American Government

Common Writing Assignment on the Principles of Checks and Balances

One of the principles of the constitution of the United States we covered in Model II of this class is checks and balances. This principle outlined various ways the three arms of government, the executive (Presidency), legislative (Congress), and the judicial (Supreme Court) check the powers exercised by each branch to ensure that they conform to the provisions of the constitution. Recently, congress passed a 98-2 votes imposing new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea. For this new set of sanction bill to become law, it must be signed by the President of the United States. Fears were expressed that President Trump may exercise his veto power on this bill. However, the bill has been described by congress, scholars, and other political commentators as “veto proof.” That means that Congress will override any United States President’s attempt to veto it. Under the principle of checks and balances, recall that the President can check the power of congress to make laws by vetoing bills they pass including this new sanction bill imposed on the three countries. The congress can counteract the President’s exercise of veto power by overriding such veto when exercised. Note that President Trump grudgingly signed the bill into law.

Based on our discussion on the principle of checks and balances, write a three-page essay that expresses your opinion on whether or not the congressional veto proof sanction bill on Russia, Iran, and North Korea undermined the executive branch’s ability to check the powers of the legislative branch in law making.

Writing Guidelines

Your essay should be supported with at least three different literature sources. It should be in APA format. Here is the link to APA manual

You can use this Washington Post link other sources can be found on the internet and the O’Connor et al. (2017) book we are using in class. I do not authorize anyone to use wikipedia (see syllabus p. 3). I am looking for your ability to communicate effectively and to integrate theory and practice in addressing complex problems. You should take your draft to the Writing Center and provide evidence of where you incorporated their advice in your final paper. The font size should be Times New Roman 12.”

This assignment is worth 50 points.

Grading Rubrics

Ability to develop and express clear ideas in writing = /25

Synthesizing and transferring knowledge to situations = /15

Originality and application of writing convention = /10

Feel free to contact your professor on any aspect of this assignment that is not very clear to you.

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