NAME: | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Desired Career: | Registered Nurse | Date: | April 14th, 2020 | |||
Each green cell needs data (a value, a name, a date, or some words) | ||||||||
Each yellow cell needs a formula (an Excel function like PMT, PV, FV or just addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.) | ||||||||
Format cells appropriately: - if the cell contains a monetary amount, make sure that you change its label/format to "Currency" or "Accounting". - if the cell contains a percentage, make sure that you change its label/format to "Percentage", etc. | ||||||||
Part # | College Graduate with Desired Career | High School Graduate | Absolute Difference | Relative Difference | ||||
1 | Income Comparison | |||||||
Annual Salary | $62,450 | $22,250 | $40,200 | 180.67% | ||||
Monthly Salary | $5,204.17 | $1,854.17 | $3,350 | 180.67% | ||||
2A | Housing Comparison | |||||||
Short Term Mortgage | ||||||||
APR | 3.70% | 3.70% | ||||||
Mortgage Term (Number of Years) | 15 | 15 | ||||||
% of Monthly Income going to Mortage Payments | 25% | 25% | ||||||
Monthly Mortgage Payments (Amount) | $1,301.04 | $463.54 | ||||||
Mortgage Amount (Amount that can be borrowed) | $179,505.05 | $63,959.33 | $115,545.72 | $63,958.33 | ||||
Long Term Mortgage | ||||||||
APR | 4.24% | 4.24% | ||||||
Mortgage Term (Number of Years) | 30 | 30 | ||||||
% of Monthly Income going to Mortage Payments | 25% | 25% | ||||||
Monthly Mortgage Payments (Amount) | $1,301.04 | $463.54 | ||||||
Mortgage Amount (Amount that can be borrowed) | $264,755 | $94,340 | $170,416 | $94,339 | ||||
2B | Housing Comparison | |||||||
Short Term Mortgage | ||||||||
APR | 3.70% | 3.70% | ||||||
Mortgage Term (Number of Years) | 15 | 15 | ||||||
Dream House Value | $170,000.00 | $170,000.00 | ||||||
Monthly Payments needed to finance dream house | $1,232.07 | $1,232.07 | ||||||
Percentage of Monthly Income | 23.67% | 66.45% | -42.77% | -100.00% | ||||
Long Term Mortgage | ||||||||
APR | 4.24% | 4.24% | ||||||
Mortgage Term (Number of Years) | 30 | 30 | ||||||
Dream House Value | $170,000 | $170,000.00 | ||||||
Monthly Payments needed to finance dream house | $835.30 | $835.30 | ||||||
Percentage of Monthly Income | 16.05% | 45.05% | -29.00% | -54.95% | ||||
3 | Retirement Comparison | |||||||
APR | 6.25% | 6.25% | ||||||
Years of Investment | 30 | 30 | ||||||
% of Monthly Income | 9% | 9% | ||||||
Your Contribution (monthly dollar amount) | $442.35 | $157.60 | ||||||
Employer Contribution (monthly dollar amount) | $88.47 | |||||||
Total Contribution (monthly dollar amount) | $530.83 | $157.60 | ||||||
Value of 401(k) at the end of 40 years | $559,447.05 | $166,102.17 | $393,344.88 | 236.81% | ||||
Balance in retirement fund after 10 years | $88,182 | $26,182 | $62,000 | |||||
Balance in retirement fund after 25 years | $382,339 | $113,518.19 | $268,821 | |||||
additional resources/Mathematical Organization for Projects.docx
Organizational Keys
When you write anything in college, it is vital that whatever you write is clear, organized, and fulfilling its intended purpose. When working on mathematics projects that involve essay writing, in particular, be sure that you not only have a firm understanding of the purpose of your assignment but that you choose the best form of organization to get your message across.
To begin, make sure that you provide some type of introductory paragraph that sets the stage and introduces what you are about to do; be sure to make it interesting and attention-getting! Namely, make sure that you answer the question(s) asked, and be sure to apply clear and concise language, necessary explanations, and any background information that will help you reach your intended goal with excellence!
Consider the following writing keys:
#1 Remember “KIS”; keep it simple:
Make sure that your answer clearly addresses the question asked.
#2 Use major details and minor details to organize what you write:
Be intentional and very deliberate in your planning and prewriting so that you group your ideas well into a logical order of understanding.
#3 Use paragraphs to help you separate your ideas:
When you change from one subject and/or concept to another, begin a new paragraph. Proper paragraphing has e-v-e-r-y-thing to do with the clarity of your writing and ultimately, the success of your paper!
#4 Be specific and quantify:
Avoid general comparisons like ‘a lot’, ‘some’, ‘a little’. This is a math class, so give specific quantities when describing or comparing values.
#4 Check for proper grammar and punctuation:
Make sure that you write complete sentences, avoid run-on sentences, and check for proper grammar (particularly subject-verb agreement), and capitalize and punctuate sentences appropriately. Microsoft Word automatically checks for some grammar and spelling issues but Excel does not! To spell check in Excel, go to the Review Tab. Start early so you can have a tutor proofread with you.
Tips for Visual Communication
When using Excel, be effective by being sensitive to do the following:
· Similar calculations should be grouped together
· Calculations should be shown in order of use; think in sequences
· Graphs should be clear and concise
· They should be easily seen, using a proper font size
· Use Proper Labeling of problems/graphics
· Calculations should use appropriate Excel functions
· All formulas can be viewed by pressing- Control~
· All Excel functions that are necessary to complete the project are in the Course Packet.
If you do your Math well, and you write well,
they’ll call you a GENIUS!
Math 123 Quantitative Reasoning Project Summer 2022
Financial Project
As an Ivy Tech student, you are making an investment in your education. This project will look at how that investment will pay off if you graduate and get a job in your desired field.
1) Income Comparison: Research your expected income after you graduate. Assume you obtain whatever level of education needed to enter your desired area of employment. We recommend using the annual Median salary found at: *You will need to click on your desired career in order to see the Annual Median wage. If using a different source, you must cite it.
· Your reflection paper should explain what your desired area of employment is and what the median annual salary for that position is. Explain why you chose this field and what education is required.
· Suppose the annual income for an unskilled worker is $24,000. Compare your expected salary with that of the unskilled worker. Remember that absolute and relative change statements are an excellent way to compare values.
2) Spending vs. Saving: With your post-graduation income, you have disposable income to spend or invest as you like. Explore what would happen if you spent 1/10th of your monthly income on a loan payment versus investing 1/10th of your monthly income into a retirement account?
· Research and choose a current fixed rate APR for a loan for a length of your choice then use Excel to determine how large of a loan you would receive using 1/10th of your monthly income as a loan payment.
· How much interest would you pay on this loan total?
· If you were able to invest 1/10th of your monthly income into a retirement account with the same rate APR and length of time as you would have for the loan above, what would the balance on the account be at the end?
· How much interest would you earn on this investment total?
· Compare the outcomes for the loan value and the retirement value. Remember that absolute and relative change statements are an excellent way to compare values.
· Explain how you calculated the values used in this section including any Excel functions. Remember to cite what source you used to find loan rates.
3) Raises: Suppose your field will guarantee you a 3% raise on your annual salary each year for the next four years.
· Explain how you would determine what your new annual salary will be given these four years of raises.
· Your reflection paper should contain at least one statement comparing your initial salary with the salary after 4 years of raises.
· Paper must contain at least two meaningful relative change statements.
· Explanation of career choice and the salary for this career.
· Comparison of your expected salary vs. unskilled worker.
· Research and citation for a loan APR.
· Determination of loan value.
· Determination of interest paid on the loan.
· Explanation of how loan value and interest values were determined.
· Determination of retirement value.
· Determination of interest earned on the retirement account.
· Explanation of how retirement value and interest values were determined.
· Comparison of the loan amount and retirement amount.
· Determination of new salary after raises.
· Explanation of how you determined the new salary.
· Comparison of new salary with initial salary.
· Include in paper citations for any websites or other resources used.
· Paper should be elegant and coherent with a logical organization.
· Paper should be free of grammatical and mechanical errors.
· An organized spreadsheet with clearly labeled values.
· Completed project should be submitted via Ivy Learn on time in a readable format file.
In addition to addressing the statements above, your project should:
· Contain your name, course name and project name.
· Be well organized and easy to follow.
· The paper should be in paragraph form (not just bulleted answers!).
· Be clear to by someone who is not familiar with the project.
· Provide support for your statements e.g. explain how values were found.
· Give specific values (i. e. quantify statements).
· Use appropriate representations (tables, color, formatting) that helps the reader understand the project.
· Contain a variety of comparison statements, including the use of relative change sentences.
· Project should be your original individual work. Copying someone else’s work is cheating. Sharing your work with someone else is cheating.
· Tips: Start early. Ask instructor or tutors for help. Refer to course materials (book, videos). Complete as much as you can, a partial submission is better than no submission. Writing tutors are also available for assistance.
· Submit both an Excel and Word file following your instructor’s directions for submission.
Project 2: Financial Project
Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload
Financial Project Possible Rubric
Start Assignment
As an Ivy Tech student, you are making an investment in your education. This project will look at how
that investment will pay off if you graduate and get a job in your desired field.
Download instructions: financial_project_Summer_22.docx
Project should be your original work. This project is to be completed by individual students.
Copying someone else’s work is cheating. Sharing your work with someone else is cheating.
Tips: Start early. Ask instructor or tutors for help. Refer to course materials (book, videos).
Complete as much as you can, a partial submission is better than no submission. Writing
tutors are also available for assistance.
Some additional resources: Mathematical Organization for Projects.docx
( (
/courses/1184729/files/107282152/download?download_frd=1) Citation examples - websites.docx
( (
Submit both an Excel and Word file following your instructor’s directions for submission.
Project 2: Financial Project
1 of 3 3/3/2023, 4:09 PM
Criteria Ratings Pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts
20 pts
10 pts
5 pts
Explain Career 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Compare Salaries 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Loan Value 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Loan Interest 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
401k Value 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
401k Interest 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Compare Loan and 401k 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Raise value and explanation of how you calculated it 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Excel and Math Explanation 20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Paper contains at least 2 correct Rel Ch Statements 10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Answered all questions in description 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Project 2: Financial Project
2 of 3 3/3/2023, 4:09 PM
Total Points: 100
Criteria Ratings Pts
5 pts
5 pts
10 pts
5 pts
Conclusion - what have you learned? 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Excel organized 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Presentation, Org, Coherence, Grammar, Style 10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
citation of sources/reference page in proper format 5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
Project 2: Financial Project
3 of 3 3/3/2023, 4:09 PM

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