Capstone PLC Project

Lab 7


Objectives: Upon completion of this laboratory, you will be familiar with FRD (convert from BCD) and TOD (convert to BCD) instructions and comparison instruction (Greater than or equal) and its use within the ladder logic to control a process.


BCD I/O LogixPro HMI*

*Simulator courtesy of The Learning Pit LogixPro 500

Process XE "Process" \b Description: Study and experiment with the LogixPro BCD I/O simulator shown in The Figure above. Design a PLC program to perform the conversion from positive degree Fahrenheit (F) to the equivalent degree Centigrade (C). The degree F is limited to two BCD digits (00 to 99) in order to match the simulator thumb wheel switch setting. The formula for the conversion is given by the following equation:

C = (F - 32) * 5 / 9

Laboratory Requirements:

1. Design the specification for the temperature HMI and specify the input / output range allowed by the given simulator.

2. Write the ladder logic program to capture the BCD degree F entered form input I: 0 and display the output O: 2 in degrees centigrade using the BCD format.

3. Flash output O: 2 for negative degree C and maintain it for positive values?

4. Modify the program design to allow for input in hexadecimal, which accommodate degree F from 0 to 255. Display the degree C in BCD format.

Due Date: October 29, 2020.

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Capital budgeting under uncertainty - An integrated approach using ... Meier, Helga;Christofides, Nicos;Salkin, Gerry Operations Research; Mar/Apr 2001; 49, 2; ProQuest pg. 196

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Operational Budget

Operational Budget
For the year Ended xx/xx/xx/
Sales (tickets) $ 600,000
other revenues generated from the stadium $ 100,000
Total Revenues $ 700,000
Direct Materials $ 70,000
Direct Labour $ 100,000
Overheads $ 214,000
Prime Cost $ 384,000
indirect costs $ 130,000
Total Costs $ 514,000
Profit $ 186,000

revenues and expenses

Total Revenues 700000 Total Costs 514000


Timeline Values Forecast Lower Confidence Bound Upper Confidence Bound
1 $ 186,000
2 $ 218,160 $ 218,160 $ 218,160 $ 218,160

Profit/loss forecast

Values 186000 218160 Forecast 1 2 3 4 5 218160 #N/A #N/A #N/A Lower Confidence Bound 1 2 3 4 5 218160 #N/A #N/A #N/A Upper Confidence Bound 1 2 3 4 5 218160 #N/A #N/A #N/A


To: New Orleans Mayor & City Council
Year Revenue Cost Profit/loss
1 $ 700,000 $ 514,000 $ 186,000
2 $ 763,000 $ 544,840 $ 218,160
3 $ 877,450 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A
4 $ 965,195 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A
5 $ 1,013,455 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A
Financial Analysis to Construction a New Sports Facility for the New Orleans Baby Cakes Minor League Baseball Team

Forecast operations

Revenue 700000 763000 877449.99999999988 965195 1013454.75 Cost 514000 544840 #N/A #N/A #N/A Profit/loss 186000 218160 #N/A #N/A #N/A


amount ($)

Week 6 Assignment (week 4 assignment is attached/ Operating Budget. My grade was a 83% not good) Please provide quality Work.

The capital budget should be done on a spreadsheet such as Excel.

The final project for this class is a multimedia presentation to the mayor and city council of a city that is trying to entice a National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), National Basketball Association (NBA), National Hockey League (NHL), or Major League Soccer (MLS) team to move to their city. You are the vice president of finance for a consulting firm that has been hired by the mayor and city council to give them a detailed analysis of what it would take to entice a team to move to their city. You are a member of the five person team that will conduct the analysis and make a presentation to the mayor and city council. Your responsibility is to provide the financial analysis for the project which includes the construction of a sports venue to accommodate the team.

For this assignment you will develop the capital budget which will become a part of your final project. Review the information on capital budgeting in your textbook. The numbers used in this assignment are to be a realistic estimate based on your research of similar projects. The capital budget should be done on a spreadsheet such as Excel. Provide at least one graph to help the mayor and city council better understand the elements of the capital budget. Additionally, a brief written narrative that explains the numbers and graph should be included. As always, provide references for your sources.

Meier, H., Christofides, N., & Salkin, G. (2001). Capital budgeting under uncertainty - an integrated approach using contingent claims analysis and integer programming. Operations Research, 49(2), 196-206. Retrieved from

· G. Fried, T. DeSchriver, and M. Mondello (2013). Sport Finance (3rd edition). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

· Brown, M.T., Rascher, D.A., Nagel, M.S., McEvoy, C.D. (2015). Financial management in the sport industry (2nd edition). Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.

Capital Budgets

"Capital budgeting focuses on major future expenses and how to finance them. For example, if a team wants to build a stadium, it will need to show how much money will be required, from what sources (bonds, cash, government financing, etc.), and how revenue will be generated to help pay for the stadium. A  capital budget can utilize tools such as the payback rule or the accounting rate of return for a project... (Capital budgeting is) the process of creating a budget specifically developed for large investment such as building a new factory or stadium where the financial plan might take years."

"Capital expenditures are long-term expenditures amortized over a period of time... Examples of capital expenditures in sport include the purchase of a new artificial turf field for a football stadium, the purchase of a new ice resurfacer for a hockey rink, the building of a new community swimming pool, the installation of a climbing wall in a health club or college recreational center, and the construction of a stadium or arena. These expenditures require a large amount of cash, debt, and other resources that will be committed over a long period of time... Capital budgeting offers several benefits. First, a capital budget helps management plan the amount and timing of resources that will be needed... A capital budget is also helpful in evaluating alterna-tive capital expenditures. Should FieldTurf, AstroPlay, or a natural grass field be installed? The development of a capital budget will include an evaluation of these alternatives to determine which best utilizes the organization’s resources."

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