Annotated Bibliography

GENS201Z: Research and Decision Making


Annotated Bibliography

• Coleman, C. A. (1998). The relationship of daily stress and health-related behaviors to

adolescents' cholesterol levels. Retrieved from:


In this article, 104 high school students participated in a sample related to how stress

affects the bodies cholesterol levels. The authors are graduates of Binghamton University who

are establishing if lifestyle is related to major health concerns, such as elevated cholesterol

levels. The intended audience seems to be for health professionals seeking additional knowledge

regarding potential lifestyle changes to prevent future health problems. This article was simple

and concise in results and will illuminate if stress affects the body.

• Barney, D. C., Pleban, F. T., & Lewis, T. (2019). Relationship Between Physical Activity

and Stress Among Junior High School Students in the Physical Education

Environment. Physical Educator, 76(3), 777–799. https://doi-

This article is based on a study to determine the effects of those who participated in

Physical Education (P.E.) and environmental stress. The authors are professors at Tennessee State

University. The study focuses more on youth in comparison to adults. This article covers more

information regarding physical activities in comparison to other articles, and illuminate’s

information youth.


• Alsultan, N. F. M., Alanazi, M. D., Boholigah, A. A., Alshammari, D. O., Alnahwi, K. A.,

Alsayafi, Z. A., Alzahrani, Y. M., Nasserullah, L. Z., & Nasserullah, L. Z. (2018). The

Influence of Stress on Body Mass Index among Female University Students. Egyptian

Journal of Hospital Medicine, 73(3), 6359–6366.

This article is based on the study of effects of stress on the female BMI. The study was

completed those in the Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine and seems to be intended to

Universities to provide resources to those dealing with stress. In comparison to other studies, this

only used female participant samples. It illuminates how stress may negatively affect the bodies


• Feifel, A. J., Shair, H. N., & Schmauss, C. (2017). Lasting effects of early life stress in

mice: interaction of maternal environment and infant genes. Genes, Brain &

Behavior, 16(8), 768–780.

This article focuses on the lasting effects of separating infants from their mothers (IMS).

This study seems intended for health professionals who want to learn about how early stress in

life can trigger mental disorders, PTSD, and other conditions. This work was supported by the

National Institutes of Health grant MH099251 (to C.S.) and the New York State Office of Mental

Health (H.N.S. and C.S.). In comparison to other articles, this study does not include human test


• Bondar, N. P., Lepeshko, A. A., & Reshetnikov, V. V. (2018). Effects of Early-Life Stress

on Social and Anxiety-Like Behaviors in Adult Mice: Sex-Specific Effects. Behavioural

Neurology, 1–13.

This study is based on the effects of early life stress on adult mice. This study is intended

for professionals interested in how early life stress in humans (such as separation from the


mother at an early age) can affect the body. This work was supported by the Russian Science

Foundation [Grant no. 16-15-10131]. In comparison to other articles, this seems very familiar to

the last study completed on baby mice, instead of adults. This can give multiple viewpoints in

my research if stress affects the body.

• Haider Zaidi, S. M. I., Yaqoob, N., Naveed, A., Gulshan, N., & Hussain, S. (2018).

Positive Attitude and Stress among Adults with Coronary Heart Diseases in

Faisalabad. Khyber Medical University Journal, 10(3), 146–149.

This study is based on how having a positive attitude vs. stress of those with

coronary heart disease (CHD). This study is for professional healthcare doctors seeking

more understanding of patients suffering with CHD. The authors are of Government

College Women University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. In comparison to other articles, this

focuses on samples of those who suffer with CHD. This can be implanted into my

research by providing information on stress affecting the body from those already dealing

with an illness, and the high stress levels they face.

• Lensen, R. C. M. M., Moons, C. P. H., & Diederich, C. (2019). Physiological stress

reactivity and recovery related to behavioral traits in dogs (Canis familiaris). PLoS

ONE, 14(9), 1–15.

This article focuses on the study of stress and using it to predict a dog’s everyday

life behavior. The intended audience is geared toward veterinarians or health

professionals interested in learning how physiological stress may affect the dog’s

behavior traits. The authors are from the Veterinary Department, University of Namu. In

comparision to other articles, this is the first to include canines in their studies can be


useful to my research by providing insight to the effects of stress to the animal body.

• Dervishi, E., Mujaj, E., & Ibrahimi, S. (2019). Early Traumatic Experiences and Their

Relationship With the Emergence of Depressive Symptoms in Adulthood. Psychological

Thought, 12(1), 30–40.

This study focuses on how early traumatic stress affects depressive symptoms in

adulthood. The studies intended audience seems to not be geared towards anyone in

general. The authors study psychology and seem to be very knowledgeable in the

execution of this study. In comparison to other articles, this focuses on traumatic stress,

which is a form of stress, nonetheless. This can be utilized in my research by showing a

vast variety on stress, and how it may affect us.

• Hanson, J. L., Albert, D., Iselin, A.-M. R., Carré, J. M., Dodge, K. A., & Hariri, A. R.

(2016). Cumulative stress in childhood is associated with blunted reward-related brain

activity in adulthood. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 11(3), 405–412.

This study is based on how exposure to Early life Stress (ELS) affects adult

motivation. The intended audience seems to be professionals studying neurodevelopment

in children to adults. The authors initiated the study through the Laboratory of

NeuroGenetics, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University, Durham,

NC. Compared to other articles, this is unique in regard to focusing on the reward-related

brain activity as motivation in adults. This can be used in my research by providing

insight on the effects of ELS on adults.


• Powell, L. H., & Matthews, K. A. (2002). New Directions in Understanding the Link

Between Stress and Health in Women. International Journal of Behavioral

Medicine, 9(3), 173–175. https://doi-

The above article references how stress may affect the health, wellbeing, and the

psych of women. The article seems to be geared towards those interested in learning more

on women’s health and mindset affected by stress. The article does not mention much on

the authors background, or qualifications. This article can be used to support my research

in regard to the impact of stress on women.


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