Discussion Board Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement









Not present


Thread: Content

27.5 to 30 points

Student provides a complete response to each of the sections required in the thread. The student demonstrates critical thinking and presents his or her ideas in an excellent and thorough way.

25 to 27 points

Student responds to each of the sections required in the thread. The student demonstrates critical thinking and presents his or her ideas well.

1 to 24.5 points

The student demonstrates the beginnings of understanding the steps involved in conducting research; however, there are significant errors or shortcomings in the presentation of his or her responses.

0 points

Not present

Replies: Content

11 to 12 points

· One reply posted to each of 2 classmates’ threads.

· Replies offer unique critical and constructive criticism to your classmates.

· Student’s responses are delivered in a thorough, thoughtful, and analytical manner with the student’s position clearly evident.

10 to 10.5 points

· One reply posted to each of 2 classmates’ threads.

· Some critical and constructive criticism is repeating what others have said in their replies.

· Some commentary is repetitive from one reply to the next.

· At times, reply posts do not seem to actually build upon classmates’ posts.

1 to 9.5 points

· Missing one reply post.

· Reply posts are redundant.

· Little in the way of new ideas, research, and analysis are not always included.

0 points

Not present

Structure (30%)







Not present


Grammar, Spelling, & Turabian

11 to 12 points

Minimal to no errors in grammar, spelling, or Turabian.

10 to 10.5 points

Some errors in grammar, spelling, or Turabian.

1 to 9.5 points

Numerous errors in grammar, spelling, or Turabian.

0 points

Not present

Word Count

5.5 to 6 points

Appropriate word count; 400–500 words for the initial post, and 200-300 words for each reply.

5 to 5.25 points

50 words more or less than the required length.

1 to 4.75 points

Over 50 words more or less than the required length.

0 points

Not present

Professor Comments:



PPOL 505

Possible Research Questions

Below is a list of research questions you can use to guide your research project. These are all questions that can be answered using the States_Student.sav SPSS dataset located in the Policy Research Project folder. Please remember that the question you choose will be the focus of your research paper and all related assignments over the course of the term.

Please choose your top 3 questions from this list and include them in the Module 1 Discussion Board.

Tax policy:

1. What is the relationship between cigarette taxes and the percentage of the states population who smoke? Or, do higher cigarette taxes discourage smoking?

2. What is the relationship between citizen education and cigarette taxes? Or, do states with higher levels of overall citizen education have higher or lower cigarette taxes?

3. What is the relationship between the partisan makeup of the state legislature and cigarette taxes?

4. What is the relationship between the percentage of female legislatures and cigarette taxes? Or, do states with a higher percentage of female legislators have higher cigarette taxes?

5. What is the relationship between the partisan makeup of the state legislature and cigarette taxes?

Abortion policy:

6. Do states with higher percentages of pro-life residents have more restrictive abortion laws than states with lower percentages of pro-life residents?

7. What is the relationship between the percentage of a state’s population that is pro-choice and the percentage of the state legislature that is Democratic?

8. What is the relationship between citizen education and abortion restrictions?

9. What is the relationship between the percentage of female legislatures and restrictive abortion laws? Or, do states with a higher percentage of female legislators have less restrictive abortion laws?

10. What is the relationship between the partisan makeup of the state legislature and abortion restrictions?

11. What is the relationship between the percentage of the public who consider themselves pro-choice and the percentage who consider themselves conservative?

Voting behavior:

12. What is the relationship between the percentage of the state’s population who frequently attend religious services and the percentage of the vote Obama received?

13. What is the relationship between the percentage of the state that considers themselves conservative and the percentage of the vote Obama received?

14. What is the relationship between the percentage of the workforce that is unionized and the percentage of the vote Obama received?

Submit Discussion Board 1 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 1.

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