Literature Review- Impacts of Green Cloud Computing on Environmental Protection

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Course title



Literature Review- Impacts of Green Cloud Computing on Environmental Protection


The concept of green cloud computing has emerged as a solution to minimize the environmental effect due to cloud computing. The literature review examines the impacts of green cloud computing on environmental protection. The three articles selected for this review investigate specific topics related to the ecological benefits of green cloud computing. One of the articles explores the impacts of urban green spaces on gaseous air pollutants in Tehran, which is relevant as the use of cloud computing can reduce the need for physical data centers that emit pollutants. The second article investigates the factors that affect the eagerness of green business operation in the Iranian banking sector. The third article discusses the economics of green cloud computing and how it can contribute to a sustainable future.

The research articles utilized for this literature review were retrieved from the PROQUEST and EBSCOhost databases in the Monroe College library. Extra information utilized was retrieved from peer reviewed journals, dissertations, publications, and books. These helped to obtain information about how green cloud computing has contributed to environment protection. Newspaper articles and peer-reviewed journals were accessed online using various search engines or through direct entry into the website of the publisher of the newspaper or journal.

Review of Literature

Achieving environmental sustainability

Wibowo and Wells (2016) conducted research to identify how companies are adopting renewable energy sources and the economic benefits of green Cloud. Cloud computing has become popular as more clients require safe storage. Cloud service providers are responsible for providing services while minimizing environmental impact. The researchers reviewed the literature on green Cloud computing at Central Queensland University, Australia. The authors are qualified to write on the topic as they are in the School of Engineering and Technology. The researchers, in 2016, performed the research starting with an introduction background, then the literature review, a discussion of findings, and a conclusion with future direction. The researchers showed that companies could pursue green Cloud computing by considering significant factors like providing dynamic types of energy, multi-tenancy, utilization of servers, and efficiency of data centers.

The literature review boosts the discussion on the costs of various energy sources, the impact of location, and the sustainability of green Cloud energy. The research showed that companies could achieve economic viability by using greener energy sources. Companies should strive to adopt business processes and practices that are more energy-efficient and sustainable to the environment. A green Cloud computing company has a green strategy in aspects like the location of their data centers, the mix of energy of electricity they use, and the consideration of dynamic provisioning.

Implementation of the green management process

Hejri et al. (2022) conducted research on the factors that impact how banks are ready to implement the process of green management. The main purpose for the sturdy was to determine aspects impacting the green business operation. These authors were all from the Islamic Azad University meaning that they were qualified to write the paper. Different sections were used to conduct the research. The research was conducted in the year 2019 in Tehran, Iran.

The researchers began this applied research with a theoretical framework concerning the issue of green technology and how it affects banking businesses in Iran. The researchers reviewed all the documents that were relevant to the topic under study. The applied research involved several books and journals to review the theoretical concepts. The population of 14 industry experts in the fields of information technology (IT), management, and engineering was sampled using purposeful snowball techniques. The authors then used the fuzzy DEMATEL method to make decisions based on paired comparisons. Hejri et al. (2022) found that green awareness is the factor that had the highest impact and interaction of 6.314 on other factors. Green operation is the factor that is most affected by others.

Negative impact associated with green cloud computing

Arghavani et al. (2019) researched the effects of the urban green space on the gaseous air contaminants in the Metropolis area of Tehran. The paper's authors are recognizable people from higher education institutions in Iran and can comfortably publish their study. The use of predefined or green programs for a long time may lead to a negative impact on the quality of air in cities. The authors investigate the alternation of three gaseous air pollutants concentration by certain green scenarios for development. The study was conducted in Iran in the Tehran Metropolis (TM).

The authors did not mention the period within which they conducted the study. The authors looked at the different influences of the urban green development programs on air quality in urban Tehran. The authors looked at the influence of the additional vegetative areas near surface deposition velocities and fluxes. The other elements considered were the concentration of pollutants near the surface, alteration in boundary layer height, and the meteorology variables. Th authors use satellite images to determine how planted areas are distributed across the city.

The authors' research led to several results the prevailing wind direction and speed influence the daily concentration of pollutants. The lower boundary's height and buoyancy result in very low vertical mass transport during the daytime. The winds come in from the west over the city at 18:00 UTC, with a high level of pollutants.

Analysis of Literature

Arghavani et al. (2019) provides numerical evaluation of the impact of urban green spaces on gaseous air pollutants in Tehran using the WRF-Chem model. On the other hand, Hejri et al. (2022) investigates the aspects impacting the readiness of green business operation in the Iranian banking industry. Wibowo and Wells (2016) discusses the economics of green cloud computing and how it can contribute to a sustainable future. The studies have different findings, whereby Arghavani et al. (2019) found that increasing the area of urban green spaces can significantly reduce gaseous air pollutants, Hejri et al. (2022) discovered that there exists a constructive relation between green business operation management and financial performance.

Arghavani et al. (2019) article contributes to a better understanding of the positive impact of urban green spaces on air quality in metropolitan areas. However, it has limited relevance to the topic of green cloud computing. On the other hand, Hejri et al. (2022) provides insights into the aspects that can promote the implementation of green cloud computing in the banking industry. The research's findings can be applied to other sectors as well, making it a valuable source for understanding the potential benefits of green cloud computing. Wibowo and Wells (2016) provides a comprehensive analysis of the environmental benefits of cloud computing, including reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption. The article also evaluates the cost-effectiveness of green cloud computing and provides recommendations for implementing it.

Each article covers a unique aspect of the topic of green cloud computing, with Arghavani et al. (2019) focusing on the impact of urban green spaces on air quality, Hejri et al. (2022) on the factors that affect the adoption of green business process management, and Wibowo and Wells (2016) on the economic and environmental benefits of green cloud computing. However, all three sources share the common goal of promoting sustainable practices and reducing environmental impact. The articles are all appropriate for gaining an understanding of the topic of green cloud computing. However, Arghavani et al. (2019) have limited relevance to the topic. On the other hand, Hejri et al. (2022) and Wibowo and Wells (2016) provide more detailed information on the aspects impacting implementation of green practices and the benefits of green cloud computing.


Arghavani, S., Malakooti, H., & Bidokhti, A. A. (2019). Numerical evaluation of urban green space scenarios effects on gaseous air pollutants in Tehran Metropolis based on WRF-Chem model. Atmospheric Environment, 214, 116832. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/am/pii/S1352231019304613

Hejri, F., M., Valmohammadi, C., & Alborzi, M. (2022). Factors affecting the readiness of green business process management in the Iranian banking industry. Journal of applied research on industrial engineering, 9(1), 115-133. https://scholar.archive.org/work/54tmaveg4zah7nbdmhy22pvt4m/access/wayback/http://www.journal-aprie.com/article_138491_f4f6007ab168b31fa42d2e9cf655d48c.pdf

Wibowo, S., & Wells, M. (2016). Green cloud computing and economics of the cloud: Moving towards sustainable future.  GSTF Journal on Computing (JoC)5(1). http://dl6.globalstf.org/index.php/joc/article/download/1642/2317


Discussion Chapter 2: Structure of Criminal Justice Organizations

* Please answer the following questions and make sure that your response is 100 words or more. *


1. What is task specialization?

2. What is formalization?

3. What is symbolic frame?

4. What is informal structure?

Assignment Chapter 2: Structure of Criminal Justice Organizations


1. Identify the impediments to altering the structure of a large criminal justice agency. Take into account all of the issues involved with organizational structure.

2. What steps should an administrator take to build a partnership between the agency's formal and informal structures? In your opinion, what role, is any, do leaders of the informal structure have in building such a relationship?

Criminal Justice Reform-TedTalk

Please watch the video and give three key points or statements that you didn't know before watching the video. And how can you apply these three points or statement to your life, family, job or community.

https://youtu.be/9O8OBzsOvMILinks to an external site. Shape, arrow  Description automatically generated


Discussion Chapter 3: The Criminal Justice System in its Environment

* Please answer the following questions and make sure that your response is 100 words or more. *


1. In your opinion to what extent has the "war on terror" impacted local law enforcement practices? What is your reasoning?

2. What recommendations would you offer the chief to cope with computer crimes?

3. What are ecological factors?

4. Do you think the traditional training cadets get at police academies needs to be upgraded to meet current environmental demands? What changes would you recommend? Why?

Assignment Chapter 3: The Criminal Justice System in Its Environment


1. Identify the economic/political forces that limit the ability of federal agencies to enforce immigration laws.

2. Identify future environmental changes that will affect the criminal justice system.

The Criminal Justice System Cycle-TedTalk

Please watch the video and give three key points or statements that you didn't know before watching the video. And how can you apply these three points or statement to your life, family, job or community.

https://youtu.be/eBYDq-rjvFkLinks to an external site. Shape, arrow  Description automatically generated



Literature Review- Block Chain Technologies and Crypto Currency as Financial Assets

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Professor’s name

Course title



Literature Review- Block Chain Technologies and Crypto Currency as Financial Assets


Block chain technologies and cryptocurrencies have emerged as a new and rapidly evolving field in the world of finance. Cryptocurrencies, in particular, have gained significant attention as a potential new financial asset that could challenge traditional currencies and financial instruments. The performance of cryptocurrencies as an investment, the impact of government cryptocurrency adoption on the economy and financial system, and the effect of blockchain technology on the stock market are the topics that were utilized to collect the data. This literature review will examine three articles that explore various aspects of block chain technologies and cryptocurrencies as financial assets.

The literature review articles were sourced from the Monroe College library's PROQUEST and EBSCOhost databases. Useful supplementary data was obtained from scholarly books, magazines, newspapers, and articles. They aided in the collection of data pertinent to the study of green cloud computing's effects on preserving the natural world. Articles from scholarly publications were retrieved online using a variety of search engines as well as by entering the title directly into the website of the respective publication's publisher.

Review of Literature

The evolving of blockchain technology

Cobert et al. (2018) extensively researched blockchain technology and the essential topics in such markets. The authors come from higher learning institutions like Dublin City University and Trinity College Dublin. The authors present the study in 2018 about the major topic since the development of Bitcoin as a financial asset in 2009 up to 2018. The main areas of the research paper include how blockchain technology has evolved, the developments happening in such markets, and unique issues about such demands. The researchers wanted to analyze various literature surrounding the growth of blockchain markets.

The authors also explain that direct transactions and payments between parties could be at risk of pricing bubbles. Cobert et al. (2018) suppose that this currency could endure the problem of price bubbles because of the recent increase in the price of Bitcoin. The new technology in finance will impact financial regulations because it brings forth a new set of currencies that traders will engage in. Companies that diversify to this technology are better positioned to earn returns as their income is also diversified. The authors suggest that Bitcoin technology consumes more energy in the present than before. Other studies indicate that bitcoin technology only consumes a little power since mining costs exceed revenue.

Minimization of risks

Masoomzadeh and Salmani (2022) presume that all other research in the past has been focusing in the risks of stock exchange. They put effort in explaining the relationship between blockchain and the market of stock exchange. Masoomzadeh and Salmani (2022) determine that the technology of blockchain could indeed be used to control several risks that arise in the stock market. The researchers, who are also members of Tabriz University, are qualified for such kind of research. These researchers embarked on research in the year 2021 in Iran.

           The authors used applied research to find and fulfill the purpose of the study. The analytical part of the research explained the analysis of various findings. Masoomzadeh and Salmani (2022) made effort to determine whether those companies in the business of stock trade would benefit from the improvisation of blockchain techniques, especially in Iran. The study period was between April 2011 to August 2021. The authors use documentaries and library means from the stock exchange of Iran to collect statistics for the research. The results show that the market share negatively affects the total risk. The total risk of the market rises by 0.01% when the market share of the stock rises by 1 percent. The finding of the study showed that the profits that companies can get out of transactions are inversely proportional to the risks that they face. Most importantly, blockchain technology positively influences risk since it increases risk by 0.0002.

Adoption of cryptocurrency strategies

               Mahdavieh (2019) conducted research to analyze the characteristics of kleptocratic regimes and how these attributes help to adopt cryptocurrency strategies of the government. The paper by Mahdavieh (2020) was impactful in showing that developing countries like Iran have suffered a lot from the restrictions of the first world countries like America. The authors were determining whether the national governments are likely to implement new cryptocurrency policies, especially in kleptocratic regimes.

               The research methodology was a complex analysis of statistics to determine the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The author used Mill’s method of agreement to establish whether attributes lead to the same outcome, thus confirming the correlation. The author also went further to conduct a comparative case study of the three countries. The findings of the study showed that cryptocurrency is initially part of the citizens of Iran, Russia, and Venezuela. The citizens of these countries share the attributes of a depreciating currency because of the sanctions from the West. Sanctions from western nations like the US continue to depreciate the value and progress of the economy.

Analysis of Literature

Cobert et al. (2018) provides a comprehensive overview of cryptocurrencies as a financial asset, with a focus on their performance as an investment. The authors review the literature on cryptocurrency pricing, volatility, and correlation with traditional assets such as stocks and bonds. They also analyze the role of macroeconomic factors such as interest rates, inflation, and economic growth in affecting cryptocurrency prices. On the other hand, Mahdavieh (2019) examines the motivations behind these countries' decisions to adopt native cryptocurrencies, as well as the potential benefits and risks of government-issued cryptocurrencies. The authors analyze the economic and political context in each country and discuss the legal and regulatory frameworks governing cryptocurrency adoption. Masoomzadeh and Salmani (2022) examined the effect of blockchain technology on the Iranian stock market and its volatility during the COVID-19 crisis. The researchers give an outline of blockchain technology and its possible applications in the financial field, as well as an analysis of the Iranian stock market before and during the crisis.

The articles have different strengths and limitations. Cobert et al. (2018) article’s strengths include its systematic and comprehensive analysis of the literature, which provides a thorough understanding of the topic. The authors use a quantitative approach and provide statistical evidence to support their arguments, which is different from other articles. However, the article's limitations include its focus solely on cryptocurrencies as an investment, rather than their potential as an intermediary in the exchange. Mahdavieh (2019) article's strengths include its in-depth analysis of the case studies, which provides insight into the potential motivations and outcomes of government cryptocurrency adoption. However, the article's limitations include its focus solely on three countries, which may limit its generalizability to other contexts. Masoomzadeh and Salmani (2022) article's strengths include its focus on the effect of blockchain technology on the stock market, which is a relatively unexplored area of research. The authors also provide an analysis of the Iranian stock market, which may be of interest to scholars and policymakers. However, the article's limitations include its narrow focus on the Iranian stock market and its reliance on secondary data sources.

Cobert et al. (2018) article is suitable for gaining an understanding of the performance of cryptocurrencies as an investment and the factors that affect their prices. Its systematic approach and statistical evidence make it a reliable source for this topic. Mahdavieh (2019) article is suitable for gaining an understanding of the motivations behind government cryptocurrency adoption and the potential benefits and risks of such adoption. Its in-depth case studies make it a valuable source for this topic. Masoomzadeh and Salmani (2022) article is suitable for gaining an understanding of the potential effect of blockchain technology on the stock market and its volatility during crises. Its focus on a specific country and context may limit its generalizability, but its analysis of the Iranian stock market is still valuable.


Corbet, S., Lucey, B., Urquhart, A., & Yarovaya, L. (2019). Cryptocurrencies as a financial asset: A systematic analysis.  International Review of Financial Analysis62, 182-199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.irfa.2018.09.003

Mahdavieh, R. (2019). Governments' Adoption of Native Cryptocurrency: A Case Study of Iran, Russia, and Venezuela. Retrieved from https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1532&context=honorstheses

Masoomzadeh, S., & Salmani, B. (2022). The Blockchain Revolution and the Volatility of Stock market in Iran During the COVID-19 Crisis. Retrieved from https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-1935978/latest.pdf

1 KG604 Graduate Research & Critical Analysis Lesson Plan: Week 11 Dr. D. Tennyson, DBA

KG604 Remaining Assignments

1. Due Week 11 (03/14/23): Assignment #5 – Draft Sections 1-3; Introduction, Background (including Root Causes and What Went Wrong sections), and Literature Review sections (including Introduction, Review of Literature, and Analysis of Literature sections).

• Refer to Revised Appendix 2: Term Project – Research Paper & Presentation document for detailed information about requirements for each section of the Term Project – Research Paper.

2. Due Week 11 (03/14/23): Quiz 3

• Covers concepts of Objective Summary & Literature Review.

3. Due Week 12 (03/21/23): Assignment #6 – Draft Sections 4-6; Discussion, Recommendations (including information about foundation, policy, theory, etc. upon which recommendation is based), and Conclusions sections.

• Refer to Revised Appendix 2: Term Project – Research Paper & Presentation document for detailed information about requirements for each section of the Term Project – Research Paper.

4. Due Week 13 (03/28/23): Final Term Project – Research Paper Presentations Due – Group Oral Presentations during class.

• Refer to Revised Appendix 2: Term Project – Research Paper & Presentation document for detailed information about requirements for the content of the Presentation.

5. Due Week 14 (04/04/23): Final Term Project – Research Paper Due – Group Assignment.

• Refer to Revised Appendix 2: Term Project – Research Paper & Presentation document for detailed information about requirements for each section of the Term Project – Research Paper.

Pg. 1 of 2

Monroe College, King Graduate School

Class: KG604 Graduate Research & Critical Analysis

Assignment: Term Project – Draft Research Paper

Instructor: Dr. Tennyson Group:

Content 80%

Points Possible

Points Earned


1. Introduction:

• Describes the issue; includes strong thesis statement, severity in dollars or other applicable measurement, country, why research study is important.


2. Background includes the following sections: Root Cause of Problem: Includes background on root cause, situation before issue, when issue occurred.

• Includes a chart or table containing visualization of 3 - 5 years of data collected before the issue began.

• Includes substantive description of visualization of issue and metrics used to display issue.

What Went Wrong: Includes extent and realm of the issue, explanation about why research may be important or what the research will contribute to the related field or discipline.

• Includes a chart or table containing visualization of data collected during the peak, height or worst-case scenario of the problem.

• Includes substantive description of visualization of issue and metrics used to display issue.

• Assertions are supported with in-text citations from relevant sources.


3. Literature Review including following sections: Introduction: 1st paragraph describes overview of the topic & subtopics researched; 2nd paragraph describes where literature was obtained. Review of Literature: Content of the introduction and summary sections of at least 3 objective summaries that addresses the 5 W’s and 1 H questions. Analysis of Literature: Conclusion section of at least 3 objective summaries; Analysis of what was learned about issue researched as summarized in review of literature section

• Assertions are supported with in-text citations from relevant sources.

30 27

• .

4. Discussion and Recommendations Discussion: Interpretation of the findings of the study including the following: Identify the issue and show it actually exists, identify populations affected, identify the location.

• Includes a chart or table containing visualization of data collected before the problem (including when it began), during the peak; height; or worst-case scenario of the problem, and the current state of the problem (in 2022).

• Includes substantive discussion about main findings of research study and 3 states of issue contained in visualization.

N/A – A5

For A6

Pg. 2 of 2

• Includes discussion about strengths and limitations of

the study including processes included to increase reliability and validity of the study; processes that limited the study.


• Includes substantive discussion about existing evidence-based solutions to use as a foundation to YOUR recommendation.

• Includes substantive discussion about recommendations for solutions based on existing or predictive evidence.

• Assertions are supported with in-text citations from relevant sources.

N/A – A5

For A6

5. Conclusions: Do not reiterate the data or discussion.

• Summarize most important aspects of the paper.

• Describe hunches, inferences or speculations about whether the issue can occur again.

• Offer perspectives for future work or research:

• focus on predicting the situation where the issue can occur again or preventing the issue from occurring again.

N/A – A5

For A6


Format 20%

Points Possible

Points Earned


• Paper is consistent with APA 7 formatting guidelines.

• Writing is clear and organized in a logical manner.

• Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are used.


Totals 100

KG604 Course Outline – WN23 H Page 1 of 7







Select one of the below topics related to a business problem or one of the functional areas of the organization, such as accounting, economics and finance, information systems, management and marketing.

Term Project - Research Paper Topics

• Business problem

• Healthcare problem (such as COVID-19)

• Marketing problem

• Financial problem

• Data privacy problem

• Another topic of your choice

Note that all topics selected by the teams must be approved by the professor

I. Week 14 – Term Project – Research Paper (Group Assignment)

The assignment requires that you apply the concepts of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods to conduct research, synthesize data collected (synthesizing data is a matter of pulling it together into harmony; search for links between materials to construct a thesis or theory), and apply a critical thought process to reach assertions, inferences, recommendations, and conclusions described in the research paper.

The paper should include:

At least 10 pages of content (including Title Page and Reference Page):

1. Be formatted according to APA 7th edition standards.

2. Show an analysis of relevant alternatives, synthesis of related information, and application of a critical thought process to reach assertions.

3. Contain support for the explanations, inferences, theories, content, etc. described in the paper with citations from at least 5 peer-reviewed sources.

4. Be submitted on or before 11:59 PM on the date specified in the “Date Due” column of the Topics Outline (shown above). Late work will not be accepted (no exceptions).


Title Page: APA 7 formatted Title Page.

1. Introduction (including thesis statement at beginning or end of Introduction): Introduce the reader to the problem addressed in the paper and lay the foundation for the paper including the following information:

KG604 Course Outline – WN23 H Page 2 of 7

A.) One-sentence statement that sums up the focus of the research paper.

B.) Problem to be addressed in the paper.

C.) Severity (seriousness) of the problem in dollars or other applicable measurement.

D.) Country where the problem occurred.

E.) Why the research study is important.

2. Background: Include the following information:

Root Cause of Problem

A.) Background on root cause for problem (was a law passed; was new technology introduced; did something change; or did an event occur that bought the problem to the forefront?).

B.) Description of the background of the problem that occurred or situation that leads up to the problem, the problem, and when the problem occurred.

(a) Include a chart or table containing visualization of at least 5 years of data collected before the problem began and when the problem first became known.

• Include description of the variables, metrics (measurements), and information (such as trends, moment in time, etc.) shown in chart or table.

What Went Wrong

A.) The extent and realm of the problem (was one organization affected, one industry, or was the problem global in nature).

B.) Explain why the research may be important or what the research will contribute to the related field or discipline.

(a) Include a chart or table containing visualization of data collected during the peak, height or worst-case scenario of the problem.

• Include description of the variables, metrics (measurements), and information (such as trends, moment in time, etc.) shown in chart or table.

3. Literature Review (Assignment 4): Components of the Literature Review section (2022-2023, Foundations of Secondary Research, Bouteneff & Ramlochan, 2022).

The literature review section, of the Term Project – Research Paper should include the following 3 sections: Introduction, Review of Literature, and Analysis of Literature.

Components of the Literature Review section (2022-2023, Foundations of Secondary Research).

The literature review section, of the Term Project – Research Paper should include the following 3 sections: Introduction, Review of Literature, and Analysis of Literature.

A. Introduction

• 1st paragraph of paper: Describes an overview of the topic under consideration

KG604 Course Outline – WN23 H Page 3 of 7

(topic of the groups Term Project – Research Paper, specific topics that were researched, and sub-topics that were researched.

• 2nd paragraph: Describes where literature was obtained and how literature was accessed.

Example from Dr. Tennyson’s Paragraph 1:

The following pages contain a review of the literature related to the experiences of

several people who survived Hurricane Sandy and other natural disasters. Climate change,

natural disasters, and the decision-making process that occurs with people who face

disasters are also addressed. This literature review focuses on obtaining information about

the weather anomalies that resulted in Hurricane Sandy, the experiences of disaster

survivors, and the decision-making processes related to preparing for disasters.

The scholarly literature used for this study was obtained from the PROQUEST and

EBSCOhost databases in the [Name of college] library. Additional information used for

this study was obtained from peer reviewed journals, government websites and

publications, dissertations, and published books. Several well-recognized newspapers were

used to obtain information about Hurricane Sandy and the cities most impacted by the

hurricane. Newspaper articles and peer-reviewed journals were accessed online using

various search engines or through direct entry into the website of the publisher of the

newspaper or journal.

B. Review of the Literature (2022-2023, Foundations of Secondary Research, p. 43).

A. Note the following concerning the Review of the Literature section of the

KG604 Course Outline – WN23 H Page 4 of 7

Literature Review.

• Objective summaries should contain in-text citations at the end of sentences containing information that is paraphrased from sources or direct quotes for information copied verbatim from sources.

− Ensure that you add citations to your objective summaries if you have not already done so.

• Refer to Citations [2022-2023 Foundations of Secondary Research] document in Week 8 Content Folder in Blackboard for information about APA 7 formatting for in-text citations and direct quotes.

• 2022-2023 Foundations of Secondary Research full document is in the Course Resources Folder in Blackboard.

• Use 2nd level headings to identify the sections of the literature review.

• Organize the literature review to include related materials in the same section.


Organize the literature review according to the sections in the Term Project – Research paper.


Organize the literature review according to the sections that make sense for the topic being discussed.

C. Analysis of Literature (2022-2023, Foundations of Secondary Research, p. 43).

A. Analysis of literature discussion should include:

− Author’s last name (Year of publication) to identify the source.

− an analysis and evaluation of the information in the sources.

− Information contained in the source that contributed to enhanced understanding or knowledge of the topic of the research project.

− both the distinctiveness of each source and its similarities with the other sources.

− an evaluation of the suitability of the source for gaining an understanding of the topic of the research project.

4. Discussion: Interpretation of the findings of the study.

A. Identify the problem and show it actually exists.

KG604 Course Outline – WN23 H Page 5 of 7

B. Identify populations affected.

C. Identify the location.

D. Discuss the main findings and/or statistical analysis of the research study (table or visualization should be 1st, discussion should be located under the table or visualization):

(a) Include a chart or table containing visualization of data collected before the problem (including when it began), during the peak; height; or worst-case scenario of the problem, and the current state of the problem (in 2022).

• Include description of the variables, metrics (measurements), and information (such as trends, moment in time, etc.) shown in chart or table.

5. Recommendations Find and summarize an existing evidence-based solution to use as a foundation to YOUR recommendation.


Name of Steps

Description of Steps

Guidance to Success


Find and

summarize an



solution to use as

a foundation to



Conduct further research to

find a company/organization/

program/policy that is doing a

good job trying to mitigate this

problem (this could be from

another state or even another

country where populations are


• Include the name of


• Include detailed evidence that this

‘solution’ is working (do not forget to

include dates/years, and statistics as


• Identify specific parts of the solution that

you think will be useful and

define/summarize them:

A. Discuss the main results with reference to previous research; policy and practice implications of the results.

B. Strengths and limitations of the study

(a) Describe processes included to increase reliability and validity of the study

Recommendations about Solutions

Guidance: Foundation to Your Recommendation

Through Your Existing Sources

1. Go to your news article or any of the research articles used for the Literature Review

2. Do any of the above sources mention a policy, program, law, etc. that has been implemented to help reduce the problem?

3. If yes, go to Google and find that policy, program, law etc. (save it)

4. If no, proceed below.

KG604 Course Outline – WN23 H Page 6 of 7

Through Additional Sources If your news article or any of your research articles do not tell you about a law, policy, or program etc. that has been implemented to help reduce your research problem, please use the guidance below to help you find a foundation policy, program, law, etc. You will need this for next class.

1. Go to Google -OR- the Monroe College Library databases associated with your

major (see pp. 8-9 in the Foundations text for databases you should be using)

2. Type in the search bar à your research problem + population + chosen search term

Your Research Problem

+ Population +

Search Terms

• Legislation • Policy • Law • Intervention • Program • Education

1. What do you think should be done to fix this problem and why? Solutions &

recommendations that will address or prevent the problem from re-occurring or

happening in future.

2. Could a different action have been taking at the beginning, peak, or existing state

of the problem that would have minimized the repercussions of the issue,

prevented it altogether, or prevented it from getting worse over time?

3. Include existing research, policies, practices, etc. upon which recommendations

for solutions are based.

6. Conclusions: Do not reiterate the data or discussion.

A. Summarize the most important aspects of the paper.

B. Describe hunches, inferences or speculations about whether the financial, business, healthcare, or economic crisis or problem can occur again.

C. Offer perspectives for future work or research:

(a) focus on predicting the situation where the financial, business, healthcare, or economic crisis can occur again

(b) or preventing the financial or economic crisis from occurring again.

Reference Page: Complete references for all articles or other materials cited in the text of the paper in APA 7 format.

II. Week 13 – Term Project – Research Paper Presentation (Group oral presentations during our on-campus session on 03/28/23)

KG604 Course Outline – WN23 H Page 7 of 7

A. Group Presentation: Prepare a 10-minute Group PowerPoint presentation that includes at least 12 slides (including Cover Page & Reference slides).

(a) Presentations will be presented during our On-Campus Session during Week 13 (03/28/23).

(b) Each team member should share equal time slots in the 10-minute presentation.

(c) Make sure to time the presentation as a group to ensure it does not exceed 10 minutes.

(d) Include the group members names on the cover page slide of the PowerPoint presentation.

B. Group Performance graded on (note that students must present during presentation to earn points for the presentation):

1. Participation of each group member (should use equal time slots).

2. Clarity and understandability of individual speaking.

3. Logical progression of slide presentation.

4. Visual acuity of the slide presentation.

5. Details contained in slide presentation.

C. Include at least 12 slides (of content) that include the following (note that each group should select 2 slides for 2 topics marked below with 2 slides, presentation should total at least 12 slides):

1. Title Page: APA 7 formatted Title Page.

2. Introduction – 2 slides

3. Background – 2 slides

4. Root Cause of Problem – 2 slides

5. What Went Wrong – 2 slides

6. Literature Review

7. Discussion – 2 slides

8. Recommendations – 2 slides

9. Conclusions – 2 slides

10. Reference Page: APA 7 formatted Reference Page.

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