Theory Logic Model

Ihuoma Agada

United State University

Course xxxx

Evidence Based Capstone Project

Professor xxxxxx

Date xxxx

Theory Logic Model

The prevalence of Pressure Ulcers in Hospital/ Healthcare facilities

( Problem Addressed Bedsores are skin and underlying tissue damage caused by persistent skin pressure, often known as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers ( Taylor et al., 2021) . According to studies, pressure sores affect 10% to 25% of the senior population, with 70% of them being over 6 0 years old, and roughly 57 percent of adult patients with a primary diagnosis of pressure ulcers being over 6 0 years old. )

( Context for the Project The project is aimed at finding the best solution in management , prevention, and control of pressure ulcers among the elderly patients ( Taylor et al., 2021) . )

( Strategies to be Used in the Project Negative pressure wound therapy over standard moist wound Educate patients to: Frequently reposition to avoid stress on the skin (Saleh et al., 2019) . Good nutrition and fluid intake. )

( Resulting I mpact of the P roject/ P rogram if the O utcomes are A chieved. Help improve management and control of pressure ulcers to patients by using negative pressure wound therapy ( Mervis & Phillips, 2019). C ontinue providing support to pressure ulcers patients and approach their challenges accordingly. )

( Effectiveness of negative pressure wound therapy in Management and control of pressure ulcers among older patients aged 60 and above. )

( Factors that Will Influence the Use of Strategies Adjusting persuasions to improve quality among the patients ( Taylor et al., 2021) . Program adaptability. Financial support /resources from stakeholders. Cultural competence. Time constraints. ) ( Evidence B ased for the P roposed S trategy. The most appropriate strategy for controlling and managing pressure ulcers among the elderly is education ( Mervis & Phillips, 2019). Pressure is the most essential determinant in the formation of pressure ulcers, despite the presence of various intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors. As a result of changes connected with the aging process, the elderly is more prone to the formation of these skin lesions. )

( Expected Outcomes Improved patient comfort. Optimal wound healing environment. Minimize risks of skin infections. Management of skin microclimate. )


Mervis, J. S., & Phillips, T. J. (2019). Pressure ulcers: Prevention and management. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 81(4), 893-902.

Saleh, M. Y., Papanikolaou, P., Nassar, O. S., Shahin, A., & Anthony, D. (2019). Nurses' knowledge and practice of pressure ulcer prevention and treatment: an observational study. Journal of tissue viability, 28(4), 210-217.

Taylor, C., Mulligan, K., & McGraw, C. (2021). Barriers and enablers to the implementation of evidence‐based practice in pressure ulcer prevention and management in an integrated community care setting: A qualitative study informed by the theoretical domains framework. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(3), 766-779.

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