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OL 665 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
Typically, a not-for-pro�t organization exists to provide a public bene�t. Not-for-pro�t organizations exist across industries and are present in education, healthcare, development, and
environmental work. To understand an organization, study its mission, history, and current position. This will help you understand its leadership practices, communication strategies, �nancial
position, and ethical practices. This milestone provides you with the basic understanding you will need to move forward with your strategic analysis.
Develop a pro�le of the not-for-pro�t organization on which you will perform your strategic analysis.
Speci�cally, address the following critical elements:
I. Introduction: Give the name of the not-for-pro�t organization you have chosen for your strategic analysis. Explain why you are interested in this particular not-for-pro�t organization
and why you chose it for your �nal project.
II. Mission: Why does this not-for-pro�t organization exist? Whom does it serve? What is its formal mission statement?
III. History: Provide a history of the not-for-pro�t organization. Who founded the organization? How long has it existed? What are some milestones related to its growth?
IV. Current Position: How many of�ces and locations does the not-for-pro�t organization have? Who are the people it serves? What cause does the organization support?
What to Submit
Submit a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document (not including the title page or references) with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA formatting.
Milestone One Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Introduction Meets “Pro�cient” criteria, and
introduction demonstrates an
awareness of why this
organization is a good subject
for a strategic analysis
Introduces chosen
organization, providing a strong
rationale for selecting it as the
subject of a strategic analysis
Introduces chosen
organization, providing a strong
rationale for selecting it as the
subject of a strategic analysis,
but introduction is cursory
Does not introduce chosen
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Mission Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates insight into the
organization’s mission and its
value to the population it is
designed to serve or the cause
it was created to support
Summarizes the organization’s
mission and demonstrates a
strong understanding of the
organization’s goals
Summarizes the organization’s
mission but demonstrates an
inadequate understanding of
the organization’s goals
Does not describe the
organization’s mission
History Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
provides a unique historical
perspective on the organization
Summarizes the organization’s
history, including relevant
details about its founding,
growth, and signi�cant
Summarizes the organization’s
history but description is
cursory and lacks relevant
Does not provide the
organization’s history
Current Position Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and
demonstrates an in-depth
understanding of the
organization’s current position
as a provider of services to a
target population or as the
supporter of a unique cause
Summarizes the organization’s
current position, including
relevant details about its scope
of in�uence and the population
it is designed to serve or the
cause it was created to support
Summarizes the organization’s
current position but
description is cursory and lacks
relevant detail
Does not describe the
organization’s current position
Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy to
read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total: 100%
OL 665 Interview Questions
Instructions Do your research on the organization and the person you will interview well before your meeting. Learn as much as possible from the organization’s website, news sources, and the Shapiro Library. Preparing questions before the interview will keep you focused on information that is not publicly available. Use the questions below when you conduct your interview. Write additional questions about the unique characteristics of the organization and the interviewee. Ideally, the person you interview works for the organization that you have chosen for your final project. If so, the information you gather from the interview will help you with your strategic analysis of that organization. Use the answers to these questions and your additional questions to complete the short paper in Module Six. Questions to research in advance:
• What is the organization’s mission?
• Whom does the organization serve?
• Who serves on the board of directors?
• What information does the organization provide on its website? Core questions (note any information you already have from your research):
• How does the organization communicate its goals and strategies internally?
• How does the organization communicate its goals and strategies externally?
• What are some of the fundraising strategies and activities this organization uses?
• How does the organization seek and recruit volunteers?
• Is this organization looking to expand or sustain its current operation?
• What are some of the organization’s long-term goals? Additional interview questions you want to ask:
• What are your responsibilities within the organization?
• What are some of your key challenges?
12/20/23, 9:11 AM Assignment Information
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OL 665 Module Three Journal Guidelines and Rubric
The journals in this course are private communications between you and the instructor. Approach your journals as an opportunity to re�ect on and apply what you learn each week from the
assigned readings, discussions, and activities. These journals are a chance to share your knowledge and expertise from your past educational and professional experiences. As a successful
professional, you will need good re�ection and writing skills. Journal assignments offer you the opportunity to further develop these skills. Each journal assignment is graded individually.
Your knowledge of the not-for-pro�t business sector has grown. Now, you have scheduled an interview with someone from that sector. A well-constructed interview will help you collect the
information needed to complete the short paper in Module Six and your strategic analysis in the �nal project. You will learn how the interviewee joined the organization and about their passion
for making a difference in the world through their work.
You must have the interviewee sign the interview consent form to make certain you have permission to use their responses in your �nal project. Let the person know about the consent form
when you schedule the interview. The person may need to get approval to sign the agreement.
Use the interview questions provided as a guide. Write some additional questions that will help you get the information you need to complete your short paper and �nal project.
This journal assignment allows you to get your instructor’s feedback on the preparation for your interview. The interview will take place no later than Module Five.
In your journal assignment, address the following critical elements:
Provide the main elements of information, including the expected date, time, and location or method (phone or videoconference) for the upcoming interview.
Effectively incorporate research into the interviewee’s role and involvement in the organization using the organization’s website and other resources like news reports, government, and
professional organization websites.
Develop a list of questions to ask during the interview that will produce information for the �nal project strategic analysis.
You don’t need to list the questions that are provided. Research the interviewee and the organization so that you are prepared to ask those questions in addition to the questions you develop
for this journal.
What to Submit
Submit your assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. These journal assignments should be at least 250 words in length.
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Module Three Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Main Elements Includes all of the main
elements of information about
the upcoming interview
Includes most of the main
elements of information about
the upcoming interview
Includes some of the main
elements of information about
the upcoming interview
Does not include any of the
main elements of information
about the upcoming interview
Research Effectively incorporates many
outside resources that re�ect
depth and breadth of research
Effectively incorporates some
outside resources that re�ect
depth and breadth of research
Incorporates very few outside
resources that re�ect depth
and breadth of research
Does not incorporate outside
resources that re�ect depth
and breadth of research
Questions Develops a strong list of
questions to ask during the
interview that will produce
information for the �nal project
strategic analysis
Develops a list of questions to
ask during the interview that
will produce information for
the �nal project strategic
Develops a partial list of
questions to ask during the
interview that will produce
information for the �nal project
strategic analysis
Does not develop a list of
questions to ask during the
Voice Assignment is written in a style
that is appealing and
appropriate for the intended
audience, and a consistent
voice is evident throughout
Assignment is written in a style
that is generally appropriate for
the intended audience, and an
attempt is made to use a
consistent voice
Assignment is written in a style
that considers the audience,
but the voice is not consistent
and is dif�cult to identify
Assignment does not attempt
to use a style that considers
audience, and there is no
evidence of a voice
Writing Assignment is free of errors in
organization and grammar
Assignment is mostly free of
errors in organization and
grammar; errors are marginal
and rarely interrupt the �ow
Assignment contains errors in
organization and grammar, but
errors are limited enough that
the assignment can be
Assignment contains errors in
organization and grammar that
make the assignment dif�cult
to understand
Total: 100%

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