

KAUFT King King Abdul-Aziz university university



EM 625 Introduction to Human Resources in the

Hospitality Industry


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Learning Objectives By completion of this presentation You should be able to:

Provide a brief overview of the hospitality and tourism industries and event industry.

Differentiate between events in terms of size, scope and type of event.

Explain how human resources management relates to the management of a hospitality and tourism organization.

Present an overview of human resources activities.

Recommended Textbook:

Hayes , D.K and Ninemeier , J.D.(2009) Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry.

Nickson, D. (2007) Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries.

Wagen, L.V. (2007) Human Resource Management for Events: Managing the event workforce.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

Brainstorming Group work Activity:

What segments of Travel and Tourism Industry? ……….. ……….. ………..


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is one part of the larger travel and tourism industry that, in addition to hospitality, consists of: Transportation services organizations and Destination businesses.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

As recommended by the World Tourism Organization and adopted by the United Nations in 1991, the term tourism comprises “the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes”.

A successful experience in tourism combines:

A degree of novelty with a degree of familiarity.

Security of old habits with excitement of change.

A degree of risk with a degree of safety.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry The destination is defined as: “where the tourist experience occurs and where the benefits and costs of tourism development are felt”.

It is influenced by factors such as:

Cost levels at the destination.

The quality of service at the destination.

Culture and history of the destination.

The physiography / climate of the destination.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry Figure 1:Tourism Attractions


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021


Cultural Geographical Events Recreation


Historical Sites Archaeological Sites Cuisine Monuments Industrial Sites Museums Ethnic Concerts Theatre Architecture

Landscape Seascape Parks Mountains Flora Fauna Coasts Islands

Mega event Community Festivals Religious Sports Trade shows Corporate

Sightseeing Golf Swimming Tennis Hiking Biking Winter Sport

Theme parks Amusement Casino Shopping Facilities Arts centre Sports complexes

Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

The for - profit and not - for - profit operations in the hospitality segment share a common goal:

“to provide lodging and/or accommodations including

food services for people when they are away from their



King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

Hospitality is rooted in the relationships that develop between hosts and guests, a dynamic which has existed since the first human societies emerged. Many people think of hotels and restaurants when they think of the hospitality industry, but it comprises numerous types of organizations. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, hospitality means “the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers with liberality and good will.” Figure 2 identifies three segments of the travel and tourism industry.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

Figure 2: Overview of Hospitality Industry


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

The travel and tourism industry can be divided into three segments: 1. Transportation services, 2. Hospitality, and 3. Destination businesses.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry Figure 3: Providers of Hospitality and Tourism Services


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

Lodging organizations within the hospitality segment include: hotels, conference centers, destination resorts, camp and park ground facilities, and inns.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry Figure 4: Organization Chart of a Large Hotel


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry The foodservices segment can be divided into two general components.: 1- For - profit operations / Commercial include: hotels, restaurants, caterers, and retail operations such as grocery stores and service stations that provide prepackaged sandwiches, beverages, snacks, and other items.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

2-The other component, Not- for - profit operations / Institutional, includes food services offered by:

Educational facilities,

Healthcare institutions,

The military,

Business/industry organizations, Religious and charitable groups,

Correctional facilities, and

Transportation companies.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of Hospitality IndustryOverview of Hospitality Industry

Other hospitality segments include organizations such as: Events, Private clubs, Sports and recreational foodservice operations, Cruise ships, Vending businesses, and Amusement and theme parks.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of EventsOverview of Events Importance of Events in our Lives:

Today, events are central to our culture as perhaps never before.

Governments now support and promote events as part of their strategies for economic development, nation building and destination marketing.

Corporations and businesses embrace events as key elements in their marketing strategies and image promotion.

Events spill out of our newspapers and television screens, occupy much of our time and enrich our lives.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of EventsOverview of Events Events are phenomena that occur in a certain place at a certain time.

Each event has a beginning and an ending.

Events or festivals are carried out by a local community, and they have a premeditated plan.

Events and festival have not always been organized in order to gain financial benefit.

The main classifications of events are generally business, sporting and cultural.

It is important to attempt to define ‘event’ and ‘event product’.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of EventsOverview of Events An event is generally a complex social endeavor characterized by sophisticated planning with a fixed deadline, often involving numerous stakeholders. An event product is the whole package of goods and services. This is primarily the event program but it also includes merchandise, food, service, the environment, transport, queues etc. it is “a unique blend of activities, which are the tools for achieving the overall event aims and satisfying customer needs”.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of EventsOverview of Events A special event is a “unique moment in time celebrated with ceremony and ritual to satisfy specific needs”. While this definition clearly satisfies most events falling in the category of cultural events, it is not entirely satisfactory for many large- scale, commercial or corporate events such as product launches and other business events which are not necessarily celebratory.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of EventsOverview of Events Events can be divided in four main categories:

1. Local / community Events

These events are not seeking for international or even national publicity. These kinds of events may be organized by a school, sport club or local shop. Generally they are small and linked to a particular geography like a many faceted event, as it brings together the local community, attracts tourists and effectively launches a product each year.

2. Major Events

These events are able to raise interest in media and also produce recognizable economic benefits. These are capable of attracting significant numbers of visitors and media coverage, offering potentially positive economic benefits. Typically, this could be a sporting event such as American football’s Super Bowl held in a different city every January. Premiere league also is another type.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of EventsOverview of Events 3. Hallmark Events

These events have gained worldwide interest and attract globally to the extent that people affiliate the event with a certain country or city. They need not automatically be bigger than major events, but they are synonymous with a particular place, such as the Frankfurt Book Fair (www.book-fair.com/ en/) in Germany.

4. Mega Events

They have a major effect on economics, tourism, employment rate and politics. These symbolic events are global and can influence the host country’s economy. They tend to be either sporting or tourist in nature, such as the FIFA World Cup. Hosting such events is risky, but there is a perception that the benefits could be very significant.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of HR in Hospitality IndustryOverview of HR in Hospitality Industry

Organizations in the hospitality industry tend to be Labor— Intensive.

Technology cannot provide the level of service that is integral to the expectations of many consumers.

Even the phrase, hospitality , refers to the friendly treatment of one’s guests, and this human touch must be provided by the organization’s staff members.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of HR in Hospitality IndustryOverview of HR in Hospitality Industry

Hospitality and tourism organizations require employees.

Success requires a full complement of staff members from owners/managers to entry - level employees who consistently attain required quality and quantity standards.

In this industry, the emphasis must be on human resources , and leaders must practice human resources management principles and practices.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Overview of HR in Hospitality IndustryOverview of HR in Hospitality Industry

Human resources concerns ranging from: Compensation and benefits to Opportunities for training and professional development, as well as Beliefs about how they fit into the organization, are important to many staff members.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Overview of HR in Hospitality IndustryOverview of HR in Hospitality Industry

Some human resources managers begin their careers in operating positions in a hospitality or tourism organization and then move into a specialized human resources position. Others begin in hospitality human resources and spend much of their career in progressively more responsible positions in that discipline. Still others with hospitality human resources duties move into similar positions in other industries.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Events: a new context for HR managementEvents: a new context for HR management

Human resource management remains a key success factor even in smaller, locally based events.

Essentially, the main differences between the management of an event and the management of an ongoing business enterprise is that the event is generally intangible and untested, and there is only one chance to get it right.

In contrast, a retail store that doesn’t sell stock in the current month can put it all on sale the following month and hope to at least recover its costs.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Contemporary human Contemporary human resource managementresource management

Formerly, the personnel function was associated quite narrowly with recruitment, selection and implementation of company policy.

However, contemporary human resource managers see their role as being more strategic and business oriented.

Where the event organization has this focus, whether in the form of a human resource department or the allocation of this function to relevant managers, there are considerable benefits.

At a strategic level, the event organization needs to decide which services should be contracted out and which kept in-house.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Contemporary human Contemporary human resource managementresource management

Labour cost is frequently amongst the most significant of the costs associated with running an event.

The most significant issue for strategic planners is the temporary nature of most event-related employment.

Maximizing performance and achieving optimal levels of service is only possible through effective strategic human resource planning, which is undertaken by HR specialists and/or managers throughout the event organization.

Human resource management is a shared responsibility.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



How can the hospitality industry successfully How can the hospitality industry successfully compete for its employees?compete for its employees?

Some organizations have found creative alternatives that allow selected persons to become entrepreneurs. These persons manage a specific part of the business and receive a specified part of the profits from its successful operation. This may be a motivator for those with an entrepreneurial spirit.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

How can the hospitality industry successfully How can the hospitality industry successfully compete for its employees?compete for its employees?

One example occurs when a bonus is paid to a hospitality manager based on performance that exceeds specified financial goals.

Other organizations offer creative profit-sharing plans to staff members for whom money is a motivator.

When revenues and expenses for a specific venue, such as a food or beverage outlet or a gift shop in a hotel, can be specifically allocated, additional opportunities for entrepreneurial arrangements become possible.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Managing Human Resources in the Hospitality Organization

The staff members of every hospitality and tourism organization are its most important resource.

How their work is managed (facilitated) directly impacts the success or failure of the organization.

The basic management process is the same in almost any type of organization, and it consists of six basic functions that relate to all resources , including staff members:


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Managing Human Resources in the Hospitality Organization

The six basic functions of Human Resources Management that relate to all resources , including staff members:

1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Staffing 4. Supervising 5. Controlling 6. Appraising


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Managing Human Resources in the Hospitality Organization

Level Of Management:

1. Top-Level Manager

2. Mid-Level Manager

3. Supervisor

Each person with management responsibility has obligations relating to each function.

Top - level managers tend to have longer - term, big - picture responsibilities,

Managers have more specific departmental - related duties, and

Supervisors serve as linking pins to connect upper levels of management with entry - level staff members in day - to – day operations.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Managing Human Resources in the Hospitality Organization

“The Role of Human Resources Is Broader Than Just Filling Positions”.

Effective human relations procedures must be used to recruit and select staff members. However, human resources responsibilities extend beyond this and further than other stereotypical duties such as:

Planning staff parties, Approving employee vacations, and Collecting paperwork when new employees are hired.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities

Large hospitality and tourism organizations typically have human resources departments with staff specialists whose primary responsibilities focus on human resources concerns.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities


Labor shortages are an ongoing challenge in hospitality industry, and much of a manager's time is often spent in recruiting and training.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities

Reasons for labor shortages typically include: An inadequate number of persons desiring to work in the industry, Perceived low compensation, Very high employee turnover rates.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities

Employee turnover: The proportion of total employees replaced during a specific time period.

# Employees leaving during the year

= Turnover rate

# Employees in the work force


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities

Managers can use three basic strategies to address labor shortages, and each has human resources implications:

1. Keep the people currently employed; reduce the turnover rate.

2. Increase productivity. 3. Recruit from non-traditional labor

markets. Thus, selecting the right persons is helpful, as is providing well-thought-out orientation, training, and professional development programs for interested staff members.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities

Figure 5 reviews basic human resources activities and indicates the external and internal influences on these activities.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities

Recruiting/selecting: These tasks include:

Tactics and procedures to attract applicants to the organization (recruiting) and

Choosing the very best persons among them (selecting).

Training and development:

Preparing new staff members to do required work,

Updating their experienced peers, and

Providing opportunities for all interested staff members to conduct more responsible positions


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities Compensation and appraisal:

Personnel should receive pay and benefits commensurate with their contributions to the organization.

Performance appraisal provides input to help employees attain the on - job success that can yield promotions with higher compensation levels.

Protection and communications:

Safety and security concerns are of obvious importance to all employees.

In addition, effective communication that flows up, down and across the organization helps ensure that staff members know about issues that affect them.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities External Influences: Figure 5 indicates that human resources activities are impacted by external influences. These include:

Legislation . The impact of federal, state, and other laws on the hiring process.

Consumer preferences . What consumers desire must be identified.

Demographics .The characteristics of the local labor market and the guests.

Global issues . international and national events that encourage (e.g., sporting events and special commemorations) and discourage (e.g., violence and disease threats) travel.

Economy .The financial well - being of world markets and the country

Employee unions. that represents employees’ interests in numerous aspects of the human resources activities.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Human Resources ActivitiesHuman Resources Activities Internal Influences: Figure 5 also suggests that there are internal organizational influences on human resources activities:

Policies .A policy can greatly influence how an organization feels about staff members.

Work Procedures . the amount of employee empowerment.

Corporate culture . The perceived worth of employees to the organization.

Long- and short- term plans . Longer - term plans such as expansion or downsizing and shorter - term plans such as rolling out a new program.

Management judgment and experience brought to the decision - making process.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Diversity in the Hospitality WorkplaceDiversity in the Hospitality Workplace

Diversity: It means providing equal opportunities to persons of selected characteristics such as: age, gender, mental/physical abilities, sexual orientation, race, or ethnic heritage.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Diversity in the Hospitality WorkplaceDiversity in the Hospitality Workplace

Overview Of Diversity: The hospitality and tourism industry has typically employed a large number of minorities as well as other persons who are seeking a short - term job (not a career).


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Diversity in the Hospitality WorkplaceDiversity in the Hospitality Workplace

Overview Of Diversity:

Hotels, restaurants, clubs, foodservices operators in noncommercial facilities, and others compete with potential employers in other industries for persons without specialized knowledge or skills to work at beginning wage rates in entry - level positions which leads to that employees can only work in low - paying and dead - end positions.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Diversity in the Hospitality WorkplaceDiversity in the Hospitality Workplace

However, the industry in general, and many organizations more specifically, have implemented and publicized efforts to upgrade the industry's reputation by making genuine efforts to offer career opportunities, with all of the advantages that accrue to them, to all interested persons.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Human Resources ResponsibilitiesHuman Resources Responsibilities

What tasks are involved in the management of human resources in a hospitality or tourism organization? The short answer is: “ almost everything involved in the relationship between

staff members and the organization. ”


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

Individual Assignment # Individual Assignment # 11

Title: Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry. Points to be covered: 1. How might a staff human resources

specialist in a multiunit organization assist a property manager with the basic human resources activities noted in Figure 5 in slide 42?

2. Explain and discuss the importance of tourism sector in achieving the KSA’s Vision 2030.

3. Explain and discuss potential workforce opportunities for event sector in the KSA.

4. Explain and discuss the hospitality sector workforce regulations in the KSA.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021



Individual Assignment # Individual Assignment # 11

Instruction for the assignment:

Type of attached file: word document file attached through course messages on the BlackBoard.

Name of word file: Assignment 1

Deadline: Saturday, 30/1/2021

Grades assigned: 10 Marks.

You should have a cover page for your assignment involving the following information: Course Name and its Code; Assignment Title; Student Full Name; Student ID No.; Submitted to whom, Date of Submission.

A list of References used should be added by the end of Assignment.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021


Thank you for being with me today and please feel free to ask any questions.


King Abdul Aziz University – Faculty of Tourism Human Resources in Event Management - Master in Event Management Introduction to Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reda Gadelrab January, 2021

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