11/27/23, 12:03 AMAssignment Information

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CJ 315 Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric


In this assignment, you will define empathy and explore how it can be applied to a victim of robbery.


In Module Four, you learned how empathy influences interactions between criminal justice professionals and victims of crime, and explored appropriate responses to different kinds of

victimization. You will now apply this knowledge to define empathy and explain how empathy can be applied to a victim of robbery. This application of knowledge will help you prepare for the

submission of Project Three in Module Eight.

First, review the Project Three Guidelines and Rubric document.

Next, in 50 to 100 words, explain what empathy is and how it can be applied in the criminal justice system. Include the following in your explanation:

What is empathy?

In which areas of criminal justice can empathy be applied?

How can it be applied?

Then, in 100 to 150 words, describe how empathy influences interactions between a victim of robbery and criminal justice professionals. Include the following in your description:

Which criminal justice professional(s) typically displays empathy to a victim of robbery?

How does empathy typically affect the interactions between the criminal justice professional(s) and a victim of robbery?

Last, in 100 to 150 words, describe responses to a victim of robbery by criminal justice professionals. Include the following in your description:

What are appropriate responses to a victim of robbery?

What are inappropriate responses to a victim of robbery?

How can the responses affect the victim?

Specifically, the following rubric criteriarubric criteria must be addressed:

Explain what empathy is and how it can be applied in the criminal justice system.

Describe how empathy influences interactions between a victim of robbery and criminal justice professionals.

Describe responses to a victim of robbery by criminal justice professionals.

What to Submit

This assignment should be 250 to 350 words in length. Any references must be cited in APA style. See the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

Module Six Assignment Rubric

CriteriaCriteria Exemplary (100%)Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%)Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%)Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%)Not Evident (0%) ValueValue

Articulation of ResponseArticulation of Response Exceeds proficiency in an

exceptionally clear, insightful,

sophisticated, or creative


Clearly conveys meaning with

correct grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors in

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling

Submission has critical errors in

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling


Explanation of EmpathyExplanation of Empathy Exceeds proficiency in an

exceptionally clear, insightful,

sophisticated, or creative


Explains what empathy is and

how it can be applied in the

criminal justice system

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

additional details or

clarification in explanation

Does not attempt criterion 20

Empathy andEmpathy and


Exceeds proficiency in an

exceptionally clear, insightful,

sophisticated, or creative


Describes how empathy

influences interactions

between a victim of robbery

and criminal justice


Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

additional details or

Does not attempt criterion 30


11/27/23, 12:03 AMAssignment Information

Page 2 of 2https://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1415279-CJ-315-Q2991-OL-…lSessionVal=yOUNJTc4hjnr6gPkReRR9efJF&ou=1415279&d2l_body_type=3

clarification in description

ResponsesResponses Exceeds proficiency in an

exceptionally clear, insightful,

sophisticated, or creative


Describes responses to a victim

of robbery by criminal justice


Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

additional details or

clarification when describing


Does not attempt criterion 30

Citations andCitations and


Uses citations for ideas

requiring attribution, with few

or no minor errors

Uses citations for ideas

requiring attribution

Uses citations for ideas

requiring attribution, with

major errors

Does not use citations for ideas

requiring attribution


Total:Total: 100%

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United States Crime data for the nation are derived from Summary Reporting System (SRS) and National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) reports voluntarily submitted to the FBI.

The 2022 estimated Crime statistics for the nation are based on data received from 15,726 of 18,888 participating law enforcement agencies in the country that year.

CDE visual displays and the components of Crime in the Nation, 2022, include data submitted to the UCR Program as of May 1, 2023. Because some states' and agencies' data files are based on an earlier deadline, the final datasets and figures those states published on their respective websites for 2022 may not align with the data published on the CDE. For example, Michigan's annual crime report includes 2022 data submitted through March 1, 2023; the FBI's data for the state includes 2022 data submitted up to May 1, 2023.

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