Women Veterans Mental Healthcare during Pregnancy
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Women Veterans Mental Healthcare during Pregnancy
Pregnancy in women veterans is often associated with anxiety, depression, and other stress disorders. The incidence of these diseases is high in women veterans due to significant endeavors during military services (Creech et al., 2019). The implementation plan for pregnant veterans includes providing financial aids and sufficient resources to improve their mental health during pregnancy. The proposed change plan comprises certain strategic interventions to reduce the ongoing incidence of mental health problems during pregnancy in women veterans.
Distinguish organizational strategies needed to implement and maintain the change plan.
The proposed change plan comprises certain modifications in the management of pregnant veterans by providing them with adequate funds, quick medical access, and paid pregnancy leaves. Similarly, the organization should pay attention to the fault lines of the already implemented plan. To maintain the change, there should be active leadership that prioritizes the success and sustenance of the change plan. The other strategy that can make the implementation plan easy and productive is empowering women veterans through effective communication and negotiation. This strategy will ultimately help to reduce the mental stress and grievances of pregnant veterans. Hence, the change plan can categorically operate.
Identify the stakeholders needed to support the implementation of the proposed plan.
The major stakeholders are healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, paramedical staff, and pregnant veterans as a patient of prime focus for this change plan. Additionally, hospital management and leadership also play a significant role in implementing the proposed change plan (Nillni et al., 2021). Similarly, there are certain private investors and NGOs that work for the mandate of the organization and patient care. Insurance companies are also one of the key stakeholders of the implementation plan. Similarly, pharmaceutical firms and government subsidies are also supportive elements for the implementation plan. All these stakeholders will provide affordable health care costs and quality medical care for pregnant veterans.
Explain how these stakeholders are vital to implementing the change plan.
Doctors and nurses are the first-line workers to assist the patient and provide the baseline for effective implementation. Efficient staff will introduce interventions that will improve the mental health of the veterans. Similarly, the insurance companies and other private investors directly fund the patient and hospital management to increase the plan's efficacy. This strategy will ensure the safe delivery and life of the child and mother (Nillni et al., 2021). Additionally, the NGOs also work to support the plan by financing the organization or assisting the women veterans directly to ensure the good development of the child in a healthy environment.
Summarize potential communication strategies to internal and external stakeholders to facilitate a change plan.
Effective communication is a crucial element for the success of the change plan. The change plan proposes having a comprehensive communication center that will allow the veterans to discuss their difficulties with the staff members. There should be representatives and ambassadors for the organization that regularly maintain clear and transparent communication with the subcontractors, investors, and other stakeholders. The plan includes regular meetings between the veterans and health professionals to share their experiences regarding treatment outcomes (Creech et al., 2019). In this way, women veterans can effectively communicate with the other stakeholders.
Discuss the impact this change plan will have on the organization and its stakeholders.
The change plan will positively affect the organization and its shareholders because the change plan was applied to meet the organizational goals. The plan has short, medium, and long-term outcomes that include multiple benefits to the veterans and their children. This change plan will ensure healthy therapy, full funding of the veterans that will reduce the depression stress conditions of the veterans. In the same way, the plan will provide high-quality treatment for depression that will ultimately increase the work output in the military. Collectively, the stakeholders will find new trends to meet the aspirations of the organizations. These strategic change plan models can shift the organization stakeholders into a master body that holds the position of leader.
Identify expected outcomes and potential barriers to implementing the change plan.
The outcomes of the change plan are exceptionally compelling because the change plan will increase the efficiency of the medical care provided to women veterans. The major barriers are the communication gap, lack of funds, resources, lack of strategic leadership direction, and absence of a professional will (Katon et al., 2017). All these barriers are debilitating the process of mental therapy of women veterans during pregnancy. The change plan can be made effective by fulfilling all requirements for mental therapy of women veterans.
Discuss steps for overcoming the potential barriers
The barriers can be reduced by promoting diversity and opportunity. There should be inter-professional meetings to take account of emerging problems during the mental therapy of the women veterans. Fund issues can be solved by making contracts with insurance companies and NGOs working for women veterans. Similarly, the veterans should be in regular contact with their therapist to reduce the communication gap hindering effective mental treatment (Katon et al., 2017). Hence, professional coordination and the personal will of the veterans can help to reduce the barriers to the successful implementation of the change plan.
Creech, S. K., Pulverman, C. S., Crawford, J. N., Holliday, R., Monteith, L. L., Lehavot, K., … Kelly, U. A. (2019). Clinical Complexity in Women Veterans: A Systematic Review of the Recent Evidence on Mental Health and Physical Health Comorbidities. Behavioral Medicine, 47(1), 69–87. doi:10.1080/08964289.2019.1644283
Katon, J. & Lewis, L. & Hercinovic, S. & McNab, A. & Fortney, J. & Rose, S. (2017). Improving Perinatal Mental Health Care for Women Veterans: Description of a Quality Improvement Program. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 21. 10.1007/s10995-017-2285-0.
Literature Review Rubric
NUR3165 Nursing Research Page 1 of 2
Criteria Outstanding
Articles 10 points Information is gathered from more than 6, research-based sources.
5 points Information is gathered from a limited number of sources.
0 points Information is gathered from a less than 5 sources.
Review Question 10 points The review question is developed from a well- build Pico question. It is a foreground question and is narrow in it’s approach.
5 points The review question is developed from a Pico question. However, it is a background question and the questions are broad and may not be feasible.
0 points The review question is not developed from a Pico question. It is a background question and the questions are broad and may not be feasible.
Introducing the idea: Problem statement and purpose
10 points The topic is introduced, and groundwork is laid as to the direction of the article. The purpose of the paper is explicit.
5 points Readers are aware of the overall problem, challenge, or topic of the article. However, the purpose is not clear.
0 points Neither implicit nor explicit reference is made to the topic or purpose of the article. There is not clear purpose, or it is confusing.
Identifies the Methodology for Searching the Evidence
10 points Concise details are provided about article selection, including search engines, search terms, and inclusion/exclusion criteria. Number and type of articles included are clearly stated. Levels of evidence are acknowledged and applied to the search.
5 points Details about article selection are occasionally unclear or wordy. Number and type of articles included could be more clearly stated. Keywords are included, but, there is no mention about the quality of the evidence.
0 points Details about article selection are lacking or wordy. Number and type of articles are not included. Keywords are omitted.
Discussion Analysis of the evidence
10 points Discussion summarizes the body of the results and highlights the most important findings. There is a sense of completion to the whole piece in this section. Conclusions are drawn based on analysis.
5 points Discussion summarizes some of the points of the results and highlights Some of the important findings. The paper analysis is limited, and few conclusions are obtained.
0 points Discussion is not accomplished. Analysis of the findings is lacking. There is not clear conclusion obtained and is only descriptive in nature.
Literature Review Rubric
NUR3165 Nursing Research Page 2 of 2
Criteria Outstanding
Conclusion 10 points A summary of the main points is clearly articulated. Implications for nursing practice are logical, relevant, and clear.
5 points A summary of the main points is presented, but clarity could be enhanced. Implications for nursing practice are included but lack logic, relevance, or clarity.
0 points A summary of the main points is not clearly presented. Implications for nursing practice are absent, illogical, irrelevant, or unclear.
Paragraphs 10 points Each paragraph begins with a clearly identifiable topic sentence. The content of each paragraph is closely associated with its topic.
5 points Most paragraphs begin with a clearly identifiable topic sentence. Some paragraphs include more than one topic.
0 points Many paragraphs lack clearly identifiable topic sentences. Many paragraphs contain multiple topics and are difficult to follow.
Logical flow of ideas 10 points The reader is guided smoothly through the logically arranged paper.
5 points The overall arrangement is logical but is occasionally difficult to follow.
0 points The arrangement of content is haphazard and difficult to follow.
APA Style
10 points The Final paper is double spaced in a 12- point serf font, has 1- inch margins, APA-style headings, and includes well -formed Version 6 APA reference list for all citations and references.
5 points The Final paper lacks some of the following features: double spacing, 12-point serf font, 1-inch margins, APA style headings, or a nearly complete Version 6 APA reference list.
0 points The Final paper lacks several of the following features: double spacing, 12- point serf font, 1-inch margins, APA style headings, or a nearly complete Version 6 APA reference list.
Inputs: What resources do you need to make this happen? (e.g., staff, space, funding)
Activities: What are you going to do? (e.g., educate and establish partnerships)
Outputs: What will happen because of your activities? (e.g., 100 people trained)
Short-Term Outcomes: Immediate changes you expect to occur (e.g., changes in knowledge)
Mid-Term Outcomes: (e.g., changes in behavior)
Long-Term Outcomes: How will this program help in the future? (e.g., obesity prevention)
Logic Model
Students Name
Professors Name
Affiliated Institution
Therapy treatment
Healthy baby
Safe delivery
Reduced depression
Long-Term Outcomes
Mid-Term Outcomes
Short-Term Outcomes
Medical access
Paid pregnancy leave
Mental Health improvement
Full funding or insurance for veterans
Quality medical care
Save life of mother and child
Therapy for the female veterans
Affordable health care cost
Quick diagnosis and treatment
Give allowance or paid leave
Safe delivery and health of both child and mother
Healthy infant
Life of mother and the child is assured
Good child development and environment
Cured from mental depression and stress disorders
Child support funding
High quality treatment for mental conditions and depression
Increased work output in the military.
Health issues: mental health of pregnancy women Population affected by the health issue: veterans Proposed intervention: financing and resources
Theory or model used inform an intervention: ecological model
Pregnancy and Mental Health Among Women Veterans Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan Kristin M. Mattocks, Ph.D., Melissa Skanderson, M.A., [...], and Sally Haskell, M.D.
Back2bu,( nd) Women Vets Report Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes, Postpartum Mental Health Problems After Leaving Service. Retrieved from https://www.bumc.bu.edu/busm/2020/04/15/women-vets-report-adverse-pregnancy-outcomes-postpartum-mental-health-problems-after-leaving-service/
© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
What resources do y
ou need to make this happen? (
e.g., s
taff, space, funding)
What are you going to do? (
e.g., e
ducate and establish partnerships)
What will happen because of your activities? (
100 people trained)
Term Outcomes
Immediate changes you expect
to occur (
e.g., c
hanges in
Term Outcomes
e.g., c
hanges in behavior)
Term Outcomes
How will this program help in the future? (
e.g., o
besity prevention)
Logic Model
Health issue:
Population affected by the health issue:
Proposed intervention:
Theory or model used inform an intervention:
© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Inputs: What resources do you need to make this happen? (e.g., staff, space, funding)
Activities: What are you going to do? (e.g., educate and establish partnerships)
Outputs: What will happen because of your activities? (e.g., 100 people trained)
Short-Term Outcomes: Immediate changes you expect to occur (e.g., changes in
Mid-Term Outcomes: (e.g., changes in behavior)
Long-Term Outcomes: How will this program help in the future? (e.g., obesity prevention) Logic Model
Health issue: Population affected by the health issue: Proposed intervention:
Theory or model used inform an intervention:
Course Code | Class Code | Assignment Title | Total Points | |||||
HLT-494 | HLT-494-O500 | Part III: Evaluation and Dissemination Plan | 80.0 | |||||
Criteria | Percentage | Unsatisfactory (0.00%) | Less Than Satisfactory (65.00%) | Satisfactory (75.00%) | Good (85.00%) | Excellent (100.00%) | Comments | Points Earned |
Content | 70.0% | |||||||
Description of How the Change Plan Will Be Evaluated | 10.0% | The description of how the change plan will be evaluated is not present. | The description of how the change plan will be evaluated is present but lacks detail or is incomplete. | The description of how the change plan will be evaluated is present. | The description of how the change plan will be evaluated is detailed. | The description of how the change plan will be evaluated is thorough. | ||
Resources Needed to Evaluate Project | 10.0% | The description of resources needed to evaluate the project is not present. | The description of resources needed to evaluate the project is present but lacks detail or is incomplete. | The description of resources needed to evaluate the project is present. | The description of resources needed to evaluate the project is detailed. | The description of resources needed to evaluate the project is thorough. | ||
Evaluation Process of the Projected Outcomes | 20.0% | The description of the evaluation process of the projected outcomes is not present. | The description of the evaluation process of the projected outcomes is present but lacks detail or is incomplete. | The description of the evaluation process of the projected outcomes is present. | The description of the evaluation process of the projected outcomes is detailed. | The description of the evaluation process of the projected outcomes is thorough. | ||
Dissemination Plan: Who, What, Where, How, and When | 20.0% | The description of the dissemination plan including who, what, where, how, and when is not present. | The description of the dissemination plan including, who, what, where, how, and when is present but lacks detail or is incomplete. | The description of the dissemination plan including who, what, where, how, and when is present. | The description of the dissemination plan including who, what, where, how, and when is detailed. | The description of the dissemination plan including who, what, where, how, and when is thorough. | ||
External and Internal Project Dissemination Plan | 10.0% | The explanation of the project dissemination plan externally and internally is not present. | The explanation of the project dissemination plan externally and internally is present but lacks detail or is incomplete. | The explanation of the project dissemination plan externally and internally is present. | The explanation of the project dissemination plan externally and internally is detailed. | The explanation of the project dissemination plan externally and internally is thorough. | ||
Organization and Effectiveness | 20.0% | |||||||
Thesis Development and Purpose | 7.0% | Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. | Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear. | Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose. | Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. | Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. | ||
Argument Logic and Construction | 8.0% | Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. | Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. | Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. | Argument shows logical progression. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. | Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative. | ||
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) | 5.0% | Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. | Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied. | Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed. | Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech. | Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. | ||
Format | 10.0% | |||||||
Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) | 5.0% | Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. | Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent. | Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. | Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style. | All format elements are correct. | ||
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) | 5.0% | Sources are not documented. | Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. | Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. | Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. | Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error. | ||
Total Weightage | 100% |

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