Bruna Spera Martins

Southern States University

BU536 – Global Strategy and Management

Instructor: Dr. Javier Wedekind-Flores

International business involves commercial activities or trade activities by an organization on a global scale, that is, across national borders (Cateora, Meyer, Gilly, & Graham, 2020). In this article, I will evaluate the Coca-Cola Company as a global public company, its international management, and extensively.

International Management, International Managers and Their Roles, Globalization and Its Impacts on Organizational Management

International management is the monitoring or control of a corporation's or business entity's activities conducted in more than one country or across the globe. Therefore global managers are the overall heads or heads of departments in an organization that monitors or overseas corporation's activities and functioning across borders. The role of international managers is to oversee the functioning and managing employees and departments of the corporation that work in one or more countries in the area of their jurisdiction. Therefore, the international managers ensure that employees conduct themselves according to the country, Regional, or Global international guidelines.

Globalization is the expanding mutual dependence of the global economies, cultures as a result of global trade. Globalization has opened doors for international organizations to acquire resources, both raw materials and human resources readily available from sources. An increased market base is another significantly attributed to globalization. Since markets are open globally and are all interdependent, it causes an efficient flow of goods and services to different ends of the globe, expanding the corporations market (Yang, 2018). It is important to note that globalization also leads to stiff competition due to the smooth opening of global markets.

Culture, Culture Transmission and Its Impacts on International Management.

Culture is the beliefs or socialization behavior and attitude of a specific society. Due to the cultural differences in the international market, the global manager must learn the cultural practice or culture of the target market, that is, the cultural transmission. These cultures can be learned through socialization with the members of that particular society and also engagement with the legal authorities in the market.

Additional, it is crucial to examine the impacts of the cultural differences on international management. The central identity of a culture is language and marketing based on the foundations of communication. Therefore, global managers need to verse themselves with the cultural expression of those customers. The language barrier is the principal obstacle to international management. Cultural attitude differences upon management structure can adversely affect the establishment of the roles in global marketing. It is, therefore, crucial under the cultural attitude towards a specific management structure.

Economic, Legal, and Political Environment of Foreign Markets, Strategies Formulation, and Market Entry Strategies into International Markets

In international markets, it is vital to globally comprehend the economic, legal, and political environments of various subsidiary markets. Therefore, it is crucial to note that the political environment and legal factors exert pressure or encourage an organization's operation. Understanding the political and legal factors helps an organization to establish political risk and sovereign risk in a particular market (Morgan, Feng, & Whitler, 2018). Learning the legal and political factors of a market base is essential since it gives the multinational organization the information about the trade agreements available, and the corporation can understand the trade barriers like tariffs, taxes, and enacted laws of the market base land.

It is also vital to understand the economic factors of a specific market, whether it is a market economy where most individuals own businesses, socialist economy (many industries and state businesses), or communist economy (states' owned business) or mixed economies. This evaluation helps the organization to understand the kind of practices and type of business that should be conducted in a specific market. If an organization understands the economic laws of a market, such as taxes, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation will be in a position to anticipate or predict the future incomes from the subsidiary and concurrently know the possible future legal and economic obligations of the organization.

When an organization faces the mentioned unfavorable factors in a market, it should formulate global strategies to enable it to thrive or succeed in the business opportunity identified. The corporation should introduce new products and all diffuse excellent innovations like High Technology Company. Additionally, when an organization is entering a new global market, it is essential to formulate strategies according to the possible identified factors. For example, a market entry strategy like "piggyback" can be so useful that environmental conditions are not favorable. It involves using other domestic companies with an international presence in the target foreign markets to introduce the product to international agencies.

Leadership Skills.

For efficient governance in international businesses, a global manager should show leadership skills, both internally and ethically (O'Keeffe, Ozuem, & Lancaster, 2016). Therefore, for the success of the subsidiary market, the international manager manifests excellent communication skills that the employees and other members of the global staff can emulate. He/she should know how to communicate efficiently and clearly without being misunderstood. He /she should be sensitive to non-verbal language by versing himself with the non-verbal communications acceptable and unacceptable in the culture.

Exemplary management should be visionary, and the vision must be realistic to match the environmental challenges in the future, including the stakeholders' prospects. It must be able to accommodate possible global changes.

He/she should understand cultural stereotypes. Understanding stereotypes in culture is essential in overcoming self-biasness and recognizing the value of other members at workstations. The manager is objective in guiding people and open-minded in cultural differences. Ethically, the manager should understand persons as they are or want to be seen and not as they have been labeled.

An international manager should coordinate the subordinates' needs and roles to match the organization's purpose and goals. He/she should appreciate and reward the subordinates as the key motivating factor.

He/ she should have excellent and persuasive decision-making skills. In organizations, there exist conflicts and differences. An effective leader should have the ability to intervene between the warring parties, get the cause of action, and amicably solve. The managers' decisions should not be questionable in the points of biasness.

Strategy Evaluation, Control, and Review

In international business, it is essential first to evaluate a strategy for efficiency and effectiveness of the plan to achieve the desired results of a thriving international market. Strategy evaluation guides the organization on the duties, responsibilities, and goals of the organization.

First, in strategy evaluation, a set benchmark is observed to learn what the organization requires for its success. In this context, the Coca-Cola company domestic market is used as the benchmarking outcome to match the subsidiary market's performance. The international subsidiary market can use both qualitative or quantitative measures such as the net profit, cost of production, employees' turnover of the parent corporation to set its goals, and what is required of it.

After the benchmark has been set and the strategy laid down, it then monitored and controlled to match the desired results. After that, strategy performance measurement is conducted after a certain period. The actual performance is compared to the benchmark, which is the standard performance to know the similarity or the diversion. Financial statements, such as balance sheet, Income statements are prepared annually to measure the performance of the subsidiary market.

After the evaluation of actual performance against the benchmark, variances that occur are evaluated. There are tolerance limits set for any variation that occurs. Therefore, if the actual results vary from the parameter, the variance must be analyzed. Positive difference demonstrates excellent performance, while negative deviations show a shortfall in production. If the cause of the negative divergence is identified, appropriate corrective measures are undertaken immediately. Primarily, managers should first research to determine the cause deviation. If during corrective actions, the performance standards are considered very high, then the strategy is reviewed with lower expectations. The whole plan or strategy can also be reviewed, which means restructuring or reformulating the strategy by allocating new resources, strategic management review, and plans reframing.


Cateora, P. R., Meyer, R. B. M. F., Gilly, M. C., & Graham, J. L. (2020). International marketing. McGraw-Hill Education.

Morgan, N. A., Feng, H., & Whitler, K. A. (2018). Marketing capabilities in international marketing. Journal of International Marketing26(1), 61-95.

Yang, M. (2018). International entrepreneurial marketing strategies of MNCs: Bricolage as practiced by marketing managers. International Business Review27(5), 1045-1056.

O’Keeffe, A., Ozuem, W., & Lancaster, G. (2016). Leadership marketing: an exploratory study. Journal of Strategic Marketing24(5), 418-443.

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

ISBN: 978-1-5386-4119-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 64

Virtualization in Cloud Computing- a Study Manjeet Singh

Directorate of Education Government of NCT of Delhi, India

E-Id: [email protected]

Abstract— The recent past have experienced tremendous rise and popularity of technologies like cloud computing and virtualization. Cloud computing is a construct that allows us to access applications that actually reside at a location other than your computer, most often, this will be a distant data center. Many organizations have already started implementing these technologies to further reduce costs through improved resource utilization. Cloud Computing and virtualization enable users to use applications on internet and intranet. In Cloud computing many of the services relies heavily on virtualized hardware. Because of this, we carefully reviewed existing virtual hardware services in order to both understand how the process works and to find the service that is best suited to Cloud computing and virtualization in different situations.

Keywords—Cloud Computing; Virtualization; Virtual Machine; Resource Utilisation; Data Center.

I. INTRODUCTION In Cloud computing, virtualization is the basis of

delivering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that separates data, network, applications and machines from hardware constraints. Cloud computing is becoming popular among IT businesses due to its agile,flexible and cost effective services being offered at Software, Platform and In-frastructure level. Software as a Service (SaaS) allows users to access applications hosted by different vendors on Cloud via internet. Platform as a Service (PaaS) enables developers to code, test and deploy their applications on IaaS. In infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model, Cloud provider’s offer services such as computing, network, storage and databases via internet. IaaS is the base of all Cloud services with PaaS and SaaS both built upon it. The primary features of IaaS are elasticity and virtualization. Virtualization enables a single system to concurrently run multiple isolated virtual machines (VMs), operating systems or multiple instances of a single operating system (OS) [1].

Cloud Suite relies heavily on virtualized hardware. Because of this, we carefully reviewed existing virtual hardware services in order to both understand how the process works and to find the service that is best suited to Cloud Suite.

Virtualization is one of the oldest areas of interest in computer science. One of the most successful examples of virtualization is the Java Virtual Machine (J V M) [3]. Using the J V M allows the Java programming language to produce identical results regardless of the instruction set architecture

(ISA) that is used by the hardware platform. This is because, for all intents and purposes, the compiled Java code is running on the same machine hyphen albeit in a virtual setting. As long as a system has a J V M installed that can translate Java byte code into the appropriate ISA, then the results will be identical.

The Java virtual machine allows one piece of virtual hardware to be present on multiple discrete systems. Software like V M Ware allows multiple virtual hardware systems to be present on a single piece of physical hardware. Creating multiple virtualized hardware images on a single piece of physical hardware is one of the cornerstones of cloud computing. These concurrent virtual images are made possible by a hypervisor. Various types of virtualization exists such as Client virtualization, Storage virtualization and Server virtualization in cloud computing.

II. NEED, BENEFITS AND CONS OF VM MIGRATION VM Migration is at the core of cloud computing. The

needs and benefits of virtualization are as follows [2]:

Multiple Systems: With virtualization we can run multiple applications even on different operating system on the same physical hardware.

Power Management: We can improve the power utilization.

Improve Resource Utilization: The resource utilization is increased with the virtualization.

Load Balancing: Load can be distributed on available resources.

Maintenance and Servicing.

It improves system availability.

It is scalable, as per the requirement with time.

Security is provided by running multiple servers in isolation.

The major hurdle with the virtualization is that the network load during the migration increases which results in the increase of communication cost. One side effect of this is that performance of application running on virtual machine degraded.

III. VIRTUAL MACHINE PLACEMENT TECHNIQUES The various algorithms implemented earlier for VM

Placement in data centers are First Fit, Next Fit, Random Fit,

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)


Least full First, Most Full First, First Fit Decreasing (Single Dimension), First Fit Decreasing Product, First Fit Decreasing Sum, Dot Product, Minimizing Angle. First fit, next fit and random fit algorithms are simple algorithms. These algorithms do not consider the resource capacities needed for placing virtual machine and not consider the resource consumptions in physical machines. Least full first, most full first, first fit decreasing (single dimension) algorithms are designed based on CPU capacity. First fit decreasing product, first fit decreasing sum and dot product algorithms are designed for multi dimensional resources. In these algorithms, physical/virtual machines’ resource volumes are calculated using all resources capacities. In minimizing angle algorithm all resources are involved directly for placing virtual machines. In this algorithm different resource consumptions are balanced so that physical machines are minimized. This algorithm concentrates on balancing resources instead of maximizing resource usage of physical machines in each dimension. After all these Virtual Machine Placement algorithms, Modification of the Best Fit Decreasing (BFD) algorithm is implemented in cloud data centers for placement of Virtual Machines.


Google (Google App Engine)

Google App is great for all types of applications such as Business, Consumer, Marketing, Mobile, and Website [4].

Easy to Build: By using the familiar development tool it will allow the user to buildup and get started app quickly

Easy to Scale: It can serve any number of users and automatically responds to data traffic change.

Easy to Manage: Administer app through the centralize app web console always actives and works, can’t need software installation, server or backup etc.

Easy to Storage: GAE advanced storage infrastructure gives benefits to companies to store and access their data

Highly Scalable. Flexible Security and sharing. Fast data access. Reliable Storage Access.

Table 1: Comparison of service providers over various matrices

Google [4] Amazon [6] Microsoft [5] Cloud

Provider Google App Engine Amazon EC2 Azure

Service Mode PaaS /SaaS Provider PaaS/ SaaS Provider and IaaS PaaS/ SaaS Provider and IaaS

Develop Support Web service

Web service; Windows console application;

Virtual Instance Virtual machine

Feature Easy to build; Easy to scale; Easy to manage, inexpensive.

Elastic; Completely Controlled; Flexible; Designed for use with

other Amazon Web Services Reliable; Secure; Easy to Start.

Always up. Always on; Open; Unlimited servers. Unlimited

storage. Powerful Capabilities.

Compute model[65]

Predefined application structure and framework; programmer-provided “handlers” written in Python, all

persistent state stored in MegaStore (outside Python code);

Automatic scaling up and down of computation and storage; network and server failover; all consistent

with 3-tier Web app structure

x86 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) via Xeon VM; Computation

elasticity allows scalability, but developer must build the machinery,

or third party VAR such as Right Scale must provide it

Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR) VM; common intermediate form executed in

managed environment; Machines are provisioned based

on declarative descriptions (e.g. which “roles”

can be replicated); automatic load balancing

Storage MegaStore/BigTable DynamoDB;SimpleDB;Rel ational

Database Service (RDS); ElastiCache

Azure storage service

Support SQL Cloud SQL

- SQL Azure

Availability 100% 99.97% 99.95% Free Usage Limitation usage in 1 GAE unite Micro-Linux-instance 3 month for free

Table 1 shows comparison of these service providers over various matrices.

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)


Microsoft (Windows Azure)

Microsoft windows azure is an open cloud platform which enable user to build deploy and manage applications across global network of Microsoft datacenters. The user can build applications by using any kind of language, tool or, node.js, java, php, it give facility to its customer that whatever language you want to install you can install and use it [5].

Always up and always on: Microsoft window azure claim that its deliver services 99.95% to its users and enable its users to build and run highly available application without focusing on its infrastructure.

Open: MWA is open source, it give facilities to its customer for using any kind of language, framework, or tool to build their applications.

Unlimited Server and Unlimited Storage: MWA enable its customer to easily scale their applications to any size. Window Azure is available on multiple datacenters around the world, which enable its users to deploy their application near to their customers.

Powerful Capabilities: MWA can deliver flexible cloud computing platform which can assure any application need. Its distributed caching and CDN service allow user to minimize latency and deliver great application performance anywhere in world [5].

Amazon EC2(

Compute: Amazon is scale to meet user application demands whether it’s one server or large cluster [6].

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). AEC is web service which provides resizable

compute capacity in cloud. Amazon EC2 web service allows users to obtain and build up with minimal friction. Amazon EC2 provides complete control to their users for computing resources and let them run on Amazons computing environment.

Networking: In networking Amazon customize and control user network resources, both inside and outside the cloud [6].

V. VIRTUAL LABS Creating a cloud based ad hoc laboratory system, such as

Cloud Suite, requires a variety of different technologies. The primary technology that is necessary for Cloud lab is hardware virtualization. Fortunately there are numerous examples available to us. We will perform an examination of hardware virtualization services in general and a specific exploration of the services offered by In addition to virtualization we will also explore: existing virtual lab environments, templating systems, remote storage solutions, and finally, A P Is and Frame Works [7].

i. Elastic Compute Cloud On August 25, 2006, Jeff Bezos announced the limited

beta of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud [8], referred to as Amazon E C 2. Amazon E C 2 is a service that allows users to, essentially, rent computational resources on an as needed basis. This type of service is made possible by using the Xen hypervisor, Xen allows Amazon E C 2 to create Virtual

Private Servers as demand requires. These virtual servers make use of operating systems that have been optimized for paravirtualization. Once the end user has customized the virtual machine to their liking they are then able to save it as an Amazon Machine Image, or A M I.

An A M I is a system image that has been created to be used with E C 2. Users may customize these A M Is with their own software packages allowing an A M I to be tailored for any task. The Amazon Simple Storage Service (S 3) [9] is used extensively in the code written for Cloud Suite. S 3 allows a user to upload and download files using H T T P requests. Amazon Simple Storage Service, like the rest of Amazon Web Services, is not free semicolon however at the time of writing, Amazon offers a free tier of service available for the one year [9].

Amazon, and various 3rd parties, provide S D Ks that allow developers to interact with Amazon Web Services. The framework for Cloud Suite is written using S D Ks for P H P, Python (Boto) and Unix forward slash Linux command line. However S D Ks exists for multiple platforms and languages. The provided S D Ks greatly ease interaction with the cloud services provided by Amazon.

ii. Google Compute Engine

Amazon is far from the only available option for cloud services. Google recently announced ‘Google Compute Engine’ [10] , a service similar to Amazon E C 2, in addition to the long standing Google App Engine. In the next section we will take a closer look at cloud services offered by providers other than

iii. Heroku Heroku {11] deservers special consideration because it is

one of the best examples of a platform for executing arbitrary programs in the cloud. Heroku allows the end user to develop an application and leave the running of that application up to Heroku. The developer pushes code to Heroku using the Git version control system. Once the code is present, Heroku relies upon H T T P requests to interface with the client application.

iv. Google App Engine Google App Engine (G A E) [12] is another service similar

to Heroku semicolon however, Google App Engine places a number of restrictions on what code developers may use. Unlike an Infrastructure as a Service provider, G A E places limits on what code may be executed as well as only allowing the proprietary Google Query Language as a data store.

v. Eucalyptus Extensive research on cloud technology has been

performed at University of California, Santa Barbara (U C S B). Two of the most well known products of that research are Eucalyptus and App Scale.

Eucalyptus is an open source emulator for Amazon E C 2 that can be run on local clusters square [13] . Since the initial release of Eucalyptus, it has grown to become a commercial success, and is included in the Ubuntu operating system.

vi. App Scale

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)


AppScale is an open source implementation of several cloud A P Is, including Google App Engine. App Scale can be deployed over Amazon E C 2, Eucalyptus, or an Ubuntu image. App Scale uses virtualization to provide a uniform experience across multiple cloud platforms.

vii. Coursera - Online Education With the growth of high speed internet access to distance

learning has become increasingly more accessible. In addition to universities supplementing their courses with online offerings, many universities are also making classes available online for free. Coursera is a central location where those seeking to improve their education may participate in free online classes from sixteen universities including: Caltech, Stanford, and Princeton. Additionally many universities have begun offering free classes online for no credit. One such offering from University of California, Berkley made use of Heroku to allow students to publish a web based application and see results in real time. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology also offers free online courses. It is important to note that these online courses typically do not confer any sort of degree or certificate, Coursera being notable in that some of it ‘courses do offer an electronic certificate of completion [14]. Courses offered online could make great use of a service like Cloud Suite to provide their students with an interactive lab component.

viii. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a not for profit online educational resource. Khan Academy offers videos explaining a variety of topics. In addition to videos Khan Academy also offers a web based set of tools for developing mathematical proficiency. In late 2012 Khan Academy introduced Computer Science curriculum that offers programming instruction and demonstration. The programing curriculum is based on the Java Script language and is overseen by John Resig [15]. The program is designed to demonstrate the fundamentals of computer science to someone with little to no experience.

ix. University of Hawaii Virtual Lab In 2007 the Department of Educational Technology at the

University of Hawaii at Mano published a paper detailing an experiment where an online biology class made use of a C D hyphen ROM based virtual wet lab. The study compared the use of a virtual lab to what the study referred to as a ‘face to face’ lab. The data analysis showed that, while students found the virtual labs to be useful, face – to -face lab time was more valuable to the overall learning experience than a purely computer-based lab. The study was primarily focused on the effectiveness of the virtual lab and did not give great detail on the technology [16].

x. Navy Virtual Lab The Naval Postgraduate School (N P S) [17] has developed

a distance learning solution that allows non - resident students to perform signal processing laboratory assignments. The Electrical and Computer Engineering department has developed an innovative mix of hardware and software to allow students to access lab equipment regardless of their location. The collection of signal generators and field programmable gate arrays allow students to perform experiments in real time.

VI. CONCLUSION Cloud computing is basically a framework that allows us

to access applications that actually reside at a location other than your computer. Virtualization is a technique to provide abstraction between the hardware and software of a computer system. In virtualization we create a virtual version of a resource (generally computer system or application running on it). The virtualization and cloud computing makes the resources available to a remote location. Some resources are shared between multiple users and accessed at the same time. The technique uses the resource sharing and increase the system utilization.

The Computer is virtualized in a clustered computing environment controlled by Cloud computing to fully utilize the computing and storage. The cloud will provide dynamic resource allocation to ensure effective system utilization through carefully monitoring of resource workload and available physical resources, and providing managed solutions on a continual basis. The most important aspect of virtualization is to develop a platform that students can access remotely without time and location constraints. The Cloud provides a segregated virtual environment without affecting any system outside of the cloud as well as other virtual systems within the cloud.

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