Swinburne University of Technology Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology
CVE20002: Computer Aided Engineering
SpaceGass Assignment
Question 1: (5 marks) The column and beam supporting the road sign below are subjected to:
• Bending due to the weight of the sign and the beam, • Torsion due to horizontal wind forces blowing on the face of the sign.
The sign dimensions are 4.5m wide x 1.4m high. The wind exerts a horizontal pressure of 2.5 kPa normal to the sign face (ignore wind pressure on the beam and column). The beam is 8m long (measured to the column centreline). The vertical distance from the foundation to the centreline of the beam is 5.2m. The sign weighs 350 kg. Both the column and the beam are made of steel box section SHS350x10. Use nominal loads in all calculations and convert the wind pressure on the sign and the dead load of the sign as point loads acting at the centre of the sign. Assuming the column is rigidly connected to the footing and:
1. For both planes, draw bending moment diagrams for dead load and wind load. 2. Find the member torsion diagram for the column. 3. Change the condition at the footing from rigid to pin what will happen? State a discussion
paragraph explaining the error.
Instructions: • This assignment is individual and due by 11:59pm, Friday 5 June 2020, 3 marks will be
deducted for late submission per day of maximum three days. A submission link will be available on Canvas,
• The submission should contain one report file for all questions (in word or pdf) and a SpaceGass file for each question (five files in total 1word/pdf and 4 spacegass files)
• The report should include the geometry and result/diagrams for each question associated with the discussion were required, you may state any assumption you made,
• The report should be clear, neat and easy to follow.
Question 2: (5 marks) Model the frame shown below, and indicate the maximum bending moment, shear force and axial force in their corresponding diagrams. All members are made of steel with a section of 150x10 EA.
Question 3: (10 marks) Model the warehouse gable frame steel structure as shown in the figure below in SpaceGass. The dead load and live load on the rafter beam are 3 kN/m and 1.5 kN/m respectively acting in global y-axis. The column shall be modelled using UC section while UB section is used for the rafter beam.
• Identify the appropriate beam section so that the maximum bending stresses at the top and bottom are less than 150 MPa using 1.2DL + 1.5LL.
• Identify the suitable column section so that the maximum axial + bending stress is no more than 150 MPa using 1.2DL + 1.5LL.
• Further, the vertical deflection on the ridge with 1.0DL + 0.5LL shall be no more than L/300 or 70mm.
In your solution, you need to clearly show what section you choose for the beams and column and provide the analysis result from SpaceGass that your choice of section complies with the requirements shown above.
Note: all dimensions are in mm, angles are in degrees
Question 4: (5 marks) The beam below is a part of a building and has the following loadings.
• Using SpaceGASS, please show the bending moment, shear and axial force diagrams of the beam.
• The second task is that you will need to choose a section that gives stresses on the beam less than the yield strength of steel (Please use UB or PFC section).

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