Week 6 External and Internal Environment Assignment

Yvonne Winn

BUS499 Business Administration Capstone

Professor Keller

February 13, 2021

Week 6 Assignment 2

This paper seeks to analyze CVS Corporation, a health organization located in Lowell, Massachusetts, the United States (CVS Health, 2). Specifically, the study's focus is to evaluate CVS Corporation's internal and external environments, which are essential in determining its success or failure. The study will analyze the general environment and establish how its various segments affect CVS corporation's operations. Forces of competition are central to a company's performance, and this study will review the various forces, both internal and external, that influence the organization's growth. The paper will also outline the company's strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, and core competencies, besides identifying appropriate strategies to capitalize on its strengths and tactics to fix its weaknesses.

General Environment

The general environment in businesses consists of segments such as the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal aspects. Among these segments, the two most influential ones affecting CVS Corporation are technological and social segments.

Technological Segment

Technological advancements have revolutionized healthcare operations, forcing firms to adopt new technologies to remain competitive (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 1). Technological innovations have led to the establishment of electronic health records, wearable health devices, telemedicine, and remote monitoring appliances. Such technological advancements have increased competition in healthcare, which has forced CVS Corporation to respond appropriately by adopting technology in its operations to remain competitive. For instance, the company recently introduced a tool called Symphony, a medical alert system that helps caregivers remotely monitor their elderly loved ones' health. The tool has a suite of sensors to monitor room temperature, movement, fall, or any other unusual behavior (CVS Health, 2). Embracing technology in its operations has helped CVS Corporation remain competitive.

Social Segment

The social segment in healthcare includes social factors such as age distribution, lifestyle, education level, and spending habits that influence healthcare trends. The social segment undergoes continuous changes, and health organizations must always be aware of these changes to respond appropriately. For instance, chronic and lifestyle diseases are very prevalent in American society. Health organizations must find a way to address them as a way to meet their customer's needs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (4), six in ten adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease, while 4 in every 10 have two or more diseases. The leading causes of chronic diseases are tobacco use and poor lifestyle behaviors. To respond to the needs of its social segments, CVS Corporation became the first pharmacy retailer to ban the sale of tobacco and its products in its centers. Through its Aetna Foundation, CVS Corporation partners with like-minded firms to promote healthy living. For instance, it supports anti-vaping campaigns in schools and communities to minimizing smoking among youths (CVS Health, 3). This is among its initiatives to address its social segment.

Five Forces of Competition

Like in other industries, competition forces in healthcare include supplier power, buyer power, competitive rivalry, the threat of substitution, and the threat of new entries. Among these forces, the two most significant to CVS Corporation include competitive rivalry and the threat of new entries.

The threat of New Entries

The threat of new entries is among the forces affecting CVS corporation and can hinder its growth. Across the United States, the number of new health facilities has been on the rise over the years, which presents stiff competition to existing firms like CVS Corporation. To address the challenge of increased competitive rivalry, CVS Corporation has been on an expansion drive, which has led it to have more than 9900 retail locations in 49 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. It also has 1100-minute clinic locations, which has helped it survive competition from upcoming firms (CVS Health, 2).

Competitive Rivalry

Besides the threat from new entrants, CVS Corporation faces stiff competition from established health facilities in the country. According to the American Hospital Association (5), there are 6,090 hospitals in the U.S. according to 2019 data. This number is made up of community hospitals, non-governmental facilities, federal hospitals, among others. The existence of these many facilities offers stiff competition to CVS Corporation. To address this challenge, CVS has broadened its range of services and introduced new products to competitive.

Future Improvements

CVS Corporation has many opportunities for growth and improvement despite the various forces threatening its growth. As highlighted earlier, the company's main segments are technological and social, while the main competitive forces are competitive rivalry and the threat of new entrants. CVS has many opportunities to improve on these segments. For instance, the increase in technological advancements offers CVS the opportunity to integrate technology into its undertakings (CVS Health, 3). The organization should embrace telemedicine as a way of serving many clients, especially during this pandemic. Regarding the social segment, the RVS corporation should sponsor sensitization campaigns on healthy living as part of its corporate social responsibility. That would increase its visibility and impact in the community. To address the threat of new entrants, CVS should continue with its expansion drive to benefit from economies of scale, unlike the new entrants. On competitive rivalry, the organization should strive to make its services more affordable to outdo the competitors.

Greatest External Threat

The greatest threat facing CVS Corporation is the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has affected all health facilities since frontline health workers have been experiencing the greatest risk of contracting the disease. Since CVS has more than 9900 retail locations, its staff are at the risk of contracting the virus, which would cripple its operations. A Covid-19 outbreak in its facilities would threaten its existence (Corwin, Ani, & George, 6). To mitigate this threat, CVS Corporation should conduct sensitization campaigns within its facilities to ensure all staff observes safety measures. Besides, it should ensure the staff has all the necessary protective gear. That would increase public confidence, hence attracting more patients to its facilities.

Greatest Opportunity

The company's greatest opportunity is to leverage technology advancements to improve its clients' quality of services. Recently, CVS Corporation launched a medical alert system known as Symphony to help caregivers monitor their loved ones remotely. Such a move highlights CVS's potential in digitizing its processes. Therefore, due to its massive resources, the company has a chance to digitize many of its programs, hence reaching many people and increasing profitability.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The greatest strength for CVS is its ability to establish itself as the dominant health organization in the U.S. due to its large network of facilities. The company has one of the largest presence in the U.S. and can dominate the health sector. The organization has a presence in 49 states, with more than 9900 outlets in the country. It also has 1100-minute clinic locations, with over 54 million visits to these clinics (CVS Health, 2). Having an established infrastructure gives CVS Corporation an advantage due to its economies of scale. Therefore, unlike competitors and new entrants in the market, CVS's greatest ability is to continue its expansion programs and establish itself as a dominant player in the health sector. The company's weakness is that it lacks power over regulatory changes in the health sector. Regulatory changes such as a decrease in drug prices will be costly for the company.

Strategy or Tactic

CVS's greatest strength is its massive resources and its presence in over 49 states. That means it has more resources than many of the health organizations in the U.S. To take advantage of that strength, CVS should engage in mergers and acquisitions to reduce competition in the U.S. market (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 1). It should also establish firms globally. Reduced competition and larger presence will increase its profitability. Due to its lack of control on government regulation, the firm should enter into contracts with suppliers to buy supplies at fixed prices for several or months regardless of a change in government policy.

Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies

CVS's key resources are experienced personnel, while its capabilities are the availability of financial resources. Its core competencies are professionalism and quality healthcare. Its experienced personnel in over 9900 locations make it one of the most staffed institutions. Due to its large size, the company can expand further, hence increasing productivity (CVS Health, 2). Lastly, its experienced staff and quality services, which are its core competencies, grant it leverage against other small firms in the industry.


1. Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson. 2020. Strategic management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and globalization (13th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning

2. CVS Health. 2021. CVS Health at a glance. https://cvshealth.com/about/facts-and-company-information

3. CVS Health. 2021. Aetna foundation. https://cvshealth.com/social-responsibility/aetna-foundation

4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. n.d. Chronic diseases in America. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP). https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/infographic/chronic-diseases.htm

5. American Hospital Association. 2021. Fast Facts on U.S. Hospitals, 2021. https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals

6. Corwin, Rhyan., Ani, Tuner., & George, Miller. 2020. Tracking the U.S. health sector: The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Springer Link. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s11369-020-00195-z

NUR3805 Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper Guideline/Rubric

Course Objectives, Program Outcomes, and AACN Essentials:

5. Compare and contrast various conceptual, theoretical, philosophical and scientific bases of nursing practice. (Research & Translation; Essential III)

6. Examine how effective communication and collaboration promotes positive interactions within health care

teams and safe patient care. (Care Coordination, Information Management; Essentials IV, VI)

7. Discuss the intersection between the nursing profession and various systems such as healthcare delivery

organizations, political/governmental processes, and economics. (Care Coordination, Advocacy & Policy; Essentials II, V)

8. Analyze the potential and actual impact of advocacy and change by the individual professional nurse and

professional associations on populations, public institutions (including community organizations and political

entities) and the profession. (Advocacy & Policy; Essentials V, VIII)

Title: Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Audience: Professional Healthcare Colleagues

Point of view: First Person

Format: APA and Level 1 Headings

Template: Provided and required

Length: 2-3 double-spaced pages (minimum) not including title or reference page

References: Three (3 minimum) One (1) being a current, scholarly nursing journal article and one (1) from the ANA

Essential texts (Scope and Standards, Code of Ethics, or Social Policy). The third can be another journal article, the

text or any other professional source of your choice. Grading Rubric: Please see the Assignment Rubric for further details related to this assessment and grading criteria.

Assignment Guidelines: Your personal philosophy of nursing does exist, even if you have never articulated it before. Your personal nursing philosophy is the foundation of your day-to-day nursing practice. Your nursing philosophy reflects the

principles from which you conduct your thinking and your behavior. Development of a personal nursing philosophy is not

merely an academic exercise, but rather can guide you in the daily decisions you make as a professional registered nurse. It will

be beneficial for you to complete this assignment and then to review and revise your personal nursing philosophy from time to

time as many employers may ask you about your personal philosophy of nursing during an interview. Or, you may need one to

apply for graduate school.

First, review the example of one nurse's personal philosophy. Review chapter 8 & 9 of your textbook (Black, 2017). Your

philosophy will include the following with APA Level one headings:

 Discuss what you believe is the core and focus of nursing care. Relate the Keiser University RN-BSN programmatic student learning outcomes (on syllabus) and how they are demonstrated in your personal nursing

practice. Provide examples.

 Reflect on your personal vision of nursing, nursing as a profession, what it means to be a nurse, nursing’s history, and lifelong learning. Include the metaparadigm of nursing concepts and correlate the values, beliefs, and ethical

standards of the nursing profession to your personal philosophy of nursing.

 Discuss a nursing theorist and their work as it relates to your personal nursing practice.

 Describe your personal philosophy in relationship to patients, patient families, colleagues, and self.

Then, use the template provided below to write your own personal philosophy of nursing. Remember, this is YOUR philosophy

of nursing--do NOT use or copy any portion of the example provided. You must use the template provided. Write in your

own words and paraphrase content from other sources and cite according to APA standards. Only one direct quote that fully

supports your own writing is allowed.

This Personal Nursing Philosophy paper will consist of a minimum two-three (2-3) page paper, not including the title page or

reference page. YOU DO NOT NEED AN ABSTRACT FOR THIS PAPER. You must respond to each section of the template

in full detail. Your paper must follow APA guidelines. Examples of APA format can be found within your copy of the 6th

edition APA manual and the Keiser University Online Writing Center (OWL).

To submit your Paper, please submit it to the Week Six Assignment area. Write your paper in the template provided as a Word

document. Save it in a location on your computer and with a name that follows this format: Last name, First name, NUR3805,

Philosophy of Nursing. Support your statements with specific references from the readings and any outside sources that you

have discovered. Paraphrase and cite supporting information from a minimum of three (3) references in the finished work.

 One must be a current nursing journal article that you have found in the Keiser Library that supports one or more of your statements.

 One must be from the ANA Essential texts.

 One from additional sources (journal articles, professional web sites, etc.)

Your paper will automatically be submitted through SafeAssign, a plagiarism software program. Please review the SafeAssign

information on the course menu under the ASSIGNMENTS tab. You can also find information under the Student Resources

Tab, Writing and Library link within the course.

Additional sources can be from the ANA Essential texts, additional nursing scholarly articles, or course text. Professional websites can be

included, but must be in proper APA format. The use of web sites such as Wikipedia or a non-discipline supportive website are not allowed.

NUR3805 Personal Philosophy of Nursing Rubric

Grading Scale> A

90-100% B

80-89.99% C

70-79.99% D = 65-69.99% F = 0-64.99%

Requirement Title Brief Description Excellence Above Average Average Below Average/Failing

Applies professional presentation/writin g skills (15)

APA Paper Template required

-Presents title page with title, author, date, and running head in proper APA format. -The purpose and topic is apparent to the reader via a substantive introduction. -Information flows smoothly from one topic to another and is easily followed by the reader. Consistently maintains a professional and appropriate tone. Met minimum page requirement. -Includes a substantive conclusion. -Excellent sentence structure, paragraphing, grammar and spelling.

-Presents title page with title, author, date, and running head in proper APA format. -The purpose and topic is apparent to the reader via a brief, but evident introduction. -Arranges the sequence, timing, ideas and details with minor gaps in in effectiveness or cogency. Mostly maintains a professional and appropriate tone. Met minimum page requirement. -Includes a substantive conclusion with minor gaps in clarity or effectiveness. -Uses grammar and other conventions with minor errors.

-Presents title page with or without title, author, date, and running head in proper APA format or with major errors. -The purpose and topic is not completely or clearly presented to the reader or is missing an evident introduction. -Arranges the sequence, timing, ideas and details with major gaps in effectiveness or cogency. May or may not meet page requirement -Includes a conclusion, but with major gaps in clarity or effectiveness. -Uses grammar and other conventions with major errors.

Does not include two or more sections. Those presented have major gaps in clarity or effectiveness. Writing conventions are non-conformant in consistency and accuracy making the presentation unreadable.

Applies academic APA methodology (15)

APA Format, Paraphrasing, Citations and Reference Page

Appropriately and correctly uses APA format and style and includes a minimum of three (3) sources; one (1) being a scholarly nursing journal article; one (1) from the ANA Essential tests. Paraphrases substantively and points are clear and relate directly to the topic being supported. Proper citations are included. References are present on own page in proper APA format.

Uses APA format, style, and citations with minimum required references with minor gaps in appropriateness or correct use.

Uses some APA format, style, and citations with minimum required references or below minimum with major gaps in appropriateness or correct use.

Does not conform to APA format and style and/or did not include appropriate references of any kind.

Core and Focus of Professional Nursing (20)

Describes the core and focus of professional nursing and relates Keiser University’s RN- BSN programmatic student learning outcomes.

Comprehensively and accurately describes the core and focus of professional nursing and reflects on student learning outcomes.

Accurately describes

the core and focus of

professional nursing

and reflects on

student learning

outcomes with minor

gaps in content or


Describes the core

and focus of

professional nursing

and reflects on

student learning

outcomes with major

gaps overall.

Failed to

effectively describe

the core and focus

of professional

nursing and

reflects on student

learning outcomes.

Personal Vision of Nursing (20)

Present personal philosophy of the metaparadigm of nursing concepts and correlate the values, beliefs, and ethical standards of the nursing profession.

Accurately and comprehensively analyzes and makes evaluative statements of the key concepts of nursing practice (person, health, environment, nursing, lifelong learning). Clearly relates personal and professional values, beliefs, and ethical standards in nursing.

Analyzes and makes evaluative statements of the key concepts of nursing practice (person, health, environment, nursing, lifelong learning) with minor gaps in accuracy or content. Generally relates personal and professional values, beliefs, and ethical standards in nursing.

Analyzes and makes


statements of the

key concepts of

nursing practice

(person, health,


nursing, lifelong

learning) with major

gaps in accuracy or

content. Minimally

relates personal and

professional values,

beliefs, and moral

perspectives in


Non-conformant analysis and evaluation of the key concepts of nursing and/or relationship of values, beliefs, and ethics.

Personal Philosophy (20)


philosophy in

relationship to

Patients, patient


colleagues, and


Addressed each topic


comprehensively with

clear reflection of

personal nursing


Addressed each topic

heading with

reflection of personal

nursing practice with

minor gaps in content


Addressed topic headings with reflection of personal nursing practice with major gaps in content quality and/or missing sections.

Topics were not

completed as

required and/or

severe gaps in


Nursing Theory (10) Include a nursing theorist and their

Describes explicitly

the relationship and

Describes generally

the relationship and

Description of the

relationship and

Did not describe

the relationship

work as it relates to your practice within your philosophy

value of a nurse

theorist to

professional nursing

practice. May include

a specific practice


value of a nurse

theorist to

professional nursing

practice. May include

a general practice


value of a nurse

theorist to

professional nursing

practice is present,

but not clear. May or

may not include a

practice example.

and value of nurse

theorists to


nursing practice.



Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Your Name

Keiser University

Course Name and Number


Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Do not write the word ‘Introduction’ at the top. In this introductory paragraph, comprehensively address this statement - I chose nursing as my profession because nursing is……. For the remainder of the paper you will address each heading (APA Level 1) provided below. You will delete all red instructions and leave the headings intact. This assignment does NOT require an abstract!

Core and Focus of Nursing

Begin each section as a formal paragraph indenting the first line with subsequent lines flush left. Always indent paragraphs 5-7 spaces or 0.5”. You can simply hit the “tab” key on your keyboard and it will automatically move it the right spaces for you. Or, you can use the paragraph tool above. Discuss what you believe is the core and focus of nursing care? Include reference to the Keiser University BSN Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) of Care Coordination; Research and Translation; Advocacy and Policy; and Information Management. How are they demonstrated in practice? Do not refer specifically to Keiser University. Just include how these learning outcomes are demonstrated in your work as a nurse. Provide an example for each to further support.

Personal Vision of Nursing

In this section, reflect on the following

· nursing as a profession,

· what it means to be a nurse,

· nursing’s history, and

· the importance of lifelong learning.

· Include the metaparadigm nursing concepts of person, health, environment, and nursing and correlate the values, beliefs, and ethical standards of the nursing profession to your personal philosophy of nursing. Also consider how your personal beliefs and values affect nursing practice.

Nursing Theory in Practice

In this section present which nursing theorist and their work is best represented in your personal nursing practice. Provide an example of how it is demonstrated.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing with Patients and Patient’s Family

In this section, reflect on your personal view of nursing practice as it relates to patients and their families.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing and My Health Care Professional Colleagues

In this section, reflect on your personal view of nursing practice as it relates to relationships with health care colleagues (all) including collaboration and team work.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing and My Own Health

In this section, reflect on your personal view and beliefs about your own health and how it might relate to nursing practice. Discuss caring for self and what that means!


A paper’s conclusion should “wrap-up” and summarize the main points of your paper. Review the main points of each heading of your paper and summarize them to remind your readers of their importance (being careful not to restate them exactly). Subsequently, make a final point for the reader to think about without bringing up a whole new topic.


References go on a new page and is formatted as the examples demonstrated below. Utilize the “page break” function.

References require hanging indentations which means the first line of each reference is at the left margin and the subsequent lines in each reference is indented 0.5 inches.

Format your reference page by clicking on the little arrow in the Paragraph group found on the Home tab. In the ‘Paragraph dialog box’ under Special: use the dropdown and click on Hanging and it will automatically format the indentation by 0.5 inches.

Then, go down to Line spacing: and choose ‘Double’ and at the bottom click OK. Be sure to not double/double-space between each reference. The references should be uniformly double spaced.

It is your responsibility to italicize, capitalize, parenthesize, and punctuate according to APA rules. Please refer to your APA 7th edition Manual and the APA Tutorial/Quick Guide.

After you have entered all the sources you have cited in your document, alphabetize the list of sources clicking the “Sort” button (the AZ on the top line of the “Paragraph” portion on your ribbon). You will sort Paragraphs by Text in Ascending order.

Remember to include at least one nursing, scholarly journal article and reference from one of the ANA Essential texts (Scope and Standards, Code of Ethics, or Social Policy). Additional sources should be professional nursing sources such as the course text or another journal article.

Please see pages 58 and 66 of the APA Manual (7th ed.). This is what your reference page should look like. Contact your faculty instructor if you have any questions about this Personal Philosophy Paper.

Your references need to be in alphabetical order. Please be sure to check your spelling!

Remove all red instructions. You can convert the two examples below to black font color and use them IF you paraphrased and cited information from them in your philosophy (a good idea!).

Black, B. P. (2020). Professional nursing: Concepts and challenges (9th ed.). Elsevier.

Fowler, M. D. M. (2015). Guide to the code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements: Development, interpretation, and application (2nd ed.). American Nurses Association.



Week 8 Assignment 3

Student’s Full Name

BUS499 Business Administration Capstone

Professor’s Name


Template Instructions (delete this page before submitting)

This template is provided to help you meet the assignment requirements.

This page should NOT be submitted with your assignment, as it is not part of an academically written paper. Note the “Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements” section of the grading rubric.


· Read the explanations provided in the template for each section of your paper.

· The explanations are in blue font below.

· You should have already read the assignment instructions in Blackboard.

· Type your response to each of the assignment requirements within the designated sections.

· Each assignment requirement is identified using a section Heading that is in black font

· DO NOT add extra spaces between sections.

· DO NOT change the margins.

· You are required to have a heading for each of the sections in your paper.

· The required headings have been provided for you.

· DO NOT delete, alter, or add anything to the section Headings.

· DO NOT type the assignment instructions into the sections.

· After typing your responses, change the font color to black and make sure it is not in bold.

· Be sure to change the font color on the title page to black after typing your name, professor’s name, and date.

· Everything in blue font below should be deleted and replaced with your responses.

· DELETE this entire page before you submit your assignment to avoid losing points.


· The assignment is due in week 8. Late submissions negatively impact your grade.

· Use the same public corporation you used for assignments 1 and 2.

· Include at least 6 full and complete academically written pages that address the requirements. The title page, this instruction page, and the source page do not count.

· Use at least 3 quality sources, one of which MUST be the course textbook.

· Strayer uses SafeAssign – an automated plagiarism checker. It is advised that you do your own writing and use external resources to support what you have written in your own words.

Week 8 Assignment 3

Write your introduction to this 6-page paper here. Include one (1) paragraph (not more than 6 lines of text) that explains what your paper will discuss. Much of your introduction may be taken from the assignment instructions (in your own words). Read all assignment resources to understand what should be included in your paper. Be sure to review the assignment instructions in Blackboard, the grading rubric, and relevant course announcements to understand the requirements. Do not exceed 6 lines of text in this introduction. There should be no direct quotes in this section. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your introduction and change the font color to black.

Business-Level Strategies

Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm. You will also need to determine whether or not you judge this to be a good choice (Note: in this step you need to choose and write about only one (1) business-level strategy from the text book (not Google). Hint: See Figure 4.1 in the textbook. Include a thorough justification for your choice that is backed by facts and sound judgement. For background, be sure to research and explain the industry in which your selected corporation operates. You could also briefly (1 – 2 sentences) define the business-level strategy (cite your sources) you are writing about using the textbook/Learn, as an introduction to your analysis. Read Chapter 4 in the course textbook. Review the Week 4 Learn video/Lecture for supporting content. Your response here should demonstrate that you understand the key concepts regarding the selected business-level strategy and can apply them to a real-world corporation. Keep in mind that this is a 6-page paper and as such your analysis should thoroughly address the concepts discussed in the course. Avoid unsubstantiated statements, extended introductory commentary, direct quotes, and unrelated content. Strive for about 1 ½ - 2 pages of well-constructed, in-depth analysis in this section.

In this section, you could research and identify the core competencies your chosen firm uses to implement its business-level strategies and discuss their effectiveness. You could also demonstrate from your research how the firm uses its core competencies to create and sell its products in the marketplace. Consider the actions & choices your firm has made to compete in individual product markets. Review Chapters 4-9 for specifics on the business-level strategies. Your response should clearly identify the one business-level strategy from the textbook that you think is most important to the long-term success of the corporation. Your response must also include a clearly stated and justified judgement on whether that strategy is a good choice. Include enough content and depth to demonstrate a thorough analysis of your selected corporation’s business-level strategy. Remember that this is a 6-page paper and as such, you will need to dig deep. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your analysis and change the font color to black.

Corporate-Level Strategies

Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm. You will also need to determine whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. (Note: in this step you need to choose and write about only one (1) corporate-level strategy from the text book (not Google). Hint: See chapter 6 in the textbook. Include a thorough justification for your choice that is backed by facts and sound judgement. You could also briefly (1 – 2 sentences) define the corporate-level strategy (cite your sources) you are writing about using the textbook/Learn, as an introduction to your analysis. Read Chapter 6 in the course textbook. Review the Week 6 Learn video/Lecture for supporting content. Your response here should demonstrate that you understand the key concepts regarding the selected corporate-level strategy and can apply them to a real-world corporation. Keep in mind that this is a 6-page paper and as such your analysis should thoroughly address the concepts discussed in the course. Avoid unsubstantiated statements, extended introductory commentary, direct quotes, and unrelated content. Strive for about 1 ½ - 2 pages of well-constructed, in-depth analysis in this section.

Your response should clearly identify the one corporate-level strategy from the textbook that you think is most important to the long-term success of the corporation. Your response must also include a clearly stated and justified judgement on whether that strategy is a good choice. Include enough content and depth to demonstrate a thorough analysis of your selected corporation’s corporate-level strategy. Remember that this is a 6-page paper and as such, you will need to dig deep. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your analysis and change the font color to black.

Competitive Environment

Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation's most significant competitor (this will require research outside of the course material). Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice. Hint: read chapters 1 - 10 in the course textbook as they provide a solid background for this section. Review the Week 1 - 8 Learn video Lectures for supporting content. Remember that this is a 6-page paper and requires a thorough competitive analysis. Strive for about a 1 ½ - 2 pages of well-constructed, in-depth analysis in this section. Cite your sources and avoid the use of direct quotes. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your analysis and change the font color to black.

Market Cycles

Determine whether your choice from Question 3 (Competitive Environment section above) would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. It would be a good idea to briefly explain what the slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets are from the textbook (cite your sources) as a short introduction to your determination. Hint: read Chapter 5 in the course textbook. Remember that this is a 6-page paper and therefore each section requires a thorough response that demonstrates your understanding of key concepts covered in the course and your ability to apply them to a real-world corporation. Cite your sources and avoid the use of direct quotes. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your response and change the font color to black.


1. Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson. 2020. Strategic management: Concepts and cases: Competitiveness and globalization (13th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning

2. Author. Publication Date. Title. Page # (written as p. #). How to Find (e.g. web address)

3. Author. Publication Date. Title. Page # (written as p. #). How to Find (e.g. web address)

How to earn full credit assignment 3

Switch to Slide Show then click the on each slide to watch the embedded videos in a new window


Download the Template

Log into the Blackboard course

Navigate to the Course Info section

Click the linked file titled:

“BUS499 Assignment 3 Template 2020.docx”

Open the downloaded file

Click “Enable Editing”

Save the file to your computer


Review the Instructions

Navigate to Week 8 in Blackboard

Read the Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies section

Navigate to the Course Info page in Blackboard

“Download the Course Guide”

Review the Scoring Guide in the Course Guide

Open the previously saved BUS499 Assignment 3 Template 2020 template

Read the entire template

Be sure to also read all announcements and email


Study Key Course Concepts

Complete the To-Do List in weeks 1 - 8

Review Chapters 1 - 10

Pay close attention to the following concepts:

Business-level strategies

Corporate-level strategies

Competitive environment

Slow-cycle markets

Fast-cycle markets


Company to Research

You will use the same company you researched for assignments 1 and 2

You will also use this same company for assignment 4

The Overview section of the assignment instructions include tips on choosing a public corporation

Papers on non-public corporation earn a score of zero


Title Page

Replace the text that reads “Student’s Full Name” with your name

Replace the text that reads “Professor’s Name” with your professor

Replace the text that reads “Date” with the current date

Highlight your name, professor’s name, and the date then change the font color to black

Select “Save”


Template Instructions

Scroll to page 2

Reread the template instructions

The template instructions page MUST be deleted before submitting your work

Do not leave a blank page after deleting the template instructions

Do not submit your paper with the template instructions included – you will lose points

The Template Instructions page was created to help you correctly use this resource. The content is based on best practices in writing, common mistakes students make, and the assignment requirements



Begin your paper with a brief introduction

Develop an introduction that follows the introduction instructions in the template.

Replace the introduction instructions with the introduction you developed

Do not delete the “Week 8 Assignment 3” heading

Make sure all of the introduction instructions are removed

Make sure the font for your introduction is in black

Make sure the font for your introduction is NOT in bold


Requires Original Research

Do not copy content from Assignments 1 or 2

Do not copy content from other classes

Recycling work previous classes is an integrity violation

All instances of plagiarism are sent to Student Affairs

Visit the Virtual Writing Center for academic writing support



It is very important that you meet the minimum page requirement

The 6-page requirements is not an arbitrary requirement

The level of depth required in each of the core requirements warrants 6 full pages

Less than 6 full pages of content will result in less than the level of depth required


Business-Level Strategies

Analyze the business-level strategies to determine the one business-level strategy most important to long-term success for your selected corporation

See figure 4.1 in the textbook

Justify your strategy selection

Justify whether the strategy is a good choice

Demonstrate a thorough analysis of your selected corporation’s business-level strategy

This is not a definitions paper nor a copy/paste assignment – limit quotes

Strive for about 1 ½ - 2 pages of in depth content


Corporate-Level Strategies

Analyze the corporate-level strategies to determine the one corporate-level strategy most important to long-term success for your selected corporation

Justify your strategy selection

Justify whether the strategy is a good choice

Demonstrate a thorough analysis of your selected corporation’s corporate-level strategy

This is not a definitions paper nor a copy/paste assignment – limit quotes

Strive for about 1 ½ - 2 pages of in depth content


Competitive Environment

Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor

Compare strategies at each level

Evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful long term

Justify your choice

Strive for about 1 ½ - 2 pages of in depth content


Market Cycles

Determine whether your choice from the Competitive Environment section would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets

Demonstrate your understanding of key concepts covered in the course and your ability to apply them to a real-world corporation

Avoid direct quotes

This is not a definitions paper


Minimum Page Requirement

This assignment requires at least 6 full pages of content directly addressing the 4 core assignment requirements



Read the instructions in Blackboard

Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library and locate at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Scroll to the section of your paper with the “Sources” heading

The textbook has already been included in your source list but you need to use it in your paper.

Provide at least three (3) quality sources used in your paper

Again, one MUST be the textbook

Do not use cheat sites (e.g. free essay sites, coursehero, u.k.essay, etc.)

Make sure the font for your sources is in black

All sources listed on the Source page must have intext citations in your paper.


Submit Your Assignment

Submit your assignment using the provided MSWord template

The required template is a MSWord document

Do not change the document type to pdf, jpeg, rtf, odt, ppt, pptx, html, etc……

Submit your assignment as an attachment in Blackboard

Assignments cannot be emailed or posted to any other location

Do not copy and paste the content of your paper as comments in Blackboard

Submit your assignment by the due date to avoid late penalties

Late penalties can drop you grade significantly

Confirm your submission was successful

You will receive a confirmation email

You will see a preview of your work in Blackboard


Grading Reminders

All assignment grades include grading feedback

Read the feedback attached to your grade to understand what you did well and also what you can improve.

Once an assignment is graded and feedback provided, the assignment cannot be resubmitted for a better grade.

Plagiarized papers earn a grade of zero and will be reported to Student Affairs

Papers submitted without using the required template and section headings earn a grade of zero


Grading Timeline

Your submitted assignment will be graded in the order in which it is received

If submitted on time, expect your grade and feedback no later than 7 days after the assignment due date

Late submissions are graded after all on-time assignments have been graded

It is not necessary to send an email asking when your assignment will be graded.

All submitted assignments are graded

It is not necessary to send an email telling us that you submitted your assignment.

These emails have no baring on when your submission is graded


Frequently Missed Areas

Not submitting work on time

Not providing the analysis, justification and determination required

Not submitting at least 6 full pages of content addressing the requirements

Not using the template

Not using the textbook and course material



Less Than 6 Pages is Less than Full Credit

The assignment requires no less than 6 full pages of content addressing the requirements

The level of depth needed in each assignment requirement will take at least 6 full pages of content.

Strive for 1 ½ to 2 pages for EACH of the main concept requirements:

Business-Level Strategies

Corporate-Level Strategies

Competitive Environment

Market Cycles

Balance your research throughout your paper

Ex. Do not write 4 pages on the Business-Level Strategies then short-change the other requirements to fit them into the other 2 pages


One More Time

Use the required template

Follow the instructions

Address each requirement

Submit on time

Do not copy from your sources

Do not recycle previous work

Write at least 6 full pages


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