain market share. Therefore, Baidu's future doesn't
look nearly as promising as its past, and investors might be best suited by avoiding the temptation of investing in the so-called Chinese Google,"26 said Brain Nichols, an analyst at Motley Fool.
Lack of Profitability in Non-core Divisions Baidu's investment in sectors outside its dominant desktop search business weighed heavily on its profit ability. The company's operating margin fell to 15.3% at the end of September 2016 compared to 17.6% in 2015. Baidu's heavy spending to buy market share in the 020 space had raised concerns among some investors about whether the search giant had what it took to successfully differentiate itself from competitors. "I think the decision to launch 020 and video content is on the right track, but their applications and video content are not competitive enough compared with other rivals in the market making them less attractive to users,"27 said Ricky Lai, an analyst with Hong Kong-based investment holding company Guotai Junan International Holdings. CEO Li said he did not expect Baidu to improve its earnings in the short term because of its heavy spending on the 020 services busi ness. Moreover, in July 2016, he withdrew his proposed
iiShenma is a mobile search engine jointly launched by Chinese mobile Internet company UCWeb and Alibaba in 2014.
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US$2.8 billion bid to buy Baidu's entire 80.5% stake in iQiyi following objections from a major shareholder.
In addition, analysts said Baidu had to overcome some additional challenges including a slowing Chinese economy.
A New Business Model
In May 2016, CEO Li announced that Baidu would shift its business from a search-oriented model to one based on Artificial Intelligence due to a slowing revenue growth in its core search business. He said that the shift would allow the company to develop products in areas such as voice search, automatic translation, and driverless vehi cles. Baidu was exploring a sub-field of artificial intelli gence known as deep learningkk which aimed to improve search results by training computers to work more like the human brain. In September 2016, Baidu launched an artificial system called the Baidu Brain, featuring state of-the-art technology for recognizing and processing speech, images, and words and building user profiles based on big data analysis. In 2014, Baidu had opened its research facility on Deep Learning in Silicon Valley and appointed Artificial Intelligence (AI) researcher Andrew Ng as Chief Scientist of Baidu. Ng was to lead Baidu Research, with labs in Beijing and Silicon Valley. Reportedly in 2015 Baidu had stepped up its investment in research and development by 46% to US$1.6 billion compared to 2014. It had set up a US$200 million ven ture capital unit to invest in Artificial Intelligence proj ects. In August 2016, Baidu unveiled an augmented reality platform called DuSee that would allow mobile users in China to test out smartphone augmented real ity on their mobile devices. The company planned to integrate the technology directly into its flagship Mobile Baidu search app.
As part of its focus on Artificial Intelligence, in September 2016, Baidu partnered with Nvidia Corporation" to develop a computing platform for self-driving cars. Baidu began testing the cars in the US and planned to launch a practical model in the market by 2018. It had already tested its autonomous vehicle in Beijing in December 2015. Experts felt that Baidu would have a competitive advantage over other Chinese auto makers that tested their Artificial Intelligence in the US due to its local knowledge of road conditions in China. However, some analysts felt that it might take some time
Part 4: Case Studies
for Baidu to scale up. According to Cao He, an analyst with Minzu Securities in Beijing, "There is a long way ahead for Baidu and other companies trying to mass pro duce and sell autonomous driving cars. Given the wide diversity of road conditions from one place to another, it is unlikely for any company to come up with a sizable industry operation within five years."28
In order to promote Artificial Intelligence-driven healthcare, in October 2016, Baidu launched Melody, a chatbot that used Artificial Intelligence to connect with patients, ask questions, compare responses with a data base of medical information and suggest diagnoses to doctors, who could then recommend the treatment.
Baidu also planned to expand into other areas such as finance, where Li said that Baidu could poten - tially offer loans to people. The company had set up a US$3 billion investment fund called Baidu Capital to invest in start-ups.
According to some industry observers, the shift in business model would likely affect the company's short-term profitability as the investments in non-core businesses would take some time to return profits. "It will take years before the technology is mature enough for monetization. So far, there is still a lack of visibility on the prospects for these initiatives, and the search business should continue to remain the sole pillar for the company in the next few years,"29 said Alex Yao, an analyst at JPMorgan Chase & Co. mm
Can Baidu Bounce Back?
China, with about 710 million Internet users as of June 2016, was the world's fastest-growing online market. As of September 2016, Baidu continued to dominate the Chinese search engine market with a market share of 54.3% followed by Qihoo 360 (29.24%) and Sogou 14.71%. In the third quarter ended September 2016, Baidu's rev enues were RMB, 18.253 billion (US$2.737 billion), a 0.7% decrease from the corresponding period in 2015. Net income was RMB 3.102 billion (US$465.2 million), a 9.2% increase compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Revenue from online marketing ser vices decreased by 6.7% year on year and 2.6% quarter on quarter due to a slump in the number of active online marketing customers.
CEO Li said it would take some time before the revenue and profits of Baidu, which had endured a
kkDeep learning is a field related to artificial intelligence that aims to leverage computing tasks by imitating the way the human brain works. "Nvidia Corporation is a US-based visual computing technology company. mmJPMorgan Chase & Co is a US-based global financial services company.
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Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution C-43
number of setbacks in 2016, started returning to their normal pace of growth. He said the negative impact of tightened Internet advertising laws would continue in the fourth quarter of 2016 with revenue predicted to be down up to 2.2% quarter on quarter. However, some analysts feared that in the meantime Baidu's rivals might catch up and develop technologies and services that might blunt the company's competitive edge. "You can get past the regulatory hurdles but then people have to make a decision on whether the adver tising revenue growth by that point is going to be spread among a lot more players. It's hard to draw a direct line between artificial intelligence and revenue growth out side of search,''3° remarked Kirk Boodry, an analyst at research firm New Street Research.
Going forward, CEO Li planned to invest heavily in Baidu's two core growth segments-Transaction Services and Artificial Intelligence. He said that despite the lack of profitability resulting from high investment, the 020 busi ness would be a good driver of growth in revenue in the future due to a positive trend in the Chinese e-commerce industry. He said that even though Baidu's growth could continue to slip in the short term, the company was poised for solid long-term growth considering the massive growth potential in the Chinese Internet market and its competitiveness in the market. According to Li, ''Baidu will rise to new heights, as long as we maintain the trust and loyalty of our users and continue to be at the fore front of innovation. This may mean doing the hard things, but the right things, for which there is no compromise."31
,. "Baidu's (BIDU) CEO Robin Li on Q2 2016 12. K ai Pan, "Google Left China = Baidu 22. "Market Share and Broader Chinese
Results - Earnings Call Transcript;' http:// Gained = Chinese Netizens Lose;' http:// Economy Risks Will Impact Baidu;' www
seekingalpha.com, July 29, 2016. chinadivide.com, June 6, 2010. .forbes.com, September 8, 2015.
2. Rick Munarriz, "Baidu Will Bounce Back;' 13. Michele Chandler, "Baidu Takes on Alibaba 23. "Baidu is More Than Just Google of China;'
www.fool.com, June 28, 2016. In 'Land Grab' For China's 02O;'www www.pressreader.com, December 26, 2015.
3. "Baidu Grabs Search Engine Market;' www .investors.com, October 26, 2015. 24. Arjun Kharpal, "Baidu-the Google of
.china.erg, February 2, 2004. 14 . "Is Baidu Reaching Saturation?" http:// China-Eyes Expansion to US, Europe:
4. "Baidu.com, China's Market Share Search seekingalpha.com, October 17, 2016. CEO,"www.cnbc.com, July 1, 2016.
Engine Leader;' www.ruggedelegantliving 15. Michele Chandler, "Baidu Takes on Alibaba 25. "Baidu Mobile Search Users Reached
.com, July 12, 2005. in 'Land Grab' For China's 020;' www. 663 Mn in March 2016;' WWW
5. "Baidu Grabs Search Engine Market;' www investors.com, October 26, 2015. .chinainternetwatch.com,,April 29, 2016.
.china.erg, February 2, 2004. 16. "Baidu Reveals Strategy Behind Overseas 26. Brian Nichols, "3 Big Reasons Baidu's
6. "Google Sells Baidu Stake to Focus on Its Expansion;' www.chinadaily.com.cn, Success Won't Last;' www.fool.com,
Own China Site;' www.articles.latimes.com, December 17, 2015. September 15, 2014.
June 23, 2006. 17. Neelima Mahajan, "Growth Engine: China's 27. Gillian Wong and Tess Stynes, "Investment
7. "Baidu.com, Inc:' www.ipo.nasdaq.com, Search Giant Baidu;' http://knowledge in Offline Services Hits Baidu Profits;' www
July 20, 2005. .ckgsb.edu.cn, March 12, 2013. .wsj.com, July 27, 2015.
8. "Baidu Shares More than Quadruple in 18. Arjun Kharpal, "Baidu-the Google of 28. "Baidu Enters the Global Race for Driverless
Debut;' www.chinadaily.com, August 6, China-Eyes Expansion to US, Europe: Car Domination, www.bloomberg.com,
2005. CEO;' www.cnbc.com, July 1, 2016. January 25, 2016.
9. "For Us, Buy Us;' WWW. 19. Neelima Mahajan, "Growth Engine: China's 29. "Baidu's Vision of Future: Robot Taxis,
thebusinessofamericaisbusiness.biz, Search Giant Baidu;' http://knowledge Chinese Home Gadgets;'www.bloomberg
December 3, 2006. .ckgsb.edu.cn, March 12, 2013. .com, September 1, 2016.
10. "For Us, Buy Us;' www 20. C. Custer, "Baidu's Problem Goes Way 30. David Ram Ii, "Baidu Delivers More Bad
.thebusinessofamericaisbusiness.biz, Deeper Than a Dead College Student;' News to Investors as China Curbs Ads;'
December 3, 2006. www.techinasia.com, May 3, 2016. www.bloomberg.com, July 29, 2016.
11. Jonathan Watts, "The Man Behind China's 21. Bien Prez, "After a Crisis-Filled Second 31. "Baidu's (BIDU) CEO Robin Li on Q2 2016
Answer to Google: Accused by Critics of Quarter, Online Search Giant Baidu Looks Results-Earnings Call Transcript;' httpJ/
Piracy and Censorship;' www.guardian to Better Days Ahead,"www.scmp.com, seekingalpha.com, July 29, 2016.
. co.uk, December 8, 2005. July 28, 2016 .
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C-44 Part 4: Case Studies
Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW
By Olaf J. Groth, Ph.D., Eleonora Ferrero and Aleksey Malyshev
Norbert Riedheim, the head of BMW's Future Car group, which is situated between BMW's global strategy, mar keting and research and development (R&D) units, has just been informed that three automakers have received California permits to test an on-road autonomous auto mobile: Google testing on a Toyota car, Volkswagen's Audi, and Mercedes-Benz. BMW did not apply, because the company was in the process of developing a rela tionship with Baidu, the Chinese Google-like Internet company, to start testing in Shanghai and Beijing. At the same time, Apple announced its electric-autonomous iCar concept. However, BMW has been making signifi cant investments in the space of autonomous driving and reconfirmed its intentions to lead in this space during its recent shareholder meetings.
Reviewing BMW's innovation legacy, the state of the autonomous auto ecosystem, and a range of critical uncertainties, Riedheim thinks about potential alterna tive futures for the evolution of the space. His reflections are driven by a need to present a strategy to the Board of BMW during an upcoming high stakes meeting. What kind of business should BMW aim to be over the next 10 to 15 years? What are its aspirations? What strategy should the company pursue and why?
Introduction 1
Norbert Riedheim, the head of BMW's Future Car group in its global research and development (R&D) division, has just been informed that three automakers have received California permits to test an on-road autonomous automobile: Google testing on a Toyota car, Volkswagen's Audi, and Mercedes-Benz. BMW did not apply for the permit because the company was
in the process of developing a relationship with Baidu, the Chinese Google-like Internet company, to start testing similar automobiles in Shanghai and Beijing. Given the rapidly changing scenarios, he wonders what position BMW should aspire to, and what their strategy should be.
Riedheim has been in Silicon Valley and knows all those companies well, and enjoys friendly relations with management and even selective partnerships with Google. He knows that in the era of "co-opetition" new technologies and new alliances can change the chess board of innovation very quickly. In order for the com pany to remain relevant for the next 20 years, he and his colleagues need to be vigilant and stay on top of the latest developments in the ecosystem of autonomous driving. BMW is focused and committed to developing auton omous vehicles, as evidenced by CEO Harald Krueger revealing at a BMW's recent shareholder meeting that the company is gearing up to launch its first autonomous vehicle by 2021: ''. .. the BMW iNEXT, our new innova tion driver, with autonomous driving, digital connectivity, intelligent lightweight design, a totally new interior and ulti mately bringing the next generation of electro-mobility to the road."1
Riedheim is excited by this bold vision. He has been at the company for a long time in different positions. Having signed on with the automaker right after his graduate studies in engineering, he spent 3 years as an assistant to the general manager of a factory producing the 3-series sedan, followed by shorter stints in supply chain, marketing and finally product management for the company's i3-series, the company's first foray into electric mobility. Having witnessed the engineering and marketing prowess of his employer, he is confident that BMW will master the autonomous challenge as well. Yet, Riedheim knows that the evolution of the autonomous automobile is still in its very beginning stages. How will
'Some names of certain persons and programs are being used for narrative purposes. They are either fictitious or have been altered. Narrative statements on the part of these persons do not necessarily represent the official views or opinions of the companies mentioned in this case.
Professor Olaf Groth of Hult International Business School, with assistance from Eleonora Ferrero and Aleksey Malyshev (both Hult MBAs, 2014), devel oped this fictitious case based on discussions with various company officials and from published materials. It is not meant as an endorsement or critique of any particular company, nor intended to be a source of primary data.
Acknowledgement I The authors wish to thank the helpful people of Quid.com for making their technology available for the illustrations which appear in Figures 2 and 3 in this case and for their tireless counsel on its use and value.
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Case 3: Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW
this new world evolve and how will BMW evolve its position in it? What will he say about BMW's emerg ing strategy in his upcoming briefing with an important BMW board member?
He goes back to his desk, and reviews the facts once more.
A Brief History of BMW
The automaker got its start as a manufacturer of aircraft engines in Munich, Germany, in March 1916 and turned into a motorcycle and automobile company in 1928.2
Since then, BMW has manufactured motorcycles and cars. It is most well known for its high-quality cars in the upper segment of the market. After WWII the company had to restore its manufacture and reputation. The first car that started a new era for BMW was the 501 model, a famous classic today that quickly established the com pany as a producer of high-quality, technically advanced cars. Most prominent among its superior engineering capabilities are its engines, which many experts attribute to its early legacy in aero-turbines ("turbine" still being the nickname of its 6-cylinder car engines). In 1973 the factory in Munich started building the BMW 2002 turbo engine. This was the same year that the first oil crisis hit the western world, which had become dependent on cheap gas. Sales of gas-guzzling volume-produced per formance cars slumped and BMW started to develop a strong skillset in more fuel-efficient turbo-diesel engines.
In 1990 the Bavarians, leveraging their competency in making high-agility, precision steering, introduced a new kind of rear axle that allows the rear wheels to turn a few degrees in the same direction as the front wheel. This improved car stability in turns at high speed, as well as the fun of the driving experience by a BMW driver, which is central to BMW's value proposition. Since then, few other manufacturers have managed to match this active handling experience, which today is a hallmark of the BMW brand.
In 2001 the company built another competency, this time pioneering cutting edge electronics: a new kind of "head unit" (the control and entertainment console that sits in the center of a dashboard). It was called "iDrive" and it allowed operating the unit easily with a joystick-like knob giving tactile feedback to the driver, without having to take his or her eyes off the road. iDrive had been developed in collaboration with BMW's Technology Office in Palo Alto, at the heart of Silicon Valley. After an initial period of drivers' adjustment to the new technology and user interface, the iDrive and various iDrive-like derivatives quickly became a
common feature in luxury and performance automobiles of many brands.
Finally, on January 8th 2014 during the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas, BMW demonstrated its first fully automated car prototypes based on its regular car models. 3 The car uses 360 degree radar technology, as well as a set of other sensors including cameras and ultrasound to accelerate, steer, and brake without driver intervention. The company also demonstrated another feature called "Emergency Stop Assistant;' which will pull the vehicle to the side of the road, stop, and acti vate an emergency call in case the driver experiences an unexpected health condition, such as fainting, a heart attack or a stroke.4 These advancements demonstrated the ability of BMW to stay on top of the new technology.
A litany of prizes and awards recognized BMW's strengths:
■ Brand reputation: BMW is acknowledged worldwide as a successful carmaker. In 2012, Forbes elected BMW as the most reputable business in the world, and in 2016 it became the second most valuable brand in the auto motive industry, with a market value of $26.4 billion.5
■ Handling, engines and traction motors: BMW was able to become a market leader in the production of engines, which led the company to win several 'engine of the year' awards, in an industry where technology is a top priority and competition is fierce.
■ Information technology integration: BMW was able to integrate technology innovation in its vehicles, winning international prizes such as the Berthold Leibinger Innovation award in 2014 for its laser-light technology and the Autoblog's 2014 Technology of the Year award for the whole technology suite work ing together on the BMW i8.6
■ Environmentally friendly vehicles: BMW researched dual fuel engines, hydrogen-driven cars, and hybrid electric cars. Furthermore, 80% of its automobiles are made from recycled and recyclable materials.7 The Brand won the World Green Car of the Year Award in 2015 at the New York International Auto Show8
and at the 2014 Los Angeles Auto Show, BMW was presented with the Green Car of the Year Award from the Green Car Journal for the BMWi3.9
The Ecosystem of Autonomous Driving Today
The idea of cars driving themselves has existed for a few decades, since the early days of Tsukuba Lab in Japan in 1977 and the European EUREKA Prometheus project
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in 1987. But only recently, with the advances in com puter technology, has it become a reality. The 2004, 2005, and 2007 Urban Challenges conducted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the U.S. yielded significant advances, with cars eventually completing a 132-mile course successfully as exemplified by the winner of the 2005 DARAP Urban Challenge: Stanford University's VW Touareg "Stanley."
The domain of autonomous driving promises stun ning prospects as well as some key uncertainties. It is at the intersection of large opportunity and the uncertainty of a number of future trends that could affect the domain to take a turn in one direction or another. According to Navigant Research, annual sales of autonomous vehicles could reach nearly 95 million by 2035.10 Morgan Stanley analysts also believe that self-driving cars will change the auto industry.11
At the core of the self-driving car is state-of-the art microprocessors, i.e., computer chips called Central Processing Units (CPU) or Graphical Processing Units (GPU). GPUs are CPUs that have special capabilities related to processing imagery or graphics. Two major players in the microprocessor technology market are working on the hardware for self-driving cars-Intel,12
maker of CPUs and NV IDIA, maker of GPUs. Recently, through cooperation with these Silicon Valley stars, car manufacturers globally have obtained processing tech nology that powers critical components to allow them to build self-driving cars. Several companies and research centers13 are working on an even more powerful type of processor-Quantum Computers that will be able to handle massive computational tasks in parallel-a quality essential for the artificial intelligence needed for autonomous driving. With Google recently joining the effort,14 the prospect of creating one (quantum com puter?) becomes more realistic.
There are different levels of self-driving, which means 'autonomous automobile' can mean different things to different people. For BMW to craft a more nuanced strategy, the company will need to draw the distinction between the different modes of the car's autonomous assistance for the driver:
Self-parking: A car with this feature can park itself without driver intervention. This is primarily a convenience feature for most drivers, but can also aid drivers that are physically impaired. It can help avoiding fender-bender accidents that may increase car insurance costs.
Part 4: Case Studies
Lane control: Helps the driver to steer though curv ing highway roads. This is mainly a security feature that helps drivers to avoid potentially dangerous accidents like the car driving into oncoming traffic or veering off the road. Speed control in heavy traffic: This feature goes a bit further by allowing the driver to let the car nav igation system accelerate and slow down the vehi cle when the car moves in a traffic jam. This adds the driver some relief to an otherwise tiring journey through tough traffic conditions. Fully automated car: The highest level of automa tion is achieved when the car can drive itself in any conditions, including driving through crossroads and crosswalks with or through traffic lights, making turns, changing lanes, keeping distance with other vehicles, and responding to any kind of emergency situations. In this case the driver inputs the desti nation into the navigation system and allows it to drive. This feature has been widely discussed as the future of mobility. Most drivers would spend their time being entertained, being social, or being pro ductive in their cars.
Fully Automated Cars: The Competitive Landscape While BMW15 and Audi16 have already presented proto types of fully automated cars, other car manufacturers are developing and testing partial autonomy approaches. Toyota/Lexus are working on the concept of assisted driving. Tesla recently announced that it is already installing navigation hardware on its cars,17 although its system is not intended to take full control either, but rather provide assistance for the driver to improve safety. GM first invested $500M in ride-hailing company Lyft and then the two companies announced plans to test a fleet of autonomous Chevrolet Bolt electric taxis on the road within a year.18
Other players are more skeptical: Volvo's head of R&D, Peter Mertens, has been very direct in saying that the prospect of a driver reading a newspaper or answer ing e-mails while driving "is a very, very long term vision:' 19 The carmaker is concentrated on safety instead, such as object avoidance and more traditional protection such as material strength. Yet, in a surprising twist, that same year, (which year?) Uber's Founder and Co-CEO Travis Kalanick, started to hire dozens of autonomous auto experts at leading technical institutions, and it was
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Case 3: Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW C-47
Figure 1 Select Carmaker Competitors Positioning for Autonomous Driving
C 0
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E 0 ...
0 Cl> Cl>
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• Tesla
2016 2017 2018 2019
The chart above represents projected year of availability of Autonomous Automobiles for some car manufacturers. The size of the bubbles corresponds to the total car production by the company for the year 2013. The X axis shows the year in which car makers are expected to go to market with their versions of autonomous cars. The Y axis shows the degree of autonomy, as described above.
Volvo with its well-established reputation of making some of the safest automobiles on the road, that heeded the call to partner.20
Along similar lines, Ford engineer Torsten Wey opined that he does not believe cars will ever be fully autonomous: "I doubt we will ever get there;' he said.21
According to Wey there are situations when the car's autopilot is not intelligent enough to make decisions. T he human driver does not only consider behavior of his own car, but also takes into account behaviors of others. Experienced drivers can intuitively predict what other cars on the road will do and act accord ingly, augmenting the measurable data of the moment with their own experience. For instance, when a driver sees a car in front of them slow down to turn into a restaurant parking lot, the driver can judge that the car will likely not stop right there in the middle of the lane, based on subtle contextual clues and a life time of learning. A computerized system, however, does not yet have that intuition and will not acquire it for a long time. Yet earlier, Ford tripled its auton omous vehicle development fleet and accelerated its on-road software and sensor testing.22
Clearly, automakers are in an uncomfortable dance of cautioning expectations yet forging ahead full steam. But this diversity of signals, views and
approaches between car makers is only the beginning of a complex picture: as a seasoned, technology-savvy strategist, Norbert Riedheim knows that competition may not only come from established players, but also from new entrants into a given market: BMW needs to anticipate.
One of these new entrants is Internet giant Google, which demonstrated its self-driving car in the sum mer of 2014. The technological program at the heart of the Google car is called Google Chauffeur. 23 It is an example of a truly driverless car that can move itself in a targeted, pre-programmed fashion from point A to point B using advanced sensors that collect and interpret data from the environment. This is enabled by multiple Google technologies, including its Maps navigation technology. Google uses a Toyota-brand vehicle for testing its autonomous driving system, but it is not in a formal joint venture with the firm and could still choose any other automaker as a partner. 24
Being cash-rich, the company could also develop its own car, as has been successfully demonstrated by Tesla.
Alternatively, much like Tesla, Google could coop erate with an established carmaker (in Tesla's case it was a design collaboration with Lotus in the UK). Along those lines, the company announced its new self-driving
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technology development center in Novi, Michigan, in May 2016 and one of the first projects at the new facility will be the self-driving Chrysler Pacifica hybrid minivan, developed in-house.25
But given its deep pockets, Google could conceiv ably also still buy an ailing carmaker, such as Saab, still struggling to recover after its purchase by National Electric Vehicles Sweden (NEVS), which is owned by Hong Kong-based energy company National Modern Energy Holdings. Or it could approach Volkswagen to take over the Seat or Skoda subsidiary, which seem to be duplicating each other's offerings in the VW brands family.
To further complicate things, it is not just in the visible corners of the technology world that prominent companies like Google are working on autonomous automobiles and from which sudden advances could emerge. In start-ups, universities, and R&D centers around the world, leading technologists are work ing on pre-commercial solutions. In early 2013 there were multiple reports about companies and individ uals who were working on an affordable self-driving feature. One of them is Professor Paul Newman from Oxford University who works on self-driving technol ogy that utilizes cheap sensors. 26 Also, Intel awarded the top prize in its Gordon E. Moore competition27 to a Romanian teenager for using artificial intelligence to create a viable model for a low-cost, self-driving car. One company took it a step further and designed a commercial self-driving accessory that can be installed on selected models of compatible cars with sensors mounted on the rooftop. It is a startup called Cruise,28
which emerged from a Silicon Valley incubator, Y-Combinator, and started accepting pre-orders for it assisted driving system in mid-2014. In March 2016, Cruise was acquired by GM, which appears to be interested in integrating the system into the design of its own cars.
Another critical element of autonomous driving mapping and location services-is also flourishing glob ally, especially in Europe. Nokia Corporation's former mapping business, HERE-based in Berlin-provides an open platform for cloud-based maps. HERE is not only the main alternative to Google Maps, but also the market leader in built-in car navigation systems. According to Nokia's website,29 four out of five cars in North America and Europe feature HERE integrated in-dash navigation. Not surprisingly, in August 2015 BMW, Audi, and Daimler announced their acquisition
Part 4: Case Studies
of HERE.30 These 3 automobile companies will be directly controlling an essential part of the autono mous automobiles' value chain-mapping and location services-while securing the supply of critical geo location data in their automobiles.
It would be wrong to limit the ecosystem view to traditional geographies, like Silicon Valley in the U.S., or other entrepreneurial hubs like Berlin in Europe and R&D labs in Japan that have been strong in auto motive or IT innovation for decades. A look into the future of the automobile has to take into account developments in Asia. For instance, autonomous taxi startup nuTonomy announced a pilot in Singapore that it could become the first company to operate Level-4 driverless taxis commercially in a city. 31 And, as men - tioned, BMW selected Baidu as its partner in the Chinese market when, in the Fall of 2014, it needed a high resolution GPS system to start testing in Shanghai and Beijing, two of the most demanding, densely populated, and vast automotive markets in the world. And now Baidu claims it is developing its own automated car, but unlike Google, it works on driver assistance and is not a fully self-driving car.
The Chinese market is already the largest and the fastest growing in the world, with 18 million cars sold in 2013,32 a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2005 and 2012 of 18.1 %, and an expected 6.3% average year-over-year growth through 2020 making it a tremendously important market for BMW.
Luckily, BMW made an early, courageous decision to enter the Chinese market, benefiting from the excellent relationships held by a former BMW board member and former government executive in charge of the compa ny's government relations. The effort bore fruit: in 2013 BMW sold 390,713 cars in China, up 20% from a year earlier. This meant that China had officially overtaken the U.S. (375,782 cars sold) as the group's biggest market and had outpaced the overall company's market growth of 13.9 percent.33
As Riedheim leans back in his sleek BMW carbon fiber chair, he wonders how this ecosystem might evolve and how should BMW position itself within it? W hat are some plausible, alternative futures? Having stud ied disruptive innovation and strategy throughout the years, Riedheim knows that big bets often don't pay off because too many variables in a market forecast change. So, understanding these alternative futures first will help him to craft a strategy that is robust against different market states.
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Case 3: Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW C-49
Figure 2 Investments and Resources as Represented by Patent Growth in Key Technology Spaces Related to Autonomous
Automobiles (Graphic Developed Through Quid.com)
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This image shows the vast expanse of the technology ecosystem that contributes intellectual property and capabilities to the
domain of autonomous automobiles. The volume of innovation is substantial and hints at the commercial promise that innova
tors see in this area. In the last five years the following patents have been registered: 208 for Component Automatization, 168 for
Lighting Technology, 119 for Server Technology, 118 for Driving Mechanism Technology, 101 for Energy and Battery Technology,
94 for Heavy Machinery Technology, 87 for Internet Protocols & Communication, and finally 81 for Autonomous Driving & Driver
Assistance. Please see the Appendix for a list of the Most Frequent All Original Patent Assignees and Locations of Origin.
Exploring the Future
Through his work with design consultancies over the years, Riedheim has learned that this exploration first requires a clear view of all the uncertainties that could combine to pivot the market and ecosystem in one direc tion or another.
Key Uncertainties Many uncertainties related to self-driving automobiles will prompt both business executives and policy makers to take action of one kind or another. In this complex ecosystem issues emerge in six different areas:
■ Social: Who will use self-driving cars? Autonomous vehicles can be used to transport people who
cannot drive, either because they are elderly, too young, physically or visually impaired. A car that today is driven by a family member can become an independent transportation vehicle for all fam ily members, even those under 18 and without a driver's permit. However, it is not clear if, or how, this technology might be adopted by the consumer majority. What will be their aspirations, concerns, anxieties, and potential mistakes? Additionally, the permissible behaviors allowed in the car itself will depend on whether the vehicle is fully self-driving. For instance, driver-passengers could be able to spend their time in the car messaging, reading, or working. Drinking alcohol might also be permissible, since the fully autonomous car will not require any interven tion by the passenger ... or will it? What if systems
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fail and driver-passengers are required to become active drivers?
■ Technological: Today self-driving cars are possible because of the existing hardware and software tech nology. However, as described, there are both cars with fully self-driving features pre-installed (such as Google's car), and systems like Cruise, which can allow other cars to become self-driving. The devel opment cost of these technologies differs widely and will influence pricing to consumers and hence the adoption response by consumers: for instance, a survey by JD Power and Associates found that only 20% of Americans currently would 'definitely' or 'probably' buy a self-driving car if the price was only $30.000.34
■ Economic: Firstly, there are of course various crises in Asia, the U.S. and Europe that have depressed consumer spending over the past two decades. Will the global and regional economies recover suffi ciently to enable consumers to replace their vehicles with new, unproven autonomous ones, or would they resort to buying pre-owned vehicles that are cheaper and use more established technologies? Secondly, self-driving vehicles will impact different market players. Insurance companies might change their business models based on a lower rate of acci dents. Driverless vehicles may allow some com panies to save money on drivers (such as taxi or bus companies). Also at the national level, research from The University of Texas35 estimated that if just 10% of vehicles were self-driving, a country such as the U.S. could save about $37 billion a year on healthcare and environmental costs. For the same reason, the U.K. government has announced its commitment to spend £10 million on a test-bed for self-driving cars.36 Finally, the cost and purchasing power in different regions will weigh into the mar ket economics in different ways, since self-driving cars will change the current production process and countries will facilitate autonomous automobile adoption among consumers in different ways and along different timelines.
■ Environmental: Pollution regulations will change, considering the new emissions generated by self-driving cars, which may be lower than the emissions generated by cars today. This assumption is based on two main factors: first, autonomous
Part 4: Case Studies
vehicles will be able to optimize their consumption by themselves based on road conditions as well as acceleration and breaking behavior, and sec ond, electric cars and smart charging infrastruc ture may at some point converge on autonomous automobiles, such that gasoline could become obsolete.
■ Legal: Self-driving cars have to be explicitly legal and encouraged by regulators, not just be toler ated as a dubious "gray area:' Bad or lagging leg islation could slow down the investment required and therefore the development of the technol ogy. Furthermore, authorities have to develop new liability frameworks to answer the following questions: who has what kind of influence over autonomous cars " misbehaving" and who will therefore bear the legal and financial responsibil ity? Would it be the driver, the software or the IT hardware provider, the data processing companies, the telecom companies linking cars wirelessly, the application providers for different functionalities that may have little to do to with driving but could interfere with behavior in the car, the car manu facturer, or the company responsible for the car's maintenance?
■ Ethical: Two main aspects represent key uncertain ties in this area. The first issue concerns privacy: what information will be collected by autonomous automobiles, and who has access to it? The second point regards safety. How can autonomous cars be prevented from being hacked, getting virus-infected, and being used for remote criminal activities such as terrorist attack or drug delivery? How does society address computer-savvy minors hacking into cars and sending them on remote joy rides? Will physi cally or visually impaired passengers be at the mercy of malfunctioning autonomous driving intelligence?
To get more information about these and many other uncertainties and assumptions, both governments and private companies have started to experiment. In the U.S., California, Nevada, and Florida allow com panies to use self-driving cars on the road for testing purposes. 37 Meanwhile, BMW has tested its self-driving car in Europe, and recently also got permission from the Chinese government to test its cars in Shanghai and Beijing.
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Case 3: Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW C-51
Figure 3 Map of "Hot Topics" Related to Autonomous Driving that Gained Public Attention on the Internet (Graphic Developed
Through Quid.com)'
This graphic shows some of the key uncertainties from a public perspective, as articulated through news and other coverage on
the Internet. It demonstrates that many of the issue areas are interconnected, supporting the point that the autonomous car is a
complex system of systems with 2nd and 3rd order effects that could be undesirable and are on the minds of consumers and
legislators, i.e., potential buyers, for that reason.
But Riedheim knows time is critical: the Board will feel that BMW has to make the strategic investment, partnering, and positioning decisions now, even absent perfect information, if they are to be at the forefront. Questions he'll need to be ready to answer:
1. Strategic challenge/aspiration: Given the chang ing scenario, what kind of business should BMW aim to be over the next 10 to 15 years? What are its aspirations?
2. Objectives: What are the key metrics that would indicate BMW met the challenge and achieved its goal?
3. Opportunity: What is the size of the opportunity for BMW?
4. Competitive advantages: Given BMW's current competencies, ( e.g., internal capabilities, market
positions), which ones will be hard to replicate in the emerging automobile industry ecosystem? (carmak ers, Internet companies, technology startups, R&D labs, governments, insurance companies, suppliers, etc.)? Which ones does it still need to build and develop, and why?
S. Moves: What concrete immediate actions should BMW take now to build external positions and internal capabilities? What types of hurdles or failures are possible and should be accepted as part of the entrepreneurial path? What kind of learning milestones should the company set for itself?
As Riedheim sits down to start work on these ques tions, he knows the burden on him is considerable: the future of this iconic company is at stake.
'The authors wish to thank the helpful people of Quid.com for making their technology available for this case and for their tireless counsel on its use and value. DO YOU NEED THIS HERE SINCE YOU HAVE AT THE START? WOULD ELIMINATE.
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C-52 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 1 Emergent Strategy System (ESS) and Tools
Emergent Strategy System
Helps you think about strategy as a system that refines itself, continuously adjustin g rather than finishing somewhere to accommodate uncertainty and change
A diagnosed execution ambition or problem
Things to do:
• Considerations: simplified, streamlined, clearly framed, not holistic, not a list, not necessarily consensus
Types: Actions, Decisions, Offerings, Experiments, Learning, Decisions, Configurations, Communication, etc. • Considerations:
Challenge What we want
Industry participants pre-emption or reactions, other hurdles, etc.
Execution: Moves,
Hurdles & Discoveries /�
How 1;:;:
:in &
Objectives How we know we succeeded/ what we gain
A set of attributes and aspects of the offering or
\ execution that is hard to replicate: • Types: Products,
Capabilities, Positions, Assets, Business model, Installed base, Lock-in, Brand, Chain links, Path dependency, Scale & Scope economies, Supply chain, Logistics, Cross-selling, etc.
• Considerations: strengths & weaknesses vis-a-vis whom? how do they support or impede the value creation logic?
Advantages How we win
Opportunites What we aim at/ where we play
A concrete, tangible, plausible, achievable aim: • Growth, Profitability,
Customer satisfaction, Market share, Shareholder value, ROA/ROI, Quality, Brand, Cost, Risk, Org culture, Employee development, Sustainability, Stakeholder engagement, etc.
Wind-tunneled through uncertainty
A positive pivot under uncertain futures • External: Old v. new markets,
spaces, segments, needs, pilot RFPs, deals, gaps, etc.
• Internal: Openings for process improvement, re-structuring, re alignment, etc.
• Both subject to critical uncertainties
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Case 3: Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW C-53
Exhibit 1 (cont.) Emergent Strategy System (ESS) and Tools
Tools and Frameworks for the ESS
Analysis can be conducted and insights can be gained with these concepts and frameworks, amongst others ... But quality output is the priority over framework use.
• Vertical v. horizontal v. diagonal integration in value chains & grids
• Campaigns for competition under strategic interdependence (CSI)
• Blue Ocean - four actions and value mapping
• Low-cost competitors
Challenge What we want
Challenge definition - always identify the highest order challenge first, then "unpack" it or break it down: 1. A meaningful, unmet business aspiration 2. An observed, business-critical, high-impact problem
• Downturn pricing • Strategic agility • Frugal innovation • Open innovation
(not discussed)
Execution: Moves,
Hurdles & Discoveries
How we win & /earn
/ � Objectives
How we know we succeeded/ what we gain
• Tangible goal posts that, e.g. value created, products created/sold, costs to be reduced, revenue attained, profit made, market share held, customer satisfaction scores received, geographies or parts-of populations covered, strategic optionality built, etc.
• Markets with network effects
• Business model innovation (not discussed) \ ~
• Sustainable competitive\
advantage • Strategic resources &
capabilities • Core competency • Positioning vis-a-vis
customers & competirors • Futurized Five Foces • Defensibility of platforms and
value chain positions • Strategic agility
)�( 7 Advantages Why we win
Opportunities What we aim at/ where we play
• Market future evolution (STEEPLE uncertainties and scenarios)
• Futurized 5+ Forces
• Market concentration • Value chain segments • Fit & feasibility/attractiveness • Desirable total addressable
market funnel • Futurized market segmentation • Buyer profiles • Futurized or relational SWOT
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C-54 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 2 BMW Autonomou s Car38
BMW's robocar
Advanced sat nav gives a highly accurate position for the car
�----------------tHigh definition camera A stereo camera (with two lenses) feeds video to image
recognition software to identify white lines and road signs
�-----------------a.The human The "driver" is actually a passenger and is free
to use the phone or internet, or watch the entertainment screen
Ultrasonic sensorsH-rr�- -1--�1----:;��--::J:�-
Com uter Analyses all of the data to build up a complete picture Small sensors are
fitted to the side of the car to warn of obstacles
A 3D laser scanner, known as Lidar, maps surrounding vehicles and objects
Exhibit 3 Financial Data
of the road around the car. It then
issues commands to accelerate, brake
Radio waves are used to judge the distance between the BMW and the car in front
or steer
BMW Income Statement 201339
In€ million Notes 2013 2012
Revenues 14 60,474 58805
Cost of sales -47,067 -46,252
Gross profit 13,407 12,553
Selling expenses -3,528 -3,684
Administration expenses -2,141 -1,701
Research and development expenses -4,362 -3,573
Other operating income and expenses 15- 542 703 16-
Result on investments 17- 373 598
Financial result 18- -328 -99
Profit from ordinary activities 3,963 4,797
Income taxes 19- -1,629 -1,635
Other taxes -45 -31
Net Profit 2,289 3,131
Transfer to revenue reserves 20- -582 -1,491
Unappropriated profit available for distribution 1,707 1,640
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Case 3: Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW C-55
Exhibit 3 (cont.) Financial Data
BMW in Figures 201340
2013 2012 Change in%
Revenues €million 60,474
Export ratio % 81.5
Automobiles' units 2,006,366
Motorcycles units 110,127
Sales volume
Automobiles' units 1,995,903
Motorcyles units 110,039
Capital expenditure €million 3,203
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses €million 1,732
Workforce at end of year 77,110
Tangible, intangible and investment losses €million 12,8332
Current assets, prepayments and surplus of pension €million 20,932
and similar plan assets over liabilities
Subscribed capital €million 656
Reserves €million 8,166
Equity €million 10,529
as% of tangible, intangible and investment assets % 82.0
Balance sheet total €million 33,765
Cost of materials €million 43,402
Personnel costs €million 6,419
Taxes €million 1,674
Net profit €million 2,289
Dividend €million 1,7073
per share of common stock with a per value of€ 1 each € 2.603
per share of preferred stock with a per value of€ 1 each € 2.623
'Including supplies of series parts to BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., Shenyang.
'Including transfer of non-current assets in conjunction with merger of BMW Peugeot Citroen Electrification GmbH, Munich.
'Proposed by the Board of Management.
BMW Research and Development 201341
'Research and development expenditure for the year rose by 21.3 % to€ 4,792 million, mostly for projects aimed at securing the
Group's future business (2012: € 3,952 million). The research and development ratio was 6.3 %, 1.2 percentage points higher than in
the previous year (2012: 5.1 %).
The ratio of capitalised development costs to total research and development costs for the period (capitalisation ratio) was 36.4 % (2012:
27.6 %). Amortisation of capitalised development costs totalled€ 1,069 million (2012: € 1,130 million). Further information on research
and development expenditure is provided in the section Results of Operations, Financial Position and Net Assets and in note 10 to the
Group Financial Statements.
Total research and development expenditure, comprising research costs, development costs not recognised as assets on the one hand
and capitalised development costs excluding the scheduled amortisation thereof on the other, was as follows:'
in€ million 2013 2012
Research and development expenses
New expenditure for capitalized development costs
Total research and development expenditure
-1, 130
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Exhibit 4 Google Car
Google driving to be driverless
Google's modified Toyota Prius uses an array of sensors to navigate public roads without a human driver. Other components, not shown, include a GPS receiver and an inertial motion sensor.
[aser-guidecl mai:,i:,ing>-----------�
A rotating sensor with lasers called a LIDAR on the roof scans more than 200 feet in all directions to generate a precise three dimensional map of the car's surroundings.
A camera mounted near the rear-view mirror detects traffic lights and helps the car's onboard computers recognize moving obstacles such as pedestrians and bicyclists.
Position estimator;
A sensor mounted on the left rear wheel measures small movements made by the car and helps to accurately locate its position on the map.
Four standard automotive radar sensors, three in front and one in the rear, help determine the positions of distant objects.
Source: The New York nmes
Exhibit S Patents by Most Frequent All Original Assignees & Most Frequent Filing Location
Most Frequent Original Company Assignee
Google Inc Gm Global Technology Operations Inc Gen Motors Global Operation Technology
Daimler Ag Hyundai Motor Co Ltd Electronics & Telecom Res Inst Valeo Schalter & Sensoren Gmbh Siemens Ag Bosch Gmbh Robert
Most Frequent Original Filling Location
United States of America World Intellectual Property Organization Germany
China Republic of Korea Japan European Patent Office United Kingdom
Part 4: Case Studies
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Case 3: Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW C-57
1. Abhimanyu Ghoshal, BMW will launch its Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com com/for-10-dollars-000-your-car-can-drive
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C-58 Part 4: Case Studies
An Examination of the Long-term Healthcare Industry in the USA
David Thornblad Ph.D. Zachary Sumner
According to the most recent National Population Projections provided by the United States Census, the following two demographic trends are expected to occur:
1. From 2015 to 2060, the percentage of people aged 65 and older will grow from 14.88% to 23.55% of the population. It is the only age group that will grow as a percentage of the population. (Exhibit 1)
2. From 2015 to 2060, life expectancy for men will increase from 77.1 to 84 years of age and from 81.7 to 87.1 for women. (Exhibit 2)
These trends suggest that there will be increased demand for services that cater to a large demographic of aging people who will live longer than previous genera tions. As people age, the demand for healthcare increases. One study found that people aged 65 to 74 spend about 3 times more on healthcare-related expenses than 35-to 44-year-olds; those 75 and older spend over 5 times as much (Reinhardt, 2003). Consequently, the size of the long-term healthcare industry has been estimated to be between $210.9 and $317.1 billion dollars (Harris-Kojetin L, 2016), and the healthcare and social assistance industry is expected to be the largest employing sector during the next decade (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). Seeing
an opportunity to fulfill this need, a host of firms have rushed to take advantage of these changing demographics.
Health-related Services for An Aging Population
A general term for the services these firms provide is 'long-term' and 'post-acute' healthcare. Post-acute encompasses an array of healthcare services after an injury, illness, or disability. It is estimated that 35% of patients need follow-up care after they are discharged from the hospital (Genesis Healthcare, 2016, p. 3). Some of the common services that are provided are:
■ Home Healthcare: These services allow patients to remain at home and still receive any medical sup port they require. Healthcare providers come to the patient's home to take vital signs (blood pressure, temperature), make sure the patient is eating and drinking, and taking their medication (Medicare, 2016). It is generally less expensive than a hospital or skilled nursing facility.
■ Rehabilitation Services: These services can be pro vided in many settings (hospitals, skilled nursing centers, at home) and seek to restore or improve a patient's independence after an injury.
■ Skilled Nursing Facilities: These facilities provide skilled nurses on a twenty-four hour basis to patients
Exhibit 1 Percent Distribution of the Projected Population by Sex and Selected Age Groups for the United States: 2015 to 2060
Under 18 years
18 to 64 years
65 years and over
(U.S. Census Bureau, 2014a)
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060
21.22% 20.91% 20.56%
58.16% 57.69% 57.78%
20.62% 21.39% 21.66%
19.90% 19.75%
57.40% 56.70%
22.70% 23.55%
Exhibit 2 Projected Life Expectancy at Birth: 2015 to 2060
Both sexes
(U.S. Census Bureau, 2014b)
2015 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060
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Case 4: An Examination of the Long-term Healthcare Industry in the USA
that do not require more advanced services that a hospital can provide.
■ Assisted/Senior Living Facilities: These facilities pro vide simpler services to elderly patients who do not need twenty-four hour care. These facilities offer meals, medication management, hygiene support, and dressing and transportation services.
■ Hospice Care: Hospice facilities are for terminally ill patients, allowing them to finish their life in as much comfort as possible. Hospice patients do not receive treatments to attempt to cure an illness, but they do provide bereavement services to families and loved ones.
As may be deduced from the types of services listed above, the majority of patients for post-acute firms are elderly. This is because as people age normally simple injuries, such as injuries due to falling down, can have profound health impacts. Further, elderly people tend to have weakened immune systems and can have difficulty fighting illnesses (American Accreditation HealthCare Commission, 2014; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016).
Industry Participants
Three major firms that focus on healthcare for the elderly are Genesis Healthcare, National HealthCare Corporation, and The Ensign Group. Each firm has a slightly different strategy as to how to service the needs of the aging population.
Genesis Healthcare offers inpatient services through a network of skilled nursing and assisted/senior living facilities. Additionally, they supply rehabilitation and respiratory therapy to more than 1,700 locations in 45 states as well as the District of Columbia. Their assisted/senior living facilities are usually located in urban or suburban areas. In terms of strategy, the firm states that it seeks a higher profit margin than some of its competitors. Genesis believes that the most important factors that influence its performance are its reputation, the cost and quality of services, responsiveness to patient/ resident needs as well as the ability to provide support in other areas such as third-party reimbursement, informa tion management and patient recordkeeping. The firm also suggests that some competitors may not adhere to the Anti-Kickback Statute that prohibits payments for referrals, which allows these competitors to attract more patients (Genesis Healthcare, 2016, p. 31). Kickbacks to obtain patients may allow competitors to compete at lower profit margins due to economies of scale.
National Healthcare Corp (NHC) was founded in 1971 and its primary business services include skilled nursing facilities in association with assistant living and independent living facilities for seniors. At the end of 2015, NHC operated 74 skilled nursing facilities in nine states with over 9,400 beds. The firm has over 13,000 employees and NHC offers tuition reimburse ment to employees in order to recruit, retain, and main tain a qualified workforce. The company faces competition in every market in which they have a presence and state that no firm has a monopoly with the exception of some smaller rural markets. NHC attracts patients through referrals from hospitals, doctors, as well as church groups and community service organizations. Their annual report notes that the patient's families often play a vital role in selecting a nursing home for their loved ones. Therefore, NHC believes their competitive advantages are their reputation and the physical appearance of their facilities in order to encourage family members to take their loved ones to a NHC facility (National Healthcare Corporation, 2016).
The Ensign Group was started in 1999 with the vision of establishing the standard of excellence in skilled nurs ing care. During the 2001 recession Ensign acquired mul tiple facilities that offered skilled nursing, personalized rehabilitation, and technologically advanced medical care services to a wide variety of clientele. With a focus on acquiring underperforming medical facilities and turning them around, Ensign has been adding facilities across the United States (Ensign Group, 2016). Ensign Group follows a differentiation strategy by maximizing the value they can provide to clients and charging them appropriately. The company provides state of the art facilities, in-home therapeutic services to patients who are unable to leave their homes, and tailored care-the focus is on providing quality care for patients that do not mind paying for such services and facilities, even if Medicare does pay for part of it. The company has faced criticism and lawsuits, alleging that they filed false claims with Medicare and that they would provide rehabilitative services that the patient did not need, culminating in a $48 million dollar lawsuit settlement in 2013 (Justice, 2013).
One strategic concern shared by all firms in the industry is that while demand for their services will be growing due to an aging population, it is fairly easy to enter the industry (Genesis Healthcare, 2016, p. 31). A 2016 report, in association with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on the long-term healthcare industry found that there were approximately 67,000 regulated providers servicing 9 million people in the country (Harris-Kojetin L, 2016).
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Sources of Revenue
Firms in this industry receive the majority of their rev enue from government sources, particularly Medicare and Medicaid. However, these revenue sources only cover certain services that these firms provide, therefore it is important to understand the types of Medicare and Medicaid.
Medicare is provided by the federal government to people 65 or older as well as the disabled. In general, there are three types, or parts, of Medicare that are important for patients to understand.
■ Part A-Covers inpatient stays at hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, nursing home care, hospice, and home health services.
■ Part B-Covers services and supplies needed to treat chronic conditions, as well as preventive care like flu shots. It can also cover obtaining a second opinion from a doctor, as well as laboratory tests and ambulance ser vices. Patients pay a monthly fee for this coverage.
■ Part C-Medicare Advantage Plans, sometimes called "Part C" is supplemental insurance offered by private companies approved by Medicare to cover expenses not covered by Parts A and B.
■ Part D-Provides prescription drug coverage through private insurance companies that have contracts with the government.
Medicaid is provided by state governments, with matching funds from the federal government, to patients or families with low incomes or little resources. Elderly patients can receive Medicaid in additional to Medicare, but patients only become eligible for Medicaid once they have exhausted their other assets.
Medicare and Medicaid are the main sources of income in the senior and post-acute healthcare indus try. As shown on Exhibit 3, in 2015 Genesis Healthcare,
Part 4: Case Studies
Ensign Group, and National Healthcare received an average 32.93% of revenues from Medicare and 37.63% of revenues from Medicaid. This totals to 70.57% of revenues coming from government-related sources. Complicating the issue for the industry is that Medicare and Medicaid have been steadily lowering reimburse ment rates for taking care of patients, or increasing reimbursements by lower rates than expected ( Genesis Healthcare, 2016). Given the importance of Medicare and Medicaid, government sources of revenue are uncertain in the long term.
Affordable Care Act
President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010. The law aimed to transform the practices of doctors and hospitals to lower cost while driving better health outcomes for patients. To do so, United States citizens were mandated to have health insurance. This requirement sought to lower healthcare insurance costs since there was a larger pool of consum ers which lowered overall financial risk for insurance companies. It also required that insurance companies could not deny people coverage for pre-existing condi tions. A year later, the Congressional Budget office esti mated that the Affordable Care Act would "significantly decrease Medicare outlays relative to what they would have been under prior law" (Elmendorf, 2011, p. 44). The major components of the legislation are as follows:
■ All individuals were required to obtain healthcare insurance through some entity, which may include their employer's healthcare plan, Medicare, Medicaid, or another public insurance plan. Individuals who did not do so were subject to a penalty.
■ A minimum healthcare insurance coverage was established.
Exhibit 3 Sources of Revenue for Major Firms (Percentage ofTotal Revenue)
Year ended
Genesis Ensign National Healthcare Average
December31 2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013
Medicare 26 27 28 32.8 34.9 35.8 40 39 40 32.93 33.63 34.60
Medicaid 53 53 52 34.9 35.5 36.4 25 26 25 37.63 38.17 37.80
3rd party Insurance/ 1 1 10 9 15.4 14.2 13.1 1 1 1 1 10 12.47 11 .73 10.70
Managed Care
Private assets 10 10 11 16.9 15.4 14.7 24 24 25 16.97 16.47 16.90
and other
(Ensign Group, 2016; Genesis Healthcare, 2016; National Healthcare Corporation, 2016)
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Case 4: An Examination of the Long-term Healthcare Industry in the USA
■ Insurance companies could not deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, which compa nies could do before the law took effect.
■ The government established healthcare exchanges where individuals could purchase healthcare coverage.
■ Dependents, generally children, could stay on their parent's healthcare insurance until their 26th birthday.
While the legislation is highly controversial, it could be argued to have both positive and negative results for hospitals as well as the long term and post-acute health care industry. On the positive side, when more individu als have insurance, there are more patients who can pay for the services these firms provide. However, if people have insurance, they may go to a doctor for preventative care. Such care may prevent devastating illnesses, which would lower the amount of patients who need post-acute healthcare services.
When President Trump took office, he and the republican-controlled congress worked to repeal or replace Obamacare immediately. Some of the arguments to repeal or replace include:
■ The cost individuals pay for insurance each year is increasing.
■ Insurance companies are pulling out of regions that are not profitable enough for them; likely due to a low and decreasing % of young and healthy people buying insurance.
■ The cost the government pays to subsidize low income individuals, so that they can afford insur ance, is increasing.
These concerns suggest that the long-term financial feasibility of Obamacare may not be sustainable by the fed eral government, though this contention is highly debated. Congress was unable to pass repeal or replace legislation within the first six months of the Trump presidency.
Future of Medicare and Medicaid
As noted at the beginning of the case, people aged 65 and older will become the largest population demographic in the United States (Exhibit 1) and people are living longer than ever (Exhibit 2). Given that the United States gov ernment is paying for the majority of hospital treatments as well as post-acute treatments for this demographic, it is important to understand the stability of Medicare and Medicaid as revenue sources to the industry.
As shown in Exhibit 4, the United States Congressional Budget Office estimates that from 2015 to 2025, federal
Exhibit 4 Estimated Percentage of GPO ofTax Revenues and Cost
of Social Programs
Medicaid, CHIP, Fiscal Tax Social and Exchange Vear Revenues Security Medicare Subsidies
2015 17.7 4.9 3.0 2.2
2020 18.1 5.2 3.1 2.4
2025 18.3 5.7 3.6 2.5
2030 18.6 6.1 4.2 2.6
2035 19.0 6.3 4.7 2.7
2040 19.4 6.2 5.1 2.9
2045 19.9 6.0 5.5 3.0
2050 20.3 5.9 5.9 3.2
2055 20.8 5.9 6.3 3.3
2060 21.2 6.1 6.7 3.4
(U.S. Congressional Budget Office, 2015)
government expenses paid to Medicare will increase 20%, and Medicare, as well as expenses related to the Affordable Care Act, will increase 14%, while tax reve nues will only increase 3%. Additionally, Social Security is paid to individuals over the age of 65 and expenses associated with it will increase 16%. When examining the rate of change from 2015 to 2060 ( the year in which the demographic changes on page 1 refer), Medicare expenses will increase 123%, Medicaid and Affordable Care Act expenses will increase 55%, and Social Security expenses will increase 24%. However, it is estimated that tax revenues will increase only 20%, which may be because the typical tax paying demographic, age 18-64, will become an increasingly smaller percentage of the population (Exhibit 1). This suggests that in the long term, the government may not be able to maintain Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security without addi tional tax increases.
Future of the Healthcare Industry
Given the increasing costs of healthcare for an aging population, the current healthcare industry model may not be sustainable in the long term. What options do individuals, firms, and the government have to deal with this issue?
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American Accreditation HealthCare
Commission. (2014). Aging changes
in immunity. Medical Encyclopedia.
Retrieved 4/22/2016, from https:/ /
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015). Employment
Projections: 2014-24 Summary.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(2016). Important Facts about Falls.
Retrieved 4/22/2016, from http://www
Elmendorf, Douglas. (2011). CBO's 2011
Long-Term Budget Outlook (pp. 44):
Congressional Budget Office.
Ensign Group, Inc. (2016). 2015 10-K Annual
Genesis Healthcare, Inc. (2016). 2015 10-K
Annual Filling.
Harris-Kojetin L, Sengupta M, Park-Lee E, et al.
(2016). Long-term care providers and
services users in the United States: Data
from the National Study of Long-Term
Care Providers, 2013-2014 Vital Health
Stat (Vol. 38).
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(2013). Nursing Home Operator to Pay
$48 Million to Resolve Allegations
That Six California Facilities Billed for
Unnecessary Therapy. from https://
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& what should I expect? Retrieved
4/22/2016, 2016, from https://www
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2015 10-K Annual Filling.
Reinhardt, Uwe E. (2003). Does The Aging
Of The Population Really Drive The
Demand For Healthcare? Health Affairs,
22(6), 27-39. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.22.6.27
Part 4: Case Studies
U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division.
(2014a). Table 6. Percent Distribution
of the Projected Population by Sex
and Selected Age Groups for the
United States: 2015 to 2060. Retrieved
4/22/2016, from http://www.census
U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division.
(2014b). Table 17. Projected Life
Expectancy at Birth by Sex, Race, and
Hispanic Origin for the United States:
2015 to 2060 (NP2014-T17). Retrieved
4/22/2016, from http://www.census
U.S. Congressional Budget Office. (2015).
Long-Term Budget Projections-
June 2015. Retrieved 4/22/2016, from
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Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads
CrossFit at the Crossroads
"I'm not trying to grow a business . . . I'm doing the right things for the right people for the right reasons"
-Greg Glassman, Owner of CrossFit, Inc. /3/
It's a pleasant July morning in Carson, California, in 2016 as Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, Inc. makes his way across the Stubhub Center turf and sits down on one of the black Rogue plyoboxes that line the back perimeter of the stadium. He gazes out past the ongoing rows of boxes, connected rigs, and zigzag sprint course to see the sun starting to rise over the grandstand can opy. Just 15 hours earlier those grandstands were filled with thousands of passionate screaming fans cheering on the final contestants of the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games. A slight grin appears across his face as he lets out a faint but subtle chuckle to himself, almost as if he can't believe that he has built the fitness industry's fastest-growing brand.
The tenth consecutive CrossFit Games, the larg est CrossFit sporting event in the world, was now over and Glassman started to reflect back on how quickly his creation has risen in just a few decades. In 1995, he was a personal trainer looking for a place to train his loyal clientele after being kicked out of yet another commercial gym because management did not approve of his unorthodox training methods, and now, he is a multi-millionaire who owns one the largest brands in the fitness industry. That unorthodox training method, well, it is now one of the most popular fitness workouts in the world and is arguably becoming one of the fastest grow ing sports of all time. Everything has happened so fast, he thought to himself while watching the cleanup crew start to tear down the event setup, we barely even have a concrete business plan, he jokes but deep down inside he knows that it is true. CrossFit has evolved so rapidly that Glassman and his relatively small but fiercely loyal employees have been forced to make important company decisions on the go. Evident by CrossFit's unprecedented growth, those decisions have more often than not been correct but with little time to reflect on the company's aim and future, how could he be fully confident in the
direction his company was heading and what does the future hold for a fitness company operating in an ever changing, potentially fad-like industry?
As Glassman got up to leave the stadium to catch the quick flight back to the Silicon Valley in the company jet, he decided he was going to disrupt his normal rou tine and take a few days off to think. His plan is to use this time to genuinely reflect on where his company has come and how the business has reached elite status as one of the largest fitness brands in the world. What can CrossFit, Inc. do to improve, what new trends can they capitalize on, where is the future of the company and sport going, and how can they avoid that dark irrelevant fate where so many fitness startup companies eventually end up?
History of Crossfit
Greg Glassman Greg Glassman, born on July 22, 1956 to a rocket scien tist father and a stay at home mother, was raised in the Los Angeles, CA suburb of Woodland Hills. Around the age of one, Glassman was diagnosed with Polio, a dis ease that affects the nerves in a person's spine and affects muscle movement. Growing up though, Glassman did not let this disease define who he was as he turned to sports such as gymnastics, cycling, and weightlifting to counteract his inability to participate in contact sports. His aptitude on the pull up bar along with having pow erful upper body strength led him to excel at the rings in gymnastics, but a freak injury on a routine dismount in high school left him with a permanent limp and unable to compete. Glassman subsequently turned to coaching, a decision that would eventually define who he is and create a legacy most people only dream of.
Glassman refers to himself as a "rabid libertarian;' [l] a term defined as "an advocate of the doctrine of free will:' [2] In high school, Glassman habitually read and studied the theories of Milton Friedman, an American economist who wrote such books as 'Capitalism and Freedom' and the 50th anniversary edition rewrite
This case was written by Andrew Callaghan and Dr. Charles B. Shrader of Iowa State University, July 2016. It is intended to be used as a basis for classroom discussion rather than as a demonstration of either effective or ineffective management of a situation. The case reflects the views of the authors and not the exact thoughts and opinions of CrossFit, Inc. management. Part of the information in this case is derived from the authors' personal experiences with the case company. Some of the opening and closing managerial situations included in the case are fictional and are for illustrative purposes only.
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of F.A. Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom: It's here where Glassman's management theories would form the basis of his future business model, or lack there-of. At age 18, Glassman took a job as a gymnastics coach at the YWCA in Pasadena, CA. Little did he know at the time, this being his first real coaching gig, that it would eventu ally be his calling in life. He attended college but never graduated, stating "I went to a half dozen institutions, but I was just there for the girls:' [3] His passion was fitness training and throughout the late 1970s and '80s he worked as a personal trainer. His commitment, knowl edge, and extremely brash personality attracted people to enlist his services in the Silicon Valley area, but it was also his unique and unconventional methods toward fit ness that allowed him to lure in not only the computer tech leaders and local service workers but also celebrities and professional athletes alike.
Results are what ultimately define success and Glassman knew how to attain them, but his methods were unusual and his workouts were seen as in your face and bordering on intimidating. So intimidating to the average gym goer in fact that he had been kicked out of seven or more commercial gyms as a result. Glassman's attitude toward fitness can be described as confident and assertive with firm beliefs, but that con fidence can also be interpreted as defiant and arrogant. In a 60 Minutes episode, when asked if he doesn't like to be told what to do, Glassman responded with a chuckle and said "Oh, I don't mind being told what to do . .. I just won't do it:' [ 4] But that is who Greg Glassman is and that defiance is why he now owns 100% of the fastest growing fitness program and emerging sport in the world, CrossFit.
The Beginning In the late 1980s and early '90s, Glassman tinkered with his workouts and found success with his clients by com bining High Intensity Training (HIT) with heavy fun damental movements and sprints. His workouts were loud, intense, and demanding but also successful and his client base started to expand. In 1995, after being asked to leave what would be his last commercial gym, Glassman decided to open his own training facility in Santa Cruz, CA. CrossFit (at the time Cross-Fit) was born. Glassman had a goal in mind to establish a fitness program that would not only motivate participants to exercise but also to constantly work toward achieving a high level of fit ness. [5] At the time, Glassman was still training clients solo, but after he started to become overbooked he soon realized that he could train multiple people together and
Part 4: Case Studies
still provide a safe environment as well as the required attention to each participant to be effective. With that he would also be able to increase his profits by charging a reduced rate to each member but add more members to each session. [ 6] Glassman found that his clients enjoyed the idea of group fitness, and after he was hired to train the Santa Cruz Police Department, the idea of "The CrossFit Community" was formed.
In 2000, CrossFit, Inc. was legally established by Glassman and his (now ex) wife Lauren. When prompted by his oft-traveling clients to build a website and post workouts of the day (WOD), so that they could train on the road, Crossfit.com was created. In 2002, the first CrossFit affiliate was started in Seattle, WA (CrossFit North) by former Navy Seal Dave Werner and part ners Robb Wolf and Nick Nibler. In the same year, the CrossFit Journal was published in which Glassman wrote three seminal articles explaining CrossFit's principles and theories, titled "What is Fitness?", "Foundations;' and "The Garage Gym:'
Crossfit Philosophy
What is Fitness? (According to CrossFit, Inc.) One of CrossFit's first newsletter articles [7] set out to explain the company philosophy by questioning previously proposed definitions of what it meant to be truly fit. The article challenged the notions of Merriam-Webster, Outside Magazine ("Fittest Man on Earth" ), and the industry leading National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), by conclud ing that their definitions were either too broad or too narrow. The CrossFit article concluded that previous attempts to define fitness were inadequate. Glassman, however, defined fitness through a meaningful and measurable way as "increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains," [8] where broad time means "length of duration of effort" and modal domains "variety of activitY:' [9] In the What is Fitness? article, Glassman defines three standards/models that they use for evaluating and guiding fitness. Together they outline CrossFit's view of fitness as 1) ten general physical skills widely defined by physiologists, 2) per formance of athletic tasks, and 3) energy systems that drive all human action (Exhibit 1). CrossFit's aim is not to specialize in one certain task of fitness but to be a "jack of all trades:' The article states, "Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports and life reward this kind of fitness, and on average punish the specialist."
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Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads C-65
Exhibit 1 CrossFit's 3 Standard Principles
1) 10 recognized General Physical Skills: - If your goal is optimum physical competence, then all general physical skills must be considered:
1) Cardiovascular endurance/Respiratory endurance - The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen
2) Stamina - The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy
3) Strength - The ability of a muscular unit or combination of muscular units to apply force
4) Flexibility- The ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint
5) Power - The ability of a muscular unit or combination of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time
6) Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement
7) Coordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement
8) Agility - The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another
9) Balance - The ability to control the placement of the body's center of gravity in relation to its support base
10) Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity
2) The essence of this view is that fitness is about performing well at any and every task imaginable. Picture a hopper loaded with an
infinite number of physical challenges where no selective mechanism is operative, and being asked to perform feats randomly drawn
from the hopper. This model suggests that your fitness can be measured by your capacity to perform well at these tasks in relation to
other individuals.
The implication here is that fitness requires an ability to perform well at all tasks, even unfamiliar tasks, tasks combined in infinitely
varying combinations. In practice this encourages the athlete to disinvest in any set notions of sets, rest periods, reps, exercises, order
of exercises, routines, periodization, etc. Nature frequently provides largely unforeseeable challenges; train for that by striving to keep
the training stimulus broad and constantly varied.
3) Three metabolic pathways that provide the energy for all human action
1) Phosphagen Pathway - Dominates the highest powered activities (1 O seconds or less)
2) Glycolytic Pathway - Dominates moderate powered activities (up to several minutes)
3) Oxidative Pathway - Dominates low-powered activities (excess of several minutes)
Total Fitness = The fitness that CrossFit promotes and develops requires competency and training in each of these three pathways
or engines.
Source: Glassman, Greg. "What is Fitness?" The Crossfit Journal (October 2002): 1-4. Web.
Foundations The Foundations article presented CrossFit's approach to generalized comprehensive fitness and away from the traditional workouts of isolation movements and extended aerobic sessions that the majority of the population participates in. [10] CrossFit works with "compound (functional) movements and shorter high intensity cardiovascular sessions" because they believe that the two theories combined are "radically more effective at eliciting nearly any desired fitness result" than any other form of fitness. The CrossFit workout can be universal as the movements and weights can be scaled to fit any participant, or "athlete;' as CrossFit's members are called. Outsiders are often amazed that CrossFit athletes range from professional athletes and military special ops to the elderly and handicapped and everyone in-between. In the "60 Minutes" episode, when Glassman was asked if he would have a 75-year old doing deadlifts his answer is simply, "Uh huh, yeah, to say no is to say that if you drop your pen on the ground, you're not going to pick it up. It's a deadlift, it's picking something up off the ground. It does not
require a physician's 'Ok: If your physician doesn't think you should deadlift, you need to get a new doctor:'
The Garage Gym Glassman also strongly believed that the equipment in a typical gym was useless. In simple terms he believed a gym should resemble a barn or garage. It should be open and uncluttered, and the equipment should require the use of muscle in the most natural fitness sense. CrossFit boxes were basic and austere. Modern gyms had fancy weight machines focused on isolation work. CrossFit, on the other hand, tried to develop overall fitness and con ditioning as a philosophy. The whole thing was oriented toward a natural and more primitive approach to basic conditioning.
Glassman is such a firm believer in his methodology that he strongly believes that between diet and exercise, CrossFit can even be a solution to chronic diseases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified lack of exercise, poor nutrition, tobacco use, and high alcohol intake as health risks that contribute toward many of the illnesses and early deaths related
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to chronic diseases. Glassman advocates that CrossFit targets two of those four conditions which are normally prescribed with prescription drugs (high blood pressure) or steroids (low muscle mass), "the problem is being inactive and poor nutrition. It's a lifestyle issue:' [l]
The CrossFit Journal, or newsletter, became an important means for the company to disseminate Glassman's philosophy. Newsletters were published on a monthly basis and included articles dealing with box operations, fitness training, and lifestyle. For example, the August 2014 CrossFit Journal contained a story about how affiliate owners compensate coaches and trainers. The story offered ideas on how to go beyond simple financial incentives to motivate coaches and trainers. Motivational ideas included: equal pay for both affiliate owners and trainers, enhanced education and certification programs for trainers, specialty pro grams for members, and building long-term relation ships with trainers. Examples and success stories from CrossFit centers in California, New England, and New Zealand were shared. The goal of the newsletter was to offer affiliate owners and trainers alike ideas on how to make each box more capable in terms of enhancing fitness and changing lives. [ 48]
Workout Methodology and Structure CrossFit workouts are based on constantly varied func tional movements (real-life movements) that incorporate a mix of aspects from gymnastics, weightlifting, and car dio all while being performed at relatively high intensity (Exhibit 2-list of exercises). The workouts are typically
Exhibit 2 List of CrossFit Exercises
Cardio/ Weightlifting Gymnastics Calisthenics
Dead lifts
Front & Back Squats
Power Clean
Hang Clean
Sumo Deadlift
High Pull
Overhead Squat
Push Jerk
Push Press
Shoulder Press
Tire Flip
Bar Muscle Up
Rings Muscle Up
Strict Pull Up
Kipping Pull Up
Air Squats
Box Jumps
Jump Rope
Wall Ball
Jumping Jacks
Sit Ups
Push Ups
Part 4: Case Studies
performed in a gym, or "garage gym" because of the rough appearance and similarities to at-home stripped down style gyms, that the CrossFit community refers to as a "box" and which includes an array of weights, racks, boxes, bands, and balls but is void of commer cial style machines (Exhibit 3-list of equipment). The workouts are roughly 60 minutes in length and typically include four phases: Warm-up/Stretch, Skill Development Segment (SDS), WOD, and an Individual or Group Stretch (Exhibit 4). The SDS focuses on Olympic type lifts or calisthenics (bodyweight move ments), and the WOD generally contain a combination
Exhibit 3 List of Equipment
Cardio/ Weightlifting Gymnastics Calisthenics
Squat Racks/Rig Pull-up Stations/
System Rigs
Bumper Plates Rings
Barbells Ropes
Dumbbells Hand Chalk
Sand bags
Dip Belts
Steel Plates
Large Tires
Push Sleds
Exhibit 4 Daily Workout Example
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for time
3 Power Cleans 165/115 (male/female)
6 Box Jumps 30"/24" (male/female)
9Toes 2 Bar
*8-min time cap
Rest 3 minutes then
Metcon (Time)
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, 1
Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
*13-minute time cap
Rest 4 minutes then
Metcon (Time)
3,6,9, 12, 15
Deadlifts 225/155
*12-minute time cap
Medicine Balls
PVC Pipes
Ab Mats
Jump Ropes
Foam Rollers
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Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads C-67
of all movements performed in high-intensity bouts that can last anywhere from 4 to 24 minutes long depend ing on that day's goals. The workouts are designed to arouse an athlete's competitive nature not only within themselves but also with the other competitors. Times and repetitions are recorded on either large white boards or computer systems, which then rank the athlete's performances.
The CrossFit philosophy that workouts should be repeatable and measurable is the basis for s e l f improvement. The "Benchmark Workouts" were origi nally named after "girls;' so that the athletes could easily identify the unified workout, and have grown to include Hero WOD in honor of fallen military, law enforcement, and firefighters (Exhibit 5). The intent of the Benchmark workouts is for athletes to perform them periodically, say
Exhibit 5 "Girl"WODs
"Amanda" "Diane" "Jackie" "Nicole"
Muscle Up
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
Squat Snatch (135/95)
Deadlift 225 lbs
Handstand push-ups
21-15-9 reps, for ti me
1000 meter row
Thruster 45 lbs (50 reps)
Pull-ups (30 reps) As many rounds as possible
in 20 minutes
"Angie" "Elizabeth" "Karen" "Cindy"
Clean 135 lbs
Ring Dips
21-15-9 reps, for ti me
Wall-ball 150 shots
(men 20#-1 O' - women 14#-9')
For time
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats As many rounds as possible
in 20 min
"Annie" "Eva" "Kelly" "Helen"
Double-unders Run 800 meters Run 400 meters 400 meter run
Sit-ups 2 pood KB swing, 30 reps
50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds; 30 pullups
30 box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots,
1.5 pood Kettlebell swing X 21
Pull-ups 12 reps
for time 20 pound ball
3 rounds for time
"Barbara" "Fran" "Linda" "Nancy"
400 meter run 20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
21-15-9 reps, for ti me
Thruster 95 lbs
Deadlift 1 1/2 BW
Bench BW
Clean 3/4 BW
Overhead squat 95 lbs x 15
5 rounds for time
10/9/8/7 /6/5/4/3/2/1 rep
"Chelsea" "Grace" "Lynne"
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Each min on the min for 30 min
Clean and Jerk 135 lbs
30 reps for time
Bodyweight bench press
5 rounds for max reps ..
"Christine" "Isabel" "Mary"
3 rounds for ti me
500 m row
12 Body Weight Dead Lift
21 BoxJumps
Snatch 135 pounds
30 reps for time
5 Handstand push-ups
10 1-legged squats
15 Pull-ups
As many rounds as possible
in 20 min
5 rounds for time
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C-68 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 5 (cont.) "HERO"WODs
JT Michael Badger Nate
21-15-9 reps, for ti me 3 rounds for time 3 rounds for ti me As many rounds as possible
in 20 min
Handstand push-ups Run 800 meters 95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps 22 Muscle-ups
Ring dips SO Back Ext 30 Pull-ups 4 Handstand Push-ups
Push-ups SO Sit-ups Run 800 meters 8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
Daniel Murph Josh Jason
SO Pull-ups For Time
400 meter run 1 mile Run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps 100 Pull-ups
800 meter run 200 Push-ups
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps 300 Squats
400 meter run 1 mile Run
SO Pull-ups
*For a Complete List log onto httpsJ/crossfitiota.com/bench-marks/hero-wods/
a few times per year, and compare scores to track their overall fitness progress. Glassman presented his theory in the September 2003 CrossFit Journal article in which he introduced the "girls": "only by repeating workouts can we confidently measure our progress:' [11]
The CrossFit Diet
Greg Glassman's regular response when asked about what CrossFit can do for a person is that it can deliver you to your "genetic potential:' "Look at her! That's what nature would have carved from her a million years ago" was Glassman's reaction after seeing one of his well toned athletes working out, but it is not just the workout that CrossFitters are encouraged to practice. [4] They are also urged to follow one of a few specific diets that, based on personal goals, will provide CrossFit members with increased energy, optimized health and will reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The seemingly most widely used diet is the Paleo Diet which is based on every day, modern type foods that " mimic the food groups of human's pre-agricultural, hunter-gatherer ancestors:' [12] In Glassman's World Class Fitness in 100 Words [7] statement, he provides some CrossFit diet advice: "eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will sup port exercise but not body fat:' The Paleo Diet generally fits these criteria as its directions suggest people con sume high protein, lower carbs, high fiber, and moderate
For time
95 pound Overhead squat,
21 reps
42 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat,
15 reps
30 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat,
9 reps
18 Pull-ups
100 Squats
5 Muscle-ups
75 Squats
10 Muscle-ups
SO Squats
15 Muscle-ups 25 Squats
20 Muscle-ups
fat intake (Exhibit 6-Paleo Diet food options). While a few of CrossFit's top athletes have confessed about not following a strict diet to a 'T' [13], it's made quite obvious that following one of the suggested diet options while participating in CrossFit is recommended and will posi tively affect the athlete no matter if they are beginners or top flight competitors.
Some CrossFit diet followers have become celeb rities and authors in their own right. A good example is Christmas Abbott, author of the Badass Body Diet. [ 46] This diet combines healthy eating guidelines with high-intensity workout plans for individual body types. Following this plan, athletes at all levels can set personal goals for developing toned cores and reducing body fat. Ms. Abbott also has infused an element of fun into each workout-noting that people tend to stay with a workout plan longer if the workout is enjoyable.
CrossFit, Inc. is 100% privately owned by Greg Glassman-an ownership situation that totally fits his style. In 2012, CrossFit began business as a 50/50 part nership between Glassman and his ex-wife. At that time, because of a contentious situation, Glassman's ex-wife's share was almost sold to Anthos Capital, an investment firm looking to invest in one of America's fastest grow ing brands. In the 11th hour though, Glassman was able
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Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads C-69
Exhibit 6 Paleo Diet Foods
Meats Seafood Veggies Oils/Fats Nuts Fruits
Poultry Shrimp Asparagus Coconut Oil Almonds Apples
Pork Lobster Avocado Olive Oil Cashews Berries
Pork Chops Clams Brussel Sprouts Macadamia Oil Hazelnuts Peaches
Steak Salmon Carrots Avocado Oil Pecans Plums
Veal Tuna Spinach Grass-fed Butter Sunflower Seeds Mango
Bacon Shark Celery Grapes
Ground Beef Tilapia Broccoli Lemon
Venison Trout Peppers Lime
Buffalo Walleye Cabbage Oranges
Bison Crab Zucchini Bananas
Jerky Scallops
Dairy Grains Legumes Snacks
Cheese Cereal Beans
Non-fat Creamer Pasta Peas
Butter Bread Peanuts
Milk English Muffin Peanut Butter
Yogurt/Pudding Sandwiches TOFU
Crackers Mesquite
Oatmeal Miso
Corn Soybeans
Hash Browns
*These are an option list/not exact. Please see source for more information.
Source: http://u lti matepaleog uide.com/pa leo-diet-food-list/
to secure a matching loan through Summit Partners (Boston) for $16,093,000 and put a halt to the potential sale. [14] With Glassman in full control, he could operate the company autonomously, without input from outside corporate investors.
CrossFit, Inc. does not have to answer to sharehold ers or a board of directors. The headquarters, which han dles the business operations, is located in Washington, D.C. and the Media Office, the lifeblood of CrossFit's day-to-day technology operations, is based out of Silicon Valley. CrossFit's model resembles its owner's libertarian beliefs, as the growth of the company has come directly
Hot Dogs
Artificial Sweeteners
Fruit Juices
Energy Drinks
from its affiliation program that permits individuals to own and operate their own box while using the CrossFit name and allows them to run their business with inde pendence and autonomy.
CrossFit-affiliated boxes started in 2002 with the CrossFit North opening and have spread like wildfire through out the world. To open a box, essentially all one has to do is fill out an application, pay $3,000 per year, attend a 2-day seminar detailing the business and the work out methodology, and pass a test to become a Level 1
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instructor ($1000). When confronted about the seem ingly easy nature of this process, CrossFit's fearless lead er's response was:
"Amazing huh? ... Here's how it used to be: all you had to do was have the money . . . and you don't even have to take a test. That's where every other chain came from, someone just launched 'em." {4}
CrossFit box owners have the freedom to manage their box in their best interests so that they can cater to the local demographic. To Glassman, his main con cern is not about what hours the affiliate owners are operating, the location in which they choose to open their business, or the music that is played; his only concern is that they follow CrossFit's physiology and methodology. [l] Each affiliate is locked into their orig inal annual fee in case the fee is ever raised. In fact, there are affiliates, who got in early, that still pay only $500 per year.
CrossFit, Inc. created CrossFit RRG (Risk Retention Group), which is a captive stock insurance company that allows American affiliates to purchase specific CrossFit general liability and professional liability policies designed to cover the unusual risks boxes are susceptible to. (15] CF-RRG is a form of self-insurance where the affiliate owners purchase stock and become shareholders (I-time fee of $1,000). Box owners who buy into the group are involved in the underwriting, risk management, claims administration, and financial committees. (16] Boxes earning less than $125,000 per year pay a yearly premium of $1,185 with boxes that earn greater than $125,000 per year paying an extra $8.70 per $1,000 of gross revenue earned. Affiliations are urged to purchase insurance from CF-RRG rather than an outside vendor because CrossFit endures unique circumstances that most liability policies may not thoroughly cover. Owning this specialized policy, box owners are eliminating the possibility of omis sions and will have the most comprehensive cover age available. International CrossFit boxes are insured through somewhat similar companies such as the CrossFit International Insurance Programme, which is run through Lloyd's of London and covers box owners in the UK. (17]
Glassman admits that when he started CrossFit he did not have a business plan, that his goal was simply "being committed not to screw it up;' and that he has
Part 4: Case Studies
stuck by that plan ever since. (18] The numbers, though, would suggest otherwise. In 2016, a little over a decade and a half since CrossFit, Inc. was formed, Glassman's corporation has become one of the fastest growing fit ness companies of all time. With roughly 13,000 gyms in 142 different countries, CrossFit, Inc. rakes in close to $100 million and the CrossFit brand's estimated ecosys tem is approximately in the $4 billion range (2016). (18] The scary part? The company is still growing. "I don't know how you compete against me" said Glassman in an interview with CNBC.
CrossFit, Inc. brings in most of its profits from two main sources: 1) affiliates and 2) CrossFit Training Certification courses. But even with CrossFit's rapidly growing business it is hard to look anywhere else but the core concepts that have brought them to this point: technology and having a loyal group dynamic culture that has adopted CrossFit as more than a workout but a way of life. CrossFit is a technology company. It started with Glassman posting workouts, journal articles, and an easy-to-use blog onto www.crossfit.com. Since then, the company's success has followed the growth of the Internet. One ten-minute browsing session on their web site and you can find CrossFit's mission, workout meth odology, limitless instructional videos, workouts of the day, nutritional ideas, gym locations, and much, much more, all for FREE. Yes, for free! When asked about the financial implications of giving away free content and how that makes sense in today's capitalistic economy, Glassman replied "it didn't until we did it, the more video we give away, the more money we make:' [4] The all exposure is good exposure philosophy has assembled one of the largest viral communities in the world and when combined with their devout and enthusiastic alle giance toward the brand, largely explains why CrossFit, Inc. has been able to grow at the record-breaking pace it has.
The Community CrossFit is much more than just a fitness regimen-it has evolved into a distinctive community within itself where its followers are amazingly loyal and dedicated. For many, CrossFit has become a way of life. CrossFit affiliates have been extraordinarily successful in cre ating an atmosphere where its members feel a sense of belonging which motivates them to come back day after day and push themselves harder, whether that's to beat the person next to them or just to improve from their previous scores. The CrossFit Community members have taken a leading role in marketing the
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Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads
CrossFit brand. They have created an almost obses sive-like adoration for CrossFit to the point where they actively promote the sport through any outlet possible. It has prompted outsiders to joke that "the first rule of CrossFit is that you never stop talking about CrossFit;' parodying a line from the Brad Pitt movie, Fight Club. [19] Whether box members are viewed as loyal, fanatic, annoying, or crazy one thing for certain is that their dedication to spreading the brand, whether intention ally or unintentionally, has been an exceptionally lucra tive model for CrossFit, Inc.
Glassman insists that he has not recruited one person to CrossFit. To him CrossFit has an open door policy and anyone who wants to join is welcomed to do so. [4] Through tremendous leadership and coaching, CrossFit has been able to provide an atmosphere where its mem bers seek to live their lives in a state of optimal health and fitness in a time where health and fitness are becom - ing less of a priority. [5] The members work out together multiple times per week often creating a team-like bond. This type of interaction, uniting by a common goal or interest, is similar to the family-like atmosphere most sports or military teams have. The CrossFit Community is also able to attract members through their group vol unteer and charitable.
American sociologist Ray Oldenburg introduced the idea of a "Third Place" for healthy human existence. [20] He believed that humans must live in a balance of three realms: 1) Home/Family Life, 2) Work Life where people spend most of their time, and 3) a Third Place-inclusively sociable places. Third Places are described as "anchors" of community life and facilitate & foster broader, more creative social interaction. One of the main characteristics of Third Places is that they act as a "leveler;' which means they place no impor tance on an individual's status in society and allows for a sense of commonality between members. They are highly accessible places, where friendships develop that fill the human need for "intimacy and affiliation:' In what used to be the traditional Third Place, church, studies have shown that the new generation of millen - nials have been leaving the religious life behind, [21] thus creating a void in many people's lives. The CrossFit Community, through its affiliates, have been able to provide that Third Place for many of its members. The box offers its athletes a place where they can build those social relationships and have a sense of "place:' In turn, its members adopt the CrossFit lifestyle as one of their main identities and that which becomes a part of who they are. This could explain why they "always
talk about CrossFit" or post CrossFit related content to social media outlets. CrossFit, in a (smaller) sense, is as much a part of many of its members' lives as say their families, therefore creating that automatic impulse to constantly want to talk or interact with other about their CrossFit lives, the same as they would about their children or significant others.
In a 2014 CrossFit demographic study, the data did illustrate that the millennial generation had the highest level of participants but not by as much as many would think. They only comprised 40% of participants while the 35-44 age group consisted of 20% with the under 18's covering 18%. [22] Along with the age demographic they found that CrossFit is evenly split 50/50 between female and male participants thus attesting to the fact that the CrossFit workout is feasible at any age, male or female.
Technology and Social Media The shift toward social media outlets becoming a primary form of contact in today's society has vastly affected the field of communication, marketing work and advertising. Gone are the days where the major ity of adults actually dial someone's number up and speak to them over the phone as social media has increased the ability and frequency in which people can "checkup" on one another in a much less personal way. In a 2014 social media study, it was found that 52% of online adults now use at least two forms of social media sites and the numbers showed that usage of young adults (18-29 y/o) on Instagram,just one form of social media, was around 53%. [23] The CrossFit Community is no stranger to this as the basis of their growth can be attributed to increased action on the Internet and social media sites from its members.
When CrossFit, Inc. launched its first blog system, which allowed box owners to communicate not only with headquarters, the media team, and other affiliates at the click of a mouse but also with their own clientele, they created an easy medium where information could be shared at a faster pace and to a larger audience. Just because Glassman himself has not recruited anyone over social media that does not mean his loyal follow ers have not. The Internet communication concept has spread to more common and interactive uses of social media (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) now within specific box communities as a way to mass market their new and exciting fitness program with outsiders. Since the mid-2000s box owners and community members have hit the social media world
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running and are no strangers to posting pictures, videos, or workout statuses from their experiences or the CrossFit world. Social media is an incredibly accessible and cost effective way to reach a wide audience in little time, and the more community members post the more CrossFit's ecosystem grows. It's a multiplier effect that spreads the CrossFit brand like wildfire. A 2012 study on Internet usage found that 23% of U.S. Internet users under the age of 35 said they would buy a brand because of a friend's social endorsement, such as a "like" on Facebook. (24] This is a growing trend in the capitalistic technological world we live in, and for businesses looking to grow it is almost a must that they use social media as a market ing outlet.
Although many of the CrossFit customers who actively post personal information on social media understand the logic or intent of spreading "the word" about CrossFit, often times they are also engaging in a form of self-promotion. As adults, people start to have fewer tangible goals they can point to and share as a source of pride. Their high school accolades have lost social value and their current work accomplishments usually do not translate well to social media. CrossFit fills that void and allows members to take pride in their accomplishments, whether it is losing weight, hitting a new personal record, or even simply proving that they have gotten off the couch and are participating in an intense workout. (25] A 2014 sociological study (26] on "trophies of surplus enjoyment" (photo's, merchandise, trinkets, etc.) found that people hunt for trophies at events they attend not just for their fandom and remem brance but also as envy-inducing commodities they can share on social media so that others can acknowledge them through "likes;' "favorites;' and "retweets." This is often what CrossFit community members are doing when posting photos and videos to social media. The pictures or videos of them participating in CrossFit act as "acquired trophies" so that others can socially recog nize their efforts and potentially elevate their "status" in the viewer's eyes.
The CrossFit Community's indulgence in social media, evidenced by the rapid success of CrossFit as a sport and a brand, further proves that their presence in the technological and social media world has been a surefire benefit. The CrossFit Community as a whole understands the value of social media, and whether their intentions are of the conscious or unconscious nature, they use this medium to pique the interest of outsiders about as well as anybody.
Part 4: Case Studies
The CrossFit Games
From the very first journal article introducing CrossFit to a larger scale, Greg Glassman has challenged the idea of who is the "fittest on earth:' The CrossFit philosophy of defining fitness through meaningful and measurable ways opened up a door for competition to exist. Enter, The CrossFit Games, which have been held annually since 2007 and continue to grow at record numbers each year. The games are a physically and mentally demand ing competition held over a few days where competitors are blind to the certain events until right before they participate. At the end, the overall winners are awarded the title "Fittest on Earth."
The first games in 2007, held on CrossFit Games Director Dave Castro's parents' land in California, consisted of first-come participation with the win ner receiving a $500 prize. Popularity grew with The Games as the company grew and in 2011 The CrossFit Games hit a banner year as CrossFit, Inc. signed Reebok to a 10-year title sponsorship as well as having the games broadcasted through ESPN3 (online). [27] With the rising number of participants yearly, CrossFit adopted an online qualification format that included three stages. Stage 1, known as 'The Open; occurs in March when contestants submit weekly scores online from recently released competition workouts from crossfit.com. The scores are validated through affiliates, or video is uploaded proving participants score times. The top qualifiers from pre-determined regions will participate in Stage 2, regional events, held throughout the world in order to qualify for Stage 3, The CrossFit Games. In 2011, online participation totaled 26,000 sub missions and has grown exponentially as 2016 online submissions totaled 308,000 people, a CrossFit Games record. [28]
With Reebok and ESPN on board, The CrossFit Games are now considered a top flight fitness compe tition and are broadcast worldwide live on ESPN. The winners in 2016 will receive $275,000 and the total prize pool, paid from the Reebok contract, is $2,200,000 and will rise annually throughout the length of the contract (Exhibit 7). Even though The CrossFit Games are not a large profit source for CrossFit, Inc. the magnitude of what The Games brings to the company is immeasur able. The exposure of the competition alone is one of the driving forces in making CrossFit the number one fitness enterprise on the planet and looking at the yearly increase in participants, prize money and attendance, The Games momentum does not appear to be slowing down.
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Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads
Exhibit 7 The CrossFit Games History Data
Participant Data
Year # of Participants
2007 60 (no open)
2008 300 (cap - no open)
2009 146 (post regionals)
2010 86 (post regionals)
2011 26,000+
2012 69,240
2013 138,000+
2014 209,000+
2015 273,000+
2016 308,000+
Participant Data (Open)
Year Winner Total Prize Purse Sponsor
2007 $500 $1,000
2008 $1,500 $3,000
2009 $5,000 $10,000
2010 $25,000 $50,000
2011 $250,000 $1,000,000
2012 $250,000 ?
2013 $275,000 ?
2014 $275,000 $1,750,000
2015 $275,000 $2,000,000
2016 $275,000 $2,200,000
2017 ? $2,400,000
2018 $2,600,000
2019 $2,800,000
2020 $3,000,000
*Spaces with'?' mean we were unable to find accurate numbers.
Sources: http://www.everylastrep.com/fitness-for-beginners/look-crossfit-games-history
http://games.crossfit.com/content/h istory
I Reebok
Industry Competition
At the beginning of 2016 there were numerous fitness centers competing in a growing national and global mar ket. Primary activities for this industry included operat ing health clubs, gyms, aerobic and exercise centers, and other fitness-related facilities. The industry was frag mented with many companies that were growing and
combining across regional and product lines. Demand for fitness and recreation centers continued to increase thereby causing the number of people employed in the industry to increase. By 2015 there were almost 33,000 fit ness centers in the United States. The industry employed approximately 568,000 people that same year. [29] In 2016, the overall industry had grown to $27.1 billion in reve nue and $2.8 billion in profits. Membership fees were the
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single largest revenue component and member retention was the key to a center's profitability. Fitness centers com peted on brand recognition, customer service, price, and services offered. [ 47]
Even though competition was great, industry entry barriers were considered to be low. It was possible to lease equipment and buildings and both equipment and buildings had long life spans. Many start-ups were able to use second hand or previously used equipment. Wages were low. There were not many regulations other than zoning and building permit processes at the local levels. Access to capital for start-ups was readily available in most instances. The only real entry barrier was the brand loyalty and recognition built up by established gyms and fitness centers. Fitness center memberships were on the rise. However, in the future, it was expected that entry barriers would rise due to the possibility that corpo rate wellness programs would create strong demand for large-scale memberships, thereby creating barriers for newer companies. [47]
Yet even with all this activity in the business of fitness there was evidence that additional growth was possible. A 2016 study of nine countries by Censuswide, a global consultancy, found that the average person spent only 0.7% of their life exercising-or stated differently, out of an average person's 25,915 days on earth, they tend to spend only 180 days exercising. [30] However, the num ber of adults aged 20 to 64 spending leisure times exer cising and on sports was increasing. Plus, the number of employers viewing exercise as an important component of employee health was also on the rise. Therefore, in the minds of many these findings established the need for increased emphasis on global fitness. The view of indus try experts was that there was plenty of room for growth for both large companies and niche players (See Exhibit 8 for possible fitness niches). The industry was expected to grow, in terms of industry value added (IVA- a measure of the industry's contribution to the economy overall) by approximately 3% from 2016 to 2021. [47]
CrossFit competed in this industry with a unique value proposition that was more a philosophy of fitness than a business model. It appealed strongly to the largest market segment-consumers aged 34 years and younger. [ 47] Still, other companies thrived in the industry as well. Among the industry leaders were Anytime Fitness, Arcadia Fitness, Gold's Gym, GoodLife Fitness, LA Fitness, Planet Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness and Zumba. LA Fitness and Planet Fitness were publicly traded companies while most other competitors were private or closely held firms. Each company sought large-scale expansion while at the same time targeting particular segments for growth.
Part 4: Case Studies
Anytime Fitness. As the name implies, Anytime Fitness operates fitness centers that are open for workouts twenty-four hours a day 365 days a year. Anytime Fitness, with more than 3 million members, was one of the fastest-growing and most progressive fitness businesses in the world. It received notoriety as one of Entrepreneur Magazine's top 10 fastest-growing franchises across all industries in 2015. From its first center in 2002 it grew into all fifty states and twenty countries with 38 wholly owned and approximately 3,000 franchised centers worldwide in 2016. For example, they opened a fit ness center in Rome in 2016. The co-founder Chuck Runyon, used private equity and franchising to finance the company's rapid growth. Also to facilitate growth, in 2016 it moved into a new building and expanded to 300 employees at its headquarters in Woodbury, Minnesota. Runyon expected to continue growing the company at a rate of approximately 400 franchisees annually toward of goal of 4,500 centers by 2020. Starting a franchise cost between $100,000 and 500,000 plus a $30-37,500 fran chise fee. Anytime required franchise owners to pay a $549 monthly royalty. In 2017, the parent company of Anytime Fitness, Self Esteem Brands, was diversifying into salons and other fitness-related businesses. [31]
Arcadia and Goodlife. With more than 365 operat ing fitness centers, GoodLife Fitness was the largest fit ness company in Canada. Members could join for around
Exhibit 8 Top 20 Worldwide Fitness Trends for 2017
1. Wearable technology
2. Body weight training
3. High-intensity interval training
4. Educated, certified, and experienced fitness professionals
5. Strength training
6. Group training
7. Exercise is medicine
8. Yoga
9. Personal training
10. Exercise and weight loss
11. Fitness programs for older adults
12. Functional fitness
13. Outdoor activities
14. Group personal training
15. Wellness coaching
16. Worksite health promotion
17. Smartphone exercise apps
18. Outcomes measurements
19. Circuit training
20. Flexibility and mobility rollers
Source: Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2017 by Walter R. Thompson, PhD.,
ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, November/December 2016
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Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads
$50 a month and specific classes were available for an additional fee. TRX suspension training classes were the most popular starting at $199 for six weeks. These classes kept members involved through a progressive training structure-each new class building upon what members learned in previous classes. Many GoodLife centers were oriented toward women's fitness. GoodLife provided individual trainers as well as individualized workout sessions for class members in order to mesh with mem ber work schedules. Another Canadian fitness company, Arcadia, specialized in fitness programs for women taught by women that emphasized the use of gravity and body weight as resistance. Arcadia and GoodLife occu pied some of the same competitive space in a growing market. The Canadian fitness industry generated over $2 billion in revenue and was growing at an annual rate of over two per cent. Approximately five million Canadian citizens were members of fitness clubs in 2012. [32,33]
LA Fitness. This company began in 1984 in Covina, in Southern California. It mission is to provide lifelong good health benefits to an increasingly diverse member ship base. The business model was to tailor each individ ual fitness center to the specific needs of the community into which the company expanded. LA Fitness viewed its competence as being able to understand and meet the dis tinctive needs of the metropolitan communities in which they operated. They offered workouts and programs to people of all ages and fitness levels. The company strove to be family-friendly. Growth goals for LA Fitness centered on the idea of making fitness more available to larger seg ments of the community. It offered access to free weights, weight machines, and cardio to members. [34]
Planet Fitness. Planet Fitness was also a large and fast-growing competitor in this industry. In 2015, it maintained over 1,100 spacious and clean facilities (most of these were franchises) in 47 states with a large selec tion of Planet-Fitness branded equipment. Their slogan is: 'We're not a gym. We're Planet Fitness: Typical cen ters were 20,000 square feet filled with purple and yel low cardio and weight-training equipment of all types. Memberships were inexpensive relative to other centers and Planet Fitness offered unlimited fitness instruction to all members. Their goal was to appeal to a broad mar ket by creating a welcoming and non-intimidating, 'judg ment-free; fitness environment for anyone. Company revenue for 2015 was $1.5 billion and it had aggressive plans that included growing equipment sales, expanding franchise royalties, driving revenue growth, and growing into a broad range of markets. Planet Fitness planned to
increase the number of stores in the United States to over 4,000 and to grow into Canada in the near future. [35]
Gold's Gym. Gold's Gym considered itself the orig inal fitness company. Founded by Joe Gold in Venice, California in 1965 it gained notoriety in the documentary movie Pumping Iron starring two young weight-lifting sensations Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno. Gold's had over 3 million members in 22 countries and 38 states in 2016. It offered weight-training primarily but also cycling, martial arts, muscle endurance, Yoga, and Zumba. However, it was strength training that set Gold's apart from other centers. The company claimed to be able to enhance the strength of members, with the additional claim that with physical strength came strength to excel at other aspects of life. Gold's Gym was privately held. [36]
24 Hour Fitness. 24 Hour Fitness competed in a mar ket space similar to Anytime Fitness and Planet Fitness. 24 Hour operated 400 centers for four million members in seventeen states. The company had run successfully for over thirty years offering convenience to its mem bers. It had accessible, affordable, convenient places for people of all fitness levels and abilities. Its business model was oriented toward allowing each individual to seek out his or her own fitness goals and pursue them on their own terms. [37]
Zumba. Zumba began operations in 2001. By 2016 it had grown to almost 200,000 centers or locations worldwide. The basic idea of Zumba fitness was to burn calories through dance-related aerobic routines. Zumba centers or classes were found in churches, hospitals, schools, and universities. Almost any room large enough with a good sound system would suffice as a Zumba center. The company also aggressively sold Zumba workouts on CD. The main goal was to provide a non-threatening atmosphere where participants could dance and have fun. Zumba tended to appeal to moth ers because they could work out at home. Company executive also claimed that people tended to stay with Zumba longer than other competitors because it was fun. Zumba sold itself as being 'fitnesstainment: [38]
The growth of CrossFit is undeniable and the future of the company and sport is still as bright as ever, but CrossFit like most fitness industry startups is facing a certain degree of criticism and skepticism. Throughout the first decade and a half, CrossFit has faced an array of
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naysayers who criticize CrossFit's methods, techniques, safety measures, and legitimacy. The following are a few of CrossFit's most common criticisms:
Cult. One of the most widely mentioned criticisms of the CrossFit industry is that it is a "cult:' Doubters of CrossFit feel that the family-oriented atmosphere that CrossFit revolves around resembles that of a cult-like following. Typical arguments insist that CrossFit brain washes its members with their workout effectiveness, paying large membership fees (generally around $100/ month), to being led by a 'leader' who dictates how they should act, to being elitists who only socialize with other CrossFit members.
Injury/Safety. Outsiders have often claimed that the CrossFit workout can be unsafe for its participants. The intensity and competitive nature can lead to too much heavy lifting and improper form all the way through the rep sets opening up opportunities for injury. The most commonly mentioned injury/disease used against CrossFit is rhabdomyolysis. Shortened in the CrossFit world to "rhabdo;' this is caused by the death of muscle fibers and the release of their contents into the blood stream. [29] Rhabdo results from overexertion, which leads to the body's muscles breaking down and poten tially causing kidney failure. Although it can be deadly, it is usually a treatable disease.
Legitimacy. Many proponents of CrossFit argue that the workout methods do not produce realistic results that the libertarian methods of allowing box owners to create their own workouts within an entire methodol ogy opens up the risk for unqualified coaches to piece together workouts that are not safe and do not translate into results. [30] High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is widely considered one of the best forms of exercise to burn fat, and CrossFit is no stranger to utilizing this method. But many feel CrossFit fails at this in their mix of intensity versus volume. Some contend that CrossFit uses HIIT as a fitness test and not necessarily for the best results. For example, a widely used HIIT method is TABATA (named for Japanese Scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata), which uses eight rounds of one exercise (bike, sprints, etc.) that includes 20 seconds of all-out work and 10 seconds of rest. CrossFit has a workout called ' TABATA THIS' in which athletes complete rows, air squats, pull ups, push ups, and sit ups . .. for 40 intervals! Critics say that this far exceeds the accepted mix and exposes participants to a decrease in intensity because of the large volume as well as a breakdown in technique,
Part 4: Case Studies
which both can lead to less effective and more dangerous results. [31]
Saturating the Market. While most of CrossFit's crit icism comes from outside the community, there are affil iate owners who have concerns regarding the rapid pace at which CrossFit has grown. One box owner who has seen the rise of CrossFit through increased usage of social media pointed out that "growth doesn't equate to quality:' He wonders if the rapid growth is just inflating a trend or if CrossFit will become a permanent fitness fixture. [32]
While many business owners are reluctant to respond to public criticism for fear that it will damage their repu tation, CrossFit, Inc. and their legion of followers are the exact opposite. CrossFit has a team of employees who patrol the Internet looking to defend the brand with an iron fist against anyone and everyone who tries to deface it. Glassman has an entire team of lawyers dedicated only to defending the brand name as well as its trademark from people around the world who attempt to use the CrossFit name without paying for it. When asked why, Glassman explains, "if you don't defend it, you won't have a brand for long. We are in shark-infested waters and I've got shark-repellant attorneys:' [ 4]
What Next?
After a few days of relaxation, reflection, and thought, Glassman came to the confirmation that he was content as to where CrossFit was, both the brand and the work out. He understood that he is one of the fortunate ones to break through the "fad" stage in the fitness industry and is truly on the verge of creating not just a revolu tionary workout but an entirely new sport, and he did it his way. With that thought though, he knows that there are future decisions that must be made to allow the brand to continue to grow and some of those decisions could conflict with CrossFit's current culture, values, and philosophies.
Sticking to CrossFit's roots as a technology leverag ing fitness company, he thought about the future, how they can continue to stay on the cutting edge of technol ogy and what avenues would be beneficial to continue to grow the CrossFit brand. Now that CrossFit, Inc. is in a place of financial stability, he also kicked around the idea of starting to get involved in large outside advertising to increase the brand's recognition and reach, such as sta dium naming rights and national television advertising. Would the opportunity to increase his brand awareness through mainstream advertising, a path that CrossFit typically has not followed, help or hurt the loyalty aspect
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Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads
of his devout followers, and what would the impact be at the local affiliate network?
The sport of CrossFit is undoubtedly growing. The Reebok CrossFit Games are increasing each year in par ticipants, attendance, and revenue. His firm belief that CrossFit athletes are the " fittest on earth" due to their well-rounded abilities is something that he would ada mantly defend anywhere. With the Rio 2016 Olympic games approaching, he cannot help but dream about CrossFit being an event in future Olympics. The expo sure of CrossFit, at the largest stage of worldwide competition, has the capability to solidify CrossFit as a major sporting event, not to mention the potential financial impact. The ability for CrossFit's dedicated athletes to have the opportunity to compete for their countries would be incredible, Glassman thought. But, for this ever to happen, he knows that drastic changes would have to take place. First off, in addition to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), an interna tional governing body would be needed to oversee the sport [33], undoubtedly limiting his power as CrossFit's sole decision maker. Policies and regulations would be altered and CrossFit staples such as the random nature of events that the CrossFit Games are known for, amongst others, would most likely change. Is this something that he, personally, is willing to do to grow the sport? Can the sport of CrossFit survive and grow on its own? What would the impact be at the national and local levels with the radical changes that would likely occur?
Glassman's thoughts then reverted to CrossFit, Inc:s affiliate business model and how current trends could impact the company's growth. How could they address some of the criticism surrounding CrossFit and how would potential remedies impact the company finan - dally? For example, should CrossFit, Inc. mandate con tinuing education for coaches and do they charge for this, or do they go in the opposite direction and invest in their coaches, in an attempt to increase the com petency at each affiliate? Lastly, his attention turned to how he should handle the issue of large corporate CrossFit gyms, such as Boston's Reebok CrossFit Back Bay, who operate full-service, state-of-the-art boxes. [34] Since the beginning, the "Garage Gym;' a stripped down, rather unsightly facility with only the essential equipment needed for a hard-core workout, has been the standard. Allowing corporate companies to open "globo-gym" type facilities with full service amenities such as locker rooms and all hours' access could change the landscape of CrossFit affiliations as they currently exist. Even if these facilities stay true to CrossFit's roots (equipment, loud music, etc.), what would the effects be
on the local affiliates' ability to survive? Would there be a 'Walmart-Effect' [35] and if so, should they increase the corporate-sized gyms' yearly fee to offset the loss of small affiliates? Would this be detrimental to the CrossFit phi losophy or would it further legitimize CrossFit as a high end fitness option?
As Glassman sat at his desk wondering how these opportunities and potential changes would affect the CrossFit world, he leaned back in his chair and scanned the room looking at all of the pictures, posters, and plaques hanging on his wall. Each one represented some thing different but all of them contributed to the growth of CrossFit in their own way. Then he noticed one in par ticular. It was a small 8 X 10 frame, somewhat lost among the other flashy pieces, but it carried more meaning than anything up there. It was a photo of him and the offi cers from the Santa Cruz Police Department, the original CrossFit group. He realizes that changes are inevitable, but the photo reminds him that CrossFit grew from the dedication, commitment, and loyalty of its community. Moving forward he would like his decisions to remain true to those roots and his libertarian approach, because that is the essence of his success.
Exhibit 9 Eight Things You Probably Didn't Know about Crossfit
1. You don't have to be young or in great shape to try
CrossFit (CrossFit is for beginners, experienced athletes, the
fit, and the un-fit)
2. CrossFit works out your mind as well as your body (a
common reason for gym cancellation has to do with mindset
of the member-Cross Fit defeats this by training the mind to
work through soreness and fatigue)
3. CrossFit has a strong connection to law enforcement and
military officials (CrossFit is popular with police and military
specialized teams across the country)
4. CrossFit commemorated a set of workouts to fallen sol
diers (common in boxes around the world-these workouts
are named in honor of fallen soldiers who were CrossFit
S. CrossFit gyms have exclusive owners (in order to open up
your own CrossFit 'box' you need more than cash-you will
need to write an essay, complete an application, pay a yearly
fee, and complete instructor training courses; this enhances
the quality of gyms across the board)
6. CrossFit offers a 'Kids' program (parents can bring their
kids to a growing number of the gyms)
7. CrossFit has a Paleo Diet kitchen on premises (for member
convenience-works like a subscription service at many of
the boxes)
8. CrossFit is 60% female (there are about 6 million CrossFit
women members)
Source: http://www.interesticle.com/fitness-and-health/8-things-you
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C-78 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 10 CrossFit, Inc. Growth Contributors
I Crossfit, Inc. I I I
I Affiliates I I Affiliates I I Affiliates I
Crossflt, Games - Mass Audience �
- Worldwide Exposure (ESPN)
Exhibit 11 Worldwide CrossFit Box Locations Map
2822 ed States
44 Mexico
Source: https://map.crossfit.com/
VE 12
B 857
"3rd place"
Participants/ Athletes I I
15 SE
2637 Ul<i
ES [I' 204 TR
AO 157 NA
iTechnology/Social Media �
- Trophies of Surplus Enjoyment - Fascination/Envy
Austra 517 59 118
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Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads C-79
1. Wang, Christine. "How a Health Nut Created Group Insurance by and for the CrossFit =X3oDMTBzcDJ2Y28yBGNvbG8DYm
the World's Biggest Fitness Trend:' CNBC. Community" The CrossFit Journal. YxBHBvcwMxMwR2dGlkAwRzZWMDc2M-)
(5 Apr. 2016). Web. 12 April 2016. (31 Mar. 2009). Web. 10 Apr. 2016. 31. (Source:http://www.franchisetimes
2 . "Libertarian:' Merriam-webster.com. 17. http://www.crossfitiip.com/index.php .com/January-2016/20-to-Watch-Whats
Merriam-Webster. Web. 4 April 2016. 18. Ozan ion, Mike. "How CrossFit Became A -trending-in-2016/, and http://www
3. Bowles, Nellie. "Exclusive: On the Warpath $4 Billion Brand" www.Forbes.com. Forbes .startribune.com/at-the-new-headquarters
with CrossFit's Greg Glassman:' Maxim. Magazine. (25 Feb 2015). Web. 12 Apr. 2016. -of-anytime-fitness-there-s-room-to-work
Maxim Media Inc., (8 Sept. 2015). Web. 19. Professional Physical Therapy and -play-and-grow/375487341/, and http://
10 Apr. 2016. Training. "The First Rule of CrossFit is www.anytimefitnessfranchise.com/)
4. Alfonsi, Sharyn. "King of Cross Fit:' CBSNews. Never Stop Talking about CrossFit" www 32. (Source: Arcadia Fitness London by Jaclyn
CBS Interactive, (10 May 2015). Web. .professiona/ptandtraining.com. Web. Cairns, 2013, Richard Ivey School of Business
14 Apr. 2016. 24 Apr. 2016 contributions. The emphasis case version 2014-04-23.
5. Kuhn, Steven. "The Culture of CrossFit: A of self-sacrifice and the actions of helping 33. (Source: http://www.goodlifefitness
Lifestyle Prescription for Optimal Health and honoring others that affiliates engage .com/memberships/default.aspx)
and Fitness:' /SU ReD: Research and eData. in is an appealing feature that can attract 34. Source: https://www.lafitness.com
(8 Sept. 2013): 1-15. Web. 10 Apr. 2015. new members who want to be a part of /Pages/about.aspx)
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7. Glassman, Greg. "What is Fitness?" The 21. Burke, Daniel. "Millennials leaving Church 36. (Source: http://www.goldsgym.com
CrossFit Journal (October 2002): 1,2,4. Web. in Droves, Study Says"www.cnn.com. /why-golds-gym/about-golds/)
10 Apr. 2016. Cable News Network. (14 May 2015). Web. 37. (Source: http://www.24hourfitness
8. "What is Cross Fit?" www.crossfit.com. Web. 22 Apr. 2016. .com/company/about_us/)
15 Apr. 2016. https://www.crossfit 22. "latest CrossFit Market Research Data" 38. (source:http://finance.yahoo.com/news
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9. "What Do You Mean by Broad Time and 21 Apr. 2016. https://rallyfitness.com/blogs .html;_ylt=AwrC0wxxrSxXzVEAidqTmYIQ;
Modal Domains?" www.vigilantecrossfit /news/16063884-latest-crossfit-market _ylu=X3oDMTBya2hmZ3RlBGNvb
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10. Glassman, Greg. "Foundations" The CrossFit Tech RSS. (9 Jan. 2015). Web. 16 Apr. 2016. /rhabdomyolysis-symptoms-causes
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11. Glassman, Greg. "Benchmark Workouts" on Social Media" www.emarketer.com. 40. Fitjerk. "How CrossFit Forges Elite Failure"
The CrossFit Journal (Sept. 2003). Web. (10 July 2012). Web. 24 Apr. 2016 http:// www.revealthesteel.com. (20 June 2012). Web.
10 Apr. 2016. www.emarketer.com/ Article/Ripple 25 Apr. 2016. http://revealthesteel.com
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CASE6 ■ ■■
Part 4: Case Studies
New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation
I am not one of those who believe that print is no longer a business model for the long term.
Dr. Alfons Schrader, CEO of Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG (October 2014)
For years, practically all newspaper and magazine pub lishers in Germany, but also across the world, have tried to influence the transformation of the media in a way profitable to themselves. "Transformation of the media'' was understood to mean the change in the media land scape brought by the availability of broadband Internet and the pressure on the media from online offerings that are mostly free. And for Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG ( called Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH before 1 April 2015), that was one of the really current issues. The company is, among other things, publisher of the magazine c't and operator of the platform heise online. The publishing house was broadly positioned, online as well as in print media. The company possessed power ful brands, and highly qualified, experienced journalists. In recent years it has taken risks by branching out into new areas of business within the industry-and with real success.
But Ansgar Heise and Dr. Alfons Schrader, both managers of Heise Medien, were not satisfied. They had found many good answers to the current challenges, and were well positioned on the market. But Heise and Schrader wanted more. Out of all these solutions, they wanted to come up with a business model for Heise Medien overall that could better illustrate both the online and print business.
The Heise Media Group
The Founding Years The company history of Heise Mediengruppe dates back to the year 1949, when editor Heinz Heise founded this publishing house in Hannover. As Germany was grow ing and emerging, Heise recognized very early that the
country's telephone service would continue to develop quickly. The decision to publish telephone books proved to be spot-on. The offering was later supplemented by loose-leaf legal documentation and government-agency handbooks. Five years after the founder's son Christian Heise took over the helm, Heise Verlag joined another trend in Germany: the increasing spread of computers of all kinds. In 1977 the electronics magazine Elrad was published, and this was the publisher's first magazine. In 1983 the computer magazine that is still the leader today on the German-speaking market, c't, arose out of a sup plement to Elrad. Further successful publications were the magazine iX, which targets a professional audience, and Technology Review. But even the original publishing entity is developing further. First, the company devel oped additional telephone-book markets by opening new offices in the early 1990s. Then in 1992, the com pany bought the publishing group Hinstorff Verlag in Rostock, thus expanding its offerings to include picture books, nonfiction, fiction, audiobooks, children's books, and calendars.
The Internet Age After the computer magazine iX started the first online news in 1994, the editors of c't developed it within a very short time into heise online, one of the best known online news brands. Alongside that, the first phonebook directories were available on the Internet shortly after. With www.dastelefonbuch.de and www .dasoertliche.de, Heise Mediengruppe was running two powerful platforms in Germany. At the turn of the millennium, the company employed a staff of about 500, and with Ansgar Heise the third generation of the family moved into top management, making clear that even after attaining that size, the company and its culture were still characterized by tradition and a sense of being a family business. The group's attitude toward new technologies remains open and aggres sive. Heise Mediengruppe is one of the first companies to make online telephone books available on mobile
This case was written by Prof. Dr. Frank Bau, Helene Blumer, and Artem Matveev all at University of applied sciences HTW Chur, Switzerland. It is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a business situation.
We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation and support from the Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.
© 2017, Hochschule for Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Switzerland.
No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.
Contact: [email protected]
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Case 6: New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation
devices such as smartphones and tablets. Along with that are business-to-business services covering mul timedia advertising, Internet presence, and search engine marketing.
Even in the age of the Internet, the magazine c't is the most subscribed-to IT magazine in Europe, and thereby the flagship for the business area that was meanwhile spun off as Heise Zeitschriften Verlag (Heise Magazine Publishing). The team of 70 experts and the c't test lab are important ingredients in the magazine publisher's recipe for success. On this basis, special issues and spinoffs are born, such as c't Digitale Fotografie, Mac & i and MAKE (formerly c't Hardware Hacks). Many of the products of Heise Mediengruppe, in particular those of Heise Zeitschriften Verlag [Heise Magazine Publishing], are available online as e-papers and through associated apps.
Heise Zeitschriften Verlag / Heise Medien
In addition to the publishing unit for directory media and telephone books (Heise RegioConcept), Heise Medien with its flagships c't and Heise Online makes up a second important part of the media group. The publishing house is a unique success story, particularly with its print maga zine c't and the IT news website heise online. The goal was always to develop the publishing house into the leading media entity in the subject area of IT and technology.
In addition, the company has consistently added new sub-brands (online these were heise netze, heise security, heise open, heise developer, heise resale, heise autos, and TechStage/BestBoyz. In the print/online mix they were heise Joto let Digitalfotografie, Mac & i, and ct Hacks! Make). And there were indeed some that didn't work out, products (like heise resale) that didn't function stra tegically as had been hoped. In addition, the brands' dif ferent personalities and communications channels were developed through conferences, conventions, and online through Heise Business Services (a platform for lead generation with a white paper database, webcasts, and webinars). Also, heise Preisvergleich ("heise price com parison") was incorporated by Geizhals.at as a white label solution on heise online.
Supporting this great portfolio of sub-brands and activities, General Manager Alfons Schrader sees the clear strategy of his publishing house in this way:
that we continue not to lose sight of the existing business {the print-media business], and that we work on its further evolution.1
And we do continue to believe very much in print. We know, of course, that the future of print will be very dif ferent from its past. But I am not one of those who believe that print is no longer a business model for the long term. 2
Strategy in Action Implementation of the publishing house's strategy led to many new formats, online as well as in print media. In the years 1994 to 1996, the platform www.heise.de established itself as one of the most important German language news platforms in the I T field.3 In 2014, 19 for mats were bundled on the platform (Appendix 2). While the publishing house mobilized c't, iX, and Telepolis as its strong and established brands, there were also newer brands like Mac & i, c't Hacks, or Preisvergleich. c't Hacks took in the young, very active, and ambitious so-called "maker scene." For chief editor of c't Johannes Endres, one of the pioneers of c't Hacks, the maker scene was incredibly important to the development of future target groups. These were target groups that, as the name sug gests, simply wanted to make things, conceive their own technical devices, and build them.
It's about people that get into technology for fun and as a hobby . . . . {The target group J extends from school kids tinkering with certain things, to amateur radio operators, traditional and now older gentlemen, that in this way we can also bring in.4
Preisvergleich was further strengthened in 2014 when Heise Medien took over a controlling share of the price-comparison platform geizhals. Since 2005, Heise and the Vienna-based operating company of geizhals. de became linked through capital investments. In 2014 Heise took a majority share in Preisvergleich Internet Services AG in Vienna.
A further acquisition was the blog BestBoyZ in March. BestBoyZ focuses on the smartphone and tablet industry and was fully integrated into the offerings of Heise Online's platform techstage.de. Heise thus brought about 60,000 Youtube subscribers and potentially over 22,000 Facebook fans to their offerings.5 Techstage.de was one of the platforms that fulfilled Schrader's desire to reach new target markets.
In print as well as online, new formats arose in the area of photography. c't Digitale Fotografie was a the matic offshoot of c't and was quickly developed further into a separate magazine. The online offerings followed and subsequently created an interesting stage for stra tegic experiments. What was particularly new about this was the fact that it involved non-free content that was developed on this platform. So in print there was
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the magazine c't Digitale Fotografie, and then there was the online Heise Poto Club, which offered flexible paid memberships.
For Dr. Schrader, c't Digitale Fotografie was the suc cessful example for his basic strategy to grow and evolve starting out of his print-media business, and to survive in a publishing entity where the rules were no longer the old ones.
But if they build unique and good content-it just has to really be good-then I'm convinced we will still have print products even in twenty or thirty years . . . . [those] will be niche products. They are much more expensive. You can see that here with our c't, which, for example, at the moment costs €4.20. And something like c't Digitalfotografie, which has fewer pages, costs €9.90. But it still sells 30,000 copies of every issue. You just see, there is a shift.
The advertising business has gone down significantly, and circulation has gone down, while the price for an issue has gone up. That's why today we have, for example, a mix of about 70% sales revenue and only 30% advertising reve nue. And earlier that was 50/50.6
So Alfons Schrader was firmly convinced that purely Internet-based business models were not sustainable in the long term, and only the right mix could deliver success.
techstage.de A further result of the strategy that Schrader pursued was techstage.de, a format that was above all supposed to appeal to younger target groups that c't couldn't reach any more. techstage.de was an offering for users with different habits of information use who need a different depth of information compared to, for example, the typical sub scriber of c't. One of the striking features of techstage.de was tech duels, where two online editors duelled on cur rent issues in the information and communications tech nology industry in a funny and casual video dialogue. The offerings were not created by the c't journalists, but by staff acquired or assigned specifically for techstage.de. The content was completely free, so later it had to earn money through display, affiliate systems, and later more from transaction-based business. The business was diffi cult to assess. There were tech duels that reached over a hundred thousand visitors, but also some that brought a mere 5000 clicks, and thus hardly could have been prof itable. Business Development Manager Fabien Rohlinger had difficulty naming precise figures, but as he saw it,
An online contribution, regardless of whether it's news or a video, has to bring about 20,000 visits in order to be prof itable through display and transaction-based sales.7
Part 4: Case Studies
The Magazine-Publishing Industry in Upheaval
In recent years, we can observe a variety of changes on the German magazine market. Circulation is sinking slowly, but steadily. On the one hand there are an array of causes that manifest themselves in declining sales, while on the other hand a variety of operators are busy bracing themselves against this decline. Even in the 1970s, a dark future was forecast for magazines as a format, since they are the easiest to do without and the easiest to be replaced by other media. But there's life in the old dog yet: Today the variety of magazines in layout, price, and content is enormous and as many magazines as ever are on display at kiosks.8 Certainly, magazine pub lishers have to work with significantly lower turnover in printed media: Revenue of €5 billion for magazines with German audiences in 2011 will fall to about €3.6 to €3.8 billion in 2015. Circulation revenue could fall from €2.6 billion to €2.4 or €2.5 billion, and advertising sales could sink from €1.4 billion to €1.2 or €1.3 billion.9
For a long time the strategy of market penetration dominated among magazines, and this could be carried out well for so long because the publishers, thanks to clear positioning, worked different segments. But at the beginning of the 1990s, competition changed decisively on the magazine market: The markets were saturated. In order to continue growing on the German market, new titles must be launched. Demand from advertisers for ever more unique target groups led to increasing num bers of titles with correspondingly specific orientation. The huge expansion in computer use, private as well as professional, gives the segment of computers and com munications a much higher-than-average growth rate.10
The Main Drivers of Change The publishing industry faces a variety of changes. People speak of the age of the Internet, of omnipresent media offerings and the miniaturization of communication technologies, of an individualization of society that takes us from collective to compartmentalized entertainment offerings, of a demographic shift, of a population that is constantly changing. The effects of these developments are vast. From 2002 to 2008, retail sales of consumer magazines shrank by about 14%, while subscriptions had to accept a decline of about 7%. The observed trend toward lower circulation and at the same time a greater number of titles can be explained by society's increasing differentiation, where it gets compartmen talized into ever smaller arenas.1' This opens up oppor tunities for success in niche products, for example the
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Case 6: New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation
magazine Landlust, while the big, wide-reaching con cepts are like interchangeable titles in oversaturated seg ments and could in the future reach a point of crisis.12
Demographic changes lead to more elderly, and some very elderly, residents of Germany reading magazines, and fewer younger ones doing so. So the established magazines could last comfortably into the near future, since the demographic majority of their readers may be much older but they are still reading the magazines that they are accustomed to.13 We could summarize that the transformation in the magazine industry results from three challenges: demographic change, individualization and fragmentation of target groups, and the develop ment of new media formats with the Internet.
The Digital Revolution If we look at the technological drivers of the transfor mation, then we see that in addition to the Internet, the convergence of technologies and media are also having an effect-previously separate information and com munication technologies (for example, Internet TV) are merging and are driving new innovations in products and services. Highly successful business models estab lished over the course of decades, and above all focused on printed media, are thus clearly in question. Freely available online offerings come into direct competition with the classic printed magazine, causing the readership and above all the advertising market to shrink. Magazine companies are reacting to this partly by setting up their own online editorial teams. But magazine content can not be transferred one-to-one, since this would lead to a case of self-cannibalization, where information that has been prepared professionally at great expense is given away for free.14 Some publishing houses are currently trying out payment models. For example, Welt and Bild, as well as Siiddeutsche Zeitung want to introduce some paid content by the end of 2014.15 Whether the concept of paywalls works, or just drives the readership to the competition, remains to be seen.
Now that print and digital media have coexisted for years, and after a decade of growing media diver sity, we can now see the first losers: In 2012, Frankfurter Rundschau announced bankruptcy, Financial Times Deutschland was shutting down, Siiddeutsche Zeitung was preparing big cuts,16 and Springer-Verlag was intending to focus more on digital services and sold several tradi tional publications: Bild der Frau, Horzu und Hamburger Abendblatt.17
And IT publishers are faring no differently than other publishers. So far, no one has found a sure for mula for mastering the digital revolution. Even here, the
free mentality is seen as the main cause of the decline in print media. The question arises of how to monetize digital content, since financing the business with only the classic advertising revenue is no longer possible. One possibility is lead generation. Aside from high-value IT reporting, IT publishers are increasingly offering both offline and online events that bring producers together with interested people, for example, the webinars and events from Heise.
What's clear is that not all print publications will sur vive the digital transformation. And anyone who doesn't take into account the changes in media usage with apps, tablet editions, e-papers, or videos will have a hard time making headway in the future marketplace.18
Current Developments in Print and Online
Business Models For Heise Medien, the issue of business model and stra tegic orientation were among the most important in the 2010s. On one hand, there was still the subscriber- and ad-based business with print magazines. But at the same time, there were inevitably offers online that accom panied and supplemented them. For years, publishers around the world had difficulty determining a dominant system. Finally, Springer Verlag with Bild plus and the New York Times brought attention to themselves with paid offerings, without providing any convincing or last ing solutions. One of the basic questions seemed to be whether to erect a paywall. And beyond that, were many further options for generating sales online.
For Johannes Endres, editor-in-chief of c't and heise online, the question of business model is important. In his view, there is paid content in publishing, the most exclusive published content should allow for display of advertising space that one can sell to customers. The distinction between online and print is, for Endres, just a question of the channel, not of the business model. Likewise, in variations of subscription, paid content on demand, paywalls, and so on he sees only as variations of payment systems or price structure. That would be a component of the business model, but not of its core.
A substantial portion of the revenue generated through heise.de is once again so-called transac tion-based revenue. This has been generated when the advertising customer's website is reached through the media provider's website. If the magazine c't, for exam ple, publishes on its website a printer test conducted with its own resources, then it's very likely that someone
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reading the test summary will click on a link placed there that leads to a webpage where the devices of the test's winner are available. The exclusivity of content in the possession of heise.de confers strong competi tive advantages. This was certainly of great impor tance when working together with price portals such as geizhals.at or even the energy-industry comparison portal verivox.de. Transaction-based revenue has con tributed between 7% and 12% of total sales revenue for heise.de (Appendix 3).
The Future of Print and Online
Print media itself has come under increasing pressure every year since the development of the Internet, and the end of the print era has been declared repeatedly. But actually neither daily newspapers nor journals have disappeared from our everyday life, even though circulation has been falling. A study by the Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger (VDZ) [Association of German Magazine Publishers] and the business con sulting group KPMG19 recommended that publishers continue to rely on print as well as online publishing. Forty-four percent of the publishers participating in the study's survey rated developing their subscrip tion business, for example, as very important again. But at the same time, new products and distribution channels needed to be continually developed through trial and error. This was how the publishing industry's concept of the "Landlust" effect came into being, whereby a supposedly obscure niche aims for a seem ingly unreachable level of circulation. The Landlust magazine reached circulation of over one million in
2015, higher than Der Spiegel (882,000 issues), Stern (753,000 issues) and Focus (516,000).20 That proved that the old print formats could be successful despite the threat from the Internet.
The online realm, which appeared so superior and powerful, was on the other hand not so easy to man age profitably. "The royal road for paid content is not yet found, concludes Markus Kreher, Head of Media at KPMG.21 In the study carried out by KPMG and VDZ titled Erlosstrategien 2015 [Revenue Strategies 2015], payment and price models were addressed most of all as the approach to solving the problem.22 One of the big problems was the user. "Users online are indeed pretty asocial;' says Rohlinger bitingly of the circum stance that many very technically savvy users have been gradually taking away website providers' basis of existence, by using ad blockers and other tools. So paywalls and premium plans are on the agenda of all publishers.
Part 4: Case Studies
In the kitchenette of the editors of c't and heise online, nicely mounted magazine racks hold some of the most important German language computer and IT maga zines, among them publications like Chip, Computerbild, Computerwoche, Macwelt, PC Magazin, and many others. And that was only a small selection of their direct competitors. The media portal www.fachzeitungen.de listed over 200 magazine titles in the category Internet and Computer.23 Among them, of course, were also very spe cialized journals with negligible circulation. But the rack in Johannes Endres' kitchenette covered the most import ant of the magazines from the statista list of the twenty highest-circulation publications in IT and telecommuni cations (Appendix 1). What looked like a lot of competi tion, Johannes Endres addressed in a relaxed way:
For c't, there isn't really a competing product. And we don't really read the other magazines. Of course, we take a look inside to see what they're offering. But c't doesn't really have any competition of its own, as arrogant and ignorant as that may sound. 24
That's because for Endres, the founders of c't in the 1980s couldn't buy the IT magazine they wanted on the German-speaking market. And so they made one for themselves according to their own ideas and wishes. And in that way the pioneers of that time met the needs of many thousands of other IT specialists and enthusiasts who wanted to get deep into what at the time was still new material. And even up to today, no other print mag azine on the market has been able to match the quality of the content that Heise has itself produced. None of the competitors' magazines could, for example, match the tests carried out in their own laboratories and written by their own technical journalists. Nevertheless, Johannes Endres didn't ignore the fact that the needs of readers and IT users could also change, and that other magazines with less substantiated content also eventually found a readership. And then there were also online offerings from magazines, or even pure online offerings such as Golem.de that were not backed up by any magazine publisher, but as far as Fabien Rohlinger and Johannes Endres were concerned came closest to the quality of c't. Dr. Alfons Schrader, General Manager of Heise Medien, saw two main competitors.
We have two rivals that have different characteristics. One is IDG and the other is Chip Burda, in other words CHIP Communications GmbH. The two of them operate very differently and their competitiveness keeps diminishing over time. 25
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Case 6: New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation
While JDG in Schrader's perception had already practically left the print media business, and then had backtracked somewhat convincingly, Chip has focused heavily on the online market and in doing so has even posted good results. Chip has aimed more at the con sumer area and has been substantially stronger in gaming than Heise Zeitschriften Verlag.
Out of the great range of online services and print offerings, a few brands have stood out: Chip, Heise Online I c't, PC-Welt, Computerbild and go/em.de, the latter with online offerings only. In several of these competing offers, Endres naturally saw significant competition. In the print segment, most of all those subscription-based magazines serving the target group of IT professionals and very ambitious private users, c't was clearly the top dog for him.
CHIP Communications GmbH With a guaranteed paid circulation of 193,000 issues, the magazine CHIP was the third-biggest computer magazine in Germany in 2015, after Computerbild and c't.26 CHIP had existed since 1978 and belonged to Hubert Burda Media, one of the biggest German pub lishing groups, which was also active internationally. CHIP was one of the 82 magazines of Burda Verlag in Germany, but the group's only IT magazine. In addition to the main issue that appeared monthly, CHIP Poto Video Digital, there were also CHIP special issues like CHIP Test & Kauf Tests and buyers guides, as well as the download directory, were core pieces of the CHIP. de magazine's online presence. CHIP represented itself as a testing authority, technical advisor, and trend barometer.27
Computer Bild Digital GmbH COMPUTER BILD Digital GmbH was a subsidiary of Axel Springer AG in Hamburg. The online and print brands were Computerbild and computerbild.de. In the media data, Computerbild defined its target group as technical multipliers with buying power who enjoy con suming. With computerbild.de the company generated over 13 million so-called unique users, over 46 million visits, and over 240 million page impressions.28 In the print realm, COMPUTER BILD Digital GmbH designated 3.43 million readers and advertised to them as a reliable advisor using tests, courses, and reports.29 Meanwhile the biweekly magazine clearly put a high value on easy and understandable explanations of deep knowledge in PC, telecommunications, Internet, and entertainment electronics.
IDG Communications GmbH This US company was present on the German-speaking market in print as well as online, in particular with the title PC-Welt. Since 1974, its Munich-based German sub sidiary IDG Communications Media AG has been present on the German market and is a significant competitor with up to 20 print and online formats for the target groups, IT and financial decision-makers, consumer and small business, and also gamers.Jo
Compared to competitors like Heise, Computerbildgolem .de, and Chip, IDG differentiated itself particularly through expanded marketing services and an event area with workshops and seminars, as well as large events.J' The three most important print formats of IDG in Germany were Computerwoche with a circulation of around 12,500 in 2014 (including e-papers), PC-Welt with about 104,000 issues, and GamestarJ2 at 69,000.
golem.de With the tagline "IT news for professionals," the online service of Berlin's Klaft & Ihlenfeld Verlag positioned itself clearly in the segment of the Heise flagship c't. The parent company of Klaft & Ihlenfeld Verlags is Computec Media AG from Furth. The guid ing principleJ3 of go/em.de is strongly congruent with the self-concept of c't for Heise Medien. go/em.de sees itself as a group of technically inspired enthu siasts with high journalistic standards who want to offer high-value information to early adopters-those who understand technology early and want to use it. The vision that the company has set for itself is no less than "[to] become the only contact point in the German-speaking region that a reader interested in technology needs in order to be comprehensively and thoroughly informed:'34
The Future of Heise Medien
What might the future bring? In the following points, Dr. Alfons Schrader summarized what for him are the most important drivers of the transformation that he wants to approach proactively:
- The revenue mix is changing. - Media brands are developing multidimensional
spheres of business (print, online, congresses, conferences, webinars, apps, video tutorials, paid content, and more).
- Readers are prepared to pay for digital content (especially for apps and their use, but also retail sales, clubs, etc.).
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Online business survives from a mix of display, real-time advertising (RTA), transactions, solu tions, and lead generation. Along with those, new revenue sources are developing for publishers such as corporate pub lishing, solutions, services, market research, etc.
Appendix 1 German Magazine Market by Circulation Numbers35•36
Part 4: Case Studies
How would all of that fit into one business model? And how would such a model look, which conforms to Schriider's strategy, and at the same time leads to a clear positioning on the market while remaining open enough to react flexibly to future technological developments while meeting new market needs?
Ranking of the 25 highest-circulated magazines in Germany in the first quarter of 2015
TY 14
TY Digital
TY Direkt
TY Movie
Horzu Lardust-Die schbnsten
saten das Landlabens TY 5 plerim
Aufehen Bilek
Der 5 piegel
Bild der Frau
Freizeit Revue
TY Horeh and 5 ehen
Neue Past
Auto Bild
Das Neue Blatt
In Style
0 250,000 750,000
1,250,000 1,750,000 2,250,000 2,750,000
Paid circulation
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Case 6: New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation C-87
Appendix 1 (cont.) German Magazine Market in Numbers
Ranking of the 20 highest-circulated IT and telecommunication magazines in Germany in the first quarter of 2015
Computer Bild
CT magazin for computertechnk
Computer Bild Spiele
Game Star
PC Magazin
PC Games
PC Games Hardware
t3n Magazin-digital pioneers
Games Aktuell
Mac life
Chip Tesc & Kaur
0 50.000 100.000 150.000 200.000
Paid circulation
250.000 300.000 350.000
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C-88 Part 4: Case Studies
Appendix 1 (cont.) German Magazine Market in Numbers
"iii C ...
E ::,
Development of the number of journal titles in Germany in the years 1999 to 2013
4,000 � ----------------------------------- -�
3,899 3,907
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
"' .., C QI
"C C 0 Q. "' �
0 ...
QI ..c
E ::,
Percentage of respondents, who preferred printed magazines while also given the same online offer
100% �----------------------------------�
80% 75% 75%
0% Total 14 to 28 years 29 to 45 years 46 to 64 years 65 to 75 years
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Case 6: New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation
Appendix 1 (cont.) German Magazine Market in Numbers
Agreed to the statement "I prefer to read longer texts printed on paper than on a screen"
14 to 29-year-olds
30 to 44-year-olds
45 to 59-year-olds
60-year-olds and older
Appendix 2 Company Structure
Heise Mediengruppe
Company headquaters: Hannover Gesellschafter:
Christian Heise, lsgard Heise, Ansgar Heise Shareholders:
Christian Heise (Vars.), Ansgar Heise (Stellv. Vars.) Revenue 2012: 118 Millionen Euro Employees 2012: 548
Business areas: Telephone books, directory media, magazines, elec tronic media, books, radio
30% 40% 50% 60%
Number of respondents
Portfolio: Verlag Heinz Heise
Heise Medien GmbH & Co KG Heise Adressbuch Verlag
Thuhoff TKN HinstorffVerlag Rostock Heise Media Service Heise IT
eMedia GmbH seen.by GmbH
dpunkt.verlag TEN SQUARE RADIO 21 Latvijas Talrunis Wohnnet Medien solute GmbH Marktjagd GmbH
techconsult Maker Media GmbH Geizhals
70% 80%
90% 100%
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Appendix 2 (cont.) Company Structure
Heise Medien
Managing directors: Ansgar Heise, Dr. Alfons Schrader
heise online
Chief editor: Johannes Endres
Publishers: Christian Heise, Ansgar Heise, Christian Persson
Managing directors: Ansgar Heise, Dr. Alfons Schrader
c't magazin
Chief editors: Detlef Grell, Johannes Endres
Publishers: Christian Heise, Ansgar Heise, Christian Persson
Managing directors: Ansgar Heise, Dr. Alfons Schrader
Appendix 3 Heise Medien in Numbers
Produc ts: c'tmagazin
iX - Magazin fur professionelle lnformationstechnik
Technology Review
heise online
c't Digitale Fotografie
c't Hacks
Part 4: Case Studies
Heise online is one of the most used IT news services in Germany. In the cross
editorial Internet platform, IT-interested people will find daily information from
the editorial departments of the magazine titles c't, iX, Technology Review, as
well as the on line magazine Telepolis.
At the heise-shop, the majority of the publications of c't, iX and Technology
Review are available for a paid download. A free heise.de app is available as an
iPhone and Android version. Further service offers and specialized thematic
pages round up Internet portal offers.
Heise Download tech stage.de
heise on line Telepolis heise Foto heiseVideo
c't Magazin c't Hacks heise Netze TechStage
iX Magazin Digitale Fotografie Open Source Download
Technology Review heise Autos heise Security Preisvergleich
Mac&i heise Developer Stellenmarkt
Since its first issue in the late autumn of 1983, the computer magazine c't has dis
tinguished itself through a demanding, editorial-independent, and expert-based
coverage. As the most frequently subscribed computer magazine in Europe, c't
takes up a wide range of topics in the fourteen-day rhythm. In addition, c't keeps
its readers daily informed through the cross-editorial Internet portal heise on line.
1. Total Revenue Structure Development 2004 Until 2014 (in%)
Net sales (Sales after remissions)
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Print 90.7% 82.9% 81.7% 82.6% 78.7% 75.0%
Digital 7.3% 14.0% 15.5% 14.6% 17.5% 21.2%
Events 0.4% 1.6% 1.6% 1.4% 2.6% 2.7%
Other 1.6% 1.4% 1.3% 1.3% 1.1% 1.1%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
2. Revenue Structure Development Heise Online 2004 Until 2014 (in%)
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Display 99.1% 97.8% 84.4% 75.3% 76.3% 67.3%
HBS (Lead Gen., etc.) 0.0% 0.0% 2.2% 9.4% 7.1% 7.3%
Transactions 0.9% 2.2% 6.7% 10.2% 9.3% 11.9%
RTA/ Inventory marketing 0.0% 0.0% 2.3% 3.5% 4.2% 11.0%
External marketing 0.0% 0.0% 4.4% 1.7% 3.0% 2.4%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
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Case 6: New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation
Appendix 3 (cont.) Heise Medien in Numbers
3. Cost Structure Development 2004 Until 2014
Change of costs in% 2004 and 2014
Costs: For example: Production costs Print (print/ paper), external editing, sales costs/ logistics, conference costs
For example: Infrastructure, marketing, external programming/ IT services, AfA
Person cost: e.g. In addition to editorial, sales, sales, central functions also internal developers for digital products and IT department.
Sum from 2004
Individual cost
Overhead cost
Staff costs
Individual cost
. ...
. . . .
Sum from 2014
Overhead Cost
Development of Individual Costs
Staff costs Total: sum from2004
Total:sum from 2014
. '
Year Print Digi Events Other Total result
351 %
Development ofTotal Costs
Year Print Digi Events Other Total result
2004 100% 100% 100% 100%
2006 97% 247% 100% 131% 128%
2008 103% 303% 69% 153% 138%
2010 85% 264% 67% 149% 121%
2012 87% 291% 19% 181% 125%
2014 86% 346% 18% 180% 129%
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Appendix 3 (cont.) Heise Medien in Numbers
4. Subscription to the last Delivered Edition of the Year
Only paid subscriptions
2004 Year total . . . 2014 Year total
Part 4: Case Studies
All subscriptions Print subscriptions All subscriptions Print subscriptions Digitale
c't Magazin 237'915 237'915 224'870 220'982
DigiFoto 0 0 12'024 12'019
Mac&i 0 0 12'520 12'122
Hardware Hacks 0 0 8'106 8'106
iX 37'464 37'464 31'955 31 '287
TR 11'633 11'633 12'322 12'322
Appendix 4 General Market Data37,38,39
Visit development of German IT sites according to IVW
80,000,000 �----------------------------------
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Chip 58 Mio. Computerbild.de 41 Mio. Heise.de 27 Mio.
PC-WELT 11 Mio. Golem.de 11 Mio.
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Case 6: New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation
Appendix 4 (cont.) General Market Data
-•u• •
l D
Magazines in the IT /Telecom segment with the highest sales circulation in the 1st quarter of 2013.
M . ... Paid circulation ... Change to 1 /2012
agazme T 1 /2013 T (in %)
Computer bild (Axel Springer) 494.009
C't magazin for computertechnik (Heise Zeitschriften verlag)
Chip (Chip communication)
PC-Welt (IDG magazine media)
Computer bild spiele (Axel springer)
Data from 1 to 5 are displayed from a total of 5
Appendix S Glossary
Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Design of measures for improved searchability on search engine results pages.
Search Engine Advertising (SEA): Search engine advertising means to place paid ads on search engine results pages (for example, through the Google Adwords system).
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engine optimization refers to measures that aim to improve the position of a web presence in the free organic search results of a search engine.
Google Adwords
Google Ad words is a system that allows customers to book keywords in an auction or fixed-price process. If the booked terms are accessed and clicked on by users of the Google search engine, the customer will be liable for payment.
Affiliate marketing
In affiliate marketing, the marketing operator uses a variety of affiliates to market their service or product. The advantage is the distribution of the marketing effort on several partners, which are paid for success only. There are different remuneration forms:
Pay per Lead: for the generation of a customer contact (for example, entry in a newsletter distribution list or ordering a catalog)
Pay per Click: for each click on a link or banner displayed on the website or in the email of the affiliate.
Pay per Sale: a fixed amount or a percentage interest in the selling price is paid for each sale, which is effected through the advertising campaign of the affiliate.
One of the most famous affiliate networks is Amazon. Hundreds of thousands of websites link directly to the website of Amazon in order to buy the desired title directly. Once the sale takes place, Amazon pays a sales commission to the partner (affiliate).
Transaction-based business model
In a transaction-based business model, for example, a market service is offered in the function of a broker, which incurs charges or commissions in the event of the closure of a transaction. Typical examples of this are Ebay or websites of tourism brokers, such as Expedia or Billigfluege.de. The difference to affiliate marketing is that only the re-linking of the users is not payable, but actually a transaction has to be made.
Advertising-based business model
Advertising-based business models attempt to generate as many visits to the website as possible with services or content on a web page, and to permanently ensure that the website becomes a coveted advertising space (display). This means that companies pay money to allow their advertising to appear on the website. The use of the website and the services offered there is generally free of charge for the Internet user. This business model is often used, for example, by price comparison pages or free news services.
Paid Content
The basic model Paid Content tries to attract ready-to-pay users with the most attractive and exclusive content possible on the operated media (on line and offiine). Online would thus charge a usage fee for certain contents, offiine a magazine or a newspaper subscription would be sold and thus sales generated.
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Editorial review has deemed thar any suppressed content docs not materially affect the overall learning experience. Ccngage Leaming reserves 1hc right to remove additional contcm at any time if subsequent rights rcs1rictions require it.
Dierks, S. (2009): Quo vadis Zeitschriften? Anderung der Medienlandschaft und Auswirkungen auf den
Pressekaufer. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften.
Hamann, G. (2012, November 29): Im Sturm: Wie guter Journalismus uberleben
wird - und was wir heute uber morgen wissen. Zeit Online. Abgerufen am 24.12.2014 unter http://www.zeit .de/2012/48/Medien-Zeitung
-Journalismus/komplettansicht Hauser, J. (2012, November 11): Medien im
Wandel: Wie Zeitschriftenverlage digital mit der Werbeindustrie mehr verdienen konnten. Frankfurter Allgemeine.
Abgerufen am 24.12.2014 unter http:// blogs.faz.net/medienwirtschaft /2012/11/08/weniger-einnahmen-mit -gedruckten-zeitschriften-wie-verlage
-digital-mit-der-werbeindustrie-mehr -verdienen-koennten-88/
Heckel, C., & RuBmann, H. (2009): Demografischer Wandel und seine
Bedeutung fur Zeitschriften. In S. Dierks
1. Interview mit Dr. Alfons Schrader, October 2014.
2. Interview mit Dr. Alfons Schrader, October 2014.
3. Image brochure from Heise Medien Gruppe (2012).
4. Interview with Johannes Endres, August 2014.
5. http://www.heise-medien.de/presse/Heise
-Zeitschriften-Verlag-kauft-Blog-2133245 . html. Accessed on 28-Nov-2014.
6. Interview with Johannes Endres, August 2014.
7. Interview with Fabien Rohlinger, August 2014.
8. Compare Tschortner and Schenk, 2009, p. 19
9. Compare Hauser, 2012 10. Compare Tschor tner and Schenk, 2009,
pp. 20-23 11. Compare Novak, 2009, p. 101
12. Compare Tschortner & Schenk, 2009, pp. 22-30
13. Compare Heckel and RuBmann, 2009, pp. 137-140
14. Compare Tunte, Helbig, Peters, and GroBe-
Kreul, 2010
15. 16. 17.
18. 19. 20.
21 . 22. 23.
(Hrsg.), Quo vadis Zeitschriften? Anderung der Medienlandschaft und Auswirkungen auf den Pressekiiufer
(S. 137-148). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften.
IDG Communication Media AG (2013): IDG Deutschland Gesamtportfolio.
Abgerufen unter http://www .idg.de/portal/unternehmen/idg
-deutschland-427 am 21.01.2015. Novak, D. (2009): Gesellschaft und Medien
im Wandel. In S. Dierks (Hrsg.), Quo vadis Zeitschriften? Anderung der Medienlandschaft und Auswirkungen auf den Pressekiiufer (S. 99-112). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften.
PR-COM (2014, September 18): Nachgefragt: Wie sieht die digitale Zukunft der IT-Medien aus? Abgerufen am 24.12.2014 unter http://www.pr-com.de/de
-it-medien Riepl, W. (1972): Das Nachrichtenwesen des
Altertums: mit besonderer Rucksicht auf
die Romer. Hildesheim: Olms.
Compare PR-COM, 2014 Compare Hamann, 2012 Compare Schultz, Steinmetz, and Teevs, 2013
Compare PR-COM, 2014 Compare Priller/Pauker (2013) http:// de.stati sta .com/ statisti kid a ten /stud ie/36716/u mfrage/d i e-groessten
-zeitschriften-nach-auflage/ Compare Priller/Pauker (2013), p. 72 Compare Priller/Pauker (2013) http://www.fachzeitungen.de/seite /p/kat/katid/27
Interview with Johannes Endres, August 2014. Interview with Dr. Alfons Schrader, October 2014.
http:// de.stati sta .com/ statisti kid a ten /studie/375894/umfrage/it-und -telekommunikationszeitschriften-mit -den-hoechsten-auflagen/
http://www.chip-media.de/chip-print /chip/titelportraet.html Computer Bild Digital GmbH (2014): fact sheet. Accessed at http://www.axelspringer
-mediapilot.de/artikel/computerbild.de -Aktuelles-computerbild.de_1131771.html.
31. 32.
33. 34. 35.
Part 4: Case Studies
Schulz, S., Steinmetz, V., & Teevs, C. (2013, July 25): Ausverkauf der Print-Sparte:
Springer kappt seine Wurzeln.
Abgerufen am 24.12.2014 unter http:// www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen / axel-s p ri nge r-verl ag-verka uft -printprodukte-analyse-der-strategie
-a-913107.html Tschortner, A., & Schenk, M.
(2009): Profil des deutschen Publikumszeitschriftenmarktes - eine
Analyse der Entwicklungsbedingungen. In S. Dierks (Hrsg.), Quo vadis Zeitschriften? Anderung der Medienlandschaft und Auswirkungen auf den Pressekiiufer
(S. 19-44). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften.
Clasen, N. (2013): Der digitale Tsunami - Das Innovators Dilemma der traditionellen Medienunternehmen.
Abgerufen am 21.10.2015 unter: http:// onlinejournalismusblog.com/2013/10/13 /warum-medien-online-kaum-geld -verdienen/
Computer Bild Digital GmbH (2015): fact sheet. Accessed at http://www.axelspringer -mediapilot.de/portrait/COMPUT E R -BILD -COMPUTER-BILD_670594.html.
http:// http://www.idg.de/portal /unternehmen/idg-deutschland-427 IDG (2013). http://www.idg.de/portal/print/idg -zeitschriften-461
www.golem.de/sonstiges/leitbild.html. www.golem.de/sonstiges/leitbild.html. http://de.statista.com/stati sti kl daten /studie/36716/umfrage/die-groessten
-zeitschriften-nach-auflage/ http://de.statista.com/stati sti kl daten /studie/375894/umfrage/it-und
-den-hoechsten-auflagen/ http://www.chip.de/cxo/3017439 /CHIP _Online_Mediadaten.pdf http:/ /www.iqm.de/medien/online
/golemde/media/aktuelle-themen-32/ http:/ /de.statista.com/statistikldaten /studie/156296/umfrage/auflagen -von-zeitsch riften-i m-seg m ent-it
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Case 7: Illinois Tool Works: Retooling for Continued Growth and Profitability C-95
CASE 7 IVEY I Publishing NUS
Illinois Tool Works: Retooling for Continued Growth and Profitability1
In June 2016, Illinois Tool Works (ITW) was at a crit ical juncture in its evolution. T he company had iden tified a number of lofty goals in its 2015 annual report to be achieved by the end of 2017. ITW expected to reach above 200 basis points in organic growth above the market (assumed at 3 per cent), a 23 per cent oper ating margin, a 20 per cent after-tax return on invested capital, 100 per cent free cash flow as a percentage of net income, and 12 to 14 per cent shareholder returns.2 At the beginning of the year, riding on a successful 2015, these targets had seemed eminently achievable, based on ITW 's performance up to 2012 (see Exhibit 1) and more recent performance (see Exhibit 2). However, in 2016, the U.S. and world economies seemed to face a variety of challenges, including political uncertainty in the United States and Europe because of a presidential election and
Exhibit 1 Illinois Tool Works'Ten-Year Summary of Key Performance
the United Kingdom's vote to exit from the European Union, as well as continued weaknesses in emerging markets and volatile currencies, among other factors.
Since taking over as chief executive officer (CEO) in 2012 after the untimely death of his predecessor David Speer, E. Scott Santi had implemented a number of divestments and consolidated the 800 small divisions he had inherited into 84 larger divisions, reducing the com plexity of the company and improving its prospects for organic (rather than acquisitions-driven) growth, albeit with an accompanying reduction in revenues.3 Results had been encouraging. However, Santi's strategy was dependent on achieving continued organic growth and undertaking bigger acquisitions, each posing its own set of challenges. Continued organic growth would depend on environmental developments, and ITW had already
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Operating revenues
($ million)
Operating income
($ million)
Operating income
Net income
($ million)
Return on average
invested capital (%)
Number of
Cash paid for acqui
sitions($ million)
Total debt
($ million)
capitalization ratio
Note: All currency amounts are in US$.
17,787 15,416 13,573
2,731 2,254 1,383
15.4 14.6 10.2
2,071 1,503 973
16.8 14.6 10.6
28 24 20
1,308 497 281
3,990 2,868 3,075
28.S 23.1 26.1
16,544 15,550 13,254 12,029 10,836
2,410 2,535 2,286 2,021 1,808
14.6 16.3 17.2 16.8 16.7
1,519 1,870 1,718 1,495 1,339
15.4 17.4 17.5 16.9 15.9
so 52 53 22 24
1,547 813 1,379 627 588
3,682 2,299 1,418 1,211 1,125
32.4 19.7 13.6 13.8 12.8
Source: ITW, "Differentiated Business Model Differentiated Performance: 201 S Annual Report;' Illinois Tool Works, March 23, 2016, accessed November 29, 2016,
http://investor.itw.com/ ~/med ia/Files/I/ITW-I R/docu ments/onl ine-proxy-voting/2015-itw-an nua lreport.pdf.
Professor Nitin Pangarkar wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The author does not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The author may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
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C-96 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 2 Illinois Tool Works' Recent Results (in US$ Millions)
2015 2014 2013
Operating Operating Operating Revenues Profits Revenues Profits Revenues Profits
Automotive 2,529 613 2,590 600 2,396 490
Test and measurement and 1,969 322 2,204 340 2,176 321
Food equipment 2,096 498 2,177 453 2,047 385
Polymers and fluids 1,712 335 1,927 357 1,993 335
Welding 1,650 415 1,850 479 1,837 464
Construction products 1,587 316 1,707 289 1,717 238
Specialty products 1,885 439 2,055 440 2,007 408
lntersegment revenue -23 -71 -26 -70 -38 -127
Total 13,405 2,867 14,484 2,888 14,135 2,514
Source: ITW, "Differentiated Business Model Differentiated Performance: 2015 Annual Report," Illinois Tool Works, March 23, 2016, accessed November 29, 2016,
been adversely affected by the struggles of its customers in the oil and gas sectors. Large acquisitions, such as the US$470 million4 purchase of Engineered Fasteners and Components in early 2016, also posed higher implemen tation risks, which would likely result in significant per formance issues if the strategy failed to meet its goals.5
Santi's strategy had yielded excellent results over the past few years, but there was considerable uncertainty about achieving future goals.
In 1912, Frank W. England, Paul B. Goddard, Oscar T. Hogg, and Carl G. Olson formed ITW, a company that manufactured and sold metal-cutting tools. Supported by Chicago financier Byron L. Smith, the company quickly expanded to include products such as truck transmis sions and pumps, which were in demand because of America's involvement in World War I. Before the end of the decade, three other companies were formed-the De Vilbiss Company, the Hobart Brothers Company, and Signode-which would later become parts of ITW.
The company continued to develop new engineered products, as well as grow its portfolio of products through acquisitions. Its engineering excellence earned the company representation on the War Production Board in World War II. In 1940, Harold B. Smith, the company's CEO at the time, implemented the strategy of decentralization, which was still a key ITW organiza tional strategy in 2016.
Soon after its 50th anniversary, the company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. During the 1960s, ITW further strengthened its position in the construction, industrial, and packaging markets, as well as expanding into international markets, which continued through the 1980s. Signode had by this time become a large multinational manufacturer of metal and plastic strapping, stretch film, industrial tape, application equipment, and related products. Its merger with ITW doubled the company's size. In 1996, Jim Farrell became chairman of ITW and refined the company's strategy towards numerous smaller acquisitions. 6
The ITW Business Model
By its own accounts, the ITW business model was composed of three elements: the 80/20 management process, customer-back innovation, and a decentralized entrepreneurial culture.7
The 80/20 management process implied focusing on the most rewarding areas such as the most profitable customers. The simplicity of this principle enabled ITW to concentrate its efforts, resources, and investments on key customers and products that were best positioned for profitable organic growth.
One concrete example of implementation of the 80/20 principle was provided in the manufacturing of nails for wood-framed houses. ITW's analysis revealed that four types of nails accounted for 80 per cent of the
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Case 7: Illinois Tool Works: Retooling for Continued Growth and Profitability
volume and more than 20 other types of nails accounted for 20 per cent of the volume. To distinguish the prod ucts based on their salience, ITW started making the high-volume nails in different manufacturing cells from the other nails. Over time, ITW moved the high-volume nails to separate plants from the low-volume nails. Speer, the executive vice-president at the time, summarized the benefits of this approach as follows: "If you keep them together, you end up compromising on both. If you sep arate them, you optimize both:'s
ITW's customer-back innovation placed an empha sis on solving customer problems. ITW had a strong intellectual property portfolio. Of its 16,000 granted and pending patents, 1,900 had been applied for in 2015 alone. ITW also took pride in applying technology expertise to solve customers' problems. For example, after realizing that smaller, fuel-efficient automobile engines generated higher levels of noise and vibration, ITW developed the WaveShear Isolation Springs to dampen noise and vibration.9
Another example of customer-back innovation, the "click and collect food equipment" initiative, offered customers who ordered perishable groceries online
Exhibit 3 Illinois Tool Works' Product Portfolio
temperature-controlled lockers placed at strategic loca tions (proximate to customers) with the convenience of a flexible pick-up service, rather than having to wait for delivery.10
ITW promoted a decentralized-entrepreneurial cul ture. T he company believed that its employees under stood its business model, strategy, and core values, which allowed ITW to empower its business teams to make decisions and customize their approach to specific cus tomers and end markets. In other words, ITW employ ees thought and acted like entrepreneurs and delivered results.
ITW competed in seven broad product areas: automotive original equipment manufacturer,11 food equipment, test measurement and electronics, welding equipment, power and fluids, construction products, and specialty products (see Exhibit 3). In 2015, each of the seven product groups accounted for revenue ranging from US$1.6 billion to US$2.5 billion across various geograph ical areas (see Exhibit 4).
Automotive OEM Under this vertical, ITW designed and manufactured fasteners, interior and exterior components, and powertrain
and braking systems for OEMs and their top-tier suppliers.
Food equipment
Test measurement
and electronics
Power and fluids
Specialty products
Under this vertical, ITW offered products in ware wash, cooking, refrigeration, and integrated services to institu
tional, industrial, restaurant, and retail customers around the world.
ITW's test and measurement business provided specialized test and measurement products to a diverse set of
customers operating in highly regulated, demanding environments. ITW's electronics business provided manufac
turing and maintenance, repair, and operations solutions that served the semiconductor, industrial, life sciences,
and automotive industries, among others.
This ITW division offered value-added equipment and specialty consumables for a variety of industrial and infra
structure applications.
Under this vertical, ITW offered specialized adhesives, lubricants, and additives for global wind energy, automotive
aftermarket, aerospace, construction, industrial, and automotive customers.
ITW's construction products group was a supplier of engineered fastening systems and related consumables and
software. These products were uniquely specified for a variety of materials, including wood, concrete, steel, and
engineered lumber for the residential, commercial, and renovation markets.
ITW's specialty products segment was composed of diverse businesses who met the needs of large customers
with specific solution requirements. Specialty products businesses included consumer packaging products such as
zippers on re-sealable bags and multi-packaging carriers (six-pack rings); software and equipment for warehouse
automation; single-use products for the medical industry; aircraft ground support equipment; and, coating and
metalizing businesses for the branding and security markets.
Note: OEM = original equipment manufacturer.
Source: ITW, "Differentiated Business Model Differentiated Performance: 201 S Annual Report," Illinois Tool Works, March 23, 2016, accessed November 29, 2016,
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C-98 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 4 Illinois Tool Works' Portfolio and Performance
2015 Patent Portfolio 201 S Total Revenues Operating (Granted and by Geography Margin (%) Pending) Key Brands Remarks
Automotive US$2.5 billion 24.2 2,755 Deltar, ITW Shakeproof Organic revenue
North America: 47% ITW Drawform CAGR of 8%
EMEA:34% since 2012
APAC: 19%
Test measure- US$2.0 billion 16.3 1,753 Test and measurement: Buehler, Revenue CAGR of
mentand North America: 42% lnstron, Brooks Instrument, 14% si nee 2005
electronics EMEA:28% Avery Weigh-Tronix, Wilson
APAC: 30% Electronics: Kester, Vitronics
Soltec, Speedline, SIMCO-ION,
Despatch Industries, Texwipe,
Stockvis Tapes, Loma Systems,
Food equipment US$2.1 billion 23.7 1,178 Baxter, Foster, Hobart, Stero, Operating margin
North America: 55% Traulsen, Vesta, Vulcan, Bonnet, improvement of
EMEA:36% MBM, Elro 660 basis points
APAC:9% since 2012
Polymers US$1.7 billion 19.6 602 Black Magic, DensitD, Devcon, Operating margin
and fluids North America: 55% ITWWind Group, Permatex, improvement of
EMEA:23% Plexus rainx, Wynn's 380 basis points
APAC: 22% since 2012
Welding US$1.6 billion 25.2 3,012 Miller, Hobart, Tregaskiss, Revenue CAGR of
North America: 76% Bernard 8% since 1993
EMEA: 11%
APAC: 13%
Construction US$1.6 billion 19.9 3,325 Alpine, ITW Buildex, Paslode, Operating margin
products North America: 41 % Ramset, Red Head, Spit, Reid improvement of
EMEA:30% 830 basis points
APAC:29% since 2012
Specialty US$1.9 billion 23.3 3,927 Filtertek, Hartness, Hi-Cone, Operating margin
products North America: 58% Meurer, Zip-Pak improvement of
EMEA:27% 380 basis points
APAC: 15% since 2012
Note: EMEA = Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; APAC = Asia Pacific; CAGR = compound annual growth rate
Source: "Business Segments; Illinois Tool Works, accessed on June 22, 2016, www.itw.com/business-segments/; ITW, "Differentiated Business Model Differentiated
Performance: 201 S Annual Report," Il linois Tool Works, March 23, 2016, accessed November 29, 2016, http://investor.itw.com/~/media/Files/l/lTW-IR/documents/
onl i ne-proxy-voti ng/201 5-itw-a nn ual report.pdf.
Decentralization 12
Decentralization had been a key pillar of ITW's strategy since 1940. Until 2012, when Santi took over as CEO, the company practiced an extreme form of decentralization by acquiring small companies in most cases, and at other times, creating hundreds of small units from bigger companies that had either grown internally or had been acquired (e.g., Signode). Jim Farrell, an ITW CEO who had accelerated the implementation of the decentraliza tion strategy, explained its advantage: "We're competitive in the marketplace. So run your consolidated model.
It seems to me my costs are lower than yours with my decentralized model:' 13 ITW's acquisitions followed by the implementation of a decentralization strategy were referred to by Forbes magazine as a form of "conquer and divide:' 14 The extreme practice of decentralization was also pursued with vigour under Farrell's successor Speer, who once aimed to have 1,000 small divisions under the ITW umbrella.
Under the extreme decentralization strategy, ITW would typically consider splitting a business unit when the revenues reached the $50 million range. The resulting small size of the divisions would reduce the possibility
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Case 7: Illinois Tool Works: Retooling for Continued Growth and Profitability
of achieving economies of scale, but ITW found that it would enable the small divisions to be more focused and competitive. ITW's former vice-chairman Frank Ptak explained the concept as follows:
We love competing against a big company, because their management teams don't have the same feel that our peo ple have. It's not that we're smarter. It's that our people are only concentrating on one small part of the market. They are like entrepreneurs-it's not an exaggeration. The basic advantage is you have people down in the trenches who really understand the business because they are specifically dedicated to it.15
Extreme decentralization had another important ramification. It enhanced career opportunities for ITW's employees, and high-performing employees could have the opportunity to be in charge of a business at a young age. In fact, ITW pitched these entrepreneurial opportu nities to attract high-quality employees.
Believing in the benefits from the decentralized strat egy, ITW consciously deemphasized synergies. Its head quarters hosted only tax, audit, and associated financial functions; investor relations; a skeleton human resource department staff; and a research and development group that supported the individual businesses with applica - tion development. 16 This strategy allowed each senior
Exhibit 5 An illustration of Illinois Tool Works' Decentralization Strategy
Fastex -
Shakeproof t-- Seven
- Operating Units 1955-99
executive at the headquarters to handle multiple busi nesses. For example, in 2007, 50 executives at the head quarters level were in charge of 750 units in the United States and in 48 foreign countries.17
The corporate management didn't specify financial targets for divisions, preferring to have targets percolate from the bottom up. The top management, however, required each division to continuously show improve ment, especially in terms of margins. As Farrell once stated, "We expect all of our businesses to move up their margins each year, whether they are a 5 per cent- or a 35 per cent-margin business. Incentive compensation strongly reinforces the earnings emphasis, with 50 per cent of bonus opportunity directly tied to them:' 18
The dramatic performance enhancement from the extreme decentralization strategy was evident, especially in terms of growth. Between 1965 and 1972, as a part of ITW's Fastex division, ITW's Deltar business grew to achieve sales of $2 million (see Exhibit 5). After sepa ration from Fastex in 1972, Deltar grew rapidly and was divided many times. W henever opportunities arose, it also added new divisions, especially between 1995 and 1999, when its insert-moulded business grew revenues from $40 million to $135 million by adding five divisions. By 1999, the original Deltar business had been divided into 26 different units and had revenues of $300 million. 19
HiCone -
Deltar Nine
- 1972
- Operatng Units 1972-99
>-- Lynx 1982
- Nexus 1984
Fastex OEM >--
Fastex -
Distribution 1997
Source: Company files. PowerPoint presentation by Jane L. Warner at the Great Lakes Manufacturing Forum in June 2008.
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ITW had always undertaken acquisitions. However, under CEOs Farrell and Speer, ITW implemented a strategy of undertaking up to 30-50 acquisitions per year, in some years. ITW typically focused on targets valued under $100 million that were available at less than 1.1 times the book value (see Exhibits 1 and 6).20
Speaking about ITW's preference for small acquisitions over large acquisitions, former CFO Jon Kinney once said, "When you acquire just one large business, all the assumptions you made about it and what ITW can do with it had better be correct. You're putting all your eggs in one basket."21 In rare cases, ITW made large acquisitions and divided the large acquired company into many small pieces, as in the case of Signode, which was acquired for $800 million in 1986 and then divided into 50 companies.22
ITW's acquisitions strategy was based on a number of rules of thumb. It sought targets that filled gaps in its capabilities, such as complementary product expertise or relationships with important customers. The acqui sitions were also typically initiated by middle managers, rather than flowing down from the top, which ensured that implementation issues would be taken into account before the acquisition, instead of afterwards. Recognizing that a typical middle manager would likely lack the nec essary skills to find or undertake acquisitions, former CEO Speer implemented two-day acquisition workshops for business unit managers.23 ITW also tried to minimize
Exhibit 6 Illinois Tool Works' acquisition strategy before 2013
Part 4: Case Studies
the negative impact on the morale of target employees post-acquisition by retaining the identity of the target company. It would only stipulate that target companies attempt to integrate at a broad level (e.g., by using a company-wide accounting package), and seek simplicity and operational excellence through deploying the 80/20 principle. Finally, ITW was careful not to use acquisi tions for novel situations, such as entering new countries. It developed its own knowledge-base about a country by establishing owned-operations before embarking on acquisitions. In 2005, out of ITW's 21 businesses in China, only one had been through an acquisition, and that one was converted from a joint venture. At the same time, only two of its 11 businesses in India had started out as joint ventures and were subsequently converted into wholly-owned subsidiaries.24
In general, the acquired companies' employees and management seemed to appreciate the benefits of ITW's approach. For example, in 2005, ITW acquired Permatex; the next year, Permatex's marketing director Tony Battaglia commented on the acquisition:
They are very decentralized though, so we operate inde pendently. However, ITW does train all of its companies to operate efficiently by using 80/20 simplification pro cesses. That has helped us to focus better on customers and products. Financially, it has allowed us to step up our market research, category management, and website investments . . . . Permatex is an ideal platform to bring on additional aftermarket acquisitions in the future. 25
100 /,_ - -
- - --- - � - 10
..-- -------
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Number of Deals 28 36 32 45 29 21 28 24 22 53 52
Average Acquisition Size in US$ 15 23 119 22 19 9 12 26 27 32 19
--+- Number of Deals --+- Average Acquisition Size in US$ Millions
Source: Company files. PowerPoint presentation by Jane L. Warner at the Great Lakes Manufacturing Forum in June 2008.
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Case 7: Illinois Tool Works: Retooling for Continued Growth and Profitability
ITW's Acquisition of Precor: An Illustration of Its Acquisition Strategy and Approach to Operational Excellence ITW's acquisition of Precor served as an excellent exam ple of the transformation it brought about in acquired companies. Since its inception in 1983, Precor had gained a reputation as an innovative and leading manufacturer of exercise equipment in the United States and interna tionally. Despite its innovation and market-leading reve nues, Precor exhibited poor performance with regard to a variety of metrics at the time of its acquisition by ITW. Its on-time shipments stood at a dismal 42 per cent. It had a rather unwieldy supply chain, consisting of as many as 3,000 suppliers, with most suppliers accounting for small volumes, and its employee turnover was high.
ITW implemented a number of its usual policies at Precor: the 80/20 rule, product line simplification, ratio nalization of manufacturing plants and suppliers, and workflow simplification. Within three years, the new strategy had produced spectacular results. The percent age of on-time deliveries improved from 42 to 91, head count was reduced from 952 to 456, and the number of plants was reduced from seven to five without negatively affecting production. Inventory levels went down by 40 per cent and warranty claims by 57 per cent, resulting in savings of millions of dollars. After bringing about a dramatic improvement in Precor's financial results, ITW sold Precor in 2002 for €180 million26 to Amer Sports, based in Helsinki, Finland.27
Organization and Human Resources Policies
ITW implemented a number of organizational and human resources policies that were aligned with its broader enterprise-level strategy, as well as other functional-level policies.
Throughout its history, ITW had emphasized continuity and stability in terms of its leadership. When Santi assumed the role of CEO, he was only the sixth CEO in the company's 100-year history, imply ing an average tenure of more than a decade. Many of the CEOs had also previously worked in ITW for a long time, and thus were steeped in the ITW cul ture and tradition. For example, Santi had spent his entire working career at ITW. Since 1995, ITW had also adopted a tradition that each incoming CEO be presented with a crystal frog wearing a golden crown and bearing the name of prior CEOs, signalling to the
incoming CEO that the counsel of previous CEOs was always available.
ITW's culture was informal and relationship-driven, as described by Santi: "It's a lot of conversations. It's not a lot of memos. It's not a lot of Power Points, but it's a lot of belly-to-belly conversations and creating that alignment, engagement, and enthusiasm that turns this culture loose:' 28 Echoing similar thoughts, former CEO Farrell had once said:
I want to see your eyes; I want to see if you're getting it. If you're not, I haven't communicated very well. And I clearly can't do that via e-mail. In our organization, we rely so much on trusting our people to do the right things that trying to talk to them electronically would diminish that personal communication and compromise our business success.29
Many other executives described ITW's culture as highly egalitarian and down-to-earth. ITW's headquar ters were described by an article in the Crain's Chicago Business as "a cluster of nondescript low-rise buildings, [where] there is no executive cafeteria and the only reserved parking spaces are for the food and mail trucks:' Former ITW vice-chairman Ptak once remarked: "You realized that there was a part of business and a part of making money that wasn't so draconian. That you could be nice."30
Retooling ITW's Strategy In January 2012, ITW reached an agreement with activ ist investor Relational Investors (Relational), which had acquired a small stake in ITW According to the agreement, Relational's principal and co-founder David Batchelder would join the ITW board of directors.31
Relational had suggested a strategy makeover for ITW consisting of centralizing its operations and divestment of a number of its small divisions. Many analysts agreed with Relational's suggestions primarily because ITW's strategy of small acquisitions and extreme decentraliza tion had resulted in lagging returns versus peers since the onset of the global recession in 2007.32 After assuming the role of CEO in November 2012, Santi moved quickly to implement a new strategy based on divestment of small divisions that sold commoditized products, or that were likely to grow slowly.
Taking Stock in 2016 By the end of 2015, ITW had made considerable prog ress in implementing its new strategy (see Exhibit 7).
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C-102 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 7 Results Obtained from Implementation of Strategic Realignment
Performance metric 2012 2015 Remarks
Operating margin
After-tax ROIC
Earnings per share
Note: ROIC = return on invested capital; CAGR = compound annual growth rate.
Improvement of 550 basis points
Improvement of 590 basis points
CAGR of 17%
Source: ITW, "Differentiated Business Model Differentiated Performance: 2015 Annual Report," Illinois Tool Works, March 23, 2016, accessed November 29, 2016, http://inves
Its 2015 annual report noted progress in terms of the following aspects:
■ Portfolio aligned with organic growth focus:
After more than 30 divestitures undertaken since the beginning of 2013, ITW's portfolio spread over seven core areas was balanced across end markets and geographies, highly profitable, and resilient to economic shocks.
■ Scaling up of operating structure: This initiative, carried out since early 2013, had reduced (more accurately, reduced and consolidated) the number of ITW divisions from more than 800 to 84. The new ITW was simpler (smaller number of divisions) and more focused.
■ Ready to grow: In 2015, 60 per cent of ITW's busi nesses achieved ready-to-grow status and 45 per cent grew organic revenue at an average of 6 per cent, despite a challenging external economic environ - ment. The company expected to have 85 per cent or more of businesses in ready-to-grow status by the end of 2016.
The Road Ahead
While ITW and Santi had much to be proud of with regard to a long history of accomplishments and recent success in reorienting its strategy, respectively, many challenges remained.
Santi's and ITW's biggest challenge was related to achieving continued growth after abandoning its strategies of numerous small acquisitions and extreme decentralization. The challenge came in two forms. First, ITW would have to generate a good portion of its future growth in revenues and profits organically rather than through acquisitions. Although the port folio had been streamlined over the past three years, a period over which investors had tolerated negative revenue growth, and it had resulted in better mar gins, future organic growth seemed critical. This was especially important because it would be difficult to continuously improve margins through cost cutting and operational improvements. Secondly, ITW had changed its acquisition strategy from numerous small acquisitions to "needle-moving" large acquisitions. Targets in larger acquisitions were less likely to be under the radar of other potential acquirers, and hence, less likely to be undervalued. Unlike small companies, which ITW had historically acquired, the opportunities to implement operations improvements strategies were also likely to be limited for larger targets because many companies in the latter category would already have efficient operations in place.
Going forward, ITW also had to make important choices about resource allocation across product groups, based on their past performance and future prospects. In summary, Santi and ITW had to make appropriate decisions for continued superior performance.
1. This case has been written on the basis
of published sources only. Consequently,
the interpretation and perspectives
presented in the case are not necessarily
those of Illinois Tool Works or any of its
2016, accessed November 29, 2016,
/I/I T W -IR/documents/online-proxy
4. All currency amounts are in US$ unless
otherwise specified.
5. "ITW to Acquire ZF EF&c;' Fastener+ Fixing
Magazine, January 28, 2016, accessed on
November 3, 2016, www.fastenerandfixing
.com/news/itw -to-acquire-z f -ef-c.
2. ITW, "Differentiated Business Model
Differentiated Performance: 2015 Annual
Report;' Illinois Tool Works, March 23,
3. Joe Cahill, "How CEO Santi Is Changing
ITW;' PN: (rain's Chicago Business,
April 23, 2014, www.plasticsnews.com
/article/20140423/NEWS/ 140429947/how
6. Information on the historical development
of ITW is taken from "About ITW: Our
History;' Illinois Tool Works, accessed
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Editorial review has deemed thar any suppressed content docs not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Leaming reserves 1he right 10 remove addi1ional comem many lime if subsequen1 rights res1ric1ions require ii.
Case 7: Illinois Tool Works: Retooling for Continued Growth and Profitability C-103
November 3, 2016, www.itw.com/about 14.
7. Information in this section is taken
from "About ITW: How We Work;' Illinois 15.
Tool Works, accessed November 3, 16.
2016, www.itw.com/about-itw/how 17.
-we-work/; ITW, "Differentiated Business
Model;' op. cit.
8. Tim Stevens, "Breaking up Is Profitable to
Do: A Paragon of Decentralization, Illinois
Tool Works Turns a Raft of Small Business
Units into Big Dollars at the Bottom Line;'
Industry Week, December 21, 2004, accessed
November 3, 2016, www.industryweek 18.
.com/companies-amp-executives/breaking 19.
9. ITW, "Differentiated Business Model;' op. cit.
10. Ibid.
11. Original equipment manufacturer
means that ITW's products would not be 20.
incorporated into other manufacturers'
products before being sold to the end
12. The discussion in this section draws
from Nitin Pangarkar, High Performance
Companies: Successful Strategies from the 21.
World's Top Achievers (Singapore: John Wiley 22.
& Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd., 2012). 23.
13. Patricia O'Connell, "The Rules of James 24.
Farrell's Game: Illin ois Tool Works' CEO
Explains How He Has Handled More Than
200 Acquisitions since 1995. In His Case,
Unorthodox Methods Pay Dividends;' 25.
Bloomberg, August 6, 2001, accessed
October 14, 2016, www.bloomberg.com
-james-farrel ls -game.
Mark Tatge "Conquer and Divide;· Forbes,
April 16, 2001, accessed October 14, 2016,
Stevens, op. cit.
Christopher C. Williams, "The Sharpest
Tool in the Shed: Illinois Tool Works Will
Weather Downturns in Housing and Autos
and Continue to Build upon Worldwide
Economic Growth;' Barron's: U.S. Edition,
July 9, 2007, accessed November 29,
2016, www.barrons.com/articles
IS Bl 18377500631659893.
Stevens, op. cit.
The nine operating units noted in Jane L.
Warner's presentation at the Great Lakes
Manufacturing Forum in June 2008 were
broken up further into more units; Stevens,
op. cit.
llan Brat, "Turning Managers into Takeover
Artists: How Conglomerate ITW Mints New
Deal Makers to Fuel its Expansion;' The
Wall Street Journal, April 6, 2007, accessed
November 29, 2016, www.wsj.com/articles
Stevens, op. cit.
Brat, op. cit.
"ITW's Formula for Innovation;' Bloomberg,
October 19, 2005, accessed November 29,
2016, www.bloomberg.com/bw/stories
/2005-10-18/it w s -formula-for-innovation.
aftermarketNews Staff, "Executive Interview
with Tony Battaglia, Director of Marketing
for Permatex;' AMN: aftermarketNews,
October 16, 2006, accessed October 14,
2016, www.aftermarketnews.com
/executive-interview-with-tony -battaglia
26. E = European euro; US$1 = E0.90 on
June 1, 2016.
27. Drew Desi Iver, "Fitness Company Bulks up:
After Landing a Couple of Key Acquisitions,
Woodinville-based Precor is Setting its
Sights on Further Integrating Electronics
and Entertainment with Exercise;' The
Seattle Times, March 9, 2006, accessed on
October 14, 2016, http://connect.precor
28. Meri bah Knight, "The Tool Man Planning
a Makeover of Centur y -old ITW;' (rain's
Chicago Business, March 23, 2013, accessed
October 14, 2016, www.chicagobusiness
29. Stevens, op. cit.
30. Meribah Knight, op. cit.
31. Bob Tita, "Illinois Tool Works Reaches
Agreement with Activist Shareholder;' The
Wall Street Journal, blog, January 13, 2012,
accessed October 14, 2016, http://blogs
32. Kate MacArthur, "Activist Investor Puts
ITW on Notice to Overhaul Business
Strategy;' (rain's Chicago Business,
January 21, 2012, accessed June 23, 2016,
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C-104 Part 4: Case Studies
CASE 8 �SMU .,
UltraRope: Crafting a Go-to-market Strategy for Kone's Innovative 'Ultra Rope' Hoisting Cable
Developing new and useful elevator concepts for our custom ers is a significant task here. We aim to keep our elevators one step above the competition, all year.
- Petteri Valjus, Senior Expert, Hoisting Mechanics, Technology, Kone, Finland
"The best products don't always win;' said Petteri Valjus-a senior technology expert at Kone Corporation, one of the global leaders in the elevator and escalator industry. "It takes more than that, and that's why the UltraRope is a winner:' Valjus was musing over a few go-to-market strategies with his colleague, Raimo Pelto Huikko, at the company headquarters in Espoo, Finland, and although it was a cold dark day in December 2014, the mood inside was optimistic.
The UltraRope was a technological breakthrough announced by Kone in June 2013. It was a new hoist ing cable made of carbon fibre that doubled elevator travel distances to heights of more than a kilometre and weighed 90% less than conventional steel ropes. "It also has an exceptionally long lifespan, twice that of steel rope;' said Pelto-Huikko, Kon e's design specialist and UltraRope patent holder with the honorific nickname, Mr. Carbon Fibre.
With a small budget, Pelto-Huikko initiated the research phase in 2004. The project gained speed, and by 2006 Valjus was brought on for his expertise in hoist ing mechanics. In 2010 the UltraRope prototype began rigorous testing at Kone's Tytyri facility in Finland, the world's deepest elevator testing site, descending 300 metres underground, where it underwent a punishing stress regiment. Shortly after the UltraRope launch, Kone won the elevator contract for the kilometre-high Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, expected to be completed by 2018.
Valjus and Pelto-Huikko saw extraordinary poten tial for the premium priced UltraRope. The global elevator equipment market was anticipated to grow 6% annually through 2017. 1 Most of this growth was
concentrated in Asia Pacific. Demand from China, which accounted for half of sales generated, was decreas ing. Any slack could potentially be offset by strong growth projected in high-income areas of Brazil, India and the Middle East. There were even opportunities in the more mature markets of North America, Europe and Japan.
Installation was just one aspect of equipment demand. Modernisation of older elevator systems was another major driver, and elevator servicing, such as inspection, maintenance, upkeep and part replacement was yet another dimension. Kone operated along all points of the lifecycle.
By October 2014, Kone had completed its first UltraRope contract where it upgraded the Kone eleva tor systems at the iconic Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. But high profile contracts like those in Saudi Arabia and Singapore were only a first step; Valjus and Pelto Huikko had grander aspirations. What would it take for Kone to succeed in driving UltraRope adoption and drive greater market penetration of Kone products and services worldwide?
The Elevator Industry
Vertical transportation, as it is known in the industry, was delineated along three axes: installation, maintenance and modernisation. In the 1960s, US firms dominated the global elevator industry, but by the 1990s the sector took on greater multinational characteristics. The indus try was dominated by four firms that controlled 65% of the global elevator and escalator market: Otis, part of America's United Technologies (often considered a pio neer in the industry), Kone of Finland; ThyssenKrupp of Germany and Schindler of Switzerland.2 These brands were closely followed by their Japanese coun terparts Fujitec Elevator Company, Mitsubishi Elevator Company, Toshiba, Hitachi, and Hyundai of Korea for the remaining market.
This case was written by Professor Kirsti Lindberg-Repo, Dr Saumya Sindhwani and Christopher Dula at the Singapore Management University. The case was prepared solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.© 2017, Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Switzerland.
Copyright © 2016, Singapore Management University
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Case 8: Ultra Rope: Crafting a Go-to-market Strategy for Kone's Innovative 'Ultra Rope' Hoisting Cable C-105
Otis was the largest of these companies, but had lost market share between 2010 and 2013. Its decline was mostly due to being underpriced by competitors with cheaper manufacturing costs, and by small local mainte nance companies with closer proximity to clients offer ing cheaper rates. Not wanting to compete on cost, Otis
decided to start focusing more on high-end premium products and services, with special emphasis given to maintenance response times. In this regard, some com panies were actively exploring sensor technologies along with the 'Internet of Things' to bring maintenance into the 21st century.
Most elevators systems on the market consisted of pre-engineered elevators. Such systems had a stan dardised layout and were designed to use mass produced stock components and fit within standard shaft dimen sions of most buildings. Pre-engineered elevator systems were quicker and easier to install than custom-made sys tems. Economies of scale in production meant that cost savings could be passed on to customers, with mainte nance costs being cheaper due to the standardisation of the product.
Custom-designed elevators were considerably more expensive and were developed for buildings with special needs, such as hospitals, industrial complexes and ultra high-rise buildings. However, all building projects were unique-and each building had to be evaluated on an individual basis to determine what kind of elevator sys tem was most suitable for that building's needs.
Large elevator manufacturers and third party experts consulted building owners and developers on identifying what systems were most suitable. Factors like tenant profiles, height, local regulations and building code all came under consideration. For example, a single tenant office building would have very different needs compared to a mixed-use residential and commercial building. Elevator speed, maintenance elevators, express elevators, sky lobbies, relay logic controllers, comfort and safety features were just a few options that had to be decided on. Valjus said,
The equipment used matters a lot. Rope weight, for instance, makes up 65% to 70% of an elevator's moving mass. The payload is less than 10%.
The industry experienced high margins and the vast majority of these margins came from maintenance ser vices. After all, people detested getting stuck in lifts, and
so customers would pay US$2,000 to US$5,000 a year to keep each machine running smoothly.3 These margins were between 25% and 35%, compared with 10% for new equipment.4
Revenue from maintenance was far more stable than that from installations. For example, in 2013, 11 million machines were in operation globally, and many needed little more than a cursory check every few months.5 This provided an easy yet lucrative market for maintenance services. Installations, however, were more subject to the whim of macroeconomic fluctuations. In fact, Kone and its peers made more than half their profits from ser vices that were often secured by maintenance contracts
at the time of installation. This created high barriers to entry as a newcomer would need to establish a strong network of technicians prior to commencing operations. However, price competition on the part of incumbents was negligible.
Thousands of small independent companies made up a substantial segment of the industry, involved in maintenance services. Maintenance service companies
were often founded by former employees of the leading elevator manufacturing companies who were attracted by the stable demand and high profitability of mainte nance contracts. However, the industry was experiencing greater consolidation as larger manufacturing compa nies like Kone bought out more and more of the smaller maintenance companies throughout the 2000s. Newer sophisticated elevator control systems also relied on pro
prietary maintenance devices. By 2010, 60% to 80% of contracts for newly installed elevators were awarded to large manufacturing companies.
Maintenance contracts were highly variable, ranging anywhere from full service maintenance, monitoring and upkeep, to individual parts servicing, to just peri
odic inspection and lubrication. Strict safety regulation and insurance policies required building owners to have some kind of maintenance contract and/or regime in place. Moreover, building owners were ultimately held responsible for user safety; liability was not typically transferred by maintenance contracts. For this reason, it was important that building owners and developers carefully evaluate manufacturing and maintenance com panies as reputation was important.
Most buildings had a usable lifespan of at least 60 years. Elevator systems could easily last upwards of 30 years,
even 50 years, if properly maintained. Yet most systems were upgraded every 10-15 years. Upgrades could be relatively simple, such as changing the interior look of
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the elevator cab and replacing aging parts, to something more drastic, like replacing the entire system. A com plete modernisation overhaul was more labour intensive than an installation for a new building. Kone's biggest contract to date was the Washington D.C. metro mod ernisation project.
There were several reasons for modernising. One was the changing environmental regulations around the world, which called for greater energy efficiency and created demand for more efficient elevator drive systems. Also, improvements in technology, such as better automation, could lower maintenance costs and optimise elevator dispatch. For example, as buildings aged, servicing costs became more important in terms of a building's operational expenses. Additionally, renovation work and changing tenant profiles could place different kinds of demands on a building's ver tical transportation. The elevator experience was considered to be one of the biggest determinants of tenant satisfaction; and even something as simple as remodelling the [elevator] cab interior could go a long way towards changing perceptions and improving a building's reputation.
An estimated 70 million people in the world-more than twice the entire population of Australia-moved into cit ies every year.6 This, among other factors, caused global demand for new elevators to increase exponentially, from 300,000 units a decade ago to nearly 700,000 in 2013. China, where two thirds of new elevator units were installed, accounted for much of this rise.7
Kone was cautious about the company's position in China. Schindler, for example, was relocating man ufacturing capabilities to China and hiring locals for top management, which would help save on costs and improve business relationships. It was also bringing new factories on line in India. After China, Schindler planned to target Mongolia, Kazakhstan, the Baltic states bordering Russia and Africa. The company was hoping that within the next few years, it would overtake Kone as the second largest elevator equipment company in the world.
The key megatrends impacting the growth of the elevator industry included:
■ Urbanisation, which was the single most important megatrend impacting the global elevator and escala tor industry, and was expected to drive demand for years to come. The concentration of people in urban areas increased the importance of having smooth
Part 4: Case Studies
and efficient means of moving people from one place to another, or at least up and down.
■ An aging population that created major changes in the global demographic structure. The growing number of elderly individuals had increased the importance of accessibility in buildings and urban infrastructure.
■ Safety was an important concern worldwide, and national and international safety codes and stan dards played a key role in determining upgrades and modernisation of elevators and escalators.
■ The environment was also a major concern, espe cially since buildings accounted for approximately 32 per cent of total final energy consumption in 2013.8
Elevators and escalators could account for 2-10 percent of the energy consumption of an individual building.
Kone Corporation was a global provider of elevator and escalator equipment as well as a provider of maintenance and modernisation solutions. Headquartered in Espoo, Finland, the company employed over 47,000 people with operations in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific as of 2014 (refer to Exhibit 1 for Kone's Life Cycle Services).
Exhibit 1 Life Cycle Services
KONE supports its customers every step of the way, for the lifespan
of their building: from planning and design through installation and
maintenance to modernization
Expert design and planning services: KONE supports custom
ers throughout the planning phase to ensure the proposed
People Flow• solutions deliver maximum benefit.
Efficient and safe installation services: KONE's proven, cost
effective installation processes follow strict quality and safety
guidelines. They are designed to ensure all equipment meets
and even exceeds customer expectations.
Professional maintenance services: KONE offers a wide range of
maintenance and monitoring solutions that maximise safety
and reliability while minimising downtime and costs. These
include smart preventive services, expert advice and rapid
Comprehensive modernisation services: KONE's flexible
modernisation offering gives customers full control over the
upgrade of their elevators, escalators, auto walks and auto
mated building doors. KONE's modernisation services help
customers determine when and how to upgrade equipment
to ensure a lifetime of optimal operation and to maximize
customers' return on investment.
Source: Kone, reprinted with permission
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Case 8: UltraRope: Craft ing a Go-to-market Strategy for Kane's lnnovative'UltraRope' Hoisting Cable C-107
Exhibit 2 Kone Milestones
V3F frequency converter launched, improving energy efficiency of KONE hoisting machines.
KONE became the first company to utilise regenerative drives in its elevators.
The energy-efficient planetary gear for escalators is introduced.
1996: The first machine-room-less elevator, KONE MonoSpace•, was launched, providing up to 70% energy savings compared
to conventional technology.
The KONE EcoMod'M solution was launched, enabling modernisation of escalators without removing the truss, saving
construction time and materials.
KONE MonoSpace was the first elevator to include LED lighting as a standard feature.
I KONE unveiled the solar-powered elevator concept. I The KONE lnnotrack"' autowalk was launched-the first autowalk to feature an energy-efficient gearless drive.
High-performance regenerative drives for the full range of KONE elevators launched.
New efficient gear outside step band drive launched for KONE escalators and autowalks.
KONE MiniSpace'M elevator awarded A-class energy certification (VOi standard 4707).
Kone energy-efficient sliding door solution launched.
The KONE MonoSpace elevator received an A-class energy certification based on the VOi guideline in measurements
performed by the independent parties.
KON E's elevators in five net-zero energy buildings in Europe and in North America
KONE MonoSpace• 700 and KONE Double Deck received an A-class energy certification
KONE launched completely renewed and more energy efficient KONE EcoDisc• hoisting machine for the KONE elevators.
Source: Kone, Company Website, "About Us'; Key milestones, httpJ/marine.kone.com/about-us/environment/solutions/key-milestones/, accessed April 201 S .
Founded in 1910 as a small electrical repair shop, the company would eventually boast a long history of inno vation, strategic acquisitions and commercial success (refer to Exhibit 2 for key milestones).
In 1918, Kone began manufacturing and installing its own elevators, and in 1957 expanded internation ally into Sweden. For the next forty years the company experienced significant organic growth through global sales in products and services. From 2000 to 2015, Kone engaged in aggressive acquisition-based expansion, and by the end of fiscal year 2013, the company had recorded more than US$1.2 billion in operating profit (refer to Exhibit 3 & 4 for key financial statements and Kone's locations).
The development of Kone's experience in high rise buildings began in the mid-1970s when it bought the European subsidiaries of American Westinghouse, doubling its business volume and gaining skyscraper expertise, which up to that point it had lacked. Another milestone was Kone's acquisition of Australia's EPL in 1990. This acquisition marked a significant point of learning for Kone, as it began to under stand the elements involved in a comfortable high-rise elevator ride.
In the mid-1990s, Kone made a breakthrough with the introduction of the world's first elevator that did not
require a machine room, the Kone MonoSpace. These types of innovation did not come without recognition. In 2012, Kone was included on the Forbes list of the 100 most innovative companies in the world for the second year running. Kone also received the coveted "World Architecture News (WAN) Product of the Year Award" in 2012 for the new Kone MonoSpace 500 elevator. WAN, which had an audience of 220,000 architects worldwide, selected the Product of the Year to celebrate and promote the best in architectural products and materials.
Beyond elevators, the company's product portfolio included auto-walks, escalators, automatic doors, real time monitoring and access control systems, which provided improvements to maintenance and safety. In addition, Kone also provided its own branded maintenance and service agreements to residential buildings, office buildings, public transportation and airports, hotels, retail centres, special buildings and medical facilities. Its customers were primarily builders, building owners, facility managers and developers.
A substantial number of its products and ser vices were marketed under the 'Kone' brand, which followed the mantra of Dedicated People Flow. Its solutions aimed to provide a smooth flow of peo ple at locations as diverse as the Marina Bay Sands
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Exhibit 3 Consolidated Financial Statements (in USO millions)9
Consolidated statement of income
Sales Operating income Income before taxes Net income
Consolidated statement of financial position
Total non-current assets Total current assets Total assets Total equity Total current liabilities
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Cash flow from operations before financing items and taxes Cash flow from operating activities Cash flow from investing activities Cash flow after investing activities Cash flow from financing activities Change in cash and cash equivalents
Order received
Order book
Sales by business
New equipment Modernisation Maintenance Sales by area
Europe, Middle East, and Africa Americas Asia-Pacific Personnel by area
Europe, Middle East, and Africa Americas Asia-Pacific
Source: Kone, 2013 Financial Statements
2011 2012 2013
2011 2012 I
Part 4: Case Studies
Jan 1-Dec 31, 2013 Jan 1-Dec 31, 2012
8,426.44 7,629.32 1,158.84 961.93 1,167.47 977.61
866.76 742.66
31-Dec-13 31-Dec-12
2,355.96 2,354.38 4,138.71 3,88S.52 6,494.67 6,239.91 2,096.22 2,228.83 3,910.69 3,478.46
1,474.50 1,301.54 1,242.71 1,145.10 -180.98 -267.65 1,061.60 877.46 -941.51 -859.34
120.09 120.09
Jan 1-Dec 31, 2013 5,427 6,680 7,476
Jan 1-Dec 31, 2013 5,285 6,138 6,791
Jan 1-Dec 31, 2013 54% 14% 32%
Jan 1-Dec 31, 2013 46% 16% 38%
Jan 1-Dec 31, 2013 47% 13% 40%
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Case 8: UltraRope: Crafting a Go-to-market Strategy for Kane's lnnovative'UltraRope' Hoisting Cable C-109
Exhibit 4 Kone Locations
KONE Worldwide
) nshan nxun (GiantKONE)
t, )��
■ KONE is present ■ Head office ■ Global R&D site ■ Production site
KONE collaborates with authorized distributors and agents in close to 100 countries
Source: Kone, reprinted with permission
integrated resorts in Singapore, The Shard in London, Europe's tallest building, and the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago. Matti Alahuhta, CEO and president of the Kone Corporation between 2005 and 2014, added,
Our aim is to deliver the people flow experience. Passion for innovation is an integral part of our culture.
Market performance In the elevator market, customers typically weighed three factors: installation costs, maintenance costs and return on investment.
Elevator demand was disparate across industry sec tors and geography. The trend towards rising levels of urbanisation and greater population densities were pushing up property values in emerging markets, which incentivised the development of new residential and commercial high-rises. New orders for elevator systems
and equipment were highest in Asia Pacific (refer to Exhibit 5 for growth driver and market size).
In a Q42014 Earnings Call, the successor CEO and President of Kone to Alahuhta, Henrik Ehrnrooth, said,
We're looking at significant growth driven by China, Singapore and Australia. New equipment makes up 55% of our sales-40% of these sales originate in Asia Pacific, with about 30% coming from China-this is better than the overall 10% growth rate for elevator demand in China. To put all this growth in perspective, back in 2005 Asia Pacific represented just 12% of our new equipment sales. For 2014 we'll deliver 154,000 elevators worldwide. Last year was 130,000 and the year before was 124,000.10
Price competition for new equipment and installa tion in China was tight, but stable. Within China, there were significant differences between cities and provinces, with certain cities already experiencing excess capacity and weak demand as the government implemented more
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C-110 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 5 Elevator Market and Growth Drivers
New equipment market: 815,000 units (2014 est.)
■ South America
■ North America
D Japan & Korea
■ China
■ Rest of APAC
Maintenance base, 12.5 million units
(2014 est.)
Source: Evli, "Kone: Machinery/ Finland", April 27, 201 S. Spot Comment.
cooling measures in 2013 to rein in overheating property markets.
In 2014, Kone expected growth to remain stable in Asia Pacific over the next few years, though new equip ment growth rates would start declining as the market matured. India was promising, though there was signif icant exchange rate risk and difficulty securing finance. There were strong developments in parts of the Middle East and Africa that were experiencing a boom in high rise construction. However, growth in new equipment sales was declining across Europe, the Americas and the Middle East. Indeed, skyscraper construction was highly correlated with boom and bust cycles.
■ South America
■ North America
D Japan & Korea
■ China
■ Rest of APAC
The modernisation and maintenance sectors were performing relatively well in North America following an ongoing, albeit slow economic recovery from the 2007 /08 Financial Crisis. Australia was the biggest mod ernisation market in Asia Pacific, and Europe continued to lag but had considerable potential given the age of its infrastructure and large market size.
Modernisation was a cyclical business and constituted about 13% of Kone's global sales. Overall, sales from the company 's modernisation business slightly declined in 2014. Maintenance made up 32% of Kone's global sales. And even though price competition was intense, mar gin remained healthy and growth was stable. For Kone,
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Case 8: UltraRope: Crafting a Go-to-market Strategy for Kane's lnnovative'UltraRope' Hoisting Cable C-111
modernisation and maintenance presented excellent growth opportunities-having an average of 6% annual sales growth in the past few years leading up to 2014. Nonetheless, competition was fiercest in these sectors.
The UltraRope
Throughout the past century, Kone had made systematic and long-term investments into research and develop ment capabilities. As Kone strived to perfect customer service, it also explored using technologies tradition ally linked to other industries. Kone tracked customer needs and monitored market developments and changes in trends while also seeking ways to improve working methods.
Nurturing innovation Raimo Pelto-Huikko was the man responsible for mak ing the first prototype of the carbon fibre rope, having built it with his own hands. Coupled with the knowl edge of high rise elevators that Valjus had brought to the table and his instinctive faith in carbon-fibre, a material he had been speculating about since the 1980s, Pelto Huikko had set out to put the new technology into play.
The thought process of Valjus and Pelto-Huikko was characterised by creative freedom. This was part of Kone's work culture as the senior management of the firm had often stated, "generally, it all starts with devel opment:' They nurtured this idea by recognising that one of Kone's most significant tasks was to, "develop new and useful elevator concepts for [their] customers''. Kone aimed to keep their elevators one step above the compe tition, all year round, and that attitude was apparent in the amount of leeway they provided to their employees. When company goals were aligned with the employee's thought processes and mentality, innovative disruptions seemed to emerge entirely by themselves.
In 2004, Pelto-Huikko began the research phase. Kone's leadership allocated a small budget and the per mission to start. This home hobby slowly started gaining momentum and at one point established great potential, to the point that in 2006, Valjus gathered together the research group with the objective of taking these inno vative ideas forward. The prospect of using carbon fibre had a lot of potential.
According to Pelto-Huikko, Kone provided support for the idea of investigating carbon-fibre as a hoisting material from the very beginning,
We intended to begin the research phase [in 2004]. Kane's leadership allocated a small budget and the permission to start. It all began with small steps forward.
In this case, the action of allocating some sort of bud get as well as permission to begin research was the first move in the direction of disruptive innovation. Pelto Huikko continued by noting that one question they had was "whether to walk down the path of finding subcon tractors or to begin a cooperative research effort?"
In order to encourage in-house development, Kone's management formed a group in 2006, with the objective of creating innovation and progress for the project. This action was seen a necessary method for the firm's lead ership to further enhance the innovative environment at the company.
Carbon fibre Carbon fibre was invented in the late 1950s and early 1960s. However, when the Cold War ended, it was no longer needed for military production and an oversupply led to a fall in prices. This was when sports companies began using the product to exploit its strength. Carbon fibre was both stronger and lighter than steel. In par ticular, the material had great tensile strength, mean ing it was hard to break when being pulled apart. That strength came from the chemical bonds between carbon atoms, the same sort that gave strength to diamonds. Carbon fibre had already changed the way the world made cars, rockets and planes. It was even a key aspect of modern prosthetics and medical technology. Kone's biggest rival, Otis, had also been looking at carbon fibre for use; however, the bulk of their research was in the area of strengthening steel cables.
Strength testing By mid-2007, the UltraRope was born, after which Kone began putting the rope through rigorous testing begin ning with lab testing conditions, and then, by 2010, full scale testing at Tytyri in 2010. Tytyri was the world's highest elevator testing shaft, situated in Lohja, Finland, embedded partly underground in a limestone mine. The facility was opened in 1998, and for the first time any where in the world, elevators destined for buildings over 200 metres tall could be tested before installation. Tytyri reached down to 333 metres below ground; the mine provided an ideal testing environment for high-rise ele vators. The conditions at Tytyri were extreme: elevators had to endure dripping water, near-freezing tempera tures and high humidity, meaning they were tested to withstand just about any condition a building might face. Additionally, various simulations allowed testing for a range of factors, including how the human body with stood different speeds and changes in pressure during the ride. As of 2013, the highest comfortable speed for
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people to travel in an elevator was ten metres per second. At Tytyri, speeds of up to 17 meters per second could be tested.11
Physical properties like tensile strength, bending life time, material aging, and the effect of extreme tempera ture and humidity were just some of the parameters that were measured and tested for UltraRope. After the rope passed these rigorous tests, the product was considered fit enough for a commercial launch.
With all the rigorous testing complete, the final UltraRope looked much like a flat piece of black liquorice. Instead of steel wires, Kone's hoisting line comprised four fibre tapes sealed in transparent plastic about three cen timetres wide and three millimetres thick. It was more like a belt than a rope and looked like a school ruler cov ered with plastic tape. Made of a carbon fibre core sur rounded by a unique high-friction coating, the new rope weighed only about 10-20 percent of a similar strength conventional steel rope. Put simply, the new technology enabled massive cuts in the deadweight that moved up and down every time someone hopped into a high-rise elevator. Less deadweight meant less energy consump tion and operating cost. For example at 800 metres, the moving mass of a steel cable lifts about 108,600 kilograms. At the same height the UltraRope had a moving mass of 13,900 kilograms. For further comparison, a steel cable lift at 100 metres had a moving mass of 13,000 kilograms. Such weight reduction provided a 40 percent energy saving.12
Weighing options
Having already undergone a number of development steps both in real and simulated conditions, UltraRope had the potential to be a disruptive product in the eleva tor industry. Kone attributed the product to an innova tive work culture and long-term investment in research
1. Freedonia. "World Elevators Market';
December 2013, www.reportbuyer.com,
accessed April 2015.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
Part 4: Case Studies
and development. In this way, Kone believed that instead of incremental innovations in existing hoisting technol ogy, the company could disrupt existing hoisting tech nologies and business models.
Towards the end of 2014 the UltraRope was receiving great press; it had just won the Kingdom Tower contract and had already been installed in Tower 3 of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, a prominent feature on Singapore's sky line. The Economist had even hailed it has a technolog ical breakthrough, bringing the world closer to realising a science fiction reality. Valjus, however, knew it would take a lot more than that to leverage the UltraRope as a key market share driver.
He believed that the greatest growth potential lay in modernisation and lucrative maintenance contracts. And in this respect, he was optimistic about Kone's Preferred Maintenance Partner programme, which had begun about a year earlier in 2013 when the company started investing a lot more into developing their sales setup, competencies and management. But Valjus real ised it would be a slog,
In the past few years, Kone has had a slightly negative competition balance-which is the balance between the numbers of units we win versus the ones we lose to the mar ket. Thankfully we're starting to make some gains in terms of maintenance contract conversions.
But loyalty programmes were nothing new to the industry. And the other players, like Otis, also had excel lent services and equipment technologies. Active equipment monitoring to improve maintenance services, design consulting, and various technologies to improve elevator efficiency were essentially standard practice. Valjus and Pelto-Huikko believed the UltraRope was key to setting Kone apart from the competition. However, innovation was just one aspect of success. A winning go-to-market strategy was another.
10. Kone, Q4 2014 Earnings Call-Final Fair
Disclosure Wire (Quarterly Earnings
Reports), Transcripts 01/29/2015.
2. The Economist, "Top floor, please'; March 16,
2013, http://www.economist.com/news
-up-liftmakers-top-floor-please, accessed
May 2015.
8. "FAQs: Energy efficiency'; International
Energy Agency, 2014, http://www.iea.org
/aboutus/faqs/energyefficiency/, accessed
May 2015.
11. "Tytyri-the world's highest elevator test
shaft'; http://mediacentre.kallaway.co.uk
/pdf/KONEs-elevat o r -test-laboratoryTytyri
-final.pdf, accessed May 2015.
12. Ibid.
3. Ibid. 9. US$1 = 0.82262 euros as at 31 Dec 2014.
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Case 9: MatchMove: Business Model Evolution
MatchMove: Business Model Evolution
It was January 2014, and Shailash Naik, CEO of MatchMove Global Pte Ltd was rather pleased to have closed 2013 with yet another feather in the cap for his company. MatchMove, an online entertainment service provider, had just been ranked 25th out of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in the 2013 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific rankings, a yearly pub lication that was well regarded in the technology and gaming industry.
W hen MatchMove was founded in early 2009, Naik and his COO, Leow Hsueh Huah (HH), had been in a rush to carry out their vision for the company. From their time working with a videogame company in the US, they had talked to various companies with large Internet audiences, and had identified a gap in the Asian market for a company-specific platform that incorporated casual gaming, social networking and e-commerce capabilities. MatchMove wanted to be this platform. Finally, in late 2009, MatchMove signed up its first large client, global technology company Yahoo!, to provide such services for Yahoo! Southeast Asia. This early deal enabled MatchMove to build a depth of capability on its cloud-based platform. The company also contracted with game developers to cre ate its own store of quality games that it could offer to its clients.
In essence, MatchMove was set up to provide a ser vice as a B2B game/entertainment platform. Its key value proposition was to become an intermediary, and more, between game companies with "high (gaming) content" profiles, but which traditionally had low web traffic. In addition, it was targeting companies like Yahoo! and Microsoft that had large consumer portals and high traffic-but were perhaps lacking in certain types of con tent, and hence losing users to websites like Facebook and iTunes which served as communities of social net works and also possessed platforms for gaming. By hav ing a large or dedicated social networking community and strong content profile, these companies could keep users on their websites for longer, which translated into greater revenue generation. Aside from creating a closed
e-commerce system to accept payments for services on its clients' websites, MatchMove envisioned creating an open payments portal for all users for multiple mer chants. It just did not have a concrete idea of what that strategy would look like yet.
By 2012, MatchMove had revamped its back-end system to meet the demands of a growing number of clients. The company had also ventured into various other opportunities, such as gamification, which were related to its core business. However, Naik wanted to accomplish even more. He was eager to create the next technological disruption to existing commerce, finance and other sectors, and capture new opportunities com ing up in the market. Naik's mantra was to "fail fast", and to take risks. He saw far greater potential in the product that was beyond its initial value proposition, and just needed to decide where to take it from its current posi tion, and what business model would best accomplish those goals.
Changes in the Gaming Industry
In 2012, the global video games market, worth US$66.3 billion, was estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.7% to reach US$86.l billion in 2016 (refer to Exhibit 1 for the Video Game Market Revenues Worldwide, by Segment, 2012-2016).1 Although the segment that dominated this category was traditional video console gaming, the share of this type of gaming was falling, with social games and smartphone/tablet games on the ascent.2 This represented a significant tech nological disruption that conventional publishers and studios were unprepared for, and unskilled to handle. Coupled with this trend was the falling cost of mobile and social game development, which opened the door to many new and often inexperienced, but creative, devel opers. This lowered the risk of developing new games, and enabled faster game distribution through established social networking channels-thus leading to expedited profits and attracting more attention from investors into the industry. 3
This case was written by Professor Ted Tschang and Adina Wong at the Singapore Management University. The case was prepared solely to provide mate rial for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Copyright © 2016, Singapore Management University
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C-114 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 1 The Video Game Market Revenues Worldwide, by Segment
Massive multiplayer on line game 19.80% 21.20% 21.90% 22.30% 22.70% 10.40%
Smartphone 10.60% 12.10% 13.60% 15.00% 16.20% 18.80%
Social/casual 10.20% 9.40% 8.60% 7.90% 7.30% -1.70%
PC/Mac 9.80% 8.60% 7.50% 6.60% 5.80% -6.40%
Handhelds 9.80% 7.30% 6.10% 5.10% 3.90% -15.00%
Tablet 3.20% 5.30% 7.50% 9.60% 11.60% 47.60%
Total revenues $66.30 $70.40 $75.20 $80.50 $86.10 6.70%
Note: Video game revenues by Region in 2013 (in US$ billions)-Asia-Pacific (25.1%), North America (22.8%), EMEA (19.5%), Latin America (3%).
Source: Newzoo BV, "2013 Global Games Market Report;' June 6, 2013, via eMarketer (accessed 15 June 2014).
Social and casual gaming was a big part of the trend. In a report on online social gaming by Datamonitor, dig ital online games were defined as those that "utilizes a player's social graph to provide an enhanced game expe rience, facilitates and encourages communication about the game outside of the game, and has a minimal barrier to entry (one click away):'4
The rising popularity of social-networking sites such as Facebook (as well as online casual game websites like Popcap) had established the foundation for consumers to experience and consume this new genre of games, and to have new, more social, gaming experiences, thereby illustrating the increased importance of social games.
Besides, social games, other than being a new rev enue stream for social-networking sites (in addition to advertising), also attracted users to register and to remain on social-networking sites for a longer period of time.s Well-known social media games included Farmville (developed by Zynga) on Facebook, and Angry Birds on the iPhone smartphone.6 Social games typically earned revenues through a 'freemium' model, where players were given free access to the basic features of a game, but had to pay to access more features and higher levels in the game.7 Unlike the players of traditional console games-who were typically younger males with dedi cated leisure time to play a game-players of the more casual social games had a different profile, being mostly older, and female.8
Gaming in Asia In the beginning of 2013, Asia was the region with the largest number of video gamers online at 477 million (39%), and also the largest revenue share globally at US$25.l billion (36%).9 PriceWaterhouseCoopers's 2011
Global Entertainment and Media Outlook 2010-2014 rec ognised that although earlier low-tech phones had pre vented the 'monetisation' of social media games, this would now change with the introduction of 3G wireless mobile infrastructure and widespread uptake of smart phones in the region,
The growth of smartphones is driving social gaming in Asia. Mobile now provides an environment that allows games to be developed to the standard of regular console and online games, and this has already led to an explosion in casual gaming. [In 2011}, the region is already home to more wire less phone subscribers than the rest of the world combined, and currently accounts for 63 per cent of global wireless gaming spend.10
However, the report also recognised challenges to the online gaming business in the region,
The partnership between game developers, platform owners, and brands is important, and ideally should be a natu ral process by now. However, in the real world this is not happening as there are constraints and limitations to how branded content can be integrated into the production of games. Each Asian market, from Japan to China, from Korea to the Philippines, has a lively social gaming scene, but with specific characteristics and different tastes that need to be catered to. 11
Gestating an Idea
Cryptologic It was in this environment that Naik made his foray into the Asian online gaming industry and built up his company to capitalise on what he saw was a
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Case 9: MatchMove: Business Model Evolution
huge but untapped market potential. Naik had begun his career in technology, working as a project man ager to deliver Oracle and SAP technology solu tions to multinational companies that were clients of PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young con sulting services. From there, he started to understand business needs from a technology perspective, and how business worked at the back-end to drive front end processes. His next move was in a strategy and operations role as Managing Director, Strategy and Operations, Asia Pacific for Cisco Systems, a US-based multinational technology firm.
In 2007, a US-based, NASDAQ-listed gaming com pany, Cryptologic, had approached Naik to be their CEO. Cryptologic was trying to move into this new "space" even as they maintained an existing organisational structure and business model-one that was based on publishing games and built up through acquisitions of studios. Cryptologic's plan was to be a business-to-con sumer (B2C) company for online gamers, providing a platform for users to play game content that it owned exclusively. In this role, Naik went around Asia acquiring gaming studios and platforms to build up Cryptologic's proprietary online gaming platform. He acquired five studios for the company and started to understand the online gaming business in more depth. He understood that the challenge facing game developers was 'high con tent, low traffic', or being able to attract enough players to play their games. Typically, a player's awareness of a game spread via word-of-mouth, but also through paid marketing campaigns.
From B2C to B2B
In working for Cryptologic, Naik and HH, his CFO at Cryptologic, became keenly aware of a few converging trends and started to explore options that could capi talise on these opportunities, after realising that the Cryptologic organisation structure ( which focused on the end consumer), could not accommodate their inter est in creating a new business model and value proposi tion for other businesses as clients.
Naik and his team had conducted business dialogues and carried out market research for six months. Based on concurrent conversations with search engine com panies, as well as telecommunications companies that had high user traffic on their websites, Naik came to an interesting observation,
The problem was that users were now changing their style [ manner of playing games]. Instead of going to a website and consuming news and games and meeting their friends indi vidually, they now wanted it all in one space-and were all
converging on spaces like Facebook and so on. Meanwhile, the big brands and the telcos were saying-hang on, these are our users, and wea better offer them something else we'll lose them.
At the same time, Naik and HH recognised that there was another trend in the market. A common practice was for game developers to launch their games on social networking platforms such as Facebook, where Facebook would share revenues earned from game players with the game developer. However, over time, the margin that Facebook was taking from this revenue stream became higher and higher, with less revenue coming back to the game developer. Major game developers such as Zynga then started to use Facebook more as a source, and not the ultimate des tination for users. Where previously Facebook would host Zynga's games, now Facebook users who wanted to play a Zynga game would be redirected to a Zynga web site to play the game there. This was pushing the game developers to create their own gaming platforms-but with correspondingly weaker "traffic" than the larger portals and social media giants.
With this combination of insights, Naik started developing the concept of a business-to-business (B2B) business model of his own, to work with large multina tionals to help them solve their problem of 'high traf fic, low content'. He had further conversations with companies such as Yahoo! and Microsoft, which were keen to attract more users to their websites and keep them there for a longer time, earning additional reve nues through casual games and online purchases on their sites.
Naik confessed that he had conceived a grand plan from the beginning,
These large multinational companies all had the fol lowing pain points-How do I keep users on my web site? How do I get quality content? And how do I do all this without additional headcount? We discovered this while investing in the smaller companies and so decided to combine this into a new service combining the whole package-social gaming, social networking and e-commerce. We had a core vision about all three as a package, because we knew that if we didn't do so, we wouldn't be able to get scale. And only once we get scale, would the business be sustainable. The whole world thought we were crazy.
Naik also realised that unless they were able to offer all three arms to a client, it would be easy for a big client to say "I can do the games, or one of the other pieces, myself'
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Naik and HH then put together a presentation to show their potential clients how their business model was well thought out and would address all the pain points. This all-in-one value proposition approach turned out to be of great value to their clients-all of whom imme diately asked, "how do I sign up?"-giving Naik and his team the confidence that there was indeed a market opportunity there.
In 2009, in the midst of the global financial crisis, Naik and HH left their well-paying jobs with Cryptologic to start a company of their own. 12 They had done all their due diligence, and the timing was too compelling for this new business model.
Match Move
MatchMove is to online entertainment and e-commerce what software providers SAP and Oracle are to enterprise software.
-Shailesh Naik, CEO, MatchMove Pte Ltd 13
In February 2009, MatchMove Pte Ltd was incorpo rated in Singapore, with Naik as the CEO, and HH as the COO. "Finding people to work for us was the hard est in the beginning", Naik said. "Not everyone wants to work for start-ups. It was hard to get Singaporeans to apply for our job openings, so we had to head-hunt for people in China:' 14 Eventually they overcame this prob lem and by June 2013, MatchMove had 46 employees in Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, China and the US.15
The MatchMove Proposition
MatchMove helps online businesses increase revenue, user engagement and loyalty through the strategic use of its sophisticated games, social networking and site gamification and e-payments platform.
-MatchMove website'6
MatchMove would provide an entertainment plat form as a service to clients, and would offer a selection of games and apps which their clients could host on their own portals for their own customers. They would become a 'curator' of sorts, choosing and testing the best games from various game developers, and also provid ing the technology platform. In Naik's words, it would provide "infrastructure for companies that are keen to
Part 4: Case Studies
offer games on their sites but do not want to do it on their own''.17 The closed social network platform allowed users to perform actions such as to click 'like' on con tent and comment on one another's activities on the portal. Building its library of Internet- and subsequently mobile-enabled games, MatchMove targeted the tele communications, media and technology (TMT) seg ment. Naik said,
We initially targeted the big Western multinationals, know ing that their management in Asia would probably be frus trated with the lack of local products, and at the same time see the opportunity slipping away.
Many of these were Asian offices of US multina tionals, which lacked the resources to customise the US-based content from their US headquarters in a way that was appealing to Asian users. Naik was very clear from the beginning on how MatchMove should position itself,
We don't acquire [game] content generation [capabilities]. We've always invested in distribution and the platform. So we want to be like a B2B iTunes, where games can come from anywhere. So it's this ecosystem where we want to be the platform, and we will integrate payments with the plat form. We will be the central cog in the wheel that brings everyone together. We will invest in infrastructure, support, and platform, because that's what really captures the value (refer to Exhibit 2 for a concept diagram of MatchMove's business).
In short, MatchMove aimed to offer content manage ment (games), transaction management (e-commerce), and the technology platform as a one-stop package to customers in Asia.
Naik and his team realised that there were fun damental differences between games in the US and in Asia. For instance, Western games were heavily invested in character intellectual property like Batman or Superman, whereas Asian games tended to be a vari ation of popular fictional or historical content, like the 'Monkey King' myth or the 'Three Kingdoms' novel. Asian characters, even villains, could look cute. They recognised that their value proposition had to focus on the Asian games market, with Asian-made games for the Asian arms of Web portals and other sites, for their Asian clients. There would of course be crossover games (games that crossed over cultures) later, but addressing the regional consumer taste was at the core of their differentiated offering.
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Case 9: MatchMove: Business Model Evolution C-117
Exhibit 2 Concept Diagram of Matchmove's Business
Clients with portals - high �
Casual games library (connects ....
to studios traffic sites
Game studios - high content,
low traffic
Solution: > Social
networking .... platform
Content/ platform
1. acquisitions or license
2. Own internal platform
The opportunity identified while making 5 acquisitions for cryptologic
Source: Author's concept diagram
Naik recalled how ground-breaking this business model and its value proposition was to the industry, or for that matter, in all the industry verticals that their business model spanned,
In 2009, Digital Capital ( a private equity investor in the digital entertainment space), named MatchMove twice in a report together with Facebook, Uniclip, Trimedia, and Popcap. T his put us on the global map. People were view ing the industry in those days as verticals-developers, publishers, portals, aggregators . . . We came in saying that we are disrupting the business model-we are working right across all these verticals ... we've got the whole suite.
MatchMove was essentially operating a two-sided market business model-servicing the game developers on the one hand, and the portals and other Web com panies on the other. Game developers would benefit by working with MatchMove as they could gain infor mation on the volume of customers accessing their games, and MatchMove provided transparency on payments due to them. MatchMove looked for more and bigger clients for developers to distribute games to, and sought to create a two-way cycle where build ing trust with more of the popular game developers
(payments) - platform - later
Matchmove's integrated value proposition provided to two sides of business: client-portals and game studios
enabled them to attract larger clients as well. W hilst Apple's iTunes store took 30% of margins from games, MatchMove was willing to take as low as a five percent margin from game developers that it had an exclusive relationship with.
The Remaining Pieces of the Puzzle By September 2009, the private equity market had started recovering from the post-financial crisis dol drums, and amidst the flurry of deals being sealed in the industry, MatchMove managed to raise US$1.6 million (S$2 million) 18 of funds from Singapore-based pri vate equity firm Vickers Venture Partners to kick-start their first project with Yahoo! Southeast Asia.19 As of June 2013, the company had managed to raise an addi tional US$5.5 million (SGD$7 million) of funding from private equity firms in the US, Europe and China. Ultimately, MatchMove had to seek other potential investors and game developers in order to secure fund ing. This was a time-consuming back-and-forth process that required a lot of trust building.
From the start, MatchMove had decided to put its platform entirely in the 'Cloud' 20• This made it easy for the company to update all its clients with new
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software and services.21 Importantly, the cloud-based platform enabled the company to perform software updates quickly for overseas clients, and to serve their gamer customers faster. 22 This was important as many of MatchMove's potential customers were in countries outside of Singapore, and games, especially at that time, required fast server response times.
Getting the First Client
Yahoo! Asia was using their US offices' US-designed games, and "failing miserably here", said Naik. Based on his experience with Cryptologic, Naik knew this to be a weak point. MatchMove specifically targeted Yahoo!-Asia and another IT giant with a significant consumer portal at the same time, and eventually partnered with Yahoo! in September 2009.23 In his earlier meetings with Yahoo! executives, Naik under stood that Yahoo! Asia, being at its core an Internet search portal, had no resources to curate a stable of Asian-specific games on its website. Yahoo! had earlier acquired a game company to develop games exclusively for its website, but their games had become increasingly obsolete as they could not keep up with evolving technologies such as Flash, and upcoming content trends such as social gaming.
Naik gave Yahoo! a proposed solution to their problems. MatchMove would be responsible for the technology transition of existing and new games to new technology platforms. It would also make it pos sible for Yahoo! to avoid paying the upfront costs for new game development; instead MatchMove handled the payments to the game developers on their end. They achieved this by standardising the terms offered to all game developers who worked with them. By handling the negotiations and accounting on behalf of Yahoo! for the hundreds of different game devel opers that were on the Yahoo! Platform, MatchMove acted as a consolidator and complemented Yahoo! in areas that Yahoo! did not have the bandwidth to accomplish.
In this way, MatchMove could work out a consistent revenue sharing scheme with game developers and pub lishers. The deal made a total of 143 titles available for purchase on Yahoo!'s online store, making Yahoo! one of the top sites in Southeast Asia offering the most popu lar casual game titles.24 Additionally, a payment gateway provided on the platform enabled MatchMove's clients
Part 4: Case Studies
to collect payments from their end users via payment services such as PayPal, Visa and MasterCard, and also Mobile payments and pre-paid cards which were more popular and accessible to young Asians. 25
Naik explained how MatchMove tested games for quality, although ultimately a 'good' game was measured by how much user traffic it could generate,
We have a few people who test the game from end to end, running through all the episodes. It should not be totally predictable, and there should be enough of an element of surprise and engagement to keep you coming back . . . good workmanship, design, sound, lots of episodes .. . The real test though is when you put it out in the market.
MatchMove's coverage mirrored Yahoo! Southeast Asia's countries of focus- Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam which were amongst the fastest growing nations in the world in terms of Internet penetration. 26 Yahoo! became an important proof of concept to build out MatchMove's sophisticated product architecture. The 'Yahoo!-grade' project involved building a multi ple-country, multi-language and even multi-currency platform that included standards of performance and customer service that made it easier to acquire a future customer base.
Pricing for MatchMove's platform was on a sub scription basis, and customers paid between US$7,921 (SGD$10,000) to US$39,605 (SGD$50,000) per month to use it, saving themselves millions of dollars in having to build up the capability on their own.27
Building In Speed and Flexibility
After a few months spent building up its customer base, Naik decided to be more focused on MatchMove's strengths, and the competition never really got a foothold,
We had competitors at two places when we first arrived Yahoo! and Starhub were talking to two other companies (one European and the other a US billion dollar concern) which did not offer the whole package. And they said they would offer this in three months, but we said that we would do it in two weeks, then two days, then five minutes.
Starhub28 told us during final talks why they were choosing us even though we weren't established, we weren't known we didn't even have a company. They said- 'you're offering me local games ... (and) a faster time to market'.
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Case 9: MatchMove: Business Model Evolution
Once we identified those two factors as key selection criteria for B2B customers, we worked harder and faster on improv ing our capabilities in those areas. We had to build the e-commerce function as a necessary aspect to get the flow of money for their customers to pay. If you were a customer on Yahoo! Asia, which was in six countries, you had the option to pay for games on a local website through a local payment provider.
AppKungfu's Origins The realisation that speed and scalability (across clients) were their competitive advantages eventually led Naik and HH to revamp MatchMove's platform.
When we went in to design our overall ecosystem, we made sure that our deployment got faster and faster. My architects and product designers were constantly looking to improve our speed to market . . . so competitors could never catch up in the key areas where we believed our clients told us we had a competitive advantage. So when our competitors needed three months to deploy a solution, we were able to do it in weeks. From there, we started to improve the technology to be able to deploy a large scale solution in just days. Global competitors from the US and Europe stopped competing with us and pulled out when ever they heard we were in the running. We had started to accelerate away from the competition by focusing on our key differentiators ... not as we saw them, but as our clients saw them.
By late 2010, MatchMove had so much demand for its services that Naik knew that its platform would not be scalable. For every project MatchMove took on, they had to have engineers' onsite at the client's office to integrate MatchMove's backend system with the clients-and each integration project took six to eight weeks. The decision was thus made to revamp MatchMove's platform, to make it modular and enable clients to self-service to set up their websites, which also changed the range of customers that MatchMove targeted. Naik explained,
Once we saw the emerging pipeline, we thought here was an opportunity to scale this big time. And so we stepped back to revamp the whole platform, and renamed it AppKungfu offering it to just anyone who wanted it, not just our target enterprise customers. You could be a young girl in Taiwan who was selling t-shirts online, and now wanted to add games and social networking. We already had the core tech nology, and we wanted to offer a 'freemium' model, so any one who wanted to use it at a basic level could do so. In 2010
we started to rewrite, and in 2011, we had a product that could be used both 'B2C' and 'B2B'.
In the beginning of 2012, MatchMove unveiled AppKungfu, which was a patent-pending system of appli cation programming interfaces (API).29 Customers could 'self-service' and choose to enhance their websites with social networking features such as sharing and achieve ments tracking.30 As Nate Wang, VP of Marketing at MatchMove described,
Imagine playing with Lego blocks. You no longer have to take the entire castle. You can now take the right tower and add it to your own castle. If that's not enough, you can break it down into the individual bricks and customise it any way you like.31
With this new API-based platform, 'what would nor mally take two years [to implement] is often done in less than two weeks'.32 The result of the AppKungfu platform was that it enabled standard websites to be converted, sometimes within mere hours, to a full Internet and mobile experience.33
AppKungfu also incorporated new and powerful features for MatchMove's customers. The use of APis allowed customers to collected data on users' activities and preferences on their websites, so that they could tar get customers and cross-sell relevant products with this information. 34
In line with the 'freemium' business model, MatchMove made the basic platform free for custom ers on a self-service basis. Customers paid a monthly subscription fee for licencing and value-added services such as single-sign on capability, and intellectual prop erty rights. Naik described the change that AppKungfu brought to MatchMove's way of doing business,
At that point, we were not limited anymore, and could start targeting geographically rather than sector wise . . . we added French, Spanish, Arabic [language versions of the platform] and so on . . . Over time, we made more and more self service . . . if a customer was really big and serious, we would give them more customised attention.
On the developer side, starting with ten game developers and 300 game titles when they first started working with Yahoo!, MatchMove's stable of games grew to 50 developers and 3000 titles about a year later. This was largely because of its API-based plat form that made it easier for software developers to integrate into the MatchMove platform from any where in the world.
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Further Moves
The Move into Gamification In 2012, MatchMove developed the opportunity in what Naik called an 'adjacent space' -gamification. As the MatchMove website explained to potential corporate clients,
Gamification ensures that users fall in love with performing the actions that you want. 35
Gamification was part of the next wave of technolo gy-related trends gaining popularity in the market after casual games and social networking. In essence, 'gamifi cation' was the application of the mechanics of games to non-game scenarios, to make an activity more fun and engaging.36 An example was getting high scores on a lea derboard for sales numbers achieved. MatchMove saw a way to link this to the clients already using their platform for gaming and social networking, and apply gamification to internal enterprise issues like corporate employee training and increasing employee commitment through participation in games. Naik shared how MatchMove developed this new revenue stream,
Gamification was at that time a new term. So we looked at it and realised that actually, we know how to do this stuff. It required the underlying social networking platform, so we had two engineers work on it for three months, and we came up with the gamification product. We created a prototype, pushed it out to a few customers. They loved it . . . Almost all our clients are going onto it.
In addition, MatchMove also provided monitoring and implementation tools through AppKungfu that enabled companies to perform the back end analytics and evaluate if gamification had promoted the desired improvement in internal metrics, such as productivity or reduced absenteeism.
Failing Fast MatchMove also experimented with projects that did not succeed as well. Up until 2012, it had at least three to four failures. For instance, it attempted to go into branded hardware, but the supplier failed to deliver because the Android37 boom in the 2010's took up all the suppli ers' production capacity. In 2010, the company tried to launch a kid-friendly Internet browser with a Korean partner, a project that did not take off because of lan guage difficulties. Naik noted, 'We fail fast. If a project does not gain traction in three months and lift-off in six, we move on".
Part 4: Case Studies
However, Naik was also selective about the new ven tures that the company took on, as with its growing rep utation, MatchMove received an increasing number of offers for partnerships. He explained,
The core seeds were the same, but we continued to grow each one. Gamification was just an extension; it was highly opportunistic. How the business model evolves is that we look at what's in front of us, what's nearby, what's around the corner-and then try to determine whether it fits in with our grand plan of entertainment, social networks, and e-commerce. . . . Rarely have we said 'this is really cool, sooner or later people will catch on, let's just throw it out there.' Whenever we are after something, we always go and talk to potential channel partners, customers . . . .
It was for the same reason that MatchMove said 'no' to American Idol, FOX and other clients which approached them for television-related ventures that integrated video streaming and new technologies onto their websites. Those were perceived to be a poor fit with MatchMove's core value proposition.
The Next Move
By the time MatchMove found its way into 25th place in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific rank ings, the company had become one of the fastest growing technology firms in South-East Asia and had a three year revenue growth rate of 902 percent, with revenue for the 2012 financial year at just under US$8 million (SGD$10 million).38 Naik took stock of the company's progress so far,
We have 150 enterprise customers across the world; they in turn have about 300 million users. We have hundreds of social APls. We offered content and social plug-ins and e-commerce. We offer ''your own branded social entertain ment site {set up] in one week, across multiple devices, across nine languages." We now have hundreds of payment provid ers across many countries.
So far, MatchMove had been building its business as a full service games service provider that included a financial services component. Naik knew that he wanted this offering to be stretched to incorporate other services for adjacent markets with similar purposes, but was yet unclear on the direction. However, Naik's research had revealed e-commerce to be the next big opportunity. He explained,
In Asia 80% of transactions are cash-based. Only 20% goes through cards. This is the whale we were looking
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Case 9: MatchMove: Business Model Evolution
Exhibit 3 Data on Payment Types used for Online Purchases in Asia and other Regions
Noncash Transactions Worldwide, by Region, 2011 & 2012 (billions, % change and CAGR)
2011 2012 111 CAGR % change
North America
Latin America 131
Mature Asia-Pacific 141
Emerging Asia 161
130 3.70% 4.80%
85 4.30% 3.50%
34 15.80% 14.60%
33 11.00% 8.70%
27 26.30% 25.50%
25 19.70% 24.40%
Note: (1) forecast; (2) includes Eurozone; (3) includes Brazil, Mexico and other; (4) includes Australia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea; (S) includes
Russia and Poland; (6) includes China, Hong Kong, India and other.
Source: Capgemini and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), "World Payments Report 2013," Sep 16, 2013, via eMarketer, (accessed 11 January 2012).
Payment Method Share of Ecommerce Transactions in Select Countries in Asia-Pacific, 2012 (% of total)
Card Bank Transfers* Ewallets Mobile Direct Debits Other**
South Korea 73.80% 4.50% 2.10% 1.50% 0.30% 17.80%
Japan 56.00% 3.50% 6.60% 0.30% 0.90% 32.70%
Australia 53.40% 22.50% 20.00% 0.70% 1.30% 2.10%
Indonesia 26.00% 39.00% 2.70% 0.10% 1.20% 31.00%
Philippines 24.60% 20.10% 13.90% 7.50% 2.30% 31.60%
Thailand 24.50% 30.00% 4.80% 1.40% 0.80% 38.50%
India 24.00% 29.30% 1.50% 4.00% 3.70% 37.50%
China 15.00% 20.40% 44.30% 1.90% na 18.40%
Vietnam 8.60% 56.10% 8.60% 0.30% 1.20% 25.20%
Note: read as 53.4% of ecommerce transactions in Australia were by credit card; *includes real-time and offline bank transfers; **includes local card schemes,
pre-pay cards or vouchers, post-pay methods requiring payment at an affiliated outlet or store, e-invoices and digital currency
Source: WorldPay, "Your Global Guide to Alternative Payments" in collaboration with First Annapolis Consulting, Jan 17, 2014, via eMarketer, (accessed 15 June 2014).
for ( refer to Exhibit 3 for data on payment values and types used for online purchases in Asia and other regions). We always had the vision that one day we were going to offer an e-commerce (payment) capability that would work not only on our customer (enterprise) side, but be an open wallet. The basic criteria was to allow anyone in Asia to shop online anywhere. That's what the vision was.
where it could help its clients collect payments in local currencies domestically in ten countries in Asia, scaling beyond the six countries it had started with when Yahoo! Southeast Asia had on-boarded as their first client.
By January 2014, MatchMove had already built up the seeds of its next business model evolution. It had developed a robust and complete API-based platform for both B2B and B2C that hosted games and social networking capabilities, which could be extended to gamification. The rollout of its platform in the region had also enabled it to build an e-commerce platform
Naik thought that with the depth of the e-commerce payment capability that MatchMove had, it could do more than just service its existing stable of customers. He envisioned an open network that could tap on the current trend of the 'unbanked' and 'uncarded'. Could he do this alone, or should he look for a partner? How would this idea work, in reality? He knew that MatchMove would need to evolve its business model to tap on this next big opportunity.
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C-122 Part 4: Case Studies
1. Newzoo BV, 2013 Global Games Market 17. Yuen-( Tham, "MatchMove Games'; Casual Game Titles'; September 17, 2009,
Report, June 6, 2013, via eMarketer, Singapore Press Holdings Limited, http://www.MatchMove.com/corporate
accessed June 2014. May 26, 2010, via Factiva, accessed /Ya hoo-sig ns-strateg ic-pa rtnersh i p-with
2. Ibid. April 2014. -MatchMove-games/, accessed April 2014.
3. Eric Savitz and Kushal Saha, "Mobile/ 18. SG$1 = USS0.79209, on 1 June 2013, www 27. Aaron Tan, "SME Tech; They do the hard
Social Trends Driving Video Game .oanda.com, accessed 13 June 2014. work for you in just weeks'; Singapore Press
Sector M&A'; Forbes.com, July 11, 2011, 19. Gabriel Chen,-Private equity sector here Holdings Limited, June 12, 2013, via Factiva,
via Business Source Complete, accessed turning the corner, September 24, 2009, accessed April 2014.
June 2014. "Singapore Press Holdings Limited'; via 28. Starhub was a fully integrated info-
4. Ibid. Factiva, accessed Apri I 2014. communications company providing a
5. Data monitor, "Online Social Gaming 20. Cloud computing was the practice of wide range of services for TV, mobile,
Case Study: A Viable CPG Marketing using a network of remote servers hosted internet and other platforms in
Opportunity?'; Data monitor, January 2011, on the Internet to store, manage, and Singapore.
via EBSCOHost, accessed June 2014. process data, rather than a local server or 29. An Application Programming Interface
6. Ibid. a personal computer. The only alternative referred to a language and message
7. Eric Savitz and Kushal Saha, "Mobile/ to storing data on the Cloud was to have format used by an application program
Social Trends Driving Video Game regional Internet data centres (IDCs), which to communicate with the operating
Sector M&A'; Forbes.com, July 11, 2011, were far too expensive for MatchMove to system or some other control program
via Business Source Complete, accessed maintain as they were just starting out. such as a database management system
June 2014. https://www.google.com.sg/?gfe_rd=cr&ei (DBMS) or communications protocol. APls
8. Demographically, a study in 2012 found =ELOaU821N6eM8Qfkg4C4Ag&gws were implemented by writing function
the majority of social gamers to be at _rd=ssl#q=define+cloud+computing, calls in the program, which provided the
least 30 years old, with more than 50% accessed June 2014. linkage to the required subroutine for
married and more than 70% female. Social 21. Aaron Tan,-SME Tech; They do the hard execution. T hus, an API imp lied that a
games, which were closely linked to social work for you in just weeks, "Singapore Press driver or program module was available
networking, were also played for the Holdings Limited'; June 12, 2013, via Factiva, in the computer to perform the operation
purpose of competing with people that the accessed April 2014. or that software must be linked into
player knew. These games were normally 22. Interestingly, as a result of the decision to the existing program to per form the
played when the player had small windows host its software on the Cloud to be more tasks. Refer http:/ /www.pcmag.com
of time available, such as when travelling responsive to gamers, MatchMove had /encyclopedia/term/37856/api,
on the bus or train, in the office for a quick to turn down funding from Singapore's accessed June 2014.
break, or when the baby was napping. lnfocomm Development Authority (IDA), 30. Aaron Tan, "SME Tech; They do the hard
eMarketer, "The 2013 Entertainment'; Media which would have provided government work for you in just weeks'; Singapore Press
& Advertising Market Research Handbook, funded server-based solutions. It was a Holdings Limited, June 12, 2013, via Factiva,
January 2013, via eMarketer, accessed tough decision for MatchMove to make, accessed April 2014.
June 2014. because to them, at that time, it was a 31. MatchMove, "MatchMove Expands
9. Newzoo BV, 2013 Global Games Market lot of money. However, the IDA was only Social Media Capabilities", November 14,
Report, June 6, 2013, via eMarketer, focused on the usage of Singapore- 2011, http://www.MatchMove.com
accessed June 2014. based IDCs. /corporate/MatchMove-expands
10. Michael O'Neill, "Social takes gaming to a 23. MatchMove, "Yahoo! Signs Strategic -social-media-capabilities/, accessed
new level'; PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP's Partnership with MatchMove Games to April 2014.
Global Entertainment and Media Outlook: Offer Consumers Hundreds of Popular 32. Match Move, "Deloitte Honors Match Move
2010-2014, April 2011, via Business Source Casual Game Titles'; September 17, 2009, as the Fastest-Growing Tech Company in
Complete, accessed June 2014. http://www.MatchMove.com/corporate Southeast Asia'; December 13, 2013,
11. Ibid. /!-sign s-stra teg i c-pa rt nersh i p-wi th http:/ /www.MatchMove.com/corporate
12. Yuen-C Tham, "MatchMove Games'; -MatchMove-games/, accessed /deloitte-honors-MatchMove-as -the
Singapore Press Holdings Limited, May 26, April 2014. -fastest-growing-tech-com pa ny-i n-
2010, via Factiva, accessed April 2014. 24. MatchMove, "MatchMove Games Opens southeast-asia/, accessed April 2014.
13. Aaron Tan, "SME Tech; They do the hard Online Store'; December 10, 2009, http:// 33. Game developers could similarly use
work for you in just weeks'; Singapore Press www.MatchMove.com/corporate the APls to integrate their games onto
Holdings Limited, June 12, 2013, via Factiva, /MatchMove-games-opens-online-store/, MatchMove's platform, to be in turn
accessed April 2014. accessed April 2014. made available to MatchMove's customer
14. Ibid. 25. Aaron Tan, "SME Tech; They do the hard websites and their millions of users.
15. Ibid. work for you in just weeks'; Singapore Press Refer "AppKungfu,-What is AppKungfu';
16. Match Move, "MatchMove Expands Social Holdings Limited, June 12, 2013, via Factiva, http://www.appkungfu.net/overview
Media Capabilities'; November 14, 2011, accessed April 2014. /what-is-appkungfu, accessed
http:/ /www.MatchMove.com/corporate 26. MatchMove, "Yahoo! Signs Strategic April 2014.
/MatchMove-expands-social-media Partnership with MatchMove Games to 34. While games were the primary type of
-capabilities/, accessed April 2014. Offer Consumers Hundreds of Popular content available, the platform could easily
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Case 9: MatchMove: Business Model Evolution
power and socialise music and other forms
of digital entertainment. Refer MatchMove,
"MatchMove Launches Patent-Pending
Social Networking and Gamification
Product'; August 13, 2014, http://www
. MatchMove.com/corporate/MatchMove
accessed April 2014.
35. MatchMove, "Gamification'; http://www
accessed April 2014.
36. The Oxford Dictionary, "Gamification';
/definition/english/gamification, accessed
April 2014.
37. Android referred to an operating system for
smartphones, tablets and laptops from the
Google-sponsored Open Handset Alliance.
Android was a Linux OS, and Android apps
were programmed in Java. www.pcmag
accessed June 2014 .
38. Jacqueline Cheok,-Two start-ups based
here are fastest-growing firms in SE Asia,
"Business Times Singapore'; Dec 23, 2013,
via Factiva, accessed April 2014.
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C-124 Part 4: Case Studies
The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond
Steve Gove, University of Vermont
The scene: On a cold, dark, nearly deserted location a solitary figure, the last of his kind, stands sentinel. In this remote place, little has changed while elsewhere the world is transforming. The philosophical question: Are the systems, structures, and heroes of the past still rel evant or are they obsolete? The action: An epic battle, which (spoiler alert!) not all will survive. Is this the plot to The Last Jedi, 2017's most successful motion picture? Certainly, but the situation is also analogous to that facing movie exhibitors-movie theaters-in 2018. A timeline of the industry matches the plot twists of even the most gripping sci-fi fantasy adventure (Exhibit 1). Consider the facts:
■ As shown in Exhibit 2, 2017's $11.1 billion in domes tic box office receipts1 was near historical highs, but down 2.5 percent from 2016's record-setting year. Domestic box office revenue records were set in five of the prior ten years, but declined in the other five.
■ At first glance, the 1.236 billion tickets sold domes tically is impressive. However, attendance declined nearly 6 percent from 2016 and the long-term trend in attendance is negative; each year fewer people go to the movies. 2017's attendance is the lowest since 1992 and is down 21 percent from the most recent peak in 2002.
■ The trend in per capita admissions is negative. In 2017, the average number of films seen per person was 3.7; in 2006, it was 4.7.2 Both are well down from 1946's peak 4 billion tickets sold when the typical person attended 28 movies a year.
■ In recent years ticket price increases have exceeded inflation indicating some recent pricing power. At $8.97, the average ticket price has risen 30 per cent since 2007 (Exhibit 3). Recent price increases, however, occur at the same time as attendance has declined, raising concerns that prices now exceed
the value provided to a greater number of potential viewers.
■ The demographic trends in exhibitors' core domestic market are changing. Studios target an audience of 12-24 year olds. While this demographic group will increase 15% by 2035, the fastest growing segment of the population is those 60 and older. This population segment will grow 36 percent by 2035. Unfortunately, at 2.5 visits per year, this audience currently attends the movies the least (Exhibit 4).
■ Movies are more widely available than ever, creating new substitutes for where, when, and how they are viewed.
■ The industry's major initiative to lower costs and draw audiences fizzled out: investments of $2.6 billion since 2005 in digital projection (Exhibit 5) have not reduced costs or yielded parity compared with home theaters. Audience interest in 3D mov ies, available with digitization, appears limited. 3D ticket sales peaked in 2010 at 17 percent of tickets and have declined steadily to just 11 percent in 2017 (Exhibits 2 & 6).
■ Exhibitors have little control over their largest cost: rental fees for motion pictures. Costs are high due to a small number of suppliers with high bargaining power due to highly differentiated content (Exhibits 7, 10, & 12).
■ The industry is increasingly bifurcated between two markets, domestic ( clear signs of maturity such as a declining number of screens domestically, increas ing threat of substitution, difficulty innovating, and signs of consolidation) and international (growth, rapidly expanding theater counts, rising attendance, and increasing revenues) (Exhibits 1, 8, & 9).
Much like the Jedi in the Star Wars saga, movie exhibitors are engaged in an epic struggle. Exhibitors, much like the Jedi, have held a seemingly unquestion able place within society. Exhibitors have long held a position as the local face of the entertainment indus try in communities. Are movie theaters still relevant?
This case is intended solely for the purpose of classroom discussion. It is not intended to be used for any kind of endorsement, source of data, or depiction of effective or ineffective management. All opinions expressed, and all errors and omissions, are entirely those of the author. © Steve Gove, 2018.
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Exhibit 1 Top 25 Motion Pictures Based on 2017 Domestic Box Office
Beauty and the Beast (2017) Wonder Woman Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spider-Man: Homecoming It Thor: Ragnarok Despicable Me 3 Justice League Logan The Fate of the Furious Coco Dunkirk Get Out The LEGO Batman Movie The Boss Baby The Greatest Showman Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Kong: Skull Island Cars 3 War for the Planet of the Apes Split Wonder Transformers: The Last Knight
Total for Top 25 Average for Top 25
Dom. Gross
$620 • I
$504 $413 $405 $390 $334 $327 $315 $265 $229 $226 $226 $210 $188 $176 $176 $175 $174 $173
$168 $153 $147 $138 $132 $130
I $2561
Dom. Rank
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 I 18 I 19 I
20 I 21 I 22 I 23 I 24 25
MPAA Studio Genre Rating
BV Fan I PG WB Act/ Adv J PG-13
Sony Act I PG-13 BV Act/ Adv J PG-13
Sony Act/ Adv J PG-13 WB(NL) Horr I R
BV Act/ Adv J PG-13 Univ. Anim I PG WB Act/ Adv J PG-13 Fox Act/Adv J R
Univ. Act I PG-13 BV Anim I PG WB War I PG-13
Univ. Horr I R WB Anim I PG Fox Anim I PG Fox Mus I PG BV Adv J PG-13
WB Act/Adv PG-13 BV Anim I G Fox S-F Act I PG-13
Univ. Horr Thrl J PG· 13 LG Drama PG
Para Sci-Fi Act PG-13
Notes: Data from Boxofficemojo.com, MPAA, other sources and author estimates and calculations.
Domestic Box
Prod. Office to Budget Budget %Opening (mil.) Ratio Weekend
$160 7.9 35% $149 5.5 25% $90 10.7 14%
$200 4.3 38% $175 5.0 35% $35 20.0 38%
$180 4.7 39% $80 12.9 37%
$165 4.0 41% $97 6.4 39%
$250 4.9 44% $100 8.1 24% $100 5.3 27%
$5 56.7 19% $80 3.9 30% $75 7.0 I 29% $84 5.2 I 8%
$230 3.5 I 45%
$185 3.1 I 36% $100 3.8 I 35% $150 3.3 I 38%
$9 30.9 I 29% $70 4.3 21%
$217 2.8 34% $3,186
s127 I 9.1 32%
Gross (mil.)
$760 $406 $557 $474 $546 $373 $539 $770 $429 $393
$1,010 $597 $337 $79
$136 $353 $259 $622
$399 $231 $344 $140 $168 $475
$10,921 $4371
3 13 6
11 7
16 8 2
12 15
5 19 25 24 17 20 4
14 21 18 23 22 10
Intl.Box Office to Budget Ratio
I 4.7 I 2.7 I 6.2 I 2.4 I 3.1 I 10.7 I 3.0 I 9.6 I 2.6 I 4.0
I 6.0 3.4
17.6 1.7
I 4.7 I 3.1 I 2.7
I 2.2
I 2.3 I 2.3 I 15.6
2.4 2.2
2017 Gross is total domestic gross for all films originally released in 2017. Domestic, international, and total gross encompasses entire theatrical release. Studios: BV = Disney/Buena Vista/Pixar; Fox = 20th Century Fox, LG = Lionsgate, NL = New Line, Para = Paramount, Sony = Sony, Univ = Universal, WB = Warner Bros., Genres as follows: Act = Action, Adv = Adventure, Anim = Animation, Com = Comedy, Drama = Drama, Fant = Fantasy, Horr = Horror, Muse-Musical, S-F = Science Fiction Some production budgets estimated. Domestic = U.S. and Canada; International = Outside U.S. and Canada; Global = all locations B:P Ratio = Total box office (domestic, international, and global) to P roduction Budget. % O.W. = percentage of total domestic box office from the opening weekend. Internal rank and global rank are based on international and global gross among the domestic top 25 motion pictures only.
Gross (mil.)
$1,264 $821 $962 $864 $880 $700 $854
$1,035 $658 $619
$1,236 $807 $527 $255 $312 $528 $433 $795
$567 $384 $491 $278 $301 $605
s7oo I
%Gross Outside
Rank U.S.
2 60% 9 49% 5 58% 7 55% 6 62%
12 53% 8 63% 4 74%
13 65% 14 63% 3 82%
10 74% 18 64% 25 31% 22 44% 17 67% 20 60% 11 78%
16 70% 21 60% 19 70% 24 50% 23 56% 15 79%
Global Box Office to Budget Ratio
4.7 2.7 6.2 2.4 3.1
10.7 3.0 9.6 2.6 4.0 4.0 6.0 3.4
17.6 1.7 4.7 3.1 2.7
2.2 2.3 2.3
15.6 2.4 2.2
Exhibit 2 Domestic Box Office Receipts & Ticket Sales, 1980-2017
$10,000 � $9,000
]_ $8,000 "' $7,000 a, ::J
$6,000 C
$5,000 a, $4,000 "'
0 $3,000
� � � ' ..
" ; ..
,, ..
.. I' "' � � ..
-� � ; J ..
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
■ 2D Tickets Sold (est.)-right axis ■ 3D Tickets Sold (est.) - right axis
.,._ Gross Box Office Revenues (left axis)
Part 4: Case Studies
1,200 ::J C
1,000 ]_
600 "' a,
400 i= "'iii
200 0
Data Source: Boxofficemojo.com, MPAA Theatrical Statistics & Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market Environment (THEME) Reports, and author estimates. Some years
of 3D ticket volume estimated based on reported 3D revenues with ticket prices estimated as 30% premium over 2D.
Exhibit 3 Ticket Prices versus lnflation-1987-2017
1987 1994 2001 2008 2015 '17
� Actual Ticket Price � Inflation Adjusted (1987 base year)
� Inflation Adjusted (1997 base year) � Inflation Adjusted (2007 base year)
Notes: Inflation adjustments based on CPI values reported by Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank, URL: https://www.minneapolisfed.org/community/financial-and
-economic-education/cpi-calculator-i nfo rmation/consu mer-price-index-and-inflation-rates-1 91 3
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Exhibit 4 U.S. Demographic & Admission Trends
Age Segment
2 to 11 yrs
12 to 17 yrs
18 to 24 yrs
25 to 39 yrs
40 to 49 yrs
50 to 59 yrs
60 yrs+
%of Tickets Purchased (2017)
2017 Admissions
Admissions Per Capita (2017)
U.5.Avg. in 2017 = 3.7
% of Frequent Movie Goers'
2018 Population
#(mil.) %
44.7 14%
26.6 8%
30.5 9%
67.9 21%
41.3 13%
43.3 13%
71.7 22%
326.0 100%
Est.2035 Population
#(mil.) %
50.0 13%
30.6 8%
35.7 9%
73.3 19%
48.7 13%
43.8 12%
97.3 26%
379.5 100%
Change 2017-2035
#(mil.) %
5.3 12%
4.0 15%
5.2 17%
5.5 8%
7.3 18%
0.5 1%
25.6 36%
53.5 15%
# Increase per Existing Screen (based on 40,246 screens)
Expected Impact of Change
New Annual Admissions per Screen (based on 2017per capita rate)
Additional Admissions per Screen per Weekend
%of New Admissions
Notes: Source: Data: U.S. Census (2014), https://www.census.gov/population/projections/data/national/2014/summarytables.html, author estimates, and MPAA Theatrical Statist i
cs & Theatrical and Home Entertainment
Market Environment (THEME) Reports.
'Frequent moviegoer defined by MPAA as one who attends the cinema at least once per month
'Based on 201 l's 40,246 screens, actual # (not in mil.). 3 Based on 2017 per capita admission rates by age group.
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Exhibit 5 U.S. Theaters Screens 2000-2017
A n alog Screens Digital Screens -Non-3D Digital Screens - 3D
Change Change Est. Change from Change As%of from As%of Digital from As%of As%of Est. 3D Total Digital
Total Prior from Total Prior Total Invest. Prior Total Digital Invest. Investment Year Screens Year # Prior Year Screens # Year Screen ($mil.) # Year Screens Screens ($mil.) ($mil.)
2000 37,396 37,396 100.0%
2001 36,764 -1.7% 36,764 -1.7% 100.0%
2002 35,280 -4.0% 35,280 -4.0% 100.0%
2003 36,146 2.5% 36,146 2.5% 100.0%
2004 36,594 1.2% 36,594 1.2% 100.0%
2005 38,852 6.2% 38,862 6.2% 100.0% 200 0.5% $10 $10
2006 38,415 -1.1% 36,412 -6.3% 94.8% 2,003 901.5% 5.2% $90 $90
2007 38,974 1.5% 34,342 -5.7% 88.1% 3,646 82.0% 9.4% $82 986 2.5% 21.3% $74 $156
2008 38,843 -0.3% 33,319 -3.0% 85.8% 4,088 12.1% 10.5% $22 1,427 44.7% 3.7% 25.9% $33 $55
2009 39,233 1.0% 31,815 -4.5% 81.1% 4,149 1.5% 10.6% $3 3,269 129.1% 8.3% 44.1% $138 $141
2010 39,547 0.8% 23,773 -25.3% 60.1% 7,937 91.3% 20.1% $189 7,837 139.7% 19.8% 49.7% $343 $532
2011 39,641 0.2% 14,020 -41.0% 35.4% 12,620 59.0% 31.8% $234 13,001 65.9% 32.8% 50.7% $387 $621
2012 42,803 8.0% 6,426 -54.2% 15.0% 21,643 71.5% 50.6% $451 14,734 13.3% 34.4% 40.5% $130 $581
2013 42,184 -1.4% 2,990 -53.5% 7.1% 24,042 11.1% 57.0% $120 15,782 7.1% 37.4% 39.6% $79 $199
2014 43,265 2.6% 1,747 -41.6% 4.0% 25,372 5.5% 58.6% $67 16,146 2.3% 37.3% 38.9% $27 $94
2015 43,661 0.9% 1,109 -36.5% 2.5% 26,111 2.9% 59.8% $37 16,441 1.8% 37.7% 38.6% $22 $59
2016 43,531 -0.3% 872 -21.4% 2.0% 25,914 -0.8% 59.5% $0 16,745 1.8% 38.5% 39.3% $23 $23
2017 43,036 -1.1% 0 -100.0% 0.0% 26,238 1.3% 61.0% $16 16.978 1.4% 39.5% 39.3% $17 $34
$1,322 $1,273 $2,595
Notes: Based on author estimates and MPAA Theatrical Statistics & Theatrical and H ome Enter tainment Market Environment (THEME) Report on# screens. Estimated investments (cumulative) based on estimated cost of digital
screen ($50,000 per installation) and digital 3D ($75,000 per installation).
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Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond C-129
Exhibit 6 Domestic 3D-Screens, Revenues, & Releases
18,000 $350
16,000 $300
$250 12,000
10,000 $200
8,000 $150
6,000 $100
2,000 $50
0 $0 2007 2010 2015
■ Number 3D Screens (left axis) -e-3D Revenue per Screen($ thousand; right axis)
-e- 3D Revenue per Release ($ million; right axis)
Notes: Data from MPAA Theatrical Statistics & Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market Environment (THEME) Reports, NATO, boxofficemojo, and author estimates.
Will they survive? Might movie theaters go the way of the Jedi and cease to exist? Might your local movie the ater be The Last Exhibitor?
The Motion Picture Value Chain
The structure of the motion picture value chain has changed little since the 1920s. It consists of three stages: studio production, distribution, and exhibition-the theaters that show the films.
Studio Production
The studios produce the industry's life force: motion picture content. Studios are highly concentrated with the top six responsible for a minority of films, but the majority of domestic3 film revenues (see Exhibit 7). Even within the top studios, concentration is increas ing due to fewer films with larger budgets and global appeal. In 2017, the top six studios produced 101 major motion pictures (14 percent of films). Yet these films constitute 83 percent of all domestic box office receipts, up from 71 percent for the top six in 2000. Studios collectively released 738 films in 2017, an average of 14 per week. The math for exhibitors is this: Two are by Hollywood's major studios. Show those films or the audience will not attend. The combination of high
studio concentration and highly differentiated content gives the studios considerable negotiating and pricing power over exhibitors.
The financial risk for studios is significant as pro duction costs are considerable (Exhibit 1). Studios invested $3 billion for what became 2017's highest grossing 25 films ($127 million per film; range: $5 mil lion to $250 million). Risks continue to increase as production budgets have skyrocketed. In 1980, the pro duction budget for the highest grossing films averaged just $11 million. In the 1990s, films turned to special effects and costs reached $102 million (up 827 percent). Today, special effects alone can top $100 million for a major production. These investments, however, are no guarantee for success; a proven formula remains elu sive. Many "sure things" flop at the box office while others surprise.
Large hauls at the box office are a poor indica tion of wise production decisions; profitability is the ratio of box office receipts to production cost. While Hollywood has long made assessing profitability nearly impossible, at a box office, gross to produc tion cost ratio of 2.0 a film has generally covered its costs. The Last Jedi's $1.3 billion global box office covered its estimated $200 million cost of production 2.6 times (a success), but not a smash. Meanwhile a
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C-130 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 7 Top 6 Studios/ Distributors 2017
2000 2017 % Change 2000-2017
Studio/ Distributor Rank $ Share Total Gross # Films Rank $ Share Total Gross # Films Total Gross # Films
Buena Vista 15.5% $1,176 21 21.8% $2,410 8 105% -62%
Universal 2 14.1% $1,069 13 3 13.8% $1,529 14 111% 8%
Warner Bros. 3 11.9% $905 22 2 18.4% $2,035 20 125% -9%
Paramount 4 10.4% $791 12
Dreamworks SKG 5 10.3% $777 10
20 th Century Fox 6 9.5% $723 13 4 12.0% $1,326 14 24% 8%
Sony I Columbia 5 9.6% $1,060 26 55% -10%
Lionsgate 6 8.0% $885 19 2574% 6%
Total for top 6 $5,441 91 $9,245 101 70% 11%
Top 6 as% of industry 71.0% 19.0% 83.4% 13.7% 17%
All other studios $2,220 387 $1,846 637 -17% 65%
All other studios as% of 29.0% 81.0% 16.6% 86.3%
Industry Total $7,661 478 $11,091 738 45% 54%
Source: MPAA Theatrical Statistics & Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market Environment (THEME) Reports, boxofficemojo.com, and author estimates.
largely unknown horror film, Get Out, produced for just $5 million, was an enormous critical and finan cial success. By the end of its theatrical run, the pic ture had grossed $176 million domestically, yielding a 56.7 ratio of box office receipts to production cost. The level of investments and risk results in studios putting return on their investment ahead of all other parties, including exhibitors.
Studios focus on 12-24 year olds, consistently the largest audience for movies. At just 17 percent of the U.S. population, this group purchases 23 percent of all tickets (per capital attendance of 4.8 movies per year). More narrowly, 10 percent of the population are "fre quent" moviegoers, those who attend more than one movie per month, and are responsible for half of all ticket sales. 35 percent of these frequent moviegoers are 12-24 year olds.4 Studios target this audience with PG and PG-13 fare including 20 of 2017's top 25 releases. However, more demographic trends are more favorable in other segments (Exhibit 4). While the U.S. popu lation will increase 15 percent by 2035, this core audi ence will grow 16%, just 229 people per current theater screen or 21 additional attendees per screen on the typical weekend. The largest growth-in both percent age and number of individuals-is among 60+ year olds. This market currently has the lowest admissions
per capita, just 2.5 annually, but represents a poten tially lucrative market increasing by 25.6 million, up 36 percent. At current per capita attendance levels, the increased population in this segment adds more than 30 potential viewers per screen per weekend. Attracting this audience is largely outside of the control of the exhibitors, dependent instead on whether the studios produce films attractive to them.
Domestic exhibitors were once the sole distribution channel for films. This has changed dramatically. Within the top 25 domestic films, 62 percent of all box office revenue was from outside the domestic market. Over 73 percent of total global box office revenues are derived outside of the domestic market (Exhibit 8). Studios view this as their primary opportunity for growth, as both ticket sales and dollar volume are rising rapidly. From 2000 to 2017, domestic receipts grew at a compounded annual rate of under 3 percent while international grew at nearly 9 percent. Based on attendance, both India's 2.02 billion and China's 1.26 billion admissions in 2015 exceeded that of the U.S. Unlike the domestic market, attendance in these markets is increasing each year. The studios are also changing their perspective on ticket prices in large population markets. In India, for exam ple, attendees pay an average of just $0.78. In China, it is $5.10.5
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Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond
Exhibit 8 Domestic versus International Box Office Receipts 2000-2017
.... -
- - 2005
- -
- 2010
� -
■ Domestic ($ billion; left axis) ■ International ($ billion; right axis)
- % Domestic (right axis)
This has led studios to internationalize their con - tent. While horror films like Get Out and dramas like Wonder require smaller production budgets than science fiction, action, and adventure films, they are riskier in international markets. The subtle nuances of a drama are easily lost across cultures and the appeal of horror films culturally dependent. Animated films targeting children, such as Coco and Cars 3, and action-packed franchise films with known characters, little dialogue, made in 3D, and laden with special effects, such as The Fate of the Furious, have the greatest potential for cross cultural appeal. Yet, these films carry two risks: lack of appeal to the 60+ demographic segment in the U.S. and larger budgets. Action-packed franchise films target the 12-24-year-old segment of the population, but are the least desirable domestically among the fastest growing segment of the domestic market, those 60 +. Costs are also higher, increasing the risk if a movie bombs. Among the top 10 highest internationally grossing U.S. studio produced films in 2017, the average production budget was $158 million-one quarter higher than the average for the top 25-and only two animated films, Despicable Me 3 and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, had production under $100 million.
As studios shift their focus to the international market, they are increasingly less dependent on the domestic market, further increasing their bargaining power over exhibitors. The internationalization of the
- % Global (right axis)
motion picture industry is starkly different for studios and exhibitors: Studios are seeking to increase revenues through product licensing, DVD and digital sales, and international expansion; domestic exhibitors remain wholly reliant on charging an unchanging core market of viewers to see movies.
Distributors are the intermediaries between the studios and exhibitors. Distribution entails all steps follow ing a film's artistic completion including marketing, logistics, and administration. Distributors negotiate a percentage of box office receipts for distribution ser vices or purchase rights to films and profit directly from box office receipts. Distributors select and mar ket films to exhibitors' booking agents, handle collec tions, audit reported attendance, and perform other administrative tasks. There are over 300 distributors, but the majority of work is done by a few majors, commonly a division of a studio. The production of 2017's It, an adaptation of Stephen King's book, was led by New Line Cinema with four other production companies credited. Warner Brothers released and distributed the film, both domestically and across international markets.
Until 2005, the distribution of motion pictures entailed the physical shipment of large reels of 35 mm film, a process largely unchanged since the 1940s.
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Each theater would receive a shipment of heavy physical canisters containing a "release print" of a film. These prints cost $20,000-$30,000 up-front for each film plus $1,000-$1,500 for each print. Print costs for a modern major picture opening on 3,500 screens come to $3.50-$5.25 million. These costs were borne by the distributors, but paid for by movie attendees. Sequentially releasing a film across markets reduced costs. It would premier domestically and then phase across individual foreign markets as the transportation of the physical film allowed.
Beginning in 2006, distributors and studios encour aged exhibitors to transition to digital projection tech nology. Digital projection uses high-powered 4K LCD projectors to cast the movie onto a specialized screen. Distribution of encrypted files, to deter piracy, is via download from satellite, Internet, or reusable hard drive. This near instantaneous distribution allows a picture's release across multiple global markets. Additionally, digital projection allows for consistently high-quality images, as there is no physical wear to the film, and enables the exhibition of "alternative content" -including sports, concerts, performance, and other events created and distributed outside of the motion picture studio value chain. This re-projecting of the domestic industry replaced film projection with digital. At the end of 2017, virtually 100 percent of commercial U.S. screens utilize digital projection, up from just five percent in 2006 (Exhibit 5). Each digital projection system serves a single screen and costs $50,000 to $75,000 including the projector, com puters and hardware, and a specialized screen. This equates to a capital cumulative investment of approx imately $2.6 billion in the U.S. alone. Virtual print fees, rebates from distributors on each film distrib uted digitally, partially funded the conversion. These fees, as much as 17 percent of rental costs, expired in 2013. Despite the cost savings of digital distribu tion, film rental rates, which include the cost of dis tribution, have averaged 50-55 percent of box office revenue for several decades. This suggests that the stu dios, not the exhibitors, benefit from the reduced cost of distribution.
Exhibitors-the local movie theater-provide a loca tion where audiences can view a motion picture. The basic business model of exhibitors-using movies as the draw and selling concessions to make a profit-has changed little since the time of touring motion picture
Part 4: Case Studies
shows that would set up in town halls and churches. As attending movies became popular, permanent theaters were constructed. Studios soon recognized the potential profit in exhibition and vertically inte grated, gaining control over the films shown and capturing downstream profits. This practice ended in 1948 with the Supreme Court's ruling against the studios in United States v. Paramount Pictures. Studios were forced to divest theaters, leaving the two to negotiate film access and rental fees. Single theater and single screen firms' exhibitors fared poorly as stu dios retained the upper hand in setting rental rates. Exhibitors sought to increase bargaining power and economies by consolidating, multiplying the bar gaining power of individual theaters by the number of screens managed. This reached its zenith in the 1980s with the mass rollout of the multiplex concept. Maximizing bargaining power based on multiple screens while minimizing labor and facility costs, exhibitors constructed large entertainment complexes, some times with dozens of screens. Most of the original local single screen theaters closed, unable to compete on cost or viewing experience.
Today, the 10 largest exhibitor "circuits" operate 32 percent of theaters, controlling a disproportionate 54 percent of screens (Exhibit 9). In many industries, this high concentration of industry outlets would pro vide the firms with significant buying power. Larger circuits benefit from some power as larger circuits can negotiate slightly better prices on some concession supplies and access revenues from national advertisers. However, movie content is highly differentiated; the aters are not. An exhibitor trying to drive too hard of a bargain may miss showing a film on opening week end. Thus, the true power rests with the studios and distributors.
At the top of the circuits are the four largest all national chains: AMC, Regal, and Cinemark serving the U.S., and Cineplex serving Canada. These chains operate large multiplexes, averaging 12 screens per location. These firms operate under one third of all U.S. and Canadian theater locations, but 54 percent of screens. The next tier of circuits consists of regional operators (Marcus, Harkins, Southern, B&B, National Amusements, and Mako). The regional operators con trol another 4.7 percent of theaters and 7.5 percent of screens. The remaining circuits, 63 percent of all theaters operating 38 percent of screens, range from smaller chains operating several miniplexes consist ing of 2-7 screens down to single theater, single screen locations.
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Exhibit 9 Leading Domestic Circuits 2017
Circuit & Headquarters U.S. Theater Brands Location (Locations)
AMC Theatres I AMC & Carmike (national) Kansas City, KS
Regal Entertainment Group Regal, United Artists & Knoxville, TN Edwards (national)
Cinemark·- Cinemark & Century Plano,TX (national)
Cineplex Entertainment Cineplex Cinemas, VIP, Galaxy Toronto, ON Canada & Silver City (Canada)
Marcus Theatres Marcus (WI, IL, IA, MN, MO, Milwaukee, WI NE,ND &OH)
Harkins Theatres Harkins (AZ, CA, CO, OK, & TX) Scottsdale, AZ
Southern Theatres The Grand Theaters, Amstar New Orleans, LA Cinemas & Movie Tavern (LA,
MS, NC, TX & FL)
National Amusements Showcase, Cinema de Lux, Norwood,MA Multiplex, SuperLux and UCI
(MA, NY, RI, CT, NJ & OH)
B&B Theatres B&B Theaters (MO, KS, OK, FL, Liberty, MO TX, AR& MS)
Malco Theatres Inc. Malco & local names (TN, MS, Memphis,TN AR, LA, MO, KY )
Total for top four
Total for# 5-10
Total for top 1 0
All others
Industry total
# Theaters
U.S. & Canada
Avg. Screens
% of U.S. # % of U.S. per Theaters Screens Screens Theater
12.2% 8,218 20.4% 12.5
10.5% 7,379 18.3% 13.0
6.3% 4,561 11.3% 13.5
3.1% 1,683 4.2% 10.2
1.3% 885 2.2% 13.0
0.6% 501 1.2% 15.2
0.8% 499 1.2% 11.3
0.5% I 392 I 1.0% I 13.5
0.9% 377 0.9% 8.0
0.6% 353 0.9% 10.4
32.0% 21,841 54.3% 12.7
4.7% 3,007 7.5% 11.8
36.7% 24,848 61.7% 12.5
63.3% 15,398 38.3% 4.5
100.0% 40,246 100.0% 7.5
Non-U.S. & Canada Global
# Theaters
%of # Non-U.S. # Screens Screens Theaters Screens
7,087 4.3% 1,802 15,380 I
23 0.0% 561 7,402 I
1,398 0.8% 533 5,959 I
0 0.0% 165 1,683 I
0 0.0% 68 885 I
0 0.0% 33 501 I
0 0.0% 44 499 I
558 I 0.3% I 69 950 I
0 0.0% 47 377 I
0 0.0% 34 353 I
8,508 5.1% 3,061 30,424
558 0.3% 295 3,565
9,066 5.4% 3,356 33,989
157,291 94.6% 137,766
166,357 100.0% 171,755
% Global Screens
Notes:# Domestic (US & Canadian) theaters and screens based on 2017 NATO data & 2017 MPAA 2017 Theatrical statistics; 171,755 global screens is per MPAA Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market Environment (THEME)
Report, author estimates for international theaters and screens for some firms.
·under AMC: Odeon (Europe (U.K., Spain, Italy & Germany: 242 theaters /2,243 screens), Nordic (Scandinavia 68/473). Same common parent control of: Hoyts (Australia: 52/424), Wanda (China: 447 /3,947).
-Guam, Saipan & American Samoa.
~srazil (81 theater s / 608 screens), Colombia (35/193), Argentina (21/184). Central America (includes Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and Guatemala, 16/120). Chile (18/126), Peru (13/93), Ecuador (7/45),
Bolivia (1/13), Paraguay (1/10), and Curacao (1 /6).
The Business of Exhibition
Exhibitors have three revenue sources: box office receipts, concessions, and advertising (see Exhibits 10 & 12). They have low discretion: their ability to influence revenues and expenses is limited. Exhibitor operating margins average a slim 10 percent; net income may fluctuate wildly based on the tax benefits of prior losses.
Box Office Revenues
Ticket sales constitute almost two-thirds of exhibition business revenues. The return, however, is quite small due to the power of the studios. Among the largest exhibitors, film rental fees average 54 percent of box office receipts. These costs are typically higher for smaller circuits. The bases for rental rates are: the size of the circuit and both the duration and seat commitment. While attendees may gripe about the average ticket price
Part 4: Case Studies
of $8.97, most do not realize that $4.85 (55 percent) goes to the studio. The exhibitor may not break even unless concessions are purchased.
The portion of box office revenues retained by the theater increases each week. On opening weekend, an exhibitor may pay the distributor 80-90 percent of the box office gross in rental fees, retaining only 10-20 percent. In subsequent weeks, the exhibitor's por tion increases to as much as 80-90 percent. For truly event films, studios have considerable power and can capture a higher percentage of the box office. For The Last Jedi, the standard exhibition contract stipulated a rental rate of about 65 percent of the ticket price and required exhibitors to show the film on their largest screens for 4 weeks, or the rate increased to 70 percent.6
While non-opening weekends offer exhibitors larger margins, the studios focus on attracting audiences on opening weekend with well-funded publicity campaigns.
Exhibit 10 Typical Revenue & Expenses per Screen at an 8-Screen Theater
,- -
REVENUES Annual % Avg. Weekend
Box Office Revenue $27S,477 63% $5,298
Concessions $146,491 33% $2,817
Advertising $18,426 4% $354
I Total Revenues ($13.34 per admission) $440,394 100% $8,469
Facility $66,059 15% $1,270
Labor $39,635 9% $762
Utilities $48,443 11% $932
OtherSG&A $79,271 18% $1,524
Total Fixed Costs $233,409 53% $4,489
Film Rental $148,758 54% $2,861
Concession Supplies $20,509 14% $394
I Total Variable Costs $169,266 36% $3,255
Total Expenses $402,675 89% $7,744
OPERATING INCOME $37,719 8.6% $725
Box Office Revenue: 1,236,000,000 attendees in 2017 / 40,246 screens = 30,711 attendees annually per screen X $8.97 per ticket = $275,477
annual box office revenue per screen. Data reported in Exhibits 2 and 9.
Concessions Revenue: 30,711 attendees annually per screen X $4.77/admission (avg. concessions sales per admission from Exhibit 12
(AMC, Regal & Cinemark)= $146,491
Advertising Revenue: $750 million in 2017(exhibit 11) / 1,236,000,000 attendees in 2017 = $0.60 / admission X 30,711 attendees annually per
screen = $18,426 annually.
Fixed Expenses: Author estimates based on analysis of select large exhibitor SEC filings, MPAA and NATO data; scaled to a single screen within
an 8-theater multiplex; values may deviate from industry average and any individual firm.
Var iable Expenses: Film rental: 54% of Box Office Admission Revenue based on average for AMC, Regal & Cinemark in the domestic market.
Concession Supplies: 14% Percentage of Concession Revenue
Average weekend calculated as Annual / 52
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Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond
Focusing on getting audiences to the theater on the open ing weekend results in lower marketing expenses for each film, keeps the film pipeline flowing with releases, and avoids competition between films for a common audience (e.g., two R-rated comedies opening the same weekend). Among 2017's top 10 releases, an average of 32 percent of total domestic revenues were on the open ing weekend. Two 2017 films, The Fate of the Furious and Pir ates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tel l No Tales, received more than 40 percent of their total domestic box office revenue in the opening weekend. While these films draw audiences, they are less lucrative than films staying in the theater for multiple weeks. Exhibitors can actually keep more of the box office receipts from films such as The G reates t Showman, with just 9 percent of total revenue in the opening weekend, and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and Get Out, which each had less than 20 percent of rev enues on the opening weekend.
Such films are, however, the exception. A weak open ing weekend typically results in a short run in theaters as attendance declines when studio-funded marketing cam paigns shift toward the next film. In industry terminol ogy, the "multiple" (the percentage coming after opening weekend) has been declining steadily, falling 25 percent since 2002.7 This limits an exhibitor's potential to save on film rental costs by skipping opening weekend. A theater will typically lose attendees as audiences seek another the ater if one does not show a film on opening weekend.
Concessions A frequent moviegoer lament is high concession prices. At an average of $4.77 per admission, con cessions constitute one-third of exhibitor revenues. Direct costs of under 15 percent make concessions the primary source of exhibitor profit. Three factors drive concession profits: attendance, pricing, and material costs. The most important is attendance: more attend ees yields more concession sales. Sales influence price. The $5.00 and $9.00 price points for the large soda and popcorn are not accidental, but the result of consider able market research and profit maximization calcu lations. The inputs are largely commodities. Volume purchases reduce costs. Large circuits negotiate better prices on everything from popcorn and soda pop to cups and napkins.
Once consisting of only boxed candy, popcorn, and soft drinks purchased at the counter in the lobby, concessions now include a variety of food, drink, and location options. Concession options such as hamburg ers, salads, hot appetizers, and alcoholic beverage sales increase average concession sales per patron. They must,
however, be considered in conjunction with higher costs for kitchen facilities, labor, and food ingredients. A $15 burger has a lower gross margin percentage than a $9 tub of popcorn due to higher food costs, but may not the same profit in dollars. Patrons may skip one $5 soda for several rounds of $8 beer, wine, or bar sales.
Exhibitors have placed increased attention on con cessions due to dual appeal: audiences are attracted to the new experience of dining at the theater while exhib itors benefit from the sale of higher dollar concessions. Exhibitors are aggressively pursuing this revenue stream through a variety of means including enhanced counter service, in-lobby and in-theater ordering, and waiter ser vice. The profitability of these approaches requires care ful evaluation to ensure profitability is increased.
Advertising The low margins derived from ticket sales cause exhib itors to focus on other sources of revenue. The highest margin, therefore the most attractive, is advertising, including pre-show and lobby advertising and pre views. Advertising revenues have increased from $186 million in 2002 to $751 million in 2017 (Exhibit 11).8
More importantly, the time devoted to ads in each showing has increased. The number of previews has also increased from just three or four, ten years ago to six or seven, currently. This includes the two typically provided to the studio as part of the film rental agree ment. 9 Though advertising constitutes just five percent of exhibitor revenues, it is highly profitable and growing. Instead of paying for short films' top show prior to the feature, exhibitors show ads, which they are paid to show. Advertising revenues for exhibitors averaged $18,652 per screen in 2017, $0.61 per admission, up 15 percent in just five years.10 Yet audiences express dislike for advertising at the theater and, if dissatisfaction increases, may opt to view movies at home. Balancing the lucrative revenues from ads with audience tolerance is an ongoing struggle for exhibitors.
The Major Exhibitor Circuits
Four exhibitor "circuits" dominate the domestic market, collectively controlling 34 percent of domestic theaters but a disproportionate 55 percent of screens. The four circuits serve different geographic areas and operate with different business-level strategies (see Exhibit 9).11
AMC is the largest domestic exhibitor with 8,218 screens in 656 theaters. Domestically, the circuit uses the AMC and Loews chains to concentrate on urban areas near large population centers such as those in California,
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Exhibit 11 Exhibitor Advertising Revenue (Total & Per Admission)
$0 2002 2005
Part 4: Case Studies
2010 2015 $0
■ Advertising Revenue ($ mil.; right axis)
� Advertising Revenue Per Admission (left axis)
Sources: Author calculations based on data from Cinema Advertising Council, 2017, MPAA Theatrical Statistics & Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market
Environment (THEME) Report, boxofficemojo.com
Florida, and Texas with megaplex theaters averaging 12.5 screens. By offering 3-D, IMAX, and other premium viewing experiences, AM C's ticket prices are consistently near the top of the market. Concession sales per attendee is also the highest among the majors at $5.06 per patron (see Exhibit 12).
AMC's operations became much more diverse in 2016 when it acquired the former #4 domestic circuit, Carmike Theaters. Carmike focused on small to mid sized markets, targeting populations of less than 100,000 that have few alternative entertainment options. They served this market with no-frills locations averaging 10 screens per theater. At $1 below the industry average, the ticket price reflects the low cost. Concessions sales per patron were the lowest in the industry. Carmike's locations have been rebranded as AMC and AMC Classic locations. The acquisition of Carmike made AMC the largest domestic theater chain with control over 20 per cent of domestic screens. Combining the companies was expected to reduce costs by $35 million annually.12
Dalian Wanda Group, a Chinese conglomerate with commercial real estate and cultural holdings, acquired AMC in 2012 for a reported $2.6 billion.13 To many observers, the acquisition signaled the start of an expected wave of consolidation and globalization in the movie exhibition industry. At the time of the acquisition, Wanda operated some 150 theaters in China as well as significant studio production facilities. The acquisition
resulted in Wanda becoming both the single largest and the most geographically diverse exhibitor globally. Since the acquisition of AMC, Wanda has continued its acquisition approach to expansion by purchasing the European Odeon circuit and Australia's Hoyts. In 2017, Wanda/ AMC announced the acquisition of Nordic, another European-based circuit with operations in Scandinavia. Once finalized, Wanda/AMC will be the world's largest theater circuit with more than 15,000 screens across more than 1,800 theaters. The scale and reach of the company is unprecedented: one company controlling nearly 10 percent of global screens across all of the major viewing markets. This scale could result in greater leverage negotiating rental rates.
Unlike AMC, Regal, the second largest domestic chain, operates nearly exclusively in the U.S. with its namesake Regal as well as United Artists and Edwards Theaters. The firm operates 7,379 screens across 566 theaters. Regal focuses on midsize markets using multi- and megaplexes with 13 screens per location, with an average ticket price of $10.20 and average concession sales of $4.72 per admission. Cinemark, the #3 domes tic circuit by size, operates 339 domestic locations with 4,559 screens under the Cinemark and Century brands. Cinemark serves smaller markets, operating as the sole theater in 90 percent of its markets. Its average ticket price is $7.78. Cinemark was the first domestic circuit to expand beyond the domestic market and currently
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Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond
Exhibit 12 S elect 2017 AMC, Cinemark & Reg al Financials
Theater and Attendance Information
S creens (U.S. only)
Theaters (U.S. only)
S creens per Theater (U.S. only)
Total US Attendance (in thousands)
Avg. Ticket Price
Avg. Concessions
Avg. Ad Revenue per admittance
Avg. Revenue per admittance
Avg. Attendance per screen
Avg. Admission revenue per screen
Income Statement($ mil.)
Other Income
Total Revenues
Admissions as% of Revenues
Concessions as% of Revenues
Other as% of Revenues
Film rental and advertising
Building, wages, utilities & other operating costs
Total Cost of Operation
Operating Income
Operating Income per admission
Operating Income as% total revenue
Film rental and advertising as% of admission revenues
Concessions costs as% of concession revenues
Building s, wages, utilities & other costs as%
ofTotal Revenues
Net Income ($ in mil.)
Net profit marg in
Net profit per admission ...
Data source: SEC filings & author estimates.
AMC Cinemark.. Regai-·
8,224 4,559 7,322
649 339 560
12.7 13.4 13.1
240,974 174,400 196,900
$9.67 $7.78 $10.20
$5.06 $4.53 $4.72
$0.72 $0.43 $1.14
$15.45 $12.74 $16.06
29,301 38,254 26,892
$283,344 $297,616 $274,294
$2,330.90 $1,356.90 $2,008.10
$1,220.10 $790.10 $930.20
$172.50 $75.10 $224.70
$3,723.50 $2,222.10 $3,163.00
62.60% 61.06% 63.49%
32.77% 35.56% 29.41%
4.63% 3.38% 7.10%
$1,224.70 $756.40 $1,067.80
$176.60 $112.80 $123.80
$2,285.50 $1,030.70 $1,699.70
$3,686.80 $1,899.90 $2,891.30
$36.70 $322.20 $271.70
$0.15 $1.85 $1.38
0.99% 14.50% 8.59%
52.54% 55.74% 53.17%
14.47% 14.28% 13.31%
61.38% 46.38% 53.74%
($530.70) $197.50 $112.30
-14.25% 8.89% 3.55%
($2.20 ) $1.13 $0.81
• AMCs financial performance is for U,S, operating segment only. Net income includes $230.3 in corporate borrowing and $187.9 in losses of non-consolidated entities.
•• Cinemark's Theater and Attendance Information and operating data is for domestic operations only. Operating income, total cost of operations, and net income estimated
based on consolidated operations.
*** Cinemark's Net income per admission calculated using global admissions and consolidated income.
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operates 1,398 screens in 194 theaters across 15 Central and South American countries. Canadian-based Cineplex Entertainment is the fourth largest domestic.14
The result of several mergers and acquisitions, the circuit operates 165 theaters with 1,683 screens across Canada.
Major circuits compete based on geographic loca tions, not direct competition. The differentiators operate in higher cost locations near shopping and restaurants, within or in front of the mall. The cost leaders position theaters in less trafficked locations with lower rent such as in a strip mall or behind the shopping mall. Beyond location, there are more differences within each exhib itor's offerings than across circuits. The industry has a history of new offerings, including air conditioning, dig ital projection, and stadium seating among many others, being tested by a circuit in individual theaters, then being implemented in all of their theaters or within a select set. Once introduced, competitors quickly adopt inno vations as well as each one trying to lure customers to the theater and, to a lesser extent, away from competing theaters within a market. The result is that most theaters are indistinguishable from one another: A ticket booth, a lobby, snack bar, and multiple theaters each containing a projector, screen, sound system, and rows of seats. The same movies-produced, developed, and released by one of the major studios-shown with nearly the same start times. Audiences pay, within a dollar or two within a local market, nearly the same price for admission in the low price versus differentiated theater.
Despite the apparent homogeneity and cooptation, these innovations keep the movie exhibition industry relevant. What keeps customers returning to the theater? What attracts the audience?
Attracting the Audience
A recent CBS News poll indicates the movie theater is currently the least likely place for a viewer to watch a movie, well behind television and computer screens.15
It is therefore important for exhibitors to understand why people choose to watch a movie in the theater as opposed to engaging one of a myriad of other viewing options. Traditionally, the draw of the theater may have been far more important than what film was showing. Moviegoers describe attending the theater as an experi ence, with the appeal owing to16:
■ watching the giant theater screen ■ hearing a theatrical sound system ■ the opportunity to be out of the house ■ not having to wait to see a particular movie ■ the theater as a location option for a date
Part 4: Case Studies
The ability of theaters to provide experiences beyond what audiences can achieve at home is diminishing. Of the reasons why people go to the movies, the place aspects (i.e., the theater as a place to be out of house and as a place for a date) seem the most immune to substitution. While "third spaces;' places outside of the home where people can gather, meet, talk and linger, have become more common, theaters offer a unique opportunity for people to simultaneously be together while not talking. Few teenagers want a movie and popcorn with their date at home with mom and dad.
The overall "experience" offered by theaters falls short for many. Marketing research firm, Mintel, reports the reasons for not attending the theater more frequently are largely the result of the declining experience. This is due to the overall cost, at home viewing options, inter ruptions such as cell phones in the theater, rude patrons, the overall hassle, and ads prior to the show.17 The Wall Street Journal reported on the movie-going experience quite negatively, noting interruptions ranging from the intrusion of soundtracks in adjacent theaters to cell phones, out-of-order ticket kiosks, and a seemingly end less parade of preshow ads. 18
The time allocated to pre-show ads has even inspired criticism by industry insiders. Toby Emmerich, New Line Cinema's head of production, faced a not-so-common choice: to attend opening night in a theater or in a pri vate screening room at actor Jim Carrey's home. Because he generally enjoys the experience of watching a film among a large audience, he chose the theater. However, after sitting through 15 minutes of ads, he lamented to his wife that perhaps they should have attended the pri vate screening after all. 19
The Home Viewing Substitution Rapid improvements and cost reductions in home view ing technology and the widespread availability of timely and inexpensive content are making home viewing a viable substitute to theater exhibition. The unique value proposition offered by movie theaters' large screens, the audio quality of a theatrical sound system, and avoiding the long wait for viewing the movie are fading.
Home Viewing Substitution: Screen & Sound Televisions have historically been small, expensive appli ances with poor sound quality, faring poorly in compar ison to the big screen and sound system offered by the local theater. This has changed dramatically in the last decade as televisions have become larger, offer better picture and sound quality, and are cheaper. The average television is increasingly a large, high definition model coupled with inexpensive yet impressive audio system.
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Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond
Compared to home equipment options of the past, even modest in-home technology increasingly represents a viable visual substitute to the big screen at the theater.
In 1997, the average TV set was a 23". This increased to 32" in 2010 and to 39" in 2014.20 In 2018, the purchase of sets 55" and larger is common. Sharp, a leading TV manufacturer, predicts the average screen will exceed 60" in the very near future.21 The increase in size has been possible due to increases in resolution, owing to a U.S. Federal Communication Commission mandate that all broadcasters convert to digital broadcasting by 2009. This led to a transition from the then-standard 480 horizontal lines of resolution to the high definition (HD) standard with 1080 lines of resolution.22 As of 2017, more than 83 percent of U.S. households have at least one HD television, most 32" or larger, allowing for very high-quality visual images.
HD televisions have been available since 2000, but initially were cost prohibitive. Wholesale prices for tele visions fell 65 percent from the late 1990s to 200723 as manufacturing economies from the production of LCD screens emerged. In 2005, the average 32" HDTV set retailed for $1,566. By 2009, five years following mass adoption, the average price declined by 76 percent to $511. By 2016, the ten-year mark, the average price had fallen 84 percent to under $250.
Bundled home theater systems include 65" 3D capable TV, surround sound audio, and Blu-ray player offering a movie experience that rivals many theaters, all for under $1,000. According to Mike Gabriel, Sharp's head of marketing and communications, the high-tech home theater that once seemed just the privilege of the wealthy has now become a staple among most average American homes.24 Overall, home TVs are becoming larger and offer high-quality images that reduce the differentiated appeal of the "giant" screen offered by exhibitors.
If the size and resolution of today's home television screens are a problem for exhibitors, the next genera tion may be catastrophic, and the next-next generation apocalyptic. The next wave of televisions-"Ultra" HD (UHD) or 4K-is shifting from early adopters to mainstream purchasers. A 4K set has four times the resolution of a 1080 set. Despite an average sale price of $1,250 in 2018, sales of UHD TVs are the fastest growing category and constitute the majority of sets larger than 60".
Of course, electronics companies are already work ing on the next-next thing: SK televisions.25 The higher resolution will be most noticeable in very large TV sets, those 85" and up. To appreciate the differences in pic ture quality, especially at large screen size, it is helpful
to think in terms of image size, such as from a digital camera. Each frame in a standard 1080 broadcast is equivalent to a 2-megapixel image. Like a digital photo, there are limits on enlargement before the eye can identify individual pixels. This can become noticeable in 50" 1080 TVs when viewed closely. A 4K TV has 4000 horizontal lines, comparable to an 8-megapixel image. In the next-next generation of televisions, SK, each frame is the equivalent of a 32-megapixel image.26
This allows for viewing on very large screens, those above 120", without any noticeable pixilation. The first commercially available SK television ( native SK content is not yet available) is a 98" set by LG. The initial price? $55,000.27 Potential purchasers should keep in mind that TV set prices drop dramatically. If SK follows the price trend of LCD TV, look for that 98" LG SK set to be well below $5,000 in just a few years.
How large and how high a resolution a television must be to substitute for a theater screen is subjective. For many, a laptop screen is sufficient; for others, only the true wall-size screen offered by the local exhibitor will do. What is clear, the unique value provided by home television and sound systems is rapidly eroding the unique value proposition offered by exhibitors. The most common projection standard in theaters, the one exhibitors just invested $2.6 billion in during the conver sion to digital, is 4K. The history of technology updates to compete on visual quality is as old as the exhibition business itself. To maintain an advantage in the visual experience provided at the theater, exhibitors must con sider the next generation of SK and 16K projectors or lose the visual quality advantage to home viewing.
Home Viewing Substitution: Content & Timing Even the best home theater offers little value without content. Unfortunately, for exhibitors, home content is flourishing and goes well beyond movies. Consumer spending on home entertainment content including disk purchases, digital downloads, and streaming sub scriptions totaled $47.8 billion in 2017.28 All compa nies serving this market-studios, exhibitors, rental and on-demand companies, networks, and streaming firms-are fighting to keep and grow their revenue stream.
Studios maximize profits by releasing motion pic tures in a series of "windows" under which the sooner a motion picture is viewed following the theatrical release the costlier it is to see it. It begins with theatrical release, generating $4.85 per admission for the studio. The next window is consumer purchase of the motion picture: DVD or digital sales. Studios receive $12 to $15 per copy purchased. The purchaser is increasingly,
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to the detriment of exhibitors, a consumer who opted not to see the movie in a theater.29 Studios once relied on DVD sales to fuel profits, but physical DVD sales declined from $13.7 billion in 2006 to $5.5 billion in 2016 (decline of 60 percent).30 Digital sales are on the rise, but 2016s $2 billion total sales suggests consumers are opting to stream or subscribe instead of purchasing movies. Sales revenues in 2016 were only half of what they were at their peak.31 To spur sales and capitalize on marketing expenditures from the theatrical release, studios have reduced the time between theatrical release and DVD availability. The window to DVD release has declined from 23.7 weeks in 2000 to 14.4 weeks in 2017. Movies are available for purchase, as digital files or as DVDs, approximately one week sooner every two years (see Exhibit 13).
Digital video on demand (VOD) is the first in a series of rental options. VOD is provided by cable companies, iTunes, Amazon, and others exceeded $2 billion in 2017. VOD generates approximately $3.50 for the studio per purchase. 32 Releasing a motion picture shortly after it exits theaters; while it is still in the theater; even at the time of theatrical opening-"simultaneous release" -are all options. While premium VOD would have a negative impact on exhibitors, its potential revenue for studios as much as $59.99 per purchase-is attractive. Exhibitors
Exhibit 13 DVD Announcement & Release Windows (in weeks)
Part 4: Case Studies
have previously banded together against premium VOD by threatening to boycott films by studios. Some studios, notably Disney, appear committed to the current theat rical release model.33
Physical rental, once the only rental option, is in rapid decline. Studios net approximately $1.25 per DVD sold to a physical rental company.34 The dominant phys ical rental was store-based firms, such as Blockbuster Video, but is now a kiosk-based model, dominated by RedBox. From 2015 to 2016, the physical rental market declined by 19 percent to $2.5 billion.35 RedBox, the industry leader, reported a same-location rental decline of 4.9 percent in 2015 despite rentals costing as little as $1.25 per night.36
Streaming is the fastest growing portion of the rental market and among the most cost effective for viewers. Streaming includes Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBONow, and others. License rates to streaming ser vices vary considerably based on the popularity of the movie; some estimates put the average studio net below $0.50 per viewing, among the least profitable channels for the studio.37 The growth of streaming sufficiently cannibalized DVD and digital sales to the point that studios imposed a 28-day delay from DVD sales to the availability of streaming. Exhibitors voiced strong encouragement when several studios expressed a desire
DVD Announcement & Release Windows (Weeks)
1997 2000 2005 2010 2015
� Announcement Window � Release Window
Data source: National Association ofTheater Owners (NATO) press releases on Average video release window and Average video announcement.
URL: http://www.natoonline.org/data/windows/
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Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond
for a 56-day delay to increase DVD sales. Both Netflix and Amazon offer SD as well as HD formats and are beginning to offer content in the 4K format. The most distant from the theatrical release, and providing the least revenue to studios, is a showing on a subscription movie channel (e.g., HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax), a subscription cable television channel (e.g., TNT, FX, and AMC), or a major over-air broadcast network ( e.g., ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox).
Beyond the growth in opportunities to see motion pictures outside of their theaters, exhibitors face reduced attendance due to interest in non-film content. Movies are no longer the sole draw for audiences. Content beyond movies increasingly is a substitute to exhibitors. Motion pictures have been the outlet for Hollywood's best talent. This changed in 1999 with the premier of HBO's The Sopranos. The series ran for six years, win ning multiple awards including those for writing, act ing, and directing. The series cemented a shift in artistic attention to the small screen. Many writers had a real ization: Unlike a movie, which requires characters and story to evolve over 120 minutes, in a television format they could evolve over several seasons, each consisting of 10, 20, even 30 or more hours on screen. Other series emerged including Mad Men and Breaking Bad. The pro duction of today's The Walking Dead and House of Cards has roots in the success of The Sopranos.
The time viewing streaming content is time not spent at the theater. The average American spends 2.8 hours daily watching television.38 Scaled differently, the time typically spent at the theater each year is equal to about two days of television viewing. For exhibitors, the time someone spends binge watching the last season of a show or just hanging out to 'Netflix and chill' pres ents a lost revenue opportunity.
Overall, the availability of quality content and the visual and audio experience available in the home are rapidly converging, some would argue, surpassing offer ings available at the theater. Paul Dergarabedian, pres ident of Hollywood.corn's box-office division, labels it a "cultural shift" in how people view entertainment.39
People are more interested in content than ever before. Unfortunately, for movie exhibitors, there is more com petition than ever in both the content worth viewing and ways to do so.
Recent Exhibitor Initiatives
With attending a movie costing nearly $20 a person including admission, a drink, and a snack versus the alter native of the sunk cost of an existing Netflix subscription,
how can exhibitors compete? In what areas should exhib itors be making their investments to continue to offer a unique theater-going experience? Exhibitors have histor ically been innovators. Exhibitors were among the first commercial adopters of air conditioning, which perhaps drew in as many customers as a refuge from summer heat as for entertainment. Advances in projection sys tems, screens, and sound systems all improved the expe rience. Others innovations increase experience quality while also lowering costs. The ubiquitous stadium-style seating was once an experience differentiator, but was equally beneficial as it reduced the square footage needed per seat. This reduced the size and cost of facili ties. Exhibitors continue to pursue a number of strategic initiatives aimed at increasing attendance, increasing the viewer's willingness to pay, and lowering costs.
At no time in the movie exhibition industry's exis tence have the stakes seemed so high. Attendance is declining. The wait needed to see a movie outside of the theater has never been shorter. Content other than motion pictures is increasingly popular. Impressive screens and sound systems are common in homes. Cell phones, ads, and sticky floors mar the overall experience at the theater. What will it take to bring audiences back to the theater?
Market researcher, Mintel, reports that 80 to 90 percent of theaters goers would pay a premium of $1 to $2 each for a wide range of options to make the experience either decrease the negatives of the current theater-going expe rience or to make it more luxurious. 40 Improved video and sound quality, improvements to seating (includ ing luxurious materials such as leather, sofa-style seat ing, footrests, long with more legroom), the ability to choose and reserve a seat location in advance, immersive viewing experiences such as 4D, higher end food and drink options, the ability to order from your seat in the theater, and adult-only screens are among those desired. Exhibitors and their suppliers are developing, testing, and rolling out a range of options addressing these. Some are for individual screens, others for all screens within a theater complex. Theaters will invest in those strate gic initiatives to draw audiences and produce revenue in excess of costs.
Projection Innovations The conversion to digital projection and rollout of 3D are not the end of projection innovations. Some directors are opting to increase image quality through the number of frames per second (fps) of film from the long estab lished standard of 24 to 48 and higher. Screeners of Ang Lee's Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk shown with 4K 3D
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laser projection at 120 frames per second used described the visual experience in terms like "impeccably bright" and "stunning detail and clarity."41 Commercially, the film fared poorly in wide release, due in part to a lack of theaters equipped with the required projection equip ment. Thus, there exists something of a catch-22: Some attendees will pay a premium for enhanced visual qual ity, but it requires both exhibitors and film producers to commit to making the investments needed. To date, few of either have.
Most large circuits offer some form of extra-large screens.42 Traditionally located only in specially con structed dome-shaped theaters in science museums, the original IMAX format utilized film that was 10 times the size of that used in standard 35mm projectors. IMAX now operates more than 600 screens. These circuit-based IMAX digital screens are far smaller than the original IMAX screens, but can be much larger than the typi cal theater screen. Located within Regal and AMC the ater complexes, the screens are often independent, and booked and operated by IMAX. Action films, usually in 3D, are a staple. To capture more of this differentiated revenue, several circuits have begun creating their own super-size screens and formats. IMAX is typically a $3 to $7 premium per ticket. Revenues for IMAX Corporation grew approximately 30 percent from 2013 to 2017.43
Audio systems are being improved. In the 1980s, theaters impressed viewers with 7.1 sound systems-two rear channels (left and right), two channels mid screen, two near the screen, one under the screen, and a sub woofer channel for bass. Such systems have long been available for homes. To keep theater sound as a differ entiator, Dolby• Laboratories has created Atmos~, a full surround system with up to 64 individual channels for speakers in a theater, including multiple ceiling speakers that can truly immerse the audience in sound.44 While exhibitors may benefit, Dolby has licensed a home ver sion that emulates the experience in home theaters.
Alternative Content / Event Cinema
Exhibitors' transition to digital projection served as an enabling technology for alternative content, also called event cinema, a broad term encompassing virtually any content that is not a motion picture. This includes live concerts and theater, standup comedy, sporting events, television series premiers and finales, even virtual art gal lery tours. Event cinema is the fastest growing segment at the box office, increasing from $112 million worldwide in 201045 to $277 million in 2014, and expected to reach $1 billion-about five percent of the box office-by 2019.46
Ticket prices average $12.33 per event. Event cinema
Part 4: Case Studies
content can be singular events, such as recent concerts, or series attracting repeat visits, such as Metropolitan Opera Live shown in 2,000 venues in 70 countries across six continents.47 The 2017-2018 season features 10 live events on Saturday afternoons with encore rebroadcasts on Wednesdays.
Distribution is performed by entities such as Digital Cinema Distribution Coalition (DCDC), a consortium of major circuits that owns and operates its own satel lite network for distribution. A number of firms have emerged to provide content such as Fathom Events, which distributes a variety of music, sports, television, and other alternative content. Fathom's clients include more than 875 theaters. Fathom events have sold more than 18 million tickets.48 Having an intermediary for a distributor is essential for exhibitors as the cost of pur suing and licensing content is prohibitive for individual exhibitors. The cross-exhibitor cooperation also affords marketing opportunities not economically available to an individual exhibitor.
Alternative content is a supplement to motion pic ture content. It is best during off-peak movie atten dance times such as Monday through Thursday when as little as five percent of theater seats are occupied.49
Bud Mayo, former CEO of the Digiplex Digital Cinema Destinations theater chain prior to an acquisition by Carmike, described the approach: "What happens with those [alternative content) performances is that single events will out gross certainly the lowest-grossing movie playing that theater that day. The relationship has aver aged more than 10 times the lowest-grossing movie for the entire daY:'50 In marginal dollar terms, alterna tive content can be a boon on otherwise slow nights. A Wednesday showing of Broadway's West Side Story at a Digitech theater had an average ticket price of $12.50 and grossed $2,425. In comparison, screens showing films that night grossed just $56 to $73 each. The alternative content also brought in nearly 200 additional customers who may purchase concessions.51
The success of events rests heavily on having a built-in fan base or the ability to market individual events. Dan Diamond, VP of Fathom Events, reports that their most successful event came as a surprise: the November 25, 2013 showing of Dr. Who: The Day of the Doctor in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Dr. Who, the pop ular BBC series. The box office gross was the largest on a per-screen basis for the day, raking in over $17,000 per location.52 The challenge for exhibitors, accustomed to studio marketing campaigns promoting each week's box office release, is the development of capabilities in mar keting single night events to niche audiences at low cost.
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Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond
Luxury Theaters Several chains and new entrants are trying to lure attend ees with the promise of a luxury experience. Established players like AMC and Regal are reseating screens and entire theaters with premium seats. Smaller theater chain iPic, with 17 locations across the U.S., offers perhaps the most luxurious theater available outside of a private screening room, complete with reclining leather chairs, pillows, and blankets. Lobbies resemble stylish high-end hotels and feature a cocktail lounge and full in-theater restaurant service. Complete with a membership pro gram, the theaters operate more like social clubs than traditional theaters. Ticket purchases, $16-$27 per seat without food, are made not at a ticket booth but rather with a concierge.53
Another chain, Cinepolis, is a subsidiary of Mexican theater company Cinepoli. Cinepolis began with one location in San Diego in 2011 and has since expanded to 20 locations through development and acquisition.54
Offerings differ by location, ranging from standard the aters with leather rocking seats to full service at-your seat dining with bar service. Tickets for luxury screens average nearly $20. The company offers something for everyone: Some showings are restricted to those 21 and older while other theaters feature Cinepolis Junior with a children's in-theater playground available for use for 20 minutes before a movie starts.55
Immersion Experiences: 40 & Beyond The first wave of immersive experiences was 3D tech nology. Ten years ago, 3D was to be the next great pro jection technology and revenue producer, but its appeal has waned. 3D's share of domestic ticket sales peaked in 2010 at 7 percent of tickets and has since been in a steady decline to 11 percent of tickets sold in 2017. It remains a draw in international markets.
The second wave of immersive experiences draws the viewer further into the action by combining 3D, off screen special effects, and motion seating synchronized to the on-screen action into a "4D" experience. 56 Some theaters add additional immersive elements by intro ducing scents into the theater, using off-screen light effects, and even water sprayers to bring the action of the movie off the screen and into theater. An encoun ter with a dinosaur on a dark and stormy night is seen on the screen, heard through the sound system, and felt through a shaking seat. The encounter is even more real when water sprays and strobe lights flash. The whole experience can become a drink spilling expe rience. Liability waivers, minimum age requirements, and cautions are all standard. Wary of repeating the
less-than-expected results of 3D, 4D is being touted as occupying a niche within the broader theater experi ence. The 4D experience typically comes at a surcharge of $8-$12 over standard tickets.
The third wave of immersion will merge movies with video games. Exhibitors, producers, and equip ment companies are working on interaction elements ranging from simple interactions such as shooting on-screen targets with lasers to more complex bullet screens where you can text your thoughts about scenes and the movie and they are projected onto the screen in real time.57 All are seeking to provide a more immer sive and interactive experience than passive sitting and movie watching. Some industry observers antic ipate that immersion technologies will include feed back systems and story forks where the actions and choices of the audience lead to plot twists and different story outcomes with each viewing. Eventually, the line between what constitutes a movie versus a video game may blur.
Concession Initiatives Expanding beyond the standard concession stand offers exhibitors opportunities to capture new revenue streams. Three main formats for concessions have emerged.
Expanded In-Lobby. Many theaters have expanded the concession counter beyond candy, popcorn, and soda. This expanded in-lobby dining causes many the ater lobbies to resemble mall food courts. In- and off lobby restaurants operated or licensed by the exhibitor allow for pre-theater dining. Taking a page from restau rants where a primary profit center is often the bar, some theaters now configure the lobby around a bar, with expanded and upscale fare, beer, and alcohol service.
In-Theater Dining. Many theaters have adopted in-theater dining with orders placed from one's seat in the theater and delivered by waiters. Chunky's Cinema and Pub, with four New England locations, locates theaters in lower cost underutilized former retail loca tions. The format combines burger, salad, and sandwich options with beverages, including beer. The format is flat theater with banquet style tables. The seating is unique: Lincoln Town Car seats on castors that allow for easy cleaning. Alamo Draf thouse Cinemas takes a similar approach using a stadium-seating configuration. A sin gle bar-style table in front of each row of seats serves as a table for customer's orders. In comparison to traditional theaters, these formats see significant increases in food and beverage sales.
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Upscale Within Theater Dining. Several circuits are targeting the high end of the dining market, focusing on the experience of the theater with luxurious settings and upscale food. In addition to their standard theaters, AMC has developed Dine-In Theaters with two theater configurations. Their Fork & Screen theaters are much like the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema with enhanced sta dium theater seats and in-theater wait service on an expanded menu. Their Cinema Suite theaters make the experience more intimate. Customers, 21 and older, purchase tickets for specific seats in smaller theaters equipped with reclining lounge chairs, complete with footrests, and order at their seat using a computerized system.
Advertising Initiatives Exhibitors are keen to expand highly profitable adver tising, but do so in ways that do not diminish the theater experience. On- and off-screen advertisements gen erate revenue. Off-screen advertising such as promo tional videos, lobby events, and sponsored concession promotions are nine percent of revenues. The majority, 91 percent, comes from on-screen ads for upcoming releases, companies, and products that play before the feature presentation.
Both exhibitors and advertisers seek ways to make on-screen ads more palatable to audiences. Many ads are in 3D with production quality rivaling a studio release. Theaters are also incorporating innovative technologies such as crowd gaming into ads where the movement or sound of the audience controls on-screen actions. In 2015, audiences in 100 Screenvision-equipped the aters selected the driving experience and virtually drove an XC90 as part of Volvo's re-launch of the vehicle. Attendees selected the scene, steered the car, and con trolled the vehicle's speed by waving. 58 The equipment required? A wireless video camera above the screen, a Web-enabled laptop containing the game linked to the developer's website, and inexpensive motion-sensing technology all linked to the theater's digital projector.
Advertisers are keen on increasing the engagement of movie audiences to increase the return on ads.59 From onscreen QR codes to Bluetooth devices that drop adver tiser websites directly into the browser on attendees' phones, interactive is the next step in theater advertis ing. Making ads enjoyable and useful rather than loathed may create an opportunity to increase this small but high-margin component of exhibitor revenues. Given all of these advertising initiatives, exhibitors may eventually draw from the pages of free software: The ability to pay a premium for an ad-free experience.
Part 4: Case Studies
Seating Movie theaters are among the minority of entertain ment venues selling tickets without a commitment to the purchaser's viewing experience. Sports and con certgoers, for example, always know where they will be seating in relation to a performance. Movie the aters have long been the province of a first-come, first select seating model. However, all of the major exhibition chains have incorporated elements of reserved seating purchasing a ticket tied to a specific seat during a specific showing-into their theaters. These take a variety of forms, ranging from theaters consisting entirely of reserved seat screens, to specific screens consisting exclusively of reserved seats, to screens with mixed open and reserved options. For the exhibitor, reserved seat ing requires a reservation and seat selection system and the ability to enforce seating and reconcile disputes, but comes with additional revenues. Reserved seating is fre quently a service surcharge, not part of the ticket price, of $1 to $3 per seat. Reserved seating is currently one aspect of luxury formats with prices in the $15 range about double the industry average-but moving into economy theaters too.
Dynamic Pricing The technology needed for reserved seating is a gateway to dynamic pricing systems. Matinee, youth, and senior discounts are the primary pricing tiers. Most non-movie events have multiple pricing levels based on seating, show time, and weekday versus weekend. Movie theaters have limited flexibility due to the contract restrictions. "Dynamic pricing;' which incorporates demand into pricing models, is the next generation of ticket pricing.60
The simplest models involved surcharges for big-budget blockbuster films in their first few days of release. Odeon & UCI, two European chains purchased by AMC, already price using this approach.61
A more advanced approach is to adjust prices for each movie, day of the week, show time, and even seat location based on demand tracked in real-time. 62 This could mean radical changes including lower ticker prices for off time and poorly attended movies and increased prices for prime seats at peak times and opening weekend. For the theater, dynamic pricing offers the opportunity to fill otherwise unsold seats and to move showings between screens based on demand. Australian chain Cineplex offers dynamic pricing, but studios are cau tious. Disney, for example, has set and required payment of a minimum average ticket price for some films.63 For customers, dynamic pricing offers the opportunity to reduce the cost of attending the theater. Do you not want
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Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond C-145
to spend more than $5 to see a particular movie? Apps are on their way to find locations and show times match ing your criteria.
it possible to spend an entertaining evening at the the ater without ever seeing a movie.
Beyond Content Is Yours the Last Theater?
Many smaller exhibitors are seeking increased prof itability beyond movies by reimagining their theaters as multi-entertainment venues. By adding activities such as game rooms, bowling, even laser tag, and at-table trivia, a theater becomes a one-stop location for family-friendly entertainment. Frank Theaters, for example, combines movies, bowling, and games for the whole family with dining in its locations, making
The existence of the Jedi approached folklore status in 2017 s The Last Jedi. Many have heard of them, but sight ings are rare. Might the local movie theater soon be as rare as the Jedi? While theaters experiment with a variety of initiatives to draw viewers, the clock is ticking. Prior initiatives, most recently 3D, have failed to live up to their potential as a durable and enduring way to attract audiences.
1. Ticket sales and box office data from: 9. Fritz, B. "Movie Theaters, Studios in Tiff Over Reports IHS. Last modified December 31,
www.boxofficemojo.com, MPAA Trailer Lengths:' Wall Street Journal, January 2014, http:/ /news.ihsmarkit.com/press
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by author. Advertising Council. (2016) data, SEC filings, -consumer-dema.
2. MPAA 2017 THEME Report and U.S. census NATO press releases, and author estimates. 21. "Average TV size up to 60-inch by 2015 says
data. 11. Data on the firms, theaters and screens, Sharp;' TechDigest. Accessed December 11,
3. North American Theater Owner Association location, etc. from web sites and SEC filings. 2008, http://www.techdigest.tv/2008/01
(NATO), MPAA, and other industry groups 12. Lang, B. "AMC Acquires Carmike Cinemas /average_tv_size.html.
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earlier) and MPAA 2017 Theatrical and -bi 11 ion-making-it-worlds-largest-theater on BestBuy.com, Amazon.com, and other
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Lays Down the Law for Theaters on 'Star irfiles.cineplex.com/reportsandfilings 25. Moynihan, T. "BK TVs Are Coming to Market,
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C-146 Part 4: Case Studies
modified January 6, 2017, http://www April 17, 2016, https://www.theverge. Movie Houses All Across the U.S:' lndieWire.
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Case 11: Pacific Drilling: the Preferred Offshore Driller C-147
CASE 11 IVEY I Publishing
Pacific Drilling: The Preferred Offshore Driller
From June 2014 to January 2015, the market price of oil fell from US$1151 per barrel down to $49 per barrel. 2
As oil prices went down, so did the appetite of energy companies for offshore exploration. Further com pounding the problems was the oversupply of rigs, due to drillers having overbuilt during the boom times. As of March 2015, there was no near-term recovery in sight for oil prices, which had major implications for Pacific Drilling, a growing offshore drilling company based in Texas. Founded in 2006 , Pacific Drilling owned and
Exhibit 1 Pacific Drilling Income Statements, 2012-2014
operated a fleet of eight high-specification drillships operating in ultra-deepwater drilling environments in depths up to 3.7 kilometres (km) and offered the most advanced drilling technology available. As of 2015, the company had nearly 1,600 employees and had generated more than $1 billion in annual revenue (see Exhibits 1, 2, and 3).
With growing competition from rivals-both emerg ing and more established companies-Pacific Drilling sought to expand its customer base. However, the close
Years Ended December 31
(,n thousands, except per share amounts) 2014 2013 2012
Contract drilling
Cost and expenses
Contract drilling
General and administrative
Loss of hire insurance recovery
Operating income
Other income (expense)
Costs on interest rate swap termination
Interest expense
Total interest expense
Costs on extinguishment of debt
Other income (expense)
Income before income taxes
Income tax expense
Net income
Earnings/ common share, basic
Weighted average number of common shares, basic
Earnings/ common share, diluted
Weighted average number of common shares, diluted
Source: Company documents.
$ 745,574
$ 25,502
$ 0.12
$ 0.12
$ 638,050
Haiyang Li, Frederic Jacquemin, and Toby Li wrote this casesolely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
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Copyright © 2016, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Version: 2016-04-08
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C-148 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 2 Pacific Drilling Balance Sheets, 2013-2014
(in thousands, except par value) 2014 2013
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Materials and supplies
Deferred financing costs, current
Deferred costs, current
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
Total current assets
Property and equipment, net
Deferred financing costs, current
Other assets
Total assets
Liabilities and shareholders' equity
Accounts payable
Accrued expenses
Long-term debt, current
Accrued interest
Derivative liabilities, current
Deferred revenue, current
Total current liabilities
Long-term debt, net of current maturities
Deferred revenue, current
Other long-term liabilities
Total long-term liabilities
Common shares, $0.01 par value per share, 5,000,000 shares authorized, 232,770 and 224,100 shares issued, and
215,784 and 217,035 shares outstanding as of December 31,
2015, and December 31, 2013, respectively
Additional paid-in capital
Treasury shares, at cost
Accumulated other comprehensive loss
Retained earnings
Total shareholders' equity
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity
Source: Company documents.
relationships that it had cultivated with its existing part ners (which had helped its early stage growth) raised concerns that the driller had become too closely linked to them (in terms of culture, processes, and technology) to effectively translate its efficiency gains to new pro ducer partners.
$ 167,794 $ 204,123
231,027 206,078
95,660 65,709
14,665 14,857
25,199 48,202
17,056 13,889
551,401 552,858
5,431,823 4,512,154
45,978 53,300
48,099 45,728
6,077,301 5,164,040
$ 40,577 $ 54,235
45,963 66,026
369,000 7,500
24,534 21,984
8,648 4,984
84,104 $ 96,658
572,826 251,387
2,781,242 2,423,337
108,812 88,465
35,549 927
2,925,603 2,512,729
2,175 2,170
2,369,432 2,358,858
(20,205) (8,557)
235,710 47,453
2,578,872 2,399,924
6,077,301 5,164,040
The company's chief executive officer (CEO), Christian J. Beckett, and his team received a range of opinions about what the company should do to weather the storm and emerge stronger. Investors also felt the pain from the company's stock price sliding from $11 per share in 2014 to less than $4 per share, as did
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Case 11: Pacific Drilling: the Preferred Offshore Driller C-149
Exhibit 3 Pacific Drilling Cash Flow Statements, 2012-2014
(in thousands) 2014 2013 2012
Cash flow from operating activities:
Net income
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
by operating activities:
Depreciation expense
Amortization of deferred revenue
Amortization of deferred costs
Amortization of deferred financing costs
Amortization of debt discount
Write-off of unamortized deferred financing costs
Costs on interest rate swap termination
Deferred income taxes
Share-based compensation expense
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable
Materials and supplies
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Deferred revenue
Net cash provided by operating activities
Cash flow from investing activities:
Capital expenditures
Decrease in restricted cash
Net cash used in investing activities
Cash flow from financing activities:
$ 25,502
Proceeds from shares issued under share-based compensation plan
Proceeds from long-term debt
1,656,250 797,415
Payments on long-term debt
Payments for costs on interest rate swap termination
Payments for financing costs
Purchases of treasury shares
Net cash provided by financing activities
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period
Source: Company documents.
the stock price of all offshore drillers during that time (see Exhibit 4). As he considered the available options, Beckett faced another critical crossroad. The company had survived tough times before-in the early stages of the company's development, the team had successfully
$ 204,123
manoeuvred through the 2008 financial cns1s as the credit markets collapsed. But as Beckett admitted, the current challenge was unique in many ways, and Pacific Drilling was a different company from earlier. However, it remained to be answered to what extent
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C-150 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 4 High Correlation Between Offshore Drillers Stocks and Oil Price, December 2013 to 2014
..i- 95
..... 85 ----
0 75 0
65 ai
CV) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N ----
N ----
N ----
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N ----
N ----
N ----
N ----
N ----
N ----
N ----
N ----
N ----
N ----
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..... � <X) LI") LI") <X) N -0 0 CV) ,.... ..... LI") 0- N -0 0- CV) ,.... ..... � <X) N -0 0 CV) ..... N ..... N ..... N ---- N ---- N ---- ..... ---- ..... N ..... N ---- N ---- N ---- ..... ..... ..... CV) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- � ---- LI") ---- -0 ---- ,.... ---- ---- ---- ---- 0- ---- 0 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- N N N CV) CV) � LI") -0 ,.... ,.... <X) <X) 0- 0
-- PACD -- Offshore Peer Average --WTI
__ J -- Brent -- OSX Index Note: PACD = Pacific Drilling; WTI = West Texas Intermediate; OSX = Oil Service Sector Index
Source: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries; Yahoo finance; and company analysis.
Beckett and his team could rely on what they had successfully done in the past, and to what extent they would need to adapt.
The Offshore Drilling Industry
The offshore oil industry involved the exploration and production of oil and gas from underwater wells, often in locations off continental coasts but sometimes in inland seas and lakes. Offshore sites held greater prom ise than onshore sites for oil producers to develop their oil reserves, and achieve higher production rates, espe cially in less explored deepwater sites. For instance, in recent years, the greatest increases of any offshore drill ing region had been the demand for ultra-deepwater rigs in the Golden Triangle of Oil, which consisted of the Gulf of Mexico and the waters off the coasts of South America and West Africa (see Exhibit 5). Over the past decade, deepwater discoveries had far outpaced those in shallow water.3
Developing a well usually involves two main players: the oil producer and the driller that physically drills the well in accordance with the producer's specifications. A small number of oil companies owned a few offshore rigs and conducted drilling in-house. Most companies, how ever, outsourced the work to drilling contractors. Some producers, known as independent producers, focused solely on the upstream, or early stage, activities of explo ration and production (e.g., Anadarko). Others were integrated multinational corporations ( e.g., BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Shell) and state-owned companies (e.g., Brazil's Petro bras and Saudi Arabia's Aramco) that also performed downstream or later stage activities, such as refining and marketing of the extracted oil and gas.
Oil exploration began with geological and seismo logical research on a potential well. Next was the pur chase or lease of the promising ocean terrain, almost always from governments. Once sufficient due diligence was completed and the rights to explore the site were secured, producers typically contracted with drillers
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Case 11: Pacific Drilling: the Preferred Offshore Driller C-151
Exhibit 5 The Golden Triangle of Oil That Drove Ultra-Deepwater (UDW) Demand Growth 2009-2014
S. America
ci □ I I I
Other W. Africa
E. Africa
Austr alia
-· 1 2009
1 2014 I
AO 1 2009
1 2014
PACO Active Basins
Other UDW Demand Basins
Total Increase in UDW Rig Count = 96
PACO Active Basin Increase in UDW Rig Count= 53
Note: PACO = Pacific Drilling; USGOM = U.S. Gulf of Mexico; Mex. = Mexico; Carib. = the Caribbean; Med = the Mediter ranean; M.E. = Middle East
Source: "Ult ra-Deepwater Demand Growth; ODS-Petrodata, inc., accessed April 12,201 S; Company analysis.
to drill exploratory wells. If the results were encourag ing, drilling began on development wells in the area for eventual oil extraction. How quickly drilling, and then extraction, could be accomplished depended on the supporting infrastructure (e.g., pipelines connecting to processing facilities) around the drilling site, weather conditions, and geological characteristics. Another fac tor was productivity, which was a function of the drill ing technology used and the working experience of the producer-drilling teams.
Offshore drilling typically used three types of rigs: jack-ups, semi-submersibles, and drillships. Jack-ups were used in shallow water ( up to approximately 0.12 kms of water), and their operating deck was supported by multiple legs that extended down to the ocean floor. Semi-submersibles (semis) could operate in water depths of up to 3 kms. They floated on submerged pon toons with an operating deck that was well above the water's surface. Drillships could operate in water depths of up to 3.6 kms. They looked like large, ocean-going freighters with a drilling derrick mounted in the centre
of the ship. They offered greater mobility and deck space than semis and were therefore often preferred in remote locations. Their larger size also allowed them to provide greater operational efficiency through enhancements such as dual derricks4 and additional drilling equipment.
Drillers competed to lease their rigs to producers. The drillers were usually paid based on day rates,5 which varied widely across rig types. Deepwater oil reserves were much more difficult to tap and required more advanced equipment and expertise than some other locations. As a result, day rates for semis and drillships could be three to five times higher than jack-up rates. Day rates also varied in relation to market conditions and could be further differentiated by the quality and efficiency of the drilling rigs and services, which were often the result of technological and processing innova tions that could ultimately provide lower total drilling costs for the producer (see Exhibit 6). Day rates were usually locked-in through negotiated contracts, with the duration of the contracts and the lead time decided on
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C-152 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 6 Day Rate Trends for Floating Rigs by Rig Quality (2012-2014)
800 - ------------------------------------- - - - - --
750 +---------------,jk-----------------------------
• 700
• •
"ti" 650 • •
C • • • •
., A
.... • • �
550 � •
.... 500.,
•• a:: >, •
• • •
••., 450
• •
• •
400 •
350 •
300 -+----�--�---�---�--�---�------��--�---�-----·-
Jan-12 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14
Fixture Date
Note: Analysis uses publicly available data; includes rigs with water depth capability greater than 1.5 kms and contract day rate revenue from mutual
contracts greater than one year.
Source: "Trends for Floating Rigs by Rig Type;' ODS-Petrodata, Inc., accessed Apr il 12, 201 S; Company analysis.
prior to the start of the contract. However, day rates also fluctuated with market conditions.
Many factors could affect a producer's choice of driller. For example, national oil companies often held public tenders and chose drillers based on the rig's suit ability and the day rate. International oil companies had been known to be much more reliant on existing relationships.6 Because relocating rigs was costly and time-consuming,7 producers seeking to develop wells in a certain region were more likely to contract a driller that already had the required type of rig ready in the area. In certain geographic locations, government regulation and local content criteria could be barriers to entry, thereby playing a significant role in the selection of a drilling contractor.
Rigs that were not leased out were usually "stacked" (i.e., idle), or taken out of service, by the driller to mini mize operating costs. A "hot-stacked" rig remained fully crewed, standing by, ready for work if a contract could be obtained, and the downtime was used for maintenance and repairs; a "warm-stacked" rig retained some of the crew and underwent a reduced level of maintenance and repairs; and a "cold-stacked" rig was completely vacated and its doors welded shut.8
The offshore drilling industry rose and fell with oil prices (see Exhibit 4). The early 1970s witnessed a spike in oil prices due to actions by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) that increased the supply of offshore rigs as drillers rushed to meet the increase in drilling demand. The industry later suffered an overcapacity of rigs when prices came back down during the mid-1970s.9 Such cycles continued with the oil price spike in 1979, its collapse in early 1986, and its recovery in 1987. Oil prices remained depressed during the 1990s until 1998, due to the economic slowdown in Asia, then started climbing in the early 2000s, which pushed utilization rates, and thereby day rates, to histor ical highs. The financial crisis that started in 2008 caused utilization rates and day rates to decline sharply again, as oil prices fell below $40 per barrel from their peak of $140 per barrel a year earlier.10
Players in the offshore drilling industry included both diversified drillers ( e.g., Transocean, Seadrill, Ensco, Noble, Diamond, Rowan, and Atwood) and niche drillers (e.g., Ocean Rig). Larger, diversified drillers had fleets that included rigs of various types and typically had a broader geographic presence (see Exhibit 7).
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Case 11: Pacific Drilling: the Preferred Offshore Driller C-153
Exhibit 7 Profiles of Pacific Drilling's competitors
Ocean Rig
Transocean operated the largest fleet in the offshore drilling industry with 85 rigs (15 jack-ups, 39 semi-submersibles,
and 31 drillships) with an average age of 17 years. The company's market capitalization was approximately $6.8 billion,
which was the second largest in the industry. It had an operational presence in the waters of the United States, Norway,
the United Kingdom, West Africa, Brazil, South East Asia, and Australia. Over the past five years, the company had de
livered operating margins of about 22 per cent, which was below the industry average. The company's strategy was to
upgrade its fleet and divest its non-core assets.
Seadrill operated 57 rigs (25 jack-ups, 15 semi-submersibles, and 17 drillships). With an average age of 3.4 years. It was
one of the youngest fleets in the industry. The company's market capitalization was $5.9 billion. Over the past five years,
the company had also had the second-highest operating margins in the industry at about 40 per cent. It had an opera
tional presence in the waters of the United States, Mexico, Norway, Brazil, West Africa, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific.
Its strategy was to maintain its technology advantage by continuing to invest heavily in fleet renewal and growth.
Ensco operated 74 rigs (46 jack-ups, 18 semi-submersibles, and 10 drillships) with an average age of 19.6 years. The
company's market capitalization of $7.1 billion was the largest in the industry, and it generated average operating
margins of 40 percent over the previous five years. It had an operational presence in the waters of the United States,
Brazil, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Its strategy was to update its fleet, invest in
employee training, and maintain its diverse geographic presence.
Noble operated 39 rigs (19 jack-ups, 11 semi-submersibles, and nine drillships) with an average age of 15.8 years, which
made it the second oldest fleet in the industry. The company's market capitalization was $4.4 billion. It had a diverse op
erational presence with rigs operating in the waters of the United States, Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom, the Middle
East, Africa, and Australia. The company performed just below the industry average, delivering operating margins of
around 27 per cent over the previous five years. Its strategy was to update its fleet, invest in employee training, and
maintain its diverse geographic presence.
Diamond operated 41 rigs (six jack-ups, 30 semi-submersibles, and five drillships) with an average age of 30.4 years,
which made it the oldest fleet in the industry. The company's market capitalization was $5.3 billion. Over the previous
five years, the company delivered operating margins of about 31 per cent, which was in line with the industry average.
The company had a very low level of debt relative to its size and in comparison to its peers. At the same time, its older
rigs enabled the company to be very competitive on rig pricing. The company strategy was to maintain its attractive
pricing and its financial strength.
Rowan operated 34 rigs (30 jack-ups and four drillships) with an average age of 1 6.4 years. The company's market capi
talization was $2.9 billion. It operated rigs in the waters of the United States, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Norway,
and Malaysia. The company generated average operating margins of about 23 per cent over the previous five years. The
company's strategy focus was to maintain its diverse geographic presence, be more cost-effective, and execute better.
Atwood operated 14 rigs (five jack-ups, five semi-submersibles, and four drillships) with an average age of 9.6 years. The
company's market capitalization was $1.9 billion. It had an international presence, with rigs in the waters of the United States,
Australia, Equatorial Guinea, and Thailand. The company achieved the highest operating margins in the industry over the
previous five years at about 44 per cent. Its strategy was to continue growing while maintaining its operational efficiency.
Ocean Rig operated 13 rigs and focused on drilling in deeper waters (two semi-submersibles and 11 drillships) with an
average age of 3.3 years. The company's market capitalization was $1.2 billion. It had a rig presence in the waters of
Brazil, Angola, Norway, and Ireland. Its operating margins were at the industry average of approximately 30 per cent.
The company's strategic focus was to grow its fleet of high-specification drilling rigs and to broaden its geographic reach.
Source: "Oil Drillers;' ODS-Petrodata, accessed April 12, 201 S; Yahoo finance; company analysis.
Chris Beckett: CEO and the First Employee
With the initial purchase of a drillship under construc tion, Pacific Drilling was founded in 2006 as a subsid iary of Tanker Pacific, one of the largest tanker fleet owners in the world. After ordering a second rig in 2007, the company transferred its rigs to a joint venture with 50-50 ownership with Transocean. In 2008, Pacific Drilling expanded its activities beyond the joint ven ture to include four ultra-deepwater drillships, which
had been constructed in South Korea at Samsung Heavy Industries, one of the three largest shipyards in the world. At the same time, Beckett was approached by Idan Ofer, an Israeli tycoon and the principal of Tanker Pacific. Ofer asked Beckett to be the company's first employee and to lead the development of Pacific Drilling as CEO. Beckett, a 2002 MBA graduate from Rice University in Texas, had previously been the head of corporate planning at Transocean, a strategy consul tant at McKinsey, and the U.S. land seismic manager at Schlumberger.
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C-154 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 8 Fleet Composition by Rig Capability and Type
16% 14%
33% 43%
27% 64%
■ High Spec D Standard Spec D Low Spec D Jack-up
Source: Company documents; "Fleet Composition by Rig Capability," ODS-Petrodata, Inc., accessed April 12,201 S.
As the CEO of a start-up, Beckett challenged the industry's conventional wisdom:
Back to 2004 and 2005, the industry was coming out of the downturn . . . . There was a belief in most of the estab lished drillers that they would sit on what they had, and they would own the market. They would have a strong market position. There was an absolutely strong belief that nobody from outside could enter the industry. No clients would take the risk to work with a new driller without any proven record. Also, no lenders would take the risk to build several-hundred-million-dollar assets with a new player.
Despite huge challenges and personal risks, Beckett believed that the offshore drilling industry was changing and provided great opportunity for a start-up such as Pacific Drilling, which focused on premier technology and ultra-deepwater drilling. In particular, he noted:
When we started Pacific Drilling, it was with the view that the assets that were being designed, built, and delivered into the market around 2005 and 2006 onwards were, for the first time in the industry, explicitly supposed to out compete those of the previous generation by being more efficient: by reducing the time to drill a well. A lot of the incumbents missed that as a fundamental change, and they believed that if they didn't build rigs then nobody would build rigs and that they could continue with the
technology that they had and control the market. What happens in most industries is that somebody comes in from the outside and delivers the technology to the market place and supersedes them by using disruptive technology.
In November 2014, Beckett won the Ernst & Young (EY) Entrepreneur of the Year National Award in the Energy, Cleantech, and Natural Resources category for his lead ership in growing the start-up company into a highly respected niche player in the offshore drilling market. "Chris Beckett is the definition of a high-growth entre preneur;' said Mike Kacsmar, EY Entrepreneur of the Year Americas program director. "He's grown a world class team based on that entrepreneurial spirit, and he encouraged his employees to make an impact by iden tifying novel approaches and seeing those ideas through to implementation:' 11
Firm Strategy
Beckett strongly believed that the new generation of rigs would be fundamentally more efficient than the existing generation. Over time, the previous generation would become obsolete. Therefore, his vision of Pacific Drilling was that of a preferred, high-specification, floating rig drilling contractor. The strategy was to use its con sistent fleet of ultra-deepwater drillships, which were built by the top-of-the-class shipyard Samsung Heavy
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Case 11: Pacific Drilling: the Preferred Offshore Driller C-155
Exhibit 9 Number of Floating Rigs in Global Fleet by Delivery Year (1971-2014)
0 � U') 0 U') ,..... ,..... co co 0, 0, 0, 0,
Source: Company documents; "Floating Rigs by Delivery Year," ODS-Petrodata, Inc., accessed April 12, 2015.
Industries, outfitted with the newest drilling packages by National Oilwell Varco, and managed by a highly experienced team to provide differentiated drilling ser vices for its customers. This focus gave Pacific Drilling a strong competitive advantage over companies such as Transocean, which was more diversified and less focused (see Exhibits 8 and 9). Beckett explained his vision of the company:
The benefit that we had and that we foresaw for Pacific Drilling was to be focused on one asset class and not allow ourselves to be dragged into other asset classes. We could therefore optimize our maintenance systems, procurement, operating programs, and safety programs to deliver the best results with this one asset class.
In 2008, Beckett and his team prepared a thorough technical and safety-drilling manual, but the industry did not seem ready for what Pacific Drilling was offer ing. One potential client that Beckett pursued requested that the company rework its manual and prepare a new proposal. Saddled with debt and yet to book its first customer, Pacific Drilling considered the prospect of a compromise by revising the manual to align with the standard industry practices. However, Beckett and his team knew that the compromise would mean losing what they believed to be the company's key differenti ator. So they instead held firm and asked the customer to reconsider.
That potential client was Chevron, the first and ulti mately most supportive customer throughout Pacific Drilling's growth, eventually contracting more than half
of the company's drillships. As Chevron officials later admitted, the original manual that had been proposed was among the best they had ever seen. Beckett reflected on that challenging but rewarding situation:
So we were able to build a relationship with Chevron based on relationships we had in previous companies. They knew the people they were dealing with, and they could get com fortable that those people would be committed to deliv ering the product and service quality. They could look at who the financial backers were and where we were build ing rigs, and all the associated pieces came to a comfort factor that we would do what we planned to do.
The collaboration with Chevron also yielded access to a technological innovation: dual-gradient drill ing (DGD), a process that enabled an oil company to access reservoirs that had previously been considered "undrillable:' Unlike conventional drilling that used only one drilling fluid, DGD employed two different fluids in the wellbore-one in the drilling riser, with below average density, and the other below the wellhead, with above-average density. Using DGD allowed the driller to overcome narrow pore pressure fracture gradient margins and to drill larger and deeper holes using fewer casing strings. It also helped the driller to better man - age downhole pressure as the drill bit moved through various types of geologies such as sand, shale, and tar (see Exhibit 10).
DGD was technologically proven in the late 1990s; however, it had not yet been deployed on a commercial rig. While Chevron expected DGD to reduce the total
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Exhibit 10 Dual-Gradient Drilling
The Problem: Deep Water Challenges
Conventional drilling methods have potential challenges:
■ Well control/ lost circulation
■ Challenging cement jobs
■ Mechanical challenges with tight tolerance tools
■ Restrictive completions
The industry is drilling even more difficult wells. We now routinely
drill nearly"un-drillable" wells:
■ More than 9,000-metre well depth
■ More than 1 ,800-metre water depth
New floating rigs capable of drilling to 12,000-metre well depth
enable the industry to attempt even more deep water projects.
Conventional Casing Program
Deepwater Casing Program
The Solution: Dual Gradient Drilling Conventional Drilling Dual Gradient Drilling
With DGD, we literally replace the mud in the
drilling riser with a seawater-density fluid and
use a denser mud below the mudline to achieve the
same bottom hole pressure.
Note: DGD = dual gradient dril ling; ppg = pore pressure gradient
Part 4: Case Studies
Source: Chevron, Dale Straub Presentation at the International Association of Drilling Contractors' Dual Gradient Drilling seminar, Madrid, Spain (April 7, 2014).
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Case 11: Pacific Drilling: the Preferred Offshore Driller
cost to drill a well, the company had not yet worked with a drilling contractor to fully implement the tech nology. Pacific Drilling management was aware of the potential for DGD and embraced the possibilities to work with Chevron on developing processes and pro cedures. It took about six months before Chevron was comfortable that Pacific Drilling was the right partner to commercialize DGD, leading to Pacific Drilling's first drilling contract.
Pacific Drilling's close relationship with Chevron was among the few relative constants in an often vola tile and unpredictable market. Chevron had contracted four drillships with Pacific Drilling to date for operations in the Gulf of Mexico and Nigeria. The justification was simple: Pacific Drilling rigs were equipped with the capa bilities that Chevron desired, and collaboration among the companies' employees, both onshore and offshore, had become seamless.
After Chevron had signed the first contract, opportu nities from other producers emerged for Pacific Drilling. Chevron's willingness to repeatedly work with the new company was an endorsement of the substantial value that Pacific Drilling could deliver to its customers. With a more established reputation, Pacific Drilling was able to broaden its customer base to include Total ( one drillship in Nigeria) and Petrobras (one drillship in Brazil). By the end of 2014, the company had signed $2.7 billion in con tracts (see Exhibit 11).
Working with Chevron to implement DGD also helped Pacific Drilling improve and refine its oper ating and management systems. Implementation of DGD technology demanded that Pacific Drilling work closely with Chevron on the development of operating procedures and employee training. At the time, Pacific Drilling operated two drillships that were DGD-capable (i.e., the Pacific Santa Ana and Pacific Sharav). Frederic Jacquemin, the director of the DGD program at Pacific Drilling at the time, noted that "with DGD, integrating
Exhibit 11 Pacific Drilling Growth Profile
a new technology is not only about equipment but it is also about defining new processes and training people:'
Although the full deployment of DGD technology was still a work in progress, Pacific Drilling's close col laboration with Chevron led to a corporate emphasis on process innovations and technological leadership. Pacific Drilling continued to invest in technological innovation in an effort to keep its fleet as up-to-date as possible. For example, its newest rigs were equipped with automated drilling systems that reduced the number of personnel on the drilling floor, substantially improving drilling speed while also reducing safety risks. The company also equipped its rigs with a higher than usual amount of drilling mud storage and processing capability, which allowed the rig to move more quickly through the drill ing process and also to be more self-sufficient: a partic ular advantage in remote operating locations, where the cost of support vessels was high.
Pacific Drilling implemented SAP software on all of its drillships to better monitor daily rig operations and respond in real time to unforeseen problems. Traditionally, workers on a rig monitored their tasks using pen and paper and provided hard-copy reports to their supervisors. The SAP software helped to continually update information across functions during the drilling process, improving operational efficiency. The com pany reduced the amount of downtime (non-operating time due to malfunctions) and ultimately improved safety, both of which increased profitability and benefit to customers.
Pacific Drilling developed its own company manage ment system using the highest standards (see Exhibit 12). The company had the advantage of being able to imple ment this system from the beginning, whereas most of its peers had to adapt management systems to their legacy corporate practices. The company also emphasized con sistency in its processes and procedures. For example, the company went through an exhaustive exercise to develop
First Quarter of 2011 Fourth Quarter of 2014
Number of rigs
Number of operating rigs
Number of drilling contracts
Contract backlog (in $ billions)
Number of employees
Market capitalization (in$ billions)
Source: Company documents.
Approximately 500
Approximately 1,600
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Exhibit 12 Pacific Drilling Management System (Ms)
Values, Vision, Goals ,
Commitment, Leadership and Accountability
Part 4: Case Studies
------------------r� Policies and Direction
Organization and Resource Management
Drilling Operations 1
M••"·· o, ..... o.. )A �-
T - e
- ch
- n
- ic
- a
- 1S
_ u _ p
_ p
_ o
_ r t
_____ � ) y
Contractor and Supplier Management
Risk Management
S upport Functions ) : :====================='. Performance Measurement & Continuous Improvement
Source: Company documents.
a standardized framework for making operations and maintenance decisions related to a key piece of equipment on its rigs. When Pacific Drilling showed the framework to its clients, it was told that no other driller had made this type of effort to better manage the equipment.
Firm Culture and Organizational Structure
Pacific Drilling had set clearly defined values that pro vided a framework for corporate decision-making and employee behaviour. The company's core principles were cleverly embodied using the mnemonic of its name PACIFIC (see Exhibit 13).
To build the company's legitimacy and credibil ity, Beckett recruited highly experienced experts with
Exhibit 13 Pacific Drilling Company Values
Process Management
proven track records from a variety of professional back grounds. In doing so, he aimed to find the best solutions and processes for the start-up company. Beckett also knew that in this industry, talent and connections were key. To attract star employees, he offered promotions from their current positions, as well as the opportunity of a lifetime-helping to build a new company. Beckett also promised less organizational hierarchy, and he kept his word by creating a leaner, flatter company.
Pacific Drilling's organizational structure provided advantages through shorter communications paths, ease of collaboration, and efficient decision-making (see Exhibit 14). For example, the marketing of rigs was traditionally done by a dedicated marketing team, which then handed over the contract to the operations depart ment to run the rigs. However, the company encouraged
froactive: Continually refining its approach to anticipate stakeholder needs
tustomer oriented:
Taking responsibility for actions and performance as individuals and as a company
Striving to exceed customer expectations
Acting honestly and fairly in all they do
financially responsible: Maximizing long-term value creation for shareholders
Innovative: Seeking creative solutions in every aspect of its business
tommunity focused: Ensuring a sustainable and positive impact on the communities where they work
Source: Company documents.
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Case 11: Pacific Drilling: the Preferred Offshore Driller C-159
Exhibit 14 Pacific Drilling Organizational Chart after Reorganization in February 2015
CEO Chris Beckett l
SVP Corporate VP General EVP& COO VP Quality & HSE EVP &CFO
SVP Sales & Business Services Counsel Cees Van Development
Edgar Rincon Kinga doris Diemen Paul Linkin Paul Reese
Michael Acuff
VP HR SVP Operations Director HSE VP Treasurer Director Sales
I I I I I Director
Director Sales VP PSC Operational Director Quality VPT IT & Facilities
Europe & Africa Excellence
I I I I Director HR Director Subsea
VP Controller Di rector Corporate
Employee Services Support Planning
I I I Director New Director Technical VP Audit & Construction Support Compliance
I I Director Major VP IR & Communica-
Projects tions
I I Sr Engineering
Vp Tax Advisor
Note: CEO = chief executive officer; SVP = senior vice-president; VP = vice-president; EVP = executive vice-president; COO = chief operating officer; HSE = health, safety, and
environment; CFO = chief financial officer; HR = human resources; PSC = procurement and supply chain; IT = information technology; IR = investor relations; Sr = senior.
Source: Company documents.
its marketing and operations teams to work together with the client from the first stage of negotiation until the end of the drilling campaign, which resulted in greater con sistency between what the marketing team promised and what was actually done, increasing the company's credi bility and building stronger relationships with the client.
Beckett also recognized that the company needed a culture of entrepreneurship and accountability. 12
Employees were empowered to make suggestions and take ownership of processes and projects. Pacific Drilling focused on hiring employees who fit with the company's culture. Every potential employee was inter viewed by three established employees. Through this process, the company selected recruits who were ded icated to performing above the average and who had
enthusiasm for building a unique company. These qual ities were reflected in a commitment the company made to its employees: "Pacific Drilling is committed to be the employer of choice in the offshore drilling industry and provide the tools and resources to enable its people to deliver consistently exceptional performance:'
Given the inherently dangerous nature of the indus try, Beckett and his management team consciously strived to develop a culture of safety, even at the expense of stopping drilling operations. The company implemented the Stop Work Obligation, which dictated that it was the responsibility and duty of any individual to stop any work that the employee felt had an unacceptable level of risk or other concern. This directive went beyond the traditional Stop Work Authority that was an industry
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C-160 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 15 Pacific Drilling's Safety Performance as ofThe End of 2014
3.0 -,--------------------------
2.5 2.44 ______________________ _
2.0 1.aa - �1.95 ______________ _
5 1.5 1.31
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
L ostTime Incidents Frequency (LTIF) is the number of lost-time incidents per million work hours.
■ International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) data include all land and water regions up to and including 2012.
■ IADC data only include water regions where Pacific Drilling (PACO) was working in 2013 and 2014 (i.e., the United States, Africa, and South America).
■ IADC data for 2014 is up to the third quarter year-to-date information only. Full 2014 data were unavailable at the time of writing.
Key 2014 safety achievements:
■ Pacific Bora achieved 3.75 years without an LTI and 1 .75 years without a recordable incident.
■ Pacific Scirocco achieved 3.5 years without an LTI and 1 .S years without a recordable incident.
■ Pacific Khamsin achieved 1 year without an LTI and almost 1 year without a recordable incident.
■ Pacific 5harav had zero LTls since commencing contract.
■ "A" rating on the Chevron Contractor Health, Environment, and Safety (HES) Management (CHESM) program in both deepwater and the Nigerian business units.
Source: Company documents.
practice and gave employees the right to stop work but didn't require them to do so.
In an industry where producers valued drillers' rep utation for safety, Pacific Drilling had achieved multiple years without any lost-time incidents on several rigs. Its safety performance had been recognized with an"/\.' rat ing on the Chevron Contractor Health, Environment, and Safety Management program in the Gulf of Mexico and in Nigeria. Pacific Drilling was also the first drilling con tractor to certify its safety and environmental management systems with the Center for Offshore Safety (see Exhibit 15).
Growth and Customer Base Challenges Beckett and his team had planned to expand the com pany's fleet from the current eight drillships to 12.
The need to contract out these ships pushed the com pany to broaden its customer base beyond relying on Chevron. In this industry, producers had usually been more likely to contract drillers with whom they had worked with before, in part because of the efficiency gained from a prior working relationship.
As Pacific Drilling sought to broaden its customer base, there was some concern that the company was tied too closely to Chevron. The technology, processes, and culture that Pacific Drilling had developed were significantly influenced by the company's close collab oration with Chevron. There was a concern that effi ciency would be lost, even if only temporarily, when changing to a different drilling partnership. Evidence had shown that a given producer demonstrated pro ductivity gains in a partnership with one driller, resulting from having acquired "relationship-specific"
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Case 11: Pacific Drilling: the Preferred Offshore Driller
capabilities over the time that the two companies had worked together. However, these gains often did not translate to the same level of productivity gains in part nerships with new drillers,13 which seemed to explain Chevron's preference to continue to contract Pacific Drilling. Chevron's support was fundamental in Pacific Drilling's success as a new entrant, but its ability to grow as a more mature company was likely to be con strained by that very same factor.
Technology Challenges The technology advantage that Pacific Drilling had over competitors for deepwater drillships was also being challenged as other drillers upgraded their floater fleets. Competitors' rigs scheduled for delivery in 2016 and 2017 would have incremental technological advantages over Pacific Drilling's first rig.
Market Challenges The price of oil had been tumbling since mid-2014, while North American shale oil production had grown rap idly and global energy demand had been weakening. For
Exhibit 16 Floating Rig Utilization after 1985 by Build Cycle
:al! 0
·.;::; 70
Year delivered
offshore drillers, existing contracts that had been nearing completion had been less likely to be extended. For avail able rigs, competition among drillers became intense as day rates were pushed down.
Over the previous decade, the number of offshore rigs worldwide had increased from approximately 670 to 950. Although the offshore floating rig count increased from approximately 200 to 350 from 2004 to late 2014, average utilization rates also increased over the same time period, from around 77 per cent to 86 per cent. Historically, newer rigs competed down in their day rates, causing older rigs to be stacked, either perma nently or until the market recovered. Recently, though, the industry seemed to have undergone a fundamental shift. Once demand began collapsing in 2014, there was an overcapacity of deepwater rigs, and drillers struggled to find new contracts for their available rigs. The current industry downturn and significant rig oversupply led to deepwater drillships and semis being cold-stacked for the first time in history (see Exhibit 16).
Pacific Drilling's immediate issue was to secure a contract on two of its drillships, Pacific Meltem and
-<1978 -1979-1997 -1998-2006 ->2007
Source: Company documents.
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C-162 Part 4: Case Studies
Pacific Mistral, that had been sitting idle. Because modern drillships had rarely been cold-stacked, keep ing the crew on board was costly. The company was also concerned about two additional drillships: Pacific Khamsin, which would come off contract in late 2015, and Pacific Zonda, scheduled for delivery from the shipyard in late 2015.
significantly below market rates to win the few new jobs available. Looking forward, Pacific Drilling had a signif icant number of high-specification floating rigs available to be contracted. Although there had been weak demand for very high-specification rigs, there had also been rel atively limited supply, which supported the company's contracting prospects.
Strategic Choices Pacific Drilling had come to a critical juncture, and important decisions had to be made. As a more mature company, Pacific Drilling had been confront ing a different competitive landscape. During the past year, very few new contracts had been awarded in the industry. Some of the company's peers were willing to bid
Overcoming challenges had been nothing new for Beckett. Yet, with the challenging market environ ment and other constraints, Beckett made the follow ing statement in a letter to employees: "Despite the weakening market, we expect further growth in 2015, but we must continue to execute well on our growth plans and secure new contracts to deliver on this expectation:'
1. All currency amounts are in US$ unless
otherwise specified.
2. Brad Plumer, "Why Oil Prices Keep Falling
And Throwing the World into Turmoil;'Vox
Media Inc., updated January 23, 2015,
accessed April 12, 2015, www.vox.com/2014
/12/16/7401705/oi I-prices-fa 11 i ng.
3. Deutsche Bank Markets Research, "What Is
New? Key Stats & Event to Watch;' Oilfield
Services Chronicle, June 23, 2014.
4. A derrick is a pyramid-shaped structure
above the rig floor where the crown block,
monkey board, and racking board are
supported. Dual derricks have two drilling
units on one hull.
5. Drillers usually charge oil producers on a
daily work rate, which varies depending
on the location, the type of rig, and the
market conditions. For example, by March
2015, Pacific Drilling's average day rate was
$558,000 and Diamond Offshore's rate was
Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, Kenneth
Corts, and Joseph McElroy, The Offshore
Drilling Industry in 2011 (Boston, MA: Harvard
Business School, 2011). Available from Ivey
Publishing, product no. 711543.
According to Casadesus-Masanell, Corts,
and Mc Elroy, moving a jack-up rig from
the Gulf of Mexico to the North Sea took
about a month, and mobilization alone
cost between $2 million and $5 million,
exclusive of day rates.
As a cost-reduction step, a cold -stacked
rig is often stored in a harbour, shipyard,
or designated offshore area because
its contracting prospects look bleak.
It will be out of service for extended
periods of time and may not be actively
9. Robert B. Barsky and Lutz Kilian, "Oil
and the Macroeconomy Since the 1970s;'
Journal of Economic Perspectives 18, no. 4
(Fall, 2004): 115-134.
10. Casadesus-Masanell, Corts, and McElroy,
op. cit.
11. Ernst & Young Global Limited, "Chris Beckett,
CEO of Pacific Drilling, Named EY Entrepreneur
of the Year'" 2014 National Energy, Cleantech
and Natural Resources Award Winner;'
November 15, 2014, accessed April 12, 2015,
12. Based on information from the company's
Media and Public Relations department.
13. Ryan Kellogg, "Learning by Drilling:
lnterfirm Learning and Relationship
Persistence in the Texas Oil patch;' Quarterly
Journal of Economics 126 (2011): 1961-2004.
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Case 12: Pfizer
January 2017
"When Ian Read, an accountant and company lifer, took over as Pfizer's chief executive in December 2010, the drug firm was facing the impending patent expiration of Lipitor, the best-selling drug ever made, and the utter failure of one of the most lavishly funded research laboratories on the planet to develop much of anything. The stock was suffering, and Read's predecessor-Jeffrey Kindler, a bearlike lawyer hired from McDonald's-had just spent $68 billion to buy rival drug maker Wyeth in a Hail Mary strategy shift. Now Read had to make it work.'�
Company and Industry Background
Pfizer was established in 1849 in Brooklyn, New York, by cousins Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhart with a loan of $2,500 from Pfizer's father.2 Today, 167 years later, Pfizer Inc. has international revenues of $49 billion, which makes it the second-largest pharmaceutical manufac turer in the world. 3 Despite Pfizer's success, the company has faced many challenges over the last few decades. The pharmaceutical industry is heavily influenced by legal, political, and technological forces, and all indications are that the industry will continue to experience dramatic changes.
Since the passing of the Food and Drug Act in 1906, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has had reg ulatory authority over drugs in the United States. The scope of its initial authority was limited and in 1938 President Roosevelt signed the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C) into law, which significantly expanded fed eral oversight of drug manufacturing and marketing. 4
In addition to granting the FDA authority to mandate pre-market review of drugs, the FD&C also allowed the FDA to regulate drug labeling and advertising. Then, in 1992, Congress passed the Prescription Drug User Fee Act, which enables the FDA to collect fees from drug manufacturers to aid in funding the pre-market review process for new drug approvals. 5 The effect of these
-ROBINS ScbooltiBu in
reforms was significant increases in the time and cost for drug manufacturers to bring new drugs to market.
In 2006, a study estimated the cost of bringing a new drug to market was between $802 million and $2 billion, depending on the type of drug being developed and the number of drugs being developed simultaneously.6 The study found that approximately 60% of the total cost of drugs was related to pre-market clinical trials required by the FDA. As inflation, increased regulation, and other factors have affected the pharmaceutical industry, a 2012 study indicated that the cost per drug for the largest manufacturers has increased to over $5.5 billion.7 For Pfizer, the total Research & Development (R&D) cost for each drug that received FDA approval was $7.7 billion between 1997 and 2011. 8 The steep rise in development costs has forced many large drug manufacturers including Pfizer-to cut R&D budgets in an attempt to control rising costs.9
The reduction in R&D funding in reaction to expand ing costs has led to stifled innovation and revealed a cri sis looming ahead for many large drug manufacturers in the industry. Not only have many drug companies' blockbuster drugs gone off patent in recent years, but the reductions in R&D spending have resulted in drug pipe lines that have failed to produce anything of significant value.10 The number of new drugs approved by the FDA per billion dollars of R&D expenditures has halved every nine years since 1950.11 The rapid increase in the cost of drug development and the reduction in the approval fre quency of blockbuster-level drugs has led many industry experts to largely consider the current, fully integrated business model of large pharmaceutical companies to be unsustainable.12
Business and Strategies
Like most large pharmaceutical manufacturers, Pfizer pursues a "blockbuster" business model that is heavily reliant on its R&D pipeline to consistently develop and launch high volume drugs-drugs with expected annual revenues of $1 billion or greater.13 In 2012, Pfizer began
Written by Jeffrey S. Harrison, Ryan McGowan, Kevin O'Neill, Lauren Shotwell, and Joshua Torres at the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. Copyright © Jeffrey S. Harrison. This case was written for the purpose of classroom discussion. It is not to be duplicated or cited in any form without the copyright holder's express permission. For permission to reproduce or cite this case, contact Jeff Harrison at [email protected]. In your message, state your name, affiliation and the intended use of the case. Permission for classroom use will be granted free of charge. Other cases are available at: http://robins.richmond.edu/ centers/ case-network.html
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C-164 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 1 Pfizer Business Segment Comparisons
Business Segment Financials
Innovative vs Established Segments
2015 2014 2013
Innovative Established
Revenues $26,758 $21,587
Cost of Sales 3,650 4,486
%of revenue 13.60% 20.80%
Selling, informational, and 6,807 3,572
administrative expenses
R&D Expenses 3,030 758
Amortization of intangible assets 94 36
Restructuring charges and certain
acquisition-related costs
Other (income)/deductions-net (1.087) (150)
Income from continuing $14,264 $12,885
operations before provision
for taxes on income
Source: 2015 Pfizer Annual Report.
restructuring its operations into a new commercial oper ating model. Pfizer divested its infant nutrition business for $11.9 billion and spun-off its animal health unit, Zoetis. Additionally, Pfizer restructured its operations into two primary business segments: Innovative Products and Established Products. Pfizer's Innovative Products busi ness is further divided into the Global Innovative Pharma (GIP) and Global Vaccines, Oncology, and Consumer Healthcare (VOC) businesses.14 Ian Read commented regarding the restructuring: "This represents the next steps in Pfizer's journey to further revitalize our innova tive core. Our new commercial model will provide each business with an enhanced ability to respond to market dynamics, greater visibility and focus, and distinctive capabilities:' 15 Exhibit 1 contains some useful financial comparisons between Pfizer's Innovative Products and its Established Products.
Innovative Products Business Global Innovative Pharma (GIP) Business. This busi ness focuses on developing, registering and commer cializing novel, value-creating medicines that improve patients' lives. Therapeutic areas include inflamma tion, cardiovascular/metabolic, neuroscience and pain, rare diseases and women's/men's health, and include leading brands, such as Xeljanz•, Eliquis", and Lyrica•. GIP has a robust pipeline of medicines in inflammation, cardiovascular/metabolic disease, pain, and rare diseases. 16
Innovative Established
$24,005 $25,149
3,848 4,570
16.00% 18.20%
6,162 3,903
2,549 657
69 85
(1.096) (265)
$12,472 $16,199
Global Vaccines, Oncology, and Consumer Healthcare Business. This segment consists of three businesses with the following key elements: (1) poised for high, organic growth; (2) distinct specialization and operating models in science, talent, and market approach; and (3) struc tured to ideally position Pfizer to be a market leader on a global basis.17 Consumer products include Advil"', Centrum0, Robitussin", Nexium•, and ChapStick".
Established Products Business Global Established Pharma (GEP) Business. This area con sists of three primary product segments: (1) Peri-LOE products which are losing or approaching a losing position in market exclusivity; (2) legacy established products in developed markets that have lost market exclusivity and those with growth opportunities; and (3) emerging market products with growth opportunities such as organic initiatives, partnerships, product enhance ments, sterile injectables, and biosimilars.18 Examples of established products include Celebrex•, EpiPen•, Zoloft®, and Lypitor•.
Pricing Strategy Pfizer's and other large drug companies' revenue growth has been largely dependent on raising the price of older drugs, particularly those nearing patent expirations. Approximately 34% of Pfizer's revenue growth over the past three years has come from increasing prices on existing drugs. 19 Over this period, Pfizer has increased
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Case 12: Pfizer
the price of Viagra by 57%, of Lyrica by 51%, and of Premarin by 41 %. A 2013 study by the AARP found that the price of Lipitor rose by 9.3% in the year preceding patent expiration, and by 17.5% in 2011, the year of expi ration.20 Pfizer is not alone in these practices. Abb Vie and Bristol-Myers Squibb have both been reported as generating a very significant amount of their revenue growth from price increases. Drug pricing scandals and increased media and societal attention on drug pricing in general makes Pfizer's reliance on pricing strategy to drive top-line revenue growth unsustainable. This is evident in the drug industry's flat net pricing in 2015.21
Growth Strategy Pfizer has become one of the largest pharmaceutical com panies in the world primarily as a result of aggressive mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Pfizer's acquisitions have been focused on two main strategies: expanding its capabilities and acquiring brands with strong rev enues. Many of Pfizer's acquisitions have provided new capabilities for the organization, such as biolog ics with the acquisition of Warner-Lambert in 2000 and biosimilar drugs with the acquisition of Hospira in 2015. Additionally, Pfizer acquired the rights to the best-selling drug Lipitor in its 2000 acquisition of Warner-Lambert and the rights to Celebrex and Bextra in its 2003 acquisition of Pharmacia Corporation. From Pfizer's press releases and company history, a brief time line of Pfizer's major acquisitions (and divestitures) is outlined below22:
2000: Pfizer acquires Warner-Lambert for $90 bil lion for their biologics and consumer prod ucts portfolio, along with the rights to Lipitor.
2003: Pfizer acquires Pharmacia Corporation for $60 billion and acquires the rights to Celebrex, Bextra, Detrol, and Xalatan.
2005: Pfizer acquires Vicuron Pharmaceuticals for $1.9 billion for their antibiotic research and development.
2006: Pfizer sells its consumer products division to Johnson & Johnson for $16.6 billion.
2007: Pfizer acquires Coley Pharmaceutical for $164 million for their portfolio of biotechnology, cancer, and vaccine drugs.
2009: Pfizer acquires Wyeth for $68 billion for their portfolio of biotech drugs.
2010: Pfizer acquires King Pharmaceuticals for $3.6 billion and acquires the rights to EpiPen.
2015: Pfizer Acquires Hospira for $16 billion for their biosimilar and injectable drugs portfolio, as well as infusion technologies.23
2016: Pfizer acquires Anacor Pharmaceuticals for $5.1 billion for their topical anti-inflammatory drugs and acquires the rights to Crisaborole. 24
2016: Pfizer acquires Medivation for $14 billion for its prostate cancer drug Xtandi.25
Pfizer has attempted unsuccessfully to acquire a foreign drug company and relocate its headquarters overseas. CEO Ian Read has said numerous times that the company faces a competitive disadvantage with foreign rivals that have significantly lower tax bills.26
These sorts of deals are called corporate inversions transactions undergone by a U.S. company that moves its tax residence to a foreign country in order to reduce U.S. taxes.27 In 2014, Pfizer attempted a merger with rival AstraZeneca, which faced fierce opposition from lawmakers on either side. In the end, Pfizer walked away from the $118 billion deal after rejection by AstraZeneca's board. 28
In 2016 Pfizer entered into an agreement to merge with Allergan. The $160 billion deal would have created the largest pharmaceutical company in the world and would have allowed Pfizer to relocate its headquarters to Allergan's home country of Ireland in order to take advantage of their lower corporate tax rate.29 However, on April 4, 2016, the U.S. Department of Treasury took measures to limit corporate inversions.30 Previously, a company realized tax benefits for inversions only when the foreign company would contribute 20% or greater of the combined company's assets. The new ruling dis regards the last three years of U.S. acquisitions by the foreign entity when determining the foreign company's relative size under the combined entity. The new rule was the predominant factor that caused Pfizer to pay $150 million to walk away the Allergan deal.3' Pfizer would not have realized the full tax benefit of the inver sion because Allergan's relative size would have fallen below the 20% threshold under the new tax rules.
Innovation Strategy Pfizer has a long history of investing in R&D for the development of blockbuster drugs. However, many industry experts believe the age of blockbuster drugs has come to an end and that new blockbusters will be rare. 32 They argue that the opportunities for revolution - ary drugs have been mostly exploited, with very few areas of medicine in which breakthrough drugs can have a huge impact. In light of industry trends, Pfizer has shifted its strategy of maintaining an industry leading drug pipeline from in-house development to being more reliant on strategic partnerships and mergers and acquisitions.
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To support its interest in strategic partnerships, in 2004 Pfizer founded Pfizer Venture Investments (PVI). Its goal is to identify and invest in strategic areas and businesses at the leading edge of healthcare science and technologies. PVI started with a $50 million annual budget and was Pfizer's way of staying ahead of industry trends and investing in companies which are developing compounds and technologies that will enhance Pfizer's drug pipeline and help drive the future of the pharma ceutical industry.33 In January 2016, Pfizer announced that it would be expanding its investment strategy to include investments in early-stage scientific innova tions in immuno-oncology, gene therapy, and other cutting-edge fields. Pfizer invested nearly $46 million in four companies in these fields: BioAtla, NextCure Inc., Cortexyme Inc., and 4D Molecular Therapists, Inc. Pfizer's strategic partnership with these and other firms provides a world-class resource in start-up organizations to accelerate the pace of scientific innovation and to help develop their pipeline of drugs.34
Inside Pfizer
Management Team CEO, Ian C. Read. Ian C. Read was elected CEO of Pfizer in December of 2010 and Chairman of the Board in 2011, taking over from Jeffrey Kindler. Read has spent his entire career at Pfizer, starting as an operational audi tor. Read's B.S. in chemical engineering and accounting experience set the groundwork for a successful career in pharmaceuticals. Some of his previous roles included CFO of Pfizer Mexico, Country Manager of Pfizer Brazil, President of Pfizer's International Pharmaceuticals Group, Executive Vice President of Europe, and Corporate Vice President. Read also serves on the boards of Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), which represents the leading innovative biopharmaceutical research companies.35
Executive VP Strategy Portfolio and Commercial Operations, Laurie J. Ol so. Laurie Oslo oversees long-term strategy, execution of commercial objec tives, and advises portfolio functions for R&D invest ment strategies. She started working for Pfizer in 1987 in Marketing Research. As an economics graduate from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and with a MBA from Hofstra University, her experiences span across domestic and global leadership positions in marketing, commercial development, strategy, analytics corporate responsibility, and operations. Her most recent role was Senior Vice President of Portfolio Management
Part 4: Case Studies
and Analytics, and within that role she was part of the task force that "redesigned Pfizer's R&D organization to strengthen its pipeline and improve efficiencY:' 36
Executive VP Chief Devel opment Officer, Rod MacKenzie, PhD. Rod MacKenzie received his PhD from Imperial College, London, after getting his chem istry degree from the University of Glasgow. As the co inventor of Darifenacin, which was sold in 2003 due to regulatory issues, MacKenzie held various positions within Pfizer before assuming his current position. 37
His role oversees "the development and advancement of Pfizer's pipeline of medicines in several therapeutic areas:' He serves on the Portfolio Strategy and Investment Committee and sits on the Board of Directors for ViiV Healthcare. 38
Executive VP Business Operations and CFO, Frank D'Amelio. Frank D' Amelio joined the company in September 2007 and oversees finance, business devel opment, and business operations. He has been ranked as a top CFO for various years by Institutional Investor magazine. He has led the organization in many mergers, spin-offs, and sales, such as: Pfizer and Wyeth merger, sale of their nutrition business, and the spin-off of Zoetis. His experience comes from his many leadership roles at Alcatel-Lucent, including Senior Executive Vice President of Integration and Chief Administrative Officer, and his experience as COO of Lucent Technologies. Frank earned his MBA in Finance from St. John's University and his bachelor's degree in Accounting from St. Peter's College. Representing Pfizer, he currently serves on the Board of Directors for many organizations. They include, Humana, Inc., Zoetis, Inc., the Independent College Fund of New Jersey, and the Gillen-Brewer School. 39
Major Shareholders Pfizer is a publicly traded company with approximately 6.2 billion shares outstanding at December 31, 2015.40
According to Yahoo Finance, among Pfizer's primary shareholders are institutional investment companies Vanguard Group, Inc., BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, and JPMorgan Chase & Co., who own 6.32%, 4.95%, and 1.89% of total outstanding shares, respec tively. Additionally, Pfizer's only major non-institutional shareholders are all executive-level leadership within the organization.
Human Resources Human resource efforts are led by Charles H. Hill III, who has been the Executive Vice President of Worldwide
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Case 12: Pfizer
Human Resources since December 2010. Prior to that assignment, Hill was Senior Vice President of Human Resources for the Worldwide Biopharmaceuticals Businesses from 2008 through December 2010. On December 31, 2015, Pfizer employed approximately 97,900 employees across the globe.41
In 2007, Pfizer Global Manufacturing, a global man ufacturing site in the U.K., was recognized for their Explorer training program. The Explorer program was a year long and covered team dynamics that included pur pose, leadership, motivation, meetings, and the environ ment, among other topics. For each of the four training segments, there were pre-workshop activities, two-day workshops, post-workshop assignments, and a follow-up workshop.42
Pfizer also uses traditional techniques to develop their personnel. Employees are expected to collaborate with their direct leaders to create individual develop ment plans. They have also implemented a tool called Mentor Match. It is designed to allow employees to volunteer as a mentor or search for mentors with cer tain characteristics. Managers are encouraged to give frequent and in -depth performance appraisals in lieu of the standard annual review process. Pfizer also uses short-and medium-term job rotations or projects to help further the development of their employees.43
Organizational Culture Upon taking charge of Pfizer in 2010, Read soon discov ered that many of the processes in place at Pfizer were broken. The process for FDA drug applications was so bad that the FDA sometimes refused to even review submitted applications. Read demanded answers, and the only answer he received was that everyone knew the application didn't meet the required quality standards, but nobody was willing to speak out about it. Read's response was to hand every employee a gold coin with the words "Straight Talk" on one side and "OWNIT!" on the other side. It was Read's way of empowering his employees to speak up to their boss when they believe they are wrong, but above all, to create accountability.44 Since then, OWNIT! has become ingrained in Pfizer's culture.45
Mission, Purpose, and Values46
Pfizer's mission is: "To be the premier, innovative bio pharmaceutical companf'
Pfizer's purpose is: "Innovate to bring therapies to patients that significantly improve their lives:'
Pfizer's core values are: "Customer focus; Community; Respect for people; Performance; Collaboration; Leadership; Integrity; Quality; Innovation:'
Operations & Supply Chain Each of the Innovative Products and Established Products businesses is led by a single manager respon sible for both commercial productivity and research and development activities that meet proof-of-concept requirements. The Innovative Products Business is tasked with development and commercialization of new medicines and vaccines. The Established Products Business focuses on branded generic medicines and leg acy brands that have lost or will lose market exclusivity in the short term. Both businesses have geographic foot prints that span developed and emerging markets.47
Pfizer has a truly global supply chain network with 64 internal manufacturing facilities, over 200 supply chain partners, and 134 logistics centers in 2015. Pfizer claims to have over 850 major product groups. Due to the high demands for traceability, Pfizer employs a seri alization program across its supply chain. Pfizer also uses their Highly Orchestrated Supply Network (HOSuN) to connect inventory, transportation, logistics and its asso ciated security, compliance, environmental health and safety, and other functions into a truly integrated system. They also use HoSuN for business continuity risk assess ment and resolution. 48
Manufacturing pharmaceuticals can be extremely complex. For example, the vaccine known as Prevenar 13 was produced for the one-billionth-time in 2015. According to Pfizer, manufacturing Prevenar 13 includes the participation of 1700 employees, 678 quality tests, 400 different raw materials, and 580 steps in manufac turing, over 2 years.49
Pfizer earned 56% of its 2015 revenue from oper ations outside the United States, which represented $27.1 billion. Japan is the second largest market, behind the United States.50
Marketing and Distribution Pfizer promotes its products within the global biophar maceutical business to healthcare providers and patients. Pfizer's marketing organization is responsible for educating a wealth of stakeholders regarding product approved uses, benefits, and risks. Pfizer employs a direct-to-consumer advertising campaign in the U.S.; this provides similar information and suggests that interested customers have discussions with their doctor. Pfizer's "Global Consumer Healthcare business uses its own sales and marketing orga nizations to promote its products and occasionally uses dis tributors in smaller markets:' Television, digital, print, and in-store media are all used to advertise to consumers.51
In the U.S., all products must be approved by the FDA prior to any marketing campaigns. The FDA oversight
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includes "regulations that govern the testing, manu facturing, safety, efficacy, labeling and storage of our products, record keeping, advertising, and promotion:' 52
There are also several federal and state laws that were enacted to prevent fraud and abuse, including false claim and anti-kickback laws. Pfizer encounters "similar reg ulatory and legislative issues in most other countries:'53
Pfizer has been criticized in the past regarding some of its foreign marketing practices. In August 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission fined Pfizer $45 million dollars for violating the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In order to secure regulatory approval, sales, and increased prescriptions, several subsidiaries of Pfizer had been bribing foreign officials. The bribes had been concealed under marketing and promotion expenses in the accounting records. Pfizer reported the violations voluntarily in 2004 and subsequently imple mented anti-corruption training.54
From a distribution perspective, prescription pharma ceutical products primarily are sold primarily to wholesal ers. In 2015, the "top three biopharmaceutical wholesalers accounted for approximately 34% of our total revenues (and 74% of total U.S. revenues):'55 Pfizer also does some
Exhibit 2 Pfizer Income Statements
Income Statement [Abstract]
Part 4: Case Studies
direct shipments to retailers, hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics. For its vaccines, Pfizer "primarily sell[s] directly to individual provider offices, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and wholesalers:' 56
Financial Condition
Over the past five years, Pfizer's revenues have been steadily decreasing, reducing net income to a five-year low of $6.96 billion. A decrease in revenue from con tinuing operations is the primary cause of the decrease in revenues. The spin-off of Zoetis had a compound ing effect on both the decrease in revenues and cost of sales post 2013. Current assets were steady over the past three years; however, there was a recent dip in short term investments. Goodwill is increasing, reflecting the premiums paid for acquisitions in recent years. Pfizer's short-term borrowing has increased almost twofold in the past five years. Overall, Pfizer's balance sheet has been fairly steady the past two years, but Pfizer's total liabilities are slightly higher and its total equity slightly lower in 2015 compared to 2014. Both of these years are lower compared to pre-Zoetis spin-off levels. 57 Exhibits 2 and 3 contain detailed Pfizer financial information.
Revenues I $48,851 I $49,605 $51,584 $ 58,986 $65,259 Costs and expenses:
Cost of sales 9,648 9,577 9,586 11,334 14,076
Selling, informational, and administrative expenses 14,809 14,097 14,355 16,616 18,832
Research and development expenses 7,690 8,393 6,678 7,870 9,074
Amortization of intangible assets 3,728 4,039 4,599 5,175 5,544
Restructuring charges and certain acquisition-related costs 1,152 250 1,182 1,880 2,930
Other (income)/deductions-net 2,860 1,009 (532) 4,031 2,499
Income from continuing operations before provision 8,965 12,240 15,716 12,080 12,304
for taxes on income
Provision for taxes on income 1,990 3,120 4,306 2,562 3,909
Income from continuing operations 6,975 9,119 11,410 9,518 8,395
Discontinued operations:
Income from discontinued operations-net of tax 17 (6) 308 297 350
Gain/(loss) on disposal of discontinued operations-net of tax (6) 55 10,354 4,783 1,304
Discontinued operations-net of tax 11 48 10,662 5,080 1,654
Net income before allocation to noncontrolling interests 6,986 9,168 22,072 14,598 10,049
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests 26 32 69 28 40
Net income attributable to pfizer Inc. $ 6,96 0 $9,135 $22,003 $14,570 $10,009
Source: Pfizer Annual Reports.
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Case 12: Pfizer C-169
Exhibit 3 Pfizer Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets-USD ($) $ in Millions 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,641 $ 3,343 $ 2,183 $ 10,081 $ 3,182
Short-term investments 19,649 32,779 30,225 22,318 23,270
Trade accounts receivable, less allowance 8,176 8,401 9,357 10,675 13,058
for doubtful accounts
Inventories 7,513 5,663 6,166 6,076 6,610
Current tax assets 2,662 2,566 4,624 6,170 9,380
Other current assets 2,163 2,843 3,613 3,567 5,317
Assets of discontinued operations and other 76 5,944
assets held for sale
Total current assets 43,804 55,595 56,244 64,831 60,817
Long-term investments 15,999 17,518 16,406 14,149 9,814
Property, plant and equipment, less accumulated 13,766 11,762 12,397 13,213 15,921
Identifiable intangible assets, less accumulated 40,356 35,166 39,385 45,146 51,184
Goodwill 48,242 42,069 42,519 43,661 44,569
Noncurrent deferred tax assets and other 1,794 1,944 1,554 1,565 5,697
noncurrent tax assets
Other noncurrent assets 3,499 3,513 3,596 3,233
Total assets $167,460 $167,566 $172,101 $185,798 $188,002
Liabilities and Equity
Short-term borrowings, including current portion $10,160 $5,141 $6,027 $6,424 $4,016
of long-term debt
Trade accounts payable 3,620 3,210 3,234 2,921 3,678
Dividends payable 1,852 1,711 1,663 1,733 1,796
Income taxes payable 418 531 678 979 1,009
Accrued compensation and related items 2,359 1,841 1,792 1,875 2,120
Other current liabilities 10,990 9,153 9,951 13,812 15,066
Liabilities of discontinued operations 21 1,442 1,224
Total current liabilities 29,399 21,587 23,366 29,186 28,909
Long-term debt 28,818 31,541 30,462 31,036 34,926
Pension benefit obligations, net 6,310 7,885 4,635 7,782 6,355
Postretirement benefit obligations, net 1,809 2,379 2,668 3,491 3,344
Noncurrent deferred tax liabilities 26,877 23,317 25,590 21,193 18,861
Other taxes payable 3,992 4,353 3,993 6,581 6,886
Other noncurrent liabilities 5,257 4,883 4,767 4,851 6,100
Total liabilities 102,463 95,944 95,481 104,120 105,381
Commitments and contingencies
Preferred stock, no par value, at stated value $ 26 $ 29 $ 33 $ 39 $ 45
Common stock 459 455 453 448 445
Additional paid-in capital 81,016 78,977 77,283 72,608 71,423
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C-170 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 3 (cont.) Pfizer Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets-USD ($) $ in Millions 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Employee benefit trusts
Treasury stock, shares at cost (79,252)
Retained earnings 71,993
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (9,522)
Total Ptizer Inc. shareholders' equity 64,720
Equity attributable to noncontrolling interests 278
Total equity 64,998
Total liabilities and equity
Source: Pfizer Annual Reports.
Competitive Landscape
Major Competitors
The pharmaceutical industry invests heavily in research and clinical trials and relies on obtaining FDA approval and patent protection for its products to ensure prolonged profits while the next "miracle" drug is under research. There are high payoffs when a drug is successfully brought to market; but there also great costs, in the form of massive time and monetary investments for failures, if it is not. Among Pfizer's largest competitors are Merck, Novartis, Bristol-Myers, and Johnson & Johnson. 58 Exhibit 4 contains some comparative financial ratios for these competitors.
Merck & Co. (MRK). Merck & Co. was founded in 1891 and had $39.SB in 2015 revenues, making it one of the largest pharmaceuticals companies in the world today. The cholesterol-lowering drug branded Zetia, which is Merck's 2nd largest revenue generator, is a direct com petitor to Pfizer's drug Lipitor (patent expired in 2011). Zetia is selling at a rate of nearly $3 billion a year, whereas Lipitor is generating $1.86B.59
Major Acquisitions60:
1993: Merck acquired Medco Containment Services, Inc. ($6B)
2009: Schering-Plough merged with Merck & Co. ($41B merger)
2014: Merck acquired Cubist Pharmaceuticals ($8.4B)
Novartis AG (NVS). Founded in 1996 in Switzerland, Novartis AG is the pharmaceutical industry's world leader in sales, generating $50.4B in 2015 reve nues. Novartis has several oncology products in the
(73,021) (67,923) (40,122) (31,801)
72,176 69,732 54,240 46,210
(7,316) (3,271) (5,953) (4,129)
71,301 76,307 81,260 82,190
321 313 418 431
71,622 76,620 81,678 82.621
$167,566 $172,101 $185,798 $188,002
pipeline that will directly compete with Pfizer phar maceuticals. Currently its best sellers are prescription treatments for cancer, multiple sclerosis, and macular degeneration. 61
Major Acquisitions62:
1999: Formed by merger with Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz Laboratories
2005: Acquired Hexal and Eon Labs ($8.29B) 2006: Acquired Chiron Corp. ($5.lB) 2010: Acquired Alcon ($39.3B) 2012: Acquired Fougera Pharmaceuticals ($1.5B)
Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY). Bristol-Myers Squibb was founded in New York in 1887 and had $18.8B in 2015 revenues. They produce the market-leading antipsychotic drug, Abilify, which is widely used for treating schizophrenia. Bristol-Myers Squibb, like the majority of pharmaceuticals companies, derives the bulk of its profits from a limited number of expen sive specialty drugs or much wider market spread of cheaper drugs.63
Major Acquisitions64:
2009: Acquired Medarex 2010: Acquired ZymoGenetics 2015: Acquired Flexus Biosciences ($1.25B) and
Cardioxyl ($2B) 2016: Acquired Padlock Therapeutics ($600M) &
Cormorant Pharmaceuticals ($520M)
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ). Founded in 1886, Johnson & Johnson is an American multinational med ical devices, pharmaceutical ( 40% by revenues) and consumer packaged goods manufacturer. Besides over the-counter products for self-treatment and at-home medication, Johnson & Johnson produces high-priced
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Case 12: Pfizer
Exhibit 4 Comparative Financial Ratios
Bristol-Myers Johnson &
Pfizer Merck Novartis S quibb Johnson
Research over Revenue% 15.74 16.97 17.73 35.79 12.91
Revenue INR Mil 48,851 39,498 50,387 16,560 70,074
Gross Margin % 80.3 62.2 65.5 76.4 69.3
Operating Income INR Mil 11,824 6,928 8,977 1,890 18,065
Operating Margin % 24.2 17.5 17.8 11.4 25.8
Net Income INR Mil 6,960 4,442 17,783 1,565 15,409
Earnings Per Share INR 1.11 1.56 7.29 0.93 5.48
Dividends INR 1.12 1.81 2.67 1.49 2.95
Payout Ratio % * 82.7 48.4 77.7 139.6 55.6
Shares Mil 6,257 2,841 2,403 1,679 2,813
Book Value Per Share* INR 10.82 16.39 32.31 9.08 25.86
Operating Cash Flow INR Mil 14,512 12,421 11,897 1,832 19,279
Cap Spending INR Mil -1,496 -1,283 -3,505 -820 -3,463
Free Cash Flow INR Mil 13,016 11,138 8,392 1,012 15,816
Free Cash Flow Per Share* INR 2.22 1.65 3.97 0.64 5.3
Working Capital INR Mil 14,405 10,561 -863 2,398 32,463
Tax Rate% 22.2
Net Margin% 14.25
Asset Turnover (Average) 0.29
Return on Assets % 4.13
Financial Leverage (Average) 2.59
Return on Equity % 10.24
Return on Invested Capital% 7.11
Interest Coverage 8.48
Source: Morningstar.com
specialty drugs used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, prostate cancer, and HIV/AIDS.65
Major Acquisitions66:
2006: Acquired consumer healthcare business of Pfizer ($16.6B)
2013: Acquired Aragon Pharma ($1B) 2014: Alios BioPharma, Inc ($1.75B)
External Environment
The pharmaceutical industry is heavily influenced by legal, political, and technological forces. Societal views on issues such as drug pricing and tax eva sion have created demand for increased government regulation.
17.44 13.6 21.47 19.73
11.25 35.29 9.45 21.99
0.39 0.39 0.51 0.53
4.44 13.84 4.78 11.65
2.28 1.71 2.23 1.88
9.52 24.06 10.75 21.87
6.74 19.28 7.83 17.55
9.04 13.16 12.29 35.78
Regulation In the U.S., pharmaceutical companies are under the reg ulation granted to the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA has primarily provided oversight over pharma ceutical product quality through two actions: reviewing drug applications and inspecting factories for compli ance with good manufacturing practices. In an effort to reduce recognized shortcomings, such as high levels of product recalls, shortages of critical drugs, and lim ited inspection efforts, the FDA created an Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ) in January 2015. The OPQ was created to enhance oversight of drug quality for all pharmaceuticals.67 Its mission is to assure supply of quality drugs to the American market, use enhanced science and risk-based methods, leverage quantitative
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and expert assessments for product oversight, encourage development and adoption of new technologies, and "provide seamless integration of review inspection, sur veillance, policy, and research across the product life cycle�' 68
FDA oversight impacts several areas of the value chain. For example, the FDA increased the importance of audit trails of information in manufacturing when 21 CFR part 11 came into effect. The update requires anyone designing, manufacturing, or testing pharma ceuticals to follow the guidelines. This encouraged man ufacturers to keep better electronic records to include timestamps, validation, and signatures. 21 CFR part 11 was built unto the National Drug Code (NDC), which was passed in 2007. The NDC required manufacturers to use a serialized code on the product to improve trace ability throughout the supply chain post-manufacturer.69
Affordable Care Act In 2014, the Internal Revenue Service issued final regulations for the Branded Prescription Drug Fee (BPD), an annual non-tax deductible fee imposed on branded prescription drug manufacturers, which was included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The new legislation requires government funded drug programs to report yearly prescription drug sales data to the Department of Treasury. The reporting programs include: Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. The branded prescription drug fee is allocated to man ufacturers based on their relative percentage of total reported prescription drug sales.70 The total 2014 BPD fee, according to the IRS fee schedule, was $3 billion Pfizer's portion was approximately $220 million, which was paid in 2015.71
The ACA also amended the Public Health Service (PHS) Act to expedite FDA approval of biosimilars drugs that are generic versions of FDA-approved biologic products. A manufacturer must show clinical evidence that a new product is "highly similar" in effectiveness to an FDA-approved reference biologic. Once the FDA receives the trial data for a biosimilar, the ACA allows the FDA to pursue a fast-track approval process. Prior to 2010, no biosimilar products had been approved by the FDA.72 As of August 2016, three biosimilar products had been approved.73
Drug Pricing Concerns Public outrage over increasing drug prices came to a head recently, with many scandals receiving national
Part 4: Case Studies
headline attention. One such incident occurred when Turing Pharmaceuticals raised the price of Daraprim-a drug used predominantly by AIDS patients and pregnant women-from $13.50 to $750 per pill, over a 5,000% increase.74 Another such incident involved Mylan, the company that manufacturers the injector EpiPen, which contains a drug used to treat life-threatening allergy attacks (a drug Pfizer manufacturers). Mylan increased the price of EpiPen from $265 to over $600 in less than three years.75 Many believe the increase was in response to a settlement agreement in 2012 under which Mylan agreed to allow a generic competitor to enter the market in 2015.
The rising cost of healthcare in the United States is a growing concern among voters, and societal pres sures are seeing health care reform and regulation on drug prices reaching political platforms and ballots across the country. Political lobbyists on both sides are spending millions of dollars to influence the outcome of such initiatives. One such initiative, Proposition 61 in California, would limit the amount that state agencies pay for prescription drugs to that of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which normally receives a 20 to 25% discount on its prescription drug prices. Pfizer donated more than $9.4 million to politi cal action groups in opposition to Prop 61, and in total pharmaceutical companies contributed $109 million (Merck & Co. $9.4 million and Johnson & Johnson $9.3 million).76
Looking Forward
Ian Read has been at Pfizer's helm for the past six years. With the patent expiration for Lipitor behind him, the best-selling drug in history is no longer contributing as much to Pfizer's bottom line. Is the firm still capa ble of delivering a sustainable pipeline of profitable drugs, or are major changes to strategy and operations necessary? And is Pfizer's opportunity for significant inversions over with the failed takeover attempts of both AstraZeneca and Allergan? To add to these issues, drug pricing scandals and healthcare reform have cre ated an environment of active political reform. How can Pfizer navigate the upcoming challenges that grow ing societal discontent with "big pharma" and the ris ing cost of healthcare present? Do these threats also provide opportunities? How can Pfizer best be posi tioned for growth and profitability in this challenging business environment?
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Case 12: Pfizer C-173
1. Herper, M. 2015. Innovation's Accountant. 16. Pfizer. 2014. Annual Review 2014. New York, 34. Pfizer. 2016. Pfizer Expands R&D Equity
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14. Pfizer to reorganize business units. New /pfizer-allergan-merger/76248478/, 52. Ibid.
York Business Journal (Online). July 29, 2013. Accessed October 20, 2016. 53. Ibid.
http://www.bizjournals.com/newyork 32. Carroll, Stuart. 2009. Goodbye blockbuster 54. Big pharma placed in malpractice spotlight.
/news/2013/07 /29/pfizer-to-reorg an ize medicines; hello new pharmaceutical 2012. Pharmaceutical Technology Europe,
-business-units.html business models. The Pharmaceutical Journal 24(9), 8.
15. Armstrong, Drew. Pfizer Splits Up (Online). http://www.pharmaceutical 55. Pfizer Inc. 2015. 2015 Financial Report. New
Operations Ahead of Possible Breakup. -journal.com/opinion/comment/goodbye York, NY: Pfizer Inc.
Bloomberg (Online). http://www -blockbuster-medicines-hello-new 56. Ibid.
.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-07-29 -pharmaceutical-business-models/10966185 57. Ibid.
/pfizer-to-split-internal-operations-ahead .fullarticle, Accessed November 10, 2016. 58. Ibid .
-of-possible-breakup. Accessed November 33. Pfizer. 2015. Pfizer Inc: Venture Investments. 59. Merck & Co. 2015. 2015 Annual Report.
4,2016. Pfizer.com Whitestation, NJ: Merck & Co. Inc.
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C-174 Part 4: Case Studies
60. Vij, Ravi. 2016. Pharma industry Merger -merger-a nd-acq u isitio n-a nalysi s 73. Hawana, Joanne and Kuyers, Sarah
and Acquisition Analysis 1995 to 2015. -1995-2015/, Accessed October 20, 2016. Beth S. 2016. Biosimilar FDA Approvals on the
Revenues and Profits (Online). http:// 67. FDA. FDA Pharmaceutical Quality Horizon As More States Enact Substitution
revenuesandprofits.com/pharma-industry Oversight. One Quality Voice. http://www Laws. Healthlawpolicymatters.com .
-merger-and-acquisition-a na lys is-1995 . fda.gov/downloads/AboutFDA/CentersOffices August 31. https://www.healthlawpolicymatters
-2015/, Accessed October 20, 2016. /OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/CDER .com/2016/08/30/biosimilar-fda-approvals
61. Novartis. 2015. 2015 Annual Report. Basel, /UCM442666.pdf -on-the-horizon/, Accessed November 5,
Switzerland: Novartis International AG. 68. Yu, Lawrence X., and Janet Woodcock. 2016.
62. Vij, Ravi. 2016. Pharma industry Merger FDA Pharmaceutical Quality Oversight. 74. Why the drug price scandal won't be
and Acquisition Analysis 1995 to 2015. International Journal of Pharmaceuticals, enough to keep down prices. 2016. Fortune
Revenues and Profits (Online). http:// 491(1-2): 2-7. (Online). http://fortune.com/2015/10/26
revenuesandprofits.com/pharma-industry 69. European Automation. 2014. How FDA /drug-prices-daraprim-turing-scandal/,
-merger-a nd-acq u is it ion-a na lysis-1995-2015/, regulations are shaping the pharmaceutical Accessed November 4, 2016.
Accessed October 20, 2016. manufacturing sector. PACE. http://newman 75 . Tuttle, Brad. 2016. Why the EpiPen Price
63. Bristol-Myers Squibb. 2015 Annual Report. . richmond.edu:2048/login ?url=http:// Scandal Sums Up Everything We Hate
New York, NY: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. search.proquest.com.newman About Big Business & Politics. Yahoo Finance
64. Vij, Ravi. 2016. Pharma industry Merger . richmond.edu:2048/docview (Online). September 21. http://finance .
and Acquisition Analysis 1995 to 2015. /1628839996?accountid=14731 yahoo.com/news/why-epipen
Revenues and Profits (Online). http:// 70. IRS. Annual Fee on Branded prescription -price-scandal-sums-162803743.html,
revenuesandprofits.com/pharma-industry Drug Manufacturers and Importers. https:// Accessed Nov. 4, 2016.
-merger-and-acquisition-a na lys is www.irs.gov/businesses/corporations 76. Rowan, Harriett Blair. 2016. Drug Companies
-1995-2015/, Accessed October 20, 2016. /annual-fee-on-branded-prescription-drug spend $109 million to blaock vote to
65. Johnson & Johnson. 2015 Annual Report. -manufacturers-and-importers lower drug prices. MarketWatch (Online).
New Brunswick, NJ: Johnson & Johnson Inc. 71. Pfizer Inc. 2015. 2015 Financial Report. New November 6. http://www.marketwatch.
66. Vij, Ravi. 2016. Pharma industry Merger York, NY: Pfizer Inc. com/story/drug-companies-spend
and Acquisition Analysis 1995 to 2015. 72. PwC. 2015. 2015 Health Research Institute -109-million-to-block-vote-to-lower
Revenues and Profits (Online). http:// Annual Report. London, United Kingdom: -drug-prices-2016-11-06, Accessed
revenuesandprofits.com/pharma-industry PricewaterhouseCoopers. November 10, 2016.
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Case 13: Publix Supermarkets, Inc.
Publix Supermarkets, Inc.
January 2018
Shortly after being named as CEO in 2016, the Publix Board of Directors authorized Todd Jones to move forward with opening ten new stores in the highly competitive Richmond, Virginia market.1 The company's expansions out of its home market of Florida have paid off handsomely so far, with Publix now a close number 3 in market share in Georgia and gaining on its competition in Tennessee.2 Stressing ser vice and a unique store experience, Jones believed Publix would remind Richmond shoppers of the now-shuttered, ser vice-oriented Ukrop's Super Markets and allow the company to quickly gain market share at the expense of its grocery nemeses, Walmart and Kroger. However, Richmond also marked the first time Publix would face Wegmans, a grocer with a similar background and focus on service, as well as a new European arrival, Lidl.3 Would the expansion work?
Company Background
George Jenkins opened the first Publix supermarket in Winter Haven, Florida, on September 6, 1930, in the midst of the Great Depression. 4 The story of Publix's inception has become corporate lore, an anecdote to explain the company's devotion to its employees. As the story goes, Jenkins was a successful manager at a Piggly Wiggly in Winter Haven. However, when Piggly Wiggly's new cor porate owner refused an audience with Jenkins, who had driven eight hours to see him, Jenkins left in disgust, and resolved to start a rival store upon his return to Florida.5
Jenkins' single small grocery store has grown dramat ically in the decades since. By the end of 2016, revenue surpassed $34 billion and Publix operated 1,136 super markets located primarily in the southeastern United States, with this number reaching 1,161 by November of 2017 (a store breakdown appears at Exhibit 1). 6 In addition to its stores, the company maintains nine dis tribution centers (seven of which are in Florida) and eleven manufacturing plants (nine in Florida, two in Georgia) producing dairy goods, fresh foods, and bakery items.7 Eighty-five percent of revenue is derived from
-ROBINS ScbooltiBu in
traditional grocery sales, which includes dairy, produce, meat, and seafood, with the remaining 15% coming from health and beauty care, general merchandise, pharmacy, floral, and other products and services. Publix offers cus tomers nationally recognized brands as well as private labels and relies on its own distribution centers for the majority of its product offerings.8
One of Publix's greatest strengths is its customer service-it has ranked number one among supermar kets on the American Consumer Satisfaction Index for 14 straight years.9 The company's longstanding motto captures this focus: "Where Shopping is a Pleasure:' Publix, as an employee-owned company, also boasts strong employee satisfaction, as it has been one of Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work for in America for 19 straight years.10 Publix is also identified as one of the most socially responsible companies in America, ranking second overall (right behind Wegman's) and second among Millennials (just behind Tesla Motors) in a recent Harris poll.11
Business and Strategies
Publix operates in the highly competitive retail food industry. Its 1,136 supermarkets are located in the southeast and mid-Atlantic regions of the country Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and, as of 2017, Virginia.
Operational Strategy The company's core strategies focus on customer ser vice, product quality, shopping environment, competi tive pricing, and convenient locations. Publix believes its focus on these areas has been critical to the company's success. Further, management believes continued focus in these areas is the key to differentiation, sustained mar ket share, and financial growth in an increasingly com petitive industry.12
Customer Service. Publix is renowned for its "relentless focus on pleasing customers:'13 Jenkins, the
Written by Jeffrey S. Harrison, Morgan Owdom, Duncan Pitchford, Alex Stratton and Brian Warren at the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. Copyright © Jeffrey S. Harrison. This case was written for the purpose of classroom discussion. It is not to be duplicated or cited in any form without the copyright holder's express permission. For permission to reproduce or cite this case, contact Jeff Harrison at [email protected]. In your message, state your name, affiliation and the intended use of the case. Permission for classroom use will be granted free of charge. Other cases are available at: http:// robins. richmond.ed u/ centers/ case-network.html
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Exhibit 1 Store Locations
Store locations
As of November 1, 2017
Location Map
■ Florida
■ Georgia
■ Alabama
■ South Carolina
■ Tennessee
■ North Carolina
■ Virginia
*Source: Publix Super Markets, Inc. Locations. http://store.publix.com/publix, Accessed November 22, 2017.
Part 4: Case Studies
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Case 13: Publix Supermarkets, Inc.
company's founder, called on each Publix employee to "make each customer's day a little bit better because they met you:'14 That mantra continues to shape the behav ior of Publix employees even today. Employees practice Publix's 10-foot and IO-second rules, speaking to and smiling at everyone with 10 feet and greeting customers within the first 10 seconds of their arrival in a depart ment.15 And, instead of giving customers aisle numbers to find an item, Publix employees are trained to get the item for the customer. To ensure shoppers move quickly through checkout, Publix implemented a "two-customer per-line goal" enforced by the company's proprietary, predictive staffing software.16 While a visit to almost any other grocer means carrying out your own grocer ies, at Publix "[w]e pride ourselves on our outstanding customer service. That service includes taking your groceries to your vehicle:'17 However, the additional cus tomer service offered by Publix leads to high operating costs relative to industry peers.18 Contrary to industry norms, Publix doesn't have a loyalty program. The com pany has stated repeatedly that it eschews loyalty pro grams because "every customer deserves the best we have to offer:'19
Product Quality. As part of its efforts to please its customers, Publix places considerable emphasis on prod uct quality. Like many of its competitors, Publix offers a number of private-label products, with the company utilizing three different house brands. Its "Publix" brand is its basic offering, with "Publix Greenwise" focused on organic and natural offerings and its "Publix Premium'' for higher price point products.20
Shopping Environment. Publix also focuses on the cleanliness and appearance of its stores, constantly refreshing stores with 156 supermarkets remodeled in 2016 alone.21 This is a continuation of the compa ny's recent strategy of renovating over 10% of its stores annually, with 154 remodels completed in 2015 and 138 in 2014.22 As Publix completes these projects, it is also prioritizing convenience and sustainability. Beyond the Publix bakery and deli, renovated stores feature a phar macy, a floral department and, appearing in at least 20 locations in 2017, a Starbucks cafe.23 Outside of the store, Publix is reminding customers of its commitment to the environment by offering curbside recycling and charging stations for electric vehicles.24
Competitive Pricing. Publix freely acknowledges that it focuses on service over price. 25 However, it does not ignore price, and when compared against some of its rivals, its prices are actually lower. Publix also offers
a number of savings opportumtles, such as digital coupons, and is well known for its Buy One-Get One (BOGO) promotions.26 The company is seen as sub stituting a combination of digital coupons and BOGO promotions for the loyalty programs used by many large rivals such as Kroger.27
Convenient Locations. Publix supermarkets are often located in strip shopping centers where Publix is the anchor tenant. On occasion, Publix will enter into joint ventures with real estate developers in the devel opment of these shopping centers. Publix owns the land and real estate at 274 of its 1,136 locations. The company owns the building while leasing the land at 57 locations. The remaining supermarkets are leased, with renewals scheduled within 20 years. Publix supermarkets range in size from 28,000 to 61,000 square feet, allowing the company to operate in more locations than some of its competitors. 28
Growth Strategy. Organic growth is rare in the gro cery industry. Oftentimes organic growth does not result in success due to already saturated markets with estab lished local brands as well as a void in accessible, quality real estate.29 Nonetheless, Publix enjoyed considerable success through a deliberate strategy of organic growth, first in its home Florida market and then northward through the Southeast. The company is now expanding into its seventh state, Virginia, in 2017.
Innovation Strategy. Although some observers critique Publix for focusing too much on continued expansion of its brick and mortar footprint, Publix is not ignoring the trends in online grocery purchasing and grocery delivery.30 Even though an earlier attempt at grocery delivery (Publix Direct) failed in 2003, in 2016 Publix began testing a grocery delivery service through Instacart. Today, Publix offers grocery delivery through Instacart in as little as two hours to customers who live in areas surrounding more than half its stores. By 2020, the company plans to offer Instacart services from all of its stores.31 Beyond helping time-starved customers with grocery delivery, Publix is expanding its Online Easy Ordering (OEO) service. Now, over 200 bakery and deli items such as custom cakes can be ordered through the Publix website and picked up at a local store.32
Publix has also made significant investments in the meal-kit and meal takeaway space. Its "Aprons" product line includes recipes with shopping information tailored to the store, cooking classes offered in the store in sev eral locations, and now pre-made meal kits available in
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several Publix locations in Florida. 33 Unlike some com petitive offerings, Publix tailors its meal kit offerings to different levels of cooking experience, with simple reheat options for more complicated preparations.34
Inside Publix
Key Executives CEO, Randall Todd Jones, Sr. Todd Jones was named CEO when Ed Crenshaw stepped down after 8 years leading Publix. Jones has worked at Publix for 36 years, starting his career as a store clerk. He worked in a number of positions within the company on his way to the CEO role, most recently serving as President of Publix since 2008. 35 Although Jones is the first non-family member to lead Publix, he is seen as extremely knowledgeable and is well-respected within the company.36
Chairman, William E. Crenshaw. Ed Crenshaw is the grandson of Publix's founder, George Jenkins. Crenshaw has worked for Publix for 42 years and served as the CEO from 2008 to 2016. Upon stepping down as CEO, Crenshaw transitioned to the Chairman for the Publix board of directors. 37 Like Jones, Crenshaw's career with the company began as a clerk, and he worked his way through the company en route to the corner office. Crenshaw spent a portion of his executive career with the company outside of Florida, leading Publix's entrance into the Georgia market during the 1990s.38
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, David R. Phillips. Similarly to Jones and Crenshaw, David Phillips is a career Publix employee, starting as an internal auditor with the company in 1984. Phillips has held a number of financial roles within Publix, including controller and treasurer, before being promoted to CFO in 1999. With the elevation of Todd Jones to CEO, the Publix board gave additional respon sibilities to Phillips and promoted him to executive vice president.39
Senior Vice President, Alison M. Smith. Alison Smith joined Publix in 1995 in a part-time role, before rising through the senior human resources ranks with stints as director of employment and staffing beginning in 1999 and director of organizational development in 2004. She has a PhD in industrial/organizational psy chology, and was recently promoted by Jones to provide strategic oversight of human resources, customer care & social media, and media & community relations.40
Part 4: Case Studies
Vice President, Omnichannel and Application Development, Erik Katenkamp. Erik Katenkamp joined Publix in 1995 from the aerospace industry. With a background in industrial engineering, Katenkamp has served in a number of IT-related roles at Publix, including IT business manager, director of application delivery, and vice president of information systems.41
Katenkamp's position was newly created by the com pany in August of 2017, as Publix took steps toward strengthening its digital offerings and more thoroughly integrating them within its shopping experience. 42
Omnichannel is a multichannel approach to retailing that helps a consumer experience a seamless shop ping experience, whether shopping online or from a traditional store.
Vice President of Real Estate Assets, William Rayburn. Woody Rayburn started with Publix in 1993 as a business analyst. He transitioned to an asset man ager role in 2000, becoming director of real estate assets in 2003. In 2017, Jones elevated Rayburn to a vice pres ident position,43 reflecting both confidence in Rayburn and the fact that the company's real estate activities have grown tremendously, with the total amount of real prop erty owned by the company having tripled over the last decade.44
Employee Owned With over 180,000 employees, Publix is the nation's larg est employee-owned company.45 Company stock is made available only to current employees and the company's Board of Directors. The employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) contains provisions prohibiting any transfer for value without the owner first offering the common stock to the company. Market price of the company's common stock is determined by its Board of Directors, who derive the value based on competitor's financials and how they relate to Publix, as well as comparing competitors' com mon stock price.
As of February 2017, there were 179,000 unique hold ers of record of Publix common stock.46 Over time, the ESOP has proven astoundingly successful, with over a fifteen percent average annual return since its incep tion in 1974.47 In addition to a great benefit for employ ees, research states that employee ownership can boost corporate profits by as much as 4%.48 Some observers have noted that Publix's ESOP ownership structure, and its people-first management style, may be its greatest strength.49
Beyond its positive effects on employee engagement and retention, the ESOP structure has also served as an
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Case 13: Publix Supermarkets, Inc.
effective deterrent to employees unionizing and poten tially threatening the Publix mission. The company's feelings on unions are overtly addressed in its employee handbook-"owners don't need unions:•so
Human Resources One of Publix's top corporate strategic priorities is investing in its employees, or associates, as they are referred to within the organization. In addition to being an ESOP where employees have the exclusive option to invest in the company they work for, each Publix asso ciate is surveyed annually for feedback on leadership, business tools, compensation packages, and policies. 51
Associates are encouraged to take advantage of educa tional programs to help achieve the company's business objectives as well as enhance one's skills and knowledge. Dedication, commonly referred to in the company as "bleeding green;' is also rewarded with compensation increases as well as options for growth within the orga nization. All staffers who have put in 1,000 work hours per year receive an additional 8.5% of their total pay in the form of Publix stock.
Publix promotes from within and each store dis plays an advancement chart that highlights how each associate can become a manager. Associates are encour aged to rotate to various business segments within the organization, including but not limited to real estate, grocery, and distribution. 52 With the focus Publix places on its associates, it has received national atten tion regularly as a top performer in many metrics, the most recent of which are shown in Exhibit 2. Perhaps the most telling of all, Publix's annual employee turn over rate is 5%. Its industry peers can experience turnover as high as 65%. 53
Exhibit 2 2016 Awards and Recognitions
Fortune's 100 Best Workplaces for Millennials
Fortune and the Great Place to Work lnstitute's 15 Best
Workplaces in Retail
Fortune's Most Important Private Companies
Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For in America for
19 consecutive years
Fortune's Most Admired Companies for 23 consecutive years
J.D. Power & Associates - highest-ranking pharmacy in
overall satisfaction in the supermarket segment eight of the
last 10 years
Glassdoor's Candidates' Choice Awards: so Best Places
to Interview
·Source: Publix Super Markets, Inc. Company Overview: Awards and Achievements.
http://corporate.publix.com/about -publix/company-overview /awards-achievements,
Accessed November 22, 2017.
Organizational Culture Publix has embraced a stakeholder theory approach to management. Its corporate structure elevates its "asso ciates" (employees) to the position of owner and share holder. Its mission statement and business strategies put the customer front and center. The company's charitable arm, Publix Charities, gives back to local communities. And, its sustainability efforts like annual greenhouse gas inventories, smart irrigation systems, curbside recycling, and charging stations for electric vehicles are becoming commonplace at Publix locations. 54
With all things-operations, working conditions, productivity, products, ser vice, etc.-Publix applies a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) philoso phy. The methodologies used to accomplish CQI goals are: Work Improvement Now (WIN), which creates an expectation for employees to immediately improve their own processes; and Quality Improvement Process (QIP), which sets the same expectation but at the department and company level.55
The Publix culture doesn't just encourage feedback and continuous improvement. Each employee is said to have a responsibility, as an owner of the company, to improve the way stores are run each day. An open door policy and an annual staff survey (Associate Voice Survey) are just two of the strategies employed by Publix to facilitate feedback and continuous improvement.56
Mission, Purpose, and Values The Publix mission, "to be the premier quality food retailer in the world;' is supported by the company's commitment to be:
■ Passionately focused on customer value; ■ Intolerant of waste; ■ Dedicated to the dignity, value, and employment
security of associates; ■ Devoted to the highest standards of stewardship for
stockholders; and ■ Involved as responsible citizens in (its) communities.57
Operations & Supply Chain At the end of 2016, Publix operated 53.4 million square feet of supermarket space in its 1,136 supermarkets.58
Approximately 74% of the total cost of products pur chased at Publix are supplied and delivered by its nine owned and operated distribution centers and 11 manufac turing plants.59 Due to this infrastructure, Publix is not dependent on a single supplier. However, with seven of its nine distribution centers located in Florida, it is cur rently stretching the range of its supply chain operations.
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Any further geographic expansion would require addi tional distribution centers or a revisit of the company's operations and supply chain strategy. 60
Marketing Publix employs its own marketing team of around 100 associates representing 50 different positions. 61
When Publix enters a new state, its message does not represent anything groundbreaking, but simply attempts to relay its culture to its new market. In 2015, when Publix expanded into North Carolina, a spokes person stated, " [ o] ur message remains consistent in connecting on an emotional level with our customer and our potential customers, but sharing our cul ture becomes more important. In newer markets, we highlight our Publix Guarantee more and promote that we don' t have a loyalty program-that every cus tomer deserves the best we have to offer:' 62 The Publix Guarantee states "We will never knowingly disappoint you:' The marketing team at Publix focuses on geo graphical areas of operation where Publix is expand ing its television, radio, and social media advertising.
Exhibit 3 Publix Super Markets, Inc. Income Statement
Part 4: Case Studies
As of November 2017, Publix's Facebook site had nearly 2.8 million followers.63
Financial Condition Over the past five years, Publix's revenue has grown from $27.7 billion in 2012 to $34.3 billion in 2016, repre senting a compound annual growth rate of 4.35%. Over the same time period, net income has increase from $1.55 billion to $2.03 billion, representing a compound annual growth rate of 5.48%. Thus, not only are sales increasing, due to in-store year-over-year growth as well as store count increases, but net income is increasing at a faster rate. COGS, gross margin, and SG&A as a percent of sales have remained fairly constant in the last three years. Publix issued 4 quarterly dividend payments in 2016 totaling $0.8675 per share. Publix has always car ried extremely low amounts of debt with its debt-to equity ratio as low as 30% in 2016.64 Liquidity is not a concern to Publix with an improving year-over-year current ratio landing at 1.56 in 2016. Publix's income statement and balance sheet for the past five years can be found in Exhibits 3 and 4.
Income Statement USD ($) in Millions
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Revenue $27,707 $29,148 $30,802 $32,619 $34,274
Cost of revenue 19,911 20,937 22,233 23,460 24,734
Gross profit 7,796 8,210 8,570 9,159 9,540
Operating expenses
Sales, General, and administrative 5,631 5,890 6,169 6,481 6,788
Other operating expenses
Total operating expenses 5,631 5,890 6,169 6,481 6,788
Operating income 2,165 2,320 2,401 2,678 2,752
Other income (expense) 137 146 169 191 189
Income before income taxes 2,303 2,466 2,570 2,869 2,940
Provision for income taxes 750 812 835 904 915
Net income $1,552 $1,654 $1,735 $1,965 $2,026
Earnings per share
Basic 1.98 2.12 2.23 2.54 2.63
Diluted 1.98 2.12 2.23 2.54 2.63
Weighted average shares outstanding
Basic 783 780 779 774 769
Diluted 783 780 779 774 769
EBITDA $2,796 $2,821 $2,914 $3,260 $3,376
Source: Company Annual Reports; Morningstar.
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Case 13: Publix Supermarkets, Inc. C-181
Exhibit 4 Publix Super Markets, Inc. Balance Sheet
Consolidated Balance Sheet USD ($) in Millions
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents $337 $302 $407 $352 $438
Short-term investments 797 830 999 1,377 1,592
Total cash 1,135 1,131 1,407 1,729 2,030
Receivables 519 540 549 724 715
Inventories 1,409 1,507 1,598 1,741 1,722
Deferred income taxes 58 56 71 51 77
Prepaid expenses 26 109 70 so
Other current assets 28
Total current assets 3,149 3,260 3,734 4,314 4,596
Non-current Assets
Land 689 716 936 1,158 1,416
Fixtures and equipment 4,588 3,759 4,102 4,303 4,582
Other properties 3,703 3,944 4,629 5,252 5,984
Property and equipment, at cost 8,979 8,419 9,667 10,712 11,982
Accumulated Depreciation 4,289 3,614 3,944 4,325 4,695
Property, plant and equipment, net 4,691 4,805 5,723 6,387 7,287
Equity and other investments 4,236 5,162 5,232 5,226 5,147
Other long-term assets 203 320 395 431 434
Total non-current assets 9,129 10,286 11,350 12,045 12,868
Total Assets $12,278 $13,547 $15,083 $16,359 $17,464
Current liabilities
Short-term debt 5 38 25 57 114
Accounts payable 1,307 1,383 1,538 1,676 1,610
Deferred income taxes
Taxes payable 20 13 10 13
Accrued liabilities 909 938 1,122 1,161 1,207
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities 2,221 2,379 2,698 2,903 2,944
Non-current liabilities
Long-term debt 153 125 193 180 137
Deferred taxes liabilities 327 357 389 425 474
Accrued liabilities
Pensions and other benefits 117 103 107 102 103
Minority interest 47 51 42 37 24
Other long-term liabilities 331 316 353 319 310
Total non-current liabilities 975 951 1,083 1,062 1,047
Total liabilities 3,196 3,329 3,781 3,965 3,991
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C-182 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 4 (cont.) Publix Super Markets, Inc. Balance Sheet
Consolidated Balance Sheet USD ($) in Millions
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Stockholders' equity
Common stock 776
Other Equity (2,273)
Additional paid-in capital 1,627
Retained earnings 6,641
Accumulated other comprehensive income 2,311
Total stockholders' equity 9,082
I Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $12,278 Source: Company Annual Reports; Morningstar.
Publix financial performance compares favor ably with its peers. Publix prices its products slightly higher than Kroger, but lower than W hole Foods, indicated by the COGS and Gross Margin percent of sales metrics. Impressively, Publix's net income is approximately equal to that of Kroger even though its revenue is only 31% of its larger rival. The company's operating margin is the envy of its peer group, with it exceeding that of Kroger by almost 2.5 times, and nearly doubling that of Walmart. Key comparison data appears in Exhibit 5.
The Industry
Publix operates as a traditional grocery store, garnering the third-largest market share of any grocer (exclud ing Walmart) in the United States. 65 Historically, the industry contained a number of smaller companies, but recent years have seen consolidation and bankruptcies in the face of increasing competitive pressure.66 Since the economy rebounded consumers with higher dis posable income moved back to purchasing premium, organic and all natural food brands, which helped to drive up overall industry revenue.67 As one observer noted, the "grocery business isn't what it used to be" as a convergence of market forces bear down on tradi tional grocers like Publix. 68 An increasing number of competitors now chase the grocery dollar, and changes in how consumers shop and consume food loom large over the company.
Major Competitors in the Richmond Market Kroger. Founded in 1883, Kroger is the largest grocery store chain in the United States69 and the third-largest
777 774 770 763
1,899 2,201 2,556 2,850
7,454 8,218 9,041 9,837
87 109 26 23
10,217 11,303 12,394 13,473
$13,547 $15,083 $16,359 $17,464
retailer in the world. 7° Kroger operates behind its namesake brand as well as over 20 regional brands in 35 states. Kroger generated over $115 billion in revenue in 2016, as it came off of its first full year of owning Harris Teeter, a regional brand operating in the Carolinas.71
Historically a strong financial performer, Kroger has disappointed recently, with its stock down over 40% for 2017.72 While it has curtailed its expenditures on new stores,73 Kroger is investing aggressively in technologi cal improvements, with the company operating its own data analytics unit and spending heavily on tools such as an infrared system allowing it to monitor checkout wait times and deploy additional clerks automatically in response.74 Kroger also recently launched its "ClickList" service in a number of markets, where a customer can order groceries online and pick them up, curbside, at the store.75
Kroger is also the market leader in leveraging loyalty card data-over 97% of purchases are made by shoppers holding a loyalty card.76 Kroger uses this data to con struct target offers, often by mailing coupons to specific customers. The company reports achieving redemption rates of up to 65% with some of these offers, compared to an industry average of roughly 5%.77 In addition to customer loyalty, Kroger also packs its newer stores with additional services, such as banking, a florist, or a Starbucks counter, which research data indicates helps the company fend off new market entrants and may decrease overall sales losses by up to 8%.78
Food Lion. Based in Salisbury, North Carolina, Food Lion operates over 1,000 grocery stores in 10 Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic states. They have over 63,000 employ ees and serve about 10 million customers per week.
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g: Q (") e.:.g a�- Exhibit 5 Key Ratio Comparisons �-! �o
f;; �
g� 3 ,. �� [ h
] �-�� :g > a = Revenue $30,802 � ;,o 8.� 8 :;; Gross Margin% 27.8 : ?f
!� Operating Income 2,401 8 8.
� � Operating Margin % 7.8 3 � g 2 Net Income 1,735 3· i = o
Margins % of Sales � 0 t.> "2. � p.
COGS 72.18 � � g- g � � Gross Margin 27.82 � =: 0 §- SG&A 20.03 �-i � [ Operating Margin 7.79 -g ·=· Net Int Inc & Other 0.55 §· � � � EBTMargin 8.34 0 �-, , i! Profitability Ratios �" Return on Assets % 12.12 3 fi �- � Financial Leverage a ""'!:l
I 0 3 (Average) 1.33 � �- !i Return on Equity% 16.13 a:;·:" � :s Return on Invested o 3 a � Capital%
I 15.85 ii il'
< � 0 .,,
Interest Coverage �]
1: i Revenue% ;::; :
Year over Year g 3 5.68 !� 3-Year Average 4.26 g .§�.,,
5-Year Average 4.67 §· µ �- 2.
Net Income% ;a- g- 3 .8 5- Year over Year 4.92 C 0 0 0 a "' �- i 3-Year Average 5.17
Er p , , 5 -Year Average 8.36 � �
u Efficiency Ratios a o Payables Period 23.98 �" c .e- a
0 Receivables Turnover 56.54
� lnventoryTurnover 14.32 w
11.98 I
I 1.3
I 5.07
2017 2015
$485,873 $108,465
25.6 21.2
22,764 3,137
4.7 2.9
13,643 1,728
74.35 78.84
25.65 21.16
20.96 16.47
4.69 2.89
(0.47) (0.45)
4.22 2.44
6.85 I 5.78
I 2.56 5.64
17.23 32.01
I 12.14
9.66 6.43
0.78 10.26
0.67 6.27
1.68 7.17
(7.15) 13.76
(5.22) 42.12
(2.77) 89.88
40.37 21.2
84.8 91.07
8.26 15.08
I 5.57
I 5.45
I 11.64
Whole Foods
I 1.95
I 6.69
(51 .68)
The company has been operating since 1957, and its name was originally Food Town. In 1974 Food Lion was acquired by the Belgium-based Delhaize Group, which subsequently merged with Koninklijke Ahold, based in the Netherlands. Food Lion now operates as a part of Ahold Delhaize, which operates in 11 countries through 6,556 stores.
Food Lion's slogan is "Count on me" and they offer a double money back guarantee if their food is not fresh. Like Kroger, they have a loyalty card program. They have about 28,000 products in each store, including approx imately 7,000 store brands.79 Food Lion bases its mar keting messages on low price and high quality, but in reality their prices are not particularly low nor is their quality higher than other stores. Their service quality is not higher than average either, and many of their stores are outdated. Basically, there is very little that differen tiates Food Lion from other supermarkets in the areas where it operates, although there is a certain segment of customers that are loyal to the company based on family tradition-that is, they grew up with their families shop ping at Food Lion.
Walmart. No retailer can ignore Walmart. In 2016, Walmart generated over $486 billion in revenue,so mak ing it the largest retailer in the world.s1 Walmart oper ates over 4,600 stores across the United States,s2 and its low-price model is in stark contrast to Publix.s3 Although historically Publix has made a 40% higher profit on groceries than Walmart,s4 in all but its home market of Florida, Walmart continues to command a higher market share of grocery shoppers.ss Walmart leverages its enor mous scale to exert pricing power over its suppliers, passing the resulting savings onto consumers. 86
W hile Walmart may have been the original dis rupter to the grocery marketplace, Walmart executives acknowledge that"[t]here's never been a more disruptive time in the history of retail:' 87 Like Kroger, Walmart is not standing still; it has pursued a number of acquisi tions in the online space (including acquiring the online marketplace jet.com) to bolster its digital presence.ss Walmart also recently entered into a partnership with Google, where visitors to Google's online shopping por tal can make purchases from Walmart.s9 As with Kroger's ClickList, Walmart shoppers can now make grocery purchases online and pick them up at hundreds of its locations.90 Leveraging its large store footprint, and infa mous logistics prowess, Walmart now offers "pickup dis counts" to online shoppers who are willing to pick up items at a nearby Walmart store.91 To further its growth
Part 4: Case Studies
in urban areas, Walmart also continues to invest in its Neighborhood Market stores, which are much smaller than its traditional Supercenter format, with the com pany having now opened over 735 locations around the country. 92 To date, however, Publix has successfully survived "the Goliath-like Walmart assault" on its home market in Florida.93
Aldi/Lidl. Aldi began shortly after World War II in Germany, near the city of Essen. Offering just 250 basic grocery items, the company swiftly established itself as a leader in the German grocery market.94 Today, where Walmart may carry 120,000 different items in one of its Supercenters,Aldi stocks between 1,300 and 1,600.95 This dramatically reduces complexity, and costs, allowing Aldi to undercut Walmart by 17% on a basket of 30 typ ical household items.96 Aldi has operated in the United States since the 1970s, quietly building up a network of 1,600 stores in 35 states, but recently announced it would build another 900 stores over the next five years.97 This follows its decision to invest over $1.6 billion in renovat ing its existing stores.9s
Lidl, founded several decades later in 1973, also pursues a similarly ruthlessly efficient approach to the grocery business as its German compatriot.99 When it entered the U.K. market in 1994, Lidl upended its gro cery sector.100 Today, Lidl commands 5.2% of the British market (and growing).101 Lidl opened its first U.S. stores in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, and promises its prices in the United States will be up to 50% lower than its competitors (excluding Aldi).102
Although cutthroat competitors in their home mar ket of Germany and in the U.K., Aldi and Lidl have at least one thing in common-they ignore the Internet "almost entirelY:' 103 Both see online sales as self-canni balizing, moving from a proven, high-profit channel (physical stores) to an unproven, less-profitable chan nel (online). U.K. observers estimate that its traditional grocers (such as Tesco and Sainsbury's) make less than a fifth of their already-slim typical margin on online sales.104 Indeed, Morgan Stanley estimates that for a tra ditional retailer, every percentage-point increase in its e-commerce sales equates to a half a point contraction in the retailer's margins.105
The companies also share a fervor for private-label goods, shunning well-known brands in favor of their own products. The typical Aldi or Lidl store contains up to 90% private-label goods.106 By limiting stocks of name brand items, the German rivals can extract even greater supplier concessions than the notoriously
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Case 13: Publix Supermarkets, Inc.
aggressive Walmart.107 Nevertheless, they put signif icant efforts into quality. Aldi in particular has been successful in positioning itself as offering high-quality, value-priced private-label products.108
Whole Foods. If Aldi and Lidl form one bracket of the brick and mortar grocery market, Whole Foods forms the other. Derisively referred to as "Whole Paycheck" for its pricing structure,109 Whole Foods nonetheless grew rapidly from its founding in Texas in 1980.110 It built a strong following as a purveyor of natural and organic foods, developing a cachet among affluent urbanites willing to pay for these offerings and a unique shopping experience.111 Whole Foods stores contain well-trained staff and offer a number of ser vices, including prepared meals, wine bars, and other similar amenities. However, like the low-price German chains, Whole Foods developed a robust private label brand (365 Everyday Value) which consumers identi fied as offering high quality.112
Nonetheless, recently Whole Foods found itself under pressure from Walmart, Kroger, and others such as Publix. Kroger in particular began aggressively expanding its organic offerings, with the large chain sell ing more organic and natural products ($16 billion) 113
than Whole Foods total sales in 2016.114 With Whole Foods weakened, in a move seen as upending the U.S. grocery market, Amazon stepped in and acquired the chain in 2017.115 Amazon immediately moved to lower prices on a number of Whole Foods items, and made available through its powerful website Whole Foods' 365 Everyday Value products.116 Whole Foods locations provide Amazon an existing supply chain and over 450 brick and mortar locations where it can sell Amazon products as well as provide for pickup of online grocery orders.117 Amazon gives Whole Foods the strength of a $140 billion/year retailer with a CEO in pursuit of fully integrating Amazon into the lives of its customers.118
Wegman's. Any discussion of Publix almost inevitably involves a comparison to Wegman's, the Northeastern powerhouse based near Rochester, New York. Like Publix, Wegman's is a member of Fortune's Great Places to Work Legends, having been named to the list for 20 years in a row.119 It is privately held, focused on service and pays its employees far above the industry standard for grocers.120
And the two are alike in another key aspect-they are both on the march, expanding their geographic reach and colliding in the V irginia market.121 Unlike Publix, however, Wegman's relies upon a much smaller num ber of stores, with its typical store size of 120,000 square
feet nearly doubling that of the largest Publix.122 Only opening 3-4 new stores per year,123 Wegman's average per-store sales of almost $90 million is three times the average per-store sales of Publix.124
External Environment/Trends
Too Many Stores? In addition to a number of strong competitors in the marketplace, broader market trends are buffeting the grocery market. Less than half of gro cery shoppers now do their food shopping at one pri mary supermarket.125 In 2016, convenience stores sold $73 billion of prepared foods, beverages and other food services, up 72% from 2010.126 Two-thirds of sales at dollar stores (Dollar General, Family Dollar, and others) are food, beverages, and other consumables.127 Grocery shoppers are also visiting alternatives like farmer's markets, and buying fewer items per trip.128 Given this selection of alternative brick and mortar locations for grocery purchases, little surprise that Barclays now says that 38 of the top 50 grocery markets in the United States are too saturated by food retail on a per capita basis.129
With numerous large competitors, Richmond may be one of these over-saturated markets.
To Cook or Not to Cook? Unfortunately for tradi tional grocers, many consumers today do not cook at home. Millennials, the largest consumer demographic group, spend 42% of their monthly food budget on food prepared outside the home.130 Grocery spending by Millennials is $1,000 less per year (adjusted for infla tion) than their parents spent in 1990.131 Older consum ers, who no longer have a need to prepare a large family meal, are following Millennials in seeking out prepared foods.132 Online prepared meal kits, available from companies such as Blue Apron and Plated, have been enjoying robust growth, with some 24% of Millennials having subscribed to a meal kit service at some point and growth estimated at over 25% per year over the next five years. 133 Albertsons, the large privately held grocery chain based in Idaho, recently announced a deal to purchase Plated, and Amazon has launched its own kit service and plans to make available Whole Foods-branded kits as part of its acquisition of the organic grocer.134
Omnichannel/Online. Online grocery sales have grown 10.1% over the last five years and are expected to grow at a rate of 6.7% over the next five, with total sales predicted to reach $13.5 billion in 2017.135
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Amazon's move to acquire Whole Foods is not the only digital impact on traditional grocers. While the potential for Amazon to disrupt the market is seen as high (almost anyone that sells groceries saw its stock fall on the date Amazon announced the deal, with Kroger leading the path downward at a 9.2% clip),136 potentially just as disruptive is the integration of online ordering and mobile apps into grocery shop ping. Kroger's in-house analytics team is building a mobile application that will populate a shopping list, together with locations in the store, from a user's rec ipe.137 Both Walmart (through its Sam's Club division) and Kroger are piloting mobile applications that allow shoppers to scan items as they move through the store, paying through the app as they exit. 138 And, as noted above, both are growing the number of locations that provide curbside pickup of online orders, a potentially savvy move as market research suggests that 76% of online shoppers have an interest in picking up grocery items bought online.139
In addition to online sales picked up at traditional stores, a number of online platforms and delivery ser vices exist. Peapod, owned by the Dutch grocery giant Ahold Delhaize, counts 350,000 customers in 23 major metropolitan markets.140 Instacart, an online grocery delivery service, has recently agreed to partnerships with Kroger, Costco, and several smaller regional chains.141
Shipt, another last-mile online provider, announced plans to be in over 100 markets by the end of the year, concentrating in the south and Midwest, delivering for companies such as Costco and Meijer.142
U.S. Economy. By December 2017, the economy had rebounded from the Great Recession and the stock markets were hitting all-time highs weekly. Real per capita disposable personal income (measured in con stant 2009 dollars) had increased from $36,235 in January 2013 to $39,368 in May of 2017.143 The United States was experiencing sustained economic growth it had not seen in years and the country's gross domes tic product had increased by an average of 2.1 % over the past eight years, marking the third-longest eco nomic expansion in U.S. history.144 While many econ omists and financial analysts were optimistic about the direction of the economy, an increasing num ber were becoming concerned that such continued growth was unsustainable. More and more analysts were beginning to question economic fundamentals, and with stocks trading at a multiple of earnings only previously seen in 1929 and 2000, some feel a market correction is looming.145
Part 4: Case Studies
Healthiness/Better-For-You. The success of Whole Foods, and the growing importance of organics and natural goods to other grocery chains highlight shift ing consumer preference toward grocery items seen as more healthful (Kroger reports that 14% of its total sales in 2016 were for its "Simple Truth" line of organic and natural products).146 Health-oriented markets like Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Earth Fare and Sprouts Farmers Market have made inroads into the Florida grocery market, largely at the expense of Publix.147 Survey data suggests customers continue to demand a greater variety of all-natural and organic products, with 82% of house holds purchasing organic products in 2016.148 Organic products expanded 8.4% in 2016 alone.149 Perhaps more importantly, with consumers willing to pay a premium for such products, they have (at least prior to Amazon's recent price cuts at Whole Foods) delivered consistently higher margins for retailers.150
Looking Forward
Publix continues to enjoy growth in sales, a healthy gross margin and strong financial returns. The com pany is confident that its steady northward geographic expansion will continue supporting long-term growth for Publix. However, the highly competitive situation the company now faces in Richmond Virginia may be indicative of things to come. Wegmans, Lid! and Aldi very recently entered this market, and Kroger, Walmart, Food Lion and Whole Foods already have a significant presence. The continued expansion of Aldi and Lid! will put considerable price pressure on everyone in the Southeastern grocery market. So the over-saturation Publix is facing in Richmond is, in a sense, a good test case for what the company is likely to experience from now on in many or most of its markets.
Faced with these sorts of challenges, can the compa ny's labor-intensive, service-first, real estate heavy model continue to support growth in the future? Will custom ers migrate towards costs savings wherever they may be found, whether at a brick-and-mortar competitor or online? Will Publix's partnership strategy with Instacart allow it to meet the online challenge? Does the company need to increase investment in its Aprons meal kit and prepared foods or should it focus more on expanding higher margin private label products and organic offer ings? Should Publix abandon its long-standing aversion to a loyalty program? Basically, how can Publix position itself for continued growth when faced with this chal lenging business environment?
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Case 13: Publix Supermarkets, Inc. C-187
1. Griffin, J. 2016. Publix to Grow with 22. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2016. Form 10-K. -application-development, Accessed
Purchase of 10 Virginia Stores. Tampa Bay Lakeland, Florida: Publix Super Markets, November 19, 2017.
Times, July 15: Local 4. Inc.: 11. 42. Troy, M. 2017. Publix accelerates
2. Griffin, J. 2016. Publix Takes on New Turf. 23. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2017. 2016 omnichannel efforts. Retail Leader,
Tampa Bay Times, February 14: Business 1. Annual Report. Lakeland, Florida: Publix August 15. https://retailleader.com/publix
3. Trigaux, R. 2016. Publix Faces Tough Foe in Super Markets, Inc.: 3. -accelerates-omnichannel-efforts, Accessed
Wegman's. Tampa Bay Times, July 19: 24. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2017. November 19, 2017.
Local 4. Sustainability. http:/ /sustainability.publix 43. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2017. Publix
4. Publix Super Markets, Inc. 2017. Publix .com/, Accessed November 26, 2017. Announces Officer Promotions. http://
Corporate History. http://corporate 25. Ostrowski, J. 2017. Publix service lauded; corporate.publix.com/about-publix
.publix.com/about-publix/culture/history, price gripes persist. Palm Beach Post, /newsroom/news-releases/publix
Accessed November 19, 2017. September 3: Accent & Arts 10. -announces-officer-promotions, Accessed
5. Watters, Pat. 1980. Fifty Years of Pleasure: 26. Ibid. November 19, 2017.
The Illustrated History of Publix Super 27. Springer, J. 2015. The Power of Pleasure at 44. Acosta, G. 2017. Publix prepares to win
Markets, Inc. Lakeland, Florida: Publix Super Publix. Supermarket News. January 5. with real estate. Retail Leader, August 22.
Markets, Inc. 28. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2017. Form 1 0 -K. https://retailleader.com/publix-prepares
6. Publix Super Markets, Inc. 2017. Publix Facts Lakeland, Florida: Publix Super Markets, -win-real-estate, Accessed November 19,
& Figures. http://corporate.publix.com Inc.: 4. 2017.
/about-publix/company-overview/facts 29. Springer, J. 2015. The Power of Pleasure at 45. Simons, J. 2016. Employee Ownership Can
-figures, Accessed November 19, 2017. Publix. Supermarket News. January 5. Boost Corporate Profits; Companies that
7. Ibid. 30. Griffin, J. 2017. Challenge for Publix: Stay reward workers with stakes in the business
8. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2017. Form 1 0 -K. Ahead. Tampa Bay Times, January 22: have an edge over those that don't,
Lakeland, Florida: Publix Super Markets, Business 1. shows a global study. Wall Street Journal
Inc.: 1. 31. Bouffard, K. 2017. Pubix to offer delivery (Online), September 6. https://www
9. The Economist. 2007. Business: The opposite from all stores in 4 years. Sarasota Herald- .wsj.com/articles/employee-ownership
of Wal mart; Publix. 383(8527): 71. Tribune, June 8. http://www.heraldtribune -ca n-boost-corporate-profits-1473177179,
10. Publix Super Markets, Inc. 2017. Publix . com/news/20170608/publix-to-offer Accessed November 19, 2017 .
Awards & Achievements. http://corporate -deliveries-from-all-stores-in-4-years, 46. Ibid.
. publix.com/about-publix/company Accessed November 23, 2017 . 47. Tkaczyk, C. 2016. My Five Days of'Bleeding
-overview/awards-achievements, Accessed 32. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2017. 2016 Green:' Fortune, March 15, Vol. 173: 4, 168.
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11. Harris Poll, 2017. Wegmans, Publix Super Super Markets, Inc.: 3. 49. Solomon, B. 2013. The Wal mart Slayer: How
Markets, Amazon, Tesla And USAA Draw 33. Publix Super Markets, Inc. 2017. Publix Publix's People-First Culture Is Winning The
Top Social Responsibility Scores In Harris Aprons. http://www.publix.com/recipes Grocer War. Fortune, August 12: 1.
Poll. http:/ /www.theharrispoll.com -planning, Accessed November 24, 2017. 50. Publix Super Markets, Inc. 2017. Your
/business/Top-Social-Responsibility-Scores 34. Griffin, J. 2017. Publix's Prep Work. Tampa Associate Handbook. Lakeland, Florida:
. html, Accessed November 22, 2017. Bay Times, May 14:Business Bl. Publix Super Markets, Inc.: 1-2 .
12. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2017. Form 1 0 -K. 35. Arnold, K. 2016. Publix CEO brings energy to 51. Publix Super Markets, Inc. 2017. Why Publix:
Lakeland, Florida: Publix Super Markets, new role. Orlando Sentinel, January 23: Al. Benefits. http://corporate.publix.com
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14. Ibid. Business Dl. Publix's People-First Culture Is Winning The
15. Publix Super Markets, Inc. 2017. Your 38. Ibid. Grocer War. Fortune, August 12: 1.
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Publix Super Markets, Inc.: 1-3. Names Executive Vice President, Senior Green:' Fortune, March 15, Vol. 173: 4, 168.
16. Solomon, B. 2013. The Wal mart Slayer: How Vice President of Retail Operations and 54. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2017.
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C-188 Part 4: Case Studies
59. Publix Super Markets, Inc., 2017. Form 10-K. 76. The Economist. 2017. Forsake all others; 99. The Economist. 2017. The broccoli heresy;
Lakeland, Florida: Publix Super Markets, Loyalty schemes-If you want loyalty, get Discount grocers. 425(9064): 62.
Inc.: 1. big data. 424(9057): 62. 100. Nassauer, S. & Haddon, H. 2017. German
60. Kritzer, A. 2016. Publix Sets Its Sights on 77. Haddon, H. 2017. The Future of Food (A Grocer Enters Wal mart's Turff-Discounter
Northern Virginia, metro DC area. Tampa Special Report)-Grocers Imagine the Store Lidl brings market-winning ways to U.S. at
Bay Business Journal. May 24. https:// of the Future: Straight from Kroger labs: fraught time for food retailers. Wall Street
www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/blog customized ads, smart shelves, sensors Journal, May 17: Bl.
/morning-edition/2016/03/publix-set-its that deploy cashiers. Wall Street Journal, 101. The Economist. 2017. The broccoli heresy;
-sights-on-northern-virginiametro-d.html, October 16, 2017: RB. Discount grocers. 425(9064): 62.
Accessed November 22, 2017. 78. Obeng, E., Luchs, R, Inman, J & Hulland, 102. The Economist. 2017. A Lidl late? America's
61. Publix Super Markets, Inc. 2017. J. 2016. Survival of the Fittest: How grocery market. 423(9045): 67.
Departments-Marketing. http:// Competitive Service Overlap and Retail 103. The Economist. 2017. The broccoli heresy;
corporate.publix.com/careers/support format Impact lncumbents'Vulnerability Discount grocers. 425(9064): 62.
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Accessed November 27, 2017. 383-396. 105. The Economist. 2017. Sorry, we're closed;
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Inc.: 4. Braces for Amazon-grocer needs to show September 22: Al.
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Regional Grocery Stores Feel Squeeze Amid Washington Post, June 1: All. 2017: Accent & ArtslD.
Upheaval. Wall Street Journal, August 14: 83. 83. The Economist. 2007. Business: The opposite 110. Gasparro, A. & Haddon, H. 2017. Amazon's
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Problem. Barron's, June 12: MS. 44511: Supermarkets & Grocery Stores in the 111. Ibid.
69. Guarttery, M. 2017. IBISWorld Industry Report U.S., 30. Retrieved October 24, 2017 from 112. Guarttery, M. 2017. IBISWorld Industry Report
44511: Supermarkets & Grocery Stores in the IBISWorld database. 44511: Supermarkets & Grocery Stores in the
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IBISWorld database. employees, gears up to take on Amazon. IBISWorld database.
70. Haddon, H. 2017. Business News: Kroger Washington Post, June 1: All. 113. Haddon, H. 2017. Business News: Kroger
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it can defend its turf against on line power; 89. Wakabayasi, D. & Corkery, M. 2017. Walmart it can defend its turf against on line power;
results due on Friday. Wall Street Journal, And Google Partner, Eyes On Amazon. The results due on Friday. Wall Street Journal,
September 5: B3. New York Times, August 23: Bl. September 5: B3.
71. Guarttery, M. 2017. IBISWorld Industry Report 90. Ibid. 114. Guarttery, M. 2017. IBISWorld Industry Report
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IBISWorld database. 92. Guarttery, M. 2017. IBISWorld Industry Report IBISWorld database.
72. Grant, C. 2017. Investors are Right to Worry 44511: Supermarkets & Grocery Stores in the 115. The Economist. 2017. Whole hog; Amazon
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73. Haddon, H. 2017. Grocers Hit by Glut of 93. Griffin, J. 2016. Grocery Growth in Florida Amazon Clobbers Grocers With Whole
Retail Space-industry is vulnerable to No Threat to Publix. Tampa Bay Times, Foods Salvo. Wall Street Journal,
store closures after rapid growth amid May 1: Business 1. August 25: Al.
shift in shopping habits. Wall Street Journal, 94. Turner, Z. 2017. Aldi Bets Limited Choice Will 117. Ibid.
August 1: Bl. Lure U.S. Shoppers-Private German grocer 118. Cusumano, M. 2017. Technology and
74. Haddon, H. 2017. The Future of Food (A tries to upend market with manic eye on Strategy Management-Amazon and
Special Report)-Grocers Imagine the Store costs. Wall Street Journal, September 22: A 1. Whole Foods: Follow the Strategy (and
of the Future: Straight from Kroger labs: 95. Ibid. the Money). Communications of the ACM.
customized ads, smart shelves, sensors 96. Ibid. 60(10) 24-26.
that deploy cashiers. Wall Street Journal, 97. The Economist. 2017. A Lidl late? America's 119. Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. 2017.
October 16, 2017: RB. grocery market. 423(9045): 67. Company Overview. https://www
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Case 13: Publix Supermarkets, Inc. C-189
121. Trigaux, R. 2016. Publix Faces Tough Foe 131. Haddon, H. 2016. Millennials Vex 141. Brown, L. 2017. Schnucks expanding
in Wegman's. Tampa Bay Times, July 19: Grocers-Key age group spends less at delivery as lnstacart enters St. Louis.
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122. Bhattari, A. 2017. Wegmans plans to open as online services. Wall Street Journal, Business El.
store at Fannie Mae site. Washington Post, October 31: 85. 142. Haddon, H. 2017. Business News: Fresh
May 23:Metro 85. 132. Ibid. Pressure on Grocery Delivery-Amazon's
123. Ibid. 133. Haddon, H. 2017. Business News: Albertsons deal for Whole Foods adds new element
124. Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. 2017. to Buy Plated Meal Service-Deal marks to burgeoning market. Wall Street Journal,
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129. Ibid. 21. Retrieved November 13, 2017, from 149. Ibid.
130. Ibid. IBI SWorld database. 150. Ibid.
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C-190 Part 4: Case Studies
CASE14 IC\IR ■ CnR Q' 'IPJpN'llll hlHlll ..... �.-. r"1 •l II(
Driving Innovation and Growth at Starbucks: From Howard Schultz to Kevin Johnson
In 2017, Seattle-based global coffee chain Starbucks Corporation was named the third most admired company in the world and the number one company worldwide in the food service industry by Fortune.• The magazine also ranked Starbucks as number one in the areas of innovation, people management, use of corpo rate assets, social responsibility, quality of management, financial soundness, long-term investment, and quality of products and services. Since inception, Starbucks had innovated in its business model. Starbucks' pas sion to innovate manifested in the way the company sourced its coffee beans, developed new beverages, created unique store concepts, and achieved digital breakthroughs.
Starbucks showed positive signs of changes and achieved remarkable growth under the leadership of Howard Schultz, who became its CEO in 1987. Schultz, over his two stints as CEO (1987 to 2000 and 2008 to 2017),b used innovation as an integral part of the Starbucks corporate DNA for the company both to differentiate itself in the coffee industry and to grow its bottom line. "Industry-leading innova tion is driving our core business and creating further separation from competitors all around the world, 1
said Schultz. However, with the departure of Schultz in 2017, it
was a big challenge for the new CEO, Kevin Johnson to carry forward Starbucks' mission and address the chal lenges emerging within the company. One of the most pressing challenges before him was to solve the con gestion problem caused by the coffee chain's mobile platform. The introduction of the mobile ordering system with its seamless and personalized experience to customers posed both opportunities and threats for Starbucks. Moreover, analysts were concerned about the coffee chain's ambitious plan to have more than 12,000 new stores by 2021 as they feared that the bottlenecks created by the new technology might affect the compa ny's sales and put its store expansion plan in jeopardy.
About Starbucks
Starbucks, an American food and beverage company, was founded in 1971 by three partners, Gordon Bowker, Jerry Baldwin, and Zev Siegl, to sell premium coffee beans and specialty coffee equipment. Schultz, who was later to become CEO of Starbucks, first visited a Starbucks store in 1981 and became intrigued with the Starbucks operation. A year later, he joined the company as manager of retail sales and marketing. Fascinated by the passionate coffee culture of Italy, he suggested to the founders that they create such an espresso bar atmo sphere in the US. But, when they turned down his pro posal, Schultz decided to leave the company and start his own coffee bar-II Giornale-in Seattle. In 1987, he pur chased Starbucks with the support of local investors and he rebranded his II Giornale coffee outlets as Starbucks Corporation.
In the new millennium, Starbucks stores offered hot and cold beverages, whole bean and ground cof fees, ready-to-drink beverages, full-leaf teas, and vari ous food products such as pastries, snacks, hot and cold sandwiches, and packaged food items as well as bever age-making equipment like mugs and tumblers. Since the company went public in 1992, Starbucks proved to be one of the most successful examples of a mid-sized, reasonably-priced business in the public market that per formed exceptionally well for its shareholders. During Schultz's initial tenure as CEO (1987-2000), the com pany noticed a more than tenfold rise in the stock price between the launch of its IPO in 1992 and his resignation in 20002 in order to concentrate on the company's global strategy. In the early part of the year 2007, Starbucks got into some trouble, largely attributed to its aggressive store expansion plan over the previous decade which, according to Schultz, had led to the "watering down" of its brand.3 After the return of Schultz as CEO in 2008, Starbucks achieved a turnaround and witnessed a strong period of company expansion and investor enthusiasm,
'Headquartered in New York City, Fortune is a multinational business magazine, published and owned by Time Inc. bSchultz was succeeded by Orin Smith who was CEO from 2000 to 2005. Jim Donald was the CEO from 2005 to 2008.
This case was written by Benudhar Sahu, (JBS Hyderabad) under the direction of Trilochan Tripathy, (XLRI Jamsedpur) and Debapratim Purkayastha (JBS Hyderabad). It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.
© 2018, JBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved .
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Case 14: Driving Innovation and Growth at Starbucks: From Howard Schultz to Kevin Johnson C-191
Exhibit 1 Starbucks' IPO Valuation (2008-2016)
: SBUX 5.55 March 2009 rice - 70.00
Starbucks monthly prices split-adjusted
Open 4.49 Nov 2008 to Dec 2016 60.00
Close 5.55 Low 4.06
High 6.22 Vol 574.77M
%Chg 24.41%
Source: www.seekingalpha.com/article/4034092-starbucks-buy-coffee-sell-stock
moving the IPO valuation from under US$4.00 per share, split-adjusted to over US$60 in 2016 (See Exhibit 1).
After his second successful run as CEO, Schultz stepped down as CEO of the company in early 2017. Johnson, who was serving as president and chief oper ating officer of Starbucks and was a seven-year member in the company's board, succeeded Schultz. As of April 2017, the company operated more than 24,000 retail stores in 70 countries worldwide.4 For the fiscal year 2016, Starbucks had earned net revenue of US$21.32 bil lion, up from US$19.16 billion in 2015, and its revenue almost doubled from US$10.7 billion to US$21.32 billion between 2010 and 2016 (See Exhibit 2).
Exhibit 2 Starbucks' Key Financials
tf 1 }l 1f{
Starbucks' Business Model
Starbucks' business model was set in motion in 1987 when Schultz set up Starbucks Corporation. The coffee chain leveraged its resources to create competitive capabilities and core competencies to formulate its business model. Unlike other American restaurant chains, Starbucks had accepted the standard retail business model from the very beginning of its business operation, where the retail locations of the company generated the majority of its net revenue.
Starbucks had segmented its market by geography and demography by locating its stores in areas where
• 1 As and for the Fiscal Year Ended Data
Part1cu ars 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Starbucks Net Sales or Revenues 21.32 19.16 16.45 14.89 13.3 11.7 10.71
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) 8.51 7.79 6.86 6.38 5.81 4.95 4.46
Starbucks Gross Profit 12.8 11.38 9.59 8.51 7.49 6.75 6.25
Research & Development Expense
Selling General & Admin Expense 7.65 6.88 5.8 8.21 4.94 4.5 4.32
Starbucks Net Income (Profit/Loss) 2.82 2.76 2.07 0.0083 1.38 1.25 0.9456
Starbucks Earnings Per Share Basic Net 1.90 1.82 1.36 1.13 0.90 0.81 0.62
Starbucks Earnings Per Share Diluted Net 1.90 1.82 1.36 1.13 0.90 0.81 0.62
*Note: Fiscal year is October-September. All values in USD billions except per share data.
Adapted from http://amigobulls.com/stocks/SBUX/income-statement/annual
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C-192 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 3 Market Segmentation of Starbucks
Type of Segmentation Target Customer Segment
Behavior Value quality coffee with a relaxed and comfortable experience,
ambitious personality, regular users
Age 22-60, students, employees, professionals
Mid to higher income, young optimistic mindset
Urban locations with high density and/or high foot traffic
Adapted from www.research-methodology.net/starbucks-segmentation-targeting-and-positioning-targeting
-premium-customers-with-quality -products-and-service/
it could find young urban adults with relatively high incomes (See Exhibit 3). It established its business with a more resilient and less price-sensitive customer base, who perceived these coffee beverages as an affordable luxury. The competitive high pricing strategy of the company separated it from the pack and demonstrated its premium image. Right from customer service to employee benefits, Starbucks' business model focused on people. "Starbucks starts and ends with core values ... [and] the core values emanate from and around relation ships with people;'s said Anne McGonigle, the company's vice president for special projects. In addition to serv ing great quality coffee, Starbucks delivered an amazing experience to its customers through its reliable and friendly service and rich in-store experience. The Starbucks mission to "inspire and nurture the human spirit-one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time"6 directly correlated with the experience that a customer had in each store.
The coffee chain had an extensive product line strat egy, creating a variety of products beyond simply the coffee beans. Schultz called its business model "vertical integration to the extreme;' 7 as the company purchased
and roasted all its own coffee and sold it through the company-owned stores. The main channel for selling Starbucks products was its network of company-operated stores. By the end of fiscal year 2016, Starbucks had 12,711 (51%) company-operated stores and 12,374 (49%) licensed stores (See Exhibit 4). However, with its expansion into emerging markets, it leveraged the brand through a series of networks to sell Starbucks coffee. To maintain the qual ity of its products, it forged a good relationship with the suppliers and called them partners of the company.
Starbucks adopted an aggressive branding strategy to position itself as a powerful brand in the global coffee chain. Analysts pointed out that Starbucks positioned its brand in the coffee market as a good customer experi ence brand with attractive store design, unique environ ment, elegant taste, and high-quality coffee beans. The Starbucks brand leveraged itself without advertising. The company had always portrayed itself as a high-quality product and believed in word-of-mouth to win over customers. The overall business model of Starbucks was sensitive to the cultural differences of the international market. The company customized its products and ser vices according to the taste and preferences of customers.
Exhibit 4 Starbucks' Company-operated and Licensed Store Status (Fiscal Year 2016)
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Company-operated 9,019
stores 58% 2,811 44% 523 20% 358 91% 12,711 51%
Licensed stores 6,588 42% 3,632 56% 2,119 80% 35 9% 12,374 49%
Total 15,607 100% 6,443 100% 2,642 100% 393 100% 25,085 100%
Adapted from https://s21.q4cdn.com/369030626/files/doc_financials/2016/ Annual/FYl 6-Annual-Report-on-Form-10-K.pdf
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Case 14: Driving Innovation and Growth at Starbucks: From Howard Schultz to Kevin Johnson C-193
Schultz: The Architect of Innovation
Schultz steered Starbucks to become a strong perform ing global coffee chain. When he again took charge as Starbucks' CEO in 2008, he found that the company's rapid expansion had distracted it from making its stores an inviting place with innovative products. One of the key priorities of his seven-point transformation agenda to revive the company was to "create innovative growth platforms worthy of our coffee:'8 In order to innovate and recreate the experience of the Italian coffee bar cul ture at Starbucks stores, Schultz brought in changes in the in-store design and ensured that the stores evolved into relevant customer destinations. He invested heav ily in staff training programs, making the training fun and innovative. Schultz worked out strategies to attract, motivate, and reward store employees in a manner that would create a favorable work culture and would result in the high performance of the company.
Schultz proved the power of a different kind of business model which "balances profit with social responsibilitf'9
He desperately realized the need to get back to the core and make the changes necessary to evoke the company's heritage, tradition, and passion for the Starbucks expe rience. Schultz wanted to be different, so he created an enduring, special experience for his customers who walked into the coffee store. He believed that one of the ways in which Starbucks could win over the expectations of the consumers was by creating the kind of innovation that was customer-facing. Schultz established the idea of the 'third place' experience. He offered his customers options and the luxury of customization of products in the stores.
Schultz continued to experiment with new ideas, products, different store formats, alternative partner ship arrangements, and various in -store music mixes. He learned from each of these experiments, and suitably adapted them to the Starbucks stores. Schultz pioneered the introduction of many digital initiatives and directed much innovation at Starbucks related to health and well ness products.
In 2017, Schultz stepped down as CEO but would remain involved with Starbucks as executive chairman, focusing on innovation and social impact activities, among other things. The move was aimed at refreshing the Starbucks brand, which was facing increasing competition from specialty roasters as well as from mass coffee purvey ors who were introducing more high-end drinks.
Starbucks' Business Model Innovation
Innovation was at the heart of Starbucks' business model. During the economic recession of the late 2000s, Starbucks managed to survive and even thrive in business by mod ifying its operational policies and systems to address new regulations and other developments. Instead of introduc ing a new business model during the company's sluggish period of growth, Starbucks incorporated new innovation to the brand by following its own organizational strat egy. According to Robert Teagle, Starbucks' EMEA c IT director, "It's all about innovation-managing innovation and how it relates to us in the retail world. Really thinking about how we at Starbucks think about innovation, how we think about it internally, how we think about it in terms of our customers, bringing innovation to everything we do. Whether that's a product, or whether it's in the technology, we try to bring innovation to the fore:'10
Starbucks, one of the founding members of the International Foodservice Manufacturers Association's (IFMAd) Center of Innovation Excellence; was a world recognized leader in the industry in terms of exploiting information technology and technological developments. By utilizing its immense potential in product innovation and location strategy and its marketing ability, Starbucks positioned itself in the market as a highly reputed premier coffee brand. According to Jim Donald, former CEO of Starbucks (2005-2008), "Starbucks has become an endur ing, global brand by continually raising the bar and finding ways to innovate throughout all areas of the business.""
Product Innovation
Innovation of new product ideas was the prime focus of the company's competitive strategy, enabling it to charge a premium price. It was committed to delivering the highest quality products through continuous innovation. To match the changing consumer tastes and preferences, the firm kept its menu always fresh by constantly offering something new, including seasonally available beverages, drive-thru accessibility, and channel development. Besides products, the packaging innovation of the company represented sell ing high-quality "ready brew" coffee12 in individual serving sizes. The coffee chain partnered with a number of organi zations for product innovation, which also demonstrated its social commitment objectives.
To meet the growing demand for high-quality coffee globally, Starbucks used digital technology to ensure that its
'EMEA stands for Europe, Middle East, and Africa. It is commonly used in business as a way to locate an office or convey service coverage for a particular business. dEstablished in 1952, the IFMA provides its members with the insights and best practices required to drive increased market share and operational excellence. 'The Center of Innovation Excellence provides IFMA members and their customers with a deeper understanding of new product success that are unique to food service industry.
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supply chain operated at maximum efficiency at all times. In 2015, Starbucks achieved a milestone when it demonstrated that 99% of the Starbucks Coffee supply chain was verified as ethically sourced.13 Starbucks considered its supply chain strategy an integral part of its sustainability strategy.
Location Strategy Starbucks was able to identify the most attractive store location in an area through its real estate team and this worked to its advantage. The coffee chain adjusted its business model to make the store more of a destination and leveraged technology to drive continuous traffic to the stores. In contrast to the conventional "redo the store layout" strategy,14 Starbucks adopted a technology oriented strategy to design its stores. This strategy encouraged the employees to think freely about the com pany and contribute significantly in terms of new ideas and concepts to improve the store formats. The opening of new concept stores, such as the Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room stores, offered a highly customized and elevated experience to the company's targeted wealthy customers and coffee connoisseurs. "Our stores are where our users enjoy our products and on average they spend 3-5 minutes if they are just grabbing a coffee or about half an hour if they are having it in store. It is a short period of time and our innovations have to be focused on making their experience a better one;'15 Teagle said.
Starbucks redefined a highly competitive coffee busi ness environment by adding music, free Wi-Fi service, wireless charging facility, relaxed seating, and luxurious interiors within the stores. In addition, Starbucks Digital Network provided free access to news and entertainment from sources like The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, ESPN/ and Nick Jr.s To track customer preferences and machine performance, the company fitted many of its stores with high-spec Clover coffee machines, which used a cloud-based server known as Clover Net.
The Starbucks Experience After the 2007-08 crisis, Starbucks had to rebuild its customer relationship to show the world that it cared for quality and consistency. The customer-centered busi ness model compelled the company to think on entirely new levels-"new-to-company" and even "new-to-world" products, services, and technologies.16 The coffee giant learned the skill of keeping its current and future cus tomers happy through innovations that differentiated it from the mass-market. Starbucks' customer base position ing enabled the company to offer customer service that often exceeded their expectations. According to Micah
Part 4: Case Studies
Solomon, a contributor to Forbes, "Starbucks spends a lot of time measuring and improving how well they match their customers' speed expectations-delivering a custom (truly from scratch) beverage in a matter of minutes. They don't let the need for speed suck the life out of the Starbucks experi ence:'17 Customer satisfaction being a key component of Starbucks' strategy, the company treated each customer specially, so that they felt that they were in a special place.
Starbucks not only altered traditional coffee houses into a pleasant experience, but also transitioned coffee into a social platform that appealed to customers seeking a premium experience. It created an aspirational brand with highly loyal and delighted customers who repeat edly came to the stores for their unique experience. In addition to coffee, Starbucks offered a most suitable environment for relaxing and socializing with friends. At Starbucks, customers shared a common passion for creating the ultimate coffee experience, which motivated the company to improve its products, services, and tech nologies through innovation. Unlike other coffee chains, Starbucks' value proposition focused on offering cus tomers a Starbucks Experience, a 'third place' experience away from work and home, where people could spend quality time with friends or alone enjoying quality coffee, beverages, and fresh food (See Exhibit 5).
Consumers valued Starbucks' products and services as they saved money with additional purchases through frequent spender benefits. The company launched Starbucks card in 2001 to allow consumers to purchase the gift cards for friends.
Employee Motivation To ensure quality customer service and maximum customer satisfaction, Starbucks put the emphasis on recruiting and training the best talent in the industry. This added great value to its brand reputation. Starbucks recognized the employee's contribution to building the suc cessful business model and called them partners by offering them stock options in the company. Starbucks' approach
Exhibit 5 Structure of Core Value Propositions of Five Franchise Chains
Krispy Creme
Pa nera Bread
J Donuts, coffee, and ice cream
Hamburgers, salads, and coffee
Fresh bread sandwiches, salads, and coffee
Third place and coffee
Adapted from www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2013/11 /05/dunkin-brands
'ESPN is the US-based leading global cable and satellite sports entertainment channel, owned by ESPN Inc. •Nick Jr. is an American digital cable and satellite television channel, aiming at young children aged under 7 years.
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Case 14: Driving Innovation and Growth at Starbucks: From Howard Schultz to Kevin Johnson C-195
to food and beverage development seemed to be a cross functional and collaborative process, wherein hundreds of partners throughout the company participated to guide product innovation. The employees led the success of new products and technology innovations and even 'break throughs' in the company.18 Starbucks partnered with Arizona State University' (ASU) to expand its innovative tuition-reimbursement program that offered a chance to its employees to pursue their personal and professional career.
Digital Technology Starbucks introduced technological innovation, a signifi cant part of the strategy to promote its stores. The coffee chain was more cautious about adding and remodelling stores because it saw digital as a growth avenue. During Starbucks' fourth quarter earnings conference call in 2015, Schultz said, "The technology innovations we are introduc ing are further strengthening our brand, improving our effi ciency and in-store execution, increasing our profitability, enabling us to further extend our lead over competitors, and, most importantly, enabling us to deliver an elevated Starbucks experience to our customers:'19 In addition to the R&D facility at the corporate headquarters, Starbucks had Centers of Innovation Excellence (CIE) around the world to deliver locally relevant products and help customers enjoy the Starbucks experience everywhere.
Starbucks created and leveraged an innovative mar keting strategy to expand its outreach, which in turn led to higher revenue, profit, and total shareholder return. It used social media for marketing and social commerce. The social media strategy of the company revolved around its website and six additional social platforms-Twitter Inc./ Facebook, Inc.,i Pinterest,k Google Plus,1 YouTube,m and My Starbucks Idea. The company linked its social media strategy objectives with technology channels like mobile apps to appeal to the online community. One of the compa ny's new tactics of launching food trucks allowed on-the-go customers to grab a quick coffee in an accessible way. Speaking to Marketing Magazine" on the company's plan to become a leader in the digital space, Schultz said, "Social media is a natural extension of our brand because we want to do things that are unexpected and to speak to all sorts of people who are engaged in social media."20
Starbucks took advantage of its crowd sourcing plat form, My Starbucks Idea, to innovate and improve its products in the social media. The platform encouraged
customers to exchange ideas with each other and help the company understand their needs and concerns. By giving customers an opportunity to view the brand and by responding to it, it was able to reignite the brand trust. Another social media initiative that allowed cus tomers to personalize the company's offerings was My Starbucks Signature. The process required customers to get themselves involved in developing and naming their own signature drink on a well-designed website, and share the new flavor with the community.
As a mobile disruptor, Starbucks embraced mobile apps for the promotion of its brand and sales of prod ucts earlier than the competition. Introduced in 2009, the Starbucks mobile app developed from a basic mobile payment app into an integral part of Starbucks' digital ecosystem. The mobile and digital technologies enabled Starbucks to extend its reach and deepen its emotional connection with customers across the world. The com pany incentivized customers who used the mobile app to buy and pay. As a pioneer in mass market technol ogy, Starbucks made it easy to order online to eliminate delays from lines and directly connect with a barista. "We have to keep pushing innovation inside and outside of our stores, and we have to be as relevant for our customers on their phone, as we are inside the Starbucks experience, "21
said Schultz. The mobile and digital strategies of Starbucks
revolved around its loyalty program. The coffee chain diligently crafted its loyalty program over the years and considered it as the best in the coffee shop industry. In an earnings conference call, Schultz said the growth of the company's loyalty program "continues to be our most important business driver as new members contribute not only short-term increases in revenue and profit, but also to long-term loyalty for years to come."22
Starbucks gained customer attention through the launching of innovative reward programs and game changing concepts, a key to drive growth. The coffee chain designed reward programs to encourage the use of mobile ordering, which led to enticing rewards. Starbucks cus tomers learned about the improvements and expan sions made by the company through the leading-edge digital initiatives, including the loyalty program, My Starbucks Rewards. The program enabled customers to keep track of rewards and stars in real time and pay for their purchases with their phones. Starbucks partnered
h ASU is a leader in employing innovative educational technology to deliver tailored academic support. 'Twitter is the US-based social network company, allowing users to post and interact with messages. iFounded in 2004, Facebook is an American for-profit corporation and a popular free social media website. kHeadquartered in San Francisco, Pinterest is a web and mobile application start-up that help people to discover and save creative ideas on the World Wide Web. 'Google Plus is a social networking service that is owned and operated by Google. mstarted in 2005, YouTube is an American video-sharing website. "Launched in 2002, Marketing magazine is a leading source of advertising, marketing, and media intelligence in Asia.
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with The New York Times to avail of the top news and a selection of articles via the Starbucks mobile app for the My Starbucks Rewards loyalty members." We see a future in which the Starbucks retail experience seamlessly extends to the mobile devices our millions of customers carry with them every day;'23 said Schultz, in a press release.
To increase customers' loyalty, Starbucks introduced two free new apps for customers-the MyStarbucks app and the Starbucks Card Mobile. While the MyStarbucks app enabled customers to search stores, browse the menu, and explore Starbucks coffee, the Starbucks Card Mobile app allowed them to register themselves, bal ance check, and refill Starbucks gift cards. Speaking on the Starbucks Card Mobile app, Stephen Gillett, senior vice president of digital ventures at Starbucks, said, "We're really venturing into new waters in terms of mobile payment. "24
Starbucks unveiled an innovative conversation ordering system called 'My Starbucks Barista' for the Starbucks Mobile app. It used Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the voice computing system to allow users to place their orders via voice command or a messaging interface. Starbucks expected this to enhance customer loyalty and engagement and further extend the accessibility of its app.
Starbucks' digital ecosystem achieved a turning point in 2015 with the introduction of its mobile ordering sys tem known as 'Mobile Order & Pay' (MOP). Integrated into the Starbucks Mobile App and My Starbucks Rewards loyalty program, the MOP initiative allowed customers to place their orders ahead on the app, bypass the line entirely, and pick up their order later from the chosen location. The mobile ordering technology trans formed Starbucks from a coffee shop to digital shop. The MOP experience delivered on all the three key customer expectations-ease, simplicity, and speed. It benefited Starbucks by opening up an additional revenue avenue and helped in getting the information it needed to con tinuously satisfy customers.
The popularity of MOP extended Starbucks' leadership position in mobile commerce and customer loyalty.
The digital efforts of the coffee chain generated stun - ning returns and its technology partnerships reinforced the passion among customers to venture into Starbucks' locations. By December 2016, Starbucks became a global market leader in mobile payments with 12 million Starbucks Rewards members ( up 18% Yo Y), and 8 million mobile-paying customers, with one out of three using MOP.25 In the early part of 2017, the mobile payments technology accounted for over 20% of the total trans actions at Starbucks,26 a percentage higher than that of others in the food and beverage industry. "Of all the new traffic-driving initiatives for the company, Mobile Order & Pay is at the top of that list and we are confident that it will
Part 4: Case Studies
be game-changing for our customers and our business;'27
said Adam Brotman, Starbucks chief digital officer.
Despite Starbucks' longstanding efforts at spreading innovations throughout the business model, the coffee chain became a victim of its own innovation, indus try experts observed. After taking charge as CEO of the company, Johnson faced a tough time as Starbucks posted its slowest comparable-sales growth in the US since the global recession. Launching of food had long been a challenge for Starbucks and the coffee chain had overhauled its food menu several times to keep up the growing demand of customers. Johnson unveiled a new lunchtime menu called Mercato, and its success would likely determine whether Starbucks was able to achieve its goal of doubling food sales in the years to come. On the customer front, Johnson would likely face the chal lenge of maintaining Starbucks' ecosystem and customer retention. Industry experts felt that as Johnson inno vated and the company evolved, he would have to main tain the focus on the customer that had made the brand so powerful. However, one of the key issues that Johnson faced was the mobile payment system that dragged down customer traffic. Johnson admitted that "The tremendous success of mobile order and pay has also created a new oper ational challenge in our highest volume stores that has been building for several quarters-significant congestion at the handoff plane:'28
The launch of MOP no doubt reduced long lines at the cash register, but it caused some problems in the service. It led to congestion at the checkout point due to many advance orders and discouraged customers, who sometimes left the counter without ordering. Although Starbucks endorsed mobile technology as a potential oper ational efficiency booster, the company ended up missing its selling expectations when customers walked out of the stores. Starbucks called it a challenging environment for the company which lowered its revenue forecast from a double digit increase to within an 8% and 10% increase for fiscal year 2017.29 Further, the coffee chain reported that its transactions had dropped 2% in the first quarter of fiscal year 2017,30 in large part due to the problems caused by mobile ordering. It seemed to be the coffee chain's most urgent challenge, especially when the company was focus ing on its e-commerce, the potential source of business growth. Further, Starbucks faced the biggest challenge of declining foot traffic in its stores as consumers shifted more to the e-commerce platform. With the coffee chain's stores packed with mobile orders, service slowed down drastically, alienating customers. Observers expected that
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Case 14: Driving Innovation and Growth at Starbucks: From Howard Schultz to Kevin Johnson C-197
Johnson would have to find a solution to jam-packed Starbucks stores that might actually be costing the com pany sales.
chain planned to capture the enormous global growth opportunities ahead through the power of its brand, the strength in its business, and its world-class talent management.
The Road Ahead
Looking forward, Starbucks devised a massive growth plan, supported by its business model innovation. According to the coffee chain's projections, approximately 12,000 new stores would be added globally, taking the total to 37,000 stores by 2021.31 On the premium front, Starbucks considered its Roastery stores an impressive success of its business model innovation. It had plans to globalize the Roastery experience and build more high end Roastery experiences at its Starbucks stores, adding Starbucks Reserve "experience bars" to about 20% of its locations by 2021. 32 In December 2016, Starbucks launched a five-year plan including an ambitious multi year strategy to elevate the entire Starbucks brand and customer experience globally and extend Starbucks' leadership around coffee, retail, and mobile. The coffee
Despite its potential growth plan, analysts felt that Starbucks' mobile ordering system could raise some concerns and growth could continue to decelerate in the future if Johnson failed to find a fast fix. Johnson was optimistic about the future of the company. "We both embrace innovation-Howard through the lens of an entrepreneur and a merchant, me through the lens of the technologist. We both care about growing a company and certainly his life's work has created this beautiful com pany called Starbucks and the opportunity for me to take that and stay true to the mission, the values, and the core business as we scale it will be a great opportunity that I look forward to;'33 he said. According to some analysts, it remained to be seen whether Johnson would be able to continue the digital drive at Starbucks unabated to attract customers and maintain the company's leader ship position in the food service industry going forward.
1. "Starbucks Presents its Five-Year Plan 12. Darrel Suderman, "Coffee Innovation 23. "Starbucks Creates First-of-its-Kind Digital
for Strong Global Growth;'www.news from Starbucks;' www.fastcasual.com, News Experience with The New York Times;'
. starbucks.com, December 7, 2016. October 18, 2010 . www.news.starbucks.com, July 21, 2015.
2. "Why did Howard Schultz Leave Starbucks, 13. "Year in Review 2015: Starbucks 24. Caroline McCarthy, "Future of Mobile
only to Return Eight Years Later? (SBUX);' Innovations;' www.news.starbucks Commerce, in a Skinny Vanilla Latte?;'www
www.investopedia.com, March 30, 2015. . com, December 26, 2015. .cnet.com, September 23, 2009 .
3. Andrew Ward, "Why Schultz has Caused a 14. Shezray Husain, Feroz Khan and Waqas 25. Elena Mesropyan, "Starbucks: The Unlikely
Stir at Starbucks;' www.ft.com, February 26, Mirza, "Brewing Innovation;' www Winner in Mobile Payments;· www
2007. . businesstoday.in, September 28, 2014. .letstalkpayments.com, December 14, 2016 .
4. Lindsey Reinmuth and Hailey Lynch, "Does 15. Archana Venkatraman, "Starbucks 26. Simon, "Starbucks Is Leading the Pack in
Long-Term Caffeine Consumption Protect Uses Cloud to Manage Innovation Mobile Payments;' www.thisisglance.com,
Your Brain?;' www.healthyagaingproject and Disruptive Technologies;' www February 28, 2017.
. org, February 11, 2017. .computerweekly.com, October 10, 2014 . 27. "Starbucks Details Five-Year Plan to
5. Ranjay Gulati, Sarah Huffman, and Gary L. 16. "What's Brewing within Starbucks' Accelerate Profitable Growth;' www.news
Neilson, "The Barista Principle-Starbucks Innovation Division;' www.stage-gate.com. .Starbucks.com, December 4, 2014.
and the Rise of Relational Capital;' www 17. Micah Solomon, "Slow down like Starbucks: 28. "Starbucks to Dedicate New store to Mobile
.strategy-business.com, July 17, 2002. Great Customer Service Is Fast, But Never Orders," www.mobilepaymentstoday.com,
6. "Starbucks-Business-Level Strategy Essay;' Rushed;' www.forbes.com, November 1, March 31, 2017.
www.bartleby.com, January 12, 2014. 2014. 29. Craig Adeyanju, "Starbucks: A Victim
7. Ken Favaro, "Vertical Integration 2.0: 18. "What's Brewing at Starbucks' Innovation of its Own Innovation? (SBUX);'www
An Old strategy Makes a Comeback;' Division;' www.ifmaworld.com, October 26, .investopedia.com, January 27, 2017.
www.strategy-business.com, May 6, 2015. 2012. 30. Kate Taylor, "A Key Innovation at Starbucks
8. "Starbucks' Quest for Healthy Growth: An 19. Larry Dignan, "Starbucks' Digital and Chipotle is Turning into a Major Problem;'
Interview with Howard Schultz;' www Transformation: The Takeaways Every www.businessinsider.in, March 5, 2017.
.mckinsey.com, March, 2011. Enterprise Needs to Know;' www.zdnet 31. "Starbucks Presents its Five-Year Plan
9. Tony Schwartz, "Why I Appreciate .com, November 1, 2015. for Strong Global Growth;' www.news
Starbucks;' www.hbr.org, April 4, 2011. 20. Nicola Watts, "5 Shots of Innovation .starbucks.com, December 7, 2016.
10. Derek du Preez, "A Coffee Catch up from Starbucks;' www.ogilvydo.com, 32. Chelsea Stone, "Starbucks Is Expanding Its
with Starbucks EMEA IT Director Robert November 12, 2015. High-End Reserve brand;'www.glamour
Teagle;' www.diginomica.com, August 22, 21. "11 Updates to Starbuck's Creative Ideas and .com, December 7, 2016.
2014. lnnovation;'www.digitalsparkmarketing.com. 33. Julia La Roche, "Starbucks' Schultz and
11. "Starbucks New Innovation myStarbucks 22. Rebecca Harris, "Why Starbucks Is Winning Johnson Tell Us About the Challenges
Starbucks card Mobile Application;'www At Loyalty;' www.marketingmag.ca, Facing the Company;' https://finance
. scribd.com. July 28, 2015 . .yahoo.com, March 23, 2017.
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C-198 Part 4: Case Studies
Sturm, Ruger & Co. and the U.S. Firearms Industry
January 2018
Christopher J. Killoy was named President and Chief Executive Officer of Sturm, Ruger & Company in May of 2017. He was tasked with establishing direction as fire arm demand continued to slow following a record break ing increase in gun sales.' The significant spike in 2016, a presidential election year, was at least partly the result of consumer fears that a Hillary Clinton presidency would result in stronger gun regulation. 2
Bad news and regulatory threats tend to serve as pos itive influences for the highly volatile U.S. gun and ammu nition manufacturing industry.3 Calls for increased gun control measures drive Americans to purchase weapons based on concerns that the federal government might further limit Second Amendment rights.4 In addition, terrorism and high-profile mass shootings also tend to increase gun purchases, as Americans remain concerned with their personal safety, as well as the looming poten tial for new regulations that could ultimately restrict their personal freedoms. 5
Given that Ruger operates in an industry character ized by random and significant swings, how can Killoy develop a strategy that will help the company both navi gate and thrive in this volatile environment?
Bill Ruger: A Man with a Passion
Bill Ruger, co-founder of Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc., had a passion for firearms that was ignited when his father gave him his first rifle on his twelfth birthday. In high school, Ruger joined the rifle team and spent much of his free time reading books on firearms and disassembling guns, just so he could learn more about how they operated. At age 22, he dropped out of col lege with two years remaining and accepted an offer from the United States Government to be a machine gun designer. The salary was not enough to support his family, so he left after only months on the job.
With World War II on the horizon, the U.S. Army was looking to replace its machine gun. Consequently, it pub lished specific requirements which Ruger himself used to build a prototype. When he could not find a manufac turer that was willing to produce his design, he decided to join Auto-Ordnance Corporation, a firearms manufac turer with multiple government contracts. During Ruger's four years with the company, he learned valuable mass production manufacturing techniques and realized the importance of product innovation for stimulating demand and gaining a competitive advantage over competitors.
In 1946, Ruger left Auto-Ordnance to start The Ruger Corporation-a venture through which he hoped to accomplish three things: (1) supply parts to the fire arms industry; (2) develop a hardware tool line; and (3) produce an automatic pistol. Unfortunately, this ven ture did not go as planned. A short three years later, the company went bankrupt. Through this failure, Ruger learned a valuable lesson that shaped the future of Sturm, Ruger & Company: when you borrow money, it is much easier to fail than if you have no debt at all.
In 1949, Ruger met firearms enthusiast Alexander Sturm, a Yale graduate from an affluent family. Together, they founded Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. to manu facture the automatic pistol that Ruger had intended to produce in his failed company. The company was seeded with a $50,000 investment that came from Sturm, and with Ruger's new "no borrowing" policy, the company has no long-term debt to this day.
In 1951, Sturm died of hepatitis, so Ruger went on to run the company by himself. Ruger was known for his high level of integrity and frugal mentality. Rather than splurging on fancy offices, he would pay out dividends to his shareholders because he believed that they had better uses for the cash than he had. Ruger was extremely motivated by his passion for firearms, and that passion transformed the company from its humble beginnings in 1949 to generating over $200 million in sales by the time Ruger retired in 2000.6
Written by Eryn Berquist, Julian Cha, Jeffrey S. Harrison, Kelsey Heady, Lindsay Kennedy, Will Macllwaine, Bikram Saini, Natalie Schmidt, and Jason Werts at the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. Copyright© Jeffrey S. Harrison. This case was written for the purpose of classroom discussion. It is not to be duplicated or cited in any form without the copyright holder's express permission. For permission to reproduce or cite this case, contact Jeff Harrison at [email protected]. In your message, state your name, affiliation and the intended use of the case. Permission for classroom use will be granted free of charge. Other cases are available at: http://robins.richmond.edu/centers/case-network.html
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Case 15: Sturm, Ruger & Co. and the U.S. Firearms Industry
Company Overview
Today, Sturm, Ruger & Company ("Ruger") is principally engaged in the design, manufacture, and sale of firearms to domestic customers. Since 1990, Ruger has been pub licly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the stock ticker RGR. The company operates with two distinct business segments: Firearms and Investment Castings. The Firearms segment offers products in three industry product categories: rifles, pistols, and revolvers. There are several available models within each product category, each of which varies based on caliber, finish, barrel length, and other features. Under the Investment Casting segment, the company manufactures and sells investment castings made from steel alloys and metal injection molding parts for internal use in the firearms segment, with minimal sales to outside customers. In 2016, investment castings represented merely 1% of total sales. The majority of Ruger sales are domestic, with exports accounting for only 3%. As of 2017, Ruger employed approximately 2,110 full-time employees. In addition to the full-time employees, Ruger employed roughly 320 temporary employees to supplement its workforce.7
Vision From its start in 1949, Ruger has lived up to its motto of being an "arms maker for responsible citizens"8 and has strived to achieve its vision:
"Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of rugged, reliable firearms for the com mercial sporting market. The only full-line manufacturer of American-made firearms, Ruger offers consumers over 400 variations of more than 30 product lines. For more than 60 years, Ruger has been a model of corporate and commu nity responsibility."9
Consistent with its emphasis on community respon sibility, many advertisements focus on the importance of being a safe gun owner, while safety messages are posted on the Ruger website. Ruger believes in and invests in educational programs emphasizing safe gun ownership and gun use, knowing that this edu cation has the potential to save lives. 10 The company has dedicated materials and other resources to the promotion of gun safety to all gun owners, including through youth programs. Each Ruger gun is designed with safety in mind by incorporating both internal and external safety measures. Recently, Ruger partnered
with Project HomeSafe to deliver gun safety materi als and cable locks to inner city gun owners who may not otherwise have access to the needed gun safety materials.11 However, these types of programs are some times met with skepticism. As Ruger has stated in its Ruger Red Book-Firearms Ownership in America Our Responsibility for the Future:
"Firearms safety education can and has demonstrably reduced needless accidents with firearms, particularly among younger persons. Yet, any suggestion of such a widespread educational program is immediately met with the response that it is actually 'promoting guns.' If we took this attitude toward sex and drug education programs, we would be accused of being nai've and immature." 12
Management Ruger has a very seasoned and talented top manage ment team. Ruger's CEO, Christopher Killoy, was pre viously the President and Chief Operating Officer of Ruger, and has been employed by Ruger in some capac ity since 2006. Killoy was also involved in the gun and ammunition manufacturing field before joining Ruger, as the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Smith & Wesson. Killoy offers experience to Ruger, both as a sea soned veteran in the gun and ammunition manufactur ing business, and through his membership on the Board of Directors of the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturing Institute and the International Hunter Education Association Foundation. Killoy served in the United States Army Armor division.
Mark Lang has served as Ruger's Group Vice President since February 18, 2008. He arrived with con siderable business experience, having previously served as the President of the Custom Products Division for Mueller Industries, as well as a manufacturing execu tive with T homas & Betts, Black & Decker, and General Electric.
Thomas Dineen has a longstanding history with the company, joining Ruger in 1997 as a Manager of Corporate Accounting. He worked as an Assistant Controller from 2001 to 2003 before being promoted to Treasurer and CFO in 2003. Dineen was promoted to Vice President and CFO on May 24, 2006.
Thomas Sullivan was hired as the Vice President of Newport and Mayodan Operations and Pine Tree Castings on August 14, 2006, after previously serving as the Manufacturing Executive at IMI Norgren, Rexnord,
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and TRW Automotive. Sullivan brings extensive knowl edge of supply chain operations, manufacturing, and product development to Ruger. He has demonstrated a continued dedication to education as a student and teacher of the Toyota Production System for the last fifteen years.
Kevin Reid started with Ruger in July 2001 as Assistant General Counsel. From there he was pro moted to Director of Marketing in June of 2007. As the Director of Marketing, Reid not only oversaw daily marketing activities, but he also successfully led two highly anticipated product launches. On April 23, 2008 the Board of Directors elected Reid to serve in his current position of Vice President and General Counsel. Reid served in the United States Marine Corps from 1980-1984.
Shawn Leska has a longstanding history with Ruger, starting with the company in 1989 as an Accounting Office Assistant. He climbed the ranks of the organiza tion and was promoted to Director of Sales in November of 2011. As Director of Sales he worked through sev eral new product launches and was involved in sales programs and corporate initiatives. In his twenty-nine years with Ruger, Leska has developed strong industry relationships.13
Background information for the Ruger Board of Directors is included in Exhibit 1.
Operations Sturm, Ruger & Co. is headquartered in Southport, Connecticut, and maintains manufacturing facilities in Newport (New Hampshire), Prescott (Arizona), Mayodan (North Carolina), and Earth City, Missouri. The Newport facility is the largest, at 350,000 square feet, and is the only facility that manufactures both fire arms and castings. The Prescott and Mayodan facilities sit at 230,000 and 220,000 square feet respectively and manufacture only firearms. Finally, the Earth City facil ity is the smallest, with only 35,000 square feet, and man ufactures only castings.14
Historically speaking, new product introductions do not tend to cannibalize demand for existing products in this industry. Often, with the launch of a new prod uct, the demand for mature products tends to grow as well. As a result, machines are not freed up and addi tional manufacturing space is ultimately required.15
Consequently, with the surge in sales from 2013 to 2016, several manufacturers, including Ruger, tried to increase their facilities and production capabilities to account for the industry growth. Once President Trump took office, facility expansion efforts stopped.16
Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 1 Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. Board of Directors
C. Michael Jacobi, Chairman-Mr. Jacobi has served on the
Board since June of 2006. He is President of Stable House 1, LLC,
a private company that specializes in real estate development.
Jacobi is a Certified Public Accountant and brings considerable
audit experience to the Board of Directors.
John A. Cosentino, Jr., Vice Chairman-Mr. Casentino is a
founding partner of the Ironwood Manufacturing Fund and has
served on the Board since August 2005. He has considerable
experience as a manufacturing executive and leading several
private investments.
Michael 0. Fifer-Mr. Fifer served as the CEO from September,
2006 to May, 2017 and has been an active member of the
Board since 2006. He possesses considerable industry
experience from his tenure. Fifer earned a BS in Physics from
the United States Naval Academy, an MBA from Harvard
Business School, and served as a submarine officer in the
United States Navy.
Sandra S. Froman-Ms. Froman has been an active member
of the National Rifle Association since 1992. She served as Vice
President from 1998 to 2005 and as President of the NRA from
2005 to 2007. Ms. Froman has a BS in Economics from Stanford
University and a JD from Harvard Law School. She currently
practices as a private civil attorney for her own firm.
Terrence G. O'Connor-Mr. O'Connor joined the Board with
considerable financial and audit experience. He currently serves
on the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and
helps drive strategy for Ruger as a member of the Risk Oversight
Committee. He received a Mechanical Engineering degree from
the Imperial College in London.
Amir P. Rosenthal-Mr. Rosenthal has been on the Board
since 2010. He was Chief Financial Officer of Performance
Sports Group, LTD. for seven years and is a current Director
at Ruger.
Ronald C. Whitaker-Mr. Whitaker has served on the Board
since 2006. He retired from Hyco International after serving as
the organization's CEO from 2003 to 2011.
Phillip C. Widman-Mr. Widman is a current director at Ruger
and has served on the Board since January of 2010. His expe
rience includes years of financial roles, CFO of Philip Service
Corporation, and work as an independent consultant.
Source: Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Board of directors & corporate officers.
httpJ/ruger.com/corporate/80D.html. Accessed November 30, 2017
Ruger is very strategic about its manufacturing facility locations. For a city to qualify as a potential location candidate, it must contain abundant electrical supply, good transportation, a good workforce in the community, numerous available engineers with strong manufacturing skills, and a building with space for future expansion. If these requirements are all fulfilled, Ruger then evaluates the city's crime and drug-use rates because all employees are required to pass a federal background check.17
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Case 15: Sturm, Ruger & Co. and the U.S. Firearms Industry
Gun manufacture is similar to the manufacture of other metal products with moving parts that require precision machining and assembly.18 A typical gun con tains between 50 and 100 parts. The precision parts are made from raw steel shapes using expensive computer controlled machining stations.19 Third parties supply Ruger with various raw materials for its firearms and castings. These materials include things such as fabri cated steel components, walnut, birch, beech, maple, and laminated lumber for rifle stocks, wax, ceramic mate rial, metal alloys, various synthetic products, and other component parts. Given the limited supply of these raw materials in the marketplace, the purchase prices tend to fluctuate based on a number of market factors.20
Parts are assembled and finished by hand (sometimes with elaborate metal etching or other design work), and weapons are individually test-fired. 21
Research and Development Innovation and new products drive demand for Ruger firearms. Bill Ruger was a big proponent of innovation and made it a priority for his company. While he was CEO, he made guns that he wanted to shoot, oversee ing every design detail. In 1981, he stated, "If I really personally like it, then I can be fairly sure and posi tive that there will be a lot of other people who feel the same waY:' 22 To this day, the company remains focused on R&D efforts, hiring the best engineers and ded icating 141 employees toward R&D efforts.23 In 2016, 2015, and 2014, the Company spent approximately $8.7 million, $8.5 million, and $10.0 million, respec tively, on research and development activities related to new products and to the improvement of existing products. About 30% of firearm sales are driven by new products, defined as those products having been in the market for less than two years.24
Marketing Ruger is known for providing high-quality products at low prices. In the early years of the company's history, Bill Ruger recognized that the company did not have the kind of brand name that some of its competitors had, so Ruger was forced to figure out a way to produce high-quality firearms at a lower cost. That is when he implemented the precision investment casting tech nique, which allowed for the production of castings out of the highest strength alloys available at a reasonable cost. As a result of this technique, Ruger had the highest margins in the industry, which helped keep prices low.25
The company still prices a number of its products mod estly, such as its SR1911 Lightweight Commander Style
Pistol and its LCP II, which in turn offers consumers more value at a better price.26
Ruger's products have excellent reputations, exem plified by the fact that the company has been given the Firearms Manufacturer of the Year award by the National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers for eleven straight years.27 The company supports this reputation by advertising through a number of chan nels, including magazines, online advertising, and trade shows.28 Ruger also uses promotional marketing tactics to create special relationships with its deal ers. One example of this is the "Rapid Retail Rewards Program;' also known as the "4R Program:' This pro gram awards points to dealers who sell Ruger guns. Those points can then be redeemed for free Ruger firearms. Thus, the program helps keep dealers sat isfied while also increasing sales and gaining more exposure for Ruger products.29
Ruger firearms are primarily sold through a net work of federally licensed, independent wholesale distributors who purchase the products directly from Ruger and then resell them to federally licensed, inde pendent retail firearms dealers. Each distributor car ries the entire line of firearms manufactured by Ruger for the commercial market. Currently, 18 distributors service the domestic commercial market, with an additional 23 distributors servicing the domestic law enforcement market, and 41 distributors servicing the export market. In 2016, Ruger's 4 largest distributors accounted for 65% of total sales: Davidson's (19%); Lipsey's (17%); Jerry's/Ellett Brothers (15%); and Sports South (14%).30
Civilians purchase firearms through gun stores, sporting goods stores, individual sellers, and some large retail stores. Ruger's website is also an import ant avenue through which customers can familiarize themselves with guns, although regulations restrict how individuals can purchase firearms online. An indi vidual can buy a gun online from a federal firearms license holder. The license holder then ships the gun to a licensed dealer, and the consumer has to go directly to the dealer for a background check before picking up the gun.31
Ruger performs a semi-monthly review of the estimated sell-through from the independent distrib utors to retailers, as well as of the inventory levels in its warehouses and in the warehouses of its indepen dent distributors. These reviews allow the company to better plan production levels and appropriately man age inventory levels. Computer systems are used for the extensive documentation required to track each
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individual gun.32 Ruger aims to turn its inventory six to eight times per year. Despite a tough second quarter in 2017, Ruger was still able to turn inventory five and a half times.33
Human Resources
Ruger's training programs for employees vary depend ing on the type of employment. In 2011, the company implemented the Ruger Code of Ethics, which provides the Board, management, and employees with the neces sary tools needed to comply with industry standards.34
Additionally, the Code helps create a workplace that pro motes accountability among its employees and ensures that Ruger is holding itself accountable to its customers.35
The company's employees participate in a profit sharing plan and bonuses are awarded to employees based on the company's financial success.36 The company actively recruits individuals via the employment page on its
Exhibit 2 Sturm, Ruger & Company Income Statements
Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income (In thousands, except per share data)
Year ended December 31,
Net firearms sales
Net castings sales
Total net sales
Cost of products sold
Gross profit
Operating Expenses:
General and administrative
Defined benefit pension plans settlement charge
Other operating income, net
Total operating expenses
Operating income
Other income:
Royalty income
Interest income
Interest expense
Other income (expense), net
Total other income, net
Income before income taxes
Income taxes
Net income and comprehensive income
Basic Earnings Per Share
Diluted Earnings Per Share
Cash Dividends Per Share
Part 4: Case Studies
website and continuously posts new openings available in each of the company's facilities.37
Financial Condition
Over the last five years, overall revenue for Ruger has been choppy.38 For example, revenue decreased in 2015 to $551 million dollars, followed by a subsequent increase to $664 million dollars in 2016.39 Total current assets have been steadily increasing over the past five years, while total current liabilities have remained rel atively constant.40 Ruger's cash and short-term invest ments have experienced a major increase in the last three years, increasing from a little less than $9 million in 2014 to $87 million in 2016.41 Ruger's Q3 2017 financial results indicate that the company is not meeting Wall Street expectations for its earnings per share and sales.42
Ruger's operating profit margin in 2016 was 20.4%.43
Exhibits 2 and 3 contain detailed financial information.
2016 2015 2014
$658,433 $544,850 $542,267
5,895 6,244 2,207
664,328 551,094 544,474
444,774 378,934 375,300
219,554 172,160 169,174
56,146 49,864 44,550
29,004 27,864 28,899
(5) (113) (1,612)
85,145 77,615 112,836
134,409 94,545 56,338
1,142 1,084 468
14 5 2
(186) (156) (152)
542 622 584
1,512 1,555 902
135,921 96,100 57,240
48,449 33,974 18,612
$87,472 $62,126 $ 38,628
$4.62 $3.32 $1.99
$4.59 $3.21 $1.95
$1.73 $1.10 $1.62
Source: Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2016. Form 10-K. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc: 52.
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Case 15: Sturm, Ruger & Co. and the U.S. Firearms Industry
Exhibit 3 Sturm, Ruger & Company Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
December 31,
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Trade receivables, net
Gross inventories
Less LIFO reserve
Less excess and obsolescence reserve
Net inventories
Deferred income taxes
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
Total Current Assets
Property, Plant, and Equipment
Less allowances for depreciation
Net property, plant and equipment
Other assets
Total Assets
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current Liabilities
Trade accounts payable and accrued expenses
Product liability
Employee compensation and benefits
Workers' compensation
Income taxes payable
Total Current Liabilities
Product liability
Deferred income taxes
Contingent liabilities (Note 17)
Stockholders' Equity
Common stock, non-voting, par value $1:
Authorized shares - 50,000; none issued
Common stock, par value $1:
Authorized shares - 40,000,000
2016 - 24,034,201 issued,
18,688,511 outstanding
2015 - 23,775,766 issued,
18,713,419 outstanding
Additional paid-in capital
Retained earnings
Less: Treasury stock-at cost
2016 - 5,345,690 shares
2015 - 5,062,347 shares
Total Stockholders' Equity
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
$ 87,126
$ 48,493
Source: Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2016. Form 10-K. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc 50-51.
$ 69,225
$ 42,991
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The U.S. Gun and Ammunition Industry
The U.S. gun and ammunition manufacturing industry has over $13 billion in annual revenues (see Exhibit 4 for other industry facts). Approximately half of that revenue is generated by the top seven domestic manufacturers, which include American Outdoor Brands, Colt, National Presto, Remington Outdoor, Vista Outdoor, Sig Sauer, and Ruger. Products include ammunition and firearms such as shotguns, rifles, revolvers, pistols, and machine guns. Demand is driven mostly by hunters, gun enthusiasts, and weapon upgrades by law enforcement.44 Profitability is closely linked to marketing efforts made by individual companies.45 The industry is costly to compete in due to high initial investment costs, considerable research and development costs, and high machine operation costs. Large companies benefit from purchasing economies when they acquire materials from suppliers.46 However, small companies can effectively compete by produc ing premium-priced, high-quality, or decorative guns.47 The three major market segments within the guns and ammunition manufacturing industry include civilians and law enforcement, the military, and exports.48
Growth in the U.S. gun industry was stagnant from 2012 to 2017. Even so, some analysts expect the indus try to grow 3.5% annually from 2017 to 2022. Defense spending and increased legislation are predicted to have a major impact on the growth of the industry over the next five years.49 However, there is so much volatility in the industry that trends are hard to predict (See Exhibit 5).
Close Rival American Outdoor Brands Corporation In many ways, American Outdoor Brands Corporation (AOBC-FY Sales of $903 M) is Ruger's closest rival. It is a domestic gun manufacturer that sells nearly the same
Part 4: Case Studies
number of firearms as Ruger, has a similar balance in sales between handguns and long guns, and many of its weapons compete head-to-head through the same retailer channels. AOBC grew from a single firearms operating division founded in 1852 under the widely known Smith & Wesson brand to multiple operating divisions and consumer brands today. AOBC now serves as the holding company for the historic Smith & Wesson Corp., Battenfeld Technologies, Inc., and Crimson Trace Corporation, which represent firearms, manufacturing services, accessories, and electro-optics divisions. AOBC operates in two business segments: (1) Firearms (which includes the Firearms and Manufacturing Services divi sions) and (2) Outdoor Products & Accessories (which includes Accessories and Electro-Optics divisions).50
The firearms division, which accounted for roughly 95% of revenues for FY 2017, produces and sells handguns (pistols and revolvers) and long guns (rifles).51 AOBC has added to its growth through several acquisitions in the past few years, including $211.1 million in acquisitions in 2016/2017.52 Annual revenue increased by 25-30% each year from 2015 to 2017, and net income grew from $49.6 million in 2015 to $127.8 million in 2017.53
AOBC's mission is: "To leverage our employees' capabilities and experiences to design, produce, and market high-quality, innovative firearms, accessories, and outdoor products that meet the needs and desires of our consumers and professional customers while delivering a healthy financial performance:' The com pany's vision is: "To be the leading provider of quality products for the shooting, hunting, and rugged outdoor enthusiast:'
Like Ruger, AOBC has a strong emphasis on inno vation. The company releases new products every few years with new features and technology. This keeps con sumers excited for new opportunities to enhance their firearms collections. Following the successful launch of
Exhibit 4 Economic Impact of the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Industry in the United States
Tax Impact Business Taxes Excise Taxes
Federal Taxes
State Taxes
Total Taxes
Economic Impact
Direct Supplier Induced Total
Source: The Firearm Industry Trade Association, Firearms and ammunition industry economic impact report, https://www.nssf.org/government-relations/impact/,
Accessed November 30, 2017.
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Case 15: Sturm, Ruger & Co. and the U.S. Firearms Industry C-205
Exhibit 5 External Influences on Gun Sales
Spikes in gun sales (millions per month)
2.500 -.--------------------------- 2 million guns sold month of Obama's re-election and the shooting at Sandy
2_000 +-------------------------- - Hook Elementary
School -----1
1.500 -+--------------------- 1.1 million ____ ,,__ ________ _,
guns sold month of Obama's election
Estimated gun sales per month
0.500 +-------------------------------------;
0.000 +----�---�--��--�---�---�---�---�----.-' 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Source: Ai sch, G. 2016. What happens after calls for new gun restrictions? Sales go up. The New York Times /Online/. June 13. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive
/2015/12/10/us/gun-sales-terrorism-obama-restrictions.html. Accessed November 30,2017.
the M&P Shield pistol in 2012, AOBC launched the M&P 2.0 Pistol in 2017. This new product has an upgraded trig ger, grip and frame from the popular M&P Pistol used by many law enforcement agencies today.54 Their two main production plants in Springfield, Massachusetts and Houlton, Maine have sometimes become strained during high demand periods, leading to huge backlogs. 55
In May of 2014, then Smith and Wesson acquired Tri Town Precision Plastics, a previous supplier of poly mer molding and prototyping for their products.56 Once acquired, the new operating name became Deep River Plastics, LLC. The acquisition helped ease capacity prob lems by significantly shortening the time it took the company to get materials from Tri Town and provided an additional 150,000 square foot production facility to be used to increase production capacity.
In the U.S., five prominent arms distributors account for most of AOBC's sales. The company also sells firearms directly to law enforcement agencies. In addition, a significant portion of its firearms are sold overseas, mainly through commercial distributors. 57 In 2017,
AOBC announced that it had decided to streamline and standardize its distribution process. The com pany plans to create a Logistics and Customer Service Division that will operate from a new 500,000 square foot distribution center in Missouri. The center will be equipped with latest technology, which will help to improve their operating efficiency by serving as a central distribution center.58
Other Significant Competitors Remington Outdoor Company (2016 Sales of $865 M), founded in 1816, is the oldest firearms manufacturer in the US. The firm is well known for manufacturing rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition. Remington is the market leader in long guns with a 15.8% market share in the domestic rifle market in 2014. 59 W hile the firm was not active in the handgun market for most of its existence, it entered this segment in 2010 with the Rl 1911. The company believes this is an area of opportunity, as the handgun market continues to grow. Finally, Remington is a major player in the ammunition
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market, with three major brands under the firm's umbrella. Remington has two major strategic initiatives to sustain growth in the future. The first is to focus on new product development, specifically in the hand gun segment. The firm recognizes the growing market opportunity with handguns and is committed to cutting into the market share of Sturm Ruger and American Outdoor Brands. With new product development, the firm has invested $180 Million to increase operational capacity and efficiency.6° Finally, Remington hopes to tap into the domestic and international law enforcement and military defense markets.
In addition to Remington, a few other competitors are notewor thy. Vista Outdoor Operations (FY 2017 sales of $2.5 B) has outdoor sports (i.e., outdoor cook ing equipment, eyewear, paddleboards) and shooting sports business segments.61 Vista's shooting sports seg ment, which accounts for a little over half of its sales, produces firearms such as centerfire rifles, rimfire rifles, shotguns, and range systems.62 Vista sells to civil ians, law enforcement agencies, the government, and international markets.63 Its Federal Premium ammuni tion brand is number one in market share in the ammu nition segment. Sig Sauer, Inc. (est. recent sales of $305 M) makes and imports handguns and firearms accessories, and also sells apparel and knives. The com pany is the largest member of a worldwide business group of firearms manufacturers. 64
Also, smaller competitor Colt Defense (est. recent sales of $54 M) is an American firearms manufacturer that designs, develops, and manufactures handguns, long guns, and other firearms for international military, law enforcement, and individual domestic consumers.65
In addition, National Presto Industries (2016 sales of $342 M) is primarily a housewares and electrical appli ance company. However, in 2001, the company purchased AMTEC, which allowed it to enter the defense segment. This segment "manufactures precision mechanical and electromechanical assemblies for the U.S. Government and prime contractors:' 66 In addition, numerous compa nies compete in the U.S. with very inexpensive firearms. For example, Cobra Enterprises, based in Utah, and Hi-Point Firearms (Strassell's Machine, Inc.) manufac ture handguns that can sell for less than $200.
No discussion of gun industry competition would be complete without mentioning international compet itors that sell their products in the U.S. Glock is chief among these competitors in the handgun segment. Glock, Inc., based in Smyrna, Georgia, operates as a subsidiary of GLOCK Ges.m.b.H of Austria. The com pany has been very successful in the law enforcement
Part 4: Case Studies
and military segments in the U.S., and sells its products commercially. Other international companies with sig nificant gun sales in the U.S. include Beretta (Italy) and Taurus International (Brazil).
The National Rifle Association
The U.S. gun and ammunition industry has a very pow erful political ally in the National Rifle Association ("NRA"). The NRA was established in 1875 with the purpose to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis:' It has since grown to be an organization focused on training, education, and marksmanship. In 1975, recognizing the great need to defend the second amendment through political action, NRA established the Institute of Legislative Action (ILA) to lobby legisla tors and engage members for political action. The NRA has grown to have more than five million members in 2017, and it actively engages its members by calling them to action every time a piece of restrictive "gun con trol'' legislation is proposed at the local, state, or federal level.67 Since its establishment, the NRA has had a great influence on American gun laws and policies. CBS News reported in 2016 that from 2011 to 2016, there were more than 100 gun control proposals introduced by lawmak ers. However, due to the lobbying efforts of NRA mem bers, none of those passed, and only a few were brought to the house and senate floor.68 In addition, when a gun tragedy occurs, the NRA quickly releases a statement in an effort to promote pro-firearm interests.69
The NRA is very active during presidential cam paigns, contributing to the campaigns of candidates that support expanded gun rights and targeting those who threaten to control or regulate guns.70 In the 2016 election, the group threw its support behind President Donald Trump, and against Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.71 Nevertheless, its political power is greater at the state level than the federal level. It uses a "grading system" to grade each politician on their will ingness to support NRA causes, and the NRA uses those "grades" to help determine the best candidate to represent the Republican party in state elections.72
Any firm in the industry that chooses to cross the NRA does so at its own peril. Smith & Wesson (now AOBC) learned this the hard way. Starting in 1998, cities and counties around the USA, fueled by the momentum of earlier legal suits against cigarette makers, filed suits against gun makers. Smith & Wesson was hit with law suits by over 28 cities, suing it for damages caused by gun violence. In response to these suits, Ed Schultz, Smith & Wesson's CEO at that time, met with the Clinton Administration, and settled on an agreement that would
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Case 15: Sturm, Ruger & Co. and the U.S. Firearms Industry
further regulate and control the way it manufactures firearms. As part of the agreement, Smith & Wesson agreed, amongst other things, to include a second hid den serial number on its firearms to offset the tendency for criminals to scratch out the number, to include a small lock in each gun that would prevent the trigger from being pulled, and to develop a "smart-gun tech nology" by 2003 that would allow handguns to be fired only by authorized users. The NRA did not like the new agreement, and sought to mobilize its members to boy cott Smith & Wesson products. That same year, Smith & Wesson suffered a decrease in sales by 40%, causing it to lay off 15% of its workforce, and subsequently replacing its CEO. By 2001 things were so bad at Smith & Wesson that it was sold by its parent company, Tomkins PLC, for a mere $15 million.73 The company then sought to, and was successful in, regaining a prominent position in the U.S. gun industry. They did so, in part, by publicly reject ing the terms of the Clinton gun safety agreement and coming up with a new line of high-capacity pistols and an assault-style rifle, the first of its kind for the company. These new products became best sellers, and the Bush administration also helped by awarding Smith & Wesson with several new federal contracts.74
Social and Political Forces
The gun industry in the U.S. is subject to state and federal regulations. Most federal regulations are implemented through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). All manufacturers, dealers, and retail ers must have a federal license in order to participate in the industry. Prospective buyers are subject to point of-sale background checks, and those with criminal records or any other disqualifying factors are restricted from making a purchase. Some state and municipal governments have gun laws that are stricter than federal laws. Such laws may prohibit entire classes of firearms, ammunition, or ammunition magazines from being sold in the respective governing area. Gun manufac turers are also subject to state and federal laws and regulations regarding the use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials.75
In today's political climate, there is a lot of talk about gun violence, gun control, and individual rights. The NRA has done well informing Americans of their Second Amendment right to bear arms. The media has done a terrific job of highlighting recent gun vio lence, mass shootings, and terrorist attacks to motivate Americans in two different ways. Some view these stories and desire personal protection, and are subse quently motivated to purchase a gun. Others view the
same story and call for a lock-down on gun purchas ing and stricter gun regulations. The media has con tinuously highlighted these types of stories, resulting in many Americans believing that gun violence has escalated in the U.S. In fact, gun violence dropped sig nificantly from the 1990s to the early 2000s and has remained more or less stable since 2005.76 On the other hand, it is still a serious problem. Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that on an average day, 93 Americans are killed with firearms.77
Two very significant pieces of legislation have influ enced the U.S. gun industry. In September 1994, a Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) went into effect, which prohibited the manufacture, transfer, and possession of certain assault weapons and all large capacity magazines (LCMs), but the law expired in 2004. 78 Since then, assault style weapons and LCMs are common characteristics of guns discussed in policy debates because they are dis proportionately used in mass shootings.79 For instance, the suspect in the mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, used an assault rifle with a 100-round magazine. Similar weapons were used in the mass shoot ings at Virginia Tech University and Fort Hood, Texas. The deadliest mass shooting by an individual in U.S. history occurred in October 2017 when the shooter used a bump-fire stock to make a semiautomatic weapon perform like a machine gun. The shooting prompted support in the U.S. Congress for legislation that would ban bump fire stocks and the National Rifle Association (NRA) supported these regulations.80 In November 2017, Massachusetts became the first state to ban the sale, possession, or use of such devices. 81
In October 2005, Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which was put in place to protect firearm manufacturers from being held liable when crimes have been committed with their products.82 The firearms industry has success fully defended numerous civil action lawsuits from gun violence victims due to this federal law. For instance, in October 2016, a Connecticut superior court judge dis missed a lawsuit filed by the families of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting against a firearm company. However, in November 2017, families of victims appealed to the Connecticut Supreme Court, which will now decide if the families' claims can proceed. This case will be a test of the federal law, which protects firearms manufacturers from liability claims.83 If this law is repealed or changed, then arms manufacturers may have to allocate substantial financial resources to fight and settle such claims. 84
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Moving Forward
Part 4: Case Studies
and pro-regulation Democrats could change with any national election.
Killoy and Ruger face significant challenges and uncer tainty. Gun violence has the potential to restrict posses sion of guns in the U.S.; however, consumer fears of fire arm bans and stricter gun control measures actually lead many consumers to purchase firearms.85 Competition is fierce from domestic manufacturers and imports, and cheap gun manufacturers are cutting into the market share of the high-quality manufacturers. The balance of power between the typically anti-regulation Republicans
How can Ruger continue to compete well against its rivals, both domestic and foreign? Should the company diversify to hedge its risks? If so, into what business or businesses, and how should it enter? Should Ruger take a serious look at international expansion? If the company makes changes that will require significant resources, is it time to consider some long-term debt? Or perhaps the company should just wait a while before making changes to see what happens with regulation.
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intentions: Not what one might expect. Form 10-K. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & 23. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2016.
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/docview/1765138228?pq-origsite -aef8-001a4bd6878.html. Accessed Seeking Alpha (Online). October 7. https://
=summon&accountid=14731&selectids November 26, 2017. seekingalpha.com/article/228895-sturm
=10000008,1006323: 17. 16. Sturm, Ruger & Co. 2017. Form 8-K. -ruger-and-company-the-apple-inc-of-the
4. Ibid. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & Co. -firearms-industry.
5. Ibid. November 1: 9. 26. Strategic Defence Intelligence.
6. Skonieczny, M. 2010. Sturm, Ruger & Co.: 17. Ibid. 2016. Sturm, Ruger, & Company, Inc.
The Apple Inc. of the firearms industry. 18. Hoover's. 2017. Gun & ammunition Strategic Defense Intelligence (Online).
Seeking Alpha (Online). October 7. https:/ / manufacturing: First research custom December 20. https://search.proquest
seekingalpha.com/article/228895-sturm report. Hoover's Inc. (Online). November 20. .com/docview/1850338596?pq-origsite
-ruger-and-company-t h e -apple-inc http://subscriber.hoovers.com.newman =summon&accountid=14731. Accessed
-o f -the-firearms-industry. Accessed . richmond.edu:2048/H/industry360 November 30, 2017: 31-32 .
November 30, 2017. /overview.html?industryld=1200. Accessed 27. Sturm, Ruger & Co. 2017. Form 8-K.
7. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2016. November 30, 2017. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & Co.
Form 1 0 -K. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & 19. Hoover's. 2017. Gun & ammunition November 1: 4.
Company, Inc. manufacturing: First research custom 28. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2017.
8. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Firearms report. Hoover's Inc. (Online). November 20. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. announces
ownership in America-Our responsibility http://subscriber.hoovers.com.newman executive appointments. June 1. http://
for the future. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & . richmond.edu:2048/H/industry360 www.ruger.com/news/2017-06-01.html .
Company, Inc. (Online). http://www /overview.html?industryld=1200. Accessed Accessed November 30, 2017.
.ruger.com/pdf/redBook.pdf: 2. November 30, 2017. 29. Autry, J. 2012. Ruger's rapid retail rewards
9. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Firearms 20. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2016. program returns. Shooting Industry (Online).
ownership in America-Our responsibility Form 1 0 -K. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & September. http://fmgpublications
for the future. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc: 13. .ipaperus.com/FMGPublications
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10. Ibid. report. Hoover's Inc. (Online). November 20. 30. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2016.
11. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Firearms http://subscriber.hoovers.com.newman Form 1 0 -K. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger &
safety for responsible citizens. Southport, .richmond.edu:2048/H/industry360 Company, Inc:
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Case 15: Sturm, Ruger & Co. and the U.S. Firearms Industry C-209
31. Plumer, B. 2013. Just how easy is it to 47. Hoover's. 2017. Gun & ammunition 67. National Rifle Association. 2017. A Brief
buy a gun over the internet? Wahington manufacturing: First research custom History of the NRA. NRA (Online). https://
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-buy-a-gun-over-the-internet/?utm /overview.html?industryld=1200. Control Proposals in Congress Since 2011
_term=.b39c5abe0ede. Accessed Accessed November 30, 2017. Hos Foiled. TV News Story. CBS News.
November 30, 2017. 48. Longo, D. 2017. Guns & ammunition June 20.
32. Seeking Alpha. 2017. Q3 2017 earnings manufacturing in the US. IBISWorld 69. Hickey, W. 2013. This is How the Gun
results. https://seekingalpha.com Industry Report (Online). June. http:// Industry Funnels Tens of Millions of Dollars
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33. Sturm, Ruger & Co. 2017. Form 8 -K. Southport, so. Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation. 70. Lee, C. G. 2012 . Guns in American Society: An
CT: Sturm, Ruger & Co. August 3. 2016. Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and
34. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2011. Code of Schedules Meeting of Stoke holders: the Law. California: ABC-CLIO.
business conduct and ethics. Sturm, Ruger & Holding Corporation to be Renamed 71. Reinhard, B and Ballhaus R. 2016. NRA
Company, Inc. (Online). http:/ /ruger.com American Outdoor Brands Corporation. Shows Support for Donald Trump. Wall
/corporate/PDF/CGD-Code_of_Ethics.pdf. PR Newswire. Springfield, MA: Smith & Street Journal, Accessed November 27
Accessed November 30, 2017. Wesson Holding Corporation. 72. Gross, T., & Spies, M. 2017. NRA-Backed
35. Ibid. 51. Statistica, 2017. Net Sales for American Gun Laws Have Found Success in State
36. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2013. Exciting Outdoor Brands Corporation for fiscal Legislatures Across the U.S. Radio Interview.
employment opportunities at Ruger. March 6. year 2017, by product (in million U.S. National Public Radio. October 5: Fresh Air
http://www.ruger.com/news/2013-03-06a dollars). https:/ /www.statista.com Segment.
.html. Accessed on November 30, 2017. /statistics/253913/net-sales-of 73. Dao, J. 2000. Under Legal Siege, Gun
37. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Employment. -smithundwesson-by-product/ Maker Agrees To Accept Curbs. The New
http://www.ruger.com/footer/employment 52 . Ibid. York Times. March 18: A2; Frontline PBS.
. html. Accessed on November 30, 2017. 53. American Outdoor Brands Corporation. 2015. How the NRA Made an Example
38. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. 2016. 20 17. American Outdoor Brands of Smith & Wesson. TV Show Segment.
Form 10-K. Southport, CT: Sturm, Ruger & Corporation: 2017 Annual Report. PBS Channel; Donn, J. 2000. Battered
Company, Inc: 52. Springfield, MA: American Outdoor By Reaction to Deal, Smith & Wesson
39. Ibid. Brands Corporation. Announces Layoffs. The Associated Press.
40. lbid,50. 54. Smith & Wesson, 2017. History of Smith & October 19; Donn, J. 2000. Battered
41. Ibid. Wesson (Online). http://www.smith By Reaction to Deal, Smith & Wesson
42. Maks, F. 2017. Ruger's weak results -wesson.com/company/history. Announces Layoffs. The Associated Press.
foreshadow American outdoor Accessed November 27, 2017. October 19; Wayne, L., & Butterfield, F.
brands losses? Seeking Alpha (Online). 55. MarketLine. 2014. Company Profile: Smith 2000. Gun Makers See Betrayal in Decision
November 3. https://seekingalpha.com and Wesson Corporation. May 7: 6. by Smith & Wesson. The New York Times.
/article/4120446-rugers-weak-results 56. Ibid. March 18; O'Conell, V., & Barrett, P. M. 2002.
-foreshadow-american-outdoor-brands 57. Smith and Wesson. 2014. Smith & Wesson Smith & Wesson Retools Image as Lawsuits
-losses. Accessed on November 30, 2017. Holding Corporation: 2016 Annual Report. Falter. The Wall Street Journal. October 16.
43. CFRA. 2017. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Springfield, MA:Smith and Wesson Holding 74. Rudolf, J. 2012. Smith & Wesson Broke
CFRA Equity Research Quantitative Stock Corporation. Clinton-Era Gun Safety Pledge to Boost
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78. Chu, V. S. 2013. Federal Assault Weapon
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Part 4: Case Studies
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manufacturing in the US. IBISWorld
Industry Report (Online). June. http://
/ind us try /defa u It.as px ?e nti d=662.
Accessed November 30, 2017: 5.
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
@H H L L.lll'ZIG
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The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management is a university-level institution and ranks among the lead ing international business schools. The goal of the old est business school in German-speaking Europe is to educate effective, responsible, and entrepreneurially minded leaders. HHL stands out for its excellent teach ing, its clear research focus, its effective knowledge transfer into practice as well as its outstanding student services. According to the Financial Times, HHL ranks first in Germany and fifth globally for its entrepreneur ship focus within the M.Sc. and EMBA programs. HHL is accredited by A ACSB International. www.hhl.de
On the night of December 16, 2016, Rolf Schromgens, trivago's CEO and managing director, gazed over the New York City skyline. Only a few hours previously, he and his co-founders had rung the stock market opening bell at NASDAQ and, thereby, realized the largest IPO of a German company in NASDAQ history.
A feeling of disbelief washed over him as he consid ered the incredible journey the team had taken. What had started only a decade earlier as a small, online-travel com munity had become the world's leading hotel meta-search engine. Each month, it linked 120 million travelers with 1.3 million hotels in 190 countries. In 2013, trivago had signed a USD 632 million deal in which travel giant Expedia acquired 61.6% of trivago's shares. Since then, the firm had continued to grow rapidly. Only two weeks prior to the IPO, trivago had released its figures for yet another record year. From 2015 to 2016, its revenue had again increased by more than 50% to EUR 754 million. Moreover, in 2016, the firm hired employee number 1,200 and the fast-paced recruitment continued.
Now, in the silence of his hotel room, Rolf's mind turned to the question that had often preoccupied him in recent months: Would trivago be able to remain the entre preneurial, driven company he had built and loved?
He thought back to the days prior to trivago's emer gence. He and his co-founders had worked for large cor porations that were focused on high efficiency but
functioned on the basis of bureaucratic processes and rigid routines. As such, these corporations were not open to change or innovation, and Rolf and his associates felt they were not desirable places to work. Consequently, the goal of not "becoming corporate" became a core premise for building trivago. The task had been easy when trivago was still a small start-up, but its rapid growth made pre serving the firm's entrepreneurial capacity an increasingly challenging task.
Business Model
In 2016, trivago's field of business could be described as hotel-related online marketing and distribution. The firm provided a two-sided, online meta-search platform that connected travelers seeking hotel accommodations with more than 200 booking sites and 1.3 million hotels. With 1.4 billion visits and 487 million qualified referrals1
in 2016, trivago was the largest hotel meta-search plat form in the world. What differentiated trivago's business model from that of online travel agents (OTAs) was its value proposition as an independent information pro vider. trivago did not sell hotel rooms. Instead, it orga nized large amounts of hotel-related information from multiple sources to offer the optimal basis for making a booking decision. Thus, trivago helped users convert their initial interest into a clear, specific booking inten tion, thereby fulfilling their personal needs.
Given the large number of hotels, even in smaller cities, finding the right place to stay could be time con suming and frustrating for travelers, who generally faced an overload of information. trivago supported accom modation seekers in this regard by providing real-time transparency regarding a large set of hotels, room avail ability, and prices (Exhibit 1). Moreover, it reduced the number of booking sites a user had to visit before book ing. All of trivago's services were free for the traveler.
OTAs faced the challenge of winning customers. A duopoly of industry giants-Expedia, Inc. (e.g., Expedia .com, TripAdvisor, eLong, Hotels.com) and The Priceline
This case was written by Sabina Pielken, Philipp Veit, and Professor Dr. Stephan Stubner, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. Sabina Pielken and Philipp Veit contributed equally to this project and should be considered co-first authors.
The case is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either the effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Information used in this case was compiled from public sources and through primary data collection. The latter was made possible through the generous co-operation of trivago N.V.
© 2018, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.
No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced, or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.
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Exhibit 1 Traveler Value Added
.... Search detail a .....
Best deal
Price compariaon ·•·•·• ..
Retlngs and
Part 4: Case Studies
TroospOI I Pf g
Travelers entered their desired location, room choice, date of stay, and individual preferences, such as hotel rating, family
friendliness, and customer ranking. They then received a filtered and synthesized list of hotels from multiple sources ranked by
price, popularity, or distance to city center. trivago further enriched this information through, for example, a distilled, easy-to-use
rating review. After a hotel was selected, the accommodation seeker received an overview of all available booking providers
and their corresponding prices. As such, trivago offered a one-stop method for researching hotels and initiating bookings.
Source: trivago earnings call, Ql 2017.
Group ( e.g., Priceline.com, Booking.com, Agoda, Kayak) with their various sub-sites-dominated online distri bution. For example, 75% of US online hotel bookings went through Expedia, Inc. in 2014, while 60% of online bookings of European hotels in 2015 went through The
Exhibit 2 Hotel Booking Channels-Market Shares (201 S)
Offline channels
Other (hotel phone reservations, walk-ups,
and traditional travel agencies)
Priceline Group. The OTAs competed for direct bookings with each other, offline booking providers, and the hotel brands themselves (Exhibit 2). OTAs typically worked with hotels using a commission-based model and they received commissions of 15-30% of the room price.
I Online channels
Online travel agencies
2 .0 °
Hotel brand websites
••• and mobile
Local properties' websites
Source: Authors' illustration based on Skift (2016).
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
Exhibit 3 Online Advertisement Spending-The Priceline Group Versus Expedia, Inc. (USDbn)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
I ■ Priceline group D Expedia, Inc. I
Note: Expedia, Inc. online advertisement spending estimated based on The Pr iceline Group's average on line advertisement share multiplied by Expedia's total
marketing expenditure.
Source: Online advertisement data for The Priceline Group as displayed by Statista (2017).
As the same hotel could be booked through various travel agents and platforms, OTAs invested heavily in marketing in order to be the premier access point for room distribution (Exhibit 3). trivago added value to OTAs by offering them direct customer access, as well as a performance-based measurable marketing and distribution channel (Exhibit 4). trivago monetized its
business using a cost-per-click (CPC) bidding-platform (Exhibit 5) and a flat fee for managing premium features on hotel profiles.
Meta-Search Competition trivago faced head-on competition in its own com petitive environment. By 2016, hotel meta-search had
Exhibit 4 ROAS Comparison, trivago versus Online Travel Agent (OTA) (example)
A hotel in Berlin launched a marketing campaign on trivago that referred customers directly to the hotel's own booking engine.
The following results were achieved, which can be compared to those of a traditional OTA-based business.
Marketing budget
Room nights
Channel revenue
trivago Online Travel Agent (OTA)
EUR 1,000/month Average OTA commission 25% on net room price
1,891 Average net room price EUR 120/night
71 OTA commission EUR 30/night
133 Room nights 133
EUR 15,960 Channel revenue EUR 15,960
(EUR 15,960/EUR 1,000) = 1596% ROAS EUR 15,960/(EUR 30*133) = 400%
Source: Case authors based on hebsdigital (2013).
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Exhibit 5 Overview of Monetization-CPC Bidding
12rneimr liliJ liliJ liliJ
Room Price
Part 4: Case Studies
CPC Bid1
Vert1<:0l e>Cl)OS\lre HonzOfltol expo�re
• M\ler1Jtefl bid OIi out CPC-0 Hd1 ble141ng ketpbce lo,- a s�«: h01et Offer
• 10 aclnrus rs Pff hol I aaoss pladorms 011 a,.,erag '
CPC bidding relies on a real-time auction mechanism that allows hotels or online travel agents (OTAs) to define a maximum
pay-per-click price for a visitor referral to their site. While the best price for a room will always be listed at the top, the highest
bid receives a higher page ranking for a selected hotel and, therefore, better visibility. Actual CPCs are determined by the
competitive forces reflected in the willingness of OTAs or hotels to match a given bid based on a pre-defined budget and
maximum bidding price. OTAs and hotels can choose to let trivago automatically manage their bids to increase convenience
and usability. This is particularly useful for smaller hotels. For trivago, the bidding model generates highly stable cash flows
if a bidder drops out, sales are still guaranteed through another auction participant.
Source: trivago earnings call, Ql 2017.
become the starting point for 30% to 50% of hotel-related online searches and the area was still growing rapidly. Therefore, firms invested heavily in building brand rec ognition to capture market share. trivago and its major meta-search competitors, Kayak and TripAdvisor, engaged in a constant and fierce fight to serve as the " front gate" for the customer. One key driver of compe tition in these two-sided platform markets was found in cross-site network effects. In other words, the value generated for travelers increased with the number of hotels listed on a platform, as they therefore had more freedom of choice. On the other hand, an active pres ence on trivago became more attractive for hotels and OTAs, as more travelers could be reached. This influ enced the share of marketing budgets committed to trivago. Consequently, for trivago and its competitors, the number of users was highly significant, as higher numbers resulted in increasing returns to scale and enhanced profitability given the sites' highly scalable infrastructure.
Thus, trivago developed in a fast-pace, competitive environment where it wanted to play the leading role. Rolf stated: "In two, three, or four years, one company in
the market will dominate the top of the funnel. We want to be that player:'
Starting Up: 2004-2009
The Initial Idea In early 2004, Rolf provided the initial spark to what would become one of Germany's biggest start-up success stories of the early twenty-first century. He called Peter Vinnemeier and Stephan Stubner. These close friends had studied together and worked together as co-founders of ciao.com, a review-based evaluation platform for products and services from mobile phones to hotels. The three met for breakfast at Tresznjewski, a restaurant in the cultural heart of Munich. At that breakfast, Rolf pitched his business idea to his friends: creating a "dig ital Wikipedia for travel" in the form of a web-based, focused community for sharing travel experiences. The website would be monetized through a CPM2 payment model for affiliate marketing banners, which could be placed next to the focal content ranging from personal travel guides and tips to travelogues, evaluations, and
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
pictures. The idea was met with immediate approval, as Peter and Stephan were both strong believers in the power of user-generated content, a belief based on their experiences at ciao.com.
Rolf's proposal came during the golden era of online marketing. Advertisers were willing to pay a three-digit price per thousand advertising impressions (CPM) and many young firms were entering the online-marketing field in order to take advantage of the high returns. Driven by their entrepreneurial spirit, Rolf, Peter, and Stephan soon started working on the initial idea in a single-room office under a garage in Diisseldorf. Given their limited resources, they focused on bootstrapping their endeavor to build a great product that would enable them to at least pay the bills.
In June 2005, trivago GmbH was founded and the first beta version of trivago went live in Germany.
Team and Working Mode in the Early Years In early 2006, Stephan left trivago and Malte Siewert, also a former fellow student, joined the firm as a co-founder. Moreover, a first business-angel funding round was com - pleted, which also provided trivago with valuable contacts and expertise. Later that year, Rolf as CMO, Peter as CTO, and Malte as CFO started looking for employees to support them in their respective functions. Employees were usually hired as interns and were offered a permanent position after successfully completing an internship. By early 2007, the first interns had been permanently hired. At this early stage, everyone was still doing a bit of everything and the employ ees supported one another wherever possible.
Within a short period of time, the small trivago team managed to develop a passionate and dedicated work ing mode, which was highly result oriented and perfor mance driven. All work pursued at trivago had to directly and measurably affect the business. The founders made important decisions together and although they did not always agree, each of them was committed to accepting the majority vote. In addition, decisions were based on analytics rather than on emotions. In order to pursue a project and allocate resources accordingly, the found ers had to be convinced of sufficient "short-term'' return potential. At the same time, early employees welcomed the positive relationships among each other and with the founders, who were always accessible and open to new ideas. The founders' unrestricted accessibility was underpinned by the fact that the door to their office was almost always open. Even though the founders expected their employees to work independently on their tasks and to equip themselves with the knowledge they needed, employees were encouraged to directly
approach them whenever they needed support or assis tance. The founders favored informal and constructive direct peer-to-peer-communication not only among themselves but also with and among their employees. As one of the first employees stated:
What made trivago special from the first day was the feel ing of family. The founders wanted us to reach our objec tives, but they also wanted us to enjoy working for trivago and being part of the team.
Finding Product-Market Fit Success did not come easily. By the end of 2006, advertis ers' satisfaction with their advertisements' performance on trivago's site was decreasing, as the advertisements gen erated too few direct bookings. The devil was in the details. For example, advertised hotels were often unrelated to the content on trivago's site. As advertisers were unable to find a solution, trivago developed a software algorithm to match hotel advertisements with site content. Moreover, as the different advertisements often featured the same hotels at different prices, trivago created a database that bundled the advertisements together, which allowed it to display different prices for the same product without showing double entries. This marked the birth of trivago's price-comparison feature. In addition to hotel advertise ments, trivago experimented with a variety of other prod ucts (e.g., flights, holiday packages) and tried to license its software algorithm to generate additional revenue. Moreover, the company began to expand internationally. It was present in the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Sweden, Poland, and Italy by the end of 2007.
2008 was a groundbreaking year for trivago. An addi tional funding round, which aimed at supporting trivago's growth and internationalization, was completed. The funds backing trivago contributed additional industry expertise and network contacts. Nevertheless, trivago's revenue was declining, and the founders felt a need to reconsider their ambitions and search for ways of securing the company's liquidity. Despite the availability of funding, the founders insisted that the business needed to quickly pay for itself. In other words, subsisting on venture capital was not an option. Therefore, during a "legendary management off site" meeting in 2008, Malte, Peter, and Rolf pondered the company's future. Rolf described the situation:
We had not yet understood that people were visiting our site for the price comparison, not because we were the "travel wiki" we aimed to be. That was when we realized we were doing too many things at the same time . . . software licensing, flights . . . We realized that if we continued like that, trivago would never amount to anything.
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On the basis of the firm's strengths, the founders decided to limit their business operations to meta-search and price comparisons for hotels only. To manifest this focus, they formulated trivago's mission statement: "to be the traveler's first and independent source of infor mation for finding the ideal hotel at the lowest rate:' This mission statement was to guide all future business decisions. Three months later, trivago relaunched the entire website. Notably, by the end of 2008, the company had extended its market presence to Russia, Greece, and the Netherlands, and it had 19 employees. At the time, more than 2.5 million visitors per month were searching 225,000 hotels around the globe.
In conjunction with the mission statement's introduc tion, the founders intensively discussed brand-building opportunities. One important reason for doing so was to become more independent of Google and its domi nant search-market position by increasing the ratio of branded traffic. The founders knew that trivago could only be travelers' primary and independent source of information if travelers considered trivago before any other source. For this purpose, trivago needed to be a rec ognized brand. At the time, TV spots were the medium of choice for reaching a broad audience. Convinced of the value of TV advertisement, trivago invested half of the capital it had previously collected from investors. The plan worked and trivago's advertising spots struck a chord with the German TV audience. The TV spots were a key driver of trivago's success, as reflected in the year-on-year revenue growth rate of nearly 400% from 2009 to 2010.
Growing Without Growing Up?: 2010-2016
Growth Numbers and Office Locations
In 2010, trivago took its TV presence international and aired TV campaigns in five European countries. That year, the meta-search engine could compare hotel prices from more than 100 websites. Every second person in Germany and Spain recognized the trivago brand. In fact, Spain became trivago's strongest market in 2011. Moreover, in 2011, trivago launched TV advertisements in the United States and Brazil.
The company's internationalization, marketing activ ities, and increasing product complexity fueled the need for more manpower. With 46 employees in 2010, trivago had already more than doubled its workforce from 2008 and, in 2011, the company welcomed employee number 100. The growing number of employees forced trivago to
Part 4: Case Studies
frequently change office locations, as capacity limits were quickly reached. Hence, in December 2011, after having changed office locations twice since its founda tion, trivago moved for the third time. Its new office was located at "Bennigsen-Platz" in Di.isseldorf. In terms of interior design, trivago favored open-space offices. The meeting rooms were individually designed and fur nished, and often named after employees' hometowns. Relaxation areas, table-soccer games, and a climbing wall were introduced for recreation purposes, while compli mentary drinks and healthy snacks were made avail able in trivago's shared office kitchens. In addition, gym classes were provided free of charge.
In 2012, 315 employees already called trivago their working home. External growth also remained strong and, by the end of 2012, trivago was present in 33 markets, 13 more than at the beginning of 2010. At that time, the period of significant organizational growth was topped off with Expedia, Inc. announcing that it would buy a 61.6% strategic stake in trivago, making the com pany the first German start-up worth more than one billion dollars. The Expedia deal did not affect triva go's appetite for growth. In the ensuing years, trivago expanded into 22 new countries across Europe, South America, Africa and Asia, adding 150 new partner websites and hotel chains to its price-comparison net work. The increase in the number of hotels listed in its database from 700,000 in 2013 to more than 1 million in 2016 led to an increase in brokered hotel rooms to 1.4 billion. Even though trivago strongly insisted on a one-office policy, it opened up two innovation cen ters, one in Leipzig, Germany, and the other in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, in 2013. However, management insisted that new offices should only be opened if regulatory or entrepreneurial (e.g., innovations apart from the core product) interests justified it. Moreover, the new offices were kept as small as possible, as the Diisseldorf office was to always be "home" to at least 90% of trivago's employees. By 2014, trivago had become the world's leading hotel meta-search com pany. The trivago growth engine was further fueled by the skyrocketing employee numbers, which rose from 571 in 2013 to more than 1,200 in 2016.
The increasing number of employees soon started to challenge the "Benningsen-Platz" office's capacity. New office space was continuously added by spread ing employees across multiple floors and, later, to surrounding buildings. During this time, however, the top management team was alarmed by the increas ing physical distance among employees. The founders feared that it could lead to communication challenges,
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
social detachment, and empire building, which could negatively affect day-to-day cooperation, trust build ing, and information exchange. Slower working and learning processes were the dreaded, potential conse quences. Therefore, in early 2016, trivago announced that it had commissioned the construction of a trivago campus in Dusseldorf, where all employees would be reunited in 2018.
Workforce Characteristics Members of trivago's workforce shared many charac teristics from the beginning. For example, most of the employees were young, and they came from diverse cul tural and educational backgrounds. The hiring of inter national talents was seen as particularly advantageous. As one employee outlined:
We always looked to recruit talented people from around the world who are still in the early stages of their careers and reflective. We need pragmatic people with an agile mindset and a willingness to continue learning.
The fact that these employees were willing to leave their home countries and move to Dusseldorf implied that they were adventurous, willing to take risks, and able to adapt to a new environment. Moreover, as many new employees were new to Dusseldorf without social contacts outside the firm, employees often quickly developed friendships, which contributed to trivago's team spirit. These features were all greatly appreciated in the entrepreneurial environment of trivago. In contrast, more experienced employees who had been socialized in corporations were often seen as difficult to integrate, as they were frequently already shaped by firm cultures that promoted rigidity, less openness to new ideas, and strong career aspirations.
Despite trivago's established practice of hiring young professionals who did not have extensive experience with other companies and the fact that the company generally wanted to promote internally, hiring some experienced personnel was unavoidable from a skills perspective. Certain external hires were seen as vital, as trivago's size required increasingly advanced man agement and leadership capabilities. Moreover, these professionals were expected to be able to bring in new managerial impulses for professionalizing the organiza tion without making trivago "corporate" in its working style. In 2015, the top management team was expanded beyond the group of founders. Andrej Lehnert and Johannes Thomas were promoted from within trivago to become managing directors. Both had been with trivago since 2011. Moreover, Axel Hefer left the German online
furniture retailer Home 24 AG, where he had served as COO and CFO, to join trivago in 2016. Like the three founders, Axel had studied at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. Initially, Axel led the Country Development department, but he was soon promoted to the top management team.
By the end of 2016, the top management team's com - petencies were distributed as follows: Axel was CFO and the managing director for finance, legal and interna tional; Andrej was the managing director for marketing and business intelligence; Johannes was the managing director for advertiser relations, business operations, and strategy; Malte was the managing director for trivago's marketplace-related business; Peter was the managing director for technology; and Rolf was CEO, and respon sible for products, people, and culture.
Organizational Structure In 2010, departments and teams began to evolve on an as-needed basis. While departments were expected to function with a high degree of freedom, an increasingly specialized range of tasks required more cross-team coordination. Compared to the early years in which each employee covered a broad range of issues, job profiles became particularized and, therefore, changed signifi cantly. Hierarchies and clearer responsibilities began to emerge within each department and team. In terms of leadership structure, the chain at trivago was basically as follows: managing directors were responsible for department leads, department leads were responsible for their team leads, and team leads were responsible for their team members. Moreover, a basic matrix structure evolved in which country-development teams were sup ported by functional teams active in, for example, mar keting, technology, finance, and HR.
However, the founders were wary of formal manage ment and control structures, which they felt could limit subsidiarity and compromise decision speed across the organization. They feared that increasingly specialized tasks could lead to silo-based thinking, and that evolv ing hierarchical structures could give rise to status asym metries in which individuals perceived discrimination in the supply of information and the degree of decision autonomy depending on their hierarchical status. To counter the emergence of such asymmetries, the found ers tried to nurture an "absence of ego" mentality. They believed that such a mentality was vital for the success of a knowledge-driven business in which the accessibility and flow of information and data formed the basis of competitiveness. One step towards an "absence of ego" mentality was the founders' official announcement that
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trivago would remain a company without job titles. As one employee explained:
At trivago, it is important to respect others' knowledge and inspiration, not their titles. Decision processes should not be slowed down because an individual feels a need to get approval from various levels. Instead, the individual should be empowered to make his or her own decisions and work independently.
The official statement from top management seemed necessary, as employees had started to create titles on their own. One employee described this period: "It was a bit weird ... We had interns calling themselves 'Senior Vice-President; while their team leads did not have titles themselves:' The employees' reaction to the abolishment of titles took the form of a series of questions: "If we do not have titles, how do I emphasize the expectations linked to my position?", "How am I supposed to lead?" and "How am I supposed to be led?"
To strike a balance between the title-free environ ment and the clear role expectations, a self-developed categorization pattern called "Responsibility Scope" was introduced in the early 2010s. This scope was expressed in a three-stage system: developers, executors, and sup porters. Supporters were expected to be temporary, top ic-specific project leaders whose work was guided by daily or multiple meetings during the week. Executors were to take on managerial responsibility for their own divisions, and their work focused on goals and their attainment. trivago considered the role expectations for supporters and executors as similarly to be found in other companies, while it viewed the developer role as more unique. Developers were expected to act as entre preneurs within the company, resulting in small and fast "firms-within-the-firm" with the aim of keeping trivago adaptable. Rolf explained:
Developers are expected to be independent players inside the organization who think of the company as their own. They are granted entrepreneurial freedom, they are moti vated, and they are led by inspiration and only sporadic meetings. Developers need to be self-reflective to such a point that they abandon their position if it is no longer meaningful to the company.
Company Values and Purpose After surpassing 150 employees in 2012, trivago's man agement started to sense growing anonymity. It became increasingly difficult to remember everyone's name and personal communication became more complex. This development alarmed the founders, as it could dilute the
Part 4: Case Studies
highly cherished start-up spirit. In 2013, therefore, the company hired a dedicated employee to take over the function of "Strategy & Organization;' which had for merly been handled by Rolf. The department's purpose was to ensure that trivago would not be driven by bureau cracy or politics. The newcomer's first task was to create a formalized description of the values inherent in triva go's culture. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with trivago employees, especially those hired in the early days. Furthermore, employees were asked to participate in a company survey and describe what trivago meant to them. The survey and interview results were aggregated and then discussed in an open meeting with interested developers. This enabled the identification and formulation of six core values: trust, authenticity, entre preneurial passion, power of proof, unwavering focus, and fanatic learning (Exhibit 6). Employees who had been with trivago since the early days did not view these values as something new. Instead, the core-value list was a writ ten representation of what had been always felt and lived at trivago. To stress the overall importance of trivago's values and foster their internalization, they were promi nently communicated both within and outside the firm. In addition to displaying the values on office walls and on the website, the values were discussed with all employ ees holding leadership responsibility, as trivago believed that living the values was only possible if these employees served as role models in this regard.
In 2016, trivago introduced its purpose statement: "empower to get more out of life:' This message was designed to emphasize the feeling that each trivago employee and the company as a whole should strive for and to clarify the company's purpose. When reflecting on the purpose statement, Rolf stated:
We put a lot of thought into the development of that state ment. In essence, 'empower' means creating a basis from which an individual can be successful-a basis from which he or she can get more out of life. "To get more out of life" represents personal learning and growth. It is an individ ualistic, non-competitive approach that focuses on contin uous personal development. This purpose also represents the founding team's motivation for establishing trivago freedom and personal development.
Management Style and Planning Instead of resting on their laurels after the Expedia deal in March 2013, the founders were still driven to continu ally improve trivago as a product and as a company. Every employee would soon know their mantra: "never great, never wise, never done:' Expedia had contractually agreed
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
Exhibit 6 trivago's Core Values
■ Trust: We want to build an environment in which mutual trust can develop that gives employees the confidence to discuss
matters openly and act freely.
■ Authenticity: We aim to be authentic and appreciate constructive and straight feedback.
■ Entrepreneurial passion: We believe that entrepreneurial passion drives us forward to continuously try out new and
improved ways of thinking and doing.
■ Power of proof: We believe that data, used correctly, can lead to empirical, proof-based decisionmaking across the organi
■ Focus: We focus our energy on our mission of being the traveler's first and independent source of information for finding
the ideal hotel at the lowest rate. This mission drives where we spend our time and focus. We believe that multiple small,
incremental improvements toward this goal add up to long-term success.
■ Learning: We never stand still and choose to remain open minded and inquisitive. We try new ideas and continue to chal
lenge received wisdom.
Source: lmage-trivago (2017), text-trivago IPO prospectus (2016).
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to a hands-off approach, which was an important require ment for the founders. Therefore, trivago continued to operate independently and its founders remained in place.
trivago continued to finance its expansion solely through its own profits, such that it operated on a break even basis. As in the early trivago days, decisions regarding investments in new initiatives and growth were based on an analytical trial-and-error principle: initiatives needed to be analytically sound and the potential for short-term revenue had to be visible. Initiatives were then run through a test phase to obtain proof-of-concept data. Therefore, decisions were data-driven whenever possible. If initia tives did not work out as planned, their initiators could either make justifiable improvements or stop the projects. Employees, regardless of their position, were expected to constantly challenge whether a task or activity made sense. W henever certain tasks or activities were proven to add no value, employees were expected to either adapt or terminate them. In this context, failure was always seen as an opportunity to learn. As one developer stated: "You need to be willing to pay for knowledge:'
In 2015, to emphasize trivago's "absence of ego" men tality and to decrease the perceived distance between employees and the managing team, the managing direc tors moved out of their shared office and spread their work stations across the open-space office areas, where they could mingle with their respective teams. The for mer management office room, named "Leipzig" in honor of the place where the founders first met, was then used for weekly management meetings.
In 2015, trivago also introduced a yearly Management Workshop and a Strategy Summit. During the Management Workshop, managing directors developed the compa ny's overall strategic priorities for the upcoming year. Those priorities were then presented and discussed in a subsequent Strategy Summit attended by the develop ers. Generally, these strategic priorities were expected to support trivago's mission as formulated in 2008 and to be compatible with trivago's core values. Moreover, based on a critical review of the previous year, they included ideas for adjustments necessary to achieve the mission. Finally, strategic priorities were to be viewed as guiding lights rather than fixed goals. Eventually, the tasks related to these strategic priorities were not delegated from top down. Instead, the teams developed their own missions and strategic priorities based on the overall strategic guiding lights, trivago's mission statement, and triva go's values. As Rolf stated: ''At trivago, we emphasize the need to convince, not command, people. Therefore, we do not enforce strategic initiatives from the top down:' This need to convince instead of command was also
Part 4: Case Studies
reflected in how meetings were conducted. Employees were granted freedom to only attend meetings if they individually perceived them as value-adding.
Systems and Processes Recruiting. The need to increase the number of employees amplified the recruitment efforts required from each department. In order to let each department concentrate on its core tasks, a Human Resources (HR) department was established in early 2010. HR began to introduce a centralized recruiting process that same year. Ideas for systematizing job advertisements and the appli cation process were developed by HR in 2011, and a sys tem was introduced in the following year. In 2014, a joint "Talents and Organization" (TO) team, the result of the consolidation of HR and the "Strategy & Organization" department, was established to focus recruiting, devel oping, and retaining talent, as well as the best ways of sharing the trivago identity in a rapid-growth environ ment. The department was also charged with anticipat ing needed changes in trivago's organizational design and introducing value-conforming measures. The aim was to ensure that the growing organization would still function and that it would not " become corporate:' In the year of its formation, TO introduced a structured, week-long, onboarding process. On their first day, new hires ran through an extensive process aimed at ensur ing that everyone understood the trivago values and why they were vital for the organization. The new hires also familiarized themselves with the challenges of different departments through practical case studies designed to help them understand the various roles and responsi bilities. One of the managing directors took the time to welcome each new group of employees and to personally explain what trivago represented. TO also introduced a structured offboarding process aiming at understanding why employees left the company and where improve ments could be made.
In 2014, more than 260 people were hired, while the number of applications exceeded 45,000. While trivago had no rigid recruitment criteria, cultural fit with the company was key, especially as the need for experienced hires with specialized functional expertise increased with continuing professionalization. As one developer stated:
If you are someone who needs clear direction-for this prob lem I go to 'jf' and for another problem I go to ''B," you will not be happy here. Here at trivago, you always need to find new approaches and figure out who can help you your self Also, we do not have a hierarchy of communication you can approach anyone who might be of help.
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
Therefore, the right traits, which were labelled as "trivago skills" (e.g., intrinsic motivation, positivity, trust in others) and "universal skills" (e.g., taking ownership, welcoming of change, determination) were viewed as crucial for trivago employees.
Performance Evaluations, Rewards, and Employee Development. Given the continued growth in employee numbers and departments, trivago introduced additional measures to reduce the risk of status asymmetries and strengthen the entrepreneurial
Exhibit 7 360-degree Feedback Criteria
core. In 2012, HR introduced a customized 360-degree feedback tool. Initially an Excel document, the tool developed over the years into a professional in-house peer-evaluation software that was constantly adapted. As of 2014, the "trivago 360" reflected the six trivago values and the universal skills, which served as the basis for evaluations of employees' individual job per formance (Exhibit 7). Twice each year, every employee had to be provided with feedback by the person to whom he or she reported. The content of that feedback was based on input from the employee's direct peers.
trivago-value contribution and trivago skills
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C-222 Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 7 360-degree Feedback Criteria (continued)
trivago-universal skills
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Source: trivago (2017); the original trivago 360-degree feedback poster has been graphically adapted for the sake of readability.
The aim in this regard was to enable a fair, unbiased feedback process and to reduce employees' depen dence on the people to whom they reported. Instead of appearing as superiors, employees with leadership responsibility were encouraged to function as mentors.
Exhibit 8 Online Hotel Market-KPls, Size, and Potential
$415 bn Lar ge global hotel bookings market
33% Low online penetration
10.8% High online hotel bookings growth
56% Hi ghly fragmented market
Source: trivago earnings call, Ql 2017.
Prior to the introduction of the "trivago 360" tool, no mandatory, standardized feedback mode existed. If an employee received feedback, it usually solely reflected the evaluation of the person responsible for him or her.
Market potential r------------------------------;(i 1 6%CAGR ,; I ,;
inaustry oool<ings
1------------' I 1 EUR 17,6 bn
take-rate on online hotel / bookings /
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/ EUR 0,75 bn
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t . 1 ,; nvago revenue
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
Trivago established and openly communicated its philosophy of trust-based working hours and vacation days. The company's employees had neither a fixed num ber of working hours nor any limitations on the number of vacation days. This philosophy was mainly attribut able to the founders' conviction that how much someone worked was not an appropriate measure of performance. As long as results were achieved on time and with the expected level of quality, the amount of time invested in a certain task did not matter.
To keep employees motivated and aligned, trivago further professionalized its incentives in 2015. One step was the introduction of a structured "Salary Review Process;' which was intended to align compensation levels and remove differences among departments. The process itself was linked to the trivago values via the 360-degree feedback tool. The aim was to incentivize value-conforming behavior in order to foster the living of the trivago spirit and to move authority over compensa tion into the hands of the group. Furthermore, two types of ad-hoc bonuses were introduced in 2016. Executives with direct leadership responsibility could grant an instant bonus to reward exceptional efforts that went
well beyond expectations. Such rewards were designed to support employees' intrinsic motivations and replace variable salary components, which were seen as extrin sic motivators. Extrinsic motivators, in turn, were not viewed as appropriate tools for motivating people in the long term. Moreover, each employee received a monthly bonus allowance with which to reward co-workers. As Rolf explained:
I believe that the era of managing systems based on extrin sically motivating people is over. The idea that people do not want to work is outdated. In a knowledge-worker environment, you cannot really control people anyway. Therefore, the only viable option is to make sure people are intrinsically motivated to achieve something.
In 2015, TO introduced a management-development training program in response to trivago's preference for internal promotion. With an average employee age of around 28 and the company rapidly growing, many executives with leadership responsibility had to quickly adapt to their new responsibilities. Although trivago viewed personal development as a "pull responsibil ity" ( e.g., it would pay for self-selected seminars if the
Exhibit 9 Hotel Market Fragmentation-Hotel Chains versus Single Hotel Room Supply, 2014 (in '000)
Europe North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
■ Room supply, single hotels D Room supply, hotel chains
Source: Adapted from ESSEC, Graf (2016) based on STR Global (2014).
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Exhibit 10 Price Premium, Branded Hotels, 2015
Price premium in EUR per hotel category
Upper full service
Brand price premium per room vs. unknown or not preferred alternative
Hilton Le Sheraton Meridian
Source: Hotel News Now based on BDRC Continental (2015).
Sofitel Radisson Mariott Crowne Plaza
Part 4: Case Studies
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
need was reasonably justified), the company offered its own "trivago Academy;' which covered a variety of topics chosen to inspire employees and broaden their thinking. As one developer accentuated: "You can find the knowledge you need somewhere in the com pany, but we expect you to equip yourself with what you need!".
Communication. The increasing specialization and rising headcount affected decision speed. One devel oper responsible for multiple country teams discussed this issue:
One of the greatest issues I am fighting against is the fact that we are getting slow in all departments. That seems to come naturally with size . . . We can decide to do some thing, but when I ask about it later, nothing has happened because people are waiting for a meeting or someone is on vacation. Now there are too many people involved, which was never an issue in the past.
Similarly, communication flows started to slow. One department lead described this problem:
In the old days, I knew who was doing what and could just walk over there if I needed something . . . Today I sometimes do not even know where to go! This is why we need to continuously strive to also professionalize the way we keep our culture alive.
Exhibit 12 Planned Post-lPO Shareholder Structure, 2016-trivago N.V.
Ownership interests, trivago
Free float Expedia lodging
partner services S.a.r.l
Exhibit 11 Hotel Room Distribution-Background Information
Demand for hotel rooms is often seasonal and price elastic. In most regions, guests stay an average of two nights. As a result, hoteliers face short sales cycles and intense pressure to distribute rooms. Effective room distribution is crucial, as stable occupancy rates have a significant leverage effect on profitability due to a high share of fixed costs for personnel and maintenance. In addition, distribution channels for hotel rooms consist of several disintegrated legacy technology platforms, such as pre-Internet central reservations systems (CRS), global distribution systems (GDS), telephone booking systems, and other offline sales platforms. Online channels consist of online travel agents (OTAs), the hotels' own booking engines, and meta-search sites. In general, channels differ in terms of technical complexity, margins, and average booking terms (e.g., last-minute versus well in advance), but can all contribute signif icant revenue? Therefore, hotels face pressure to simultaneously manage multiple channels using distinct IT systems.
Source: Case authors.
To keep direct communication flowing and avoid information silos, trivago implemented a set of com munication and coordination tools. One was known as "trivago talk;' a kind of an internal social-media applica tion. It was introduced to allow for the sharing of com pany information and easier identification of peers. The tool was centered around work-related topics, such as announcements of new team members, discussions of technical issues, and invitations to joint leisure activities, such as soccer training. "trivago knowledge;' a company
8.6% (A-shares) 59.7% (B-shares) 31.7% (B-shares)
Share classes
A-shares = Economic interests
B-shares = Voting interests
Source: trivago IPO prospectus (2016).
Trivago N.V.
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wiki, was developed to consolidate information on all departments, teams, and current and past projects and initiatives. "Slack;' an instant messaging tool for teams, was introduced in 2015 to ensure day-to-day communi cation and increase communication efficiency. Finally, "trivago task" was introduced to allow for jobs to be assigned to service functions, such as requests for new mail accounts.
Given its awareness of the potential for silo thinking, inertia, and stereotyping in daily work routines, and its desire to strengthen the sense of community and trans parent communication, trivago organized four events for the entire company on a yearly basis: a Christmas party (introduced in 2007), a trivago Update Meeting in the spring (introduced in 2008), a company trip (introduced in 2010), and a summer party (introduced in 2015). The Update Meeting began with the managing directors pre senting the firm's strategic priorities for the year and ended with a party. The trivago trip was a four-day trip designed as a cross-departmental bonding tool. The trip focused on fun activities that were oriented toward con necting people across departments. Each team was also encouraged to regularly organize its own events, such as bowling or team dinners. For this purpose, an event bud get of EUR 30 per team member was available monthly. Twice each year, this monthly budget was used for events at which participating members of all teams were mixed randomly.
Exhibit 13 Supervisory Board Members
The following people were members of trivago's Supervisory Board as of January 2017.
Mieke S. De Schepper 41
Peter M. Kern 49
Dara Khosrowshahi 47
Frederic Mazzella 40
Mark D. Okerstrom 43
Niklas Ostberg 36
David Schneider 34
Pursuant to the Amended and Restated Shareholders' Agreement, Mrs. De Schepper, Mr. Kern, Mr. Khosrowshahi, and Mr. Okerstrom were selected to serve as Supervisory Board members by Expedia. Mr. Mazzella, Mr. Ostberg, and Mr. Schneider were selected to serve as Supervisory Board members by the founders.
Source: Table-trivago company website (2017), text-based on trivago IPO
prospectus (2016).
Part 4: Case Studies
In 2014, TO introduced a yearly company-wide sur vey that asked each staff member to identify company strengths and areas in need of improvement. The TO team was in continuous dialog with all departments in order to be close to the needs of employees and anticipate changing company needs. As one HR consul tant outlined: "It is part of my job to have my ears on the ground, as our employees know what needs to be done:' Many TO projects resulted from trivago's bottom-up approach to employee involvement and communication. As one TO team member stated:
We constantly need to ask ourselves and others whether a standardized tool or process is really the best way to solve a certain issue. When implementing projects, we must con vince people, which requires continuous communication and explanations.
Whenever possible, new tools and suggestions for processes were tested in one or two departments. This was seen as important, as TO would only proceed with a company-wide rollout if the testing department fully backed the project and was willing to publicly support it based on the perceived benefits. Even then, TO typically produced tools that could still be declined by individual departments and teams. One developer said: "If I do not see the value in something that has been proposed, I just do not do it. Nobody has ever tried to argue with me about it:'
Another opportunity for feedback and discussion initiated in 2015 and coordinated by TO were "trivago Fridays:' These events were regular Q&A panels that were dedicated to particular company topics. Prior to each panel, all employees could hand in and vote for questions to be discussed at the panel. At least one man aging director took part in each trivago Friday and was available for questions.
The focus on establishing outlets for information exchange not only aimed to strengthen informal and socially grounded relationships, but also to allow for direct communication and feedback across the entire organization, independent of responsibilities and role expectations.
trivago's IPO: Not the End but the Beginning
Toward the end of 2016, trivago announced its plan to go public and to do so quickly. When addressing potential investors, Rolf stated: "You will be investing
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Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
in a company with an amazing culture with so much focus on learning that, regardless of what happens in the future, we will always be able to adapt." In this vein, trivago's CFO clarified the company's growth ambitions:
In our business, there is a trade-off between growth and profitability. However, from our perspective, it would not be a good idea to aggressively improve profitability while sacrificing growth. This is because our growth, as such, is more than a revenue figure.
On December 16, 2016, Rolf, Peter, Malte, and Axel rang the NASDAQ stock market opening bell. The room was filled with trivago employees, all of whom repre sented the group effort that had made trivago's success possible. At trivago, the IPO was seen not as the end but as the beginning of a new chapter in trivago's path to continued growth. For additional information see Exhibits 8-14.
When Rolfs mind again turned to the many people who made trivago the firm it had become, he felt a sense of renewed energy. He stopped pondering and focused on
the challenge ahead-the need to "stay entrepreneurial" and avoid "becoming corporate" in order to secure future growth and success.
Exhibit 14 Shareholder's Agreement-Background Information
"The Amended and Restated Shareholders' Agreement contains
certain provisions that could result in the departure of certain of
our senior management. If the Founders, collectively, hold less
than 15% of our outstanding Class A shares and Class B shares
(calculated as if all securities convertible, exercisable or exchange
able for Class A shares or Class B shares had been converted,
exercised or exchanged), they lose certain contractual rights to
nominate members of our management board. In such case,
our supervisory board may also request from the Founders, the
resignation of members of the supervisory board who have been
nominated by the Founders. In addition, the general meeting of
shareholders, which is controlled by Expedia, has broad discretion
to remove members of our management board with and without
cause, irrespective of the Founders' holdings. If the general meeting
of shareholders has reasonable cause, as defined in the Amended
and Restated Shareholders' Agreement, for such removal, Expedia
has the unilateral right, subject to certain exceptions, to purchase
all of such members shares."
Source: trivago IPO prospectus (2016).
1. Qualified referral: a unique visitor who
clicks on at least one referral to a booking
page. For example, if a single visitor clicks
on multiple hotel offers in trivago's
search results in a given day, they count as
multiple referrals, but as only one qualified
2. CPM: cost-per-mille ad-impressions. In
banner marketing, one view equals one
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The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal
In October 2015, Mathias Miiller became CEO of Volkswagen (VW), the 78-year-old economic jewel of Germany. His predecessor, Martin Winterkorn, who had led VW for eight years, had resigned suddenly in the midst of one of the biggest scandals to ever hit VW and the auto industry. In September, VW had admit ted to United States regulators that it had deliberately installed "defeat devices" in many of its diesel cars, which enabled the cars to cheat on federal and state emissions tests, making them able to pass the tests and hit ambi tious mileage and performance targets while actually emitting up to 40 times more hazardous gases into the atmosphere than legally allowed. The discovery had prompted the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to halt final certification of VW's 2016 diesel models, and VW itself had halted sales of its 2015 mod els. As fallout from the defeat devices developed, VW posted its first quarterly loss in more than 15 years, and its stock plummeted. Winterkorn and several other top executives were replaced, and VW abandoned its goal of becoming the world's largest automaker. In addition to significant financial implications, VW was rapidly losing its prized reputation as a trustworthy company capable of outstanding engineering feats.
Volkswagen Background: The Power of German Engineering1
In 1937, VW was founded in Germany under the Nazi regime by the labor unions with the help of Ferdinand Porsche, the inventor of the Beetle (the people's car). Tasked with making a car that was affordable for all consumers, VW's flagship car, the compact and iconic Beetle, first rolled off the manufacturing floor in 1945, and by 1949, half of all passenger cars produced in West Germany were built by VW. The company began export ing cars in the late 1940s, and by 1955, the company had sold over one million Beetles worldwide. The Beetle would eventually surpass Ford's Model T as the highest selling model ever built, reaching sales of more than
Part 4: Case Studies
• UNlvF.RsnY I DARDE � S.--Nillthq
15 million by 1972. When sales of the Beetle began to decline in the late 1970s, VW branched into other mod els, including the Passat, Jetta, Golf, and Polo. The VW brand eventually folded into a broader public holding company, Volkswagen AG, which by 2014 owned 12 sub sidiaries, including VW passenger cars, Audi, Porsche, and Bentley.
By 2014 (Exhibit I), VW was one of the biggest firms in the world. It had factories in 31 countries, employed almost 600,000 people worldwide, and sold its cars around the world. In 2014, it sold 10.2 million vehicles, a 5% growth over 2013, and reached its goal of taking over the title of " world's largest auto manufac turer" from Toyota. Sales revenue in 2014 was EUR202 billion, with an operating profit of EUR12 billion (Exhibit 2).2
The shareholders of Volkswagen AG were largely made up of descendants of Porsche (50% owner ship), but VW also had significant ownership from the German state of Lower Saxony (20% ownership) and Qatar's sovereign wealth fund (17% ownership), as well as independent shareholders who made up 10% ownership.3 Per German corporate law, Volkswagen AG had a 20-member supervisory board responsi ble for corporate governance, rather than a board of directors. As required by law, 50% of the seats were allocated to VW's labor force ( union representatives and employees that are elected representatives of the union), leaving the other 10 seats to be divvied up among the shareholders. As of 2015, only one of these seats was held by an outsider (Annika Falkengren, the CEO of a Swedish bank); the other nine were as follows: five to members of the Porsche and Piech (relatives of the Porsche) families, two to Lower Saxony, and two to Qatar.4
At a time when Europe was continuing to recover from the global financial crisis, VW was one of the most signif icant engines in the German economy. In May 2015, it was listed by Forbes as the largest public company in Germany by revenue, surpassing its nearest competitor, Daimler, by almost USDl00 billion.5 It was also one of Germany's
This public-sourced case was prepared by Luann J. Lynch, Almand R. Coleman Professor of Business Administration, Cameron Cutro (MBA '16), and Elizabeth Bird (MBA '16). It was written as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situa tion. Copyright© 2016 by the University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville, VA. All rights reserved. To order copies, send an email to [email protected]. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise-without the permission of the Darden School Foundation. Our goal is to publish materials of the highest quality, so please submit any errata to [email protected].
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Case 17: The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal
Exhibit 1 Timeline of Events
Martin Winterkorn becomes CEO ofVW and through his Strategy
2018 sets ambitious goals for vehicle sales.
After canceling deal with Blue Tee technology, VW announces
new clean diesel technology called Lean NOx Trap and designed
to meet regulations.
VW's Jetta wins Green Car of the Year award.
In reaction to growing public concern, the EPA announces plans
to further regulate US emissions by offering "credits" to compa
nies for using new technology, such as hybrid or electric cars, to
improve the environmental effects of their fleets. Credits were
not offered to diesel manufacturers.
A nonprofit group, the ICCT, notices that diesel technology in
United States appears to be cleaner-begins road testing of
diesel vehicles.
Researchers turn over the results of the study to the US EPA. The
EPA opens investigation and questions VW about the findings.
VW denies accusations of wrongdoing.
VW reaches its Strategy 2018 sales goal early, selling over 1 O
million vehicles and surpassing Toyota in sales volume, thereby
becoming the world's largest automaker.
The EPA and the state of California prepare for further testing
and confirm that initial test findings are consistent.
September 18, 201 S
VW publicly admits that it had installed defeat devices on nearly
500,000 diesel vehicles across 14 models sold in the United
States since 2009.
September 23-25, 201 S
Martin Winterkorn resigns as CEO, and Mathias Muller becomes
new CEO.
Source: Created by author based on the order of events as portrayed in the case.
largest employers.6 Wolfsburg, Germany, the town in Lower Saxony where VW was headquartered, owed its existence to the company: it was created out of farmland to be the original site for manufacturing the VW Beetle. By the mid- 2000s, the company owned the town's professional soccer team, its major hotels, and even an automotive theme park that attracted millions of visitors per year.7
The company's stated values included "customer focus, superior performance, creating value, renewabil ity, respect, responsibility, and sustainabilitY:'8 These values were intended to guide decisions made by employ ees throughout the company and were accompanied by a 25-page Code of Conduct on which every employee was trained after joining VW This Code of Conduct was written in 2009 and systematically rolled out to employ ees across the globe in 2010. It addressed topics such as management culture and collaboration, anticorruption, and fair competition, and it was intended to be a "guide post that combines the essential basic principles of our activities and supports our employees in mastering the legal and ethical challenges in their daily work:'9 In addi tion, all VW employees received compliance training; 185,000 were trained on compliance in 2014.10
Throughout its history, VW had been widely admired for its innovation in design and engineering. It was one of the first companies to introduce the three-way catalytic converter, prompting it to boast on its website that it was a "pioneer of low-emission monitoring:'11 The company experienced its first brush with US emissions standards in the 1970s, however, when the EPA caught it installing defeat devices that would allow it to cheat on newly enacted emis sions standards. At the time, it paid a USD120,000 fine.12
VW had also been known for its quirky advertis ing highlighting its unique products and top-notch engineering. The company made advertising history
Exhibit 2 Volkswagen Group Key Financials, Prescandal
Vehicles Sold Revenue Operating Profit
2007 6,191,618
2008 6,271,724
2009 6,309,743
2010 7,278,440
2011 8,361,294
2012 9,344,559
2013 9,728,250
2014 10,217,003
Data source: Volkswagen AG annual reports.
(EUR millions) (EUR millions)
108,897 6,151
113,808 6,333
105,187 1,855
126,875 7,141
159,337 11,271
192,676 11,498
197,007 11,671
202,458 12,697
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with its "Think Small" campaign in the United States in the 1950s, which encouraged Americans to con sider smaller vehicles like the Beetle. In recent years, it stressed its virtue through advertisements proclaiming "the power of German engineering;' with commercials featuring engineers sprouting angel wings. At a time when most major US automakers were still struggling to recover from the global financial crisis and both Toyota and General Motors were reeling from major safety recalls, VW was perceived as reliable, successful, and innovative. In his 2014 annual letter to shareholders, CEO Martin Winterkorn wrote: "We stand for strength, reliability, and long-term success-even under less favor able conditions:'13
"The power of German engineering" was more than just a marketing tagline for VW; it was a motto, a way of doing business, and a symbol of national pride. Germany had become a country that prided itself on its world-class engineering and precision manufactur ing.14 In part due to the country's engineering prowess, the automobile industry had become a powerhouse in Germany, and VW had become the leader in that indus try. This dominance in manufacturing helped Germany weather the 2008 global financial crisis and kept unem ployment low. Germany was able to boost employment and its economy largely through its ability to export products; automobiles made up a full one-fifth of this market. The strength of VW and much of the German economy depended on the growth of its engineering exports, making German engineering more than a just a point of national pride-it was an economic necessity.15
VW Leadership and Strategy 2018
Winterkorn, who took over as CEO in 2007, was focused on leading VW through its Strategy 2018, an ambitious plan to position the company as a global and environ mental leader. The overarching goal of the strategy was to transform VW into the world's largest automaker. Said Winterkorn, "Our pursuit of innovation and perfection and our responsible approach will help to make us the world's largest automaker by 2018-both economically and ecologically:' Strategy 2018 had four primary goals: (1) to sell IO million+ vehicles per year ( thus making VW the world's largest automaker); (2) to become the world leader in customer satisfaction and quality; (3) to achieve an 8% return on sales; and ( 4) to be the most attractive employer in the automotive industry.16 Throughout Winterkorn's tenure, VW made steady progress on each of these goals.
Part 4: Case Studies
Under the leadership of Winterkorn and his men tor, VW Chairman Ferdinand Piech (a grandson of VW founder Porsche and himself VW CEO from 1993 until 2002), VW became a tightly controlled, highly centralized company. Its corporate culture was one of command-and-control, with leadership setting aggres sive goals and senior executives involved in even relatively minor decisions.17 The company gained a reputation for being hard-charging and brutally competitive, and former employees described an environment in which subordinates were fearful of ever admitting failure or contradicting their superiors.
Both Piech and Winterkorn came from engineering backgrounds and kept a close eye on product develop ment. Piech, who recruited Winterkorn to Audi in 1981 and became his mentor for more than 25 years, would boast that he elicited superior performance by "terrifying his engineers:'18 It was well known that VW executives and engineers would be "shaking in their boots prior to pre sentations before Piech, knowing that if he was displeased, they might be fired instantlY:'19 By the time he became CEO in 2007, Winterkorn was considered "a cold, distant figure . . . known for obsessive attention to detail:' 20 Unlike other contemporary auto industry CEOs who were experts in financial management and turnarounds, Winterkorn was considered a "classic car guY:'21 He was known for carrying a gauge with him at all times to measure flaws in vehicles as they came off the production line and for publicly disparaging subordinates. Said an industry ana lyst, "He doesn't like bad news. Before anyone reports to him, they make sure they have good news:'22
Winterkorn was relentless in his pursuit of becoming the world's largest automaker. Speaking at the opening of VW's new factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 2011, he promised that "by 2018, we want to take our group to the very top of the global car industrY:'23 Although VW was growing, these promises were still considered ambi tious, especially in the United States, a market that VW had previously neglected and where it held a reputation for selling expensive and undesirable cars. 24 In order to meet Winterkorn's goals, the US market would be a crit ical component to success. The company would need to sell l million vehicles (800,000 Volkswagens and 200,000 Audis) annually, tripling its 2007 sales.25
Achieving Ambitious Goals While Meeting Regulations26
In the mid-2000s, when Winterkorn began his ten ure as CEO and announced VW's goal of becoming the world's largest automaker within the next decade, the auto
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Case 17: The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal
industry in the United States and around the world was facing significant engineering challenges. Persistently high prices at the gas pump and toughening mileage standards put pressure on automakers to design more fuel-efficient vehicles, while growing concerns about climate change spurred increasingly stringent emissions regulations. In order to drive sales, automakers needed to find ways to optimize fuel efficiency and emissions while still designing the high-performing vehicles that Americans had become accustomed to driving. The market for hybrid-electric cars, notably Toyota's Prius, was growing rapidly.27
Rather than compete with Toyota and other auto makers in the hybrid market, VW had opted for a strat egy of diesel, viewing it as a huge growth opportunity within the US car market and a viable eco-friendly alter native. While diesel made up almost half of new car sales in Europe, it held just 5% of the US auto market in 2007,28
and Winterkorn believed it was an opportune time to expand diesel sales in the United States. Diesel offered a cheaper, more powerful alternative to hybrid vehi cles, promising high fuel efficiency without sacrificing powerful performance. But before it could market fuel efficient diesel in the United States, VW had to overcome one major roadblock: diesel cars generated significantly more nitrogen oxide (NOx) than gasoline-powered engines, making it difficult for them to clear the strin gent American emissions standards without sacrificing fuel efficiency or performance. In order to sell its cars in the US market, a critical part of the company's goal of becoming the world's largest car manufacturer, VW would have to engineer a way to strip its cars of these pollutants to meet US regulations (Exhibit 3).
In 2005, Wolfgang Bernhard, VW's head of brand, was in charge of designing the next-generation die sel engine for consumer cars that would provide both fuel efficiency and meet low US emission standards. Bernhard chose a strategy seen as controversial within the VW management team. Rather than develop an in-house solution, he instead adopted a competitor's technology, a Daimler invention called BlueTec. BlueTec used a substance called urea-essentially cat urine-to neutralize NOx. It required that VW install an extra pump and tank of urea in each vehicle, at a cost of EUR300 per vehicle. But just two years later, in 2007, boardroom battles within VW led to the appointment of Winterkorn as CEO, who promptly ousted Bernhard and cancelled the BlueTec deal. VW leadership stressed that BlueTec was too expensive, took up too much space in small cars, would hamper fuel efficiency, and that VW did not need to partner with an archrival to achieve its engineering goals.
Exhibit 3 Background on US Emissions Regulations'
The EPA both sets minimum standards for fuel efficiency for a
company's fleet of vehicles and regulates emissions according
to the Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act, passed by the United
States Congress in 1970, was designed to combat a number of
air pollution problems threatening environmental safety and
public health. As the country had grown more industrialized and
urban, dense smog was visible in many of the nation's cities and
prompted a public outcry for government action. The Clean Air
Act required the EPA to "establish national ambient air quality
standards for certain common and widespread pollutants based
on the latest science'.'2 One of the key provisions emphasized
minimizing pollution from motor vehicles, focusing on emissions
of carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and NOx. Emis
sions standards were gradually tightened over time.
The Clean Air Act requires that the EPA certify that all motor
vehicles sold in the United States meet federal emissions stan
dards. Without this certification, a vehicle cannot be sold in the
United States. For decades, tests on new models to be released
in the United States have been conducted at indoor laboratories
as opposed to performing actual driving tests on the road. The
tests use dynamometers-essentially car treadmills-which
simulate driving and measure the exhaust emissions of a sta
tionary car. The tests are conducted in laboratories rather than
on the road to achieve cost efficiency and ensure standardiza
tion of the test from vehicle to vehicle within a fleet.'
'Most of the information in this section is from the EPA's "Clean Air Act Overview;'
https://www.epa.gov/clean-air-act-overview; "Clean Air Act Text," https://www.epa
.gov/clean-air-act-overview/clean-air-act-text; "Clean Air Act Requirements and
History," https://www.epa.gov/clean-air-act-overview/clean-air-act-requirements
-and-history; and "Progress Cleaning the Air and Improving People's Health,"
-peoples-health (all accessed Jan. 16, 201 S); as well as http://www.bloomberg
.com/news/articles/2015-10-21 /how-could-volkswagen-s-top-engineers-not
'"EPA Should Do More Road Emissions Tests, Critics Say," Automotive News,
September 29,201 S, http://www.autonews.com/article/201 S0929/0EM11/1S0929807
/epa-should-do-more-road-emissions-tests-critics-say (accessed Jun. 20, 2016).
Source: Created by author.
VW engineers were suddenly on their own to find a way to meet stringent US emissions standards on diesel without sacrificing mileage or performance, and they needed to find it quickly. As it struggled to come up with a solution, the company was forced to delay for six months the release of the new diesel Jetta that was to be at the center of its new marketing push.
Whatever solution was devised, software was likely to be at the center of it. Modern cars contained approximately 100 million lines of software code that controlled every thing from basic operations to media to safety. Software could also help a car control the amount of pollutants it emitted, by monitoring carbon monoxide and NOx emissions and then diverting pollutants to special
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systems that converted them into less harmful substances. Around the time that VW engineers were struggling to determine the right solution, auto industry-supplier Bosch gave VW diesel engine-management software for use during testing. This software could detect when a vehicle was in a testing environment and activated emissions-controlling devices. Bosch believed VW was only using this software during its internal testing, and sold the software to VW with the understanding that uti lizing the software in publicly sold vehicles was illegal. 29
Clean Diesel Sales Take Off
By 2008, it appeared that "the power of German engi neering" had once again pulled through. VW announced the rollout of a new clean diesel technology called the Lean NOx Trap, which it claimed had solved the prob lem of delivering high fuel efficiency while still meet ing emissions standards. The new technology garnered considerable attention for VW. Its 2009 clean diesel Jetta TDI won the Green Car of the Year award, beating out hybrids and electric vehicles. It hosted a multiweek "dieselution tour" to "change any outdated perceptions about diesel technology" and prove its environmental virtue.30 Some of its vehicles were reportedly getting almost 60 mpg, which was unheard of for a nonelectric
Part 4: Case Studies
or hybrid car. At a conference on diesel emissions the same year, a VW executive boasted that "you don't have to sacrifice power to be environmentally conscious:' 31
Clean diesel became the centerpiece of VW's US mar keting strategy, and sales took off. Diesel sales grew by 20% in 2010, 26% in 2011, and 25% in 2012, though they began to taper off slightly in 2013 and 2014.32 By 2014, VW's diesel cars accounted for 21 % of the company's US sales.33
In 2011, VW's goal of selling 1 million vehicles in the United States was beginning to look achievable. US domestic companies struggled under the weight of eco nomic crises and bailouts, and Toyota and Honda had yet to fully recover from the impact on production of the 2011 Japanese earthquake. By 2012, VW claimed 3% mar ket share in the United States,34 up from 2.5% in 2011 and 2.2% in 2010.35 VW sales in the United States hit 440,000 in 2014, more than double 2009 sales.36
By 2014, VW was well on its way to achieving all four Strategy 2018 goals. Worldwide sales grew steadily at approximately 7.2% CAGR from 2007, when Winterkorn took over, to 2014.37 Most notably, the company reached its sales goal in 2014, selling more than 10 million vehicles and surpassing Toyota in sales volume, thereby becom ing the world's largest automaker four years ahead of the deadline it had set for itself (Exhibit 4).38
Exhibit 4 Worldwide Annual Car and Light Truck Sales by Manufacturer, 2005-2015
]_ 8
6 Ql
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
I - General Motors -Toyota -Volkswagen I
Data source: Created by author using data obtained from Bloomberg.
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Case 17: The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal
Sales were particularly strong for VW vehicles in China, growing 10% since 2013.39 Yet sales in the United States were causing concern. US consumers' tastes had shifted toward midsized SUV s, an area in which VW had very few offerings. By 2014, VW held only 2.2% market share in the United States,40 and VW sales dipped down to just around 370,000, far short of the 800,000 projected and just barely above the company's 2011 numbers.
While VW invested in its US diesel strategy, EPA officials in the Obama administration announced in 2011 a plan to require automakers to increase fleet-wide fuel efficiency from an average of 35.5 mpg to 54.5 mpg by 2025, while also further reducing emissions. To help car manufacturers offset the business implications of these ambitious new standards, companies were able to earn credits for utilizing groundbreaking technology that improved the environmental effects of their fleets, such as hybrids and electric cars. Credits could be used to lower the average fleet miles per gallon or emissions rating of the manufacturer that would otherwise be over the EPA limits. But credits were not offered to diesel manufac turers, as diesel technology was not viewed as the future of environmental car manufacturing. Automakers that had invested in diesel, such as VW and Mercedes-Benz, lobbied for diesel cars to be eligible to earn credits due to the technology's superior fuel efficiency. These firms had made the decision to invest in diesel on the basis that it was environmentally conscious, but the EPA argued that diesel traditionally emitted much higher levels of NOx than gasoline-powered vehicles, and therefore would not allow diesel cars to earn the credits. This left VW with a fleet that did not meet the EPA's new standards, and unlike its competitors, the company had no credit earning hybrid cars.
Scandal Unfolds 41
In 2013, a nonprofit group called the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) noticed some thing strange: diesel technologies appeared cleaner in the United States than in Europe. The ICCT hoped to identify what made diesel technologies superior in the
Table 1 Emissions Test Results.
Emissions level (grams of NOx
emitted per mile)
United States in order to improve emissions in Europe. The traditional in-lab emissions tests had not provided any clues to the engineering differences, which were producing lower-emission vehicles in the United States, so the researchers proposed on-road (as opposed to in-lab) testing of diesel cars in order to better understand these differences. They partnered with West Virginia University's Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions and California environmental regulators to perform tests on several types of diesel vehicles, start ing with a BMW XS, a VW Jetta, and a VW Passat (all three selected by chance; they were models conveniently available to the researchers). The researchers compared in-lab and on-road emissions and mileage performance.
Almost immediately, the two VW vehicles stood out. They performed flawlessly in the lab, but once on the open road, their emissions were significantly higher, as shown in Table 1. W hat the researchers unexpectedly uncovered was that these differences were perhaps not the result of superior engineering, but rather the result of cars specifically designed to take advantage of testing environments.
In early 2014, the researchers turned over the surpris ing results of the study to the US EPA, which questioned VW about the findings. VW flatly denied any accusations of wrongdoing. The West Virginia University researcher who led the tests said VW "tried to poke holes in our study and its methods, saying we didn't know what we were doing:' 42 The researchers eventually conducted an in-depth examination of VW's software, reviewing mil lions of lines of code for something to explain the strange discrepancy in emissions. They discovered an unusual set of instructions that was sent to emissions controls whenever the vehicle was only utilizing two of its four wheels (as it would during in-lab testing). In essence, the vehicle recognized whether it was in a test lab or on the road. The defeat device limited emissions in the lab (therefore hindering performance), but once out on the road, emissions returned to levels far above federal regu lations and performance did not suffer.
Armed with this information, EPA officials threat ened to withhold certification of VW and Audi's 2016
(v-35 x higher than legal limit)
Data sources: Bloomberg Businessweek, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-21 /how-could-volkswagen-s-top-engineers-not-have-known; EPA,
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diesel models, which forced VW's hand. On September 18, 2015-one week after being named the world's "most sustainable automaker"43-the company publicly admit ted that it had installed defeat devices on nearly 500,000 diesel vehicles across 14 models sold in the United States since 2009, when the clean diesel technology launched (Exhibit 5). This number was later scaled up to 11 million vehicles worldwide. It was discovered that the vehicles were emitting up to 40 times the US legal limit of pollu tion into the atmosphere.44
VW officials apologized but vehemently denied wide spread knowledge of the defeat devices within the com pany, blaming a few engineers for the error and claiming that senior management had no knowledge of wrongdo ing. They claimed that the millions of lines of software code made it impossible for anyone to know every line, particularly upper management, meaning that engineers could have included the emissions-defeating protocol without management knowing. 45 Michael Horn, VW's CEO of American operations, testified before Congress in October 2015, stressing that the defeat devices were "not a corporate decision" and were instead the work of "a couple of software engineers:' 46 As members of Congress expressed disbelief that VW's senior leadership did not know about the devices, Horn admitted, "I agree, that's very hard to believe:'47
Despite denying any wrongdoing, CEO Martin Winterkorn resigned five days after the scandal became public, stating that "I am stunned that misconduct on
Exhibit 5 US Models with Defeat Device
Affected 2.0-Liter Diesel Models:
Jetta (2009-2015)
Jetta Sportwagen (2009-2014)
Beetle (2012-2015)
Beetle Convertible (2012-2015)
Audi A3 (2010-2015)
Golf (2010-2015)
Golf Sportwagen (2015)
Passat (2012-2015)
Affected 3.0-Liter Diesel Models:
Volkswagen Touareg (2014)
Porsche Cayenne (2015)
Audi A6 Quattro (2016)
Audi A7 Quattro (2016)
Audi AS (2016)
Audi ASL (2016)
Audi Os (2016)
Data source: EPA, "Volkswagen Light Duty Diesel Vehicle Violations for Model
Years 2009-2016;'https://www.epa.gov/vw (accessed Feb. 28, 2016).
Part 4: Case Studies
Exhibit 6 Postscandal Statement by Martin Winterkorn,
September 23, 2015
"I am shocked by the events of the past few days. Above all, I am
stunned that misconduct on such a scale was possible in the
Volkswagen Group.
As CEO I accept responsibility for the irregularities that have
been found in diesel engines and have therefore requested the
Supervisory Board to agree on terminating my function as CEO
of the Volkswagen Group. I am doing this in the interests of the
company even though I am not aware of any wrong doing on
my part.
Volkswagen needs a fresh start-also in terms of personnel.
I am clearing the way for this fresh start with my resignation.
I have always been driven by my desire to serve this company,
especially our customers and employees. Volkswagen has been,
is, and will always be my life.
The process of clarification and transparency must continue.
This is the only way to win back trust. I am convinced that the
Volkswagen Group and its team will overcome this grave crisis:'
Source:"Statement by Prof. Dr. Winterkorn,"Volkswagen US Media Newsroom,
September 23, 2015, httpJ/media. vw.com/release/1070/ (accessed Jun. 20, 2016).
such a scale was possible in the Volkswagen Group. As CEO I accept responsibility for the irregularities that have been found in the diesel engines ... even though I am not aware of any wrong doing on my part:' (See Exhibit 6 for Winterkorn's full statement.)
Fallout 48
The fallout of the scandal was swift and far-reaching. Regulators across the United States and across the globe opened investigations. In the United States, the EPA stated that VW could face up to USD18 billion in fines USD37,500 per car for each of the estimated 500,000 cars impacted.49 The FBI opened a criminal probe, as did the attorneys general of all 50 states, and the Justice Department opened a civil lawsuit against the com pany over the deception. Outside of the United States, Germany and the European Union also opened criminal investigations, and German officials raided VW's head quarters days after the scandal came to light.50
The scandal had considerable immediate effects on VW's business. In the wake ofVW's admission, the EPA withheld final certification on VW's 2016 diesel models, and VW voluntarily halted sales of its 2015 models still in inventory. As diesel vehicles composed approximately 20% of VW's US sales, this significantly affected VW's performance. In October, VW reported its first quarterly loss in 15 years. Furthermore, its market cap shrunk by
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Case 17: The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal
one-third in the month after the scandal went public (Exhibit 7), and the company quickly abandoned its goal of remaining the world's largest automaker.51 In addition to Winterkorn's resignation, at least nine senior manag ers were quickly suspended or put on leave, and Matthias Muller, formerly the Porsche brand chief, was appointed VW 's new CEO.
VW's American operations and dealers were severely hurt by the scandal they claimed to have known nothing about. VW America said in a statement to American customers, "The recent TDI (Turbocharged Direct Injection) news is a disappointment to the entire VW of America family. We sincerely apologize, and we recog nize this matter has jeopardized the strong relationship between our loyal owners and the brand."52 The scandal had a considerable effect on independent VW dealers, who were crippled by the sudden drop in sales. VW paid dealers up to USDl,000 per car and wired cash to dealers to handle the crisis locally.53 In November, American consumers who had purchased the vehicles that were affected received a goodwill package in the mail, which included USDl,000 and 24-hour roadside assistance and did not require the consumer to release VW of any liability.
The German economy expected to see a substantial change as a result of VW's actions. The German auto
Exhibit 7 VW Share Price around Scandal September 15-23, 2015
industry, led by VW, accounted for 20% of German exports and 3% of German GDP. One in seven jobs were directly or indirectly linked to the industry, and the country was steeling itself for potential job losses.54
The city of Wolfsburg, Germany, where VW was head quartered, issued an immediate budget and hiring freeze and halted all infrastructure projects in anticipation of substantially reduced corporate taxes coming from its hometown company.55 "W hile the German economy defied Greece, the euro crisis and the Chinese slowdown, it could now be facing the biggest downside risk in a long while;' Carsten Brzeski, chief economist at Germany's ING-DiBa bank, wrote. "The irony of all of this is that the threat could now come from the inside, rather than from the outside:' 56
In June 2016, VW agreed to a $14.7 billion settle ment in the emissions scandal. The settlement was estimated to provide $10 billion to fund buybacks of vehicles from approximately 475,000 vehicle owners and additional cash compensation of $2.7 billion was to assist in environmental clean-up and $2 billion to fund programs by the EPA and California that focused on cleaner vehicles. The company could still face addi tional civil penalties or charges in other countries, and the company and some of its executives could face criminal charges as well.57
__,_- - -
I EPA says V\Y/ cheated on emissions
test announces fines.
t\ _I\- \ I ., '\ / V\Y/ stops selling
cenain diesel vehicles.
\ _,,.- _,I' V\'(/ admits 11 million cars
included sottware to CEO Martin \Y/interkorn defeat emissions test. announces resignation.
September 15 September 16 September 17 September 18 September 21 September 22 September 23
Data source: Created by author with stock price data from Bloomberg.
Source for announcements: New York Times.
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C-236 Part 4: Case Studies
1. Most of the material in the first paragraph _ Verhaltensgrunds%C3%A4tze+-+update -dominate-global-auto-industry-gets
of this section comes from Tim Bowler, _coc_englisch_digital.pdf. Although the -noticeably-harder/#52b13a501ab6.
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Emissions Scandal;' BBC, October 2, contains signatures from VW CEO Martin /2013/04/17/volkswagens-mission-to
2015, http://www.bbc.com/news/business Winterkorn and other top executives; -dominate-global-auto-industry-gets
-34358783; and from Volkswagen's own the newer version, republished after the -noticeably-harder/#52b13a501ab6.
company history and annual reports, scandal, omits these signatures. 23. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/27
available at http://www.volkswagenag 11. Danny Hakim, Aaron M. Kessler, and Jack /business/as-vw-pushed-to-be-no-1
. com/content/vwcorp/content/en Ewin, "As Volkswagen Pushed to Be No . -ambitions-fueled-a-scandal.html.
/the_group/history.html and http://www 1, Ambitions Fueled a Scandal;' New York 24. http://www.forbes.com/sites/joannmuller
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/info_center/en/publications/publications .nytimes.com/2015/09/27/business/as -dominate-global-auto-industry-gets
.acq.html/archive-on/icr-financial -vw-pushed-to-be-no-1-ambitions -noticeably-harder/#52b13a501ab6.
_publications!annual_reports/index.html -fueled-a-scandal.html?action 25. http://www.forbes.com/sites/joannmuller
(accessed Jan. 17, 2016). =click&contentCollection=lnternational%20 /2013/04/17/volkswagens-mission-to
2. EUR = euros. Business®ion=Foot er&module -dominate-global-auto-industry-gets
3. Richard Milne, "Volkswagen: System =WhatsNext&version=WhatsNext&contentlD -noticeably-harder/#52b13a501ab6.
Failure;' Financial Times, November 4, 2015, =WhatsNext&moduleDetail=undefined& 26. Most of the information in this section is
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/47f233f0-816b pgtype=Multimedia&_r=l (accessed from Dune Lawrence, Benjamin Elgin, and
-lle5-a01c-8650859a4767.html?siteedition Jan. 25,2016). Vernon Silver, "How Could Volkswagen's
=uk#axzz4BTTrG0FY (accessed Feb. 28, 2016). 12. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/27 Top Engineers Not Have Known?;'
4. Hans Dieter Petsch, the company's former /business/a s-vw-pushed-to-be-no -1 Bloomberg Businessweek, October 21, 2015,
finance director who was close to the -ambitions-fueled-a-scandal.html http://www.bloomberg.com/news
Porsche and Piech families, became ?action=click&contentCollection /articles/2015-10-21/how-could-volkswagen
chairman of the supervisory board in 2015, =lnternational%20Business®ion -s-top-engineers-not-have-known- (accessed
replacing Ferdinand Piech, who was the =Foo ter&module=WhatsNext& Jan. 25, 2016).
company's CEO from 1993 to 2002 and version=WhatsNext&contentlD 27. "U.S. HEV Sales by Model;' US Department
chairman of the supervisory board from =WhatsNext&moduleDetail of Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center,
2002 to 2015. =undefined&pgtype=Multimedia&_r=l. January 2016, http://www.afdc.energy.gov
5. Steve Schaefer and Andrea Murphy," 13. Volkswagen annual report, 2014. /data/ (accessed Apr. 1, 2016).
The World's Biggest Public Companies;' 14. Chiyo Robertson, "The Best Engineers 28. William Boston, "Volkswagen Emissions
Forbes, May 2015, http://www.forbes.com Come from Germany;' BBC News, Investigation Zeroes In on Two Engineers;'
/global2000/ (accessed Feb. 27, 2016; September 18, 2013, http:/ /www.bbc.com Wall Street Journal, October 5, 2015, http://
USD = US dollars. /news/business-24131534 (accessed www.wsj.com/articles/vw-emissions-probe
6. http://www.forbes.com/global2000/. Jan. 25, 2016). -zeroes-in- on-two-engineers-1444011602
7. Joann Muller, "How Volkswagen Will Rule 15. Rick Noack, "For Germans, VW Scandal is (accessed Jan. 25, 2016).
the World;' Forbes, May 6, 2013, http:// a National Embarrassment;' Washington 29. Bob Sorokanich, "Report: Bosch Warned VW
www.forbes.com/sites/joannmuller Post, September 23, 2015, https://www About Diesel Emissions Cheating in 2007;'
/2013/04/17/volkswagens-mission-to .washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews Car and Driver, September 28, 2015, http://
-dominate-global-auto-industry-gets /wp/2015/09/23/for-germans-the blog.caranddriver.com/report-bosch
-noticeably-harder/#52b13a501ab6 -volkswagen-scandal-is-a-national -warned-vw-about-diesel-emissions
(accessed Feb. 28, 2016). -embarrassment/ (accessed Feb. 27, 2016). -cheating-in-2007/ (accessed Jan. 25, 2016).
8. Volkswagen annual report, 2016. 16. Volkswagen's Strategy 2018, http://www 30. Volkswagen Group of America press
9. The Volkswagen Group Code of Conduct, . volkswagenag.com/content/vwcorp release, September 26, 2007 .
September 2015, http://www.volkswagenag /content/de/homepage.html (accessed 31. http://www.bloomberg.com/news
.com/content/vwcorp/info_center/en Jan. 25, 2016). /articles/2015-10-21/how-could-volkswagen
/publications/2015/09Nerhaltensgrundsaetze 17. Jack Ewing and Graham Bowley, "The -s-top-engineers-not-have-known-.
_des_ Volkswagen_Konzerns.bin.html Engineering of Volkswagen's Aggressive 32. Angelo Young, "Volkswagen Diesel Scandal:
/binarystorageitem/file/20150930 Ambition;' New York Times, December 13, Here's How Bad Volkswagen Sales Were
_ Verhaltensgrunds%C3%A4tze+-+update 2015, http:/ /www.nytimes.com/2015/12/14 Before the Company Was Caught Cheating;'
_coc_englisch_digital.pdf (accessed /business/the-engineering-of-volkswagens International Business Times, September 25,
Feb. 27, 2016). -aggressive-ambition.html (accessed 2015, http://www.ibtimes.com/volkswagen
10. The Volkswagen Group Code of Conduct, Jan. 25, 2016). -diesel-scandal-heres-how-bad-volkswagen
2010, http://en.volkswagen.com/content 18. Doran Levin, "The Man who Created -sales-were-company-was-caught-2114603
/medialib/vwd4/de/Volkswagen VW's Toxic Culture Still Looms Large;' (accessed Feb. 27, 2016).
/Nachhaltigkeit/service/download/corporate Fortune, October 16, 2015, http://fortune 33. Volkswagen of America earnings report,
_governance/Code_of _ Conduct/ jcr . com/2015/10/16/vw-ferdinand-piech 2014, http://media.vw.com/release/907/ .
content/renditions/rendition.file -
-culture/ (accessed Feb. 23, 2016). 34. "Volkswagen's U.S. Market Share from 2012
/the-volkswagen-group-code-of 19. http://fortune.com/2015/10/16/vw to 2014;' Statista, http:/ /www.statista
-conduct.pdf; http://www.volkswagenag -ferdinand-piech-culture/. .com/statistics/343189/market-share-of
.com/content/vwcorp/info_center/en 20. http://fortune.com/2015/10/16/vw -volkswagen-in-the-us/ (accessed
/publications/2015/09Nerhaltensgrundsaetze -ferdinand-piech-culture/. Mar. 3, 2016).
_des_ Volkswagen_Konzerns.bin.html 21. http://www.forbes.com/sites/joannmuller 35. "Volkswagen in the U.S.: An Evolving
/binarystorageitem/file/20150930 /2013/04/17/volkswagens-mission-to Growth Story;' Volkswagen Group of
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Case 17: The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal C-237
America presentation, January 10, /csr-volkswagen-scandal/ (accessed -you-need-to-know-about-the-vw-diesel
2012, http://www.volkswagenag.com Jun. 20, 2016). -emissions-scandal/ (accessed Jun. 20, 2016).
/content/vwcorp/info_center/en 44. Guilbert Gates, Jack Ewing, Karl Russell, and 52. "We're Working to Make Things Right;'
/talks_and_presentations/2012/01 Derek Watkins, "Explaining Volkswagen's Volkswagen website, www.vwdieselinfo
/Global_Auto_lndustry_Conference Emissions Scandal;' New York Times, June 1, .com (accessed Feb. 27, 2016).
.bin.html/binarystorageitem/file 2016, http://www.nytimes.com/interactive 53. http://www. n pr.org/ section s/thetwo
Nolkswagen+in+the+US+-+An /2015/business/international/vw-diesel -way/2015/10/08/446861855/volkswagen
+Evolving+Growth+Story.pdf (accessed -emissions-scandal-explained.html?_r=0 -u-s-ceo-faces-questions-on-capitol-hill.
Mar. 3, 2016). (accessed Jun. 20, 2016). 54. Ruth Bender, "Town that VW Built Views
36. Neal E. Boudette, "How VW Veered Off 45. Paul Kedrosky, "An Engineering Theory Future with Caution;' Wall Street Journal,
Target;' Automotive News, January 26, of the Volkswagen Scandal;' New Yorker, October 2, 2016, http://www.wsj.com
2016, http://www.autonews.com October 16, 2015, http://www.newyorker /articles/town-that-vw-built-views-future
/article/20150126/RETAIL01/301269949 .com/business/currency/an-engineering -with-caution-1443797584 (accessed
/how-vw -veered--off-target (accessed -theory-of-the-volkswagen-scandal Jan. 25, 2016).
Feb. 28, 2016). (accessed Jan. 15, 2016). 55. http://www.wsj.com/articles/town-that-vw
37. Bloomberg Intelligence, Automobiles 46. "'It Was Installed For This Purpose;VW's U.S. -built-views-future-with-caution-1443797584.
Dashboard, Annual Unit Sales by CEO Tells Congress About Defeat Device;' 56. Jack Ewing, "Volkswagen CEO Martin
Manufacturer (accessed Mar. 31, 2016). NPR, October 8, 2015, http://www.npr.org Winterkorn Resigns amid Emissions
38. http://www. nyti mes.com/2015/09/27 /sections/thetwo-way/2015/10/08 Scandal;' New York Times, September 23,
/business/ a s-vw-pushed-to-be-no-1 /446861855/volkswagen-u-s-ceo-faces 2016, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/24
-ambitio n s -fueled-a-scandal.html. -questions-on-capitol-hill (accessed /bu si ness/i nternatio na I/vol kswage n-ch ief
39. Henk Bekker, "2014 (Full Year) China and Jan. 25, 2016). -martin-winterkorn-resigns-amid-emissions
Worldwide German Luxury Car Sales;' Best 47. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo -scandal.html (accessed Jan. 25, 2016).
Selling Cars, January 9, 2015, http://www -way/2015/10/08/446861855/volkswagen 57. Chris Isidore and David Goldman;'
.best-selling-cars.com/china/2014-full-year -u-s-ceo-faces-questions-on-capitol-hill. Volkswagon Agrees to Record $14.7 Billion
-china-worldwide-german-luxury-car-sales 48. Most of this section comes from http:// Settlement over Emissions Cheating;'
/ (accessed Feb. 28, 2016). www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015 CNN Money, June 28, 2016, http://money
40. http://www.statista.com/stat istics/343189 /business/international/vw-diesel .cnn.com/2016/06/28/news/companies
/market-share-of-volkswagen-in-the-us/. -emissions-scandal-explained.html?_r=0. /volkswagen-fine/ (accessed Jul. 15, 2016);
41. http://www.bloomberg.com/news 49. Chris Isidore, "Volkswagen Could Be Hit David Shepardson and Joel Schectman,
/a rticles/2015 -10-21/how-cou Id-vol kswagen with $18 Billion in U.S. Fines;' CNN, January 4, "VW Agrees to Buy Back Diesel Vehicles,
-s-top-engineers-not-have-known-; http:// 2016, http://money.cnn.com/2016/01/04 Fund Clean Air Efforts;' Reuters, June 28,
www.nytimes.com/2015/09/27/business /news/companies/volkswagen-emissions 2016, http://www.reuters.com/a rticle
/as-vw -pushed-to-be-no-1-ambitions -cheating-suit -fine/ (accessed Jan. 25, 2016). /us-volkswagen-emissions-settlement
-fueled-a-scandal.html. 50. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo -idUSKCN0ZD2S5 (accessed Jul. 15, 2016);
42. http://www. nyti mes.com/2015/09/27 -way/2015/10/08/446861855/volkswagen Jack Ewing and Hiroko Tabuchi, "VW's
/business/ a s -vw-pushed-to-be-no-1 -u-s -ceo-faces-questions-on-capitol-hill. U.S. Diesel Settlement Clears Just One
-ambitio n s -fueled-a-scandal.html. 51. Clifford Atiyeh, "Everything You Need to Financial Hurdle;' New York Times, June 28,
43. Richard Hardyment, "CSR after Volkswagen Know About the VW Diesel-Emissions 2016, http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/29
Scandal;'TriplePundit, October 28, 2015, Scandal;' Car and Driver, May 11, 2016, /business/vw-diesel-emissions-us
http://www.triplepundit.com/2015/10 http://blog.caranddriver.com/everything -settlement.html (accessed Jul. 15, 2016).
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The Wells Fargo Banking Scandal
Weve been called, true or not, "the king of cross-sell."
- Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf 's 2010 letter to shareholders
On October 25, 2016, Timothy J. Sloan, the new CEO of Wells Fargo bank, addressed 1,200 of his employees in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the first time. "I want to apologize to all of you;' Sloan began. "I want to say we're sorry for the pain you have experienced as team mem bers as a result of our company's failures:''
Sloan, a 29-year veteran of Wells Fargo and previ ously its COO and president, had been named to the company's top position two weeks earlier, when then CEO John Stumpf resigned amid fallout from the banking scandal for which Sloan apologized. In September, Wells Fargo had agreed to a $185 million settlement with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and two other regulatory bodies, admit ting it had opened unauthorized accounts for millions of its consumers.
At the heart of the scandal were the company's com munity banking sales practices, which focused relent lessly on cross-selling multiple products to existing customers. Bank employees alleged that the pressure to sell products was so great that they were effectively forced to engage in illegal behavior to meet performance goals. During a five-year period, 5,300 bank employees were fired for improper sales behavior. When the CFPB settlement came to light, public outrage over the behav ior of a bank many believed to be one of the few remain ing good guys led to the resignation of Stumpf and other top executives, a dramatic drop in share price, and the loss of Wells Fargo's prized place as "the world's most valuable bank:'
"My primary objective;' said Sloan to his employees, "is to restore trust in Wells Fargo-restore pride in our company and mission. That may seem like a long way off today, but I promise you we will.
I think it all begins with understanding where things broke down, and where we failed-as a culture, a com pany, and as leaders:' 2
Part 4: Case Studies
Wells Fargo Background3
Wells Fargo was founded in 1852 in San Francisco by Henry Wells and William Fargo and initially offered financial services as well as express delivery services necessary to meet the needs of customers flocking to the West during the California gold rush. Its famed delivery network-epitomized by its ubiquitous stagecoaches allowed it to grow into a national brand by the early 20th century, even as its commercial banking focused primarily on Northern California until the 1980s. A series of mergers and acquisitions-most a takeover by Norwest bank of Minneapolis in 1998-helped Wells Fargo become one of nation's largest commercial banks by the beginning of 21st century. In addition to serving individuals and small businesses through commercial banking, Wells Fargo also had practices in wholesale banking, investment banking, wealth management, insurance brokering, loan servicing, and more.
John Stumpf became Wells Fargo's CEO in 2007 and its chairman in 2010. One of 11 children of rural Minnesota dairy farmers, Stumpf often cited his hum ble upbringing and hard-working, Midwestern values when he explained the way he approached manage ment and leadership. "Even though we were very poor financially, we learned the value of plural pronouns us, we, and ours;' he told Forbes in 2012. "There wasn' t a lot of time for I, me, and mY:' 4 He got his start in financial services as a repo man, joined Norwest Bank in 1982, and worked his way up through the commu nity bank. After Norwest's 1998 merger with Wells Fargo, Stumpf led Wells Fargo's community banking division and was named company president in 2005, eventually succeeding Richard Kovacevich as CEO and chairman. 5
Wells Fargo emerged from the 2008-2009 global financial crisis in a considerably better position than many others banks.6 It benefited from a low cost of funds, diversity of revenue sources, and a refusal to sell some of the most complex synthetic investment vehicles
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Case 18: The Wells Fargo Banking Scandal
and no-documentation loans that opened other banks up to considerable risk. While it lost market share in the mortgage business from 2003-2007, that setback was viewed as a sign of virtue when other banks collapsed. However, Wells Fargo did not emerge from the crisis unscathed: in 2012, Wells Fargo reached a $175 million settlement agreement with the Department of Justice over claims of discriminatory lending practices targeting African American and Hispanic homeowners during the housing boom.7 It also paid $6.5 million to the SEC to settle charges related to the sale of risky mortgage-backed securities. 8
Given its relative strength during the crisis, Wells Fargo agreed in 2008 to acquire Wachovia, which at the time was the fourth-largest bank holding com pany in the country and dominated East Coast bank ing, for $12.5 billion. Wachovia was forced into sale by the United States government during the 2008 banking crisis because of the substantial losses it had experienced from its loan business, the failure of similar banks, and fear that Wachovia would not be able to meet its depositors' requests for funds. In his 2008 letter to shareholders, CEO Stumpf wrote: "Our merger . . . has created the United States' premier coast-to-coast community banking presence, the most extensive distribution system of any financial services company across North America."9 Effectively merging two banking giants was viewed as an enormous chal lenge, as it required creating a combined network of 11,000 branches, 12,000 ATMs, 70 million customers, and over 200,000 employees.10
After the Wachovia purchase, Wells Fargo got a vote of confidence from one of America's most respected investors, Warren Buffett. A longtime investor in Wells Fargo, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway increased its own ership of the company steadily from 2009-2013, say ing he believed in Wells Fargo's business model and management.11 "You can't take away Wells Fargo's cus tomer base;' Buffett told Fortune shortly after the invest ment. "It grows quarter by quarter. And what you make money off of is customers .. . and not doing anything dumb. And that's what they do:' 12 By 2015, Berkshire Hathaway owned approximately 9.5% of Wells Fargo shares.13
Wells Fargo enjoyed a sterling public reputation compared to other banks. Based in San Francisco, away from the major New York banks, Wells Fargo was "one of the most respected financial institutions in the coun try, viewed as a kindly, exceedingly well-run neighbor hood-oriented bank with only modest aspirations for the rough-and-tumble world of Wall Street investment
banking:' 14 It was regularly ranked on Barron's "world's most respected companies" list, attaining a rank of seven in 2015.15
By 2015, Wells Fargo enjoyed a reputation as the "world's most valuable bank:'16 It ranked first in market value among all U.S. banks by year-end, ranked third in terms of assets, and earned $22.9 billion in profits from $86.1 billion of revenue (up 2% from 2014). It proudly stated in its annual reports that "we serve one in three households in the United States:' Wells Fargo stressed that the key to its success was its ability to manage risk at every level. "We think everyone here is a risk man ager;' Stumpf told the San Francisco Chronicle in 2015. "Whether it's your official title or not, everything we do is part of that:' 17
In annual reports and elsewhere, Wells Fargo stressed the importance of its approximately 265,000 employees (known as "team members"). "We have always believed that our team members are our most valuable resource, and we want them to be with us for the long term;' Stumpf wrote in his 2015 letter to shareholders.18 Wells Fargo boasted of hiring one of the most diverse work forces in corporate America, with more women and minority employees than any other bank.
Since the 1990s, Wells Fargo's mission had been consistent: "to satisfy our customers' financial needs and help them succeed financiallY:''9 The bank believed this consistent mission and focus was key to continued growth, and it had six key priorities to achieving this: Putting Customers First, Growing Revenue, Managing Expenses, Living our Vision and Values, Connecting with Communities and Stakeholders, and Managing Risk. Wells Fargo leadership also maintained an explicit and consistent set of core values it believed set it apart and helped the bank succeed: People as a Competitive Advantage, Ethics, What's Right for Customers, Diversity & Inclusion, and Leadership. The company provided all employees with a 37-page book, Vision and Values, which included a letter from the CEO, explaining the bank's priorities, values, and culture in detail, and also outlined the importance of ethical behavior while ensur ing the bank was financially successful.2°
In speeches and annual reports, CEO Stumpf fre quently referenced the bank's values as key to its suc cess. His 2011 annual report to shareholders lauded Wells Fargo's 270,000 employees, who were "guided by our values and what we stand for: honoring and supporting our people, striving for the highest ethi cal standards, doing what's right for our customers, learning from diversity, and calling on everyone to be leaders:' 21
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The Community Banking Division and Cross-Selling22
At the heart of Wells Fargo's success was its community banking division, whose purpose was to provide a wide range of financial solutions (such as checking and sav ings accounts, loans, and credit cards) to households and small businesses. In 2015, it consisted of almost 6,000 local bank branches across the United States. The division was responsible for 57% of Wells Fargo's annual revenue. 23 In addition, it was the public face of Wells Fargo, as the branches symbolized the bank's fundamen tal connection to Main Street.
Community banking was led since 2007 by Carrie Tolstedt, a 27-year veteran of Wells Fargo who had pre viously served as a regional manager and vice president of regional banking. 24 A Nebraska native, Tolstedt was known for her tireless work ethic and obsessive attention to detail.25
The division was vast and organized in a broad hierarchical structure. Tolstedt managed three regional bank executives, who were responsible for 54 regional presidents. The regional presidents managed 120 area managers, who in turn oversaw 600 district man agers in charge of 5,700 branch managers. 26 Beneath these branch managers were the approximately 100,000 branch bankers and tellers responsible for sell ing and servicing financial products for individuals and small businesses.
The primary strategy of Wells Fargo's community banking was a practice known as "cross-selling;' or gen erating more business from existing customers by sell ing them additional products. For example, customers who opened checking accounts would be encouraged to open savings accounts, credit cards, or mortgages at the same bank. A common practice across financial services companies (and many other industries), cross-selling is viewed as a key strategy to win market share in an increasingly commoditized market and retain customers over the long term.
While all banks emphasized cross-selling, Wells Fargo was unique in both the importance it placed on the strategy and its remarkable success at it. Cross selling became a key component of Wells Fargo strategy around the time it merged with Norwest bank in 1998. Norwest CEO Kovacevich saw cross-selling as a major competitive advantage and wanted Norwest to be "the Wal-Mart of financial services, supplying 100% of cus tomers' industry average needs:' 27 Norwest was able to sell an average of four products per customer compared to an industry average of two.28 In the years following the
Part 4: Case Studies
merger, Wells Fargo continually emphasized the impor tance of cross-selling in its annual reports:
Our primary strategy . . . is to increase the number of products our customers utilize and to offer them all of the financial products that fulfill their needs. Our cross-sell strategy ... {facilitates] growth in both strong and weak eco nomic cycles, as we can grow by number of products our current customers have with us, gain new customers in our extended markets, and increase market share in many businesses."29
"We've been called, true or not, the 'king' of cross sell;" wrote Stumpf in his 2010 letter to shareholders:
To succeed at it, you have to do a thousand things right. It requires long-term persistence, significant investment in systems and training, proper team member incentives and recognition, taking the time to understand your cus tomers' financial objectives, then offering them products and solutions to satisfy their needs so they can succeed financially . . . The bad news is it's hard to do. The good news is it's hard to do, because once you build it, it's a com petitive advantage that can't be copied.30
Wells Fargo was the only major bank to explicitly report on its cross-selling results in its annual reports and securities filings. 31 Wells Fargo began regularly reporting on the average number of products per cus tomer in annual reports around 1998, as it was one of several strategic initiatives for the firm. Around 2001, Wells Fargo began referring to its cross-selling strategy as "Going for Gr-Eight!;' a reference to its goal of aver aging eight products per customer, which it estimated was approximately half the financial-services products an average individual needed during a lifetime.
Wells Fargo enjoyed considerable success with its cross-selling strategy. The average number of products per customer grew from 3.2 in 1998, when Norwest acquired Wells Fargo, to 6.11 in 2015 (Table 1).32 By com parison, the national average was 2.71.33 Wells Fargo "is the master at this;' an independent bank consultant told the Los Angeles Times in 2013. "No other bank can touch them:' 34
Wells Fargo's strength at cross-selling was seen as crucial to the success of its Wachovia acquisition. Buying Wachovia's assets would provide a significantly larger geography for Wells Fargo's community banking, and its cross-selling ability, combined with Wachovia's famed customer service, was seen as a highly promising feature of the merger.35
The bank consistently emphasized that cross-selling and the long-term customer growth and retention it led
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Case 18: The Wells Fargo Banking Scandal C-241
Table 1 Average Number of Products Per Retail Banking Customer at Wells Fargo, 1998-2015.
7�------------------------------------------ Merger with
Wachovia 6+-------------------------+----
5+------------------ Merger with Norwest
4 -+--'r-- - - - - -
1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 National '------------------------------------------'Avg,2015
Wells Fargo
Data sources: Wells Fargo annual reports; Wall Street Journal.
to depended on the strength of relationships between its branch employees and its customers. Successful cross-selling was essentially a proxy for "earning deep and long-lasting relationships" with customers, which required "not only knowing our customers, but also understanding how they defined financial success:' 36
In this way, the firm viewed cross-selling as a logical extension of its mission to satisfy its customers' financial needs. "Earning lifelong relationships, one customer at a time, is fundamental to achieving our vision;' wrote Stumpf in 2015.
In order to make progress toward its ambitious goal of eight products per customer, Wells Fargo's community banking division relied on the salesmanship of its branch bankers and tellers. Throughout the division, manag ers focused on hiring and developing staff who could engage with customers, understand their needs, and sell them products to meet those needs. They also developed incentive programs that encouraged bank personnel to sell. Personal bankers, who earned approximately $14 to $19 per hour, relied on sales incentive payments for 15% to 20% of their compensation, while tellers, who earned approximately $11 to $13 per hour, derived about 3% of their pay from sales and service incentives.37 District management had specific sales goals they had to meet to earn bonuses, and cross-selling metrics was one factor
considered in determining the annual bonus for Division President Carrie Tolstedt.
Sales metrics were regularly reported from individ ual branches up through the management hierarchy of the division. Community banking head Tolstedt stressed sales volume and number of products per customer and "unrelentingly focused on numbers showing growth;' according to former employees.38 Branch personnel were assigned ambitious sales targets, and progress was tracked in a daily "Motivator Report" sent to managers and discussed regularly in conference calls.39 According to allegations in recent lawsuits, the measurement of progress against sales targets was relentless. "Daily sales for each branch, and each employee, were reported and discussed by Wells Fargo's district managers four times a day, at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., and 5:00 p.m:'40
Former employees have described, in lawsuits and news articles, examples of the importance managers placed on employee sales' numbers. One area presi dent told employees to "do whatever it takes" to sell.41
Personal bankers had daily and hourly sales goals.42 At some branches, employees could not go home until their sales quotas for the day were met.43 "The branch manag ers were always asking, 'how many solutions did you sell today? They wanted three to four a day;' reported one former employee to the New York Times.44 A 2011 e-mail
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obtained by the Los Angeles Times shows a California district manager chastising employees for only selling overdraft protection to 5% to 38% of customers. "This has to come up dramatically. We need to make a move toward 80%:'45
Branch bankers and tellers who did not meet sales goals were coached to improve their outcomes or ter minated from the company. Managers and regional presidents would offer objection-handling training to employees, often involving memorizing sales pitches to override people who objected to buying. A former banker told the New York Times, "Every morning I had to sit with my boss and go over the previous day and every single customer's relationship. I had to tell them why I didn't force them into opening that third, fourth, fifth checking account that they could have used for Christmas, their son's birthday, school, a pet, and so on:'46
At the management level, those with positive sales numbers enjoyed rapid career progression.47 Conversely, branch leaders who did not make their quota were "severely chastised and embarrassed in front of 60-plus managers in your area by the community banking pres idenf'48
It was well-known that Wells Fargo aggressively sold products to customers and that customers were often frustrated by being constantly asked to buy more. A 2015 study of the 10 largest banks, conducted by manage ment consulting firm cg42, revealed a frustration among Wells Fargo customers with the bank trying to get them to sign up for products they didn' t need or want. This frustration was expressed by 43% of Wells Fargo custom ers, compared to an average of 24% for the remaining nine banks. This frustration was also expressed by Wells Fargo customers more than customers of others banks in the cg42's 2011 and 2013 studies.49
Employees Resort to Cheating50
Beginning 2013, reports in the press and allegations in lawsuits suggested that some Wells Fargo employees had resorted to questionable behavior in order to meet their sales goals. Employees would open additional accounts-checking accounts, online banking accounts, credit cards, and more-for existing customers without their knowledge or authorization.
A former banker told the Los Angeles Times in 2013 that employees at his Los Angeles branch would open accounts and credit cards for customers without their knowledge, blaming it on a computer glitch if customers complained.51 Employees would encourage customers to bundle products and then " incorrectly inform customers
Part 4: Case Studies
that certain products are available only in packages with other products:'52 One employee told the New York Times she would convince customers that they needed sepa rate checking accounts for travel, groceries, and emer gency spending.53 Some employees would issue debit cards, including PINs, without consumer knowledge. Employees would create phony e-mail addresses (e.g., [email protected]) to enroll customers in online banking, which counted as a separate product against their sales goals. 54
Often, according to former employees, the customers targeted for fake accounts were those who were least able to protect themselves.55 Members of Native American tribes, immigrants, college students, and the elderly were frequent targets of aggressive sales tactics and were often signed up for unneeded accounts or products without their knowledge. Because Wells Fargo did not require Social Security numbers to open accounts-one of the few major banks that did not-employees would often sign up people with IDs from Mexican consulates, who sometimes did not speak English and did not understand what products they were signing up for. "Bankers wanted the quickest, easiest sale-the low-hanging fruit;'-said one former employee in San Jose. The majority of cases of phony accounts happened in clusters in Southern California, Arizona, and Florida, though examples were cited across the country.56
These allegations prompted federal and state regu lators to investigate. In September 2016, after an exten sive investigation, the CFPB reported: "Wells Fargo employees secretly opened unauthorized accounts to hit sales targets and receive bonuses . . . The bank had compensation incentive programs for its employees that encouraged them to sign up existing clients for deposit accounts, credit cards, debit cards, and online banking:' Analysis done by Wells Fargo and reported by the CFPB concluded that employees opened more than 1.5 million deposit accounts and over 500,000 credit card accounts that may not have been authorized by consum ers. Some consumers were then charged fees to maintain the accounts.57
Several employees who witnessed unethical behav ior or undue pressure from management reported it to supervisors or through the company's ethics hotline. Some employees even wrote to Stumpf directly.58 A number of these employees have since claimed they were terminated shortly after making whistle-blower calls. One banker in Pennsylvania was terminated for tardiness days after e-mailing human resources to report that management had instructed him to open phony accounts.59 Another in California was terminated for
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Case 18: The Wells Fargo Banking Scandal
"not meeting expectations" three days after calling into the ethics hotline to report colleagues opening unautho rized accounts.60
Wells Fargo Responds to Allegations of Fraud61
I do want to make it very clear that there was no orchestrated effort . . . by the company. We never directed nor wanted our employees . . . to provide products and services to customers they did not want or need.
- Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf's testimony to US. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, September 2016
Wells Fargo was aware of employees opening unau thorized accounts several years before the 2016 CFPB report made the scandal public. According to testi mony provided by Stumpf to the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, Wells Fargo realized it had a problem as early as 2011 and began taking steps to "detect and deter unethical conduct:'
In 2011, Wells Fargo piloted a Quality-of-Sale Report Card in California, which used data analytics to monitor sales patterns to identify potentially unethical behav ior. It monitored the number of inactive or unfunded accounts and set limits on the percentage of accounts that were unused. However, one former manager noted that the limits-no more than 45% of debit cards were inactive, and no more than 27.5% of new accounts were unfunded-were so high that they did little to spur reform.62 This report card was scaled nationwide in 2012 and in 2013 became part of the incentive compensation program.
Wells Fargo also began reducing the number of sales that employees needed for incentive bonuses. From 2012 to 2015, the number of sales required to make incentive bonuses dropped by 30%. Wells Fargo also reduced the emphasis on sales goals in perfor mance evaluations.
Wells Fargo expanded the ethics training materials provided to managers in order to make clear what was right and what was wrong. It explicitly told employ ees at ethics workshops not to create fake accounts for clients. 63
The bank also began terminating employees who it believed had practiced unethical behavior in order to record sales. Between 2011 and 2016, the bank terminated approximately 5,300 employees. Most of
those terminated were branch tellers and bankers, but about 10% were managers. One area president was also terminated. 64
Yet despite these efforts, the unethical sales practices persisted, which some employees blamed on the contin ued existence of ambitious sales goals. "They warned us about this type of behavior and said 'You must report it; but the reality was that people had to meet their goals. They needed a paycheck:' said one former personal banker.65 Managers talked constantly about strategies for increasing sales, and leadership publicly lauded those with the highest sales figures.66
W hen reporters and investigators asked how these unethical practices could have occurred, Wells Fargo leadership consistently pointed to the individual actions of employees and defended its choice to termi nate these employees. ''I'm unaware of any overbear ing sales culture;' then-CFO Timothy Sloan said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times in 2013. In his Senate testimony, Stumpf stressed that the 5,300 who were terminated made up only 1% of the retail banking workforce in a given year. In any given year, 1,000 out of 100,000 employees "didn't get it right. But I have to say, the vast majority did do it right . . . every daY:'67
"The 1% that did it wrong, who we fired, terminated, in no way reflects our culture nor reflects the great work the other vast majority of the people do;' said a Wells Fargo spokesman. "That's a false narrative."68
In 2015, Wells Fargo hired third-party auditors from PricewaterhouseCoopers to determine how many customers could have been impacted by the fraud ulent sales practices. It was this investigation that determined, as the CFPB later reported, that approx imately 1.5 million deposit accounts (2% of all deposit accounts) could have been unauthorized, resulting in approximately $2.2 million in fees for consumers. Likewise, 565,000 credit cards-about 6% of all those issued-had not been activated, had no activity, and were assumed to be unauthorized. These cards resulted in $400,000 in fees for consumers. All consumers were reimbursed for the fees.
Two months before the CFPB publicly announced its settlement with Wells Fargo, the bank announced the retirement of Community Bank President Tolstedt, effective January l, 2017. In announcing her retirement, Stumpf praised her as a "one of our most valuable Wells Fargo leaders, a standard bearer of our culture, a champion for our customers:'69 Tolstedt, who earned $27 million in her last three years with the bank, was expected to retire with approximately $125 million in stock and options.
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Because of the severity of these violations, Wells Fargo is paying the largest penalty the CFPB has ever imposed. Today's action should serve notice to the entire industry that financial incentive programs, if not monitored carefully, carry serious risks that can have serious legal consequences.
-CFPB Director Richard Cordray
On September 8, 2016, the CFPB announced that it and two other regulators had agreed to a $185 million settlement with Wells Fargo over the fraudulent sales practices employed by its branch workforce over the course of several years. This was the largest penalty the CFPB, founded in 2011, had ever imposed, but was rela tively minor compared to other government settlements with banks in recent years over discriminatory mortgage lending and questionable securities practices, including fines imposed upon Wells Fargo.70
In the days following the announcement, outrage spread and congressional hearings were planned, and Wells Fargo saw its share price begin to fall. Shares dropped 13% in the month after the scandal went pub lic, and Wells Fargo lost its place as the country's most valuable bank by market capitalization.71 Warren Buffett repeated his commitment to the company, but stated "Wells Fargo ... designed a system that produced bad behavior ... The big mistake was they didn't do some thing about it:' 72
The day of the announcement, Wells Fargo stated that "we regret and take responsibility for any instances where customers may have received a product that they did not request:' 73 It announced that it would be over hauling its performance-incentive program and removing product sales goals starting January 1. After considerable uproar from the media, the bank changed course and announced on September 29 that sales quotas would be eliminated as of October 1.74
CEO John Stumpf initially rejected calls to resign, stating that "the best thing I could do right now is lead this company, and lead this company forward:'75 His sub sequent testimony in front of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee and House Financial Services Committee created a furor among lawmakers, including Senator Elizabeth Warren who stated "Your definition of accountability is to push blame to low-level employees ... it's gutless leadership:' 76
On September 29, independent members of Wells Fargo's Board of Directors announced that Stumpf would
Part 4: Case Studies
be forfeiting his unvested equity-worth approximately $41 million-and would not receive a bonus in 2016. Two weeks later, on October 12, Stumpf announced his resignation from the bank effective immediately, stat ing: "While I have been deeply committed and focused on managing the Company through this period, I have decided it is best for the Company that I step aside:' 77
Former CFO Tim Sloan was named CEO effective immediately. The company also split the role of CEO and chairman, effective December 1.78
Community Banking President Tolstedt, who had planned to retire at the end of the year, left the company shortly after the scandal broke. She received none of the planned severance or 2016 bonus and also forfeited unvested equity.
Wells Fargo began an internal investigation into the rumors of retaliation against whistle-blowers, announc ing in January 2017 that it had found evidence that some employees may have been terminated for reporting ques tionable sales behavior to the ethics hotline.79
Wells Fargo also went to work to rebuild its image, running commercials, taking out full-page advertise ments in most major newspapers, and setting up a special commitment website stating ways in which the company was working to "make things right" and "build a better Wells Fargo;' including changing leadership and introducing an employee performance plan based on customer service.80
It remained to be seen what the impact of the scan - dal would be on customer retention and growth. An October 2016 survey by consulting group cg42 found that 30% of Wells Fargo's retail customers were exploring banking alternatives and projected that the bank would lose $99 billion in deposits over the next 12 to 18 months. Similarly, the number of consumers interested in doing business with Wells Fargo had plummeted.81
Moving Forward82
As Tim Sloan addressed his employees in October 2016, he acknowledged some of the underlying problems that had led to the scandal: product and sales goals that resulted in questionable behavior, a failure of manage ment to respond adequately to unethical practices, warn ing signs that could have been heeded sooner. "It's also important to note there are no quick fixes to our chal lenges;' he said. "My pledge to you is that we will keep these lessons, and others we discover, part of our ongo ing conversation, so we may learn from our mistakes:'
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Case 18: The Wells Fargo Banking Scandal C-245
Sloan closed by stressing Wells Fargo's mission: worthwhile because of the pride and satisfaction it gives us, and because of the opportunity it offers us to deliver value to customers, investors, and communities. This is our legacy and our future, and it's worth fighting for.
We want to satisfy our customers' financial needs and help them succeed financially. This is why Wells Fargo exists. If our customers don't succeed, we don't. The mission remains
1. Prepared remarks from Wells Fargo CEO /lash i nsky _ buffett.fortu ne/i ndex.htm
Tim Sloan, October 25, 2016, https://stories ?postversion=2009042006 (accessed
.wf.com/companywide-address-ceo-tim Jan. 14, 2017).
-sloan/ (accessed Jan. 14, 2017). 13. Yahoo! Finance, Wells Fargo & Company
2. Prepared remarks from Wells Fargo CEO profile, https://finance.yahoo.com/quote
Tim Sloan, October 25, 2016. /WFC/holders?p=WFC (accessed Jan. 29,
3. Primary source for this section: "Wells Fargo 2017).
History;' https://www.wellsfargohistory 14. William Cohan, "Wells Fargo Scandal May
.com/history/ (accessed Jan. 14, 2017). be Sign of a Poisonous Culture;· New York
4. Matt Schifrin and Halah Touryalai, "The Times, September 16, 2016, https://www
Bank that Works;· Forbes, January 25, 2012, .nytimes.com/2016/09/17/business
http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2012/0213 /dealbook/wells-fargo-scandal-may-be
/feature-john-stumpf-wells-fargo-bank -sign-of-a-poisonous-culture.html?_r=0
-that-works.html (accessed Jan. 29, 2017). (accessed Dec. 13, 2016).
5. "Executive Profile: John G. Stumpf;' 15. Vito Racanelli, "Apple Tops Barron's List of
Bloomberg, http://www.bloomberg Respected Companies;· Barron's, June 27,
.com/research/stocks/private/person 2015, http://www.barrons.com/articles
.asp?personld=292951&privcapld=4504437 /apple-tops-barrons-list-of-respected
(accessed Jan. 29, 2017). -companies-1435372737 (accessed
6. Adam Lashinsky, "Riders on the Storm;• Jan. 29, 2017).
Fortune, April 20, 2009, http://archive 16. Most of the information in this paragraph
.fortune.com/2009/04/19/news/companies comes from the Wells Fargo annual report,
/lashinsky_wells.fortune/index.htm 2015.
(accessed Dec. 14, 2016). 17. Thomas Lee, "For Wells Fargo CEO John
7. "Justice Department Reaches Settlement Stumpf, Social Issues a Minefield;' San
with Wells Fargo Resulting in More Than Francisco Chronicle, November 6, 2015,
$175 Million in Relief for Homeowners to http://www.sfchronicle.com/business
Resolve Fair Lending Claims;• Department /article/For-Wells-Fargo-CEO-John-Stumpf
of Justice press release, July 12, 2012, -social-issues-a-6616329.php (accessed
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice Dec. 15, 2016).
-department-reaches-settlement-wells 18. Wells Fargo annual report, 2015.
-fargo-resulting-more-175-million-relief 19. Sources for this entire paragraph are Wells
(accessed Jan. 29, 2017). Fargo annual reports and the 2015 edition
8. Sarah Lynch, "Wells Fargo to Pay More of The Vision & Values of Wells Fargo,
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9. Wells Fargo annual report, 2008. 21. Wells Fargo annual report, 2011.
10. http://archive.fortune.com/2009/04/19 22. Primary sources for this entire section
/news/companies/lashinsky_wells.fortune include: E. Scott Reckard, "Wells Fargo's
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35. http://archive.fortune.com/2009/04/19
36. Wells Fargo annual report, 2015.
37. Salary information from PayScale,
"Average Hourly Rate for Wells Fargo Bank
Employees;• updated January 19, 2017,
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C-246 Part 4: Case Studies
(accessed Mar. 5, 2017); bonus information /wells-fargo-customers-join-cross-selling 60. Stacy Cowley, "Wells Fargo Workers Claim
from http://www.latimes.com/business -backlash (accessed Feb. 1, 2017). Retaliation for Playing by the Rules;' New
/la-fi-wells-fargo-sale-pressure-20131222 so. Primary sources for this entire section York Times, September 26, 2016, http://
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-them. 51. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi 61. Primary source for content in this section
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Wells Fargo Pushed Employees to Abuse Ex-Wells Fargo Bankers Describe Abuses;• -u na uthorized-accou nts-a nd -t he
Customers;' TIME, September 29, 2016, New York Times, October 20, 2016, https:// -regulatory-response (accessed Jan. 29,
http://time.com/money/4510482/wells www.nytimes.com/2016/10/21/business 2017); and John Stumpf's prepared
-fargo-fake-accounts-class-action-lawsuit/ /dealbook/lions-hunting-zebras-ex-wells testimony to the U.S. House of
(accessed Dec. 15, 2016). -fargo-bankers-descri b e -abuses.html?action Representatives Committee on Financial
41. Kartikay Mehrotra, "Wells Fargo Ex-Manager's =click&contentCollection=DealBook Services on September 29, 2016, http://
Suit Puts Scandal Blame Higher Up Chain;' &module=RelatedCoverage®ion financialservices.house.gov/uploadedfiles
Bloomberg, December 8, 2016, https://www =EndOfArticle&pgtype=article (accessed /hhrg-114-ba00-wstate-jstumpf-20160929
.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-12-08 Dec. 14, 2016). .pdf (accessed Jan. 29, 2017).
/wel Is-fa rg o-ex-ma n agers-suit-puts 54. Emily Glazer and Christina Rexrode, 62. Dan Freed and E. Scott Reckard, "Wells
-scandal-blame-higher-up-chain (accessed "Wells Fargo CEO Defends Bank Culture, Fargo Faces Costly Overhaul of Bankrupt
Jan. 14, 2017). Lays Blame with Bad Employees;' Wall Street Sales Culture;' Reuters, October 12, 2016,
42. http://www.wsj.com/articles/what-the Journal, September 13, 2016, http://www http://www.reuters.com/article/us
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43. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi -bad-employees-1473784452 (accessed 63. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/17
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.html. 55. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/21 -workers-against-fake-accounts-but-they
44. Michael Corkery and Stacy Cowley, /business/dealbook/lions-hunting-zebras -needed-a-paycheck.html?action
"Wells Fargo Warned Workers Against Sham -ex-wells-fargo-bankers-describe-abuses. =click&contentCollection=DealBook
Accounts, but 'They Needed a Paycheck;" html?action=click&contentCollection &module=RelatedCoverage®ion
New York Times, September 16, 2016, =DealBook&module=RelatedCoverage =EndOfArticle&pgtype=article.
https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/17 ®ion=EndOfArticle&pgtype=article. 64. https://www.g oog le .com/? gws_rd =ssl#q
/business/dealbook/wells-fargo-warned 56. https://www.bloomberg.com/news =++Kartikay+Mehrotra,+%E2%80%9CWells
-workers-against-fake-accounts-but-they /articles/2016-11-03/wells-fargo-s-stars +Fargo+Ex-Manager%E2%80%99s+Suit+Pu
-needed-a-paycheck.html?action -climbed-while-abuses-flourished ts+Scandal+Blame+Higher+Up+Chain.%E2
=click&contentCollection=DealBook&module -beneath-them. %80%9D&spf= 136.
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45. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi Protection Bureau Fines Wells Fargo -workers-against-fake-accounts-but-they
-wells-fargo-sale-pressure-201312 2 2 -story $100 Million for Widespread Illegal -needed-a-paycheck.html?action
.html. Practice of Secretly Opening Unauthorized =click&contentCollection=DealBook
46. Both examples in this paragraph from Accounts," September 8, 2016, http://www &module=RelatedCoverage®ion
Stacy Cowley, "Voices from Wells Fargo: .consumerfinance.gov/about-us =EndOfArticle&pgtype=article.
'I Thought I was Having a Heart Attack;' /newsroom/consumer-financial-protection 66. https://www.bloomberg.com/news
New York Times, October 20, 2016, https:// -bureau-fines-wells-fargo-100-million / a rti cl es/2016-11-03/we I ls-fa rgo-s-stars
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/dealbook/voices-from-wells-fargo-i -opening-unauthorized-accounts/ -beneath-them.
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FWells%20Fargo%20%26%20Company&action about Fraudulent Accounts Since 2005;' -may-be-sign-of-a-poisonous-culture
=click&contentCollection=business®ion New York Times, October 11, 2016, https:// .html?_r=0.
=stream&module=stream_unit&version www.nytimes.com/2016/10/12/business 68. http://www.wsj.com/articles/wells-fargo
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=collection&_r=0 (accessed Dec. 14, 2016). -about-fraudulent-accounts-since-2005. -with-bad-employees-1473784452.
47. https://www.bloomberg.com/news html?action=click&contentCollection 69. Wells Fargo press release, "Wells Fargo's
/a rti cl es/2016-11-03/wel ls -fa rgo -s-stars =DealBook&module=RelatedCoverage Carrie Tolstedt to Retire at Year's End;
-climbed-while -abuses-flourished ®ion=EndOfArticle&pgtype Mary Mack to Succeed Her as Head of
-beneath-them. =article (accessed Jan. 14, 2017). Community Banking Effective July 31;'
48. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi 59. Matt Egan, "Wells Fargo Admits to July 12, 2016, https://www.wellsfargo.com
-wells-fargo-sale-pressure-20131222-story Signs of Worker Retaliation;' CNNMoney, /about/press/2016/tolstedt-to-retire_0712/
.html. January 23, 2017, http://money.cnn (accessed Jan. 14, 2017) .
49. C. Cumming, "Wells Fargo Customers Join . com/2017/01/23/investing/wells-fargo 70. Stephen Grocer, "A List of the Biggest Bank
Cross-Selling Backlash;' December 2, 2015, -retaliation-ethics-line/index.html Settlements;' Wall Street Journal, June 23,
http://www.financial-planning.com/news (accessed Jan. 29, 2017). 2014, http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat
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Case 18: The Wells Fargo Banking Scandal
-settlements/ (accessed Mar. 5, 2017).
71. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/WFC
72. Matt Egan, "Warren Buffett Hasn't Sold
a Single Share of Wells Fargo Following
Scandal;' CNNMoney, November 11, 2016,
(accessed Jan. 29, 2017).
73. Wells Fargo press release, "Wells Fargo
Issues Statement on Agreements Related to
Sales Practices;' September 8, 2016, https://
(accessed Jan. 14, 2017).
74. Wells Fargo press release, "Wells Fargo
Chairman and CEO John Stumpf Provides
an Update on Actions to Address Wrongful
Sales Practices in the Company's Retail
Bank;' September 29, 2016, https://www
_0929.content (accessed Jan. 14, 2017).
75. Abigail Stevenson, "Wells Fargo CEO John
Stumpf Says He Will Not Resign;' CNBC,
September 14, 2016, http://www.cnbc.com
-says-he-will-not-resign.html (accessed
Mar. 5, 2017).
76. U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing,
"An Examination of Wells Fargo's
Unauthorized Accounts and the Regulatory
Response;' September 20, 2016, http://www
-718288EC9DA0 (accessed Mar. 5, 2017).
77. Wells Fargo press release, "Wells Fargo
Chairman, CEO John Stumpf Retires; Board
of Directors Elects Tim Sloan CEO, Director;
Appoints Lead Director Stephen Sanger
Chairman, Director Elizabeth Duke Vice
Chair;' October 12, 2016, https://www
-john-stumpf-retires_1012.content (accessed
Jan. 15, 2017).
78. Wells Fargo press release, "Wells Fargo
Amends By-Laws to Require Separation
of Chairman and CEO Roles;' Dec. 1, 2016,
https://www. we l lsfa rgo.com/about
-roles_1201.content (accessed Jan. 15, 2017).
79. http://money.cnn.com/2016/11/11/investing
80. Wells Fargo website, "We're Building a
Better Wells Fargo;' https://www
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Jan. 15, 2017).
81. Matt Egan, "Wells Fargo's Reputation is
Tanking Survey Finds;' October 24, 2016,
CNNMoney, http:/ /money.cnn.com
-accounts-angry-customers/ (accessed
Apr. 24, 2017).
82. Prepared remarks from Wells Fargo CEO
Tim Sloan, October 25, 2016.
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C-248 Part 4: Case Studies
ZF Friedrichshafen's Acquisition of TRW Automotive: Making the Deal
The case study "ZF Friedrichshafen's Acquisition of TRW Automotive" describes the German automotive supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG's strategic takeover of the USA based automotive supplier TRW Automotive Holdings Corp. As both companies were already among the largest car manufacturing suppliers in the world before the deal, this acquisition was one of the largest transactions both within the industry and in the stock market year 2015 in general. Also, the acquisition indicates the tremendous structural change within an industry that is mainly driven
by market consolidation and a focus on innovation, with the concept of"autonomous driving" at its core.
The objective of this case study is to illustrate the dynamics of a megamerger by using ZF's acquisition of TRW Automotive as an example. In order to illustrate the time sequence of processes in a transaction of this size and the complex structure of the parties involved, the texts are arranged chronologically as in a play, and together they take the form of a sequence of acts. In order to indicate the history of the company's origins appropri ately, the texts reflect the opinion and knowledge of the public at particular points in time. In addition, we try to
Main Actors (as they appeared in the acquisition process)
Dr. Stefan Sommer
Dr. Konstantin Sauer
Juergen Holeksa
Dr. Franz Kleiner
Dr. Helger Klein
Prof. Dr. Giorgio Behr
John C. Plant
Patrick Olney
Peter J. Lake
Joe Cantie
Neil Marchuk
Robin Walker-Lee
Mark Stewart
Luke Van Dongen
Jerome Dorlack
Aine Denari
Employer and Employee Representation
I Achim Dietrich-Stephan
Chief Executive Officer
Member of the Board of Management:
Corp. Finance, IT, M&A
Member of the Board of Management:
Corp. HR and IR, Corp. Governance, Service Companies, Region Asia Pacific
Member of the Board of Management:
Region North America
Chief Integration Management Officer
ZF's Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Chairman of the Board, President, and CEO
Executive Vice President and COO
Executive Vice President Sales & Business Development
Executive Vice President and CFO
Executive Vice President, HR
General Counsel and Secretary
Executive Vice President
Vice President: Quality and Operations Effectiveness
Vice President: Materials Management, Logistics, Value Analysis & Engineering
and Supplier Development
Chief Integration Management Officer
I Employee Representative This case was written by Henning Diisterhoff, Gunter Miiller-Stewens (University of St. Gallen), Kathrin Pfeifle, and Max Ringlstetter (University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt). Jt is intended to be used as the basis for class discussions rather than to illustrate either the effective or the ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was compiled from published sources and internal company data.
This case is part of the University of St. Gallen case collection at the Case Centre: http:/ /www.thecasecentre.org/educators/ordering/whatsavailable /collections/stgallen
© January 2017, Version 1.0, University of St. Gallen and University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt
No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.
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Case 19: ZF Friedrichshafen's Acquisition ofTRW Automotive: Making the Deal
create a simulation-like atmosphere by inviting students to connect more closely with the events depicted.
Our information sources include press articles and the websites of the companies involved, as well as inter nal materials from ZF TRW and interviews with key actors within ZF.
I. Understanding the Context of the Deal
Background: The Deal Looking back, it is not that easy to remember which of the two events went off like the bigger bomb: the call that came in mid-September 2014 or the fact that the automotive supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG signed a deal to buy its USA-based competitor TRW (a com pany similar in size) the very same day, as the man told you over the phone: "ZF signed a merger agreement in the amount of USD 12.4 bn on 15 September 2014, with the local board. A 16% premium was paid on the market price of TRW. The price was equivalent to a multiple roughly 7.5 times EBITDA. This is one of the largest transactions both within the industry and in the stock market year 2015 in general;' he added. The caller further stated that his boss, Dr. Stefan Sommer, Chief Executive Officer of ZF, had described the rationale behind the acquisition as follows: "As one of the world's leading suppliers, we aim to offer the automotive industry complete system solutions for the megatrends of the future."1
"This opportunity, as compelling as it sounds, does not come without risks;' the man went on. "Both com panies are looking back on a long history in their indus try where TRW is listed on the stock exchange, and ZF Friedrichshafen AG is in the hands of two foundations. The shareholders are the Zeppelin Foundation (93.8%) and the Dr. Juergen and Irmgard Ulderup Foundation (6.2% of shares). Next year, in 2015, ZF will celebrate 100 years of existence. TRW is 14 years older:' The man continued: "When comparing both enterprises with each other (see Figure 1), you can identify a number of challenges and risks with regard to the transaction: A company approximately the same size as the buyer needs to be integrated. In addition, different cultures and nationalities have to be combined in a new joint one. Furthermore, both companies are quite complemen tary regarding locations, business areas, and customer groups, which results in low levels of cost synergies but promising growth opportunities:' (cf. Appendix 1). You asked yourself why this partner of a top-tier consulting company was telling you all this over the phone.
Background: The Competitive Situation in the Global Automotive Industry After the call, it took you a while to grasp what had just happened. Dr. Holger Klein, a former partner at the McKinsey office where you worked as an analyst during your gap year, recalled your performance and your name and even asked whether you would have time to meet him at the FEZ (Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum3) at ZF's headquarters in Friedrichshafen the following day. That left you with very little time to prepare and research the topic! On your way to Friedrichshafen the next morning, you found some more time to prepare and review your findings:
In 2014, the total size of the global automotive supplier market came to EUR 620 bn, a 20% rise since 2010.4 Since the bottom of the financial crisis in 2009, automotive suppliers had seen strong growth, mainly due to growing vehicle production volumes in the main markets.
Most recently, 2014 was a record year for automo tive suppliers with a global EBIT margin of 7.5%5: On average, automotive suppliers have outperformed their customers in terms of profitability, although the sector still has room for improvement, compared with other industries (cf. Appendices 2 and 3). However, perfor mances vary and depend on four key factors: (1) region, (2) company size, (3) product focus, and (4) business model.6
1. Region: After-crisis development showed that some regions outperformed others to a certain extent. Especially suppliers from the NAFTA1 region were able to improve their performance significantly. By contrast, Europe-based suppliers were just recently impacted by their weak home market, as 2013 showed lower sales than 2012. However, their great advantage is their leading technology positions in many differ ent segments, as well as their favorable customer mix. In the meantime, Asian companies are leading the market in terms of sales, but they also face decreas ing margin levels as growing competition puts them under pressure.
2. Company size: The expression "size matters" holds true in the automotive supplier industry. Economies of scale are an important driver in an industry where larger companies have continuously become more profitable. Large multinational suppliers profit from globalization, while upper-end midsize companies (EUR 2.5-10 bn in revenue) seem to be "stuck in the middle," as their performance is below average. This development indicates that size is an important
1 NAFfA = North American Free Trade Agreement
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C-250 Part 4: Case Studies
Figure 1 Comparison between ZF and TRW2
!Ti •• �ir.
Name ZF Friedrichshafen AG TRW Automotive, Inc.
Type Stock corporation (AG) Stock corporation (Inc.)
Traded as Non-listed Listed on NYSE: TRW
Ownership Zeppelin Foundation Free float
Predecessors ZF Friedrichshafen AG TRW Inc.
Founded 1915 1904
Industries Automotive industry (car and CV), rail Automotive industry
transport, marine engineering, aviation
Headquarters Friedrichshafen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Livonia, Michigan, USA
Number of locations 121 facilities in 27 countries
Area served Worldwide
Divisions (1) Car Powertrain Technology
(2) Car Chassis Technology
(3) Commercial Vehicle Technology
(4) Industrial Technology
Employees 72.463
CEO Stefan Sommer (CEO)
Sales EUR 18.415 m (2014)
EUR 16.800 m (2013)
EUR 15.500 m (2012)
EBITZF/ EUR 1.098 m (2014)
Operating income TRW EUR 807 m (2013)
EUR 643 m (2012)
Investments EUR 891 m (2014)
inR&D EUR 836 m (2013)
EUR 770 m (2012)
Total assets
EUR 826 m (2011)
Total equity
Website www.zf.com
success factor and that suppliers should aim to lever age scale on the cost side in order to gain a competi tive position in the future.
3. Product focus: Some types of products lead to higher profitability than others. While tire suppliers could benefit from strong aftermarket business in recent years, powertrain margins, which are still on a high level, are under pressure because of intensified
185 facilities in 24 countries
(1) Automotive Components
(2) Chassis Systems
(3) Electronics
(4) Occupant Safety Systems
John Plant (Chairman & CEO)
USO 17.539 m (FY 2014)
USO 17.435 m (FY 2013)
USO 16.444 m (FY 2012)
USO 501 m (FY 2014)
USO 1.227 m (FY 2013)
USO 1.085 m (FY 2012)
USO 694 m (FY 2014)
USO 735 m (FY 2013)
USO 623 m (FY 2012)
USO 10.900 m (FY 2012)
USO 7 .300 m (FY 2012)
competition. Exterior suppliers come third in the profitability ranking. Finally, while electronics sup pliers are becoming increasingly important in the market, their profitability in terms of EBIT margin is below the automotive supplier industry average (5.5% vs. 7.2%). As a result, players may want to take measures into consideration that would help them become industry leaders in the near future.
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Case 19: ZF Friedrichshafen's Acquisition ofTRW Automotive: Making the Deal
Figure 2 The Historical Development of ZF and TRW
A Brief Historical Overview: ZF Friedrichshafen AG
1915 Luftschiffbau Zeppelin creates Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen GmbH (ZF) for the development and manufacturing
of special gears for airships and other aircraft. The Zeppelin foundation controls the company.
1921 Firm is converted from a limited private company (GmbH) to a stock corporation (AG).
1932 The company begins producing automotive steering systems.
1947 Complete responsibility for the Zeppelin foundation is transferred to the city of Friedrichshafen. Three years later,
90% of ZF's ownership is assigned to the Zeppelin-Stiftung foundation.
1992 The company changes its name from Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen AG to ZF Friedrichshafen AG.
2000 ZF and Sauer form ZF Graziano Materials Handling Components GmbH, a joint venture to combine forklift
transmission operations.
Acquisition of Mannesmann Sachs AG. Division is renamed ZF Sachs AG.
Joint venture with ArvinMeritor to reduce noncore operations within the company.
ZF Friedrichshafen AG makes an EBIT of EUR 891 m on sales of EUR 18.4 bn.
A Brief Historical Overview: TRW Automotive Holdings Corp.
The Cleveland Cap Screw Company is founded.
Company is renamed Thompson Products, after its general manager Charles Thompson.
Simon Ramo and Dean Wooldridge found The Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation.
TRW (Thompson Ramo Wooldridge) is founded when Thompson Products merges with Ramo-Wooldridge.
Aerospace company Northrop Grumman acquires competitor TRW and sells TRW's automotive division to private
equity firm Blackstone Group.
TRW goes public. The main shareholders are Blackstone (56.7%), Northrop Grumman (17.2%), and TRW
management ( 1.7%).
TRW makes an operating income of USD 501 m on sales of USD 17.5 bn.
4. Business model: Different business models per formed differently. In particular, product innovators clearly outpaced process specialists in terms of prof itability. Car manufacturers show a strong demand for innovative products as they feature a higher dif ferentiation potential and thus a higher willingness to pay. High entry barriers and high consolidation are key characteristics of innovation-driven seg ments. The latter is caused by steadily rising costs for R&D, making it difficult for smaller companies to cope with the strong pressure for innovations. As a result of this high level of innovation pressure, alli ance and cooperation in the product innovation sec tor are regarded as particularly important.
significantly and find themselves today in a more sta ble position than in 2007, before the crisis. Financial resources provide the companies with the opportunity to react to upcoming challenges for the industry.
Along with operational performance, many suppliers have improved their liquidity and financing situation
In fact, the automotive supplier industry is facing a period of constant change. According to a Roland Berger study, industry dynamics are characterized by a contin ued shift of end-customer demand to Asia, increasing M&A activities by emerging market investors, techno logical innovations in the field of driver assistance and connectivity, and finally also the volatility of currency and capital markets, which has a significant impact on world trade.
However, according to a report by McK.insey, even though there are several scenarios (see Figure 3) and a game-changing disruption is on the rise, there is still no
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C-252 Part 4: Case Studies
Figure 3 Overview of the High-disruption vs. the Low-disruption Scenario
Overview of the High-Disruption vs. Low-Disruption Scenario
Diverse mobility
City policies discouraging private vehicles
New, on-demand business models
Model shift away from car ownership to shared mobility
Autonomous driving
Regulatory challenges are overcome
Development of safe and reliable technical solutions
Consumer acceptance and willingness to pay
Battery prices continue to decline
Regulator-driven emission restrictions
Consumer demand for electrified powertrains
Uptake of car connectivity globally
Consumers regularly using paid content
(Source: McKinsey&Company 2016, p. 4)
integrated perspective on how the automotive indus try will look in 10-15 years as a result of these trends.7
Roughly two years ago, ZF started to analyze and revise its long-term corporate strategy, as Mr. Juergen Holeksa, member of the board at ZF, stated: "In this process, we realized that there are three global technol ogy-driven megatrends in particular that we should pay attention to: semi- or fully autonomous driving, safety, and fuel efficiency. "8
Questions to Help Understand the Context of the Deal As a consultant to the deal parties and after considering your findings, ask the following questions: What are the industry characteristics, and how is ZF prepared to face these and any other future challenges?
1.1 Industry characteristics: What are the challenges and dynamics in the automotive industry?
1.2 ZF's strategy and new positioning: What is the rationale for the ZF TRW deal?
High Low
Vast majority
1.3 Alternatives to the acquisition of TRW: Identify and evaluate alternatives that ZF could have undertaken to meet the objectives of the defined strategy.
II. Fundamental Decisions in M&A Processes
Arriving in Friedrichshafen, a rather small town locat ed right next to Lake Constance on the border with Switzerland and blessed with a wonderful lakeside view and about 60,000 inhabitants, you cannot help but smile: This town welcomes-and in a way even owns-a com pany that has more than double as many employees around the world as this town's number of inhabitants.
Dr. Klein, a former partner at McKinsey and at present the Chief Integration Management Officer at ZF, welcomes you to his office. After some small talk about general developments in the automotive sector and a few more challenging questions on ZFs position ing (which you were prepared for), he describes the
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Case 19: ZF Friedrichshafen's Acquisition ofTRW Automotive: Making the Deal
acquisition process from the first rumors in the sum mer until the deal was signed a couple of days ago, in September 2014.
10 July 2014
Rumors of ZF Fr i edrichshafen AG's Imminent Acquisition of TRW It was a wake-up call for the whole industry when rumors started to spread that ZF Friedrichshafen AG is about to make an imminent takeover bid to TRW Automotive Holdings Corp. As both companies are among the larg est car manufacturing suppliers in the world, this deal would be one of the largest transactions ever in the industry. Furthermore, the acquisition would mark the beginning of a tremendous structural change within the industry that would mainly be driven by market consolidation and a focus on innovation.
To some extent, insiders were not surprised by the rumors. It was not long before that Stefan Sommer, ZF's CEO, had announced the company's ambitions to invest heavily in technology for autonomous driving, a field in which TRW had pushed for market leadership over time.
Based in Livonia, Michigan, in the USA, TRW Automotive develops and produces (among others) video and radar technology that enables semi-automatic driv ing. TRW is the market leader in the field of security systems and a pioneer in car dynamics, assistance sys tems, as well as electronics and software systems. The company recently reported sales of about EUR 17.5 bn, making it almost as large as ZF. Continuously increasing investments in R&D are a key issue for TRW and drive it into M&A negotiations. Without more capital from the outside, the company would not be able to maintain its high level of innovation.
ZF Friedrichshafen AG is the world's largest inde pendent gear drive manufacturer. In 2014, for the first time, it was ranked among the top ten global suppli ers. The company had just recently announced its aim to increase revenues from around EUR 17 bn to more than EUR 40 bn by 2025. That means more than dou bling its sales in about 10 years-an ambitious goal. To reach this goal, external growth through increased M&A activities would appear to be indispensable, as it is rather unlikely to achieve such growth organically. In addition to strategic objectives, macroeconomic fac tors provide favorable conditions, as a historically low level of interest rates boosts M&A activities around the world. The time seems right for a megamerger and for
ZF to fulfill its strategy by acquiring a strong competi tor (cf. Appendices 4 and 5).
"On July 10, 2014, certain media outlets reported that TRW had received a preliminary acquisition proposal from ZF Later that day, TRW issued a press release confirming that it had received a preliminary, non-binding proposal to acquire TRW and that TRW was evaluating the proposal as well as other strategic alternatives to enhance stockholder value. In its press release, TRW also indicated that it had retained Goldman Sachs as its financial advisor. Later that same day, ZF publicly confirmed that it was in the preliminary stages of discussing a possible acquisition of TRW The closing price of TRWs common stock on July 10, 2014 was $98.91, up $7.51 from the closing price of TRWs common stock on July 9, 2014, the trading day before the media reports and the TRW and ZF public statements."9
Initial reports state that ZF values the target at around USD 11-12 bn, while the company's market price is around USD 11 bn. The media welcomes the news and reports favorably on the transaction, expecting ZF to enhance its market power and to demonstrate market leadership.
30 July 2014
First Valuation Indicates Progress in Negotiations Unofficial statements report ZF was about to pay roughly USD 105 per share for the target, which would produce a price of nearly USD 12 bn. This valuation equals an EBITDA multiple of 7.5, based on TRW's fig ures expected for 2014.w Thus, the deal would become one of the most expensive transactions ever seen in the car manufacturing supplier industry. The value of TRW shares falls by 2.6% to USD 101.89.
1 S September 2014
ZF and TRW Sign a Merger Agreement for ZF's Acquisition of TRW Barely two months after the first rumors in the indus try, the deal is set up, and a final offer is announced. The board of TRW, a Delaware company, unanimously accepts ZF's offer to acquire all shares in the company for USD 105.6 per share, totaling USD 12.4 bn. ZF's offer of USD 105.6 per share in cash represents a premium of 1.7% to TRW's closing price of USD 103.85 on Friday, 12 September. Including debts taken over with the acqui sition, the deal has a total volume of USD 13.5 bn.
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"Following the meeting of the TRW Board on September 15, 2014, prior to the opening of trading of TRW's common stock on the NYSE, the parties exe cuted the merger agreement and finalized the other documentation related to the proposed transaction and ZF executed its credit agreement (and related ancillary agreements) providing for its committed debt financ ing. Each of TRW and ZF also issued press releases announcing the transaction."11 The final "yes" is sub ject to TRW shareholder approval, which is expected by November.
In order to finance the acquisition, ZF is planning on issuing bonds within six months after the closing. In the meantime, a bank consortium that includes Citigroup and Deutsche Bank provides the company with credit lines. In addition, ZF holds EUR 1.9 bn in cash. However, the company does not state whether it wants to make use of its reserves for the acquisition. According to management, the high leverage will be reduced by increasing growth over the next few years.
If approved, ZF would become, together with Bosch, the third-largest car manufacturing supplier, right after Continental and Denso, a Japanese supplier. Faced with the upcoming stronger competition, Bosch CEO Volkmar Denner states: "We generally approve of increas ing competition and do not see any issues here." From a strategic point of view, both parties complement each other quite well, since TRW is mainly active in the mass market, while ZF focuses on premium segments. Both companies share the competitive advantage of technol ogy leadership.
Taking precautions against antitrust concerns, ZF sold its steering systems division (ZFLS), which used to be a joint venture with Bosch. In so doing, it avoids any issues with antitrust law that might result from the continued cooperation with ZFLS and its employees, which became essential for a successful closing with TRW The deal was announced the same day the TRW offer was published. ZF CEO Sommer stated that the divestment was a severe cut, as the products of the joint venture were of good quality and ZFLS accounted for 13,000 employees and a turnover of EUR 4.1 bn.12 In preparation for the merger, TRW also sold its linkage and suspension business to Tokyo conglomerate THK Co. Ltd. The divestiture, with annual sales of about USD 550 m, was subject to cus tomary conditions, including regulatory approvals. TRW Chairman and CEO John C. Plant stated that "in addi tion to resolving the company's overlap position relating to TRW 's pending acquisition by ZF Friedrichshafen AG(. .. ) this agreement represents a great outcome for both TRW
Part 4: Case Studies
and the business:' as the pairing with THK will further strengthen the linkage and suspension's business posi tion as an industry leader.
"Further divestments are expected;' Dr. Klein tells you. The following questions are important to the analysis.
Questions on Fundamental Decisions
in M&A Processes Suppose it is September 2014, and you are assigned to provide decision-making support for strategic pro cesses and decisions after the merger agreement was signed but before the approval of TRW sharehold ers in an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM; This special meeting will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, on November 19, 2014 at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time). There is a lot to decide on . . .
11.1 Acquisition procedure: Which aspects need to be considered in an acqui sition process-and when? Draw a rough timeline.
a. Due diligence: In principle, which options are open to you regarding the due diligence pro cess? Which of these options would you select in the case of ZF TRW? Is the Board of Directors allowed to give access to internal documents? What are possible consequences? Explain your decision.
b. Share price development: How would you inter pret the share price development of TRW in Appendix 6? Give a brief explanation.
c. Financing: Which options are open to you regarding the financing of the deal? Decide for one of these options and explain your choice.
11.2 Legal topics:
a. Antitrust: Transatlantic M&A's often require that antitrust clearances be obtained in several jurisdictions before the deal may proceed. In the case of ZF TRW, what could ZF have to deal with after signing the merger agreement? Think about possible antitrust topics and give reasons for your answer.
b. Clearance-pre-closing guidelines: What is typi cal for the phase between signing and closing? Think about the pre-closing guidelines generally required by antitrust law. What is allowed, and what is not?
11.3 Type of integration: Which type of integration would you decide on? Explain your decision.
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Case 19: ZF Friedrichshafen's Acquisition ofTRW Automotive: Making the Deal
Appendix 1 Complementary Product Portfolio of ZF and TRW
(Source: ZF Friedrichshafen AG, internal)
Expertise - squared!
Appendix 2 Key Supplier Performance Indicators, 2005-2014e
Revenue growth
Indexed (2005 = 100)
148 - 155
20 Y-o-Y (%)
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14e
EBIT1 > margin(%)
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14e
1) EBIT after restructuring items 2) EBIT after restructuring items/capital employed
(Source: Roland Berger/Lazard 2014)
Roce2l (%)
3.0 2.9
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14e
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Appendix 3 OEM and Supplier Profitability (EBIT Margin), 2001-2014e [%]
6.0 6.0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1) Aggreated data for 14 European, North American and Asian OEMs (incl. results from financial services business)
I- Suppliers - DEMs 1> I
(Source: Roland Berger/Lazard 2014)
Appendix 4 ZF Revenue in Bn EUR, 2003-2015
Part 4: Case Studies
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015*
*Including ZF TRW as of May 15, 2015
(Source: ZF Friedrichshafen AG)
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Case 19: ZF Friedrichshafen's Acquisition ofTRW Automotive: Making the Deal
Appendix 5 TRW Revenue in Bn USO, 2003-2014
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Appendix 6 ZF TRW Automotive Holdings Corp. (NYSE: TRW)
1 05 .46 0.00 (0.00%) May 15 - Close
NYSE real-time data - Disclaimer
Currency in USD
52 week
Mkt cap P/E
12.23B 26.43
17.40 17.50
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
-El@] 3.99
Inst. own 80%
Compare: I Enter ticker here I � 0 Dow Jones O S&P 500 0 TOWR O AXL O SRI O SUP O USAM more»
Zoom: 1m 1m Q!!l '!'.IQ b' � 1Q,, 81! I Jul 03, 2014 I-IMay 14, 20151 +16.27 (18.24%)
Jul'14 Oct'14
Jan'15 Apr'15
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C-258 Part 4: Case Studies
1. ZF Presseinformation: Going Forward 5. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants 8. Zeitschrift Fuhrung + Organisation
Together: Prospects for the new ZF. 01.07.2015. (2014): Global Automotive Supplier Study. (zfo): Herausforderungen und Risiken einer 2. Until the completion of the acquisition of Downloaded on 15.04.2015, from http:// Grassakquisition. Juni 2015 (6), S. 400-404.
TRW, ZF and TRW were legally independent www.rolandberger.de/media/pdf/Roland 9. United States Securities and Exchange
companies with separate financial _Berger_Global_Automotive_Supplier Commision (SEC): Schedule 14A by TRW
statements - ZF reported according to IFRS, _Study_20141209.pdf Automotive Holdings Corp., S.35.
and, until the closing of the acquisi tion, 6. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants 10. Reuters: Insider - ZF und TRW kommen in TRW reported according to US-GAAP. (2014): Global Automotive Supplier Study. Obernahmeverhandlungen voran. 30.09.2014.
3. Center for Research and Development. Downloaded on 15.04.2015 from http:// 11. United States Securities and Exchange
4. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants www.rolandberger.de/media/pdf/Roland Commision (SEC): Schedule 14A by TRW (2014): Global Automotive Supplier Study. _Berger_Global_Automotive_Supplier Automotive Holdings Corp. Downloaded on 15.04.2015, from http)/ _Study_20141209.pdf 12. Handelsblatt online: www.handelsblatt
www.rolandberger.de/media/pdf/Roland 7. McKinsey&Company (2016): Automotive .com/unternehmen/industrie/zulieferer
_Berger_Global_Automotive_Supplier Revolution-perspective towards 2030. In: -bosch-uebernimmt-zf-lenksysteme
_Study_20141209.pdf Advanced Industries, January 2016. /10701612.html, 14.09.2014
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Case 20: The Rise and Fall of ZO Rooms
The Rise and Fall of ZO Rooms 1
Founded in 2014, ZO Rooms had entered the bud get hotel space in India with lofty ambitions. Its seven founders who had formed Zostel Hospitality Pvt. Ltd., India's first backpacking hotel chain the previous year with the motto "Changing the way India travels;'2 were confident and optimistic. They believed that despite entering a year later than OYO rooms, the pioneer in the space, ZO's lean and scalable business model would lead to explosive growth. Their confidence was indeed borne out over the next year, as the company signed up hundreds of hotels and thousands of rooms under its banner. ZO had also raised as much as $47 million from globally reputed investors such as Tiger Global and Orios Venture Partners ($15 million in July 2015 and $32 million in September 2015), suggesting a high degree of confidence in the prospects of the sector as well as ZO's business model.3
By late 2015 however, a perfect storm had hit the online budget hotel aggregation (OBA) sector in general and ZO in particular. The company (and its close peers) had been blocked from listing its hotels on their websites by online travel agents (OTAs) such as Yatra.com (an aggregator similar to Expedia.com); several competitors with similar (or slightly different) business models had jumped into the fray increasing the level of competition and putting pressure on prices (see Exhibit l); and the company was finding it difficult to raise further capi tal to finance its ambitious expansion. Buffeted by these adverse events, ZO agreed to be acquired by OYO, its bigger and better-funded rival, in an arrangement under which ZO's shareholders would get a small stake in the combined company. Clearly, something had gone very
Exhibit 1 Characteristics of ZO Rooms and a Few Key Rivals
wrong for this early-mover (though not first mover) in the rapidly growing segment.
Seven co-founders, all recent graduates of leading edu cational institutes in India, established Zostel Hospitality Pvt. Ltd. in August 2013 with their own savings but were also able to raise funding from angel investors such as Bangalore-based Presha Paragash.4 The founders believed that unbranded budget hotels in India offered an uncertain experience to their customers including wrong images, fake reviews, uncertain booking statuses, poor amenities, and unhygienic ambiance. Their vision was "to clean this space and provide a suave, tech-savvy option of accommodation to today's youth:'s
Industry Economics
The travel and tourism industry in India had witnessed strong growth especially since the year 2000, concur rently with growth in the general economy. The emer gence of a large middle class that had higher disposable income and appetite for travel was a key driver for this growth.6 According to Vikas Saxena, CEO of messag ing company Nimbuzz and an investor in Wudstay, an OBA, the size of the Indian travel market was as much as US$70 billion.7 According to a report by HVS and The World Travel and Tourism Council, the travel industry in India was expected to reach 1,747 million travel ers by 2021, which would require 188,500 additional hotel rooms. 8
Aggregator Founded Cities Hotels Funded Funded by
OYO 2013 149 4000+ $125 million SoftBank, Sequoia Capital,
Lightspeed Venture
zo 2014 54 800+ S 47 million Tiger Global and Orios Venture
StayZilla 2010 4,000+ locations 30,000+ properties S 20 million IAN, Matrix, Nexus
Treebo 2015 8 24 s 6million Matrix Partners
Fab Hotels 2015 29 200+ s 5 million Accel Partners
Wudstay 2015 2 40 s 3 million Mangrove Capital
Source: Shweta Saxena, "Challenges in Room Aggregation Business in India; December 9, 2015, http://www.exploringstartups.com/challenges-in-room-aggregation
-business-in-india/, accessed on August 16, 2017.
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Mid-range and budget hotels accounted for a sig nificant proportion of the Indian lodging market with some estimates placing the size of the budget hotel busi ness at US$20 billion in 2015.9 A room in a budget hotel would be priced anywhere between INR 1000 and INR 2500 per night (approximately US$15 to US$35), depend ing on the location and amenities.1 Mid-range hotels would generally be priced below INR 5,000 per night. According to Paavan Nanda, a co-founder of Zostel and ZO, there was a gap in demand versus supply for budget rooms. He estimated the supply of budget rooms in 2015 at two million, mostly from non-chain hotels. These figures were similar to consulting firms HVS' estimates of 1.8 million unbranded rooms and 112,000 branded rooms. 10 Another source estimated that India was short of 150,000 budget hotel rooms in 2015.11 Nanda further estimated that while the demand for budget rooms was growing at 35 percent, the supply was only growing at 15 percent and hence the demand-supply gap would widen over time.12
The strong expected growth of budget hotels could be attributed to a couple of reasons: first, the purchas ing power of leisure travelers ( and even some busi ness travelers) was limited and they could rarely afford luxury (or even mid-range) hotels; second, unlike the luxury and mid-range hotel segments which focused on very large cities such as Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore (called Tier I cities), budget hotels could be found in more diverse locations including smaller cities (also called Tier II and III cities), industrial towns, pil grim destinations and leisure destinations, implying greater market potential; third, building budget hotels was attractive for hotel owners, primarily because they could be built faster and more cost-effectively, an important criterion in a country where access to capital was not easy.13
The budget hotels industry had many different types of players. Other than large chains (e.g., domes tically-owned chains such as Ginger Hotels by the Tata group, a large conglomerate), the majority of hotels suf fered from lack of awareness among target customers (lack of discovery) and, as a consequence, unsold inven tory. These issues could be directly attributed to two fac tors: lack of marketing and/or technological skills, and resistance to the adoption of latest (and cost-effective) technological tools such as online marketing through own websites or apps, and inventory and property man agement software. The latter was partly attributable to
1. The exchange rate for 2015 varied between 6324 and 66.41 INR to
one US dollar. Source: http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from
=USD&to=INR&view=SY, accessed on August 16, 2017.
Part 4: Case Studies
the unfamiliarity with how technology might help but also because of resource (specifically funds) scarcity. In fact, even many chains which typically owned less than 50 hotels,14 didn't have sufficient knowledge and clarity on the essential requirements and demands of the tech savvy budget traveler, an increasingly important seg ment. In this regard, a comment by Pranav Maheshwari, a co-founder of Vista Rooms, another OBA, was instruc tive: "Most hoteliers don't understand how to digitally enable their business. They struggle with online book ings, automated check in and checkout never mind the situation around managing reviews. We talk with our partners on a constant basis and believe we can make a difference:' 15
The lack of technological sophistication of a ty pical budget hotel player had created opportunities for new entrants to innovate with their superior technologi cal skills and asset light models. These included OBAs that had entered recently such as OY O Rooms and ZO Rooms, as well as the more established OTAs who marketed a broader range services including airline tick ets, hotel rooms and rental cars on behalf of the owners. The OBAs' business models varied but they generally involved many of the following: raising venture capital; developing a website and a smartphone app; signing up hotels as partners (with or without prepayment for inventory and on a partial or full inventory basis); get ting the hotel owners to provide a standardized offering (including renovations of physical facilities as needed); and aggressively trying to market the rooms on behalf of the hoteliers mostly through online channels and sometimes through significant price discounts. Both the OBAs and OTAs could offer consumers tremendous choices compared to standalone hotels or even chains, a key advantage of the aggregation strategy. For instance, in August 2015, Yatra.com, a leading OTA, claimed that it had the biggest selection of budget properties with more than 40,000 three-star and below properties on its books.16
ZO's Business Model
ZO's primary focus was on two segments: leisure travel ers and corporate travelers on a budget who were likely to choose a reliable brand of budget hotels that was avail able in every locality within a city.17 There were several cornerstones of ZO's strategy.
1. Like other OBAs (and OTAs), ZO did not own any of the hotels but approached the hotel owners to brand their inventory ( typically partial inventory) as ZO Rooms. The hotel owner had to make changes,
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Case 20: The Rise and Fall of ZO Rooms
at its own costs, in the room (e.g., renovations) according to ZO's standard, with ZO acting as a consultant to the owner. Dharamveer Chauhan, a co-founder of ZO's parent company Zostel, said that ZO had a thorough checklist before it took a hotel on board. "We have an Audit app which has a 200-point checklist on which each hotel is tested parameters like size of the hotel, linen quality, staff qualification. Once the hotel goes through the audit and the report is generated, we evaluate on which points the hotel needs to work on. Our back-end team helps the hotel owner with the costing of how much they have to invest in the property to become a ZO Rooms partner."18
2. Hotel owners who signed up with ZO could expect improved occupancy since the hotel would be fea tured on ZO's website. Unlike OTAs (or market places), where the hotel owners could list on multiple platforms, ZO required exclusivity from the owners. Chauhan further clarified the differences between OTAs and ZO: "Unlike a marketplace approach where the hotel once listed remains as is, we work with our hotel partners. We contribute marketing, technol ogy, analysis of data and ensure that the hospitality service is of top-notch standard. A marketplace will never be able to invest in the technological solution when it comes to hospitality partners. Getting hotels online and ensuring online booking is a straight forward mechanism."19 ZO also installed tablets at the hotel reception, which helped it manage inven tory and also facilitate a quick check-in. In fact, it claimed to be the first chain of hotels to install mobile tablets at the properties' reception areas. The tech nology helped ZO to manage live inventory ( through tracking of available inventory) and ensured a one-touch check-in.20
3. ZO had a dedicated revenue maximization team that took cues from existing occupancy levels and historic data trends to come up with dynamic pric ing, including last minute deals. According to Nanda, ZO worked on achieving high occupancy levels, exceeding 85%, versus the 50 to 55% achieved by many unbranded hotels. 21
4. ZO charged hotels under its banner around 15% of sales that were generated through ZO's plat form, similar to the percentage charged by OTAs. The company believed that despite paying these charges the partner hotels were better off because of the help it offered them in a variety of areas. In contrast to some of its competitors, ZO's business model did not include pre-buying inventory from
the hotel owners and then selling it at discounted rates, which was identified a key cause of cash burn by one of the participants in the industry.22
Nanda said: "We like to keep it sustainable and capital-efficient."23
S. ZO's top management believed that it was hyper local and hence improved accessibility of bud get accommodation for customers. In every city served by ZO, there would be multiple affili ated hotels spread throughout the city. ZO's app geo-detected a customer's location and booked a customer into the nearest room available with a single touch.24
6. Partnerships were another key element of the business model, though this aspect of the strat egy was somewhat under-developed because of the young age of the company. In May 2015, after building a presence in thirteen cities, ZO formed a partnership with Uber and food delivery startup Foodpanda, to provide a seamless experience for travelers to travel, eat, and stay. 25 The alliance would provide free Uber rides, 50% off coupons on Foodpanda orders and cashback, after checking into any of the 150 + listed properties on the ZO platform at the time.26 Additionally, the company also offered promotions with a narrower scope, such as cashback when a customer paid with Olamoney (Ola was India's leading online trans portation network company).
7. The company also offered cash back to first-time users in addition to location-specific promotions (e.g., on hotels in Goa) as well as time-specific pro motions (e.g., around the time of major festivals).
8. Rapid expansion within and across categories was another key aspect of strategy. ZO had rapidly expanded the number of hotels and the number of rooms under its platform (discussed under the next heading, Performance). Additionally, in September 2015, ZO launched ZO Prime, a pre mium offering in the category of three-star hotels across India, which would help customers with all the amenities and luxuries as per three-star standards. ZO Rooms launched this offering with 500 ZO Prime rooms across large cities such as Mumbai and Delhi. The price of ZO Prime started at INR 2,000 which included a number of services to its customers including complimentary Wi-Fi, breakfast, and air-conditioned rooms, among others. At the time, ZO also planned to launch other premium offerings like ZO- Apartments, ZO-Homes, and ZO-Star.27
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ZO's Performance
The initial customer response to ZO's launch was quite encouraging. Its asset-light model enabled quick scal ing up and by April 2015, the four-month-old ZO had signed up 100 hotels across 10 cities and was signing up new hotel partners at the rate of two hotels a day. The company's co-founder noted that ZO had "experienced a very welcoming response across online as well as offline channels" and was renting 15,000 room nights a month. He expected this number to go up post the company's launch on social media and its mobile app. He also noted that ZO had signed up with more than 20 multi national companies to be their accommodation partner. The company planned to have more than 1000 hotels across 50 cities in India on its platform by the end of the calendar year.28
By August 2015, ZO had scaled its presence up to 600 hotels and 6,000 rooms priced between INR 1,000 and INR 3,000 across 35 cities. The rapid scaling up was useful in building buzz and awareness among custom ers as well as for signing more hotel partners. According to the company, it was renting 4,000 room nights a day, across the country at an average rate of INR 1,800 for a room night.29
By October 2015, ZO could boast of having 11,000 rooms across 1000 hotels and 50 cities on its platform. Despite this impressive growth, it lagged the market leader OYO which had 30,000 rooms across 3,000 properties and 135 destinations.30
In November 2015, ZO had 300 employees, with 3-member teams to handle each of the cities.31 The com pany claimed that it was running a very lean model and its competitors employed twice as many staff per city served.
Customer opinions about ZO's offering remained variable. On the Google Playstore, the app which had between 10,000 and 500,000 downloads, earned a rating of 3.8/5.0. Some customers had noted positive comments especially about the money saved by booking through ZO's platform, but some customers reported that it was difficult to use the app ( unable to open, not detecting network, crashing) while some other customers accused the company of listing hotels falsely on its site, cancel ling bookings at the last minute and not having as a good policy as close competitors about cancellations and refunds.32 On the company's Facebook page also, some unhappy customers had noted negative comments about the company.33
The company's claims of not discounting rooms also seemed to be inaccurate, possibly because its competitors
Part 4: Case Studies
(at least some of whom were buying inventory from hotel owners and thus sunk costs) were aggressively offering discounts. On its Facebook page, ZO offered steep dis counts, sometimes offering rooms for as little as INR 99 (albeit with terms and conditions). It offered discounts of as much as 50% even in popular tourist destinations like Goa. 34
The Perfect Storm for ZO and other OBAs
In April 2015, the Delhi High Court granted a stay order to OYO Rooms against ZO Rooms, ordering the latter to stop using confidential information and software of OYO. In its lawsuit, OYO had alleged that the new room booking platform implemented by ZO was copied from OYO.35 To support its claim, OYO submitted emails and CCTV footage in which ex-employees of OYO stole proprietary software from the company, and left to join Zostel.36 ZO's co-founder Nanda vehemently denied any wrongdoing: "No illegality has been committed by us. We are in possession of the material that would demonstrate how a false and fabricated story has been created by OYO only out of business rivalry, just to kill any competition:' 37
The competition was also getting more intense. According to one estimate (startup data-tracker Tracxn), by November 2015, there were over 180 startups in the online travel and destination discovery space, among which 40 had raised around $300 million of funding.38
The number of OBAs itself was estimated at around 30, with the pioneer and frontrunner OYO enjoy ing the benefits of a large capital base (including a $100 million round of capital raising in August 2015) and the backing of Softbank, the well-known Japanese venture capital firm.39
As the upstart OBAs such as ZO and OYO chipped away at their market share for hotel bookings, OTAs such as Goibibo, Yatra, and MakeMyTrip saw few ben efits in providing a distribution channel to the OBAs. Rajesh Magow, CEO of MakeMyTrip, said that the new competitors had a very similar business model as their own, and that it didn't make long-term strategic sense to let them grow (see Exhibit 2).40 Blockage by the OTAs would affect the OBAs adversely-for ZO Rooms, 10% of the business was contributed by the OTAs and for OYO, the percentage was between 10 and 15%.41 Nanda put on a brave face about the OTAs' aggressive move and said: " There will be a small dip in bookings, but our growth from our app and other
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Case 20: The Rise and Fall of ZO Rooms C-263
Exhibit 2 OTA's Launch of Budget Brands to Compete with OBAs
OTA Year of starting Own budget hotel brand Number of cities Number of rooms Financing
MakeMyTrip 2000 Value+ (2015) 35 1,000 I PO/Stock (went public
in 2010)
Yatra 2006 TG Rooms and Stays (2015) 60 1,000 Funding received-
$105 million
Goibibo 2009 GoStays (2015) 99 1,384 Subsidiary of lbibo
Source: Shweta Saxena, "Challenges in Room Aggregation Business in India; December 9, 201 S, http://www.explor ingstartups.com/challenges-in-room-aggregation
-business-in-india/, accessed on August 16, 2017.
associations will more than make up for it. This transi tion is not a shock for us. Our growth is mostly driven by our app and website:' 42
By November 2015, the OTAs had scaled up their aggressive response by venturing into the budget accom modation space themselves to exploit the growth oppor tunity. Goibibo launched GoStays and Yatra launched its TG Rooms, TG Stays in over 60 cities to cater to budget travelers providing both hotel & guest house options.43 Yatra also launched Homestay to enhance its accommodation marketplace. MakeMyTrip too had launched Value+43.44 Generally, hotels provided a good return on investment if high occupancy levels could be achieved and since the OTAs were extremely strong in distribution (of hotel rooms as well as other services) with strong awareness among customers, they were confident of profitable entry into the budget hotel seg ment.4s Many OTAs also enjoyed the backing of multina tional firms (e.g., the South African media conglomerate Naspers had invested in Goibibo; and Norwest Venture Partners, a unit of Wells Fargo Bank in the United States of America, had invested in Yatra) and deeper pockets than the OBAs.
Despite the more intense competition some observers such as Mr Amit Taneja of Cleartrip.com believed that there was enough room in the mar ket for both OBAs and OTAs to co-exist.46 On the other hand, Live Mint, the online portal of a leading business newspaper in India, was more skeptical. It noted that while the market potential was large and demand for budget rooms exceeded supply, the OBA business was an unproven business with an unclear revenue potential that was witnessing intensified competition. 47
By December 2015, The Economic Times reported that ZO and its parent Zostel Hospitality were cash strapped and were struggling to convince investors to put in addi tional money, partly because some of the optimism about
the budget hotel space in India had been tempered.48
Unconfirmed reports of the ZO and OYO merger were already making the rounds by this time.
Acquisition of ZO by OYO
In December 2015 SoftBank, which had earlier (August 2015) taken part in a $100 million round of funding in OYO Rooms, announced that OYO would acquire ZO Rooms for an unspecified deal value.49 The deal closing was said to have happened after extensive negotiations, lasting a few months. The deal was made in such a way that it would allow OYO to selectively take on and inte grate ZO's assets (such as part of its team and technol ogy) and contracts.so The founders of Zostel Hospitality Pvt. Ltd. reportedly got an equity stake of approximately 2.5% stake in the combined company while the investors in ZO, including Tiger Global Management LLC, Orios Venture Partners, and angel investors would receive approximately 4-5% of the combined company.s1 The Economic Times noted that ZO had not been able to keep up with OYO's fundraising. An anonymous analyst com mented that the deal suggested that cash ( or access to it) was the differentiator between survivors in the space and others.s2
Earlier, while reporting on the acquisition, The Economic Times had reported that after the acquisition, ZO's parent (Zostel Hospitality) was expected to wind up and might be unable to pay all its creditors such as vendors and advertising and branding firms.
Commenting on the acquisition, Rohit Bhatiani, director, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP, a consult ing firm, said: "This was a much needed consolidation in the hyper competitive space of budget hotel accom modation. But the bigger challenge will be to see how the company is going to set up a proper mechanism to provide consistency of service and the whole diligence process of getting properties on board:'s3
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C-264 Part 4: Case Studies
ZO's distress and subsequent acquisition held many lessons for technology startups in India in general, and rival OBAs in particular. But, what were these lessons? ZO's business model seemed to burn less cash than some other OBAs who prepaid for inventory from the partner hotels, and hence less susceptible to running out of cash. Clearly, there were other factors at work. Was ZO's expansion at breakneck speed the issue? As Harish HV, a consultant at Grant Thornton, had said after the merger announcement: "The trick is if some one can find the right way to stay profitable, grow and maintain consistent customer experience."54 Had ZO
delivered on either of the elements of the trick men tioned by Mr Harish? Was that a key reason for ZO's downfall? Or had ZO deviated too much from some of its original strategies such as less discounting because of the intensity of competition. Had ZO diluted its focus by trying out too many strategies such as the launch of ZO Prime before consolidating its position in the OBA sector? Or was it simply the access to funds and ZO was caught in the wrong place, at the wrong time with VCs becoming cautious about the sector? Was the difference between OYO and ZO simply the size of the funding they had received?
1. This case was written by Professor March 25, 2012, accessed August 15, 2017, 16. Martin Cowen, "India sets the standard for
Nitin Pangarkar and Ayush Singhal, an https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com branded budget hotels;'Tnooz, August 30,
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a teaching tool and does not illustrate 9. According to Prafulla Mathur, founder -Stayzilla-Treebo-Yatra/
either effective or ineffective handling of of Wudstay, a budget hotel aggregator 17. Jai Vardhan;'Zostel founders dive into the
a managerial situation. startup. Quoted in Tausif Alam, "Wudstay low-budget hotel space with ZO Rooms;'Your
2. Inda-Asian News Service, "Zostel: Make shows the way to a sustainable model in Story, April 16, 2015, accessed August 15, 2017,
your trip affordable with India's first the budget hotel segment;' January 05, https://yourstory.com/2015/04/zo-rooms/
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Case 20: The Rise and Fall of ZO Rooms C-265
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A Alessandri, M., 275, 276 Angst, C. M .• 103 Atkins, B., 76
Aagaard, A., 442 Alessandri, T. M .• 203,337, Angwin, D. N .• 235 Audretsch, D., 139,440
Aarikka-Stenroos. L., 440 338,379 Anicich, E. M., 414 Aulakh, P. S., 273, 276, 308
Abazi-Alili, H., 30 Alexander, E. A., 379 Anokhin, S., 31,415 Autio, E., 31, 174,236,377,441
Abdelnour, S., 275 Alexander, L., 100 Ante, S. E., 442 Avery, G. C., 34,412
Abdi, M., 308 Alexander, M., 202 Antia, K. D., 203 Awate, S., 139,276,308,442
Abebe, M. A., 171,235 Alexy, 0., 30, 102,377,379, Antons, D., 32,378 Axtle-Ortiz, M. A., 410
Abkowitz, A., 192 414,415 Aoki, K., 443 Aykol, B., 103,271
Abouk, R., 337 Alfakhir, D., 139 Aoyama, A., 203 Aytac, B., 69
Abouzahr, K., 411 Alhashel, B., 336 Appelbaum, S. H., 379 Azar, 0. H., 100
Abraham, M., 410 Alhenawi, Y., 204 Appio, F. P., 32,442, 443 Aziz, N., 98
Acharya, V. V., 337 Alhinho, M .• 106 Appleyard, M. M., 137
Achtenhagen, L., 136 Ali, S., 205 Aqqad, N. 0., 101 B
Ackman, William, 311 Alimehmeti, G., 339 Aramburu, N., 410 Ba, S., 140
Acquaye, A. A., 71 Alkhalisi, Z., 427 Aranda, C., 444 Bacchus, J., 273
Adamczyk, A., 29 Allen, B. J., 139 Arcand, M., 139 Bach, N ., 234
Adams, P., 137 Allen, M. R., 377 Arellano, J., 444 Bachrach, D. G., 100, 102
Adams, R., 206 Allison, T. H., 174 Arend, R. J., 304 Back,A.,25
Ade, L. P. K., 103 Allman, K., 442 Areni, C. S., 139 Backx, J., 203,318
Adkins, B., 274 Allwood, J. M., 102 Aresu, S., 339,412 Bacon, J., 136
Adner, R., 99 Almadi, M., 336, 340 Argote, L., 32, 173 Badaracco, J. L., 342
Adomdza, G. K., 377 Almodovar, P., 377 Argyres, N., 72, 172, 204 Baden-Fuller, C., 305,380
Agarwal, A., 273 Alon,1.,307 Arikan, I., 27 4, 307 Bader, B., 377
Agarwal, R., 32,411,413,440 Alonso, A. M .• 236 Arino, A., 103, 271 Badriyah, M. J. K., 271
Agebe, M., 235 Alpeyev, P., 192 Aristie, D, 305 Bae, Z.-T., 443
Aggarwal, V. A., 378 Alter, K. J., 276 Arita, S., 272 Baek,C.,442
Aghina, W., 271 Alva, M., 136 Ariza, L. R., 415 Bahl, M., 171
Agnew, H., 280 Alvarez, S. A., 34,413 Arjoon, S., 414 Baier, E., 379,441
Agrawal, A., 443 Alvstam, C. G .• 276 Arman, R., 235 Baik, B., 276
Aguilera, R., 33, 70, 100, Alzhu, C., 217 Armanios, D. E., 31 Baines, T., 33, 307
102,271,275,276,337, Amano, T., 192 Armenta!, M., 303 Baird, K., 3 77
339,411 Ambos, B., 276, 380 Armstrong, C. E., 139 Baker, G .• 387
Aguilera-Caracuel, J., 272 Ambos, T. C., 204, 276, 309, Arnold, K. A., 412 Baker, M. B., 371
Ahammad, M. F., 234, 274 378,441 Arnold, U., 30 Baker, S., 339
Aharonson, B. S., 171 Ambroise, L., 377 Arora,A., 100,376,440,444 Baker, T., 441
Ahearne, M., 376 Ambrosini, V., 377 Arranz, N. N., 309 Bakke, T.-E., 338
Ahlstrom, D., 31, 71, Amdouni, S., 377 Arregle, J.-L., 34, 70, 99,271,272, Bakker, R. M., 173, 442
273,342 Ames, M., 384 275,338,379,381 Bakker, T., 31
Ahn,K.,68 Amihud, Y., 330 Arrfelt, M., 99,378,379 Bal, P. M., 236
Ahrne,G., 174 Amit, R., 137,203,236,377 Arslan, A., 234, 274 Balachandran, S., 380
Ahuja, G., 205 An, W.,440 Arslan, B., 32 Balaju, A.S., 137
Ahuja, M., 31 Anand, J., 171,233,234,307,308 Arthurs, J. D., 205, 233,338,443 Balasubramanian, S .• 171
Ai,Q.,234 Anderson, B. S., 98, 100, 136 Artinger, S., 305 Balestrin, L., 13 7
Ailworth, E., 147 Anderson, E., 412 Arun, C. S., 140 Balfour, F., 273
Aime, F., 99,411,443 Anderson, Jr., E. G., 32 Arunachalam, S., 173 Ballinger, G. A., 412
Akbar, H., 72 Anderson, N., 106,442 Arzianian, S., 173 Ballings, M., 440
Akerman, N., 272 Anderson, P. C., 203,379 Ashan, M., 441 Bals, L., 102
Akhtar, P., 32, 71 Anderson, S., 140 Ashford, S. J., 34,411 Balsmeier, B., 338, 340
Akremi, A. El, 307 Anderson, T., 173 AB!ander, M. S .• 72 Bamiatzi, V., 100,270
Aktas, N., 233,235 Andersson, U., 31,203,441 Asmussen, C. G., 71, 72,270 Bammens, Y., 441
Akter, S., 33, 35 Andresen, M., 98 Aspers, P., 17 4 Banalieva, E. R., 70, 173, 272
Alba, J., 3-4 Andrews, M., 411 Aspinwall, M., 272 Bandeira-de-Mello, R., 236,336
Albers, S., 378 Andrrevski, G., 69 Astrachan, C. B., 101 Bandyk, M., 273
Albert, D., 100,377 Ang, J. s., 233 Astrachan, J. H., 101 Banerjee, S., 234, 341
Alcacer, J., 103 Ang, S. H., 72,271 Astrove, S. L., 443 Banker, R. D., 235
Alda, M., 339 Angriawan, A., 171 Alan, M. 0., 69 Bankewitz, M., 34
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1-2 Name Index
Bansal, A., 235 Bekaert, G., 275 Biancani, $., 378 Borochin, P., 339
Bansal, P., 32, 102, 312 Belderbos, R., 276,307,379,442 Bianchi, M., 172,273 Bortoluzzi, P., 236 Barbopoulos, L. G., 275 Belenzon, S., 337,376,440,444 Bierman, L., 411,413 Borzillo, S., 139
Barclay, L. J., 413 Beleska-Spasova, E., 102 Bierwerth, M., 441 Bos, B, 306
Barden, J. Q., 233, 305 Belgraver, H., 304 Bies, R. J., 413 Bose, G., 414 Barkema, H. G., 411 Bell, R. G., 272,275, 337 Bigelow, L., 72, 172 Bose, S., 273
Barker, R. G., 271 Bellavitis, C., 380 Bigley, G. A., 99 Boss, D., 30, 170,440
Barias, P., 140 Bellman, E., 137 Bilir, K., 31 Bosse, D. A., 99
Barlett, C. A., 273 Bello, D. C., 31 Billinger,$., 376,378 Boston, W., 204 Barley, W , 443 Belso-Martinez, J. A., 308 Biloshapka, V., 379 Boubaker, $., 377
Barnes, T., 273 Benischke, M., 272, 379 Bilotkach, V., 172 Boudetter, N. E., 291
Barney, J. B., 30, 34, 68, 98, 102, Benischke, M. H., 72, 276 Binda, V., 378 Boulanger, M., 307 202,203,205,234,309,338, Benitez, J., 32, 232 Bingham, C. B., 99, 138, 172, 305 Boulton, C., 102
379,380,413,414 Benito, G. R. G., 305,414 Bird, A., 31 Boulton, T. J., 338
Barr,A., 68 Benito-Osorio, D., 275 Bird, R., 273 Bouncken, R. B., 73
Barr, P. S., 376 Ben-Menahern, M., 71 Birkinshaw, J., 30,376,378 Bouquet, C., 274 Barrales-Molina, V., 173 Benner, K., 275 Bishop, W. H., 415 Bourne, M., 138
Barrett, M., 414 Benner, M. J., 204, 338, 379 Biyu, W., 339 Bouslah, K., 328
Barrick, M. R., 411 Bennett, D., 362 Bizzi, L, 305 Boussebaa, M., 271 Barringer, B. R., 138,307,440 Benoit, D., 203,312,318,338,362 Bjorkdahl, U., 443 Bower, J. L., 204
Bartlett, C. A., 272, 273, 380 Bensaou, B., 309 Bjorkman, I., 274, 380 Bowers, A. H., .306
Bartol, K., 410 Bensinger, G., 68,380 Bjornskov, C., 414,440 Bowers, M. R., 33 Barton, D., 339 Benson,B.W.,206,338 Black,A.,4 Boyd, T., 307
Barton, D. L., 103 Bentley-Goode, K. A., 377 Black, D. E., 206, 338 Boyle, M., 62
Bartunek, J.M., 414 Bento, R. G., 415 Black, T., 203,318 Bozeman, B., 273
Bashshur, M. R., 413 Benyayer, L.-D., 172 Blair, G. J., 375 Bozos, K., 100 Basile, G., 71 Berbeeten, F. H., 139 Blake, P., 269 Bradley, B. H., 411
Bass, A. E., 171 Berchicci, L., 233, 276 Blatter, Sepp, 268 Bradshaw, T., 280
Basso, K., 137 Berends, F. D., 307 Blettner, D. P., 378 Bradsher, K., 72 Bastons, M., 33 Berends, H., 233 Blevins, D. P., 232 Brady, J., 442
Basuil, D. A., 232,233, 413-414 Berens, G., 101 Block, E. S., 33, 139 Brady, P., 443
Basuroy, S., 139 Bergdolt, F., 98 Blocker, C. P., 137 Braga, A., 276
Batey, M., 442 Berggren, C., 32, 204 Blome, C., 71, 72 Braga, V., 276 Bathelt, H., 441-442 Bergh, D. D., 203, 205 Blomquist, T., 136 Braga-Alves, M. V., 338
Batjargal, B., 34, 275 Bergsteiner, H., 34,412 Blonigen, B. A., 233 Brahm, F., 203, 204
Batsakas, G., 270,337,412 Bergstrom, 0., 235 Bloom, D., 69 Brand, M. J., 380 Battigalli, P., 443 Berle, A., 339 Bloom, N ., 70 Brandenburger, A., 73
Battistin, E., 236 Berman, B., 138,378 Blount, $., 443 Brandes, P., 339
Bauer, F., 72, 203 Berman, J., 262 Bo, W., 304, 443 Brandon-Lai, S. A., 100 Baum, J. A. C., .306, 308 Bernard, M., 33 Bobinski, P.A., 340 Brannen, N. Y., 272
Baum, M., 70,273,441 Bernardo, A. E., 205 Bode,C.,34 Branzei, 0., 275
Baumann, 0., 103 Bernile, G., 340 Bodner, J., 234 Brass, D. J., 235
Baumol, W. J., 440 Berns, K. V. D., 412 Boeker, W., 380,415 Brat, I., 29 Baysinger, B., 340 Berrone, P., 71,337,339 Boer, Dick, 257 Bratianu, C., .306
Bayus, B., 171 Berry, H., 236,271,276,441 Bogers, M., 139,442 Brattstrom, A., 71,233,444
Baziki, S. B., 235 Bertoni, F., 236 Bohnsack, R., 30 Brauer, M., 71,206,235,236 Beamish, P. W., 70,203,271,272, Bertrand, 0., 274, 276 Boiral, 0., 34 Braun, M., 235
274,275,307,379,380,381 Best, P., 378 Boivie, S., 173,340,377,412 Braun, R., 236
Bebchuk, L.A., 339 Bettencourt, L.A., 137,442 Bojica, A. M., 442 Braunstein, J., 336
Becerra, M., 69 Bettinazzi, E. M., 232 Bolero, I., 101 Bravo, F., 340 Becker, B., 234 Bettis, R. A., 378 Bolisani, E., .306 Bray,C.,415
Becker, B. E., 415 Beverland, M. B., 139 Bollaert, H., 235 Brea-Solis, H., 172,378
Becker, M. C., 204, 377 Bezos, Jeff, 67, 68 Bollard, A., 106 Breazeale, M., 173 Beckerman, J., 375 Bhagwat, V., 340 Bolton, J., 410 Brem, A., 174
Becker-Ritterspach, F., 305 Bhanji, Z., 273 Bond, E. U., III, 442 Bremmer, I., 272
Beckmann, E., 275 Bharati, P., 102 Bondy, K., 380 Brenes, E. R., 99 Bednar, M. K., 101,377,413 Bhasin, K., 62, 68 Bonner, K., 32 Brenner, B., 380
Bednarek, R., 172 Bhattacharjee, A., 270 Boone, C., 171 Brettel, M., 70,411
Behrendt, P., 30 Bhaumik, S. K., 233 Boone, J., 306 Breunig, K. J., 272
Behrens, J., 444 Bhawe, N., 30 Borah, A., 137 Brewster, C., 72, 270 Beine, J., 30 Bhojraj, S., 330 Bornemann, T., 100 Brey, Z., 306, 307
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Name Index 1-3
Bricker, R., 337 Burt, R. $., 140 Cannella, Jr., A. A., 30, 35, 68, 71, Chadee, D., 378
Bridoux, F., 68,171,411 Burton, R. M., 376 171,172,206,410,411,440 Chadwick, C., 410,411,413
Brief, A. P., 338 Burzynska, K., 140 Canning, D., 69 Chae,$., 72
Brinckrnann, J., 101 Busenbark, J. R., 378 Cantwell, J., 272 Chaigneau, P., 413
Brini, F. M., 99 Busenitz, L. W., 69, 236, 440 Cao, J. X., 236 Chakrabarti, $., 171
Brink, C. Ten, 377 Bush, D., 205 Cao,Q., 68 Chakravarty, A., 235
Briscoe, F., 410 Bushee, B. J., 339 Cao,X.,412 Chamberlain, D., 309
Brito, A. L., 304 Busta, I., 339 Cao, Z., 72, 440 Chambers, John, 209
Brito, E. P. Z., 304 Bustamente, C. V., 380 Capaldo, A., 139 Chan, C. S. R., 442, 444
Brito, R. P., 72 Bustinza, 0. F., 33, 273, 307 Caplice, C., 69 Chan, H.-L., .306
Broberg, J.C., 174 Butler, F. C., 413 Capobianco, A., 306 Chand, M., 69
Brodbeck, F. C., 34 Butler, M. G., 99 Capron, L., 203, 205,210, 233, Chandar, N., 337
Brody, B., 214 Butler,$., 98 234,274,306 Chandler,A. D., 377,378
Broekhuizen, T. L. )., 31 Butt, M. Naseer, 203 Carberry, E. )., 340 Chandler, G. N., 174
Broilo, P. L., 137 Buttignon, F., 236 Cardinal, L. B., 205,412 Chandrasekaran, D., 139
Broman, G., 71 Butt-Philip, A., 275 Cardon, M. S., 443 Chandy, R. K., 234
Brooks, C., 339 Bylund, A., 5, 434 Carey, M., 412 Chang, A., 409
Brooks, G., 444 Bylund, P. L., 440 earlier,$. I., 137 Chang, A. Y., 306
Brooks,$. B., 376 Byrnes, N., 273 Carmona-Lavado, A., 308 Chang, H., 72
Brostrom, A., 441 Byron, K., 340 Carnahan, $., 138 Chang, K., 33
Brouthers, K. D., 272, 273, 275 Carneiro, J., 34, 270 Chang,$., 202,307, 338
Brouthers, L. E., 275 C Carnes, C. M., 35, 101, 174, 376 Chang, S.-J., 71, 171,274 Brouwer, M. T., 205 Cabello-Medina, C., 308 Carney, )., 439 Chang, Y. K., 34
Brown, C. L., 275 Cabral, L., 304 Carney, M., 31,270,275,337 Chang, Y. Y., 271
Brown, D. T., 236 Cacciotti, G., 338 Carnovale, S., 305 Chang, Y.-H., 236
Brown, E., 192 Cahen, F. R., 99 Carpenter, M. A., 338,412 Chapman, J. L., 236
Brown, ). L., 69, 441 Cahoy, D. R., 273 Carr, A., 413 Charterina, )., 304
Brown, K. A., 138, 139 Cai, C., 205, 338 Carr, ). C., 72 Chatterjee, A., 411
Brown, T. E., 442 Cai,D.,272 Carraher,$. M., 31 Chatterjee, J., 137,413
Bruining, H., 236 Cai,X., 274 Carroll, G. R., 173 Chatterjee, R., 440
Bruneel, )., 99,174,441 Cai, Y., .306 Carroll, P. B., 205 Chatterjee,$., 205, 217, 234
Bruni-Bossio, V , 34 Cailluet, L., 68 Carroll, TN., 376 Chatterji, A. K., 17 4, 413, 442
Brunninge, 0., 136 Caimo, A., 203 Carson, B., 380 Chattopadhyay, S., 414
Bruno, G., 144 Cain, M. D., 100,206,233 Carson, S. )., 68 Chaturvedi, $, 304
Brusoni, S., 32,139,377,410 Calabretta, G., 34 Carter, M. E., 339 Chatzoglou, P., 99
Brusson, N., 174 Calabro, A., 70 Carton, A. M., 33 Chatzoudes, D., 99
Bruton, G.D., 140,340 Calandro, Jr., J., 137 Casadesus-Masanell, R., 32, 172,378 Chau, N. N., 173
Bruynseels, L., 340 Caldart, A., 442 Casanueva, C., 308 Chaudhuri, S., 98, 171,250,441
Bryant,A., 410 Caldentey, R., 305 Cashen, L. H., 338 Che, J., 275
Bryant, C., 291,306 Caliendo, L., 272 Cassiman, B., 273 Che, L., 339
Bryant, Kobe, 162 Callahan, C. M., 99 Castaldi, C., 139 Chee, F. Y., 217
Brymer, R., 172, 234, .306 Callegaro-de-Menezes, D., 443 Castaner, X., 235 Chekler, J., 206
Buber!, Thomas, 223 Calof, J., 69 Castellaneta, F., 232, 236 Chemmanur, T. )., 339
Bucheli, M., 271,272 Caloghirou, Y., 410 Castellucci, F., 205 Chen, A., 136
Buchi, Maxime, 162 Camabuci, G ., 411 Castro, I., 308 Chen, C., 342,377
Buchner, A., 137 Camarero-Izquierdo, C., 171,441 Castro-Gonzales, $. J., 275 Chen, C. J., 172, 304
Buchwald, A., 338, 340 Cambrea, D., 206,337 Cattani, G., 138,379 Chen, C.-A., 376-377
Buckley, N., 377 Cameron, D., 178 Cavanagh, A., 376 Chen, G., 101,203,206,328,411
Buckley, P. J., 30, 31, 70, 102, 138, Camp,$. M., 440 Caviggioli, F., 31,210 Chen, H., 100
171,174,203,270,272,276, Campa,). M., 233 Cavusgil, E., IO I Chen, H. L., 138
379,441 Campbell, A., 377 Cavusgil, S. T., 70, 100, IOI, 270, Chen, I. J., 71
Buffett, Warren, 193 Campbell,). L., 414 273,275,380,441 Chen,)., 99,139,413
Buhayar, N., 203,318 Campbell, J. T., 99,339,411,415 Cavusoglu, H., 138 Chen, J.-S., 271
Buisson, B., 441 Campbell, M., 371 Celly, N., 101 Chen, K.-Y., 309
Bunduchi, R., 139 Campbell, R., 330 Cennamo, C., 139 Chen, M.-J., 68, 72, 98,147,148,
Bundy, J., 33, 376, 380 Campion, M. C., 34,412 Cerrato, D., 205 170, 172, 173,413
Bunge, J.,4 Camps, J., 304 Cerio,$. T., 34, 338, 339 Chen, P.-L., 411
Burgelman, R. A., 426 Canedo,). C., 413 Ceryan, 0., 173 Chen, P.-Y., 309
Burgers, J. H., 379 Caner, T., 304,443 Cesarani, M., 308 Chen,$., 139,236, 309
Burkitt, L., 305 Canessa, N., 32, 139 Cesinger, B., 276, 309 Chen, S.-F., 274,307
Burt,)., 214 Cannatelli, B., 33 Cezar, A., 138 Chen, T., 99, 170,441
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1-4 Name Index
Chen, V. Z., 34 Chun, R., 33 Conti,A.,31, 171 Cummings, J. L, 304
Chen,X., 70 Chung, H., 138 Conti, R., 232 Cunningham, J., 414
Chen, Y., 32, 204, 233,440,444 Chung, J., 274 Contractor, F. J., 273, 274, 275, Cunningham, L. A., 35
Chen, Z., 71,137,206,234,338, Chung, J.-E., 273 304, 305, 380 Cuozzo, B., 100
339,412 Churakova, J., 276 Cook, G., 102 Currie, G., 442
Chen, Z. X., 70 Chwolka, A., 69 Cookson, J. A., 71 Curtin, M., 232
Cheng, C., 441 Cianni, M., 377 Cool,K.,33 Cushenbery, L. D., 413
Cheng, S., 72 Cimilluca, D., 172, 233, 434 Cooney, M., 210 Custodio, C., 202, 379
Cheng, T. C. E., 414 Ciravegna, L., 99 Cooper, C. L., 234, 235 Cusumano, M. S., 172
Cheng, Y.-J., 402 Cirik, K., 34,174 Cooper, D., 34,410,412 Cuypers, I. R. P., 235,309,412
Cheon, B. Y., 271 Ciampi!, J., 34 Cooper, D. J., 415 Cuypers, Y., 235,412
Cherepanova, V., 235 Clark, J. R., 33 Cooper, R. G., 137 Cy r,M.,379
Chesbrough, H. W., 137 Clark, B. B., 410 Corbett, E., 76
Cheung, A. (Wai-Kong), 413 Clark, W., 336 Corbey, S., 102 D
Cheung, Y., 337 Clarke, J. E., 275 Cording, M., 33, 206 Dacin, M. T., 71,273
Chhaochharia, V., 339 Clarkson, G., 174 Corkery, M., 62, 137 Dagnino, G. B., 30, 72, 99, 170, Chia, R., 68,377 Claro, D. P., 380 Cornelissen, J., 101 174,305,380,415
Chiambaretto, P., 306, 443 Clary sse, B., 99 Cornell, Brian, 52 Dahl, T., 139
Chien, T. F., 69 Clauss, T., 72 Corner, P. D., 100 Dahlander, L., 307, 378
Chikhouni,A., 274 Claver, E., 275 Correia, A., 276 Dahlin, K. B, 305
Child, J., 236 Clayton, S. P., 442 Cortimiglia, M. N., 443 Dalpiaz, E., 33
Childe, S. J., 33, 35 Clegg, J., 70 Costa, L. A., 33 Dalton, C. M., 338
Chiou, J.-S., 307 Clemence, S., 371 Costamagna, R., 137 Dalton, D. R., 338
Chirico, F., 101,337 Clerizo, M., 163,280 Covin, J. G., 173,379,441 Dalton, M., 139, 163,234
Chirstodoulides, P., 35 Cline, B. N., 204 Cowan, R., 173 Dana, L. P., 30
Chittoor, R., 206,276 Cliquet, G., 309 Cowen, A. P., 412 Danaei, A., 415
Chiu, A. S. F., 103 Clopton, A. W., 307 Coy,P., 233 Danbolt, J., 275
Chiu, S., 204, 236 Clough, R., 203,318,362 Cozzolino, A., 305 Daneke, G. A., 71
Chiu, S.-C., 339 Clougherty, J., 233 Craig, J.B., 339,376,415 Daneshkhu, S., 204
Cho, S. Y., 233 Coates, J. C., 339 Craig, T. D., 31,102,171 Dang,A., 171
Cho, Y.,204 Cockburn, I., 273 Craighead, C. W., 32, Dang, B.-L., 139
Choi, B., 138 Coeurderoy, R., 411 139,140 Danneels, E., 99
Choi, C., 307, 346 Coff, R. W., 101,204,205,413 Craninckx, K., 205,234 Danziger, P. N., 83
Choi, D., 34,411 Cohen, A., 330, 339 Crawford, E. R., 443 Dao, M. A., 72
Choi, J., 304 Cohen, B., 440 Crespi-Cladera, R., 339 Darmon, E., 32
Choi, J. J., 102 Cohendet, P., 139 Croci, E., 233, 340 Darwish, T. K., 337,412
Choi, S., 444 Cohn, D., 137 Crook, E., 362 Das, T. K., 274,309
Choi, T. Y., 72 Colbert, A. E., 411 Crook, T. R., 140 Daspit, J. J., 412
Choi, Y., 414 Colby, L., 100 Croonen, E. M., 380 Dass, M., 377,411,442
Chollet, B., 172 Cole, M. S., 442 Cropley, J., 147 Dass, P., I 00
Chondrakis, G., 234 Colella, A., 410 Crosby, L., 5 Datta, D. K., 232,233,271,
Chou, C.-H., 233 Colias, M., 25, 414, 418, 440 Croson, D. C., 378 413-414
Chou, S. F., 306 Collet, F., 308 Crossan, M. M., 102 Dattee, B., 377
Chou, T.-C., 271 Collewaert, V., 32,441 Crossland, C., 410 Dauth, T., 276
Choudhary, V., 340 Collins, C. J., 410,441 Crucke, S., 413 D' Aveni, R. A., 30, 99, 174
Choudhury, P., 414,441 Collins, J., 362 Cruz, C., 412 David, P., 202,205,338,415
Chowdhry, B., 205 Collis, D. J., 203,232,376 Cruz-Ros, S., 378 Davidson, A., I 00
Chowdhury, R. M. M. I., 410 Colombo, M. G., 234, 304 Csaszar, F. A., 376 Davidson, J., 439
Chowdhury, S., 101,378 Colpan, A. M., 336 Cuardrado-Ballesteros, B., 415 Davidson, T. R., 206
Choy, K.-L., 103 Colville, W., 4, 25 Cucari, N., 205, 338 Davidson, W. N., 206,338
Chrisman, J. J., 337 Colvin, G., 217,233, 362 Cuervo-Cazurra, A., 31,270,271, Davidsson, P., 440
Christensen, C., 32, 79, 99 Colwaert, V., 70 275,380 Davies, P. J., 203, 204, 236
Christensen, M. Q., 170 Combs, J. G., 307, 338, 380 Cuevas-Rodriguez, G., 308,338 Davis, D., 387
Christodoulides, P., 33 Compagni, A., 172, 442 Cui, A. S., 137,308,309 Davis, G. E., 337
Christodoulou, I., 172 Congner, M., 33 Cui, G., 441 Davison, H. K., 414
Christophe, S. E., 276 Conlon, D. E., 35 Cui, L., 171, 304 Davoren, J., 378
Chrusciel, D., 69 Connell, R., 235 Cui,V., 137,138,173,441 Dawson, C., 139
Chrysostome, E., 304 Connelly, B. L., 33, 34, 35, 69, Cullen, J. B., 205, 338 Dawson, M., 415
Chu, J., 70 139,171,174,270,312,337, Cullen, J.M., 102 de Arroyabe, J. C. F., 309
Chuang, Y.-T, 305 338,339,340,376,415 Culpan, T., 305 de Bodt, E., 235
Chun, J. U., 414 Connelly, C. E., 412 Cumming, D., 69, 236 de Castro, J. 0., 414
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Name Index 1-5
de Castro, L. R. Kabbach, 339 Desyllas, P., 235 D'Souza, D. E., 139 Engel, C., 98
De Clercq, G., 235 Detjen, J., 410 Du,H., 70 Engelen, A., 376 de Freytas-Tamura, K., 95 Detrick, H., 346 Du, Y., 340 Engelen, P.-J., 412
de Graauw, H., 305 Deutsch, Y., 340 Dubbudu, R., 270 Englander, D., 271
de Guevara Mar tinez, A. L., 32, Devarakonda, S. V., 304, 381 Dubey, R., 33, 35 English, C., 312 72,306 Devece, C., 378 Duchin, R., 378 Ensign, R. L., 192
de Luque, M. S., 34,411 Devers, C. E., 206,338,410 Duenyas, I., 173 Erden, Z., 102
de Man, A.-P., 305 Devinney, T., 304 Dukerich, J. M., 174,309 Erkelens, R., 270
De Marco,A., 31,210 Dexheimer, E., 439 Dulaney, D., 271 Ertug, G., 205,309 De Massis, A., 139 Dhanaraj, C., 70, 305 Dumay, J., 100 Escaith, H., 102
De Melo, T. M., 376 Dhanwadkar, R., 339 Dummett, B., 234, 434 Eshima, Y., 100, 136
de Miranda Oliveira, M., 99 Dhillon, G., 106 Dunant, C. F., 102 Esmark-Jones, C. L., 173 de Ny sschen, Johan, 24 Di Benedetto, A., 172 Dunbar, R. L. M., 138, 379 Espina, M. I., 275
de Oliveira, C. A., 34 Di Minin, A., 273 Dunlap, D.R., 174 Espinoza, J., 233
de Oliveira, E., 172 Diakantonis, D., 203 Duran, P., 70,272, 275 Essen, M., 337
de Rassenfosse, G ., 442 Diamantopoulos, A., 205 Durand, A., 308 Estay, C., 271 De Smet, A., 271 Dibrell, C., 376 Durand, R., 411 Ester!, M., 136
De Stobbeleir, K. E. M., 34, 411 Dickson, P. H., 172 Dushnitsky, G., 440 Esteves, F., 34
de Vaan, M., 381 Dierickx, I., 33 Dussauge, P., 233, 270, .306 Estrin,$., 271 De Villa, M.A., 275 Dieterle, M., 235 Dutta, D. K., 306,440 Etro, L., 206, 340
Deals, L., 273 Dignan, L., 280 Duysters, G., 305, 381 Etter, M., IO I
Dean,$., 312 Dikolli, S. S., 206, 338 Dvorak, P., 192 Ettlie, J.E., 442 DeAngelis, $. F., 76 Dikova, D., 275, 307 Dyer, J. H., 304, 380 Eva,N.,376
Deb, P., 415 Dimitratos, P., 273, 308, 381 Dy kes, B. J., 172 Evans, B., 178
Dechezlepretre, A., 307 Dimon, Jamie, 323 Dy reng, S. D., 206, 338 Evans, J., 158
Deeds, D. L., 441 Dimov, D., 306,414 Dyson, James, 197 Everett, R. F., 35 DeGhetto, K., 270 Ding, X., 233 Evert, R. E., 441
Dehan, C., 271 Ding, Y., 381 E Ewing, A., 204
Dekimpe, M. G., 139 DiPietro, F., 240 Easterby-Smith, M., 308 Ewing, M. T., 307 Dekker, H. C., 309 DiVito, L., 30, 235 Ebbers, J. J., 71 Eyring, M., 98
de! Mar Benavides-Espinosa, Dixit, J., 235 Echambadki, R., 173 Ezzamel, M., 415
M.,274 Do, B., 414 Eckardt, R., 32
de! Mar Fuentes-Fuentes, M., 442 Dobni, C. B., 174,414 Eden, L., 274,275, 304 F Delery, J. E., IO I, 413 Dobrajska, M., 376,378 Edman, J., 270, 276 Faber, J., 276
Delgado-Marquez, B. L., 272 Dobusch, L., 308 Edwards, G., 274 Fabrizio, K., 174,442
Deligonul, $., 270, 379-380 Doh, J., 33, 72,272,276,379,410 Eesley, C. E., 31 Facchini, G., 275 Delios, A., 68, I 03, 173, 202, 205, Doha, A., 102, 174 Eggers, F., 32, 276, 309 Faems, D., 306, 309
270,271,274,338,339 Donaldson, L., 380 Eggers, J. P., 32, 33, 100, 103, 136, Fagerholm, F., 32
Dell' Acqua, A., 206, 340 Donate, M. J., 139 170,442,443,444 Fahey, L., 69 Dellarocas, C., 69 D'Onfro, J., 409 Eggert, A., 13 7 Fainschmidt, A., 69
Dellestrand, H., 31, 203 Dong, Y., 410 Ehrhard, M. G., 414 Fainshmidt, $. 30, 34,414
Delmas, M.A., 71 Dooley, L., 380 Ehrmann, T., 309 Fairclough, S., 271
Deloof, M., 340 Dormehl, L., 68 Eiche, J., 274 Falk, T., 72, 138, 174 Demir, R., 30,413 Dorobantu, S., 33, 34, 70, 338 Eidelson, J., 29 I Fallon, G., 270
Demir bag, M., 32 Dotsenko, 0., 34 Eisenhardt, K. M., 31, 99, 138, Fama, E. F., 206
Demircioglu, M.A., 440 Dotson, J. P., 202, 203, 338, 379 170,172,203,340,378, Fan, D., 171,414 Demirkan, I., 307 Dou,J.,414 411,414 Fan, Y.,307
Demirkan, $., 307 Dougherty, M. B., 69 El Husseini,$., 174 Fancis, B. B., 233
Denes, M. R., 312,337 Douglas, I., 371 Elango, B., 270,274 Fang, E., 276
Deng, P., 31 Dowell, G. W. $., 33, 71, 103, 136, Elba, Idris, 97 Fang, Y., 271,274 Denison, D.R., 274 233,412 Elfenbein, D. W., 414 Fannon, N., 235
Depp, Johnny, 201 Dowling, G., 101 Elfenbein, H. A., 68 Farashahi, M., 274
Depperu, D., 205 Doyle, Patrick, 85 Elfring, T., 173 Farfan, B., 137 Derfus, P. J., 170 Doz, Y. L., 98 Elkins, K., 69 Faries, B., 202
DeRue, D., 443 Dresner, M., .306 Ellis, K. M., 233 Farrell, M., 336, 380
Desai, V., 100,414 Drewniak, M. P., 102 Ellis, R, 304 Farrell, P. E., 303 DeSantola, A., 441 Drnevich, P. L., 378 Ellis, S. C., 138 Fassnacht, M., 174
Desender, K., 337 Drage, C., 307 Ellram, L. M., 103,204 Fauchart, E., 173
Deshllas, P., 32 Drozdiak, N., 217 Elms, H., 71 Fawcett, A. M., 309
Desiraju, R., 173 Drucker, P. F., 441 Elosge, C., 270 Fawcett, S. E., 309 Dess, G. G., 414 Drucker, Peter, 24 Eng, T .-Y., 305, 380 Fazli, A., 171
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Fedriani, E. M., 272
Fee, C. E., 236,412
Feldman, E. R., 203, 235, 236,
Feldman, M., 377,442
Felfe, J., 443
Felin, T., 309, 376
Felix, B., 235
Felps, W., 30, 33, 99 Felsted, A., l 70
Felzensztein, C., 308
Feng, H., lOl, 172 Feng, T., 415
Feng, Y., 309
Fenik, A. P., 304
Fenu, G., 182 Ferguson, J., 106
Ferguson, J.-P., 41 l
Ferguson, K., 95
Fernandes, C., 98
Fernandez, A., 308
Fernandez, A.-S., 443 Fernandez, S., 442
Fernhaber, S. A., 172, 173, 276,
Ferreira, A., 304 Ferreira, J., 98
Ferriani, S., 100
Ferrier, W. J., 35, 69, 99,172,174, 234, .306, 376
Ferris, G. R., l 00
Fiedler, M., 273
Figueroa,A., 71
Filatotchev, I., 34, 68, 140, 272,
Filiou, D., 380 Filippetti, A., 273
Filippi, L., 103
Fink, Larry, 322 Finkelstein, S., 233, 234, 235,
389, 4ll
Finley, K., 29 l
Firfiray, S., 412 Fisch, J. H., 30, 34,276,413,442
Fisher, M., 69
Fiss, P. C., 206 Fitza, M.A., 203,340, 4ll, 412
Fitz-Koch, S., 441,442
Fjeldstad, 0. D., 376
Flammer, C., 32,312,339 Flanagan, D. J., 236
Flannery, John, 318,362
Flannery, N. P., 272
Flatten, T. C., 376, 41 l
Fletcher, L., 336
Flickinger, M., 204, 236 Flint, D. J., 137
Flores, R. G., 70
Floyd, S. W., 412
Flynn, A., 275
Foley, S., 337
Folta, T. B., 204, 233, 379
Fong, E. A., 340
Fonseca, M.A., 306
Fontana, R., 137, 138
Fontanella-Khan, J., 204 Foo, S., 69
Forbes, D. P., 99
Ford, J. D., 100
Ford, L. W., 100 Forlani, E., 139
Fornes, G., 275
Foroohr, R., 29 Foroudi, P., lOl
Forster, W. R., 443
Fortado, L., 312
Fortin, M., 413 Fortwengel, J., 414
Fosfuri, A., 7 l
Foss, N. J., 33, 69, 102, 137, l 72, 174,270,376,378,411,414,
Foster, R. N., 98 Fourne, s. L., 270
Fourne, S. P. L., 171
Fox,G., 140
Franca, C. L., 71 Francis, B., 235
Francis, J., 271
Francis, T., 328
Franco, M., 304
Francoeur, C., 102,339,412
Frank, D., 410
Franklin, J., 232
Frantz, L., 234
Franzo, S., 172
Franzoni, C., 441 Frattini, F., 172,442
Frattini, M., 273
Frazer, L., 307 Frazier, M. L., 34,414
Frazzetto, A., 95
Freeman, K., 101
Freeman, M., 233 Freeman, R. E., 203, 376
Freitas, E., 272
Freitas, I. M. B., 138 Freixaneta, J., 276
Freking, K., 339
French, E., 101
Frenken, K., 173 Frenz, M., 273
Friske, W. M., 32
Fritz, B., 202
Froese, F. J., 71
Frow, P., 102, 137
Fry, E., 272
Frynas, J. G., 32, 71
Fu,W., 308
Fu,X., 137
Fuentelsaz, L., 70
Fuhrmans, V., 25,328,411
Fuller, C. S., 440
Fung, B., 147
Furr, N. R., 103, 170, 172, 174
Futterman, M., 269
Gabaldon, P., 34
Gabriel, Y., 378 Gabrielsson, M., 273
Gabrielsson, P., 273
Gaeremynck, A., 340 Gaffney, N., 34
Gage, D., 171
Gagliardi, L., 276
Gaia, S., 339, 412 Galan, J. L., 172, 308
Galavotti, I., 205
Galbreath, J., 71
Gallagher, D., 235, 384
Gallo, C., 18, 33
Galloway, T. L., 443 Galvin, P., 71
Gamache, D. L., 235, 338
Gambardella, A., 98, 270
Gambeta, E., 170,337,338,444 Gande, A., 328
Gandia, R., 410
Gandz, J., 34 Gangloff, K. A., 415
Gann, D., 137
Ganotakis, P., 273,442
Ganter, A., 68
Gao, C., 413
Gao, G. Y., 71
Gao, H., 172, 306 Gao, S., 171
Gao, Y., 171
Gara, A., l 92, 202 Garcia-Cabrera, A. M., 30
Garcia-Canal, E., 103, 139, 270
Garcia-Castro, R., 33, 102
Garcia-Garcia, R., 270 Garcia-Prieto, P., 271
Garcia-Sanchez, 1.-M., 415
Garcia-Soto, M. G., 30 Garcia-Villaverde, P. M., 172
Garden, Edward, 318
Garg, S., 68, 69,340,411
Garg, V. K., 69, 71 Garner, J. L., 204
Garrett, R., 376
Garrett, T. C., 444
Garrette, B, .306
Garrido, E., 70
Garrod, L., 306 Gartenberg, C., 379
Gary, M., 100
Garza, A. S., 35
Gasparro, A., 4, 38, 136, 172,
Name Index
Gassmann, 0., 379
Gates, S., lOl, 305
Gaur, A., 270
Gaur, A. S., 203
Gaur, S. S., 304 Gavin, C. T., 30
Gedajlovic, E. R., 270,337
Geiger, S. W., 338
Gelabert, L., 71 Gelb, B. D., 205, 377
Geldes, C., 308
Gellatly, I. R., 412 Gemser, G., 34,307
Gemunden, H. G., 443
Geng,C., 70
Geng, X., 336 Genovse, A., 71
Gentry, R. J., 173,410,411
Georgakakis, D., 412
George, G., 102,304,307,
George, R., 30, 339
Geppert, M., 305
Gerakos, J. J., 339, 340
Gergaud, 0., 71
Gerguri-Rashiti, S., 30 Germano, S., 269
Gerschewski, S., 273
Getachew, Y. S., 203
Geyskens, I., 103, 139
Ghauri, P. N., 103,270,274, 380
Ghazali, N. A. M., 100
Ghezzi, A., 443
Ghobadian, A., 137,235,
Ghosh, C., 330 Ghoshal, S., 273
Giachem, C., 99
Giachetti, C., 30, 70, 72, 139, 170, 172,173,443
Gianidodis, P. T., 442
Giarratana, M. S., 271,273
Gibbs, S., 410 Giddings, J., 307
Giersch, C., 275
Gigerenzer, G., 100 Gilad, B., 68
Gilbert, B. A., 99, ll5, 119,
Gilbert, C., 98 Gillies, T., 250
Gillis, W. E., 307,380
Gilmore, A, 306
Gilsing, V., 381
Gilson, S. C., 379
Gimeno, J., 99,138,170,204 Giones, F., 174
Girod, S. J. G., 33, lOl, 235,
Giudici, A., 33,441
Gjerlov-Juel, P., 30
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Name Index 1-7
Gjerstad, K., 443 Greckhamer, T., 68, 71,206,328 Guo, W., 170 Hardy, C., 103, 136
Glaister, K. W., 102,234,274, 304 Green, C., 170,444 Guo,X.,340 Haress, D., 139
Glaser, V. L., 34 Green, C. D., 338 Gupta, A., 34, 172, 410, 411 Harmon, D. J., 309
Glazer, E., 178, 340 Green, C. P., 411 Gupta, S., 101,308 Harness, T., 139
Globerman, S., 275 Green, D., 138 Gupta, V., 410,443 Harper, E., 144, 172
Glover, B., 340 Greene, J., 171 Gupta, V. K., 30, 340 Harris, D., 303
Gnan, L., 339 Greengard, S., 31 Gur, T. A., 68 Harrison, C., 202
Gnizy, I., 271 Greenwald, T., 214,233,434,444 Gurnani, H., 274 Harrison, J. S., 30, 33, 99, 137,
Goddard, C. R., 275 Greenwood, A., 233 Gustafson, M. T., 306 170,173,174,203,205,206,
Goergen, M., 236 Greenwood, R., 271 Guthrie, J. P., 236 235,273,338,376,440
Goerzen, A., 72, 273 Greer, C. R., 35, 137,414 Gutierrez-Cillan, J., 171,441 Harrison, R., 32,414,444
Gold, R., 147 Greer, L., 443 Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. J., 173 Hartmann, N. N., 102
Gold, S., 381 Gregoire, D. A., 276 Hartzell, J. C., 339
Goldberg, L. G., 342 Greve, H. R., 34, 71,101, 171, H Harvey, C. R., 275
Golesorkhi, S., 380 172, 173, 233, 306, .306, 308 Habibi, M. R., 100 Harvey, J., 139
Goll, I., 72 Grewal, D., 69 Hacklin, F., 443 Hasan, I., 233
Golovko, E., 173,273 Grewatsch, S., 410 Haddon, H., 35, 144,204 Hasan, M. M., 413
Gomes, E., 33, 273, 307 Grichnik, D., 413 Hadlock, C. J., 412 Hasegawa, N., 336
Gomes-Casseres, B., 217, 233 Grifell-Tatje, E., 172,378 Haefliger, S., 100 Hashai, N., 30,203, 270, 272
Gomez, J., 99, 100, 173 Grigoriou, K., 203, 204, 234 Haeussler, C, 306 Hashiba, L. H., 304
Gomez-Mejia, L. R., 71,203,337, Grimm, C. M., 170,171,172,174 Hagaoka, S., 273 Hashmi, S. H., 205
338,339,410,412 Grimpe, C., 99, 103,234, Hagedoorn, J., 305, 307 Haskell, N., 273, 307
Gomulya, D., 415 275,440 Hagerty, J. R., 139,250 Hassan, S., 33
Goncalves, V. C., 100 Grinstein, Y., 339 Hagiwara, Y., 271 Hastings, Reed, 239
Gong, Y., 271,443 Grocer, S., 192 Hahn, R., 381 Hatak, I., 32
Gonzales, J. L. G ., 17 4 Grodal, S., 70, 136, 377 Haider, S., 275 Hattula, S., 270
Gonzales-Rodriguez, M. R., 171 Groenin, C., 173 Hail, L., 271 Hauser, R., 340
Gonzalez, R. D., 376 Grngaard, B., 376 Haji, A. A., 100 Hiiussler, C., 307
Gonzalez-Cruz, T. F., 378 Groh, A. P., 236 Hajli, N., 137 Hautz, J., 338, 378
Goold, M., 202 Grosse, M., 328 Hakanson, L., 270 Havelange, Joao, 268
Goossen, M., 172 Grossman, L., 346 Haleblian, J., 172, 206, 233, Haw, I., 337
Gopalakrishna-Remani, V., 101 Grossmann, A., 234 234,235 Hawk, A., 30, 31, 72, 173
Goranova, M., 34,337, 338, Groysberg, B., 402 Hall, G., 384 Haworth, N., 102
339,340,412 Gruber, M., 31, 171,414,441 Hall, J. K., 71 Haynes, K. T., 34, 100,411,415
Gordon, M., 339 Gruenwedel, E., 240 Hall, J. R., 33 Haynie, J. M., 414
Goritz, A. S., 30,414 Gruhn, B., 411 Hall, R., 84 Hayton, J. C., 234
Gorostidi-Martinez, H., 31 Grullon, G., 339 Hallen, B. J., 414 He, J., 330
Gorovaia, N., 307 Gryta, T., 318,338,362 Hallin, A., 376 He, S., 270, 339
Goshen, Z., 338 Gu,Q., 173 Halme, M., 276 He, X., 98, 102, 171,273,275
Goss, D., 440 Gu, T., 32, 338 Halzack, S., 144 He,Z., 378
Goswami, G. G., 275 Guar, A. S., 274,276 Hambrick, D. C., 34, 35, 389, Healy, W., 240
Gotsopoulos, A., 136 Gudergan, S. P., 304, 308 410,411 Heavey, C., 34, 376
Gottfried, M., 202 Guedes, M. J., 100 Hamel, G., 101 Hebert, L., 274
Gottgredson, M., 32 Guedri, Z., .306 Hamilton, R. H., 414 Hecker, A., 68
Gottschalg, 0., 236 Guenste, N., 413 Hammond, R., 271 Heger, D., 440
Gove, S., 99, 170, 205 Guenther, C., 30 Hammonds, K. H., 31 Heide, J.B., 72, 102
Govind, R., 205 Guidroz, A., 274 Han, H.-H., 173 Heidi, R. A., 304
Govindarajan, V., 72,410 Guillen, M. F., 103, 139,270 Han, J., 171 Heilweil, R., 380
Gozubuyuk, R., 69 Guillot, D., 308, 342 Han,S., 137 Heimeriks, K. H., 101,234,
Grace, D., 307 Guinea, A. S., 32 Han, W., 307 305,376
Grace, M., 413 Gulati, R., 376,380,441 Hanafi, M., 271 Heinsz, W. J., 34
Graebner, M. E., 203, 234 Gulbrandsen, B., 204 Hancock, T., 233 Hejjas, K., 410
Graen, G., 413 Guldiken, 0., 272 Handley, S. M., 103, 138 Hekkert, M. P., 305
Graffin, S. D., 235, 412 Guler, I., 98,276, 308 Haneda, S., 31 Helfand, C., 234
Grafstrom, J., 440 Gulillart, F. J., 137 Hankins, W. B., 306 Helfat, C. E., 98, 204, 378
Graham, K., 137 Gunasekaran, A., 33, 35, 103 Hannah, D. P., 170 Heller, S., 52
Grant, C., 434 Gunz, S., 34 Hansen, M. H., 309, 380 Heminger, Gary, 327
Grant, R. M., 84 Guo,H., 171 Hansen, M. W., 381 Hemphill, T. A., 274
Grappi, S., 34 Guo, L., 330 Hanson, S., 68 Hendrikse, G. W. J., 309
Gray, J. V., 138 Guo,R.-S., 172 Haran, U., 100 Henkel, J., 32, 173
Gray, S. J., 272 Guo,S.,234 Harding, R., 291 Hennart, J.-F., 139,272,276,441
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Henning, M., 100,203
Henseler, J., 232 Heppelmann, J. E., 138
Heracleous, L., 338
Herath, H. M. T. S., 441 Herhausen, D., 32
Hermann, A. M., 276
Hermann, P., 173
Hernandez, E., 308, 339, 380 Hernandez, M., 412
Hernandez, V., 272
Hernandez-Carrion, C., 171,441 Herrera, M. E. B., 102
Herrmann, P., 411
Herzfeldt, A., 235
Heslin, P.A., 30 Heugens, P. P. M.A. R., 270, 337
Hewson, Marillyn, 316
Heyden, M. L. M., 34,339,411 Heywood, S., 271
Hiatt, S. R., 100
Hieb!, M. R. W., 339,415 Higginbotham, S., 306
Higgins, T., 409,418
Hildebrandt, L., 101
Hill, A. D., 99,410 Hill, C. E., 378
Hill, C. W. L., 376
Hiller, N. J., 410 Hilliter, L., 412
Hillman, A. J., 340,413
Hilmersson, M., 270
Hinings, C.R. (Bob), 378 Hinnen, G., 376
Hinterhuber, A., 138
Hirsh, J.B., 414 Hirst, S., 339
Hitt, M.A., 32, 34, 35, 70, 71,
72,98,99, 100, IOI, 115, 119,122,137,170,171,172,
.306,338,376,377,378,379, 381,410,411,413,414,415,
Hiyate, A., 182 Ho, M. H.-W., 274,276,380
Hobdari, B., 34
Hockerts, K., 35
Hodgkinson, G. P., 234 Hod!, M., 377
Hoehn-Weiss, M. N., 443
Hoenen, A. K., 338,376 Hoetker, G., 443
Hoffman, L., 178
Hoffmann, W. H., 309 Hoisl, K., 31,171,379
Hojnik, J., 275
Holahan, P. J., 137
Holburn, G. L. F., 275
Holcomb, M. C., 139
Holcomb, T. R., 99, 204, 206,
236,410 Holehonnur, A., 340
Hollandts, X., 410,411
Hollender, L., 273 Holloway, S., 103
Holm, H.J., 138
Holmberg, S. R., 304
Holmes, R. M., Jr., 70,204,206, 236,270,410
Hom, P. W., 34,411
Homburg, C., 100 Homroy, S., 341,411
Hong, J., 271
Honhon, D., 173
Honore, F., 100 Hooff, B., 270
Hoornaert, S., 440
Hopp,C., 32 Hora, M., 32, 173, 306, 440
Horng, J.-S., 306
Hornsby, J. S., 34, 440 Hornstein, A. S., 338
Horstkotte, J., 203-204, 378
Hoskisson, R. E., 31, 32, 33, 35,
68,137,170,199,202,203, 204,206,234,235,236,270,
338,339,340,376,377,378, 380,413,415,444
Hossain, M., 339
Hosseini, A., 415
Hotchkiss, E. S., 234 Hotho, J. J., 308
Hou, J., 380
Hou, W., 338,412 Hough, J. R., 69
Houston, M. B., 137,442
Howard, M. D., 380, 442 Hsiao, Y.-C., 172,304
Hsieh, K.-Y., 68, 72,170,171,172
Hsieh, W.-L., 442
Hu,K.-K, 172 Hu,S., 378
Hua, T., 170 Huang, D., 72
Huang, H.-C., 236
Huang, J.-C., 443
Huang, L., 440, 443-444
Huang, Q., 414
Huang, Y., 138,307
Huang, Y.-C., 306 Huang, Z., 235
Huarng, K.-H., 308
Hufford,A., 25,136,214,233,236 Huggins, R., 73
Hughes, C., 232
Hughes, D. E., 69, 72
Hughes, M., 137,273 Hughes, P., 137
Hughes, S., 280
Hughes-Morgan, M., 99, 170, 172,234,306,414
Huguet-Roig, A., 3 78
Huh, D. W., 101 Hui,C., 70
Huisman, J., 34
Hull, J., 205 Hult, G. T. M., 99,100,270,376,
Hultink,E.J., 174 Humphrey, S. E., 34,411,443
Hung, W., 338
Hung, Y., 236
Hunkeler, I., 5 Hunt, M. S., 72
Hunt, R. A., 414
Hunter, S. T., 413 Hur,D., 72
Huschelrath, K., 233
Huse, M., 339, 340 Huselid, M.A., 415
Hussain, S., 307
Hussinger, K., 99, 234, 275
Huston, C., 203 Hutzschenreuter, T., 203, 272,
Huy, Q. N., 234 Huyghebaert, N., 205,234
Huysman, M., 270
Hyatt, D., 378
Hydle, K. M., 272 Hyun, E., 170, 171
Hyun-Soo, W., 378
Hyytinen, A., 444
Icahn, Carl, 31 I, 328,329 Igami, M., 70
Ignatius, A., 378
Immelt, Jeffery, 3 I 8
Ingram, A., 412 Inkpen, A. C., 275, 380
Inomata, S., 272
Inoue, C., 339 Iraldo, F., 34
Irani, Z., I 03
Ireland, R. D., 30, 98, 99, 115,
119,122,137,138,170,205, 235,273,274,307,376,378,
Iriyama, A., 274 Irwin, J., I 03, 136
Irwin, N., 276
Isidor, R., 441 Ismail, A. K., 233
Ito, K., 31,272
Iurkov, V., 305
Ivanov, I. T., .306 Ivarsson, I., 70, 276
Ivashiina, V., 234
Ivory, S. B., 376 Iyer, K. N. S., 307
Jaakkola, E., 376
Jackson, C., 34, 440
Jackson, E. M., 101
Jackson, S. E., 34
Name Index
Jacobides, M. G., 98, 102, 170
Jaeger, N. A., 411
Jaeschke, R., 342 Jaffe, J., 234
Jain, A., 95, 101
Jain, S., 101
Jain, S. C., 110 James, D., 205
Jamrisko, M., 441
Jane, J., 103 Jansen, J. J.P., 171,270,410
Jansen, P. W., 236
Jara, A., 102 Jargon, J., 29,346, 377
Jarilowski, C., 304
Jarzabkowski, P., 34, 69, 172
Javalgi, R. G., 100 Javidan, M., 98
Jawahar, D., 340
Jayaraman, S., 340 Jayne, B., 413
Jay-Z, 162, 163
Jean, R. J., 31
Jelinek, M., 233 Jell, F., 173
Jellerette, D., 412
Jelmayer, R., 269, 275 Jenisch, Jan, 232
Jenkins, A., 30
Jenkins, M. T., 139 Jensen, E., 32
Jensen, M. C., 31,205,234
Jensen, M. S., 338
Jensen, P. D. 0., 274 Jeong, S. W., 273
Jewel, M., 76
Jewell, R. D., 139 Ji, Y.-Y., 236
Jiang, F., 31,272,274,304
Jiang, G. F., 275
Jiang, G.-L. F., 274 Jiang, H., 35, 440
Jiang, J. R., 2 72
Jiang, K., 34 Jiang, M., 273
Jiang, R., 380
Jiang, W., 340 Jiang,X., 171,274,381
Jiang, Y. Y., 272,376
Jian-Wej Kuklinski, C. P., 100
Jiao, H., 339, 342
Jiao, J., 35
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Name Index 1-9
Jimenez, A., 275 Kacperczyk, A., 235 Katila, R., 170 Kim, I., 33
Jimenez, F. R., 442 Kadet,A., 139 Katsikeas, C. S., 103,271 Kim,)., 31,204,274 Jimenez- Caballero,). L., 171 Kafouros, M., 271,309,442 Kaul, A., 32, 33, 70, 101, 170, Kim, J. H., 205, 233
Jin, B., 273 Kah-Hin, C., 304,443 234,377,442 Kim,). U., 233,271,276
Jin,)., 413 Kahkonen, A. K., 32 Kavadis, N., 235 Kim, J.-M., 276 Jin, K. Y., 35 Kahl, S. )., 172 Kawaller, I. G., 275 Kim, J.-Y., 233, 309
Jindal, R. P., 309 Kahn, Z., 380 Kay, N. M., 205 Kim, M., 270,271
Jindra,)., 234 Kaiser, U., 103 Kaynak, H., 173 Kim, N., 174,441,443
Jing, c., 217,236 Kai-Yu, H., 204 Kean, S., 328 Kim, P. H., 235, 309 Jing, F. F., 34,412 Kalasin, K., 270 Keasey, K., 339 Kim, S. K., 205, 338, 380
Jing,)., 203 Kale, P., 206,234,235,412 Keast, R., 309 Kim, T., 144, 171
Jing, R., 376 Kaleka, A., 102 Keating, L. A., 30 Kim, Y., 34,139,272,308,412 Jobs, Steve, 18, 25 Kalpathy, S., 328 Keats, B. W., 376, 377 Kimble, C., 139
Johanningsmeier, E., 336 Kamel, D., 371 Kedia, B., 34 King, A., 276
Johanson,)., 270 Kaminski,)., 32 Keers, B. M., 308 King, A. A., 233
Johanson, M., 270 Kammerlander, N., 139,440 Kehnscherper, L., 291 King, A. W., 35, 72, 98, 102, Johari, H., 33 Kamprad, Ingvar, 126,250 Kehoe, P. R., 443 170,171
Johnson, H., 234 Kamuriwo, D. S., 380 Kehoe, R.R., 410,413,441 King, D. R., 235, 305
Johnson, Kevin, 28 Kanadli, S. B., 34 Keienburg, G., 443 King, I., 214 Johnson, R. A., 203, 204, 206, Kandemir, D., 305, 380 Keig, D. L., 275 King, M. R., 70
235,236,275,338,339,377 Kane, G. C., 377 Keil, T., 72, 101,203,235, 340, King, R., 69,210,233,384
Johnson, Ron, 133 Kane, Y. I., 101 378-379 King, Z., 304 Johnson, S., 99,410 Kang, B., 308, 309 Keirnan, P., 269 Kingston, A., 136
Johnson, S. G., 339 Kang, H., 70, 173, 442 Kell,)., 439 Kinicki, A. )., 411
Johnson, T., 72 Kang,)., 205, 307, 338 Keller, K. 0., 139 Kintana, M. L., 203
Johnston, C., 178 Kang, J.-K., 276,411 Keller, R., 377 Kirca, A.H., 379-380 Johnston, D., 32, 102, 138, 174 Kang, T., 442 Kellermanns, F. W., 304,337,412 Kirk, D., 380
Joiner, T. A., 377 Kang, W., 171 Kellner, T., 14 7 Kirka, A.H., 270
Jolie, Angelina, 20 I Kannan-Narasimhan, Kelly, Gary, 23 Kirkpatrick, S. A., 33 Jolly, D., 305 R. (P riya), 31 Kempf, K. G., 69 Kirkpatrick-Husk, K., 305
Jones, C., 126, 233 Kano, L., 271 Kengelback, )., 443 Kiron, D., 377
Jones, C. D., 340 Kanuri, V. K., 411 Kenney, M., 236 Kishna, M., 305
Jones, G., 70,413 Kaplan, R. S., 415 Kerner, S. M., 210,234 Kiss, A. N., 173, 376 Jones, )., 33 Kaplan, S., 69 Kesner, I. F., 412 Kistruck, G. M., 203
Jones, R., 236 Kaplan, S. N., 236 Ketchen, Jr., D. )., 30, 33, 34, 35, Klang, D., 102
Jones, S. L., 309,379 Kapner, S., 126,412 68,72, 139,140,171,307, Klapper, H., 30,102,414,415 Jones, T. M., 30, 33, 99 Kapoor, B., 442 338,376,380 Klarner, P., 412
jong, K., 139 Kapoor, R., 68, 99, 103, 170,204, Kettunen, P., 379 Klassen,M., 174,414
Jonsen, K., 33, 206 305,376 Keupp, M. M., 379 Klein, D. B, 29 joongsan, 0., 70 Kappen, P., 270,271,379 Khalid, S., 444 Klein, P. G., 33, 236, 337,
Joplin, J. R., 274 Kaprielyan, M., 204 Khameseh, H. M., 305 410,411
Jorissen, A., 340 Karabag, S. F., 30, 32, 204 Khan, M., 100 Kleinbaum,A. M., 99,203,414
Josefy, M. A., 174, 304, 338, Karakaya, F., 71 Khan, Z., 32, 71,270,273,304, Kleindienst, I., 272,410 376,415 Karamanos, A.G., 308 307,308 Kleine, M., 98
Joseph,)., 337,340,378,411 Karasawa-Ohtashiro, Y., 272 Khanna, P., 338, 340 Klijn, E., 340
Joshi, A. M., 69,274 Karazijiene, Z., 100 Khanna, T., 70,413 Kling, G., 235,274 Joyce, L., 95 Karhu, P., 170 Khoury, T. A., 70,270 Klingebiel, R., 69,378
Ju, Ming, 102 Karim, S., 203,210,376,377, Kianto, A., 410 Klonowski, D., 272
juasrikul, S., 306 378,443 Kiernan, P., 275 Klueter, T., 174
Judge, W. Q., 69, 100, 337, Karlgaard, R., 174 Kil,). M., 235 Knight, A. P., 440, 443-444 411,441 Karna, A., 379 Kilduff, G. )., 30, 68 Knight, E., 379
Jung, S.-Y., 103 Karniouchina, E. V., 68 Kilduff, M., 376 Knight, G., 70,273,379,441
Junisch, S., 30 Karpoff, ). M., 312,330,337 Kiley, D., 296 Knippen, ). M., 410,411 Junkunc, M., 70 Karunaratne, H. D., 441 Kiley, J. T., 234, 235 Knudsen, T., 377
Jurgelevicuis, A., 100 Kashyap, A., 68 Kim, B., 103 Knyphausen- Aufseb, D. Z., 234
Juznetsova, A., 30 Kashyap, V., 203 Kim,C.,34 Kobrin, S. )., 31 Kask, )., 30, 138,173,377,441 Kim, D., 31,236 Koch,)., 99
Kasper, H., 271 Kim, D. H., 234 Kock, A., 443
Kabst, R., 272,274,441 Kaspereit, T., 336 Kim, E. H., 339 Koczkar, R., 95
Kacker, M., 307, 380 Kassberger, S. M., 98 Kim, H., 31,204,236,270,308, Koene, B., 414 Kacmar, K. M., 69, 440 Kassem, M., 427 336,376,378 Koenig, M., 441
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1-10 Name Index
Kogut, B., 202, 338 Kunisch, $., 202, 203, Larson, E. C., 203, 379 Lejarraga, J., 273
Koh, S. C. L., 71 232,376 Lashinsky, A., 214,409,410 Lemos, S., 276
Koh, Y., 25 Kupp, M., 172 Laster, A., 412 Lengnick-Hall, C., 32, 102
Kohli, C., 139 Kuppuswamy, V., 205 Latham, $., 235 Lenox, M. J., 70, 71
Kohtamaki, M., 309 Kuratko, D. F., 34, 440 Lauche,K.,307 Lenssen, G., 98 Koka, B., 339 Kurz, M., 376 Laureiro-Martinez, D., 32, 100, Lent, L., 5
Kokemuller, N., 137 Kuusela, P., 235 139,377,410 Leonard, D., 202
Kolev, K., 170,414 Kuznetsova, 0., 30 Laurila, )., 32, 171 Leonard, K., 304
Kolodny, L., 418 Kvalshaugen, R., 272 Lavie, D., 98, 103, 139, 203, 233, Leone, V., 234, 274
Konara, P., 275 Kwatinetz, M., 68 274,276,305,443 Leong, M., 412
Konduk, B. C, .306 Kwee, Z., 71 Lawrence, B. $., 31 Leonidou, L. C., 33, 35, 103, 271
Konig, C. )., 413 Kwok, F., 304 Lawrence, M., 32 Leoz, Nicolas, 269 Konrad, A., 210 Kwon, K., 410 Lawton, A., 415 Lepak, D., 32
Koons, B. C., 178 Kyrgidou, L. P., 33, 35 Lawton, T. C., 275 Lepine, J. A., 71
Kor, Y. Y., 33, 68, 99, Kyung-Tae, K., 70 Lazarov, P., 376 Lerner, D. A., 414
205,340 Kyvik, 0., 34 Lazic, P., 336, 340 Lerner, )., 236
Korn, H. )., 304 Lazzarini, G., 70 Leslie, T. W. K., 307
Kornelakis, A., 414 L Lazzarini, S. G., 102, 336, Lester, R., 337
Koryak, 0., 234 La Monica, P. R., 172,210,233, 339,380 Letti, C., 172
Kose, M. A., 70 234,262,275 Le, P. B., 31 Lettieri, E., 442
Koseoglu, M.A., 171 Laamanen, T., 72, 236,340,379, Le, S., 31,376,411 Letta-Gillies, G., 273
Kostova, T., 338, 376 410 Le Bon, )., 69, 72 Leung, T., 69
Kotabe, M., 102, 103 Lach, P., 330 Le Breton-Miller, I., 98, 173, 337 Leuz, C., 271
Kotha, S., 274 Lachapelle, T., 192 Le Roy, F., 306, 443 Lev, B., 440
Kou, G., 32 Lafay, T., 442, 443 Leaf, C., 192 Levanti, G., 380
Kourula, A., 381 Lafontaine, F., 307 Lechner, C., 100, 304, 377 Levenson, W. A., 402
Kowitt, B., 38, 250 Lahiri, N., 274, 304, 305, 307 Lecuona, ). R., 203, 413 Levicki, C., 3 77
Kowsmann, P., 269 Lahiri, $., 68, 274 Lederer, M., 376 Levine, 0., 340
Kraatz, M. S., 173 Lahlou, I., 340 Lee, B. H., 172 Levine, S. R., 412
Kramer, M. R., 98 Lahneman, B., 103, 136 Lee, C., 70, 204 Levine, S. $., 33
Kraus, F., 376 Lai, Y.-C., 305 Lee, C.-H., 69,443 Levine, Y., 384
Kraus, S., 32, 73, 276, 309 Lakshman, C., 271 Lee, D. H., 34,305,414 Levine-Weinberg, A., 31
Krause, R., 68, 137, 173, 206, 240, Lakshman, S., 271 Lee, E., 138, 376 Levinthal, D. A., 34, 100, 174,
339,340,411,412 Lam, M. L. L., 276 Lee, G. K., 100,204,233,414 204,376,379
Krentz, M., 411 Lam, S. K., 376 Lee, H., 32, 172, 276 Levitas, E., 71, 273
Kretschmer, T., 309 Lambe, C. J., 204 Lee, H.-F., 32 Levitt, R., 381
Kreutzer, M., 100,377,412 Lamberg, J.-A., 32, 171 Lee, H.-H., 140, 173 Lev-Ram, M., 202
Krishnan, B. C., 137 Lambert, F., 139, 147 Lee, J., 72, 138, 173, 270, 276, Levy, A., 418
Krishnan, H. A., 236 Lammarino, $., 276 306,337,376,402 Lew, Y. K., 71,270,273,304, 307,
Krishnan, M. S., 137 Lamont, B. T., 233 Lee, ). M., 68 308,380
Krishnaswami, $., 204 Lampel,)., 30, 139, 170,172,443 Lee, J.-D., 442 Lewin, A. Y., 31
Kriz, A., 31 Lampert, C. M., 31,443 Lee, J.-H., 203, 444 Lewis, )., 409
Kroc, Ray, 129 Lamsa, A.-M., 410 Lee, ). -S., 443 Lewis, K., 32, 102 Kroll, M., 31,376,411 Lamy, M., 337 Lee, ). - Y., 100, 102 Lewis, M. S., 174
Kruehler, M., 379 Lan, L. L., 338 Lee, K., 72 Lewis, W., 71,412
Kuah, A. T. H., 305 Lancefield, D., 415 Lee, M., 35 Li, C., 34, 140, 173, 309
Kuban, $., 376 Landeta, )., 304 Lee,R.�, 137,139,171,271,444 Li, D., 70, 72, 99, 137, 138, 173,
Kube, H., 376 Lane, P. J., 306, 379 Lee, S., 270, 271, 274 274,304,338
Kuester, S., 17 4 Lange, K., 305 Lee, S. Y., 378 Li, H., 270, 441
Kuhn, K.-U., 307 Lange, S., 272 Lee, S.-H., 31,276,342 Li,)., 31, 33, 72, 103,173,233,
Kuhn, T., 443 Langley, M., 52 Lee, T., 32 274,336,381,414,444
Kulchina, E., 377 Langreth, R., 178 Leenders, R. )., 380 Li,). )., 72
Kull, T. J., 138 Laplume, A. 0., 100 Leeuw, T. de, 305 Li, L., 233, 275, 308, 309
Kum, M. E., 413 LaPorte, N ., 202, 204 Lehner, P., 443 Li, M., 274
Kumar, A., 72, 102 Larimo, J. A., 274, 380 Lehrer, M., 271 Li, N., 410
Kumar, M. V. $., 235 Laroche, M., 100 Lei, H., 31 Li, P., 441-442
Kumar, R., 274, 309 Larrain, B., 204 Leimeister, J. M., 69 Li, P.-Y., 413
Kumar,$., 377 Larraneta, B., 172, 17 4 Leinwand, P., 443 Li, Q., 31
Kumar, V., 137, 235 Larrea, E., 106 Leitch,)., 415 Li,$., 72, 205, 307, 376, 380,
Kunc, M. H., 99 Larsen, M. M., 102, 138, 139, Leitterstorf, M. P., 342 414,415
Kundu, S. K., 274 174,276 Leiva, P. I., 236 Li, T., 170, 444
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Name Index 1-11
Li, T. X., 338 Liu,M., 172 Ludema, R. D., 272 Mahoney,)., 32, 138,337,
Li, W.,233 Liu, P., 377 Luger,)., 206, 235 411,443 Li,X., 170 Liu, R. L., 306 Luis-Rico, I., 275 Maicas, ). P., 70
Li, Y., 33, 72,171,270,342, Liu, T., 380 Lumineau, F., 338 Mainkar, A. V., 71
380,441 Liu, W.-L., 411 Lumpkin, G. T., 378, Mair,)., 235 Li, Z., 235,441 Liu, Y., 72, 272, 304, 306, 380 414,440 Majid, S., 69
Li Destri, A. M., 380 Liu, Z., 70,414 Lund, M., 138 Majidpour, M., 71
Li Sun, S., 99 Liu-Thompkins, Y., 441 Lundberg, H., 270 Majocchi, A., 139, 304
Liang, H., 99,271 Liy,X., 171 Lundblad, C. T., 275 Majumdar, S. K., 270 Liang, I.-C., 171 Li-Ying,)., 273 Lungeanu, R., 102,444 Makadok, R., 30,101,172,203,
Liang,)., 206 Lku, Y., 380 Luo,)., 339,376 378-379
Liao, J.-L., 271 Llorens Montes, F. )., 308 Luo, X., 31,411 Makala, H., 413 Liao, S., 72 Lnagreth, R., 233 Luo, Y., 30, 31,138,174,271, Makhija, M., 69,271,272
Libaers, D., 139 Lo, C. K. Y., 414 274,380,441 Makino, S., 234,272,274
Lichtenthaler, U., 273 Lo,F.,270 Luoma,)., 35, 72, 138, 170, Makri, M., 203,306,337,
Lieberman, M. B., 204, 233 Locander, W., 274 171,174 339,379 Lienert, P., 444 Lockett, A., 30, 234, 305 Luong, T. A., 233 Maksimov, V., 380
Liesch, P. W., 272, 275, 379 Laderer, A., 378 Lurati, F., 236 Malenko, N., 339
Light, L., 136 Laderer, C., 376 Lurkov, V., 414 Malerba, F., 137 Lim, D.S. K., 101 Lodhia, S., 342 Lusch, R. F., 35,137,414 Malhotra, D., 338
Lim, E. K., 340 Loeb, M., 34 Luthra, P., 296 Malhotra, M., 138
Lim,)., IOI, 413 Loeb, W., 126 Lygsie, J., 411 Malhotra, N., 378 Lim, L. K. S., 171 Loftus, T., 409 Lyles, M. A., 305, 308 Malhotra, S., 274
Lim, M. K., 103 Lohr, S., 410 Lyngsie, )., 69,378,442 Malic,K.,269
Lin,B.W.,304,377 Lojacono, G., 274 Lyon, S. )., 30 Mallet, V., 270
Lin, F., 270 Lokshin, B., 276, 305, 307, 442 Mallin, C., 339 Lin, H., 100 Lombardi, R., 100 M Malthouse, E. C., 440
Lin, H.-E., 138 Lombardo, C., 25,172,204,312, Ma,A.,379 Malzer, K., 72
Lin,J.-Y.,304 412,434 Ma,H., 100 Mammen,)., 206, 235 Lin, K. )., 233 Lomberg, C., 172 Ma,Z.,306 Mandel, E., 172
Lin, L., 31 Lomi, A., 203 Macbeth, D., 307 Mandell, M., 309
Lin, L.-H., 172 Long, C. P., 376 MacDonald, G., 71 Mangalindan, M., 384
Lin, S. )., 69 Long, W. F., 236 Macey, W. H., 414 Mangkusubroto, K., 271 Lin, Y., 33, IOI, 306,377,380 Longenecker, C. 0., 171 Maciejczyk, A., 378 Manglani, C., 439
Lin, Z., 233,412,444 Loock, M., 376 Mack, D. Z., 411 Manigart, S, 305
Linares, E., 103 Lopatta, K., 336, 342 MacKay, R. B., 68, 377 Mann, H.,98 Liiiares-Zegarra, )., 328 Lopez, E. )., 205 Mackenzie, I., 13 7 Manning, S., 31, 102,
Lincoln, ). R., 308, 342 Lopez Bohle, S., 236 Mackenzie, W. I., IOI, 340 138,174
Lindeman, S., 276 Lopez-Nicolas, C., 442 Mackey, A., 68,413 Mannor, M., 33, 139, 235 Linderman, K., 140 Lord, A. W., 275 Mackey, T. B., 202, 203, 205, Mannucci, P. V., 443
Lindman, A., 440 Lore, Marc, 67 338,379 Manolova, T. S., 275
Lindsay, V. )., 273 Lorenzetti, L., 29 MacMillan, I. C., 164, 165, Mao,G., 70
Linen, G., 138 Lorenzo, R., 411 414,441 Marano, V., 70, 272 Ling, Z., 339 Lorenzoni, G., 100,380 Macy, Rowland Hussey, 125 Marcel,). )., 412
Linna, P., 276 Loutskina, E., 17 4 Madanoglu, M., 307 Marchi, G., 70, 173
Linton, G., 30, 138, 173,377,441 Love, E. G., 101,173,413 Madhavan, R., 274, 305 Marchionne, Sergio, 25 Linton, I., 5 Love,). H., 32, 273, 304 Madhok, A., 307 Marcon, R., 236, 336
Lintukangas, K., 32 Love, L. G., 378 Madison, K., 412 Marder, A., 262
Liapis-Albert, C., 378 Lovejoy, B., 72 Madsen, P., 100 Margolis,)., 173
Lioukas, C., 102,304 Lovvorn, A. S., 271 Madsen, T. L., 30,137,376 Marhold, K., 307 Liozu, S. M., 138 Low,A.,411 Madumbi, R., 31 Mariconda, S., 236
Lippert,)., 29 I Low,E.,202 Maekelburger, B., 272 Marinez-Noya, A., 139
Li tan, R. E., 440 Lowe, N ., 442 Maenpaa, H., 32 Marino, A., 376 Liu, B., 338 Lu,)., 340, 380 Magalhaes, L., 269, 275 Marino, L. D., 172
Liu, C.-H., 306 Lu, W., 441 Maggitti, P. G., 170 Marinova, P., 380
Liu,D.,443 Lu, X., 72, 173 Magnani, G., 102, 139 Maritan, C. A., 100 Liu, F. H., 72 Lu, Y., 306 Maguire, S., 103, 136, Markham, G. D., 173
Liu, G.,271 Lubatkin, M., 71,205 379,442 Markham, S. K., 137
Liu, H., 274,381,440,441 Lublin, J. S., 52,217,318,338, Mahajan, A., 99 Markman, G. D., 71
Liu,)., 70, 99 340,362,412 Mahdian, A., 70 Marrewijk, A., 235 Liu, L. S., 31,139,272 Lucas, D. S., 440 Maher, L. P., 100 Marsh, L. A., 274
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1-12 Name Index
Marshall, B. R., 339 McDermott, M. J., 307 Merana-Cerdan, A. L., 442 Misangyi, V. F., 71, 172 Marshall, J., 305 McDonald, F., 102 Merr ilees, B., 307 Misani, N., 274 Marshall, V. B., 275 McDonald, M., 106 Mertins, L., 415 Misati, E., 307 Marson, J., 309 McDonald, M. L., 338 Merz, M. A., 34 Mishina, Y., 33, 139 Marti, E., 103 McDonnell, M., 337,340 Meschi, P.-X., 232,234 Mishra, A., 69 Marticotte, F., 139 McDonnell, M.-H., 411 Mesko, A., 33, 68, 99 Mitchell, E., 102 Martin, A., 306 McDonough III, E. F., 138 Mesquita, L. F., 171, 380 Mitchell, W., 100,204,236,306 Martin, D., 377,410 McDougall-Covin, P., 172-173, Messenbock, R., 203,318 Mithas, S., 137 Martin, G., 69,337,339 273,376 Messer smith, J., 236,440 Mitra, S., 339 Martin, H., 72 McDowell, M., .306 Metais, E., 232, 234 Mitsuhashi, H., .306, 308 Martin, J. A., 338, 441 McDowell, S., 275 Meuleman, M., 305, 308 Mo,J.,233 Martin, K. D., 137 McEvily, B., 376 Meulman, F., 443 Mo,S.,415 Martin, R., 206, 234 McFarland, D. A., 378 Meyer, K. E., 70,270,271, Moak, L., 101 Martin, S. L., 273 McGahan, A., 33,337,411 305,381 Moatti, W., 233 Martin, X., 306 McGowan, D., 233 Meyer, M. H., 139,377 Mobbs, S., 330 Martin, Z., 235,412 McGrath, P. J., 305 Meyer, Z., 126 Mobley, W. H., 274 Martin-Armario, E., 441 McGrath, R. G., 72 Mezias, J. M., 173 Mochizuki, T., 375 Martinez, A. D., I 00 McGregor, J., 412 Mian, S. A., 98 Moe, W.W., 140 Martinez-Ferrero, J., 415 McGuire, J., 98, .306 Michael, S. C., 32, 443 Moeen, M., 32, 33,413 Martinez-Noya, A., 103, 306 McHale, J., 443 Michaels, D., 415 Maese!, D. D., 377 Martinez-Simarro, D., 378 Mcllhenny, Edmund, 180 Michaely, R., 339 Mohamed,A., 137 Martini, A., 32, 442, 443 McIntyre, D. P., 171,308 Michele, Alessandro, 120, 121 Mohammadi, A., 441 Martin-Rios, C., 308 Mclver, D., 32, 102 Micheli, P., 139 Mohan, M., 442 Martin-Samper, R. C., 171 McKelvie, A., 30, 71,233,413, Mickle, T., 306, 409 Mohile, S. S., 296 Martynov, A., .306 414,444 Mickle!, T., 269 Mohr, A., 270 Masa'deh, R., IOI McKean, S. B., 206, 233 Miguel, P. L. S., 72 Mohr, N.,30 Maslach, D., 100,379 McKinley, W., 235,414,440 Mihailova, I., 272 Mohsin, S., 214 Mas-Ruiz, F., 32, 72, IOI, McKnight, B., 33 Mihalache, 0. R., 410 Mokelainen, T., 32
174,306 McLain, S., 95, 309 Milanov, H., 305 Mo!, M. J., 72, 270, 276 Massey, P., .306 Mel.ester, J., 203 Milbourn, T., 340 Mole, K. F., 234 Massini, S., 31 McMillan, C. J., 410 Miles, I., 32 Molin, A., 250 Massis, A. De, 440 McMullen, J. S., 30, 34, 103, Miles, R. E., 376 Moliterno, T. P., 413 Mas-Tur, A., 308 136,440 Miles, S. J., 34, 99, 172, 442 Mollah, S., 339 Mata, J., 272 McNamara, G., 99, 170, 176, 206, Miletkov, M., 31 Moller, K., 309 Matanda, M. J., 307 235,379,414,444 Miller, C., 137,205, 410-412 Molloy, J. C., 34,413 Mathews, A. W., 172, 233 McNeill, L. S., 307 Miller, D., 30, 98, 170, 173, 337, Mom, T. J. M., 171,270 Mathews, J. A., 276 McShane, M., 30 413,440,441 Monaghan, A., 98 Matlack, C., 250 McWilliams, V. B., 312,337 Miller, D. J., 204, 306 Mondai, A., 31 Matsuo, M., 203 Meadows, M., 235 Miller, D. R., 233,443 Mondelli, M. P., 236 Matt, T., 411 Means, G., 339 Miller, G., 410 Monga, V., 32 Matthews, C. M., 269 Medcor, J. W., 32 Miller, K. D., 69 Monopoly,Alec, 162 Mattioli, D., 172, 233 Meelen, T., 276 Miller, N. H., 306 Montaguti, E., 173 Matusik, S. F., 203 Meffert, J., 30 Miller, R. T., 205 Montanari, S., 236 Matvos, G., 204,205 Meglio, 0., 235 Miller, S., 276 Monteiro, F., 30 Matz, S., 30 Mehmood, T., 205 Miller, T., 34, 70,270,271,275, Monteiro, G. F. A., 172 Matzler, K., 203, 338 Meissner, D., 70 379,381 Monteiro, L. F., 17 4 Mauerhoefer, T., 70 Mele, V., 172, 442 Mills, P., 173 Montgomery, D. B., 72 Maula, M., 235 Melewar, T. C., 101 Milne, R., 250 Montgomery, T., 444 Maupetit, C., 337 Melin, L., 136 Milner, M., 101 Montoya, D., 99 Maurer, C. C., 102 Melis, A., 339,412 Mimms, C., 147 Moon, J. J., 274 Maury, B., 138,440 Mellahi, K., 32, 273-274, Mims, C., 178,202,206,233,418 Mooney, C. H., 412 Mawdsley, J. K., 182,203,236 275,304 Min, J., 305,371 Moore, D. A., 100 Maximin, C., 442, 443 Mendelson, S., 202 Mina, A., 30,415 Moore, M. C., 72 Mayer, K. J., 103, 275, 309 Mendenhall, M. E., 31 Minbaeva, D., 308 Moore, S., IO I Mayer, M., 338, 378 Mendi, P., 137 Mindruta, D., 305 Moores, K., 339,415 Mayrhofer, U., 304 Meng, B., 272 Miner, A. S., 309,413 Moorman, R. W., 371 Mazzara!, T., 73 Meng, H. (Meg), 139 Mingo, S., 70 Moran, P., IOI Mazzeti, M., 275 Menon, A. R., 99, 203 Minichilli, A., 337 Morck, R., 308 McCann, B., 69, 71,171,304, Menz, M., 30,203,232, 376, Miozzo, M., 32, 235 Moreau, E., 102
307,340,413,443 377,412 Mira, B., 306 Morecroft, J. D. W., 99 McColgan, P., 205, 338 Merchant, H., 205, 376, 380 Mir abeau, L., 103, 136,379,442 Morgan, H. M., 441
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Name Index 1-13
Morgan, J., 442 Myers, C., 441 Nevin, A., 69 Obodaru, 0., 72, 172
Morgan, N. A., 101, 102, 172 Myers, S. C., 337 Neva, S., 32 Oborn, E., 414
Morgan, R. E., 32, 273 M'Zali, B., 328 Newbert, S., 101 O'Brien, D., 441
Morgan, T., 31 Newburry, W., 33 O'Brien, J., 234,415
Morieux, Y., 203, 318 N Newman, A., 236 O'Brien, J. P., 32, 202, 205,
Maril, L., 305 Nachum, L., 271 Newman, E., 270 338-339, 380, 413
Morr icone, S., 442 Nadeau, D., 379 Newton, N. J., 377 O'Brien, R. D., 415
Morris, D. Z., 318 Nadkarni, S., 99, 411 Neyens, I., 309 Ocasio, W., 30, 103, 136, 337,
Morris, M. H., 440 Nadolska, A., 411 Ng, D., 171 340,378,410,411
Morris, S., 271, 380 Nagata, K., 336 Nguyen, N. D., 203 O'Connor, G., 308
Morris, S. S., 34,413 Nagel, R., 33 Nguyen, P., 336, 340 O'Dwyer, M., 306
Morris, T., 271 Nair, S. R., 32 Nguyen, T., 205, 338 Odziemkowska, K., 33, 338
Morrow, Jr., J. L., 99 Nakajima, C., 337 Nguyen, Z., 338 Oehmichen, J., 337,339,410,411
Morse, E. A., 102 Nakauchi, M., 412 Nguyen P hillips, A., 377 Oesterle, M.-J., 270
Mortal, S. C., 340,410 Naldi, L., 338 Ni,X., 234 Oetti, A., 443
Moschieri, C., 206, 233, 235 Nalebuff, B., 73 Nicholson, A., 413 Oetzel, J., 31,276 Moser, R., 100 Nam, 1.-S., 308 Nicholson, J., 139 Ofem, B., 442
Mostafa, R., 204 Nambisan, S., 99, 440, 442 Nicholson-Crotty, J., 442 Oh, C.H., 31,276
Motohashi, K., 308 Nandakumar, M. K., 137 Nicholson-Crotty, S., 442 Ojala, A., 272, 276
Mourali, M., 379 Nandkumar, A., 100 Nichting, S., 339 O'Kane, C., 414
Mourdoukoutas, P., 140 Nanji, N., 427 Nickerson, J. A., 72, 172 Okumns, F., 171
Mousavi, S., 100 Nankarni, S., 413 Nicolaou, N., 136 Olczak, M, 306
Mowery, D. C., 377 Nanula, R., 270 Nielsen, B. B., 72, 276, 308 Olivares-Mesa, A., 30
Moyer, L., 340 Napach, B., 138 Nielsen, C., 138 Oliveria, T., 106
Mr. Brainwash, 162 Narasimhan, R., 138 Nielsen, J., 443 Olk, P., 304
Mr ass, V., 69 Narayan, P. C., 274 Nielsen, S., 276 Olson, E. M., 376
Mrozek, A., 72, 138, 174 Narayanan, A., 318,362 Niemand, T., 32 Oluwarotimi, 0., 233
Muckersie, E., 442 Narayanan, S., 305 Niesten, E., 305 Ona! Vural, M., 307
Mudambi, R., 30, 31, 99, 102, Narayanan, V. K., 69 Nieto, M. J., 272, 308 O'Neill, H., 376
139,171,173,270,271,276, Nari, A., 30 Nigam, R., 304 Onnen, D., 336
380,413 Narioka, K., 336 Nigro, G. L., 32, 380 Opper, S., 138
Mudambi, S. M, 305 Nartey, L., 34 Nobeoka, K., 380 Orcos, R., 99
Muehlfeld, K., 100 Nartey, L. J., 34 Noh, I. J., 138 Ordonez, D., 30
Mufutau, A., 103 Narula, R., 306 Nokelainen, T., 171 Oreg, S., 414
Muhlbacher, J., 271 Nasiriyar, M., 305 Nolan, K., 442 O'Regan, N., 137, 235, 274
Muim, C., 205 Nason, R. S., 30, 101,413 Noorderhaven, N., 309 Oriani, R., 307, 442
Mukherjee, S., 76 Nassauer, S., 29 Norback, P.-J., 235 Orlando, B., 205, 338
Mulier, T., 163 Nath, P., 69 Nordqvist, M., 338,441,442 Orman, W. H., 340
Muller, B., 271 Nault, B. R., 140 Noreng, 0., 336 O'Shaughnessy, K. C., 236
Muller, Frans, 257 Nault, K., 72, 172 Norman, P. M., 413 Osiyevskyy, 0., 139, 379
Muller, J., 275 Navatte, P., 340 Normann, H.-T., 306 Osland, J. S., 31
Muller, K., 233 Navis, C., 30 North, D., 70 Ostrower, J., 98
Muller-Stewens, G., 204,378 Nayir, D. Z., 72 Northrup, L., 170 O'Sullivan, N., 236
Mumdziev, N., 307 Ndofor, H., 171 Norton, S., 102 Otalora, M. L., 137
Munari, F., 100, 442 Ndofor, H. A., 98, 102,340,415 Noseleit, F., 306 Ott, T. E., 138
Munch, J., 32 Neacsu, I., 412 Novak, S., 204 Otten, J., 340
Munoz, P., 440 Neate, R., 346 Novelli, E., 205 Ou, A. Y., 34, 411
Munoz, S. S., 269 Nee, V., 138 Nunes, K., 234 Overall, J. S., 410
Muoio, D., 418 Neff, J., 271 Nuruzzaman, N., 276 Oxley, J., 103, 202, 273, 376
Mura, M., 138 Neffke, F., 100, 203 Nutt, P. C., 100 Ozbek, 0. V., 30
Murhpy, C., 33 Negishi, M., 192 Nyadzayo, M. W., 307 Ozcan, P., 174,414
Murmann, J. P., 68, 270 Negro, S., 305 Nyberg, A., 412 Ozdemir, S., 270, 305, 380
Murray, J. Y., 103 Neirotti, P., 32, 442, 443 Nyeso, A., 306 Ozmel, U., 308
Murtha, B. R., 203 Nell, P. C., 276, 379 Nystrom, P. C., 337
Murthi, B. P. S., 72 Nelson, A. J., 377 p
Muruganantham, G., 140 Nelson, B., 76 0 Pacheco-de-Almeida, G., 30, 72,
Musacchio, A., 275, 336, 339 Nelson, W. T., 174, 414 Oba!, M., 31 173,304
Mustar, P., 236 Nenonen, S., 102 Obeidal, B. Y., 101 Pachecode-Almeida, G., 31
Musteen, M., 271 Nerkar, A., 98, 276 Obel, B., 376 Packard, M. D., 410, 440
Muthulingam, S., 33, 103, 136 Neumann, K., 309 Obermann, J., 337 Paeleman, I., 236
Muthusamy, S., 340 Neumayer, E., 307 Obloj, T., 410 Page, A. L., 171
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1-14 Name Index
Page, V., 270 Paruchuri, $., 308,442 Peterson, J. M., 378 Ponzi, L. J., 34
Pagell, M., 102, 174 Pasquarelli, A., 52 Peterson,$. J., 34 Popomaronis, T., 174
Pahnke, E. C., 380 Patacconi, A., 337,440 Peterson-Withorn, C., 412 Poppo, L., 72
Pajarinen, M., 444 Patel, P. C., 34, 100,236,276, Petitt, B. $., 203 Porter, M. E., 5, 32, 33, 72, 98,
Pal,$., 233 304,376,379,410,412 Petkova,A. P., 101 102,115,119,122,137,138,
Palar, J., 410,411 Patel, P. J., 172 Petmezas, D., 340 202, 245, 271
Palazzo, G., 71 Patel,$., 402 Petro, G., 126, 144 Post, C., 340,443
Paletta, A., 339 Patha, $. D., 138 Petrova, M., 330 Postma, T. ). B. M., 31
Palich, L. E., 205 Pathak,$., 32, 203, 204, 235, Petruzzelli, A. M., 139 Potocnik, K., 442
Palihawadana, D., 33, 35 236,338 Pfanner, E., 375 Potts, David, 169
Paliwal, Dinesh, 218 Pati, R. K., 13 7 Pfarrer, M. D., 101,234 Poulsen, A., 31
Palmaccio, M., 100 Patro, A., 413 Pflum, K. E., 174 Powell, E. E., 441
Palmatier, R., 137 Patterson,$., 147 Phan, P. H., 339 Powell, T. C., 305
Palmer, D., 377 Patton, L., 346 Phandis, $., 69 Power, B., 170
Palmeri, C., 202 Patzelt, H., 306, 444 Phelps, C., 304,381 Prabhu, J. C., 234
Palmie, M., 379 Paul,)., 307,443 Phene, A., 308 Prahalad, C. K., 101
Palomas, $., 99 Paul,K.,25 Philippe, D., 308 Prajogo, D., 376
Pan,X.,412 Paulraj, A., 71 Phillips, E. E., 262 Prang, A., 126
Pan, X. A., 173 Pautler, P., 205 Phillips, F., 441 Prange, C., 140,377,442
Pan, Y., 72, 273 Pavlovich, K., 100 Phillips, N., 33 Pratap, $., 205, 379
Panda, D. K., 414 Payne, A., 102, 137 Phillips, R. A., 99 Preimesberger, C., 210
Pandey,$., 412 Payne, G. T., 172,441 Phillips, $., 32 Pressman, A., 280
Pandher, G., 202, 376 Pearce,)., 192 Philpott, K., 380 Prevost, A. K., 339
Pangarkar, N., 307 Pedersen, D., 234 Piaskowska, D., 98 Price,)., 402
Paniagua,)., 337,411 Pedersen, T., 31, 68,138,174, Picci, L., 3 78 Priem, R. L., 69, 71, 72, 99, 138,
Panico, C., 98, 307, 309 271,380,381 Pickard-Whitehead, G., 5 234,338,340,378,412,415
Pansari, A., 137 Peeters, C., 31,271 Picone, P. M., 30 Prim-Allaz, I., 377
Papa,A.,33 Peillon, $., 377 Pidun, U., 379 Prince, J. T., .306
Papadopoulos, T., 103 Pellegrino, G., 444 Pierce, D., 171 Prince, N. R., 377
Papagiannidis, $., 137 Peltz, Nelson, 311,311,318 Pierce, ). R., 233, 338 Priporas, C.-V., 276
Papaioannou, $., 270 Peng,)., 308 Pierce, U. ). R., 412 Prive, T., 441
Parasie, N., 427 Peng,M.W.,31,68, 70,206,270, Pietro, M., 138 Procher, V. D., 138,174
Parayitam, $., 71 271,272,273,304,380,441 Piiperopoulos, P., 309 Proskuryakova,L.,70
Parhankangas, A., 442, 444 Peng, T.-J. A., 138 Pillai, K. G., 32 Protogerou, A., 410
Park, B. I., 274 Peng, Y.-S., 171 Piller, F., 378 Prugl, R., 101
Park, D., 71,236 Peni, E., 340 Pillinger, T., 100 Pruksa, R., JOO
Park, G., 380 Penney, C., 307 Pillutla, M., 35,378 Pryshlakivsky, )., 415
Park, H., 415 Pentland, B. T., 377 Pinho, ). C., 377 Puck,)., 377
Park, H. D., 236, 304 Perekins, R., 307 Pinkham, B. C., 70, 273, 304, 380 Pugh, D. $., 137
Park,). C., 338 Perez, V. F., 442 Pio,E.,413 Pukall, T. )., 70
Park, J. H., 34 Perez-Aradros, B., 173 Piot-Lepetit, I., 307 Pukthuanthong, K., 205, 340
Park, J.-H., 443 Perkins, $., 308 Piotroski, ). D., 340 Puranam,P.,206,309,376,377
Park, J.-K., 138 Perkmann, M., 378 Pira, S. L., 30, 139, 170, 172,443 Purkayastha, $., 68, 203
Park, K., 443 Perks, H., 139 Pisano, G. P., 101 Puryear, R., 32
Park, K. F., 103, 136 Perrigot, R., 307 Pisano, V., JOI, 274 Pyun, L., 271
Park, K. $., 103 Perrira, B. A. D., 308 Pitelis, C., 337,411
Park, N. K., 173,306 Perrott, B., 71, 235 Pitesa, M., 35,378 Q Park,$. H., 103,276,377 Perry, M. Z., 270 Pittino, D., 337 Qi,G.,32
Park, W.-Y., 174,443 Perry-Smith,). E., 440,443 Piva, E., 304 Qi, L., 214
Parke, Y., 275 Perryy, M. Z., 380 Pia-Barber,)., 103 Qian, C., 68,274
Parker, H., 306-307 Persson, L., 235 Plehn-Dujowich, ). M., 235 Qian, G., 270, 308, 309
Parker, 0. N., 173 Peteraf, M. A., 98 Ployhart, R. E., 101,376 Qian, L., 172
Parmar, R., 137 Peterman, A., 381 Plummer, Q., 303 Qian, M., 236,412
Parmentier, G., 410 Peters, B., 346 Podoynitsyna, K. $., 443 Qian, W., 30
Parmigiani, A., 103, 136 Peters, C., 69 Polidoro, Jr., F., 98 Qian, Z., 270, 308
Parnell, J. A., 68 Peters, L., 339,413 Pollack,). M., 30 Qiu, J., 380
Paroutis, $., 235, 379 Petersen, B., 274,381 Pollock, T. G., 101,340,411 Qu,R.,271
Parra,). M., 137 Petersen, ). A., 13 7 Polo, Y., 137 Qu, $. Q., 415
Parra-Requena, G., 172 Petersen, K. )., 103 Polonsky, M., 308 Quatrin, D. R., 308
Parro, F., 272 Petersen, K. L., 204 Pongpatipat, C., 441 Quer, D., 275
Part, F., 102 Peterson, H., 62 Pons, F., 273, 307 Querbes, A., 173
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Name Index 1-15
Quigley, N. R., 33,410 Ray,$., 31,276 Riley, $. M., 32, 443 Rothaermel, F. T., 203, 204,
Quigley, T. J., 35 Raynor, M. E., 204 Rimes, H., 273 234,305 Quinn, M., 339,415 Raynor,$., 273 Rindova, V. P., 99, 101 Roumeliotis, G., 202,318
Qureshi, I., 203 Read, M., 427 Ringel, M., 31 Roumpi, D., 101,413
Qureshi, M. S., 98 Reboud, $., 73 Rios, L.A., 376,444 Roundy, P. T., 203 Reddy, K., 206 Risberg, A., 235 Rousseau, D. M., 100
R Redor, E., 340 Rita, R., 106 Rouvinen, P., 444
Raassens, N ., 103 Rees, W., 339 Ritala, P., 170 Rowe, W. G., 102,415
Rabbiosi, L., 234 Reeves, C. J., 443 Ritter, J., .306 Rowley, T. J., 308 Rabetino, R., 309 Regner, P., 270, 276 Ritter, T., 172 Roy, J.-P., 274
Rabier, M. R., 205, 233, 234 Rego, L. L., 101,172 Rivelles, R., 337,411 Roy, R., 31, 98,442,443
Radaelli, G., 442 Reguera-Alvarado, N., 340 Rivera-Santos, M., 270 Rubino, F., 206,337 Radfar, R., 304 Reiche, B. $., 31 Ro, Y. K., 138, 174,443 Rubner, H., 379
Radulovich, L., 100 Reid, G. C., 170 Robbins, Chuck, 209,215 Rudnik, P., 70
Raffiee, J., 101 Reid, S. W., 34 Robert, K. H., 71 Rudolph, C., 204
Raghunathan, S., 138 Reimann, F., 72 Robert, M., 306 Rugman, A. M., 272, 275, Ragozzino, R., 232, 305, 273 Reimer, M., 34,411 Robin, M., 376 376,377
Rahman, K., 139 Reina, C. $., 34 Robinson, J., 269 Rui,O.,69
Rahman, N., 340 Reindl, J.C., 418 Robinson, Jr., R. B., 330 Ruigrok, W., 412 Rahman. N., 304 Reingold, J., 52 Robson, M. J., 273 Ruiz Moreno, A., 308
Rahmandad, H., 102,171,305 Reinmoeller, P., 441 Rocha, A., 410 Ruiz-Mallorqui, N., 330
Raisch,$., 376,378 Reitzig, M., 30, 102,203,413, Rockoff, J. D., 25, 434 Ruiz-Moreno, F., 72, Raith, M. G., 69 414,415 Rodionova, T., 339 174,306
Raithel, S., 100,101 Ren, B., 99,271 Rodrigo-Alarcon, J., 172 Ruiz-Moreno, F. J., 32
Rajan, R. G., 337 Ren, C. R., 233 Rodrigues, S., 235, 272 Ruiz-Ortega, M. J., 172
Rajwani, T., 275 Ren, J., 70 Rodriguez, P., 275 Rumelt, R. P., 137-138, 180,203, Ramachandran, K., 31 Ren, S.,444 Rodriguez-Serrano, M.A., 441 205,378
Ramachandran, $., 240 Ren, $. J. F., 33, 35 Rogan, M., 206, 306 Runyan, R. C., 69
Ramadani, V., 30 Renzi, A., 205, 338 Rogers, A., 5 Ruoyun, Z., 340 Ramamurti, R., 270,271 Repenning, N., 305 Rogers, D. $., 305 Rupp, L., 62
Ramanathan, R., 69 Reuber,A. R., 379 Roggeveen, A., 69 Russell, Z. A., 100
Ramaswami, $. N ., 173 Reuer, J. J., 32, 99, 102-103, Roh,H.,69 Russo, M., 308
Ramaswamy, K., 203, 275 171,273,274,304,305, Rohrbeck, R., 413 Rustambekov, E., 30 Ramesh, K., 140 307,340,379,380,381, Roig-Tierno, N., 308 Rutherford, M., 440
Ramirez, C. C., 71 414,443 Roijakkers, N., 305 Ruutu, $., 35, 72, 170, 171
Ramirez, G. C., 137 Reus, T. H., 233 Roldan, J. L., 308 Ruzzier, M., 275 Rammer, C., 379,441 Reutzel, C. R., 411 Roldan Bravo, M. I., 308 Ryall,M., 71
Ramsey, M., 291 Revill, J., 232 Roll, R., 235 Ryan, L. V., 34
Ramus, T., 33 Revilla Diez, J., 308 Roloff, J., 72 Ryngaert, M., 330 Ramusch, R., 102 Reyman, I. M. M. J., 443 Rometty, G., 387 Ryu, H., 138
Randall, C., 304 Reymen, I., 233 Romme, A.G. L., 443 Ryu,W.,304,443
Randall, T., 291 Rezaee, Z., 339 Ronde, T., 32
Ranft, A. L., 33, 139, 171, 413 Rhee, E. Y., 206 Roodhooft, F., 309 s Rangan, S., 273 Rhee, S., 412 Rooker, M., 342 Saarikko, T., 103, 136
Ranucci, R., 70, 337 Rho,$., 72 Roos, D., 102 Sabatier, M., 172
Rao-Nicholson, R., 32, 71 Rialp, J., 273, 308, 381 Roper,$., 32, 304 Saboo, A. R., 235 Rapoport, M., 415 Ribeiro-Sor iano, D., 274 Rosado-Serrano, A., 307 Sadeh, F., 307, 380
Rapp, A., 69, 72 Rice, $. C., 339 Rosch, J., 306 Sadler-Smith, E., 440
Rasheed, A. A., 71, 72,272 Rice, T., 71 Rose, E. L., 272, 273 Sadowski, B., 276,442
Ratten, V., 30, 276 Richard, M.-O., 137 Rose, J.P., 100 Saebi, T., 137, 174 Rau, S. B., 342 Richard, 0. C., 69 Rosenbaum, M. $., 137 Saenzy, J., 410
Raubitschek, R. S., 98 Richards, L., 70 Rosenberg, M., 129 Safdar, K., 52
Raustiala, K., 276 Richter, A., 379 Rosenbusch, N., 101 Safian, R., 31,409 Raval, A., 280 Richter, M., 413 Rosenbush, $., 387 Saha, B., 205,379
Ravasi, D., 101, 172,441,442 Richter, N., 304 Rosevear, J., 31,296 Sahaym, A., 205, 306, 338, 443
Ravenscraft, D. J., 205, 236 Richwine, L., 137 Ross, D., 205 Sahib, P. Rao, 100 Ravichandran, T., 304, .306, 380 Ridge, J. W., 99,410,411 Ross, D. G., 30 Sahin, 0., 173
Rawley, E., 103, 204, 377 Ridge, W., 412 Ross, J.-M., 30,413,442 Saka- Helmhout, A., 272,305
Rawwas, M. Y. A., 307 Rienda, L., 275 Ross, K., 170 Sakhartov, A. V., 172,203,379
Ray, C.,33 Rietveld, J., 102 Ross, Steven J., 25, 34 Sakoui, A., 202 Ray, G.,232 Riivari, E., 410 Roster, C. A., 101 Saldanha, T. J. V., 137
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1-16 Name Index
Salge, T. 0., 32 Schijven, M., 101,305 Seidel, M.-D. L., 173 Shimizu, K., 413
Salhofer, $., 102 Schilke, 0., 204 Seidl, D., 71 Shin, K., 380
Salmador, M. P., 70, 270 Schillebeeckx, $. J. D., 304 Seijts, G. H., 34 Shin, Y., 71
Salmon, $., 377 Schiller, D., 308 Seitz, P., 214 Shine, D., 262
Salomon, R., 31,272 Schilling, M. A., 171,174,375 Sekiguchi, T., 444 Shinkle, G. A., 69, 71,413
Salter, A. J., 379 Schimmer, M., 71 Sellers-Rubio, R., IOI Shipilov, A. V, 171,308,376
Salvaj, E., 272 Schivardi, B. F., 71 Semadeni, M., 68, 98, 206, Shirodkar, S. A., 69
Salvato, C., 443 Schlaegel, C., 441 339,412 Shirodkar, V, 275
Samant, $., 30, 31,441 Schlegelmilch, B. B., 140,442 Sendjaya, $., 376 Shleifer, A., 205
Samba, C., 411 Schleimer, $. C., 68, 271 Sengul, M., 204 Shonham, A., 271
Sambharya, R. B., 270, 276 Schleper, M. C., 72 Sengupta, P., 330 Shook, C. L., 307,415
Samiee, $., 103,271 Schlingemann, F. P., 338 Seo,t,34,338,411 Shorham, A., 307
Sammartino, A., 99 Schlossberg, M., 71 Seo, M.-G., 410 Short, J. C., 34, 68, 172, 202, 235,
Sancetta, G., 205, 338 Schmid, S., 276 Serbera, J.-P., 338 307,377
Sanchez de P ablo, J. D., 139 Schmidt, J., IOI, 203, 378-379 Seru, A., 204, 205 Shriber, T., 138
Sanchez-Bueno, M. J., 378 Schmidt, S., 376 Sese, F. J., 137 Shropshire, C., 338, 340
Sancho-Esper, F., IOI Schnatterly, K., 339 Seth, A., 203,275,276,337, Shu, C., 171
Sandberg, B., 440 Schneider, A., 103 338,379 Shu, R.,444
Sanders, N. R., 32 Schneider, B., 414 Seubert, C. M., 235 Shue, K., 328, 340
Sanders, W. G., 339, 340 Schneider, C., 443 Seung-Kyu, R., 70 Shulman, J. D., 171
Sandvik, K., 204 Schneider, P., 414 Seuring, $., 33 Shunko, M., 182
Sansom, M., 102 Schnellbaecher, A., 410 Sexton, D. L., 440 Shwartzel, E., 384
Santalo, J., 139 Schneper, W. D., 33 Sgtern, I., 444 Shyamsunder, A., 410,411
Santamaria, L., 308 Schoenherr, T., 103, 204 Shah,A., 31 Siallagan, M., 271
Santana-Martin, D. J., 330 Schoerdt, P., 178 Shaikh, I. A., 339,413 Siebers, L. Q., 275
Santangelo, G. D., 308 Scholten, R., 330 Shakeri, R., 304 Siegel, D., 236
Santoro, G., 33 Scholtens, B., 328 Shalley, C., 411 Siegel, J. I., 271,276
Santoro, M. D., 272 Schommer, M., 379 $hang, Y., 443 Siegel,$., 275
Sapena, J., 337,411 Schonberger, R. J., 138, 139 Shani, G., 377 Sievers,$., 443
Sapienza, H., 70, 337 Schonlau, R. J., 330 Shanker, D., 38 Sigdyal, P., 139
Sapra, H., 330 Schramm, C. J., 440 Shanmugam, M., 137 Sila, I., 173
Sarala, R., 274 Schrapp, $., 410,411 Shapira, Z., 138, 3 79 Silk, R., 3 71
Saranga, H., 30 Schroeder, R. G., 140 Shapiro, D., 275 Silva, R. C., 205
Sarangee, K. R., 173 Schubert, T., 379,441 Shapovalov, G., 174 Silva, R. G. S., 137
Sarath, B., 339 Schiibler, E., 308 Shargava, M., 440 Silver, J., 5
Sardana, D., 270 Schuhmacher, M. C., 174 Sharif, M., 35 Silvestri, L., 442
Sargent, M., 308, 342 Schuler, R. $., 34 Sharma, A., 235 Silvia, L., 205
Sarkar, M. B., 98, 304, 442 Schultz, Howard, 28-29 Sharma, P, 304 Simmons,$., 440
Sartor, M. A., 274 Schultz, L. M., 306 Sharp, N., 173 Simon, D. H., .306
Sasson, A., 234 Schulz, E., IOI, 378 Shaver, J. M., 205 Simon, Irwin, 135
Sastry, Ann Marie, 206 Schulze, W. $., 71 Shaw, J. D., 69 Simon, L., 139
Sataoen, H. L., 99 Schuman, M., 272 Sheehan, N. T., 34 Simons, R., 139
Savigiannidis, L., 99 Schumpeter, J., 172, 440 Sheffi, Y.,69 Simpson, C., 139
Savona, M., 444 Schwaiger, M., 100, IOI Shekshnia, $., 340 Simpson, M. W., 234
Savorelli, L., 378 Schwartz, M. $., 415 Shen, B., .306 Simsek, Z., 34,376,412
Sawant, R. J., 68 Schwartz,$. H., 276 Shen, L., 318 Simsir, $. A., 233
Sawka, K. A., 73 Schwartze!, E., 410 Shen,W.,340 Sinani, E., 339
Scandura, T., 35 Schweidel, D. A., 140 Shenkar, 0., 34, 271-272, 274, Sine, W. D., 100
Scarles, C., 410 Schweisfurth, T. G., 443 304,307 Singer, M., 203
Scellato, G., 31,210 Schweitzer, M. E., 30 Shenoy, J., 233 Singh, D., 339
Scheef, C., 377,412 Schweizer, L., 234 Shepherd, D. A., 30, 103, 136, Singh, H., 140,235,304,412
Scheller- Wolf, A., I 82 Schwens, C., 272,273,274,441 173,274,442,444 Singh, J., 34, 140
Schendel, D. E., 138,205, 378 Schwetzler, B., 204 Sherman, L., 68 Singh, M., 69
Schenkel, A., 236 Schwienbacher, A., 137 Sherr, I., IO I Singh, S., 100,337,412,443
Schepker, D. J., 34,412 Scott, B. A., 35 Sheth, J., I 02 Singh, V., 71
Scherer, A.G., 71 Scott, P. $., 441 Shi, J., 415 Singla,A., 106
Scherer, A. M., 100 Scott, T., 328 Shi, L. H., 380 Singla, C., 339
Scherer, R. F., 100 Searcy, C., 415 Shi,W.,31,34,35, 174,203,206, Sinkovics, R.R., 71,273,308, 380
Scherer, R. M., 205 Sears, J.B., 233,441,443 234,235,273,276,304, Siqueira, A. C. 0., 413
Schid, T., 443 Segarra, L. M., 3 I 312,337,338,339,340,380, Siren, S. J.C., 4 I 3
Schiemann, W. A., 34 Segers, J., 410,411 413,415 Sirmans, C. F., 330
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Name Index 1-17
Sirmon, D. G., 98, 99, 102, 115, Sovacool, B. K., 70 Stouthuysen, K., 309 Tag, J., 235
122,170,171,174,205,339, Spadafora, E., 70, 272 Stoyanov,$., 330 Taissig, M., 68 378,411,414, 440 Spaen, B., 147 Stoyneva, I., 31,443 Tajeddini, K., 276
Skaggs, B. C., 32 Spaid, B. I., 173 Strahan, P. E., 71 Takeuchi, R., 68
Skousen, B. R., 233 Spear, $., 33 Strange, R., 70, 102, 139 Tallman,$., 30,138,174,274, Skroupa,C.�,32,312,441 Speckbacher, G., 309 Straska, M., 330 305,308,441
Slabbinck, H., 309 Spee, P., 34 Strese, S., 70, 411 Tama-Rutgliano, K., 106
Slangen, A. H. L., 272 Spencer, J. W., 274 Strikwerda, H., 377 Tan,D.,371
Slater,$. F., 376 Spencer, X. $. Y., 377 Strom,$., 38 Tan, H., 70,213,234,276 Slav, I., 14 7 Sperling, J., 346 Stromberg, J., 269 Tan, K. H., 174
Sleptsov, A., 234 Spicer, A., 378 Stromberg, P., 236 Tan, T. K., 236
Sleuer, B., I 02 Spigel, B., 32,414,444 Struben, J., 172 Tan,W.,206,271,337
Sleuwaegen, L., 69 Spiller, C., 413 Struckell, E., 139 Tanaka, K., 272
$lino, R. M., 377 Spithoven, A., 309 Stuart, T. E., 99,203,414 Tang, J., 69, 340
Smit, H. J., 235 Squire, R., 338 Stultiens, R., 233 Tang, S. M., 33
Smit, H. T. J., 414 Srikanth, K., 274, 377 Stulz, R., 376,378 Tang,X., 137,139,171 Smith, A. R., 100 Srinivasan, A., 171, 308, 380 Stych,A., 4 Tang, Y., 411,414
Smith, B., 33 Srinivasan, M. M., 33, 205 Stynes, T., 29 Tangel, A., 182, 440
Smith, C., 38, 102, 138 Srinivasan,$., 339, 340 Su,A.,443 Tangpong, C., 235
Smith, D., 402 Srivastava, P., 307 Su, C., 308 Tantalo, C., 99, 234
Smith, G., 52, 204 Sroufe, R., 101 Su,H., 140 Tarba, $. Y., 72,234,274
Smith, J., 69, 140, 178 Stadler, C., 338, 378 Su, S., 377 Tardif, V., 182
Smith, K. G., 30, 99,170,171, Stahl, G. K., 274 Su, W., 202, 377 Tarhini, A., 101
172,174 Stam, W., 173 Su, Y.-C., 236 Tarzijan, J., 71, 174,203,204
Smith, N., 98 Stancati, M., 336 Su, Z., 140 Tasheva, $., 413
Smith, R., 31 Starkey, K., 380 Suarez, F. F., 172 Tate, W. L., 102, 103, 204 Smith, S. W., 173, 442 Stathopoulos, K., 339 Subramaniam, M., 71,171 Taussig, M., 103
Snell,$., 271,380 Staw, B. M., 68 Subr amanian, A. M., 101,304, Taylor, I., 371
Snihur, Y., 30, 174 Steckler,$., 377 330,443 Taylor, K., 38, 62 Snow, C. C., 376 Steensma, H. K., 304, 305, 306 Subramanian, K. V., 330 Taylor, N. K., 234
Snow, D. C., 174 Steers, R. M., 98 Subr amony, M., 137,410,411 Tayur, $., 182
Soares, N ., 100 Stein, C. M., 270 Suder, G., 272 Tchikov, M., 342
Soda, G., 308,376 Stein, J., 68 Suffge, F., 236 Teece, D. J., 33, 99, 101, 137, 138, Sofka, W., 440 Steinbach, A. L., 206, 410, 412 Suh, Y.,235 205,305,378
Soleimani, A., 33 Steinberg, J., 31 Sui, S., 70, 273, 441 Teegen, H.J., 274
Solimeo, $. L., 443 Steinberg, P. J., 138, 174 Sullivan, Z. Z., 137 Teigland, R., 236 Solomon, $. D., 206, 233 Stening, B. W., 31, 272 Sun, J. Y., 33, 415 Teirlinck, P., 309
Soltani, B., 337 Sterling, G ., 5 Sun, L., 339 Teng, L., 72, 139
Somaya, D., 138, 182,203, Stern, I., 17 4, 309 Sun,$. L., 206,271,273,304,380 Tenuta, P., 206, 337 236,308 Stern, J., 418 Sun, W., 205, 443 Terjesen, $. A., 100,337,411
Son, J., 69 Stern,$., 204 Sun, X., 233, 336 Terlep, S., 25,171,203,312
Sonenshein, $., 72, 103, 172, 377 Sternquist, B., 275 Sundaramurthy, C., 205, 340 Terpstra, M., 138-139
Song, H., 71 Stettner, U., 98, 103,233, 274, Sung, Y. D., 34 Terrones, M. E., 70 Song, J., 70, 102, 173,442 305,443 Supapol, A. B., 72 Testa, F., 34
Song, L. J., 100, 411 Steven, L., 178 Super, J. F., 410 Teti, E., 206, 340
Song,$., 271,276 Stevens, C. E., 68 Surdu,1.,274,304 Teyssier, C., 377 Song,W.,234 Stevens, J. L., 173 Surroca, J., 275 Thakur-Wernz, P., 30, 31,441
Song, Y., 72 Stevens, L., 171,272 Sutherland, B., 318 Thatchenkery, $. M., 170, 171
Songcui, H., 204 Stewart, G. L., 443 Sutton, T., 270 Thatcher,$. M. B., 34,410,412
Sonka, $., 171 Stiebale, J., 235, 338, 340 Suzrez, F. F., 136 Thau, S., 35, 378 Sood, R., 106 Stieglitz, N., 103,377 Svobodina, L., 273 Theeke, M., 32, 172
Soofi, E. S., 337 Stix, H.,275 Swift, T., 30, 99, 173,413 Thenmozhi, M., 274
Soper,$., 68, 174 Stock, D., 234 Swink, M., 102, 174 Theriou, G., 99 Sorensen, M., 236 Stock, R. M., 410 Sydler, R., 100, 102 Thietart, R.-A., 101, 103
Sorenson, 0., 206 Stockmann, C., 172 Symeonidou, N., 136,174,441 Tho, N. D., 100
Sorkin, A. R., 339,413 Stoelhorst, J. W., 68 Sziics, F., 233 Thoene, U., 414 Sosa, M. L., 173 Stoian, M.-C., 273,308,381 Thoma, G., 379
Sosyura, D., 378 Stoll, J. D., 303 T Thomas, L., 377
Souder, D., 70, 337 Stone, B., 68 Tabassum, N., 337,412 Thomas, S. E., 236, 442
Sousa, C. M. P., 33,137,440 Storbacka, K., I 02 Tabuchi, H., 439 Thompson, A. M., 377 Sousa, M. J., 410,411 Stout, H., 439 Tae, C. J., 102, 170 Thompson, T. A., 337
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Thomsen,$., 339
Thomson, K., 305 Thoppil, D. A., 95
Thorgren, $., 379,415
Thorne, L., 34 Thornhill, S., 414
Thrassou, A., 33
Tian, G. G., 412
Tienari, J., 305 Tihanyi, L., 34, 35, 206, 270, 305,
Tikkanen, H., 35, 72, 138, 170, 171,174
Tinoco-Egas, R. M., 275
Tischer, S., 101
Tita, B., 217 Titman, S., 339
Todeschini, B. V., 443
Toh, P. K., 98,174 Toma, P., 236
Tong, T. W., 274,276,307, 379,414
Tong, W. H., 99, 233
Toosi, M., 70
Torre, D., 32
Torrey, Z., 76 Torrisi,$., 99, 273
Tortoriello, M., 376, 379
Totzek, D., 72, 138, 174 Townsend, D. M., 233
Townsend, R. R., 328, 340
Tracer, Z., 233
Tracey, N., 101 Tracey, P., 33
Trahms, C. A., 99,340,414,440
Transchel, $., 377 Treem, J., 443
Trejos, N., 443
Trentmann, N., 25 Trevisani, P., 275
Triana, M., 410
Tribbitt, M. A., 170,441
Tribo, J. A., 275 Trichterborn, A., 234
Trigeorgis, L., 32, 102, 171, 414
Tritschler, V., 235 Troianovski, A., 273
Trojanowski, G., 98
Trump, Donald, 95
Trundell, C., 271 Trygg, L., 71
Tsai, M., 236, 307
Tsai, W., 68, 72,172,376,441 Tsang, A., 296
Tsang, E.W. K., 202,377
Tsao,C.,236 Tsay, A. A., 138
Tse, Y. K., 32, 71
Tseng, C.-H., 307
Tseng, M.-1., 103 Tsinopoulos, C., 33, 440
Tsui, A. $., 34, 275, 411
Tsui- Auch, L. $., 337 Tsusaka, M., 411
Tuan, L. T., 73
Tubosun, A. I., 103 Tucci, C. L., 276
Tucker, R. B., 444
Tuggle, C. S., 411
Tuliao, K. V., 342 Tung, R. L., 31, 69,272
Tupper, C. H., 272
Turcan, C., 309 Turkina, E., 308
Turner, D., 412
Turner, K. L., 69
Turner, Z., 204,217 Turriago-Hoyos, A., 414
Tushke, A., 339
Tuttle, B., 328 Tyler, B. B., 71, 99,274,304,
Tzabbar, D., 173,443 Tzokas, N., 72
Ucbasaran, D., 30, 234, 338 Udagedara, R. M. U. $., 442
Udland, M., 173
Ueno, A., 304 Ughetto, E., 31, 210
Uhlaner, L., 139,440
Uhlenbruck, K., 172,234,275,
306,413 Ullrich, K. K. R., 3 77
Ulrich, D., 415
Ulrich, J., 410 Ulrich, M., 412
Unanue, Don Prudencio, 124
Upson, J. W., 33,139,171 Urbana, J. J., 442
Urbany, J. E., 72
Urbig, D., 138,172,174
Urzua, I. F., 204 Usero, B., 378
Uygur, U., 440
Uzuegbunam, I., 442 Uzunca, B., 171
Va Den Bosch, F. J., 34 Vaaler, P. M., 71
Vaara, E., 234,274,410
Vaccaro, A., 33 Vafai, K., 338
Vahlne, J.-E., 70,270,276
Vahter, P., 304 Valente, M., 340
Valentini, G., 98,173,273
Valinsky, J., 4
Vallascas, F., 339 Van,A., 100
van Bundersen, L., 443
van Clieaf, M., 34, 99, 172, 442 Van de Ven, A.H., 140, 376
Van de Voort, D., 101,378
Van den Abbeele, A., 309 van den Berg, P. T., 102
van den Bosch, F. A. J., 71,
Van den Poe!, D., 440 Van der Have, R. P., 172
van der Have, R. P., 276
van Dierendonck, D., 411 van Doorn,$., 34,411
van Essen, M., 70, 270, 272, 275,
van Fenema, P. C., 308 van Hugten, M., 139
Van Iddekinge, C.H., 101
van Knippenberg, D., 100, 411,443
van Oosterhout, J., 270
Van Peteghem, M., 340 van Pottelsberghe de La Potterie,
B., 100
van Riel, C., 101
Van Slyke, E. J., 69 van Witteloostuijn,A., 171
Vanacker, T., 32, 70,236,413
Vandaie, R., 71, 99,304 Vanhaverbeke, W., 381
Vankateswaran, A., 32
Vanneste, B. S., 204, 309
Varga, E., 30,413,442 Vargas, P., 100
Vargo, S. L., 102
Vassolo, R. $., 171,307 Vassolo, R. W., 442
Vasudeva, G., 234,274,308,379
Vecchi, M., 305 Vedovato, M., 236
Veilleux, S., 273, 307
Veliyath, R., 339
Velte, P., 337 Vena,D., 31
Vendrell-Herrero, F., 33,273,307
Venkatakrishnan, N. (Venkat), 442
Venkataraman, $., 138
Venkatraman, N., 171, 380
Venturini, F., 305 Venugopal, A., 137
Verbeke, A., 271,272,376
Vermeulen, F., 204, 235, 376 Vernon, R., 270
Verwaal, E., 236, 304
Veugelers, R., 443 Victorino, C., 305
Vidal, E., 100,204,236
Vieregger, C., 203, 379
Vigano, R., 340 Vigna, P., 440
Name Index
Villalonga, B., 203,205,236, 379
Villena, V. H., 32 Vinodh, S., 140
Vishny, R. W., 205
Visintin, F., 337 Viswanatha, A., 269
Vithayathil, J., 340
Viviano, E., 71
Vlaar, P., 270 Voetmann, T., 234
Vogel, P., 414
Vogel, R. M., 33, 376, 380 Voigt, N., 411
Volberda, H. W., 32, 34, 71,339,
Volpe, M., 206, 340 Vomberg,A., 100
van Dick, R., 410
van Krogh, G., 102 Vonortas, N. $., 308,410
Voola, R., 31
Voss, K. E., 442 Voulgaris, G., 339
Vrabie, A., 33
Vranica, S., 269
Vrontis, D., 33 Vulcano, G., 305
Vuori, N., 234
Vuori, T. 0., 234
Wade, Dwayne, 162
Wade, M., 271 Wadhwa, A., 101
Waelchli, U., 376, 378
Waeraas, A., 99 Wagner, M., 32
Wagner,$., 172, 379
Wagner, S. M., 377 Wahba,�,29,126,410
Wahlman, A., 291
Waisman, M., 233
Wakabayashi, D., 291 Waldman, D., 32,411
Waldron, T. L., 71, 173
Walker, D., 173,443 Walker, G., 30, 137
Walker, I., 274
Walker, J., 172
Walker, K., 371 Walker, S., 25
Wall, R., 308
Waller, G., 330 Wallin, M. W., 173,443
Walls, J. L., 71,339,412
Walsh, J. P., 338 Walsh, M. M., 412
Walter, J., 304
Walter, J.M., 378
Walters, B. A., 69 Walters, N., 144,240
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Name Index 1-19
Wamba, $. F., 33, 35 Wezel, F. C., 171 Wohlgezogen, F., 378, 380 Xing, X., 340
Wan, F., 31 Whipp, L., 204 Woldt, J., 233 Xu,D.,309 Wan, W., 204, 236 White, G. 0., 274 Wolf, C., 412 Xu,H.,171
Wan,W.P.,32,202,235,308,377 White, L. F., 415 Wolff, H., 377 Xu, K., 34, 70, 72, 171
Wan, X., 204,376 White, M. A., 69,411 Wolff, M., 378,410,411 Xu,$., 304 Wan, Z., 174 White, R. E., 206 Wolfram, T., 76 Xu, Z., 339, 342
Wang, C., 138,271,309,330,442 White, S. K., 205 Wollan, M., 34,411
Wang, D., 415 Whiteman, L., 205 Wombacher, J., 443 y
Wang, F., 276 Whitler, K. A., 206, 339 Wong, V.,29 Yago, G., 234 Wang,H.,139,203,206,328,330 Whitten, $., 38 Wongchoti, U., 339 Yak.is-D ouglas, B., 68
Wang, I. K., 172, .306 Whittington, R., 33, 68,101,235, Woo, C. Y., 204 Yamakawa, Y., 441
Wang, J., 275 413,415 Woo,S.,204 Yan, J., 33, 137,339,440 Wang, L., 340 Wibisono, D., 271 Wood, G., 236 Yan,R., 72
Wang, M., 236 Wickert, C., 103 Wood, M. $., 414, 440 Yan,$., 271
Wang, N., 305 Wieczner, J., 234, 306 Wood, R. E., 100 Yang, C.C., 305
Wang, P., 305 Wiedner, R., 414 Woodley, J. A., 273 Yang, H., 102,273,306,308, Wang, R., 137 Wiegmann, A., 441 Worek, M., 232 380,414
Wang,$. L., 31, 138 Wieland, H., 102 Workiewicz, M., 34,379 Yang, H.-S., .306
Wang, T., 204, 339,342,414 Wiener-Bronner, D., 172 Worren, N., 380 Yang, J., 33, 138, 202, 306, 338, Wang, W., 337, 340 Wiersema, M. F., 412 Wowak, A. J., 410,412 412,440
Wang, X., 236,411,442 Wiersma, U. J., 102 Wright, B., 100 Yang, J. Y., 173, 380
Wang, Y., 32, 101, 137, 138, 173, Wiesner, R., 378 Wright, J., 306 Yang, K., 415 273,274,306,336,375,380 Wijnberg, N. M., 71 Wright, M., 30, 68, 99,236,271, Yang, M., 441
Wang, Z., 72, 309 Wijnberg, N. W., 34 276,305,308,440,444 Yang, Q., 380
Wani, D., 138 Wiklund, J., 30, 71,101,233, Wright, P., 412-413 Yang, T., 410
Wankar, G., 304 274,444 Wright, S., 72 Yang, W., 305 Ward, $., 204 Wilderom, C. M., 102 Wrigley, L., 203 Yang, X., 339, 342
Warrick, D. D., 33, 34,415 Wilheim, M., 443 Wu, A., 275, 309 Yang, Y., 170,441
Wartzman, R., 5 Wilkins, $., 34 Wu, B., 71,171,174,378 Yang, Z., 379 Wassmer, U., 307 Williams, C., 33,411 Wu, C.-W., 307 Yao, D. A., 99, 203
Wathne, K. H., 72, 102 Williams, D. W., 276 Wu, D., 69, 305 Yao, F., 342
Wattal, $., 235 Williams, J. R., 174,305 Wu, F., 137,379 Yao, L., 339
Weaven, $., 307 Williams, T. A., 444 Wu, J., 276, 304 Yao, S., 339 Webb, J., 34, 275 Williamson, 0. E., 234,338,378 Wu, K.-J., 103 Yao, X., 101
Webber, A. M., 100 Williamson, P., 31 Wu, L., 33, 34 Yao,Z.,412
Webber,$., 410 Wiliness, C. R., 34 Wu, L.-Y., 101,309 Yasuda, Y., 336 Weber, D. P., 339 Wilmot, $., 206 Wu,R., 71 Yawar, $. A., 33
Weber, L., 413 Wilson,A. J., 378 Wu,$., 276,307,379,415 Ye, Y., 137
Wehrly, E.W., 330 Wilson, K., 98 Wu, X. (Brian), 234 Yemen, G., 413 Wei, L., 33, 34,412,440 Wiltbank, R., 99 Wu,Z.,31,32, 101,138,272 Yen, M.-H., 138
Wei,Z., 72 Wincent, J., 379,413,415 Wulf, J., 379 Yeniyurt, $., 305
Weigelt, C., 204 Windsberger, J., 309 Wunderlich, D., 203,318 Yeung, A. C. L., 414
Weil, D., 339 Windschitl, P. D., 100 Wuttke, D. A., 72 Yeung, B., 30, 31, 72, Weinberg, M. C., 306 Windsperger, J., 307 Wuyts, S., 103 173,308
Weinswig, D., 174 Winfrey, Oprah, 201 Wysocki, P., 271 Y glesias, M., 269
Weitzel, U., 235,274 Winkler, E., 126, 178,233,377 Yi,H.,413 Welch, D., 414 Winkler, J., 100 X Yi, X., 203,441
Welch, Jack, 318 Winkler, R., 68 Xavier, W. G., 236 Yi, Y., 72
Wellman, N., 34,411 Winkler, T. J., 379 Xi, Y., 102, 379 Yim,H.,306
Welpe, I. M., 273 Winston, A., 101 Xia, J., 33, 205, 233, 234, 306, Yin,H.,306 Weng, D. H., 342,412 Winter,$. G., 98 380,415,440,444 Yin,$., 234
Wennberg, K., 30,413 Wintoki, M. B., 31 Xia, T., 306 Yin,X.,377
Wenzel, M., 99 Wischhover, A. C., 4 Xiao, L., 70 Yin,Z.,309 Werder, A. V., 309 Wiseman, M., 339 Xiao, T., 440 Yiu, D., 32,202, 235, 377
Werther, Jr., W. B., 172 Wiseman, R. M., 99, 338, Xiao, Z., 411 Yoder, M. E., 206
Wesley, C., 415 378,379 Xie, E., 68, 206 Yonker, R. D., 171 West, J., 30, 102,139,414,415 Withers, M. C., 30, 170,337,340, Xie,X., 32 Yonker, $., 340
Westergren, U. H., 136 411,440,442 Xie, Z., 71 Yoo,Y.,415
Westgren, R., 171 Witherspoon, Reese, 201 Xin, Yuan Fleng, 131 Yoon, H. (D avid), 441
Westney, D. E., 272 Withey, M. J., 412 Xing, K., 30 Yore, S. A., 204 Westphal, J. D., 338, 377 Wohl, J., 38, 102 Xing, L., 338 York, J. G., 70, 73
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Yoshikawa, T., 202, 205, 336,
You, J., 235
Youn, K. Ji, 380
Youn, S., 414
Young-Hyman, T., 443
Youssef, M. H., 172
Youtie, )., 273
Yu, C., .306 Yu, J., 171
Yu, R., 304
Yu, T., 71,170,171,172
Yu, Y., 272
Yuan, L., 17 4, 307
Yuksel, U., 31
Yunes, T., 182
Yuqi, G., 339
Zablit, H., 31
Zaby, A. K., 440
Zacharias, N. A., 410
Zachary, M. A., 32, 33,
Zahavi, T., 203
Zahay, D., 137
Zaheer, A., 70, 71, 99,304,
Zaheer, S., 271
Zahra, S. A., 32, 69, 70, 99, 172,
Zajac, E., 33, 102, 174, 309,
Zakaria, R., 235
Zaks, 0., 234
Zalewski, D. A., 205
Zambuto, F., 32, 380
Zammit,A., 173
Zamudio, C., 139
Zander, I., 273
Zapkau, F. B., 273,441
Zarantonello, L., 34
Zardkoohi, A., 338
Zarutskie, R., 337
Zattoni, A., 339, 340
Zeithaml, C. P., 102
Zeiner, B., 70
Zemsky, P., 103
Zeng, J., 71, 139
Zeng, S., 100
Zeng, Y., 339
Zenger, T., 204, 309, 338,
Zenios, S., 170
Zhan, Y., 174
Zhang, C. M., 34, 71,173,233
Zhang, F., 33, 137, 138, 173,
Zhang, H., 381
Zhang, J., 171,275,381,440
Zhang, L., 102,379,411
Zhang, M., 309
Zhang, P., 339
Zhang, S., 99, 274, 330, 379
Zhang, X., 69,102,272,
Zhang, X. T., 102
Zhang, Y., 34, 70, 99, 138, 206,234,235,270,272,
Zhang, Z., 34,271
Zhang. J., 305
Zhao, C., 71
Zhao, H., 71
Zhao,)., 31
Zhao, M., 377,414
Zhao, S., 203, 276, 328, 330
Zhao, X., 31,102,381,414,440
Zhao, Y., 101, 309
Zhelyazkov, P., 380
Zheng, Q., 31
Zheng, S., 205
Zheng, Y., 102,308,413,444
Zhong, L., 233
Zhong,W.,272,308 Zhou, J., 411,442,443
Zhou, K., 71-72, 309,379
Zhou, L., 275, 379
Zhou, L.-A., 270
Zhou, Y. M., 102,204,376,378
Name Index
Zhour, N., 377
Zhu, D. H., 203, 206, 235,
Zhu, F., 32
Zhu, H., 71, 139, 234, 235
Zhu, L., 31, 33,412,440
Zhu, P.-C., 274
Zhu,Q., 70
Zied, G., 98
Zietsma, C., 33
Zigic, K., 306
Zillman, C., 205, 250, 269
Zimmer mann,A., 378
Ziobro, P., 52
Zirpoli, F., 204
Zobel, A.-K., 307
Zollo, M., 32, 139,232
Zona, F., 337
Zorn, M. L., 338
Zott, C., 137,377,440
Zou, H., 32, 70, 270
Zou, L., .306
Zou, S.,276
Zschoche, M., 204, 236
Zu, D.,272
Zucchella, A., 139
Zumbrun, )., 182
Zuzul, T., 70,413
Zyung, J., 337,338,410
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A B Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc., 136 E
Accenture, 95 Bain Capital Ventures, 67, 197 Chiquita Brands International, Ebate, 88
Ace Hardware, 294 Bain & Company, 197,383,401 246-247 eBay. 383, 384 Actavis Generics, 221 Baker Hughes (BHGE), 362 Chobani, 422 Economist, The, 283
Adidas, 268, 269 Barnes & Noble, 67,281 Choice Hotels International, 294 Eli Lilly, 164,287
Aetna, Inc., 155 Bayer, 215,217 Cigna Corp., 155,211 Elliott Management, 336
AgReliant Genetics, 256 Berkshire Hathaway & Co., 177, Cisco Systems, 24, 209-210, 215, Ell's, 135 Ahold,257 187,190,191-192,193 218,219,302 EMC, 211-212
AIG, 194-195 Big Heart Pet Foods, 135, 187 Global Partner Network, 297 Emerson, 287, 297
Airbnb, 114 Bilfinder, 336 CloudLock, 209 Enron, 333 Airbus, 58, 244, 259 BlackRock, Inc., 321-322 CNN International, 283 Ericsson, 187,424
Airbus Group NV, 295 Blackstone, 183 Coca-Cola Company, 55, 59, 63, Eskom Holdings Ltd .• 261,263
Air Canada, 65 Blockbuster, 11 82,85, 150, 152-153, 191, Expedia, 284 Alcatel-Lucent, 187 Blue Apron, 114 244,268,435 Express Scripts Holding Co.,
Alcoa, 195 Blue Buffalo Pet Products Inc., Cognizant, 95 155,211
Aldi, 143,144,148, 169-170 151, 187 Coles, 169 EY, 431
Alibaba, 336 BluePrint, 135 Colgate-Palmolive Company, 110
Alibaba Group Holding, 166 BMW,60, 293 CONMEBOL, 269 F
Allergan, 221 Boeing Company, 58, 76, 244, 259 ContainerX, 215 Facebook,47, 108,111,127,422
Alliance Boots, 371 Boston Consulting Group, 11, 12, Continental Airlines, 112 Fainsbert Mase Brown & Alphabet, 24 391,432 Continental Lite, 112 Susmann, LLP, 82, 83
Altera, 214 Bottom Dollar, 169 Con-way Inc., 150 FedEx, 83, 151, 178, 187,
Alvarez & Marsal, 197 BP pie, 298-299 Costco, 144,155,244 261,262
Amazon, 5, 6, 12, 16, 24, 42, 47, Brazilian Development Bank Croatia Airlines, 65 FedEx Freight, 150 62,63,67-68,81-82, 108, (BNDES), 336 Cummins Engine, 256 FIFA,261,268-269
109, 111, 118, 119, 143-144, Breguet, 162 D
Financial Times, 283
145,148,155,158, 160-161, Brioni, 121 Finnair, 65 167,177-178,189,214,240, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 95, 287 Daimler AG, 289, 290 FirstBuild, 424
421,422 British Airways, 65, 161, 369 Danaher Business System, 193 First Solar, Inc., 303
Amazon Prime, 419 Broadcom Ltd., 212, 213-214, Dana Holding Corporation, 290 Fitbit, 279 American Airlines, 65, 114, 226,434 Dean Foods, 219 Flextronics, 188
161, 369 BroadSoft, 209,215 Decolar.com, 284 Florists' Transworld Delivery. 383
American Express (AmEx). 191, Brussels Airlines, 65 Delhaize, 169,257 FMC Subsea, 367
390,438-439 Bucyrus-Erie, 256 Dell Inc., 60, 158, 188, 196, 197 Food Lion, 257 Amplify, 80 Burger King, 59 Dell Technologies, 211-212 Ford Motor Company, 10, 188,
Anheuser -Busch, 289, 291 Burger King Worldwide, Inc., 187 Delphi Automotive, 417 295-296,388,417,418,436
Anhui Zotye Automobile Co., Delta Airlines, 112, 145, 161, Changan, alliance, 131 131 C 191,370 joint venture with
AppDynamics, 209,215 Campbell Soup Company, 135, 181 Despegar.com, 284 DowAksa, 303
Apple Inc., 8, 12, 16, 18, 25, 60, Carlyle Group, 183 Deutsche Bank, 91, 95,221 Foxconn Technology Group, 283
86-87,111,122-123,145, Carnival Corporation, 285 DHL, 261,262 Fujitsu, 297 148,156,188,191,240,279, Carrefour, 41, 63, 243, 244, Diaper.com, 67
282-283,288,298,384,386, 279-280 Disney Company, 240,281 G
388,394,408-409,422 CA Technologies, 297 Document Security Systems, Inc. General Electric (GE), 135, Titan, 290 Caterpillar, 121, 181, 182, 185, 256 (DSS), 82, 83 146-147, 178,181,193,311,
Aptiv,417 Celanese, 216 Dollar General, 118 318,361,362,389-390,394,
Arkansas Best, 150 Celesio, 336 Domino's, 85 424,435 Art Fry,426 Celestial Seasonings, 135 Douglas, 3 Baker Hughes (BHGE), 362
Asda (Walmart), 169 Cevian Capital, 335-336 Dow Chemical, 215,217, GE Capital, 362
AstraZeneca PLC, 95 Changan, Ford (alliance), 131 303,394 General Mills, 151,187
Atena, 214 Charles Schwab, 116 Dream, 135 General Motors (GM). 10, 60, A&T Grocery, 154 Charter Communications, Inc., 191 Dresser, 362 157,188,281,296,300,352,
AT&T, 56,214,287,387 ChemChina, 215,216,217,219 Dropbox, 114 403,418
Audi,60 China Merchants Group, 285 DuPont Corporation, 215,217, Genpact, 82, 83 Avon Products, 384 China National Tobacco 311,352 Giggle, 3
AXA SA,223 Corporation (CNTC), 255 Dyson, 197 Gilead Sciences, 221-222
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GlaxoSmithKline, 287
Goldman Sachs, Inc., 67, 191,221
Google, 12, 47, 63, 67, 111, 114,
145,148,178,422,424 alliance with TAG Heuer/Intel,
Google Ventures, 67
Goya Foods, Inc., 124 Green Truck, 127, 129
Guardian, The, 283 Gucci Group, 120,121,435
Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC), 336
Hain Celestial Group,
135-136 Halliburton, 121, 145
Hannaford, 257
Harley-Davidson, 57, 85,129 Harman, 218
Hasbro, 383
HealthSouth, 333
Hecla Mining Company, 82, 83,84
Heinz, 187
Hershey Co., 166 Hewlett-Packard (HP), 60, 158,
Hill's Pet Nutrition, 110
Hilton International, 294 Hilton Worldwide Holdings, 24
Hitachi, 297
Holcim, 231-232 Home Depot, 5, 63
Honda, 57, 186
The Honest Co., 3-4 Huawei, 187,213
Hulu Plus, 303
Iberia, 369
IBM,24,158, 193,297,298,
302,394 IHS Markit, 146
IKEA, 126-127, 129, 249-251,
431-432 Inditex, 56
Industrial Realty Group, 83
Infosys, 95
Intel, 43, 64,214,297 alliance with Google/TAG
Heuer, 279-280, 288
International Business Machines Corp., 191
International Harvester, 256
International House of Pancakes
(IHOP), 345
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., 371
Japan Airlines, 65, 369
Japanese Government Pension Investment Fund, 335
JCPenney, 63, 133, 348
JetBlue, 114, 150 Jet.com, 67
J.M. Smucker Company, 135,
151, 187
Johnson & Johnson, 83, 164 JPMorgan Chase, 177
J Sainsbury, 169
Kabel Deutschland, 336
Kellogg,151 Kewpee Hamburgers, 128-129
Kite Pharma, 222
KKR, 183
Kleenex, 124 Kohl's, 348
Komatsu, 256
Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd., 295
Kraft Foods Group, 135
Kroger Co., 110-111, 143-144,
145, 148, 155, 167
L. Catterton, 3
Lafarge, 231-232 Lancope,209
Lehman Bros., 197
Lenovo,60 Lexus (Toyota Motor
Corporation), 120,248
Lid!, 169
Limagrain, 256 Linksys, 209
LivingSocial, 88
Lockheed Martin, 316 Lo Jack, 287
Louis Vuitton, 120, 121
Lowe's, 63, 311 Lufkin Industries, 362
Lufthansa, 65, 161
Lyft, Inc., 418
Macy's, 63, 125-126, 348
Mahindra,295-296 MailChimp, 114
Marathon Corporation, 327
Marriott International, 294, 393,
431-432 Mars, 166, 187
McDonald's, 19, 37-38, 40, 59,
89,113-114,129,152,294, 303,345-346,347,349,371
Mcilhenny Company, 180, 181
McKinsey & Co., 121
Mercedes-Benz, 60,290 Merck & Co., 181
Merck KGaA, 24
Metro,41 MetroJet, 112
Micron Technology, Inc.,
Microsoft, 12,24,64, 145,148,431 Millarworld, 432
MillerCoors LLC, 289,291,303
Mobileye, 214 Modcloth.com, 161
Molson Coors Brewing
Company, 289 Mondelez International, Inc.,
Monsanto, 215, 217
Moody's Corporation, 191 Moosejaw, 161
Morgan Stanley, 221
Morrison Supermarkets, 169 Mrs. Fields Cookies, 294
Murray Energy Corp., 80
National Football League, 268 Neiman Marcus, 62, 395
Neoen, 146
Nestle, SA, 145,166,311
Netflix, 9, 42, 67, 105, 108-109, 114, 178,239-240,241,244,
Newell Brands, 183 News Corp., 80
New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE), 323
Nike, 268-269 Nilit Plastics, 216
Nissan Motor Company, 293
Nokia, 187,297 Noon,427
Norwest Venture, 67
Novartis AG, 95 NPX, 212,213
NutraSweet, 58
OAO Rosneft, 298-299
Oneworld, 283, 303
Oneworld Alliance, 64-65, 286, 369,370
Orbitz, 284
Company Index
Panasonic, 290
Panera Bread, 113, 114 Pangaea, 283
Paraguay, 269
Parmigiani Fleurier, 162
Patek Philippe & Co., 162 Payless, 62
Peabody Energy Corp., 80
Peapod, 257
PepsiCo, 55, 59, 63, 150, 151,
Perry Ellis International, 435
Pershing Square Capital Management LP., 311-312
PetSmart, 62
Pfizer, 24, 86,164,287 Philip Morris International
(PMI), 255
Phillips 66, 191 Piaget SA, 162
Pilgrim's Pride, 336
Pinterest, 114
Polaroid Corporation, 79-80 Priceline.com, 425
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 8
Procter & Gamble (P&G), 3, 24, 145,181,185,311,357,358,
Proudest Monkey, 128
Public Investment Fund (PIF), 426,427
Q Qualcomm, 212, 213-214, 226
Quidsi, 67
RadioShack, 130
Redbox, 303
Renault SA, 293 Repsol, 280
RetailMeNot, 88
Richemont, 162 Rimsa, 221
Rio Tinto Group, 242
Ripple, 419
Rockwell Automation, 287 Royal Jordanian, 65
RTI International Metals, Inc.,
SABMiller, 289
Safeway, 143, 144, 148, 167 SAIC Motor Corp., 281-282, 300
Salesforce.com, 5, 132
Sam Adams Beer, 395 Samsung, 12,60, 122,183,188,
Sanofi, 191
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Company Index 1-23
SAS Institute Inc., 111 T Traffic Brazil, 268-269 w Satyam, 333 Tabasco (Mcllhenny Company), Travelocity, 284 Walgreens, 371 Schlumberger, 145 180,181 Trian Fund Management Walmart, 13, 41, 51, 62, 63, 67, Seagate Technology LLC, TAG Heuer, 162 L.P., 311 78-79,87-88,109,118-119,
285-286 alliance with Google/Intel, Trivago, 284 120,136,143,144,148, Sears, 62, 63, 348 279-280,288 Twilio,422 153-154, 155,160-161, Sementes Guerra, 256 Takeda,164 Twitter, 127 167,354 Shanghai GM Co., 281 TAM Airlines, 369 Walt Disney Company, 163, Shuttle by United, 112 Tanga,88 u 201-202,252-253,383 Siemens AG, 146 Target, 5 I -53, 62, 88 Uber Technologies, Inc., Wells Fargo Company, 191, 193 Skyport, 209 Task Rabbit, 114 364-365,422 Wendy's International, 59, 435 SkyTeam Alliance, 283, 286, 303 Tata Consultancy Services Unilever, 3,145,249,371 WH Group, 244 Smashburger, 128 Ltd., 95 United Airlines, 65, 112, 114, W hirlpool, 435 Snap,422 TE Connectivity, 226 145, 150,161,370 Whole Foods Markets, 135, 143, SoftBank Robotics, 190, Tencent Holdings Ltd., 9, 166, United Continental Holdings, 144,145,155,158,177
191-192,193 280,336 Inc.,191 Wipro, 95, 297 Song (Delta), 112 Terra, 135 United Parcel Service (UPS), 151, Wm. Morrison Supermarkets, 169 Sony Corporation, 360, 374-375 Tesco, 41, 169 178, 180-181,187,261,262 WndrCo LLC, 383, 384 Sotira, 290 Tesco PLC, 63 United Technologies NewTV,383 Southwest Airlines Company, 89, Tesla Motors, 146, 289-291 Corporation, 183 Woolworths, 169
112,114,150,161,191 Teva Pharmaceuticals, 221, UpKeep Technologies, 150 Woot,88 Spotify, 422 222,228 U.S. Postal Service (USPS), 362 WorldCom, 333 Springpath, 215 Textron Inc., 183,361 US Airways, 112 Star, 283, 303 T hales SA, 259 US Bank Corp, 19 I X Star Alliance, 64-65, 286, 370-371 3G Capital Partners LP, 187 USG Corp, 191 XL Group Ltd., 223 Starbucks, 10, 11, 28-29, 281,435 3M,418,426 Steak 'n Shake, 62 T hyssenKrupp, 336
y Steinway & Sons, 355 Time Warner, 56,214 V Stride Rite Corporation, 383 Tim Hortons Inc., 187 Validus Holdings, 195
Yipit, 88
Subaru,121 Titan (Apple), 290 Vanguard Group, I 16 YRC Worldwide, 150
Subway, 81,294 Tokyo Electric Power Verizon, 303 SunPower Corporation, 226, 303 Company, 332 Vetco Gray, 362 z Superdry, 82, 97-98 Toyota Motor Corporation, Vilmorin & Cie, 256 Zara, 56 SuperGroup PLC, 82, 97-98 247-248,259,290,369 Virgin Group Ltd., 186 Zero Motorcycles, 129 Swift, 336 Lexus,120,248 Volkswagen (VW), 282, 290, 296, ZTE Corp., 187 Syngenta,215,217 Toys 'R' Us, 62, 63 333,417 Zulily, 3
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Note: Page numbers followed by
f or t represent figures or tables respectively.
Above-average returns, 6
1/0 model of, 14-16, !Sf
resource-based model of,
16-18,17f Accounting-based measures, 349
Acquisitions, 194,212,
257-258,432 capabilities, learning/
developing, 219
cross-border, 216,257,258,
and diversification, 218-219
effective, 225-226
entry barriers, overcoming, 215-216
and firm's competitive
scope, 219
and firm's size, 224-225
horizontal, 186, 214, 219
innovation through, 432-434
managerial focus on, 224 and market power, 212-215
outcomes of, 218
and product development
cost, 216
reasons for, 212-219, 220f
related, 215,219 and restructuring strategies.
See Restructuring
successful, attributes of. See
Acquisitions success,
vertical, 214-215
Acquisitions success, attributes achieving, problems in, 219,
220-225, 225t
debt, large/extraordinary, 222
firm's size, 224-225 integration process,
challenges associated
with, 220-221 managerial focus, on
acquisitions, 224
overdiversification, 223-224
synergy, inability to achieve,
Actions, strategic leadership,
396-406,397f balanced organizational
controls, establishment,
404-406 determining strategic
direction, 396-398
ethical practices, 403-404 firm's resource portfolio,
management of, 398-400
organizational culture, sustaining, 400-402
Activism, 335-336
Activist shareholders, 311-312
Actor's reputation, 160 Advertising model, 114
Affiliation dimension, of
relationships, 109 Agency costs
defined, 319
and governance mechanisms,
Agency problem
free cash flow as, 317
product diversification as example of, 316-319
Agency relationships,
Age structure ( demographic
segment), 44
Airline alliances, 286
Alliance networks, 297 dynamic, 298
stable, 297-298
Alliances, 64-65, 285
airline, 286
equity-based, 257,282
equity strategic, 282 example, 279-280
network types. See Alliance
nonequity strategic, 282
research and development, 282
strategic. See Strategic alliances
trust and, 256-257 Antitrust regulation, 193-194
Artificial intelligence, 75-76
A-S-P (analyses, strategies,
performance) processes, 26-27
Assessing ( external
environment), 43 Assets, restructuring of,
Attack, likelihood. See Likelihood
of attack factors
Automotive industry, example of,
Autonomous strategic behavior, 426-427
Autonomy, 402
Average returns, 6 Awareness, 152-153
Balanced scorecard, 405-406,
406f Biases, 81
Bidding wars, 222
Big data analytics (BDA), 75-76, 95
Big pharma, 75, 86, 95 Bitcoin, 419
Board of directors, 322-326
defined, 322 effectiveness, enhancement of,
executive compensation, 325-326
members, classification of, 323t
Brand, reputation (example), 160
BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) countries, 10, 252
Broad market segment, 115
Bureaucratic controls, 225
Business-level cooperative
strategy, 286-292, 287f
assessment, 292
competition-reducing strategy,
competition response strategy,
complementary strategic
alliances. See
Complementary strategic alliances
defined, 286
implementation, 369-371
strategy, 289
Business-level strategy, 179, 363
advertising model, 114 business models and, 113-114
cost leadership strategy,
116-120, 117f
customers and, relationship with, 107-112
defined, 106
differentiation strategy, 120-124,122f
focus strategies, 124, 126-130
freemium model, 114 functional structure and,
implementation, 107
integrated cost leadership/ differentiation strategy,
international, 245-248 peer-to-peer model, 114
purpose of, 112-113
types, 114-133, llSf
Business models
and business-level strategy, 113-114
defined, 113
types of, 114 Buyers, bargaining power of, 58,
118, 123
Capability(ies), 16, 17, 81
costly -to-imitate, 88-89
example of, 86t managerial decisions,
conditions affecting, 80f
nonsubstitutable, 89-90
rare, 88
valuable, 88
Capacity, excess ( creation),
59-60 Capital
distribution decisions, 190
human, development of,
intellectual, 84
internal market allocation,
190-192 requirements, as entry
barrier, 55
social, 399-400
Capital market stakeholders,
Cash flows free, 194
uncertain future, 195-196
Causal ambiguity, 89
Celler-Kefauver Antimerger Act
(1950), 193
Centralization, structural
characteristic, 353, 354 Chief Executive Officers
(CEOs), 23
compensation packages,
duality, 323, 392-393
hubris, 222
mission, 19 pay, 326
personalities, 391
as steward, 392-393 succession, effects of, 395, 395f
and top management team
power, 391-393
vision, 18
activism in, 335-336
corporate governance in,
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Subject Index 1-25
economic growth, 46 practices, legality of, 65 business-level. See Business- diversifying strategic
foreign retailers market, 259 Competitive landscape, 8-14, 52 level cooperative strategy alliance, 293
Collaborative advantage, 280 characteristics, 8 competitive risks with, franchising, 293-294
Combination structure example of, 143-144 298-300,299f implementation, 371
defined, 365 Competitive response, 154 complexity, and success failure, synergistic strategic alliance, 293 for transnational strategy Competitive risks, with 302-303 Corporate-level core
implementation, 365, cooperative strategies, corporate-level. See Corporate- competencies, 186
366-367,367f 298-300,299f level cooperative strategy Corporate-level strategy,
Commodity products, 60 Competitive rivalry, 144-145, defined,280 177-199,363
Competencies, 94, 368. See also 154-155, 284 formation, 280 defined,178
Core competencies attack,likelihood.See innovation through, 431-432 diversification. See
divisional, sharing, 358 Likelihood of attack factors international, 294-295 Diversification Competition emergence of, 146-14 7 management, 300-301 issues associated with, 179
attack, likelihood. See model, 148-149, l 48f network, 297-298 Corporate raiders, 311-312
Likelihood of attack quality and, 159 and network structures, Corporate relatedness, 184, 184f
factors response, likelihood. See 367-369 core competencies,
business growth and, 239-240 Likelihood of response strategic alliances as. See transferring of, 186-187
flowchart, 147f factors Strategic alliances operational relatedness and, 189
global, 107 strategic actions, 154-155 Copyrights, 163 Corrupt markets, 258
multimarket, 145 tactical actions, 154-155 Core competencies, 16, 75-76, Cost-based synergy, 214
multipoint, 187 Competitive scope, 114 81,86-87 Cost disadvantages, as entry
reducing strategy, 291-292 Competitive spying, 63 building, 87-92 barrier, 56
response, likelihood. See Competitor corporate-level, 186 Cost leaders, and support
Likelihood of response defined, 144 creation, 76-77 activities examination, 117
factors differentiation, lack of, 60 determination, to satisfy Cost leadership, 114
Competition response strategy, environment, 39-40 customer needs, focused, 114
288-289 exit barriers, high level, 60-61 111-112 integrated. See Integrated cost
Competitive action, 154 high fixed/high storage costs, exploitation/maintenance, 398 leadership/differentiation
initiation, 157-158 59-60 managerial decisions, strategy
type, 159 numerous/equally balanced, 59 conditions affecting, 80f strategy. See Cost leadership
Competitive advantage, 4, in retail industries, 62 strengths/weaknesses, 94 strategy
114,115 rivalry, 59-61, 118, 122-123 sustainable competitive Cost leadership strategy, 116-120
causal ambiguity, 89 as second mover, effectiveness advantage criteria, 87-90, buyers/customers, bargaining
creation, 76-77 of, 156-157 87t, 90t power of, 118
example, 162-163 and slow industry growth, 59 tangible/intangible resources competitive risks of, 119-120
exploitation, 347 strategic stakes, high level, 60 as, 83 competitors, existing, rivalry
nonsubstitutable capabilities, switching costs, low level, 60 transferring, 186-187 with, 118
89-90 Competitor analysis, 40, 63-65, value chain analysis, 90-92 entrants, potential, 119
as source of strategic 149-152 Corporate control, market for, implementation, using
competitiveness, 5 components, 64f 326-329 functional structure,
sustainable. See Sustainable framework of, 15lf Corporate entrepreneurship, 419 353-354,353f
competitive advantage market commonality, 149, Corporate espionage, 63 product substitutes, 119
sustained. See Sustained 150-151 Corporate governance, suppliers, bargaining power of, competitive advantage resource similarity, 151-152 310-333 118-119
Competitive aggressiveness, 402 Competitor intelligence, 63 board of directors. See Board value-creating activities
Competitive behavior, 145 Complementary strategic of directors associated with, 117, l l 7f
drivers, 152-154 alliances in China, 332-333 Costly-to-imitate capabilities,
Competitive blind spots, 149 defined,286 defined, 312 88-89
Competitive dynamics, 145, horizontal, 287-288, 288f, 292 ethical behavior, 333 Cost minimization approach, 300
161-167,284 usage of, 287-288 in Germany, 331-332 Counterfeiting, 124
fast-cycle markets, 164-166 vertical, 287, 288f international, 330-333 Creativity, 425
flowchart, 147f Complementors, 64 in Japan, 331-332 Cross-border acquisitions, 216,
slow-cycle markets, 161-164 Conglomerates, 183,223 market for corporate control, 257,258,294-295
standard-cycle markets, premium, 362 326-329 Cross-border mergers, 217
166-167 Content, strategic actions, 405 mechanisms, 333 Cross-border strategic alliance,
Competitive form Cooperative form ownership/managerial control, 295-296
defined, 360 defined,356 separation of, 314-320 Cross-functional product
and unrelated diversification for related constrained strategy Corporate-level cooperative development teams, 354,429
strategy implementation, implementation, 356-358, strategy, 292-294, 292f Crypto currencies, 419-420
360-362, 360f, 363t 357f, 363t assessment, 294 Culture, and entrepreneurship,
Competitive intelligence, 63-64 Cooperative strategy, 279-301 defined, 292 422-423
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1-26 Subject Index
Currencies, value, fluctuations leadership/differentiation Downscoping, 227-228 Exit barriers, 60-61
in, 263 strategy Downsizing, 227 Expats, 22 Customer loyalty programs, 56 product substitutes, 123 Drivers, competitive behavior, Expected retaliation, 5 7
Customer relationship suppliers, bargaining power 152-154 Explicit collusion, 291
management (CRM), 132 of, 123 awareness, 152-153 Exporting, 255 Customers value-creating activities motivation, 153 External environment, 39f, 106
bargaining power of, ll8, 123 associated with, 122f Duality (CEOs), 323 analysis, 41-43, 4 lt
business-level strategies and, Diffuse ownership, 320 Due diligence assessing, 43
relationship between, Digitalization, 8 defined,221 forecasting, 42-43 107-ll2 Digital strategy, 105-106 process, 226 monitoring, 42
needs Direct transaction costs, 223 Dynamic alliance networks, 298 scanning, 41-42
core competencies to satisfy, Disruptive technologies, 11-12 External managerial labor 111-112 Distributed strategic network, E market, 394
determination of, 110-111 372, 372f E-commerce market, 160-161 Extraordinary debt, 222
perspective, balanced Distribution channels, access, as Economic environment, 46
scorecard, 405 entry barrier, 56 Economic risks, 261,263 F relationship management Diversification Economic segment, 46-47 Fast-cycle markets, 164-166, 284,
with, 108 acquisitions and, 2 I 8-219 Economies of scale, 224 285-286
segmentation, basis for, I I 0t firm performance and, as entry barrier, 54-55 Financial controls, 349 services, target customer for, relationship between, I 99f Economies of scope, 185, 192 Financial economies, 190
109-110 levels. See Diversification levels Emerging market firms, Financial perspective, balanced
value creation, 79, 92 managerial preference, 3 I 6 competition, 130 scorecard, 405 Cybersecurity risk, 387 overdiversification, 223-224 Employee buyouts (EBOs), 228 Financial resources, access to, 46
product, 179, 316-319 Entrants, potential, ll9, 123 Firms
D reasons for, 183-184, 183t Entrepreneurial mind-set, 400, assets, involvement, 79
Debt, large/ extraordinary, 222 resources and, I 96-197 402,421 capabilities. See Capability(ies) Decision making strategy. See Diversification Entrepreneurial opportunities, competitive scope, acquisitions
authority, 354 strategy 419-420 and, 219
challenge/difficulty for, 79-80 tax effects of, I 94 Entrepreneurs, 421-422 digital strategy, 105-106 Demographic segment, general types of, 180f Entrepreneurship, 4 I 8 diversification. See
environment unrelated, 190-193 corporate, 419 Diversification
age structure, 44 value-creating. See Value- culture and, 422-423 entry barriers, 54-56
defined, 43 creating diversification defined,419-420 external environment, 149 ethnic mix, 45 value-neutral. See Value- international, 422-423 financial performance, 148
geographic distribution, 44-45 neutral diversification Entry barriers, 54-56 Internet opportunities/threats,
income distribution, 46 value-reducing. See Value- overcoming, acquisitions and, 49-50 population size, 43-44 reducing diversification 215-216 market position, 148
Deregulation, in financial Diversification levels, 179-183, Environmental trends, organic differentiation,
sector, 332 180f international strategy 135-136 Determining strategic direction, high, 181-183 liability of foreignness, overdiversification, 223-224
396-398 low, 180-181 252-253 performance
Differentiation, 114 moderate, 181-183 regionalization, 253-254 diversification and,
focused, 114 Diversification strategy Equity-based alliances, 257,282 summary model of, integrated, 114 dominant-business, 180-181 Equity strategic alliance, 282 199f
lack of, 60 example, 177-178, 318 Ethical considerations, 65 top management teams and,
organic, 135-136 international, 264 Ethical practices, 403-404 390-391 strategy. See Differentiation related constrained, 181, 182, Ethnic mix (demographic resource portfolio,
strategy 185-189 segment), 45 management of, 398-400
Differentiation strategy, 120-124 related linked, 181, 185-189 European Commission, health restructuring strategy. See
buyers/ customers, bargaining single-business, 180 care strategy, 48 Restructuring power of, 123 unrelated, 183, 184, 184f European Union, 47, 253 risk reduction, 196
competitive risks of, 123-124 Diversifying strategic Evolutionary patterns, 350-369, size, 224-225
competitors, existing, rivalry alliance, 293 35lf and strategic alliances. See with, 122-123 Divestments, 223 functional structure, 351-352 Strategic alliances
defined, 120 Divisional competencies, multidivisional structure, 352 transaction costs, 223
entrants, potential, 123 sharing, 358 simple structure, 350-351 value creation, 79 example, 125-126 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Exchange-traded funds First mover
implementation, using and Consumer Protection (ETF), 116 benefits, 155-157
functional structure, Act, 319, 320 Executive compensation defined,155
354-355,355f Dominant-business diversification defined,325 Five forces model, of integrated. See Integrated cost strategy, 180-181 effectiveness of, 325-326 competition, 14-15, 53-61,
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Subject Index
53f. See also Industry
environment analysis analysis of, 61, C6
Fixed costs, 59-60
Flexibility, requirement for, 130-131
Flexible manufacturing systems
(FMS), 131
Focused cost leadership, 114 strategy, 126-127
Focused differentiation, 114
strategy, 127-129 Focus strategy, 124, 126-130
competitive risks, 129-130
defined, 124
Forecasting ( external environmental), 42-43
Foreignness, liability of, 10,
252-253 Formalization, structural
characteristic, 353
Franchise, 293-294 Franchising, 293-294
Free cash flow, as agency
problem, 317
Free cash flows, 194 Free-market economies,
government role in,
291-292 Freemium model, 114
Functional structure, 351-352
business-level strategy and,
and cost leadership strategy
353-354,353f and differentiation strategy
354-355,355f and integrated cost leadership/
differentiation strategy
General environment, 39
elements, 40t
segments. See Segments,
general environment Geographic distribution
( demographic segment),
44-45 Germany
activism in, 335-336
corporate governance in, 331-332
Global competition, 107
realities of, 420-421
Global delivery service industry, 262
Global economy, 9-11
Global focusing, 50 Globalization, 10-11
Global mind-set, 77-78
Global segment, 50-51 Global strategy, 249-251
example, 250
implementation, worldwide
product divisional structure for, 365, 366f
Golden parachutes, 329
Governance corporate. See Corporate
mechanisms, 319-320
outside of the United States, 335-336
Government policy, as entry
barrier, 56 Greenfield venture, 258
Greenmail, 311
Green strategies, 319 Growth perspective, balanced
scorecard, 405
Guanxi, 50, 118
Health care strategy, European Commission, 48
Heterogeneous top management
team, 390-391
High-yield bonds, 222 Hispanic market, 45
Horizontal acquisitions, 186,
214,219 Horizontal complementary
strategic alliance, 287-288,
288f, 292 Horizontal organizational
structures, 429
Host communities, 22
Hostile takeovers, 212 defense strategies, 330
example, 213-214
Hubris, 222 Human capital, 398-399
Hypercompetition, 8-9
cost, 17
as cost leadership strategy risk, 120
Inbound logistics, 116 Income distribution
(demographic segment), 46
Incremental innovation, 424-425
Indirect transaction costs, 223 Induced strategic behavior, 428
Industrial organization (I/0)
model, of above-average returns, 14-16, 15f
analyses, interpretation of, 61,C6
defined, 53
growth, slowness, 59
scandal, effect of (example), 268-269
unattractive, 61
Industry environment, 39-40 Industry environment analysis,
53-61, C6
buyers, bargaining power of, 58
competitors, rivalry among, intensity of, 59-61
new entrants, threat of, 54-57
substitute products, threat of, 58-59
suppliers, bargaining power
of, 57-58
Industry-wide differentiation
strategy, 127
Informal economy, 51
Information age, 12-13 Information networks, 131-132
Information technology (IT), 12
Innovation, 76, 105, 167,226 as core competence, 86
facilitation, 430 incremental, 424-425
internal. See Internal
innovation internal skills, 224
novel, 424-425
perpetual, 11-12 product, 120, 354
radical, 424-425
through acquisitions, 432-434
through cooperative strategies, 431-432
usage, 119-120
Innovativeness, 402 Insiders, 322
Institutional investors, 21
Institutional owners
defined,321 influence of, 321-322
Intangible resources, 84-85, 197
categories, 84t as core competencies base, 83
defined, 82
Integrated cost leadership/ differentiation strategy, 114,
competitive risks of, 132-133
flexible manufacturing systems, 131
implementation, using
functional structure, 355-356
information networks,
131-132 total quality management
systems, 132
challenges/ difficulties associated with,
facilitation, 430
target evaluation, inadequate,
Intellectual capital, 84
Interfirm rivalry, 149 Internal analysis
components, 78f
context, 77-78 Internal business processes, 405
Internal capital market,
allocation, 190-192 Internal corporate venturing, 425
Internal innovation, 423-431
implementation, 428-431 value creation from, 430-431,
Internal managerial labor market, 394
Internal organization, analysis
of, 77-81
challenge of, 79-81 internal analysis, context of,
value creation, 78-79 International business-level
strategy, 245-248
International cooperative strategy, 294-295
implementation, 371-372
International corporate
governance,330-333 International corporate-level
strategy, 248-252, 248f
global strategy, 249-251 multidomestic strategy,
transnational strategy, 251-252
International diversification strategy
defined, 264
and returns, 264 International entrepreneurship,
International entry modes acquisitions, 25 7-258
characteristics, 254-260
dynamics, 259-260
exporting, 255 licensing, 255-256
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International entry
modes (continued) new wholly owned subsidiary,
selection of, 254-260 strategic alliances, 256-257
International expansion
example, 239-240
limits to, 265-266 International strategy, 245-252
benefits of, 242f, 243-245
business-level, 245-248 challenge of, 265-266
complexity of managing, 265
corporate-level. See
International corporate level strategy
defined, 241
economies of scale/learning, 244 environmental trends. See
Environmental trends,
international strategy location advantages, 244-245
and market size expansion,
opportunities, 241-245, 24lf outcomes, 241 f
risks. See Risks, international
strategies strategic competitiveness
outcomes, 263-265
usage incentives, 241-243, 242f
and worldwide structure, 363-367
Internet, opportunities/threats
of, 49-50 Invention, 420
activism in, 335-336 corporate governance in,
working age population,
reduction, 44 Joint venture, 257-258, 281-282
Judgment, 81
Junk bonds, 222
Keiretsu, 331, 332
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA),
426,427 Knowledge
intensity, increase, 13-14
tacit, 282
Large-block shareholders, 320,321
Large debt, 222 Late mover, 157
cost. See Cost leadership
strategic. See Strategic leadership
Lean production system, 369
Learning perspective, balanced scorecard, 405
Leveraged buyouts (LBO), 228
whole-firm, 229
Liability of foreignness, 10, 252-253
Licensing, 255-256, 259
Lifestyle changes, 49 Likelihood of attack factors,
first-mover benefits, 155-157
organizational size, 157-158 quality, 158-159, 158t
Likelihood of response factors,
159-161 actor's reputation, 160
competitive action type, 159
market dependence, 160-161 Local brands, 252
Locations, facilities, 244-245
Long-term investments, 224
Loyalty, 165 programs, 56
Management buyouts
(MBOs), 228
Managerial motives, and diversification, 198-199
Managerial opportunism,
315-316 Managers
control, and ownership,
separation of, 314-320
decision-making discretion, 389,389f
defense tactics, 329, 330t
employment risk, 316 risk, 317, 317f
succession, 393-396
top-level. See Top-level
managers Market
attack, likelihood. See
Likelihood of attack factors
broad, ll5
change, 169-170 commonality, 149, 150-151
for corporate control, 326-329
corrupt, 258
dependence,160-161 e-commerce, 160-161
entry barriers, 54-56
external managerial labor, 394 fast-cycle, 164-166, 284,
foothold, 123
growth, 59 internal capital allocation,
internal managerial labor, 394 narrow, ll5
niches, 57
response, likelihood. See
Likelihood of response factors
size, expansion, international
strategy and, 243-244 slow-cycle, 161-164, 284,285
standard-cycle, 166-167,
Market power, 187-188 acquisitions and, 212-215
Market segmentation, 110
Matrix organization, 358 Merger and acquisition (M&A}
strategies, popularity of,
210-212 Mergers, 2ll-212
cross-border, 217
M-form (multidivisional)
structure. See Multidivisional (M-form)
Mind-set entrepreneurial, 400, 402, 421
global, 77-78
Mission, of firm, 18-19
Monitoring (external environmental), 42
Motivation, 153
Movers first, 155
late, 157
second, 156-15 7 Multidivisional (M-form}
structure, 352
competitive form, 360-363,
360f, 363t cooperative form of, 356-358,
357f, 363t
corporate-level strategies and, 356-363
strategic business unit form,
358-360, 359f, 363t
variations of, 356f Multidomestic strategy, 248-249
implementation, worldwide
geographic area structure for, 363-365, 364f
Multimarket competition, 145
Multinational corporations (MNCs), 11, 107
Multinational enterprises
(MNEs), 254
Multipoint competition, 187 Mutual forbearance, 291,292
Subject Index
Narrow market segment, ll5
National advantage, determinants, 245-248, 246f
Network cooperative strategy,
Network structures, and cooperative strategy,
New entrants entry barriers, 54-56
threat of, 54-57
New wholly owned subsidiary,
258-259 Nonequity strategic alliance, 282
Nonsubstitutable capabilities,
89-90 North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA),
253,255 Novel innovation, 424-425
Offshoring, 94
Operational relatedness,
184, 184f
activities, sharing, 185-186 and corporate relatedness, 189
Opportunity, 41
Opportunity maximization approach, 300
Organic differentiation, 135-136
Organizational controls, 348-349 balanced, establishment,
Organizational culture, 23 change/restructuring, 402-403
emergence, 89
importance of, 401-402 sustaining, 400-403
Organizational size, 157-158
Organizational stakeholders, 22
Organizational structure, 347-348
evolutionary patterns. See Evolutionary patterns
horizontal, 429
Organization of American States (OAS), 253
Outbound logistics, ll6
creativity as, 425 strategic actions, 405
Out-focus, 129
Outsiders, 322-323 related, 322
Outsourcing, 93-94, ll6-ll7,
ll9, 282-283
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Subject Index
specialization of, 95
strategic, 368 Overdiversification, 223-224
concentration, 320-322 diffuse, 320
and managerial control,
separation of, 314-320
Partner trustworthiness,
perception about, 298, 299 Patents, 163
Peer-to-peer model, 114
Performance, 6
Perpetual innovation, 11-12 Pharmaceutical companies,
Poison pill strategy, 329 Political/legal segment, 47
Political risks, 260-261
Population distributions, patterns, 45
size, 43-44
Power brands, 252
Premium conglomerate, 362 Private synergy, 223
Proactiveness, 402
Product champion, 426
differentiation, 215
diversification, 179, 316-319
innovation, 120,156,354 new, development, cost of, 216
quality dimensions, l 58t
R&D,354 substitutes, 119, 123
Product differentiation, as entry
barrier, 55 Product market stakeholders, 22
Profitability, 60, 61
Profit-maximizing behaviors, 14
Proxy voting, 311 Public Investment Fund (PIF),
Q Quality, 158-159, 158t
Radical innovations, 424-425
Rare capabilities, 88
Reach dimension, of relationship, 108-109
Regionalization, 253-254
Regulation Fair Disclosure (Reg-FD), 291-292
Regulations, formation, 47
Related acquisitions, 215,219
Related constrained diversification strategy, 181,
implementation, cooperative
form for, 356-358, 357f, 363t
Related linked diversification
strategy, 181, 185-189 implementation, strategic
business unit form for,
358-360, 359f, 363t
Related outsiders, 322 Relational advantage, 280
affiliation dimension, 109 business-level strategies with
customers, 107-112
management, 108
reach dimension, 108-109 richness dimension, 109
Reputation, 160
Reputational resources, 84-85 Research and development
(R&D), 12,111,155, 156,
187,244,265,423 alliances, 282
investments, risks of, 264
product, 354
Resource, 81-85 allocation, 81
dissimilarity, 153-154 imitation cost, 17
intangible, 82, 83, 84-85,
84t, 197
managerial decisions, conditions affecting, 80f
non-substitutable, 17
portfolio, management, 398-400
reputational, 84-85
similarity, 151-152 tangible, 82, 82t, 83, 84,
value, 16-17
value-neutral diversification, 196-197
Resource-based model, of
above-average returns, 16-18, 17f
Response, likelihood. See
Likelihood of response
factors Restructuring
downscoping, 227-228 downsizing, 227
leveraged buyouts, 228
outcomes, 228-229, 229f Retailers, competition among,
Return on assets (ROA), 349
Return on investment (ROI), 224,349
Returns, and international
diversification strategy, 264 Revenue-based synergy, 214
Reverse engineering, 164
Richness dimension, of relationships, 109
Risks, 6
of cost leadership strategy,
119-120 cybersecurity, 387
of differentiation strategy,
123-124 of integrated cost leadership/
differentiation strategy,
Risks, international strategies, 260-263,260f
economic, 261,263
political, 260-261 Risk taking, 402
Rivalry, competitors, 118,
122-123 intensity of, 59-61
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), 319-320
Scale, cost disadvantages
independent of ( entry barrier), 56
Scandal, effect of (example),
Scanning ( external environmental), 41-42
opportunities for, 42
Second mover, 156-157 Segments, general
environment, 40t
demographic, 43-46 economic, 46-47
global, 50-51
political/legal, 47
sociocultural, 48-49 sustainable physical
environment, 51-53
technological, 49-50 Services
demand for, 243
quality dimensions, 158t
Shareholders, 20 activism, 311-312
diversification, optimal level
of, 317 large-block, 320,321
risk, 317, 317f
Short-term profits, generation, 224
Silent giant, 321
Simple structure, 350-351
Single-business diversification strategy, 180
Slack, 156
Slow-cycle markets, 161-164, 284,285
Social capital, 399-400
Social complexity, 89 Sociocultural segment, 48-49
Sovereign wealth fund (SWF), 427
Specialization, structural
characteristic, 353 Stable alliance network, 297-298
Stakeholders, 19-22
capital market, 21-22 classifications of, 20-22, 20f
organizational, 22
product market, 22 Standard-cycle markets, 166-167,
Steward, CEO as, 392-393 Storage costs, 59-60
Strategic actions, 19, 24,143,
154-155 content, 405
outcomes, 405
Strategic alliances, 256-257, 259
complementary. See Complementary strategic
as cooperative strategy, 281-286
cross-border, 295-296
defined, 281
development, reasons for, 283-286,284f
diversifying, 293
equity strategic alliance, 282 example, 290-291
joint venture, 281-282
nonequity strategic alliance, 282 synergistic, 293
types of, 281-283
Strategic behavior
autonomous, 426-427 induced, 428
Strategic business unit (SBU) form
defined, 358 and related linked strategy
implementation, 358-360,
359f, 363t
Strategic center firm, 297, 368-369,368f
Strategic change, 386
top management teams and, 390-391
Strategic competitiveness, 4 ,6,
7f, 7, 8, 11, 16, 19, 24, 26, 27,28,41,61,66,76,77, 78,
78f, 81, 96, 106, 107, 162,
231, 24lf, 243,245,253, 256,258, 263-265, 267,268,
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Strategic competitiveness
(continued), 280,297,301,312,316,333,
334, 385, 385f, 400
Strategic controls, 348-349 Strategic decisions, 25, 63, 79,
392,423 Strategic direction, determining,
Strategic entrepreneurship defined, 418
value creation through,
Strategic flexibility, 13-14 Strategic groups, 61-63
notion, usefulness of, 61
Strategic leaders, 81,386 cybersecurity risk as challenge
for, 387
decisions, 24-25 defined, 23
identification, 23
work of, 23, 25
Strategic leadership, 385f actions. See Actions, strategic
defined, 386 managerial succession,
responsibility for, 386
style, 386-388 top-level managers, role of,
Strategic management process, 6, 7f, 26-27, 385f
Strategic network, 367-369, 368f
distributed, 372, 372f Strategic outsourcing, 368
Strategic response. See Strategic
Strategic stakes, 60 Strategy, 6, 112
cost leadership. See Cost
leadership strategy defined, 4
differentiation. See
Differentiation strategy
digital, 105-106 evolutionary patterns. See
Evolutionary patterns
growth pattern, 35lf and structure, 349-350
unrelated diversification. See
Unrelated diversification strategy
Structural flexibility, 347
Structural stability, 34 7
Structure combination, 365, 366-367, 367f
functional. See Functional
structure growth pattern, 35lf
multidivisional. See
Multidivisional (M-form) structure
organizational. See
Organizational structure
simple, 350-351 strategy and, 349-350
Subscription model, 114
Substitute products, threat of,
Suppliers, bargaining power of,
Supply chain management, 132
Support functions, 91, 93f
Sustainable competitive
advantage costly-to-imitate capabilities,
criteria, 87-90, 87t, 90t existence, 87
rare capabilities, 88
valuable capabilities, 88
Sustainable physical environment segment, 51-53
Sustained competitive advantage
creation, temporary advantages development
for, 165f
erosion of, l 64f
Switching costs as entry barrier, 55-56
low level, 60
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats)
analyses, 26
Synergistic strategic alliance, 293 Synergy, 196
cost-based, 214
inability to achieve, 222-223
private, 223 revenue-based, 214
Tacit collusion, 291
Tacit knowledge, 282
Tactical action/response,
Tactical response. See Tactical
Takeover, 212 Tangible assets,
restructuring, 193
Tangible resources, 84, 196-197 categories, 82t
as core competencies base, 83
defined, 82
Tax laws, 193-194 Tax Reform Act, 1986, 194
Technological segment, 49-50
Technology, 368-369 changes, 11-14
diffusion, 11-12
disruptive, 11-12 Theory of Economic Development,
The (Schumpeter), 420
Threats, 41
Internet, 49-50 of new entrants, 54-57
of substitute products, 58-59
Top-level managers. See also Top management teams
compensation, 326
decision-making discretion,
389,389f information gathering, 224
role of, 388-393
Top management teams, 390-393 composition on strategy, 395f
defined, 390
and firm performance, 390-391 heterogeneous, 390-391
members, characteristics of, 391
power, CEO and, 391-393
and strategic change, 390-391 Total quality management
(TQM) systems, 132
Trade wars, 262 Transaction costs, 223
Transnational strategy, 251-252
implementation, combination
structure for, 365, 366-367,367f
Trends, assessment, 43
Trust, and alliances, 256-257
Uncertainty-reducing strategy, 289
Unique historical conditions, 89
United States, population (shift),
44-45 Unrelated diversification,
assets, restructuring, 192-193 internal capital market
allocation, 190-192
strategy. See Unrelated
diversification strategy Unrelated diversification strategy,
183,184, 184f
example, 191 implementation, competitive
form for, 360-362, 360f,
Valuable capabilities, 88
Value chain, 121
activities, 91, 92f
analysis, 90-92
model, 9lf
Subject Index
Value-creating diversification,
corporate relatedness, 186-187,189
market power, 187-188
operational relatedness,
185-186,189 Value creation, 79, 92
activities, associated with
cost leadership strategy, 117, 117f
differentiation strategy, l 22f
diversification and, 183
from internal innovation, 430-431,430f
through strategic
entrepreneurship, 434-436
Value-neutral diversification,
183t, 184 antitrust regulation, 193-194
firm risk reduction, 196
low performance,
194-195, 195f resources, 196-197
synergy, 196
tax laws, 193-194 uncertain future cash flows,
Value-reducing diversification,
183t managerial motives, 198-199
Vertical acquisitions, 214-215
Vertical complementary strategic alliance, 287, 288f
Vertical integration, 188
Vision, of firm, 18 VISTA (Vietnam, Indonesia,
South Africa, Turkey, and
Argentina) countries, 10
Wealth distribution, 46
Whole-firm leveraged buyouts, 229 W holly owned subsidiaries, 258
Workforce changes, 49
Worldwide geographic area
structure defined,364
for multidomestic strategy
implementation, 363-365,364f
Worldwide product divisional
structure, for global strategy implementation, 365, 366f
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- Cover
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- About the Authors
- Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
- Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
- 1-1 The Competitive Landscape
- 1-2 The I/O Model of Above-Average Returns
- 1-3 The Resource-Based Model of Above-Average Returns
- 1-4 Vision and Mission
- 1-5 Stakeholders
- 1-6 Strategic Leaders
- 1-7 The Strategic Management Process
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
- 2-1 The General, Industry, and Competitor Environments
- 2-2 External Environmental Analysis
- 2-3 Segments of the General Environment
- 2-4 Industry Environment Analysis
- 2-5 Interpreting Industry Analyses
- 2-6 Strategic Groups
- 2-7 Competitor Analysis
- 2-8 Ethical Considerations
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages
- 3-1 Analyzing the Internal Organization
- 3-2 Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
- 3-3 Building Core Competencies
- 3-4 Outsourcing
- 3-5 Competencies, Strengths, Weaknesses, and Strategic Decisions
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Part 2: Strategic Actions: Strategy Formulation
- Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
- 4-1 Customers: Their Relationship wuth Business-Level Strategies
- 4-2 The Purpose of a Business-Level Strategy
- 4-3 Business Models and their Relationship with Business Strategies
- 4-4 Types of Business-Level Strategies
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
- 5-1 A Model of Competitive Rivalry
- 5-2 Competitor Analysis
- 5-3 Drivers of Competitive Behavior
- 5-4 Competitive Rivalry
- 5-5 Likelihood of Attack
- 5-6 Likelihood of Response
- 5-7 Competitive Dynamics
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
- 6-1 Levels of Diversification
- 6-2 Reasons for Diversification
- 6-3 Value-Creating Diversification: Related Constrained and Related Linked Diversification
- 6-4 Unrelated Diversification
- 6-5 Value-Neutral Diversification: Incentives and Resources
- 6-6 Value-Reducing Diversification: Managerial Motives to Diversify
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
- 7-1 The Popularity of Merger and Acquisition Strategies
- 7-2 Reasons for Acquisitions
- 7-3 Problems in Achieving Acquisition Success
- 7-4 Effective Acquisitions
- 7-5 Restructuring
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 8: International Strategy
- 8-1 Identifying International Opportunitie
- 8-2 International Strategies
- 8-3 Environmental Trends
- 8-4 Choice of International Entry Mode
- 8-5 Risks in an International Environment
- 8-6 Strategic Competitiveness Outcomes
- 8-7 The Challenge of International Strategies
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
- 9-1 Strategic Alliances as a Primary Type of Cooperative Strategy
- 9-2 Business-Level Cooperative Strategy
- 9-3 Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategy
- 9-4 International Cooperative Strategy
- 9-5 Network Cooperative Strategy
- 9-6 Competitive Risks with Cooperative Strategies
- 9-7 Managing Cooperative Strategies
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation
- Chapter 10: Corporate Governance
- 10-1 Separation of Ownershipand Managerial Control
- 10-2 Ownership Concentration
- 10-3 Board of Directors
- 10-4 Market for Corporate Control
- 10-5 International Corporate Governance
- 10-6 Governance Mechanisms and Ethical Behavior
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
- 11-1 Organizational Structure and Controls
- 11-2 Relationships between Strategy and Structure
- 11-3 Evolutionary Patterns of Strategy and Organizational Structure
- 11-4 Implementing Business-Level Cooperative Strategies
- 11-5 Implementing Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategies
- 11-6 Implementing International Cooperative Strategies
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership
- 12-1 Strategic Leadership and Style
- 12-2 The Role of Top-Level Managers
- 12-3 Managerial Succession
- 12-4 Key Strategic Leadership Actions
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
- 13-1 Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Opportunities
- 13-2 Innovation
- 13-3 Entrepreneurs
- 13-4 International Entrepreneurship
- 13-5 Internal Innovation
- 13-6 Implementing Internal Innovations
- 13-7 Innovation through Cooperative Strategies
- 13-8 Innovation through Acquisitions
- 13-9 Creating Value through Strategic Entrepreneurship
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Mini-Case
- Notes
- Part 4: Case Studies
- Case 1: Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
- Case 2: Baidu's Business Model and Its Evolution
- Case 3: Future of the Autonomous Automobile: A Strategy for BMW
- Case 4: An Examination of the Long-term Healthcare Industry in the USA
- Case 5: CrossFit at the Crossroads
- Case 6: New Business Models for Heise Medien: Heading for the Digital Transformation
- Case 7: Illinois Tool Works: Retooling for Continued Growth and Profitability
- Case 8: Ultra Rope: Crafting a Go-to-market Strategy for Kone's Innovative 'Ultra Rope' Hoisting Cable
- Case 9: MatchMove: Business Model Evolution
- Case 10: The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2018 and Beyond
- Case 11: Pacific Drilling: The Preferred Offshore Driller
- Case 12: Pfizer
- Case 13: Publix Supermarkets, Inc.
- Case 14: Driving Innovation and Growth at Starbucks: From Howard Schultz to Kevin Johnson
- Case 15: Sturm, Ruger & Co. and the U.S. Firearms Industry
- Case 16: The trivago Way-Growing Without Growing Up?
- Case 17: The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal
- Case 18: The Wells Fargo Banking Scandal
- Case 19: ZF Friedrichshafen's Acquisition of TRW Automotive: Making the Deal
- Case 20: The Rise and Fall of ZO Rooms
- Name Index
- Company Index
- Subject Index

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