BCO122 Oral Communication Skills Task brief & rubrics
Task: Individual Oral Presentation 1
You must deliver an individual presentation and submit it as a Powerpoint or PDF document the week before (see below for dates) Presentation title: Using examples, how important is intercultural communication in brand management and marketing? Content and expectations:
Your presentation should: refer to different communication styles and marketing methods refer to different communication settings contexts and the communication process refer to intercultural communication competence have a clear structure with an introduction, an outline and a conclusion answer the question with a coherent argument referring to relevant evidence and examples show critical thinking by analyzing and interpreting the evidence use appropriate visual aids with correct spelling and grammar and appropriate font, size and colour be within the time limit and allow questions and answers at the end
Presentation length: 8-10 minutes Number of slides: 7-10 The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.
Submission: Week 4, Sunday 21st February 2021. – Via Moodle
Presentation date: During on-campus classes in weeks 5 & 6 (weeks starting on February 22nd and 1st March).
Weight: This task is a 30% of your total grade for this subject. Full learning outcomes that will be assessed:
Outcome 1: To demonstrate the ability to research, organize, prepare and deliver an individual oral presentation Outcome 2: To create effective visual aids that will enhance the presentation Outcome 3: To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of communication perspectives and intercultural communication Outcome 4: To demonstrate effective use of verbal and non-verbal communication Outcome 5: To be able to develop a coherent and cohesive persuasive argument and link ideas together with signposting language and cohesive devices Outcome 6: To find relevant academic sources which are cited and referenced appropriately to support your argument Outcome 7: To analyse and the question, demonstrating critical thinking Outcome 8: To show depth of knowledge and ability to field questions
Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69 Knowledge &
Understanding (20%)
Student demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts and uses vocabulary in an entirely appropriate manner.
Student demonstrates good understanding of the task and mentions some relevant concepts and demonstrates use of the relevant vocabulary.
Student understands the task and provides minimum theory and/or some use of vocabulary.
Student understands the task and attempts to answer the question but does not mention key concepts or uses minimum amount of relevant vocabulary.
Application (30%) Student applies fully relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class.
Student applies mostly relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class.
Student applies some relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class. Misunderstanding may be evident.
Student applies little relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class. Misunderstandings are evident.
Critical Thinking (30%)
Student critically assesses in excellent ways, drawing outstanding conclusions from relevant authors.
Student critically assesses in good ways, drawing conclusions from relevant authors and references.
Student provides some insights but stays on the surface of the topic. References may not be relevant.
Student makes little or no critical thinking insights, does not quote appropriate authors, and does not provide valid sources.
Communication (20%)
All stages clearly and effectively signposted. Visual aids are accurate and appropriate and used well. Non-verbal communication used effectively and notes only used as reference. Questions are handled excellently.
Stages signposted well. Visual aids are accurate and appropriate. Non-verbal communication used well and notes mainly used as reference. Questions are handled well.
Stages mostly signposted. Visual aids are mostly accurate and appropriate and are generally used well. Non-verbal communication generally engages the listener and at times reading from notes. Questions are mostly handled well.
Stages somewhat signposted. Visual aids contain inaccuracies and/or inconsistencies. Non-verbal communication may not always engage listener and generally reading from notes. Not within the time limits. Questions are adequately handled.
Argument Outline
I. Introduction
a. Hook (Ask a question, tell a joke, or give a scenario. These should be related to the topic you are
b. Background Information (Give information about your topic in your own words. Pretend that the
person reading your essay has no idea about your topic.)
c. Thesis statement (This should be ONE sentence that states your THREE reasons.)
II. First Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence (This should be the first sentence of your paragraph and it should restate your 1st
reason from your thesis statement.)
i. Prove your point with support. (Prove your point by providing a quote or statistic.)
ii. Explain your support/proof. (In your own words, explain your quote or statistic from above.)
iii. Concluding sentence. (It should restate the topic sentence and summarize your example.)
III. Second Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence (This should be the first sentence of your paragraph and it should restate your 2nd reason from your thesis statement.)
i. Prove your point with support. (Prove your point by providing a quote or statistic.)
ii. Explain your support/proof. (In your own words, explain your quote or statistic from above.)
iii. Concluding sentence. (It should restate the topic sentence and summarize your example.)
IV. Third Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence (This should be the first sentence of your paragraph and it should restate your 2nd reason from your thesis statement.)
i. Prove your point with support. (Prove your point by providing a quote or statistic.)
ii. Explain your support/proof. (In your own words, explain your quote or statistic from above.)
iii. Concluding sentence. (It should restate the topic sentence and summarize your example.)
V. Fourth Body Paragraph/Counterclaim
a. Topic Sentence (This should be the first sentence of your paragraph and it should be the counterclaim
(the opposite of/goes against) what you believe/the reasons from your thesis statement.)
i. Prove their point with support. (Prove their point by providing a quote or statistic.)
ii. Explain the support/proof. (In your own words, explain the quote or statistic from above.)
iii. Concluding sentence. (It should restate the topic sentence and summarize the example.)
VI. Conclusion
a. Restate your thesis statement. (DO NOT copy and paste it, but say it in different words.)
b. Challenge the reader. (What is it that you want your reader to understand?)
c. Give your reader something to think about. (Put your reader in this position.)
d. Leave your reader with an interesting final impression.
ANCHOR STANDARD: RI. 10.1 Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose.
Circle the prompt you will research and write about.
1. State and defend a claim that juveniles should/should not be tried and treated as adults.
2. State and defend a claim that climate change is/is not the greatest threat facing humanity today.
3. State and defend a claim that all people should/should not have the right to own guns.
4. State and defend a claim that homework should/should not be banned.
5. State and defend a claim that social media has/ has not improved human communication.
6. State and defend a claim that people should/ should not be legally required to get vaccines.
My claim/Thesis statement: (Write a sentence stating whether you agree or disagree and your 3 reasons.) DO NOT USE “I”. This should be 1 sentence.
Step 2- Find articles
Write the title of the articles you will use below. You should have articles that agree with your claim and one article that disagrees.
What is your first reason with support ?
Homework is stressful. “20% of students have to go tokjshdnfkjasdhf;sadf;lsdflksd
What is your second reason with support ?
What is your third reason with support ?
What is the counterclaim with support ?
Step 3- Outline your essay.
See the Argumentative Essay Outline..
Step 4- Type your essay.

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