Culture-centered leadership in Nursing Management

Nurse Managers must work with staff to foster respect of different lifestyles. As a future manager, how can you provide culture-centered leadership to influence your team members and care for a culturally diverse patient population? Please incorporate concepts of cultural humility, sensitivity, or competence and one cultural theory into your response.

There are different ways in which one can provide culture-centered leadership to influence others. These include creating awareness of the issues that are affecting individuals in society, avoiding making assumptions, learning about other cultures, educating patients about medical practices, and practicing active listening (Quintana, 2018). Leaders should understand the importance of humility, competence, and being sensitivity when dealing with patients. They also need to teach nurses that everyone matters in society and therefore treating everyone right remains paramount.


Quintana, K. A. (2018). Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in Health Care. Leading and Managing in Nursing-E-Book, 62.

Lewis, L. D., & Steinert, Y. (2020). How culture is understood in faculty development in the health professions: a scoping review. Academic Medicine95(2), 310-319.

Hooker, K. (2019). Enhancing the patient experience: a challenge for leadership in health care (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh).

Grader - Instructions Excel 2019 Project


Project Description:

In this Project, you will assist Kelsey Tanner, CFO of Brina’s Bistro, and use a worksheet model and Solver to create several scenarios that would result in breaking even four months after opening.

Steps to Perform:



Points Possible


Open the Excel workbook Student_Excel_8G_Income_Model.xlsx downloaded with this Project.



On the Projected Income worksheet, change the value in cell B15 to 6 and press ENTER—in the green shaded area, Sales now indicates $276,806 and the Gross Profit/Loss indicates ($4,015). Note that these match the figures under Month 6 in cells H3 and H10 respectively. Management wants to create several scenarios that would result in breaking even six months after opening.



Ensure that the Solver add-in is installed. Change the value in cell B16 to 11% and press ENTER. Open Solver. Set the objective cell as $b$20 to a Value Of 0 and set the Variable Cells to $b$16,$b$18 (be sure to type the comma between the two cell references) to change both the growth rate in cell B16 and the costs related to Sales % in cell B18. Click Solve. Save this scenario as 11% Growth and then restore the original values.



Display the Solver Parameters dialog box again. Add a constraint that requires Percent growth in cell B16 to be less than or equal to 10% Click Solve, and then save this scenario as 10% Growth Restore the original values.



Display the Solver Parameters dialog box again. Delete the existing constraint and add a constraint for the Costs related to sales in cell B18 to be equal to 85% Click Solve, save the scenario as 85% Costs and then restore the original values.



With the Projected Income worksheet displayed, create a scenario summary worksheet. As the result cell, click cell B20. Redisplay the Projected Income worksheet. Change the value in cell B15 back to 1 and change the value in cell B16 back to 10%



On the Projected Income worksheet, create a Line chart using the noncontiguous ranges A2:M3 and A8:M8.



Change the Chart Title to Expected Break-Even Point Position the chart so that the upper left corner of the chart aligns with the upper left corner of cell B22. Click cell A1 to deselect the chart and move to the top of the worksheet.



Ensure that the Analysis ToolPak add-in is installed. Display the Sales worksheet. Create a Moving Average using the sales B2:B49 as the input range, 7 as the Interval, C3 as the Output Range, and selecting the Labels in First Row and Chart Output check boxes.



Select the chart, and then move the chart to a new sheet named Sales Trend Chart



On the Sales Trend Chart worksheet, click one time to select the Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels, display the Select Data Source dialog box, click to Edit the Horizontal (Category Axis Labels), if necessary display the Sales worksheet, and then select the range A9:A49 from the Sales worksheet. On the Sales Trend Chart worksheet, change the date format used for the Horizontal (Category) Axis labels to the 3/14 Date format.



On the Sales Trend Chart worksheet, change the Horizontal (Category) Axis title to Date On the Vertical (Value) Axis, set the Minimum to 4000 Click outside of the chart to deselect it. On this chart sheet, insert a custom footer with the file name in the left section.



On the Schedules worksheet, in cell F3, enter a COUNTIFS function to count the number of Day shifts each server is scheduled to work. Defined names exist for SERVER and SHIFT and the order is SERVER, cell E3, SHIFT, and "Day." Copy the formula down to cell F19.



In the range I3:I19, enter an AND function to determine which servers are scheduled for 2-5 day shifts.



In cell J3, enter a COUNTIFS function to calculate the number of Monday shifts each server is scheduled to work. Edit the formula in cell J3 by adding a second COUNTIFS function to calculate the number of Tuesday shifts each server is scheduled to work. Copy the formula down through cell J19. Defined names exist for the range SERVER and DAY.



In cell K3, enter an IF function with a nested AND function to determine which employees are scheduled for at 2-5 shifts, including a Monday or Tuesday. The function should return the world Eligible if true and leave the cell blank if false. Copy the formula down through cell K19.



Display the Service Awards worksheet. Servers earn a cash award when the number of Comment Cards from customers with a positive comment is 20 or more per month. In cell C3, enter an IFS function by using the Function Arguments dialog box to compute the cash award based on the following: Comments of 30 or more earn a bonus of $75; Comments of 25 or more but less than 30 earn a bonus of $50; Comments of 20 or more but less than 25 earn a bonus of $25; if conditions are not met, leave the cell blank. Copy the formula down through cell C19. Ten awards display as the result.



Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Scenario Summary, Projected Income, Sales Trend Chart, Sales, Schedules, and Service Awards. Save and close the file and then submit for grading.


Total Points


Created On: 10/15/2020 1 GO19_XL_CH08_GRADER_8G_HW - Income Model 1.1

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