Al-Ahliyya Amman University
جامعة عمان األهلية
Second Semester 2019/2020
Advance Digital System
Student Name : Student ID:
EP-04-01-F151-Eng, Rev. c
Ref.: 31/19 / 2014 - 2015
Date: 09/08/2015
VENDMACH is a vending machine that accepts nickels, dimes, and quarters, and dispenses gum, apple, or yogurt. A gum pack costs 15¢, an apple is 20¢, and yogurt is 25¢.
The ma chine has the following 1 - bit input s: NICKEL: a signal that becomes 1 when a nickel is deposited in the coin slot.
DIME: a signal that becomes 1 when a dime is deposited in the coin slot.
QUARTER: a signal that becomes 1 when a quarter is deposited in the coin slot.
COINRETURN: a signal that becomes 1 when the coin return button is pressed.
GUM: a signal that becomes 1 when the gum selection button is pressed.
APPLE: a signal that becomes 1 when the apple selection button is pressed. YOGURT: a signal that becomes 1 when the yogurt selection button is pressed.
Al-Ahliyya Amman University
جامعة عمان األهلية
Second Semester 2019/2020
Advance Digital System
Student Name : Student ID:
EP-04-01-F151-Eng, Rev. c
Ref.: 31/19 / 2014 - 2015
Date: 09/08/2015
In addition to these “ user ” inputs, the ma chine has two control inputs:
CLOCK: a timing signal that sequences the state transitions of the machine.
INIT: an initialization signal that resets the machine to a suitable starting state.
The ma chine has thre e outputs:
CREDIT: the amount of money deposited so far and available to make a purchase;
CREDIT, in cents, should be displayed on the LEFT and RIGHT LED digits.
DISPENSED ITEM: the item that was just purchased should be displayed on the
XS40 LED: g for gum, A for apple, and y for yogurt, as indicated in Figure.
Use proteus software to implement the design of system and test it.

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