“Good morning/afternoon/ evening, I am , I am calling from the health department. [ If English is not the primary language spoken, advise that another call will be made with a translator for better assistance.] I’m currently working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the local area. May I speak to [ person name]. [Once that person comes on the phone kindly introduce yourself again.] I’m calling to notify you and/or your family members of a potential risk that someone you may have been exposed to has tested positive for tuberculosis. The intent of this call is to schedule a date and time for yourself and/or your family members to get tested for Tuberculosis. Would you and/or your family members be interested in scheduling an appointment? [ If the party(s) are interested in getting this done, set up the appointment to see the physician, and let them know that it should only take about 20 minutes and a follow-up visit will be needed in 3 days.] [If not interested, explain the importance of getting this done to prevent spreading the illness.] If you and/or family member(s) start having any symptoms, please give the office a call asap or to go to the hospital and/or your primary care provider. If you would like, we can send you more information about Tuberculosis via mail or email. [If so, verify their mailing address or email address.] Are there any questions or concerns that I can help answer for you? [If so, answer them and again let them know that you can send more information via mail or email.] [If not, let them know if they think of any questions, to let them know to call the office.] Thank you for taking my call today. [If they set up an appointment for further testing, confirm date and time with them.] Please feel free to call our office for any questions or concerns. Our office phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. Have a great day!’’
National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Healthcare (CLAS) Standards
1) The CLAS used to sensitize people to get tested for TB offers accurate, reasonable, comprehensible, and humble quality care and services receptive to varied health literacy needs, cultural health principles and performances, ideal languages, and the rest of communication requirements.
2) The others include providing language aid to people who does not understand English language free of charge to assist them in getting tested for TB on time. The basis for picking the cultural demographic where the script is founded is to ensure we reach as many people as possible without discrimination. United we can make it.
3) Providing the information and letting this individual know will not only have a better outcome but also will facilitate the timely approach to healthcare services. It’s crucial to have translators, devices or any written material that can be used to help explaining these concerns and to make sure that the information provided is clear and understood. As a result, this will provide effective care for the entire society.

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