Annotated Bibliography Comment by Shaunna Waltemeyer: Guidelines for formatting your title page:
Title written in bold in the upper quarter of the page.
Student Name
College Name, Grand Canyon University
Course Number: Course Title
Instructor’s Name
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Student Name
Colangelo College of Business, Grand Canyon University
UNV-504: Introduction to Graduate Studies
Professor Name
October 1, 2020
Annotated Bibliography Comment by Shaunna Waltemeyer: Include the words Annotated Bibliography on the first line, centered, in 12 pt. Times New Roman bold font.
Carter, I., Damianakis, T., Munro, S., Skinner, H., Matin, S., & Nash Andrews, T. (2018). Exploring online and blended course delivery in social group work. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 38(5), 486-503. https://doi: 10.1080/08841233.2018.1523824 Comment by Shaunna Waltemeyer: The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique string of numbers, symbols, and letters used to permanently an article or document on the Internet. A DOI helps your reader easily locate a document from your citation. Comment by Shaunna Waltemeyer: References in an annotated bibliography are listed in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name.
This article focuses on how college-level instructors facilitate and encourage critical thinking skills within online and blended learning classrooms. The authors discuss the importance of collaboration, leadership, effective communication, and conflict resolution within a group setting. Additional main points of the article include ways in which students exchange information electronically given student demographics as well as effectively managing power dynamics. This article is relevant to the three pillars as it discusses ethics related to social work education. This article is scholarly and is published in a peer-reviewed journal. Comment by Shaunna Waltemeyer: A summary annotation includes:
A brief description of the article.
Main ideas from the article.
How this source is relevant to your research paper.
Why the article is considered scholarly.
Forsythe, L. M., Davis, L. Y., & Mueller, J. M. (2018). Guiding entrepreneurs through the quagmire of business entities: Three hypothetical scenarios for discussion. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 1(3), 258-271. https://doi:10.1177/2515127418782144
This article discusses the ways in which college professors can introduce to students different types of business entities. This article relates to entrepreneurship and choosing the appropriate business formation, including LLC, sole proprietorship, S Corporation, C Corporation, etc. The authors discuss three different scenarios instructors can use to teach students issues related to business ethics, business law, human resources, and entrepreneurship. This article focuses practical applications for teaching the concepts of entrepreneurship to college students. This article is relevant as it discusses the pillar of entrepreneurship and is scholarly as it is published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Sahawneh, F. G., & Benuto, L. T. (2018). The relationship between instructor servant leadership behaviors and satisfaction with instructors in an online setting. Online Learning, 22(1), 107–129. https://doi: 10.24059/olj.v22i1.1066
This article focuses on the correlation between servant leadership of individual instructors and student satisfaction in an online learning environment. Sahawneh and Benuto use a quantitative methodology and correlation research design. The study included 155 online students attending a major community college in the United States. Additional main points of the article include student satisfaction with their instructor as well as servant leadership traits and corresponding behaviors of the instructor. The information in this article is relevant as it discusses the pillar of servant leadership within online learning. This article is considered scholarly because it is published in a peer-reviewed journal.