create a flyer outlining opportunities for parent involvement at a childcare center and to evaluate your flyer. 

Assignment is not complete without the self reflection


As a center director, you would like to offer the families of the  children in your program more opportunity to become involved in the  center. After reviewing the Strengthening Families program, you decide  to institute a Parent Cafe for the parents of your center. You also need  to remind parents that parent-teacher conferences are coming up and  that parents are invited to volunteer in the classrooms as another way  to get involved. To spread the word, you create a flyer to send home  with each child. This flyer will serve as the invitation but also needs  to entice parents to attend the event and volunteer, and remind them  about conferences.

Focus Assignment: 

Create a flyer that describes the purpose of a Parent Cafe and the  first topic you will discuss. The flyer should also remind families  about volunteer opportunities in the program and about parent-teacher  conferences and the need to schedule time with their child’s teacher.
Use digital graphics that are eye catching to encourage families to look more closely.  


1. For each item of your flyer, explain how this guideline addresses the issues in the scenario

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