Running head: PROJECT 2: MILITARY 1




Thanks for getting this in, and I'm hoping that IT can help resolve your project access difficulties.

A few notes on APA format so far:

1) APA 7th edition no longer requires "running head" to be typed out. Just do PROJECT 2: MILITARY

2) Only capitalize the first word and any proper nouns in a book title (i.e., Military experience in the age of reason)

3) Note there is an extra period in the middle of your second reference between "wage" and "Oxford"

Looking forward to your full project! -Dr. Hoyt

Reference Page

Duffy, C. (2005). Military Experience in the Age of Reason. Routledge. Ju, Y. M. (2017). Control function approach for partly ordered endogenous treatments: Military rank premium in wage. . Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 79(6), 1176-1194.

Dushyanth Work:

Week 10 Discussion Cloud Computing Audit

            Investment into big data has necessitated my business to invest into cloud computing. CC refers to “a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction” Ryoo,  Rizvi, Aiken, & Kissel (2014).  My business can utilize computing resources void of purchasing them. Therefore, we utilize the software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service to access the services (IaaS) (Ryoo et al., 2014). However, the services expose my enterprise to lots of insecurity issues.

            My business used to undertake traditional audits, both internal and external approaches. “The internal audits refer to work done by an organization’s own employees, concern very specific organizational processes, and focus primarily on optimization and risk management” (Ryoo et al., 2014).  On the other hand, external audits allows us investigate the outside factors increase organizational risks. The authors noted that “Organizations have used traditional IT audits to evaluate issues such as availability to authorized users and integrity and confidentiality in data storage and transmission” (Ryoo et al., 2014). Therefore, my enterprise has to follow the suit of other developed organizations.

            It has to employ modern IT audits to assess the challenges of accessing multiple users on the cloud. My business has to be prepared for the confidentiality issues associated with cloud computing application (Ryoo et al., 2014). I will recommend the utilization of Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)  in definition of the audit scope. The CSA will assist us in determining the strategies required in system enumeration and testing (Ryoo et al., 2014). Thus, the audits will foster data integrity and safeguard information assets.

            Ciunci (2017) introduced the FedRAMP audit type. I believe the type will suit me company since it is “a government-wide audit program, the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) offers a standardized approach to authorization, security assessment and continuous monitoring for cloud service providers” (Ciunci, 2017). I will use the approach to ensure my business relies on nationally approved standards. However, I have to combine with ISO 27001  standard which is “a series of information management standards developed by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) in conjunction with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)” (Ciunci, 2017).  The strategy will widen the scope of my cloud computing IT.

            My business audit will have to enter in a  service level agreements (SLA). The SLA will assist in identification of compliance requirements (Sahoo, 2012). However, I will also consider the corporate policies and standards in determining the scope of my audit. The comprehensiveness of the audit will assist tracking the efficiency of the firm’s processes and procedures. I will ensure that I align the internal audits to the organizational operations. I have to ensure I differentiate the roles of the cloud providers. I have to differentiate between cloud providers’ and my roles (Sahoo, 2012). After that, I will be able to assess the stakeholders who are lagging in security strategies.


Ciunci, M. (2017, October 20). Keep Your Data Safe with the Right Audit for Your Cloud Service Provider. IS Partner

Ryoo,  J., Rizvi, S., Aiken, W., & Kissel, J. (2014). Cloud Security Auditing: Challenges and Emerging Approaches. EEE Security and Privacy Magazine, 12(6): pp. 68-74: DOI: 10.1109/MSP.2013.132

Sahoo, N. (2012, December 10). Audits and compliance requirements for cloud computing. Computer Weekly, np

Naren Work:

Cloud Computing Audit

Without a doubt, the world today has witnessed an increasing pace in the adoption of modern technology for the operation and running of businesses. With the increase in the advancement and use of various technologies, cloud computing has gained popularity in its use and popularity as it is being put in operation by many organizations. In the past five years, there have been rapid changes in the cloud computing taxonomy. “During this period, the role and scope of cloud computing has drastically changed” (Rimal & Lumb, 2017). This has been as a result of the rapid development of the standards that govern data security by the cloud vendors.

Audit of cloud computing is a term used to refer to the use of third parties for the evaluation, observation, and inspection of cloud computing to assess its operational effectiveness. The audits of cloud computing may be carried out targeting various areas that may include network security, communication, data management risks and venerability. “More specifically, cloud computing has been widely used in several areas and has become one of the major key technologies in our day-to-day life – from cellular phones to connected vehicles to the networked society” (Rimal & Lumb, 2017). Audit’s significance in the world of computing is inevitable.

It is important to understand the objective of audit in cloud computing since it helps in building and understanding its scope. This works for the review of several factors of the scope of auditing such as issues of control, governance, and compliance of the cloud computing audit. The factor of scope in cloud computing comes as a result of the rapidly increasing changes in technology and gives an overview of what audit needs to be conducted in the business. “The scope of your upcoming audit gives you an idea of type of audit your cloud service provider needs to conduct” (Ciunci, 2017). It is, however, important to allocate adequate time and resources for conducting this type of audit as opposed to the traditional IT audits process. Generally, the scope in cloud computer auditing is important for the business to the understanding of issues such as, the related governance that affects cloud computing, the contractual compliance matters between the service providers of cloud service and the business, and the matters of control specifically related to the cloud computing.

When preparing to carry out a cloud computing audit, it is important to put into consideration the business strategy. The aims of the audit need to be aligned with the operational business strategy to avoid conflicting objectives between the two. “Lack of alignment between information technology (IT) and the business is a problem facing many organizations” (Faizi & Rahman, 2019). Most importantly, the process needs adequate communication between the business and the auditor. This ensures that the systems are well-coordinated and maximum security of information maintained as proper communication ensures coordination of activities.



Ciunci, M. (2017). Keep Your Data Safe with the Right Audit for Your Cloud Service Provider. Partners. Retrieved from:

Faizi, S. M., & Rahman, S. S. (2019). Securing Cloud Computing Through IT Governance. Available at SSRN 3360869.

Rimal, B. P., & Lumb, I. (2017). The rise of cloud computing in the era of emerging networked society. In Cloud Computing (pp. 3-25). Springer, Cham.



Project 2: Military

Christina Washek

Professor Timothy Hoyt

PRO 600

19 October 2020

The military is one of the state's components that assure national security. Over the period, they have attained a sustainable and competitive advantage through the military professions' serious trends. This factor has been extended to the entire world to fight against insecurity and create an adequate working standard. The occupation code of the example in this paper is E6. Also, another essential factor to consider is the ten years of experience in the Army. The ranks in the Army are greatly influenced by years of experience. A Religious Affairs specialist mainly focuses on coordinating the religious functions in the Unit Ministry Team. The E6 refers to the 6th enlisted paygrade under the United States military. The highest personnel get paid $4,172.10 at this level. However, the person must have experience of 40 years. The civilian equivalent to this grade is estimated to be GS-5  (the United States. Dept. of the Army et al., 2016). This is what is referred to as the General Schedule pay scale. Using the E6 basic calculator, the basic salary is $3,769.80. For the female religious affairs specialist example in this context. However, this pay grade of the basic salary does not increase after eighteen years. This is because it is expected that the service member has advanced in position (Hacker & Vining, 2017).

Strategically, they have enhanced several developments as one way of powering a practical working approach. The use of technology has powered advanced care and making military work transactional. Technology and the use of a system such as a blockchain is the surest way that has brought inclusively and ensured effective promotion. The establishment of transport and communication networks has made it easy to capture the trend and lasted a collection of critical tactics in the military framework.

The rank of the E6 pay scale army is under the rank of staff sergeant. A staff sergeant is a non-commissioned rank. This means that the officer does not earn commissions. When a person is being recruited into the Army, it is like the other profession. The person has to start from the bottom, and through acquiring skills, hard work, and education, they move through the ranks. The rank is sometimes referred to as paygrade in the military. This paper will look at the differences and relations between rank and paygrade. Nine paygrades are enlisted in the military. The person starts from the E-1 and moves up to E-9. It takes about eighteen to twenty years to achieve an E-9 pay grade for an average enlisted member, considered the highest rank of the enlisted. Therefore, these ranks are determined by the pay grade (Hacker & Vining, 2017).

The first three pay grades consist of service members at their training level or their first assignment after the training. For those at the middle level, that is, E-4 to E-6, the person starts gaining leadership responsibilities. To indicate the progress of achieving the new responsibilities, the person is awarded the title “non-commissioned officer (NCO)” and “Petty Officer.” From our example above, the specialist rank falls under the corporal. The ranks that are considered NCO are the Air force staff sergeant, an army sergeant, and the marine corporal. The petty officers are the navy and coast guard.

Those that are enlisted at the top rank fit in a range of between E-7 to E-9 pay grades. These ranks have more responsibilities. The experience of their field is equivalent to fifteen and thirty years. They are mostly the commanders' senior advisers in the Army. The E-7 pay grade consists of the Air force that has two positions with two different logos. These positions are First Sergeant and Master Sergeant. However, the E-8 pay grade is occupied by the Air force, the Army, and the Marine Corps. They are two positions at this level with two different logos. Lastly, the E-9 has many split positions characterized by many different insignia. They include the Sergeant Major of the Army, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, and many others. These officials that are the highest enlisted force provide a high level of service in the military.

In conclusion, when a person joins the task force, they must learn these ranks. These ranks and insignia identify a superior from different branches. Since the military is a joint operation, identifying these ranks is important (Elder, 2013). As seen from the text, these ranks are influenced by the paygrades. Therefore, a person with a higher pay grade is befitted with a high rank. Also, the only way to move up the ranks is through experience and education.


Elder, D. K. (2013). The sergeants are significant in the Army 2003 (Paperback). Department of the Army.

Hacker, B. C., & Vining, M. (2017). American military technology: The life story of a technology. JHU Press.

The United States. Dept. of the Army, Pearson Custom Publishing, & United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps. (, 2016). Foundations of leadership: MSL II.


I'm attaching the project requirements copied from the site that I sent earlier. I know several of the other students have had the same problem with accessing the Assignments tab, and they have been able to get the IT help at UMGC to fix the problem. This will really be critical to fix as we get into the other projects.


For the current Project 2, the deliverable for the project is a 5-7 page, double-spaced research report in APA format. The page count does not include your cover page or references. 


For the content of the report, the instructions indicate that you should identify the "job code" that describes your industry based on the North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS). The NAICS codes are similar to MOS codes in the Army. Rather than an occupation code, it seems that you wrote in the submitted assignment about a pay grade (E-6). 


In your discussion post, you identified three good trends that likely could be translated over into the outline of your paper: military use of nanotechnology, robotics, and drones. All of these impact the military overall. You will need to analyze each of them for why it is and important trend. Then, you will need to pick one of these to do a "deep dive" and discuss why this particular trend is important for the military. 

In short, from the instructions:

You will develop a paper that accomplishes two objectives:

• It will identify the three top trends in your industry and your rationale for your choices based on the resources you found;

• It will discuss an issue within one of the trends that you deem important, based on the current state of the industry, and will be supported by your analysis of facts and a well-reasoned conclusion of what it means to the industry.

I would delete most of what you have already about military pay and rank structure. These have not changed significantly since we eliminated the "Specialist-5" after the Vietnam War. Rather, focus on the current trends in military technology that you have already identified, and provide more substantive analysis on these points.


Let me know if you have any other questions or need additional assistance on this. Thanks!


In this project, you will search for information that will enable you to identify three top trends in your profession or field. Over the course of the project, you will exercise information literacy skills as you locate and evaluate information, and develop well-reasoned conclusions. Reviewing the many sources available to you, you will choose those that are relevant, timely, and helpful to your quest to understand the issues of your industry. Once you have identified the top trends, you will choose one that is particularly interesting to you or one that you think is the most problematic, and research more deeply to produce an analytical research paper for your team. Your project is intended to prepare the search committee on the issue so that it is well-prepared to interview candidates. This project will prepare you for more complex research projects, as you will refine and hone your ability to create a statement of the problem and find the information you need to produce a well-reasoned, well-supported analysis.

There are four steps that will lead you through this project. Begin by watching the video above, which introduces the project as it might occur in the workplace, and then continue with Step 1: Search Techniques.


Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.

· 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.

· 1.2: Develop coherent paragraphs or points so that each is internally unified and so that each functions as part of the whole document or presentation.

· 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer's ideas.

· 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.

· 1.5: Use sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audience.

· 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.

· 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration.

· 2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.

· 2.3: Evaluate the information in a logical and organized manner to determine its value and relevance to the problem.

· 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.

· 2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarks.

Project 2: Find Trends in Your Profession Step 2: Choose an Issue to Research Further

In the last step, you used research to identify three top trends in your industry. That was the first part of the project. Now it is time to focus on an issue within one of those trends that you think is noteworthy in your field. This project requires that you review the trends and develop a plan to research the issue further, and synthesize the information you find into a coherent, well-supported analysis. But first, you have to develop a focused research question or statement of the problem. Consider this step similar to the starting point for solving any problem with the scientific method. You first have to identify the problem. Then, when you have researched a bit more, you will form a reasonable assumption (a hypothesis) of what you think might be a potential resolution/answer. You will look for more information that reflects different sides or viewpoints of the issue, and use analytical thinking to arrive at a well-reasoned conclusion. This conclusion may or may not bear out your original first estimate; however, your quest is to arrive at an answer that is well-supported and based on facts. Remember, your objective is to consider the impact of this issue on your industry, so this may be the first step toward a practical solution for your organization.

So, choose an issue from your research on a trend in your industry that has potential for great impact on the field, and then draft a preliminary question or statement of the problem. Your research should reveal if the question has already been answered, or if there is enough information on the topic. Refine your question or statement and submit it to the “so what” test. Will your answer contribute to knowledge about the issue you have selected? Is the question answerable? Remember that in academic work you would normally avoid normative or open-ended questions, which start with the words should or would, or any question that can be answered with a yes or a no.

Once you have chosen your issue and completed enough research to provide a well-reasoned answer (or solution), you will be ready to write your issue paper. In the next step, you will draft your research paper.

Step 3: Writing your Research Paper

In the previous two steps, you performed searches, first to identify industry trends, and then for information about an issue in one of those trends that you consider to be important to your industry. Now, you should be ready to draft your paper.

This would be a good time to review organization in writing and paragraphs. You might also review the Effective Writing Center's Online Guide to Writing, a valuable reference to students who seek to improve their writing.

Review your task. You are to provide a research paper that provides a summary of the three top trends in your industry (with associated NAICS codes). Provide sufficient background for your reader that the trend is clear and supported by resources you have found. Review resources in References and Citations to ensure that you are using "in text" citations to give credit for the ideas of other authors and to build your credibility as a researcher, neither ignoring sources nor quoting excessively.

You will develop a paper that accomplishes two objectives:

· It will identify the three top trends in your industry and your rationale for your choices based on the resources you found;

· It will discuss an issue within one of the trends that you deem important, based on the current state of the industry, and will be supported by your analysis of facts and a well-reasoned conclusion of what it means to the industry.

Start with an outline and flesh out the main themes with supporting statements. This will become your road map to an organized paper. Draft, sleep on it, and edit. Repeat.

Your paper will be five to seven pages, not including your cover page and References page(s), double-spaced, and set up in APA standards. It does not require an abstract.

Your citations, both "in text" and in References, will be in accordance with the UMGC Library Citing and Writing Portal. You may find the sample APA paper linked from the portal helpful as well.

Your headings will follow this general pattern:

        Paper Title (First level position, not bold)

        Findings (First level heading, centered, bold)

Top Trends of the _____ Industry (Second level heading, bold, flush left)

An important emerging issue in a trend (and what it means in context to the industry) (Second level heading, bold, flush left)

        Conclusions (First level heading, centered, bold)

        References (New page, first level position, not bold)

Milestone: Many students are asked to resubmit their papers based on incomplete or inaccurate citation formats. This milestone will get you off to a good start with APA citations and enable your faculty member to check your trends. By the end of Week 2, submit a shell of your paper with the following elements:

· a cover sheet in good APA format;

· a "template" for your paper that includes the headings;

· your opening paragraph that will introduce the industry, the top trends, the issue that you have chosen, and the question that you pose to answer; and,

· your draft References page.

Please use the APA style guide or References and Citations to draft your complete citations. This is an opportunity to get feedback before your project is graded. When you submit your draft References page for review, your faculty member will provide feedback on your citation format so that you can correct it for your project submission at the end of Week 3.

After your complete paper is drafted and your citations are correct, be sure to read your paper out loud to catch any extra or missing words and to make sure that it makes sense. Better yet, ask a friend to read it; if they have questions about what you mean, so might your reader!

In the next step you will submit your project for assessment.

Step 4: Submit Your Paper and Share Your Research Experience

After editing and re-reading your assignment again for errors in writing and citing, please submit your project in the assignment folder by the end of Week 3.

Also, please share your industry issue with your classmates in the Project 2 discussion area. Were there any particular epiphanies or hardships that you encountered in your research and writing process? Please feel free to interact with your classmates in any constructive way.

Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

· 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.

· 1.2: Develop coherent paragraphs or points so that each is internally unified and so that each functions as part of the whole document or presentation.

· 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer's ideas.

· 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.

· 1.5: Use sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audience.

· 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.

· 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration.

· 2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.

· 2.3: Evaluate the information in a logical and organized manner to determine its value and relevance to the problem.

· 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.

· 2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarks.

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