Assignment #1
What is a Review of Literature Page
Dropbox for Review of Literature Assignment (2.2)
Assignment #2
Dropbox for Sample Journal Assignment (2.2)
Please drop a single sample of your journaling here.  I'm looking for the level of reflection that you are including in your journaling.  Reflection is the name of the game in journaling your volunteer experience.  Please refer to the information on journaling for a more complete idea of the expectation.  Thanks. DR. S
Mini-Lecture for week 11
Mini-Lecture for this Week
    We are coming to the end of the semester rather quickly.  We have some interesting opportunities in the weeks ahead.  I am sure you will find the Review of Literature a challenging experience.  This week the focus will be on getting the Review of Literature started while tweaking the two components (Introduction, Statement of the Problem) to make sure they flow nicely from one to the other in a consistent and meaningful way that presents your argument convincingly.  You make this happen by continual re-reading and re-writing to make the Introduction, Statement of the Problem, and the Review of Literature add consistency, clarity, and substance to your paper.  I will get you feedback on your week 10 assignments so you can make your rewriting efforts effective.
In addition, you need to be well into your volunteer work, keeping your reflective journal, and thinking about putting together the Power Point Presentation about your volunteer experience.    This week I would like to see a
of your journaling--
not your entire journal-
so I can comment on your reflections. 
    There will be no additional writing assignments this week so you can focus on getting these pieces of the Integrative Paper put together along with continuing your volunteer work with its related activities.   
    Best wishes.

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