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OLCU 350, Leadership and Professional Ethics ***Signature Assignment*** Executive Interview Week 6 You will write an APA 6th Edition paper, 5-7 double-spaced pages in length, on an executive or
leader that you wish to study. They should be considered a C-Level (CEO, CIO, CFO, etc.) executive or prominent leader. At a minimum this person needs to be responsible for a significant function in an organization and have supervisory responsibility over others. The interview may be conducted on the phone, on-line, or in person. This paper must include a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed, refereed journal articles pertaining to your subject’s ethics. As a guideline, your paper should include:
a. A description of the subject’s ethical beliefs and practices. Two pages should suffice.
What challenges have they encountered in the workplace that have shaped their views on ethics?
b. An analysis of the subject’s ethics. How did he or she evolve their view of ethics? What ethical theories are expressed or implied in his or her discussion of ethics. Examine whether there were inconsistencies, deficiencies, inadequacies in his or her ethical theory. If there were no shortcomings, account for the strength of the subject’s ethical position. What motivated the executive to act appropriately or inappropriately, in your opinion? This should be approximately two-three pages.
c. Do you agree with your subject’s approach to ethics? If not, why not, and if so, then why? What did you learn from this interview and your research? About two pages are adequate for this portion.
You are to summarize and analyze the content of the interview, not provide a verbatim transcript of the interview. This assignment is due on Sunday of Week 6, and is worth 30 Points. The rubric for this assignment is below.
Criteria Exemplary
Needs Improvement
Below Expectations
Content Accuracy (8 points)
8 points Provides clear identification of the interviewee’s ethical beliefs and practices. Utilizing the course textbook or journal articles identify two or more ethical theorists or theories to explain the leader’s approach.
7 points Provides fairly clear identification of the interviewee’s ethical beliefs and practices. Utilizing the course textbook or journal articles identify two or more ethical theorists or theories to explain the leader’s approach.
6 points Provides somewhat clear identification of the interviewee’s ethical beliefs and practices. Utilizing the course textbook or journal articles identify one ethical theorist or theory to explain the leader’s approach.
5 points Does not provide a clear identification of the interviewee’s ethical beliefs and practices. Does not utilize the course textbook or any journal articles, and does not identify any ethical theorists or theories to explain the leader’s approach.
Critical Analysis (8 points)
8 points In-depth discussion of three (3) of the following: • Inadequacies,
deficiencies, or inconsistencies in the subject’s ethics
• Strengths of the subject’s ethics
• Presents evidence
7 points In-depth discussion of two (2) of the following: • Inadequacies,
deficiencies, or inconsistencies in the subject’s ethics
• Strengths of the subject’s ethics
• Presents evidence
6 points In-depth discussion of one (1) of the following: • Inadequacies,
deficiencies, or inconsistencies in the subject’s ethics
• Strengths of the subject’s ethics
• Presents evidence
5 points Does not discuss any of the following: • Inadequacies,
deficiencies, or inconsistencies in the subject’s ethics
• Strengths of the subject’s ethics
• Presents evidence
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corroborating your position of the subject ethical behavior
Utilizes the textbook and journal article(s) to state your case.
corroborating your position of the subject ethical behavior
Utilizes the textbook and journal article(s) to state your case.
corroborating your position of the subject ethical behavior
Utilizes the textbook and journal article(s) to state your case.
corroborating your position of the subject ethical behavior
Does not utilize the textbook and/or journal article(s) to state your case.
Application/ Learning (6 points)
6 points The writer provides a clear and detailed rationale explaining support or opposition to the subject’s ethics. Identifies a minimum of 3 learnings from the interview.
5 points The writer provides a somewhat clear and somewhat detailed rationale explaining support or opposition to the subject’s ethics. Identifies 2 learnings from the interview.
4 points The writer provides an inadequate and minimally detailed rationale explaining support or opposition to the subject’s ethics. Identifies 1 learning from the interview.
3 points The writer does not provide a clear or detailed rationale explaining support or opposition to the subject’s ethics. Does not identify learnings from the interview.
Writing Mechanics and APA (4 points)
4 points The writer clearly demonstrates an understanding of the assignment while using a style, form and language that is appropriate for a college level paper. The writer properly acknowledges the work of others by consistently utilizing current APA style.
2 points The writer demonstrates some understanding of the assignment while using a style, form and language that is appropriate for a college level paper. The writer properly acknowledges the work of others with some APA flaws.
1 point The writer demonstrates minimal understanding of the assignment while using a style, form and language that is appropriate for a college level paper. The writer properly acknowledges the work of others with major APA flaws.
0 points The writer uses a style, form, and language that are not college level quality. The writer does not acknowledge the work of others, and does not utilize APA style.
Use of Sources (4 points)
4 points The writer has used at least 5 scholarly reference sources. Draws from primary sources for discussion.
2 points The writer has used at least 5 scholarly reference sources. Draws heavily upon secondary sources for discussion.
1 point The writer has used at least 5 scholarly reference sources. Draws heavily upon secondary sources for discussion.
0 points The writer has used 4 or fewer scholarly sources of reference.
Northern Arizona University
College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
CENE 420: Traffic Studies and Signal Systems
Laboratory # 4 Out: September 24th, 2013
Due: October 1st, 2013
Time Stamped Data Analysis and Red Light Running
At the conclusion of this lab, you will be able to:
· Recreate field conditions from collected data
· Compile possible red light violations from time stamped data
· Manipulate line data in excel to provide meaningful results
· Calculate vehicle velocity from a data log
1. Review the video RedLight Violation1.wmv taken at the Purdue University test location. At approximately what time did the red vehicle allegedly enter the intersection on red? (2)
2. What are the corresponding detectors on the overlay that could be used for estimating vehicle speed? (2)
3. Based upon the video, mark and label the estimated location of MA1, MA2, MB1, MB2 on the figure below: (2)
Figure 1: Location of Microloops
4. Examine the file 20040922_0.txt. What punctuation mark is used for the delimeter? (2)
5. Import the file into Excel (Data tab). The data file has no headings. To rectify this, insert a row at the top of the pageof the following column labels Detector #, Detector Name, Date, Time, Code, Time (millisecond), Detector State. For Detector State, ‘1’ indicates the detector is on. ‘0’ indicates the detector is off.
6. In relationship to the alleged violation, and assuming that Detector # 106 is the red indication for the through movement:
· What time did MA2 turn on at (milliseconds)? (2)
· What time did MA1 turn on at (milliseconds)? (2)
· What time did Detector 106 turn on at (milliseconds)? (2)
· How long after MA1 turns off did 106 turn off (milliseconds)? (2)
· Assuming 15’ front edge to front edge for detectors, what was the velocity of the vehicle during this violation? Show your calculations. (Hint 1: Use detector turn on time to calculate your time value; Hint 2: Distance = Rate * Time) (4)
· Do you consider this a violation? Explain your answer. (2)
7. Using the detector turn off time, estimate the velocity of the vehicle. Show your calculations. (4)
The objective of the next section of this lab is to identify instances where red light violations may have occurred. This will be done using the data file that you have already been working with (20040922_0.txt).
8. Extract out all of the MA1, MA2 events into a separate sheet. You may wish to use the filter feature in excel.
9. Using conditional logic, calculate speed using the MA2, MA1 detector pair using turn on time. It will help to extract out only the occurrences of MA2 and MA1 where the detector is on (State = 1).
Example……=IF(AND(A2=109,A3=105),15000/(F3-F2)," ")
10. Extract out the phase indication (106).
11. For each speed value, determine if the speed occurred during RED or GREEN. The command ‘LOOKUP’ is best suited for this task in Excel, but you can accomplish this anyway you like.
12. Provide an annotated screen capture of a portion of your excel spreadsheet that determines Question 13. Using this screen capture, explain how you determined whether the speed occurred furing RED or not RED. (6)
13. Enumerate any observed red light violations. Verify with the corresponding video. Provide a list of each possible violation along with your visual determination of whether or not it appears to be a violation. (18)
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