[MT445 | Managerial Economics]

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Student Name:

Please answer the following questions. Submit as a Microsoft Word® document to the Dropbox when completed.

Compare and contrast the following exchange rate systems: 

· fixed exchange rate system

· floating exchange rate system

· pegged exchange rate system

Thoroughly discuss advantages and disadvantages of each system and explain how exchange rates are determined under each system.   Using Microsoft Word, your Assignment should be at least 350 words in length, double spaced. Your Assignment should include a highly developed purpose and viewpoint; it should also be written in Standard American English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics. There should be no evidence of plagiarism. If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism, please review the  KU plagiarism policy .

If you use outside sources for this Assignment, they need to be cited in proper APA format. You can find numerous APA resources in the KU Writing Center Writing Reference Library on the  Research, Citation, and Plagiarism page

Directions for Submitting your Assignment

Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word ® document and save it as Username-MT445 Assignment-Unit#.doc (Example: TAllen- MT445 Assignment-Unit10.doc). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 10: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 10.

Unit 10 Assignment

Content and Analysis

Points Possible

Points Earned

Thoroughly discuss advantages and disadvantages of each system and explain how exchange rates are determined under each system under fixed exchange rate system.


Thoroughly discuss advantages and disadvantages of each system and explain how exchange rates are determined under each system under floating exchange rate system.


Thoroughly discuss advantages and disadvantages of each system and explain how exchange rates are determined under each system under pegged exchange rate system.


Meets Length Requirement (350 words).


Writing Style, Grammar, and APA Format.




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