12/1/22, 8:52 PM cf_BUS499_week10_capstone_template.pptx

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How to Use This Template  Each slide needed in your submission is provided in this template.

 Do not add slides  Do not delete slides (except the “How to Use This Template” slide)

 Replace the “blue” font on each slide with your presentation content  Change all font to black  Use bullet points on the slides  Do not type every word you plan to say on the slide

 Enter the text/transcript of your talk in the speaker notes section  The speaker notes section is the gray area below each slide

 Do not enter your speaker notes in comment boxes  Do not include audio or video clips  Delete this slide before submitting your assignment

Delete this slide before submitting your assigDelete this slide before submitting your assig



DUE DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2022 AT 11:59PM


The objective of this case study is to ensure students have retained comprehension and

understanding of the course material. Students should thoroughly answer each question using

applicable theories, principles, and terminology from the textbook. Outside sources such as other

textbooks, websites, etc. may be used if needed. All sources should be notated on the reference



Students may work in a group of two students. Students can also work alone if they choose.

Please note, the work must be evenly distributed if students decide to work in pairs. A separate

document outlining each student responsibility must be submitted in the drop box along with the

paper. If students work in a group, only one group member need to submit the assignment.


 The paper must be a minimum of 5 pages, including the title and reference page

 The paper should use APA format

 Use normal 1-inch margins

 Text should be typed using Times New Roman, 12-point font

 Document should be double spaced

 Pages should be number at the top right-hand corner

 Section titles should be in bold font

 Title page should include, title of the paper, name(s), due date, course title and section,


 Reference page should be included as the last page


I Title Page (5 points)

o The title page should include title of the paper, name(s), due date, course title and section,


II Question One (15 points)

o Question one can be used as a section title.

o Sub sections of question one can be used.

III Question Two (15 points)

o Question two can be used as a section title.

o Sub sections from question two can be used.

IV Question Three (15 points)

o Question three can be used as a section title.

o Sub sections from question three can be used.

V Question Four (15 points)

o Question three can be used as a section title.

o Sub sections from question three can be used.

VI Question Five (15 points)

o Question three can be used as a section title.

o Sub sections from question three can be used.

VII References (10 points)

o References should be in APA format.

VIII Paper Format (10 points)

o Refer to the paper format guidelines for instructions.


The case study should be submitted via D2L in the designated drop box by November 20th at

11:59pm. Late submissions will NOT be accepted. Failure to submit the assignment will result in

a zero.

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