Score Interpretation




You most commonly adopt an authoritarian or autocratic leadership style. You rarely consult your team members and, instead, tend to tell them what you want, when you want it, and how you want it done.

This style works well in a crisis, when a task must be completed quickly. However, you'll likely demoralize, demotivate and aggravate people if you use it all the time. This can translate into high absenteeism and turnover rates. You'll also miss out on a wealth of ideas, thereby stifling innovation and creativity. Read more below.


You lean toward a democratic or participative style of leadership. You tend to set the parameters for the work and have the final say on decisions, but you actively involve your team members in the process.

This style can build trust between you and your people, as they'll likely feel engaged and valued. But it's not great in a high-pressure situation that requires a fast turnaround, as it will slow you down. And, if you dislike disagreement or conflict, you might struggle with how people respond to consultation. Read more below.


Your default leadership style is probably delegating or "laissez faire." You give your team members free rein in how they work toward their goals.

This is an ideal approach when your people are highly skilled and motivated, and when you're working with contractors and freelancers who you trust. But if a team member is inexperienced or untrustworthy, or if you lose sight of what's going on, this approach can backfire catastrophically. Read more below.

Do you believe that you can adapt your style? Harvard University professor  Ron Heifetz   and leadership experts  David Rooke and William Torbert   say that you can. So let's look in more depth at Lewin's leadership styles, their strengths and risks, and how you might become more skillful in using them.

Authoritarian, Autocratic Leadership

This approach is helpful when your team needs to follow a process "to the letter," to manage a significant risk. It's also effective when you need to  be hands-on with people   who miss deadlines, in departments where conflict is an issue, or in teams that rely on quick decisions being made.

But you need to be aware that relying on control and punishment to maintain standards will likely drive people away. Similarly, if you always demand that your team works at top speed, you can end up exhausting everyone.

Instead, you can show respect for team members by providing the rationale for your decisions. And they will more likely comply with your expectations if you take the trouble to explain  Why the Rules Are There  .

You can improve your ability to "lead from the front" by  Planning for a Crisis  ,  Thinking on Your Feet  , and  making good decisions under pressure  . But be sure to balance these skills with an awareness of their potential negative impact on creativity, ideas gathering, motivation, and trust within the team.

Being too autocratic can also mean that you'll find it hard to stand back from the detail and take a wider, more strategic view.


Did you achieve your leadership role thanks to your technical expertise? If so, you'll likely be used to getting things right, adding value, and having people's respect. But your  soft skills   might be lacking, so don't be afraid to listen and collaborate more.

Democratic, Participative Leadership

With this approach, you set goals, guide team discussions, and make the final decision. But you also acknowledge that your people can have valuable insight into a problem or process, so you  actively consult them  . As a result, you'll likely gain creative input and fresh ideas that you wouldn't have come up with if you were working alone.

You might wonder how to manage differing opinions in the team, once you've invited participation in this way. Your goal is to build a culture in which people can have healthy debates with one another. So:

· Set an example by being open and flexible yourself.

· Make  managing mutual acceptance   a priority, to ensure everyone's participation.

· Learn some  Conflict Resolution   skills.

· Read our article on  Managing Emotion in Your Team  .

Be aware that processes could become dangerously slow if you involve your team members in every decision. You'll need to  judge carefully   whether you need to adopt a more autocratic approach, even if it's only briefly.

The Delegating, "Laissez Faire" Leader

"Laissez faire" is a French phrase adopted into English that means, "Let (people) do (as they choose)." It describes a policy of leaving situations to run their own course, without interfering.

By adopting this style of leadership, you empower your team to make decisions and to organize its own processes, with little or no guidance. The danger of this approach is that situations can collapse into chaos if your people have low motivation or poor skills. It can work, however, if they are experienced, knowledgeable, confident, creative, and driven, or if deadlines are flexible and processes are simple.

Be in no doubt, though, that as the leader you will still be held accountable for the outcome! So you might want to  organize team decision making   processes to support your people while you take a "hands off" approach. Just be sure to  delegate   the right task to the right person, as a mismatch could mean that the whole team fails.

Avoid becoming too remote, even with a high-performing, highly autonomous team.  Change  can occur at any time in business, so your organization's requirements for your team might shift after your initial brief. If this happens, stay in touch with your people, and communicate clearly and promptly. Remember, you can offer your support without  becoming a micromanager  !


Consistently excellent and long-lasting teams tend to have  transformational leaders  . These leaders have high expectations for, and set a fine example to, their people. And they inspire them to reach for the seemingly impossible.

Leadership Evaluation

Leadership is very important not only for organizations but also for individuals as well. Various leadership styles encourage varied practices in a work environment. As such, the kind of leadership style adopted by an individual or an organization has a significant impact on success, (Al, 2018). Leaders have the power to influence the overall performance of an organization through the kind of leadership approach they adopt. For this personal assessment, I utilized a quiz generated in the Mind Tools website to evaluate my leadership style. According to the assessment tool on the website, my total score was 25. This score falls within the range of 21-27 which represents democratic or participatory leadership, (Mind Tools, 2020).

I am a conservative person who prefers to maintain harmony with my colleagues. As a democratic leader, some of my strengths manifest through how easily I can create cohesion among team members. I can easily earn trust and establish a good rapport with my colleagues thus promoting the execution of various tasks. Also, a democratic style of leadership promotes inclusivity in the decision-making process thus nobody would feel locked out, (Odumegwu, 2019). While this approach seems very good to create a perfect working environment, it is still limited to some level. The main weakness is that I can barely lead effectively in high-pressure situations that require authoritative enforcement of decisions. This can affect my performance as a leader as well as limit the performance of my organization.

In conclusion, I have identified my leadership style as a democratic leadership approach. Although this style is desirable in various situations and work environments, I have to focus on addressing my weaknesses as a leader. I hope to acquire relevant information from the course so that I can address my weaknesses thus improve my effectiveness as a leader.


Al Khajeh, E. H. (2018). Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research2018, 1-10.

Mind Tools. (2020) What's Your Leadership Style? Learn About the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Way You Like to Lead. Emerald Works. Retrieved from

Odumegwu, C. (2019). Democratic Leadership Style and Organizational Performance: An Appraisal. Development9(3). Retrieved from

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