4/19/2019 BA63577G518: Activity report (grade)

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Srikanth Cheruku

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 BA63577 G5 Disaster Recovery

 Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

Disaster Recovery Plan Paper total

0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–120 - -

 Disaster Recovery Plan Presentation

Disaster Recovery Plan PowerPoint

0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–60 - 0.00

Disaster Recovery Plan Presentation total

0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–60 - -

 Weekly Quizzes

Quiz 1 16.67 % 28.40 0–30 94.67 % 5.92

Quiz 2 16.67 % 30.00 0–30 100.00 % 6.25

4/19/2019 BA63577G518: Activity report (grade)

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Quiz 3 16.67 % 30.00 0–30 100.00 % 6.25

Quiz 4 16.67 % 28.00 0–30 93.33 % 5.83

Quiz 5 16.67 % 28.00 0–30 93.33 % 5.83

Quiz 6 16.67 % 28.00 0–30 93.33 % 5.83

Quiz 7 0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–30 - 0.00

Quiz 8 0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–30 - 0.00

Weekly Quizzes total

37.50 % 172.40 0–180 95.78 % -

 Lesson Assignments

Module 1 Assignment

20.00 % 16.00 0–20 80.00 % Srikanth - Please note that we failed to discuss about the missing sections related to information security policies in your institution that was mentioned in the assignment requirement. Thank you Dr. Flores

-------------------------------- ---------------------------

Srikanth - No assignment submitted.

Dr. Flores


4/19/2019 BA63577G518: Activity report (grade)

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Module 2 Assignment

20.00 % 17.00 0–20 85.00 % Srikanth - Please note that we failed to discuss about What part of the contingency planning process came up short (IR, BP, or CP)? and How could the shortcoming have been prevented? Thank you Dr. Flores


Module 3 Assignment

20.00 % 19.00 0–20 95.00 % Srikanth - It is smart to use headings to separate the content in your document. The goal here is to make it easier for the reader to follow your message.

Thank you

Dr. Flores


Module 4 Assignment

20.00 % 0.00 0–20 0.00 % Srikanth - Please note that your resubmission is not clear and do not address the assignments requirements in a concise manner. Therefore, no credit will be awarded for your work. Thank you


4/19/2019 BA63577G518: Activity report (grade)

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Dr. Flores -------------------------------- ------------------------- Srikanth - Please note that your submission does not meet the assignment requirements. Make sure to review Module 4 assignment details below and resubmit your assignment: 1. Using a Web browser, identify at least five sources you would want to use when training a CSIRT. 2. Using a Web browser, visit www.mitre.org. What information is provided there, and how would it be useful? 3. Using a Web browser, visit www.securityfocus.com. What is Bugtraq, and how would it be useful? What additional information is provided under the Vulnerabilities tab? 4. Using a Web browser, visit www.cert.org. What information is provided there, and how would it be useful? What

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additional information is provided at www.cert.org/csirts/? Dr. Flores

Module 5 Assignment

20.00 % 20.00 0–20 100.00 % Srikanth - Phishing is one of the challenging network threat since there are lot of amateur users connected to the network would get potentially attacked. To prevent malware attacks, apart from using antivirus software, multi-layered strategy must be used.

Good effort!

Dr. Flores


Module 6 Assignment

0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–20 - 0.00

Module 7 Assignment

0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–20 - 0.00

Module 8 Assignment

0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–20 - 0.00

Lesson Assignments total

20.83 % 72.00 0–100 72.00 % -

 Discussion Forums

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Discussion 1 20.00 % 0.00 0–40 0.00 % Srikanth - No

participation this week. Please work hard to meet the requirements, because all the points count at the end. Thank you. Dr. Flores


Discussion 2 20.00 % 20.00 0–40 50.00 % Srikanth - It is

important to have contingency plans in place so that the project continues running (perhaps not as smoothly at first), with new or the loss of a project team member.

Please note that a good portion of your initial response submitted to the discussion board is verbatim from external sources. While we should seek references, the posted work must be original. In other words, the student must write in their own words.The recommendation is to paraphrase, and avoid a verbatim approach.

Dr. Flores


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Discussion 3 20.00 % 20.00 0–40 50.00 % Srikanth - Please note

that a good portion of your initial response you have submitted to the discussion board is verbatim from external sources. While we should seek references, the posted work must be original. In other words, the student must write in their own words. Therefore, no credit will be awarded for initial response. Thank you Dr. Flores


Discussion 4 20.00 % 40.00 0–40 100.00 % Srikanth - CSIRT is the

single point of contact when it comes to IT security. The organization relies on CSIRT for various issues that they face progressively and try to plan a workaround for many other incidents yet to come.

Keep up the good work. Dr. Flores


4/19/2019 BA63577G518: Activity report (grade)

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Discussion 5 20.00 % 40.00 0–40 100.00 % Srikanth - Reporting

systems can immediately pinpoint and notify users where the mistake happened. Most of the time, the security team of a company are focused on preventing an attack and the security systems are established with incident response in mind rather than continuously monitoring the systems and adapting the security in place to respond to the current state of the system. You added excellent value to our discussion activity. Dr. Flores


Discussion 6 0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–40 - 0.00

Discussion 7 0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–40 - 0.00

Discussion 8 0.00 % ( Empty )

- 0–40 - 0.00

Discussion Forums total

41.67 % 120.00 0–200 60.00 % -

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Grade item Calculated weight Grade Range Percentage Feedback

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Course total

- C (75.92 %)

0–480 75.92 % -

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