Quantitative Mini-Proposal

Learner’s Name

Capella University

COUN5007: Research Methods for the Counseling Professions

Instructor’s Name


Quantitative Mini-Proposal

This is your paper’s introduction (one paragraph). An effective introduction prepares the reader by identifying the purpose of the paper and providing the organization of the paper. Note, however, that this paragraph does not have a heading; its position at the beginning of the body of the paper indicates that it is the introduction. Instead, keep the title of your paper centered at the top of the page. In the body of your paper, indent the first line of each paragraph. Double space throughout (with no extra spaces between paragraphs) and use 12-point Times New Roman. For the purposes of this assignment, simply replace this text with a brief paragraph in your own words stating what this paper will cover, thus introducing the reader to what will follow.

Mini Literature Review

In this section, create a brief review of the scholarly information you found concerning your topic. Your review should describe any important concepts involved with your topic, as well as describe the results other studies have reported on your topic. Per the assignment instructions, you should review at least three empirical articles (required) and one non-empirical article (optional). This section should be at least 2–3 paragraphs.

Quantitative Research Question

In this section, identify a quantitative research question to guide the proposal. You are only required to identify one research question, but you may include more than one if you choose. When drafting your research question, please ensure that the language aligns with the intended methodology. (Quantitative methodology should include assessing for differences or relationships, while qualitative should include an experience of a phenomenon). For quantitative research questions, be sure to identify any independent and dependent variables. Keep in mind that the rest of your proposal should outline how you will conduct your research to answer the identified research question noted here. This section should be approximately one paragraph.

Quantitative Research Design

In this section, identify and describe the specific design you have chosen to conduct your research study. You may choose from the following quantitative design options: correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, time-series, or survey. After identifying the design you intend to use, provide a rationale as to why this design is the best fit for your topic. This section should be approximately one paragraph.

Quantitative Sampling Strategy

In this section, describe your intended sampling strategy. Specifically, be sure to identify and describe the population for your study, including characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, position/status, or any other defining attributes. You will also need to provide details as to how you will select your sample from this population and how many participants you plan to include in your sample. This section should be approximately one paragraph.

Quantitative Data Collection

In this section, identify the date collection strategies you would use to collect data for your study. Specifically, you will need to identify any measurement instruments you would use and how you would use them. For example, will you use a depression inventory to measure levels of depression and collect it using an online survey? Remember, the type of data you collect should be directly related to the research question you identified above for your study. This section should be approximately one paragraph.

Quantitative Data Analysis

For this section, explain how you will analyze the data once it is collected. Specifically, identify the statistical analysis you will use to answer your research question based upon the intent of the research question and the type of data you collected. Remember, there are group differences analyses (like t-test or ANOVA) and relationship analyses (like correlation or regression) to choose from. This section will be approximately one paragraph.

Ethical and Cultural Concerns

In this section, describe the ethical and cultural concerns that might be present in the study you are proposing. Per the assignment instructions, be sure to identify at least one potential ethical concern and how it could be addressed as well as at least one potential cultural concern and how it could be addressed. This section should be approximately 1–2 paragraphs.

Mixed-Methods Alternative

In this final section, describe how your topic might have been studied using a mixed-methods approach. Specifically, note what would look different about the study if you incorporated the components of a mixed-methods design. Also, be sure to explain if you believe a mixed-methods design would be a stronger approach and why or why not. This section will be approximately one paragraph.


(Include the sources that you cited, using hanging indentation. The references below provide example citations for an article and a book. Consult your APA manual for proper examples on citing and referencing APA style. Academic Writer also has helpful tutorials.)

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume # (issue #), xx–xx.

Fitzpatrick, J. L., Sanders, J .R., & Worthen, B. R. (2011). Program evaluation: Alternative approaches and practical guidelines (4th ed.). Pearson.


Health Care Research, Analysis, and Utilization Scenarios


Review and select one of the following scenarios for assignments in Topics 1 and 7, as indicated. Be sure to address all questions and utilize the appropriate data set indicated for each scenario.

Topic 1 Scenarios

Transitional Care

Type of care provided: Transitional care is a moderate to long-term facility that focuses on therapy, wound care, and medical management of chronic diseases. Individuals within transitional care can range from low need or minimal care to individuals who are total-care patients who need 24-hour nursing assistance. These facilities are often known as long-term care, skilled-nursing facilities, or subacute rehab.

As a member of the compliance team at a transitional health care organization, you are charged with the overall administration of safety programs required for the facility. This transitional health care organization is currently celebrating its 40th year in the community and serves as a model organization envied by local competitors. Given the long existence of the organization, there have been many instances where management has been tasked with creating or modifying the compliance policies and procedures. You have recently met with the CEO regarding some topics, including the concern that the facility is experiencing some complaints regarding management, especially in the area of employee-related burnout. In many cases, employees perceive they are spending most of their day meeting compliance regulations and not treating patients.

Utilize the data set "Health Care Research Statistical Data Set" to complete the Health Care Research and the Scientific Method assignment in Topic 1.

Primary Care

Type of care provided: Care in this type of setting is delivered by physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and advanced practice professionals. This area of health care is the most widely used, focusing on primary care providers and decreasing the focus on the utilization of specialty providers.

This primary care organization has been targeted for a possible merger with a larger health care organization. As a part of this potential merger, your team has been tasked to audit the current practice, including admission criteria, employee credentialing, performance ranking, and discharge success rates. This research will require determining the facility's current scores related to the industry means. The health care organization that is considering merging with the facility recently won the Baldridge award and is typically ranked “A” among peer facilities. More of the award criteria may be found in the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade website, located in the Topic 1 study materials.

Utilize the data set "Health Care Research Statistical Data Set" to complete the Health Care Research and the Scientific Method assignment in Topic 1.

Community Care

Type of care provided: Care provided in this capacity is available through clinics such as 24-hour urgent care centers and minute clinics provided through local pharmacies or community locations. These facilities increase access to care at affordable rates and in convenient locations.

You are the director of human resources for a small rural care center. Your care center administrator visited your office today with some issues regarding the high turnover of certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in all seven nursing wings. She has been experiencing this phenomenon with her CNAs for the past three months, thus decreasing overall patient quality care and adversely affecting the labor budget due to numerous call-offs from the CNAs. When added to the high cost of using registered nurses, this is a serious issue. None of her nursing supervisors can explain the reasons for the turnover. They can only provide feedback that your organization is hiring the “bad ones.” She is asking for your ideas on how the care center can recruit and retain more talented and devoted CNAs. You perform an immediate cursory assessment of the turnover and determine that at the current rate there will be 100% loss/turnover of CNAs this year. This initiates an emergency meeting with the administrator, director of nursing, the assistant directors of nursing, the staffing coordinator/scheduler, and three charge nurses. The purpose of the meeting is to determine why your facility is losing so many CNAs, especially when compared to similar care centers in the area.

Utilize the data set "Health Care Research Statistical Data Set" to complete the Health Care Research and the Scientific Method assignment in Topic 1.

Topic 7 Scenarios


Type of care provided: A hospital is an acute care, short-term stay, emergency medical center that also includes medical departments such as surgical, obstetrics, infectious disease, radiology, laboratory, and mental health.

You are a member of the continuous quality improvement team of a medium-sized hospital. The director of your team has been summoned to an executive team meeting in an effort to determine why an unusual number of readmissions for the influenza outbreak are occurring at this hospital. During the discussions, the director of nursing provides her thoughts regarding why patients may be eligible for discharge before they are fully treated. She states that many of the readmissions are for a secondary case of noninfluenza-related pneumonia. The director returns to the team and asks you to investigate if this is the actual cause for readmissions or if other factors such as alternate respiratory manifestations may be causing the issue. Once the cause is determined, a plan to implement a quality improvement action plan will need to be developed.

Utilize the frequency, means, average stay, and time to discharge compared to date of readmission to complete the Benchmark - Health Care Research Statistical Analysis assignment in Topic 7.

Home Care

Type of care provided: Care in this capacity can range from a short-term to long-term based on the changing needs of the patient. Patient age can range from pediatric to elderly. Care can be provided in the patient’s private home, group home, or assisted living setting. Medical homes fall into this category and are a new focus of accountable care organizations through the Affordable Care Act of 2010.

In your capacity as the director of human resources, develop a plan for how you would conduct an internal and external wage analysis of your organization and respond to the impact this would have on the organization.

As the director of human resources within a home care environment, you are responsible for the administration of the organization’s labor budgets. Your director of clinical services, who has an MSN, has presented some challenges regarding the compensation of her staff. This specific assisted nursing facility focuses on long-term care, providing approximately 500 nursing and support personnel who deliver direct and indirect care to approximately 225 patients who represent various stages of acuity and need for nursing care. Your overall labor budget represents approximately 60% of expense revenue. The director of clinical service complains that several of her registered nurses are threatening to leave the organization, allegedly because a competitor nearby pays their nurses higher wages. In fact, director of clinical service asks for an across-the-board immediate pay adjustment of an additional $5.00 an hour for the nurses. She is awaiting a response from you before the day is over.

Utilize the data set "Health Care Research Statistical Data Set" to complete the Benchmark - Health Care Research Statistical Analysis assignment in Topic 7.

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Readmission Rates

* These data are fictional for Academic puposes only.
ADMISSION SOURCE - SITE Admission Numbers AVG Days IP Days Total Percent of Total DISPOSITION Numbers Avg Readmit Rate Avg days to readmit %
Total 3,891,771 3.55 100.00% Total 3,891,771 4.204% 100.00%
Home 2,947,282 3.19 9,401,829.58 75.73% Routine (Home) 2,883,976 3.94% 113,762.21 14.87 74.10%
Residential Care Facility 33,578 7.76 260,565.28 0.86% Acute Care (This Hospital) 9,033 3.26% 294.69 3.56 0.23%
Ambulatory Surgery 26,110 1.45 37,859.50 0.67% Other Care (This Hospital) 22,361 1.08% 240.41 6.78 0.57%
Skilled Nursing/Intermediate Care 95,085 9.56 909,012.60 2.44% Skilled Nursing/IC (This Hospital) 28,184 6.77% 1,906.65 2.24 0.72%
Acute Inpatient Hospital Care 181,372 5.40 979,408.80 4.66% Acute Care (Another Hospital) 82,190 3.82% 3,137.58 3.15 2.11%
Other Inpatient Hospital Care 25,682 3.78 97,077.96 0.66% Other Care (Another Hospital) 34,704 11.20% 3,885.80 8.87 0.89%
Newborn 491,835 4.15 2,041,115.25 12.64% Skilled Nursing/IC (Elsewhere) 312,350 6.54% 20,433.96 17.78 8.03%
Prison/Jail 16,044 1.25 20,055.00 0.41% Residential Care Facility 33,894 9.15% 3,099.72 26.60 0.87%
Other 74,596 0.80 59,676.80 1.92% Prison/Jail 17,222 1.04% 178.52 32.00 0.44%
Unknown 187 3.30 617.10 0.00% Against Medical Advice 47,610 0.85% 402.92 1.12 1.22%
Died 75,338 0.00% - 0 0.00 1.94%
Home Health Service 334,639 4.84% 16,208.59 5.56 8.60%
Other 9,976 0.42% 41.76 6.32 0.26%
Unknown 294 0.53% 1.57 3.30 0.01%
DIAGNOSIS RELATED GROUP (DRG) for Readmissions Numbers Percent of Total PRINCIPAL PROCEDURE GROUP Numbers Percent of Total
Infections 217,913 5.60% Nervous System 61,563 1.58%
Neoplasms 145,508 3.74% Endocrine System 9,497 0.24%
Endocrine/Metabolism 124,651 3.20% Eye 2,844 0.07%
Blood/Blood-forming Organs 40,410 1.04% Ear 1,298 0.03%
Psychoses & Neurosis 261,258 6.71% Nose/Mouth/Pharynx 14,935 0.38%
Nervous & Sensory Systems 69,365 1.78% Respiratory 242,375 6.23%
Circulatory 425,830 10.94% Cardiovascular 276,415 7.10%
Respiratory 253,167 6.51% Blood/Lymph Organs 11,554 0.30%
Pneumonia (Noninfluenza) 84,860 2.18% Digestive 334,371 8.59%
Digestive 342,691 8.81% Urinary 43,186 1.11%
Genitourinary 148,678 3.82% Male Reproductive Organs 60,689 1.56%
All Pregnancies 525,190 13.49% Female Reproductive Organs 56,193 1.44%
Skin Disorders 61,849 1.59% OB Procedures 481,760 12.38%
Musculoskeletal 189,206 4.86% Musculoskeletal 263,535 6.77%
Congenital Anomalies 15,752 0.40% Skin 66,438 1.71%
Perinatal Disorders 20,399 0.52% Diagnostic/Therapeutic 707,275 18.17%
Symptoms 124,001 3.19% Other Interventions 11,378 0.29%
Injuries/Drugs/Complications 276,174 7.10% None 1,346,465 34.60%
Other Reasons 84,790 2.18% 3,891,771 100%
Births 480,079 12.34%
3,891,771 100%

Education and Gender

Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers, 25 years and older, by educational attainment and gender, 2016 annual averages
Educational attainment and gender Total employed (in thousands) Median weekly earnings
Total 101,015 $885.00
Less than high school diploma 7,108 $504.00
High school graduate or more 93,907 $923.00
High school graduate, no college 25,475 $692.00
Some college or associate's degree 27,307 $779.00
Some college, no degree 16,056 $756.00
Associate's degree 11,251 $819.00
Occupational program 4,633 $809.00
Academic program 6,618 $827.00
Bachelor's degree and higher 41,125 $1,259.00
Bachelor's degree 25,503 $1,156.00
Master's degree 11,675 $1,380.00
Professional degree 1,729 $1,745.00
Doctoral degree 2,218 $1,664.00
Total 44,731 $784.00
Less than high school diploma 2,204 $423.00
High school graduate or more 42,528 $812.00
High school graduate, no college 9,856 $599.00
Some college or associate's degree 12,924 $688.00
Some college, no degree 7,319 $665.00
Associate's degree 5,606 $720.00
Occupational program 2,081 $686.00
Academic program 3,524 $739.00
Bachelor's degree and higher 19,747 $1,101.00
Bachelor's degree 11,987 $994.00
Master's degree 6,084 $1,210.00
Professional degree 734 $1,447.00
Doctoral degree 942 $1,477.00
Total 56,284 $969.00
Less than high school diploma 4,904 $551.00
High school graduate or more 51,380 $1,019.00
High school graduate, no college 15,619 $769.00
Some college or associate's degree 14,383 $896.00
Some college, no degree 8,738 $861.00
Associate's degree 5,646 $951.00
Occupational program 2,552 $938.00
Academic program 3,094 $961.00
Bachelor's degree and higher 21,378 $1,464.00
Bachelor's degree 13,516 $1,348.00
Master's degree 5,591 $1,616.00
Professional degree 995 $1,913.00
Doctoral degree 1,276 $1,877.00
Note: Data exclude all self-employed people, both those with incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey (published 2018).

Occupation and Gender

Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers, by detailed occupation and gender, 2016 annual averages (Numbers in thousands)
Occupation Total Women Men Women's earnings as a percentage of men's
Number of workers Median weekly earnings Number of workers Median weekly earnings Number of workers Median weekly earnings
Total, full-time wage and salary workers 111,091 $832.00 49,161 $749.00 61,930 $915.00 81.9
Management, professional, and related occupations 45,930 $1,188.00 23,674 $1,027.00 22,256 $1,420.00 72.3
Management, business, and financial operations occupations 19,023 $1,284.00 8,761 $1,099.00 10,261 $1,491.00 73.7
Management occupations 12,828 $1,370.00 5,314 $1,148.00 7,514 $1,539.00 74.6
Chief executives 1,150 $2,303.00 318 $1,876.00 832 $2,419.00 77.6
General and operations managers 876 $1,266.00 250 $1,037.00 626 $1,358.00 76.4
Legislators 11 6 6
Advertising and promotions managers 56 $1,332.00 32 24
Marketing and sales managers 921 $1,468.00 403 $1,142.00 518 $1,745.00 65.4
Public relations and fundraising managers 60 $1,532.00 38 21
Administrative services managers 172 $1,261.00 71 $952.00 101 $1,398.00 68.1
Computer and information systems managers 592 $1,738.00 150 $1,680.00 443 $1,756.00 95.7
Financial managers 1,105 $1,423.00 578 $1,157.00 527 $1,670.00 69.3
Compensation and benefits managers 16 12 3
Human resources managers 263 $1,340.00 190 $1,283.00 73 $1,737.00 73.9
Training and development managers 58 $1,507.00 31 27
Industrial production managers 267 $1,361.00 66 $1,219.00 201 $1,409.00 86.5
Purchasing managers 187 $1,274.00 92 $1,169.00 95 $1,400.00 83.5
Transportation, storage, and distribution managers 288 $990.00 51 $988.00 237 $990.00 99.8
Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers 119 $892.00 17 102 $906.00
Construction managers 487 $1,395.00 35 452 $1,401.00
Education administrators 838 $1,381.00 541 $1,280.00 297 $1,528.00 83.8
Architectural and engineering managers 143 $2,258.00 9 134 $2,265.00
Food service managers 760 $739.00 350 $632.00 410 $853.00 74.1
Funeral service managers 13 1 11
Gaming managers 18 4 14
Lodging managers 124 $929.00 64 $764.00 59 $1,068.00 71.5
Medical and health services managers 533 $1,402.00 399 $1,254.00 133 $1,610.00 77.9
Natural sciences managers 14 8 6
Postmasters and mail superintendents 23 11 12
Property, real estate, and community association managers 402 $959.00 221 $815.00 181 $1,157.00 70.4
Social and community service managers 363 $1,079.00 248 $992.00 115 $1,206.00 82.3
Emergency management directors 8 3 5
Managers, all other 2,960 $1,422.00 1,115 $1,188.00 1,845 $1,542.00 77
Business and financial operations occupations 6,195 $1,161.00 3,448 $1,018.00 2,747 $1,373.00 74.1
Agents and business managers of artists, performers, and athletes 23 12 11
Buyers and purchasing agents, farm products 8 0 8
Wholesale and retail buyers, except farm products 152 $838.00 83 $765.00 68 $942.00 81.2
Purchasing agents, except wholesale, retail, and farm products 253 $1,024.00 125 $974.00 128 $1,037.00 93.9
Claims adjusters, appraisers, examiners, and investigators 321 $969.00 206 $912.00 114 $1,139.00 80.1
Compliance officers 252 $1,243.00 146 $1,163.00 106 $1,274.00 91.3
Cost estimators 104 $1,159.00 9 96 $1,172.00
Human resources workers 631 $1,139.00 465 $1,089.00 166 $1,364.00 79.8
Compensation, benefits, and job analysis specialists 72 $1,069.00 51 $1,001.00 21
Training and development specialists 129 $1,103.00 82 $959.00 47
Logisticians 111 $1,011.00 37 75 $1,116.00
Management analysts 585 $1,476.00 253 $1,342.00 332 $1,586.00 84.6
Meeting, convention, and event planners 119 $867.00 88 $852.00 30
Fundraisers 64 $1,111.00 42 22
Market research analysts and marketing specialists 246 $1,171.00 130 $1,097.00 116 $1,345.00 81.6
Business operations specialists, all other 257 $1,125.00 146 $1,001.00 110 $1,263.00 79.3
Accountants and auditors 1,451 $1,153.00 892 $1,018.00 559 $1,441.00 70.6
Appraisers and assessors of real estate 31 13 19
Budget analysts 48 26 22
Credit analysts 28 13 15
Financial analysts 277 $1,525.00 104 $1,252.00 173 $1,747.00 71.7
Personal financial advisors 399 $1,404.00 142 $953.00 258 $1,714.00 55.6
Insurance underwriters 102 $1,113.00 68 $910.00 34
Financial examiners 13 6 7
Credit counselors and loan officers 351 $1,054.00 200 $926.00 151 $1,331.00 69.6
Tax examiners and collectors, and revenue agents 58 $1,138.00 38 20
Tax preparers 53 $1,049.00 33 20
Financial specialists, all other 56 $1,155.00 37 20
Professional and related occupations 26,907 $1,141.00 14,912 $998.00 11,995 $1,364.00 73.2
Computer and mathematical occupations 4,104 $1,443.00 1,035 $1,325.00 3,068 $1,518.00 87.3
Computer and information research scientists 20 7 13
Computer systems analysts 496 $1,393.00 182 $1,328.00 314 $1,475.00 90
Information security analysts 85 $1,617.00 20 65 $1,826.00
Computer programmers 403 $1,398.00 104 $1,312.00 300 $1,466.00 89.5
Software developers, applications and systems software 1,351 $1,776.00 266 $1,553.00 1,084 $1,863.00 83.4
Web developers 142 $1,236.00 45 97 $1,284.00
Computer support specialists 491 $1,060.00 124 $1,014.00 367 $1,078.00 94.1
Database administrators 83 $1,731.00 37 46
Network and computer systems administrators 197 $1,232.00 29 168 $1,250.00
Computer network architects 105 $1,502.00 12 93 $1,535.00
Computer occupations, all other 524 $1,195.00 106 $1,055.00 418 $1,244.00 84.8
Actuaries 12 1 11
Mathematicians 4 0 3
Operations research analysts 125 $1,315.00 66 $1,300.00 59 $1,382.00 94.1
Statisticians 65 $1,405.00 35 30
Miscellaneous mathematical science occupations 2 1 1
Architecture and engineering occupations 2,835 $1,482.00 398 $1,207.00 2,437 $1,529.00 78.9
Architects, except naval 178 $1,339.00 43 135 $1,462.00
Surveyors, cartographers, and photogrammetrists 28 9 19
Aerospace engineers 124 $1,854.00 10 114 $1,846.00
Agricultural engineers 2 0 2
Biomedical engineers 14 2 12
Chemical engineers 91 $1,877.00 18 73 $1,901.00
Civil engineers 389 $1,504.00 39 350 $1,526.00
Computer hardware engineers 58 $1,843.00 12 46
Electrical and electronics engineers 271 $1,729.00 26 245 $1,736.00
Environmental engineers 31 5 27
Industrial engineers, including health and safety 215 $1,526.00 46 169 $1,580.00
Marine engineers and naval architects 19 1 18
Materials engineers 26 5 21
Mechanical engineers 335 $1,560.00 24 311 $1,567.00
Mining and geological engineers, including mining safety engineers 8 0 7
Nuclear engineers 8 1 7
Petroleum engineers 35 3 32
Engineers, all other 493 $1,573.00 63 $1,401.00 430 $1,659.00 84.4
Drafters 93 $990.00 10 83 $1,030.00
Engineering technicians, except drafters 350 $997.00 75 $793.00 275 $1,075.00 73.8
Surveying and mapping technicians 67 $811.00 5 61 $790.00
Life, physical, and social science occupations 1,151 $1,209.00 486 $1,119.00 665 $1,319.00 84.8
Agricultural and food scientists 32 12 20
Biological scientists 81 $1,346.00 35 46
Conservation scientists and foresters 26 4 23
Medical scientists 127 $1,211.00 57 $1,169.00 69 $1,250.00 93.5
Life scientists, all other 3 3 0
Astronomers and physicists 20 4 16
Atmospheric and space scientists 6 1 5
Chemists and materials scientists 93 $1,306.00 36 56 $1,504.00
Environmental scientists and geoscientists 79 $1,555.00 21 58 $1,591.00
Physical scientists, all other 241 $1,416.00 111 $1,323.00 131 $1,727.00 76.6
Economists 22 9 14
Survey researchers 1 0 1
Psychologists 91 $1,260.00 66 $1,187.00 25
Sociologists 4 3 1
Urban and regional planners 34 13 21
Miscellaneous social scientists and related workers 30 11 19
Agricultural and food science technicians 24 6 17
Biological technicians 19 8 11
Chemical technicians 75 $919.00 25 50 $919.00
Geological and petroleum technicians 17 2 15
Nuclear technicians 4 1 3
Social science research assistants 1 0 1
Miscellaneous life, physical, and social science technicians 119 $894.00 57 $826.00 62 $949.00 87
Community and social service occupations 2,136 $919.00 1,377 $880.00 759 $1,004.00 87.6
Counselors 657 $904.00 473 $907.00 184 $892.00 101.7
Social workers 684 $906.00 557 $884.00 127 $1,039.00 85.1
Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists 100 $992.00 61 $1,004.00 39
Social and human service assistants 151 $736.00 122 $727.00 29
Miscellaneous community and social service specialists, including health educators and community health workers 83 $831.00 63 $767.00 20
Clergy 368 $1,039.00 53 $893.00 315 $1,070.00 83.5
Directors, religious activities and education 49 26 23
Religious workers, all other 42 21 21
Legal occupations 1,294 $1,431.00 732 $1,152.00 562 $1,904.00 60.5
Lawyers 745 $1,897.00 299 $1,619.00 446 $2,086.00 77.6
Judicial law clerks 14 7 7
Judges, magistrates, and other judicial workers 56 $1,560.00 21 35
Paralegals and legal assistants 351 $874.00 308 $863.00 43
Miscellaneous legal support workers 128 $1,009.00 98 $867.00 30
Education, training, and library occupations 6,859 $984.00 4,982 $933.00 1,877 $1,154.00 80.8
Postsecondary teachers 980 $1,247.00 445 $1,152.00 535 $1,356.00 85
Preschool and kindergarten teachers 530 $626.00 518 $621.00 13
Elementary and middle school teachers 2,836 $1,009.00 2,231 $981.00 605 $1,126.00 87.1
Secondary school teachers 965 $1,111.00 562 $1,074.00 403 $1,146.00 93.7
Special education teachers 313 $1,021.00 264 $1,018.00 49
Other teachers and instructors 370 $938.00 214 $786.00 156 $1,135.00 69.3
Archivists, curators, and museum technicians 36 25 11
Librarians 140 $987.00 117 $980.00 23
Library technicians 10 8 2
Teacher assistants 588 $523.00 532 $525.00 56 $501.00 104.8
Other education, training, and library workers 91 $1,107.00 67 $1,068.00 24
Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations 1,671 $1,040.00 752 $951.00 919 $1,139.00 83.5
Artists and related workers 61 $1,236.00 23 38
Designers 586 $1,086.00 297 $922.00 290 $1,267.00 72.8
Actors 13 5 8
Producers and directors 128 $1,163.00 50 $1,030.00 78 $1,228.00 83.9
Athletes, coaches, umpires, and related workers 141 $826.00 35 106 $862.00
Dancers and choreographers 5 4 2
Musicians, singers, and related workers 37 13 24
Entertainers and performers, sports and related workers, all other 13 4 9
Announcers 32 8 24
News analysts, reporters and correspondents 58 $1,166.00 27 30
Public relations specialists 107 $1,228.00 67 $1,134.00 40
Editors 120 $1,053.00 56 $1,035.00 64 $1,112.00 93.1
Technical writers 56 $1,253.00 27 29
Writers and authors 99 $1,070.00 60 $983.00 39
Miscellaneous media and communication workers 59 $745.00 36 24
Broadcast and sound engineering technicians and radio operators 80 $1,020.00 13 67 $1,099.00
Photographers 43 19 24
Television, video, and motion picture camera operators and editors 31 7 24
Media and communication equipment workers, all other 1 0 1
Health care practitioners and technical occupations 6,857 $1,104.00 5,150 $1,036.00 1,706 $1,332.00 77.8
Chiropractors 18 7 10
Dentists 61 $1,850.00 27 34
Dietitians and nutritionists 82 $986.00 71 $997.00 11
Optometrists 18 15 3
Pharmacists 222 $1,924.00 133 $1,839.00 89 $2,096.00 87.7
Physicians and surgeons 806 $1,916.00 308 $1,476.00 497 $2,343.00 63
Physician assistants 75 $1,544.00 50 $1,547.00 25
Podiatrists 4 0 3
Audiologists 11 8 2
Occupational therapists 71 $1,365.00 61 $1,315.00 10
Physical therapists 197 $1,325.00 128 $1,306.00 69 $1,348.00 96.9
Radiation therapists 11 10 1
Recreational therapists 9 3 6
Respiratory therapists 76 $998.00 54 $993.00 22
Speech-language pathologists 112 $1,200.00 109 $1,172.00 3
Exercise physiologists 1 1 0
Therapists, all other 137 $920.00 106 $913.00 32
Veterinarians 65 $1,338.00 46 19
Registered nurses 2,498 $1,154.00 2,213 $1,143.00 285 $1,261.00 90.6
Nurse anesthetists 14 6 8
Nurse midwives 5 5 0
Nurse practitioners 144 $1,750.00 133 $1,753.00 11
Health diagnosing and treating practitioners, all other 8 8 1
Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians 295 $887.00 198 $834.00 97 $1,071.00 77.9
Dental hygienists 75 $1,034.00 73 $1,045.00 2
Diagnostic related technologists and technicians 254 $1,041.00 175 $936.00 79 $1,156.00 81
Emergency medical technicians and paramedics 174 $779.00 60 $650.00 114 $821.00 79.2
Health practitioner support technologists and technicians 474 $662.00 361 $643.00 113 $712.00 90.3
Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses 525 $749.00 481 $743.00 44
Medical records and health information technicians 170 $798.00 159 $793.00 11
Opticians, dispensing 42 28 14
Miscellaneous health technologists and technicians 107 $745.00 64 $714.00 43
Other health care practitioners and technical occupations 96 $1,083.00 47 49
Service occupations 15,908 $523.00 7,914 $487.00 7,994 $595.00 81.8
Health care support occupations 2,423 $525.00 2,094 $519.00 329 $602.00 86.2
Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides 1,386 $503.00 1,192 $498.00 194 $534.00 93.3
Occupational therapy assistants and aides 13 12 1
Physical therapist assistants and aides 48 32 15
Massage therapists 45 30 15
Dental assistants 199 $592.00 180 $583.00 19
Medical assistants 488 $572.00 452 $562.00 36
Medical transcriptionists 23 23 0
Pharmacy aides 21 19 2
Veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers 24 17 7
Phlebotomists 84 $586.00 71 $570.00 12
Miscellaneous health care support occupations, including medical equipment preparers 94 $537.00 65 $504.00 29
Protective service occupations 2,697 $809.00 524 $688.00 2,173 $854.00 80.6
First-line supervisors of correctional officers 55 $873.00 20 35
First-line supervisors of police and detectives 120 $1,324.00 23 97 $1,361.00
First-line supervisors of fire fighting and prevention workers 45 3 41
First-line supervisors of protective service workers, all other 89 $880.00 23 66 $895.00
Firefighters 252 $1,065.00 8 244 $1,056.00
Fire inspectors 16 1 15
Bailiffs, correctional officers, and jailers 365 $749.00 91 $672.00 275 $793.00 84.7
Detectives and criminal investigators 132 $1,182.00 28 104 $1,251.00
Fish and game wardens 8 1 7
Parking enforcement workers 6 2 4
Police and sheriff's patrol officers 709 $1,004.00 100 $938.00 609 $1,008.00 93.1
Transit and railroad police 2 0 2
Animal control workers 6 2 4
Private detectives and investigators 60 $904.00 29 31
Security guards and gaming surveillance officers 727 $585.00 152 $516.00 576 $597.00 86.4
Crossing guards 23 12 11
Transportation security screeners 40 16 23
Lifeguards and other recreational, and all other protective service workers 42 14 28
Food preparation and serving related occupations 4,619 $465.00 2,202 $434.00 2,417 $491.00 88.4
Chefs and head cooks 356 $614.00 68 $519.00 288 $632.00 82.1
First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers 425 $528.00 251 $485.00 174 $666.00 72.8
Cooks 1,408 $444.00 515 $421.00 892 $459.00 91.7
Food preparation workers 477 $419.00 262 $413.00 215 $432.00 95.6
Bartenders 253 $602.00 122 $498.00 131 $701.00 71
Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food 196 $396.00 125 $402.00 72 $381.00 105.5
Counter attendants, cafeteria, food concession, and coffee shop 68 $374.00 49 20
Waiters and waitresses 949 $470.00 607 $441.00 342 $504.00 87.5
Food servers, nonrestaurant 104 $479.00 71 $445.00 33
Dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers 133 $420.00 51 $407.00 82 $465.00 87.5
Dishwashers 172 $389.00 30 142 $388.00
Hosts and hostesses, restaurant, lounge, and coffee shop 74 $442.00 50 $432.00 24
Food preparation and serving related workers, all other 3 1 2
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations 3,602 $510.00 1,210 $454.00 2,392 $548.00 82.8
First-line supervisors of housekeeping and janitorial workers 189 $655.00 71 $524.00 119 $702.00 74.6
First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers 113 $707.00 1 112 $710.00
Janitors and building cleaners 1,580 $526.00 441 $476.00 1,139 $564.00 84.4
Maids and housekeeping cleaners 781 $441.00 661 $427.00 120 $497.00 85.9
Pest control workers 61 $655.00 2 59 $649.00
Grounds maintenance workers 878 $502.00 34 844 $503.00
Personal care and service occupations 2,568 $505.00 1,884 $482.00 684 $613.00 78.6
First-line supervisors of gaming workers 127 $792.00 59 $717.00 68 $840.00 85.4
First-line supervisors of personal service workers 62 $651.00 37 25
Animal trainers 24 11 13
Nonfarm animal caretakers 88 $485.00 71 $489.00 17
Gaming services workers 64 $624.00 31 33
Motion picture projectionists 2 0 2
Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers 14 8 6
Miscellaneous entertainment attendants and related workers 79 $481.00 31 48
Embalmers and funeral attendants 3 2 1
Morticians, undertakers, and funeral directors 23 5 18
Barbers 56 $584.00 8 48
Hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists 307 $510.00 281 $500.00 27
Miscellaneous personal appearance workers 205 $490.00 167 $466.00 37
Baggage porters, bellhops, and concierges 56 $625.00 10 46
Tour and travel guides 18 8 10
Childcare workers 405 $452.00 381 $451.00 24
Personal care aides 762 $477.00 636 $469.00 125 $514.00 91.2
Recreation and fitness workers 192 $596.00 100 $517.00 92 $668.00 77.4
Residential advisors 19 11 8
Personal care and service workers, all other 61 $573.00 26 35
Sales and office occupations 23,625 $698.00 14,163 $649.00 9,461 $805.00 80.6
Sales and related occupations 9,759 $744.00 4,250 $590.00 5,509 $904.00 65.3
First-line supervisors of retail sales workers 2,368 $743.00 1,047 $630.00 1,321 $857.00 73.5
First-line supervisors of nonretail sales workers 781 $1,137.00 230 $1,004.00 552 $1,161.00 86.5
Cashiers 1,367 $414.00 965 $403.00 402 $475.00 84.8
Counter and rental clerks 84 $517.00 36 47
Parts salespersons 96 $639.00 11 85 $643.00
Retail salespersons 1,831 $623.00 728 $514.00 1,103 $730.00 70.4
Advertising sales agents 203 $1,023.00 81 $999.00 122 $1,034.00 96.6
Insurance sales agents 423 $839.00 205 $676.00 218 $1,166.00 58
Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents 219 $1,351.00 63 $951.00 155 $1,458.00 65.2
Travel agents 46 38 8
Sales representatives, services, all other 427 $1,040.00 145 $826.00 282 $1,202.00 68.7
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing 1,121 $1,047.00 302 $872.00 819 $1,140.00 76.5
Models, demonstrators, and product promoters 14 6 8
Real estate brokers and sales agents 493 $983.00 284 $780.00 209 $1,222.00 63.8
Sales engineers 40 5 35
Telemarketers 42 25 17
Door-to-door sales workers, news and street vendors, and related workers 34 11 23
Sales and related workers, all other 171 $805.00 68 $709.00 103 $946.00 74.9
Office and administrative support occupations 13,866 $679.00 9,913 $669.00 3,952 $708.00 94.5
First-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers 1,203 $848.00 819 $809.00 383 $942.00 85.9
Switchboard operators, including answering service 17 14 3
Telephone operators 36 31 5
Communications equipment operators, all other 5 4 1
Bill and account collectors 144 $625.00 105 $650.00 39
Billing and posting clerks 404 $666.00 360 $660.00 44
Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks 756 $722.00 641 $716.00 115 $790.00 90.6
Gaming cage workers 9 8 1
Payroll and timekeeping clerks 125 $786.00 110 $785.00 15
Procurement clerks 25 16 9
Tellers 235 $542.00 195 $539.00 39
Financial clerks, all other 62 $708.00 44 18
Brokerage clerks 3 1 2
Correspondence clerks 5 5 0
Court, municipal, and license clerks 79 $691.00 60 $681.00 19
Credit authorizers, checkers, and clerks 41 33 8
Customer service representatives 1,850 $640.00 1,185 $623.00 664 $676.00 92.2
Eligibility interviewers, government programs 72 $828.00 55 $735.00 17
File clerks 134 $676.00 113 $680.00 21
Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks 102 $513.00 66 $500.00 36
Interviewers, except eligibility and loan 105 $639.00 98 $634.00 7
Library assistants, clerical 45 38 8
Loan interviewers and clerks 124 $774.00 100 $756.00 25
New accounts clerks 21 21 0
Order clerks 85 $646.00 45 40
Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping 36 32 4
Receptionists and information clerks 951 $583.00 848 $581.00 103 $600.00 96.8
Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks 102 $705.00 56 $646.00 46
Information and record clerks, all other 104 $654.00 73 $631.00 31
Cargo and freight agents 23 9 14
Couriers and messengers 160 $726.00 25 135 $739.00
Dispatchers 279 $704.00 153 $671.00 126 $734.00 91.4
Meter readers, utilities 30 1 28
Postal service clerks 111 $901.00 53 $805.00 58 $999.00 80.6
Postal service mail carriers 304 $981.00 119 $931.00 185 $1,020.00 91.3
Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators 56 $783.00 23 33
Production, planning, and expediting clerks 224 $853.00 111 $765.00 113 $935.00 81.8
Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks 473 $596.00 151 $583.00 322 $602.00 96.8
Stock clerks and order fillers 1,014 $530.00 371 $526.00 643 $533.00 98.7
Weighers, measurers, checkers, and samplers, recordkeeping 45 24 21
Secretaries and administrative assistants 2,210 $713.00 2,078 $708.00 133 $831.00 85.2
Computer operators 78 $811.00 37 41
Data entry keyers 221 $638.00 170 $630.00 51 $655.00 96.2
Word processors and typists 56 $730.00 48 7
Desktop publishers 0 0 0
Insurance claims and policy processing clerks 251 $665.00 210 $658.00 40
Mail clerks and mail machine operators, except postal service 56 $619.00 23 33
Office clerks, general 900 $654.00 760 $648.00 140 $707.00 91.7
Office machine operators, except computer 30 16 14
Proofreaders and copy markers 5 5 0
Statistical assistants 7 2 5
Office and administrative support workers, all other 457 $768.00 351 $751.00 107 $855.00 87.8
Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations 11,022 $786.00 464 $580.00 10,558 $794.00 73
Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 842 $520.00 169 $465.00 673 $544.00 85.5
First-line supervisors of farming, fishing, and forestry workers 28 3 25
Agricultural inspectors 18 5 13
Animal breeders 2 1 1
Graders and sorters, agricultural products 74 $511.00 48 25
Miscellaneous agricultural workers 659 $508.00 111 $423.00 547 $524.00 80.7
Fishers and related fishing workers 4 0 4
Hunters and trappers 1 0 1
Forest and conservation workers 17 1 17
Logging workers 39 0 39
Construction and extraction occupations 5,979 $784.00 151 $639.00 5,828 $786.00 81.3
First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers 558 $1,091.00 18 540 $1,101.00
Boilermakers 26 0 26
Brickmasons, blockmasons, and stonemasons 119 $741.00 0 119 $741.00
Carpenters 839 $730.00 11 828 $733.00
Carpet, floor, and tile installers and finishers 93 $593.00 2 91 $597.00
Cement masons, concrete finishers, and terrazzo workers 47 0 47
Construction laborers 1,322 $692.00 41 1,281 $697.00
Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators 11 0 11
Pile-driver operators 4 0 4
Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators 334 $920.00 6 328 $922.00
Drywall installers, ceiling tile installers, and tapers 138 $600.00 1 137 $601.00
Electricians 667 $952.00 18 649 $951.00
Glaziers 48 1 47
Insulation workers 42 2 40
Painters, construction, and maintenance 392 $612.00 17 375 $615.00
Paperhangers 0 0 0
Pipelayers, plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters 475 $927.00 11 464 $925.00
Plasterers and stucco masons 25 0 25
Reinforcing iron and rebar workers 12 0 12
Roofers 161 $623.00 3 158 $624.00
Sheet metal workers 117 $819.00 3 115 $820.00
Structural iron and steel workers 61 $976.00 1 60 $983.00
Solar photovoltaic installers 10 0 10
Helpers, construction trades 42 2 40
Construction and building inspectors 68 $996.00 6 62 $1,040.00
Elevator installers and repairers 41 0 41
Fence erectors 30 0 29
Hazardous materials removal workers 28 4 24
Highway maintenance workers 85 $745.00 2 83 $723.00
Rail-track laying and maintenance equipment operators 8 0 8
Septic tank servicers and sewer pipe cleaners 9 0 9
Miscellaneous construction and related workers 17 0 17
Derrick, rotary drill, and service unit operators, oil, gas, and mining 29 0 29
Earth drillers, except oil and gas 23 0 23
Explosives workers, ordnance handling experts, and blasters 10 0 9
Mining machine operators 48 0 48
Roof bolters, mining 3 0 3
Roustabouts, oil and gas 4 0 4
Helpers--extraction workers 3 0 3
Other extraction workers 29 0 29
Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations 4,201 $861.00 144 $783.00 4,057 $863.00 90.7
First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers, and repairers 246 $1,020.00 25 221 $1,016.00
Computer, automated teller, and office machine repairers 165 $851.00 15 150 $861.00
Radio and telecommunications equipment installers and repairers 132 $950.00 22 110 $975.00
Avionics technicians 8 0 8
Electric motor, power tool, and related repairers 26 2 23
Electrical and electronics installers and repairers, transportation equipment 3 0 3
Electrical and electronics repairers, industrial and utility 15 1 14
Electronic equipment installers and repairers, motor vehicles 8 0 8
Electronic home entertainment equipment installers and repairers 33 1 32
Security and fire alarm systems installers 69 $927.00 1 68 $909.00
Aircraft mechanics and service technicians 136 $1,047.00 2 134 $1,053.00
Automotive body and related repairers 117 $761.00 5 112 $770.00
Automotive glass installers and repairers 14 0 14
Automotive service technicians and mechanics 688 $730.00 11 677 $729.00
Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists 298 $874.00 1 297 $875.00
Heavy vehicle and mobile equipment service technicians and mechanics 198 $964.00 0 198 $964.00
Small engine mechanics 32 1 30
Miscellaneous vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics, installers, and repairers 74 $641.00 0 73 $646.00
Control and valve installers and repairers 33 1 32
Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers 361 $864.00 4 357 $868.00
Home appliance repairers 25 0 25
Industrial and refractory machinery mechanics 385 $968.00 11 374 $973.00
Maintenance and repair workers, general 514 $796.00 13 502 $797.00
Maintenance workers, machinery 20 1 19
Millwrights 35 0 35
Electrical power-line installers and repairers 126 $1,161.00 1 125 $1,165.00
Telecommunications line installers and repairers 172 $850.00 4 168 $824.00
Precision instrument and equipment repairers 56 $910.00 10 46
Wind turbine service technicians 5 0 5
Coin, vending, and amusement machine servicers and repairers 27 3 24
Commercial divers 1 0 1
Locksmiths and safe repairers 12 0 12
Manufactured building and mobile home installers 7 0 7
Riggers 11 0 11
Signal and track switch repairers 4 0 4
Helpers--installation, maintenance, and repair workers 10 1 9
Other installation, maintenance, and repair workers 137 $773.00 8 130 $782.00
Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 14,606 $665.00 2,945 $531.00 11,661 $704.00 75.4
Production occupations 7,513 $668.00 1,949 $527.00 5,564 $723.00 72.9
First-line supervisors of production and operating workers 729 $923.00 131 $723.00 599 $972.00 74.4
Aircraft structure, surfaces, rigging, and systems assemblers 6 2 4
Electrical, electronics, and electromechanical assemblers 105 $590.00 50 $554.00 55 $618.00 89.6
Engine and other machine assemblers 6 0 6
Structural metal fabricators and fitters 22 0 22
Miscellaneous assemblers and fabricators 990 $601.00 345 $559.00 645 $625.00 89.4
Bakers 138 $494.00 83 $480.00 55 $562.00 85.4
Butchers and other meat, poultry, and fish processing workers 244 $526.00 61 $449.00 183 $571.00 78.6
Food and tobacco roasting, baking, and drying machine operators and tenders 16 2 14
Food batchmakers 81 $537.00 42 40
Food cooking machine operators and tenders 7 1 6
Food processing workers, all other 129 $547.00 41 88 $579.00
Computer control programmers and operators 85 $802.00 6 80 $843.00
Extruding and drawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 13 2 11
Forging machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 5 0 5
Rolling machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 13 3 9
Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 86 $639.00 18 68 $672.00
Drilling and boring machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 8 0 8
Grinding, lapping, polishing, and buffing machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 45 3 42
Lathe and turning machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 13 0 12
Milling and planing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 2 0 2
Machinists 326 $824.00 13 313 $844.00
Metal furnace operators, tenders, pourers, and casters 31 1 30
Model makers and patternmakers, metal and plastic 3 0 3
Molders and molding machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 28 7 21
Multiple machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 2 1 1
Tool and die makers 43 0 43
Welding, soldering, and brazing workers 558 $743.00 23 535 $753.00
Heat treating equipment setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 2 0 2
Layout workers, metal and plastic 6 0 6
Plating and coating machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 21 2 20
Tool grinders, filers, and sharpeners 4 0 4
Metal workers and plastic workers, all other 380 $626.00 74 $565.00 306 $658.00 85.9
Prepress technicians and workers 15 7 8
Printing press operators 170 $701.00 33 137 $748.00
Print binding and finishing workers 11 2 9
Laundry and dry-cleaning workers 135 $454.00 80 $436.00 55 $486.00 89.7
Pressers, textile, garment, and related materials 30 20 10
Sewing machine operators 165 $437.00 114 $452.00 52 $407.00 111.1
Shoe and leather workers and repairers 4 1 3
Shoe machine operators and tenders 1 0 1
Tailors, dressmakers, and sewers 32 25 7
Textile bleaching and dyeing machine operators and tenders 0 0 0
Textile cutting machine setters, operators, and tenders 7 3 4
Textile knitting and weaving machine setters, operators, and tenders 13 11 2
Textile winding, twisting, and drawing out machine setters, operators, and tenders 6 4 2
Extruding and forming machine setters, operators, and tenders, synthetic and glass fibers 0 0 0
Fabric and apparel patternmakers 1 0 1
Upholsterers 20 1 19
Textile, apparel, and furnishings workers, all other 13 2 11
Cabinetmakers and bench carpenters 35 5 30
Furniture finishers 9 1 8
Model makers and patternmakers, wood 0 0 0
Sawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, wood 31 4 27
Woodworking machine setters, operators, and tenders, except sawing 23 4 19
Woodworkers, all other 17 1 15
Power plant operators, distributors, and dispatchers 39 2 37
Stationary engineers and boiler operators 77 $924.00 4 72 $954.00
Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators 76 $883.00 3 72 $885.00
Miscellaneous plant and system operators 42 3 38
Chemical processing machine setters, operators, and tenders 50 $924.00 4 46
Crushing, grinding, polishing, mixing, and blending workers 88 $643.00 6 82 $642.00
Cutting workers 62 $576.00 13 50 $546.00
Extruding, forming, pressing, and compacting machine setters, operators, and tenders 24 4 19
Furnace, kiln, oven, drier, and kettle operators and tenders 11 1 10
Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers 686 $714.00 241 $584.00 445 $834.00 70
Jewelers and precious stone and metal workers 18 7 11
Medical, dental, and ophthalmic laboratory technicians 64 $615.00 31 33
Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders 224 $488.00 113 $425.00 112 $574.00 74
Painting workers 158 $701.00 11 147 $713.00
Photographic process workers and processing machine operators 23 12 11
Semiconductor processors 2 0 2
Adhesive bonding machine operators and tenders 12 5 7
Cleaning, washing, and metal pickling equipment operators and tenders 2 0 2
Cooling and freezing equipment operators and tenders 0 0 0
Etchers and engravers 3 0 3
Molders, shapers, and casters, except metal and plastic 16 2 14
Paper goods machine setters, operators, and tenders 27 7 21
Tire builders 11 1 10
Helpers--production workers 25 3 23
Production workers, all other 887 $622.00 246 $515.00 641 $690.00 74.6
Transportation and material moving occupations 7,093 $662.00 997 $540.00 6,097 $685.00 78.8
Supervisors of transportation and material moving workers 165 $807.00 39 126 $843.00
Aircraft pilots and flight engineers 119 $1,582.00 7 112 $1,600.00
Air traffic controllers and airfield operations specialists 28 10 19
Flight attendants 68 $873.00 49 19
Ambulance drivers and attendants, except emergency medical technicians 15 2 13
Bus drivers 343 $641.00 146 $589.00 197 $691.00 85.2
Driver/sales workers and truck drivers 2,809 $780.00 120 $630.00 2,689 $787.00 80.1
Taxi drivers and chauffeurs 261 $580.00 38 222 $595.00
Motor vehicle operators, all other 25 2 23
Locomotive engineers and operators 45 0 45
Railroad brake, signal, and switch operators 3 1 3
Railroad conductors and yardmasters 52 $1,160.00 1 51 $1,148.00
Subway, streetcar, and other rail transportation workers 13 1 13
Sailors and marine oilers 15 1 14
Ship and boat captains and operators 28 1 26
Ship engineers 4 0 4
Bridge and lock tenders 3 0 3
Parking lot attendants 67 $519.00 4 62 $513.00
Automotive and watercraft service attendants 73 $462.00 5 67 $456.00
Transportation inspectors 25 5 20
Transportation attendants, except flight attendants 20 10 10
Other transportation workers 31 7 24
Conveyor operators and tenders 4 0 4
Crane and tower operators 66 $909.00 0 66 $909.00
Dredge, excavating, and loading machine operators 27 0 27
Hoist and winch operators 11 0 10
Industrial truck and tractor operators 564 $602.00 54 $563.00 510 $604.00 93.2
Cleaners of vehicles and equipment 252 $491.00 28 224 $487.00
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand 1,417 $566.00 221 $509.00 1,196 $580.00 87.8
Machine feeders and offbearers 27 13 14
Packers and packagers, hand 383 $456.00 216 $437.00 166 $468.00 93.4
Pumping station operators 13 1 11
Refuse and recyclable material collectors 68 $562.00 4 64 $584.00
Mine shuttle car operators 0 0 0
Tank car, truck, and ship loaders 3 0 2
Material moving workers, all other 46 6 40
Note: Women's earnings as a percentage of men's are not shown where employment for either women or men is less than 50,000. Median earnings are not shown where employment is less than 50,000. Dash indicates no data or data that do not meet publication criteria.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey (published 2018).

HCA-540 Rubric - HCA-540 Benchmark - Health Care Research Statistical Analysis.pdf

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HCA-540 Benchmark - Health Care Research Statistical Analysis -


Analysis of Data Set Results 26 points

Criteria Description

Analysis of Data Set Results

5. Target 26 points

Analysis of the data set results, including interpretation of the research

data, is thorough and includes a substantial explanation and relevant

supporting details.

4. Acceptable 22.62 points

Analysis of the data set results, including interpretation of the research

data, is complete and includes an explanation and relevant supporting


3. Approaching 20.54 points

Analysis of the data set results, including interpretation of the research

data, is included, but lacks an explanation and relevant supporting


2. Insufficient 19.24 points

Analysis of the data set results, including interpretation of the research

data, is incomplete or incorrect.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Analysis of the data set results is not included.

Significance of Test Statistics 13 points

Collapse All

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Criteria Description

Significance of Test Statistics

5. Target 13 points

Discussion of what makes a test statistically significant is substantial and

includes relevant supporting details.

4. Acceptable 11.31 points

Discussion of what makes a test statistically significant is complete and

includes relevant supporting details.

3. Approaching 10.27 points

Discussion of what makes a test statistically significant is included, but

lacks an explanation and relevant supporting details.

2. Insufficient 9.62 points

Discussion of what makes a test statistically significant is incomplete or


1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Discussion of what makes a test statistically significant is not included.Rationale for Statistical Tests 26 points

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Criteria Description

Rationale for Statistical Tests

5. Target 26 points

Rationale for the statistical tests that best applies to the provided data

set is thorough and includes substantial explanation and demonstration

of data literacy.

4. Acceptable 22.62 points

Rationale for the statistical tests that best applies to the provided data

set is complete and demonstrates data literacy.

3. Approaching 20.54 points

Rationale for the statistical tests that best applies to the provided data

set is included, but demonstration of data literacy is lacking.

2. Insufficient 19.24 points

Rationale for the statistical tests that best applies to the provided data

set is incomplete or incorrect.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Rationale for the statistical tests that best applies to the provided data

set is not included.

Confidence Intervals (B) 26 points

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Criteria Description


5. Target 26 points

Discussion of the accepted confidence intervals in health care research,

including the use and importance of organizing, prioritizing, and

reporting statistical results, is thorough and includes substantial

explanation and relevant supporting details.

4. Acceptable 22.62 points

Discussion of the accepted confidence intervals in health care research,

including the use and importance of organizing, prioritizing, and

reporting statistical results, is complete and includes explanation and

relevant supporting details.

3. Approaching 20.54 points

Discussion of the accepted confidence intervals in health care research,

including the use and importance of organizing, prioritizing, and

reporting statistical results, is included, but lacks explanation and

relevant supporting details.

2. Insufficient 19.24 points

Discussion of the accepted confidence intervals in health care research,

including the use and importance of organizing, prioritizing, and

reporting statistical results, is incomplete or incorrect.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Discussion of the accepted confidence intervals in health care research is

not included.

Thesis, Position, or Purpose 9.1 points

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Criteria Description

Communicates reason for writing and demonstrates awareness of audience.

5. Target 9.1 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is persuasively developed throughout

and skillfully directed to a specific audience.

4. Acceptable 7.92 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is clearly communicated throughout and

clearly directed to a specific audience.

3. Approaching 7.19 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is adequately developed. An awareness

of the appropriate audience is demonstrated.

2. Insufficient 6.73 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is discernable in most aspects but is

occasionally weak or unclear. There is limited awareness of the

appropriate audience.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is not discernible. No awareness of the

appropriate audience is evident.

Development, Structure, and Conclusion 10.4 points

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Criteria Description

Advances position or purpose throughout writing; conclusion aligns to and

evolves from development.

5. Target 10.4 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is coherently and cohesively advanced

throughout. The progression of ideas is coherent and unified. A

convincing and unambiguous conclusion aligns to the development of

the purpose.

4. Acceptable 9.05 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is logically advanced throughout. The

progression of ideas is coherent and unified. A clear and plausible

conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

3. Approaching 8.22 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is advanced in most aspects. Ideas

clearly build on each other. Conclusion aligns to the development of the


2. Insufficient 7.7 points

Limited advancement of thesis, position, or purpose is discernable.

There are inconsistencies in organization or the relationship of ideas.

Conclusion is simplistic and not fully aligned to the development of the


1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

No advancement of the thesis, position, or purpose is evident.

Connections between paragraphs are missing or inappropriate. No

conclusion is offered.

Evidence 6.5 points

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Criteria Description

Selects and integrates evidence to support and advance position/purpose;

considers other perspectives.

5. Target 6.5 points

Comprehensive and compelling evidence is included. Multiple other

perspectives are integrated effectively.

4. Acceptable 5.66 points

Specific and appropriate evidence is included. Other perspectives are


3. Approaching 5.14 points

Relevant evidence that includes other perspectives is used.

2. Insufficient 4.81 points

Evidence is used but is insufficient or of limited relevance. Simplistic

explanation or integration of other perspectives is present.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Evidence to support the thesis, position, or purpose is absent. The

writing relies entirely on the perspective of the writer.

Mechanics of Writing 6.5 points

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Criteria Description

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use,

sentence structure, etc.

5. Target 6.5 points

No mechanical errors are present. Skilled control of language choice and

sentence structure are used throughout.

4. Acceptable 5.66 points

Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and

sentence structure are used.

3. Approaching 5.14 points

Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally

appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.

2. Insufficient 4.81 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in

language choice or sentence structure are recurrent.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning.

Incorrect language choice or sentence structure errors are found


Format/Documentation 6.5 points

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Criteria Description

Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and

level; documents sources using citations, footnotes, references,

bibliography, etc., appropriate to assignment and discipline.

5. Target 6.5 points

No errors in formatting or documentation are present. Selectivity in the

use of direct quotations and synthesis of sources is demonstrated.

4. Acceptable 5.66 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used with only minor errors.

3. Approaching 5.14 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used, although there are

some obvious errors.

2. Insufficient 4.81 points

Appropriate format is attempted, but some elements are missing.

Frequent errors in documentation of sources are evident.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Appropriate format is not used. No documentation of sources is


Total 130 points

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