1/27/2019 Homework 2
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Homework 2 Due: 11:59pm on Friday, February 1, 2019
You will receive no credit for items you complete after the assignment is due. Grading Policy
Jupiter in Motion
Jupiter orbits the Sun at an average distance of 5.203 AU.
Part A - What is the length of its year in Earth years? Answer to two decimal places.
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Motion of Mars
Mars's orbit is rather eccentric.
Part A - Does Mars move at a higher speed when it is farther away from the Sun or closer to it? Explain.
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Kepler's 3rd Law
Part A - All of the following statements are true. Which one can be explained by Kepler’s third law?
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Tycho Brahe
Part A - The great contribution of Tycho Brahe was to
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Mars moves faster in its orbit when it is closer to the Sun than when it is farther from the Sun.
All the planets orbit the Sun in nearly the same plane.
Earth is slightly closer to the Sun in January than in July.
Venus orbits the Sun at a faster orbital speed than Earth.
The Sun is not in the precise center of Saturn’s orbit.
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The Greeks
Part A - The ancient Greeks get a lot of attention for their contributions to science because
Part A - Which of the following statements about an ellipse is NOT true?
Part A - When we say that a planet has a highly eccentric orbit, we mean that:
possess a metal nose
discover four moons orbiting Jupiter, thereby lending strong support to the idea that Earth is not the center of the universe
offer the first detailed model of a Sun-centered solar system, thereby beginning the process of overturning the Earth-centered model of the Greeks
observe planetary positions with sufficient accuracy so that Kepler could later use the data to discover the laws of planetary motion
discover that planets orbit the Sun in elliptical orbits with varying speed
they were the first people to realize that Earth is a planet orbiting the Sun
they were the only ancient culture that kept written records of their astronomical observations
they were the first people known to try to explain nature with models based on reason and mathematics, without resort to the supernatural
the books of every other culture were lost in the destruction of the library of Alexandria
The semimajor axis of an ellipse is half the length of the longest line that you can draw across an ellipse.
The focus of an ellipse is always located precisely at the center of the ellipse.
An ellipse with a large eccentricity looks much more elongated (stretched out) than an ellipse with a small eccentricity.
A circle is considered to be a special type of ellipse.
it is spiraling in toward the Sun.
in some parts of its orbit it is much closer to the Sun than in other parts.
it has an odd but strangely endearing personality
its orbit is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.
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The recently discovered Kuiper Belt object Eris orbits the Sun every 557 years.
Part A - What is its average distance (semimajor axis) from the Sun in AU? Answer to one decimal place.
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Tychonic Models
Part A - Which of the following is NOT true of Tychonic models of the universe?
Part A - Rank the following shapes in from most (left) to least perfect (right) according to the ancient Greeks.
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The Moon orbits the Earth.
They gained widespread acceptance in Tycho's time.
The Earth orbits the Sun.
The planets orbit the Sun.
The Sun orbits the Earth.
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The correct ranking cannot be determined.
Circle Hexagon Square Decagon Octagon
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Homocentric Models
Part A - Why does the homocentric model of Eudoxus have so many spheres? Explain how these spheres are attached to each other.
Aristotle's Model
Part A - Select all of the following which are NOT true of Aristotle's model of the universe.
Ptolemy vs. Copernicus
Part A - Describe the advantages of the model of Copernicus over that of Ptolemy. What are Copernicus's lasting achievements?
Greeks & Planetary Motion
Part A - Why did the ancient Greeks reject the real reason for planetary motion?
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The universe is divided into the celestial and sublunar worlds.
The celestial world is made of the elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water.
The motion of all of the celestial spheres is derived from the Prime Mover.
The model fit Babylonian data quite well.
There are 56 celestial spheres.
The Prime Mover, the inner-most sphere, drives the motion of all the other spheres.
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Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces).
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Part A - What do astronomers mean by a constellation?
The Ecliptic
Part A - What is the ecliptic?
Angular Size
Part A - Which of the following statements does NOT use the term angular size or angular distance correctly?
They were too busy screaming This is Sparta!!! to research the real reason.
It is incompatible with a flat Earth.
The Sun really does revolve around the Earth.
The apparent rotation of the celestial sphere about the Earth fooled them.
The stars are too far away for stellar parallax to be observable with the naked eye.
They did not believe that the gods would design the universe that way.
A constellation is a group of stars related through an ancient story.
A constellation is any random grouping of stars in the sky.
A constellation is a region in the sky as seen from Earth.
A constellation is a group of stars that are all located in about the same place in space.
the Sun's daily path from east to west in our sky
the path the Sun appears to trace around the celestial sphere each year
a half-circle extending from your horizon due north, through your zenith, to your horizon due south
the path traced by the Moon's shadow on Earth during a solar eclipse
The angular distance between those two bright stars in the sky is about 2 meters.
The angular distance between those two houses in the distance is 30 degrees.
You can use your outstretched hand against the sky to estimate angular sizes and angular distances.
The angular size of the Sun is about the same as that of the Moon.
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Part A - If we have a new moon today, when we will have the next full moon?
Retrograde Motion
Part A - Explain what planetary retrograde motion is. What does it look like? Why does it occur?
Part A - How would a star's parallax change as its distance from Earth increases?
The Seasons: What if Earth’s Axis Tilt Were Different?
Learning Goal:
To understand how seasons would be affected by a greater or smaller axis tilt.
Introduction. What would happen to our seasons if Earth’s axis tilt were different from its actual 23.5°? This activity will help you answer this question and will also help you understand seasons on planets that have axis tilts different from Earth’s. As you examine the diagrams in parts A and B, keep in mind that Earth is always rotating, even though the diagrams do not show this rotation because they are not animated.
Part A - Each of the following figures shows Earth with a different axis tilt. (Assume that Earth’s rotation period is unchanged.) Each also shows a person located in Florida (not to scale). Rank the figures based on how much time the person spends in daylight during a 24 hour period, from most (Left) to least (Right).
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in about 6 months
in about a month
in about 2 weeks
in about 1 week
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The parallax shift does not change; it is independent of the star's distance from Earth.
The parallax shift increases as the star's distance from Earth increases.
The parallax shift decreases as the star's distance from Earth increases.
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Part B - The following figures are the same as those from Part A. This time, consider the seasonal differences that occur as Earth orbits the Sun with the different axis tilts. Rank the figures on the basis of the seasonal temperature differences you would expect between summer and winter, from the one with the most extreme seasonal differences (Left) to the one with the least extreme (Right). To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.
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Part C
Based on what you have learned from your rankings in Parts A and B, which of the following planets would you expect to have seasons most like Earth’s?
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Part D
Which of the following planets should have the most extreme seasons?
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Part E
Which of the following planets has essentially no seasons at all?
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Beijing & Philadelphia
Part A - Beijing and Philadelphia have about the same latitude but very different longitudes. Therefore, tonight's night sky in these two places:
Mooned Again
Part A - A week after full moon, the Moon's phase is:
Uranus (axis tilt = 97.9°)
Mars (axis tilt = 25.2°)
Jupiter (axis tilt = 3.1°)
Neptune (axis tilt = 29.6°)
Jupiter (axis tilt = 3.1°)
Mars (axis tilt = 25.2°)
Uranus (axis tilt = 97.9°)
Neptune (axis tilt = 29.6°)
Mars (axis tilt = 25.2°)
Jupiter (axis tilt = 3.1°)
Uranus (axis tilt = 97.9°)
will look about the same.
will have partially different sets of constellations.
will have completely different sets of constellations.
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Seasonal Temperature Variations
Part A - Explain why summer is hotter than winter. If you find that it would help to include a diagram, e-mail it to your instructor and refer to it in your explanation.
Score Summary: Your score on this assignment is 0.0%.
You received 0 out of a possible total of 63.5 points.
first quarter.
third quarter.
3785 Character(s) remaining
Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces).
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1. Describe the ethical issues involved in this situation.
2. Discuss any other concerns about the web developer/consultant’s strategies.
3. Explain some recommendations that you would make to the shelter.
The introduction section should present an overview of the topics to be covered in the paper. See rubric content criteria for required content. This section does not require a heading.
Use headings in the body of the paper, for organizational purposes; the conclusion should also have a heading.
First level headings should be centered, in bold. See APA guidelines: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/16/
Let us assume that the residents of this shelter are women and children who have been in domestic abuse situations, and there is counseling provided by staff at the residence.
In terms of ethical issues for this case, be sure to cover Standard 3.04 (Avoiding Harm) and four relevant aspects of APA Standard 5 (5.01, 5.02, 5.04 and 5.05).
As mentioned in the case study, the shelter has funding through NIMH. Consider the policies of this funding source.
Are there any legal issues that could be involved with the web developer's strategies?
In terms of recommendations, be sure these are a fit, given all ethical considerations described.
Should the current plans be adopted? If not, why not, and what would work better? Provide specific suggestions
Case Study: Ethical Consultation |
A local shelter that receives funding from the National Institute of Health and Mental Health is upgrading its website. Along with several upgrades to the website, the web developer/consultant makes a suggestion that the shelter add a testimonial page where local citizens can describe their positive interactions with the shelter and its services. Since the web developer/consultant want to get that page up and running first, the developer suggests using some positive ratings and responses from Angie’s List® and other similar ratings sites that already have positive stories and experiences with the shelter.
The director of the shelter loves the idea of a testimonial page. She thinks it would really add to the community feel of the shelter. However, knowing her funding source, she researches the APA Ethics Code and believes the shelter would be acting inappropriately. To discuss the matter in further detail, the director of the shelter calls you for an ethics consult.
In 500-750 words, explain the advice you would give:
1. Describe the ethical issues involved in this situation.
2. Discuss any other concerns about the web developer/consultant’s strategies.
3. Explain some recommendations that you would make to the shelter.
Use two to three scholarly sources to support your claims.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Assignment adapted from: http://www.ethicalpsychology.com/2012/06/vignette-14-psychology-of-advertizing.html
Hi Class,
The topic for Week 6 is: Advertising, Public Statements, and Record Keeping.
Course Material for Week 6 Textbook Reading: Decoding the Ethics Code: A Practical Guide for Psychologists, 3rd ed.: Chapters 8 & 9.
During week 6 of the term, we will review chapters 8 and 9 of the textbook, which cover APA Standards 5 and 6, respectively.
Chapter 8 reviews Standard 5 of the APA Code of Ethics: Advertising and other Public Statements. Six ethical guidelines are offered under this Standard, including avoiding false or deceptive statements, including statements by others, and guidelines for descriptions of workshops or programs, media presentations, testimonials, and in-person solicitation. After reading the “Hot Topic”: you should be able identify ethical issues related to avoiding false statements in scientific and clinical expert testimony, and the APA standards and principles involved. ------------------------------ Chapter 9 reviews Standard 6 of the APA Code of Ethics: Record keeping and Fees. There are seven guidelines under this standard. Standard 6:05 involves ethical guidelines around bartering. It will be of interest to consider examples of bartering in practice that "is not clinically contraindicated". After reading the “Hot Topic”: you should be able to identify issues related to ethics of managed care.
Electronic Resource: Topic 6 Readings There are three articles to review: Boundaries with Social Media, Client Testimonials and Text messaging and Private Practice. Please come to class prepared to discuss the textbook and topic readings in the forums! Topic 6 Forums: Your initial response to Discussion Question (DQ) 1 is due by Saturday by 11:59 pm. Your initial response to DQ2 is due by Monday at 11:59 pm.. Participation points are earned separately, by posting at least one substantive post on three separate days of the week, in response to peers or your instructor. According to the GCU policy, to be considered substantive, participation posts should: · Pose relevant questions that encourage further dialogue · Present research findings that you have conducted on the topic · Integrate theory and practical application of the subject · Cite and reference academic sources according to APA 6th edition guidelines. Please see the initial discussion and participation grading rubrics in the Instructor Add-ons section of the RESOURCES tab. Be sure to cite and reference required course reading materials or other current academic research in your initial and participation posts.
Each week there will also be a Classroom Assessment topic (CAT). Your responses are helpful in terms of feedback and they are also eligible for participation credit. DQ1 & DQ2: Max Points: 5.0 Participation: Max Points: 20 DQ 1 Topic: There is much controversy on record keeping. Agencies require records after each session, and private therapists say less is better so courts cannot interpret the notes in the wrong context. What do you feel is practical and still within your legal obligation? DQ2 Topic: Describe how website advertising can potentially lead to the violation of other ethical standards. Written Assignment: Ethical Consultation Max Points: 100
PLEASE SEE SEPARATE ANNNOUNCEMENT: TIPS FOR WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT! Please review the grading rubric before preparing your response. Please submit to turnitin, review your report and edit any highlighted sections in order to reduce the similarity score. According to the rubric, the following sections are required to be addressed: A description of ethical issues involved in the situation Any concerns about web developer/consultant’s strategies Recommendations for the shelter The paper is also graded for organization, writing mechanics, logic of arguments, and format. Please post course content questions under Questions for the Instructor forum, and any personal messages should be posted under Individual Forum.
Topic 6 DQ1 |
There is much controversy on record keeping. Agencies require records after each session, and private therapists say less is better so courts cannot interpret the notes in the wrong context. What do you feel is practical and still within your legal obligation?
A substantive response to this question is eligible to satisfy one of the three discussion participation requirements for Week 6.
Of the two hot topics described in chapter 8 (ethics of expert testimony) and chapter 9 (ethics of managed care), which one seems more interesting or relevant to you, and why? (See textbook for additional information).
Be sure to cite and reference material from required course readings to support your conclusions.
Topic 6 DQ2 |
Describe how website advertising can potentially lead to the violation of other ethical standards.
Resources to use

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