ACCT 311
Group Discussion Board Grading Rubric |
Student: |
Criteria |
Point Value |
Points Possible |
Points Earned & Instructor’s Comments |
Thread |
All key components of the Group Discussion Board question are answered correctly in a new thread. |
12 |
30 |
Clear, logical flow to post. |
5 |
Major points are stated clearly. |
5 |
Post is correctly formatted, meets source requirement (2 sources other than the textbook), and has sufficient word count (minimum 500 words). |
5 |
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. |
3 |
Reply |
Create a post/short essay about:
“Relate the IMA procedure for resolution of ethical conflict to Biblical principles.”
· Required to post to at least 500 words.
· Use at least three sources ( the Bible has to be one of therm)
· Use third person
· APA Formating
· Use the Gradic Rubic as a guide
DREXEL UNIVERSITY - Sociology 101 INSTRUCTOR: Jenna Musket
Assignment #2: due date: FRI April 22nd (Bring a “hard copy” to class!)
COMPOSING AN AUTO-ETHNOGRAPHICAL POEM: Compose a 1-2 page auto-ethnographic poem (student samples from previous semesters posted to BB). Please note that no other information should appear at the top of your page(s) other than the “title” on one line followed by your name on the next…. followed by the poem. Give your poem a creative, unique title that comes out of your particular memories, life experiences, and imaginings. Example:
Child of the Americas
by Aurora Levins Morales
Guidelines: Please read Aurora Levins Morales poem “Child of the Americas” which can be found posted on our course Blackboard site. The poem addresses many themes that we will address this semester such as social and cultural identities. Morales, for example, discusses her Latina, Puerto Rican, Jewish, North American identities. In sharing her story (in poetic form), Morales shares memories about her early childhood experiences which offer insights into social patterns that transcend her as an individual, and so offer glimpses of larger social processes eg; globalization, transnationalism, immigration, cultural traditions, and social relationships..
After reading the Morales poem, compose a one to two page poem of your own where you provide autobiographical information about yourself offering insights about your social world, social relationships and ancestry. This assignment allows you to focus on and draw from personal accounts and backgrounds as a way to illustrate historical perspective. While your paper will be your personal exploration and expression, it will be scanned into a “collection” that 1) we will discuss in class when we cover matters of race and ethnicity, and 2) you can take with you when you leave this course. So, write for your peers as one means for them to get to know you in class as you will get a sense of them through their work as well.
In opening your poem, you can be as creative and fee-style as you like or you may begin your poem using Morales’ as a springboard to your own experiences and begin simply with the line "I am….” GET AS PARTICULAR AND DESCRIPTIVE as you can in your choice of words, adjectives, place names, scenery, foods, imagery, etc. Provide your reader with a glimpse of the uniqueness of your upbringing: socioeconomic back-ground, languages spoken in the home, at school, or on special days of the week, or special holidays or particular foods served at family dinners or secular/ sacred rituals.. Maybe you can offer “snippets” of actual language(s) heard and/or spoken as a child. You may also try to recall special memories such as words of advice, or “messages” passed on by parents or grandparents.
It is also permissible to “footnote” in poems as much as in other types of writing when you want to make your reader aware of particular items, jargon used or private references, and when you don’t want to distract the reader from the immediacy of the poem.
On our course Blackboard site, I have downloaded a “student samples” of poems from another class so as to give you a sense of how other students’ have responded. Students usually enjoy being able to take these away at the end of the semester both from the perspective of taking the time to explore their own social identity as well as having a way to “see culture” through the lives and experiences of others in the class, and to gain some perspective of what C. Wright Mills referred to as the intersection of history and biography. If you have any questions feel free to visit me during my office hours or email me at [email protected]

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