ACCT 301



Points Possible




All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.


Content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive.

Major points are stated clearly and are supported by professional literature or logic.

Meaningful use of source material and analytical reasoning to elaborate upon the topic.

Research is adequate and timely for the topic.

The context and purpose of the writing is clear.


The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.


Ideas flow in a logical sequence.

The structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow.

The paper’s organization emphasizes the central theme or purpose.

Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and direct the flow of thought throughout the paper.

The conclusion logically derives from the paper’s ideas.

The conclusion reviews the major points toward the appropriate audience.


The paper includes a title page and 8–10 full pages of content.


The paper is laid out effectively and uses reader-friendly aids (e.g., section summaries, tables of contents, indices, appendices, etc.) when appropriate.

The reference page(s) contains 5 scholarly citations.

The paper follows APA format guidelines.

The paper is written in 12 pt, Times New Roman font, is double-spaced, and has 1” margins.

The work is original, giving credit to all borrowed ideas.


Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.


Spelling is correct.


Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.


Sentences are well-constructed with consistently strong and varied structure.

Sentence transitions are present and direct the flow of thought.

Words used are precise and unambiguous.

Total Points


Instructor’s Comments:

Research Paper Grading Rubric

Kinesic Interviewing - CRJ 335 1

Directions: Read the questions below and provide a thorough response in your own words using proper APA guidelines for formatting and citations. Your answer to each question should be at least one page in length. Please provide examples from the textbook, if applicable.

1. In this module, you recognized the process of dealing with unsavory situations and images of subjects who make use of an ego-protection system designed to protect those images if they come under attack. Explain how you would handle these types of situations in order to achieve a successful outcome.

2. All defense mechanisms have qualities in common that involve the use of deception and the eleven different forms of ego-defense mechanisms. List and explain these forms of ego-defense.

3. The stress-response states are merely the "disguise of reality". Describe how an interviewer recognizes the stress-response states and how to shatter the "disguise of reality" that they produce.

4. Compare and contrast several types of crimes and the criminals associated with them. Explain the proper approach and methods of interrogation that are required in each case.

ACCT 301

Research Paper Instructions

For your Research Paper, you will choose a topic that deals with some aspect of theory related to topics covered in the course and have it approved by the instructor. Use sources to search for journal articles in professional accounting and business journals that pertain to your topic.

Then, you will write an 8–10-page, double-spaced research paper that adheres to APA format. It must include references from at least 5 different sources, a title page, and a reference page.

My topic is cash basis vs. accrual basis accounting

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