Nursing Research Project

Phase Two

Karen Lezcano

Nursing Research

Florida National University

Nursing Research Project


Nursing just like any profession faces numerous challenges daily. Nurses are usually tasked with the duty to ensure that they work diligently and professionally to ensure that their clients are satisfied with the services that they deliver. They are usually tasked with the duty to ensure that the patients that visit their premises get quality services that they deserve. However, these services come at a cost; they face a myriad of challenges that they have to work fully despite these challenges to satisfy their clients. Therefore, this research paper analysis some of the problems that nurses face in the daily execution of their duties.

Identification of the Problem

Nurse faces a myriad of challenges in their daily execution of duties. To ensure that they discharge their duties perfectly all these challenges must be identified and effective measures are put in place to ensure that the challenges are taken care of. The major problems that most of the medical facilities are the issue of understaffing. Nurses have faced challenges in terms of duties assigned to them in comparison to their numbers. Studies conducted have also portrayed that there are shortages of nurses in the medical facilities. However, the challenges that these nurses face are varied in different nations and towns, there are those nations that have surplus while there are those towns and nations that have a high shortage of these important service providers in the healthcare facilities.

The impact of these shortages has also resulted in further challenges for the nurses. In this regard, one of the major challenges that these nurses face is the need to work for long hours due to the shortage of employees at the medical facilities. The few available nurses must work in shifts and endure long working hours to ensure that they meet the desired goals of the institution are met. The work of nurses calls for one to be sober and cognitive in decision making (McLelland et al. 2015). However, with a situation where nurses are required to work for long hours, work in shifts such that they can sleep for a while and resume their duties. This is a worrying trend for the nurses because their cognitive ability and judgment as normal human beings are likely to decline when overworked. Therefore, the chances of making poor decisions are also likely to increase with time as they work overtime.

Besides that, the shortages of nurses in healthcare facilities which calls for overworking of these nurses to ensure that patients are fully taken care of, usually lead to an increase in hazard and dangerous accidents taking place taking place during their execution of duties. For instance, nurses working in laboratories are exposed to hazardous chemicals, viruses, and pathogens as they seek to unveil the diseases of their patients (Shoorideh et al. 2015). Therefore, if they are overworked they are likely to make mistakes which might result in situations where the nurses might get injured or make the wrong diagnosis for their patients. This is a situation that can make the running of the facility unimaginable due to the prevailing situation.

Significance of the Problem

Nurses are key role players in the successful running of the healthcare facilities. All the healthcare facilities require the services of the nurses to ensure that the needs of the patients are taken care of. In this regard, the problem of understaffing of nurses at the medical institutions is a major problem that these institutions should be able to manage to ensure that the desired results are achieved. Medical facilities require that they use these nurses to discharge their duties perfectly; their shortage is an issue that institutions see a huge challenge towards meeting their goals.

Shortages of nurses in healthcare organizations mean that these institutions are unable to effectively discharge their duties as expected. Experienced nurses have higher chances of perfectly discharging their duties, institutions that have insufficient nurses' means that they can only meet the ever-increasing number of patients in hospitals by overworking these nurses. Therefore, the chances of making poor decisions as nurses are also high as they get fatigued when they are overworked (Alavi et al. 2015).

The issue of understaffed nurses is an issue of not only an issue of concern by medical facilities but also by the states and health organizations in various sectors. Healthcare is an issue of concern to all individuals as we are all expected to be of good health so that we can produce. States advocate having enough medical staff so that all medical situations can always be easily managed whenever they arise. Adequate nurses in the medical facilities usually make it easier to manage any medical emergencies that might arise thus making it easier to have a healthy nation that's productive in all corners.

Besides that, understaffed nurses mean that it's difficult for these professions to have time for their research and improve their skills. Medical facilities are always facing challenges on daily basis; there are medical situations that require substantial time for the nurses to analyze the samples before coming up with a solution to the prevailing situation (Lu et al. 2015). Therefore, in such cases where the number of nurses matters at any medical facility the process of determining the required results is usually difficult for the management. This ends with the facility not being able to satisfy their clients in the long run the facilities end up with reduced clients and low income if it's a private facility.

Purpose of Research

This research aims to determine the problems that nurse’s face in their daily discharging of duties. Nurses play key roles in our well-being in society and conducting research to determine the problems that they face is only meant to ensure that they improve in the services that they deliver. This study has shown that the major problem that they face is understaffing in most of the nations. Major hospitals have been unable to effectively discharge their duties because they have few nurses to effectively discharge their duties.

Besides that, as a result of this study, relevant institutions and bodies have an opportunity to learn of the challenges that nurse’s face in their daily discharge of duties. In this regard, learning of the shortages of the nurses in the medical facilities indicates that relevant bodies and institutions should play their roles perfectly towards ensuring that there are adequate and qualified nurses for the medical facilities to ensure that at the end the desired goals can always be achieved (Skundberg‐Kletthagen & Moen, 2017). As a result, this study provides an opportunity for the relevant bodies to initiate the right measures that will make it better in the running of the medical facilities.

Research Questions

This research seeks to determine the most effective ways that would ensure there is effective running of the desired goals. Nurses are critical for the provision of medical services in the facility. However, despite enormous studies being done on the roles of nurses in society, there have been limited studies that have been done on the exact challenges that nurses face. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the question, what challenges nurses face in their daily discharge of duties? Besides that, there also the need to answer the question, what are the benefits of having adequate and qualified nurses in the medical facilities?

Effective answering of these questions will provide a clear road map for the future nurses and relevant authorities. This only means that future nurses have a chance to be fully equipped and be well-staffed and experienced as they shall be provided with all the necessary tools and resources that would result in the desired needs of their clients being fully taken care of and on a timely basis.

Literature review

1. What are the factors that lead to the challenges that the nurses face when providing their services?

2. What are the challenges that nurses face in offering effective care to the patients

Methodology and design of the study

The research uses a detailed literature review. I will come up with a better study design to help conduct the research. It is evident that through the study, I will obtain detailed information, unlike the previous research that has been conducted in the past that are in line with the thesis topic. There is much information in different journals and research papers. I, therefore, focused on researching many details using scholarly references and keywords such as adult learners, nurse education, and expectations. I also focused on unpublished and published materials that have more information. The main aim of the research is to come up with a precise, scientifically sound, resourceful, and convincing results.

The kind of literature review that I have chosen to essay for the essay is all about coming up with the right research questions, being able to analyze some of the results obtained from the study, being able to choose the right pieces of information that will help address and answer the research, being able to group the literature themes and assessing the compiled literature. The primary aim is to answer the study question on the problems that nurses are facing in their day to day activities while at work. I will also help come up with better results not only from the current study but also looking at the previous studies that have been conducted before. It will help gather more knowledge from multiple sources hence being in a position of coming up with the right solution to the issue. It will also help me come up with the right evidence in cases where there was none found. The literature review will also help us in determining the characteristics and relationship between the concepts and the problem.

Data search

The process of collecting the search was done on 7th July 2019. Two authors conducted it. The primary aim of the search was to come up with an appropriate keyword, and the database that is relevant to the thesis. The research search and data collection entail using previous studies that have been conducted before and relate to the topic. It talks about the issue that affects the nurses in their workplaces. The articles that were used to conduct the research were obtained from a different database. They include the Elsevier science direct, CINAHL, and pub med. In order to quickly find the document without any difficulties on the literature review and thesis, some of the keywords were used. They include nurse experiences and other synonyms. The search is limited to 8 years in order to provide a better chance of accessing sufficient and relevant data.

Keywords/ results



Elsevier science direct

Care for patients




Nurse experiences




Challenges faced by nurses




Effective nursing








Sampling Methodology

The research was, therefore, conducted under different circumstances. The authors came up with different techniques that would help conduct the research. The first thing was to identify the people that will take part in the research. The nurses working both in the private and health sector took part in the study. They chose several 20 nurses working in the private sector to take part in the study. The research also used 30 nurses that are working in the public sector. The researchers grouped the nurses in different categories so as the research would be conducted smoothly. The researchers prepared questionnaires to help with the study. They came up with closed and open-ended questionnaires. There are those questionnaires where the interviewee will answer without any difficulties and those that the interviewee will be aided. The critical thing with this study is that the nurses are all literate and can quickly answer the research question facing any difficulties. The method is more natural to research since it is less costly. It will also contribute towards coming up with better and detailed results regarding the project. It is a standard methodology that has been used before by various studies to come up with better information for the study. The other key to consider when conducting is to keep a small number as it will help obtain rich data. Data can also be diminished in cases where one uses too many participants for the research. I also incorporated the use of email interviews. The email had question interviews which were sent to each participant. The key thing with using this method is that it saves time not only for the participants but also for the researcher. The research also uses less money for the study. They are only required to send mail to the participants containing the research questions. The researchers, therefore, sent the emails to all participants and alerted them. It was one way of increasing participants in taking part in the project.

Data collection

The method involves first introducing the research to the participants. It allows the participants to have trust in the researchers hence allowing the participant to come up with better results. The next thing is to combine the results in a PDF form to analyze them in detail. The participants, in this case, responded positively and answered well to the questions. The critical thing is that every nurse that took part in the study is educated, and therefore they can quickly understand how to go about the questions.

Role of the researcher

The worker of the researcher, in this case, is to ensure that the research is conducted procedurally. The researcher also collects every detail to ensure that the research has sufficient data. The researcher also prepares the interviewee questions as well as alerts the respondents on how to answer the questions.


Alavi, A., Bahrami, M., Zargham-Boroujeni, A., & Yousefy, A. (2015). Pediatric nurses' perception of factors associated with caring self-efficacy: A qualitative content analysis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 20(2), 232.

Lu, D. M., Sun, N., Hong, S., Fan, Y. Y., Kong, F. Y., & Li, Q. J. (2015). Occupational stress and coping strategies among emergency department nurses of China. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 29(4), 208-212.

McLelland, G., Hall, H., Gilmour, C., & Cant, R. (2015). Support needs of breastfeeding women: Views of Australian midwives and health nurses. Midwifery, 31(1), e1-e6.

Skundberg‐Kletthagen, H., & Moen, Ø. L. (2017). Mental health work in school health services and school nurses' involvement and attitudes, in a Norwegian context. Journal of clinical nursing, 26(23-24), 5044-5051.

Shoorideh, F. A., Ashktorab, T., Yaghmaei, F., & Alavi Majd, H. (2015). Relationship between ICU nurses' moral distress with burnout and anticipated turnover. Nursing Ethics, 22(1), 64-76.



Nursing Research Project

Student`s Name

Tutor`s Name

Institution Affiliation

Nursing Research Project


Nursing just like any profession faces numerous challenges daily. Nurses are usually tasked with the duty to ensure that they work diligently and professionally to ensure that their clients are satisfied with the services that they deliver. They are usually tasked with the duty to ensure that the patients that visit their premises get quality services that they deserve. However, these services come at a cost; they face a myriad of challenges that they have to work fully despite these challenges to satisfy their clients. Therefore, this research paper analysis some of the problems that nurses face in the daily execution of their duties.

Identification of the Problem

Nurse faces a myriad of challenges in their daily execution of duties. To ensure that they discharge their duties perfectly all these challenges must be identified and effective measures are put in place to ensure that the challenges are taken care of. The major problems that most of the medical facilities are the issue of understaffing. Nurses have faced challenges in terms of duties assigned to them in comparison to their numbers. Studies conducted have also portrayed that there are shortages of nurses in the medical facilities. However, the challenges that these nurses face are varied in different nations and towns, there are those nations that have surplus while there are those towns and nations that have a high shortage of these important service providers in the healthcare facilities.

The impact of these shortages has also resulted in further challenges for the nurses. In this regard, one of the major challenges that these nurses face is the need to work for long hours due to the shortage of employees at the medical facilities. The few available nurses must work in shifts and endure long working hours to ensure that they meet the desired goals of the institution are met. The work of nurses calls for one to be sober and cognitive in decision making (McLelland et al. 2015). However, with a situation where nurses are required to work for long hours, work in shifts such that they can sleep for a while and resume their duties. This is a worrying trend for the nurses because their cognitive ability and judgment as normal human beings are likely to decline when overworked. Therefore, the chances of making poor decisions are also likely to increase with time as they work overtime.

Besides that, the shortages of nurses in healthcare facilities which calls for overworking of these nurses to ensure that patients are fully taken care of, usually lead to an increase in hazard and dangerous accidents taking place taking place during their execution of duties. For instance, nurses working in laboratories are exposed to hazardous chemicals, viruses, and pathogens as they seek to unveil the diseases of their patients (Shoorideh et al. 2015). Therefore, if they are overworked they are likely to make mistakes which might result in situations where the nurses might get injured or make the wrong diagnosis for their patients. This is a situation that can make the running of the facility unimaginable due to the prevailing situation.

Significance of the Problem

Nurses are key role players in the successful running of the healthcare facilities. All the healthcare facilities require the services of the nurses to ensure that the needs of the patients are taken care of. In this regard, the problem of understaffing of nurses at the medical institutions is a major problem that these institutions should be able to manage to ensure that the desired results are achieved. Medical facilities require that they use these nurses to discharge their duties perfectly; their shortage is an issue that institutions see a huge challenge towards meeting their goals.

Shortages of nurses in healthcare organizations mean that these institutions are unable to effectively discharge their duties as expected. Experienced nurses have higher chances of perfectly discharging their duties, institutions that have insufficient nurses' means that they can only meet the ever-increasing number of patients in hospitals by overworking these nurses. Therefore, the chances of making poor decisions as nurses are also high as they get fatigued when they are overworked (Alavi et al. 2015).

The issue of understaffed nurses is an issue of not only an issue of concern by medical facilities but also by the states and health organizations in various sectors. Healthcare is an issue of concern to all individuals as we are all expected to be of good health so that we can produce. States advocate having enough medical staff so that all medical situations can always be easily managed whenever they arise. Adequate nurses in the medical facilities usually make it easier to manage any medical emergencies that might arise thus making it easier to have a healthy nation that's productive in all corners.

Besides that, understaffed nurses mean that it's difficult for these professions to have time for their research and improve their skills. Medical facilities are always facing challenges on daily basis; there are medical situations that require substantial time for the nurses to analyze the samples before coming up with a solution to the prevailing situation (Lu et al. 2015). Therefore, in such cases where the number of nurses matters at any medical facility the process of determining the required results is usually difficult for the management. This ends with the facility not being able to satisfy their clients in the long run the facilities end up with reduced clients and low income if it's a private facility.

Purpose of Research

This research aims to determine the problems that nurse’s face in their daily discharging of duties. Nurses play key roles in our well-being in society and conducting research to determine the problems that they face is only meant to ensure that they improve in the services that they deliver. This study has shown that the major problem that they face is understaffing in most of the nations. Major hospitals have been unable to effectively discharge their duties because they have few nurses to effectively discharge their duties.

Besides that, as a result of this study, relevant institutions and bodies have an opportunity to learn of the challenges that nurse’s face in their daily discharge of duties. In this regard, learning of the shortages of the nurses in the medical facilities indicates that relevant bodies and institutions should play their roles perfectly towards ensuring that there are adequate and qualified nurses for the medical facilities to ensure that at the end the desired goals can always be achieved (Skundberg‐Kletthagen & Moen, 2017). As a result, this study provides an opportunity for the relevant bodies to initiate the right measures that will make it better in the running of the medical facilities.

Research Questions

This research seeks to determine the most effective ways that would ensure there is effective running of the desired goals. Nurses are critical for the provision of medical services in the facility. However, despite enormous studies being done on the roles of nurses in society, there have been limited studies that have been done on the exact challenges that nurses face. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the question, what challenges nurses face in their daily discharge of duties? Besides that, there also the need to answer the question, what are the benefits of having adequate and qualified nurses in the medical facilities?

Effective answering of these questions will provide a clear road map for the future nurses and relevant authorities. This only means that future nurses have a chance to be fully equipped and be well-staffed and experienced as they shall be provided with all the necessary tools and resources that would result in the desired needs of their clients being fully taken care of and on a timely basis.


Alavi, A., Bahrami, M., Zargham-Boroujeni, A., & Yousefy, A. (2015). Pediatric nurses' perception of factors associated with caring self-efficacy: A qualitative content analysis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 20(2), 232.

Lu, D. M., Sun, N., Hong, S., Fan, Y. Y., Kong, F. Y., & Li, Q. J. (2015). Occupational stress and coping strategies among emergency department nurses of China. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 29(4), 208-212.

McLelland, G., Hall, H., Gilmour, C., & Cant, R. (2015). Support needs of breastfeeding women: Views of Australian midwives and health nurses. Midwifery, 31(1), e1-e6.

Skundberg‐Kletthagen, H., & Moen, Ø. L. (2017). Mental health work in school health services and school nurses' involvement and attitudes, in a Norwegian context. Journal of clinical nursing, 26(23-24), 5044-5051.

Shoorideh, F. A., Ashktorab, T., Yaghmaei, F., & Alavi Majd, H. (2015). Relationship between ICU nurses' moral distress with burnout and anticipated turnover. Nursing Ethics, 22(1), 64-76.


Nurses in healthcare

Karen Lezcano

Florida National University

Nursing Research

March 20th, 2020


With the rapid transformations within healthcare, nurses are facing several challenges in the daily delivery of their duties. It is quite evident that the sector is facing scramble, and the health departments need to focus more on empowering the nursing sector. This paper presents data/results on the challenges that nurses face in service delivery.

Advanced opportunities

Nurses work for more hours more than any other person within the healthcare sector. Based on the fact that they have to provide continuous medical care to patients both at home and within the medical facilities, nurses are always close to the patients more than any other person. This study showed that 49 % of nurses lack excellent opportunities. This is a factor that is posing significant challenges to the nurses’ current positions. Concerning the lack of advancement challenge, the transformation in technology that is leading the integration of various forms of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence is posing a threat to nurses’ current job positions. Statistically, there is a continuous demand for nurses, but those already in the field have limited things to enjoy. The chart below shows the state of the nursing sector and market, Buerhaus (2017)

Work overload

Very few chances advanced opportunities get created in the nursing sector annually; this makes the workload to continue growing for those already in the industries. Nurses work for more than ten hours in a day. Currently, the cases of nursing impairment are rising, and this factor attributed to high instances of depression and long working hours that makes nurses turn to misuse of substances such as alcohol and other drugs. According to a study by CareerBuilder, the nursing sector is facing a shortage of nurses, and the deficiency affects the entire healthcare sector and organizations. At least 48% of nurses feel that they are overloaded with long working hours, Martin (2015). The shortage in the number of nurses within the healthcare sector forces the division of duties among the limited number of nurses who forced to provide the health care services to patients even at home through the nursing home care programs.

The low number of staff.

The factors related to low staffing are gradually becoming a personal and professional concern for medical practitioners, especially to the nurses. Almost 60 % of nurses attribute the aspects of work overload to the staffing shortage. The pressure level within the nursing sector is about 0.28 on the values of one. Although the healthcare sector registered substantial growth in the number of nurses by 22% and 39% in the increase in the total number of medical physicians, the industry is still ailing as a result of overstaffing. The staffing challenge affects all levels of health care service provision. The low staffing attributed to inequitable assignments and unit organization, which make several nurses leave their jobs and opt to carry out other obligations outside healthcare facilities.

Various states, such as the state of Massachusetts, have already passed laws approving mandatory staffing of nurses, especially for the intensive healthcare units. According to the adopted regulation, a nurse has to serve a maximum number of two patients at a particular time. A case study published by Health Affairs indicates that understaffing within the healthcare sector affects the nurses’ efforts in carrying their duties in healthcare provision. Other studies show that health care facilities with a high number of nurses have a 25% low chances of facing penalization under the ACCHRRP (Affordable Care Act’s Hospital Readmission Reduction programs) as compared to similar healthcare facilities with a low number of nurses.

Long working hours

Although regularly, nurses ought to work based on long shifts, the fact is that nurses always work on a back-to-back basis or overextended changes. This factor leads to cases of risk associated with fatigue and results in medical errors. According to a publication by Health Affairs in 2017, long working hours among nurse are the leading cause of burnout and leads to patient dissatisfactions. Over 80% of nurses on America’s four states get satisfied with the work schedule at their places of work. However, the cases of patients’ dissatisfaction increase with an increase in cases of nurses working for over 13 hours in a day. The rise in cases of patients’ dissatisfaction is the leading cause of nurses leaving their jobs. According to a 2014 study by AJCC (American Journal of Critical care), nurses that experience high levels of fatigue sleeps hours during the day, loss of sleep, and the inability to completely recover from long shifts.

Workplace Hazards

The nurture of their job exposes them to several hazards daily. The dangers that nurses are presented include injuries, blood-borne pathogens, hand-wash complications, flu components flu germs. According to an OSHA report, approximately 5.6 million healthcare workers out of the possible 12.2 million are at risk of getting infected with blood-borne pathogens. One good example is the hazard that nurses are getting exposed to as they struggle with the COVID 19 patients. Based on the fact that COVID 19 is an international pandemic, nurses not just in the U.S. but around the world are going the extra mile, ensuring that they provide the best medical care to the affected patients. This factor is posing a great danger not just to their health to the health of their loved ones. Annually, there are more than 35,000 cases of injuries attributed to the working environment.

According to a study by the U.M. (University of Manchester), people working with the healthcare sector, especially nurses and other medical physicians are likely to get severe or moderate skin damage 4.5 times more because of the hand wash hygiene protocol. About 25% of dermatitis reported cases comprises of healthcare workers a more significant part of that population is nurses. The protection of nurses ought to go beyond the aspects of hands. Healthcare facilities and systems ought to create mechanism through which nurses get protection of other complications such as flu. The protection mechanism can include but not limited to vaccinations, continuous use of the antiviral protection masks and other medical clothing. One bitter reality currently is that millions of nurses are at a high risk more than other medical personal of being infected with the current world’s pandemic which is highly contagious (COVID 19)


The cases of regional differences are high concerning nurse compensation. Nurses that live in other regions in the U.S. earn more than others in the different areas of the country. Nurses working in America’s pacific regions earn an approximated amount of $ 18,000 more than average nurses. Nurses within the Mid-Atlantic regions make $ 14 800 than the ordinary amount nurses ought to get. Those working in the East-South-Central areas earn $ 4,300 less than the average nurses. The imbalance in payment of nurses across based on regions exists between the genders with male nurses that are fully registered, earning $ 5,000 more than female, registered nurses. A study published by JAMA also shows that nurses in special care such as chronic health care have a small pay gap, which stands at $ 3792 and those within the cardiology sections having the highest difference that stands at $ 6,034.

Workplace Violence

The issue of violence against nurses at the workplace is another significant challenge that nurses face at the workplace. The acts of violence come from patients, while others come from their co-workers, mostly the doctors who view themselves as superior to the nurses. According to statistical data by the OHSN (Occupational Health Safety Network), the number of workplace injuries connected to violence at the workplace increased in 2012-2014. Although the increase affected sections of the healthcare job category, the cases were double for nurses and nurse assistants. According to the data, 112 U.S healthcare facilities in 19 states, Miami being among them recorded 10,680 injury cases, which occurred between January 1, 2012, and September 30, 2014. Among the cases, 2, 034 came from acts of workplace violence, Sturesson & Ziegert (2014). The state of North Carolina is reported to have taken stance measures in the fight against workplace violence, which means that all those found guilty of attacking health workers can be charged with a felony. Other states that have intensified a crackdown on workplace violence include the state of Massachusetts.


Nurses are a primary aspect of the healthcare system, not just in the state but across the globe. As one of the most developed American states, the government of Miami needs to invest more in the health sector through partnership with the private sector, which is the largest provider of healthcare services. The investment should not just target improving the components of healthcare delivery, but should also aim at protecting the rights, or medical practitioners and nurses should get close attention. Protecting the rights of nurses and creating a conducive working environment for them is an essential step that will help in improving service delivery and motivating them at personal levels.


Buerhaus, P. I., Skinner, L. E., Auerbach, D. I., & Staiger, D. O. (2017). Four challenges facing the nursing workforce in the United States. Journal of Nursing Regulation8(2), 40-46.

Martin, G., Beech, N., MacIntosh, R., & Bushfield, S. (2015). Potential challenges facing distributed leadership in health care: evidence from the U.K. National Health Service. Sociology of health & illness37(1), 14-29.

Sturesson, A., & Ziegert, K. (2014). Prepare the patient for future challenges when facing hemodialysis: nurses’ experiences. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being9(1), 22952.





Nursing Research Phase # 3 Project Implementation

Karen Lezcano

Florida National University

March 7th, 2020

Project Implementation

The project implementation refers to the carrying out of activities as proposed. The success of implementation depends on internal and external factors. The most important one has organized projects and active monitoring. Overall management generally is controlled by the lead managers and project managers. Project implementation task involves implementation, evaluation, report and communication

Implementing the work plan

Implementing the work plan consists of carrying the activities to deliver output and monitoring progress. Monitoring is broadly defined as the control of project implementation to keep the project on track. The project manager holds the responsibility for regular monitoring of the plan (Washington, Ward and Young 2017)

Tracking of the project

The project application approved is the baseline of the project. It is the primary document helpful for tracking project progress. The project application entails the project objectives, description of activities, and measurable output. The project should always be regarded as unchangeable once the project has started. The project has a dynamic aspect, and the ability to adapt to modifications likely to lead to success. The tracking begins by fixing the project baseline, then the definition of needed information, definition of margin and scope and document and communication of variation

Financial management

On the program level, once the funds have been awarded to the project, they are "secured" in that project and cannot be released until the project closure. The funds, therefore, cannot be used in any other project. The funds are only committed to what it was meant for in an organization. Every project must always have a budget. It is also required that the project provides a reasonable spending forecast. The project should spend under the budget. The project must always avoid bad planning and financial budgeting that could demand more money. The lead manager holds the overall responsibility for business management. Each partner, however, must monitor its spending and ensure to keep its records

Management of project risk

Risk can be internal or external during the implementation of the project. Risk can be any factor that can threaten the achievement of the project. Risk management involves involving three types. (Callistus and Clinton 2018)

Identification of risk

Risk is identified by looking at possible threats. A right way of identifying relevant through brainstorming and comparison with other similar projects

Assessing risk

The potential risk is identified and then quantified according to the probability of occurrence. Assessment is based on assumptions and educated guesses.

Dealing with the risk

The project manager can decide what to do in the instance of a threat. The manager can choose to ignore the threat or find a way of removing the risk.

Revision of the work plan

Work plans refer to short term planning containing details on activities of the project. Timing is an essential part of revising the work plan. Each work plan should cover a stipulated time plan for the success of the project. Project revision entails factors such as unexpected delays and project modification. Project modifications involves activity modification, partnership modification, project time plan modification, and budget modification. Every project always have an extension of flexibility when it comes to the modification of the project

Project communication

Activities of a project must be appropriate to ensure the project reaches its communication and project objectives. The project can achieve this through regular information flow, a sound feedback system, and long term arrangements.


Part of the project implementation involves project reporting. A good project calls for reporting during the execution. The main aim of reporting is to ensure the project aims are achieved. The resources that have been used, the problems encountered, and the expectation of the business. The common practice in the project report involves having one report for both financial and content relationships. The reporting process is a step by step process. It starts from the sub-contractor to the project partner than to the lead partner and finally ending at the joint secretariat.

Project reporting contains reporting requirements. The reports always include information on what was going on in terms of activities carried out, the output that was delivered, and the expenditure that was incurred (Musawir, Serra, and Zwikael 2017) Financial reports provide information on the amount spent from the last release. Many projects deliver six months reporting which provides more frequent and systematic updates on the projects

Financial control

Each time the business will reclaim money from the program, the report on spending will go through a financial check to make sure spending rules have been adhered to. The audit is always a requirement every time a report is demanded. Financial control requires a budget controller to ensure the business is running smoothly. (Musawir, Serra and Zwikael 2017) An audit trail gives information on the flow of spending on the project. For the project to receive funding, it must provide an estimate of all the costs that the business requirements. Here, the eligibility of the business will be required. Also, possible financial problems are foreseen and projected.

Financial control will require the business to set up and account for project funds, involving finance managers from the start, securing of the audit trail and keeping the filings up to date


In the implementation, a foreseen project evaluation has to be done. Project evaluation will be very important for measuring the performance of the Nursing Project. Project evaluation will help in answering questions on whether the project will still be in track and whether the project will be delivering results. Before the evaluation is conducted, the specifications and requirements of the project will be sought. The purpose of the assessment will mostly for the use of accountability, implementation, knowledge production and effective planning (Callistus and Clinton 2018)

The scope of the project will start on what is to be evaluated for the project. Concern on evaluation questions will be addressed here. The items will tell what the project will have achieved, how the project will have completed the set plans and what will happen in the future

Implementing and managing the evaluations will require continuous interaction between the evaluating team and the stallholders that will be involved. Evaluation results will, from here, be disseminated and communicated to stakeholders. Then finally, the evaluation feedback to the partnership to strengthen and improve the performance of the project. The stakeholders will review the reports first. The evaluation must be pragmatic and gives a project planning and management. Only the right stakeholders will be involved

Project implementation checklist

Finally, in the implementation, a project implementation checklist is drawn. A comparison of success criteria and comments section are drawn. It is here where partnership monitoring the project will make comments. The plan will be communicated to the stakeholders, and then it will be ensured all the partners will have secured the audit trail. A determination of whether separate accounts have been set up for the project funds


Callistus, T., & Clinton, A. (2018, January). The role of monitoring and evaluation in construction project management. In International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (pp. 571-582). Springer, Cham.

Musawir, A., Serra, C. E. M., Zwikael, O., & Ali, I. (2017). Project governance, benefits management, and project success: Towards a framework for supporting organizational strategy implementation. International Journal of Project Management35(8), 1658-1672.

Wang, L., Kunc, M., & Bai, S. J. (2017). Realizing value from project implementation under uncertainty: An exploratory study using system dynamics. International Journal of Project Management35(3), 341-352.

Washington, T. R., Ward, T. S., Young, H. N., Orpinas, P., & Cornelius, L. J. (2017). Implementing and evaluating an interprofessional minority health conference for social work and healthcare professionals. Journal of interprofessional care31(6), 785-788.

Research Paper Topic (Grading Rubric)

Please take a few moments to review APA 6th Edition Guidelines.



Very Good            



Integration of Knowledge


The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course.

Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights.

The writer provides concluding remarks that  show analysis and synthesis of ideas

The paper demonstrates that the author, for the most part, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course.

Some of the conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the paper

The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course

The paper does not demonstrate that the author has fully understood and applied concepts learned in the course.

Topic Focus


The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment.

A thesis statement provides direction for the paper, either by a statement of a position or hypothesis

The topic is focused but lacks direction.

The paper is about a specific topic but the writer has not established a position.

The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment.

The topic is not clearly defined

Depth of Discussion

12.5 %

In-depth discussion and elaboration in all sections of the paper.

In-depth discussion and elaboration in most sections of the paper.

The writer has omitted pertinent content.

Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas excessively.

Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief discussion in only a few sections



Ties together information from all sources.

Paper flows from one issue to the next without the need for headings.

Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources

For the most part, it ties together information from all sources.

Paper flows with only some disjointedness.

The author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

Sometimes ties together information from all sources.

Paper does not flow.

Disjointedness is apparent.

 The author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

It does not tie together information.

Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate issues.

Headings are necessary to link concepts.

Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationship

Spelling and Grammar 12.5%

Minimal spelling and/or grammar mistakes

Some spelling and or grammar mistakes.

Noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes.

An unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes



More than 5 current sources, of which at least 3 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books.

Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources.

Special-interest sources and popular literature and acknowledged as such if they are cited.

All web sites utilized are authoritative.

5 current sources, of which at least 2 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books.

All web sites utilized are authoritative.

Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are credible.

Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. Not all web sites utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current.



Cites all data obtained from other sources.

APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography

Cites most data obtained from other sources.

APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography.

Cites some data obtained from other sources.

Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect.

Does not cite sources.


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