Discussion Board Forums Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement









Not Present


Content Mastery

14 to 15 points:

All posts display clear content mastery and relate precisely to the assigned topic. Brings clarity to issues being discussed relating issues to Scripture/biblical principles and experience.

12.5 to 13.5 points:

All posts are related to the assigned topic, but do not provide evidence of subject mastery. Discussed issues to Scripture/biblical principles and experience.

1 to 12 points:

Posts are loosely related to the assigned topic, and do not effectively contribute to the development of the discussion. Posts display a minimal or superficial understanding of the topic. Did not discuss issues to Scripture/biblical principles and experience.

0 points

Not present

Reasoning & Support

9.25 to 10 points:

Posts are balanced in their approach to the topic, but provide evidence of a clear, well to researched position on the topic.

8.5 to 9 points:

Posts are mostly balanced, but do not provide evidence of a firm position derived from research or current literature.

1 to 8 points:

Posts show a clear bias, or do not provide a discernable position on the issue. Evidence of research is not present.

0 points

Not present

Originality & Dialogue

9.25 to 10 points:

Unique contributions are made to the discussion in both the original thread and two responses.

8.5 to 9 points:

Contributions are made through an initial thread and two responses but are definitional in nature.

1 to 8 points:

Contributions made are minimal and are derivative in nature and/or missing one reply post.

0 points

Not present

Structure (30%)







Not Present


Grammar and Spelling

4.75 to 5 points:

Correct spelling and grammar used throughout essay. Posts contain fewer than 2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

4.25 to 4.5 points:

Posts contain fewer than 5 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

1 to 4 points:

Posts contain fewer than 8 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

0 points

Not present

APA Format Compliance

4.75 to 5 points:

Minimal errors (1 to 2) noted in the interpretation or execution of proper APA format.

4.25 to 4.5 points:

Few errors (3 to 4) noted in the interpretation or execution of proper APA format.

1 to 4 points:

Numerous errors noted in the interpretation or execution of proper APA format.

0 points

Not present

Assignment Requirements

4.75 to 5 points:

Minimum word count of 250 words for the initial thread and 100 words for each response is met or exceeded. Initial post includes required references.

4.25 to 4.5 points:

Minimum word count for each post is within 10% of the requirement. References to outside sources are included, but do not provide unique insight to the overall discussion.

1 to 4 points:

Minimum word count for each post is within 20% of the requirement. Sources referenced are not scholarly or relevant.

0 points

Not present

Professor Comments:




Common Fire Code Violation Checklist
Pass Fail Notes
Obstructions in passageway and Exit Doors NFPA 101
Emergency Exit Doors
Exits, paths of egrees clear
Emergency Lighting NFPA 101
Exit signs
Emergnecy Strobes
Emergency Lighting
Fire Extinguishers NFPA 10
Annual inspection date
Mounting and location
Correct type and size
Fire Alarms
Alarm Boxes
Battery dates
Sounding devices
Smoke Detectors
Proper location
Electrical Panels NFPA 70
30" clearance
Circuit breakers marked
Proper caps and panel covers
Electrical meters must be marked
Extension cords NFPA 70
Not permenant
Proper use
Good condition
Fire Rated Doors
Proped open
Self closing
Address NFPA 1
Shall be Present on each building and unit
Clearly marked
Fire Lanes NFPA 1
Building access
Building egress
Obstruction free

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