1009W MLC Prerequisite Expository Essay NAME:

ASSIGNMENT TITLE: MLC Prerequisite Expository Essay DATE:



RANGE: 0-39.9 40-69.9 70-89.9 90-100

EARNED: COGNITIVE LEVEL ATTAINED: Higher levels include characteristics of lower levels

ANALYZING: Breaking material into constituent parts, determining how the parts relate to each other and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating, organizing, and attributing.

APPLYING: Carrying out or using a procedure through executing or implementing.

UNDERSTANDING: Constructing meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining.

REMEMBERING: Retrieving, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge from long-term memory. WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Prerequisite Expository Essay Requirements for this assignment are located in paragraph three of the welcome letter.

Facilitator Comments:

Facilitator Signature: Learner Comments:

Learner Signature:

Learner: Prerequisite Expository Essay Instructions: Learners will prepare an original PEE on the contemporary Army issue facing the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) program within their organizations. In your essay, explain two recommendations that might improve the effectiveness of your unit’s SHARP program. In doing so, use your personal experience and at least three references to support your proposals. This paper must set forth an argument concerning your own experience in this category. You will write in a clear and concise manner while using correct grammar, sentence structure, and word usage. You must provide a coherent transition from one topic to the next using the provided rubric as a general guideline. Your essay must be in Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, APA 6th edition format without an abstract, tables, charts, etc. The essay must be a minimum of three pages and no longer than five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

General (Topics) Unsatisfactory

0-3.9 pts Needs Improvement

4-6.9 pts Satisfactory

7-8.9 pts Superior 9-10 pts

Topic Introduction: 20%

The text has an unclear topic with very few ideas, concepts, information, etc.; no thesis statement.

The text focuses on a topic that informs the reader on ideas, concepts, and information, etc.; little to no thesis statement.

The text focuses on a topic that informs the reader on ideas, concepts, information, etc.; thesis statement is present but vague.

The text clearly focuses on a topic that informs the reader on ideas, concepts, information, etc.; provides a strong thesis statement.

Topic Development: 40%

The text provides facts, definitions, details, quotations, and examples that attempt to develop and explain the topic. The conclusion merely restates the development.

The text provides relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, and examples that develop and explain the topic. The conclusion ties to and supports the information and explanation.

The text provides effective facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, and examples that sufficiently develop and explain the topic. The conclusion provides the implications, significance of, and future relevance of the topic.

The text provides significant facts, definitions, concrete details, and quotations that fully develop and explain the topic. The conclusion provides insight to the implications, explains the significance of the topic, and projects to the future.

Sequencing and Transitions: 10%

The text contains limited words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text. The text attempts to connect the topic and the examples and/or facts.

The text uses words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text. The text connects the topic, examples, and/or facts.

The text skillfully uses words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text. The text identifies the relationship between the topic, examples, and/or facts.

The text strategically uses words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of text. The text thoroughly explains the relationships between the topic, examples, and/or facts.

Language and Readability: 10%

The text illustrates a limited awareness of formal tone and awareness of topic- specific vocabulary. Writing is choppy, awkward, and unclear causing reader to read passages several times in order to determine purpose.

The text presents a formal objective tone and uses precise language and topic- specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. Writing is awkward and unclear causing reader to read passages several times.

The text presents an appropriate formal objective tone and uses relevant language and topic-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. Writing has minimal awkward or unclear passages.

The text presents an engaging, formal, and objective tone and uses sophisticated language and topic-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. Writing flows and is easy to follow.

APA Formatting 10%

Errors in APA style and formatting detract substantially from the paper.

There are five or more errors in APA style and formatting. The errors are significant enough to detract from the paper.

There are no more than three errors in APA style and formatting. The errors are minimal and do not detract from the paper.

There are no errors in the APA style or formatting. The student paper possesses a scholarly style.

Grammar: 10%

There are six or more errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage.

There are four or more errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage.

There are two or more errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage.

There are no errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage.

There are four topic areas worth ten pts each for a total of 40 pts. The topic introduction is weighted by two and the topic development is weighted by four; totaling 60 pts. (40+60 = 100 possible pts).

Plagiarism 15% to 24% plagiarism subtracts 10 pts and 25% or more subtracts 20-31 pts.

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