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SafeAssign Originality Report Fall 2019 - Enterprise Risk Management (ITS-835-20) (… • Week 13 Journal Reflection Assignment (Due Novem…

%37Total Score: Medium risk Sriteja Thuraka

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Word Count: 618 UseCaseStudy_Journal_Week13_ERM.docx

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11/19/2019 Originality Report

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Student paper 68%

Running head: USE CASE STUDY_Week 13_ Journal 2


Use Case Study

Sriteja Thuraka

University of the Cumberlands

Enterprise Risk Mangement

Use Case Study In the current world we are living today and with the existing turbulence in the market, majority of the firms are spending a lot of visible and also invisible resources in trying to get a higher competitive benefits over their competitors and towards ensuring a superior perfor- mance (Brustbauer, 2016). Initial studies have basically discussed a number of determinants related to the competitive advantage and performance particularly aimed at the developed economies in a market situation where small or medium sized enterprises are emerging in economies and that have basically received some minor attentions in the market. In this study therefore, a number of issues have been examined together with the me- diating responsibility of managing the competitive benefits related to the enterprise risk and their related managerial practices and also the manag- ing role related to financial discipline. In some cases, also, questionnaires are used so as to collect data and which should greatly be used in control- ling the upcoming market structure (Olson, & Wu, 2015). Organizations are therefore encouraged to implement a number of enterprise related risks in relation to the existing management practices with an aim of gaining higher levels of competitive advantage as well as superior performance. Top managers in organizations also need to ensure that there is enough financial education and that they will be in a better position in the market. Enterprise risk management is generally expected to greatly minimize on the direct and indirect costs related to the financial distress and negative shocks in the entire financial markets and also in ensuring the improvement of decision-making process so as to select the best investment oppor- tunities. A number of internal fences as well as lack of management capabilities and adequate resources and which are more likely to focus on the entire practices in the risk associated management (Brustbauer, 2016). Medicinal services associations are situations with high the board mul- tifaceted nature and subject to a steady presentation to dangers. Venture hazard the board (ERM) has been considered and applied in various finan- cial conditions with the point of improving authoritative execution. Be that as it may, the wellbeing segment still experiences an absence of con- sideration in this specific situation, specifically with respect to the requirement for a high level of monetary straightforwardness and for the founda- tion of procedure orientated administration, and this gives the inspiration to the investigation depicted in this paper. An ERM model for wellbeing associations is proposed, in view of a deliberate writing survey and on seven contextual analyses in Brazilian clinics. A way to deal with financial chance appraisal utilizing pointers, for example, the income in danger and the changeability of expenses and receipts from the proposed model is recommended. The wellbeing associations engaged with the contextual analyses all decipher ERM as a wellspring of data adding to corporate ad- ministration, and the markers recorded give helpful information to progress-driven basic leadership (Bromiley, McShane, & Rustambekov, 2015).

Given the intrigue communicated by the associations in question, further application and approval of the proposed model in ensuing ponders is recommended. This is therefore a bit different from what is provided in the use case in this week’s study. However, organizations should greatly focus on the best practices towards the achievement of their set goals and objectives.


Bromiley, McShane, & Rustambekov, (2015). Enterprise risk management: Review, critique, and research directions. Long range planning, 48(4), 265-276. Brustbauer, (2016). Enterprise risk management in SMEs: Towards a structural model. International Small Business Journal, 34(1), 70- 85. Olson, & Wu, (2015). Enterprise risk management (Vol. 3). World Scientific Publishing Company.






2 1



Student paper

University of the Cumberlands

Original source

University of Cumberlands


Student paper

Enterprise Risk Mangement

Original source

Enterprise risk management


Student paper

Enterprise risk management is gen- erally expected to greatly minimize on the direct and indirect costs relat- ed to the financial distress and nega- tive shocks in the entire financial markets and also in ensuring the im- provement of decision-making process so as to select the best in- vestment opportunities.

Original source

ERM is supposed to minimize direct and indirect costs of financial dis- tress, earnings volatility, and nega- tive shocks in financial markets, as well as improve the decision-making process to select the best invest- ment opportunities (Beasley et al

11/19/2019 Originality Report

https://ucumberlands.blackboard.com/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5a31b16bb2c48/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=c02195df-f483-4a0f-8389-23d34c4fc0eb&course_id=_… 3/3

Student paper 83%

Student paper 92%

springer 100%

Student paper 100%

springer 84%


Student paper

Be that as it may, the wellbeing seg- ment still experiences an absence of consideration in this specific situa- tion, specifically with respect to the requirement for a high level of mon- etary straightforwardness and for the foundation of procedure orien- tated administration, and this gives the inspiration to the investigation depicted in this paper.

Original source

The health segment, still experiences an absence of consideration in this specific situation, specifically, with respect to the requirement for an el- evated level of financial related straightforwardness and for the foundation of procedure orientated administration, and this gives the in- spiration to the investigation depict- ed in this article


Student paper

Given the intrigue communicated by the associations in question, further application and approval of the pro- posed model in ensuing ponders is recommended.

Original source

Given the intrigue communicated by the associations in question, further application and approval of the pro- posed model in ensuing considers is recommended


Student paper

Enterprise risk management: Re- view, critique, and research directions.

Original source

Enterprise risk management review, critique, and research directions


Student paper

Enterprise risk management in SMEs: Towards a structural model.

Original source

Enterprise risk management in SMEs Towards a structural model


Student paper

Enterprise risk management (Vol.

Original source

Enterprise risk management

ITS835 enterprise risk management Chapter 4 & 7

ERM at statoil and united grain growers


University of Cumberlands


History of Statoil

ERM at Statoil

United Grain Growers Background

ERM at Grain Growers



University of Cumberlands

Statoil History

Headquartered in Stavanger, Norway

World’s top 10 oil and gas producers

706 billion in revenue

23,000 employees

2,004 million barrels of oil

40 year history of producing oil


University of Cumberlands

Erm at statoil

Goals: create value and avoid accidents

Wanted a way to manage risks

Recognize risk taking is unavoidable even necessary to create value for shareholders

Risk Map

Upside potential and downside risk for a risk factor

Reported risks are listed twice

Value Creation is the guiding principle for an ERM

Viewing risks in a value chain

Value Chain has 3 main stages

Exploration and development of oil and gas reserves

Refinement of hydrocarbons into various gas products

Selling of gas, oil and products into different markets

Risks divided into 2 categories: market and operational risks

ERM Processes

Quarterly rhythm with meetings

Write response to business units

Risk department is supervisor of the risk mapping process

Support business and encourages best practices

Risk mapping, quantification of probability and impact considered


University of Cumberlands

Total risk optimization: lessons learned

Tacked the task of avoiding risk management decisions that are suboptimal for the company.

Established KPIs and scorecards

Spent time on beforehand thinking about what ERM should look like

Risk Committee Roles and Responsibilities


University of Cumberlands


Evolution of ERM over time based on organizational goals and values

ERM Processes to minimize risks and optimize it

Consider upside and downside potential risk during assessment exercise

ERM to increase organizational performance


University of Cumberlands

United grain growers overview

Commodity traded company

Focused on grain grown in Canadian

Factors the impact operations

Government regulation

Political risk



University of Cumberlands

UGG Leadership



Board of Directors

1906 Farmed-owned cooperative

Bureaucratic business model

Early 1990s suffered financial distressed

Breach of bank covenants and losing cash

CEO suggested drastic changes to help increase operational and financial performance


University of Cumberlands

Ugg erm process

Identify and access principle risks

ERM exercise to identify risks

Two approaches to address problems

Developed Strategic Plan to improve financial dividends and balance sheet numbers

Credit Financial Outcomes

Merger with Agricore United through risk financing program


University of Cumberlands


ERM Usage to help with Financial Risk

Outcomes of using ERM

Leadership Changes due to ERM


University of Cumberlands

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