[MT400: Business Process Management]
RASCI Model and Performance Management
In this Assignment, you will examine the roles in the selected business process and the
performance management in the organizations.
In this Assignment, you are going to evaluate a specific business process based on criteria
detailed below. If you already have selected a business process, continue using that and
skip to the next paragraph. If you have not yet selected the business process you will
use for these Assignments, then begin by selecting one. E-mail your instructor and clearly
describe the objective of this process, the participants, and the strategic significance for
the company. The business process you select must have a clear beginning and an end,
with identifiable, specific steps. Your instructor will confirm that the process you selected is
suitable, or ask you to select another one.
For this Assignment, write a paper that answers the following questions (use the
subheadings/numbered questions below to organize your paper):
RASCI Model and Performance Management
1. In any process, it is important to have a clear definition of who is responsible for the
activity and to whom they are accountable, in addition to identifying those that may
be in support positions. Following the RASCI model described on page 362, create
a table similar to 18.2 which define these roles for your selected process. In
addition to including the table, describe each role briefly.
As you explored in the Discussion Board, the performance measures play a large
role in determining the actions of the employees involved in the process. Identify
three performance management metrics you will use to promote effective behavior
from those involved in your selected process. Clearly explain the how the metric
will be assessed, what the expected targets would be and how the metrics fit the
process objectives.
After you answer the 2 questions above, include a section in which you briefly summarize
the following, based on your work in the previous units. This summary should not be more
than 1 page.
Who are the stakeholders you identified for this process? What are their
What were the three metrics you identified to follow as the project proceeds?
Which innovation activity did you recommend for your project? What were the
goals and who would be participating?
Implementation, Pilots and Contingencies
In this Assignment, through the development of pilot studies and contingency plans, you
will engage in developing the following professional competencies:
●Write an action plan
The Implement phase is the phase where all the designed and developed process
improvements are executed. The execution of the implementation can make or break a
project, regardless of its perfection in design. In this Assignment, you will apply three of the
Implement phase steps to your project.
In this Assignment, you are going to evaluate a specific business process based on criteria
detailed below. If you already have selected a business process, continue using that and
skip to the next paragraph. If you have not yet selected the business process you will
use for these Assignments, then begin by selecting one. E-mail your instructor and clearly
describe the objective of this process, the participants, and the strategic significance for
the company. The business process you select must have a clear beginning and an end,
with identifiable, specific steps. Your instructor will confirm that the process you selected is
suitable, or ask you to select another one.
For this Assignment, write a paper that answers the following questions (use the
subheadings/numbered questions below to organize your paper):
Question 1 – Implementation Strategies
Evaluate the suitability of the four implementation strategies discussed in step 2 for your
● For each strategy explain the specific pros and cons of using it for your project.
●Select the one you think will work the best in your situation. Explain how you would
execute this strategy for your selected process.
Question 2 – Test and Pilot Studies
Based on the discussion in step 7, describe how you would do a test or a pilot study before
you go into full implementation in your project. Include the following elements:
●The objective of the pilot study (what specific element are you testing in your
revised process).
The scope (who will be involved, what will they do and how long).
●How the results will be used.
Question 3 – Contingency Plans
Based on the discussion in step 9, discuss a back-out or a contingency plan that you
would adopt if your implementation does not go as expected. Include the following
●What would be the specific issue that may cause problems in the implementation of
your revised process?
●What would be the plan of action for handling this issue?
Establishing Baselines and Assessing Success
In this Assignment, through the evaluation of baseline metrics, you will engage in
developing the following professional competencies:
Analyze quantitative data
One of the key elements in realizing benefits is the establishment of a baseline. Your book
suggests that the completion of metrics is an essential step at the time of modeling the
current processes, and it is this baseline from which improvements are measured. In this
Assignment, you will apply this concept to your project. You will also carry out a
mathematical analysis of a fictional situation and make a determination about success.
To help you prepare for the Assignment, please view this 5 minute Kaplan Math
Center video on percentages: “Interpreting Percentage Problems
In this Assignment, you are going to evaluate a specific business process based on criteria
detailed below. The business process you select must have a clear beginning and an end,
with identifiable, specific steps.
For this Assignment, answer the following questions (use the subheadings/numbered
questions below to organize your paper):
Question 1 – Establishing baselines
To begin with, list three metrics that you think can help you quantify the performance of the
current process. List and define the metrics clearly, explain why each metric is important in
the assessment of the process and then give an example of the statistic units. For
example, if your metric is “speed of processing” it may be defined by how quickly each
employee audits a tax form, and the example would be that “on average you would expect
8 tax forms audited per hour.” If you have already done this in a previous Assignment, you
may copy and paste a summary from that Assignment.
Then, revisit the metrics that you selected for your baseline. For each metric, clearly
discuss the following:
Describe what the metric is: how is it calculated and used currently?
As far as being used as a justifiable project goal, what kind of a change in this
metric would constitute success? How did you arrive at this figure? If this target
change figure is not possible to estimate now, then describe how you would
Unit 8
[MT400: Business Process Management]
compute it if you were actually carrying out this project: who would be involved and
where would the data come from?
Examine the risks outlined in Table 21.2. Which is most likely to occur in this
process revision? What actions would you take to address this risk? Be specific to
your organization and selected process when addressing this; do not talk in
Question 2 – Case analysis
Read the following case study and answer the questions at the end.
In 2009 it was decided that ABC Tire Company would implement a BPM project with the
following goals:
● Decrease the labor cost per tire and
● Increase profit from each tire sold by 5%.
To track the success (or failure) of the project they determined the following baseline data
for 2009.
After the table is complete, address the following questions::
1.Why is it important to ensure that the baseline data is accurate?
2. Was the project successful? Why or why not?
: Mentors and Shadowing
In this Assignment, you are going to evaluate a specific business process based on criteria
detailed below. If you already have selected a business process, continue using that and
skip to the next paragraph. If you have not yet selected the business process you will
use for these Assignments, then begin by selecting one. E-mail your instructor and clearly
describe the objective of this process, the participants, and the strategic significance for
the company. The business process you select must have a clear beginning and an end,
with identifiable, specific steps. Your instructor will confirm that the process you selected is
suitable, or ask you to select another one.
As the BPM nears completion the process team must be concerned not only with the bestfit
roll-out option but also providing information to the work team that will handle the complete process or process change to ensure they are successful. This often takes the form of "mentoring".
Mentoring is most often a one-on-one activity in which an “experienced” individual (the
mentor) provides guidance and advice to someone with less “experience” (the mentee).
Any mentoring relationship is, by nature of the process, a close one in which experiences,
knowledge, and skills are shared.
The best way for mentors and mentees to share information is through a process called
"“shadowing." Shadowing occurs when the mentee actively watches, follows, and
participates in the activities, processes, or actions that are completed by the mentor. This
provides a visceral and active learning environment.
Consider the BPM process you have been designing this semester and address the
following (support your answers with research on mentoring and shadowing through the
Kaplan Library and Internet):
Should all members of the BPM team be considered as possible “mentors”?
Explain and justify your answer.
Who within the organization would be the “mentee(s)” for the institutionalization of
the new processes? Make sure you fully support your conclusions.
Identify ways in which mentors and mentees can use “shadowing” as a method for
tracking and assessing the ongoing changes within the company after completion
of the BPM project.
After you answer the 3 questions above, include a section in which you briefly summarize
the following based on your work in the previous 2 units. This summary should not be
more than one page.
1. Which implementation strategy did you select as the best fit for your selected
process? Why?
2. Which 3 metrics did you decide to use for assessing project success? What were
the target rates?
BPM and Global Competitiveness
In this Assignment on case analysis of two global companies implementing BPM, you will
engage in developing the following professional competencies:
Global awareness
For this Assignment, respond using the critical elements below:
Critical Elements:
● Write your original response in Standard American English, paying special
attention to grammar, style, and mechanics.
● Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of
both the expected benefits and the risks/issues.
● Ensure that your viewpoint and purpose are clearly stated.
● Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to another.
● Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
In this Assignment, you will analyze cases 1 and 2 from the chapter and respond to
questions related to the role of BPM in global competitiveness.
1. Case 1 describes a global automotive component company. There were issues
that limited the company’s ability to be more competitive in the global marketplace
and they were able to address these through a BPM project. What were these
issues and what were the expected benefits from BPM to help them become more
2. How do you assess their success? If you think they are doing well, what were the
critical success factors they were able to implement? If they are not doing well, why
not (what are the risks they failed to mitigate?)
3. Case 2 describes Unilever’s transformation. What were the issues that limited the
company’s ability to be more competitive in the global marketplace? What benefits
were they expecting from the BPM project to increase their competitiveness
4. How do you assess their success? If you think they are doing well, what were the
critical success factors they were able to implement? If they are not doing well, why
not (what are the risks they failed to mitigate?)

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