Updated 02/2010
APA 6 th
Edition Guidelines: Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is the full citation of a source followed by notes and commentary
about a source. The word “annotate” means “critical or explanatory notes” and the word
“bibliography” means “a list of sources”. Annotations are not the same as abstracts. Abstracts
are purely descriptive summaries often found at the beginning of scholarly/ academic journal
articles. Annotations are meant to be critical in addition to being descriptive.
The format for an annotated bibliography is similar to that of a research paper. Use one-inch
margins on all sides, double-space your entries, and arrange each entry in alphabetical order.
Hanging Indents are required for citations in the bibliography, as shown below. The first line of
the citation starts at the left margin and subsequent lines of the citation will be indented.
Example: Journal Article with DOI
Calkins, S., & Kelley, M. (2007, Fall). Evaluating internet and scholarly sources across the
disciplines: Two case studies. College Teaching, 55(4), 151-156. doi:10.1111/j.1747-
This article discusses the problem of unintentional online plagiarism and many
students’ inability to evaluate, critique, synthesize, and credit online sources properly.
Two case studies from different disciplines, which were designed to foster critical
evaluation of the Internet and scholarly sources, are discussed in detail. The CARS
(Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, Support) checklist for evaluating research
sources is also introduced and applied in these case studies. I found this article useful
because much of the content of these case studies can be easily adapted to fit
assignments in different academic disciplines. One information literacy assignment
in one quarter at college is not enough. If students are expected to use the Internet in
a responsible way, educators must provide guidelines and relevant experience that
allows students to apply those guidelines in practical ways.
Updated 02/2010
For annotated bibliographies, use standard APA format for the citations, then add a brief entry,
• 2 to 4 sentences to summarize the main idea(s) of the source.
o What are the main arguments?
o What is the point of this book/article?
o What topics are covered?
• 1 or 2 sentences to assess and evaluate the source.
o How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography?
o Is this information reliable?
o Is the source objective or biased?
• 1 or 2 sentences to reflect on the source.
o Was this source helpful to you?
o How can you use this source for your research project?
o Has it changed how you think about your topic?
Example: Journal Article without DOI (when DOI is not available)
Calkins, S., & Kelley, M. (2007, Fall). Evaluating internet and scholarly sources across the
disciplines: Two case studies. College Teaching, 55(4), 151-156. Retrieved from
This article discusses the problem of unintentional online plagiarism and many
students’ inability to evaluate, critique, synthesize, and credit online sources properly.
Two case studies from different disciplines, which were designed to foster critical
evaluation of the Internet and scholarly sources, are discussed in detail. I found this
article useful because much of the content of these case studies can be easily adapted
to fit assignments in different academic disciplines. One information literacy
assignment in one quarter at college is not enough. If students are expected to use the
Internet in a responsible way, educators must provide guidelines and relevant
experience that allows students to apply those guidelines in practical ways.
specimen posters
To research the history of an alphabet (one font) and present it in a final poster designed page. (to showing the font, specimen poster.)
Aesthetic objectives: To understand and explore typographic forms, readability, negative spaces, abstract forms and type of various sizes: 700 pt and 6 pt.
Size: 18” x 22” large, 18” x 18” square format folded in four, tabloid Poster specimen sheet or 11” x 17” rectangular folded in sections.
Create a grid for your poster
Research at least five typographers that you think can influence the design of your poster. For example David Carson, Victor Moscoso, Wolfgang Weingart, Milton Glasser, Neville Brody Gridkin or contemporary studios: Pentagram, Two by Four, Steigmaster, Elliot Earl’s Apollo program
Module 05 Course Project - Annotated Bibliography
The annotated bibliography for your course project is now due. The annotated bibliography should be about a page and must contain at least three research sources.
Your annotated bibliography must be in APA format. For guidelines click the following link:
The following is to be used as reference for doing this assignment
Thesis and Outline
Thesis: Since its establishment, Mayo clinic has been doing well yearly and outshines other health providing organizations. (Mayo Clinic, 2016). The clinic provides highly specialized medical care and clinician’s salaries is not dependent on volume of patients. Patients turn over yearly proves on the better service quality.
I. Introduction
A. This paper is all about the Mayo clinic. This clinic is a nonprofit organization that disseminates its services to a large number of people in a number of states. Mayo Clinic has a two part focus that ensures patients are the first priority always. 1) The organization is mandated to patient care practice, always reminded by its central shield. 2) The other two has more weight on the areas of education and new research. This paper will target to fulfill the following outlined.
B. Why Mayo is the best so far?
II. The brief history of Mayo clinic
A. Early yearly of the clinic
B. Group practices.
C. Growth and current practice. (F & B, 2010).
III. The Mayo clinic locations.
A. Major locations
B. Minor locations
C. Employment.
D. Reasons for major and minor locations.
IV. Core values
A. Patients care
B. Research
C. Education.
V. Innovation
A. Major innovation done to improve patient’s services. For instance applications to allow easy access of patients medical records and frequently asked questions.
B. Future plans to expand on other vast technological advancements.
1) Inpatients
2) Outpatients.
VI. Leadership
A. A series of leadership structure. Occupants of the highest to lowest ranks.
B. Leaders influence.
VII. Ranking
A. What was the latest ranking and what factors contributed for its being the first position?
VIII. Conclusion
Fye, W. B. (Fall 2010). "The Origins and Evolution of the Mayo Clinic from 1864 to 1939: A
Minnesota Family Practice Becomes an International 'Medical Mecca'". Bulletin of the
History of Medicine 84 (3): 323–357
Mayo Clinic (2016). About Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from
Mayo Clinic. (2016).Research at Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from
Module 05 Questions/Problems - Short-term Investments
One method healthcare companies use to finance future growth is to invest their excess cash in short-term investments. The four most common short-term investments are treasury bills, CDs, commercial paper, and money markets.
1. In your own words, explain how each of the four investments work and their relative risk level.
2. If your company had $100,000 to invest for around 1-year, which one of the 4 types of short-term investment would you suggest using and why?
3. Look at CD rates over different time periods. What are the current CD rates for 1-year? 5-years? 10-years? (You can find CD rates on many bank's websites.) Why do you think the rates are different?

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