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ADP 6-22

This publication is available at Army Knowledge Online (https://armypubs.us.army.mil/doctrine/index.html).

Foreword Leadership is paramount to our profession. It is integral to our institutional success today and tomorrow. As we transition to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex and uncertain environment, our Army requires intelligent, competent, physically and mentally tough leaders of character. Decentralized operations require leaders at all levels that understand their environment, learn quickly, make sound decisions, and lead change. Because there are no predetermined solutions to problems, Army leaders must adapt their thinking, formations, and employment techniques to the specific situation they face. This requires an adaptable and innovative mind, a willingness to accept prudent risk in unfamiliar or rapidly changing situations, and an ability to adjust based on continuous assessment.

General of the Army Omar Bradley once remarked: “Leadership in a democratic army means firmness, not harshness; understanding, not weakness; generosity, not selfishness; pride, not egotism.”

His words continue to resonate today in both peace and war. This requires personal commitment, constant learning, self assessment, and passion for your Soldiers and units. Being a leader is not about giving orders, it’s about earning respect, leading by example, creating a positive climate, maximizing resources, inspiring others, and building teams to promote excellence. Along the way, you will make honest mistakes. You will face difficult decisions and dilemmas. This is all part of the process of learning the art of leadership. You must internalize the Army’s values, demonstrate unimpeachable integrity and character, and remain truthful in word and deed. Soldiers trust their leaders. Leaders must never break that trust, as trust is the bedrock of our profession.

My leader expectations are straightforward:  Have a vision and lead change  Be your formation’s moral and ethical compass  Learn, think, adapt  Balance risk and opportunity to retain the initiative  Build agile, effective, high-performing teams  Empower subordinates and underwrite risk  Develop bold, adaptive, and broadened leaders  Communicate—up, down, and laterally; tell the whole story

ADP 6-22, Army Leadership, describes our foundational leadership principles. I challenge each of you to study and build upon this doctrine to prepare yourselves, your peers, and your Soldiers to meet the challenges you are sure to face.

Army Strong!


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ADP 6-22, C1

Change No. 1 Headquarters Department of the Army

Washington, DC, 10 September 2012

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DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

ADP 6-22, C1 10 September 2012

By order of the Secretary of the Army:


General, United States Army Chief of Staff


JOYCE E. MORROW Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 1224203

DISTRIBUTION: Active Army, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserve: To be distributed in accordance with the intial distribution number (IDN) 110180, requirements for ADP 6-22.

PIN: 103006-001

ADP 6-22

DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.


Army Doctrine Publication

No. 6-22

Headquarters Department of the Army

Washington, DC, 1 August 2012

Army Leadership



PREFACE ..................................................................................................... ii Army Leader Defined ............................................................................. 1 Purpose of Leadership ........................................................................... 1 Components of Leadership .................................................................... 2 Applying Influence .................................................................................. 2 Leaders and Courage ............................................................................ 3 Situational Leadership ............................................................................ 4 Informal and Collective Leadership ........................................................ 4 Command and Leadership ..................................................................... 4 Leadership Requirements Model ........................................................... 5 Leader Attributes .................................................................................... 6 Leader Competencies ............................................................................ 7 How Leaders Develop ............................................................................ 9 Conclusion ............................................................................................. 9

GLOSSARY .................................................................................. Glossary-1

REFERENCES .......................................................................... References-1


Figure 1. Underlying logic of Army leadership ...................................................... iii Figure 2. Army leadership requirements model .................................................... 5

ii ADP 6-22 1 August 2012


Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 6-22, Army Leadership, establishes the Army leadership principles that apply to officers, noncommissioned officers and enlisted Soldiers as well as Army Civilians.

The principal audience for ADP 6-22 is all leaders, military and civilian. Commanders and staffs of Army headquarters serving as joint task force or multinational headquarters should also refer to applicable joint or multinational doctrine concerning the range of military operations and joint or multinational forces. Trainers and educators throughout the Army will also use this manual.

Commanders, staffs, and subordinates ensure their decisions and actions comply with applicable United States, international, and, in some cases, host-nation laws and regulations. Commanders at all levels ensure their Soldiers operate in accordance with the law of war and the rules of engagement. (See Field Manual [FM] 27-10.)

ADP 6-22 uses joint terms where applicable. Selected joint and Army terms and definitions appear in both the glossary and text. Terms for which ADP 6-22 is the proponent publication have an asterisk in the glossary. Definitions for which ADP 6-22 is the proponent publication are in boldfaced text. For other definitions in the text, the term is italicized and the proponent manual number follows the definition. The use of the term influence throughout this publication reflects the definition of common English usage “the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command,” as distinct from the usage outlined in FM 3-13. It is contrary to law for DOD to undertake operations intended to influence a domestic audience; nothing in this publication recommends activities in contravention of this law.

ADP 6-22 applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, United States Army Reserve, and Army Civilian workforce unless otherwise stated.

Readers should refer to Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 6-22, Army Leadership, for detailed explanations of the Army leadership principles.

The proponent of ADP 6-22 is the United States Army Combined Arms Center. The preparing agency is the Center for Army Leadership, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center - Leader Development and Education. Send comments and recommendations on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to Director, Center for Army Leadership, ATTN: ATZL-LDL (ADP 6-22), 290 Stimson Avenue, Unit 4, Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-1352; by e-mail to usarmy.leavenworth.tradoc.mbx.6- [email protected]; or submit an electronic DA Form 2028.

Army Leadership

1 August 2012 ADP 6-22 iii

Figure 1. Underlying logic of Army leadership

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The Army exists to serve the American people, protect enduring national interests, and fulfill the nation’s military responsibilities. Fulfilling these purposes relies on leaders who embody values- based leadership, impeccable character, and professional competence. Leaders require these enduring qualities regardless of the mission or assignment, at all levels, across all cohorts.

ARMY LEADER DEFINED 1. Leadership, the lifeblood of an army, makes a difference every day in the United States Army. Since the formation of the Continental Army until today with Soldiers deployed around the globe, Army leaders have accepted the challenges before them. The United States Army has always had great leaders who have risen above hardships and have drawn on a range of leadership qualities to influence Soldiers, build units, and accomplish the mission.

2. Leadership is characterized by a complex mix of organizational, situational, and mission demands on a leader who applies personal qualities, abilities, and experiences to exert influence on the organization, its people, the situation, and the unfolding mission. Difficult and complex situations are the proving ground for leaders expected to make consistent timely, effective and just decisions.

An Army leader is anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals. Army leaders motivate people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization.

PURPOSE OF LEADERSHIP 3. The Army requires leadership to make choices and establish unifying direction for the organization. Organizations have multiple sources to monitor and assess situations and provide input for decisions; however, a central leader must oversee and ultimately accept responsibility for the conduct of missions.

Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.

4. Leadership is a process of influence. Since first publishing leadership doctrine in 1948, the Army has consistently defined leadership as a process. This is significant because a process can be learned, monitored and improved. While personality and innate traits affect a process, the Army endorses the idea that good leadership does not just happen by chance but is a developable skill. A leader influences other people to accomplish a mission or fulfill a purpose. The means of influence include actions to convey motivation. Accomplishing the current mission is not enough—the leader is responsible for developing individuals and improving the organization for the near- and long-term.

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5. As an element of combat power, leadership unifies the other elements (information, mission command, movement and maneuver, intelligence, fires, sustainment, and protection). Leadership is a multiplier of effects; with it, organizations are focused and synchronized, resources are used efficiently, people become energized and motivated, and missions are more likely to achieve desired outcomes. Leadership serves a motivational purpose: to energize others to achieve challenging goals. An organization with effective leadership has a clear purpose, common methods, and ordered processes; sustains itself; and accomplishes its missions. Effective organizations rely on leaders to balance uncertainty, remain flexible, and provide a climate where subordinates have the latitude to explore options.

COMPONENTS OF LEADERSHIP 6. Leadership involves at least two people or groups, one which leads and another which follows. The influence process aims at getting results and developing the organization. This accomplishes missions of high quality while sustaining and improving the organization within available resources. Leaders must balance successful mission accomplishment with how they treat and care for organizational members. Taking care of people involves creating and sustaining a positive climate through open communications, trust, cohesion, and teamwork.

7. Followers respond to the authority of a leader in general or in response to specific guidance. Effective organizations depend on the competence of respectful leaders and loyal followers. Given the hierarchical structure of the Army, every Army leader is also a follower. Learning to be a good leader also needs to be associated with learning to be a good follower—learning loyalty, subordination, respect for superiors, and even when and how to lodge candid disagreement.

APPLYING INFLUENCE 8. Influence falls along a continuum from commitment, where followers willingly act for a higher purpose, to compliance, where followers merely fulfill requests and act in response to the leader’s positional power. The degree of commitment or compliance affects initiative taken, motivation to accomplish missions, and the degree of accepted responsibility. Commanders expect subordinate leaders and Soldiers to commit to successful mission accomplishment. Trust, commitment, and competence enable mission command and allow the freedom of action to be operationally agile and adaptive.

9. Leaders can encounter resistance when attempting to influence others internal or external to their unit. Leaders can mitigate resistance by anticipating what others value, their reactions to influence, their shared understanding of common goals, and their commitment to the general organization or the purpose of the mission and their trust in the organization and the leader. After taking measure of underlying causes of resistance, leaders can work to build or restore relationships, determine shared goals, remove perceived threats or other actions, and clarify how the influence action relates to their personal values.

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1 August 2012 ADP 6-22 3

10. A leader can influence others outside the chain of command and succeed in gaining support for stated goals. Leaders can influence these outside groups, such as the local populace, using indirect means of influence. Success in these situations relies upon the relationships established between the Army leader and the outside parties. Trust characterizes positive relationships. Army leaders build trust by being honest and dependable. Without trust, there will be no relationship, no commitment, and no effective communication among parties.

11. Occasionally, negative leadership occurs in an organization. Negative leadership generally leaves people and organizations in a worse condition than when the leader- follower relationship started. One form of negative leadership is toxic leadership. Toxic leadership is a combination of self-centered attitudes, motivations, and behaviors that have adverse effects on subordinates, the organization, and mission performance. This leader lacks concern for others and the climate of the organization, which leads to short- and long-term negative effects. The toxic leader operates with an inflated sense of self-worth and from acute self-interest. Toxic leaders consistently use dysfunctional behaviors to deceive, intimidate, coerce, or unfairly punish others to get what they want for themselves. The negative leader completes short-term requirements by operating at the bottom of the continuum of commitment, where followers respond to the positional power of their leader to fulfill requests. This may achieve results in the short term, but ignores the other leader competency categories of leads and develops. Prolonged use of negative leadership to influence followers undermines the followers’ will, initiative, and potential and destroys unit morale.

12. Encouragement and inspiration characterize leadership whereas coercive techniques run counter to Army leadership principles. Subordinates respond well to leadership that encourages commitment to achieve shared goals, thus improving the leader’s ability to use indirect influence in situations where clear lines of authority do not exist. Leadership seeks to influence others through the communication of ideas and common causes. Positive, empowering influence comes by knowing how to lead, relate to others, and free others to manage tasks.

LEADERS AND COURAGE 13. Army leaders accept the responsibility to develop and lead others to achieve results. All members of the Army—Soldiers and Army Civilians—swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This oath subordinates the military leader to the laws of the nation and its elected and appointed leaders, creating a distinct civil-military relationship. Fulfilling that oath, leaders will face—and have to overcome—fear, danger, and physical and moral adversity while caring for those they lead and protecting the organization entrusted to them.

14. It takes personal courage to take the initiative to make something happen rather than standing by or withdrawing and hoping events will turn out well. Leaders require personal courage when confronting problems of discipline or disorderly conduct, when innovation and adaptation are needed to try something that has never been done before, when leading Soldiers in harm’s way, when being candid with a superior about

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a risky or improper course of action, when deferring to a more technically competent subordinate, or when freeing units and personnel to solve problems. Leaders must have the courage to make tough calls, to discipline or demand better when required. Consistent and fair leaders will earn the respect of their followers.

15. A self-aware leader will learn from each decision and action; with guidance from superiors, the leader will grow in confidence. Resilient and fit leaders have the psychological and physical capacity to bounce back from life’s stressors to thrive in an era of high operational tempo and persistent conflict.

SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP 16. Leaders adjust their actions based on the situation. A situation influences what purpose and direction are needed. Situations include the setting, the people and team, the adversary, cultural and historical background, and the mission to be accomplished. The effectiveness of influence methods also vary with the situation and the time available for action. Education, training and experience are vital to develop the knowledge necessary to lead.

INFORMAL AND COLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP 17. Leadership guidance does not have to come only from the highest-ranking leader. Informal leadership that exists throughout organizations supports legitimate authority and plays an important role in mission accomplishment and organizational improvement. Informal leadership manifests itself through knowledge, experience or technical expertise. Informal and collective leadership are important types of leadership that do not adhere entirely to hierarchical levels of authority.

18. Collective leadership refers to the combined effects and synergies when leaders at different levels synchronize their leadership actions to achieve a common purpose. High performing collective leadership occurs when leadership processes are mutually reinforcing and the result is greater than the sum of its parts—a sense of shared responsibility for the unit exists.

19. Anyone can demonstrate leadership. The person with the highest rank or date of rank in a situation technically has the greatest authority. The ranking leader present is expected to exert influence as needed. The Army expects those with the greatest expertise and knowledge of the situation to lead. Presence is not solely projected by physical presence but through communications and situational awareness.

COMMAND AND LEADERSHIP 20. Command is the authority that a commander in the armed forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. Command includes the authority and responsibility for effectively using available resources and for planning the employment of, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling military forces for the accomplishment of assigned missions. It also includes responsibility for health, welfare, morale, and discipline of assigned personnel (see JP 1-02). Mission command

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1 August 2012 ADP 6-22 5

is the exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander’s intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations (see ADP 6-0).

21. Leaders can influence each other and subordinates regardless of rank, though subordination based on rank occurs with both command and leadership. AR 600-20 specifically charges commanders to perform functions such as establishing a positive climate, caring for the well-being of Soldiers, properly training their Soldiers and developing subordinates’ competence. By extension, subordinate leaders have a role to support each of these functions.

LEADERSHIP REQUIREMENTS MODEL 22. The Leadership Requirements Model conveys the expectations that the Army wants leaders to meet. A common model of leadership shows how different types of leaders work together and is useful for aligning leader development activities and personnel management practices and systems. One set of requirements consists of attributes of what leaders should be and know and the second is a set of competencies that the Army requires leaders to do. The single model organizes the disparate requirements and expectations of leaders at all levels of leadership.

Figure 2. Army leadership requirements model

23. Leadership attributes are characteristics internal to a leader. Character is the essence of who a person is, what a person believes, how a person acts. The internalization of Army Values is one type of character attribute. Empathy is identifying and understanding what others think, feel and believe. Leaders of character who embrace the Army leader attributes and competencies will be authentic, positive

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leaders. While character relates to the internal identity of the leader, presence attributes relate how others see the leader and intellect relates to what abilities and knowledge the leader possesses to think and interact with others.

24. Leadership competencies are groups of related actions that the Army expects leaders to do—lead, develop and achieve. Core competencies are those groups of actions universal to leaders, across cohorts and throughout organizations.

LEADER ATTRIBUTES 25. Attributes shape how an individual behaves and learns in their environment. The leader attributes are character, presence and intellect. These attributes capture the values and identity of the leader (character); the leader’s outward appearance, demeanor, actions and words (presence); and the mental and social faculties the leader applies in the act of leading (intellect). Attributes affect the actions that leaders perform. Good character, solid presence and keen intellect enable the core leader competencies to be performed with greater effect.


26. Leadership is affected by a person’s character and identity. Integrity is a key mark of a leader’s character. It means doing what is right, legally and morally. The considerations required in leader choices are seldom obvious as wholly ethical or unethical. The Soldier’s Rules, which codify the law of war, outline ethical and lawful conduct in operations and are useful for everyday conduct (see AR 350-1). Leaders who unwaveringly adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and unit standards build credibility with their subordinates and enhance trust from the American people they serve.

27. Leaders of integrity adhere to the values that are part of their personal identity and set a standard for their followers to emulate. Identity is one’s self-concept, how one defines him or herself. Leaders who are effective with followers identify with the role and expectations of a leader; they willingly take responsibilities typical of a leader and perform the actions of a leader. Leaders who are unsure of themselves may not have a strong idea of their identity.


28. The impression a leader makes on others contributes to success in getting people to follow. This impression is the sum of a leader’s outward appearance, demeanor, actions and words and the inward character and intellect of the leader. Presence entails the projection of military and professional bearing, holistic fitness, confidence and resilience. Strong presence is important as a touchstone for subordinates, especially under duress. A leader who does not share the same risks could easily make a decision that could prove unworkable given the psychological state of Soldiers and Civilians affected by stress.

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29. The leader’s intellect affects how well a leader thinks about problems, creates solutions, makes decisions and leads others. People differ in intellectual strengths and ways of thinking. There is no one right way to think. Each leader needs to be self- aware of strengths and limitations and apply them accordingly. Being mentally agile helps leaders address changes and adapt to the situation and the dynamics of operations. Critical and innovative thought are abilities that enable the leader to be adaptive. Sound judgment enables the best decision for the situation at hand. It is a key attribute of the transformation of knowledge into understanding and quality execution.

LEADER COMPETENCIES 30. There are three categories of competencies. The Army leader serves to lead others; to develop the environment, themselves, others and the profession as a whole; and to achieve organizational goals. Competencies provide a clear and consistent way of conveying expectations for Army leaders.

31. The core leader competencies apply across all levels of leader positions, providing a good basis for evaluation and focused multisource assessment and feedback. A spectrum of leaders and followers (superiors, subordinates, peers and mentors) can observe and assess competencies demonstrated through leader behaviors.

32. Leader competencies can be developed. Leaders acquire competencies at the direct leadership level. As the leader moves to organizational and strategic level positions, the competencies provide the basis for leading through change. Leaders continuously refine and extend the ability to perform these competencies proficiently and learn to apply them to increasingly complex situations.


33. The category of leads encompasses five competencies. Two focus on the affiliation of the followers and the common practices for interacting with them. Leads others involves influencing Soldiers and Army Civilians in the leader’s organization. Extends influence beyond the chain of command involves influencing others when the leader does not have designated authority or while the leader’s authority is not recognized by others, such as with unified action partners. Builds trust is an important competency to establish conditions of effective influence and for creating a positive environment. Leader actions and words comprise the competencies of leads by example and communicates. Actions can speak louder than words and excellent leaders use this to serve as a role model to set the standard. Leaders communicate to convey clear understanding of what needs to be done and why.

34. Leaders are expected to extend influence beyond the chain of command, which usually has limited formal authority. This competency widens the responsibility and sphere of influence for a leader. Such influence requires insightful—and possibly non- standard—methods to influence others. Its limited authority stems from the audience’s possible lack of the traditions, customs, and regulations of the Army and military

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forces. When extending influence, Army leaders have to assess who they need to influence and determine how best to establish their authority and execute leadership functions. Often they have little time to assess the situation beforehand and need to adapt as the interaction evolves. Extending influence is a competency that includes negotiation, consensus building and conflict resolution. Extending influence largely depends on the trust established with unified action partners and often applies to stability and defense support of civil authorities operations.


35. Leaders operate to improve or sustain high performance in their organization. They do so by focusing on the four develops competencies. Create a positive environment inspires an organization’s climate and culture. Prepares self encourages improvement in leading and other areas of leader responsibility. Leaders develop others to assume greater responsibility or achieve higher expertise. A leader stewards the profession to maintain professional standards and effective capabilities for the future.

36. Leaders are responsible for development. They must ensure that they themselves are developing, that they are developing subordinates, and that they are sustaining a positive climate and improving the organization. Leaders encourage development and set conditions while performing missions. Development occurs by having subordinates reflect on what happened during an event, by assessing whether units performed at or well above standard and why, in addition to having a positive mindset of improvement and learning. Every experience is developmental.

37. Leaders have choices to make about developing others. Leaders choose when and how to coach, counsel and mentor others. Leaders often have the freedom to place people in the best situation to maximize their talent. Then the leader provides resources the subordinate needs to succeed, makes expectations clear, and provides positive, meaningful feedback. While leaders need to develop others, they have to set a positive climate in which individuals and the unit can improve and operate. As part of their developmental responsibilities, leaders must prepare themselves and act to promote long-term stewardship of the Army.


38. Gets results is the single achieves competency and relates to actions to accomplish tasks and missions on time and to standard. Getting results is the goal of leadership but leaders must remain mindful that leading people and creating positive conditions enable them to operate as successful leaders. Getting results requires the right level of delegation, empowerment and trust balanced against the mission. Adaptability to conditions and adjustments based on adversarial actions are ever important elements of success.

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1 August 2012 ADP 6-22 9

HOW LEADERS DEVELOP 39. Leadership—and increased proficiency in leadership—can be developed. Fundamentally, leadership develops when the individual desires to improve and invests effort, when his or her superior supports development, and when the organizational climate values learning. Learning to be a leader requires knowledge of leadership, experience using this knowledge and feedback. Formal systems such as evaluation reports, academic evaluation reports, and 360o assessments offer opportunities to learn—but the individual must embrace the opportunity and internalize the information. The fastest learning occurs when there are challenging and interesting opportunities to practice leadership with meaningful and honest feedback and multiple practice opportunities. These elements contribute to self-learning, developing others and setting a climate conducive to learning.

40. Leader development involves recruiting, accessing, developing, assigning, promoting, broadening, and retaining the best leaders, while challenging them over time with greater responsibility, authority and accountability. Army leaders assume progressively broader responsibilities across direct, organizational and strategic levels of leadership. Military leadership is unique because the armed forces grow their own leaders from the lowest to highest levels. The Army entrusts leaders to develop professionally and be ready to accept greater responsibility when called upon.

CONCLUSION 41. ADP 6-22, Army Leadership, establishes the fundamental principles by which Army leaders accomplish their missions and care for their people. It describes the enduring concepts of leadership through the core leader competencies and attributes required of contemporary leaders of all cohorts and all organizations, regardless of mission or setting. These principles reflect decades of experience and the best scientific knowledge available. Leadership fundamentally remains a process of influence; how and when influence is applied determines the eventual mission success and the capabilities of Army organizations.

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1 August 2012 ADP 6-22 Glossary-1


The glossary lists acronyms and terms with definitions. Terms for which ADP 6-22 is the proponent (authority) manual are marked with an asterisk (*).


ADP Army doctrine publication

ADRP Army doctrine reference publication

AR Army regulation

DA Department of the Army

DOD Department of Defense

FM field manual

JP joint publication

TC training circular


*Army leader

Anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals. Army leaders motivate people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization.


The authority that a commander in the armed forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. Command includes the authority and responsibility for effectively using available resources and for planning the employment of, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling military forces for the accomplishment of assigned missions. It also includes responsibility for health, welfare, morale, and discipline of assigned personnel. (JP 1-02)


The process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.

mission command

The exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander’s intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations. (ADP 6-0)

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1 August 2012 ADP 6-22 References-1


Field manuals are listed by new number followed by old number.

REQUIRED PUBLICATIONS These documents must be available to intended users of this publication.

JP 1-02. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. 8 November 2010.

RELATED PUBLICATIONS These documents contain relevant supplemental information. Most Army

doctrinal publications are available online: <http://www.apd.army.mil/>.

ADP 6-0. Mission Command. 17 May 2012.

ADRP 6-0. Mission Command. 17 May 2012.

ADRP 6-22. Army Leadership. 1 August 2012.

AR 350-1. Army Training and Leader Development. 4 August 2011.

AR 600-20. Army Command Policy. 4 August 2011.

FM 3-13. Information Operations: Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. 28 November 2003.

FM 27-10. The Law of Land Warfare. 18 July 1956.

REFERENCED FORMS DA Form 2028. Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms.

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ADP 6-22 1 August 2012

DISTRIBUTION: Active Army, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserve: To be distributed in accordance with the initial distribution number (IDN) 110180, requirements for ADP 6-22.

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

RAYMOND T. ODIERNO General, United States Army

Chief of Staff


JOYCE E. MORROW Administrative Assistant to the

Secretary of the Army 1220101

PIN: 103006-000

  • Cover
  • Foreword
  • Change 1
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Authentication
  • PIN

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ADP 7-0

DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY


This publication is available at Army Knowledge Online (https://armypubs.us.army.mil/doctrine/index.html).

Foreword The 2011 edition of (Field Manual) FM 7-0 reflected the Army’s unit training and leader development concepts borne from a decade of persistent combat operations. Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 7-0, Training Units and Developing Leaders, re-establishes fundamental training and leader development concepts and processes for the U.S. Army. Training doctrine is again based on the Army’s operations and planning processes, now defined by ADP 3-0, Unified Land Operations, and ADP 5-0, The Operations Process.

Mission command makes the commander responsible for unit readiness and leader development. Unit commanders must be the subject matter experts. Commanders cannot delegate oversight of unit training and leader development to subordinates. The commander’s physical presence at training sends a clear message to subordinates—unit training and leader development are the most important things the unit does when it is not actively engaged in operations.

Unit training and leader development are inextricably linked. Good training supports leader development and good leaders develop good training programs for their units and subordinates. Schools provide basic skills and knowledge, but most leader development occurs in operational assignments and through self-development. Unit training provides a forgiving, learning environment that allows leaders to grow from lessons learned on the job without the fear of making irretrievable mistakes in combat that cost lives.

This publication, the more expansive Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 7-0, Training Units and Developing Leaders, and the Web-based unit training management on the Army Training Network provide leaders with the concepts, practices, and tools they need to manage unit training and leader development to support unified land operations.


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*ADP 7-0 (FM 7-0)

Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

*This publication supersedes FM 7-0, dated 23 February 2011.


Army Doctrine Publication No. 7-0

Headquarters Department of the Army

Washington, DC, 23 August 2012

Training Units and Developing Leaders



PREFACE ..................................................................................................... ii  The Role of Training and Leader Development ..................................... 1  Principles of Unit Training and Leader Development ............................. 5  Unit Training Management ..................................................................... 9 

GLOSSARY .................................................................................. Glossary-1 

REFERENCES .......................................................................... References-1 


Introduction figure. Unit training and leader development underlying logic ..................................................................... iii 


Table 1-1. The Army principles of unit training .......................................... 5 

Table 1-2. The Army’s principles of leader development .......................... 8 

ii ADP 7-0 23 August 2012


Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 7-0, Training Units and Developing Leaders, establishes the Army’s doctrine for training units and developing leaders for unified land operations. ADP 7-0 presents overarching doctrinal guidance for training modular, expeditionary Army forces and developing leaders to conduct unified land operations. Conducting effective training in units and leader development must be top priorities of senior leaders during ARFORGEN and during deployments.

The principal audience for ADP 7-0 is all leaders at all organizational levels. All leaders are trainers. Leaders include officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and those Army civilians in leadership positions. Trainers and educators throughout the Army will also use this publication.

Commanders, staffs, and subordinates ensure their decisions and actions comply with applicable U.S., international, and, in some cases, host-nation laws and regulations. Commanders at all levels ensure their Soldiers operate in accordance with the law of war and the rules of engagement. (See Field Manual [FM] 27-10.)

ADP 7-0 uses joint terms where applicable. Terms for which ADP 7-0 is the proponent (the authority) are indicated with an asterisk in the glossary. Definitions for which ADP 7-0 is the proponent are printed in boldface in the text. For other doctrinal terms defined in the text, the term is italicized and the number of the proponent publication follows the definition.

ADP 7-0 applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard (ARNG)/Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS), and the United States Army Reserve (USAR) unless otherwise stated.

The proponent of ADP 7-0 is the United States Combined Arms Center. The preparing agencies are the Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD) and the Training Management Directorate (TMD) within the Combined Arms Center for Training (CAC-T). Both CADD and CAC-T are subordinate to the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center. Send written comments and recommendations on Department of the Army (DA) Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to Commanding General, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth, ATTN: ATZL-MCK-D (ADP 7-0), 300 McPherson Avenue, Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-2337; by email to [email protected]; or submit an electronic DA Form 2028.

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Introduction figure. Unit training and leader development underlying logic

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This ADP establishes the role of training and leader development, including Army civilian leader development. It discusses training, which prepares Soldiers, Army civilians, organizations, and their leaders to conduct unified land operations. Finally, this ADP discusses how Soldiers and units are trained.


1. Unit training and leader development are the Army’s life-blood. Army leaders train units to be versatile. They develop subordinate leaders—military and Army civilians—to be competent, confident, agile, and adaptive using the Army leader development model. Units and leaders master individual and collective tasks required to execute the unit’s designed capabilities and accomplish its mission. Army forces conduct training and education in the Army in three training domains: institutional, operational, and self-development. Army training and education methods evolve. The Army adopts better ways to foster learning, adapting how it trains units and develops leaders by employing innovative techniques, relevant to the learning requirements and environment.

2. Commanders are responsible for training units and developing leaders. Commanders exercise this responsibility through formal and informal chains, assisted by other officers and noncommissioned officers, through the development and execution of progressive, challenging, and realistic training. Commanders are responsible for the objective, professional assessment of the results of unit training and leader development.

3. Training begins in the generating force. In schools and training centers, Soldiers are introduced to Warrior Tasks and focus on developing individual skills and knowledge—the fundamentals that will help them integrate into a team to train on unit collective tasks. Individuals return to schools from operational assignments at certain points to gain the skills, knowledge, and behaviors needed in their current assignment as well as prepare them for the next duty assignment and for higher levels of responsibility.

4. Operational assignments build on the fundamental skills, knowledge, and behaviors developed in institutional training. Operational assignments mature this

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2 ADP 7-0 23 August 2012

baseline knowledge into a mission capability at the individual, crew, unit, staff, and leader level. Periodic re-engagements in institutional venues incrementally improve Soldier capabilities. Soldiers and leaders train to master both the individual and unit collective tasks that support the unit’s mission-essential tasks. Individuals, teams, sections, and units train to standard as part of a combined arms team. Major training events, combat training center exercises, and operational deployments link together as a comprehensive progressive and sequential training and leader development program, providing the experiences necessary for building ready units. Unit commanders must allocate time during operational assignments to ensure leaders can meet the prerequisites to attend and get the most benefit from institutional training. Commanders manage the balance among unit training requirements, leader unit assignment experience, and ensuring leaders have the right institutional training and education opportunities.

5. Army civilians support both the operating and generating forces. They fill positions that make it possible to man, equip, resource, and train operational Army units. Army civilians provide the skills and continuity essential to the functioning of Army organizations and programs. A well-trained civilian workforce is key to mission accomplishment. Commanders ensure the civilian workforce gets the training, education, and experience to hone its skills and prepare for future positions. Generally, Army civilians enter the Army with the skills and knowledge required for their position. Army civilians enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities through the civilian education system, functional training, self-development, and assignments.

6. Self-development is as important as institutional training and operational assignments. Self-development is a personal responsibility. Self-development enhances qualifications for a current position or helps prepare an individual for future positions. Individuals are responsible for their own professional growth and for seeking out self-development opportunities. Soldiers and civilians sustain their individual strengths and address gaps in their skills and knowledge. However, for self-development to be effective, all Soldiers and civilians must be completely honest with themselves to understand both personal strengths and gaps in skills, knowledge, and behaviors—and then take the appropriate, continuing steps to enhance their capabilities.


7. The Army trains to provide ready forces to combatant commanders worldwide. Units train in garrison and while deployed to prepare for their mission and adapt their capabilities to any changes in an operational environment. Army forces conduct training individually and collectively in three training domains.

8. The institutional training domain is the Army’s institutional training and education system, which primarily includes training base centers and schools that provide initial training and subsequent professional military education for Soldiers, military leaders, and Army civilians. This domain includes the centers of excellence and schools, both inside and outside the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command.

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23 August 2012 ADP 7-0 3

9. The operational training domain is the training activities organizations undertake while at home station, at maneuver combat training centers, during joint exercises, at mobilization centers, and while operationally deployed. This domain equates to assignments in the operational Army and the generating force.

10. The self-development training domain is planned, goal-oriented learning that reinforces and expands the depth and breadth of an individual’s knowledge base, self-awareness, and situational awareness; complements institutional and operational learning; enhances professional competence; and meets personal objectives. Within this domain, Army leaders expect Soldiers and Army civilians to fill in their skills, knowledge, and behavior gaps from institutional training and operational assignments.

11. Individual training allows individuals to master fundamental skills. Although schools and units provide individual training, individuals are responsible for their own professional growth and for seeking out self-development opportunities.

12. Collective training integrates and synchronizes the skills learned at the individual skill level. Individual skill proficiency is the basis for collective proficiency. Training in units focuses on improving unit, Soldier, and leader proficiencies. Commanders and other leaders ensure unit training plans prioritize and execute collective training to maximize the operational performance of the unit. Collective training not only includes unit-level tasks and events, but also requires individual skill proficiency, and capitalizes on multiechelon, joint, interagency, and multinational forces training opportunities as often as needed.

13. Soldiers and Army civilians cycle between the institutional and operational training domains throughout their careers. Structured, guided, and individualized self-development programs complement the training, education, and experiences gained in both schools and unit assignments. Documentation of individual training in all these venues is critical in maintaining awareness of individual skills.


14. The Army is committed to training, educating, and developing its leaders— officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and Army civilians—to lead units in the complex and challenging operational environments of the twenty-first century. Training, education, and experience in the schools and units develop leaders and prepare them for assignments of increased responsibility. Leader development is a continuous and progressive process, spanning a leader's entire career.

15. Competent and confident leaders are essential to unit readiness and successful deployments. Uniformed leaders remain technically and tactically proficient in basic Soldier skills. They master the skills, knowledge, and behaviors necessary to perform successfully in their assigned position; and they begin to learn the skills, knowledge and behaviors necessary for future positions of responsibility. Civilian leaders master the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of their position, providing organizations with both leadership and managerial skills.

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4 ADP 7-0 23 August 2012


16. Commanders are responsible for ensuring their units are capable of performing their missions. Commanders cannot delegate this responsibility. Commanders are directly responsible, and accountable, for all aspects of unit training. They understand and employ the principles of unit training and leader development. Through guidance and direction, commanders drive the training management process. They directly observe and participate in the unit’s training and leader development in order to better assess mission readiness and help their subordinates to improve. They understand that unit training and leader development are inextricably linked—that good training can help develop good leaders and good leaders are the key to good unit training. They focus the unit’s efforts to optimize available time, ensuring their units train the right tasks to meet mission requirements and to support the next higher commander’s intent. Commanders look for every opportunity to coach and teach subordinates as they plan, prepare, and execute training, employing the mission command philosophy. They give their subordinate leaders their commander’s intent and the resources—including time—to plan, prepare, and conduct the training necessary to develop unit proficiency. Commander involvement makes a quantitative and qualitative difference in unit training and leader development.

17. Commanders apply the operations process—plan, prepare, execute, and assess—to unit training and leader development. They drive the process by understanding, visualizing, describing, directing, leading, and assessing unit training and leader development. The commander’s understanding of the mission determines which essential collective tasks the unit must train on to accomplish the mission and which skills and knowledge subordinate leaders need for the mission. Throughout the process, the commander constantly refines his understanding. Through visualization, commanders determine the end state—the training objectives—for unit training and leader development. Commanders describe their end state through guidance and orders. They direct training through orders and lead through their personal presence at training events. They constantly assess the effect of training on collective task proficiency and leader development, and the efficiency of the training conducted.

18. The Army cannot afford to conduct all training in a live environment. Commanders consider the integrated training environment (known as ITE) by mixing live, virtual, constructive, and gaming enablers as appropriate to enhance training, improve realism, and save resources where practicable. They must understand how to employ the training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations (known as TADSS) effectively and optimally.

19. Commanders exercise mission command to give subordinates latitude in determining how to train their units to achieve the desired end state, building trust and initiative in subordinates. However, the commander must be involved in unit training and leader development. The commander’s guidance, presence, and feedback are critical to building trust in the unit and demonstrating the importance of unit training and leader development.

20. Commanders determine the collective tasks the unit will train, limiting the number of tasks trained to those essential to the mission. Commanders must know, teach, and

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use Army doctrine. They assess unit proficiency in each essential task and develop a plan to achieve proficiency. As they prepare, commanders monitor activities, ensuring resources are available and the unit can execute the training event. Since only the commander can assess the readiness of the unit, commanders must be present during training event execution. They assess performance during each training event. By being involved in unit training, commanders help subordinate leaders improve and ensure that the right training is occurring, and it is to standard. Their presence improves training, readiness, confidence, and team building.


21. Commanders apply the principles of training and principles of leader development in planning, preparing, executing, and assessing unit training.


22. Units employ effective collective training based on the Army principles of unit training (see table 1-1). Training must be relevant, rigorous, realistic, challenging, and properly resourced. Collective training provides the full range of experiences needed to produce agile, adaptive leaders and Soldiers, and versatile units.

Table 1-1. The Army principles of unit training

 Commanders and other leaders are responsible for training.  Noncommissioned officers train individuals, crews, and small teams.  Train to standard.  Train as you will fight.  Train while operating.  Train fundamentals first.  Train to develop adaptability.  Understand the operational environment.  Train to sustain.  Train to maintain.  Conduct multiechelon and concurrent training.

Commanders and Other Leaders are Responsible for Training

23. Unit commanders are responsible for training and ensuring their units are capable of accomplishing their missions. Subordinate leaders have responsibility for the proficiency of their respective organizations and subordinates.

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Noncommissioned Officers Train Individuals, Crews, and Small Teams

24. Noncommissioned officers (NCOs) are the primary trainers of enlisted Soldiers, crews, and small teams. NCOs help officers train units. NCOs develop and conduct training for their subordinates that supports the unit training plan, coach other NCOs, advise senior leaders, and help develop junior officers.

Train to Standard

25. Units always train to the standard established for each individual and collective task. Leaders know and enforce standards to ensure their organization meets mission requirements. When no standard exists, the commander establishes one and the next higher commander approves it.

Train as You Will Fight

26. “Train as you will fight” means training under an expected operational environment for the mission. This means establishing in training what the unit can expect during operations to include the culture of an operational environment. Commanders and other leaders replicate cultural settings as much as possible during training, using role players or actual mission partners.

Train While Operating

27. Training continues when units are deployed or when conducting daily operations. As units operate, they learn from formal and informal after action reviews. They train to improve performance and address changes in tactics, techniques, and procedures that affect the operation.

Train Fundamentals First

28. Units at every echelon must master the fundamentals needed to accomplish their mission. Fundamentals include basic soldiering, the Warrior Tasks, battle drills, marksmanship, fitness, and military occupational specialty proficiencies that support the capabilities of the unit. Units proficient in fundamentals are more capable of accomplishing higher level, more complex collective tasks that support the unit’s mission-essential task list—the fundamental, doctrinal tasks that units should be prepared to execute during any assigned mission.

Leaders Train to Develop Adaptability

29. Effective leaders understand that change is inevitable in any operational environment. The time to react to change can be short. Adaptability comes from training under complex, changing conditions, with minimal information available to make decisions.

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Understand The Operational Environment

30. An operational environment establishes the conditions for training. The conditions are drawn from the operational variables—known as PMESII-PT—that must be replicated to prepare the unit for operations. The unit training management operation order establishes the conditions that units must meet for training.

Train to Sustain

31. Training prepares units and individuals to be resilient. Training must prepare units and Soldiers for the stress of operations. Unit training plans must incorporate programs that improve individual and collective mental and physical fitness.

Train to Maintain

32. Units must conduct maintenance to ensure equipment is serviceable and available for the conduct of training and for mission accomplishment. Maintenance training is an integral part of the unit training plan.

Conduct Multiechelon and Concurrent Training

33. Multiechelon training is a training technique that allows for the simultaneous training of more than one echelon on different or complementary tasks. It optimizes training time for subordinates during higher unit training events. Training multiple tasks concurrently preserves valuable time while capitalizing on the opportunity to train related tasks at the same time.


34. Leaders follow the principles of leader development to develop other leaders (see table 1-2 on page 8). Schools provide leaders with enough fundamental information to help them contribute to unit collective capabilities on the day they arrive in the unit. However, most leader development occurs during operational assignments. In operational assignments, leaders learn to adapt to new situations and develop on the job through training and education. More significantly, they develop through challenging, unfamiliar experiences that require them to adapt theory to reality. They learn through regular and as-needed feedback. They learn from their mistakes. They learn to take risks and experiment with non-textbook solutions to problems. They learn what they do not know and fill the gaps through self-development. Operational assignments are the crucible of leader development.

ADP 7-0

8 ADP 7-0 23 August 2012

Table 1-2. The Army’s principles of leader development

 Lead by example.  Develop subordinate leaders.  Create a learning environment for subordinate leaders.  Train leaders in the art and science of mission command.  Train to develop adaptive leaders.  Train leaders to think critically and creatively.  Train your leaders to know their subordinates and their families.

Lead by Example

35. Good leaders understand they are role models for others and reflect the desired leader characteristics found in ADP 6-22.

Develop Subordinate Leaders

36. Leaders have the responsibility for developing subordinate leaders. It is one of their most important functions. They train subordinates to be successful tactically and technically and to be prepared to assume positions of greater responsibility.

Create a Learning Environment for Subordinate Leaders

37. Leaders establish in their units an environment that allows subordinates to try different solutions to problems. Subordinates must know that they can attempt innovative solutions to problems. Leaders establish an environment for subordinates that allows subordinate leaders to make honest—as opposed to repeated or careless— mistakes without prejudice.

Train in the Art and Science of Mission Command

38. Effective leaders conduct operations while exercising mission command (addressed in ADP 3-0 and ADP 6-0). Employing mission command in training encourages risk-taking, initiative, and creativity in subordinates, while staying within the commander’s intent.

Train to Develop Adaptive Leaders

39. Training must enable leaders to respond to unexpected conditions in a positive and constructive way. They cannot train on every task for every condition. Instead, they must excel at a few tasks and then adapt to new tasks.

Train Leaders to Think Critically and Creatively

40. Leaders must be able to analyze challenging problems, keeping an open mind on different perspectives of problems and unconventional ways of solving problems.

Training Units and Developing Leaders

23 August 2012 ADP 7-0 9

Critical thinking and creativity are not necessarily inherent; however, leaders can develop them.

Train Your Leaders to Know Their Subordinates and Their Families

41. All leaders should know their subordinates at least two levels down—their strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities. The Army trains leaders to know and help not only subordinates, but also their families.

UNIT TRAINING MANAGEMENT 42. Training is the primary focus of a unit when not deployed. It requires the same level of detail, intensity, and focus that a unit applies to deployed operations. The operations process provides a common framework for units to plan, prepare, execute, and assess training and to integrate leader development into training plans. Battalions and higher units use the military decisionmaking process to develop unit training plans; companies use troop leading procedures to develop unit training plans.

43. The purpose of unit training is to build and maintain ready units to conduct unified land operations for combatant commanders. Units build flexibility, integration, lethality, adaptability, depth, and synchronization capabilities through the mastery of individual and collective tasks under the conditions of the anticipated operational environment. Good training gives Soldiers confidence in their abilities and the abilities of their leaders, forges trust, and allows the unit to adapt readily to new and different missions. Unit training is the primary means for developing leaders. Leaders use training events to train, educate, and give experience to subordinates. Leaders coach and teach, providing feedback on performance, making on-the-spot corrections, and conducting after action reviews.

44. The unit’s mission-essential task list (METL) represents the doctrinal framework of fundamental tasks for which the unit was designed (its table of organization and equipment and table of distribution and allowances mission). METL proficiency enables the unit to adapt to unexpected situations during mission execution. Therefore, units strive to maintain mission-essential task readiness. The Department of the Army standardizes brigade and above METLs. Battalions and companies develop their METLs to support the METL of their higher headquarters. Units do not have the time or other resources to train on all tasks that support execution of their METLs across the range of military operations. Instead, the unit’s mission drives the focus of its training. When the unit is assigned a mission, the commander determines key collective tasks that support the METL and are essential to mission accomplishment. Training focuses on those key tasks and replicates the expected operational environment. Mastery of the key collective tasks and the supporting individual tasks prepares Soldiers, leaders, and units to adapt to changes in missions and conditions.

45. Collective task proficiency results from developing tactical and technical, individual, leader, and lower-level collective skills through instruction, experience, and repetitive practice. Commanders develop a unit training plan to develop collective task proficiency. The unit training plan is expressed in an operation order to the unit. The

ADP 7-0

10 ADP 7-0 23 August 2012

unit training plan uses a crawl-walk-run approach that progressively and systematically builds on successful task performance before progressing to more complex tasks. Unit training initially focuses on developing proficiency in Soldier and small-unit skills, since they are the essential foundation for training more complex, higher-level collective tasks. The start point for training a task is based on the leader’s assessment of current task proficiency. That start point can be at the crawl, walk, or run level.

46. As they execute the unit training plan, units and individuals iteratively perform a task to standard, under varying conditions, until they master the task. Performance must become intuitive but also adaptable to new conditions. Soldiers must understand the task and its contributions to the unit’s capability, so they can adjust the execution of the task to meet new and unfamiliar situations. When Soldiers and units meet the standards for a task, leaders challenge their Soldiers by changing the conditions for the task to make it more challenging. Changing conditions force Soldiers and leaders to apply previous experience to the new problem.

47. All training conducted by the unit is assessed against the commander’s intent for the training event and published doctrinal standards. Only the commander can assess the readiness of a mission-essential task. Subordinates provide their evaluations based on after action reviews of their proficiency. The commander uses these evaluations, personal observations, and judgment to assess the unit’s readiness to conduct its mission.

23 August 2012 ADP 7-0 Glossary-1


The glossary lists acronyms and terms with definitions. Terms for which ADP 7-0 is the proponent (authority) manual are marked with an asterisk (*).


ADP Army doctrine publication ADRP Army doctrine reference publication

DA Department of the Army FM field manual JP joint publication

METL mission-essential task list NCO noncommissioned officer


*institutional training domain

The Army’s institutional training and education system, which primarily includes training base centers and schools that provide initial training and subsequent professional military education for Soldiers, military leaders, and Army civilians.

*operational training domain

The training activities organizations undertake while at home station, at maneuver combat training centers, during joint exercises, at mobilization centers, and while operationally deployed.

*self-development training domain

Planned, goal-oriented learning that reinforces and expands the depth and breadth of an individual’s knowledge base, self-awareness, and situational awareness; complements institutional and operational learning; enhances professional competence; and meets personal objectives.

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23 August 2012 ADP 7-0 References-1


Field manuals are listed by new number followed by old number.

REQUIRED PUBLICATIONS These documents must be available to intended users of this publication. JP 1-02. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.

8 November 2010.

RELATED PUBLICATIONS These documents contain relevant supplemental information. Most Army

doctrinal publications are available online: <http://www.apd.army.mil/>. ADP 3-0 (FM 3-0). Unified Land Operations. 10 October 2011. ADP 5-0 (FM 5-0). The Operations Process. 17 May 2012. ADP 6-0 (FM 6-0). Mission Command. 17 May 2012. ADP 6-22. Army Leadership. 1 August 2012. ADRP 7-0. Training Units and Developing Leaders. 23 August 2012. FM 27-10. The Law of Land Warfare. 18 July 1956.

WEB SITES Army Training Network at <https://atn.army.mil>. Digital Training Management System at< https://dtms.army.mil>.

REFERENCED FORMS DA Form 2028. Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms.

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ADP 7-0 23 August 2012

By order of the Secretary of the Army:

RAYMOND T. ODIERNO General, United States Army

Chief of Staff


JOYCE E. MORROW Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 1222201


Active Army, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserve: To be distributed in accordance with the initial distribution number (IDN) 111080, requirements for ADP 7-0.

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PIN: 103051-000

  • Cover
  • Foreword
  • Contents
  • Preface
    • Introduction figure. Unit training and leader development underlying logic
    • Table 1-1. The Army principles of unit training
    • Table 1-2. The Army’s principles of leader development
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Authentication
  • PIN

1007 1008 2007 3008 2109 1109 4300 0000 0000 0000

100510 Gordon Freeman

Programming Language & Compiler


The architecture of the Von Neumann Machine can be modeled with a simple machine simulation. The instructions and data are both loaded into the computer memory. The program's instruction pointer is set to the first command to be executed. The instruction pointer is incremented as the program continues to execute. The flow of control can be altered by the instructions themselves (for example, the instruction pointer can be set to "jump" to a different place rather than the next consecutive instruction). The program data is accessed by using the address of the information within the commands that are being executed. The program is terminated by a "halt" command and control is returned to the operating system so that another program may be loaded into the memory of the machine.

The architecture includes Random Access Memory (memory – divided into words which are addressed by their relative location from the beginning or 0 address), registers (special fast memory used to manipulate information – both data and commands—during program execution), an accumulator – special register used for calculations, instruction register (where instructions are loaded in order to be executed), instruction pointer or index (register with the address or index of the current instruction), a data pointer or index (register with address of next available data address in memory) and control unit (controls the loading and execution of each new instruction).

In the following exercise, you are the control unit within the CPU. The program information has been loaded into memory – modeled by using an array – and the instruction pointer has been set to the address of the first command in memory and a operation stack pointer is set to the last available element in the array. The instruction register and accumulator are cleared and ready for you to use. Instructions are loaded from address 0 up (called low memory) and the data is loaded from address 99 down.

Memory is divided into addressable words. For this exercise, we are going to assume that a word is four digits in length. Assume that the memory array can contain up to 100 addressable words, indexed from 0 to 99. Each instruction occupies one word in memory (four digits). The instructions are formatted so that the left two digits are the operation code and the right tow digits are a memory address (0..99).

Instruction format: XXYY where XX is the operation code and YY is an address in memory (0..99)

The operation codes for the Simple Machine Language are:

10 Read – reads a word from the keyboard into the specified location in memory

11 Write – writes a word from the specified location in memory to the monitor screen

20 Load – loads a word from the specified location in memory to the accumulator

21 Store – stores a word from the accumulator into the specified location in memory

30 Add – adds a word from the specified location in memory to the accumulator

31 Subtract – subtracts a word from the specified location in memory from the accumulator

32 Divide – divides a word from the specified location in memory into the accumulator

33 Multiply – multiplies a word from the specified location in memory by the accumulator

40 Branch – sets the instruction pointer to go to the specified location in memory. ( branches or jumps)

41 BranchNegative – branches to the specified location in memory if the accumulator is negative

42 BranchZero - branches to the specified location in memory if the accumulator is zero.

43 HALT - the program execution is stopped.

Example: 1009 instruction means get the input from the keyboard and store it into address 09.


Example 1






Read A



Read B



Load A



Add B



Store C



Write C






Variable A



Variable B



Result C

Example 2






Read A



Read B



Load A



Subtract B



Branch negative to 07



Write A






Write B






Variable A



Variable B


Write a program to simulate the SML (Simple Machine Language Assembler). Your program must read the instructions from a source file. Prompt the user for a file name, and then read the instruction into an array in memory. The program is to simulate the accumulator, instruction pointer, and instruction register during the execution of the program. Your simulator code should actually execute the assembler commands generating input and output commands.

Help: Create a Scanner to read a String representing a file name

Then create another Scanner to read a file like Scanner inFile=new Scanner(new File(…))

… should be replaced by the name of the file.

Define an array of 100 integers like int [] memory=new int[100];

Using a loop to load the contents into the array like

int index=0;






Define a variable representing accumulator

Using a do/while loop to process array inst ….like

Define two variable representing operator and operand

Loop array memory

find operator code and operand using divide and modulo from each instruction

using switch like

switch (operator){

case 10:

memory[operand]=in.nextInt(); break;

Case 43:


Programming Language & Compiler


The architecture of the Von Neumann Machine can be modeled with a simple machine

simulation. The instructions and data are both loaded into the computer memory. The


instruction pointer is set to the first command to be executed. The instruction

pointer is incremented as the program continues to execute. The flow of control can be

altered by the instructions themselves (for example, the instruction pointer can be set t


"jump" to a different place rather than the next consecutive instruction). The program

data is accessed by using the address of the information within the commands that are

being executed. The program is terminated by a "halt" command and control is retu


to the operating system so that another program may be loaded into the memory of the


The architecture includes Random Access Memory (memory

divided into words which

are addressed by their relative location from the beginning or 0 address),


(special fast memory used to manipulate information

both data and commands


program execution), an accumulator

special register used for calculations, instruction

register (where instructions are loaded in order to be executed), instruc

tion pointer or

index (register with the address or index of the current instruction), a data pointer or

index (register with address of next available data address in memory) and control unit

(controls the loading and execution of each new instruction).


n the following exercise, you are the control unit within the CPU. The program

information has been loaded into memory

modeled by using an array

and the

instruction pointer has been set to the address of the first command in memory and a

operation stac

k pointer is set to the last available element in the array. The instruction

register and accumulator are cleared and ready for you to use. Instructions are loaded

from address 0 up (called low memory) and the data is loaded from address 99 down.

Memory is

divided into addressable words. For this exercise, we are going to assume that

a word is four digits in length. Assume that the memory array can contain up to 100

addressable words, indexed from 0 to 99. Each instruction occupies one word in memory


digits). The instructions are formatted so that the left two digits are the operation

code and the right tow digits are a memory address (0..99).

Instruction format: XXYY where XX is the operation code and YY is an address in

memory (0..99)

The operation

codes for the Simple Machine Language are:

Programming Language & Compiler


The architecture of the Von Neumann Machine can be modeled with a simple machine

simulation. The instructions and data are both loaded into the computer memory. The

program's instruction pointer is set to the first command to be executed. The instruction

pointer is incremented as the program continues to execute. The flow of control can be

altered by the instructions themselves (for example, the instruction pointer can be set to

"jump" to a different place rather than the next consecutive instruction). The program

data is accessed by using the address of the information within the commands that are

being executed. The program is terminated by a "halt" command and control is returned

to the operating system so that another program may be loaded into the memory of the


The architecture includes Random Access Memory (memory – divided into words which

are addressed by their relative location from the beginning or 0 address), registers

(special fast memory used to manipulate information – both data and commands—during

program execution), an accumulator – special register used for calculations, instruction

register (where instructions are loaded in order to be executed), instruction pointer or

index (register with the address or index of the current instruction), a data pointer or

index (register with address of next available data address in memory) and control unit

(controls the loading and execution of each new instruction).

In the following exercise, you are the control unit within the CPU. The program

information has been loaded into memory – modeled by using an array – and the

instruction pointer has been set to the address of the first command in memory and a

operation stack pointer is set to the last available element in the array. The instruction

register and accumulator are cleared and ready for you to use. Instructions are loaded

from address 0 up (called low memory) and the data is loaded from address 99 down.

Memory is divided into addressable words. For this exercise, we are going to assume that

a word is four digits in length. Assume that the memory array can contain up to 100

addressable words, indexed from 0 to 99. Each instruction occupies one word in memory

(four digits). The instructions are formatted so that the left two digits are the operation

code and the right tow digits are a memory address (0..99).

Instruction format: XXYY where XX is the operation code and YY is an address in

memory (0..99)

The operation codes for the Simple Machine Language are:

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