11/11/2020 Unit 8 Assignment - Presentation
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11/11/2020 Unit 8 Assignment - Presentation
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Criteria Ratings Pts
22.5 pts
18.75 pts
15.0 pts
3.75 pts
3.75 pts
Content 22.5 pts Level 5 Accurate and complete explanation of key concepts drawing upon relevant literature. Listeners able to develop an understanding of the material.
20.25 pts Level 4 For the most part, explanations of concepts are accurate and complete. Listeners gain good knowledge of the topic.
18.0 pts Level 3 Explanations of concepts are accurate, but needs improvement. Listeners gain some knowledge from the topic.
15.75 pts Level 2 Explanations of concepts are somewhat inaccurate and incomplete. Listeners gain minimal new insights.
13.5 pts Level 1 Explanation of concepts are inaccurate and incomplete. Listeners gain no new insights.
0.0 pts Level 0 Not submitted.
Fact Sheet 18.75 pts Level 5 Presenter’s graphics explain and reinforce screen text and presentation.
17.0 pts Level 4 Presenter’s graphics explain and relate to screen text and presentation.
15.25 pts Level 3 Presenter’s graphics support text and presentation.
13.5 pts Level 2 Presenter’s graphics are unrelated to topic.
11.75 pts Level 1 No graphics included.
0.0 pts Level 0 Not submitted.
System Demo/Role Play 15.0 pts Level 5 Appropriate to topic, clearly representative of topic, creative, accurate representation of topic.
8.0 pts Level 4 Aspects there, but not excellent. All elements of topic present.
4.0 pts Level 3 Elements mostly present, but not clear or easily followed.
2.0 pts Level 2 Elements somewhat present, but not clear or easily followed. Need more details.
1.0 pts Level 1 Unclear, unable to follow, not representative of topic.
0.0 pts Level 0 Role play was not present in the presentation.
Organization 3.75 pts Level 5 Information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Ideas well reinforced with relevant examples.
3.4 pts Level 4 Information in logical sequence which audience can follow. Could use better examples to support ideas.
3.0 pts Level 3 Audience has some difficulty following presentation/ information. Needs better/ supportive examples.
2.7 pts Level 2 Audience has difficulty following presentation/ information. Needs better/ supportive examples.
2.4 pts Level 1 Audience cannot understand presentation/information, because there is no consistent flow of information.
0.0 pts 0 Organization needs major revisions. There is no flow of information.
Visual Aids
PowerPoints other props (besides the required one)
3.75 pts Level 5 At least one, appropriate and excellent visual aid –fully reinforces presentation.
3.4 pts Level 4 One, good visual aid. Appropriate and at least represents topic of presentation.
3.0 pts Level 3 One or more visual aid, but average representation of topic of presentation.
2.7 pts Level 2 One visual aid but poor representation of topic of presentations
2.4 pts Level 1 No visual aids.
0.0 pts Level 0 Not submitted.
11/11/2020 Unit 8 Assignment - Presentation
https://herzing.instructure.com/courses/14201/assignments/376314?module_item_id=809774 3/3
Total Points: 75.0
Criteria Ratings Pts
3.75 pts
3.75 pts
3.75 pts
Documentation/Citations 3.75 pts Level 5 All sources of facts and examples fully documented.
3.4 pts Level 4 Most sources of facts and examples documented.
3.0 pts Level 3 Sources of facts and examples partially documented.
2.7 pts Level 2 Sources of facts and examples partially documented. Some issues with the documentation.
2.4 pts Level 1 Sources of facts and examples partially documented. Several issues with documentation.
0.0 pts Level 0 No sources of facts and examples documented.
Speaking Skills 3.75 pts Level 5 Poised, articulate; proper volume; steady rate; good posture and eye contact; enthusiasm; confidence. Proper and consistent use of medical terminology, concepts, terms pronounced properly.
3.4 pts Level 4 Clear articulation but not as polished. Some inconsistencies with volume, rate, posture. Good eye contact and enthusiasm use of medical terminology, concepts, terms pronounced properly.
3.0 pts Level 3 Student uses some verbal fillers (“Uh, you know, hmm, I mean, It’s like”). Hardly any mispronounced words. Moderate eye contact and enthusiasm.
2.7 pts Level 2 Inaudible or too loud; no eye contact; rate too slow/fast; disinterested/monotone. Student uses excessive verbal fillers (“Uh, you know, hmm, I mean, It’s like”) and mispronounced words, inappropriate use of medical terminology.
2.4 pts Level 1 Speaking skills need attention. Several issues with speaking in front of others for the presentation.
0.0 pts Level 0 Did not make it through the presentation or did not present.
Dress 3.75 pts Level 5 Business professional attire: - Men: Suit, Dress shirt, tie, dress shoes -Women: Business suit (skirt or slacks), 1-3 inch heeled business shoes, softly / not excessive jewelry (accessories) -(skirt length: mid- knee or below, no deep slits) -no visible piercings (except for earrings) or tattoos - well-groomed and neat
3.4 pts Level 4 Mostly business professional attire.
3.0 pts Level 3 Business casual: - Men: Long sleeve, tie, dress shoes - Women: Slacks, Skirts, blouses, business shoes, appropriate/soft jewelry (accessories) - (skirt length: no shorter than 4” above knee, no deep slits) - no visible piercings (except for earrings) or tattoos - well-groomed and neat
2.7 pts Level 2 Herzing Uniform Khakis / Polos Tennis shoes Appropriate to outfit shoes
2.4 pts Level 1 Inappropriate dress. Examples include: Message t- shirt and jeans, hat or caps for men and women, scrubs, inappropriate length skirts, slits, stilettos, flip-flops, shorts
0.0 pts Level 0 Completely inappropriate dress.

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