Delegating as a new nurse

Alliyah Stephens-Brodie

Chamberlain University College of Nursing

NR 103: Transition to the Nursing Profession

Dr. Pamela Wright

October 9, 2022

Delegating as a New Nurse

The title of your paper should be identical to what you placed on the title page. Type your introduction here and remove the instructions. Although the first paragraph after the paper title is the introduction, no heading labeled “Introduction” is used. Refer to your assignment instructions for the headings to be used for the body of the paper. There are additional resources located in your courses and the Chamberlain Library.

Summary of Article

As a new nurse knowing how to delegate appropriately is important to the safety of the patient.

Levels of headings will depend on the length and organization of your paper. Your paper for NR 103 should only have level 1 headings. Longer papers may require more organizational detail. See your APA Manual for additional instructions on formatting multiple levels of headings.


Papers should end with a conclusion or summary. The assignment directions will specify which is required. It should be concise and contain no new information. No matter how much space remains on the page, the references always start on a separate page (insert a page break after the conclusion so that the references will start on a new page). Also, the reflection is a continuation of the paper and is not required to be on a separate page. Remember, you can submit your paper to the Essay Review Service for feedback on grammar and/or format. This needs to be done at least by Wednesday of the week it is due for you to receive their feedback and make needed revisions prior to submitting for grading.


The reflection should be in a separate paragraph with a heading labeled “Reflection”. This is the ONLY portion of the paper that can be written in first person. It should be a continuation of the paper and not specifically placed on a separate page. The total length of the paper, including the introduction, the summary of the article, the conclusion, and the reflection should be 1-2 pages. If you include the separate title page and reference page, it should not exceed 4 pages.


American journal of nursing (Online). (1900). J.B. Lippincott Co.

Total Revenues

Total Revenues per Household (2020 Dollars)
2018 2019 2020
Total Revenues $4,020,770 $4,473,133 $4,156,147 Formula:
Total Revenues (2020 $) $4,151,464 $4,560,400 $4,156,147 Total Revenues ( 2020 Dollars)
Households 3,782 4,046 4,390 Households
Total Revenues per Household (2020 $) $1,098 $1,127 $947
Warning Trend:
Decreasing Total revenues
per households ( 2020 $)
The warning trends that should raise a red flag for the city are
decreasing net operating revenues per household. This
was largely because of an increase in the county property taxes collected.
Also the DPS and Municipal Court substantially increased their revenues.
And finally, the city received income from a Federal grant, which it had never
received before. The period between 2018 and 2020 shifted back to normal,
this is why you see another slight decrease.
&C&"Arial,Bold"&18Revenues Per Household

Total Revenues

Total Revenues per Household (2020 $)

Sales Tax

Sales Tax Revenues
2018 2019 2020 Warning Trend: Formula:
Total revenues $ 4,020,770 $ 4,473,133 $ 4,156,147
Sales tax revenues $ 1,284,083 $ 1,369,330 $ 1,351,092
Sales and use revenues as a percentage
of total revenues 31.9% 30.6% 32.5%
Sales and uses revenues are revenues
from taxes that have a taxable base which
is expected to reflect general economic changes in
the short-run. From 2019-2020 the amount of sales
and use revenues increased.
&C&"Arial,Bold"&18Elastic Revenues
Decreasing amount of sales revenues as a percentage of total revenues.
Sales tax revenues Total revenues

Sales Tax

Total revenues
Sales tax revenues
Total Revenues and Sales Tax Revenues
Sales Tax Revenues as a Percentage of Total Revenues

Property Taxes

Property Tax Revenues
2018 2019 2020 Warning Trends:
Property Tax Revenues* $800,826 $834,342 $954,121 Decline in property tax revenues
Property Tax Revenue (in 2020 dollars) $834,002 $855,529 $954,121
Property tax revenues (in constant dollars)
Propety tax revenues are conditioned on ownership
of property and measured by its assessed value. The
warning trend suggests that a decline in property tax
would be harmful to a city's operation. Maumelle's
property tax revenues have been increasing every
year. The pattern of increasing property tax revenues
should continue in future years due to growth and
Maumelle establishing a charter school.
* Real and Personal Property Taxes

Property Taxes

Property Tax Revenue (in 2020 Dollars)

Operating Expenditures

Operating Expenses Per Household
Operating Expenditures Per Household 2018 2019 2020 Warning Trend:
Operating Expenditures $7,000,000 $7,500,000 $8,000,000
Operating Expenditures (2020 Dollars) $8,000,000 $8,500,000 $9,000,000 Increasing Operating Expenditures
Per Household.
Number of Households 3782 4046 4394
Operating Expenditures Per Household (2020 Dollars) $2,115 $2,101 $2,048
Operating Expenditures
Number of Households
From the graphic analysis pictured at the left
it is clear that the warning trend (presented in the above
box) is not present. The trend that is presented, is
exactly opposite to the warning trend. The data
presented shows that the number of municipal employees
per household is actually decreasing in Maumelle and has
been decreasing since 1996. This trend displays
an increase in effectiveness and efficiency in city service,
to operate at the same level of service, despite a decrease
in the total number of municipal employees per

Operating Expenditures

Operating Expenditures Per Household (2020 Dollars)


Financial Condition

Financial condition is defined as the ability of a local government to balance recurring expenditures with recurring revenues, allowing cities to provide necessary services on a continuing basis. A city in good financial condition is able to maintain adequate service levels during economic downturns and is able to develop resources to meet future needs. In contrast, a city in fiscal stress struggles to balance the budget, experiences service disruptions and has limited resources to finance future needs. Maintaining a sound financial condition requires governments to adjust to long-term changes in community needs and develop the ability to plan for the future.

There is no single measure that fully captures the financial condition of a governmental entity therefore it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach that focuses on both external and internal fiscal factors.

Financial Indicators for a Fiscal Condition Analysis

There are over 40 standard indicators that can serve as an evaluation basis for the financial condition of a city. The indicators used in this course will be as follows:


· Total Revenues

· Total Revenues per Household

· Intergovernmental Revenues as a Percent of Operating Revenue

· Property Tax Revenues

· Sales & Use Tax Revenue per Household

· Restricted Revenues


· Total Operating Expenditures per Household

· Fringe benefits

· Fixed Costs as a Percent of Operating Expenditures

· Debt per Household

This fiscal condition analysis, however, will focus only on the five (5) most important financial indictors:


· Total Revenues

· Property Taxes

· Sales Taxes


· Operating Expenditures

· Personnel Costs

Adjusting for Constant Dollars

Adjusting for inflation converts current dollars into constant dollars. The conversion from actual dollars to constant dollars allows for analysts to take into account the appearance of growth that may be due to inflation. When dealing with dollars over time:

Before entering the budgeted amounts in the excel spreadsheets, you need to convert each dollar amount to constant dollars. Due to inflation, the purchasing power of the dollar changes over time, so in order to compare dollar values from one year to another, they need to be converted from nominal (current) dollar values to constant dollar values

The easiest way to do that is to use an inflation calculator, such as the one below.



Revenues determine a city’s capacity to provide services. Important issues to consider relative to revenues are growth, diversity, reliability, flexibility and administration. Under ideal conditions revenues will grow at a rate equal to or greater than the combined effects of inflation and expenditure pressures from new and/or expanded services. They should be sufficiently flexible to allow necessary adjustments in response to changing conditions. They should be diversified in their resources so as not to be overly dependent on residential, commercial or industrial land uses or on external funding sources such as federal grants or discretionary state aid. User fees should be regularly evaluated and revised to cover the true cost of providing services. Analyzing a revenue structure will aid in identifying the following types of problems:

• Deterioration in revenue base

• Internal procedures or priorities that may adversely affect revenue

• Over-dependence on obsolete or external revenue sources

• User fees that are not covering the cost of providing services

• Changes in tax burden

• Inefficiency in collection or administration of revenue

Total Revenues per Household

Description: As a city’s population grows, it is anticipated that the needs for services will increase in a direct relationship. Therefore, the level of revenues per households should at least remain constant and at a minimum, equal to operating expenditures per household. If operating revenues per household decrease or become lower than operating expenditures per household, it may hamper a city’s ability to maintain the existing level of services unless new sources of revenues or ways of trimming expenses can be found. Label as critical or caution,

Warning Trend: Decreasing total revenues per household


Property Tax Revenue

Description: Local property tax revenues are driven primarily by the value of residential and commercial property, with property tax bills determined by the local government’s assessed mill levy on the value of property. Property tax collections lag the real estate market, because local assessment practices take time to catch up with changes. As a result, current property tax bills and property tax collections typically reflect values of property from twelve to eighteen months prior.

A decline or diminished growth rate in taxable value may result from a number of causes such as an overall decline in property values, the transfer of taxable property to organizations that are exempt, or a decline in new development.

Warning Trend: Declining or negative growth in property tax revenues


Sales Tax Revenue as Percentage of Total Revenues

Description: Changes in economic conditions are also evident in terms of changes in sales tax collections. When consumer confidence is high, people spend more on goods and services, and city governments benefit through increases in sales tax collections. Prior to the recession, consumer spending was also fueled by a strong real estate market that provided additional wealth to homeowners. The struggling economy and the declining real estate market have reduced consumer confidence, resulting in less consumer spending and declining sales tax revenues.

Warning Trend: Declining or negative growth in sales & use tax revenues



Expenditures are a rough measure of a city's output effort. Generally, the more a city spends, the more service it is providing or it is providing higher quality service however increased expenditures can also be a sign of problems in ineffective budget control or excessive growth, decline in personnel productivity and growth in services not supported by revenues.

Most cities are required to have balanced budgets; however, there are a number of subtle ways to balance an annual budget yet create long-term imbalances. Some of the more common ways are to use bond proceeds for operations, defer maintenance, or utilize temporary cuts from year-to-year. In each case, the budget remains balanced, but in the long-term significant deficits could be developing.

Ideally, a city will have an expenditure growth rate that does not exceed its revenue growth rate and will have maximum spending flexibility to adjust to changing factors. A review of city expenditures can identify deficiencies should they exist such as:

• Excessive growth of overall expenditures as compared to revenue growth

• An undesired increase in fixed costs

• Ineffective budget controls & models

• Excessive growth in programs that create future expenditure liabilities

Operating Expenditures per Household

Description: Operating expenditures per household reflect changes in expenditures relative to changes in population. Increasing per household expenditures can indicate that the cost of providing services is increasing at a pace beyond the city’s ability to pay. If spending is increasing faster than can be accounted for by inflation or new programs, it may indicate that a city is spending more funds to support the same level of services or the methods of providing the services are inefficient.

Warning Trend: Increasing operating expenditures per household


Personnel Costs per Household

Description: Employee wages and benefits can represent a significant cost to a city. Some benefits are mandated such as FICA, workers compensation and unemployment. Others, such as health insurance and retirement are discretionary.

Warning Trend: Increasing benefits as a percent of salaries & wages


Concluding Remarks

Excerpts from: Cody, Wyoming, 5 Year Financial Trend Report, January 2013 Page 7

PADM 702

Assignment Resource: Fiscal Condition Analysis Assignment Guide

1) Open and save the Assignment Resource: Abridged Maumelle Budget

· This contains all the information you will need to enter into your spreadsheets.

· When dealing with dollars over time:

· Before entering the budgeted amounts in the excel spreadsheets, you need to convert each dollar amount to constant dollars. Due to inflation, the purchasing power of the dollar changes over time, so to compare dollar values from one year to another, they need to be converted from nominal (current) dollar values to constant dollar values.

· The easiest way to do that is to use an inflation calculator, such as the U.S. Inflation Calculator found in your assignment resources.

2) The number of Households in Maumelle, Arkansas are as follows:

· 2020 = 4,394

· 2019 = 4,046

· 2018 = 3,782

3) Open and save the following Assignment Resources:

· Revenues

· Assignment Resource: Total Revenues Per Household (2020 Dollars)

· Assignment Resource: Property Tax Revenues

· Assignment Resource: Sales Tax Revenues

· Expenditures

· Assignment Resource: Personnel Costs Per Household

· Assignment Resource: Operating Expenditures Per Household

Use the above spreadsheets (Excel), for revenues and expenditures. They are interactive, so when you place the appropriate figures in the spreadsheet with the data for Maumelle, Arkansas, the data and graphs will automatically be updated to correspond with the data you entered. You must enter both the dollars in the budget and the constant dollar amounts (2020 Dollars)

4) Now, develop a Fiscal Condition Report. Refer to Assignment Resource: Fiscal Condition Analysis Report Template as a guide. You will be conducting a partial fiscal condition analysis, as all the components will not be analysis, just the five (5) above.

5) Analyze what the findings tell you. (In this case, what does the table and its concomitant chart tell you about the trend. A paragraph for each set of tables and charts should suffice. You only need one analysis for each table and its concomitant chart. For analysis, treat each table and its concomitant chart as one since they are measuring identical data)

*Note: These are interactive, so when you replace the appropriate figures in the spreadsheet with the data for Maumelle, Arkansas, the data and graphs will automatically be updated to correspond with the data you entered. You must enter both the dollars in the budget and the constant dollar amounts (2020 Dollars).

Page 2 of 2

Other ways to measure fiscal condition of governments


ASSIGNMENT for Week 6:

Fiscal Condition Analysis with Excel Research Paper Instructions

Sound fiscal health is imperative to ensuring the effective operation of governments. Thus, governments should periodically assess their financial condition. Performing a financial condition analysis can provide governments with valuable information on the current and future state of their finances. The analysis can highlight potential fiscal problems and provide information necessary for corrective action. By taking action to address weaknesses and strengthen fiscal health, government can better ensure that resources are available to fund the level and quality of services expected by taxpayers

Financial condition is defined as the ability of a government to balance recurring expenditures with recurring revenues, allowing governments to provide necessary services on a continuing basis. A government in good financial condition is able to maintain adequate service levels during economic downturns and is able to develop resources to meet future needs. In contrast, a government in fiscal stress struggles to balance the budget, experiences service disruptions and has limited resources to finance future needs. Maintaining a sound financial condition requires governments to adjust to long-term changes in community needs and develop the ability to plan.

There is no single measure that fully captures the financial condition of a governmental entity therefore it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach that focuses on both external and internal fiscal factors.

Financial Indicators

There are over 40 standard indicators that can serve as an evaluation basis for the financial condition of a city. Examples of standard indicators for local governments are as follows:


· Total Revenues

· Operating Revenues per Household

· Intergovernmental Revenues as a Percent of Operating Revenue

· Property Tax Revenues

· Sales & Use Tax Revenue per Household

· Restricted Revenues


· Operating Expenditures per Household

· Fringe benefits

· Fixed Costs as a Percent of Operating Expenditures

· Debt per Household

For this assignment, you must develop a fiscal condition analysis of Maumelle, Arkansas analyzing the most recent three-year revenue and expenditures data of Maumelle, Arkansas, utilizing Excel Tools and charts (compute and create tables) to create fiscal condition analysis for Maumelle, Arkansas.

This fiscal condition analysis will focus only on the five (5) of the most important financial indicators for local governments: (1) Total Revenues, (2) Property Taxes, (3) Sales Taxes, (4) Operating Expenditures, and (5) Personnel Costs.

To do this:

Open and save the abbreviated Budget for Maumelle, Arkansas below. It contains all the information you will need to enter into the spreadsheets (Excel).

Hint: After you save the Abbreviated Budget, expand the zoom function to about 200+ to read the figures. The zoom function is located at the bottom right of the document. (probably set to 100%)


When dealing with dollars over time:

Remember, before entering the budgeted amounts in the excel spreadsheets, you need to convert each dollar amount to constant dollars. Due to inflation, the purchasing power of the dollar changes over time, so in order to compare dollar values from one year to another, they need to be converted from nominal (current) dollar values to constant dollar values

The easiest way to do that is to use an inflation calculator, such as the one below.


The number of Households in Maumelle, Arkansas are as follows:

2020 = 4,394

2019 = 4,046

2018 = 3,782

Use the following spreadsheets (Excel). They are interactive, so when you replace the appropriate figures in the spreadsheet with the data for Maumelle, Arkansas, the data and graphs will automatically be updated to correspond with the data you entered. In most exercises, you must enter both the dollars in the budget and the constant dollar amounts (2020 Dollars).

The spreadsheets contain budgetary figures for illustrative purposes. The figures are not reliable. Thus, you must enter the appropriate budget figures in real and in constant dollars (2020) in each of the cells.

PS. If you submit spreadsheets and charts containing the illustrative budgetary figures, you will fail this assignment.

Open and save the following spreadsheet (Excel) format-to be used later

Hint: After you save the Excel spreadsheet, expand it by clicking on the little square icon at the upper right top of the green bar of the spreadsheet (next to the X). So, you can see the three tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet (2018, 2019. 2020).



Now, develop a Fiscal Condition Report. Use the Fiscal Condition Report as a template. You will be conducting a partial fiscal condition analysis, as all the components will not be analysis, just the five (5) above.

Open and save the Fiscal Condition Report-to be used later

USE the format as a template for your report .

The Trend Analysis Report is an applied research report, not a traditional academic report. Most applied research report have a prescribed format that must be followed. Following a prescribed format in an applied research report is required. Following the prescribed format is not plagiarism. Plagiarism would occur in copying the tables and charts and the analysis.

Use the wording and format of the report as is. You need to insert the tables and charts in the appropriate places in the document and write the concluding comments that should focus on analyzing the data and charts.

Minimum Expectations

1. All tables and charts must be submitted in an accurate and a presentable format. The table or chart should be self-contained. That is, it should have all the information a reader needs to understand the table or chart. Each table and chart at minimum should have:

· A table or chart number in numerical sequence, using Roman numbers (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc. and Chart 1, Chart2, etc.)

· A descriptive title describing briefly what the table/ chart is measuring with each word capitalized except for articles

· A legend describing the variables used in the chart; tables do not need a legend this because they have column and row headings

· Horizontal and vertical axis titles for charts. Axis labels not needed with tables.

· When using dollars, use whole dollars only and make sure the cells include $ sign and number are separated by commas (,)

2. Concluding remarks that analyze each of the five sets of tables and charts.

The analysis should focus on the (1) overall trends, (2) their significance, and (3) the implications as they relate to the warning trends. (Do not tell me what is in the tables and charts. I can see that. Tell me how the data relate to the warning trends and what is the significance and implications of that.)

You MUST use the Trend Analysis Report embedded in the Assignment as the format for the research paper. (See it above.)

You MUST submit the Excel worksheet(s) with the research paper.

You will need to expand your research beyond text authors’ comments, which normally are not specific enough to provide sufficient information to help you determine the significance and implications of the conclusions.

Make sure that you support research with scholarly and/or biblical references in APA format.

Note to submit a table in the format shown in the embedded spreadsheets.

To copy a clean table and/or chart from Excel to a Word document, paste as a picture

How Paste as Picture

1. Select the area you want to copy.

2. Select Copy button in Home tab, click the small arrow below Copy to expand the menu and select Copy and Picture

3. In the dialogue box to the right side of the screen,

Under Appearance select As shown when printed and under Format select Picture

4. Select OK

5. Switch to the Word document where you want to paste the table or chart and Paste

6. The table or chart will be pasted as a picture at the place of the cursor.

This is a Doctoral-level research assignment designed to test your ability to carefully research, effectively organize, and concisely communicate a nuanced understanding of the concepts and issues raised in the assignment. While the minimum page limit is short (as is often the case in public policy/public administration briefings), students are expected to craft efficient, highly substantive papers. You are expected to comport with the highest writing, research, and ethical standards. Additionally, to do well on this assignment, you must conduct high-quality research and offer rich, well-supported analysis; mere opinion or conjecture will not suffice. There must be no careless or simple grammatical errors such as misspellings, incomplete sentences, comma splices, instances of faulty noun/verb agreement, etc. Such errors will result in significant point deductions.

You are expected to have a minimum of 5 sources not including the course textbooks, assigned readings, and Biblical verse(s).

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday, June 27

Total Revenues

Total Revenues per Household (2020 Dollars)
2018 2019 2020
Total Revenues $4,020,770 $4,473,133 $4,156,147 Formula:
Total Revenues (2020 $) $4,151,464 $4,560,400 $4,156,147 Total Revenues ( 2020 Dollars)
Households 3,782 4,046 4,390 Households
Total Revenues per Household (2020 $) $1,098 $1,127 $947
Warning Trend:
Decreasing Total revenues
per households ( 2020 $)
The warning trends that should raise a red flag for the city are
decreasing net operating revenues per household. This
was largely because of an increase in the county property taxes collected.
Also the DPS and Municipal Court substantially increased their revenues.
And finally, the city received income from a Federal grant, which it had never
received before. The period between 2018 and 2020 shifted back to normal,
this is why you see another slight decrease.
&C&"Arial,Bold"&18Revenues Per Household

Total Revenues

Total Revenues per Household (2020 $)
Total Revenues per Household (2020 $)

Assignment Resource

Property Tax Revenues.xls

Property Taxes

Property Tax Revenues
2018 2019 2020 Warning Trends:
Property Tax Revenues* $800,826 $834,342 $954,121 Decline in property tax revenues
Property Tax Revenue (in 2020 dollars) $834,002 $855,529 $954,121
Property tax revenues (in constant dollars)
Propety tax revenues are conditioned on ownership
of property and measured by its assessed value. The
warning trend suggests that a decline in property tax
would be harmful to a city's operation. Maumelle's
property tax revenues have been increasing every
year. The pattern of increasing property tax revenues
should continue in future years due to growth and
Maumelle establishing a charter school.
* Real and Personal Property Taxes

Property Taxes

Property Tax Revenues (in 2020 Dollars)
Property Tax Revenues (in 2020 Dollars)

Assignment Resource

Sales Tax Revenues.xls

Sales Tax

Sales Tax Revenues as a Percentage of Total Revenues
2018 2019 2020 Warning Trend: Formula:
Total revenues $ 4,020,770 $ 4,473,133 $ 4,156,147
Sales tax revenues $ 1,284,083 $ 1,369,330 $ 1,351,092
Sales and use revenues as a percentage
of total revenues 31.9% 30.6% 32.5%
Sales and uses revenues are revenues
from taxes that have a taxable base which
is expected to reflect general economic changes in
the short-run. From 2019-2020 the amount of sales
and use revenues increased.
&C&"Arial,Bold"&18Elastic Revenues
Decreasing amount of sales revenues as a percentage of total revenues.
Sales tax revenues Total revenues

Sales Tax

Total revenues
Sales tax revenues
Total Revenues and Sales Tax Revenues
Total Revenues and Sales Tax Revenues
Sales Tax Revenues as a Percentage of Total Revenues
Sales Tax Revenues as a Percentage of Total Revenues

Assignment Resource

Personnel Costs Per Household.xls

Peraonnel Costs

Personnel Costs Per Household
Personnel Costs Per Household 2018 2019 2020 Warning Trend:
Personnel Costs $7,000,000 $7,500,000 $8,000,000
Personnel Costs (2020 Dollars) $8,000,000 $8,500,000 $9,000,000 Increasing Personnel Costs
Per Household.
Number of Households 3782 4046 4394
Personnel Costs Per Household (2020 Dollars) $2,115 $2,101 $2,048
Personnel Costs
Number of Households
From the graphic analysis pictured at the left
it is clear that the warning trend (presented in the above
box) is not present. The trend that is presented, is
exactly opposite to the warning trend. The data
presented shows that the number of municipal employees
per household is actually decreasing in Maumelle and has
been decreasing since 1996. This trend displays
an increase in effectiveness and efficiency in city service,
to operate at the same level of service, despite a decrease
in the total number of municipal employees per

Peraonnel Costs

Personnel Costs Per Household
Personnel Costs Per Household (2020 Dollars)

Assignment Resource

Operating Expenses Per Household.xls

Operating Expenditures

Operating Expenses Per Household
Operating Expenditures Per Household 2018 2019 2020 Warning Trend:
Operating Expenditures $7,000,000 $7,500,000 $8,000,000
Operating Expenditures (2020 Dollars) $8,000,000 $8,500,000 $9,000,000 Increasing Operating Expenditures
Per Household.
Number of Households 3782 4046 4394
Operating Expenditures Per Household (2020 Dollars) $2,115 $2,101 $2,048
Operating Expenditures
Number of Households
From the graphic analysis pictured at the left
it is clear that the warning trend (presented in the above
box) is not present. The trend that is presented, is
exactly opposite to the warning trend. The data
presented shows that the number of municipal employees
per household is actually decreasing in Maumelle and has
been decreasing since 1996. This trend displays
an increase in effectiveness and efficiency in city service,
to operate at the same level of service, despite a decrease
in the total number of municipal employees per

Operating Expenditures

Operating Expenditures Per Household
Operating Expenditures Per Household (2020 Dollars)

Assignment Resource

Fiscal Condition Analysis Report Template - Copy.docx


Financial Condition

Financial condition is defined as the ability of a local government to balance recurring expenditures with recurring revenues, allowing cities to provide necessary services on a continuing basis. A city in good financial condition is able to maintain adequate service levels during economic downturns and is able to develop resources to meet future needs. In contrast, a city in fiscal stress struggles to balance the budget, experiences service disruptions and has limited resources to finance future needs. Maintaining a sound financial condition requires governments to adjust to long-term changes in community needs and develop the ability to plan for the future.

There is no single measure that fully captures the financial condition of a governmental entity therefore it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach that focuses on both external and internal fiscal factors.

Financial Indicators for a Fiscal Condition Analysis

There are over 40 standard indicators that can serve as an evaluation basis for the financial condition of a city. The indicators used in this course will be as follows:


· Total Revenues

· Total Revenues per Household

· Intergovernmental Revenues as a Percent of Operating Revenue

· Property Tax Revenues

· Sales & Use Tax Revenue per Household

· Restricted Revenues


· Total Operating Expenditures per Household

· Fringe benefits

· Fixed Costs as a Percent of Operating Expenditures

· Debt per Household

This fiscal condition analysis, however, will focus only on the five (5) most important financial indictors:


· Total Revenues

· Property Taxes

· Sales Taxes


· Operating Expenditures

· Personnel Costs

Adjusting for Constant Dollars

Adjusting for inflation converts current dollars into constant dollars. The conversion from actual dollars to constant dollars allows for analysts to take into account the appearance of growth that may be due to inflation. When dealing with dollars over time:

Before entering the budgeted amounts in the excel spreadsheets, you need to convert each dollar amount to constant dollars. Due to inflation, the purchasing power of the dollar changes over time, so in order to compare dollar values from one year to another, they need to be converted from nominal (current) dollar values to constant dollar values

The easiest way to do that is to use an inflation calculator, such as the one below.



Revenues determine a city’s capacity to provide services. Important issues to consider relative to revenues are growth, diversity, reliability, flexibility and administration. Under ideal conditions revenues will grow at a rate equal to or greater than the combined effects of inflation and expenditure pressures from new and/or expanded services. They should be sufficiently flexible to allow necessary adjustments in response to changing conditions. They should be diversified in their resources so as not to be overly dependent on residential, commercial or industrial land uses or on external funding sources such as federal grants or discretionary state aid. User fees should be regularly evaluated and revised to cover the true cost of providing services. Analyzing a revenue structure will aid in identifying the following types of problems:

• Deterioration in revenue base

• Internal procedures or priorities that may adversely affect revenue

• Over-dependence on obsolete or external revenue sources

• User fees that are not covering the cost of providing services

• Changes in tax burden

• Inefficiency in collection or administration of revenue

Total Revenues per Household

Description: As a city’s population grows, it is anticipated that the needs for services will increase in a direct relationship. Therefore, the level of revenues per households should at least remain constant and at a minimum, equal to operating expenditures per household. If operating revenues per household decrease or become lower than operating expenditures per household, it may hamper a city’s ability to maintain the existing level of services unless new sources of revenues or ways of trimming expenses can be found. Label as critical or caution,

Warning Trend: Decreasing total revenues per household


Property Tax Revenue

Description: Local property tax revenues are driven primarily by the value of residential and commercial property, with property tax bills determined by the local government’s assessed mill levy on the value of property. Property tax collections lag the real estate market, because local assessment practices take time to catch up with changes. As a result, current property tax bills and property tax collections typically reflect values of property from twelve to eighteen months prior.

A decline or diminished growth rate in taxable value may result from a number of causes such as an overall decline in property values, the transfer of taxable property to organizations that are exempt, or a decline in new development.

Warning Trend: Declining or negative growth in property tax revenues


Sales Tax Revenue as Percentage of Total Revenues

Description: Changes in economic conditions are also evident in terms of changes in sales tax collections. When consumer confidence is high, people spend more on goods and services, and city governments benefit through increases in sales tax collections. Prior to the recession, consumer spending was also fueled by a strong real estate market that provided additional wealth to homeowners. The struggling economy and the declining real estate market have reduced consumer confidence, resulting in less consumer spending and declining sales tax revenues.

Warning Trend: Declining or negative growth in sales & use tax revenues



Expenditures are a rough measure of a city's output effort. Generally, the more a city spends, the more service it is providing, or it is providing higher quality service however increased expenditures can also be a sign of problems in ineffective budget control or excessive growth, decline in personnel productivity and growth in services not supported by revenues.

Most cities are required to have balanced budgets; however, there are a number of subtle ways to balance an annual budget yet create long-term imbalances. Some of the more common ways are to use bond proceeds for operations, defer maintenance, or utilize temporary cuts from year-to-year. In each case, the budget remains balanced, but in the long-term significant deficits could be developing.

Ideally, a city will have an expenditure growth rate that does not exceed its revenue growth rate and will have maximum spending flexibility to adjust to changing factors. A review of city expenditures can identify deficiencies should they exist such as:

• Excessive growth of overall expenditures as compared to revenue growth

• An undesired increase in fixed costs

• Ineffective budget controls & models

• Excessive growth in programs that create future expenditure liabilities

Operating Expenditures per Household

Description: Operating expenditures per household reflect changes in expenditures relative to changes in population. Increasing per household expenditures can indicate that the cost of providing services is increasing at a pace beyond the city’s ability to pay. If spending is increasing faster than can be accounted for by inflation or new programs, it may indicate that a city is spending more funds to support the same level of services or the methods of providing the services are inefficient.

Warning Trend: Increasing operating expenditures per household


Personnel Costs per Household

Description: Employee wages and benefits can represent a significant cost to a city. Some benefits are mandated such as FICA, workers compensation and unemployment. Others, such as health insurance and retirement are discretionary.

Warning Trend: Increasing personnel costs per household


Concluding Remarks

The concluding comments should focus on analyzing the data and charts. Normally, this is the most underperformed area of a report.

Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the collected information and determining the (1) overall trends, (2) significance, and (3) implications of the trends. That what analysis addresses. That is where you start. When analyzing data/tables/charts, your task is to draw overall conclusions based in the data (not reiterate what is each cell of the table and/or chart).

Excerpts from: Cody, Wyoming, 5 Year Financial Trend Report, January 2013 Page 7

Abridged Maumelle


Abridged Maumelle Budget

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Total Revenues per Household (2020 Dollars).xls

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