Title of Paper

Your Name (without credentials)


Course Number: Course Name

Name of Instructor

Assignment Due Date

Title of Your Paper in Upper and Lower Case (Centered, Bold)

Type your introduction here and remove the instructions. Although the first paragraph after the paper title is the introduction, no heading labeled “Introduction” is used. Refer to your assignment instructions for the headings to be used for the body of the paper. There are additional resources located in your courses.

Level 1 Paper Heading (Bold and centered)

Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed to cover the content appropriately based on the assignment instructions.

Level Two Heading (If required) (Bold and starts at left margin)

Type additional content here if a section with a subheading is needed.

Next Level Two Heading

Continue to add content in this section.

Next Level 1 Heading

Levels of headings will depend on the length and organization of your paper. Use as many headings as necessary and required to organize your paper. Short papers may only have level 1 headings. Longer papers may require more organizational detail. See your APA Manual for additional instructions on formatting multiple levels of headings.


Papers should end with a conclusion or summary. The assignment directions will specify which is required. It should be concise and contain no new information. No matter how much space remains on the page, the references always start on a separate page (insert a page break after the conclusion so that the references will start on a new page).

References (centered, bold)

Type your reference here using hanging indent and double line spacing (under “Paragraph” on the Home toolbar ribbon). See your APA Manual and the resources in the APA section of Resources for reference formatting.


In this milestone, we will:

· Analyze the sample dataset and understand the relevant business context (data, terms, rules, etc.). Step 1

· Design a reasonable star schema to model the data. Step 2

· Implement the star schema in SQL Server and create a dimensional data mart structure (structure only). Step 3


1. Two files are provided.

a. “sample-data.zip” include several HTML files showing class registration data.

b. “business requirements.docx” provides some more details and explanations and shows some sample queries that are to be answered based on this data.

Reasonably expand the scope of the sample data to consider additional data that might be beneficial (even though they are not in the sample data), like all departments, past semesters, or more faculty information. The project is designed to be exploratory and open. You will have questions and you need to ask questions to find out details.

2. Create a star schema for this data based on your analysis of the requirements and understanding of the domain. They must be reasonable and justifiable. Clearly show major measures, dimensions and their attributes. Use a software program to create the model.

E.g. ERDplus (https://erdplus.com/standalone) or MS Visio.

3. Create a data mart based on the star schema using SQL Server Database Engine. Schema/data mart requirements (may or may not align with your design; but for consistency please meet the following minimum requirements).

· The fact table should include at least three measures: actual enrollment (the first number of the last column), original enrollment, maximum seats.

· Design at least four dimension tables.

· Create all primary keys, relationships (foreign keys), appropriate data type/length, and other constraints.

4. Create a SQL Server database diagram and take a screenshot of the diagram.


Compile a milestone report with all required documents and screenshots in ONE PDF file. Submit it in D2L. All screenshots must be clear, original, and show the complete screen - no graphic editing or cropping is allowed. Clearly label and explain all parts.

The report must include the following:

1. Basic data analysis: identify facts/measures, dimensions, hierarchies, and potential aggregates.

2. A screenshot (or an image) of the star schema (logical design) designed using a modeling tool like ERDplus.com. Justify the design, and explain how they satisfy the requirements.

3. A screenshot of the SQL Server data mart (database) structure diagram. Make sure all column data types and keys are shown in the diagram (choose the standard view for each table).


The milestone is assessed based on:

· Demonstrated understanding of the business and data

· Design of the star schema

· Implementation of the schema in a SQL Server data mart

· Clarity, originality, and completeness of the screenshots and reports.




Rating Description


Outstanding work; beyond expectation.

Most reasonable design with sound justification.

Considered almost all situations; clearly understand the business case.

Correct SQL Server implementation based on the schema design without any flaw.

Professional report.


Good work; meet expectations.

Correctly identify and model the facts and dimensions; may have minor design issues but does not impact too much.

Shows adequate business analysis and reasonable understanding of the data.

Has minor data mart implementation issues in SQL Server.


Adequate work; need improvement.

Has some design flaws in star schema.

Shows inadequate business analysis and misunderstanding of the data.

Has data mart implementation issues in SQL Server; incorrect design on constraints (keys) and columns.

Disorganized report.


Lack of effort.

Has major design flaws.

Shows weak business analysis.

Incorrect implementation and database creation.

Disorganized report with unclear, partial screen, or edited screenshots.

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Term Schedule for 201308.htm

The data you see here may be delayed by up to one week from real time.
CRN Course Title Hrs Days Weeks Time Instructor Room Cur/Reg/Max
20432 ACCT 2101 / 001 Prin of Financial Acctng     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Shumate S J 151 29/33/0
20433 ACCT 2101 / 002 Prin of Financial Acctng 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Shumate S J 151 31/33/33
20434 ACCT 2101 / 003 Prin of Financial Acctng     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Smith S J 201 24/24/30
20439 ACCT 2101 / 004 Prin of Financial Acctng 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Stephenson S J 151 24/28/30
20441 ACCT 2101 / 900 Prin of Financial Acctng     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith S 28/29/0
20442 ACCT 2102 / 001 Prin of Managerial Acctng     Pre-req: ACCT 2101 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Smith S J 108 18/18/30
20444 ACCT 2102 / 002 Prin of Managerial Acctng     Pre-req: ACCT 2101 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Miller S J 151 18/19/30
20445 ACCT 3230 / 001 Intermediate Accounting I     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Shumate S J 151 16/17/0
20446 ACCT 3231 / 900 Intermediate Accounting II     Pre-req: ACCT 3230 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shumate S 12/13/15
20447 ACCT 3530 / 900 Cost Management     Pre-req: ACCT 2102     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shumate S 21/21/0
20448 ACCT 4530 / 001 Advanced Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 3231 and MGNT 1000 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Smith S J 262 13/14/15
20449 ACCT 4535 / 001 Accounting Information Systems     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Smith S J 108 29/30/0
21558 ACCT 4555 / 850 Auditing and Assurance     Please contact Prof. Shumate for course approval 3 W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Beecken W J 151 5/5/0
20450 ACCT 4562 / 001 Federal Taxation II     Pre-req: ACCT 4560 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM White D J 151 10/10/30
20451 ACCT 4565 / 850 Fraud Examination     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 3 W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Beecken W J 151 29/31/0
20452 ACCT 5007 / 001 Intermediate Accounting I     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Shumate S J 151 4/5/15
20453 ACCT 5009 / 900 Intermediate Accounting II     Pre-req: ACCT 5007 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shumate S 7/7/15
20455 ACCT 5011 / 001 Advanced Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Smith S J 151 4/4/15
20454 ACCT 5013 / 900 Cost Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shumate S 12/13/15
21565 ACCT 5100 / 900 MSA Orientation 1 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Richardson R 5/6/25
21520 ACCT 6000 / 001 Managerial Accounting     Pre-req: MGNT 5002 and MGNT 5004     OR undergraduate financial acctg or managerial acctg courses 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Ariail D J 201 13/13/25
21528 ACCT 6003 / 902 Accounting Theory     First Session - Aug 14 - Oct 4, 2013     Pre-req: ACCT 5011 or Undergraduate degree in Acctg 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Stephenson S 23/25/0
21529 ACCT 6003 / 903 Accounting Theory     Second Session - Oct 14-Dec 2, 2013     Pre-req: ACCT 5011 or Undergraduate degree in Acctg 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Stephenson S 18/18/25
21530 ACCT 6006 / 902 Adv Management Accounting     First Session - Aug 14-Oct 4, 2013     Pre-req: ACCT 6000 or ACCT 5013 or     Undergraduate Acctg degree 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Tsay B 21/22/0
21531 ACCT 6006 / 903 Adv Management Accounting     Second Session - Oct 14- Dec 2, 2013     Pre-req: ACCT 5013 or ACCT 6000 or     Undergraduate Acctg degree 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Tsay B 20/21/25
21532 ACCT 6030 / 902 Taxation of Entities     First session - Aug 14 - Oct 4, 2013     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 or Undergraduate Acctg degree     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Ariail D 29/31/0
21533 ACCT 6030 / 903 Taxation of Entities     Second Session - Oct 14 - Dec 2, 2013     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 or Undergraduate Acctg degree 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Ariail D 26/27/0
21548 ACCT 6075 / 903 Tax Research & Planning     Second session - Oct 14 - Dec 2, 2013     Pre-req: Transitional Accounting courses, if required     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Tsay B 23/24/0
21218 ARCH 3011 / 001 Architecture Studio I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Akins E N 232 10/10/10
21230 ARCH 3011 / 002 Architecture Studio I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Carpenter W N 232 10/10/10
21231 ARCH 3011 / 003 Architecture Studio I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Carroll M N 232 9/9/10
21232 ARCH 3011 / 004 Architecture Studio I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Martin E N 232 11/11/10
21541 ARCH 3116 / 001 Urban Design & Planning Theory 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Hashas M N 173 13/13/13
21542 ARCH 3116 / 002 Urban Design & Planning Theory 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Shpuza E N 174 17/18/16
21543 ARCH 3116 / 003 Urban Design & Planning Theory 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Voroneanu M N 175 18/20/16
21639 ARCH 3211 / 003 3B Architecture Structures II 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:30PM Hong P N 003 25/25/20
21643 ARCH 3211 / 004 3C Architecture Structures II 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:30PM Lagerstrom A N 175 22/22/20
21641 ARCH 3211 / 059 B3 Architecture Structures II 0 T R 16 2:31PM - 3:50PM Hong P N 003 25/25/20
21645 ARCH 3211 / 060 C3 Architecture Structures II 0 T R 16 2:31PM - 3:50PM Lagerstrom A N 175 22/22/20
21646 ARCH 3313 / 001 4A Env.Tech II: Human Comfort 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 12:00PM Akins E M 137 14/14/14
21648 ARCH 3313 / 002 4B Env. Tech II: Human Comfort 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 12:00PM Carroll M M 136 12/12/14
21650 ARCH 3313 / 003 4C Env. Tech II: Human Comfort 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 12:00PM Zamani P N 176 13/14/14
21647 ARCH 3313 / 061 A4 Env. Tech II: Human Comfort 0 F 16 11:00AM - 12:00PM Akins E M 137 14/14/14
21649 ARCH 3313 / 062 B4 Env. Tech II: Human Comfort 0 F 16 11:00AM - 12:00PM Carroll M M 136 12/12/14
21651 ARCH 3313 / 063 C4 Env. Tech II: Human Comfort 0 F 16 11:00AM - 12:00PM Zamani P N 176 13/14/14
21703 ARCH 3903 / 001 SpTp-Visual Arts 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Mooney K N 232 17/17/25
21700 ARCH 3923 / 001 SpTp-Material Matters 3 T 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Carroll M N 003 5/6/25
21704 ARCH 3953 / 001 SpTp-Skin & Bones 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:20PM Mooney K N 176 16/16/25
21705 ARCH 3983 / 001 SpTp-Landscapes & Site-Design 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:50PM Mooney K N 176 27/27/25
21497 ARCH 4013 / 001 Architecture Studio III 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Farooq A N 232 13/13/14
21498 ARCH 4013 / 002 Architecture Studio III 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Shpuza E N 232 13/14/14
21500 ARCH 4013 / 003 Architecture Studio III 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Hashas M N 232 9/9/11
21501 ARCH 4013 / 004 Architecture Studio III 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Voroneanu M N 232 13/13/14
21544 ARCH 4114 / 001 Cultures IV:1945 to Current 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Carpenter W N 173 21/22/22
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Rizzuto A N 173
21545 ARCH 4114 / 002 Cultures IV:1945 to Current 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Rizzuto A N 174 17/17/22
21546 ARCH 4114 / 003 Cultures IV:1945 to Current 3 M W F 16 6:00PM - 7:00PM Carpenter W N 175 13/13/22
21706 ARCH 4411 / 001 Design Cost Control 2 T R 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Papageorge T N 175 30/30/30
21755 ARCH 4411 / 002 Design Cost Control 2 T R 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Papageorge T N 175 27/28/28
21702 ARCH 4903 / 001 SpTp-Digital Animation 3 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:50AM Uddin M N 003 6/7/17
21707 ARCH 4933 / 001 SpTp-Design Drawing 3 R 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Martin T N 173 11/12/20
21547 ARCH 5313 / 001 Professional Practice & Ethics 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Welty C N 175 30/30/30
21654 ARCH 5313 / 002 Professional Practice & Ethics 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:20PM Papageorge T N 175 25/25/30
21676 ARCH 5901 / 001 SpTp-Program Events 1 MTWRF 16 9:00AM - 9:00PM N 003 0/0/0
MTWRF 16 9:00AM - 9:00PM N 173
MTWRF 16 9:00AM - 9:00PM N 174
MTWRF 16 9:00AM - 9:00PM N 176
21514 ARCH 5998F / 001 Focus Studio 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Bedette K N 332 16/16/13
21515 ARCH 5998F / 002 Focus Studio 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Wilner A N 332 15/15/13
21517 ARCH 5998F / 003 Focus Studio 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Stephenson J N 332 13/13/13
21519 ARCH 5998F / 004 Focus Studio 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Dempsey B N 332 15/15/13
21736 ARCH 5999R / 001 Thesis Research-Committee #1 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Carpenter W N 173 6/6/5
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Dytoc B N 173
21737 ARCH 5999R / 002 Thesis Research- Committee #2 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Cole C N 174 5/5/5
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Welty C N 174
21738 ARCH 5999R / 003 Thesis Research- Committee #3 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Bedette K N 176 5/5/6
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Hashas M N 176
21739 ARCH 5999R / 004 Thesis Research- Committee #4 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Shpuza E N 003 6/6/6
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Zamani P N 003
21740 ARCH 5999R / 005 Thesis Research- Committee #5 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Setiawan A N 173 6/6/6
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Tango R N 173
21741 ARCH 5999R / 006 Thesis Research- Committee #6 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Farooq A N 174 6/7/6
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Uddin M N 174
21742 ARCH 5999R / 007 Thesis Research- Committee #7 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Carroll M N 176 6/6/6
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Martin E N 176
21743 ARCH 5999R / 008 Thesis Research- Committee #8 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Rizzuto A M 136 6/6/6
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Voroneanu M M 136
21744 ARCH 5999R / 009 Thesis Research-Committee #9 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Akins E M 136 6/6/6
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Choma J M 136
21745 ARCH 5999R / 010 Thesis Research- Committee #10 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Crout R N 003 6/6/6
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Pittman W N 003
21746 ARCH 5999R / 011 Thesis Research- Committee #11 0 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Monaghan M M 136 6/6/5
M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Mooney K M 136
21693 ARCH 6020 / 001 Collaborative Studio 3 M 16 1:00PM - 3:55PM Hashas M N 310 2/3/3
21694 ARCH 6030 / 001 Research Methods 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:55AM Hashas M N 310 2/3/3
21695 ARCH 6040 / 001 Directed Study 3 T 16 10:00AM - 11:00AM Shpuza E N 310 2/3/3
21696 ARCH 6150 / 001 Applied Skills & Approaches 3 M 16 5:00PM - 7:50PM Farooq A N 173 2/3/3
21234 ARTS 2001 / 002 Art Appreciation 3 M W 16 12:30PM - 1:45PM Werner A J 152 43/45/45
21235 ARTS 2001 / 003 Art Appreciation 3 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:45AM Werner A J 152 44/44/45
21237 ARTS 2001 / 005 Art Appreciation 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Colebeck D J 152 46/46/45
21238 ARTS 2001 / 006 Art Appreciation 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Werner A J 262 43/43/45
21236 ARTS 2001 / 04H Honors Art Appreciation     Honors students only. Contact Honors Director, 678-915-3928,     to register. 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Colebeck D J 132 8/8/0
21239 ARTS 2002 / 900 Drama Appreciation     100% online instruction through D2L This is not an E-Core     class. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Stephenson C 19/20/20
21240 ARTS 2003 / 850 Music Appreciation     50% only instruction through D2L. 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Stutzmann B J 152 41/43/45
21241 ARTS 2003 / 851 Music Appreciation     50% online instruction through D2L. 3 R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Stutzmann B J 152 33/37/45
21242 ARTS 2003 / 900 Music Appreciation     100% online instruction through D2L. This is not an E-Core     class. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Stutzmann B 19/20/20
21243 ARTS 2004 / 001 History of Cont Am Music 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Stutzmann B J 152 45/47/45
21244 ARTS 2005 / 001 University Bands     Class will meet in A170. 1 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:30PM Stutzmann B A 7/7/50
21245 ARTS 2010 / 001 Intro to Drawing     This course DOES NOT satisfy Area C2.     Class meets in Studio Design Bldg. I. 3 M 16 2:00PM - 4:45PM Colebeck D I1 200E 19/19/20
21248 ARTS 2010 / 002 Intro to Drawing     This course DOES NOT satisfy Area C2.     Class meets in Studio Design Bldg. I. 3 W 16 2:00PM - 4:45PM Werner J I1 200E 19/19/20
21249 ARTS 2010 / 003 Intro to Drawing     This course DOES NOT satisfy Area C2.     Class meets in Studio Design Bldg. I. 3 M 16 11:00AM - 1:45PM Werner J I1 200E 13/14/20
21275 ARTS 2010 / 004 Intro to Drawing     This course DOES NOT satisfy Area C2.     Class meets in Studio Design Bldg. I. 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Colebeck D I1 200E 13/14/20
21253 ARTS 2020 / 850 Hist & Principle of Design     This course DOES NOT satisfy Area C2. 50% online instruction     through D2L. 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Rule R J 133 24/25/24
21254 ARTS 2110 / 001 Intro to Painting     This course DOES NOT satisfy Area C2.     Class meets in Studio Design Bldg. I. 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Werner A I1 200E 15/18/20
21255 ARTS 2220 / 001 2D and 3D Design     This course DOES NOT satisfy Area C2.     Class meets in Studio Design Bldg. I. 3 W 16 11:00AM - 1:45PM Colebeck D I1 200E 20/20/20
21256 ARTS 3000 / 001 Visual Thinking     Class will meet in J214 on Tuesday and J133 on Thursday. 3 R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Terry A J 133 22/23/24
T 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Terry A J 214
21257 ARTS 3100 / 001 History of New Media Arts     Mac Lab. 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Werner J J 212 13/14/20
21266 ARTS 3100 / 002 History of New Media Arts     Computer Classroom. 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Terry A J 214 8/8/20
21268 ARTS 3170 / 001 Digital Photography     Mac Lab. 3 W 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Werner A J 212 19/20/20
21396 ARTS 4800 / 001 Project Portfolio     Mac Lab. 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Haimes-Kor K J 212 7/7/5
W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Smith H J 212
21399 ARTS 4800 / 02H Honors Project Portfolio     Mac Lab. Honors students only. 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Haimes-Kor K J 212 0/0/0
W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Smith H J 212
20001 ASTR 1000K / 900 Introduction to the Universe 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith E 25/25/24
21792 ASTR 1000K / 901 Introduction to the Universe 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith E 21/22/23
21833 ASTR 1000K / 902 Introduction to the Universe 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith E 22/23/24
20503 ATT 1000 / 850 Orientation     Meets once per week on campus 8/20/13 to 10/1/13 1 T 7E 9:00AM - 9:50AM Ball T M 133 12/15/20
20504 ATT 1000 / 900 Orientation     Meets once per week online 8/20/13 to 10/1/13 1 T 7E 9:00AM - 9:50AM Ball T 3/3/10
20506 ATT 1300 / 850 International Sourcing     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Clay K M 135 14/15/20
20508 ATT 1300 / 900 International Sourcing     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Clay K 4/4/10
20515 ATT 2301 / 050 1A Apparel CAD I     Meets once per week on campus 0 W 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Clay K M 134 11/12/10
20512 ATT 2301 / 850 A1 Apparel CAD I     Meets once per week on campus 4 W 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Clay K M 134 11/12/16
20520 ATT 2301 / 900 B1 Apparel CAD I     Meets once per week online 4 W 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Clay K 4/4/16
20524 ATT 2301 / 950 1B Apparel CAD I     Meets once per week online 0 W 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Clay K 4/4/10
20540 ATT 3100 / 850 Fashion Merchandising     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Ball T M 135 9/11/20
20541 ATT 3100 / 900 Fashion Merchandising     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Ball T 1/1/10
20538 ATT 3505 / 850 Fabric Formation & Design     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Clay K M 135 16/16/20
20539 ATT 3505 / 900 Fabric Formation & Design     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Clay K 1/1/10
20542 ATT 3800 / 850 Fashion Forecasting     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Ball T M 135 8/10/20
20543 ATT 3800 / 900 Fashion Forecasting     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Ball T 1/1/10
20546 ATT 4750 / 050 1C Adv Design & Prod Development     Meets once per week on campus 0 M 16 3:30PM - 5:00PM Clay K M 134 10/10/16
20544 ATT 4750 / 850 C1 Adv Design & Prod Development     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Clay K M 134 10/10/16
20547 ATT 4750 / 900 D1 Adv Design & Prod Development     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Clay K 0/0/10
20549 ATT 4750 / 950 1D Adv Design & Prod Development     Meets once per week online 0 M 16 3:30PM - 5:00PM Clay K 0/0/0
20551 ATT 4840 / 001 E1 Textile/Apparel Bus Project     Meets once per week on campus 3 R 16 10:30AM - 11:20AM Ball T M 135 3/3/20
20553 ATT 4840 / 051 1E Textile/Apparel Bus Project     Meets twice per week on campus 0 M W 16 1:00PM - 3:00PM Ball T M 132 3/3/20
20459 BIOC 3111K / 001 D4 Biochemistry I 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Singh R Q 310 31/31/26
20461 BIOC 3111K / 051 4D Biochemistry I - LAB 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Singh R E 220 17/17/13
21099 BIOC 3111K / 075 4D Biochemistry I - LAB 0 T 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Singh R E 220 14/14/13
20462 BIOC 4200 / 001 Medicinal Chem&DrugDiscovery 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Singh R E 171 5/6/24
20985 BIOL 2050 / 800 Human Anatomy & Physiology I     NOTE: BIOL 2050L (an on-campus lab) is a course corequisite     This course DOES NOT fulfill the Core Area D requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hesser M 4/6/20
20986 BIOL 2050L / 072 Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2050 is a corequisite for this course 1 M 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Hesser M E 120 4/6/20
20581 BIOL 2107 / 001 Principles of Biology I      NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Hesser M Q 105 24/24/24
20582 BIOL 2107 / 002 Principles of Biology I      NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Tseng T E 222 24/24/24
20583 BIOL 2107 / 003 Principles of Biology I      NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Louten J G 235 35/37/38
20584 BIOL 2107 / 004 Principles of Biology I      NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Beach M E 222 18/21/24
20585 BIOL 2107 / 005 Principles of Biology I      NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jahangiri A E 222 47/47/48
20587 BIOL 2107 / 006 Principles of Biology I      NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Hesser M J 161 46/48/48
20588 BIOL 2107 / 007 Principles of Biology I      NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Tseng T J 161 24/24/48
20591 BIOL 2107 / 008 Principles of Biology I      NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM King A J 161 44/46/48
21595 BIOL 2107 / 009 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM King A Q 207 7/10/24
20604 BIOL 2107L / 050 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 F 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Hesser M E 172B 23/23/24
20697 BIOL 2107L / 051 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 W 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Hesser M E 172B 23/23/24
20699 BIOL 2107L / 052 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Louten J E 172B 22/24/24
20700 BIOL 2107L / 053 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Villarreal A E 172B 13/14/24
20703 BIOL 2107L / 054 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 W 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Beach M E 172B 23/24/24
20705 BIOL 2107L / 055 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Tseng T E 172B 24/24/24
20853 BIOL 2107L / 057 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Louten J E 172B 24/24/24
20855 BIOL 2107L / 058 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 M 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Beach M E 172B 17/18/24
20857 BIOL 2107L / 059 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 M 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Tseng T E 172B 22/23/24
20860 BIOL 2107L / 060 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Weand M E 172B 19/21/24
20862 BIOL 2107L / 061 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jahangiri A E 172B 23/24/24
20864 BIOL 2107L / 062 Principles of Biology I - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jahangiri A E 172B 18/19/24
21596 BIOL 2107L / 063 Principles of Biology I - Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM King A E 172B 19/21/24
20866 BIOL 2108 / 001 Principles of Biology II      NOTE: BIOL 2108L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Weand M E 222 24/25/24
20867 BIOL 2108 / 002 Principles of Biology II      NOTE: BIOL 2108L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Sakaris P J 161 27/31/48
20869 BIOL 2108L / 063 Principles of Biology II - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2108 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Weand M E 172A 16/17/24
20870 BIOL 2108L / 064 Principles of Biology II - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2108 is a corequisite for this course 1 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Sakaris P E 172A 18/18/24
20872 BIOL 2108L / 065 Principles of Biology II - Lab      NOTE: BIOL 2108 is a corequisite for this course 1 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Sakaris P E 172A 17/21/24
20882 BIOL 3000K / 001 M1 Genetics 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Beach M E 154 29/30/32
20884 BIOL 3000K / 066 1M Genetics - LAB 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Beach M E 203 15/15/16
20886 BIOL 3000K / 067 1M Genetics - LAB 0 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Beach M E 203 14/15/16
20890 BIOL 3300K / 001 P1 Ecology 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Sakaris P E 154 15/16/24
20891 BIOL 3300K / 068 1P Ecology - LAB 0 W 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Sakaris P E 120 9/10/12
20897 BIOL 3300K / 069 1P Ecology - LAB 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Sakaris P E 120 6/6/12
20900 BIOL 3650 / 001 Marine Biology 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Sugalski M E 154 19/19/24
20907 BIOL 4400K / 001 Q1 Human Physiology 4 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Sugalski M E 154 18/18/20
21020 BIOL 4400K / 070 1Q Human Physiology - LAB 0 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM King A E 120 18/18/20
R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Sugalski M E 120
20974 BIOL 4410 / 001 Immunology 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Louten J E 154 15/17/24
20909 BIOL 4480 / 001 Evolution 3 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Nelson T E 154 10/10/24
21682 BIOL 4901 / 001 SpTp-Directed Research 1 M 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Louten J 3/3/1
21829 BIOL 4902 / 001 SpTp-Directed Research 2 W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Singh R 1/1/0
20958 BIOL 4903 / 001 Genomics 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Tseng T E 171 5/5/24
21406 BIOL 4903 / 002 Bio. Princ. I for Civil Eng.     For CIVIL ENGINEERING Major ABET Requirement     Does NOT meet Area D Core Lab Science Requirement 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Louten J G 235 8/10/10
21719 BIOL 4903 / 003 SpTp-Directed Research 3 M F 16 4:00PM - 6:00PM Tseng T E 171 2/2/0
21812 BIOL 4903 / 004 SpTp-Directed Research 3 M 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Nelson T 1/1/0
21815 BIOL 4903 / 005 SpTp-Directed Research 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 10:00AM Sakaris P 1/1/0
M W F 16 9:00AM - 10:00AM Sugalski M
21512 BIOL 4904 / 001 T1 SpTp-Plant Physiology 4 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Weand M E 154 5/5/24
21516 BIOL 4904 / 071 1T SpTp-Plant Physiology Lab 0 W 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Weand M E 203 5/5/24
21457 CE 1000 / 001 Orientation to CE & CNST Engr 1 M 16 5:00PM - 6:40PM Beadles S J 152 63/64/60
21000 CE 3201 / 001 Structural Analysis 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Oguzmert M Q 310 31/31/30
20976 CE 3202 / 001 Design of Concrete Structures 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Barham W M 137 25/26/30
20971 CE 3701 / 001 Geotechnical Engineering 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Kim S M 100 40/40/35
20994 CE 3702 / 001 Environmental Engineering 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Karim M M 135 33/33/30
20996 CE 3704 / 060 Environmental Engr Lab 1 T 16 4:15PM - 6:45PM Karim M L 120 16/16/16
T 16 4:15PM - 6:45PM Karim M L 136
20998 CE 3704 / 061 Environmental Engr Lab 1 R 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Karim M L 136 6/6/16
R 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Karim M M 135
20972 CE 3708 / 060 Geotechnical Engineering Lab 1 M 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM Kim S L1 100 14/15/16
20973 CE 3708 / 061 Geotechnical Engineering Lab 1 W 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM Kim S L1 100 15/15/16
21014 CE 4177 / 001 A3 Transportation Engineering 3 T R 16 10:45AM - 12:00PM Yang J Q 105 36/36/30
21452 CE 4179 / 060 3A Transportation Engineering Lab 1 T 16 12:00PM - 2:30PM Yang J J 135 18/18/16
21594 CE 4179 / 061 3A Transportation Engineering Lab 1 R 16 12:00PM - 2:30PM Yang J J 135 18/18/16
21315 CE 4704 / 001 Hydraulic Analysis & Design 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Campbell R M 135 28/29/30
20983 CE 4800 / 001 Senior Project 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Beadles S M 135 5/5/0
21586 CE 4903 / 001 SPTp- 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Karim M 1/1/1
21455 CE 6002 / 001 Research Methods 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Oguzmert M J 135 10/10/27
21747 CE 6003 / 001 Prob Anal & Reliability in CE 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Yang J J 106 8/9/27
21394 CET 1001 / 001 Orientation to CET Profession 1 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Zeigler T L 125 14/16/20
21450 CET 2110 / 001 A2 ProblemsolvingmethodsinCET 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Oncul F L 125 16/16/20
21453 CET 2110 / 083 2A ProblemsolvingmethodsinCET 0 T 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Oncul F L 126 16/16/20
21407 CET 2200 / 001 Intro to Structures 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:40PM Mesbahi M L 165 15/19/20
21409 CET 3110 / 001 CNSTMaterials&Sustainability 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Turner N L 120 4/4/20
21410 CET 3110L / 050 Construction Materials Lab 1 T 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Turner N L 120 4/4/20
T 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Turner N L1 100
21432 CET 3120 / 001 Cost Est&Sched in CET 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Mesbahi M L 125 12/13/20
21433 CET 3120L / 069 Plan Reading & Take Offs Lab 1 T 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Mesbahi M L 165 12/13/20
21459 CET 3130 / 001 ApplFluidMech&Hydraulics 2 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Oncul F L 165 11/11/20
21462 CET 3130L / 086 Fluids & Hydraulics Lab 1 F 16 10:00AM - 12:50PM L 130 11/11/20
F 16 10:00AM - 12:50PM Oncul F L 165
21411 CET 3210 / 001 Structural Mechanics 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Turner N L 120 9/10/20
21436 CET 3220 / 001 App Struc Steel Design 3 M W 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Orlandella M L 125 7/8/20
21434 CET 3230 / 001 Concrete Infrastructure Des 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Mesbahi M L 125 12/12/20
21513 CET 3320 / 001 WastewaterCollection&Treatment 2 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Karim M L 121 20/20/20
21518 CET 3320L / 070 WastewaterColl&TreatmntLab 1 F 16 10:00AM - 12:50PM Karim M L 121 20/20/20
F 16 10:00AM - 12:50PM Karim M L 136
21449 CET 3410 / 001 Soil Properties & Foundations 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Oncul F L 165 12/12/20
21537 CET 3410L / 078 Soil Properties Lab 1 R 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Oncul F L1 100 12/12/20
21439 CET 3510 / 001 Traffic Analysis&RoadDesign 2 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Lee M L 120 6/6/20
21441 CET 3510L / 070 TrafficAnaly&RoadDesignLab 1 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Lee M L 120 6/6/20
21782 CET 3903 / 001 SPT:Prestress Losses 3 F 16 8:00AM - 11:50AM Mesbahi M L 1/1/0
21496 CET 4110 / 001 Ethics of Engineering 1 M 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Wilson M L 165 12/12/20
21445 CET 4120 / 001 B1 Senior Project 3 M 16 8:00PM - 9:40PM Lee M L 120 10/10/0
21446 CET 4120 / 081 1B Senior Project 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Lee M L 120 10/10/0
21435 CET 4230 / 001 Adv Concrete Design 4 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Mesbahi M L 125 9/9/20
21443 CET 4310 / 001 StormwaterMgnt&ErosionCntrl 2 M W 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Lee M L 120 23/24/20
21444 CET 4310L / 080 Erosion Control Lab 1 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Lee M L 120 23/24/20
21442 CET 4510 / 001 A1 TransportationNetworkDesign 4 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Lee M L 120 5/5/20
21447 CET 4510 / 082 1A TransportationNetworkDesign 0 S 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Lee M L 120 5/5/20
21832 CET 4901 / 001 SpT:AdvHwyConcMixDesign 1 F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Turner N L 1/1/0
20224 CGDD 2002 / 001 Fundamentals of Game Design 2 M 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Preston J J 202 37/38/40
20225 CGDD 2002 / 002 Fundamentals of Game Design 2 T 16 6:00PM - 7:40PM Franklin D J 202 36/40/40
20228 CGDD 3103 / 001 App Extensions & Scripting 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Peng C J 202 36/39/40
20226 CGDD 4003 / 001 Digital Media & Interaction 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Chastine J J 262 43/46/46
20229 CGDD 4113 / 001 3D Modeling & Animation 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Peng C J 202 19/21/40
20230 CGDD 4203 / 001 Mobile & Casual Game Devlpmnt 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Preston J J 202 25/28/40
20232 CGDD 4313 / 001 DsgnOnlineLearnContent&Env 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Preston J J 202 0/0/30
20231 CGDD 4803 / 826 D2 Studio     Note: Linked lab CRN 20233 required. 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Chastine J J 262 10/10/20
20233 CGDD 4803 / 951 2D Studio 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Chastine J 10/10/40
20234 CGDD 4814 / 826 D1 Capstone     Note: Linked lab CRN 20235 required. 4 M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Chastine J J 262 4/4/22
20235 CGDD 4814 / 951 1D Capstone 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Chastine J 4/4/40
20465 CHEM 1211 / 002 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 T 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Zhou W E 222 20/23/24
T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Kang L J 161
20466 CHEM 1211 / 003 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Cares W D 234 21/23/24
T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Kang L J 161
20467 CHEM 1211 / 004 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Ramaswamy H D 201 24/24/24
T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ferreira D Q 106
20468 CHEM 1211 / 005 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 R 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM D 201 26/28/24
T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ferreira D Q 106
20469 CHEM 1211 / 006 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 T 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM D 156 22/24/24
M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Duff J J 161
20470 CHEM 1211 / 007 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ramaswamy H D 201 26/26/24
M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Duff J J 161
20471 CHEM 1211 / 008 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM E 222 21/23/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Cares W E 222
20472 CHEM 1211 / 009 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM Ramaswamy H E 154 20/24/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Cares W E 222
20477 CHEM 1211 / 010 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 R 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM D 156 22/23/24
T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Duff J M 100
20478 CHEM 1211 / 011 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM D 235 21/23/24
T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Duff J M 100
21572 CHEM 1211 / 012 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 T 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Cares W D 201 21/24/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Dahmen K G 235
20480 CHEM 1211 / 013 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 M 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Q 206 23/24/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ferreira D Q 104
20481 CHEM 1211 / 014 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 T 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM D 235 23/24/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Cares W Q 104
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ferreira D Q 104
21573 CHEM 1211 / 015 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM G 235 22/24/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Dahmen K G 235
20463 CHEM 1211 / 01H Z9 Honors Principles of Chem I      Honors Students Only      Contact Honors director at 678-915-3928 to register.     Honors CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this lecture. 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Zhou W E 171 15/15/0
20963 CHEM 1211 / 902 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L (an on-campus lab) is a course corequisite 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Singh R 19/22/24
20153 CHEM 1211K / 01G Principles of Chemistry I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
20154 CHEM 1211K / 02G Principles of Chemistry I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 2/4/5
20155 CHEM 1211K / 03G Principles of Chemistry I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 9/11/0
20483 CHEM 1211L / 053 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 W 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Ferreira D E 223 22/24/24
20485 CHEM 1211L / 054 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 W 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Bartusik D E 234 22/24/24
20486 CHEM 1211L / 055 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 T 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Stickel G E 223 19/23/24
20487 CHEM 1211L / 056 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 T 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Stickel G E 234 14/15/24
20488 CHEM 1211L / 057 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 R 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Villarreal A E 223 14/16/24
20489 CHEM 1211L / 058 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 R 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Villarreal A E 234 11/13/24
20490 CHEM 1211L / 059 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 T 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Ramaswamy H E 223 24/24/24
20491 CHEM 1211L / 060 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 T 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Ramaswamy H E 234 22/23/24
20492 CHEM 1211L / 061 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 T 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Ramaswamy H E 223 24/24/24
20493 CHEM 1211L / 062 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 T 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Ramaswamy H E 234 23/24/24
20494 CHEM 1211L / 063 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 W 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Dahmen K E 223 21/24/24
20495 CHEM 1211L / 064 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 W 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Dahmen K E 234 18/22/24
20497 CHEM 1211L / 065 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 W 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Ramaswamy H E 234 23/24/24
20499 CHEM 1211L / 066 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 T 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM Cares W E 223 20/22/24
20502 CHEM 1211L / 067 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 T 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM Cares W E 234 21/23/24
21821 CHEM 1211L / 068 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab 1 W 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Bartusik D E 223 20/22/24
20464 CHEM 1211L / 52H 9Z Honors Princ. of Chem I Lab     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at 678-915-3928 to register.     Honors CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this lab. 1 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Zhou W E 220 15/15/0
20505 CHEM 1212 / 001 Principles of Chemistry II     NOTE: CHEM 1212L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Bartusik D E 222 41/44/48
21196 CHEM 1212 / 900 Principles of Chemistry II     NOTE: CHEM 1212L (an on-campus lab) is a course corequisite 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Kang L 16/18/24
20157 CHEM 1212K / 01G Principles of Chemistry II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20158 CHEM 1212K / 02G Principles of Chemistry II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 1/2/0
20509 CHEM 1212L / 068 Principles of Chemistry II Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1212 is a corequisite for this lab 1 R 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Bartusik D E 223 21/22/24
20510 CHEM 1212L / 069 Principles of Chemistry II Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1212 is a corequisite for this lab 1 R 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Bartusik D E 234 18/18/24
20513 CHEM 1212L / 070 Principles of Chemistry II Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1212 is a corequisite for this lab 1 F 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Kang L E 234 16/20/24
20575 CHEM 2511K / 001 D9 Organic Chemistry I 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Duff J E 222 44/47/48
20517 CHEM 2511K / 071 9D Organic Chemistry I - LAB 0 W 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Duff J E 233 21/23/24
20518 CHEM 2511K / 072 9D Organic Chemistry I - LAB 0 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Duff J E 233 23/24/24
20522 CHEM 3100K / 001 D8 Analytical Chemistry 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Zhou W E 171 9/10/12
20525 CHEM 3100K / 073 8D Analytical Chemistry-LAB 0 M W 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Zhou W E 220 9/10/12
20526 CHEM 4111K / 001 D7 Physical Chemistry I 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Kang L E 222 11/11/14
20527 CHEM 4111K / 074 7D Physical Chemistry I - LAB 0 R 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Kang L E 206 11/11/14
20528 CHEM 4903 / 001 Environmental Chemistry 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Ferreira D E 171 6/6/24
21508 CM 1000 / 001 U1 Orientation to Construction 2 M W 16 6:00PM - 6:20PM White D H 200 33/35/40
21509 CM 1000 / 051 1U Orientation to Construction 0 M W 16 6:30PM - 7:20PM White D H 200 33/35/40
20403 CM 2000 / 001 J1 Construction Graphics 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Abaza H H 339 24/26/26
20404 CM 2000 / 051 1J Construction Graphics 0 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Abaza H H 339 24/26/26
20392 CM 3000 / 001 E1 Computer App in Construction 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Abaza H H 321 24/25/24
20410 CM 3000 / 002 K1 Computer App in Construction 3 T R 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Abaza H H 321 12/12/24
20393 CM 3000 / 051 1E Computer App in Construction 0 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:20PM Abaza H H 321 24/25/24
20411 CM 3000 / 052 1K Computer App in Construction 0 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:20PM Abaza H H 321 12/12/24
20383 CM 3040 / 001 A1 Bldg Info Modeling App 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Meadati P H 321 15/15/20
20384 CM 3040 / 051 1A Bldg Info Modeling App 0 M W 16 7:00PM - 7:50PM Meadati P H 321 15/15/20
20413 CM 3110 / 001 L1 Residental&LightCnstMethods 3 T R 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Weidner M H 339 26/26/20
20414 CM 3110 / 051 1L Residental&LightCnstMethods 0 T R 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Weidner M H 339 26/26/20
20388 CM 3160 / 001 C1 Comm&HeavyCnstMethods 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Weidner M H 321 15/15/20
20389 CM 3160 / 051 1C Comm&HeavyCnstMethods 0 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Weidner M H 321 15/15/20
21504 CM 3180 / 900 T1 Mech & Elec Building Systems 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Mench J 10/13/25
21505 CM 3180 / 951 1T Mech & Elec Building Systems 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Mench J 10/13/25
20418 CM 3190 / 001 Sustainable Construction 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:20PM Jambro J H 323 6/6/18
20416 CM 3210 / 001 Applied Structures I 4 T R 16 8:00PM - 9:50PM Meadati P H 322 7/7/20
20385 CM 3260 / 001 B1 Temporary Structures 3 M W 16 8:00PM - 8:50PM Meadati P H 321 18/18/20
20386 CM 3260 / 051 1B Temporary Structures 0 M W 16 9:00PM - 9:50PM Meadati P H 321 18/18/20
21506 CM 3290 / 001 Facilities Management 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM White D H 323 7/8/16
20409 CM 3310 / 01 Intro to Development 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:20PM Sauer M H 339 9/9/20
20400 CM 3410 / 01 I1 Const Quanity Surveying 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM El-Itr Z H 320 21/21/20
20401 CM 3410 / 051 1I Const Quanity Surveying 0 M W 16 7:00PM - 7:50PM El-Itr Z H 320 21/21/20
20396 CM 3420 / 001 G1 ConstEstimating&BidPrep 4 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:20PM El-Itr Z H 339 18/20/18
20397 CM 3420 / 051 1G ConstEstimating&BidPrep 0 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:20PM El-Itr Z H 339 18/20/18
21539 CM 3480 / 001 V1 Mech & Elect Systems Estimat 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:20PM Williams B H 361 5/6/20
21540 CM 3480 / 051 1V Mech & Elect Systems Estimat 0 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM Williams B H 361 5/6/20
21487 CM 3500 / 001 Building Codes 2 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM White D H 322 14/15/24
20407 CM 3620 / 001 Cons Finance & Feasibility 4 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Mench J H 322 8/8/20
20437 CM 3810 / 001 Adv Construction Practice 3 T R 16 8:00PM - 9:20PM Weidner M H 324 4/4/20
21863 CM 3903 / 001 Strategic Facilities Managemnt 3 TBA 16 TBA Williams B 2/2/2
21490 CM 4190 / 001 R1 Sustainable Oper&Maint 4 W 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Williams B H 361 5/5/18
M 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Williams B H 323
21494 CM 4190 / 051 1R Sustainable Oper&Maint 0 W 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Williams B H 361 5/5/18
M 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Williams B H 323
20394 CM 4510 / 001 F1 Construction Scheduling 3 M W 16 8:00PM - 8:50PM Liou F H 324 19/20/20
20423 CM 4510 / 002 M1 Construction Scheduling 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Liou F H 324 18/18/20
20395 CM 4510 / 051 1F Construction Scheduling 0 M W 16 9:00PM - 9:50PM Liou F H 324 19/20/20
20424 CM 4510 / 052 1M Construction Scheduling 0 T R 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Liou F H 323 18/18/20
20408 CM 4560 / 001 Cons Project Management 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:20PM Jambro J J 264 10/11/20
20406 CM 4570 / 001 Development Process I 4 M W 16 8:00PM - 9:50PM Sauer M H 323 8/8/20
20415 CM 4710 / 001 Construction Safety 4 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Register C H 322 12/12/24
20420 CM 4760 / 002 Const & Property Law 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:20PM Register C H 323 12/14/18
21567 CM 4800 / 002 W1 Const Management Technique 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM White D H 320 7/7/24
21568 CM 4800 / 052 1W Const Management Technique 0 T R 16 7:00PM - 7:50PM White D H 320 7/7/24
21454 CM 4900 / 001 Q1 Capstone Project 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Weidner M H 361 16/18/25
21476 CM 4900 / 051 1Q Capstone Project 0 T R 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Weidner M H 361 16/18/25
20417 CM 5030 / 001 Desc Structural Systems 4 T R 16 8:00PM - 9:50PM Meadati P H 322 1/1/6
20421 CM 6100 / 001 Const Law: Contracts & Claims 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Register C H 323 5/5/6
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Siddiqi K H 323
20402 CM 6200 / 001 Strategic Bidding & Estimating 4 M W 16 8:00PM - 9:50PM El-Itr Z H 339 3/3/20
20422 CM 6330 / 001 AdvOper:Const,ValueEngr,Prodvy 4 T R 16 8:00PM - 9:50PM Jambro J H 323 4/4/6
20419 CM 6904 / 001 LEED BM 4 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:50PM Jambro J H 323 3/3/6
T R 16 4:00PM - 5:50PM Siddiqi K H 323
21499 CM 6904 / 003 S1 Sustainable Oper&Maint 4 W 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Siddiqi K H 361 1/1/6
W 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Williams B H 361
M 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Siddiqi K H 322
M 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Williams B H 322
21591 CM 6904 / 005 Productivity 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Liou F H 323 5/5/12
21859 CM 6904 / 006 iPad Const ProgTool 4 TBA 16 TBA Abaza H 1/1/0
21503 CM 6904 / 053 1S Sustainable Oper&Maint 0 W 16 2:20PM - 3:20PM Siddiqi K H 361 1/1/6
W 16 2:20PM - 3:20PM Williams B H 361
M 16 2:20PM - 3:20PM Siddiqi K H 322
M 16 2:20PM - 3:20PM Williams B H 322
21748 COMM 1000 / 001 Intgrated Skills Int'l Studnts 6 T R 16 7:30AM - 10:15AM Taylor K J 212 10/10/0
21749 COMM 1000 / 002 Intgrated Skills Int'l Studnts 6 M W F 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Taylor K J 217 9/9/0
21752 COMM 1050 / 001 Holistic Comm for Non-Native 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Taylor K J 201 12/13/0
21753 COMM 1050 / 002 Holistic Comm for Non-Native 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Taylor K J 201 17/17/0
20160 COMM 1100 / 01G Human Communication     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20161 COMM 1100 / 02G Human Communication     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20162 COMM 1100 / 03G Human Communication     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20163 COMM 1100 / 04G Human Communication     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
20142 COMM 1100 / 05G Human Communication     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
20143 COMM 1100 / 06G Human Communication     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
21214 COMM 2000 / 001 Business Communication 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Shinall C J 133 20/25/27
21216 COMM 2000 / 850 Business Communication     50% online instruction through D2L. 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Shinall C J 133 25/26/27
21429 COMM 2030 / 001 Research for Humanities & SS 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Daws L J 214 14/14/20
21219 COMM 2170 / 001 Intro to Media 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Daws L J 133 26/26/24
21051 COMM 2400 / 002 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Harr-Lagin K J 157 25/25/25
21052 COMM 2400 / 003 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Stephenson C J 157 24/25/25
21193 COMM 2400 / 005 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Anderson K J 157 25/25/25
21194 COMM 2400 / 006 Public Speaking     Special Topic Covered: Leadership & Public Speaking 2 T R 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Daws L J 157 26/26/25
21195 COMM 2400 / 007 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Stephenson C J 157 24/26/25
21197 COMM 2400 / 008 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM York M J 157 24/24/25
21198 COMM 2400 / 009 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Stephenson C J 157 26/26/25
21199 COMM 2400 / 010 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM York M J 157 23/25/25
21200 COMM 2400 / 011 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Harr-Lagin K J 157 20/23/25
21201 COMM 2400 / 012 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Daws L J 157 23/25/25
21202 COMM 2400 / 013 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Daws L J 157 25/25/25
21205 COMM 2400 / 015 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM York M J 157 23/24/25
21208 COMM 2400 / 018 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM York M J 157 23/25/25
21209 COMM 2400 / 019 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 7:00PM - 7:50PM York M J 157 23/24/25
21819 COMM 2400 / 020 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM York M J 152 21/23/25
21192 COMM 2400 / 04H Honors Public Speaking     Honors students only. Contact Honors Director, 678-915-3928,     to register. 2 T R 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Anderson K J 157 15/15/0
21317 COMM 2400 / 850 Public Speaking     50% online instruction through D2L. 2 F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Harr-Lagin K J 157 24/25/25
21318 COMM 2400 / 851 Public Speaking     50% online instruction through D2L. 2 F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Harr-Lagin K J 157 24/24/25
21319 COMM 2400 / 852 Public Speaking     50% online instruction through D2L. 2 F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Harr-Lagin K J 157 22/23/25
21320 COMM 2400 / 853 Public Speaking     50% online instruction through D2L. 2 M 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Harr-Lagin K J 157 25/25/25
21321 COMM 2400 / 854 Public Speaking     50% online instruction through D2L. 2 W 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Harr-Lagin K J 157 25/25/25
21210 COMM 2400 / 900 Public Speaking     100% online instruction through D2L. This is not an E-Core     class. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Weaver M 19/20/20
21211 COMM 2400 / 901 Public Speaking     100% online instruction through D2L. This is not and E-Core     class. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Weaver M 18/20/20
21212 COMM 2400 / 902 Public Speaking     100% online instruction through D2L. This is not an E-Core     class. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Weaver M 13/20/20
21316 COMM 2510 / 001 Intercollegiate Forensics 1 M 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM York M J 106 2/2/0
21220 COMM 3035 / 001 Organizational Communication 3 M W 16 12:30PM - 1:45PM Shinall C J 133 9/10/20
21221 COMM 3160 / 001 Media, Theory & Practice     Mac Lab. 3 M 16 11:00AM - 1:45PM Nunes M J 212 15/17/20
21222 COMM 4100 / 001 Small Group Communication 3 M 16 2:00PM - 4:45PM Anderson K J 133 11/14/20
21720 CROS 1000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 17/18/0
21721 CROS 2000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 11/11/0
21722 CROS 3000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 9/9/0
21723 CROS 4000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 8/8/0
21724 CROS 6000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 0/0/0
20227 CS 3123 / 001 Programming Language Concepts 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Harbort R J 201L 39/39/40
20236 CS 3123 / 900 Programming Language Concepts     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Harbort R 19/20/30
20239 CS 3224 / 001 C1 Computer Org & Architecture     Note: Linked lab 1C required. Choose CRN 20240 OR 20241. 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Lo C J 201L 48/49/48
20240 CS 3224 / 051 1C Computer Org & Architecture     Note: You must register for CRN 20239 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 M 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Lo C J 265 24/25/24
20241 CS 3224 / 052 1C Computer Org & Architecture     Note: You must register for CRN 20239 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 W 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Lo C J 265 24/24/24
20242 CS 3243 / 001 Operating Systems 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Lartigue J J 260 28/30/30
20243 CS 3243 / 900 Operating Systems     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Bobbie P 22/25/30
20244 CS 3424 / 001 D1 Data Structures     Note: Linked lab required. You must register for CRN 20245     with this section. 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Jung E J 251 30/30/30
20246 CS 3424 / 002 D2 Data Structures     Note: Linked lab required. You must register for CRN 20247     with this section. 4 M W 16 5:00PM - 6:15PM Vande Ven J J 251 27/27/30
20245 CS 3424 / 051 1D Data Structures     Note: You must register for CRN 20244 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 T 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Jung E J 251 30/30/30
20247 CS 3424 / 052 2D Data Structures     Note: You must register for CRN 20246 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 M 16 6:30PM - 8:15PM Vande Ven J J 251 27/27/30
20248 CS 3693 / 001 Applications Programming 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Shepherd C J 131 7/8/30
20250 CS 4253 / 001 Distributed Computing 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Guzman J J 264 34/35/40
20251 CS 4283 / 001 Real-Time Systems 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jung E J 201L 7/7/15
20252 CS 4413 / 001 Algorithm Analysis 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Hung C J 211 18/18/22
20253 CS 4413 / 002 Algorithm Analysis 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Lo C J 201 38/40/40
20254 CS 4523 / 001 Artificial Intelligence 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Faruque A J 131 13/13/30
20255 CS 4523 / 002 Artificial Intelligence 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Faruque A J 262 21/21/52
20256 CS 4533 / 001 Digital Image Processing 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Hung C J 262 6/7/36
20257 CS 4893 / 850 E1 Computer Science Capstone     Note: Linked lab required. You must register for CRN 20258     with this course. 3 R 16 4:00PM - 5:45PM Lartigue J J 201L 17/18/28
20258 CS 4893 / 951 1E Computer Science Capstone     Note: Lab component to 20257. You must register for this     course if you have registered for CRN 20257. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Lartigue J 17/18/48
21851 CS 4903 / 001 SpTp-Project 3 TBA 16 TBA Harbort R 2/2/0
21598 CS 4903 / 01H Honors CS Thesis Preparation     Contact the Honors Director at 678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Hung C 4/5/24
20259 CS 5003 / 850 Acc Intro to Programming 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Morrison B J 265 11/13/28
20260 CS 5003 / 900 Acc Intro to Programming     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Morrison B 9/9/30
20262 CS 5011 / 001 Fund of Computer Architecture     Note: This course will take place the first half of the     term only. 1.5 M W 7E 6:00PM - 7:15PM Lo C J 201 4/4/30
20261 CS 5011 / 900 Fund of Computer Architecture     Note: This course will take place the first half of the     term only.     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Lo C 5/5/30
21798 CS 5021 / 001 Fund of Operating Systems     Note: This course meets during the second half of the term     only. 1.5 T R 7L 6:00PM - 7:15PM Harbort R J 110 0/0/40
21797 CS 5021 / 900 Fund of Operating Systems     Note: This course will take place the 2nd half of the term     only. Online course; proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Harbort R 8/9/30
20265 CS 5031 / 001 Fund of Database Systems     Note: This course will take place the second half of the     term only. 1.5 M W 7L 7:30PM - 8:45PM Lo C J 202 3/3/45
20266 CS 5031 / 900 Fund of Database Systems     Note: This course will take place the second half of     the term only.     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Lo C 6/6/30
20267 CS 5123 / 001 Adv Programming & Data Struc 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Franklin D J 217 7/8/30
20268 CS 5123 / 900 Adv Programming & Data Struc     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Franklin D 19/20/30
20270 CS 5153 / 001 Database Systems 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Qian K J 266 4/4/15
20269 CS 5153 / 900 Database Systems     Fully online class. Students may register themselves.     Please contact Dr. Qian ([email protected]) if you     have questions. Please login to D2L ASAP with your     student account once the semester begins.     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Qian K 4/4/30
20271 CS 5223 / 001 Computer Architecture 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Faruque A J 266 8/9/35
20272 CS 5223 / 900 Computer Architecture     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Bobbie P 4/4/30
20274 CS 5243 / 001 Operating Systems 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Lartigue J J 260 1/2/5
20273 CS 5243 / 900 Operating Systems     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Bobbie P 2/3/30
20276 CS 5423 / 001 Math Structures for CS 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jagirdar S J 217 7/8/40
20275 CS 5423 / 900 Math Structures for CS     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Jagirdar S 7/7/30
20277 CS 6123 / 001 Theory & Impl Prog Lang 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Jung E J 217 26/27/30
20279 CS 6143 / 001 Enterprise App Development 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Qian K J 260 16/16/28
20278 CS 6143 / 900 Enterprise App Development     Fullly online class. Students may register themselves.     Please contact Dr. Qian ([email protected]) if you have     questions. Please login to D2L ASAP with your student     account once the semester begins.     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Qian K 12/12/30
21802 CS 6223 / 001 Adv Comp System Architecture 3 TBA 16 TBA Jung E 1/1/0
20280 CS 6283 / 001 Real-Time Systems 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jung E J 201L 8/8/15
21828 CS 6413 / 001 Theory of Computation 3 TBA 16 TBA Lo C 1/1/0
20282 CS 6423 / 001 Algorithmic Processes 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Hung C J 217 12/12/40
20284 CS 6563 / 001 Digital Image Process Analysis 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Hung C J 262 13/14/16
21830 CS 6903 / 001 SpTp-Image Inal & Pattern Reco 3 TBA 16 TBA Hung C 1/1/0
21831 CS 6903 / 002 SpTp-Adv. Computing 3 TBA 16 TBA Pournaghsh H 1/1/0
20286 CS 7803 / 001 Master's Thesis 3 TBA 16 TBA Chastine J 2/2/0
20288 CSE 1002 / 001 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 T 16 9:00AM - 10:40AM Morrison B J 262 51/52/58
20287 CSE 1002 / 002 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 M 16 6:00PM - 7:40PM Morrison B J 110 47/49/50
21458 CSE 1002 / 003 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 W 16 9:00AM - 10:40AM Bryant C J 262 52/52/52
21460 CSE 1002 / 004 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 R 16 6:00PM - 7:40PM Chavoshi M J 201 42/42/42
21778 CSE 1002 / 005 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 R 16 9:00AM - 10:40AM Chavoshi M J 262 51/53/52
21461 CSE 1002 / 900 Intro to Computing Disciplines     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Bryant C 34/35/40
21801 CSE 1002 / 901 Intro to Computing Disciplines     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 37/37/40
20289 CSE 1301C / 001 A1 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lab 1A (either 20290 or 20292)     with this course. 4 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Gesick R J 110 55/55/50
21730 CSE 1301C / 002 A7 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21731 or CRN 21732 (lab)     with this course. 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Gesick R J 110 48/51/50
20290 CSE 1301C / 051 1A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 20289 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 R 16 6:00PM - 7:45PM Gesick R J 251 29/29/25
20292 CSE 1301C / 052 1A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 20289 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 T 16 6:00PM - 7:45PM Gesick R J 251 26/26/25
21731 CSE 1301C / 053 7A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21730 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 T 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Gesick R J 251 25/26/25
21732 CSE 1301C / 054 7A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21730 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 R 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Gesick R J 251 23/25/25
20291 CSE 1301E / 001 A2 C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 20293 or 20295 (lab)     with this course. 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Pierce P J 262 50/50/50
20294 CSE 1301E / 002 A3 C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 20296 or 20297 (lab)     with this course. 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Pierce P J 262 49/49/50
21679 CSE 1301E / 003 A8 C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 21680 or 21681 (lab)     with this lecture. 4 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Pierce P J 110 37/41/40
20295 CSE 1301E / 051 2A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 20291 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 M 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Pierce P J 251 25/25/25
20293 CSE 1301E / 052 2A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 20291 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 W 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Pierce P J 251 25/25/25
20297 CSE 1301E / 053 3A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 20294 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 M 16 7:30PM - 9:15PM Pierce P J 260 23/23/25
20296 CSE 1301E / 054 3A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 20294 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 W 16 7:30PM - 9:15PM Pierce P J 260 25/25/25
21680 CSE 1301E / 055 8A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 21679 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 T 16 4:20PM - 5:55PM Pierce P J 251 18/20/20
21681 CSE 1301E / 056 8A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 21679 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 R 16 4:20PM - 5:55PM Pierce P J 251 20/22/20
20300 CSE 1301J / 001 A4 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 20298 or CRN 20299 (lab)     with this course. 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Vande Ven J J 210 41/41/40
21725 CSE 1301J / 002 A6 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21726 or CRN 21727 (lab)     with this course. 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Peng C J 266 34/35/36
21756 CSE 1301J / 003 A9 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21757 or CRN 21758 (lab)     with this course. 4 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:45AM Vande Ven J J 110 43/46/44
21793 CSE 1301J / 004 B7 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21794 or CRN 21795 (lab)     with this course. 4 M W 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Vande Ven S J 201L 34/38/40
20299 CSE 1301J / 051 4A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 20300 (lecture)     with this lab. 0 M 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Vande Ven J J 260 21/21/20
20298 CSE 1301J / 052 4A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 20300 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 W 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Vande Ven J J 260 20/20/20
21726 CSE 1301J / 053 6A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21725 (lecture) with     this course. 0 M 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Peng C J 266 17/18/18
21727 CSE 1301J / 054 6A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21725 (lecture) with this     course. 0 W 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Peng C J 266 17/17/17
21757 CSE 1301J / 055 9A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21756 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 M 16 11:00AM - 12:45PM Vande Ven J J 211 21/23/22
21758 CSE 1301J / 056 9A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21756 (lecture)     with this lab. 0 W 16 11:00AM - 12:45PM Vande Ven J J 211 22/23/22
21794 CSE 1301J / 057 7B Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21793 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 M 16 9:00AM - 10:45AM Vande Ven S J 211 17/19/20
21795 CSE 1301J / 058 7B Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 21793 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 W 16 9:00AM - 10:45AM Vande Ven S J 211 17/19/20
20457 CSE 1301J / 900 A5 Prog & Problem Solving I     You must register for CRN 20458 (lab) with this course.     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zanjanian S 33/38/60
21823 CSE 1301J / 901 B8 Prog & Problem Solving I 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zanjanian S 23/26/0
20458 CSE 1301J / 951 5A Prog & Problem Solving I     Lab component to CSE 1301J/900. You must register for     CRN 20457 (lecture) with this course. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zanjanian S 33/38/60
21824 CSE 1301J / 952 8B Prog & Problem Solving I 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zanjanian S 23/26/0
20303 CSE 1302C / 001 B1 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 20301 or CRN 20302 (lab)     with this course. 4 M W 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Gesick R J 210 34/35/40
21786 CSE 1302C / 002 B2 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 21787 or CRN 21788 (lab)     with this course. 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Franklin D J 202 30/31/40
20302 CSE 1302C / 051 1B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 20303 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 M 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Gesick R J 251 16/17/20
20301 CSE 1302C / 052 1B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 20303 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 W 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Gesick R J 251 18/18/20
21787 CSE 1302C / 053 2B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 21786 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 M 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Franklin D J 202 17/18/20
21788 CSE 1302C / 054 2B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 21786 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 W 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Franklin D J 202 13/13/20
20304 CSE 1302E / 001 B3 Obj Orient C++ Prgm for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 20305 (lab) with this     course. 4 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Vande Ven J J 131 15/15/30
20305 CSE 1302E / 051 3B Obj Orient C++ Prgm for Engrs     Note: You must register for CRN 20304 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 T 16 6:00PM - 7:45PM Vande Ven J J 260 15/15/30
20306 CSE 1302J / 001 B6 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 20307 or CRN 20308 (lab)     with this course. 4 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Gesick R J 110 42/46/50
20307 CSE 1302J / 051 6B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 20306 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 M 16 6:00PM - 7:45PM Gesick R J 265 19/22/25
20308 CSE 1302J / 052 6B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 20306 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 W 16 6:00PM - 7:45PM Gesick R J 265 23/24/25
21717 CSE 1302J / 900 B4 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 21718 (lab) with this     section.     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 31/31/40
21718 CSE 1302J / 951 4B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for CRN 21717 (lecture) with this     section. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 31/31/40
21673 CSE 3153 / 001 Database Systems 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Qian K J 266 34/37/40
21683 CSE 3153 / 002 Database Systems 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Garrett R J 251 32/39/40
21674 CSE 3153 / 900 Database Systems     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Qian K 46/51/50
21764 CSE 3642 / 001 Prof Practices & Ethics 2 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Salimi A J 217 48/50/50
21765 CSE 3642 / 002 Prof Practices & Ethics 2 T R 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Tatum D J 217 39/40/50
21766 CSE 3642 / 900 Prof Practices & Ethics     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Salimi A 35/45/50
20311 CSE 4983 / 001 CSE Internship 3 TBA 16 TBA Reichgelt J 2/2/0
21873 CSE 4983 / 002 CSE Internship 3 TBA 7L TBA Harbort R 2/2/0
20377 CSE 4983 / 900 CSE Internship 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Reichgelt J 0/0/0
20312 CSE 4990 / 900 Graduation Seminar 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Staff I 0/0/0
20313 CSE 6983 / 001 CSE Graduate Internship 3 TBA 16 TBA Reichgelt J 0/0/0
20380 CSE 6983 / 900 CSE Graduate Internship 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Reichgelt J 1/1/0
21430 DFN 1000 / 001 Orientation to Architecture 2 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Mooney K N 176 29/30/30
21669 DFN 1000 / 002 Orientation to Architecture 2 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Monaghan M N 175 23/23/30
21670 DFN 1000 / 003 Orientation to Architecture 2 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Setiawan A M 136 29/29/30
21456 DFN 1001 / 001 Design Foundation I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Choma J I1 101 14/14/12
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Dytoc B I1 101
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Monaghan M I1 101
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Pittman W I1 101
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Setiawan A I1 101
21463 DFN 1001 / 002 Design Foundation I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Choma J I1 102 14/14/12
21464 DFN 1001 / 003 Design Foundation I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Setiawan A I1 103 15/15/12
21465 DFN 1001 / 004 Design Foundation I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Dytoc B I1 101 14/14/12
21468 DFN 1001 / 005 Design Foundation I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Monaghan M I1 102 10/10/12
21469 DFN 1001 / 006 Design Foundation I 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Pittman W I1 103 14/15/12
21478 DFN 2003 / 002 Design Foundation III 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Uddin M I2 100 16/17/12
21480 DFN 2003 / 003 Design Foundation III 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Tango R I2 100 13/14/12
21491 DFN 2003 / 005 Design Foundation III 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Welty C I2 100 13/14/12
21493 DFN 2003 / 006 Design Foundation III 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Zamani P I2 100 13/14/12
21534 DFN 2112 / 001 ArchCultureIIRenaissance-1850 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Bedette K N 173 18/24/20
21535 DFN 2112 / 002 ArchCultureIIRenaissance-1850 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Monaghan M N 174 21/23/20
21536 DFN 2112 / 003 ArchCultureIIRenaissance-1850 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Setiawan A N 175 17/21/20
21601 DFN 2211 / 001 1A Architectural Structures I 3 T R 16 9:30AM - 10:00AM Hong P N 003 17/17/18
21603 DFN 2211 / 002 1B Architectural Structures I 3 T R 16 9:30AM - 10:00AM Dytoc B N 173 14/16/18
21602 DFN 2211 / 051 A1 Architectural Structures I 0 T R 16 10:01AM - 11:50AM Hong P N 003 17/17/18
21604 DFN 2211 / 052 B1 Architectural Structures I 0 T R 16 10:01AM - 11:50AM Dytoc B N 173 14/16/18
21806 DFN 2242 / 001 2A Design Communication II 2 M W 16 9:00AM - 9:30AM Welty C N 310 4/4/18
21808 DFN 2242 / 051 A2 Design Communication II 0 M W 16 9:31AM - 10:50AM Welty C N 310 4/4/18
21608 DFN 2311 / 001 5A Env. Tech I 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Martin E N 173 14/14/13
21615 DFN 2311 / 002 2B Env. Tech I 3 M W 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Choma J N 003 16/16/13
21619 DFN 2311 / 003 2C Env. Tech I 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Pittman W M 136 13/15/13
21629 DFN 2311 / 004 2D Env. Tech I 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Tango R N 176 12/13/13
21612 DFN 2311 / 054 A2 Env. Tech I 0 T R 16 2:00PM - 3:20PM Martin E N 173 14/14/13
21617 DFN 2311 / 055 B2 Env. Tech I 0 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:20PM Choma J N 003 17/17/13
21621 DFN 2311 / 056 C2 Env. Tech I 0 T R 16 2:00PM - 3:20PM Pittman W M 136 13/15/13
21631 DFN 2311 / 057 D2 Env. Tech I 0 T R 16 2:00PM - 3:20PM Tango R N 176 12/13/13
20484 ECET 1001 / 001 Orientation 1 R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Larisch S H 203 42/43/40
20501 ECET 1001 / 002 Orientation 1 R 16 5:30PM - 6:20PM Frinzi P Q 221 30/32/40
20529 ECET 1012 / 001 A1 Design Fundamentals 2 T 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Larisch S H 203 44/44/32
20531 ECET 1012 / 003 A2 Design Fundamentals 2 R 16 6:30PM - 7:20PM Frinzi P Q 107 11/12/32
20532 ECET 1012 / 051 1A Design Fundamentals 0 T 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Larisch S Q 313 17/17/16
20533 ECET 1012 / 052 1A Design Fundamentals 0 T 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Larisch S Q 313 14/14/16
20534 ECET 1012 / 053 1A Design Fundamentals 0 R 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Larisch S Q 313 13/13/16
20535 ECET 1012 / 054 2A Design Fundamentals 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Frinzi P Q 313 11/12/16
20536 ECET 1101 / 001 A4 Circuits I 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Asgill A Q 311 18/24/32
20537 ECET 1101 / 002 A5 Circuits I 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jenkins B Q 206 16/17/16
20554 ECET 1101 / 051 4A Circuits I 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Asgill A Q 313 7/11/16
20555 ECET 1101 / 052 4A Circuits I 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Wilcox D Q 313 11/13/16
20556 ECET 1101 / 053 5A Circuits I 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jenkins B Q 313 16/17/16
20578 ECET 1101 / 900 A4 Circuits I     Needs Instr. Permission 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Asgill A Q 311 0/0/0
20579 ECET 1200 / 001 A6 Digital I 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Wilcox D Q 207 28/30/32
20580 ECET 1200 / 002 A7 Digital I 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Preethy A Q 206 6/6/12
20625 ECET 1200 / 051 6A Digital I 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Wilcox D Q 309 15/16/16
20627 ECET 1200 / 052 6A Digital I 0 M 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Wilcox D Q 309 13/14/16
20637 ECET 1200 / 053 7A Digital I 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Preethy A Q 309 6/6/16
20648 ECET 1200 / 900 A7 Digital I     Needs Instr. Permission 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Preethy A Q 206 0/0/0
20683 ECET 2111 / 001 A8 Circuits II 4 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Wilcox D Q 207 22/24/32
20701 ECET 2111 / 002 A9 Circuits II 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Low S Q 109 11/12/16
20706 ECET 2111 / 051 8A Circuits II 0 M 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Davis K Q 336 6/7/16
20707 ECET 2111 / 052 8A Circuits II 0 W 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Wilcox D Q 313 17/18/16
20713 ECET 2111 / 053 9A Circuits II 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Low S Q 313 11/12/16
20717 ECET 2111 / 900 A8 Circuits II     Needs Instr. Permission 4 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Wilcox D Q 207 2/2/0
20745 ECET 2111 / 951 8A Circuits II     Needs Instr. Permission 0 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Wilcox D Q 313 1/1/0
20746 ECET 2210 / 001 B1 Digital II 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Davis K Q 206 23/26/32
20747 ECET 2210 / 002 B2 Digital II 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wilson S Q 311 12/13/16
20750 ECET 2210 / 051 1B Digital II 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Davis K Q 246 14/16/16
20752 ECET 2210 / 052 1B Digital II 0 W 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Preethy A Q 246 9/10/16
20757 ECET 2210 / 053 2B Digital II 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Wilson S Q 246 12/13/16
20760 ECET 2210 / 900 B1 Digital II     Needs Instr. Permission 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Davis K Q 206 0/0/0
20764 ECET 2210 / 951 1B Digital II     Needs Instr. Permission 0 S 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Davis K Q 246 0/0/0
20765 ECET 2300 / 001 B3 Electronics I 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Misoc F Q 206 10/10/32
20766 ECET 2300 / 002 B4 Electronics I 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Misoc F Q 207 6/6/16
20767 ECET 2300 / 051 3B Electronics I 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Misoc F Q 337 6/6/16
20776 ECET 2300 / 052 3B Electronics I 0 M 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Jenkins B Q 337 4/4/16
20778 ECET 2300 / 053 4B Electronics I 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Misoc F Q 337 6/6/16
20782 ECET 2310 / 001 B5 Electronics II 4 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:50AM Davis K Q 310 17/19/32
20785 ECET 2310 / 002 B6 Electronics II 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Larisch S Q 310 12/13/16
20786 ECET 2310 / 051 5B Electronics II 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Misoc F Q 337 3/4/16
20795 ECET 2310 / 052 5B Electronics II 0 W 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Davis K Q 337 14/15/16
20811 ECET 2310 / 053 6B Electronics II 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Larisch S Q 337 12/13/16
20814 ECET 3000 / 001 B7 Electrical Principles 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Jenkins B Q 221 17/18/36
20824 ECET 3000 / 051 7B Electrical Principles 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Jenkins B Q 336 7/8/18
20832 ECET 3000 / 052 7B Electrical Principles 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Jenkins B Q 336 10/10/18
20833 ECET 3020 / 001 B8 Biomedical Instrumentation 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Chin C Q 310 5/5/8
20834 ECET 3020 / 051 8B Biomedical Instrumentation 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Chin C Q 309 5/5/16
20836 ECET 3220 / 001 B9 Digital III 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Tippens S G 106 25/25/32
20840 ECET 3220 / 051 9B Digital III 0 M 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Tippens S Q 245 18/18/16
20848 ECET 3220 / 052 9B Digital III 0 W 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Tippens S Q 245 7/7/16
20849 ECET 3220 / 900 B9 Digital III     Needs Instr. Permission 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Tippens S G 106 0/0/0
20850 ECET 3400 / 001 C1 Data Communications 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Chin C Q 311 28/28/32
20852 ECET 3400 / 051 1C Data Communications 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Chin C Q 334 15/15/16
20854 ECET 3400 / 052 1C Data Communications 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Chin C Q 334 13/13/16
20856 ECET 3400 / 900 C1 Data Communications 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Chin C Q 311 0/0/0
20858 ECET 3410 / 001 C2 Frequency Systems 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Thain W Q 104 22/22/32
20859 ECET 3410 / 051 2C Frequency Systems 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Thain W Q 335 17/17/16
20861 ECET 3410 / 052 2C Frequency Systems 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Thain W Q 335 5/5/16
20863 ECET 3500 / 001 C3 Survey of Electric Machines 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Wagner J Q 206 23/23/32
20865 ECET 3500 / 051 3C Survey of Electric Machines 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Wagner J Q 215 16/16/16
20868 ECET 3500 / 052 3C Survey of Electric Machines 0 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Wagner J Q 215 7/7/16
20871 ECET 3600 / 001 C4 Test Engineering 4 T R 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Frinzi P Q 310 24/25/32
20873 ECET 3600 / 051 4C Test Engineering 0 T 16 1:30PM - 4:20PM Frinzi P Q 337 14/15/16
20874 ECET 3600 / 052 4C Test Engineering 0 R 16 1:30PM - 4:20PM Frinzi P Q 337 10/10/16
20875 ECET 3600 / 900 C4 Test Engineering     Needs Instr. Permission 4 T R 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Frinzi P Q 310 0/0/0
20881 ECET 3620 / 001 C5 Signals & Systems Analysis 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Ho H Q 104 7/8/32
20885 ECET 3620 / 052 5C Signals & Systems Analysis 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Ho H Q 104 7/8/16
20888 ECET 3701 / 001 C6 Embedded PC's 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Preethy A J 215B 6/6/32
20889 ECET 3701 / 051 6C Embedded PC's 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Preethy A J 215B 5/5/16
20901 ECET 3701 / 052 6C Embedded PC's 0 M 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Preethy A J 215B 1/1/16
20911 ECET 3710 / 001 D4 HardwarePrgmmng&Interfacing 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:55AM Fallon T Q 306 13/13/32
20914 ECET 3710 / 051 4D HardwarePrgmmng&Interfacing 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Fallon T Q 306 8/8/16
20919 ECET 3710 / 052 4D HardwarePrgmmng&Interfacing 0 W 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Fallon T Q 306 5/5/16
20926 ECET 3810 / 001 C7 C++,JAVA & HTML 3 T R 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Chin C J 215B 13/13/32
20928 ECET 3810 / 051 7C C++,JAVA & HTML 0 T 16 1:30PM - 4:20PM Chin C J 215B 13/13/16
20941 ECET 4520 / 001 E3 IndDistSystm,Illumination&NEC 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wagner J Q 311 13/13/32
20942 ECET 4520 / 051 3E IndDistSystm,Illumination&NEC 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Wagner J Q 215 11/11/16
20943 ECET 4520 / 052 3E IndDistSystm,Illumination&NEC 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Wagner J Q 215 2/2/16
20947 ECET 4610 / 001 C9 Control Systems 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ho H Q 207 24/24/32
20948 ECET 4610 / 051 9C Control Systems 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Ho H G 244 16/16/16
M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Ho H Q 242
20949 ECET 4610 / 052 9C Control Systems 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Ho H Q 242 8/8/16
20950 ECET 4720 / 001 5E Dist Microcontrollers & PCs 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Tippens S G 106 9/9/32
20951 ECET 4720 / 051 E5 Dist Microcontrollers & PCs 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Tippens S Q 245 5/5/16
20952 ECET 4720 / 052 E5 Dist Microcontrollers & PCs 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Tippens S Q 245 4/4/16
20953 ECET 4820 / 001 D1 Comm Networks & the Internet 4 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Fallon T Q 311 11/11/16
20954 ECET 4820 / 051 1D Comm Networks & the Internet 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Fallon T Q 333 8/8/16
20955 ECET 4820 / 052 1D Comm Networks & the Internet 0 M 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Fallon T Q 333 3/3/16
20957 ECET 4904 / 001 1S SpTp-Switching Pwr. Supplies 4 M 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Thain W Q 104 3/3/16
20960 ECET 4904 / 002 2S SpTp-Advanced Digital Design 4 T 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Dreyer R Q 245 3/3/16
21848 ECET 4904 / 003 SpTp-Solar Oven Elec. Design 4 S 16 9:00AM - 12:00PM Tippens S 1/1/0
20959 ECET 4904 / 051 S1 SpTp-Switching Pwr. Supplies 0 M 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Thain W Q 337 3/3/16
20961 ECET 4904 / 052 S2 SpTp-Advanced Digital Design 0 T 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Dreyer R Q 245 3/3/16
20962 ECET 6201 / 001 F1 Advanced Digital Design 4 T 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Dreyer R Q 245 7/7/16
20964 ECET 6201 / 051 1F Advanced Digital Design 0 T 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Dreyer R Q 245 7/7/16
20965 ECET 6404 / 001 F2 Switching Power Supplies 4 M 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Thain W Q 104 8/8/16
20966 ECET 6404 / 051 2F Switching Power Supplies 0 M 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Thain W Q 339 8/8/16
20967 ECET 6904 / 001 F4 SpTp-RF & Microwave Theory 4 W 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Thomas D G 106 3/3/16
20968 ECET 6904 / 051 4F SpTp-RF & Microwave Theory 0 W 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Thomas D Q 335 3/3/16
21847 ECET 7504 / 001 Research-Ethanol Reformers Inv 4 S 16 9:00AM - 12:00PM Misoc F 1/1/0
21854 ECET 7504 / 002 Research-Prog. System on Chip 4 S 16 9:00AM - 12:00PM Dreyer R 1/1/0
20425 ECON 1101 / 001 Introduction to Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1111     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Fishel D M 100 36/39/40
20426 ECON 1101 / 002 Introduction to Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1111 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Fishel D J 101 32/35/40
20427 ECON 1101 / 900 Introduction to Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1111 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Kelani Z 26/26/0
20428 ECON 1101 / 901 Introduction to Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1111     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Kelani Z 25/26/0
20726 ECON 2105 / 001 Prin of Macro Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1111     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Melnik M M 100 33/33/0
20710 ECON 2106 / 001 Princ of Micro Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1111     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Melnik M M 100 34/36/0
20429 ECON 2107 / 001 Intro to Economic Analysis     Pre-req: MATH 2253     Area E3 for Engineering majors     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Kelani Z J 108 33/33/0
20430 ECON 2107 / 002 Intro to Economic Analysis     Pre-req: MATH 2253     Area E3 for Engineering majors 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Kelani Z J 108 32/32/0
20431 ECON 2107 / 003 Intro to Economic Analysis     Pre-req: MATH 2253     Area E3 for Engineering majors 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Kelani Z J 108 33/33/0
21278 EDG 1210 / 001 Survey of Engineering Graphics 2 T R 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Como J Q 219 20/20/20
21279 EDG 1210 / 002 Survey of Engineering Graphics 2 M W 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Cole M Q 219 19/20/20
21280 EDG 1210 / 003 Survey of Engineering Graphics 2 M W 16 7:00PM - 7:50PM Cole M Q 219 18/20/20
21667 EDG 1210 / 904 Survey of Engineering Graphics 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Cook D 16/17/18
21286 EDG 1211 / 002 Engineering Graphics I     Hybrid Course - FRI Sessions Meet Online 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Como J Q 222 18/20/20
21289 EDG 1211 / 003 Engineering Graphics I     Hybrid Course - FRI Sessions Meet Online 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Como J Q 222 20/20/20
21292 EDG 1211 / 004 Engineering Graphics I 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Conrey G Q 222 20/20/20
21294 EDG 1211 / 005 Engineering Graphics I 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Winsor A Q 222 18/20/20
21296 EDG 1211 / 006 Engineering Graphics I 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Winsor A Q 222 20/21/0
21299 EDG 1211 / 007 Engineering Graphics I 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Ford R Q 218 20/20/20
21281 EDG 1211 / 081 Engineering Graphics I     Hybrid Course - FRI Sessions Meet Online. 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Como J Q 222 18/20/20
21668 EDG 1211 / 908 Engineering Graphics I 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Cook D 9/17/18
21301 EDG 1212 / 001 Engineering Graphics II 4 M W 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Conrey G Q 218 18/20/20
21303 EDG 1212 / 002 Engineering Graphics II 4 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:50PM Conrey G Q 218 19/20/20
21305 EDG 1212 / 003 Engineering Graphics II 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Como J Q 218 17/18/0
21475 EDG 2160 / 001 Civil Graphics 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Lee J L 126 24/25/30
21477 EDG 2160 / 002 Civil Graphics 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Lee J L 126 28/30/30
21308 EDG 3112 / 001 Adv Engineering Graphics 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Conrey G Q 222 20/20/20
21311 EDG 4111 / 001 Surface Modeling 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Emert R Q 222 20/20/0
21098 EDUC 1101 / 001 Step 1 1 M W 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Nourollahi M G 220 5/5/20
21100 EDUC 1101 / 002 Step 1 1 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Mathious C G 220 4/4/20
21101 EDUC 1101 / 003 Step 1 1 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Mathious C G 220 6/6/20
21102 EDUC 1102 / 001 Step 2 1 M W 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Nourollahi M G 220 4/4/20
21104 EDUC 1102 / 002 Step 2 1 T R 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Mathious C G 220 3/3/20
21106 EDUC 2010 / 001 Knowing & Learning 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Stickel G G 220 8/8/20
21107 EDUC 2020 / 001 Classroom Interactions 3 T R 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Mathious C G 220 2/2/15
21108 EDUC 4401 / 001 E1 Apprentice Teaching Seminar 1 M 16 7:00AM - 7:50AM Mathious C G 220 1/1/15
M 16 7:00AM - 7:50AM Nourollahi M G 220
21110 EDUC 4406 / 001 1E Apprentice Teaching 6 MTWRF 16 8:00AM - 4:00PM Mathious C 1/1/15
MTWRF 16 8:00AM - 4:00PM Nourollahi M
20667 EE 1000 / 001 Orientation 2 M W 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Crimm L Q 106 50/50/60
20669 EE 1000 / 002 Orientation 2 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Crimm L Q 106 55/58/60
20670 EE 2301 / 001 E1 Circuit Analysis I 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Choi S Q 106 56/56/65
20671 EE 2301 / 002 E1 Circuit Analysis I 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Duvall C Q 104 63/65/65
20672 EE 2301 / 051 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Choi S Q 312 18/18/18
20673 EE 2301 / 052 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Choi S Q 312 17/17/18
20674 EE 2301 / 053 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Nijim Y Q 312 18/18/18
20679 EE 2301 / 054 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 T 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Duvall C Q 312 18/19/18
20682 EE 2301 / 055 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 R 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Duvall C Q 312 18/18/18
21714 EE 2301 / 056 Circuit Analysis I Lab 1 TBA 16 TBA Staff I Q 312 2/3/0
21811 EE 2301 / 057 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Nijim Y Q 312 13/14/18
21842 EE 2301 / 058 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 R 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Duvall C Q 313 17/17/18
20684 EE 2302 / 001 Circuit Analysis II     Online Option Available 3 W F 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Diong B Q 107 18/19/40
20685 EE 2401 / 001 Semiconductor Devices 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Hodges D Q 315 39/40/40
20686 EE 2501 / 001 F1 Digital Logic Design 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Chang Y Q 216 36/39/40
20696 EE 2501 / 051 1F Digital Logic Design Lab 0 T 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Chang Y Q 243 19/20/20
20698 EE 2501 / 052 1F Digital Logic Design Lab 0 R 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Chang Y Q 243 17/19/20
21839 EE 2501 / 053 Digital Logic Design Lab 1 TBA 16 TBA 1/1/0
20702 EE 3401 / 001 G1 Engineering Electronics 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ham C Q 314 39/41/40
20704 EE 3401 / 051 1G Engineering Electronics Lab 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Ham C Q 336 20/21/20
20708 EE 3401 / 052 1G Engineering Electronics Lab 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Ham C Q 336 19/20/20
20712 EE 3501 / 001 H1 Embedded Systems 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ma K Q 216 41/41/30
20715 EE 3501 / 051 1H Embedded Systems Lab 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Ma K Q 243 21/21/20
20719 EE 3501 / 052 1H Embedded Systems Lab 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Ma K Q 243 20/20/20
20720 EE 3601 / 001 I1 Electric Machines 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Lee H Q 216 41/41/30
20722 EE 3601 / 051 1I Electric Machines Lab 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Lee H G 175 20/20/20
20723 EE 3601 / 052 1I Electric Machines Lab 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Diong B G 175 21/21/20
20728 EE 3605 / 001 Electromagnetics 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Lee H Q 105 37/38/40
20731 EE 3701 / 001 Signals and Systems 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Ma K Q 104 59/60/60
20732 EE 3903 / 001 SpTp- Digital Signal Processin 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Nijim Y Q 105 9/10/40
20733 EE 3903 / 002 SpTp- Electronic Materials 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Hodges D Q 315 18/18/40
21215 EE 3903 / 003 SpTp- Intro to Biomedical Engr 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Ma K Q 311 22/22/20
21769 EE 3903 / 004 J1 SpTp- Electronic Power Convers 3 T 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Diong B Q 314 7/7/20
21770 EE 3903 / 051 1J SpTp-Electronic Power Conv Lab 0 R 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Diong B Q 339 7/7/20
20738 EE 4201 / 001 K1 Control Systems 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Wang Y Q 105 39/41/40
20739 EE 4201 / 051 1K Control Systems Lab 0 T 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Wang Y G 244 20/20/20
20740 EE 4201 / 052 1K Control Systems Lab 0 R 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Wang Y G 244 19/21/20
20741 EE 4701 / 001 Professional Practice 3 M W F 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Crimm L Q 314 37/37/40
20742 EE 4800 / 001 L1 Senior Project     Restricted to seniors who have petitioned to graduate 4 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Yon G Q 216 8/8/20
21352 EE 4800 / 051 1L Senior Project Lab     Restricted to seniors who have petitioned to graduate 0 TBA 16 TBA Lee H 8/8/20
21840 EE 4801 / 001 Undergrad Research EE - 1 TBA 16 TBA Ma K 1/1/0
21835 EE 4803 / 001 Undergraduate Research in EE 3 TBA 16 TBA Crimm L 1/1/0
21844 EE 4803 / 002 Undergraduate Research in EE 3 TBA 16 TBA Diong B 2/2/0
20743 EE 4903 / 001 SpTp- Computer Networking 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Chang Y Q 314 16/17/20
20744 EE 4903 / 002 SpTp- Fund. of Solar Power 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Hodges D Q 105 8/8/20
21750 ENGL 1000 / 001 Writing Skls Int'l Students 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Orr J J 203 9/9/0
21751 ENGL 1000 / 002 Writing Skls Int'l Students 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Orr J J 201 10/12/0
20675 ENGL 1101 / 001 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for ARCH & CNSTM students only. 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Race C J 203 23/24/24
20676 ENGL 1101 / 002 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for CSIT students only. 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Stefani D J 213 24/24/24
20677 ENGL 1101 / 003 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for MATH & PHYSICS students     only. 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM LoVerde-Dr J J 203 23/23/24
20678 ENGL 1101 / 004 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for MECHATRONICS students only. 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Stefani D J 213 23/23/24
20680 ENGL 1101 / 006 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for MET students only. 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM LoVerde-Dr J J 203 24/24/24
20687 ENGL 1101 / 007 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for ECET students only. 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Stefani D J 203 24/24/24
20688 ENGL 1101 / 008 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for ARCH & CNSTM students only. 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Logan M J 214 22/22/24
20689 ENGL 1101 / 009 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for GENED students only. 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Bohannon J J 203 24/24/24
20690 ENGL 1101 / 010 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for ETCMA & SIS students only. 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Stefani D J 214 22/22/24
20691 ENGL 1101 / 011 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for MECHATRONICS students only. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM LoVerde-Dr J J 203 24/24/24
20692 ENGL 1101 / 012 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. SME students only. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Levy J J 214 24/24/24
20693 ENGL 1101 / 013 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for SME students only. 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Stevens M J 203 23/23/24
20694 ENGL 1101 / 014 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for CSIT students only. 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Stefani D J 214 22/24/24
20695 ENGL 1101 / 015 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for ECET students only. 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Parker A J 203 23/24/24
20770 ENGL 1101 / 017 English Composition I     Class will meet in J217 on Monday and J214 on Wednesday. 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Blankenshi K J 214 22/23/24
M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Blankenshi K J 217
20774 ENGL 1101 / 018 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for SME students only. 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Blankenshi K J 203 22/22/24
20775 ENGL 1101 / 019 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for CSIT students only. 3 T R 16 7:30AM - 8:45AM Stephenson C J 203 21/21/24
20073 ENGL 1101 / 01G English Composition I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
20777 ENGL 1101 / 020 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for ARCH & CNSTM students only. 3 T R 16 7:30AM - 8:45AM Stevens M J 214 22/22/24
20779 ENGL 1101 / 021 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for BIO CHEM students only. 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Stephenson C J 203 22/24/24
20780 ENGL 1101 / 022 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for ENGINEERING students only. 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Rorabaugh P J 214 22/24/24
20781 ENGL 1101 / 023 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for ARCH & CNSTM students only. 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Parker A J 203 20/21/24
20783 ENGL 1101 / 024 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for CSIT students only. 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Sledd E J 214 20/23/24
20784 ENGL 1101 / 025 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for GAMEDD students only. 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Reichert N J 214 24/24/24
20789 ENGL 1101 / 026 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for BUSINESS students only. 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Carter T J 213 24/24/24
20791 ENGL 1101 / 027 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for EE students only. 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Logan M J 214 24/24/24
20792 ENGL 1101 / 028 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for ECET students only. 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Greene J J 203 24/25/24
20794 ENGL 1101 / 029 English Composition I     Class will meet in J133 on Tuesday and J214 on Thursday. 3 R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Harrold P J 214 24/24/24
T 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Harrold P J 133
20144 ENGL 1101 / 02G English Composition I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20797 ENGL 1101 / 030 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for GENET students only. 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Wakeman P J 203 20/20/24
20799 ENGL 1101 / 031 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for SME students only. 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wakeman P J 203 24/24/24
20803 ENGL 1101 / 032 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Section for GAMEDD students only. 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Umanskiy A J 214 11/11/24
20145 ENGL 1101 / 03G English Composition I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/5
20146 ENGL 1101 / 04G English Composition I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/2
20147 ENGL 1101 / 05G English Composition I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
20681 ENGL 1101 / 05H Honors English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Honors students only. Contact Honors     Director, 678-915-3928, to register. 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Rorabaugh P J 214 16/16/0
20352 ENGL 1101 / 06G English Composition I     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/3
20368 ENGL 1101 / 07G English Composition I     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/4
20837 ENGL 1102 / 001 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Levy J J 214 22/24/24
20838 ENGL 1102 / 002 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Levy J J 214 21/24/24
20839 ENGL 1102 / 003 English Composition II 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Logan M J 217 26/27/24
20841 ENGL 1102 / 004 English Composition II 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Bohannon J J 217 23/25/24
20842 ENGL 1102 / 005 English Composition II 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Race C J 133 22/24/24
20843 ENGL 1102 / 006 English Composition II     Class will meet in J213 on Tues and J131 on Thurs. 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Race C J 131 22/24/24
20844 ENGL 1102 / 007 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Bohannon J J 203 19/23/24
20845 ENGL 1102 / 008 English Composition II     Class will meet in J217 on Monday and J214 on Wednesday. 3 W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Bohannon J J 214 18/22/24
M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Bohannon J J 217
21825 ENGL 1102 / 009 English Composition II 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Bohannon J J 201 19/22/24
20148 ENGL 1102 / 01G English Composition II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20149 ENGL 1102 / 02G English Composition II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/7/0
20150 ENGL 1102 / 03G English Composition II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/1
20151 ENGL 1102 / 04G English Composition II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/7/7
20164 ENGL 1102 / 05G English Composition II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/2/2
20165 ENGL 1102 / 06G English Composition II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/0
20166 ENGL 1102 / 07G English Composition II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
20167 ENGL 1102 / 08G English Composition II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/0
20353 ENGL 1102 / 09G English Composition II     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/5
20369 ENGL 1102 / 10G English Composition II     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/4/5
21865 ENGL 1102 / 11G English Composition II     eCore Short Session 2: Oct 14 - Dec 4     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
21223 ENGL 2030 / 001 Res in Prof & Critical Writing 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Rorabaugh P J 133 11/11/24
20168 ENGL 2111 / 01G World Literature I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/0
20169 ENGL 2111 / 02G World Literature I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 9/10/0
20170 ENGL 2111 / 03G World Literature I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 10/10/0
20171 ENGL 2111 / 04G World Literature I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/0
20172 ENGL 2111 / 05G World Literature I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/0
20173 ENGL 2111 / 06G World Literature I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/0
20356 ENGL 2111 / 07G World Literature I     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/5
20370 ENGL 2111 / 08G World Literature I     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
21538 ENGL 2112 / 001 WorldLit Mid1600's to present 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Stefani D J 132 32/35/35
20898 ENGL 2112 / 900 WorldLit Mid1600's to present     100% online instruction through D2L. This is not an E-Core     class. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Nunes M 20/20/20
21412 ENGL 2121 / 001 Early British Literature 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Stevens M J 132 34/35/35
21418 ENGL 2121 / 850 Early British Literature     50% online instruction through D2L. 3 W 16 12:30PM - 1:45PM Stevens M J 132 31/33/35
21419 ENGL 2122 / 001 BritishLit Late1700's/present     SpTp: Irish Literature 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Parker A J 132 33/35/35
21421 ENGL 2131 / 001 Early American Literature 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Sledd E J 132 30/34/35
21413 ENGL 2132 / 001 AmerLit Mid1800's to present 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Reichert N J 132 32/34/35
21415 ENGL 2132 / 002 AmerLit Mid1800's to present 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Greene J J 132 35/35/35
21417 ENGL 2132 / 003 AmerLit Mid1800's to present 3 M W 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Rorabaugh P J 132 33/35/35
21420 ENGL 2132 / 004 AmerLit Mid1800's to present 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Rorabaugh P J 132 31/36/35
21796 ENGL 2132 / 005 AmerLit Mid1800's to present 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Carter T J 132 34/35/35
20174 ENGL 2132 / 01G American Literature II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/9/10
20175 ENGL 2132 / 02G American Literature II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/5/0
20355 ENGL 2132 / 03G American Literature II     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/5
20899 ENGL 2132 / 900 AmerLit Mid1800's to present     100% online instruction through D2L. This is not an E-Core     class. 1 hour face-to-face course orientation required with     Instructor. Exams will be proctored. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Carter T 16/19/20
21224 ENGL 3010 / 001 Science Writing 3 M W 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Greene J J 133 10/14/20
21225 ENGL 3040 / 001 Article & Essay Workshop     Computer Lab. 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Haimes-Kor K J 213 6/6/20
21226 ENGL 3045 / 001 New Media Writing     Class will meet in J131 on Mon. and J212 on Wed. 3 W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Greene J J 212 19/20/20
M 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Greene J J 131
21227 ENGL 3100 / 001 Rhetoric, History and Practice 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Haimes-Kor K J 106 12/15/20
21228 ENGL 3180 / 001 Film as Literature 3 W 16 11:00AM - 1:45PM Nunes M J 201 20/21/20
21754 ENGL 4700 / 001 Internship 3 TBA 16 TBA Smith H 5/5/0
21229 ENGL 4800 / 001 Project Portfolio     Mac Lab. 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Haimes-Kor K J 217 1/1/5
21397 ENGL 4800 / 02H Honors Project Portfolio     Mac Lab. Honors students only. 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Haimes-Kor K J 217 0/0/0
21388 ENGR 2214 / 001 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W 16 7:00PM - 8:15PM Khazaii J M 135 28/30/30
21389 ENGR 2214 / 002 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 T R 16 6:30PM - 7:45PM Jonaidi M Q 221 32/32/30
21390 ENGR 2214 / 003 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Alateek S Q 216 34/34/30
21391 ENGR 2214 / 004 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Alateek S Q 216 34/35/30
21392 ENGR 2214 / 005 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Khazaii J Q 314 28/30/30
21790 ENGR 2214 / 006 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Harcrow A J 131 30/32/30
21341 ENGR 2501 / 001 Engineering Materials 3 M W 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Atiqullah M Q 314 27/29/30
21342 ENGR 2501 / 002 Engineering Materials 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Lowder M Q 315 30/32/30
21771 ENGR 2501 / 003 Engineering Materials 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Atiqullah M Q 107 27/30/30
21343 ENGR 3122 / 001 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Lowder M Q 314 28/30/30
21344 ENGR 3122 / 002 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Mayeed M Q 216 31/31/30
21345 ENGR 3122 / 003 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Lowder M Q 105 27/29/30
21346 ENGR 3125 / 001 Machine Dynamics & Vibrations 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ruhala R Q 107 29/30/30
21354 ENGR 3125 / 002 Machine Dynamics & Vibrations 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Salman M Q 314 32/34/30
20975 ENGR 3131 / 001 Strength of Materials 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Barham W M 137 30/31/30
21120 ENGR 3131 / 002 Strength of Materials 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Gulec Dinc S M 137 31/31/30
21122 ENGR 3131 / 003 Strength of Materials 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Balic M M 135 29/31/30
21124 ENGR 3131 / 004 Strength of Materials 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Kuemmerle D Q 216 31/32/30
20977 ENGR 3132 / 050 Strength of Materials Lab 1 T 16 10:30AM - 1:00PM Alateek S Q 135 17/17/16
20979 ENGR 3132 / 051 Strength of Materials Lab 1 R 16 1:00PM - 3:30PM Gulec Dinc S Q 135 15/15/16
21129 ENGR 3132 / 052 Strength of Materials Lab 1 M 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM Gulec Dinc S Q 135 14/14/16
21131 ENGR 3132 / 053 Strength of Materials Lab 1 W 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM Gulec Dinc S Q 135 14/15/16
21132 ENGR 3132 / 054 Strength of Materials Lab 1 M 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Balic M Q 135 16/16/16
21133 ENGR 3132 / 055 Strength of Materials Lab 1 W 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Balic M Q 135 9/9/16
21134 ENGR 3132 / 056 Strength of Materials Lab 1 T 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Kuemmerle D Q 135 16/16/16
21135 ENGR 3132 / 057 Strength of Materials Lab 1 R 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Kuemmerle D Q 135 14/14/16
21007 ENGR 3324 / 001 Project Cost analysis 3 T R 16 5:30PM - 6:45PM Oguzmert M N 175 33/33/30
20980 ENGR 3343 / 001 Fluid Mechanics 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Karim M M 137 30/30/30
20989 ENGR 3343 / 002 Fluid Mechanics 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Yee T M 137 30/30/30
21033 ENGR 3343 / 003 Fluid Mechanics 3 T R 16 5:00PM - 6:15PM Kim D Q 106 26/30/30
21773 ENGR 3343 / 004 Fluid Mechanics 3 M W 16 1:45PM - 3:00PM Yee T M 135 28/31/30
21144 ENGR 3345 / 060 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 T 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM McFall K Q 240 15/15/16
21161 ENGR 3345 / 061 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 R 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM McFall K Q 240 15/16/16
21163 ENGR 3345 / 062 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 M 16 10:30AM - 1:00PM Yee T Q 240 18/18/16
21150 ENGR 3345 / 063 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 F 16 1:00PM - 3:30PM McFall K Q 240 14/16/16
21325 ENGR 3345 / 064 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 R 16 6:30PM - 9:00PM Kim D Q 240 15/16/16
21554 ENGR 3345 / 065 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 W 16 10:30AM - 1:00PM Yee T Q 240 18/18/16
21789 ENGR 3345 / 066 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 T 16 6:30PM - 9:00PM Kim D Q 240 16/17/16
21355 ENGR 3650 / 001 Computer-Aided Engineering 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Mayeed M Q 219 20/20/20
21356 ENGR 3650 / 002 Computer-Aided Engineering 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Mayeed M Q 219 18/19/20
21772 ENGR 3650 / 003 Computer-Aided Engineering 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Sooklal V Q 218 13/13/20
20751 ENGR 4402 / 001 Engineering Ethics     Online option available 1 W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Crimm L Q 106 73/78/50
20753 ENGR 4421 / 001 L1 Instruments & Controls 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Marshall M Q 315 30/30/32
20754 ENGR 4421 / 051 1L Instruments & Controls Lab 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Marshall M Q 337 17/17/16
20755 ENGR 4421 / 052 1L Instruments & Controls Lab 0 M 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM McFall K Q 312 13/13/16
21437 ENGT 2124 / 001 Statics with Applications 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Horton D Q 109 9/12/24
21438 ENGT 2124 / 002 Statics with Applications 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Turner N L 120 6/6/24
21440 ENGT 3124 / 001 Strength of Materials w/Apps 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Turner N L 120 19/20/16
21552 ENGT 3124L / 051 Strength of Materials Lab 1 R 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Turner N Q 109 17/18/16
R 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Turner N Q 135
20177 ENVS 2202 / 01G Environmental Science     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
20371 ENVS 2202 / 02G Environmental Science     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/0
20357 ENVS 2202 / 03G Environmental Science     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 10/13/14
20605 ES 1100 / 001 Society & Culture of W. Africa     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Owusu R J 101 36/37/37
20358 ETEC 1101 / 01G Elec Tech in the Ed Env.     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 2 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20606 FREN 1001 / 001 Elementary French I     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Does not satisfy core requirement 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Buresi T J 130 20/20/28
20607 FREN 1002 / 001 Elementary French II     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Prereq: FREN 1001 or equivalent; Satisfies C-2 Core 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Buresi T J 130 12/14/28
20608 FREN 2001 / 001 Intermediate French I     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Satisfies C-2 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Buresi T J 130 4/4/28
20609 GEOG 1101 / 850 Intro to Human Geography     Hybrid-50% online      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Sashti R J 101 36/37/37
21759 GEOG 1101 / 900 Intro to Human Geography     Fully online course     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Roberts A 21/24/24
21791 GEOG 1101 / 901 Intro to Human Geography     Fully online course     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Roberts A 25/25/24
20178 GEOL 1011K / 01G Introductory Geosciences I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20179 GEOL 1011K / 02G Introductory Geosciences I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 19/19/0
20180 GEOL 1011K / 03G Introductory Geosciences I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 7/10/0
20181 GEOL 1011K / 04G Introductory Geosciences I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 7/8/8
21111 HIST 1111 / 001 Survey of World Civ to 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Soiset R J 109 34/37/37
20183 HIST 1111 / 01G World History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20184 HIST 1111 / 02G World History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 9/9/9
21112 HIST 1111 / 02H Hon-Survey of World Civ to1500     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at     678-915-3928 to register 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Soiset R J 109 14/15/0
20185 HIST 1111 / 03G World History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/9/0
20186 HIST 1111 / 04G World History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/4
20187 HIST 1111 / 05G World History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/0
20188 HIST 1111 / 06G World History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/7/0
20189 HIST 1111 / 07G World History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/7
20190 HIST 1111 / 08G World History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/8/0
20359 HIST 1111 / 09G World History I     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/7
20372 HIST 1111 / 10G World History I     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/4
21866 HIST 1111 / 11G World History I     eCore Short Session 2: Oct 14 - Dec 4     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
21114 HIST 1111 / 900 Survey of World Civ to 1500     Fully online course     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vickrey M 25/26/24
21115 HIST 1112 / 001 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Holdzkom M J 109 35/37/37
21116 HIST 1112 / 002 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Holdzkom M J 109 37/38/37
21117 HIST 1112 / 003 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Holdzkom M J 109 36/37/37
21118 HIST 1112 / 004 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Skutans W J 109 36/37/37
21119 HIST 1112 / 005 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Skutans W J 109 34/37/37
21121 HIST 1112 / 006 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Skutans W J 109 30/36/37
21123 HIST 1112 / 007 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Skutans W J 109 33/37/37
21126 HIST 1112 / 008 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Skutans W J 109 28/36/37
20610 HIST 2111 / 001 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Soiset R J 158 34/35/37
20611 HIST 2111 / 002 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Soiset R J 158 35/37/37
21728 HIST 2111 / 003 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Pierce G J 158 34/36/37
21729 HIST 2111 / 004 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Pierce G J 101 35/38/37
20191 HIST 2111 / 01G US History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/4
20192 HIST 2111 / 02G US History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
20193 HIST 2111 / 03G US History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
20194 HIST 2111 / 04G US History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
20195 HIST 2111 / 05G US History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
20196 HIST 2111 / 06G US History I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/0
20360 HIST 2111 / 07G US History I     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/1/2
20373 HIST 2111 / 08G US History I     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/4
21867 HIST 2111 / 09G US History     eCore Short Session 2: Oct 14 - Dec 4     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20612 HIST 2112 / 001 US History since 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Churella A J 158 35/37/37
20614 HIST 2112 / 003 US History since 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Churella A J 158 35/37/37
20615 HIST 2112 / 004 US History since 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Vickrey M J 158 35/37/37
20616 HIST 2112 / 005 US History since 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Vickrey M J 158 36/37/37
20617 HIST 2112 / 006 US History since 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Vickrey M J 158 32/35/37
20613 HIST 2112 / 02H Honors-US History since 1877     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at     678-915-3928 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Churella A J 158 9/10/0
20618 HIST 2911 / 001 Ga History & Constitution     Online Independent Study Course     May be used only to meet Legislative requirement 1 U 16 2:00AM - 2:50AM Soiset R J 161 47/48/100
21686 HIST 2911 / 900 Ga History & Constitution     Fully Online. For students in online programs only     Contact the SIS Dept. to register 678-915-7442 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Newell J 2/2/0
20619 HIST 3401 / 001 ModSocial&CulturalHistory 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Holdzkom M J 109 7/7/20
20620 HIST 3801 / 001 Cont World History since 1945 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Vickrey M J 106 8/10/20
21678 HIST 3903 / 001 SpTp - U.S. Colonial History 3 TBA 16 TBA Holdzkom M 1/1/0
21869 HNRS 2001 / 01 Intro to Honors Research 1 T 16 TBA 0/0/0
21113 HNRS 3002 / 01H Honors Research: CSE     Mobile Computing, Android, Security     Honors Students Only     Contact the Honors director at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Qian K 0/0/0
TBA 16 TBA Yang M
21125 HNRS 3002 / 02H Honors Researc: Elecr,Mtre, CS     Make Smartphone Learning EnvironmentAccessible     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Ma K 0/0/0
TBA 16 TBA Qian K
21136 HNRS 3002 / 03H Honors Research:ELEC, MTRE     Mobile Sensory System     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Ma K 0/0/0
21559 HNRS 3002 / 04H Honors Research: Biology     Age & Growth Analysis of the invasive Asian Swamp Eel     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Sakaris P 1/1/0
21592 HNRS 3002 / 05H Honors Research: Engineering     Honors Students Only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 M 16 11:00AM - 12:00PM Khalid A Q 308 2/2/0
21708 HNRS 3002 / 06H Honors Research:     The Race to Exploit Oil & Gas     Reserves in the Artic     Honors Students Only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar,     678-915-3928, to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Rotnem T 1/1/0
21858 HNRS 3002 / 07H Honors Research     Image Processing     Honors Students Only. Contact     Dr. Iraj Omidvar at 678-915-3928 to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Hung C 1/1/0
21584 HNRS 3102 / 01H Honors Peer Mentor Contract-Cr     Honors Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 T 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Omidvar I D 138 3/3/0
21585 HNRS 3102 / 02H Honors Peer MentorContract-Srv     Honors Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 0 T 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Omidvar I D 138 2/2/0
21597 HNRS 3203 / 01H HonorsTeach'g Asst Contract -C     STS 4000/001     Honors Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Newell J 1/1/0
21803 HNRS 3203 / 02H HonorsTeach'g Ass't Cn'tt -C     Adv Construction Practice, CM 3810     Honors Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Weidner M 1/1/0
21846 HNRS 3203 / 03H Honors Teaching Ass't Contract     TCOM 3903 Newspaper Practicum.     Honors Students Only. Contact Dr. Omidvar     at 678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Greene J 1/1/0
21849 HNRS 3203 / 04H Honors Teaching Ass't Contract     Strength of Materials Lecture and Lab. Honors Students Only.     Contact Dr. Omidvar at 678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Turner N 1/1/0
21850 HNRS 3203 / 05H Honors Teaching Ass't Contract     CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I.     Honors Students Only. Contact Dr. Omidvar     at 678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Duff J 1/1/0
20668 HNRS 3301 / 01H Honors Interdiscplinary Sem     The Mathematics of Our World     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at     678-915-3928 to register. 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Griffiths W D 138 6/6/0
21587 HNRS 4400 / 01H Honors Thesis: New Media Arts     Honors Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Werner J 1/1/0
21804 HNRS 4400 / 02H Honors Thesis - TCOM     Honors Students Only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at 678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Daws L 1/1/0
20915 IDC 5001 / 900 Writing in the Professions     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shinall C 7/10/20
20917 IDC 5002 / 900 Graphics in Profession     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hankey L 5/7/20
20918 IDC 6001 / 900 Prof Practices of Comm     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Palmer L 8/11/20
21599 IDC 6015 / 900 Strategic Communication     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Anderson K 5/6/20
20921 IDC 6035 / 900 Information Graphics     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rule R 8/8/20
20922 IDC 6090 / 900 Medical Communication     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hopper K 10/10/20
21348 IDC 6240 / 900 Content Strategy     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Palmer L 5/8/20
21820 IDC 7503 / 900 Adv Topics of Inst Design     Independent Study. Not availabe for student registration. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hopper K 1/1/0
20557 IET 1000 / 850 Orientation     Meets once per week on campus 8/15/13 to 9/26/13 1 R 7E 1:00PM - 2:15PM Atkins R M 133 18/18/20
20558 IET 1000 / 900 Orientation     Meets once per week online 8/15/13 to 9/26/13 1 R 7E 1:00PM - 2:15PM Atkins R 7/7/8
20559 IET 2227 / 850 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Freeman R M 133 22/22/20
20561 IET 2227 / 851 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Dzigbede K M 133 17/18/20
20563 IET 2227 / 852 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Dzigbede K M 133 16/17/20
20560 IET 2227 / 900 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Freeman R 7/7/10
20562 IET 2227 / 901 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Dzigbede K 5/6/10
20564 IET 2227 / 902 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Dzigbede K 11/11/20
20566 IET 2305 / 050 1A The Role of Industrial Eng     Meets once per week on campus 0 R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Atkins R M 131 19/19/19
20565 IET 2305 / 850 A1 The Role of Industrial Eng     Meets once per week on campus 4 R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Atkins R M 131 19/19/18
20567 IET 2305 / 900 B1 The Role of Industrial Eng     Meets once per week online 4 R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Atkins R 9/9/9
20568 IET 2305 / 950 1B The Role of Industrial Eng     Meets once per week online 0 R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Atkins R 9/9/9
20569 IET 2449 / 850 Logistics and Supply Chain Mgt     Meets once per week on campus 3 R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Scherrer C M 133 24/25/21
20570 IET 2449 / 900 Logistics and Supply Chain Mgt     Meets once per week online 3 R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Scherrer C 6/6/8
20572 IET 3322 / 050 1C Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week on campus 0 R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Atkins R M 131 18/18/18
20571 IET 3322 / 850 C1 Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week on campus 4 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Atkins R M 131 18/18/18
20573 IET 3322 / 900 D1 Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week online 4 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Atkins R 10/11/10
20574 IET 3322 / 950 1D Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week online 0 R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Atkins R 10/11/10
20639 IET 3339 / 850 Statistical Quality Control     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kyle M M 133 24/25/20
20640 IET 3339 / 900 Statistical Quality Control     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kyle M 9/9/10
20642 IET 3356 / 850 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Dollar E M 133 19/20/20
20646 IET 3356 / 851 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Bailey B M 133 0/0/0
20649 IET 3356 / 852 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Kyle M M 133 21/21/20
20644 IET 3356 / 900 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Dollar E 4/6/10
20647 IET 3356 / 901 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Bailey B 0/0/0
20650 IET 3356 / 902 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Kyle M 9/9/10
20653 IET 3403 / 850 Adv. Statistics w/Applications     Meets once per week on campus 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kyle M M 133 27/27/20
20654 IET 3403 / 900 Adv. Statistics w/Applications     Meets once per week online 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kyle M 9/9/10
20655 IET 3410 / 850 Principles of Team Dynamics     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Dollar E M 133 19/19/20
20656 IET 3410 / 900 Principles of Team Dynamics     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Dollar E 8/9/10
20657 IET 3424 / 850 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Wiles G M 131 21/21/18
20659 IET 3424 / 851 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Dollar E M 131 16/17/20
20658 IET 3424 / 900 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Wiles G 10/10/10
20660 IET 3424 / 901 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Dollar E 8/11/10
20662 IET 3433 / 850 Product & Process Costing     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Dollar E M 133 17/18/20
20663 IET 3433 / 900 Product & Process Costing     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Dollar E 2/3/10
21349 IET 3620 / 850 Warehousing Systems     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wiles G M 135 20/20/20
21350 IET 3620 / 900 Warehousing Systems     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wiles G 8/8/10
20769 IET 4405 / 850 Operations Research - Concepts     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Wiles G M 131 17/18/18
20772 IET 4405 / 851 Operations Research - Concepts     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wiles G M 131 16/18/18
20771 IET 4405 / 900 Operations Research - Concepts     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Wiles G 8/9/10
20773 IET 4405 / 901 Operations Research - Concepts     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wiles G 9/10/10
20788 IET 4422 / 050 1E Facilities Design Plant Layout     Meets once per week on campus 0 W 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Atkins R M 131 17/17/18
20787 IET 4422 / 850 E1 Facilities Design Plant Layout     Meets once per week on campus 4 W 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Atkins R M 131 17/17/18
20790 IET 4422 / 900 F1 Facilities Design Plant Layout     Meets once per week online 4 W 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Atkins R 7/7/10
20793 IET 4422 / 950 1F Facilities Design Plant Layout     Meets once per week online 0 W 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Atkins R 7/7/10
20798 IET 4451 / 050 1G Systems Simulation     Meets once per week on campus 0 T 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Wiles G M 131 20/20/20
20796 IET 4451 / 850 G1 Systems Simulation     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 1:30PM - 2:20PM Wiles G M 131 20/20/20
20800 IET 4451 / 900 H1 Systems Simulation     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 1:30PM - 2:20PM Wiles G 9/9/10
20801 IET 4451 / 950 1H Systems Simulation     Meets once per week online 0 T 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Wiles G 9/9/10
20802 IET 4475 / 001 J1 Senior Project     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:20PM Ball T M 135 17/17/20
20804 IET 4475 / 051 1J Senior Project     Meets once per week on campus 0 F 16 8:00AM - 11:30AM Ball T M 135 17/17/20
20805 IET 4475 / 900 K1 Senior Project     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:20PM Ball T 5/5/10
20806 IET 4475 / 950 1K Senior Project     Meets once per week online 0 F 16 8:00AM - 11:30AM Ball T 5/5/10
20807 IET 4810 / 001 Ethics and Safety     Meets once per week on campus 1 M 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Thomas W M 133 21/21/20
20808 IET 4810 / 900 Ethics and Safety     Meets once per week online 1 M 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Thomas W 6/8/10
21347 IID 6140 / 900 Instructional Systems Design     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hopper K 8/8/20
21561 IS 1000 / 001 Int'l Studies Orientation 1 M 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Churella A J 106 7/9/20
21562 IS 3600 / 001 Comparative Culture 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Ghadge R J 130 12/12/20
21563 IS 4005 / 001 Regional Studies/Russia&CtlEup 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Rotnem T J 106 12/12/20
20080 IT 1113 / 001 Programming Principles     Proctored exams may be required. 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Pydimarri S J 266 24/25/30
20081 IT 1324 / 001 A1 Adv Programming Principles     YOU MUST REGISTER FOR CR 20082 (LAB)     WITH THIS COURSE. 4 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Tatum D J 266 18/18/20
20082 IT 1324 / 051 1A Adv Programming Principles     YOU MUST REGISTER FOR CRN 20082 (LECTURE)     WITH THIS COURSE. 0 T 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Tatum D J 211 18/18/20
20083 IT 1324 / 900 A2 Adv Programming Principles     YOU MUST REGISTER FOR CRN 20084 (LAB) WITH THIS COURSE.     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 18/19/30
20084 IT 1324 / 951 2A Adv Programming Principles     YOU MUST REGISTER FOR CRN 20083 (LECTURE) WITH THIS COURSE. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 18/19/30
20085 IT 3123 / 001 Hardware/Software Concepts 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Tatum D J 110 35/35/30
20086 IT 3123 / 900 Hardware/Software Concepts     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Thompson R 34/37/30
20118 IT 3203 / 001 Intro to Web Development 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Brown R J 110 47/50/50
20119 IT 3203 / 900 Intro to Web Development     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Brown R 33/36/35
ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rutherfoor R
20087 IT 3223 / 001 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Vande Ven S J 210 23/23/30
20088 IT 3223 / 900 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 25/27/30
20089 IT 3423 / 001 OperSysConcepts&Admn 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Vande Ven S J 210 16/16/30
20090 IT 3423 / 900 OperSysConcepts&Admn     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vande Ven S 32/33/40
20091 IT 3503 / 850 Foundation of Health Info Tech 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zhang C J 131 9/10/11
20092 IT 3503 / 900 Foundation of Health Info Tech     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 6/7/20
20093 IT 3883 / 001 Adv Application Development 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Tatum D J 266 27/28/30
T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Tatum D J 210
20094 IT 3883 / 900 Adv Application Development     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vande Ven S 36/39/40
20095 IT 4123 / 850 Electronic Commerce 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Windland R J 210 30/30/32
20096 IT 4123 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 27/29/40
20120 IT 4203 / 001 Advanced Web Development 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Brown R J 266 16/16/30
20121 IT 4323 / 850 Data Comm & Networks 3 M 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Tatum D J 266 30/30/30
20122 IT 4323 / 900 Data Comm & Networks     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Yang M 37/38/40
20123 IT 4423 / 001 UNIX/Linux 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Windland R J 265 14/17/28
21387 IT 4423 / 900 UNIX/Linux     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Busse D 21/22/25
20124 IT 4523 / 850 ClinProcessWrkflws:Ana/Redsgn 3 W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zhang C J 131 3/4/20
20125 IT 4523 / 900 ClinProcessWrkflws:Ana/Redsgn     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 5/5/20
20097 IT 4823 / 001 Info Security Administration     Prerequisite: MATH 2345. 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Brown R J 210 31/32/40
20152 IT 4823 / 900 Info Security Administration     Proctored exams will be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     Prerequisite: MATH 2345. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Brown R 33/35/35
20098 IT 4843 / 850 Ethical Hacking/Eff Defense 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Peltsverge S J 260 20/23/25
20099 IT 4903 / 001 IT Infrastructure Defense 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Austin R J 210 18/19/20
20100 IT 4903 / 900 Database Security & Auditing     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 4/4/10
20126 IT 4983 / 850 IT Capstone 3 R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Zheng G J 265 21/21/28
21351 IT 4983 / 900 IT Capstone     Note: Students should register for the /850 section. If you     have a particular need to take this course online, you     will need to contact the instructor ([email protected])     or the chair before you will be able to register. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zheng G 3/3/0
20101 IT 5101 / 001 Intro to Database Systems     NOTE: THIS COURSE WILL MEET THE FIRST HALF OF     THE TERM. 1.5 M W 7E 6:00PM - 7:15PM Prettyman S J 210 15/17/20
20102 IT 5101 / 900 Intro to Database Systems     NOTE: THIS COURSE WILL TAKE PLACE THE FIRST HALF     OF THE TERM. Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Karam O 29/30/50
20103 IT 5102 / 001 Intro Computer Security     NOTE: THIS COURSE WILL MEET THE SECOND HALF     OF THE TERM. 1.5 M W 7L 6:00PM - 7:15PM Busse D J 210 17/17/20
20104 IT 5102 / 900 Intro Computer Security     NOTE: THIS COURSE WILL TAKE PLACE THE SECOND HALF     OF THE TERM. Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Busse D 29/30/50
20105 IT 5302 / 001 Intro to Web Development     NOTE: THIS COURSE WILL MEET THE SECOND HALF     OF THE TERM. 1.5 T R 7L 7:30PM - 8:45PM Shepherd C J 266 18/20/20
20106 IT 5302 / 900 Intro to Web Development     THIS COURSE WILL TAKE PLACE THE SECOND HALF     OF THE TERM. Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Shepherd C 24/27/50
20127 IT 5303 / 001 Intro to Prgm/SoftwareDev 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Brown L J 211 19/20/20
20128 IT 5303 / 900 Intro to Prgm/SoftwareDev     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shepherd C 20/28/50
20129 IT 6203 / 850 IT Design Studio 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Zheng G J 260 12/14/20
20130 IT 6203 / 900 IT Design Studio     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Peltsverge S 22/27/30
20107 IT 6413 / 850 IT Service Delivery 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Conn S J 266 18/19/30
20108 IT 6413 / 900 IT Service Delivery     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 27/27/30
20131 IT 6423 / 850 ITSysAcquisition&Integ 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Halstead-N R J 211 14/16/30
20132 IT 6423 / 900 ITSysAcquisition&Integ     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Halstead-N R 22/23/30
20109 IT 6503 / 850 Foundations of HIT 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zhang C J 131 11/11/11
20110 IT 6503 / 900 Foundations of HIT     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 31/31/30
20133 IT 6523 / 850 ClincialProc&Wrkflw:Ana&Redsgn 3 W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zhang C J 131 8/8/15
20134 IT 6523 / 900 ClincialProc&Wrkflw:Ana&Redsgn     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 13/15/20
20135 IT 6643 / 850 Issues in IT     NOTE: THIS COURSE WILL MEET THE FIRST HALF OF     THE TERM. 3 M W 7E 4:30PM - 5:45PM Rutherfoor R J 260 17/17/20
20136 IT 6643 / 900 Issues in IT     NOTE: THIS COURSE WILL TAKE PLACE THE FIRST HALF     OF THE TERM. Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Prettyman S 23/23/50
20137 IT 6663 / 850 Data Center Management     NOTE: THIS COURSE WILL MEET THE SECOND HALF     OF THE TERM. 3 M W 7L 4:30PM - 5:45PM Rutherfoor R J 260 12/12/20
20138 IT 6663 / 900 Data Center Management     NOTE: THIS COURSE WILL TAKE PLACE THE SECOND HALF     OF THE TERM. Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Rutherfoor R 34/35/35
21593 IT 6713 / 850 Busi Intelligence     Please contact the instructor at [email protected] for any     prerequisite questions. 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Zheng G J 260 4/5/20
20111 IT 6763 / 850 Electronic Commerce 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Windland R J 210 5/5/9
20112 IT 6763 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 1/1/15
20113 IT 6823 / 850 Info Security Cocn & Adm 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Yang M J 110 16/16/20
20114 IT 6823 / 900 Info Security Cocn & Adm     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Yang M 28/30/50
20115 IT 6843 / 850 Ethical Hacking: Net Security 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Peltsverge S J 260 2/5/7
20139 IT 6863 / 900 Database Security & Auditing     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 22/24/25
20140 IT 6873 / 900 Information Security Seminar     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 28/30/50
20116 IT 6903 / 001 Infrastructure Defense 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Austin R J 210 5/6/20
20117 IT 7803 / 001 Master's Thesis 3 TBA 16 TBA Peltsverge S 2/2/0
20473 IT 7833 / 850 IT Strategy and Policy 3 T 16 7:30PM - 9:15PM Halstead-N R J 211 16/16/20
20474 IT 7833 / 900 IT Strategy and Policy     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Halstead-N R 9/9/20
21627 LIBR 5001 / 900 Research Skills     100% Online instruction through D2L. 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Coughenour A 12/13/20
20197 MATH 1101 / 01G Intro to Math Modeling     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20198 MATH 1101 / 02G Intro to Math Modeling     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/1/2
20361 MATH 1101 / 03G Intro to Math Modeling     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
20978 MATH 1111 / 001 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 3 MT RF 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Shumard G D 125 34/35/35
20981 MATH 1111 / 002 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 3 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Shumard G D 125 34/35/35
20982 MATH 1111 / 003 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 3 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Shumard G D 125 36/36/35
21045 MATH 1111 / 004 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Morris D D 201 31/32/35
20984 MATH 1111 / 005 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Morris D D 125 32/34/35
21055 MATH 1111 / 006 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials.     [email protected] 3 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Adler A D 204 33/35/35
21056 MATH 1111 / 007 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchaing Materials.     [email protected] 3 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Adler A D 204 32/35/35
21067 MATH 1111 / 008 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Kang Y D 205 27/35/35
21060 MATH 1111 / 009 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W F 16 4:00PM - 5:10PM Kang Y D 205 31/34/35
21021 MATH 1111 / 011 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Kathiresan K D 235 28/32/35
20995 MATH 1111 / 013 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials.     [email protected] 3 T R 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Vona B D 125 30/32/35
21023 MATH 1111 / 014 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Kang Y D 205 31/34/35
21001 MATH 1111 / 015 College Algebra     See Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials.     [email protected] 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Vona B D 125 25/31/35
20199 MATH 1111 / 01G College Algebra     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/3
20200 MATH 1111 / 02G College Algebra     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/7/7
20201 MATH 1111 / 03G College Algebra     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/5
20202 MATH 1111 / 04G College Algebra     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/9/10
20203 MATH 1111 / 05G College Algebra     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/4
20362 MATH 1111 / 06G College Algebra     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/5/6
21834 MATH 1111 / 07G College Algebra      eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/9/9
21870 MATH 1111 / 08G College Algebra     eCore Short Session 2: Oct 14 - Dec 4     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
21043 MATH 1113 / 001 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Morris D D 201 27/33/35
21086 MATH 1113 / 002 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Pascu N D 205 32/35/35
21089 MATH 1113 / 003 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Trebits R D 234 31/35/35
21094 MATH 1113 / 004 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Trebits R D 234 33/36/35
21079 MATH 1113 / 005 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Cao Z D 219 31/33/35
20988 MATH 1113 / 006 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Morris D D 125 23/25/35
21047 MATH 1113 / 007 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Shumard G D 201 34/34/35
20990 MATH 1113 / 008 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Vona B D 125 28/35/35
20992 MATH 1113 / 009 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 4:00PM - 5:10PM Vona B D 125 25/29/35
21009 MATH 1113 / 011 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Vasiljevic L D 219 28/36/35
21029 MATH 1113 / 012 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Chu J D 201 29/32/35
21017 MATH 1113 / 013 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Kang S D 205 26/35/35
21005 MATH 1113 / 014 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Vasiljevic L D 219 26/35/35
21019 MATH 1113 / 015 Precalculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM LeBlanc M D 205 23/33/35
20204 MATH 1113 / 01G Precalculus     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 9/10/10
20205 MATH 1113 / 02G Precalculus     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 15/15/16
20206 MATH 1113 / 03G Precalculus     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 13/16/0
20207 MATH 1113 / 04G Precalculus     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/12/13
20363 MATH 1113 / 05G Precalculus     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 10/11/12
20208 MATH 1401 / 01G Intro to Statistics     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 12/13/14
20209 MATH 1401 / 02G Intro to Statistics     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/7/0
20210 MATH 1401 / 03G Intro to Statistics     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/5
20374 MATH 1401 / 04G Intro to Statistics     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/5/7
20211 MATH 1501 / 01G Calculus I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 8/11/0
20212 MATH 1501 / 02G Calculus I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 15/17/0
20987 MATH 2240 / 001 Survey of Calculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Acharya K D 125 30/31/35
20997 MATH 2240 / 002 Survey of Calculus     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Acharya K D 125 21/25/35
21049 MATH 2253 / 001 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Adler A D 204 33/35/35
21053 MATH 2253 / 002 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Adler A D 204 33/35/35
21054 MATH 2253 / 003 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Griffiths W D 204 28/35/35
21091 MATH 2253 / 004 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Pascu N D 205 33/34/35
21078 MATH 2253 / 005 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Pascu N D 205 32/36/35
21070 MATH 2253 / 007 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 2:10PM Kang Y D 205 29/36/35
21057 MATH 2253 / 008 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Kathiresan K D 204 30/35/35
21059 MATH 2253 / 009 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 4:00PM - 5:10PM Kathiresan K D 204 27/34/35
21061 MATH 2253 / 010 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 4:00PM - 5:10PM Assaad F D 219 21/22/35
21012 MATH 2253 / 011 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Xu H D 204 33/36/35
21013 MATH 2253 / 012 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Kathiresan K D 204 31/34/35
21015 MATH 2253 / 013 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Xu H D 204 30/36/35
21016 MATH 2253 / 014 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Xu H D 204 29/33/35
21816 MATH 2253 / 015 Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Assaad F D 126 14/18/35
21081 MATH 2253 / 06H Honors Calculus I     See Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Honor Students Only.     Contact Honors Director at (678) 915-3928 to register. 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Griffiths W D 234 11/12/0
21084 MATH 2254 / 001 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Dillon M D 220 14/22/35
21088 MATH 2254 / 002 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Dillon M D 220 19/31/35
21095 MATH 2254 / 003 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Edwards S D 235 19/24/35
21080 MATH 2254 / 004 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Xu T D 220 28/34/35
21082 MATH 2254 / 005 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Edwards S D 235 27/35/35
21072 MATH 2254 / 006 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Xu T D 220 27/33/35
21069 MATH 2254 / 007 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Holliday S D 235 32/37/35
21064 MATH 2254 / 008 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 4:00PM - 5:10PM Acharya K D 235 32/34/35
21028 MATH 2254 / 009 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM LeBlanc M D 234 30/33/35
21008 MATH 2254 / 010 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Ritter L D 219 27/36/35
21034 MATH 2254 / 011 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM LeBlanc M D 234 24/34/35
21036 MATH 2254 / 012 Calculus II     See Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Holliday S D 235 25/33/35
21044 MATH 2255 / 001 Calculus III 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Adhikari D G 106 31/35/35
21046 MATH 2255 / 002 Calculus III 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Adhikari D D 201 31/31/32
21068 MATH 2255 / 003 Calculus III 4 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Wang L D 220 34/36/35
21024 MATH 2255 / 004 Calculus III 4 T R 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Wang L D 220 31/32/35
21035 MATH 2255 / 005 Calculus III 4 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Acharya K D 235 31/35/35
21037 MATH 2260 / 001 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Vandenbuss J D 205 34/35/35
21039 MATH 2260 / 002 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Vandenbuss J D 138 34/35/35
21041 MATH 2260 / 003 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Vandenbuss J D 126 33/35/35
21066 MATH 2260 / 004 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Chu J D 201 35/35/35
21058 MATH 2260 / 005 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Assaad F D 204 28/34/35
21022 MATH 2260 / 006 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM LeBlanc M D 126 32/36/35
20999 MATH 2260 / 007 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Assaad F D 125 30/32/35
21085 MATH 2306 / 001 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Deng S D 235 28/33/35
21087 MATH 2306 / 002 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Fadyn J D 219 33/35/35
21075 MATH 2306 / 003 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Fadyn J D 205 31/36/35
21073 MATH 2306 / 004 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Deng S D 234 33/35/35
21042 MATH 2306 / 005 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Ritter L D 219 35/35/35
21018 MATH 2306 / 006 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kang Y D 205 28/33/35
21030 MATH 2306 / 007 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM McMorran A D 234 26/36/35
21032 MATH 2306 / 008 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM McMorran A D 234 24/34/35
21090 MATH 2335 / 001 Numerical Methods I 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Deng S D 235 27/35/35
21083 MATH 2345 / 001 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Fadyn J D 219 29/32/35
21092 MATH 2345 / 002 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Fadyn J D 219 34/35/35
21076 MATH 2345 / 003 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Fowler J D 219 24/35/35
21065 MATH 2345 / 004 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Fowler J D 126 29/35/35
21011 MATH 2345 / 005 Discrete Mathematics 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Xu H D 201 32/35/35
21026 MATH 2345 / 006 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Fowler J D 220 21/35/35
21048 MATH 3261 / 001 Statistical Methods 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Adhikari D D 234 7/7/15
21025 MATH 3310 / 001 Intro to Advanced Mathematics 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Fowler J D 220 12/17/35
21038 MATH 3312 / 001 Linear Algebra 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Cao Z D 201 33/35/35
21071 MATH 3312 / 002 Linear Algebra 4 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Cao Z D 219 35/36/35
21003 MATH 3312 / 003 Linear Algebra 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Ritter L D 138 35/35/35
21093 MATH 3320 / 001 Intro Real Analysis I 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Xu T D 220 14/16/35
21040 MATH 3396 / 001 Combinatorics 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Vandenbuss J D 126 9/10/15
21077 MATH 3596 / 001 Topology 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Deng S D 234 6/6/15
21031 MATH 3696 / 001 Geometry 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Holliday S D 235 18/19/35
21027 MATH 4407 / 001 Vector Analysis 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Wang L D 220 22/25/35
21074 MATH 4417 / 001 Function of a Complex variable 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Edwards S D 235 4/7/15
21357 ME 1001 / 001 Intro to Mechanical Engr 2 M 16 12:00PM - 1:45PM Salman M Q 106 44/47/40
21358 ME 1001 / 002 Intro to Mechanical Engr 2 W 16 12:00PM - 1:45PM Veazie D Q 106 41/42/40
21359 ME 1001 / 003 Intro to Mechanical Engr 2 W 16 4:00PM - 5:45PM Veazie D Q 104 40/40/40
21360 ME 1001 / 004 Intro to Mechanical Engr 2 M 16 4:00PM - 5:45PM Veazie D Q 104 40/41/40
21774 ME 1001 / 005 Intro to Mechanical Engr 2 W 16 4:00PM - 5:45PM Ruhala L G 106 37/37/38
21775 ME 1001 / 006 Intro to Mechanical Engr 2 M 16 4:00PM - 5:45PM Ruhala L G 106 36/38/38
21361 ME 3201 / 001 Product Realization 2 T 16 4:00PM - 5:45PM Salman M Q 308 24/24/24
21362 ME 3201 / 002 Product Realization 2 R 16 4:00PM - 5:45PM Salman M Q 308 16/17/24
21363 ME 3410 / 001 Thermodynamics 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Sooklal V Q 314 28/29/30
21364 ME 3410 / 002 Thermodynamics 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Ilksoy E Q 315 30/31/30
21365 ME 3440 / 001 Heat Transfer 3 M W F 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Ilksoy E Q 314 26/27/30
21776 ME 3440 / 002 Heat Transfer 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ilksoy E Q 311 18/20/30
21763 ME 3501 / 001 DynamicSys&ControlTheory 3 M W 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Salman M Q 315 26/27/30
21366 ME 4141 / 001 Machine Design I 3 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Veazie D Q 315 25/30/30
21368 ME 4201 / 001 Senior Design I 1 W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Sooklal V Q 308 16/17/30
21369 ME 4201 / 002 Senior Design I 1 W 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Sooklal V Q 308 25/26/30
21370 ME 4202 / 001 M1 Senior Design II 3 M 16 4:00PM - 5:45PM Atiqullah M Q 308 17/17/20
21371 ME 4202 / 070 1M Senior Design II Lab 0 M 16 6:00PM - 8:50PM Atiqullah M Q 308 17/17/20
21372 ME 4403 / 020 HeatTransfer&ThermoLab 1 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Ilksoy E Q 241 14/14/14
21373 ME 4403 / 021 HeatTransfer&ThermoLab 1 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Ilksoy E Q 241 10/10/14
21374 ME 4403 / 022 HeatTransfer&ThermoLab 1 W 16 6:00PM - 8:50PM Ilksoy E Q 241 13/13/14
21375 ME 4501 / 030 Vibrations&CntrlsLab 1 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Ruhala R Q 217 10/11/14
21376 ME 4501 / 031 Vibrations&CntrlsLab 1 M 16 6:00PM - 8:50PM Salman M Q 217 7/7/14
21377 ME 4501 / 032 Vibrations&CntrlsLab 1 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Ruhala R Q 217 7/7/14
21813 ME 4801 / 001 Undergrad Reseach ME- 1 TBA 16 TBA Mayeed M 2/3/0
21862 ME 4801 / 002 Undergrad Reseach ME- 1 TBA 16 TBA Ruhala R 1/1/0
21818 ME 4802 / 001 Undergrad Research ME- 2 TBA 16 TBA Ruhala R 1/1/0
21837 ME 4803 / 001 Undergrad Research AE- 3 TBA 16 TBA Khalid A 1/2/0
21799 ME 4903 / 001 SpTp-Adv. Strength Analysis     pre-req ME 4141 Machine Design 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ruhala L G 106 3/4/24
21137 MET 1000 / 001 Mechanical Engr Tech Orientn 1 T 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Sweigart J Q 107 37/38/40
21809 MET 1000 / 002 Mechanical Engr Tech Orientn 1 T 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Sweigart J Q 207 22/23/25
21138 MET 1311 / 081 Manufacturing Processes     Hybrid Course - Wed & Fri Sessions Meet Online. 3 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Nasseri S Q 107 35/37/32
21139 MET 1311 / 900 Manufacturing Processes 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Nasseri S 24/24/24
21141 MET 1321 / 001 A1 Machining and Welding 2 T 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Emert R Q 109 12/13/12
21143 MET 1321 / 002 B1 Machining and Welding 2 T 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Emert R Q 109 12/13/12
21853 MET 1321 / 003 Machining and Welding 2 M 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Jordan E Q 120 8/8/12
21147 MET 1321 / 006 Machining and Welding 2 T 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Whittle D Q 107 11/12/12
21252 MET 1321 / 051 1B Machining and Welding 0 R 16 2:00PM - 3:50PM Emert R Q 120 12/13/12
T 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Emert R Q 120
21247 MET 1321 / 052 1A Machining and Welding 0 R 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Emert R Q 120 12/13/12
T 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Emert R Q 120
21856 MET 1321 / 053 Machining and Welding 0 M 16 7:00PM - 9:50PM Jordan E Q 120 7/7/12
21259 MET 1321 / 056 1F Machining and Welding 0 T 16 7:00PM - 9:50PM Whittle D Q 120 12/12/12
21149 MET 2322 / 001 GA Metrology & CNC Machining 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Emert R Q 108 24/25/24
21260 MET 2322 / 051 1G Metrology & CNC Machining 0 M 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Emert R Q 115 13/13/12
21261 MET 2322 / 052 1G Metrology & CNC Machining 0 W 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Emert R Q 115 11/12/12
21151 MET 3101 / 001 M1 Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Russell N Q 221 9/9/24
21152 MET 3101 / 002 M2 Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Russell N Q 221 19/19/24
21262 MET 3101 / 051 Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 0 M 16 2:30PM - 5:25PM Russell N Q 240 12/12/12
21263 MET 3101 / 052 Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 0 W 16 2:30PM - 5:25PM Russell N Q 240 8/8/12
21264 MET 3101 / 053 Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:30PM Horton D Q 240 0/0/12
21265 MET 3101 / 054 Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:30PM Horton D Q 240 8/8/12
21154 MET 3132 / 001 J1 Engineering Materials 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Dhanasekar P Q 108 25/25/23
21267 MET 3132 / 051 Engineering Materials 0 T 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Russell N Q 136 12/12/12
21269 MET 3132 / 052 Engineering Materials 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Sweigart J Q 136 13/13/12
21155 MET 3401 / 001 Thermodynamics I 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Khazaei A Q 108 27/29/35
21156 MET 3401 / 900 Thermodynamics I 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Khazaei A 13/22/24
21157 MET 3402 / 001 Thermodynamics II 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Russell N Q 221 9/9/35
21845 MET 3901 / 001 SpTp-Fluids Lab 1 W 16 7:30PM - 10:30PM Horton D Q 240 1/1/1
21167 MET 3903 / 001 SpTp-Engineering Dynamics     This course replaces ENGR 3122 for MET Majors. 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Nasseri S Q 221 16/16/30
21158 MET 4141 / 001 Machine Design I 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Dhanasekar P Q 108 15/15/20
21159 MET 4141 / 002 Machine Design I 4 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Dhanasekar P Q 108 6/6/20
21471 MET 4341 / 001 Automation Systems & Controls 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Yon G Q 109 4/4/24
21474 MET 4341 / 052 Automation Systems & Controls 0 R 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Yon G Q 110 4/4/12
21160 MET 4401 / 001 Heat Transfer 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Khazaei A Q 108 9/9/34
21165 MET 4412 / 001 Air Conditioning 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Khazaei A Q 108 8/8/24
21162 MET 4421 / 001 Instruments & Controls 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Yon G Q 109 0/0/20
21164 MET 4421 / 002 Instruments & Controls 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Yon G Q 109 15/15/20
21273 MET 4421 / 051 Instruments & Controls 0 M 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Yon G Q 110 12/12/12
21276 MET 4421 / 053 Instruments & Controls 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Yon G Q 110 3/3/12
21166 MET 4501 / 001 Engr Computation using MatLab 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Nasseri S Q 218 17/17/20
21168 MET 4903 / 001 SpTp - Lean Manufacturing 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Waldrop P 21/23/20
20905 MGNT 1000 / 900 Orientation     To be added to the wait list: please email     [email protected] 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Richardson R 59/61/0
20652 MGNT 2201 / 850 Business Computer Applications     Pre req: MGNT 1000 3 M 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Skinner C J 215B 25/25/25
20829 MGNT 2201 / 851 Business Computer Applications     Pre-req: MGNT 1000 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Skinner C J 215B 23/23/0
20661 MGNT 3105 / 001 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Hiatt M M 100 39/40/0
20813 MGNT 3105 / 002 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hiatt M M 100 34/34/35
20830 MGNT 3105 / 003 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Hiatt M Q 105 33/36/35
20916 MGNT 3105 / 900 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior     To be added to Wait List: please email [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Quinet G 34/35/0
20822 MGNT 3125 / 001 Business Finance     Pre-req: ACCT 2101     To be added to the wait list, please email     [email protected] 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Khayati A M 100 37/41/0
21800 MGNT 3125 / 002 Business Finance 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Khayati A J 151 24/24/30
20714 MGNT 3135 / 001 Principles of Marketing 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Sinha M J 262 33/33/0
20902 MGNT 3135 / 002 Principles of Marketing     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Henriott L J 264 33/34/35
20721 MGNT 3145 / 001 Legal Environment     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Toson S J 264 34/34/35
20903 MGNT 3145 / 002 Legal Environment 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Woodruff R J 152 17/18/35
20709 MGNT 3170 / 001 Leadership     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Hiatt M J 108 19/19/35
20727 MGNT 3205 / 850 Management Information System     Pre-req: MGNT 2201 or CM 3000     To be added to the wait list, please email: 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Stone D J 161 20/22/25
20923 MGNT 3205 / 900 Management Information System     Pre-req: MGNT 2201 or CM 3000 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Skinner C 35/35/35
21685 MGNT 3943 / 000 SpTp- Services Marketing 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Sinha M J 159 4/4/20
20906 MGNT 4100 / 900 BusinessSystemsAnalysis&Design     Pre-req: MGNT 2201 or equivalent experience 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE North M 13/13/35
20666 MGNT 4115 / 001 Human Resources Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 or IET 2305 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Vasa-Sider S J 108 35/36/0
20920 MGNT 4115 / 900 Human Resources Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 or IET 2305     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vasa-Sider S 33/36/0
20716 MGNT 4125 / 001 Technology & Public Issues     Pre-req: MGNT 3105     to be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Obeidat M J 264 35/35/0
20904 MGNT 4135 / 001 Project Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 OR     IET 2305 and IET 2227     To be added to Wait List, please email [email protected] 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Obeidat M J 161 31/32/0
20718 MGNT 4145 / 001 International Management     Pre-req: JUNIOR standing and     ECON 1101 and MGNT 3125 and MGNT 3135 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Quinet G M 100 18/18/35
20910 MGNT 4151 / 900 Operations Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 or IET 2227 and IET 2305     Optional tutoring session will meet     T R 5p-5:50p     Location for tutoring session - J152     To be added to the wait list, please email: 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Richardson R 28/35/0
20924 MGNT 4151 / 901 Operations Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 OR     IET 2227 and IET 2305     Optional tutoring session will meet:     Tues/Thurs - 5p-5:50p     Location for tutoring session - J152     To be added to the wait list, please email: 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Richardson R 33/34/0
20729 MGNT 4232 / 001 FinPlan&CapitalBudgeting     Pre-req: MGNT 3125 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Khayati A J 108 6/8/15
20711 MGNT 4545 / 001 Legal Environment Business II     Pre-req: MGNT 3145 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Toson S J 161 17/18/30
20724 MGNT 4595 / 001 Business Strategy     CAPSTONE course -taken during semester in which you graduate     Senior standing     Pre-req: MGNT 3125 and MGNT 3135     To register: email [email protected] 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Quinet G M 100 23/24/0
21510 MGNT 4903 / 002 SpTp-Business of Medicine     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Gold L J 108 9/9/15
21822 MGNT 4903 / 860 SpTp-IndRsh - Finance 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM 1/1/1
20934 MGNT 5000 / 900 Survey of Management     First session 1.5 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Warsi U 14/15/25
20935 MGNT 5002 / 900 Survey of Financial Acct     First session 1.5 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Warsi U 21/22/25
20936 MGNT 5004 / 901 Surv of Managerial Acct     Second Session begins Oct 14 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Warsi U 21/21/25
20937 MGNT 5010 / 901 Survey of Business Law     Second session begins Oct. 14 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Sellers-Pi T 22/22/25
21564 MGNT 5100 / 900 MBA Orientation 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Richardson R 4/5/25
20925 MGNT 6002 / 900 Corporate Finance     Pre-req: MGNT 5006 OR     undergraduate courses in Acctg or Finance 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Khayati A 21/26/0
20912 MGNT 6004 / 900 Service & Operations Mgnt     Pre-req: MGNT 5000 and MGNT 5014 OR     undergraduate courses in Mgnt & statistics 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Richardson R 10/15/25
20815 MGNT 6005 / 001 Managerial Economics     Pre-req: MGNT 5012 and MGNT 5014 OR     undergraduate courses in ECON and Statistics 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Melnik M J 151 9/9/25
20812 MGNT 6008 / 001 Marketing Management     Pre-req: MGNT 5008 OR undergraduate Mktg courses 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Sinha M J 152 13/13/25
20831 MGNT 6010 / 850 Mgnt of Information Technology 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM North M M 100 18/19/25
20927 MGNT 6020 / 900 R&D management     Pre-req: MGNT 6015 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Obeidat M 8/8/25
20930 MGNT 6025 / 900 ManagingTechnicalProfessionals     Pre-req: MGNT 5000 OR     undergraduate courses in MGNT and Org. Behavior 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vasa-Sider S 20/22/25
20938 MGNT 6038 / 900 Adv Database Dev & Mgnt     Pre-req: MGNT 6032 or MGNT 6034 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE North M 7/9/25
20913 MGNT 6050 / 900 Project Management     Pre-req: MGNT 5000 and MGNT 5014 OR     undergraduate courses in Mgnt and Statistics 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Obeidat M 11/11/25
20931 MGNT 6059 / 900 Legal Environment of Business     First session     Pre-req: MGNT 5010 or MGNT 3145     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Toson S 26/28/0
20933 MGNT 6059 / 901 Legal Env of Business     Second session     Pre-req: MGNT 5010 or MGNT 3145 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Toson S 25/26/0
20887 MGNT 6090 / 001 Strategic Management     CAPSTONE course     Taken in one of last two semesters of MBA program     Departmental approval required for registration     Email: [email protected] 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Quinet G J 108 16/16/0
20730 MGNT 6232 / 001 Cap Budget & LT Finance     Pre-req: MGNT 6002 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Khayati A J 108 6/6/20
20939 MGNT 6903 / 002 SpTp-Business of Medicine 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Gold L J 108 3/3/15
21571 MGNT 6943 / 001 SpTp_Services Marketing 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Sinha M J 159 5/5/15
21857 MGNT 7503 / 860 Ind. Research - Proj. Mgnt. 3 TBA 16 TBA Obeidat M 1/1/1
20756 MTRE 1000 / 001 Intro to Mechatronics Engr 2 T R 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM McFall K Q 106 70/72/72
21712 MTRE 3710 / 001 N1 Mechatronics Engr Fundamentals 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Marshall M Q 105 20/20/20
21713 MTRE 3710 / 051 1N Mechatronics Engr Fundamentals 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Marshall M Q 242 20/20/20
20758 MTRE 4000 / 001 Advanced Controls 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Ham C Q 315 28/29/40
20759 MTRE 4200 / 001 Robotics Analy & Synthesis 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Wang Y Q 314 23/23/40
20761 MTRE 4400 / 001 M1 Mechatronics Systems Design     Restricted to seniors who have petitioned to graduate 4 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Yon G Q 216 11/11/20
21353 MTRE 4400 / 051 1M Mechatronic Systems Design Lab     Restricted to seniors who have petitioned to graduate 0 TBA 16 TBA Yon G 11/11/20
20214 PHIL 2010 / 01G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/2
20215 PHIL 2010 / 02G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
20216 PHIL 2010 / 03G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/0
20364 PHIL 2010 / 04G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
20375 PHIL 2010 / 05G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
21868 PHIL 2010 / 06G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Short Session 2: Oct 14 - Dec 4     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20003 PHYS 1111 / 001 Introductory Physics I 3 M 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Siddiqui T D 156 20/22/24
M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Patterson P H 203
20004 PHYS 1111 / 002 Introductory Physics I 3 W 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Siddiqui T D 156 19/25/24
M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Patterson P H 203
20005 PHYS 1111 / 003 Introductory Physics I 3 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM H 250 21/22/24
M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Rainisch R H 203
20006 PHYS 1111 / 004 Introductory Physics I 3 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM H 250 21/23/24
M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Rainisch R H 203
20007 PHYS 1111 / 005 Introductory Physics I 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 200 19/20/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kulasiri R H 200
20008 PHYS 1111 / 006 Introductory Physics I 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 200 20/21/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kulasiri R H 200
20009 PHYS 1111 / 900 Introductory Physics I     Students MUST enroll in PHYS 1111L (Lab). 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Ranasinghe K 18/24/24
20010 PHYS 1111L / 050 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 M 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Siddiqui T H 255 17/21/24
20011 PHYS 1111L / 051 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 W 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Siddiqui T H 255 18/23/24
20012 PHYS 1111L / 053 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 M 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Thackston M H 255 9/12/24
20013 PHYS 1111L / 054 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 F 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Dayananda M H 255 12/12/24
20014 PHYS 1111L / 055 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 T 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Kulasiri R H 255 16/17/24
20015 PHYS 1111L / 056 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 R 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Kulasiri R H 255 19/21/24
20016 PHYS 1111L / 057 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 R 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Ranasinghe K H 255 22/24/24
20017 PHYS 1112 / 001 Introductory Physics II 3 T 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM D 156 19/20/24
T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Moghazy S D 156
20018 PHYS 1112 / 002 Introductory Physics II 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 250 24/24/24
M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kulasiri R H 250
20019 PHYS 1112L / 058 Introductory Physics II Lab 1 T 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Smith E H 270 23/23/24
20020 PHYS 1112L / 059 Introductory Physics II Lab 1 W 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Kulasiri R H 270 20/23/24
20217 PHYS 1211K / 01G Principles of Physics I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 4 ONLINE ONLINE 7/9/0
20021 PHYS 2211 / 001 Principles of Physics I 3 M 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM D 156 23/25/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Patrick R H 203
20022 PHYS 2211 / 002 Principles of Physics I 3 W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM D 156 23/26/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Patrick R H 203
20024 PHYS 2211 / 004 Principles of Physics I 3 M 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM D 156 26/26/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Ranasinghe K J 161
20025 PHYS 2211 / 005 Principles of Physics I 3 W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM D 156 22/27/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Ranasinghe K J 161
20026 PHYS 2211 / 006 Principles of Physics I 3 R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM H 200 24/24/24
T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Garofalo D H 200
20027 PHYS 2211 / 007 Principles of Physics I 3 T 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM D 156 24/26/24
T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Thackston M H 203
20028 PHYS 2211 / 008 Principles of Physics I 3 R 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM D 156 21/26/24
T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Thackston M H 203
20030 PHYS 2211 / 010 Principles of Physics I 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 19/24/24
M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Whitenton J H 203
20031 PHYS 2211 / 011 Principles of Physics I 3 W 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 23/24/24
M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Whitenton J H 203
21653 PHYS 2211 / 012 Principles of Physics I 3 T 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM D 205 21/22/24
T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Garofalo D H 200
20032 PHYS 2211 / 900 Principles of Physics I     Students MUST enroll in PHYS 2211L (Lab). 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Kulasiri R 22/24/24
20033 PHYS 2211L / 060 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 M 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Patrick R H 255 21/23/24
20034 PHYS 2211L / 061 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 W 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Patrick R H 255 20/23/24
20035 PHYS 2211L / 062 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 F 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Ranasinghe K H 255 21/24/24
20036 PHYS 2211L / 063 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 M 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Dayananda M H 255 21/24/24
20037 PHYS 2211L / 064 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 W 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Siddiqui T H 255 19/21/24
20038 PHYS 2211L / 065 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 F 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Smith E H 255 12/13/24
20039 PHYS 2211L / 066 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 T 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Garofalo D H 255 20/20/24
20040 PHYS 2211L / 067 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 W 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Garofalo D H 255 15/18/24
20041 PHYS 2211L / 068 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 R 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Smith E H 255 18/21/24
20042 PHYS 2211L / 069 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 M 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Dayananda M H 255 11/12/24
20043 PHYS 2211L / 070 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 W 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Dayananda M H 255 15/15/24
20044 PHYS 2211L / 071 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 T 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Garofalo D H 255 21/23/24
20079 PHYS 2211L / 079 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 S 16 4:00PM - 5:50PM Whitenton J H 255 6/6/24
20045 PHYS 2212 / 001 Principles of Physics II 3 M 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM D 156 26/26/24
M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Smith E H 203
20046 PHYS 2212 / 002 Principles of Physics II 3 W 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM D 156 24/25/24
M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Smith E H 203
20048 PHYS 2212 / 004 Principles of Physics II 3 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM D 156 22/24/23
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Thackston M H 203
20075 PHYS 2212 / 005 Principles of Physics II 3 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM D 156 21/24/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Thackston M H 203
20077 PHYS 2212 / 007 Principles of Physics II 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 22/26/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Whitenton J H 203
20078 PHYS 2212 / 008 Principles of Physics II 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 19/26/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Whitenton J H 203
21698 PHYS 2212 / 012 Principles of Physics II 3 M 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM D 156 24/24/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Garofalo D J 151
21733 PHYS 2212 / 013 Principles of Physics II 3 F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM D 156 13/14/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Garofalo D J 151
20049 PHYS 2212L / 072 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 M 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Smith E H 270 19/21/24
20050 PHYS 2212L / 073 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 W 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Smith E H 270 15/15/24
20051 PHYS 2212L / 074 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 F 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Smith E H 270 12/13/24
20052 PHYS 2212L / 075 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 M 16 1:30PM - 3:20PM Garofalo D H 270 21/24/24
20053 PHYS 2212L / 076 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 W 16 1:30PM - 3:20PM Garofalo D H 270 17/23/24
20054 PHYS 2212L / 077 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 R 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM Dayananda M H 270 21/23/24
20055 PHYS 2212L / 078 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 T 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Whitenton J H 270 27/27/24
21762 PHYS 2212L / 080 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 T 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Siddiqui T H 270 23/23/24
20057 PHYS 2213 / 001 Thermal & Modern Physics 2 T R 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Thackston M H 250 12/13/20
20058 PHYS 3500K / 001 Intro to Computational Physics 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Thackston M H 250 14/17/24
20061 PHYS 3710 / 002 Modern Physics 4 R 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM H 250 15/16/15
T 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Patrick R H 250
20060 PHYS 3720 / 001 Modern Physics Laboratory 1 R 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Kulasiri R H 250 15/16/15
20586 POLS 1101 / 001 American Government     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Snook C J 158 34/36/37
20589 POLS 1101 / 002 American Government     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Snook C J 158 35/37/37
20218 POLS 1101 / 01G American Government     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/0
20219 POLS 1101 / 02G American Government     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
20220 POLS 1101 / 03G American Government     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/1
20221 POLS 1101 / 04G American Government     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/6
20222 POLS 1101 / 05G American Government     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
20365 POLS 1101 / 06G American Government     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/4
20376 POLS 1101 / 07G American Government     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/6
21871 POLS 1101 / 08G American Government     eCore Short Session 2: Oct 14 - Dec 4     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20592 POLS 1101 / 900 American Government     Fully online course     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Snook C 22/22/24
20593 POLS 2401 / 001 Global Issues      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Gridley B J 101 37/38/37
20594 POLS 2401 / 002 Global Issues      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Gridley B J 101 35/38/37
20595 POLS 2401 / 003 Global Issues      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Gridley B J 101 40/40/37
20596 POLS 2401 / 004 Global Issues      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Nisley T J 101 34/37/37
20597 POLS 2401 / 005 Global Issues      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Nisley T J 101 34/38/37
20598 POLS 2401 / 006 Global Issues      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Nisley T J 101 36/38/37
20599 POLS 2401 / 900 Global Issues     Fully online course      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rotnem T 23/24/24
20601 POLS 3001 / 001 Comparative Politics     Prereq: POLS 2401; Formerly POLS 2801 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Rotnem T J 106 11/14/20
20602 POLS 3009 / 001 Foundations of Public Policy 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Snook C J 130 12/12/20
20603 POLS 3301 / 001 Modern Political Theory 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Nisley T J 106 13/14/20
21553 POLS 3903 / 001 Special Topics 3 TBA 16 TBA Snook C 2/2/0
21109 POLS 4801 / 001 Capstone:PSP 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Snook C J 159 4/4/0
20624 PSYC 1000 / 001 Orientation to Psychology 2 M 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Cochrane L J 101 25/26/20
20628 PSYC 1101 / 002 Intro to General Psychology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Grant-Will S J 156 35/40/37
20629 PSYC 1101 / 003 Intro to General Psychology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Grant-Will S J 156 37/38/37
20630 PSYC 1101 / 004 Intro to General Psychology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Grant-Will S J 156 33/35/37
20631 PSYC 1101 / 005 Intro to General Psychology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Sharma L J 156 38/38/37
20223 PSYC 1101 / 01G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
20315 PSYC 1101 / 02G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20317 PSYC 1101 / 04G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
20366 PSYC 1101 / 05G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20378 PSYC 1101 / 06G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/6
21691 PSYC 1101 / 07G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
21692 PSYC 1101 / 08G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/5
20632 PSYC 1101 / 900 Intro to General Psychology     Fully online course     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Cochrane L 21/22/24
21697 PSYC 2100 / 001 Quant research methods     Contact SIS Dept. Chair to register: 678-915-7442 3 M W 16 5:00PM - 6:15PM Jung K J 216 4/4/0
20633 PSYC 2270 / 001 Engineering Psychology 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Jung K J 130 10/13/20
21428 PSYC 3000 / 001 Junior Seminar 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Grant-Will S J 133 5/5/20
21169 PSYC 3015 / 001 Theories of Personality     Prereq: PSYC 1101 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Cochrane L J 110 14/14/19
21170 PSYC 3020 / 001 Physiological Psychology     Prereq: PSYC 1101 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Jung K J 156 12/12/20
21171 PSYC 3031 / 001 P1 Experimental Psychology     Prereq: SIS 2100 or IET 2227 4 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Sharma L J 216 11/11/20
21699 PSYC 3031 / 050 1P Experimental Psychology - Lab 0 W 16 12:30PM - 1:45PM Sharma L J 216 11/11/20
21172 PSYC 3301 / 001 Psychological Testing     Prereq: SIS 2100 or PSYC 2100 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Sharma L J 130 9/9/20
21560 PSYC 3903 / 001 SpTp-Psychology Practicum I 3 TBA 16 TBA Sharma L 4/4/0
21569 PSYC 3903 / 002 SpTp-Special Topics 3 TBA 16 TBA Cochrane L 1/1/0
21836 PSYC 3903 / 003 SpTp-Physiological Psyc II 3 TBA 16 TBA Sharma L 1/1/0
21173 PSYC 4130 / 001 Psychology of Aging     Prereq: PSYC 1101 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Grant-Will S J 156 4/4/20
21174 PSYC 4600 / 001 Conflict Resolution 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Queen T J 130 8/9/20
20577 QA 5000 / 900 Statistical Concepts for QA     Meets once per week online 10/8/13 to 11/19/13 1.5 T 7L 7:30PM - 8:45PM Hernandez E 7/8/25
20816 QA 6600 / 900 Methods of Analysis     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Bailey B 11/11/25
20817 QA 6602 / 900 Total Quality     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Bailey B 19/21/25
20818 QA 6610 / 900 Stat for Quality Assurance     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Freeman R 14/14/25
20819 QA 6610 / 901 Stat for Quality Assurance     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Scherrer C 14/16/25
20820 QA 6611 / 900 Statistical Process Control     Meets once per week online 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Gammoh D 12/13/25
20821 QA 6613 / 900 Linear Regression Analysis     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jackson K 12/13/25
20823 QA 6640 / 900 Quality Cost & Supplier Eval     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Bailey B 12/12/25
20825 QA 6650 / 900 Quality Systems Design     Meets once per week online 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jackson K 16/16/25
20826 QA 6660 / 900 Six Sigma Black Belt Concepts     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Furterer S 11/11/25
21583 QA 6712 / 900 Quality Systems Simulation     Meets once per week online     Cross-listed with SYE6035 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Gross D 5/6/10
20828 QA 7403 / 900 Graduate Seminar - BusSysArch     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Furterer S 7/7/25
20634 RELG 1200 / 001 World Religion     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Owusu R J 101 36/37/37
20635 RELG 1200 / 002 World Religion     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Owusu R J 101 34/37/37
21127 SOCI 1101 / 001 Intro to Sociology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Ghadge R J 156 23/28/37
21128 SOCI 1101 / 002 Intro to Sociology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Ghadge R J 156 31/36/37
20318 SOCI 1101 / 01G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20333 SOCI 1101 / 02G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
20334 SOCI 1101 / 03G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
20336 SOCI 1101 / 04G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20367 SOCI 1101 / 05G Intro to Sociology     eCore Short Sess 1: Aug 19-Oct 9. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20379 SOCI 1101 / 06G Intro to Sociology     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
21872 SOCI 1101 / 07G Intro to Sociology     eCore Short Session 2: Oct 14 - Dec 4     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/5/0
20636 SPAN 1001 / 001 Elementary Spanish I     Weekly conversation session required      Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Does not satisfy core requirement 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Berdugo L J 130 12/17/28
20638 SPAN 1001 / 002 Elementary Spanish I     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Does not satisfy core requirement 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Nuhfer-Hal B J 130 18/20/28
20641 SPAN 1002 / 001 Elementary Spanish II     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Prereq: SPAN 1001 or equivalent;Satisfies C-2 Core 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Berdugo L J 130 21/26/28
20643 SPAN 2001 / 001 Intermediate Spanish I     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Satisfies C-2 core requirement 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Nuhfer-Hal B J 130 10/12/28
20339 SPAN 2001 / 01G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
20343 SPAN 2001 / 02G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
20345 SPAN 2001 / 03G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20347 SPAN 2001 / 04G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
20381 SPAN 2001 / 05G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20349 SPAN 2002 / 01G Intermediate Spanish II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20351 SPAN 2002 / 02G Intermediate Spanish II     eCore Full Sess: Aug 19-Nov 27. See ecore.usg.edu/reg 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
20382 SPAN 2002 / 03G Intermediate Spanish II     eCore Short Sess 2: Oct 14-Dec 4. See ecore.usg.edu/reg/ 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
20645 SPAN 3001 / 001 Advanced Conversation 3 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Nuhfer-Hal B J 130 5/5/20
21734 SPAN 3903 / 001 Adv. Spanish Conversation II 3 TBA 16 TBA Nuhfer-Hal B 3/3/5
21735 SPAN 3903 / 002 Spanish Culture & Civ: Madrid 3 TBA 16 TBA Nuhfer-Hal B 2/2/5
21864 SPAN 3903 / 003 SpTp - Teaching Spanish 3 TBA 16 TBA Nuhfer-Hal B 1/1/0
20651 SPAN 4001 / 001 Professional Spanish 3 TBA 16 TBA Nuhfer-Hal B J 130 1/1/20
20456 SPSU 1001 / 001 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Shumate S J 262 43/48/52
20521 SPSU 1001 / 002 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     FOR ECET MAJORS ONLY 1 T 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Larisch S Q 104 43/46/40
20475 SPSU 1001 / 003 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     FOR ECET MAJORS ONLY 1 T 16 5:30PM - 6:20PM Frinzi P Q 221 36/39/40
20762 SPSU 1001 / 005 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     EME Students Only 1 W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM McFall K Q 106 59/59/60
20763 SPSU 1001 / 006 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     EME Students Only 1 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Crimm L Q 106 58/60/60
20991 SPSU 1001 / 007 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     BIOLOGY & CHEMISTRY Majors Only 1 T 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Weand M E 171 18/18/0
20993 SPSU 1001 / 008 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     BIOLOGY & CHEMISTRY Majors Only 1 R 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Hesser M E 171 16/17/0
21130 SPSU 1001 / 010 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     For PSYC, POLS, and Int'l Studies Majors only 1 W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Cochrane L J 101 19/20/0
21408 SPSU 1001 / 013 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     FOR MATH and PHYSICS MAJORS 1 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Patterson P H 200 25/25/24
21655 SPSU 1001 / 014 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     For MET Majors Only 1 M 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Zeigler T L 125 26/27/20
21656 SPSU 1001 / 015 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 M 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Nourollahi M J 108 18/19/20
21657 SPSU 1001 / 016 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     For ARCH Majors Only 1 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Holliday S J 108 20/20/20
21658 SPSU 1001 / 017 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     For ARCH Majors Only 1 M 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Brown J J 108 20/20/20
21659 SPSU 1001 / 018 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     For ARCH Majors Only 1 W 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Pourchier J J 108 25/26/20
21660 SPSU 1001 / 019 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     For ARCH Majors Only 1 W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Lunk R J 108 21/21/20
20748 SPSU 1001 / 01H Honors Hitch-Hikers Guide     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at     678-915-3928 to register. 1 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Omidvar I D 138 25/25/0
21661 SPSU 1001 / 020 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     For ARCH Majors Only 1 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Holliday S J 108 25/25/20
21662 SPSU 1001 / 021 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     For ARCH Students Only 1 W 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Economy K J 108 19/19/20
21663 SPSU 1001 / 022 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 T 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Montgomery R Q 206 19/19/20
21664 SPSU 1001 / 023 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 R 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Goler K Q 206 19/19/20
21672 SPSU 1001 / 025 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     ETCMA, PSYC,POLS and Int'l studies majors only. 1 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Shinall C J 152 32/32/0
21687 SPSU 1001 / 026 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     ME and SYE Students Only 1 W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Butler R Q 202 39/39/40
21688 SPSU 1001 / 027 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     ME and SYE Transfer Students Only 1 M 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Sooklal V Q 202 38/40/40
21779 SPSU 1001 / 028 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Ruhala L Q 315 39/39/40
21780 SPSU 1001 / 029 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 M 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Lowder M Q 314 38/40/40
20749 SPSU 1001 / 02H Honors Hitch-Hikers Guide     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at     678-915-3928 to register. 1 R 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Omidvar I D 138 40/40/0
21810 SPSU 1001 / 030 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     For MET Students 1 R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Sweigart J Q 207 28/28/25
21393 SPSU 1001 / 09 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Zeigler T L 125 24/25/25
21395 SPSU 1001 / 12 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Zeigler T L 125 24/25/25
20969 SPSU 1001 / 850 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     Meets once per week on campus 10/10/13 to 11/21/13     IET & ATT Students Only 1 R 7L 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ball T M 133 21/21/20
20970 SPSU 1001 / 900 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     Meets once per week online 10/10/13 to 11/21/13     IET & ATT Students Only 1 R 7L 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ball T 11/11/10
21665 SPSU 1001 / 901 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Holliday S 20/20/20
21666 SPSU 1001 / 902 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Holliday S 18/19/20
21689 SPSU 1001 / 903 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     ME and SYE Transfer Students Only 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Ruhala L 38/38/40
21781 SPSU 1001 / 904 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Khalid A 39/40/40
21181 STS 2400 / 001 The Vietnam Era     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T 16 8:30AM - 10:20AM Soiset R J 109 30/31/27
21176 STS 2400 / 002 Env Thought in US Hist&Culture     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 R 16 8:30AM - 10:20AM Newell J J 109 26/27/27
21183 STS 2400 / 003 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM LeFebvre R J 156 25/27/27
21182 STS 2400 / 004 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 F 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM LeFebvre R J 156 25/28/27
21186 STS 2400 / 005 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 W 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM LeFebvre R J 156 27/30/27
21175 STS 2400 / 007 Railroads     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M 16 2:00PM - 3:50PM Churella A J 217 24/26/27
21177 STS 2400 / 008 Science and Fiction     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M 16 5:30PM - 7:20PM Potter J J 109 28/29/27
21179 STS 2400 / 009 Disaster Ethics     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T 16 5:30PM - 7:20PM Queen T J 158 26/28/27
21187 STS 2400 / 010 History of Flight     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 W 16 5:30PM - 7:20PM Wade M J 109 19/27/27
21184 STS 2400 / 011 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 R 16 5:30PM - 7:20PM LeFebvre R J 158 26/27/27
21178 STS 2400 / 012 Science and Fiction     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM Potter J J 109 28/28/27
21180 STS 2400 / 013 Disaster Ethics     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM Queen T J 158 26/29/27
21188 STS 2400 / 014 History of Flight     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 W 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM Wade M J 109 21/27/27
21185 STS 2400 / 015 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 R 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM LeFebvre R J 158 24/27/27
21826 STS 2400 / 016 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M 16 5:30PM - 7:20PM LeFebvre R J 156 23/26/27
21827 STS 2400 / 017 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM LeFebvre R J 156 24/25/27
21189 STS 2400 / 06H Honors-Medical Ethics     Honors Students Only     Contact Honors director at     678-915-3928 2 R 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Queen T D 138 4/4/0
21574 STS 2400 / 900 Introduction to Medical Ethics     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Queen T 18/24/24
21575 STS 2400 / 901 Introduction to Medical Ethics     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Queen T 23/24/24
21576 STS 2400 / 902 Introduction to Medical Ethics     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Queen T 21/23/24
21577 STS 2400 / 903 Technology, Medicine, & Health     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Potter J 20/23/24
21578 STS 2400 / 904 Technology, Medicine, & Health     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Potter J 22/24/24
21190 STS 4000 / 001 Int'l Issues in Science & Tech     Prereq: ENGL 1101 & STS 2400 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Newell J J 130 6/7/20
21600 STS 4800 / 001 Global Technology Seminar 3 TBA 16 TBA Newell J 2/2/0
21482 SURV 2110 / 001 C4 Introduction to Mapping 4 T 16 1:00PM - 3:30PM Branham D L 121 6/7/20
T 16 1:00PM - 3:30PM Branham D L 126
21483 SURV 2110 / 068 4C Introduction to Mapping 0 R 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Branham D L 121 6/7/20
R 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Branham D L 126
21470 SURV 2200 / 001 C2 Construction Measurements 4 T 16 1:00PM - 3:30PM Lee J L 165 21/22/20
21473 SURV 2200 / 075 2C Construction Measurements 0 R 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Lee J L 165 21/22/20
21479 SURV 2221 / 001 C3 Surveying I 4 T 16 9:00AM - 11:30AM Branham D L 121 20/21/20
21481 SURV 2221 / 065 3C Surveying I 0 R 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Branham D L 121 20/21/20
21485 SURV 3222 / 001 C5 Surveying II 4 T 16 4:00PM - 6:30PM Branham D L 121 17/17/20
21486 SURV 3222 / 073 5C Surveying II 0 R 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Branham D L 121 17/17/20
21466 SURV 3421 / 001 C1 Geographic Info Systems I 4 M 16 1:16PM - 3:50PM Roberts A L 126 19/19/30
21467 SURV 3421 / 070 1C Geographic Info Systems I 0 W 16 1:16PM - 3:50PM Roberts A L 126 19/19/30
21860 SURV 3901 / 001 SPT:Advanced Field Methods 1 F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Wilson M L 2/2/0
21861 SURV 3902 / 001 SPT:ScanMethods&DataReduction 2 F 16 1:00PM - 3:00PM Wilson M L 2/2/0
21489 SURV 4410 / 001 C6 Surv Computations & Adjustment 4 M 16 2:00PM - 4:30PM Wilson M L 165 5/5/20
21492 SURV 4410 / 077 6C Surv Computations & Adjustment 0 W 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Wilson M L 165 5/5/20
21502 SURV 4465 / 001 Legal Aspects of Land Survying 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Wilson M L 165 7/7/20
20319 SWE 2313 / 001 Intro to Software Engineering 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Tsui F J 217 39/42/40
20320 SWE 2313 / 002 Intro to Software Engineering 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Duggins S J 266 39/39/30
20321 SWE 3613 / 001 Software Systems Engineering 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Salimi A J 262 52/52/52
20322 SWE 3623 / 001 Software Systems Requiremnts 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Duggins S J 131 31/31/30
20323 SWE 4324 / 001 User Centered Design 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:45PM Salimi A J 211 23/23/22
20324 SWE 4633 / 001 Comp-BasedSoftwareDevelopment 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Prettyman S J 202 21/21/30
20325 SWE 4663 / 001 Software Project Management 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Tsui F J 217 13/13/40
20326 SWE 4663 / 900 Software Project Management     Note: Please plan on taking the mid-term and final exams in     class on campus. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Tsui F 6/6/30
20327 SWE 4724 / 001 Software Engineering Project 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Pournaghsh H J 265 8/8/10
20328 SWE 6613 / 001 Requirements Engineering 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Mamo E J 264 15/15/30
20329 SWE 6613 / 900 Requirements Engineering     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Mamo E 11/12/30
20331 SWE 6623 / 001 Software Engineering I 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Tsui F J 131 9/10/30
20330 SWE 6623 / 900 Software Engineering I     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Tsui F 10/11/30
20335 SWE 6633 / 001 Software Project Management 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Pournaghsh H J 159 7/7/19
20332 SWE 6633 / 900 Software Project Management     Note: proctored, closed book exams will be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Pournaghsh H 8/9/30
20337 SWE 6743 / 001 Object-Oriented Analy & Design 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Duggins S J 131 16/18/35
20338 SWE 6743 / 900 Object-Oriented Analy & Design     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Duggins S 11/13/30
20340 SWE 6753 / 001 Computer Game Des & Dev 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Chastine J J 262 2/2/6
20341 SWE 6753 / 900 Computer Game Des & Dev     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Chastine J 11/11/30
20348 SWE 6813 / 001 CompBasedSoftwareDevelopment 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Mamo E J 211 6/6/22
20346 SWE 6813 / 900 CompBasedSoftwareDevelopment     Proctored exams may be given.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Mamo E 3/4/30
21551 SWE 7803 / 001 SWE Master's Thesis 3 TBA 16 TBA Lartigue J 3/3/0
20350 SWE 7903 / 001 Software Engineering Capstone 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Pournaghsh H J 265 6/6/18
21378 SYE 2100 / 001 Systems Analysis and Design 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Winchester W Q 105 28/30/30
21379 SYE 3100 / 001 SysRelbltyMain 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Moghaddam K Q 107 8/9/30
21380 SYE 3200 / 001 Human Machine Systems 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Winchester W Q 108 16/16/30
21381 SYE 3300 / 001 Program Management 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Butler R Q 216 13/13/30
21382 SYE 3320 / 001 Engr Econ & Decision Analysis 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Megahed A Q 105 29/32/30
21383 SYE 3501 / 001 Fund of Nuclear Engineering 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ghavi M Q 108 17/18/20
21384 SYE 3502 / 001 Radiation Detection & Measmnt 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Aceil S Q 315 9/9/20
21385 SYE 3600 / 001 Statistics with Applications 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Megahed A Q 107 10/10/30
21400 SYE 3801 / 001 Aerodynamics 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Harcrow A Q 109 28/30/30
21401 SYE 4400 / 001 Engr Optimization II 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Moghaddam K Q 216 11/11/30
21402 SYE 4501 / 001 Nuclear Pwr Generation 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Rainisch R Q 109 6/6/20
21761 SYE 4503 / 001 Nuclear Fuel Cycle 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ghavi M Q 310 5/6/20
21404 SYE 4801 / 001 Aircraft Propulsion 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Khalid A Q 206 8/8/30
21422 SYE 4802 / 001 Helicopter Theory 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Khalid A Q 216 9/10/30
21423 SYE 6005 / 900 Intro to Systems Engineering     Online, no pre-req 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Winchester W 6/6/20
21424 SYE 6010 / 900 Project Mgnt Processes     Online, no pre-req 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Gross D 13/13/20
21425 SYE 6035 / 900 Modeling & Simulation     Online, pre-req QA 6610     Cross-listed with QA 6712 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Gross D 9/11/20
21426 SYE 6050 / 900 Reliability & Sustainability     Online, pre-req QA 6610 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Moghaddam K 8/10/20
21427 SYE 6055 / 900 System Devl Wkshop     Online, for students graduating in Fall/Spring 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Khalid A 13/14/20
21841 SYE 6055 / 901 System Devl Wkshop 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Butler R 1/1/0
21270 TCOM 2010 / 001 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Race C J 213 27/27/27
21271 TCOM 2010 / 002 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Race C J 213 27/27/27
21272 TCOM 2010 / 003 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Strauss L J 213 26/27/27
21277 TCOM 2010 / 004 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 12:30PM - 1:45PM Strauss L J 213 26/27/27
21282 TCOM 2010 / 005 Technical Writing 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Strauss L J 213 26/27/27
21283 TCOM 2010 / 006 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Sledd E J 213 23/27/27
21285 TCOM 2010 / 007 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Brodak M J 213 25/27/27
21287 TCOM 2010 / 008 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Brodak M J 213 26/27/27
21284 TCOM 2010 / 850 Technical Writing     50% online instruction through D2L. Computer Classroom. 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Godfrey K J 213 26/26/27
21288 TCOM 2010 / 851 Technical Writing     50% online instruction through D2L. Computer Classroom. 3 M 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Logan M J 213 25/27/27
21290 TCOM 2010 / 852 Technical Writing     50% online instruction through D2L. Computer Classroom. 3 W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Logan M J 213 26/27/27
21291 TCOM 2010 / 853 Technical Writing     50% online instruction through D2L. Computer Classroom. 3 T 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Sledd E J 213 20/27/27
21293 TCOM 2010 / 900 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. This is not an E-Core     class. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith H 17/20/20
21295 TCOM 2010 / 901 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. This is not an E-Core     class. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Sledd E 15/22/20
21817 TCOM 2010 / 902 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith H 17/19/20
21297 TCOM 2020 / 001 Intro to Prof & Tech Comm 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Shinall C J 201 20/22/24
21298 TCOM 3020 / 850 Proposal Writing     50% online instruction through D2L. Computer Classroom. 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Godfrey K J 213 9/10/20
21300 TCOM 3045 / 900 Fundamentals of Info Design     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Thompson E 9/12/20
21304 TCOM 3400 / 002 Foundations Design for the Web     Mac Lab. 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Rule R J 212 20/21/20
21302 TCOM 3400 / 850 Foundations Design for the Web     Mac Lab. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Rule R J 212 17/20/20
21306 TCOM 3430 / 001 Foundation of Graphics     Mac Lab. 3 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:45AM Hankey L J 212 17/19/20
21307 TCOM 3430 / 002 Foundation of Graphics     Mac Lab. 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hankey L J 212 13/14/20
21324 TCOM 3903 / 002 Newspaper Practicum     Class will meet in the Sting Office in the Student Center. 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Greene J 13/13/0
21814 TCOM 3903 / 020 Adv Publishing for New Media     Independent Study. Not available for student enrollment. 3 TBA 16 TBA Greene J 1/1/0
21760 TCOM 3903 / 900 Content Strategy     Independent Study course for one student. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Palmer L 0/1/0
21309 TCOM 4040 / 001 Applied Graphics     Mac Lab. 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hankey L J 212 16/18/20
21312 TCOM 4175 / 001 Animation Design: 2D     Mac Lab. 3 R 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Werner J J 212 10/11/20
21313 TCOM 4400 / 001 Advanced Design for the Web     Mac Lab. 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Rule R J 212 11/11/20
21677 TCOM 4700 / 001 Internship 3 TBA 16 TBA Smith H 0/0/0
21314 TCOM 4800 / 001 Project Portfolio     Mac Lab. 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Smith H J 212 5/5/5
21398 TCOM 4800 / 02H Honors Project Portfolio     Mac Lab. Honors students only. 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Smith H J 212 0/0/0
21326 WBIT 1100 / Y01 Intro to I.T. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/6/7
21340 WBIT 1310 / Y01 Program&ProblemSolvingI 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/3
21367 WBIT 1310 / Y02 Program&ProblemSolvingI 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/4
21327 WBIT 2000 / Y01 The Enterprise and IT 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/1
21328 WBIT 2000 / Y02 The Enterprise and IT 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
21329 WBIT 2300 / Y01 Discrete Math for IT 3 ONLINE ONLINE 9/11/11
21330 WBIT 3010 / Y01 Technical Communication 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/6/6
21331 WBIT 3110 / Y01 Systems Analysis & Design 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
21332 WBIT 3400 / Y01 Intro to Multimedia 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
21333 WBIT 3410 / Y01 Web Application Development 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/6/6
21334 WBIT 3500 / Y01 Architecture&OperatingSystems 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/4
21405 WBIT 4020 / Y02 Prof Practice and Ethics 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/7/0
21336 WBIT 4030 / Y01 Senior Internship 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/0
21337 WBIT 4120 / Y01 Human Computer Interaction 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/0
21338 WBIT 4520 / Y01 Info Assurance & Security 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/8/9
21339 WBIT 4601 / Y01 CustomerRelationshipMgnt 3 ONLINE ONLINE Vande Ven J 9/9/10



Term Schedule for 201402.html

The data you see here may be delayed by up to one week from real time.
CRN Course Title Hrs Days Weeks Time Instructor Room Cur/Reg/Max
30545 ACCT 2101 / 001 Prin of Financial Acctng 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Shumate S J 151 23/27/0
30552 ACCT 2101 / 002 Prin of Financial Acctng 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Smith S Q 107 28/29/30
30553 ACCT 2101 / 003 Prin of Financial Acctng 3 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Smith S J 108 19/21/30
30529 ACCT 2101 / 004 Prin of Financial Acctng     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Miller S J 158 25/28/0
30554 ACCT 2102 / 001 Prin of Managerial Acctng     Pre-req: ACCT 2101     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Smith S J 108 30/30/0
30546 ACCT 2102 / 900 Prin of Managerial Acctng     Pre-req: ACCT 2101 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith S 22/24/30
30661 ACCT 3230 / 900 Intermediate Accounting I     Pre-req: ACCT 2102     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shumate S 19/21/0
30665 ACCT 3231 / 001 Intermediate Accounting II     Pre-req: ACCT 3230 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Shumate S J 151 13/13/15
30685 ACCT 3530 / 001 Cost Management     Pre-req: ACCT 2102     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Smith S J 151 17/18/0
30680 ACCT 4530 / 900 Advanced Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 3231     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shumate S 11/11/0
30379 ACCT 4555 / 850 Auditing and Assurance     Pre-reqs: ACCT 4535 & IET 2227 3 W 16 TBA Beecken W 28/28/0
30635 ACCT 4560 / 001 Intro to Fed Income Taxes     Pre-req: ACCT 3531 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM White D J 151 22/24/30
30662 ACCT 5007 / 900 Intermediate Accounting I     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shumate S 10/10/0
30667 ACCT 5009 / 001 Intermediate Accounting II     Pre-req: ACCT 5007 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Shumate S J 151 2/2/15
30682 ACCT 5011 / 900 Advanced Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 5009     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shumate S 17/18/0
30687 ACCT 5013 / 001 Cost Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Smith S J 151 2/2/14
31901 ACCT 5100 / 900 MSA Orientation 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Richardson R 2/3/15
30266 ACCT 6000 / 900 Managerial Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 or     MGNT 5002 & MGNT 5004 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Ariail D 32/36/0
30268 ACCT 6007 / 900 Adv Acct Info & Cntrl Systems     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 or undergraduate degree in Acctg     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Tsay B 26/26/0
30270 ACCT 6007 / 901 Adv Acct Info & Cntrl Systems     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 or undergraduate degree in Acctg     This section begins on March 10th. 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Tsay B 28/28/0
30273 ACCT 6012 / 900 Auditing     Pre-req: Acct 5009 or undergraduate degree in Acctg     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Tsay B 29/29/0
30276 ACCT 6012 / 901 Auditing     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 or undergraduate degree in Accounting     This section begins on March 10th. 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Stephenson S 23/24/25
30293 ACCT 6058 / 900 Financial Statement Analysis     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 or undergraduate degree in Acctg 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Ariail D 25/25/0
30294 ACCT 6058 / 901 Financial Statement Analysis     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 or undergraduate degree in Accounting     This section begins on March 10th. 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Ariail D 26/28/25
30296 ACCT 6078 / 900 Fund Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 or undergraduate degree in Accounting     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Stephenson S 26/26/0
30298 ACCT 6078 / 901 Fund Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 or undergraduate degree in Accounting     This section begins on March 10th. 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Stephenson S 23/23/0
31593 ARCH 3012 / 001 Architecture Studio II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Akins E N 232 10/10/10
31594 ARCH 3012 / 002 Architecture Studio II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Shpuza E N 232 10/10/10
31595 ARCH 3012 / 003 Architecture Studio II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Carroll M N 232 10/10/10
31596 ARCH 3012 / 004 Architecture Studio II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Martin E N 232 10/10/10
31614 ARCH 3113 / 001 ArchCultureIII-1850thru1945 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Bedette K N 173 20/21/20
31615 ARCH 3113 / 002 ArchCultureIII-1850thru1945 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Rizzuto A N 174 23/25/20
31617 ARCH 3212 / 001 4A Architecture Structures III 3 T R 16 9:30AM - 10:30AM Hong P N 003 19/19/15
31622 ARCH 3212 / 002 4B Architecture Structures III 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:00PM Hong P N 003 21/21/15
31938 ARCH 3212 / 003 4C Architecture Structures III 3 T R 16 7:00PM - 8:00PM Hong P N 003 18/18/15
31621 ARCH 3212 / 051 A4 Architecture Structures III 0 T R 16 10:31AM - 11:50AM Hong P N 003 19/19/15
31623 ARCH 3212 / 052 B4 Architecture Structures III 0 T R 16 2:01PM - 3:20PM Hong P N 003 21/21/15
31939 ARCH 3212 / 053 C4 Architecture Structures III 0 T R 16 8:01PM - 10:15PM Hong P N 003 18/18/15
31624 ARCH 3314 / 001 5A Environmental Technology III     Lighting 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Tango R N 173 22/22/20
31626 ARCH 3314 / 002 5B Environmental Technology III     Lighting 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Dytoc B N 174 20/20/20
31625 ARCH 3314 / 051 A5 Environmental Technology III     Lighting 0 M W 16 10:51AM - 12:15PM Tango R N 173 22/22/20
31627 ARCH 3314 / 052 B5 Environmental Technology III     Lighting 0 M W 16 10:51AM - 12:15PM Dytoc B N 174 20/20/20
31943 ARCH 3903 / 001 SpTp-Architecture inWatercolor 3 T R 16 5:30PM - 6:50PM Waronker J N 175 19/20/20
31805 ARCH 3953 / 001 SpTp-Skin & Bones 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Mooney K N 176 8/10/15
31597 ARCH 4014 / 001 Architecture Studio IV 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Carpenter W N 232 9/9/13
31598 ARCH 4014 / 002 Architecture Studio IV 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Uddin M N 232 9/9/13
31599 ARCH 4014 / 003 Architecture Studio IV 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Welty C N 232 12/12/13
31600 ARCH 4014 / 004 Architecture Studio IV 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Mooney K N 232 13/13/13
31630 ARCH 4224 / 001 6A EnvTech IV:Codes&TechDocmnt 3 T R 16 9:30AM - 10:30AM Akins E N 176 16/16/17
31632 ARCH 4224 / 002 6B EnvTech IV:Codes&TechDocmnt 3 T R 16 9:30AM - 10:30AM Carroll M N 175 16/17/17
31638 ARCH 4224 / 003 6C EnvTech IV:Codes&TechDocmnt 3 T R 16 9:30AM - 10:30AM Papageorge T N 174 14/14/17
31631 ARCH 4224 / 051 A6 EnvTech IV:Codes&TechDocmnt 0 T R 16 10:31AM - 11:45AM Akins E N 176 16/16/17
31637 ARCH 4224 / 052 B6 EnvTech IV:Codes&TechDocmnt 0 T R 16 10:31AM - 11:45AM Carroll M N 175 16/17/17
31639 ARCH 4224 / 053 C6 EnvTech IV:Codes&TechDocmnt 0 T R 16 10:31AM - 11:45AM Papageorge T N 174 14/14/17
31772 ARCH 4913 / 001 SpTp-Light Lab-ECO-Morphology 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:50PM Zamani P N 175 11/11/11
31713 ARCH 4923 / 001 SpTp-Architecture and Film 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:20PM Carpenter W N 174 8/10/15
31882 ARCH 4963 / 001 SpTp-Urban Form 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:50PM Farooq A N 175 12/13/15
31931 ARCH 4983 / 001 SpTp-Directed Study 3 TBA 16 TBA Rizzuto A 1/1/1
31955 ARCH 4983 / 002 SpTp-Direct Study -Autism 3 TBA 16 TBA Pittman W 1/1/1
31642 ARCH 5593 / 001 Diploma Project Research 2 F 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Hashas-Deg M N 174 11/11/15
31644 ARCH 5593 / 002 Diploma Project Research 2 F 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Crout R N 175 15/15/16
31646 ARCH 5593 / 003 Diploma Project Research 2 F 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Martin E N 176 16/16/16
31819 ARCH 5593 / 01H HonorsDiploma Project Research 2 F 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Hashas-Deg M N 174 1/1/0
31807 ARCH 5913 / 001 SpTp-Focus on Atlanta 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:50PM Mooney K N 176 12/13/15
31602 ARCH 5999T / 001 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Carpenter W N 332 3/3/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Dytoc B N 332
31603 ARCH 5999T / 002 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Cole C N 332 3/3/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Welty C N 332
31604 ARCH 5999T / 003 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Bedette K N 332 5/5/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Hashas-Deg M N 332
31605 ARCH 5999T / 004 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Shpuza E N 332 6/6/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Zamani P N 332
31607 ARCH 5999T / 005 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Setiawan A N 332 5/5/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Tango R N 332
31608 ARCH 5999T / 006 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Farooq A N 332 6/6/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Uddin M N 332
31609 ARCH 5999T / 007 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Carroll M N 332 6/6/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Martin E N 332
31610 ARCH 5999T / 008 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Rizzuto A N 332 6/6/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Voroneanu M N 332
31611 ARCH 5999T / 009 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Akins E N 332 6/6/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Choma J N 332
31612 ARCH 5999T / 010 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Crout R N 332 5/5/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Pittman W N 332
31613 ARCH 5999T / 011 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Monaghan M N 332 4/4/6
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Mooney K N 332
31988 ARCH 5999T / 012 Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 3:00PM - 7:00PM Monaghan M N 332 1/1/0
31802 ARCH 5999T / 01H Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Cole C N 332 2/2/0
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Welty C N 332
31803 ARCH 5999T / 02H Thesis Design II 5 M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Crout R N 332 1/1/0
M W F 16 1:00PM - 4:50PM Pittman W N 332
31884 ARCH 6000 / 001 Critical Inq & Discourses 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:50AM Shpuza E N 176 2/2/2
31917 ARCH 6041 / 001 Directed Focus Study-Autism 3 TBA 16 TBA Pittman W 1/1/1
31184 ARTS 2001 / 001 Art Appreciation 3 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:45AM Werner A J 152 42/45/45
31187 ARTS 2001 / 002 Art Appreciation 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Werner A J 152 45/46/45
31188 ARTS 2001 / 003 Art Appreciation 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Terry A J 152 40/43/45
31185 ARTS 2001 / 850 Art Appreciation     50% online instruction through D2L. 3 W 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Colebeck D J 152 40/44/45
31186 ARTS 2001 / 851 Art Appreciation     50% online instruction through D2L. 3 W 16 12:30PM - 1:45PM Colebeck D J 152 44/45/45
31189 ARTS 2002 / 01H Honors Drama Appreciation     Honors students only. Contact Honors Director, 678-915-3928,     to register. 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Stephenson C J 217 10/10/0
31193 ARTS 2003 / 001 Music Appreciation 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Stutzmann B J 152 45/45/45
31190 ARTS 2003 / 850 Music Appreciation     50% online instruction through D2L. 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Stutzmann B J 152 42/45/45
31191 ARTS 2003 / 851 Music Appreciation     50% online instruction through D2L. 3 R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Stutzmann B J 152 42/44/45
31192 ARTS 2003 / 900 Music Appreciation     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Stutzmann B 19/19/20
31195 ARTS 2005 / 001 University Bands     Class will be held in the Band Room in the Student Center     A170. 1 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:30PM Stutzmann B A 3/3/50
31196 ARTS 2010 / 001 Intro to Drawing 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Colebeck D I1 200E 18/20/20
31197 ARTS 2010 / 002 Intro to Drawing 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Colebeck D I1 200E 17/19/20
31198 ARTS 2010 / 003 Intro to Drawing 3 W 16 2:00PM - 4:45PM Terry A I1 200E 17/19/20
31199 ARTS 2020 / 001 Hist & Principle of Design 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Werner A J 132 26/26/25
31200 ARTS 2020 / 002 Hist & Principle of Design 3 W 16 11:00AM - 1:45PM Werner A J 201 22/24/25
31201 ARTS 2110 / 001 Intro to Painting 3 M 16 11:00AM - 1:45PM Colebeck D I1 200E 18/20/20
31202 ARTS 2220 / 001 2D and 3D Design 3 W 16 11:00AM - 1:45PM Hunter D I1 200E 20/21/20
31203 ARTS 3000 / 001 Visual Thinking     Computer Classroom. 3 R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Rule R J 202 21/21/20
T 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Rule R J 106
31204 ARTS 3100 / 001 History of New Media Arts     Mac Lab. 3 M 16 2:00PM - 4:45PM Werner J J 212 6/9/20
31205 ARTS 3100 / 002 History of New Media Arts     Mac Lab. 3 W 16 2:00PM - 4:45PM Werner J J 212 5/6/20
31206 ARTS 3170 / 001 Digital Photography     Mac Lab. 3 M 16 11:00AM - 1:45PM Werner A J 212 15/17/20
31207 ARTS 4100 / 001 Media Arts Studio     Mac Lab. 3 R 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Werner J J 212 11/12/20
31423 ARTS 4800 / 001 Project Portfolio 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Haimes-Kor K J 212 5/5/10
T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Smith H J 212
31425 ARTS 4800 / 02H Honors Project Portfolio 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Haimes-Kor K J 212 0/0/0
T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Smith H J 212
31899 ASTR 1000K / 902 Introduction to the Universe 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith E 23/25/24
31937 ASTR 1000K / 903 Introduction to the Universe 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith E 24/24/24
31171 ATT 3600 / 050 B1 App Analy & Product Developmnt     Meets once per week on campus 0 M 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Clay K M 134 15/15/16
31169 ATT 3600 / 850 1B App Analy & Product Developmnt     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Clay K M 134 15/15/16
31170 ATT 3600 / 900 C1 App Analy & Product Developmnt     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Clay K 2/2/6
31172 ATT 3600 / 950 1C App Analy & Product Developmnt     Meets once per week online 0 M 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Clay K 2/2/6
31167 ATT 3602 / 050 D1 App Comp-Aided Tech Desgn II     Meets once per week on campus 0 M 16 12:00PM - 1:50PM Clay K M 134 9/9/16
31165 ATT 3602 / 850 1D App Comp-Aided Tech Desgn II     Meets once per week on campus 4 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Clay K M 134 9/9/16
31166 ATT 3602 / 900 E1 App Comp-Aided Tech Desgn II     Meets once per week online 4 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Clay K 3/3/8
31168 ATT 3602 / 950 1E App Comp-Aided Tech Desgn II     Meets once per week online 0 M 16 12:00PM - 1:50PM Clay K 3/3/8
31175 ATT 4444 / 050 F1 QA for Textiles & Apparel     Meets once per week on campus 0 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Clay K M 135 10/10/20
31173 ATT 4444 / 850 1F QA for Textiles & Apparel     Meets once per week on campus 4 T 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Clay K M 135 10/10/20
31174 ATT 4444 / 900 G1 QA for Textiles & Apparel     Meets once per week online 4 T 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Clay K 4/4/10
31176 ATT 4444 / 950 1G QA for Textiles & Apparel     Meets once per week online 0 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Clay K 4/4/10
31177 ATT 4670 / 850 Apparel Business Practices     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Clay K M 133 14/14/20
31178 ATT 4670 / 900 Apparel Business Practices     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Clay K 1/1/10
31179 ATT 4840 / 001 A1 Textile/Apparell Bus Project     Meets once per week on campus 3 R 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Ball T M 135 2/2/10
31181 ATT 4840 / 050 1A Textile/Apparell Bus Project     Meets once a week on campus 0 F 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Ball T M 135 2/2/10
31180 ATT 4840 / 900 H1 Textile/Apparell Bus Project     Meets once per week online 3 R 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Ball T 0/0/6
31182 ATT 4840 / 950 IH Textile/Apparell Bus Project     Meets once per week online 0 F 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Ball T 0/0/6
30162 BIOC 3112K / 001 A9 Biochemistry II 4 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Singh R E 171 12/12/15
30164 BIOC 3112K / 076 9A Biochemistry II - Lab 0 M 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Singh R E 220 12/12/15
31966 BIOC 4902 / 001 SpTp- 2 S 16 12:00PM - 6:00PM Singh R 1/1/0
30167 BIOL 2051 / 900 Human Anatomy & Physiology II     NOTE: BIOL 2051L (an on-campus lab) is a course corequisite     This course DOES NOT fulfill the Care Area D requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hesser M 2/2/20
30168 BIOL 2051L / 077 Human Anatomy & PhysologyIILab     NOTE: BIOL 2051 is the corequisite for this course. 1 M 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Hesser M E 120 2/2/20
31437 BIOL 2099 / 001 Biology Teaching Assistant 1 S 16 9:00AM - 12:00PM Louten J 2/2/0
30102 BIOL 2107 / 001 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM King A E 154 10/10/24
30103 BIOL 2107 / 002 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course. 3 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Hesser M E 154 21/23/24
30104 BIOL 2107 / 003 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Louten J G 235 47/48/48
30105 BIOL 2107 / 004 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course. 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Weand M G 235 22/23/24
30106 BIOL 2107 / 005 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course. 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Tseng T G 235 42/43/48
30107 BIOL 2107 / 006 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course. 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM King A G 235 12/12/48
30108 BIOL 2107 / 007 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course. 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Gluick T G 235 42/44/48
31814 BIOL 2107 / 008 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course. 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Louten J E 171 17/18/18
31859 BIOL 2107 / 009 Principles of of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Tseng T Q 106 11/11/24
30109 BIOL 2107L / 050 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 M 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Louten J E 172B 13/14/24
30110 BIOL 2107L / 051 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 W 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Louten J E 172B 21/23/24
30111 BIOL 2107L / 052 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 F 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Weand M E 172B 21/21/24
30112 BIOL 2107L / 053 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Hesser M E 172B 23/24/24
30113 BIOL 2107L / 054 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Tseng T E 172B 24/24/24
30114 BIOL 2107L / 055 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM King A E 172B 21/21/24
30115 BIOL 2107L / 056 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 T 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Tseng T E 172B 10/10/24
30116 BIOL 2107L / 057 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 R 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Tseng T E 172B 4/4/24
30117 BIOL 2107L / 058 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 W 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Louten J E 172B 24/24/24
30118 BIOL 2107L / 059 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 M 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Louten J E 172B 24/24/24
30119 BIOL 2107L / 060 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Gluick T E 172B 22/23/24
30120 BIOL 2107L / 061 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Gluick T E 172B 9/11/24
30121 BIOL 2107L / 062 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course. 1 T 16 6:00PM - 8:50PM King A E 172B 2/3/24
30127 BIOL 2108 / 001 Principles of Biology II     NOTE: BIOL 2108L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jahangiri A G 235 22/23/24
30128 BIOL 2108 / 002 Principles of Biology II     NOTE: BIOL 2108L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Hesser M G 235 31/32/48
30129 BIOL 2108 / 003 Principles of Biology II     NOTE: BIOL 2108L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Weand M G 235 36/36/48
30122 BIOL 2108L / 063 Principles of Biology II Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2108 is a corequisite for this course. 1 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Beach M E 172A 18/18/24
30123 BIOL 2108L / 064 Principles of Biology II Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2108 is a corequisite for this course. 1 W 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Beach M E 172A 16/16/24
30124 BIOL 2108L / 065 Principles of Biology II Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2108 is a corequisite for this course. 1 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Sakaris P E 172A 20/20/24
30125 BIOL 2108L / 066 Principles of Biology II Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2108 is a corequisite for this course. 1 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Hesser M E 172A 15/16/24
30126 BIOL 2108L / 067 Principles of Biology II Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2108 is a corequisite for this course. 1 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jahangiri A E 172A 20/21/24
30130 BIOL 3000K / 001 A1 Genetics 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Beach M Q 104 32/32/36
30131 BIOL 3000K / 068 1A Genetics-Lab 0 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Beach M E 203 20/20/24
31916 BIOL 3000K / 069 1A Genetics-Lab 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Tseng T E 203 12/12/12
30132 BIOL 3100K / 001 A2 Microbiology 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Beach M E 154 23/24/24
30137 BIOL 3100K / 069 2A Microbiology - Lab 0 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:00PM Beach M E 203 23/24/24
30138 BIOL 3400K / 001 A3 Cell Physiology 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Singh R E 171 23/24/24
30139 BIOL 3400K / 070 3A Cell Physiology - Lab 0 W 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Singh R E 204 23/24/24
30141 BIOL 3500 / 001 Biostatistics 3 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Sakaris P E 171 8/8/24
30143 BIOL 4200K / 001 A4 Zoology 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Sakaris P E 171 11/12/20
30146 BIOL 4200K / 071 4A Zoology - Lab 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Sakaris P E 120 11/12/20
30151 BIOL 4440K / 001 A6 Botany 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Weand M E 154 18/18/24
30152 BIOL 4440K / 073 6A Botany - Lab 0 M 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Weand M E 172A 18/18/24
30154 BIOL 4460K / 001 A7 Human Anatomy 4 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Sugalski M E 154 17/18/20
30156 BIOL 4460K / 074 7A Human Anatomy - Lab 0 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Hesser M E 120 17/18/20
R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Sugalski M E 120
31438 BIOL 4901 / 001 Directed Research 1 M 16 9:00AM - 10:00AM Louten J 1/1/0
31793 BIOL 4901 / 002 Directed Research 1 M W F 16 8:00PM - 9:00PM Singh R 1/1/0
31952 BIOL 4902 / 001 SpTp- 2 S 16 9:00AM - 12:00PM Weand M 1/1/0
30157 BIOL 4903 / 001 Public Health & Epidemiology 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM King A E 171 8/8/24
31153 BIOL 4903 / 004 SpTp-Directed Research` 3 M 16 10:00PM - 11:00PM Sakaris P 4/4/0
31579 BIOL 4903 / 005 Directed Research 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Tseng T E 171 2/2/0
31875 BIOL 4903 / 006 Directed Study 3 M W F 16 5:00PM - 8:00PM Beach M 1/1/0
31947 BIOL 4903 / 007 SpTp- 3 S 16 9:00AM - 12:00PM Louten J 1/1/0
30908 CE 1000 / 001 Orientation to CE & CNST Engr 1 M 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Beadles S M 137 17/19/20
30911 CE 1000 / 002 Orientation to CE & CNST Engr 1 W 16 4:30PM - 5:20PM Beadles S M 137 18/19/20
30866 CE 3501 / 001 Materials for CE & CNST 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Kim S M 100 33/33/30
31006 CE 3502 / 050 Materials for CE&ConstEngrLab 1 T 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Kim S L1 100 15/15/15
30998 CE 3502 / 051 Materials for CE&ConstEngrLab 1 R 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Kim S L1 100 16/16/15
30883 CE 3703 / 001 Environmental Engineering II 3 M W 16 12:45PM - 2:00PM Karim M M 137 34/34/30
31985 CE 3901 / 001 Special Topic 1 T 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Karim M 1/1/0
30880 CE 4103 / 001 Design of Steel Structures 3 M W 16 2:15PM - 3:30PM Barham W M 100 32/32/30
31960 CE 4103 / 002 Design of Steel Structures 3 M W 16 11:15AM - 12:30PM Barham W M 137 19/19/30
30865 CE 4105 / 001 Foundation Design 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Kwon J M 100 39/39/40
30902 CE 4178 / 001 Highway Design & Construction 3 T R 16 1:30PM - 2:25PM Yang J N 175 37/37/30
30905 CE 4703 / 001 Engineering Hydrology 3 M W 16 5:30PM - 6:45PM Yee T H 200 37/39/30
30899 CE 4707 / 001 Design of Wood Structure 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Oguzmert M M 137 30/30/30
30917 CE 4800 / 001 Senior Project 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Beadles S M 137 9/10/15
30881 CE 6101 / 001 Finite Element Analysis 3 M W 16 7:00PM - 8:15PM Barham W J 220A 10/10/15
30886 CE 6102 / 001 Structural Dynamics 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Oguzmert M M 135 8/8/15
30870 CE 6105 / 001 Soil Improvement 3 M W 16 5:30PM - 6:45PM Kim S Q 109 11/11/15
30506 CET 1001 / 001 Orientation to CET Profession 1 T 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Zeigler T L 125 10/11/18
30467 CET 2200 / 001 Intro to Structures 4 T R 16 7:00PM - 8:40PM Mesbahi M L 165 21/26/24
30440 CET 3110 / 001 CNSTMaterials&Sustainability 3 M W 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Turner N L 120 14/15/18
30444 CET 3110L / 001 Construction Materials Lab 1 T 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Turner N L 120 14/15/18
T 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Turner N L1 100
30461 CET 3120 / 001 Cost Est&Sched in CET 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Mesbahi M L 165 5/6/24
30462 CET 3120L / 001 Plan Reading & Take Offs Lab 1 T 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Mesbahi M L 165 5/6/24
30472 CET 3130 / 001 ApplFluidMech&Hydraulics 2 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Oncul F L 165 8/8/18
30473 CET 3130L / 084 Fluids & Hydraulics Lab 1 F 16 10:00AM - 12:50PM Oncul F L 130 8/8/18
F 16 10:00AM - 12:50PM Oncul F L 165
30445 CET 3210 / 001 Structural Mechanics 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Turner N L 120 9/10/24
30481 CET 3220 / 001 App Struc Steel Design 3 M 16 7:00PM - 9:50PM Orlandella M L 125 8/8/24
30463 CET 3230 / 001 Concrete Infrastructure Des 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Mesbahi M L 165 5/5/24
30449 CET 3310 / 001 Water Treatment & Dist 2 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Lee M L 125 20/20/18
30451 CET 3310L / 001 Water Treat & Distribution Lab 1 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Lee M L 125 20/20/18
R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Lee M L 136
30469 CET 3410 / 001 Soil Properties & Foundations 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Oncul F L 165 11/13/18
30470 CET 3410L / 083 Soil Properties Lab 1 R 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Oncul F L 165 11/13/18
R 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Oncul F L1 100
30459 CET 3510 / 001 Traffic Analysis&RoadDesign 2 M W 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Lee M L 125 13/13/18
30460 CET 3510L / 081 TrafficAnaly&RoadDesignLab 1 S 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Lee M L 125 13/13/18
30439 CET 3903 / 001 SpT: Civil 3D Graphics 3 F 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Lee J L 126 14/14/30
30489 CET 4110 / 001 Ethics of Engineering 1 W 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Wilson M L 165 9/9/24
30465 CET 4120 / 001 A2 Senior Project 3 T 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Mesbahi M L 125 16/16/0
31948 CET 4120 / 01H H1 Senior Project - Honors 3 T 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Mesbahi M L 125 1/1/1
30466 CET 4120 / 081 2A Senior Project 0 R 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Mesbahi M L 125 16/16/0
31950 CET 4120 / 08H 1H Senior Project - Honors Lab 0 R 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Mesbahi M L 125 1/1/1
30452 CET 4310 / 001 StormwaterMgnt&ErosionCntrl 2 M W 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Lee M L 125 14/15/18
30454 CET 4310L / 080 Erosion Control Lab 1 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Lee M L 121 13/14/18
30457 CET 4331 / 001 A1 Highway Design 4 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Lee M L 125 3/3/18
30458 CET 4331 / 080 1A Highway Design 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Lee M L 125 3/3/18
31984 CET 4903 / 001 SpT:Design of Wood Structures 3 R 16 3:00PM - 6:00PM Mesbahi M L 1/1/1
30309 CGDD 2002 / 001 Fundamentals of Game Design 2 T 16 1:00PM - 2:40PM Franklin D J 202 34/35/40
30354 CGDD 3103 / 001 App Extensions & Scripting 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Peng C J 201L 38/39/40
30405 CGDD 4303 / 850 Edu & Serious Game Design 3 M 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Preston J I1 101 20/20/40
M 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Preston J J 202
30406 CGDD 4603 / 850 A1 ProPipeline&AssetManagement     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30407 with this lecture. 3 R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Chastine J 2/2/40
30407 CGDD 4603 / 951 1A ProPipeline&AssetManagement     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30406 with this lab. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Chastine J 2/2/40
30408 CGDD 4703 / 850 Data Modeling & Simulation 3 W 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Preston J J 202 12/18/30
30409 CGDD 4803 / 826 A2 Studio     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30410 with this lecture. 3 T 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Chastine J I1 101 7/7/20
T 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Chastine J J 202
30410 CGDD 4803 / 951 2A Studio     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30409 with this lab. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Chastine J 7/7/20
30411 CGDD 4814 / 826 A3 Capstone     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30412 with this lecture. 4 T 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Chastine J I1 101 9/11/20
T 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Chastine J J 202
30412 CGDD 4814 / 951 3A Capstone     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30411 with this lab. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Chastine J 9/11/20
30311 CHEM 1211 / 001 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Duff J E 222 23/24/24
M 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM G 234
30358 CHEM 1211 / 002 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM G 234 24/24/24
T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Duff J E 222
30325 CHEM 1211 / 003 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211l is a corequisite for this course 3 R 16 8:30AM - 9:20AM G 234 21/24/24
M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Duff J E 222
30327 CHEM 1211 / 004 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 T 16 8:30AM - 9:20AM Ferreira D G 234 22/23/24
M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Duff J E 222
30329 CHEM 1211 / 005 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 T 16 9:30AM - 10:20AM G 234 20/24/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ferreira D J 161
30330 CHEM 1211 / 006 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 R 16 9:30AM - 10:20AM G 234 25/25/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ferreira D J 161
30362 CHEM 1211 / 007 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM G 234 24/24/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Zhou W E 222
30364 CHEM 1211 / 008 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Bartusik D G 234 23/24/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Zhou W E 222
30365 CHEM 1211 / 009 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM E 222 21/23/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Cares W E 222
30367 CHEM 1211 / 010 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM E 222 19/22/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Cares W E 222
30370 CHEM 1211 / 011 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM E 222 24/24/24
M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ramaswamy H E 222
30372 CHEM 1211 / 012 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 W 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM E 222 21/24/24
M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ramaswamy H E 222
30373 CHEM 1211 / 013 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM G 234 24/24/24
M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Jones J E 222
30374 CHEM 1211 / 014 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Bartusik D G 234 22/23/24
M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Jones J E 222
30427 CHEM 1211 / 900 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhou W 21/24/24
31565 CHEM 1211K / 01G Principles of Chemistry I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31566 CHEM 1211K / 02G Principles of Chemistry I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 6/9/0
31567 CHEM 1211K / 03G Principles of Chemistry I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31568 CHEM 1211K / 04G Principles of Chemistry I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 9/12/0
30375 CHEM 1211L / 050 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Zhang J E 223 22/23/24
30376 CHEM 1211L / 051 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Zhang J E 234 24/24/24
30377 CHEM 1211L / 052 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 W 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Zhang J E 223 21/23/24
30378 CHEM 1211L / 053 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 W 16 9:00AM - 10:50AM Zhang J E 234 22/23/24
30385 CHEM 1211L / 054 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 W 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Bartusik D E 223 23/24/24
30386 CHEM 1211L / 055 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 W 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Bartusik D E 234 22/23/24
30387 CHEM 1211L / 056 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Cares W E 223 23/24/24
30388 CHEM 1211L / 057 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Cares W E 234 23/23/24
30389 CHEM 1211L / 058 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 R 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Cares W E 234 21/23/24
30390 CHEM 1211L / 059 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 R 16 3:30PM - 5:20PM Cares W E 223 21/24/24
30391 CHEM 1211L / 060 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 M 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Ramaswamy H E 223 18/23/24
30392 CHEM 1211L / 061 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 M 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Ramaswamy H E 234 19/20/24
30393 CHEM 1211L / 062 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Desmond S E 223 21/24/24
30394 CHEM 1211L / 063 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 T 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Desmond S E 234 21/22/24
30395 CHEM 1211L / 064 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 W 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Ramaswamy H E 223 16/16/24
30396 CHEM 1211L / 065 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 W 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Ramaswamy H E 234 6/6/24
30401 CHEM 1212 / 001 Principles of Chemistry II     NOTE: CHEM 1212L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Kang L E 222 24/24/24
30402 CHEM 1212 / 002 Principles of Chemistry II     NOTE: CHEM 1212L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kang L E 154 21/23/24
30413 CHEM 1212 / 003 Principles of Chemistry II     NOTE: CHEM 1212L is a corequisite for this course. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Singh R E 222 22/22/24
30414 CHEM 1212 / 004 Principles of Chemistry II     NOTE: CHEM 1212L is a corequisite for this course. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Singh R E 222 15/16/24
31569 CHEM 1212K / 01G Principles of Chemistry II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/0
30397 CHEM 1212L / 066 Principles of Chemistry II Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1212 is a corequisite for this course 1 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Desmond S E 223 20/21/24
30398 CHEM 1212L / 067 Principles of Chemistry II Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1212 is a corequisite for this course 1 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Desmond S E 234 11/11/24
30399 CHEM 1212L / 068 Principles of Chemistry II Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1212 is a corequisite for this course 1 R 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Bartusik D E 234 23/24/24
30400 CHEM 1212L / 069 Principles of Chemistry II Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1212 is a corequisite for this course 1 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Kang L E 234 23/24/24
30415 CHEM 2511K / 001 C1 Organic Chemistry I 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Bartusik D E 154 25/26/23
30416 CHEM 2511K / 070 1C Organic Chemistry I - Lab 0 M 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Bartusik D E 233 23/24/24
30417 CHEM 2512K / 001 C2 Organic Chemistry II 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Duff J E 222 30/30/40
30418 CHEM 2512K / 071 2C Organic Chemistry II - Lab 0 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Duff J E 233 17/17/22
30419 CHEM 2512K / 072 2C Organic Chemistry II - Lab 0 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Duff J E 233 13/13/18
30420 CHEM 3300K / 001 C3 Instrumental Analysis 4 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Zhou W E 222 4/4/15
30421 CHEM 3300K / 073 3C Instrumental Analysis - Lab 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Zhou W E 220 4/4/15
30422 CHEM 4112 / 001 Physical Chemistry II     NOTE: CHEM 4112L is a corequisite for this course. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Kang L H 250 11/11/15
30423 CHEM 4112L / 074 Physical Chemistry II - Lab     NOTE: CHEM 4112 is a corequisite for this lab. 1 F 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Kang L E 206 11/11/15
30468 CHEM 4411 / 001 Inorganic Chemistry 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Szafran Z E 222 15/15/24
31678 CHEM 4901 / 001 Directed Study 1 M F 16 11:00AM - 12:30PM Zhou W 2/2/0
31864 CHEM 4901 / 002 Directed Study 1 M 16 7:00PM - 10:00PM Kang L 3/3/0
31932 CHEM 4901 / 003 SpTp- 1 M 16 6:00AM - 7:00AM Ferreira D 1/1/0
31979 CHEM 4902 / 001 SpTp- 2 SU 16 9:00AM - 12:00PM Kang L 1/1/0
30204 CM 1000 / 001 R1 Orientation to Construction 2 T R 16 3:00PM - 3:20PM Williams B H 323 24/24/25
30205 CM 1000 / 051 1R Orientation to Construction 0 T R 16 3:30PM - 4:20PM Williams B H 323 24/24/25
30148 CM 2000 / 001 C1 Construction Graphics 3 M W 16 8:00PM - 8:50PM Abaza H H 321 16/17/24
30207 CM 2000 / 002 S1 Construction Graphics 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Abaza H H 321 21/21/24
30217 CM 2000 / 051 1C Construction Graphics 0 M W 16 9:00PM - 9:50PM Abaza H H 321 16/17/24
30208 CM 2000 / 052 1S Construction Graphics 0 T R 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Abaza H H 324 21/21/24
30136 CM 3000 / 001 B1 Computer App in Construction 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Abaza H H 321 12/13/14
30211 CM 3000 / 002 U1 Computer App in Construction 3 T R 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Abaza H H 324 19/19/20
30140 CM 3000 / 051 1B Computer App in Construction 0 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:20PM Abaza H H 321 12/13/14
30212 CM 3000 / 052 1U Computer App in Construction 0 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:20PM Abaza H H 324 19/19/20
30179 CM 3040 / 001 I1 Bldg Info Modeling App 3 M W 16 8:00PM - 8:50PM Meadati P H 324 21/23/24
30180 CM 3040 / 051 1I Bldg Info Modeling App 0 M W 16 9:00PM - 9:50PM Meadati P H 324 21/23/24
30133 CM 3110 / 001 A1 Residental&LightCnstMethods 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Weidner M H 320 28/29/0
30134 CM 3110 / 051 1A Residental&LightCnstMethods 0 T R 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Weidner M H 320 28/29/0
30195 CM 3160 / 001 P1 Comm&HeavyCnstMethods 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Weidner M H 339 6/7/24
30196 CM 3160 / 051 1P Comm&HeavyCnstMethods 0 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Weidner M H 339 6/7/24
30166 CM 3180 / 001 D1 Mech & Elec Building Systems 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Williams B H 323 12/12/24
30169 CM 3180 / 051 1D Mech & Elec Building Systems 0 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM Williams B H 323 12/12/24
30150 CM 3190 / 001 Sustainable Construction 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Jambro J H 322 7/7/16
30163 CM 3210 / 001 Applied Structures I 4 M W 16 8:00PM - 9:50PM Tomeh A H 322 11/11/16
30446 CM 3260 / 001 V1 Temporary Structures 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Meadati P H 320 8/8/24
30199 CM 3260 / 051 1V Temporary Structures 0 T R 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Meadati P H 320 8/8/24
30197 CM 3280 / 001 Codes and Loads 4 R 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Williams B H 361 5/5/24
T 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Williams B H 323
30438 CM 3290 / 801 Facilities Management 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Williams B H 323 15/15/24
30181 CM 3410 / 001 J1 Const Quanity Surveying 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM El-Itr Z H 320 22/22/24
30182 CM 3410 / 051 1J Const Quanity Surveying 0 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM El-Itr Z H 320 22/22/24
30183 CM 3420 / 001 K1 ConstEstimating&BidPrep 4 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:20PM El-Itr Z H 339 12/12/16
30187 CM 3420 / 002 M1 ConstEstimating&BidPrep 4 M W 16 7:00PM - 8:20PM El-Itr Z H 339 7/7/16
30184 CM 3420 / 051 1K ConstEstimating&BidPrep 0 M W 16 5:30PM - 6:20PM El-Itr Z H 339 11/11/16
30189 CM 3420 / 052 1M ConstEstimating&BidPrep 0 M W 16 8:30PM - 9:20PM El-Itr Z H 339 8/8/16
30185 CM 3430 / 001 L1 Const Estim for Development 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM El-Itr Z H 339 1/1/8
30190 CM 3430 / 002 N1 Const Estim for Development 3 M W 16 7:00PM - 7:50PM El-Itr Z H 339 1/1/8
30186 CM 3430 / 051 1L Const Estim for Development 0 M W 16 5:30PM - 6:20PM El-Itr Z H 339 1/1/8
30191 CM 3430 / 052 1N Const Estim for Development 0 M W 16 8:30PM - 9:20PM El-Itr Z H 339 1/1/8
30135 CM 3500 / 001 Building Codes 2 M 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Stephens J H 320 18/18/24
30215 CM 3620 / 001 Cons Finance & Feasibility 4 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Mench J H 320 14/14/24
30170 CM 3710 / 001 E1 Site Planning 4 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:20PM Weidner M H 339 6/6/0
30216 CM 3710 / 051 1E Site Planning 0 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:20PM Weidner M H 339 6/6/0
31922 CM 3901 / 001 DOT Project Inspections 1 TBA 16 TBA Register C 1/1/0
31970 CM 3901 / 002 Advanced Estimating 1 TBA 16 TBA El-Itr Z 1/2/0
31880 CM 3903 / 001 Advanced Construction Practice 3 TBA 16 TBA Weidner M 1/1/0
31858 CM 3904 / 001 Cons Risk Analysis and Control 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Register C H 322 2/2/0
30144 CM 4480 / 001 Design/Build MEP Systems 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Williams B H 321 3/3/16
30173 CM 4510 / 001 F1 Construction Scheduling 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Liou F H 324 10/11/24
30209 CM 4510 / 002 T1 Construction Scheduling 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Liou F H 324 24/24/24
30174 CM 4510 / 051 1F Construction Scheduling 0 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Liou F H 324 10/11/24
30210 CM 4510 / 052 1T Construction Scheduling 0 T R 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Liou F H 324 24/24/24
30177 CM 4511 / 001 H1 Cons Scheduling Software 2 M W 16 5:00PM - 5:20PM Liou F H 324 1/1/24
30178 CM 4511 / 051 1H Cons Scheduling Software 0 M W 16 5:30PM - 6:20PM Liou F H 324 1/1/24
30194 CM 4560 / 001 Cons Project Management 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:20PM Jambro J H 322 9/10/24
30218 CM 4560 / 002 Cons Project Management 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:20PM Jambro J H 322 9/9/24
30172 CM 4620 / 801 Development Process II 3 M W 16 TBA Mench J 6/8/0
30202 CM 4639 / 001 Construction Safety & Law 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Register C H 322 3/4/24
30206 CM 4710 / 001 Construction Safety 4 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Register C J 215B 21/21/24
30219 CM 4760 / 001 Const & Property Law 3 M W 16 8:00PM - 9:20PM Register C H 320 16/16/16
30175 CM 4800 / 001 G1 Const Management Technique 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Mench J H 361 6/6/24
30176 CM 4800 / 051 1G Const Management Technique 0 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Mench J H 361 6/6/24
30192 CM 4900 / 001 O1 Capstone Project 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Weidner M H 361 13/14/24
30193 CM 4900 / 051 1O Capstone Project 0 M W 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Weidner M H 361 13/14/24
30165 CM 5030 / 001 Desc Structural Systems 4 M W 16 8:00PM - 9:50PM Tomeh A H 322 1/1/8
30203 CM 6000 / 001 Information Methods 4 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:50PM Siddiqi K H 322 8/9/12
30220 CM 6100 / 001 Const Law: Contracts & Claims 4 M W 16 8:00PM - 9:50PM Register C H 320 2/2/8
30142 CM 6310 / 001 Adv Sched & Integrated Control 4 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:50PM Abaza H H 321 0/0/12
30201 CM 6320 / 001 Cons Information Systems 4 T R 16 8:00PM - 9:50PM Meadati P H 321 3/3/12
30160 CM 6600 / 001 Cons Risk Analysis & Control 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:59PM Register C H 322 5/5/12
30145 CM 6904 / 001 Design Build MEP Systems 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Williams B H 321 2/2/8
30153 CM 6904 / 002 LEED BM 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Jambro J H 322 1/1/8
M W 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Siddiqi K H 322
30200 CM 6904 / 003 Productivity 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Liou F H 321 3/3/12
31843 COMM 1050 / 001 Holistic Comm for Non-Native 3 T R 16 7:30AM - 8:45AM Taylor K J 132 7/7/0
31572 COMM 1100 / 01G Human Communication     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31573 COMM 1100 / 02G Human Communication     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
31574 COMM 1100 / 03G Human Communication     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/1
31575 COMM 1100 / 04G Human Communication     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31576 COMM 1100 / 05G Human Communication     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31577 COMM 1100 / 06G Human Communication     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/1/2
31578 COMM 1100 / 07G Human Communication     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31972 COMM 1100 / 08G Human Communication     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31994 COMM 1100 / 09G Human Communication     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/0
31347 COMM 2000 / 001 Business Communication 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Shinall C J 201 18/18/27
31348 COMM 2000 / 002 Business Communication 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Harr-Lagin K J 158 20/22/27
31349 COMM 2000 / 850 Business Communication     50% online instruction through D2L. Computer Classroom. 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Shinall C J 213 16/20/27
31350 COMM 2065 / 001 Cross-Cultural Communication 3 M 16 2:00PM - 4:45PM Anderson K J 201 7/7/20
31351 COMM 2170 / 001 Intro to Media 3 M W 16 12:30PM - 1:45PM Harr-Lagin K J 217 25/25/25
31357 COMM 2400 / 001 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Stephenson C J 157 24/25/25
31358 COMM 2400 / 002 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Stephenson C J 157 25/25/25
31359 COMM 2400 / 003 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Anderson K J 157 23/25/25
31360 COMM 2400 / 004 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Anderson K J 157 25/25/25
31361 COMM 2400 / 005 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM York M J 157 22/24/25
31362 COMM 2400 / 006 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Stephenson C J 157 24/25/25
31364 COMM 2400 / 008 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Daws L J 157 23/25/25
31365 COMM 2400 / 009 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM York M J 157 24/25/25
31366 COMM 2400 / 010 Public Speaking 2 M W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM York M J 157 20/23/25
31367 COMM 2400 / 011 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM York M J 157 21/23/25
31368 COMM 2400 / 012 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM York M J 157 22/23/25
31369 COMM 2400 / 013 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Daws L J 157 23/24/25
31370 COMM 2400 / 014 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Harr-Lagin K J 157 25/25/25
31371 COMM 2400 / 015 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Harr-Lagin K J 157 25/25/25
31372 COMM 2400 / 016 Public Speaking 2 T R 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM York M J 157 19/21/25
31363 COMM 2400 / 07H Honors Public Speaking     Honors students only. Contact Honors Director, 678-915-3928,     to register. 2 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Daws L J 157 12/12/0
31373 COMM 2400 / 850 Public Speaking     50% online instruction through D2L. 2 F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Harr-Lagin K J 157 25/25/25
31374 COMM 2400 / 851 Public Speaking     50% online instruction through D2L. 2 F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Harr-Lagin K J 157 23/24/25
31375 COMM 2400 / 852 Public Speaking     50% online instruction through D2L. 2 F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Harr-Lagin K J 157 24/25/25
31376 COMM 2400 / 900 Public Speaking     100% online instruction through D2L. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Weaver M 20/21/20
31377 COMM 2400 / 901 Public Speaking     100% online instruction through D2L. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Weaver M 17/19/20
31378 COMM 2400 / 902 Public Speaking     100% online instruction through D2L. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Weaver M 20/20/20
31380 COMM 2510 / 001 Intercollegiate Forensics 1 M 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM York M J 157 1/1/0
31355 COMM 3040 / 001 Health Communication 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Daws L J 132 9/10/20
31353 COMM 3050 / 850 Journalism 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Shinall C J 213 10/10/20
31354 COMM 3060 / 001 Media,Culture, & Society 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Carter T J 217 18/20/20
31356 COMM 4100 / 001 Small Group Communication 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Haimes-Kor K J 132 7/9/20
31869 CROS 1000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 17/17/0
31870 CROS 2000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 17/18/0
31871 CROS 3000 / 000 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 10/11/0
31872 CROS 4000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 3/3/0
31962 CROS 4000 / 900 Cross Registration 0-10 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Staff I 1/1/0
31873 CROS 6000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 1/1/0
30595 CS 3123 / 001 Programming Language Concepts 3 S 16 9:00AM - 11:30AM Harbort R J 201L 14/14/25
30596 CS 3123 / 900 Programming Language Concepts     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Harbort R 18/20/25
30597 CS 3224 / 001 C1 Computer Org & Architecture     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30598 OR CRN 30599     with this lecture course. 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Lo D J 110 49/50/50
31893 CS 3224 / 002 C2 Computer Org & Architecture     Note: You must register for CRN 31894 or CRN 31898 (lab)     with this lecture. 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:15PM Faruque A J 131 23/25/30
30598 CS 3224 / 051 1C Computer Org & Architecture     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30597 with this lab. 0 M 16 7:30PM - 9:15PM Lo D J 265 25/25/25
30599 CS 3224 / 052 1C Computer Org & Architecture     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30597 with this lab. 0 W 16 7:30PM - 9:15PM Lo D J 265 24/25/25
31894 CS 3224 / 053 2C Computer Org & Architecture     Note: You must register for CRN 31893 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 T 16 9:16PM - 11:00PM Faruque A J 265 15/15/15
31898 CS 3224 / 054 2C Computer Org & Architecture     Note: You must register for CRN 31893 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 R 16 9:16PM - 11:00PM Faruque A J 265 8/10/15
31786 CS 3243 / 001 Operating Systems 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Bobbie P J 210 29/34/30
31788 CS 3243 / 900 Operating Systems     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Bobbie P 25/29/30
30600 CS 3424 / 001 D1 Data Structures     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30601 with this lecture. 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Vande Ven J J 201 32/34/30
30602 CS 3424 / 002 D2 Data Structures     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30603 with this lecture. 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Vande Ven J J 201 27/30/30
30601 CS 3424 / 051 1D Data Structures     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30600 with this lab. 0 T 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Vande Ven J J 251 32/34/30
30603 CS 3424 / 052 2D Data Structures     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30602 with this lab. 0 M 16 7:30PM - 9:15PM Vande Ven J J 251 27/30/30
31957 CS 3903 / 001 Study Abroad:Java App Devlpmnt 3 TBA 16 TBA Pournaghsh H SA0 0/0/0
30604 CS 4253 / 001 Distributed Computing 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Bobbie P J 131 21/22/30
30605 CS 4253 / 002 Distributed Computing 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Bobbie P J 131 24/24/30
30606 CS 4263 / 001 Computer Networks 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Faruque A J 265 9/9/22
30647 CS 4363 / 001 Computer Graphics & Multimedia 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Peng C J 201 20/25/15
31194 CS 4523 / 001 Artificial Intelligence 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Franklin D J 264 26/27/30
30609 CS 4893 / 001 E1 Computer Science Capstone     Note: You must register for lab CRN 31920 OR     CRN 31921 with this lecture. 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Lartigue J J 251 24/25/36
31920 CS 4893 / 050 1E Computer Science Capstone     Note: You must register for CRN 30609 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Lartigue J J 211 12/12/18
31921 CS 4893 / 051 1E Computer Science Capstone     Note: You must register for CRN 30609 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Lartigue J J 211 12/13/18
30611 CS 4903 / 001 SpTp-Mobile App & Security 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Qian K J 217 13/13/15
31949 CS 4903 / 002 Special Topic Project 3 TBA 16 TBA Harbort R 6/6/0
31422 CS 4903 / 850 SpTp-Augmented Reality 3 T 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Chastine J J 211 9/10/0
30612 CS 5003 / 851 Acc Intro to Programming 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Morrison B J 131 7/7/30
30614 CS 5003 / 900 Acc Intro to Programming     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Morrison B 12/12/40
30615 CS 5011 / 001 Fund of Computer Architecture     Note: This course takes place the first half of the semester     only. 1.5 M W 7E 4:30PM - 5:45PM Lo D J 159 1/1/20
30616 CS 5011 / 900 Fund of Computer Architecture     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them.     Note: This course takes place the first half of the semester     only. 1.5 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Lo D 6/6/30
30617 CS 5021 / 001 Fund of Operating Systems     Note: This course takes place the SECOND half of the     semester only (begins March 10th). 1.5 M W 7L 6:00PM - 7:15PM Harbort R J 201L 3/3/20
30620 CS 5021 / 900 Fund of Operating Systems     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them.     Note: This course takes place the SECOND half of the     semester only (begins March 10th). 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Harbort R 5/6/30
30622 CS 5031 / 001 Fund of Database Systems     Note: This course takes place the 2nd half of the semester     only. 1.5 M W 7L 4:30PM - 5:45PM Lo D J 159 0/0/20
30623 CS 5031 / 900 Fund of Database Systems     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them.     Note: This course takes place the 2nd half of the semester     only. 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Lo D 4/4/30
30625 CS 5123 / 001 Adv Programming & Data Struc 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Franklin D J 202 15/16/20
30626 CS 5123 / 900 Adv Programming & Data Struc     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Franklin D 12/16/30
30628 CS 5153 / 001 Database Systems 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Garrett R J 217 3/3/10
30630 CS 5153 / 900 Database Systems     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Qian K 5/5/10
30632 CS 5223 / 001 Computer Architecture 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Hung C J 202 7/8/30
30634 CS 5223 / 900 Computer Architecture     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hung C 3/4/40
30636 CS 5243 / 001 Operating Systems 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Bobbie P J 210 9/9/20
30638 CS 5243 / 900 Operating Systems     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Bobbie P 7/7/30
30640 CS 5423 / 001 Math Structures for CS 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Jagirdar S J 201 12/12/20
30641 CS 5423 / 900 Math Structures for CS     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Jagirdar S 7/9/30
31991 CS 5642 / 900 Prof Practices & Ethics 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Stabler D 1/1/0
30642 CS 6123 / 001 Theory & Impl Prog Lang 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Guzman J J 217 8/8/30
30643 CS 6223 / 001 Adv Comp System Architecture 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Hung C J 217 15/16/20
30645 CS 6263 / 001 Computer Networks 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jung E J 210 20/21/30
30646 CS 6263 / 900 Computer Networks     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Jung E 7/7/40
30608 CS 6353 / 001 Computer Graph & Multimedia 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Peng C J 201 6/8/15
30648 CS 6523 / 001 Artifical Intelligence 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Hung C J 202 14/15/30
30649 CS 6903 / 001 SpTp-Mobile App & Security 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Qian K J 217 9/10/9
31795 CS 6903 / 900 SpTp-Mobile App & Security     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Qian K 12/13/12
31958 CS 6903 / 901 SpTp- Theory of Computation 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Harbort R 1/1/0
30650 CS 7803 / 001 Master's Thesis 3 TBA 16 TBA Chastine J 6/6/0
30430 CSE 1002 / 001 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 F 16 9:00AM - 10:40AM Morrison B J 262 29/30/60
30431 CSE 1002 / 002 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 M 16 6:00PM - 7:40PM Morrison B J 262 34/34/50
30432 CSE 1002 / 003 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 W 16 9:00AM - 10:40AM Chavoshi M J 110 26/26/60
30433 CSE 1002 / 004 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 R 16 6:00PM - 7:40PM Chavoshi M J 262 10/11/50
30434 CSE 1002 / 900 Intro to Computing Disciplines     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Bryant C 48/56/60
30435 CSE 1301C / 001 A1 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30436 OR CRN 30437     with this lecture. 4 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Gesick R J 262 42/48/50
30436 CSE 1301C / 051 1A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30435 with this lab. 0 T 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Gesick R J 251 23/25/25
30437 CSE 1301C / 052 1A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30435 with this lab. 0 R 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Gesick R J 251 19/23/25
30447 CSE 1301E / 001 A2 C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30448 OR CRN 30450     with this lecture. 4 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Pierce P J 262 49/50/49
30564 CSE 1301E / 002 A3 C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30565 OR CRN 30566     with this lecture. 4 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Pierce P J 262 46/48/49
30448 CSE 1301E / 053 2A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30447 with this lab. 0 M 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Pierce P J 251 24/25/25
30450 CSE 1301E / 054 2A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30447 with this lab. 0 W 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Pierce P J 251 25/25/24
30565 CSE 1301E / 056 3A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30564 with this lab. 0 T 16 6:00PM - 7:45PM Pierce P J 251 23/24/25
30566 CSE 1301E / 057 3A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30564 with this lab. 0 R 16 6:00PM - 7:45PM Pierce P J 251 23/24/24
31982 CSE 1301E / 062 C++ Programming for Engrs 0 TBA 16 TBA Pierce P 1/1/0
30567 CSE 1301J / 001 A4 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30568 OR CRN 30569     with this lecture. 4 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Chavoshi M J 262 54/57/50
31956 CSE 1301J / 003 Prog & Problem Solving I 4 TBA 16 TBA Pournaghsh H SA0 1/1/0
30568 CSE 1301J / 058 4A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30567 with this lab. 0 M 16 6:00PM - 7:30PM Chavoshi M J 211 28/30/25
30569 CSE 1301J / 059 4A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30567 with this lab. 0 W 16 6:00PM - 7:30PM Chavoshi M J 211 26/27/25
31796 CSE 1301J / 900 5A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 31797 (lab) with this     course. Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams     may have fees that accompany them. 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zanjanian S 51/57/60
31797 CSE 1301J / 951 A5 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for CRN 31796 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zanjanian S 51/57/60
30570 CSE 1302C / 001 B1 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30571 OR CRN 30572     with this lecture. 4 M W 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Gesick R J 262 31/36/50
30573 CSE 1302C / 002 B2 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30574 OR CRN 30575     with this lecture. 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Gesick R J 262 40/48/50
30576 CSE 1302C / 003 B3 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30577 OR CRN 30578     with this lecture. 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Gesick R J 217 19/20/50
30571 CSE 1302C / 051 1B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30570 with this lab. 0 M 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Gesick R J 251 16/19/25
30572 CSE 1302C / 052 1B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture 30570 with this lab. 0 W 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Gesick R J 251 14/16/25
30574 CSE 1302C / 053 2B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30573 with this lab. 0 T 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Gesick R J 266 20/25/25
30575 CSE 1302C / 054 2B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30573 with this lab. 0 R 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Gesick R J 266 21/24/25
30577 CSE 1302C / 055 3B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture 30576 with this lab. 0 M 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Gesick R J 211 6/6/25
30578 CSE 1302C / 056 3B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30576 with this lab. 0 W 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Gesick R J 211 13/14/25
30584 CSE 1302E / 001 B6 Obj Orient C++ Prgm for Engrs     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30585 OR CRN 30585     with this lecture. 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Pierce P J 110 19/20/50
31981 CSE 1302E / 002 Obj Orient C++ Prgm for Engrs 4 TBA 16 TBA Pierce P 1/1/0
30585 CSE 1302E / 060 6B Obj Orient C++ Prgm for Engrs     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30584 with this lab. 0 T 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Pierce P J 265 9/10/25
30586 CSE 1302E / 061 6B Obj Orient C++ Prgm for Engrs     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30584 with this lab. 0 R 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Pierce P J 265 10/10/25
30579 CSE 1302J / 001 B4 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30580 with this lecture. 4 F 16 9:00AM - 12:00PM Vande Ven J J 260 25/25/25
30581 CSE 1302J / 002 B5 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lab CRN 30582 OR CRN 30583     with this lecture. 4 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Vande Ven J J 110 50/50/50
30580 CSE 1302J / 057 4B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30579 with this lab. 0 F 16 1:00PM - 2:30PM Vande Ven J J 260 25/25/25
30582 CSE 1302J / 058 5B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 30581 with this lab. 0 T 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Vande Ven J J 260 25/25/25
30583 CSE 1302J / 059 5B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture 30581 with this lab. 0 R 16 10:00AM - 11:45AM Vande Ven J J 260 25/25/25
30587 CSE 3153 / 001 Database Systems 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Garrett R J 217 31/36/40
30588 CSE 3153 / 002 Database Systems 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Qian K J 210 39/39/40
30589 CSE 3153 / 900 Database Systems     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Qian K 45/46/50
30590 CSE 3642 / 001 Prof Practices & Ethics 202 2 T R 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Salimi A J 110 44/48/50
30591 CSE 3642 / 002 Prof Practices & Ethics 202 2 M W 16 8:00PM - 8:50PM Stabler D J 110 40/45/50
31809 CSE 3642 / 900 Prof Practices & Ethics 202 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Stabler D 36/40/40
30592 CSE 4983 / 001 CSE Internship 3 TBA 16 TBA Harbort R 9/9/0
30593 CSE 4990 / 900 Graduation Seminar     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vande Ven S 0/0/0
30594 CSE 6983 / 001 CSE Graduate Internship 3 TBA 16 TBA Harbort R 0/0/0
31993 CSE 6983 / 900 CSE Graduate Internship 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Harbort R 1/1/0
31581 DFN 1002 / 001 Design Foundation II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Crout R I1 200E 12/12/12
31582 DFN 1002 / 002 Design Foundation II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Choma J I1 200E 10/11/12
31583 DFN 1002 / 003 Design Foundation II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Dytoc B I1 200E 11/11/12
31584 DFN 1002 / 004 Design Foundation II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Pittman W I1 200E 9/12/12
31585 DFN 1002 / 005 Design Foundation II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Hashas-Deg M I1 200E 10/12/12
31586 DFN 1002 / 006 Design Foundation II 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Voroneanu M I1 200E 12/12/12
31429 DFN 1111 / 001 Cultures I: Early Civ and Medi 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:50AM Monaghan M N 173 19/19/19
31430 DFN 1111 / 002 Cultures I: Early Civ and Medi 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Monaghan M N 173 20/21/19
31431 DFN 1111 / 003 Cultures I: Early Civ and Medi 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Setiawan A N 174 22/22/19
31432 DFN 1111 / 004 Cultures I: Early Civ and Medi 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:50PM Setiawan A N 174 20/21/19
31434 DFN 1241 / 001 1A Design Communication I 2 M W 16 8:00AM - 8:30AM Setiawan A I1 103 11/13/17
31536 DFN 1241 / 003 1C Design Communication I 2 T R 16 8:00AM - 8:30AM Monaghan M I1 103 7/8/17
31539 DFN 1241 / 004 1D Design Communication I 2 T R 16 8:00AM - 8:30AM Setiawan A I1 103 17/17/17
31543 DFN 1241 / 005 1E Design Communication I 2 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:30AM Voroneanu M I1 103 15/16/17
31547 DFN 1241 / 006 1F Design Communication I 2 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:30AM Crout R I1 103 16/17/17
31436 DFN 1241 / 051 A1 Design Communication I 0 M W 16 8:31AM - 9:50AM Setiawan A I1 103 11/13/17
31537 DFN 1241 / 053 C1 Design Communication I 0 T R 16 8:31AM - 9:50AM Monaghan M I1 103 7/8/17
31541 DFN 1241 / 054 D1 Design Communication I 0 T R 16 8:31AM - 9:50AM Setiawan A I1 103 17/17/17
31545 DFN 1241 / 055 E1 Design Communication I 0 T R 16 10:31AM - 11:50AM Voroneanu M I1 103 15/16/17
31549 DFN 1241 / 056 F1 Design Communication I 0 T R 16 10:31AM - 11:50AM Crout R I1 103 16/17/17
31588 DFN 2004 / 001 Design Foundation IV 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Bedette K I2 100 13/14/14
31589 DFN 2004 / 002 Design Foundation IV 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Tango R I2 100 9/10/14
31590 DFN 2004 / 003 Design Foundation IV 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Farooq A I2 100 15/15/14
31591 DFN 2004 / 004 Design Foundation IV 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 5:50PM Zamani P I2 100 8/8/14
31550 DFN 2211 / 001 2A Architectural Structures I 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:30PM Hong P N 003 15/16/20
31551 DFN 2211 / 051 A2 Architectural Structures I 0 T R 16 5:31PM - 6:50PM Hong P N 003 15/16/20
31553 DFN 2242 / 001 3A Design Communication II 2 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:30AM Uddin M I1 103 12/12/18
31558 DFN 2242 / 002 3B Design Communication II 2 M W 16 10:00AM - 10:30AM Welty C I1 103 18/18/18
31562 DFN 2242 / 003 3C Design Communication II 2 M W 16 6:00PM - 6:30PM Choma J I1 103 19/20/18
31556 DFN 2242 / 051 A3 Design Communication II 0 M W 16 10:31AM - 11:50AM Uddin M I1 103 12/12/18
31560 DFN 2242 / 052 B3 Design Communication II 0 M W 16 10:31AM - 11:50AM Welty C I1 103 18/18/18
31564 DFN 2242 / 053 C3 Design Communication II 0 M W 16 6:31PM - 7:50PM Choma J I1 103 19/20/18
30223 ECET 1001 / 002 Orientation 1 T 16 5:30PM - 6:20PM Larisch S Q 104 25/25/32
30224 ECET 1012 / 001 A1 Design Fundamentals 2 T 16 6:30PM - 7:20PM Frinzi P Q 104 37/37/32
30226 ECET 1012 / 051 1A Design Fundamentals 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Frinzi P Q 313 20/20/16
30227 ECET 1012 / 052 1A Design Fundamentals 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Frinzi P Q 313 17/17/16
30229 ECET 1101 / 001 A4 Circuits I 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Misoc F Q 206 35/36/32
30231 ECET 1101 / 051 4A Circuits I 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Misoc F Q 313 17/19/16
30232 ECET 1101 / 052 4A Circuits I 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Misoc F Q 313 17/17/16
30234 ECET 1101 / 900 A4 Circuits I 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Misoc F Q 206 1/2/0
30235 ECET 1101 / 951 4A Circuits I 0 S 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Misoc F Q 313 2/2/0
30236 ECET 1200 / 001 A6 Digital I 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wilson S Q 207 24/27/24
30238 ECET 1200 / 051 6A Digital I 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Wilson S Q 309 17/18/16
30239 ECET 1200 / 052 6A Digital I 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Wilson S Q 309 13/16/16
30261 ECET 1200 / 900 A6 Digital I 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wilson S Q 207 6/7/8
30263 ECET 1200 / 951 6A Digital I 0 S 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Staff I Q 309 0/0/0
30272 ECET 2000 / 001 P1 Intro to Biomed Engr Tech 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Asgill A Q 206 2/2/16
30274 ECET 2111 / 001 A8 Circuits II 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Misoc F Q 207 15/18/24
30290 ECET 2111 / 051 8A Circuits II 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Misoc F Q 313 2/4/16
30291 ECET 2111 / 052 8A Circuits II 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Misoc F Q 313 13/14/16
30295 ECET 2111 / 900 A8 Circuits II 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Misoc F Q 207 3/3/8
30297 ECET 2111 / 951 8A Circuits II 0 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Misoc F Q 313 3/3/8
30314 ECET 2210 / 001 B1 Digital II 4 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Wilcox D Q 311 28/31/24
30324 ECET 2210 / 051 1B Digital II 0 T 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Wilcox D Q 246 17/18/16
30326 ECET 2210 / 052 1B Digital II 0 T 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Wilcox D Q 246 10/12/16
30335 ECET 2210 / 900 A8 Digital II 4 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Wilcox D Q 311 0/0/8
30353 ECET 2210 / 951 1B Digital II 0 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Wilcox D Q 246 1/1/8
30355 ECET 2300 / 001 B3 Electronics I 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Jenkins B Q 206 13/14/24
30359 ECET 2300 / 051 3B Electronics I 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Jenkins B Q 337 13/14/16
30360 ECET 2300 / 052 3B Electronics I 0 W 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Jenkins B Q 337 0/0/0
30363 ECET 2300 / 900 B3 Electronics I 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Jenkins B Q 206 2/2/8
30366 ECET 2300 / 951 3B Electronics I 0 S 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Q 337 2/2/0
30368 ECET 2310 / 001 B5 Electronics II 4 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Larisch S Q 207 26/28/24
30371 ECET 2310 / 051 5B Electronics II 0 R 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Larisch S Q 337 15/16/16
30380 ECET 2310 / 052 5B Electronics II 0 R 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Thain W Q 337 10/11/16
30383 ECET 2310 / 951 5B Electronics II 0 S 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Q 337 1/1/8
30384 ECET 3000 / 001 B7 Electrical Principles 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jenkins B Q 106 28/31/0
30403 ECET 3000 / 051 7B Electrical Principles 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jenkins B Q 215 14/16/0
M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jenkins B Q 337
30404 ECET 3000 / 052 7B Electrical Principles 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jenkins B Q 215 14/15/0
W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jenkins B Q 337
30428 ECET 3010 / 001 Health Care Safety 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Asgill A Q 207 3/3/16
30429 ECET 3220 / 001 B9 Digital III 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Tippens S Q 207 29/30/32
30456 ECET 3220 / 051 9B Digital III 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Tippens S Q 245 15/16/16
30464 ECET 3220 / 052 9B Digital III 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Tippens S Q 245 14/14/16
30513 ECET 3220 / 951 9B Digital III 0 S 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Tippens S Q 245 0/0/8
30514 ECET 3400 / 001 C1 Data Communications 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Chin C Q 310 17/18/24
30515 ECET 3400 / 051 1C Data Communications 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Chin C Q 334 15/16/16
30516 ECET 3400 / 052 1C Data Communications 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Chin C Q 334 3/3/16
30517 ECET 3400 / 900 C1 Data Communications 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Chin C Q 310 1/1/8
30518 ECET 3400 / 951 1C Data Communications 0 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM 0/0/8
30519 ECET 3410 / 001 C2 Frequency Systems 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Thain W Q 310 18/20/32
30520 ECET 3410 / 051 2C Frequency Systems 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Thain W Q 335 13/13/16
30521 ECET 3410 / 052 2C Frequency Systems 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Thain W Q 335 5/7/16
30527 ECET 3500 / 001 C3 Survey of Electric Machines 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Wagner J Q 206 15/15/32
30528 ECET 3500 / 051 3C Survey of Electric Machines 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Wagner J Q 215 11/11/16
30542 ECET 3500 / 052 3C Survey of Electric Machines 0 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Wagner J Q 215 4/4/16
30543 ECET 3600 / 001 C4 Test Engineering 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Frinzi P Q 206 23/24/32
30547 ECET 3600 / 051 4C Test Engineering 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Frinzi P Q 337 15/16/16
31798 ECET 3600 / 052 4C Test Engineering 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Frinzi P Q 337 13/13/16
30551 ECET 3600 / 900 C4 Test Engineering 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Frinzi P Q 206 5/5/0
30557 ECET 3600 / 951 C4 Test Engineering 0 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Frinzi P 0/0/6
30559 ECET 3620 / 001 C5 Signals & Systems Analysis 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ho H Q 310 12/12/12
30560 ECET 3620 / 051 5C Signals & Systems Analysis 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Ho H Q 220 12/12/12
M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Ho H Q 310
30561 ECET 3620 / 900 C5 Signals & Systems Analysis 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ho H Q 310 2/2/4
30562 ECET 3620 / 951 5C Signals & Systems Analysis 0 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Ho H 2/2/4
30698 ECET 3701 / 001 C6 Embedded PC's 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Preethy A Q 246 5/5/12
30699 ECET 3701 / 051 6C Embedded PC's 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Preethy A Q 246 5/5/16
30700 ECET 3701 / 900 C6 Embedded PC's 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Preethy A Q 246 0/0/4
30701 ECET 3710 / 001 D4 HardwarePrgmmng&Interfacing 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Preethy A Q 306 6/6/16
30702 ECET 3710 / 051 4D HardwarePrgmmng&Interfacing 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Preethy A Q 306 6/6/16
30703 ECET 3810 / 001 C7 C++,JAVA & HTML 3 T R 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Fallon T Q 306 16/16/24
30704 ECET 3810 / 051 7C C++,JAVA & HTML 0 T 16 1:30PM - 4:20PM Fallon T Q 306 8/8/8
30705 ECET 3810 / 052 7C C++,JAVA & HTML 0 R 16 1:30PM - 4:20PM Fallon T Q 306 8/8/8
30706 ECET 3810 / 900 C7 C++,JAVA & HTML 3 T R 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Fallon T Q 306 8/8/8
30707 ECET 3810 / 951 7C C++,JAVA & HTML 0 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Fallon T Q 306 8/8/8
30708 ECET 3901 / 001 8C SpTp-Electrical Principles 1 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jenkins B Q 215 1/1/0
30710 ECET 4020 / 001 E3 Biomedical Imaging 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Chin C Q 310 5/5/16
30712 ECET 4020 / 051 3E Biomedical Imaging 0 W 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Chin C Q 306 5/5/16
31851 ECET 4450 / 001 E1 RF Electronics 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Thain W Q 310 4/4/16
31852 ECET 4450 / 051 1E RF Electronics 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Thain W Q 337 4/4/16
31419 ECET 4530 / 001 E4 Industrial Motor Control 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wagner J H 320 10/10/32
31420 ECET 4530 / 051 4E Industrial Motor Control 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Wagner J Q 215 8/8/16
31421 ECET 4530 / 052 4E Industrial Motor Control 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Wagner J Q 215 2/2/16
30713 ECET 4550 / 001 E5 Alternate Energy 4 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:45AM Tippens S Q 311 26/26/32
30714 ECET 4550 / 051 5E Alternate Energy 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Tippens S Q 245 12/12/16
30715 ECET 4550 / 052 5E Alternate Energy 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Tippens S Q 245 14/14/16
30716 ECET 4550 / 900 E5 Alternate Energy 4 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:45AM Tippens S Q 311 0/0/0
30717 ECET 4550 / 951 5E Alternate Energy 0 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Tippens S Q 245 0/0/0
30718 ECET 4610 / 001 C9 Control Systems 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ho H Q 311 18/18/24
30719 ECET 4610 / 051 9C Control Systems 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Ho H G 244 9/9/16
M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Ho H Q 242
30720 ECET 4610 / 052 9C Control Systems 0 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Ho H G 244 9/9/16
W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Ho H Q 242
30721 ECET 4610 / 900 C9 Control Systems 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ho H Q 311 0/0/8
30722 ECET 4610 / 951 9C Control Systems 0 S 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Ho H 0/0/8
30723 ECET 4630 / 001 E6 Digital Signal Processing 4 T 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Wilcox D Q 306 3/3/8
30724 ECET 4630 / 051 6E Digital Signal Processing 0 T 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Wilcox D Q 306 3/3/8
30725 ECET 4840 / 001 D1 Advanced Telecommunications 4 R 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Fallon T Q 333 3/3/16
30726 ECET 4840 / 051 1D Advanced Telecommunications 0 R 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Fallon T Q 333 3/3/16
30727 ECET 4850 / 001 D2 Telecommunications Project 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Mathis P Q 333 3/3/16
30728 ECET 4850 / 051 2D Telecommunications Project 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Mathis P Q 333 3/3/16
30729 ECET 4860 / 001 D3 Network Security 4 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Larisch S Q 333 12/12/16
30730 ECET 4860 / 051 3D Network Security 0 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Larisch S Q 333 12/12/16
31911 ECET 4902 / 001 SpTp-Virtual Network Emulation 2 S 16 9:00AM - 11:00AM Fallon T 1/1/0
31416 ECET 4903 / 001 SpTp-Telecom Management System 3 T 16 TBA Fallon T 1/1/0
30731 ECET 4904 / 001 D4 SpTp-Power Sys. Prot & Relays 4 W 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Wagner J Q 311 8/9/16
30732 ECET 4904 / 051 4D SpTp-Power Sys. Prot. & Relays 0 W 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Wagner J Q 306 8/9/16
30737 ECET 6101 / 001 F1 Digital Signal Processing 4 T 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Wilcox D Q 306 10/10/8
30738 ECET 6101 / 051 1F Digital Signal Processing 0 T 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Wilcox D Q 306 10/10/8
30739 ECET 6305 / 001 F3 Radar Systems 4 M 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Long M Q 306 7/8/16
30740 ECET 6305 / 051 3F Radar Systems 0 M 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Long M Q 306 7/8/16
30741 ECET 6704 / 001 Project Proposal-Wkstn. Wkup 4 S 16 12:00PM - 4:00PM Thain W Q 306 1/1/0
31971 ECET 6704 / 002 Project Proposal-Adv. Air Reg. 4 S 16 12:00PM - 4:00PM Ho H Q 206 1/1/0
30804 ECET 6904 / 001 F4 Special Topics-Advanced Teleco 4 R 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Fallon T Q 333 2/2/6
31954 ECET 6904 / 003 Special Topics-RF Transceiver 4 S 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Thain W 1/1/0
30808 ECET 6904 / 051 4F Special Topics-Advanced Teleco 0 R 16 8:40PM - 11:00PM Fallon T Q 333 2/2/6
30299 ECON 1101 / 001 Introduction to Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1111     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Warsi T J 151 25/25/0
30300 ECON 1101 / 900 Introduction to Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1111     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Kelani Z 29/31/30
30524 ECON 2105 / 001 Prin of Macro Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1113     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Melnik M J 108 30/30/0
30525 ECON 2106 / 001 Princ of Micro Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1113     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Melnik M J 108 29/29/0
30303 ECON 2107 / 001 Intro to Economic Analysis     Pre-req: MATH 2253     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Kelani Z J 108 29/30/0
30304 ECON 2107 / 002 Intro to Economic Analysis     Pre-req: MATH 2253     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Kelani Z J 108 29/30/0
30840 EDG 1210 / 001 Survey of Engineering Graphics 2 M W 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Cole M Q 219 20/20/20
30841 EDG 1210 / 002 Survey of Engineering Graphics 2 M W 16 7:00PM - 7:50PM Cole M Q 219 19/19/20
30842 EDG 1210 / 900 Survey of Engineering Graphics 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Cook D 17/18/18
30843 EDG 1211 / 001 Engineering Graphics I 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Conrey G Q 219 17/20/0
30845 EDG 1211 / 002 Engineering Graphics I 3 T R 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Winsor A Q 222 19/20/0
30846 EDG 1211 / 003 Engineering Graphics I 3 T R 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Winsor A Q 218 18/20/0
30848 EDG 1211 / 004 Engineering Graphics I 3 T R 16 5:30PM - 6:45PM Winsor A Q 218 18/19/0
30849 EDG 1211 / 081 Engineering Graphics I     Hybrid Course: Fri Sessions Meet Online. 3 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Como J Q 218 18/20/0
30867 EDG 1211 / 082 Engineering Graphics I     Hybrid Course - Fri Sessions Meet Online 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Como J Q 218 19/20/20
30868 EDG 1211 / 900 Engineering Graphics I 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Cook D 12/16/18
30891 EDG 1212 / 002 Engineering Graphics II 4 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Conrey G Q 219 19/20/20
30893 EDG 1212 / 003 Engineering Graphics II 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Ford R Q 218 20/20/20
30869 EDG 1212 / 083 Engineering Graphics II     Hybrid Course: Wed Sessions Meet Online 4 M 16 2:00PM - 3:50PM Como J Q 218 18/20/20
30480 EDG 2160 / 001 Civil Graphics 3 F 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Lee J L 126 28/28/30
31128 EDG 2160 / 002 Civil Graphics 3 F 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Lee J L 126 26/28/30
30895 EDG 4222 / 001 CAD Custom & Standards 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Conrey G Q 222 20/20/20
31079 EDUC 1101 / 001 Step 1 1 M W 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Nourollahi M G 220 4/4/20
31080 EDUC 1101 / 002 Step 1 1 W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Mathious C G 220 3/3/20
31082 EDUC 1101 / 003 Step 1 1 T R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Mathious C G 220 2/3/20
31083 EDUC 1102 / 001 Step 2 1 M W 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Nourollahi M G 220 1/1/20
31087 EDUC 1102 / 002 Step 2 1 T R 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Mathious C G 220 0/0/20
31090 EDUC 2010 / 001 Knowing & Learning 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Nourollahi M G 220 3/3/20
31092 EDUC 2020 / 001 Classroom Interactions 3 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Sutherland E G 220 3/3/20
30747 EE 1000 / 001 Foundations of Electrical Engr 2 M W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Crimm L Q 106 27/31/60
30748 EE 2301 / 001 E1 Circuit Analysis I 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Choi S Q 106 57/59/60
30752 EE 2301 / 002 E1 Circuit Analysis I 4 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Duvall C Q 106 58/60/60
30749 EE 2301 / 051 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Choi S Q 312 20/20/20
30750 EE 2301 / 052 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Nijim Y Q 312 19/20/20
30751 EE 2301 / 053 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Choi S Q 312 19/20/20
30753 EE 2301 / 054 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 M 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Duvall C Q 312 20/20/20
30754 EE 2301 / 055 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 W 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Duvall C Q 312 18/19/20
31815 EE 2301 / 056 Circuit Analysis I Lab 1 TBA 16 TBA Staff I 1/1/0
31886 EE 2301 / 057 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Duvall C Q 312 19/20/20
30755 EE 2302 / 001 Circuit Analysis II 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Lee H Q 106 56/60/50
30756 EE 2401 / 001 Semiconductor Devices 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Hodges D Q 315 40/40/30
30757 EE 2501 / 001 F1 Digital Logic Design 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Chang Y Q 216 40/41/30
30758 EE 2501 / 051 1F Digital Logic Design Lab 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Chang Y Q 243 19/20/20
30759 EE 2501 / 052 1F Digital Logic Design Lab 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Chang Y Q 243 20/20/20
31812 EE 2501 / 053 Digital Logic Design Lab 1 TBA 16 TBA Chang Y 1/1/0
30760 EE 3401 / 001 G1 Engineering Electronics 4 M W 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Lee M Q 314 36/41/30
30761 EE 3401 / 051 1G Engineering Electronics Lab 0 M 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Lee M Q 336 20/21/20
30762 EE 3401 / 052 1G Engineering Electronics Lab 0 W 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Lee M Q 336 16/20/20
30763 EE 3501 / 001 H1 Embedded Systems 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Ma K Q 216 20/20/40
30764 EE 3501 / 051 1H Embedded Systems Lab 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Marshall M Q 243 16/16/12
30765 EE 3501 / 052 1H Embedded Systems Lab 0 W 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Marshall M Q 243 4/4/20
30766 EE 3601 / 001 I1 Electric Machines 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Diong B Q 216 36/36/40
30767 EE 3601 / 051 1I Electric Machines Lab 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Diong B G 175 18/18/20
30768 EE 3601 / 052 1I Electric Machines Lab 0 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Diong B G 175 18/18/20
30769 EE 3605 / 001 Electromagnetics 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Lee H Q 105 39/40/30
30770 EE 3701 / 001 Signals and Systems 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ma K Q 106 49/53/40
30771 EE 3702 / 001 Communication Systems 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Nijim Y Q 104 44/46/30
31813 EE 3901 / 001 SpTp- Control Systems Lab 1 TBA 16 TBA Wang Y 0/0/0
30772 EE 3903 / 001 SpTp- Intro to Biomedical Engr 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Ma K Q 105 18/18/20
30773 EE 3903 / 002 SpTp- Computer Networking 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Chang Y Q 315 7/8/40
30774 EE 3903 / 003 SpTp- Electronics Materials 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Hodges D Q 314 13/13/40
31417 EE 3903 / 004 O1 SpTp- Electric Drives 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:50PM Diong B Q 107 4/6/20
31681 EE 3903 / 005 SpTp- Kinetic Architecture 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:50PM Zamani P N 175 6/6/9
31418 EE 3903 / 051 1O SpTp- Electric Drives Lab 0 TBA 16 TBA Diong B Q 339 4/6/20
30775 EE 4201 / 001 J1 Control Systems 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wang Y Q 105 39/40/40
30776 EE 4201 / 051 1J Control Systems Lab 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Wang Y G 244 20/20/20
30777 EE 4201 / 052 1J Control Systems Lab 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Wang Y G 244 19/20/20
31554 EE 4701 / 001 Professional Practice     Online Option Available 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Crimm L Q 315 36/36/40
30778 EE 4800 / 001 K1 Senior Project 4 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Yon G Q 216 34/34/40
31879 EE 4800 / 01H Q1 Honors Senior Project     Honors students only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 4 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Yon G Q 216 1/1/0
30779 EE 4800 / 051 1K Senior Project Lab 0 TBA 16 TBA Yon G Q 304 34/34/40
31881 EE 4800 / 51H 1Q Honors Senior Project Lab     Honors students only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 0 TBA 16 TBA Yon G Q 304 1/1/0
31907 EE 4801 / 001 Undergrad Research in EE 1 TBA 16 TBA Lee H 1/1/0
31847 EE 4802 / 001 Undergraduate Research in EE 2 TBA 16 TBA Diong B 2/2/0
31580 EE 4803 / 001 Undergraduate Research in EE 3 TBA 16 TBA Chang Y 3/3/0
31808 EE 4803 / 002 Undergraduate Research in EE 3 TBA 16 TBA Ma K 8/8/0
31978 EE 4803 / 003 Undergraduate Research in EE 3 TBA 16 TBA Diong B 2/2/0
30780 EE 4903 / 001 SpTp- Image Processing 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Nijim Y Q 314 9/9/40
30781 EE 4903 / 002 SpTp- Applied Electromagnetics 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Lee H Q 315 19/19/40
30782 EE 4903 / 003 SpTp- Fund. of Solar Power 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Hodges D Q 314 23/23/40
31215 ENGL 1101 / 001 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Levy J J 203 15/17/24
31217 ENGL 1101 / 002 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Bohannon J J 203 22/24/24
31219 ENGL 1101 / 003 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Stephenson C J 203 22/22/24
31220 ENGL 1101 / 004 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Harrold P J 203 17/20/24
31221 ENGL 1101 / 005 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Harrold P J 203 19/20/24
31844 ENGL 1101 / 01E English Composition I     International Students Only. 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Taylor K J 212 8/8/0
31633 ENGL 1101 / 01G English Composition I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/0
31845 ENGL 1101 / 02E English Composition I     International Students Only. Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Taylor K J 265 10/10/0
31634 ENGL 1101 / 02G English Composition I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/0
31635 ENGL 1101 / 03G English Composition I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31636 ENGL 1101 / 04G English Composition I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31640 ENGL 1101 / 05G English Composition I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/6/0
31641 ENGL 1101 / 06G English Composition I     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/2/3
31643 ENGL 1101 / 07G English Composition I     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31222 ENGL 1102 / 001 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Memes, Media, &     Marketing: Writing about Humor in the 21st Century. 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM LoVerde-Dr J J 214 20/22/24
31225 ENGL 1102 / 002 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Levy J J 203 23/23/24
31226 ENGL 1102 / 003 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Stefani D J 214 24/24/24
31228 ENGL 1102 / 004 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Sports, Film, and     Society. 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Race C J 213 24/24/24
31229 ENGL 1102 / 005 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Stefani D J 214 24/24/24
31230 ENGL 1102 / 006 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Memes, Media, &     Marketing: Writing about Humor in the 21st Century. 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM LoVerde-Dr J J 203 24/24/24
31232 ENGL 1102 / 007 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: FieldWorking:     Discovering Muted and Emergent Voices of Un/Mis-Represented     Communities. 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Logan M J 203 24/24/24
31234 ENGL 1102 / 008 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Stefani D J 214 23/24/24
31235 ENGL 1102 / 009 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Writing About     Film and Drama. 3 T R 16 7:30AM - 8:45AM Stephenson C J 203 22/23/24
31236 ENGL 1102 / 010 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Reichert N J 214 24/24/24
31238 ENGL 1102 / 011 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Our Hybrid Selves     The Critical and Digital Humanities. 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Rorabaugh P J 203 23/24/24
31248 ENGL 1102 / 013 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Food Forage:     The Search for Sustainable Food. 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Logan M J 214 23/24/24
31249 ENGL 1102 / 014 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Sports, Film,     and Society. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Race C J 203 24/24/24
31250 ENGL 1102 / 015 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Oh Yes She Did!:     Exploring Women's Past, Present, and Futures in STEM Fields. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Bohannon J J 214 20/20/24
31251 ENGL 1102 / 016 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Stevens M J 203 24/24/24
31252 ENGL 1102 / 017 English Composition II 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Wakeman P J 214 22/23/24
31253 ENGL 1102 / 018 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM LoVerde-Dr J J 203 24/24/24
31254 ENGL 1102 / 019 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Levy J J 214 23/23/24
31645 ENGL 1102 / 01G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 9/9/0
31255 ENGL 1102 / 020 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Stephenson C J 214 23/23/24
31256 ENGL 1102 / 021 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Representations     of Leadership in Literature and the Media. 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Parker A J 203 24/24/24
31257 ENGL 1102 / 022 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Facing     Controversies Head-On. 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Stefani D J 203 23/24/24
31258 ENGL 1102 / 023 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Wakeman P J 214 23/24/24
31259 ENGL 1102 / 024 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Harrold P J 203 24/24/24
31260 ENGL 1102 / 025 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Wakeman P J 214 21/23/24
31261 ENGL 1102 / 026 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: She Said/He Said:     Negotiating Gender Identities and Humanity in Online Spaces. 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Bohannon J J 203 20/23/24
31262 ENGL 1102 / 027 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Special Topic Covered: Facing     Controversies Head-On. 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Stefani D J 214 20/22/24
31647 ENGL 1102 / 02G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/0
31648 ENGL 1102 / 03G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31649 ENGL 1102 / 04G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/5/0
31655 ENGL 1102 / 05G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31656 ENGL 1102 / 06G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/0
31657 ENGL 1102 / 07G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/0
31658 ENGL 1102 / 08G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31659 ENGL 1102 / 09G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 12/12/0
31660 ENGL 1102 / 10G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31661 ENGL 1102 / 11G English Composition II     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/6
31662 ENGL 1102 / 12G English Composition II     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/0
31247 ENGL 1102 / 12H Honors English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Honors students only. Contact Honors     Director, 678-915-3928, to register. 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Parker A J 214 16/16/0
31973 ENGL 1102 / 13G English Composition II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31263 ENGL 1102 / 850 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 50% online instruction through D2L.     Special Topic Covered: Our Hybrid Selves: The Critical and     Digital Humanities. 3 T 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Rorabaugh P J 214 13/18/24
31264 ENGL 1102 / 851 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. 50% online instruction through D2L.     This course runs in conjunction with STS 2400/006     Students must register for both courses concurrently 3 R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Rorabaugh P J 214 17/19/24
31663 ENGL 2111 / 01G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/9/0
31664 ENGL 2111 / 02G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 9/9/0
31665 ENGL 2111 / 03G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/3/0
31666 ENGL 2111 / 04G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/2/0
31667 ENGL 2111 / 05G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/0
31668 ENGL 2111 / 06G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31670 ENGL 2111 / 07G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31671 ENGL 2111 / 08G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/11/0
31672 ENGL 2111 / 09G World Literature I     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/5/6
31673 ENGL 2111 / 10G World Literature I     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31974 ENGL 2111 / 11G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/13/0
31975 ENGL 2111 / 12G World Literature I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31996 ENGL 2111 / 13G World Literature I      eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/7/0
31266 ENGL 2112 / 002 WorldLit Mid1600's to present 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Bohannon J J 133 25/34/35
31265 ENGL 2112 / 01H Honors WorldLit Mid1600's-Pres     Honors students only. Contact Honors Director, 678-915-3928,     to register. 3 M W 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Reichert N J 210 6/6/0
31269 ENGL 2122 / 001 BritishLit Late1700's/present 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Stevens M J 133 30/35/35
31270 ENGL 2122 / 002 BritishLit Late1700's/present     Special Topic Covered: Irish Lit 1700's to present. 3 M W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Parker A J 133 34/36/35
31271 ENGL 2122 / 003 BritishLit Late1700's/present 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Stevens M J 133 32/34/35
31267 ENGL 2130 / 001 Amer Lit Early to Present 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Haimes-Kor K J 133 26/34/35
31268 ENGL 2132 / 001 AmerLit Mid1800's to present 3 M W 16 12:30PM - 1:45PM Wakeman P J 133 34/35/35
31273 ENGL 2132 / 002 AmerLit Mid1800's to present 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Parker A J 132 33/35/35
31274 ENGL 2132 / 003 AmerLit Mid1800's to present 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Sledd E J 133 34/35/35
31674 ENGL 2132 / 01G American Literature II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31675 ENGL 2132 / 02G American Literature II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 9/10/0
31676 ENGL 2132 / 03G American Literature II     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/5
31677 ENGL 2132 / 04G American Literature II     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31275 ENGL 2132 / 900 AmerLit Mid1800's to present     100% online instruction through D2L. 1 hr Face-to-Face     Orientation required with Instructor. Exams will be     proctored. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Carter T 16/19/20
31272 ENGL 2300 / 001 African-American Lit & Culture 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Carter T J 217 32/33/35
31381 ENGL 3025 / 001 Creative Writing Workshop 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Greene J J 132 14/14/20
31382 ENGL 3030 / 001 Grammar for Prof Communicators 3 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:45AM Stevens M J 132 19/20/20
31383 ENGL 3045 / 001 New Media Writing 3 W 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Greene J J 213 19/20/20
M 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Greene J J 132
31385 ENGL 3100 / 001 Rhetoric, History and Practice 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Omidvar I J 132 9/11/20
31384 ENGL 4010 / 001 Publ for New Media     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Greene J J 265 9/11/20
31387 ENGL 4170 / 001 Media & Narrative 3 M W 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Nunes M J 132 15/17/20
31794 ENGL 4700 / 001 Internship 3 TBA 16 TBA Smith H 1/1/0
31424 ENGL 4800 / 001 Project Portfolio 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Haimes-Kor K J 212 3/3/5
31426 ENGL 4800 / 02H Honors Project Portfolio 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Haimes-Kor K J 212 1/1/0
31428 ENGL 4903 / 001 Mobile Storytelling 3 M W 16 12:30PM - 1:45PM Nunes M J 132 6/6/20
30922 ENGR 2214 / 001 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Alateek S Q 105 30/30/30
31123 ENGR 2214 / 002 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Alateek S Q 105 30/30/30
31124 ENGR 2214 / 003 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Balic M Q 105 26/29/30
31125 ENGR 2214 / 004 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W 16 7:00PM - 8:15PM Karim M M 137 27/29/30
31127 ENGR 2214 / 005 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jonaidi M M 135 29/31/30
31854 ENGR 2214 / 006 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Khazaii J M 135 30/30/30
31888 ENGR 2214 / 007 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Harcrow A Q 107 23/27/30
31923 ENGR 2214 / 008 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Khazaii J Q 108 26/28/30
31306 ENGR 3122 / 001 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Lowder M Q 315 27/28/30
31307 ENGR 3122 / 002 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Lowder M Q 315 30/31/30
31313 ENGR 3122 / 003 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Sweigart J Q 315 17/26/30
31299 ENGR 3122 / 004 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Harcrow A Q 314 13/14/30
31320 ENGR 3125 / 001 Machine Dynamics & Vibrations 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Salman M Q 105 28/28/30
31331 ENGR 3125 / 002 Machine Dynamics & Vibrations 3 M W 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Veazie D Q 105 20/28/30
30931 ENGR 3131 / 001 Strength of Materials 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Barham W M 137 31/32/30
31043 ENGR 3131 / 002 Strength of Materials 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Yang J M 135 28/30/30
31136 ENGR 3131 / 003 Strength of Materials 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Gulec Dinc S M 135 30/31/30
31138 ENGR 3131 / 004 Strength of Materials 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Balic M Q 108 32/33/30
31129 ENGR 3132 / 058 Strength of Materials Lab 1 W 16 10:00AM - 12:30PM Yang J Q 135 17/17/15
31130 ENGR 3132 / 059 Strength of Materials Lab 1 F 16 10:00AM - 12:30PM Gulec Dinc S Q 135 14/16/15
31140 ENGR 3132 / 062 Strength of Materials Lab 1 T 16 5:30PM - 8:00PM Alateek S Q 135 15/15/15
31142 ENGR 3132 / 063 Strength of Materials Lab 1 R 16 5:30PM - 8:00PM Alateek S Q 135 15/15/15
31144 ENGR 3132 / 064 Strength of Materials Lab 1 M 16 7:30PM - 10:00PM Balic M Q 135 16/16/15
31145 ENGR 3132 / 065 Strength of Materials Lab 1 W 16 7:30PM - 10:00PM Balic M Q 135 17/17/15
31800 ENGR 3132 / 070 Strength of Materials Lab 1 T 16 10:00AM - 12:30PM Yang J Q 135 16/16/15
31801 ENGR 3324 / 001 Project Cost analysis 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Oguzmert M M 135 30/31/30
31147 ENGR 3343 / 001 Fluid Mechanics 3 M W 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Gulec Dinc S M 135 29/29/30
31115 ENGR 3343 / 002 Fluid Mechanics 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Yee T J 161 31/31/30
30985 ENGR 3343 / 003 Fluid Mechanics 3 M W 16 5:30PM - 6:45PM Karim M M 137 29/30/30
31158 ENGR 3343 / 004 Fluid Mechanics 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Gao B J 101 26/27/30
31924 ENGR 3343 / 005 Fluid Mechanics 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Oncul F L 165 8/10/30
31017 ENGR 3345 / 052 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 M 16 7:00PM - 9:30PM Lee H Q 240 15/15/15
31120 ENGR 3345 / 056 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 T 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM Yee T Q 240 16/16/15
31122 ENGR 3345 / 057 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 R 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM Yee T Q 240 15/15/15
31150 ENGR 3345 / 066 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 M 16 10:30AM - 1:00PM Lee H Q 240 14/15/15
31151 ENGR 3345 / 067 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 W 16 10:30AM - 1:00PM Gulec Dinc S Q 240 14/15/15
31159 ENGR 3345 / 068 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 W 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM Abessi O Q 240 14/14/15
31160 ENGR 3345 / 069 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 W 16 7:30PM - 10:00PM Abessi O Q 240 17/17/15
31925 ENGR 3345 / 070 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 M 16 2:30PM - 5:00PM Lee H Q 240 11/11/15
30783 ENGR 4402 / 001 Engineering Ethics     Online Option Available 1 M 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Crimm L Q 106 69/74/50
30784 ENGR 4421 / 001 L1 Instruments & Controls 4 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM McFall K Q 105 19/20/36
30785 ENGR 4421 / 051 1L Instruments & Controls Lab 0 M 16 2:51PM - 4:50PM McFall K Q 110 11/11/12
M 16 2:51PM - 4:50PM McFall K Q 313
30786 ENGR 4421 / 052 1L Instruments & Controls Lab 0 W 16 2:51PM - 4:50PM McFall K Q 110 8/9/18
W 16 2:51PM - 4:50PM McFall K Q 312
30838 ENGT 2124 / 001 Statics with Applications     Course Meets ET Curriculum: Not for ENGR Majors. 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Horton D Q 221 11/16/35
30839 ENGT 2124 / 002 Statics with Applications     Course Meets ET Curriculum; Not for ENGR Majors. 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Horton D Q 107 6/8/35
30441 ENGT 3124 / 001 Strength of Materials w/Apps     Course Meets ET Curriculum: Not for ENGR Majors. 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Turner N L 120 26/27/24
30442 ENGT 3124L / 001 Strength of Materials Lab 1 M 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Turner N L 120 13/13/12
M 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Turner N Q 135
30443 ENGT 3124L / 002 Strength of Materials Lab 1 W 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Turner N L 120 11/13/12
W 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Turner N Q 135
31682 ENVS 2202 / 01G Environmental Science     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER!     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 9/10/0
31683 ENVS 2202 / 02G Environmental Science     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER!     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31684 ENVS 2202 / 03G Environmental Science     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER!     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31685 ENVS 2202 / 04G Environmental Science     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER!     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
31686 ENVS 2202 / 05G Environmental Science     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER!     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/3
30424 ENVS 2202K / 001 C5 Intro to Environmental Science 4 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Ferreira D G 235 43/45/48
30425 ENVS 2202K / 075 5C Intro to Environ. Science-Lab 0 T 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Ferreira D G 219 22/23/24
30426 ENVS 2202K / 076 5C Intro to Environ. Science-Lab 0 R 16 2:30PM - 5:20PM Ferreira D G 219 21/22/24
31999 ENVS 2202K / SA Intro to Environmental Science 0- 4 TBA 16 TBA Nelson T SA0 0/0/0
30898 ES 1100 / 001 Ethnic Studies: Latin America     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Nuhfer-Hal B J 156 35/38/40
31687 ETEC 1101 / 01G Elec Tech in Edu Enviro     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 2 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31688 ETEC 1101 / 02G Elec Tech in Edu Enviro     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 2 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31941 FREN 1001 / 002 Elementary French I 3 TBA 16 TBA Newell J SA0 1/1/0
30901 FREN 1001 / 01 Elementary French I     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Does not satisfy core requirement 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Buresi T J 130 10/13/20
30903 FREN 1002 / 001 Elementary French II     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Prereq: FREN 1001 or equivalent; Satisfies C-2 Core 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Buresi T J 130 9/9/20
30906 FREN 2002 / 001 Intermediate French II     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Prereq: FREN 1002 or equivalent; Satisfies C-2 Core 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Buresi T J 130 4/4/20
30919 GEOG 1101 / 850 Intro to Human Geography     Hybrid-50% online     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Sashti R J 101 36/39/40
31769 GEOG 1101 / 900 Intro to Human Geography     Fully online course     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Roberts A 27/27/27
31895 GEOG 1101 / 901 Intro to Human Geography     Fully online course     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Roberts A 22/27/27
31689 GEOL 1011K / 01G Introductory Geosciences I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 5/7/0
31690 GEOL 1011K / 02G Introductory Geosciences I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/0
31691 GEOL 1011K / 03G Introductory Geosciences I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 9/10/0
31692 GEOL 1011K / 04G Introductory Geosciences I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 8/12/0
31693 GEOL 1011K / 05G Introductory Geosciences I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 12/14/0
30920 HIST 1111 / 001 Survey of World Civ to 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Vickrey M J 109 36/37/37
30921 HIST 1111 / 002 Survey of World Civ to 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Vickrey M J 109 37/38/37
30923 HIST 1111 / 003 Survey of World Civ to 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Vickrey M J 109 32/36/37
31694 HIST 1111 / 01G World History I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/10/0
31695 HIST 1111 / 02G World History I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/5/0
31697 HIST 1111 / 03G World History I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/7/0
31698 HIST 1111 / 04G World History I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/0
31699 HIST 1111 / 05G World History I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31700 HIST 1111 / 06G World History I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/1/0
31701 HIST 1111 / 07G World History I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31702 HIST 1111 / 08G World History I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31703 HIST 1111 / 09G World History I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/0
31705 HIST 1111 / 11G World History I     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/4
31707 HIST 1111 / 13G World History I     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/0
30924 HIST 1111 / 900 Survey of World Civ to 1500     Fully online course     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vickrey M 25/27/27
30925 HIST 1111 / 901 Survey of World Civ to 1500     Fully online course     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vickrey M 22/26/27
30926 HIST 1112 / 001 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Skutans W J 109 15/19/37
30927 HIST 1112 / 002 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Skutans W J 109 13/17/37
30928 HIST 1112 / 003 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Skutans W J 109 25/29/37
30929 HIST 1112 / 004 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Skutans W J 101 36/37/37
30930 HIST 1112 / 005 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Skutans W J 101 33/37/37
30934 HIST 2111 / 001 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Soiset R J 101 17/19/37
30935 HIST 2111 / 002 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Soiset R J 101 32/34/37
30938 HIST 2111 / 003 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Soiset R J 101 35/35/37
30939 HIST 2111 / 004 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Soiset R J 101 27/27/37
30932 HIST 2111 / 005 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Holdzkom M J 109 35/35/37
30933 HIST 2111 / 006 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Holdzkom M J 109 28/28/37
30944 HIST 2111 / 008 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Pierce G J 109 35/35/37
31708 HIST 2111 / 01G US History     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/8/0
31709 HIST 2111 / 02G US History     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31710 HIST 2111 / 03G US History     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 10/12/0
31711 HIST 2111 / 04G US History     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31712 HIST 2111 / 05G US History     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31714 HIST 2111 / 06G US History     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/0
31715 HIST 2111 / 07G US History     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
30943 HIST 2111 / 07H Honors-US History to 1877     Honors Students Only     Contact Dr. Omidvar at 678-915-3928 to register 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Pierce G J 106 8/8/0
31716 HIST 2111 / 08G US History     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31717 HIST 2111 / 09G US History     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/4
31718 HIST 2111 / 10G US History     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
30947 HIST 2112 / 001 US History since 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Churella A J 101 33/37/37
31111 HIST 2112 / 002 US History since 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Holdzkom M J 109 35/36/37
31113 HIST 2112 / 003 US History since 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Holdzkom M J 109 36/36/37
30949 HIST 2911 / 001 Ga History & Constitution     Online Independent Study Course     May be used only to meet Legislative requirement 1 U 16 2:00AM - 2:50AM Soiset R J 161 50/50/60
30948 HIST 2911 / 900 Ga History & Constitution     Fully online. For students in online programs only     Contact the SIS Department at 678-915-7442 to register 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Churella A 0/0/0
30950 HIST 3601 / 001 History of the Pacific Rim 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Churella A J 106 7/8/20
31933 HNRS 2001 / 01H Intro to Honors Research     Architecture     Honor Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register 1 TBA 16 TBA Akins E 1/1/0
31856 HNRS 3002 / 01H Honors Research     Computer Science     Honor Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Preston J 1/1/0
31860 HNRS 3002 / 02H Honors Research     Computer Science     Honor Students Only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidavr at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Griffiths W 1/1/0
31876 HNRS 3002 / 03H Honors Research     Mechanical Engineering     Honor Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Khalid A 1/1/0
31959 HNRS 3002 / 04H Honors Research     International Studies     Honor Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 2 TBA 16 TBA Rotnem T 1/1/0
31853 HNRS 3203 / 01H Teaching Ass't Contract -     Honors Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 0 TBA 16 TBA Como J 0/0/0
31912 HNRS 3203 / 02H Teaching Ass't Contract -     Honor Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Sharma L 1/1/0
31606 HNRS 3301 / 01H Honors Interdisciplinary Sem     City as Text: Berlin, Germany. For Honors students & other     qualifying students. Students will travel during spring     break. To register and for queries, please contact     Dr. Iraj Omidvar at 678-915-3928. 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:30PM Orr J 5/5/0
31817 HNRS 4400 / 01H Honors Thesis     Honors Thesis: English and Professional Communication     Honor Students Only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Haimes-Kor K 2/2/0
31820 HNRS 4400 / 02H Honors Thesis     Biology     Honor Students Only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Singh R 1/1/0
31855 HNRS 4400 / 03H Honors Thesis     Computer Game Design & Development     Honor Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Preston J 1/1/0
31857 HNRS 4400 / 04H Honors Thesis     Computer Science     Honor Students Only.     Contact Dr.Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 3 TBA 16 TBA Hung C 4/4/0
31388 IDC 5001 / 900 Writing in the Professions     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shinall C 6/6/20
31389 IDC 5002 / 900 Graphics in Profession     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hankey L 4/4/20
31408 IDC 6001 / 900 Prof Practices of Comm     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rorabaugh P 8/9/20
31409 IDC 6030 / 900 Visual Design Strategy     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rule R 6/7/20
31410 IDC 6045 / 900 Foundations of Multimedia     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hopper K 1/1/2
31411 IDC 6060 / 900 Strategies for Global Comm     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Anderson K 2/4/20
31412 IDC 6110 / 900 Comm Project Management     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hopper K 11/11/20
31413 IDC 6135 / 900 Website Design     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Palmer L 5/7/20
30999 IET 1000 / 850 Orientation     Meets once per week on campus     Week of Jan 6th through Feb 27th 1 M 7E 3:00PM - 3:50PM Atkins R M 133 15/15/18
31162 IET 1000 / 900 Orientation     Meets once per week online     Week of Jan 6th through Feb 27th 1 M 7E 3:00PM - 3:50PM Atkins R 11/11/12
31005 IET 2227 / 850 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Freeman R M 133 19/19/19
31008 IET 2227 / 851 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Dzigbede K M 133 19/19/22
31020 IET 2227 / 852 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Dzigbede K M 133 12/13/20
31007 IET 2227 / 900 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Freeman R 7/7/11
31009 IET 2227 / 901 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Dzigbede K 5/5/8
31022 IET 2227 / 902 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Dzigbede K 10/10/12
31097 IET 2305 / 050 1A The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week on campus 0 W 16 6:00PM - 7:10PM Atkins R M 131 18/18/17
31155 IET 2305 / 051 1C The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week on campus 0 M 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Wiles G M 131 22/22/20
31070 IET 2305 / 850 A1 The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week on campus 4 W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Atkins R M 131 18/18/17
31152 IET 2305 / 851 C1 The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week on campus 4 M 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Wiles G M 131 22/22/20
31096 IET 2305 / 900 B1 The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week online 4 W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Atkins R 6/6/8
31154 IET 2305 / 901 D1 The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week online 4 M 16 12:00PM - 1:15PM Wiles G 9/9/10
31104 IET 2305 / 950 1B The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week online 0 W 16 6:00PM - 7:10PM Atkins R 6/6/8
31156 IET 2305 / 951 1D The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week online 0 M 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Wiles G 9/9/10
31024 IET 2449 / 850 Logistics&SupplyChainMgnt     Meets once per week on campus 3 R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Scherrer C M 133 20/22/20
31025 IET 2449 / 900 Logistics&SupplyChainMgnt     Meets once per week online 3 R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Scherrer C 10/11/10
31063 IET 3320 / 850 Advanced Logistics     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Scherrer C M 133 17/18/20
31065 IET 3320 / 900 Advanced Logistics     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Scherrer C 3/3/10
31118 IET 3322 / 050 1E Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week on campus 0 W 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Atkins R M 131 18/20/20
31116 IET 3322 / 850 E1 Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week on campus 4 W 16 11:30AM - 12:45PM Atkins R M 131 18/20/20
31117 IET 3322 / 900 F1 Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week online 4 W 16 11:30AM - 12:45PM Atkins R 3/4/5
31119 IET 3322 / 950 1F Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week online 0 W 16 1:00PM - 2:20PM Atkins R 3/4/5
30863 IET 3339 / 850 Statistical Quality Control     Meets once per week on campus 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kyle M M 133 25/25/24
30864 IET 3339 / 900 Statistical Quality Control     Meets once per week online 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kyle M 8/9/10
31039 IET 3356 / 850 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Dollar E M 133 19/19/20
30986 IET 3356 / 851 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Kyle M M 133 21/21/20
31040 IET 3356 / 900 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Dollar E 6/7/10
30987 IET 3356 / 901 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Kyle M 6/6/10
30983 IET 3403 / 850 Adv Statistics w/Application     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kyle M M 133 20/20/20
30984 IET 3403 / 900 Adv Statistics w/Application     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kyle M 10/10/10
31034 IET 3407 / 850 SixSigma&LeanManufacturing     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Atkins R M 131 16/16/17
31036 IET 3407 / 900 SixSigma&LeanManufacturing     Meets once per week online 3 W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Atkins R 9/9/8
31037 IET 3410 / 850 Principles of Team Dynamics     Meets once per week on campus 3 R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Dollar E M 133 25/25/20
31038 IET 3410 / 900 Principles of Team Dynamics     Meets once per week online 3 R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Dollar E 9/9/10
31044 IET 3424 / 850 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Dollar E M 131 17/17/19
31051 IET 3424 / 851 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Wiles G M 131 16/16/20
31047 IET 3424 / 900 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Dollar E 8/9/11
31060 IET 3424 / 901 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Wiles G 11/11/10
31041 IET 3433 / 850 Product & Process Costing     Meets once per week on campus 3 R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Dollar E M 133 20/21/20
31042 IET 3433 / 900 Product & Process Costing     Meets once per week online 3 R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Dollar E 6/8/10
31135 IET 4405 / 850 OperResearch-Conc,Mdls,Methods     Meets once per week on cmapus 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Wiles G M 131 19/20/20
31139 IET 4405 / 851 OperResearch-Conc,Mdls,Methods     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Wiles G M 131 19/19/20
31137 IET 4405 / 900 OperResearch-Conc,Mdls,Methods     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Wiles G 6/6/10
31141 IET 4405 / 901 OperResearch-Conc,Mdls,Methods     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Wiles G 5/6/10
31112 IET 4422 / 050 1G FacDsgn,PlntLayout,MatHandling     Meets once per week on campus 0 M 16 7:00PM - 8:50PM Atkins R M 131 13/14/18
31109 IET 4422 / 850 G1 FacDsgn,PlntLayout,MatHandling     Meets once per week on campus 4 M 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Atkins R M 131 13/14/18
31110 IET 4422 / 900 H1 FacDsgn,PlntLayout,MatHandling     Meets once per week online 4 M 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Atkins R 4/4/7
31114 IET 4422 / 950 1H FacDsgn,PlntLayout,MatHandling     Meets once per week online 0 M 16 7:00PM - 8:50PM Atkins R 4/4/7
31133 IET 4451 / 050 1J Systems Simulation     Meets once per week on campus 0 T 16 2:00PM - 3:20PM Wiles G M 131 20/20/20
31121 IET 4451 / 850 J1 Systems Simulation     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Wiles G M 131 20/20/20
31126 IET 4451 / 900 K1 Systems Simulation     Meets once per week online 3 T 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Wiles G 5/6/10
31134 IET 4451 / 950 1K Systems Simulation     Meets once per week online 0 T 16 2:00PM - 3:20PM Wiles G 5/6/10
31143 IET 4475 / 001 L1 Senior Project     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 16 11:30AM - 12:20PM Ball T M 135 12/14/20
31148 IET 4475 / 050 1L Senior Project     Meets once per week on campus 0 F 16 2:00PM - 3:50PM Ball T M 135 12/14/20
31146 IET 4475 / 900 M1 Senior Project     Meets once per week online 3 M 16 11:30AM - 12:20PM Ball T 4/4/10
31149 IET 4475 / 951 1M Senior Project     Meets once per week online 0 F 16 2:00PM - 3:50PM Ball T 4/4/10
31028 IET 4810 / 001 Ethics and Safety     Meets once per week on campus 1 W 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Thomas W M 133 18/20/18
31031 IET 4810 / 900 Ethics and Safety     Meets once per week online 1 W 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Thomas W 11/11/12
31414 IID 6145 / 900 Human Performance Technology     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Hopper K 4/4/20
31940 IS 2903 / 001 Sp Topics in Inter'l Studies 3 TBA 16 TBA Newell J SA0 1/1/0
30890 IS 4000 / 001 Regional Studies/South Asia 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Ghadge R J 106 5/7/20
30894 IS 4007 / 001 Regional Studies/Africa 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Owusu R J 216 5/5/20
30887 IS 4800 / 001 Intl Studies Capstone     Contact SIS department to register 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Churella A J 216 6/6/0
30240 IT 1113 / 001 Programming Principles     Prerequisite: Math 1113 or concurrent. 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Pydimarri S J 211 27/27/30
30241 IT 1324 / 001 A1 Adv Programming Principles     NOTE: THIS COURSE HAS A LAB COMPONENT. You must register     for CRN 30242 with this lecture. 4 F 16 8:00AM - 12:30PM Tatum D J 266 19/21/30
30242 IT 1324 / 051 1A Adv Programming Principles     Lab component to CRN 30241. You must register for     CRN 30241 (lecture) with this course. 0 F 16 TBA Tatum D J 266 19/21/30
30243 IT 1324 / 900 A2 Adv Programming Principles     NOTE: THIS COURSE HAS A LAB COMPONENT. You must register     for CRN 30244 (lab) with this course. Proctored exams may     be required. Proctored exams may have fees that accompany     them. 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 27/30/30
30244 IT 1324 / 951 2A Adv Programming Principles     Note: YOU MUST REGISTER FOR CRN 30242 (lecture) with this     lab. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 27/30/30
30245 IT 3123 / 001 Hardware/Software Concepts 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Tatum D J 266 28/29/30
30246 IT 3123 / 900 Hardware/Software Concepts     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Thompson R 31/32/30
30247 IT 3203 / 001 Intro to Web Development 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Brown R J 266 29/30/35
31953 IT 3203 / 002 Intro to Web Development 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Brown R J 110 8/8/25
30248 IT 3203 / 900 Intro to Web Development     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE White C 34/38/40
30249 IT 3223 / 001 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Vande Ven S J 131 29/29/30
30250 IT 3223 / 900 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 21/26/30
30251 IT 3423 / 001 OperSysConcepts&Admn 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Vande Ven S J 266 32/33/35
30252 IT 3883 / 001 Adv Application Development 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Tatum D J 266 30/30/35
30253 IT 3883 / 900 Adv Application Development     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vande Ven S 33/34/40
30255 IT 4123 / 850 Electronic Commerce 3 T 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Rutherfoor R J 110 17/19/30
30257 IT 4123 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 20/22/30
30258 IT 4153 / 001 Advanced Database 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Busse D J 266 24/24/30
30259 IT 4323 / 001 Data Comm & Networks 3 M W 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Prettyman S J 266 17/18/30
30260 IT 4323 / 900 Data Comm & Networks     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Prettyman S 42/42/40
30262 IT 4333 / 001 Network Config & Admin 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Smith C J 211 16/16/30
30264 IT 4423 / 001 UNIX/Linux 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Windland R J 260 14/15/30
30265 IT 4513 / 850 Elec Health Record Systems 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zhang C J 266 7/7/30
31799 IT 4513 / 900 Elec Health Record Systems     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 1/1/30
30269 IT 4533 / 001 Health Info Security/Privacy 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Brown R J 260 1/1/12
31905 IT 4533 / 900 Health Info Security/Privacy 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 5/5/30
30271 IT 4673 / 850 Virtual IT Systems 3 T 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Vande Ven S J 266 8/8/30
30275 IT 4683 / 850 MgntofIT&HumanCompInteractn 3 R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Windland R J 266 25/26/35
30277 IT 4683 / 900 MgntofIT&HumanCompInteractn     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Windland R 30/33/35
30278 IT 4713 / 850 Business Intelligence Systms 3 T 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Zheng G J 260 4/4/30
30279 IT 4723 / 900 IT Policy and Law     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 31/31/30
30280 IT 4823 / 001 Info Security Administration 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Brown R J 260 20/21/30
30281 IT 4823 / 900 Info Security Administration     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Tatum D 47/48/45
30282 IT 4833 / 001 Wireless Security 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Li L J 266 15/15/20
30283 IT 4843 / 850 Ethical Hacking/Eff Defense 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Tatum D J 251 28/30/30
30284 IT 4853 / 001 Computer Forensics 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Austin R J 210 20/20/30
31909 IT 4903 / 001 SpTp: Discrete Struct for Comp 3 F 16 9:00AM - 11:45AM Rutherfoor J J 210 18/20/40
F 16 9:00AM - 11:45AM Rutherfoor R J 210
30285 IT 4903 / 850 Sp Tp: Cloud Comp & Security     Prerequisite: IT 4823. 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Yang M J 260 6/7/30
30286 IT 4903 / 900 Sp Tp: Cloud Comp & Security     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. Prerequisite: IT 4823. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Yang M 7/7/30
31910 IT 4903 / 901 SpTp: Discrete Struct for Comp     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Reichgelt J 26/31/25
30288 IT 4983 / 850 IT Capstone     Prerequisite: Senior Standing. 3 F 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Zheng G J 266 15/15/30
30289 IT 4983 / 900 IT Capstone     Students should register for the 850 section. This section     requires only 2-3 in-classroom meetings. The 900 section is     for virtual projects & remote students only. If you have a     particular need to take this section, please contact the     instructor ([email protected]). 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zheng G 0/0/0
30302 IT 5200 / 001 Intro Platforms & OS     Note: This course takes place the 1st half of the semester     only. 1.5 M W 7E 6:00PM - 7:15PM Busse D J 260 21/22/30
30305 IT 5200 / 900 Intro Platforms & OS     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them.     Note: This course takes place the 1st half of the semester     only. 1.5 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Busse D 30/33/30
30306 IT 5201 / 001 Intro to Computer Networks     Note: This course takes place the 2nd half of the semester     only. 1.5 M W 7L 6:00PM - 7:15PM Prettyman S J 260 24/25/30
30308 IT 5201 / 900 Intro to Computer Networks     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     may have fees that accompany them.     Note: This course takes place the 2nd half of the semester     only. 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Prettyman S 24/27/30
30316 IT 5302 / 001 Intro to Web Development     Note: This course takes place the 2nd half of the semester     only. 1.5 M W 7L 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zheng G J 211 18/18/22
30318 IT 5302 / 900 Intro to Web Development     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them.     Note: This course takes place the 2nd half of the semester     only. 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Shepherd C 29/32/30
30310 IT 5303 / 001 Intro to Prgm/SoftwareDev 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Brown L J 211 15/16/30
30312 IT 5303 / 900 Intro to Prgm/SoftwareDev     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Shepherd C 17/23/30
30320 IT 6103 / 900 IT and the Law     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them.     Note: This course takes place the 1st half of the semester     only. 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Rutherfoor R 32/32/30
30322 IT 6203 / 850 IT Design Studio 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Peltsverge S J 260 19/21/30
30323 IT 6203 / 900 IT Design Studio     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them.     Note: This course takes place the 2nd half of the semester     only. 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Peltsverge S 24/33/30
30328 IT 6413 / 850 IT Service Delivery 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Conn S J 211 17/17/22
30331 IT 6413 / 900 IT Service Delivery     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 29/29/30
30332 IT 6423 / 850 ITSysAcquisition&Integ 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Li L J 262 19/19/15
31601 IT 6423 / 900 ITSysAcquisition&Integ     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 22/23/20
30336 IT 6513 / 850 EHR Systems 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Zhang C J 202 11/11/30
30337 IT 6513 / 900 EHR Systems     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 15/15/30
30338 IT 6533 / 001 Health Info Sec & Privacy 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Brown R J 260 3/3/15
31906 IT 6533 / 900 Health Info Sec & Privacy 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 8/8/30
30339 IT 6683 / 900 Management of IT     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Bryant C 21/23/30
30340 IT 6733 / 850 Database Administration 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Peltsverge S J 260 28/29/30
30341 IT 6733 / 900 Database Administration     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Peltsverge S 13/16/30
31926 IT 6753 / 850 Adv Web Concepts & Apps 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zheng G J 202 1/1/0
30342 IT 6753 / 900 Adv Web Concepts & Apps     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zheng G 13/16/30
30343 IT 6823 / 900 Info Security Cocn & Adm     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Yang M 30/31/30
30344 IT 6833 / 001 Wireless Security 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Li L J 266 8/8/10
30345 IT 6843 / 850 Ethical Hacking: Net Security 3 M 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Tatum D J 251 9/10/30
30346 IT 6853 / 001 Computer Forensics 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Austin R J 210 9/9/30
30348 IT 6873 / 900 Information Security Seminar     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Yang M 14/16/30
30349 IT 6903 / 850 Sp Tp: Cloud Comp & Security     Prerequisite: IT 5102. 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Yang M J 260 10/10/30
31868 IT 6903 / 851 Sp Tp Advanced IT R & D     Permission of instructor is required. 3 S 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Halstead-N R J 211 5/5/0
30350 IT 6903 / 900 Sp Tp Cloud Comp & Security     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. Prerequisite: IT 5102. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Yang M 17/21/30
31821 IT 6903 / 901 Sp Tp-Advanced IT R & D     Premission of instructor required. Note: Proctored exams     may be required. Proctored exams may have fees that     accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Halstead-N R 0/0/0
31866 IT 6903 / 902 Comp. Fnd. of Data Analysis     Premission of instructor required to register. Proctored     exams may be required. Proctored exams may have fees     that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Halstead-N R 2/2/0
31867 IT 6903 / 903 HF/HCI in Healthcare Comp     Permission of instructor required to register. Proctored     exams may be required. Proctored exams may have fees     that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Halstead-N R 3/3/0
30351 IT 7803 / 850 Master's Thesis 3 TBA 16 TBA Peltsverge S 1/1/30
30356 IT 7833 / 900 IT Strategy and Policy     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them.     Note: This course takes place the 2nd half of the semester     only. 3 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Halstead-N R 33/34/30
31390 LIBR 5001 / 900 Research Skills     100% online instruction through D2L. 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Coughenour A 4/4/20
31719 MATH 1101 / 01G Intro to Math Modeling     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31720 MATH 1101 / 02G Intro to Math Modeling     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31721 MATH 1101 / 03G Intro to Math Modeling     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31439 MATH 1111 / 001 College Algebra     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 MT RF 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Shumard G D 125 22/22/35
31441 MATH 1111 / 002 College Algebra     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Shumard G D 125 30/32/35
31491 MATH 1111 / 003 College Algebra     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 2:10PM Acharya K D 125 25/31/35
31444 MATH 1111 / 004 College Algebra     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Assaad F D 125 20/21/35
31446 MATH 1111 / 005 College Algebra     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Brice R D 201 29/36/35
31448 MATH 1111 / 006 College Algebra     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Brice R D 201 28/34/35
31722 MATH 1111 / 01G College Algebra     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 10/11/0
31723 MATH 1111 / 02G College Algebra     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/9/0
31724 MATH 1111 / 03G College Algebra     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31725 MATH 1111 / 04G College Algebra     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/0
31726 MATH 1111 / 05G College Algebra     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/0
31727 MATH 1111 / 06G College Algebra     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31728 MATH 1111 / 07G College Algebra     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/4
31729 MATH 1111 / 08G College Algebra     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/0
31526 MATH 1113 / 001 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 4 MT RF 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Adler A D 204 19/21/35
31440 MATH 1113 / 002 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Trebits R D 126 34/35/35
31525 MATH 1113 / 003 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Adler A D 204 20/21/35
31511 MATH 1113 / 004 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Trebits R D 126 33/34/35
31503 MATH 1113 / 005 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Students must purchase textbook that includes     software code for online homework 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Shumard G D 125 28/32/35
31443 MATH 1113 / 006 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Student must purchase textbook that includes the software     and code for online homework 4 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Shumard G D 126 34/34/35
31496 MATH 1113 / 007 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 4 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Adler A D 201 32/35/35
31487 MATH 1113 / 008 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials at bvona@spsu 4 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Vona B D 204 28/32/35
31480 MATH 1113 / 009 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials at bvona@spsu 4 M W F 16 4:00PM - 5:10PM Vona B D 204 21/23/35
31473 MATH 1113 / 010 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Vasiljevic L D 219 25/30/35
31468 MATH 1113 / 011 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Kang S D 235 30/32/35
31469 MATH 1113 / 012 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 4 T R 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Kathiresan K D 220 28/33/35
31456 MATH 1113 / 013 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 4 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Vasiljevic L D 219 22/26/35
31451 MATH 1113 / 014 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Kang S D 235 26/28/35
31730 MATH 1113 / 01G Precalculus     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 17/19/0
31731 MATH 1113 / 02G Precalculus     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 10/15/0
31732 MATH 1113 / 03G Precalculus     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 10/14/0
31733 MATH 1113 / 04G Precalculus     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 14/16/0
31734 MATH 1113 / 05G Precalculus     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/7/8
31735 MATH 1113 / 06G Precalculus     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/4
31736 MATH 1401 / 01G Introduction to Statistics     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/11/0
31737 MATH 1401 / 02G Introduction to Statistics     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/5/0
31738 MATH 1401 / 03G Introduction to Statistics     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/0
31739 MATH 1401 / 04G Introduction to Statistics     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
31740 MATH 1401 / 05G Introduction to Statistics     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/0
31741 MATH 1501 / 01G Calculus I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 12/16/0
31742 MATH 1501 / 02G Calculus I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 13/19/0
31743 MATH 1501 / 03G Calculus I     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 5/7/0
31499 MATH 2240 / 001 Survey of Calculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Acharya K D 125 27/28/35
31459 MATH 2240 / 002 Survey of Calculus     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Kathiresan K D 220 24/29/35
31523 MATH 2253 / 001 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Dillon M D 235 11/17/35
31522 MATH 2253 / 002 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Dillon M D 235 30/35/35
31516 MATH 2253 / 003 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Pascu N D 234 35/36/35
31531 MATH 2253 / 004 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Vandenbuss J D 220 30/36/35
31442 MATH 2253 / 005 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Pascu N D 234 33/35/35
31508 MATH 2253 / 006 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Adler A D 201 29/33/35
31498 MATH 2253 / 007 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Vandenbuss J D 220 27/34/35
31488 MATH 2253 / 008 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Kathiresan K D 220 30/35/35
31481 MATH 2253 / 009 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 4:00PM - 5:10PM Kathiresan K D 220 23/33/35
31471 MATH 2253 / 010 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Morris D D 204 29/30/35
31447 MATH 2253 / 011 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Assaad F D 125 28/31/35
31454 MATH 2253 / 012 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Morris D D 204 28/31/35
31449 MATH 2253 / 013 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Assaad F D 125 11/12/35
31515 MATH 2254 / 001 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Deng S D 201 20/22/35
31530 MATH 2254 / 002 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM McMorran A D 125 29/30/35
31512 MATH 2254 / 003 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Deng S D 201 31/33/35
31504 MATH 2254 / 004 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ritter L D 219 25/34/35
31493 MATH 2254 / 006 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Instructor Before Purchasing Materials. 4 MTWRF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Ritter L D 219 15/17/24
31485 MATH 2254 / 007 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM LeBlanc M D 201 19/23/35
31486 MATH 2254 / 008 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Before purchasing materials, please visit     http://educate.spsu.edu/ykang/2254_newstudents.htm 4 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Kang Y D 205 32/36/35
31478 MATH 2254 / 009 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Before purchasing materials, please visit     http://educate.spsu.edu/ykang/2254_newstudents.htm 4 M W F 16 4:00PM - 5:10PM Kang Y D 205 29/30/35
31470 MATH 2254 / 010 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Acharya K D 235 25/35/35
31462 MATH 2254 / 011 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM LeBlanc M D 126 29/34/35
31452 MATH 2254 / 012 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Acharya K D 235 18/23/35
31455 MATH 2254 / 013 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Fadyn J D 220 33/34/35
31450 MATH 2254 / 014 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM LeBlanc M D 126 24/29/35
31507 MATH 2254 / 05H Honors Calculus II     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy.     Contact Honors Director at (678) 915-3928 to registar. 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Griffiths W D 205 12/12/0
31513 MATH 2255 / 001 Calculus III 4 MT RF 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Pascu N D 234 31/31/35
31509 MATH 2255 / 002 Calculus III 4 MT RF 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Xu T D 204 29/32/35
31497 MATH 2255 / 003 Calculus III 4 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Xu T D 204 34/34/35
31479 MATH 2255 / 004 Calculus III 4 M W F 16 4:00PM - 5:10PM Cao Z D 125 33/35/35
31453 MATH 2255 / 005 Calculus III 4 M W 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Cao Z D 125 34/34/35
31528 MATH 2260 / 001 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Holliday S D 219 30/34/35
31527 MATH 2260 / 002 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Holliday S D 219 32/35/35
31510 MATH 2260 / 003 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Wang L D 220 33/35/35
31502 MATH 2260 / 004 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Wang L D 220 34/34/35
31445 MATH 2260 / 005 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Assaad F D 204 30/32/35
31476 MATH 2260 / 006 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM LeBlanc M D 219 33/34/35
31465 MATH 2260 / 007 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Chu J D 219 34/36/35
31460 MATH 2260 / 008 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Chu J D 219 30/33/35
31942 MATH 2260 / 009 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Morris D D 125 11/11/35
32003 MATH 2260 / SA Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 TBA 16 TBA McMorran A SA0 1/1/1
31518 MATH 2306 / 001 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W F 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Fowler J D 205 18/21/35
31517 MATH 2306 / 002 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Fowler J D 205 23/33/35
31505 MATH 2306 / 003 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Fowler J D 126 29/31/35
31501 MATH 2306 / 004 Ordinary Differential Equation     Before purchaisng materials, please visit     http://educate.spsu.edu/ykang/2306_newstudents.htm 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Kang Y D 205 27/35/35
31482 MATH 2306 / 005 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Adhikari D D 234 32/35/35
31475 MATH 2306 / 006 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Adhikari D D 234 33/35/35
31466 MATH 2306 / 007 Ordinary Differential Equation     Before purchasing materials, please visit     http://educate.spsu.edu/ykang/2306_newstudents.htm 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kang Y D 205 25/32/35
31463 MATH 2306 / 008 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Vona B D 204 31/34/35
31457 MATH 2306 / 009 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Vona B D 204 15/20/35
31474 MATH 2335 / 001 Numerical Methods I 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Ritter L D 219 32/36/35
31532 MATH 2345 / 001 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Vandenbuss J D 220 24/29/35
31521 MATH 2345 / 002 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Edwards S D 235 20/23/35
31494 MATH 2345 / 003 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Edwards S D 235 31/33/35
31484 MATH 2345 / 004 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Wang L D 219 23/28/35
31477 MATH 2345 / 005 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Wang L D 201 30/30/31
31464 MATH 2345 / 006 Discrete Mathematics 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Holliday S D 234 32/36/35
31458 MATH 2345 / 007 Discrete Mathematics 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Holliday S D 234 22/23/35
31461 MATH 3261 / 001 Statistical Methods 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Adhikari D D 205 15/15/29
31500 MATH 3268 / 001 Probability Theory 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Fowler J D 126 10/13/20
31506 MATH 3310 / 001 Intro to Advanced Mathematics 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Edwards S D 235 7/7/20
31524 MATH 3312 / 001 Linear Algebra 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Griffiths W D 205 26/27/35
31495 MATH 3312 / 002 Linear Algebra 4 MT RF 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Griffiths W D 234 29/33/35
31489 MATH 3312 / 003 Linear Algebra 4 M W F 16 2:30PM - 3:40PM Fadyn J D 126 36/36/35
31472 MATH 3312 / 004 Linear Algebra 4 M W 16 5:30PM - 7:10PM Fadyn J D 220 35/36/35
31529 MATH 3321 / 001 Intro Real Analysis II 4 MT RF 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Xu T D 204 17/17/20
31467 MATH 3496 / 001 Number Theory 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Cao Z D 125 5/5/20
31490 MATH 4406 / 001 Differential Equations II 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Adhikari D D 205 9/11/20
31514 MATH 4407 / 001 Vector Analysis 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Deng S D 201 10/10/20
31492 MATH 4440 / 001 Abstract Algebra 4 M W F 16 1:00PM - 2:10PM Kang Y D 205 13/13/20
31483 MATH 4451 / 001 Capstone Mathematics 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Edwards S D 235 12/13/0
31314 ME 1001 / 001 Intro to Mechanical Engr 2 M 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Ruhala L G 106 28/30/30
31315 ME 1001 / 002 Intro to Mechanical Engr 2 W 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Ruhala L G 106 25/26/30
31296 ME 3101 / 001 Materials Science & Engr 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Veazie D Q 108 27/30/30
31297 ME 3101 / 002 Materials Science & Engr 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Atiqullah M Q 106 21/22/30
31308 ME 3101 / 003 Materials Science & Engr 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Lowder M Q 105 30/31/30
31316 ME 3201 / 001 Product Realization 2 M 16 2:00PM - 3:40PM Ruhala L Q 216 25/25/24
31321 ME 3201 / 002 Product Realization 2 M 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Salman M Q 310 27/27/24
31300 ME 3410 / 001 Thermodynamics 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Ilksoy E G 106 25/29/30
31326 ME 3410 / 002 Thermodynamics 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Sooklal V Q 308 26/26/30
31301 ME 3440 / 001 Heat Transfer 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Ilksoy E Q 106 23/23/30
31302 ME 3440 / 002 Heat Transfer 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Ilksoy E Q 216 23/23/30
31323 ME 3501 / 001 DynamicSys&ControlTheory 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Salman M Q 308 29/29/30
31324 ME 3501 / 002 DynamicSys&ControlTheory 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Salman M J 161 28/29/30
31325 ME 3903 / 001 SpTP- Manufacturing 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Salman M Q 106 9/9/30
31298 ME 4141 / 001 Machine Design I 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Atiqullah M Q 106 8/9/30
31332 ME 4141 / 002 Machine Design I 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Veazie D Q 314 30/30/30
31345 ME 4201 / 001 Senior Design Lab I 1 M 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Atiqullah M Q 308 12/12/20
31334 ME 4201 / 002 Senior Design Lab I 1 W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Sooklal V Q 308 19/19/20
31335 ME 4201 / 003 Senior Design Lab I 1 W 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Atiqullah M Q 308 6/6/20
31789 ME 4201 / 900 Senior Design Lab I     ONLINE SECTION BY PERMISSION ONLY, PLEASE EMAIL     [email protected] 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Atiqullah M 0/0/0
31309 ME 4202 / 001 A1 Senior Design II 3 W 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Mayeed M Q 206 21/21/20
31327 ME 4202 / 003 A2 Senior Design II 3 M 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Sooklal V Q 206 19/19/20
31310 ME 4202 / 053 1A Senior Design II LAB 0 F 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Mayeed M Q 216 22/22/20
31329 ME 4202 / 056 2A Senior Design II 0 F 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Sooklal V Q 314 18/18/20
32001 ME 4202 / 057 3A Senior Design II - LAB 0 F 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Mayeed M Q 216 1/1/1
32000 ME 4202 / H01 A3 Senior Design II - Honors 3 W 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Mayeed M Q 206 1/1/1
31311 ME 4250 / 001 Computer Aided Engr 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Mayeed M Q 219 19/19/20
31312 ME 4250 / 002 Computer Aided Engr 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Mayeed M Q 219 20/20/20
31330 ME 4250 / 003 Computer Aided Engr 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Sooklal V Q 219 19/19/20
31303 ME 4403 / 050 HeatTransfer&ThermoLab 1 W 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Ilksoy E Q 241 6/6/16
31304 ME 4403 / 051 HeatTransfer&ThermoLab 1 W 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Ilksoy E Q 241 16/16/16
31305 ME 4403 / 052 HeatTransfer&ThermoLab 1 T 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Ilksoy E Q 241 14/14/16
31318 ME 4501 / 002 Vibrations&CntrlsLab 1 T 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Ruhala R Q 217 16/16/16
31317 ME 4501 / 054 Vibrations&CntrlsLab 1 R 16 3:00PM - 5:50PM Ruhala R Q 217 16/16/16
31850 ME 4501 / 071 Vibrations&CntrlsLab 1 M 16 12:00PM - 2:50PM Salman M Q 217 6/6/16
31897 ME 4801 / 001 Undergrad Reseach ME- 1 TBA 16 TBA Salman M 2/2/0
31935 ME 4801 / 002 Undergrad Reseach ME- 1 TBA 16 TBA Ruhala R 1/1/0
31951 ME 4801 / 003 Undergrad Reseach ME- 1 TBA 16 TBA Mayeed M 3/4/4
31980 ME 4801 / 004 Undergrad Reseach ME- 1 TBA 16 TBA Tippens S 1/1/0
31818 ME 4802 / 001 Undergrad Research ME- 2 TBA 16 TBA Ma K 2/2/2
31915 ME 4802 / 002 Undergrad Research ME- 2 TBA 16 TBA Khalid A 1/1/0
31319 ME 4903 / 001 SpTp- Engineering Acoustics     Pre-requisite is ENGR 3125 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Ruhala R Q 105 14/14/30
30820 MET 1000 / 001 Mechanical Engr Tech Orientn 1 T 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM Sweigart J Q 221 15/16/35
30821 MET 1311 / 001 Manufacturing Processes 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Nasseri S Q 221 33/34/35
30822 MET 1311 / 900 Manufacturing Processes 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Nasseri S 28/28/30
30910 MET 1321 / 001 A1 Machining and Welding 2 M 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Emert R Q 109 11/12/12
30915 MET 1321 / 002 B1 Machining and Welding 2 T 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Whittle D Q 108 11/11/12
30960 MET 1321 / 003 C1 Machining and Welding 2 W 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Jordan E Q 221 12/12/12
30963 MET 1321 / 004 D1 Machining and Welding 2 R 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Jordan E Q 108 9/9/12
30967 MET 1321 / 005 E1 Machining and Welding 2 M 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Esfahani S Q 107 6/6/12
31679 MET 1321 / 006 W1 Machining and Welding 2 M 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Esfahani S Q 107 10/10/12
30913 MET 1321 / 051 1A Machining and Welding 0 W 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Emert R Q 120 11/12/12
M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Emert R Q 120
30918 MET 1321 / 052 1B Machining and Welding 0 T 16 7:00PM - 9:50PM Whittle D Q 120 11/11/12
30962 MET 1321 / 053 1C Machining and Welding 0 W 16 7:00PM - 9:50PM Jordan E Q 120 12/12/12
30965 MET 1321 / 054 1D Machining and Welding 0 R 16 7:00PM - 9:50PM Jordan E Q 120 9/9/12
30970 MET 1321 / 055 1E Machining and Welding 0 W 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Esfahani S Q 120 6/6/12
M 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Esfahani S Q 120
31680 MET 1321 / 056 1W Machining and Welding 0 W 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Esfahani S Q 120 10/10/12
M 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Esfahani S Q 120
31046 MET 2322 / 001 F1 Metrology & CNC Machining 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Emert R Q 109 37/37/0
31048 MET 2322 / 051 1F Metrology & CNC Machining 0 T 16 9:00AM - 11:50AM Emert R Q 115 13/13/0
31053 MET 2322 / 052 1F Metrology & CNC Machining 0 T 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Emert R Q 115 12/12/0
31056 MET 2322 / 053 1F Metrology & CNC Machining 0 R 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Emert R Q 115 12/12/0
31059 MET 3101 / 001 G1 Fluid Mech Princ & Applic     Course Meets ET Curriculum; Not for ENGR Majors. 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Russell N Q 221 21/21/24
31062 MET 3101 / 051 1G Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Russell N Q 240 12/12/12
31064 MET 3101 / 052 1G Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Russell N Q 240 9/9/12
30972 MET 3132 / 001 H1 Engineering Materials 4 M W 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Dhanasekar P Q 109 19/19/24
30974 MET 3132 / 051 1H Engineering Materials 0 M 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Russell N Q 109 11/11/12
M 16 2:00PM - 3:50PM Russell N Q 136
30975 MET 3132 / 052 1H Engineering Materials 0 W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Russell N Q 109 8/8/12
W 16 2:00PM - 3:50PM Russell N Q 136
30823 MET 3331 / 001 Tool Design 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Horton D Q 109 13/15/35
30904 MET 3332 / 001 R1 Rapid Design & Manufacture 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Emert R Q 222 19/19/0
30907 MET 3332 / 051 1R Rapid Design & Manufacture 0 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:20PM Emert R Q 115 19/19/0
30824 MET 3400 / 001 Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Khazaei A Q 109 8/11/24
30825 MET 3401 / 001 Thermodynamics I 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Russell N Q 221 18/22/35
30826 MET 3401 / 900 Thermodynamics I 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Khazaei A 10/17/18
31865 MET 3901 / 001 SpTp-Engr Mat'ls Lab 1 W 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Russell N Q 136 2/2/0
31977 MET 3903 / 001 SpTp-Thermodynamics II 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Russell N 1/1/0
30837 MET 3903 / 081 SpTp-Engineering Dynamics     Course Meets ET Curriculum; Not for ENGR Majors.     Hybrid: Fri Sessions Meet Online. 3 M W 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Khazaei A Q 221 8/9/35
30827 MET 4124 / 001 Vibrations & Adv Dynamics 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Nasseri S Q 221 4/4/35
30831 MET 4141 / 001 Machine Design I 4 T R 16 2:00PM - 3:50PM Dhanasekar P Q 108 9/9/20
30833 MET 4141 / 002 Machine Design I 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:50PM Dhanasekar P Q 107 8/8/20
30979 MET 4421 / 001 J1 Instruments & Controls 4 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Yon G Q 107 23/24/24
30980 MET 4421 / 051 1J Instruments & Controls 0 M 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Horton D Q 110 12/12/12
30981 MET 4421 / 052 1J Instruments & Controls 0 W 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Horton D Q 110 11/12/12
30834 MET 4431 / 001 Plant & Power Applications 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Khazaei A Q 108 13/14/35
30835 MET 4501 / 001 Engr Computation using MatLab 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Nasseri S Q 222 21/21/20
31669 MET 4903 / 001 SpTp-Engr Graphics for Mfg     Pre-req's: MET 1321, MET 2322 & EDG 1212. 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Como J Q 218 12/13/0
T R 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Como J
31989 MET 4903 / 002 SpTp-Industrial Equip Design 3 TBA 16 TBA Emert R 1/1/1
31990 MET 4903 / 003 SpTp-Composite Winding Mfg 3 TBA 16 TBA Emert R 2/2/2
30539 MGNT 1000 / 001 Orientation     To be added to the wait list, please email: 1 R 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Richardson R Q 104 48/50/50
30624 MGNT 2201 / 850 Business Computer Applications     Pre-req: MGNT 1000 3 M 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Skinner C J 266 24/24/25
30627 MGNT 2201 / 851 Business Computer Applications     Pre-req: MGNT 1000 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Skinner C J 266 22/23/25
30637 MGNT 3105 / 001 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Hiatt M M 100 47/49/50
30639 MGNT 3105 / 002 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior 3 M W 16 8:30AM - 9:45AM Hiatt M M 100 43/43/50
30558 MGNT 3105 / 003 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Warner F J 161 26/26/35
30537 MGNT 3105 / 900 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Quinet G 39/39/0
30522 MGNT 3125 / 900 Business Finance     Pre-req: ACCT 2101     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Khayati A 28/35/0
30644 MGNT 3135 / 001 Principles of Marketing 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Henriott L J 132 32/33/35
30548 MGNT 3135 / 900 Principles of Marketing     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Sinha M 34/34/0
30618 MGNT 3145 / 001 Legal Environment 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Toson S J 108 28/32/35
30619 MGNT 3145 / 002 Legal Environment 3 M W 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Toson S J 108 34/35/35
30621 MGNT 3145 / 900 Legal Environment     To register for this section, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Toson S 24/26/30
30691 MGNT 3205 / 850 Management Information System     Pre-req: MGNT 2201     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 R 16 8:00AM - 9:15AM Garrett R J 151 30/31/0
30550 MGNT 3205 / 900 Management Information System     Pre-req: MGNT 2201     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Skinner C 46/47/0
30678 MGNT 3228 / 001 Market Research     Pre-req: MGNT 3135 & IET 2227 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Sinha M J 108 7/8/15
30530 MGNT 3500 / 900 Database Applications     Pre-req: MGNT 2201 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE North M 26/26/35
30694 MGNT 3913 / 001 SpTp-Mergers and Acquisitions     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Smith M J 101 5/6/13
30697 MGNT 3913 / 002 SpTp-Business Negotiations     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hiatt M J 108 19/19/20
31842 MGNT 3933 / 001 SpTp-Entrepreneurship Finance     For Entrepreneurship minors only     It CANNOT be substituted for MGNT 3125 - Business Finance     Pre-req: ACCT 2101 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Hiatt M J 108 4/4/35
30656 MGNT 3973 / 001 SpTp-Financial Insts Mgnt     Pre-req: MGNT 3125 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Khayati A J 151 4/4/13
30613 MGNT 4115 / 001 Human Resources Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 or IET 2305     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Thomas W J 110 34/34/0
30629 MGNT 4115 / 900 Human Resources Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 or IET 2305     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vasa-Sider S 29/31/0
30533 MGNT 4125 / 001 Technology & Public Issues     Pre-req: MGNT 3105     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Obeidat M M 100 29/30/0
30633 MGNT 4135 / 001 Project Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 and IET 2227     or IET 2305 and IET 2227 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Warner F J 161 34/35/35
30534 MGNT 4135 / 900 Project Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 and IET 2227     or IET 2305 and IET 2227     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Obeidat M 34/36/0
30538 MGNT 4145 / 001 International Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3125 and MGNT 3135 and Junior standing 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Quinet G M 100 33/33/35
30540 MGNT 4151 / 001 Operations Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 and IET 2227     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Richardson R H 200 46/46/0
30535 MGNT 4185 / 850 Technology Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 3 R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Obeidat M M 100 27/27/35
30654 MGNT 4190 / 001 Entrepreneurship     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hiatt M J 151 24/24/25
30692 MGNT 4595 / 900 Business Strategy     Registration restricted to graduating seniors     To register: email [email protected]     Capstone course 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Quinet G 26/26/0
31848 MGNT 4903 / 001 SpTp-IndRsh-BusSys&Analysis 3 TBA 16 TBA North M 3/3/0
31902 MGNT 4903 / 870 SpTp-IndRsh-Issues in Finance 3 TBA 16 TBA Khayati A 1/1/0
30307 MGNT 5006 / 900 Surv of Corporate Finance 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Khayati A 15/17/25
30313 MGNT 5008 / 900 Surv of Marketing 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Hiatt M 18/23/25
30315 MGNT 5012 / 900 Survey of Economics 1.5 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Kelani Z 20/20/25
31900 MGNT 5100 / 900 MBA Orientation 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Richardson R 4/4/15
30523 MGNT 6002 / 001 Corporate Finance     Pre-req: MGNT 5006 or undergraduate finance courses 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Khayati A M 100 16/17/25
30541 MGNT 6004 / 001 Service & Operations Mgnt     Pre-req: MGNT 5000 and a course in statistics 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Richardson R Q 104 8/9/25
30526 MGNT 6005 / 001 Managerial Economics     Pre-req: MGNT 5012 and a statistics course 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Melnik M M 100 11/11/25
30549 MGNT 6008 / 900 Marketing Management     Pre-req: MGNT 5008 or undergraduate marketing courses     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Sinha M 25/26/0
30531 MGNT 6010 / 850 Mgnt of Information Technology     Meets every OTHER Saturday beginning Jan. 11, 2014. 3 S 16 9:00AM - 11:30AM North M J 108 8/8/25
30536 MGNT 6015 / 900 Technology & Innovation Mgmnt     Pre-req: MGNT 5000 or undergraduate managerial courses 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Obeidat M 19/20/25
30631 MGNT 6025 / 001 ManagingTechnicalProfessionals     Pre-req: MGNT 5000 or undergraduate managerial courses 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Vasa-Sider S H 323 13/13/25
30676 MGNT 6028 / 001 Marketing Research     Pre-req: MGNT 5008 and a statistics course 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Sinha M J 108 4/4/15
31908 MGNT 6032 / 870 Info Sys Analysis & Design 3 TBA 16 TBA North M 1/1/0
30532 MGNT 6032 / 900 Info Sys Analysis & Design     Pre-req: MGNT 6010 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE North M 10/12/25
30653 MGNT 6060 / 001 Entrepreneurship     Pre-req: MGNT 6005 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hiatt M J 151 1/1/15
30693 MGNT 6090 / 001 Strategic Management     Capstone course     Must be taken in last semester     Graduation petition must have been submitted     To REGISTER, please email [email protected] 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Quinet G Q 311 7/7/0
31945 MGNT 6903 / 870 SpTp-IndRsh Issues in Finance 3 TBA 16 TBA Khayati A 2/2/0
30695 MGNT 6913 / 001 SpTp-Mergers and Acquisitions     Pre-req: MGNT 5000 3 M 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Smith M J 101 3/4/12
30696 MGNT 6913 / 002 SpTp-Business Negotiations     Pre-req: MGNT 5000 or equivalent 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hiatt M J 108 5/6/10
31967 MGNT 6913 / 870 SpTp-Issues in Human Resources 3 TBA 16 TBA Vasa-Sider S 1/1/0
31964 MGNT 6953 / 870 SpTp-Advanced Web Technology 3 TBA 16 TBA North M 1/1/0
30658 MGNT 6973 / 001 SpTp-Financial Insts. Mgnt     Pre-req: MGNT 6002 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Khayati A J 151 1/1/12
31861 MGNT 7503 / 850 Research & Dev Management 3 TBA 16 TBA Obeidat M 1/1/0
31862 MGNT 7503 / 860 Research Tech Management 3 TBA 16 TBA Obeidat M 1/1/0
31863 MGNT 7503 / 870 -IT Project Management 3 TBA 16 TBA Obeidat M 1/1/0
30787 MTRE 1000 / 001 Intro to Mechatronics Engr 2 T R 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM McFall K Q 104 24/24/60
30788 MTRE 3710 / 001 M1 Mechatronics Engr Fundamentals 4 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Marshall M Q 105 35/35/25
30789 MTRE 3710 / 051 1M Mechatronics Engr Fund. Lab 0 T 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Marshall M Q 118 18/18/16
30790 MTRE 3710 / 052 1M Mechatronics Engr Fund. Lab 0 R 16 7:30PM - 10:20PM Marshall M Q 118 17/17/16
30791 MTRE 4000 / 001 Advanced Controls 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Ham C Q 315 21/21/32
30792 MTRE 4200 / 001 Robotics Analy & Synthesis 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Wang Y Q 315 24/24/38
30793 MTRE 4400 / 001 N1 Mechatronics Systems Design 4 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ham C Q 315 22/22/24
31877 MTRE 4400 / 01H P1 Honors Mechatronics Sys Design     Honors students only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 4 M W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Ham C Q 315 1/1/0
30794 MTRE 4400 / 051 1N Mechatronics System Design Lab 0 TBA 16 TBA Ham C 22/22/24
31878 MTRE 4400 / 51H 1P Honors Mechatronic Sys Des Lab     Honors students only.     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register. 0 TBA 16 TBA Ham C 1/1/0
31744 PHIL 2010 / 01G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31745 PHIL 2010 / 02G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/0
31746 PHIL 2010 / 03G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31747 PHIL 2010 / 04G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31748 PHIL 2010 / 05G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/5
31749 PHIL 2010 / 06G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31976 PHIL 2010 / 07G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31995 PHIL 2010 / 08G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/7/0
30797 PHYS 1111 / 001 Introductory Physics I 3 M 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Siddiqui T D 156 20/21/24
M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Patterson P H 203
30798 PHYS 1111 / 002 Introductory Physics I 3 W 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Siddiqui T D 156 21/22/24
M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Patterson P H 203
30799 PHYS 1111 / 003 Introductory Physics I 3 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM H 250 16/19/24
M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Sutherland E H 203
30800 PHYS 1111 / 004 Introductory Physics I 3 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM H 250 10/10/24
M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Sutherland E H 203
30801 PHYS 1111 / 005 N1 Introductory Physics I 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 200 22/22/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kulasiri R H 200
30802 PHYS 1111 / 006 N2 Introductory Physics I 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 200 12/12/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Kulasiri R H 200
31016 PHYS 1111 / 900 Introductory Physics I 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Ranasinghe K 19/19/24
30803 PHYS 1111L / 051 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 M 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Siddiqui T H 255 18/19/24
30805 PHYS 1111L / 052 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 W 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Siddiqui T H 255 23/24/24
30806 PHYS 1111L / 053 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 M 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Thackston M H 255 6/6/24
30807 PHYS 1111L / 054 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 F 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Patrick R H 255 10/11/24
30809 PHYS 1111L / 055 1N Introductory Physics I Lab 1 T 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Kulasiri R H 255 19/19/24
30810 PHYS 1111L / 056 2N Introductory Physics I Lab 1 R 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Kulasiri R H 255 10/10/24
30811 PHYS 1111L / 057 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 R 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Ranasinghe K H 255 21/21/24
30812 PHYS 1112 / 001 Introductory Physics II 3 T 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM G 203 19/22/24
T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Sutherland E G 203
30813 PHYS 1112 / 002 N3 Introductory Physics II 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 250 24/25/23
M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Dayananda M H 250
30814 PHYS 1112L / 051 Introductory Physics II Lab 1 T 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Garofalo D H 270 20/23/24
30815 PHYS 1112L / 052 3N Introductory Physics II Lab 1 W 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Dayananda M H 270 21/22/24
31750 PHYS 1211K / 01G Principles of Physics I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 15/17/0
30816 PHYS 2211 / 001 Principles of Physics I 3 M 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM D 156 21/23/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Patrick R H 203
30817 PHYS 2211 / 002 Principles of Physics I 3 W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM D 156 20/23/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Patrick R H 203
30818 PHYS 2211 / 003 Principles of Physics I 3 M 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM J 161 23/24/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Rainisch R J 161
30819 PHYS 2211 / 004 Principles of Physics I 3 W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM J 161 23/23/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Rainisch R J 161
30828 PHYS 2211 / 005 Principles of Physics I 3 T 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM H 200 23/23/24
T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Garofalo D H 200
30829 PHYS 2211 / 006 Principles of Physics I 3 R 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM H 200 20/21/24
T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Garofalo D H 200
30830 PHYS 2211 / 007 Principles of Physics I 3 T 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM D 156 19/24/24
T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Thackston M H 203
30832 PHYS 2211 / 008 Principles of Physics I 3 R 16 2:30PM - 3:20PM D 156 20/24/24
T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Thackston M H 203
30836 PHYS 2211 / 009 N4 Principles of Physics I 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 22/25/23
M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Smith E H 203
30844 PHYS 2211 / 010 N5 Principles of Physics I 3 W 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 18/22/24
M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Smith E H 203
31889 PHYS 2211 / 011 Principles of Physics I 3 W 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM D 156 22/23/24
M W F 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Patrick R H 203
31019 PHYS 2211 / 900 Principles of Physics I 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Kulasiri R 19/22/22
30847 PHYS 2211L / 050 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 M 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Thackston M H 255 22/23/24
30850 PHYS 2211L / 051 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 W 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Thackston M H 255 20/23/24
30851 PHYS 2211L / 052 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 F 16 1:00PM - 2:50PM Patrick R H 255 21/23/24
30852 PHYS 2211L / 053 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 M 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Siddiqui T H 255 17/20/24
30853 PHYS 2211L / 054 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 W 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Siddiqui T H 255 23/23/24
30872 PHYS 2211L / 055 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 T 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Sutherland W H 255 21/21/24
30873 PHYS 2211L / 056 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 W 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Garofalo D H 255 16/19/24
30874 PHYS 2211L / 057 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 R 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Sutherland W H 255 16/16/24
30875 PHYS 2211L / 058 4N Principles of Physics I Lab 1 M 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Smith E H 255 18/19/24
30876 PHYS 2211L / 059 5N Principles of Physics I Lab 1 W 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Smith E H 255 17/19/24
30877 PHYS 2211L / 060 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 T 16 3:00PM - 4:50PM Garofalo D H 255 20/24/24
31890 PHYS 2211L / 061 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 F 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Patterson P H 255 22/23/24
30878 PHYS 2212 / 001 Principles of Physics II 3 M 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM D 156 22/24/24
M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Smith E H 203
30882 PHYS 2212 / 002 Principles of Physics II 3 W 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM D 156 24/24/24
M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Smith E H 203
30885 PHYS 2212 / 003 Principles of Physics II 3 M 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM D 156 19/22/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Thackston M H 203
30888 PHYS 2212 / 004 Principles of Physics II 3 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM D 156 21/23/24
M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Thackston M H 203
30892 PHYS 2212 / 005 N6 Principles of Physics II 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 24/24/23
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Garofalo D H 203
30897 PHYS 2212 / 006 N7 Principles of Physics II 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 24/24/24
T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Garofalo D H 203
30900 PHYS 2212 / 007 Principles of Physics II 3 M 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM D 156 23/23/23
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Dayananda M H 200
30916 PHYS 2212 / 008 Principles of Physics II 3 F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM D 156 23/24/24
M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Dayananda M H 200
31891 PHYS 2212 / 009 Principles of Physics II 3 W 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM D 156 23/24/24
M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Dayananda M H 200
31696 PHYS 2212K / 01H Principles of Physics II (H) 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 3:30PM Ranasinghe K H 270 7/8/0
31811 PHYS 2212L / 001 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 R 16 8:00AM - 9:50AM Dayananda M H 270 19/22/24
30936 PHYS 2212L / 051 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 M 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Smith E H 270 23/24/24
30937 PHYS 2212L / 052 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 W 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Smith E H 270 23/24/24
30940 PHYS 2212L / 053 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 F 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Smith E H 270 17/17/24
30945 PHYS 2212L / 054 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 M 16 1:30PM - 3:20PM Garofalo D H 270 23/23/24
30946 PHYS 2212L / 055 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 W 16 1:30PM - 3:20PM Garofalo D H 270 24/24/24
30951 PHYS 2212L / 056 7N Principles of Physics II Lab 1 R 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Garofalo D H 270 22/22/24
30952 PHYS 2212L / 057 6N Principles of Physics II Lab 1 T 16 8:30PM - 10:20PM Garofalo D H 270 21/22/24
31892 PHYS 2212L / 059 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 R 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Dayananda M H 270 22/22/24
30973 PHYS 3220 / 001 Electromagnetism I 3 T R 16 8:30AM - 9:50AM Ranasinghe K H 250 17/17/15
30968 PHYS 3260 / 001 Math/Physics 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:20AM Kulasiri R H 250 9/9/15
30957 PHYS 3410 / 001 E1 Electronics Laboratory 2 T 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Kulasiri R H 250 15/15/15
30959 PHYS 3410 / 051 1E Electronics Laboratory 0 R 16 3:00PM - 5:00PM Kulasiri R H 250 15/15/15
30964 PHYS 4210 / 001 Quantum Physics 4 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:40PM Patrick R H 250 17/17/15
31885 PHYS 4901 / 001 SpTp-Independant Research 1 TBA 16 TBA Ranasinghe K 1/1/1
30953 POLS 1101 / 001 American Government     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Snook C J 101 35/35/37
31751 POLS 1101 / 01G American Government     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/0
31752 POLS 1101 / 02G American Government     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/5/0
31753 POLS 1101 / 03G American Government     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31754 POLS 1101 / 04G American Government     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31755 POLS 1101 / 05G American Government     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31756 POLS 1101 / 06G American Government     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/2/0
31757 POLS 1101 / 07G American Government     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
31758 POLS 1101 / 08G American Government     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
30954 POLS 1101 / 900 American Government     Fully online course     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Snook C 21/22/22
30955 POLS 1101 / 901 American Government     Fully online course     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Snook C 10/14/22
30958 POLS 2100 / 001 Intro to Research Methods 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Nisley T J 216 11/11/20
30961 POLS 2401 / 001 Global Issues     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Gridley B J 156 40/40/40
30966 POLS 2401 / 002 Global Issues     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Gridley B J 156 39/40/40
30969 POLS 2401 / 003 Global Issues     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Gridley B J 156 38/40/40
30971 POLS 2401 / 004 Global Issues     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Nisley T J 156 39/40/40
30976 POLS 2401 / 900 Global Issues     Fully online course     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rotnem T 25/27/27
30977 POLS 2401 / 901 Global Issues     Fully online course     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rotnem T 24/25/27
30978 POLS 2401 / 902 Global Issues     Fully online course     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rotnem T 25/27/27
31001 POLS 3701 / 001 American Institutions     Prereq: POLS 1101 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Snook C J 106 7/8/20
31002 POLS 4009 / 001 Comp Public Policy Analysis     Formerly SIS 4100 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Snook C J 106 8/9/20
31003 POLS 4201 / 001 Int'l Rel of the Americas 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Nisley T J 130 9/9/20
31004 POLS 4301 / 001 Int'l Political Economy     Formerly POLS 3101     Prereq: POLS 2401 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Rotnem T J 130 7/7/20
31010 PSYC 1101 / 001 Intro to General Psychology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Jung K J 156 34/35/37
31012 PSYC 1101 / 002 Intro to General Psychology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 M W F 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Jung K J 156 23/25/37
31013 PSYC 1101 / 003 Intro to General Psychology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Grant-Will S J 156 35/35/37
31015 PSYC 1101 / 004 Intro to General Psychology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Grant-Will S J 109 34/37/37
31759 PSYC 1101 / 01G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/5/0
31760 PSYC 1101 / 02G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31761 PSYC 1101 / 03G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31762 PSYC 1101 / 04G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/0
31763 PSYC 1101 / 05G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/8/0
31764 PSYC 1101 / 06G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
31765 PSYC 1101 / 07G Intro to General Psychology     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/4
31018 PSYC 1101 / 900 Intro to General Psychology     Fully online course     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Cochrane L 17/19/24
31023 PSYC 2011 / 001 Cognitive Psychology     Prereq: PSYC 1101 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Jung K J 130 18/19/20
31026 PSYC 2100 / 001 Quant research methods 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Jung K J 216 11/14/20
31027 PSYC 2271 / 001 Clinical & Counseling Psyc 3 M W F 16 9:00AM - 9:50AM Sharma L J 130 13/18/20
31029 PSYC 2401 / 001 Psychology of Diversity     Prereq: PSYC 1101 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Grant-Will S J 106 20/21/20
31030 PSYC 3040 / 001 Motivation & Emotion 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Sharma L J 106 5/8/20
31032 PSYC 3101 / 001 Int'l Social Psychology 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Cochrane L J 130 17/18/20
31033 PSYC 3101 / 900 Int'l Social Psychology 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Cochrane L 12/13/20
31035 PSYC 3305 / 001 Developmental Psychology     Prereq: PSYC 1101 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Grant-Will S J 156 3/3/20
31045 PSYC 3903 / 001 Psychology Practicum I 3 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Sharma L J 106 2/2/0
31049 PSYC 3903 / 002 Psychology Practicum II 3 M W F 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Sharma L J 106 0/0/0
31824 PSYC 3903 / 003 AdvTp - Engineering Psychology 3 TBA 16 TBA Jung K 1/1/0
31052 PSYC 4050 / 001 Hist & Systems of Psychology     Prereq: PSYC 1101 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Grant-Will S J 106 6/6/20
31055 PSYC 4800 / 001 Psychology Capstone Seminar     Contact course instructor 3 W F 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Cochrane L J 216 6/6/0
31823 PSYC 4800 / 02H Honor-Psych Capstone Seminar     Honors Students only     Contact Dr. Omidvar at 678-915-3928 to register 3 W F 16 11:00AM - 12:15PM Cochrane L J 216 2/2/0
31415 PSYC 6010 / 900 Ed Psych Adult Learner     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Burner K 4/4/20
30988 QA 5000 / 900 Statistical Concepts for QA     Meets Mar 10th through Apr 28th 1.5 M 7L 7:30PM - 8:45PM Hernandez E 11/14/30
30989 QA 6600 / 900 Methods of Analysis 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Bailey B 8/11/30
30990 QA 6610 / 900 Stat for Quality Assurance 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Freeman R 22/25/30
30991 QA 6611 / 900 Statistical Process Control 3 W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Gammoh D 19/21/30
30992 QA 6612 / 900 Design of Experiments 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Gammoh D 15/16/30
30993 QA 6613 / 900 Linear Regression Analysis 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jackson K 18/19/20
30994 QA 6650 / 900 Quality Systems Design 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Jackson K 14/16/30
30995 QA 6725 / 900 Quality Assessment 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Bailey B 12/13/30
30997 QA 7403 / 900 Graduate Seminar 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Furterer S 16/16/30
31058 RELG 1200 / 001 World Religion     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Owusu R J 101 41/42/40
31061 RELG 1200 / 002 World Religion     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Owusu R J 101 38/40/40
31066 SOCI 1101 / 001 Intro to Sociology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM Ghadge R J 156 17/18/37
31067 SOCI 1101 / 002 Intro to Sociology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ghadge R J 156 34/36/37
31068 SOCI 1101 / 003 Intro to Sociology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Ghadge R J 156 33/34/37
31767 SOCI 1101 / 01G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/0
31768 SOCI 1101 / 02G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/5/0
31770 SOCI 1101 / 03G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31771 SOCI 1101 / 04G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31773 SOCI 1101 / 05G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31774 SOCI 1101 / 06G Intro to Sociology     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31775 SOCI 1101 / 07G Intro to Sociology     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31776 SOCI 1101 / 08G Intro to Sociology     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31997 SOCI 1101 / 09G Intro to Sociology      eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/0
31069 SPAN 1001 / 001 Elementary Spanish I     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Does not satisfy core requirement 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Flores W J 130 14/16/25
31071 SPAN 1002 / 001 Elementary Spanish II     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Prereq: SPAN 1001 or equivalent;Satisfies C-2 Core 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Flores W J 130 21/25/25
31072 SPAN 1002 / 002 Elementary Spanish II     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Prereq: SPAN 1001 or equivalent;Satisfies C-2 Core 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Flores W J 130 13/14/25
31777 SPAN 2001 / 01G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31778 SPAN 2001 / 02G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31779 SPAN 2001 / 03G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31780 SPAN 2001 / 04G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31781 SPAN 2001 / 05G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore Short Session I: Jan 13 - Mar 5     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
31073 SPAN 2002 / 001 Intermediate Spanish II     Weekly conversation session required     Add'l 1-hour lab required per week     Prereq: SPAN 1002 or equivalent; Satisfies C-2 Core 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Nuhfer-Hal B J 130 6/6/20
31782 SPAN 2002 / 01G Intermediate Spanish II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/0
31783 SPAN 2002 / 02G Intermediate Spanish II     eCore Full Session: Jan 13 - May 2     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31784 SPAN 2002 / 03G Intermediate Spanish II     eCore Short Session II: Mar 10 - Apr 30     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31074 SPAN 3003 / 001 HispanicCultures/Civilization 3 M W F 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Nuhfer-Hal B J 130 5/5/20
31075 SPAN 4002 / 001 Tech in Trans for Prof Spanish 3 M W F 16 3:00PM - 3:50PM Nuhfer-Hal B J 130 0/0/20
30221 SPSU 1001 / 001 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     FOR ECET MAJORS ONLY--SEE Dept. TO REGISTER 1 R 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Frinzi P Q 206 8/8/0
30222 SPSU 1001 / 002 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     FOR ECET MAJORS ONLY---SEE Dept. TO REGISTER 1 R 16 5:30PM - 6:20PM Preethy A G 106 12/12/0
30507 SPSU 1001 / 003 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 T 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Zeigler T L 125 20/21/22
30508 SPSU 1001 / 004 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 T 16 2:00PM - 2:50PM Zeigler T L 125 21/21/22
30509 SPSU 1001 / 005 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 T 16 6:00PM - 6:50PM Zeigler T L 125 20/21/22
30544 SPSU 1001 / 006 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     This section restricted to:     BUSINESS and ACCOUNTING Majors only 1 W 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Shumate S J 151 24/25/30
30795 SPSU 1001 / 007 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     EME Students Only 1 W 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM McFall K Q 104 18/19/60
30796 SPSU 1001 / 008 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 T 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Crimm L Q 104 47/54/60
31183 SPSU 1001 / 009 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 W 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Holliday S J 108 16/19/20
31651 SPSU 1001 / 010 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 W 16 8:00AM - 8:50AM Holliday S J 108 18/21/20
31652 SPSU 1001 / 011 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 T 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Palamiotis N D 205 18/20/20
31653 SPSU 1001 / 012 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 W 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM McWilliams M J 108 17/17/20
31654 SPSU 1001 / 013 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 W 16 4:00PM - 4:50PM Sharpe J D 235 18/20/20
31161 SPSU 1001 / 850 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     IET & ATT MAJORS ONLY     Meets once per week on campus     Week of Mar 10th through Apr 28th 1 M 7L 3:00PM - 3:50PM Ball T M 133 14/14/20
31164 SPSU 1001 / 900 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     IET & ATT MAJORS ONLY     Meets once per week online     Week of Mar 10th through Apr 28th 1 M 7L 3:00PM - 3:50PM Ball T 12/12/10
31883 SPSU 1001 / 901 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Potter J 20/21/20
31946 SPSU 1001 / 902 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Holliday S 20/21/20
31078 STS 2400 / 002 The Vietnam Era     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 R 16 8:30AM - 10:20AM Soiset R J 130 28/30/30
31084 STS 2400 / 004 Medical Ethics through Film     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T 16 10:30AM - 12:20PM Queen T J 109 30/30/30
31085 STS 2400 / 005 Science and Fiction     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 R 16 10:30AM - 12:20PM Potter J J 109 30/31/30
31086 STS 2400 / 006 History of the Internet     Prereq: ENGL 1101     This course runs in conjunction with ENGL1102/851     Students must register for both courses concurrently 2 W 16 12:00PM - 1:50PM LeFebvre R J 158 18/20/24
31088 STS 2400 / 007 History of the Internet     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 F 16 12:00PM - 1:50PM LeFebvre R J 158 30/31/30
31089 STS 2400 / 008 Medical Ethics through Film     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T 16 12:30PM - 2:20PM Queen T J 109 29/30/30
31091 STS 2400 / 009 Science and Fiction     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 R 16 12:30PM - 2:20PM Potter J J 109 28/28/30
31093 STS 2400 / 010 Space & American Imagination     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M 16 5:30PM - 7:20PM Pierce J J 156 31/31/30
31094 STS 2400 / 011 Space & American Imagination     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM Pierce J J 156 29/30/30
31095 STS 2400 / 012 History of Flight     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 W 16 5:30PM - 7:20PM Wade M J 156 26/30/30
31098 STS 2400 / 013 History of Flight     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 W 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM Wade M J 156 25/29/30
31099 STS 2400 / 014 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T 16 5:30PM - 7:20PM LeFebvre R J 156 28/30/30
31100 STS 2400 / 015 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM LeFebvre R J 156 26/29/30
31101 STS 2400 / 016 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 R 16 5:30PM - 7:20PM LeFebvre R J 156 28/30/30
31102 STS 2400 / 017 History of the Internet     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 R 16 7:30PM - 9:20PM LeFebvre R J 156 27/29/30
31328 STS 2400 / 018 Science of Networks     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T 16 12:00PM - 1:50PM LeFebvre R J 158 31/32/30
31081 STS 2400 / 03H Honors-Railroads & Mobility     Honors Students Only     Contact Dr. Omidvar at 678-915-3928 to register 2 M 16 10:00AM - 11:50AM Churella A D 138 4/4/0
31103 STS 2400 / 900 Science, Technology & Health     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Potter J 23/26/27
31105 STS 2400 / 901 Science, Technology & Health     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Potter J 26/28/27
31106 STS 2400 / 902 Introduction to Medical Ethics     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Queen T 24/27/27
31107 STS 2400 / 903 Introduction to Medical Ethics     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Queen T 28/28/27
31108 STS 2400 / 904 Introduction to Medical Ethics     Fully online course     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Queen T 22/27/27
32002 STS 2400 / SA Int'l Sec & Global Challenge 2 TBA 16 TBA Newell J SA0 1/1/1
31245 STS 3347 / 001 Persp on Science & Math 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Newell J G 220 4/5/20
30476 SURV 2200 / 001 B1 Construction Measurements 4 T 16 10:31AM - 12:59PM Lee J L 126 16/16/18
30477 SURV 2200 / 085 1B Construction Measurements 0 R 16 10:31AM - 12:59PM Lee J L 126 16/16/18
30498 SURV 2221 / 001 C6 Surveying I 4 T 16 4:00PM - 6:30PM Branham D L 121 17/17/20
30510 SURV 2221 / 002 B2 Surveying I 4 T 16 8:00AM - 10:30AM Lee J L 126 22/22/20
31903 SURV 2221 / 003 D1 Surveying I 4 T 16 4:00PM - 6:30PM Wilson M L 165 14/15/15
31904 SURV 2221 / 075 1D Surveying I 0 R 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Wilson M L 165 14/15/15
30511 SURV 2221 / 086 2B Surveying I 0 R 16 8:00AM - 10:30AM Lee J L 126 22/22/20
30499 SURV 2221 / 088 6C Surveying I 0 R 16 4:00PM - 6:50PM Branham D L 121 17/17/20
30496 SURV 3222 / 001 C5 Surveying II 4 T 16 1:00PM - 3:30PM Branham D L 121 8/8/18
30497 SURV 3222 / 083 5C Surveying II 0 R 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Branham D L 121 8/8/18
30504 SURV 3421 / 001 D3 Geographic Info Systems I 4 M 16 1:00PM - 3:30PM Roberts A L 126 8/8/24
30505 SURV 3421 / 080 3D Geographic Info Systems I 0 W 16 1:00PM - 3:50PM Roberts A L 126 8/8/24
31914 SURV 3903 / 001 SpT:ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surv 3 S 16 9:00AM - 12:00PM Wilson M L 165 5/5/12
30494 SURV 4470 / 001 C4 Land Development Design 4 T 16 8:00AM - 10:30AM Branham D L 121 6/6/18
30495 SURV 4470 / 071 4C Land Development Design 0 R 16 8:00AM - 10:50AM Branham D L 121 6/6/18
30490 SURV 4475 / 001 C2 Land Surveying Practice 2 M 16 5:00PM - 5:50PM Wilson M L 165 2/2/18
30491 SURV 4475 / 079 2C Land Surveying Practice 0 S 16 2:00PM - 4:50PM Wilson M L 165 2/2/18
30655 SWE 2313 / 001 Intro to Software Engineering 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Bernal B J 210 39/41/40
30657 SWE 2313 / 002 Intro to Software Engineering 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Durham E J 110 37/40/40
31887 SWE 2313 / 003 Intro to Software Engineering 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Pournaghsh H J 210 36/37/40
30659 SWE 3613 / 001 Software Systems Engineering 3 F 16 9:00AM - 11:30AM Lartigue J J 131 31/34/25
30660 SWE 3633 / 001 Software Systms Arch & Design 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Tsui F J 201L 29/31/30
30663 SWE 3643 / 001 Sftwre Test/Quality Assurance 3 T R 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Tsui F J 210 33/35/30
30666 SWE 4324 / 001 User Centered Design 4 T R 16 7:30PM - 9:10PM Salimi A J 210 39/39/40
30668 SWE 4713 / 001 SWE Application Domain 3 T R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Mamo E J 110 14/14/30
30669 SWE 4724 / 001 Software Engineering Project 4 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:40PM Pournaghsh H J 265 8/8/20
30670 SWE 4743 / 001 Object-Oriented Development 3 M W 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Duggins S J 131 23/26/30
30671 SWE 4783 / 850 User Interaction Engg 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Bernal B J 201 9/10/30
30672 SWE 6623 / 001 Software Engineering I 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Duggins S J 131 2/3/25
30673 SWE 6623 / 900 Software Engineering I     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Duggins S 8/11/30
30674 SWE 6653 / 001 Software Architecture 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Tsui F J 131 9/9/25
30675 SWE 6653 / 900 Software Architecture     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Tsui F 17/17/30
30677 SWE 6673 / 001 SWE Quality Assur & Test 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Salimi A J 110 8/8/20
30679 SWE 6673 / 900 SWE Quality Assur & Test     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Salimi A 7/7/30
30681 SWE 6733 / 001 Software Eng Processes 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Salimi A J 110 4/4/20
30683 SWE 6733 / 900 Software Eng Processes     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Salimi A 11/11/30
30688 SWE 6883 / 001 Formal Methods & Software Engr 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Duggins S J 131 6/9/25
30689 SWE 6883 / 900 Formal Methods & Software Engr     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Duggins S 8/8/30
31944 SWE 7803 / 001 SWE Master's Thesis 3 TBA 16 TBA Lartigue J 2/2/0
30690 SWE 7903 / 001 Software Engineering Capstone 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Pournaghsh H J 265 5/5/20
31209 SYE 2100 / 001 Systems Analysis and Design 3 M W 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Winchester W Q 105 6/6/30
31210 SYE 2600 / 001 Applications of Probability 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Moghaddam K Q 314 18/19/30
31211 SYE 3120 / 001 Cont Tech Systems 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Gross D Q 314 11/11/30
31212 SYE 3320 / 001 Engr Econ & Decision Analysis 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ruhala L Q 314 31/32/30
31214 SYE 3320 / 002 Engr Econ & Decision Analysis 3 T R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Denalsky N M 137 25/28/30
31216 SYE 3400 / 001 Engr Optimization I 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Moghaddam K Q 207 14/14/30
31218 SYE 3501 / 001 Fund of Nuclear Engineering 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Ghavi M Q 310 20/20/20
31620 SYE 3502 / 001 Radiation Detection & Measmnt 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Aceil S Q 105 4/4/20
31223 SYE 3710 / 001 Logistics & Supply Chain Syste 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Taylor A Q 106 11/11/30
31224 SYE 3801 / 001 Aerodynamics 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Harcrow A Q 221 26/28/30
31227 SYE 3802 / 001 Aircraft Design & Performance 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Khalid A Q 207 13/16/30
31231 SYE 4500 / 001 Sys Modeling & Simulation 3 M W 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Moghaddam K Q 220 13/13/30
31961 SYE 4501 / 001 Nuclear Pwr Generation 3 TBA 16 TBA Ghavi M 1/1/0
31849 SYE 4503 / 002 Nuclear Fuel Cycle 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Ghavi M Q 311 12/12/20
31822 SYE 4801 / 001 Aircraft Propulsion 3 TBA 16 TBA Khalid A 2/2/1
31233 SYE 4803 / 001 Aeronautics Project 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Khalid A Q 311 10/10/16
31237 SYE 4900 / 001 Senior Project 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Winchester W Q 308 10/10/16
31241 SYE 6010 / 900 Project Mgnt Processes 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Winchester W 17/17/20
31242 SYE 6020 / 900 System Architecture 3 W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Gross D 12/13/20
31243 SYE 6025 / 900 Engrng Econ Analysis 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Khalid A 10/13/20
31276 TCOM 2010 / 001 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 10:00AM - 10:50AM Race C J 213 25/27/27
31277 TCOM 2010 / 002 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 11:00AM - 11:50AM Race C J 213 27/27/27
31278 TCOM 2010 / 003 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 12:00PM - 12:50PM Levy J J 213 25/27/27
31279 TCOM 2010 / 004 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W F 16 1:00PM - 1:50PM Levy J J 213 26/26/27
31280 TCOM 2010 / 005 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 9:00AM - 10:15AM LoVerde-Dr J J 213 27/27/27
31281 TCOM 2010 / 006 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Smith H J 213 23/26/27
31282 TCOM 2010 / 007 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM LoVerde-Dr J J 213 25/26/27
31283 TCOM 2010 / 008 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Brodak M J 213 24/26/27
31284 TCOM 2010 / 009 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Sledd E J 213 27/27/27
31285 TCOM 2010 / 850 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 T 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Sledd E J 213 24/26/27
31286 TCOM 2010 / 851 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Sledd E J 213 24/27/27
31287 TCOM 2010 / 852 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 M 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Logan M J 213 26/26/27
31288 TCOM 2010 / 853 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 M 16 3:30PM - 4:45PM Wakeman P J 213 27/27/27
31289 TCOM 2010 / 900 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Smith H 17/20/20
31290 TCOM 2010 / 901 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Sledd E 13/19/20
31291 TCOM 2010 / 902 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Logan M 17/20/20
31292 TCOM 2020 / 001 Intro to Prof & Tech Comm 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Shinall C J 133 9/10/24
31293 TCOM 2030 / 850 Research In TCOM 3 T R 16 4:00PM - 5:15PM Daws L J 133 10/12/24
31294 TCOM 3030 / 001 Instructional Design     Computer Classroom. 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Eugenio V J 202 6/6/20
31295 TCOM 3145 / 001 Social Media Integration     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Palmer L J 213 11/16/20
31322 TCOM 3400 / 850 Foundations Design for the Web     Mac Lab. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 T 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Rule R J 212 20/20/20
31338 TCOM 3400 / 851 Foundations Design for the Web     Mac Lab. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 R 16 10:30AM - 11:45AM Rule R J 212 17/19/20
31339 TCOM 3430 / 001 Foundation of Graphics     Mac Lab. New Media Arts students only. 3 M W 16 9:30AM - 10:45AM Hankey L J 212 18/18/20
31340 TCOM 3430 / 002 Foundation of Graphics     Mac Lab. 3 T 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hankey L J 212 15/15/20
31341 TCOM 4040 / 001 Applied Graphics 3 R 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hankey L J 212 11/11/20
31342 TCOM 4045 / 850 Foundations of Multimedia     Mac Lab. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Hopper K J 212 18/19/19
31344 TCOM 4170 / 001 Film & Video Production     Mac Lab. 3 W 16 6:00PM - 8:45PM Channel A J 212 13/14/20
31346 TCOM 4400 / 850 Advanced Design for the Web     Mac Lab. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 T 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Rule R J 212 18/18/20
31934 TCOM 4600 / 850 Directed Study- Science Illust     Hybrid, Directed Study Course. 3 TBA 16 TBA Hankey L 1/1/0
31213 TCOM 4800 / 001 Project Portfolio     Mac Lab. 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Smith H J 210 2/2/5
31427 TCOM 4800 / 02H Honors Project Portfolio 3 T 16 2:30PM - 5:15PM Smith H J 212 0/0/0
31826 WBIT 1100 / A Intro to I.T. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/5/0
31827 WBIT 1100 / B Intro to I.T. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/2/0
31828 WBIT 1310 / A Program&ProblemSolvingI 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31829 WBIT 1310 / B Program&ProblemSolvingI 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31830 WBIT 2000 / A The Enterprise and IT 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/1
31831 WBIT 2000 / B The Enterprise and IT 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
31929 WBIT 2300 / AA Discrete Math for IT 3 ONLINE ONLINE 11/11/0
31833 WBIT 2311 / A Programming&ProblemSolvingII 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31825 WBIT 3111 / A I.T. Project Management 3 ONLINE ONLINE Vande Ven S 7/7/0
31834 WBIT 3200 / A DatabaseDsgn,Deve&Deployment 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/0
31930 WBIT 3400 / AA Intro to Multimedia 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/0
31836 WBIT 3510 / A DataCommunications&Networking 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/8/0
31837 WBIT 3600 / A Introduction to E-Commerce 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/8
31838 WBIT 4030 / A Senior Internship 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/0
31839 WBIT 4112 / A SysAcq,Integ&Implementation 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/8/14
31840 WBIT 4602 / A IT Research Project 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/13
31841 WBIT 4610 / A It Policy and Law 3 ONLINE ONLINE Rutherfoor R 11/11/17



Term Schedule for 201405.html

The data you see here may be delayed by up to one week from real time.
CRN Course Title Hrs Days Weeks Time Instructor Room Cur/Reg/Max
979 ACCT 2101 / 820 Prin of Financial Acctng 3 T R 8E 1:00PM - 2:50PM Smith S J 151 26/27/30
980 ACCT 2102 / 820 Prin of Managerial Acctng     Pre-req: ACCT 2101 3 T R 8E 10:00AM - 11:50AM Smith S J 151 5/5/30
1000 ACCT 3230 / 900 Intermediate Accounting I     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Shumate S 13/13/15
1002 ACCT 3231 / 900 Intermediate Accounting II     Pre-req: ACCT 3230 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Shumate S 2/2/15
1004 ACCT 4530 / 900 Advanced Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 3231 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Shumate S 5/5/15
1001 ACCT 5007 / 900 Intermediate Accounting I     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Shumate S 9/10/15
1003 ACCT 5009 / 900 Intermediate Accounting II     Pre-req: ACCT 5007 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Shumate S 8/8/15
1005 ACCT 5011 / 900 Advanced Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Shumate S 21/21/15
1006 ACCT 5100 / 900 MSA Orientation 1 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Richardson R 1/1/25
996 ACCT 6000 / 860 Managerial Accounting     Pre-req: ACCT 2102 or     MGNT 5002 AND MGNT 5004 3 R 8E 6:00PM - 7:50PM Stephenson S J 151 7/8/25
1037 ACCT 6021 / 900 Professional Judgment 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Ariail D 28/29/0
1038 ACCT 6021 / 901 Professional Judgment     This section is FULL.     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Ariail D 28/29/0
1039 ACCT 6045 / 900 Forensic Accounting     This section is FULL.     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected]     Email must include:     student id     CRN 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Ariail D 21/21/0
1040 ACCT 6068 / 900 International Accounting 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Stephenson S 10/11/25
1041 ACCT 6075 / 900 Tax Research & Planning     Pre-req: ACCT 5009 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Stephenson S 4/5/25
1145 ARCH 3973 / SA Study Abroad: PARIS_Visual Art 3 TBA 10 TBA Akins E SA0 4/4/0
852 ARCH 4909 / 001 SpTp - Study Abroad Germany 9 TBA 10 TBA Shpuza E 3/3/0
1142 ARCH 4913 / SA Study Abroad: PARIS_EcoUrbanis 3 TBA 10 TBA Akins E SA0 6/6/0
881 ARTS 2001 / 850 Art Appreciation     Hybrid Course. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 M W 5E 1:00PM - 2:55PM Colebeck D J 152 28/28/45
882 ARTS 2002 / 900 Drama Appreciation     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Stephenson C 16/18/20
883 ARTS 2003 / 900 Music Appreciation     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Stutzmann B 18/18/20
884 ARTS 2003 / 901 Music Appreciation     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Stutzmann B 13/16/20
886 ARTS 2010 / 001 Intro to Drawing 3 MTW 5E 10:00AM - 12:45PM Colebeck D I1 200E 7/7/20
887 ARTS 2110 / 001 Intro to Painting 3 M W 8E 1:00PM - 3:45PM Werner A I1 200E 4/4/20
885 ARTS 3000 / 001 Visual Thinking     Mac Lab. 3 T R 8E 10:00AM - 12:45PM Werner J J 212 5/5/20
888 ARTS 3170 / 001 Digital Photography     Mac Lab. 3 M W 8E 10:00AM - 12:45PM Werner A J 212 5/5/20
740 ASTR 1000K / 900 Introduction to the Universe 4 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Smith E 20/20/20
744 ASTR 1010K / 901 Astronomy II     Registration is now open, section has been approved.     Contact the Physics Department if you have any questions. 4 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Smith E 13/16/20
1091 BIOL 2107 / 001 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 10 5:30PM - 7:20PM Jahangiri A E 154 16/18/24
T R 10 5:30PM - 7:20PM Weand M E 154
1092 BIOL 2107 / 002 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Tseng T Q 108 13/13/24
T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Weand M Q 108
1093 BIOL 2107 / 003 Principles of Biology I     NOTE: BIOL 2107L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Tseng T G 235 7/8/24
1124 BIOL 2107L / 050 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 T R 10 7:30PM - 10:20PM Jahangiri A E 172B 15/17/24
T R 10 7:30PM - 10:20PM Weand M E 172B
1125 BIOL 2107L / 051 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 T R 10 1:00PM - 3:50PM Tseng T E 172B 10/10/24
T R 10 1:00PM - 3:50PM Weand M E 172B
1126 BIOL 2107L / 052 Principles of Biology I Lab     NOTE: BIOL 2107 is a corequisite for this course 1 M W 10 1:00PM - 3:50PM Tseng T E 172B 7/8/24
1097 BIOL 2108 / 001 Principles of Biology II     NOTE: BIOL 2108L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Sakaris P E 154 7/8/24
1098 BIOL 2108 / 002 Principles of Biology II     NOTE: BIOL 2108L is a corequisite for this course 3 M W 10 5:30PM - 7:20PM Sakaris P G 235 15/17/24
1173 BIOL 2108 / 900 H7 Principles of Biology II 3 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Nelson T 1/1/0
1127 BIOL 2108L / 053 Principles of Biology II Lab     NOTE: Biol 2108 is a corequisite for this course 1 M W 10 1:00PM - 3:50PM Sakaris P E 172A 8/10/24
1128 BIOL 2108L / 054 Principles of Biology II Lab     NOTE: Biol 2108 is a corequisite for this course 1 M W 10 7:30PM - 10:20PM Sakaris P E 172A 14/15/24
1174 BIOL 2108L / 901 7H Principles of Biology II Lab 1 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Nelson T 1/1/0
1182 BIOL 4903 / 001 Directed Study 3 M W 10 4:00PM - 6:00PM Tseng T E 171 1/1/0
965 CE 3201 / 001 Structural Analysis 3 M W 10 4:00PM - 5:50PM Oguzmert M M 133 35/35/20
935 CE 3202 / 001 Design of Concrete Structures 3 T R 10 1:00PM - 2:50PM Barham W M 133 16/16/20
928 CE 3501 / 001 Materials for CE & CNST 3 T R 10 4:00PM - 5:50PM Kim S Q 107 18/18/20
978 CE 3502 / 001 Materials for CE&ConstEngrLab 1 T 10 6:00PM - 8:30PM Kim S L1 100 15/15/20
1138 CE 3701 / 001 Geotechnical Engineering 3 T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Kim S M 133 13/14/20
961 CE 3702 / 850 Environmental Engineering     Hybrid - Students will meet once per week on campus, M 135 3 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Karim M M 135 24/24/20
1141 CE 3708 / 050 Geotechnical Engineering Lab 1 R 10 6:00PM - 8:30PM Kim S L1 100 6/7/20
1053 CE 4703 / 001 Engineering Hydrology 3 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Yee T M 100 20/20/20
908 CE 4800 / 001 Senior Project 3 T R 10 8:00AM - 9:50AM Beadles S M 133 16/16/20
972 CE 6202 / 001 Adv Hwy Dsgn & Traffic Safety 3 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Yang J M 137 11/11/20
548 CET 2200 / 001 Intro to Structures 4 T R 10 6:00PM - 8:30PM Mesbahi M L 120 8/8/15
545 CET 3120 / 001 Cost Est&Sched in CET 3 T 10 10:00AM - 1:45PM Mesbahi M L 120 12/12/18
546 CET 3120L / 082 Plan Reading & Take Offs Lab 1 R 10 11:00AM - 1:50PM Mesbahi M L 120 12/13/18
547 CET 3230 / 001 Concrete Infrastructure Des 3 T R 10 3:00PM - 4:50PM Mesbahi M L 120 7/7/15
1189 CET 3901 / 001 SP: Civil Project 1 F 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Mesbahi M 1/1/0
1169 CET 3903 / 001 SpT: Civil Project 3 S 10 9:00AM - 12:00PM Mesbahi M 4/4/0
591 CGDD 2002 / 001 Fundamentals of Game Design 2 T R 8E 2:00PM - 3:40PM Franklin D J 202 4/4/30
592 CGDD 4003 / 850 Digital Media & Interaction 3 M 8E 3:00PM - 5:30PM Preston J J 202 20/21/30
1132 CGDD 4113 / 850 3D Modeling & Animation 3 TBA 8E TBA Chastine J 1/1/0
1101 CHEM 1211 / 001 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 W 10 1:00PM - 1:50PM J 157 17/17/24
M W 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Ferreira D E 222
1102 CHEM 1211 / 002 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 R 10 1:00PM - 1:50PM E 222 14/17/24
T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Singh R E 222
1109 CHEM 1211 / 900 Principles of Chemistry I     NOTE: CHEM 1211L is a corequisite for this course 3 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Zhou W 15/19/24
1103 CHEM 1211L / 050 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 T R 10 2:00PM - 3:50PM Desmond S E 223 20/23/24
1104 CHEM 1211L / 051 Principles of Chemistry I Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1211 is a corequisite for this course 1 M W 10 2:00PM - 3:50PM Desmond S E 223 15/18/24
1181 CHEM 1211L / 055 Principles of Chemistry I Lab 1 T R 10 6:30PM - 8:20PM Gluick T E 223 8/8/24
1105 CHEM 1212 / 001 Principles of Chemistry II     NOTE: CHEM 1212L is a corequisite for this course 3 T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Duff J E 154 12/14/24
1106 CHEM 1212L / 052 Principles of Chemistry II Lab     NOTE: CHEM 1212 is a corequisite for this course 1 T R 10 1:00PM - 3:50PM Duff J E 234 9/11/24
1210 CHEM 4901 / 001 Directed Study 1 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Kang L E 120 2/2/0
525 CM 2000 / 001 J1 Construction Graphics 3 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:20PM Abaza H H 321 11/11/24
526 CM 2000 / 051 1J Construction Graphics 0 T R 10 7:30PM - 8:50PM Abaza H H 321 11/11/24
523 CM 3000 / 801 I1 Computer App in Construction 3 T R 10 1:00PM - 2:20PM Abaza H H 321 9/9/24
524 CM 3000 / 851 1I Computer App in Construction 0 T R 10 2:30PM - 4:20PM Abaza H H 321 9/9/24
511 CM 3110 / 001 D1 Residental&LightCnstMethods 3 M W 10 1:00PM - 2:20PM Meadati P H 323 6/7/24
512 CM 3110 / 051 1D Residental&LightCnstMethods 0 M W 10 2:30PM - 3:50PM Meadati P H 323 6/7/24
534 CM 3180 / 001 K1 Mech & Elec Building Systems 4 T R 10 5:00PM - 6:50PM Williams B H 320 13/13/24
535 CM 3180 / 051 1K Mech & Elec Building Systems 0 T R 10 7:00PM - 8:20PM Williams B H 320 13/13/24
532 CM 3190 / 001 Sustainable Construction 3 T R 10 1:00PM - 2:50PM Williams B H 322 5/5/16
504 CM 3210 / 001 Applied Structures I 4 M W 10 6:00PM - 8:50PM Meadati P H 322 4/4/16
518 CM 3410 / 001 G1 Const Quanity Surveying 3 M W 10 5:00PM - 6:20PM El-Itr Z H 320 11/12/24
519 CM 3410 / 051 1G Const Quanity Surveying 0 M W 10 6:30PM - 7:50PM El-Itr Z H 339 11/12/24
513 CM 3420 / 001 E1 ConstEstimating&BidPrep 4 M W 10 1:00PM - 2:50PM El-Itr Z H 339 6/6/16
514 CM 3420 / 051 1E ConstEstimating&BidPrep 0 M W 10 3:00PM - 4:20PM El-Itr Z H 339 6/6/16
522 CM 3620 / 001 Cons Finance & Feasibility 4 M W 10 1:00PM - 3:50PM Mench J H 320 4/5/24
M W 10 1:00PM - 3:50PM Siddiqi K H 320
537 CM 3904 / 002 Dispute Resolution 4 T R 10 6:00PM - 8:50PM Papleacos N H 339 0/0/12
1131 CM 4480 / 001 Design/Build MEP Systems 4 TBA 10 TBA Williams B 2/2/0
502 CM 4510 / 001 A1 Construction Scheduling 3 M W 10 1:00PM - 2:20PM Weidner M H 324 14/14/24
503 CM 4510 / 051 1A Construction Scheduling 0 M W 10 2:30PM - 3:50PM Weidner M H 324 14/14/24
510 CM 4560 / 001 Cons Project Management 3 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Jambro J H 323 12/13/24
527 CM 4710 / 001 Construction Safety 4 T R 10 1:00PM - 3:50PM Register C H 323 8/8/24
528 CM 4760 / 001 Const & Property Law 3 T R 10 5:00PM - 7:50PM Register C H 323 10/10/16
506 CM 4800 / 001 B1 Const Management Technique 3 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:20PM Mench J H 321 8/8/24
M W 10 6:00PM - 7:20PM Siddiqi K H 321
507 CM 4800 / 051 1B Const Management Technique 0 M W 10 7:30PM - 8:50PM Mench J H 321 8/8/24
M W 10 7:30PM - 8:50PM Siddiqi K H 321
520 CM 4900 / 001 H1 Capstone Project 3 M W 10 5:00PM - 6:20PM Weidner M H 361 5/5/24
521 CM 4900 / 051 1H Capstone Project 0 M W 10 6:30PM - 6:50PM Weidner M H 361 5/5/24
529 CM 6100 / 001 Const Law: Contracts & Claims 4 T R 10 5:00PM - 7:50PM Register C H 323 3/3/8
538 CM 6904 / 001 Sustainable Construction 4 T R 10 1:00PM - 3:20PM Williams B H 322 5/5/8
1219 CM 6904 / 002 Brownfield Redev 4 TBA 10 TBA Register C 1/1/0
714 COMM 1100 / 01G Human Communication     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/1
715 COMM 1100 / 02G Human Communication     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
716 COMM 1100 / 03G Human Communication     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/3
717 COMM 1100 / 04G Human Communication     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/1
901 COMM 2000 / 001 Business Communication     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 8E 6:00PM - 8:45PM Shinall C J 213 10/10/27
921 COMM 2400 / 001 Public Speaking 2 T R 8E 10:00AM - 11:50AM Anderson K J 157 16/17/25
1113 COMM 2400 / 002 Public Speaking 2 T R 8E 1:00PM - 2:50PM Anderson K J 157 13/13/25
936 COMM 2400 / 003 Public Speaking 2 M W 8E 3:00PM - 4:50PM Harr-Lagin K J 157 19/19/25
937 COMM 2400 / 004 Public Speaking 2 M W 8E 6:00PM - 7:50PM Harr-Lagin K J 157 20/21/25
938 COMM 2400 / 900 Public Speaking     100% online instruction through D2L. 2 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Weaver M 15/17/20
942 COMM 2400 / 901 Public Speaking     100% online instruction through D2L. 2 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Weaver M 16/18/20
944 COMM 2400 / 902 Public Speaking     100% online instruction through D2L. 2 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Weaver M 14/16/20
1194 CROS 1000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 10 TBA Staff I 1/1/0
1195 CROS 2000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 10 TBA Staff I 0/0/0
1196 CROS 3000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 10 TBA Staff I 1/1/0
1199 CROS 3000 / 900 Cross Registration 0-10 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Staff I 2/2/0
1197 CROS 4000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 10 TBA Staff I 2/2/0
1198 CROS 6000 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 10 TBA Staff I 2/2/0
1206 CROS 6001 / 001 Cross Registration 0-10 TBA 10 TBA Staff I 1/1/0
616 CS 3243 / 001 Operating Systems 3 T R 8E 1:00PM - 3:30PM Lartigue J J 260 10/11/20
618 CS 3243 / 900 Operating Systems     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Franklin D 28/28/40
620 CS 3424 / 001 C1 Data Structures     Note: You must register for lab CRN 621 with this lecture. 4 M W 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Vande Ven J J 217 31/31/30
621 CS 3424 / 050 1C Data Structures     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 621 with this lab. 0 M W 8E 7:40PM - 9:20PM Vande Ven J J 251 31/31/30
649 CS 3903 / 001 SpTp-Parallel Programming 3 M W 8E 7:40PM - 9:20PM Lo D J 211 4/4/20
766 CS 3903 / 900 SpTp-Parallel Programming     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Lo D 0/0/20
1133 CS 4363 / 900 Computer Graphics & Multimedia     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 R 8E 5:00PM - 6:30PM Chastine J J 202 14/15/20
624 CS 4413 / 001 Algorithm Analysis 3 T R 8E 2:00PM - 4:30PM Chastine J J 201 21/22/30
625 CS 4413 / 850 Algorithm Analysis 3 T 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Chastine J J 110 22/27/30
626 CS 4903 / 900 SpTp-Mobile App & Security     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. Fully ONLINE class. Students     may register themselves. Contact Dr. Qian ([email protected])     your student account once the semester starts. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Qian K 2/3/20
608 CS 5153 / 001 Database Systems 3 T R 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Franklin D J 217 10/10/10
610 CS 5153 / 900 Database Systems     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. Fully online class. Students     may register themselves. Contact Dr. Qian ([email protected])     if you have questions. Please login to D2L ASAP with your     student account once the semester starts. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Qian K 10/10/12
617 CS 5243 / 001 Operating Systems 3 T R 8E 1:00PM - 3:30PM Lartigue J J 260 0/2/10
619 CS 5243 / 900 Operating Systems     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Franklin D 10/10/20
627 CS 6153 / 001 Advanced Database Systems 3 T R 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Qian K J 266 6/6/40
704 CS 6153 / 900 Advanced Database Systems     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Qian K 11/15/20
1111 CS 6243 / 001 Adv Concepts in Oper Systems 3 T R 8E 7:45PM - 10:15PM Franklin D J 211 2/2/30
1112 CS 6243 / 900 Adv Concepts in Oper Systems     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Franklin D 0/0/30
1162 CS 6273 / 001 Parallel&DistProcessing 3 M W 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Lo D J 211 3/3/10
1163 CS 6273 / 900 Parallel&DistProcessing     Note: May required proctored exams. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Lo D 4/6/20
628 CS 6413 / 001 Theory of Computation 3 M W 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Lo D J 210 9/10/30
629 CS 6413 / 900 Theory of Computation     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Lo D 12/13/30
1110 CS 6423 / 850 Algorithmic Processes 3 T 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Lartigue J J 201 7/7/30
631 CS 6903 / 900 SpTp-Mobile App & Security     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. Fully online class. Students     may register themselves. Contact Dr. Qian ([email protected])     if you have questions. Please login to D2L ASAP with your     student account once the semester starts. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Qian K 5/5/20
632 CS 7803 / 001 Master's Thesis 3 TBA 8E TBA Chastine J 0/0/0
593 CSE 1002 / 001 Intro to Computing Disciplines 2 T R 8E 10:00AM - 11:40AM Chavoshi M J 110 10/10/40
594 CSE 1002 / 900 Intro to Computing Disciplines     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 2 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Morrison B 26/26/40
595 CSE 1301C / 001 A1 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lab CRN 596 with this lecture. 4 M W 8E 6:00PM - 8:30PM Preston J J 202 12/12/40
596 CSE 1301C / 951 1A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 595 with this lab. 0 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Preston J 12/12/40
599 CSE 1301E / 001 A3 C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lab CRN 600 with this lecture. 4 T R 8E 12:15PM - 2:45PM Pierce P J 262 38/39/40
1136 CSE 1301E / 002 B4 C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lab CRN 1137 with this lecture. 4 T R 8E 1:00PM - 3:30PM Gesick R J 110 7/8/30
600 CSE 1301E / 050 3A C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 599 with this lab. 0 T R 8E 3:00PM - 4:40PM Pierce P J 251 38/39/40
1137 CSE 1301E / 052 4B C++ Programming for Engrs     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 1136 with this lab. 0 T R 8E 5:00PM - 6:40PM Gesick R J 251 7/8/30
597 CSE 1301J / 001 A2 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lab CRN 598 with this lecture. 4 M W 8E 6:00PM - 8:30PM Peng C J 262 12/16/40
598 CSE 1301J / 051 2A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 597 with this lab. 0 M W 8E 8:40PM - 10:20PM Peng C J 266 12/16/40
1149 CSE 1301J / 900 A4 Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lab CRN 1150 with this lecture.     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 4 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Pierce P 22/27/40
1150 CSE 1301J / 950 4A Prog & Problem Solving I     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 1149 with this lab.     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 0 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Pierce P 22/27/40
601 CSE 1302C / 001 B1 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lab CRN 602 with this lecture. 4 T R 8E 8:30AM - 11:00AM Gesick R J 262 7/9/40
602 CSE 1302C / 050 1B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 601 with this lab. 0 T R 8E 11:10AM - 12:50PM Gesick R J 266 7/9/40
603 CSE 1302J / 001 B2 Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lab CRN 604 with this lecture. 4 M W 8E 1:00PM - 3:30PM Peng C J 262 13/13/40
604 CSE 1302J / 050 2B Prog & Problem Solving II     Note: You must register for lecture CRN 603 with this lab. 0 M W 8E 3:40PM - 5:20PM Peng C J 266 13/13/40
1226 CSE 2300 / 850 Discrete Struc for Computing 3 F 8E 9:00AM - 11:30AM Rutherfoor J J 260 13/14/20
1227 CSE 2300 / 900 Discrete Struc for Computing     Note: May require proctored exams. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Rutherfoor J 23/23/35
607 CSE 3153 / 001 Database Systems 3 T R 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Franklin D J 217 29/29/30
609 CSE 3153 / 900 Database Systems     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. Fully ONLINE class. Students     may register themselves. Please contact Dr. Qian     ([email protected]) if you have questions. Please login to     D2L ASAP with your student account once the semester starts. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Qian K 17/18/40
611 CSE 3642 / 001 Prof Practices & Ethics 202 2 M W 8E 10:00AM - 11:40AM Lo D J 110 11/11/40
612 CSE 3642 / 900 Prof Practices & Ethics 202     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 2 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Stabler D 32/38/40
613 CSE 4983 / 001 CSE Internship 3 TBA 8E TBA Harbort R 6/6/0
614 CSE 4990 / 900 Graduation Seminar     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 0 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Staff I 0/0/0
615 CSE 6983 / 001 CSE Graduate Internship 3 TBA 8E TBA Harbort R 1/1/0
1140 CSE 6983 / 900 CSE Graduate Internship 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Harbort R 1/1/0
772 ECET 1101 / 001 A3 Circuits I 4 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Misoc F Q 207 7/7/16
773 ECET 1101 / 051 3A Circuits I     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 M W 10 8:00PM - 11:25PM Misoc F Q 313 7/7/16
774 ECET 1200 / 001 A4 Digital I 4 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Wilcox D Q 206 6/6/16
775 ECET 1200 / 051 4A Digital I     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 T R 10 8:00PM - 11:25PM Wilcox D Q 309 6/6/16
776 ECET 2111 / 001 A5 Circuits II     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 4 M W 10 11:00AM - 12:55PM Misoc F Q 207 4/4/16
777 ECET 2111 / 051 5A Circuits II     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 M W 10 1:00PM - 4:25PM Misoc F Q 309 4/4/16
780 ECET 2300 / 001 A6 Electronics I 4 T R 10 11:00AM - 12:55PM Wilcox D Q 311 8/9/16
782 ECET 2300 / 051 6A Electronics I     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 T R 10 1:00PM - 4:25PM Wilcox D Q 337 8/9/16
783 ECET 2310 / 001 A9 Electronics II     **Online Lectures 4 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Preethy A Q 311 4/5/16
784 ECET 2310 / 051 9A Electronics II     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 M W 10 8:00PM - 11:25PM Preethy A Q 337 4/5/16
785 ECET 3000 / 001 A1 Electrical Principles 4 T R 10 11:00AM - 12:55PM Wagner J Q 206 13/14/32
786 ECET 3000 / 051 1A Electrical Principles     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 T R 10 1:00PM - 4:25PM Wagner J Q 215 13/14/32
787 ECET 3220 / 001 B1 Digital III 4 T R 10 11:00AM - 12:55PM Tippens S Q 310 8/9/16
788 ECET 3220 / 051 1B Digital III     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 T R 10 1:00PM - 4:25PM Tippens S Q 245 8/9/16
789 ECET 3400 / 001 B2 Data Communications 4 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Chin C Q 310 18/18/18
790 ECET 3400 / 051 2B Data Communications     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 M W 10 8:00PM - 11:25PM Chin C Q 334 18/18/18
791 ECET 3410 / 001 B3 Frequency Systems 4 T R 10 11:00AM - 12:55PM Thain W G 106 13/13/16
792 ECET 3410 / 051 3B Frequency Systems     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 T R 10 1:00PM - 4:25PM Thain W Q 335 13/13/16
793 ECET 3500 / 001 A7 Survey of Electric Machines 4 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Wagner J Q 207 8/9/16
794 ECET 3500 / 051 7A Survey of Electric Machines     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 T R 10 8:00PM - 11:25PM Wagner J Q 215 8/9/16
797 ECET 3620 / 001 B8 Signals & Systems Analysis     **Online Lectures 4 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Larisch S Q 311 17/18/18
798 ECET 3620 / 051 8B Signals & Systems Analysis     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 T R 10 8:00PM - 11:25PM Larisch S Q 311 17/18/18
799 ECET 3710 / 001 B9 HardwarePrgmmng&Interfacing 4 M W 10 11:00AM - 12:55PM Fallon T Q 306 9/9/16
800 ECET 3710 / 051 9B HardwarePrgmmng&Interfacing     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 M W 10 1:00PM - 4:25PM Fallon T Q 306 9/9/16
801 ECET 3810 / 001 B6 C++,JAVA & HTML 3 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Fallon T Q 306 18/19/16
802 ECET 3810 / 051 6B C++,JAVA & HTML     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 M W 10 8:00PM - 11:25PM Fallon T Q 306 18/19/16
805 ECET 4610 / 001 B5 Control Systems     **Online Lectures 4 T R 10 11:00AM - 12:55PM Larisch S Q 104 8/8/16
806 ECET 4610 / 051 5B Control Systems     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 T R 10 1:00PM - 4:25PM Larisch S Q 242 8/8/16
1216 ECET 6704 / 001 Project Proposal-Adv. Rem. Ctr 4 S 10 12:00PM - 4:00PM Ho H 1/1/0
1218 ECET 6902 / 001 SpTp-Active Pwr. Filter Model 2 S 10 1:00PM - 3:00PM Thain W 1/1/0
1164 ECET 6904 / 001 C6 SpTp-Applications of DSP 4 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Wilcox D Q 206 5/5/16
1166 ECET 6904 / 051 6C SpTp-Applications of DSP     **Use 12 of 20 sessions 0 M W 10 8:00PM - 11:25PM Wilcox D Q 246 5/5/16
1209 ECET 7704 / 001 Project-Workstation Wakeup 4 S 10 12:00PM - 4:00PM Thain W 1/1/0
1217 ECET 7704 / 002 Project-Adv. Air Reg. 4 U 10 12:00PM - 4:00PM Ho H 1/1/0
1007 ECON 1101 / 900 Introduction to Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1111     This section is FULL.     To be added to the wait list, please email:     business @spsu.edu     Please include your student # and the CRN. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Kelani Z 40/42/45
1021 ECON 2105 / 900 Prin of Macro Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1113 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Melnik M 21/21/30
1022 ECON 2106 / 900 Princ of Micro Economics     Pre-req: MATH 1113 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Melnik M 19/20/30
981 ECON 2107 / 820 Intro to Economic Analysis     Pre-req: MATH 2253 3 T R 8E 1:00PM - 2:50PM Kelani Z J 109 9/9/30
983 ECON 2107 / 821 Intro to Economic Analysis     Pre-req: MATh 2253 3 T R 8E 3:00PM - 4:50PM Kelani Z J 109 6/6/30
874 EDG 1210 / 001 Survey of Engineering Graphics 2 T R 8E 3:00PM - 4:30PM Horton D Q 219 11/11/20
875 EDG 1211 / 001 Engineering Graphics I 3 M W 10 10:00AM - 11:55AM Emert R Q 218 14/14/20
876 EDG 1211 / 002 Engineering Graphics I 3 M W 10 2:00PM - 3:55PM Emert R Q 218 13/14/20
877 EDG 1211 / 003 Engineering Graphics I 3 T R 8L 10:00AM - 12:20PM Conrey G Q 222 17/17/20
879 EDG 1212 / 001 Engineering Graphics II 4 M W F 8L 10:00AM - 11:55AM Conrey G Q 222 9/10/20
880 EDG 3112 / 001 Adv Engineering Graphics 3 M W 8L 3:00PM - 5:20PM Conrey G Q 222 19/20/20
915 EE 1000 / 001 Orientation 2 M W 8L 9:00AM - 10:50AM Lee H Q 105 10/10/30
916 EE 2301 / 001 E1 Circuit Analysis I 4 T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM McFall K Q 221 21/22/35
917 EE 2301 / 051 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 T 10 12:00PM - 2:50PM McFall K Q 312 14/15/16
1151 EE 2301 / 052 1E Circuit Analysis I Lab 0 R 10 12:00PM - 2:50PM McFall K Q 312 7/7/15
1203 EE 2301 / 053 Circuit Analysis I Lab 1 TBA 10 TBA Staff I 0/0/0
918 EE 2302 / 001 Circuit Analysis II 3 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Wang Y Q 315 20/20/30
920 EE 2501 / 001 F1 Digital Logic Design 4 T R 10 12:30PM - 2:20PM Chang Y Q 216 33/33/36
923 EE 2501 / 051 1F Digital Logic Design Lab 0 R 10 2:30PM - 5:50PM Chang Y Q 243 17/17/18
1155 EE 2501 / 052 1F Digital Logic Design Lab 0 T 10 2:30PM - 5:50PM Chang Y Q 243 16/16/18
924 EE 3401 / 001 G1 Engineering Electronics 4 M W 10 9:00AM - 10:50AM Ham C Q 310 30/30/32
926 EE 3401 / 051 1G Engineering Electronics Lab 0 M 10 12:00PM - 2:50PM Ham C Q 336 16/16/16
1158 EE 3401 / 052 1G Engineering Electronics Lab 0 W 10 12:00PM - 2:50PM Ham C Q 336 13/13/16
1050 EE 3501 / 001 J1 Embedded Systems 4 M W 10 9:00AM - 10:50AM Tippens S Q 216 7/7/20
1051 EE 3501 / 051 1J Embedded Systems Lab 0 W 10 11:00AM - 1:50PM Tippens S Q 243 7/7/20
930 EE 3601 / 001 H1 Electric Machines 4 T R 8L 12:00PM - 2:15PM Lee H Q 221 24/24/32
933 EE 3601 / 051 1H Electric Machines Lab 0 R 8L 2:30PM - 5:50PM Lee H G 175 16/16/16
1192 EE 3601 / 052 1H Electric Machines Lab 0 T 8L 2:30PM - 5:50PM Lee H G 175 8/8/16
963 EE 3605 / 001 Electromagnetics     Online Option Available 3 T R 8L 8:30AM - 10:45AM Lee H Q 109 8/8/20
964 EE 4201 / 001 I1 Control Systems 4 T R 10 9:00AM - 10:50AM Ham C Q 310 23/23/32
966 EE 4201 / 051 1I Control Systems Lab 0 T 10 2:30PM - 5:50PM Ham C G 244 12/12/16
1159 EE 4201 / 052 1I Control Systems Lab 0 R 10 2:30PM - 5:50PM Ham C G 244 11/11/16
1183 EE 4802 / 001 Undergraduate Research in EE 2 TBA 10 TBA Diong B 2/2/0
1184 EE 4803 / 001 Undergraduate Research in EE 3 TBA 10 TBA Diong B 2/2/0
889 ENGL 1101 / 001 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. 3 M W 8E 10:00AM - 12:45PM Rorabaugh P J 214 8/8/24
719 ENGL 1101 / 01G English Composition I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
720 ENGL 1101 / 02G English Composition I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/5/5
721 ENGL 1101 / 03G English Composition I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
722 ENGL 1101 / 04G English Composition I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/3
891 ENGL 1101 / 851 English Composition I     Computer Classroom. Hybrid Course. 50% onilne instruction     through D2L. 3 T R 5L 12:00PM - 1:55PM Race C J 214 4/5/24
723 ENGL 1102 / 01G English Composition II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
724 ENGL 1102 / 02G English Composition II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/7/7
725 ENGL 1102 / 03G English Composition II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/4
726 ENGL 1102 / 04G English Composition II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
727 ENGL 1102 / 05G English Composition II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
728 ENGL 1102 / 06G English Composition II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 11/12/13
747 ENGL 1102 / 07G English Composition II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
892 ENGL 1102 / 850 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Hybrid Course. 50% onilne instruction     through D2L. 3 M W 5E 3:00PM - 4:55PM Shinall C J 214 10/10/24
894 ENGL 1102 / 852 English Composition II     Computer Classroom. Hybrid Course. 50% online instruction     through D2L. 3 M W 5L 12:00PM - 1:55PM Logan M J 213 7/7/24
895 ENGL 1102 / 900 English Composition II     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Stephenson C 15/19/20
1049 ENGL 2111 / 001 Early World Literature 3 M W 8E 6:00PM - 8:45PM Sledd E J 133 26/27/35
748 ENGL 2111 / 01G World Literature I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/2/2
749 ENGL 2111 / 02G World Literature I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/7/7
750 ENGL 2111 / 03G World Literature I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/5
751 ENGL 2111 / 04G World Literature I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
752 ENGL 2111 / 05G World Literature I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
753 ENGL 2111 / 06G World Literature I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 13/15/16
754 ENGL 2111 / 07G World Literature I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/5
898 ENGL 2120 / 850 British Lit Early to Present     Hybrid Course. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 M W 5L 3:00PM - 4:55PM Stefani D J 133 16/18/35
897 ENGL 2130 / 850 Amer Lit Early to Present     Hybrid Course. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 T R 5E 10:00AM - 11:55AM Carter T J 132 20/20/35
755 ENGL 2132 / 01G American Literature II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 15/16/17
756 ENGL 2132 / 02G American Literature II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/9/10
1221 ENGL 2132 / 03G American Literature II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
899 ENGL 2132 / 850 AmerLit Mid1800's to present     Hybrid Course. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 M W 5E 1:00PM - 2:55PM Rorabaugh P J 133 16/21/35
900 ENGL 2300 / 850 African-American Lit & Culture     Hybrid Course. 50% online instruction through D2L. 3 T R 5E 1:00PM - 2:55PM Carter T J 133 8/8/35
1157 ENGL 4700 / 001 Internship 3 TBA 10 TBA Smith H 3/3/0
911 ENGR 2214 / 001 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W 10 3:00PM - 4:50PM Yee T J 152 18/19/20
959 ENGR 2214 / 002 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 T R 10 3:00PM - 4:50PM Karim M M 137 15/18/20
969 ENGR 2214 / 003 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Oguzmert M M 137 21/21/20
977 ENGR 2214 / 004 Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Marshall M Q 105 16/17/20
1058 ENGR 3122 / 001 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 M W 8E 1:00PM - 3:25PM Ruhala R Q 315 15/15/24
1061 ENGR 3122 / 002 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 T R 8E 10:30AM - 12:55PM Lowder M Q 315 17/17/24
1066 ENGR 3122 / 003 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 3 T R 8E 6:00PM - 8:25PM Ruhala R Q 105 0/0/0
1117 ENGR 3122 / 850 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics     Hybrid Section 3 M 8E 3:30PM - 5:55PM Veazie D Q 105 0/0/0
1056 ENGR 3125 / 850 Machine Dynamics & Vibrations     HYBRID SECTION 3 M 8E 10:30AM - 12:55PM Veazie D Q 315 9/12/24
934 ENGR 3131 / 001 Strength of Materials 3 M W 10 9:00AM - 10:50AM Barham W M 137 18/18/20
956 ENGR 3131 / 002 Strength of Materials 3 M W 10 5:00PM - 6:50PM Barham W Q 308 19/20/20
971 ENGR 3131 / 003 Strength of Materials 3 T R 10 4:00PM - 5:50PM Yang J J 130 19/20/20
973 ENGR 3132 / 050 Strength of Materials Lab 1 T 10 6:00PM - 8:30PM Yang J Q 135 14/14/16
957 ENGR 3132 / 051 Strength of Materials Lab 1 M 10 11:00AM - 1:30PM Barham W Q 135 16/17/16
982 ENGR 3132 / 052 Strength of Materials Lab 1 W 10 9:30AM - 12:00PM Oguzmert M Q 135 9/9/16
1015 ENGR 3132 / 053 Strength of Materials Lab 1 R 10 6:00PM - 8:30PM Yang J Q 135 9/9/16
962 ENGR 3324 / 001 Project Cost analysis 3 M W 10 1:00PM - 2:50PM Oguzmert M M 133 19/20/20
922 ENGR 3343 / 001 Fluid Mechanics 3 T R 10 1:00PM - 2:50PM Oncul F M 137 16/17/20
958 ENGR 3343 / 002 Fluid Mechanics 3 M W 10 1:00PM - 2:50PM Karim M M 137 17/20/20
960 ENGR 3345 / 050 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 W 10 3:00PM - 5:30PM Karim M Q 240 11/15/16
975 ENGR 3345 / 051 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 T 10 11:00AM - 1:30PM Yee T Q 240 8/8/16
976 ENGR 3345 / 052 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 M 10 3:00PM - 5:30PM Oncul F Q 240 7/9/16
1009 ENGR 4402 / 900 Engineering Ethics 1 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Lee H 63/64/50
542 ENGT 2124 / 001 Statics with Applications 3 M W 10 1:00PM - 2:50PM Oncul F L 120 6/6/15
757 ENVS 2202 / 01G Environmental Science     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER!     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/8/9
758 ENVS 2202 / 02G Environmental Science     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER!     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
759 ENVS 2202 / 03G Environmental Science     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER!     This course does not count as an SPSU Area D Lab Science. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/8/9
1107 ENVS 2202K / 001 C5 Intro to Environmental Science 4 T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Ferreira D G 235 21/22/24
1108 ENVS 2202K / 053 5C Intro to Enviro. Science-LAB 0 T R 10 1:00PM - 3:50PM Ferreira D G 219 21/22/24
1146 FREN 1002 / SA Elementary French II 3 TBA 10 TBA Newell J SA0 1/1/0
760 HIST 1111 / 01G World History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/6/6
761 HIST 1111 / 02G World History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/4
762 HIST 1111 / 03G World History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/3/4
763 HIST 1111 / 04G World History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/4
764 HIST 1111 / 05G World History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 15/15/15
902 HIST 1111 / 900 Survey of World Civ to 1500     Fully online course     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Vickrey M 20/24/24
903 HIST 1111 / 901 Survey of World Civ to 1500     Fully online course     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Vickrey M 21/23/24
904 HIST 1112 / 001 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 T R 8L 9:00AM - 11:30AM Skutans W J 101 7/7/25
905 HIST 1112 / 002 Survey of World Civ from 1500     Satisfies E-2 Core Requirement 3 T R 8L 12:00PM - 2:30PM Skutans W J 101 15/17/25
906 HIST 2111 / 001 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W 8L 9:00AM - 11:30AM Soiset R J 101 4/4/25
907 HIST 2111 / 002 US History to 1877     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 M W 8L 12:00PM - 2:30PM Soiset R J 101 19/20/25
817 HIST 2111 / 01G U.S. History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/4/4
818 HIST 2111 / 02G U.S. History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/7/7
819 HIST 2111 / 03G U.S. History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/7
820 HIST 2111 / 04G U.S. History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/1
821 HIST 2111 / 05G U.S. History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/1
822 HIST 2111 / 06G U.S. History I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/3/3
1054 HIST 2911 / 001 Ga History & Constitution     Online independent study course      May be used only to meet Legislative requirement 1 U 10 2:00AM - 2:50AM Newell J J 161 21/21/60
1055 HIST 2911 / 900 Ga History & Constitution     Fully online. For students in online programs only     Contact the SIS department at 678-915-7442 to register 1 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Newell J 3/3/0
1168 HNRS 2001 / SA SA: PARIS_Honors 'EcoUrbanism' 1 TBA 10 TBA Akins E SA0 1/1/0
1205 HNRS 3002 / 01H Honors Research     Computer Science     Honor Students Only     Contact Dr. Iraj Omidvar at     678-915-3928 to register 2 TBA 10 TBA Preston J 1/1/0
954 IDC 6150 / 900 Marketing Communication     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Daws L 10/12/20
955 IDC 6220 / 900 Mobile User Experience     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Leonard V 5/6/20
1202 IDC 7503 / 900 Applied Res Inst Design     Directed Study. Not open for student registration. 3 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Hopper K 1/1/0
1201 IDC 7603 / 900 Master's Internship 3 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Palmer L 0/0/0
1135 IET 1000 / 850 Orientation 1 F 8E 8:00AM - 9:40AM Ball T M 132 1/1/0
561 IET 2227 / 850 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 8E 3:00PM - 5:15PM Wiles G M 133 11/11/18
562 IET 2227 / 900 Introduction to Statistics     Meets once per week online 3 T 8E 3:00PM - 5:15PM Wiles G 9/10/12
564 IET 2305 / 050 1A The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week on campus 0 T 8E 12:30PM - 2:45PM Wiles G M 131 11/12/12
563 IET 2305 / 850 A1 The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week on campus 4 T 8E 10:00AM - 12:15PM Wiles G M 131 11/12/12
565 IET 2305 / 900 B1 The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week online 4 T 8E 10:00AM - 12:15PM Wiles G 10/10/12
566 IET 2305 / 950 1B The Role of IET in Ind Systems     Meets once per week online 0 T 8E 12:30PM - 2:45PM Wiles G 10/10/12
568 IET 3322 / 050 1C Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week on campus 0 R 8E 3:30PM - 5:45PM Atkins R M 131 15/16/17
567 IET 3322 / 850 C1 Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week on campus 4 R 8E 1:00PM - 3:15PM Atkins R M 131 15/16/17
569 IET 3322 / 900 D1 Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week online 4 R 8E 1:00PM - 3:15PM Atkins R 7/7/7
570 IET 3322 / 950 1D Work Measurement Ergonomics     Meets once per week online 0 R 8E 3:30PM - 5:45PM Atkins R 7/7/7
571 IET 3356 / 850 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week on campus 3 T 8E 6:00PM - 8:15PM Kyle M M 133 15/15/16
572 IET 3356 / 900 Quality Concepts & Sys Design     Meets once per week online 3 T 8E 6:00PM - 8:15PM Kyle M 14/15/14
573 IET 3407 / 850 SixSigma&LeanManufacturing     Meets once per week on campus 3 R 8E 10:00AM - 12:15PM Atkins R M 131 11/11/13
574 IET 3407 / 900 SixSigma&LeanManufacturing     Meets once per week online 3 R 8E 10:00AM - 12:15PM Atkins R 10/11/12
575 IET 3424 / 850 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 8E 10:00AM - 12:15PM Wiles G M 131 11/13/18
576 IET 3424 / 900 Engineering Economy     Meets once per week online 3 W 8E 10:00AM - 12:15PM Wiles G 3/3/8
577 IET 3433 / 850 Product & Process Costing     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 8E 6:00PM - 8:15PM Kyle M M 133 18/18/22
578 IET 3433 / 900 Product & Process Costing     Meets once per week online 3 W 8E 6:00PM - 8:15PM Kyle M 6/6/8
579 IET 4405 / 850 OperResearch-Conc,Mdls,Methods     Meets once per week on campus 3 W 8E 1:00PM - 3:15PM Wiles G M 131 5/5/17
580 IET 4405 / 900 OperResearch-Conc,Mdls,Methods     Meets once per week online 3 W 8E 1:00PM - 3:15PM Wiles G 9/10/11
1120 IET 4475 / 001 E1 Senior Project     Meets once per week on campus 3 M 10 10:00AM - 11:15AM Ball T M 132 1/2/18
1121 IET 4475 / 051 1E Senior Project     Meets once per week on campus 0 F 10 10:00AM - 1:45PM Ball T M 132 1/2/18
1122 IET 4475 / 900 F1 Senior Project     Meets once per week online 3 M 10 10:00AM - 11:15AM Ball T 4/4/8
1123 IET 4475 / 950 1F Senior Project     Meets once per week online 0 F 10 10:00AM - 1:45PM Ball T 4/4/8
1214 IID 7603 / 900 Master's Internship 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Hopper K 1/1/0
1215 IID 7603 / 901 Master's Internship 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Hopper K 1/1/0
650 IT 1113 / 001 Programming Principles 3 T R 8E 2:00PM - 4:30PM Pydimarri S J 211 2/2/30
1129 IT 1113 / 900 Programming Principles     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Pydimarri S 10/11/30
651 IT 1324 / 001 A1 Adv Programming Principles     Note: This course has a lab component. You must register     for CRN 652 with this lecture. 4 M W 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Vande Ven S J 260 9/9/30
652 IT 1324 / 050 1A Adv Programming Principles     Note: Lab component to CRN 651 (lecture). 0 M W 8E 7:40PM - 9:20PM Vande Ven S J 260 9/9/30
653 IT 1324 / 900 B1 Adv Programming Principles     Note: This course has a lab component. You must register     for CRN 654 with this lecture. Proctored exams may be     required. Proctored exams may have fees that accompany     them. 4 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Vande Ven S 16/16/30
654 IT 1324 / 951 1B Adv Programming Principles     Note: Lab component to CRN 653 (lecture). 0 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Vande Ven S 16/16/30
655 IT 3123 / 001 Hardware/Software Concepts     Note: This course takes place the second half of the summer     term, 6/2/14 - 7/24/14. 3 T R 8L 7:40PM - 10:10PM Brown R J 210 8/9/20
656 IT 3123 / 900 Hardware/Software Concepts     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. Note: This course takes place the     second half of the summer term, 6/2/14 - 7/24/14. 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Brown R 14/18/30
657 IT 3203 / 900 Intro to Web Development     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. Note: This course takes place the     second half of the summer term, 6/2/14 - 7/24/14.     Only available to students who have petitioned to graduate.     Contact [email protected]. 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Brown R 2/2/0
658 IT 3223 / 900 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     exams that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Vande Ven S 20/20/35
659 IT 3423 / 900 OperSysConcepts&Admn     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Vande Ven S 29/30/40
660 IT 3503 / 900 Foundation of Health Info Tech     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 8/8/20
661 IT 3883 / 850 Adv Application Development 3 R 8E 2:00PM - 4:30PM Tatum D J 266 15/15/30
662 IT 4123 / 850 Electronic Commerce 3 W 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Tatum D J 251 13/13/20
663 IT 4123 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE McNamara B 12/13/20
664 IT 4333 / 850 Network Config & Admin 3 W 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Yang M J 110 4/4/40
665 IT 4333 / 900 Network Config & Admin     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Yang M 11/12/20
743 IT 4423 / 850 UNIX/Linux 3 M 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Windland R J 110 7/7/20
666 IT 4533 / 900 Health Info Security/Privacy     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 5/5/20
667 IT 4683 / 850 MgntofIT&HumanCompInteractn 3 R 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Halstead-N R J 217 6/6/20
668 IT 4683 / 900 MgntofIT&HumanCompInteractn     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Halstead-N R 16/17/30
669 IT 4723 / 850 IT Policy and Law 3 W 8E 2:00PM - 4:30PM Windland R J 217 11/11/20
670 IT 4723 / 900 IT Policy and Law     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE McNamara B 19/19/35
671 IT 4823 / 001 Info Security Administration     Note: This course takes place the second half of the summer     term, 6/2/14 - 7/24/14. 3 T R 8L 2:00PM - 4:30PM Brown R J 210 4/4/20
672 IT 4823 / 900 Info Security Administration     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Tatum D 29/29/35
676 IT 5101 / 820 Intro to Database Systems 1.5 M 8E 5:30PM - 6:45PM Peltsverge S J 266 6/6/20
677 IT 5101 / 900 Intro to Database Systems     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Peltsverge S 23/27/35
678 IT 5102 / 820 Intro Computer Security 1.5 W 8E 5:30PM - 6:45PM Peltsverge S J 266 6/6/20
679 IT 5102 / 900 Intro Computer Security     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Peltsverge S 24/25/35
680 IT 5200 / 850 Intro Platforms & OS 1.5 W 8E 7:40PM - 8:55PM Busse D J 201L 2/2/20
681 IT 5200 / 900 Intro Platforms & OS     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Busse D 9/12/30
682 IT 5201 / 850 Intro to Computer Networks 1.5 M 8E 7:00PM - 8:15PM Prettyman S J 266 4/4/20
683 IT 5201 / 900 Intro to Computer Networks     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 1.5 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Prettyman S 8/13/25
684 IT 5302 / 900 Intro to Web Development     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. Note: This course takes place the     second half of the summer term, 6/2/14 - 7/24/14. 1.5 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Zheng G 12/13/20
685 IT 6413 / 850 IT Service Delivery 3 T 8E 7:40PM - 10:20PM Li L J 260 16/16/25
686 IT 6423 / 850 ITSysAcquisition&Integ 3 T 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Li L J 260 16/16/25
687 IT 6473 / 850 Multimedia Applications 3 R 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Halstead-N R J 260 2/2/20
688 IT 6473 / 900 Multimedia Applications     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Halstead-N R 15/15/25
689 IT 6503 / 900 Foundations of HIT     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 23/23/30
690 IT 6533 / 900 Health Info Sec & Privacy     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 11/11/20
691 IT 6643 / 850 Issues in IT 3 T 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Rutherfoor R J 262 4/5/20
692 IT 6643 / 900 Issues in IT     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Rutherfoor R 24/24/30
693 IT 6683 / 850 Management of IT 3 R 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Halstead-N R J 217 3/3/20
694 IT 6683 / 900 Management of IT     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Halstead-N R 13/16/20
695 IT 6723 / 850 Managing Oper & Network Sys 3 T 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Peltsverge S J 266 6/6/20
696 IT 6723 / 900 Managing Oper & Network Sys     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Peltsverge S 23/25/35
697 IT 6763 / 850 Electronic Commerce 3 W 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Tatum D J 251 1/1/20
698 IT 6763 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE McNamara B 8/8/20
699 IT 6823 / 850 Info Security Cocn & Adm 3 W 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Yang M J 211 5/5/20
700 IT 6823 / 900 Info Security Cocn & Adm     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Yang M 21/23/30
702 IT 7803 / 001 Master's Thesis 3 TBA 8E TBA Peltsverge S 0/0/0
703 IT 7833 / 900 IT Strategy and Policy     Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Li L 14/14/20
823 MATH 1101 / 01G Intro to Math Modeling     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/1/2
824 MATH 1101 / 02G Intro to Math Modeling     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
1076 MATH 1111 / 001 College Algebra     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy 3 MT RF 10 10:00AM - 11:15AM McMorran A N 174 5/5/25
1084 MATH 1111 / 002 College Algebra     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy 3 M W F 10 6:00PM - 7:40PM Kang Y J 132 8/9/25
825 MATH 1111 / 01G College Algebra     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
826 MATH 1111 / 02G College Algebra     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 7/10/11
827 MATH 1111 / 03G College Algebra     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/6/6
828 MATH 1111 / 04G College Algebra     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/9/9
1075 MATH 1113 / 001 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy 4 MT RF 10 10:00AM - 11:15AM Holliday S J 210 12/15/30
1083 MATH 1113 / 002 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy     Students must purchase the online homework software with the     textbook or online at http://www.hawkeslearning.com. 4 M W F 10 1:00PM - 2:40PM Ritter L J 132 23/29/30
1086 MATH 1113 / 003 Precalculus     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy     Purchase Textbook with Online Homework Software and     Code 4 M W F 10 6:00PM - 7:40PM LeBlanc M J 156 20/21/30
830 MATH 1113 / 01G Precalculus     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/2
831 MATH 1113 / 02G Precalculus     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/10/11
832 MATH 1113 / 03G Precalculus     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/7/7
833 MATH 1113 / 04G Precalculus     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 20/26/26
834 MATH 1401 / 01G Introduction to Statistics     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 13/15/15
835 MATH 1401 / 02G Introduction to Statistics     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 8/8/8
836 MATH 1401 / 03G Introduction to Statistics     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
837 MATH 1401 / 04G Introduction to Statistics     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 6/7/8
838 MATH 1501 / 01G Calculus I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 7/11/11
1224 MATH 1501 / 02G Calculus I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 4 ONLINE ONLINE 20/24/25
1089 MATH 2240 / 001 Survey of Calculus     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy 3 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Acharya K Q 308 15/16/35
1070 MATH 2253 / 001 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for Calculator Policy. 4 MTWRF 5E 10:00AM - 12:00PM Pascu N N 176 26/26/30
1071 MATH 2253 / 002 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy. 4 MTWR 8L 10:00AM - 11:35AM Fowler J Q 107 9/13/30
1079 MATH 2253 / 003 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy 4 MTWR 8L 1:00PM - 2:35PM Fowler J Q 308 9/12/30
1087 MATH 2253 / 004 Calculus I     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy 4 M W F 10 6:00PM - 7:40PM Ritter L Q 107 17/26/30
1077 MATH 2254 / 001 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy 4 MT RF 10 10:00AM - 11:15AM LeBlanc M J 217 23/25/35
1082 MATH 2254 / 002 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy 4 M W F 10 1:00PM - 2:40PM Griffiths W Q 107 24/31/35
1085 MATH 2254 / 003 Calculus II     Contact Instructor for the Calculator Policy 4 M W F 10 6:00PM - 7:40PM Acharya K J 161 20/21/35
1072 MATH 2255 / 001 Calculus III 4 MT RF 8L 10:00AM - 11:35AM Cao Z N 175 24/24/35
1078 MATH 2260 / 001 Intro to Prob & Statistics 3 MT RF 5E 2:50PM - 4:45PM Pascu N N 174 23/23/35
1073 MATH 2306 / 001 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 M W F 8L 10:00AM - 11:35AM Adhikari D J 152 25/27/35
1081 MATH 2306 / 002 Ordinary Differential Equation     Before purchasing course material, please visit     http://educate.spsu.edu/ykang/2306_newstudents.htm 3 M W F 10 1:00PM - 2:15PM Kang Y J 210 22/27/35
1088 MATH 2306 / 003 Ordinary Differential Equation 3 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Deng S J 101 32/35/35
1074 MATH 2345 / 001 Discrete Mathematics 3 M W F 10 10:00AM - 11:15AM Griffiths W J 262 8/11/35
1090 MATH 2345 / 002 Discrete Mathematics 3 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Holliday S J 152 25/31/35
1080 MATH 3312 / 001 Linear Algebra 4 MT RF 8L 1:00PM - 2:35PM Adhikari D J 217 29/32/35
1016 ME 1001 / 001 Intro to Mechanical Engr 2 T R 8E 6:00PM - 7:45PM Ruhala L Q 221 14/14/24
1063 ME 3101 / 001 Materials Science & Engr 3 T R 8E 1:00PM - 3:25PM Atiqullah M Q 315 11/11/24
1057 ME 3201 / 001 Product Realization 2 W 8E 10:30AM - 12:55PM Salman M Q 315 23/24/24
1064 ME 3410 / 001 Thermodynamics 3 T R 8E 3:30PM - 5:55PM McFall K Q 315 14/17/24
1060 ME 3501 / 001 DynamicSys&ControlTheory 3 M W 8E 3:30PM - 5:45PM Salman M Q 315 15/15/24
1213 ME 4201 / 001 Senior Design Lab I 1 TBA 8E TBA Atiqullah M 1/1/1
1065 ME 4202 / 001 A1 Senior Design II 3 T 8E 3:30PM - 5:55PM Atiqullah M Q 105 7/7/12
1067 ME 4202 / 050 1A Senior Design II - LAB 0 TBA 8E TBA Atiqullah M 7/7/12
1119 ME 4250 / 850 Computer Aided Engr 3 M W 8E 3:30PM - 5:55PM Sooklal V Q 219 20/20/20
1212 ME 4801 / 001 Undergrad Reseach ME- 1 TBA 8E TBA Ruhala L 1/1/1
1220 ME 4801 / 002 Undergrad Reseach ME- 1 TBA 8E TBA Salman M 1/1/1
1193 ME 4802 / 001 Undergrad Research ME- 2 TBA 8E TBA Mayeed M 1/1/1
1200 ME 4802 / 002 Undergrad Research ME- 2 TBA 8E TBA McFall K 1/1/1
1118 ME 4903 / 850 SpTp- Advanced Engineering Mat     Hybrid Section 3 M 8E 1:00PM - 3:25PM Veazie D Q 105 7/7/24
858 MET 1311 / 900 Manufacturing Processes 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Nasseri S 10/11/20
859 MET 1321 / 001 A1 Machining and Welding 2 M 10 1:00PM - 2:15PM Esfahani S Q 109 5/5/12
860 MET 1321 / 051 1A Machining and Welding 0 W 10 1:00PM - 4:00PM Esfahani S Q 120 5/5/12
M 10 2:30PM - 4:00PM Esfahani S Q 120
543 MET 3101 / 001 B1 Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 4 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Oncul F L 120 8/8/15
544 MET 3101 / 083 1B Fluid Mech Princ & Applic 0 M 10 8:00PM - 10:50PM Oncul F Q 240 8/8/15
861 MET 3132 / 001 B1 Engineering Materials 4 T R 10 1:00PM - 2:55PM Dhanasekar P Q 109 8/8/16
862 MET 3132 / 051 1B Engineering Materials 0 T R 10 3:00PM - 5:30PM Dhanasekar P Q 136 8/8/16
864 MET 3332 / 001 C1 Rapid Design & Manufacture 3 M W 10 5:00PM - 6:15PM Emert R Q 218 20/20/20
865 MET 3332 / 051 1C Rapid Design & Manufacture 0 M W 10 6:30PM - 8:45PM Emert R Q 115 20/20/20
1186 MET 3901 / 001 SpTp-Mat'ls Lab 1 T R 10 3:00PM - 5:30PM Dhanasekar P Q 136 1/1/1
867 MET 4141 / 001 Machine Design I 4 M W 10 6:00PM - 8:30PM Dhanasekar P Q 108 15/15/20
868 MET 4342 / 001 D1 Numerical Control of Machines 3 M W 10 11:00AM - 12:15PM Horton D Q 109 12/12/12
869 MET 4342 / 051 1D Numerical Control of Machines 0 M W 10 12:30PM - 2:45PM Horton D Q 121 12/12/12
870 MET 4421 / 001 E1 Instruments & Controls 4 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:55PM Horton D Q 109 16/16/24
871 MET 4421 / 051 1E Instruments & Controls 0 T R 10 8:00PM - 10:15PM Horton D Q 110 11/11/12
1185 MET 4421 / 052 1E Instruments & Controls 0 T R 10 12:00PM - 2:15PM Horton D Q 110 5/5/12
987 MGNT 1000 / 820 Orientation     Department permission required for NON-Business/Acctg majors     to register for this section     [email protected]     PLEASE NOTE:     This class begins MAY 26 and will run one week later than     scheduled. 1 M W 8E 5:00PM - 5:50PM Richardson R M 100 15/15/35
999 MGNT 2201 / 820 Business Computer Applications     Pre-req: MGNT 1000 3 T R 8E 10:00AM - 11:50AM North S J 251 0/0/0
997 MGNT 3105 / 820 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior 3 T R 8E 1:00PM - 2:50PM Hiatt M M 100 13/13/35
1042 MGNT 3105 / 900 Mgmnt & Organztnl Behavior     This section is FULL.     To be added to the wait list, please email:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Quinet G 27/28/0
986 MGNT 3125 / 820 Business Finance     Pre-req: ACCT 2101     This is a 10-WEEK course. 3 M W 10 3:00PM - 4:40PM Khayati A J 109 21/22/35
993 MGNT 3135 / 820 Principles of Marketing 3 T R 8E 3:00PM - 4:50PM Hiatt M M 100 28/29/35
1059 MGNT 3145 / 820 Legal Environment 3 M W 8E 1:00PM - 2:50PM Toson S J 109 4/5/35
1024 MGNT 3145 / 900 Legal Environment 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Toson S 27/28/35
1025 MGNT 3205 / 900 Management Information System     Pre-req: MGNT 2201 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE North M 24/24/35
1171 MGNT 3903 / 001 SpTp- Study Abroad 3 TBA 8E TBA Richardson R 5/5/0
984 MGNT 4115 / 820 Human Resources Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 or IET 2305 3 M W 8E 1:00PM - 2:50PM Vasa-Sider S J 151 11/11/35
991 MGNT 4135 / 820 Project Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 and IET 2227     OR     IET 2305 and IET 2227 3 T R 8E 6:00PM - 7:50PM Hiatt M M 100 26/27/35
1026 MGNT 4135 / 900 Project Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 and IET 2227     OR     IET 2305 and IET 2227     This section is FULL. To be added to the wait list,     please email CRN, Student id/name, course name/number to:     [email protected] 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Obeidat M 32/34/0
1027 MGNT 4140 / 900 MgmntNetworks&Telecommunctions 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE North M 20/20/35
1043 MGNT 4145 / 900 International Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3125, MGNT 3135, and Junior standing 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Quinet G 14/14/35
985 MGNT 4151 / 820 Operations Management     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 and IET 2227     There will be an OPTIONAL tutoring session.     Location/time of tutoring session- TBD     PLEASE NOTE:     This class WILL NOT START until May 26.     It will end one week later than scheduled. 3 M W 8E 3:00PM - 4:50PM Richardson R M 100 22/25/35
1028 MGNT 4195 / 900 CurntReadngsMgntTech&Operation     Pre-req: MGNT 3105 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Obeidat M 10/10/35
988 MGNT 4233 / 820 Inv Analy & Portfolio Mgnt     Pre-req: MGNT 3125     This is a 10-WEEK course 3 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Khayati A J 109 2/2/15
995 MGNT 4595 / 820 Business Strategy     CAPSTONE course     Registration restricted to graduating Seniors     Submitted petition to graduate required for registration     To register, please email:     [email protected] 3 T R 8E 3:00PM - 4:50PM Quinet G J 151 8/8/0
1030 MGNT 5100 / 900 MBA Orientation 1 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Richardson R 3/3/25
989 MGNT 6002 / 820 Corporate Finance     Pre-req: MGNT 5006 OR     undergraduate finance & accounting courses 3 M W 10 8:00PM - 9:50PM Khayati A J 109 4/4/25
1031 MGNT 6005 / 900 Managerial Economics 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Melnik M 21/23/25
992 MGNT 6008 / 820 Marketing Management 3 T R 8E 8:00PM - 9:50PM Hiatt M M 100 0/0/0
1032 MGNT 6010 / 900 Mgnt of Information Technology 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE North M 19/20/25
990 MGNT 6025 / 820 ManagingTechnicalProfessionals 3 M W 8E 6:00PM - 7:50PM Vasa-Sider S J 151 7/7/25
1033 MGNT 6034 / 900 Database Development & Mgnt     Pre-req: MGNT 6010 or MGNT 6032 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE North M 6/6/25
1034 MGNT 6040 / 900 CurrentReadings Mgmnt of Tech 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Obeidat M 12/12/25
1035 MGNT 6050 / 900 Project Management 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Obeidat M 19/19/25
1036 MGNT 6059 / 900 Legal Environment of Business 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Toson S 16/19/25
994 MGNT 6090 / 860 Strategic Management     CAPSTONE course     registration restricted to graduating MBA students     submitted petition to graduate is required for registration     To register, please email: [email protected] 3 T 8E 6:00PM - 7:50PM Quinet G J 109 10/10/0
998 MGNT 6233 / 820 Invest Theory & Portfolio     Pre-req: MGNT 6002     This is a 10-WEEK course. 3 M W 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Khayati A J 109 4/4/15
1172 MGNT 6903 / 001 SpTp-Study Abroad 3 TBA 8E TBA Richardson R 2/2/0
1114 MGNT 7503 / 850 Business Intelligence Tech 3 TBA 8E TBA Obeidat M 2/2/0
1115 MGNT 7503 / 860 Knowledge Management 3 TBA 8E TBA Obeidat M 2/2/0
1116 MGNT 7503 / 870 IT Decision-Making 3 TBA 8E TBA Obeidat M 2/2/0
1208 MGNT 7503 / 890 IndRsh - Issues in Mktg 3 TBA 8E TBA Sinha M 1/1/0
967 MTRE 1000 / 001 Intro to Mechatronics Engr 2 M W 8L 9:00AM - 10:50AM Lee H Q 105 3/3/30
968 MTRE 4200 / 001 Robotics Analy & Synthesis 3 T R 10 6:00PM - 7:50PM Wang Y Q 216 22/22/20
839 PHIL 2010 / 01G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/6/6
840 PHIL 2010 / 02G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/1/2
842 PHIL 2010 / 04G Introduction to Philosophy     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
706 PHYS 1111 / 001 Introductory Physics I 3 M 10 1:00PM - 1:50PM H 250 15/17/24
M W 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Dayananda M J 161
707 PHYS 1111 / 002 Introductory Physics I     Course linked with CRN 731, 1111 lab.     Must register for both sections. 3 T 10 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 200 21/22/24
T R 10 5:30PM - 7:25PM Garofalo D H 200
708 PHYS 1111 / 900 Introductory Physics I 3 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Ranasinghe K 13/16/24
730 PHYS 1111L / 050 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 M W 10 8:00AM - 9:50AM Siddiqui T H 255 13/15/24
731 PHYS 1111L / 051 Introductory Physics I Lab     Course linked with CRN 707, 1111 lecture.     Must register for both sections. 1 T R 10 8:30PM - 10:20PM Garofalo D H 255 20/21/24
732 PHYS 1111L / 052 Introductory Physics I Lab 1 M W 10 3:00PM - 4:50PM Siddiqui T H 255 11/13/24
709 PHYS 1112 / 001 Introductory Physics II 3 T 10 1:00PM - 1:50PM Garofalo D J 131 14/15/24
T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Garofalo D H 203
741 PHYS 1112L / 059 Introductory Physics II Lab 1 T R 10 3:00PM - 4:50PM Whitenton J H 270 13/14/24
710 PHYS 2211 / 001 Principles of Physics I 3 M 10 9:00AM - 9:50AM H 203 24/24/24
M W 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Patrick R H 203
711 PHYS 2211 / 002 Principles of Physics I 3 M 10 3:00PM - 3:50PM J 161 20/20/24
M W 10 1:00PM - 2:50PM Thackston M J 161
712 PHYS 2211 / 003 Principles of Physics I     Course is linked with CRN 736, 2211 lab.     Must register for both sections. 3 M 10 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 21/23/24
M W 10 5:30PM - 7:20PM Kulasiri R H 203
739 PHYS 2211 / 900 Principles of Physics I 3 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Kulasiri R 19/20/24
733 PHYS 2211L / 053 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 M W 10 1:00PM - 2:50PM Patrick R H 255 16/16/24
734 PHYS 2211L / 054 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Siddiqui T H 255 12/14/24
735 PHYS 2211L / 055 Principles of Physics I Lab 1 M W 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Thackston M H 255 15/16/24
736 PHYS 2211L / 056 Principles of Physics I Lab     Course linked with CRN 712, 2211 lecture.     Must register for both sections. 1 M W 10 8:30PM - 10:20PM Kulasiri R H 255 17/19/24
713 PHYS 2212 / 001 Principles of Physics II 3 T 10 1:00PM - 1:50PM J 161 22/24/24
T R 10 10:00AM - 11:50AM Thackston M J 161
729 PHYS 2212 / 002 Principles of Physics II     Course linked with CRN 738, 2212 lab.     Must register for both sections. 3 T 10 7:30PM - 8:20PM H 203 23/24/24
T R 10 5:30PM - 7:20PM Dayananda M H 203
746 PHYS 2212 / 900 Principles of Physics II     Registration is open, section has benn approved.     Lab not included, must register seperately.     Contact the Physics Department if necessary. 3 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Garofalo D 11/13/24
737 PHYS 2212L / 057 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 T R 10 8:00AM - 9:50AM Thackston M H 270 21/21/24
738 PHYS 2212L / 058 Principles of Physics II Lab     Course linked with CRN 729, 2212 lecture.     Must register for both sections. 1 T R 10 8:30PM - 10:20PM Dayananda M H 270 18/20/24
1134 PHYS 2212L / 061 Principles of Physics II Lab 1 M W 10 10:00AM - 12:00PM Siddiqui T H 270 5/7/24
910 POLS 1101 / 001 American Government     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement 3 MTWR 5L 10:30AM - 12:25PM Snook C J 109 2/2/25
843 POLS 1101 / 01G American Government     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 4/6/6
844 POLS 1101 / 02G American Government     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
845 POLS 1101 / 03G American Government     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/2/3
846 POLS 1101 / 04G American Government     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
909 POLS 1101 / 900 American Government     Satisfies E-1 Core Requirement     Fully online course 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Snook C 17/22/24
912 POLS 2401 / 900 Global Issues     Fully online course     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Rotnem T 22/23/24
913 POLS 2401 / 901 Global Issues     Fully online course     Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Rotnem T 20/22/24
1147 POLS 2903 / SA Study Abroad: SpTp in POLS 3 TBA 10 TBA Newell J SA0 1/1/0
914 PSYC 1101 / 001 Intro to General Psychology     Satisfies E-3 Core Requirement 3 M W 8L 12:00PM - 2:30PM Cochrane L J 156 8/9/25
848 PSYC 1101 / 01G Intro to General Psychology     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
849 PSYC 1101 / 02G Intro to General Psychology     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
850 PSYC 1101 / 03G Intro to General Psychology     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/4/5
851 PSYC 1101 / 04G Intro to General Psychology     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
585 QA 6602 / 900 Total Quality     Meets once per week online 3 M 8E 6:00PM - 8:15PM Furterer S 24/26/25
586 QA 6722 / 900 Human Factors in Qlty Assurnce     Meets once per week online 3 T 8E 6:00PM - 8:15PM Winchester W 18/20/25
925 RELG 1200 / 001 World Religion      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W 8E 5:00PM - 6:30PM Owusu R J 101 24/25/25
927 RELG 1200 / 002 World Religion      Satisfies E-4 Core Requirement 3 M W 8E 7:00PM - 8:30PM Owusu R J 101 23/25/25
853 SOCI 1101 / 01G Intro to Sociology     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/3
854 SOCI 1101 / 02G Intro to Sociology     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
855 SOCI 1101 / 03G Intro to Sociology     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/3
857 SOCI 1101 / 05G Intro to Sociology     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
863 SPAN 2001 / 01G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/2
1225 SPAN 2001 / 02G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
1222 SPAN 2001 / 03G Intermediate Spanish I     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/0
872 SPAN 2002 / 01G Intermediate Spanish II     eCore 8-Week Session: June 2 – July 25     MUST SEE http://ecore.usg.edu/reg TO REGISTER! 3 ONLINE ONLINE 3/3/4
550 SPSU 1001 / 001 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 T 10 1:00PM - 2:15PM Sharpe J L 125 16/16/20
551 SPSU 1001 / 002 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 T 10 3:00PM - 4:15PM Snook C L 125 16/16/20
552 SPSU 1001 / 003 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 T 10 6:00PM - 7:15PM Davis T L 125 9/9/20
768 SPSU 1001 / 004 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU     ECET Majors Only 1 T 10 5:00PM - 6:20PM Staff I Q 104 0/0/0
557 SPSU 1001 / 901 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Sugalski M 19/19/20
1069 SPSU 1001 / 902 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Ruhala L 18/18/20
1204 SPSU 1001 / 903 Hitch-Hikers Guide to SPSU 1 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Khalid A 15/17/20
929 STS 2400 / 001 Weapons of Mass Destruction     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M W 5L 9:00AM - 11:40AM Nisley T J 156 19/20/24
931 STS 2400 / 002 Weapons of Mass Destruction     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T R 5L 9:00AM - 11:40AM Nisley T J 156 11/12/24
932 STS 2400 / 003 Weapons of Mass Destruction     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T R 5L 1:00PM - 3:40PM Nisley T J 156 11/11/24
939 STS 2400 / 004 Intro to Network Science     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 M W 8E 10:00AM - 11:40AM LeFebvre R J 130 18/21/24
940 STS 2400 / 005 Intro to Network Science     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T R 8E 10:00AM - 11:40AM LeFebvre R J 130 12/14/24
941 STS 2400 / 006 Intro to Network Science     Prereq: ENGL 1101 2 T R 8E 12:00PM - 1:40PM LeFebvre R J 130 15/16/24
943 STS 2400 / 900 Intro to Medical Ethics     Prereq: ENGL 1101     Fully online course 2 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Queen T 21/23/24
946 STS 2400 / 901 Intro to Medical Ethics     Prereq: ENGL 1101     Fully online course 2 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Queen T 18/21/24
948 STS 2400 / 902 Technology, Medicine, & Health     Prereq: ENGL 1101     Fully online course 2 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Potter J 21/23/24
1167 STS 2400 / SA StAbrd:Science, Tech & Society 2 TBA 10 TBA Akins E SA0 1/1/0
559 SURV 2221 / 001 C2 Surveying I 4 M 10 6:00PM - 9:40PM Wilson M L 125 17/17/25
560 SURV 2221 / 080 2C Surveying I 0 W 10 6:00PM - 8:50PM Wilson M L 125 17/17/25
633 SWE 2313 / 001 Intro to Software Engineering 3 M W 8E 10:00AM - 12:30PM Salimi A J 201 24/25/40
634 SWE 3623 / 001 Software Systems Requiremnts 3 M W 8E 10:30AM - 1:00PM Duggins S J 131 17/19/30
635 SWE 3633 / 001 Software Systms Arch & Design 3 M W 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Salimi A J 201 15/15/30
636 SWE 3643 / 001 Sftwre Test/Quality Assurance 3 M W 8E 1:00PM - 3:30PM Salimi A J 110 28/28/30
1176 SWE 3643 / 900 Sftwre Test/Quality Assurance     Note: may require proctored exams. Proctored exams may have     fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Salimi A 4/4/0
1190 SWE 4903 / 001 Directed Research in SWE 3 TBA 8E TBA Lartigue J 8/8/0
637 SWE 6623 / 001 Software Engineering I 3 T R 8E 10:30AM - 12:50PM Lartigue J J 131 6/7/25
638 SWE 6623 / 900 Software Engineering I     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Lartigue J 5/5/30
639 SWE 6753 / 850 Computer Game Des & Dev 3 M 8E 3:00PM - 5:30PM Preston J J 202 1/1/10
643 SWE 6853 / 850 Design Patterns 3 M 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Duggins S J 131 12/12/30
644 SWE 6853 / 900 Design Patterns     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Duggins S 7/8/30
645 SWE 6863 / 850 Sftw Eng Ethics & Legal 3 W 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Duggins S J 131 11/11/30
646 SWE 6863 / 900 Sftw Eng Ethics & Legal     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Duggins S 9/10/30
1191 SWE 6903 / 001 Directed Research in SWE 3 TBA 8E TBA Lartigue J 3/3/0
647 SWE 7803 / 001 SWE Master's Thesis 3 TBA 8E TBA Lartigue J 0/0/0
1044 SYE 3320 / 850 Engr Econ & Decision Analysis 3 T 8E 10:30AM - 12:55PM Butler R Q 105 21/21/30
1045 SYE 6015 / 900 System Analysis & Design 3 W 8E 6:00PM - 8:30PM Khalid A 0/0/0
1046 SYE 6070 / 900 Logistics & Sply Chn Mgt 3 T 8E 6:00PM - 8:30PM Moghaddam K 9/11/20
945 TCOM 2010 / 001 Technical Writing     Computer Classroom. 3 T R 8E 6:00PM - 8:45PM LoVerde-Dr J J 213 14/14/24
1207 TCOM 2010 / 002 Technical Writing 3 T R 8E 6:00PM - 8:45PM Greene J J 214 23/23/24
947 TCOM 2010 / 900 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Hopper K 19/20/20
949 TCOM 2010 / 901 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Hopper K 19/20/20
950 TCOM 2010 / 902 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Smith H 18/19/20
1211 TCOM 2010 / 903 Technical Writing     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Greene J 8/8/20
951 TCOM 3400 / 900 Foundations Design for the Web     100% online instruction through D2L. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Rule R 8/9/20
952 TCOM 3430 / 850 Foundation of Graphics     Mac Lab. Hybrid Course. 50% online instruction throug D2L. 3 T 8E 6:00PM - 8:45PM Hankey L J 212 6/6/20
1175 TCOM 3903 / 010 Int'l Comm - direct study     Directed Study. Not open for student enrollment. 3 TBA 10 TBA Anderson K 2/2/0
1143 TCOM 3903 / SA Study Abroad: Special Topics 3 TBA 10 TBA Nunes M SA0 2/2/0
1144 TCOM 3903 / SAA Study Abroad: Special Topics 3 TBA 10 TBA Nunes M SA0 1/1/0
781 WBIT 1100 / Y01 Intro to I.T. 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/1
807 WBIT 1310 / Y01 Program&ProblemSolvingI 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
808 WBIT 2000 / Y01 The Enterprise and IT 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/3
809 WBIT 2300 / Y01 Discrete Math for IT 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/8
810 WBIT 2311 / Y01 Programming&ProblemSolvingII 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/8
811 WBIT 3110 / Y01 Systems Analysis & Design 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
812 WBIT 3200 / Y01 DatabaseDsgn,Deve&Deployment 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/7
813 WBIT 3500 / Y01 Architecture&OperatingSystems 3 ONLINE ONLINE 0/0/6
814 WBIT 4020 / Y01 Prof Practice and Ethics 3 ONLINE ONLINE 1/1/2
815 WBIT 4030 / Y01 Senior Internship 3 ONLINE ONLINE 2/2/10
816 WBIT 4602 / Y01 IT Research Project 3 ONLINE ONLINE 5/5/12



Term Schedule for 201408.html

The data you see here may be delayed by up to one week from real time.
CRN Course Title Hrs Days Weeks Time Instructor Room Cur/Reg/Max
402 IT 1113 / 001 Programming Principles 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Pydimarri S J 265 12/12/30
403 IT 1113 / 900 Programming Principles     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Pydimarri S 11/15/30
404 IT 1324 / 001 A1 Adv Programming Principles     You must register for lab CRN 405 with this lecture. 4 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Tatum D J 211 22/22/25
405 IT 1324 / 050 1A Adv Programming Principles     You must register for lecture CRN 404 with this lab. 0 T 16 2:30PM - 4:15PM Tatum D J 211 22/22/25
406 IT 1324 / 900 B1 Adv Programming Principles     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them.     You must register for lab CRN 407 with this lecture. 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 24/26/30
407 IT 1324 / 950 1B Adv Programming Principles     You must register for lecture CRN 406 with this lab. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 24/26/30
408 IT 3123 / 001 Hardware/Software Concepts 3 M W 16 1:30PM - 2:45PM Brown R J 210 16/16/30
409 IT 3123 / 900 Hardware/Software Concepts     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Thompson R 29/35/40
410 IT 3203 / 001 Intro to Web Development 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Brown R J 210 30/31/30
411 IT 3223 / 001 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Vande Ven S J 210 20/20/30
412 IT 3223 / 900 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 25/31/30
413 IT 3423 / 001 OperSysConcepts&Admn 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Vande Ven S J 266 29/29/30
414 IT 3423 / 900 OperSysConcepts&Admn     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Prettyman S 29/30/30
415 IT 3503 / 850 Foundation of Health Info Tech 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Zhang C J 110 7/7/20
416 IT 3503 / 900 Foundation of Health Info Tech     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 19/19/20
417 IT 3883 / 001 Adv Application Development 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Vande Ven S J 260 24/24/30
418 IT 3883 / 900 Adv Application Development     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vande Ven S 24/26/30
419 IT 4123 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 23/28/30
420 IT 4203 / 001 Advanced Web Development 3 M W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Brown R J 210 14/17/30
421 IT 4323 / 850 Data Comm & Networks 3 R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Tatum D J 211 26/26/25
422 IT 4323 / 900 Data Comm & Networks     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Tatum D 33/34/30
423 IT 4333 / 900 Network Config & Admin     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Yang M 14/15/30
425 IT 4423 / 850 UNIX/Linux 3 T 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Windland R J 260 27/27/30
426 IT 4423 / 900 UNIX/Linux     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Busse D 23/23/30
428 IT 4523 / 900 ClinProcessWrkflws:Ana/Redsgn     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 9/9/30
429 IT 4683 / 850 MgntofIT&HumanCompInteractn 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Windland R J 110 23/23/30
430 IT 4683 / 900 MgntofIT&HumanCompInteractn     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 13/15/30
431 IT 4823 / 001 Info Security Administration 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Brown R J 210 25/25/30
432 IT 4823 / 900 Info Security Administration     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Tatum D 32/32/30
433 IT 4843 / 850 Ethical Hacking/Eff Defense 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Peltsverge S J 260 21/22/22
434 IT 4903 / 850 IT Infrastructure Defense     Pre-requisite: IT 4323 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Tatum D J 211 19/19/20
437 IT 4983 / 850 IT Capstone 3 F 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zheng G J 210 27/28/30
438 IT 4983 / 900 IT Capstone     Students should register for the 850 section. This section     requires only 2-3 in-classroom meetings. The 900 section     is for virtual projects & remote students only. If you have     a particular need to take this section, please contact the     instructor ([email protected]). 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zheng G 4/4/0
439 IT 5101 / 850 Intro to Database Systems     THIS COURSE RUNS 8/13/14 - 10/1/14. 1.5 M 7E 6:00PM - 7:15PM Prettyman S J 260 25/27/30
440 IT 5101 / 900 Intro to Database Systems     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them.     THIS COURSE RUNS 8/13/14 - 10/1/14. 1.5 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Prettyman S 33/35/30
441 IT 5102 / 850 Intro Computer Security     THIS COURSE RUNS 10/6/14 - 12/1/14. 1.5 M 7L 6:00PM - 7:15PM Busse D J 260 27/29/30
442 IT 5102 / 900 Intro Computer Security     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them.     THIS COURSE RUNS 10/6/14 - 12/1/14. 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Prettyman S 39/40/30
443 IT 5302 / 001 Intro to Web Development     THIS COURSE RUNS 10/6/14 - 12/1/14. 1.5 T R 7L 7:30PM - 8:45PM Li Z J 260 15/16/30
444 IT 5302 / 900 Intro to Web Development     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them.     THIS COURSE RUNS 10/6/14 - 12/1/14. 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE White C 23/24/30
445 IT 5303 / 001 Intro to Prgm/SoftwareDev 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Brown L J 211 20/22/30
446 IT 5303 / 900 Intro to Prgm/SoftwareDev     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Brown L 34/39/30
448 IT 6203 / 850 IT Design Studio 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Peltsverge S J 260 25/27/30
447 IT 6203 / 900 IT Design Studio     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Peltsverge S 31/34/30
449 IT 6413 / 850 IT Service Delivery 3 M 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Li L J 266 14/14/30
450 IT 6413 / 900 IT Service Delivery     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 28/28/30
452 IT 6423 / 900 ITSysAcquisition&Integ     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Halstead-N R 30/32/30
453 IT 6503 / 850 Foundations of HIT 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Zhang C J 110 11/11/25
454 IT 6503 / 900 Foundations of HIT     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 14/15/25
456 IT 6523 / 900 ClincialProc&Wrkflw:Ana&Redsgn     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 11/12/25
458 IT 6663 / 900 Data Center Management     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them.     THIS COURSE RUNS 8/13/14 - 10/1/14. 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Smith C 31/31/30
459 IT 6683 / 850 Management of IT     THIS COURSE RUNS 8/13/14 - 10/1/14. 3 T 7E 7:30PM - 10:00PM Halstead-N R J 211 20/21/30
460 IT 6683 / 900 Management of IT     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them.     THIS COURSE RUNS 8/13/14 - 10/1/14. 3 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Halstead-N R 29/29/30
461 IT 6713 / 850 Busi Intelligence 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Zheng G J 251 10/11/30
462 IT 6753 / 850 Adv Web Concepts & Apps 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Halstead-N R J 211 29/30/30
463 IT 6823 / 850 Info Security Cocn & Adm 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Yang M J 211 13/13/30
464 IT 6823 / 900 Info Security Cocn & Adm     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Yang M 30/32/30
465 IT 6843 / 850 Ethical Hacking: Net Security 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Peltsverge S J 260 7/8/8
1716 IT 6863 / 851 Database Security & Auditing 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Li L J 264 27/28/30
467 IT 6863 / 900 Database Security & Auditing     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 24/25/25
468 IT 6873 / 850 Information Security Seminar 3 W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Tong W J 266 7/7/30
1717 IT 6873 / 900 Information Security Seminar     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zheng G 10/10/30
469 IT 6903 / 850 IT Infrastructure Defense     Prerequisite: IT 5201 or test out of IT 5201. 3 R 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Tatum D J 211 10/10/10
470 IT 7803 / 001 Master's Thesis 3 TBA 16 TBA Peltsverge S 0/0/0
471 IT 7833 / 900 IT Strategy and Policy     Note: Proctored exams may be required. Proctored exams may     have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Parhizkar H 32/32/30



Term Schedule for 201502.html

The data you see here may be delayed by up to one week from real time.
CRN Course Title Hrs Days Weeks Time Instructor Room Cur/Reg/Max
2646 IT 1113 / 001 Programming Principles 3 T R 16 2:30PM - 3:45PM Pydimarri S J 260 29/29/30
2651 IT 1324 / 001 A1 Adv Programming Principles 4 F 16 8:00AM - 10:30AM Tatum D J 266 33/33/35
2652 IT 1324 / 051 1A Adv Programming Principles 0 F 16 10:45AM - 12:25PM Tatum D J 266 33/33/35
3130 IT 1324 / 900 A2 Adv Programming Principles     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 4 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 24/25/40
3136 IT 1324 / 951 2A Adv Programming Principles     proctered exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 0 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Teat C 24/25/40
3133 IT 3123 / 001 Hardware/Software Concepts 3 M W 16 10:00AM - 11:15AM Brown R J 266 16/17/35
2994 IT 3123 / 900 Hardware/Software Concepts     100% online instruction through D2L.     Proctored exams mya be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Thompson R 19/21/30
2996 IT 3203 / 001 Intro to Web Development 3 M W 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Brown R J 266 29/33/35
2997 IT 3203 / 900 Intro to Web Development     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Brown R 37/39/40
2998 IT 3223 / 001 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Vande Ven S J 131 24/25/30
2999 IT 3223 / 900 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 17/21/40
3000 IT 3423 / 001 OperSysConcepts&Admn 3 T R 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Vande Ven S J 266 19/21/35
3001 IT 3883 / 001 Adv Application Development 3 T R 16 1:00PM - 2:15PM Tatum D J 266 27/27/35
3002 IT 3883 / 900 Adv Application Development     Proctered exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vande Ven S 20/23/40
2995 IT 4123 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Windland R 21/21/40
3003 IT 4153 / 900 Advanced Database     Proctered exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rabah D 37/40/40
3201 IT 4213 / 001 Mobile Web Development 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zheng G J 211 8/9/14
3004 IT 4323 / 001 Data Comm & Networks 3 T R 16 3:00PM - 4:15PM Tatum D J 266 20/20/35
3005 IT 4323 / 900 Data Comm & Networks     Procttored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Tatum D 38/40/40
3006 IT 4423 / 900 UNIX/Linux     Proctored exams may be requried     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Busse D 32/35/40
3195 IT 4513 / 850 Elec Health Record Systems 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Zhang C J 202 8/8/15
3196 IT 4533 / 900 Health Info Security/Privacy     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 8/8/30
3007 IT 4673 / 900 Virtual IT Systems     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Vande Ven S 27/27/40
3793 IT 4683 / 900 MgntofIT&HumanCompInteractn     This section is closed 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Halstead-N R 4/4/0
3008 IT 4723 / 900 IT Policy and Law     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE McNamara B 35/35/40
3009 IT 4823 / 001 Info Security Administration 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Brown R J 260 30/30/30
3010 IT 4823 / 900 Info Security Administration     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Tatum D 40/40/40
3122 IT 4833 / 900 Wireless Security     Proctored exams may be requried     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 39/39/40
3123 IT 4853 / 001 Computer Forensics 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Yang M J 210 23/24/25
3124 IT 4983 / 850 IT Capstone 3 F 16 2:00PM - 3:15PM Zheng G J 266 27/28/35
3125 IT 4983 / 900 IT Capstone     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zheng G 3/4/0
3011 IT 5200 / 001 Intro Platforms & OS     This course runs from 1/5/15 - 2/26/15 1.5 M W 7E 6:00PM - 7:15PM Prettyman S J 210 29/30/40
3197 IT 5200 / 900 Intro Platforms & OS     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 1/5/15 - 2/26/15 1.5 ONLINE 7E ONLINE Prettyman S 40/40/40
3013 IT 5201 / 001 Intro to Computer Networks     This course runs from 39/15 - 4/27/15 1.5 M W 7L 6:00PM - 7:15PM Busse D J 210 20/20/40
3014 IT 5201 / 900 Intro to Computer Networks     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 39/15 - 4/27/15 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Busse D 38/39/40
3015 IT 5302 / 001 Intro to Web Development     This course runs from 39/15 - 4/27/15 1.5 M W 7L 6:00PM - 7:15PM Prettyman S J 211 11/11/24
3016 IT 5302 / 900 Intro to Web Development     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 39/15 - 4/27/15 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Prettyman S 22/23/30
3540 IT 5302 / 901 Intro to Web Development     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 39/15 - 4/27/15     .     . 1.5 ONLINE 7L ONLINE Li Z 14/16/30
2645 IT 5303 / 001 Intro to Prgm/SoftwareDev 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Brown L J 211 23/23/24
2649 IT 5303 / 900 Intro to Prgm/SoftwareDev     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Pydimarri S 33/35/40
3017 IT 6103 / 900 IT and the Law     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Rutherfoor R 38/39/40
3018 IT 6203 / 850 IT Design Studio 3 M 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Zheng G J 260 29/30/30
3019 IT 6203 / 900 IT Design Studio     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li Z 26/34/40
3020 IT 6413 / 900 IT Service Delivery     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 37/37/40
3021 IT 6423 / 850 ITSysAcquisition&Integ 3 W 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Li L J 202 21/22/30
3142 IT 6513 / 850 EHR Systems 3 R 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Zhang C J 202 6/6/15
3144 IT 6533 / 900 Health Info Sec & Privacy     Procotred exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Zhang C 12/12/40
3022 IT 6583 / 001 Bus Continuity Planning 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Halstead-N R J 266 21/22/35
3023 IT 6643 / 900 Issues in IT     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Halstead-N R 39/39/40
3114 IT 6733 / 850 Database Administration 3 T 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Peltsverge S J 260 31/32/30
3120 IT 6733 / 900 Database Administration     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Peltsverge S 24/32/40
3199 IT 6763 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Windland R 17/19/40
3057 IT 6823 / 900 Info Security Cocn & Adm     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Yang M 36/38/40
3063 IT 6833 / 900 Wireless Security     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Li L 37/39/40
3064 IT 6853 / 001 Computer Forensics 3 M W 16 7:30PM - 8:45PM Yang M J 210 16/16/15
3200 IT 6903 / 001 Sp Tp Mobile Web Development 3 M W 16 4:30PM - 5:45PM Zheng G J 211 5/5/10
3194 IT 7803 / 850 Master's Thesis     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them. 3 TBA 16 TBA Peltsverge S 0/0/0
3095 IT 7833 / 001 IT Strategy and Policy 3 T 16 6:00PM - 7:15PM Halstead-N R J 266 31/31/35
3860 IT 7833 / 900 IT Strategy and Policy 3 ONLINE 16 ONLINE Halstead-N R 11/11/10



Term Schedule for 201505.html

The data you see here may be delayed by up to one week from real time.
CRN Course Title Hrs Days Weeks Time Instructor Room Cur/Reg/Max
5187 IT 1113 / 001 Programming Principles     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 T R 8E 2:00PM - 4:30PM Pydimarri S J 211 8/8/10
5188 IT 1113 / 900 Programming Principles     Proctored exams may be     required. Procted exams     may have fees that accompany     them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Pydimarri S 9/10/20
5194 IT 1324 / 900 2L Adv Programming Principles     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 4 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Vande Ven S 18/19/30
5195 IT 1324 / 951 L2 Adv Programming Principles     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 0 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Vande Ven S 18/19/30
5196 IT 3123 / 001 Hardware/Software Concepts     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 T R 8L 5:00PM - 7:30PM Brown R J 210 8/9/20
5197 IT 3123 / 900 Hardware/Software Concepts     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Brown R 14/17/30
5198 IT 3223 / 900 SoftwareAcq&ProjManagement     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Vande Ven S 24/25/30
5199 IT 3423 / 900 OperSysConcepts&Admn     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15. 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Vande Ven S 20/20/30
5200 IT 3503 / 900 Foundation of Health Info Tech     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 13/13/15
5201 IT 4123 / 850 Electronic Commerce     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 W 8L 5:00PM - 7:30PM Rabah D J 211 9/9/20
5202 IT 4123 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Proctoered exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 0/0/20
5203 IT 4333 / 850 Network Config & Admin     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15     . 3 W 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Yang M J 211 8/8/40
5204 IT 4333 / 900 Network Config & Admin     Proctored exams may be requried     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Yang M 7/7/20
5205 IT 4423 / 850 UNIX/Linux     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 M 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Windland R J 101 7/7/40
5206 IT 4533 / 900 Health Info Security/Privacy     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 1/1/20
5207 IT 4683 / 850 MgntofIT&HumanCompInteractn     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 R 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Halstead-N R J 152 9/9/40
5208 IT 4683 / 900 MgntofIT&HumanCompInteractn     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Halstead-N R 16/16/30
5209 IT 4723 / 850 IT Policy and Law     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 W 8E 2:00PM - 4:30PM Shahriar H J 201L 15/15/40
5210 IT 4723 / 900 IT Policy and Law     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE McNamara B 7/7/35
5212 IT 4823 / 900 Info Security Administration     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Tatum D 30/30/35
5213 IT 4843 / 850 Ethical Hacking/Eff Defense     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 T 8L 5:00PM - 7:30PM Tatum D J 260 19/19/20
5214 IT 4843 / 900 Ethical Hacking/Eff Defense     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Tatum D 10/10/15
5711 IT 4903 / 001 SpTp in Information Technology 3 T 10 2:00PM - 4:30PM Li L 1/1/1
5483 IT 4983 / 850 IT Capstone 3 M 10 3:00PM - 4:30PM Zheng G J 210 6/6/15
5215 IT 5101 / 820 Intro to Database Systems     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 1.5 M 8L 5:30PM - 6:45PM Peltsverge S J 266 20/23/30
5216 IT 5101 / 900 Intro to Database Systems     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 1.5 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Peltsverge S 23/23/30
5217 IT 5102 / 900 Intro Computer Security     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 1.5 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Peltsverge S 50/50/50
5302 IT 5200 / 850 Intro Platforms & OS     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 1.5 W 8E 7:40PM - 8:55PM Busse D J 201L 5/5/30
5219 IT 5200 / 900 Intro Platforms & OS     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 1.5 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Busse D 15/16/30
5220 IT 5201 / 850 Intro to Computer Networks     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 1.5 M 8E 7:00PM - 8:15PM Prettyman S J 266 10/10/30
5221 IT 5201 / 900 Intro to Computer Networks     Proctored exams may be requried     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 1.5 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Prettyman S 19/19/30
5222 IT 5302 / 850 Intro to Web Development     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 1.5 R 8L 5:30PM - 6:45PM Li Z J 266 15/15/30
5223 IT 5302 / 900 Intro to Web Development     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 1.5 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Li Z 21/21/30
5224 IT 6413 / 850 IT Service Delivery     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 T 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Li L J 260 13/13/30
5225 IT 6423 / 900 ITSysAcquisition&Integ     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Li L 27/28/30
5226 IT 6473 / 850 Multimedia Applications     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 R 8E 5:00PM - 7:30PM Halstead-N R J 260 13/13/30
5227 IT 6473 / 900 Multimedia Applications     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Halstead-N R 18/19/25
5228 IT 6503 / 900 Foundations of HIT     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 21/21/20
5229 IT 6533 / 900 Health Info Sec & Privacy     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 9/9/20
5231 IT 6643 / 900 Issues in IT     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Rutherfoor R 23/23/30
5232 IT 6683 / 850 Management of IT     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 R 8E 7:40PM - 10:10PM Halstead-N R J 109 17/17/30
5233 IT 6683 / 900 Management of IT     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Halstead-N R 20/20/20
5234 IT 6723 / 850 Managing Oper & Network Sys     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 T 8L 7:40PM - 10:10PM Peltsverge S J 266 8/8/30
5235 IT 6723 / 900 Managing Oper & Network Sys     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Peltsverge S 13/18/30
5619 IT 6753 / 900 Adv Web Concepts & Apps     Proctored exams may be required.     Proctored exams may have fees     that accompany them. 3 ONLINE 10 ONLINE Zheng G 11/12/30
5237 IT 6763 / 850 Electronic Commerce     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 W 8L 5:00PM - 7:30PM Rabah D J 211 1/1/10
5238 IT 6763 / 900 Electronic Commerce     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Zhang C 10/10/20
5240 IT 6823 / 900 Info Security Cocn & Adm     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Yang M 28/29/30
5241 IT 6843 / 850 Ethical Hacking: Net Security     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 T 8L 5:00PM - 7:30PM Tatum D J 260 9/9/10
5242 IT 6843 / 900 Ethical Hacking: Net Security     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 ONLINE 8L ONLINE Tatum D 11/14/15
5243 IT 7803 / 001 Master's Thesis     Proctored exams may be required     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 6/1/15 - 7/23/15 3 TBA 8L TBA Peltsverge S 0/0/0
5244 IT 7833 / 900 IT Strategy and Policy     Proctored exams may be requried     Proctored exams may have fees that accompany them.     This course runs from 5/18/15 - 7/10/15 3 ONLINE 8E ONLINE Li L 17/17/30



IT 4713 Class Project Business Scenario

The following only provides some preliminary and partial description of the scenario. It is enough to

get you started to understand the type of data and the analysis we want to see from data. But you need

to analyze, and design based on your experience and understanding of the case. This is critical in any

data modeling and design.

Be like an analyst and inquire more!

Data explanation

1. CRN is course section offering id, and should be unique across semesters (not exactly sure)

2. Course section codes: 9xx – online, 8xx – hybrid, 0xx – in-classroom

3. Course number: 1xxx-4xxx (undergraduate, 1 to 4 for freshman, sophomore, junior, and

senior), 5xxx and above for graduate

4. CCSE courses have five prefixes: IT, CS, SWE, CGDD, CSE

5. The last column are the three types of enrollment headcounts:

actual enrollment number in the end/initial enrollment number before registration deadline/max

available seats.

Sample expected queries and analysis – these are samples not exactly hard requirements.

1. We want to focus on CCSE the college as well as the IT department.

2. Class registration analysis: providing a view of registration head counts from different


a. Total registration head counts as a whole, and by department and class level (graduate

or undergraduate).

b. Registration history (all semesters in the database) of key courses.

c. Data in current semester compared to those in the same semester of last year.

d. Online course registration trend (by computing subjects like IT, CS, Security, etc.).

e. Other metrics like withdraw rate, average class size, classroom utilization etc.

f. [Challenge] Prediction of class enrollment and number/type of sections offering.

3. Degree program analysis

a. Growth as a whole or in certain aspects like MSIT

b. Comparison of departments in areas like course number, class size, faculty workload,

trend, etc.

4. Faculty performance and workload. Some key analysis include:

a. Individual faculty member’s most recent academic year.

i. Total number of courses, and by semester

ii. Total number of sections, and by semester

iii. Total registration head counts, and by semester and course

iv. Withdraw rate for each course section.

b. Faculty as a whole group

i. Registration head count total by employment status (full time or part time), rank

(professor, associate prof, lecturer, etc.), and by department

ii. Number of course sections total by employment status, and by department

Week 7 Assignment: Cultivating Healthful Environments

Guidelines with Scoring Rubric


Master’s-prepared advanced practice nurses participate in and demonstrate fair and unbiased interactions within all workplace settings. As a member of the nursing profession, and a leader, you are encouraged to implement strategies that promote and cultivate cultures of civility, regardless of practice setting. The purpose of this assessment is to analyze the issue of incivility and apply best practices to cultivate healthful environments.

Total Points Possible

This assessment is worth 200 points.

Due Date

Submit your file(s) by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 7.


Criteria for Content

Reflect on the issue of incivility. Think of an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Analyze scholarly literature related to the issue of incivility and strategies for cultivating healthful environments.

1. In a four- to six-page written paper, address the following.

a. Define and explain the issue of incivility. Use scholarly nursing literature.

b. Discuss the importance of this issue to nursing. Address the impact of incivility on individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. In this section, use at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources to support your work. Remember to include matching references for each.

c. Provide a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting. What was the impact on the individuals involved? How was the work environment affected?

d. Describe three strategies for creating a healthful environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy.

e. Identify your selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Provide two examples of strategies you will implement in your master’s-prepared advanced practice role to cultivate a healthful work environment.

f. Provide a conclusion. Include a summary on the issue of incivility, strategies to create healthful environments, specialty track, and how you will contribute to cultivating healthful environments in your future professional practice. Include a self-reflection.

Preparing the paper

Submission Requirements

1. Application: Use Microsoft Word 2013™.

2. Length: The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is at minimum four (4) pages and at maximum six (6) pages.

3. A minimum of four (4) scholarly nursing literature references must be used.

4. Submission: Submit your files: Last name_First initial_Assessment 5_Cultivating Healthful Environments.

Best Practices in Preparing the Project

The following are best practices in preparing this project.

1. Review directions thoroughly.

2. Follow submission requirements.

3. Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included.

4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.

5. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.

6. Ideas and information that come from scholarly nursing literature must be cited and referenced correctly.

7. A minimum of four (4) scholarly nursing literature references must be used.

8. Abide by CCN academic integrity policy.

Grading Criteria








Introduction includes general statements on incivility and how this issue affects nursing work environments. Identify sections of the paper. Provide support from scholarly literature.

Issue of Incivility



Define and explain the issue of incivility. Provide citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition and explanation of incivility. A dictionary may be used for ONLY for this section in addition to scholarly nursing literature.

Importance to Nursing



Discuss the importance of incivility related to nursing. Address the impact of incivility on individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. Provide support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources.




Provide a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting. What was the impact on the individuals involved? How was the work environment affected?

Creating a Healthful Environment



Describe three strategies for creating a healthful environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy.

Practice Application



Identify your selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Provide two examples of strategies you will implement in your master’s prepared-advanced practice role to cultivate a healthful work environment. Use scholarly nursing literature to support each example.




Provide a conclusion. Include a summary on incivility and the issues this creates; strategies to create healthful environments, specialty track, and how you will contribute to cultivating healthful environments in your future professional practice. Include a self-reflection. Self-reflection is written in first person.

APA Format



Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper (one deduction for each type of APA style error). Ideas and information that come from scholarly nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly. A minimum of four (4) scholarly nursing references with matching in-text citations are used.

Writing Mechanics



Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual.




A quality assessment will meet or exceed all the above requirements.


NR500 Guidelines & Rubric.docx_08.01.2017(JC)


Grading Rubric

Assessment Criteria



Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance

Content Possible Points = 180 Points


10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

6 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· General statements on incivility

· General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

· Identifies sections of the paper

· Provides support from scholarly literature

Presentation of information is superficial and includes all of the following elements:

· General statements on incivility

· General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

· Identifies sections of the paper

· Provides support from scholarly literature

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

· General statements on incivility

· General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

· Identifies sections of the paper

· Provides support from scholarly literature

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· General statements on incivility

· General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

· Identifies sections of the paper

· Provides support from scholarly literature

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· General statements on incivility

· General statements on how this issue affects nursing work environments

· Identifies sections of the paper

· Provides support from scholarly literature

Issue of Incivility

(Note: A dictionary may be used ONLY for this section to define incivility, in addition to scholarly nursing literature.)

20 Points

18 Points

16 Points

12 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Defines incivility

· Explains why incivility is an issue

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Defines incivility

· Explains why incivility is an issue

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition.

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

· Defines incivility

· Explains why incivility is an issue

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Defines incivility

· Explains why incivility is an issue

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Presentation of information in two or more following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Defines incivility

· Explains why incivility is an issue

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the definition

· Provides in-text citations from scholarly nursing literature that support the explanation

Importance to Nursing

40 Points

36 points

32 Points

24 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

· Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

· Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

· Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

· Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

· Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

· Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

· Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

· Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

· Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

· Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

· Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

· Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

· Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

· Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

· Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

· Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

· Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Discusses the importance of incivility related to nursing

· Addresses the impact of incivility on individuals

· Addresses the impact of incivility on microsystem work environments

· Addresses the impact of incivility on the profession of nursing

· Provides support from at least three (3) different scholarly nursing literature sources


20 Points

18 Points

16 Points

12 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

· Discusses the impact on the individuals involved

· Explains how the work environment was affected

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

· Discusses the impact on the individuals involved

· Explains how the work environment was affected

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements:

· Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

· Discusses the impact on the individuals involved.

· Explains how the work environment was affected

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

· Discusses the impact on the individuals involved

· Explains how the work environment was affected

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Provides a scenario (real or fictitious) of incivility in a practice setting

· Discusses the impact on the individuals involved.

· Explains how the work environment was affected

Creating a Healthful Environment

30 Points

27 Points

24 Points

18 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Presentation of information is good, but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

· Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Presentation of information in the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Describes three strategies for creating a healthful environment

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each strategy

Practice Application

40 Points

36 Points

32 Points

24 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

· Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example

Presentation of information is good but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

· Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

· Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

· Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

· Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Identifies selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics)

· Provides two examples on how strategies will be implemented to cultivate a healthful work environment in future master’s-prepared advanced practice role

· Uses scholarly nursing literature to support each example


(Note: Self-reflection is written in first person.)

20 Points

18 Points

16 Points

12 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements:

· Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

· Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

· Identifies specialty track

· Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

· Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Presentation of information is good but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements:

· Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

· Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

· Identifies specialty track

· Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

· Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

· Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

· Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

· Identifies specialty track

· Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

· Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following:

· Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

· Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

· Identifies specialty track

· Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

· Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Presentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following:

· Summarizes incivility and why it is a nursing issue

· Summarizes strategies to create healthful environments

· Identifies specialty track

· Summarizes potential contributions to cultivating healthful environments in future professional practice

· Includes self-reflection on new knowledge gained resulting from the completion of this assessment

Content Subtotal ___ /180 points

Format Possible Points = 20 Points

APA Format

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

6 Points

0 Points

APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

0 to 1 APA error is present

APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

2–3 APA errors are present

APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

4–5 APA errors are present

APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

6–7 APA errors are present

APA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page;

· running head;

· body of paper (including citations and headings); and

· reference page.

One deduction for each type of APA format error.

8 or greater APA errors are present

References and Page Length

Note: Students are to use at least four (4) scholarly nursing literature references current within 5 years. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is at minimum four (4) pages and at maximum six (6) pages.

4 Point deduction

Does not use at least four (4) current scholarly nursing literature references and/or does not meet or exceeds required page length.

Writing Mechanics

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

6 Points

0 Points

1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual

3–4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual

5–6 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual

7–8 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual

9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual

Format Subtotal ____/20 points

Total Points ____/200 points


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